
=== smspillaz|sleep is now known as smspillaz
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pittiGood morning07:23
TheMusoMorning pitti.07:26
pittichrisccoulson: good morning07:38
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didrocksgood morning08:06
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SweetsharkMorning all!08:29
pittihey Sweetshark08:30
pittihey rodrigo_08:47
rodrigo_hi pitti how are you?08:48
pittiI'm great, thank you!08:48
pittirodrigo_: how about yourself?08:49
rodrigo_great also :)08:49
seb128hey rodrigo_ pitti08:49
rodrigo_morning seb12808:49
seb128how are you?08:49
didrockssalut seb128, hey rodrigo_!08:52
rodrigo_salut didrocks08:52
arahey rodrigo_, seb128, pitti, didrocks08:52
pittibonjour seb12808:52
pittihey ara08:52
rodrigo_seb128, I'm fine thanks, you?08:52
arapitti, seb128: cr3 accepted my changes to checkbox (the migration to gtkbuilder) and it is now in the sponsorship queue: https://code.launchpad.net/~cr3/ubuntu/natty/checkbox/0.11/+merge/4973608:52
rodrigo_hi ara08:52
pittiara: yay08:52
pittifirst step towards pygi08:53
didrocksgood morning ara08:53
araby the way, I am slowly preparing my MOTU application: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AraPulido/MOTUApplication08:54
araI would appreciate your comments :)08:54
araIt is not like I will apply in the next weeks, but, you know, slowly :)08:54
seb128hey ara didrocks08:56
seb128rodrigo_, I'm fine thanks08:56
seb128ara, \o/08:57
seb128ara: I will sponsor it for you08:57
araseb128, thanks :)08:57
seb128ara, thanks for working on that, it's one of the 2 remaining python-glade2 users on the CD08:57
pittithe other is pitivi?08:58
seb128pitti, correct08:59
geserseb128: is there a bug about this menubar issue in natty? (I know only of bug 717332)09:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 717332 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal is confused about its menubar status" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71733209:14
seb128bug #71735809:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 717358 in indicator-appmenu "nautilus puts a menu bar at the top of the desktop" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71735809:15
* pitti reminds seb128 to remind him about the meeting reminder09:15
seb128pitti, hey pitti, you should send the meeting reminder maybe today? ;-)!09:15
pittiseb128: great idea, thanks!09:15
pitti*woosh* done09:16
* pitti hugs seb12809:16
* seb128 hugs pitti09:16
rodrigo_are current debian packages available in some svn/bzr branch?09:16
geserrodrigo_: yes if the udd import of them worked09:16
rodrigo_geser, I mean upstream debian branches09:17
seb128rodrigo_, you might want to use http://packages.qa.debian.org/%s09:18
seb128where %s is the source package09:18
geserrodrigo_: the package importer also import Debian packages into UDD, not only the Ubuntu ones (if I understand you correctly)09:18
seb128rodrigo_, it gives you details on the debian vcs, their bug tracker, etc09:18
didrocksmvo: ahah, trying the ubuntudevbar? ;)09:18
seb128didrocks, what is that?09:18
rodrigo_seb128, ok, that's what I wanted09:19
seb128rodrigo_, http://pkg-gnome.alioth.debian.org/svn.html as well09:19
didrocksseb128: an experimental plugin I've made for Quickly a year ago or so09:19
didrocksI was thinking I never shipped it09:19
didrocksmaybe mterry shipped it thinking I was maintaining it09:20
mvodidrocks: heh :) not as such, I run a automatic python import checker as part the upgrade tester09:20
didrocksmvo: ok, I need to avoid shipping it then ;)09:23
didrocks(as the second comments seemed "human", I was thinking about a manual test :))09:24
mvoI have no idea about python-nautilus, is it actually useful if you can't do "import nautilus" when its installed?09:24
mvoor does it serve a different purpose?09:24
seb128mvo, I guess bug #719170 is a bug for you09:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 719170 in gconf "Segmentation fault during processing triggers for gconf2 when installing some packages on LiveCD" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71917009:46
seb128mvo, see http://launchpadlibrarian.net/64376916/valgrind.log09:46
didrocksmvo: it should work like this, right, but all gnome is migration to a different API for plugins in any case, that's why I don't maintain this prototype that much09:47
mvodidrocks: if python-nautilus is no longer useful (sounds like it) shouldn#t we remove it then?09:53
seb128mvo, it still has some rdepends09:53
seb128mvo, it's as useful as it was09:53
seb128which is not very but still09:53
didrocksmvo: I think that some plugins still uses it, not sure how if the import is failing for you :)09:53
mvoseb128: aha, ok. so "import nautilus" is just not supposed to work?09:53
seb128mvo, let me check how it's supposed to work, I never used it09:56
seb128mvo, but "import nautilus" should work09:56
didrocksIIRC, it only works in the nautilus process10:00
seb128mvo, ^10:02
seb128see the package README for how to test10:02
seb128it ships some examples as well10:02
mvoaha, cool10:03
seb128mvo, yw10:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - for bug 655707, i added a link to the testcase which contained the broken font that crashed the previous version of firefox10:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 655707 in pango1.0 "Firefox crashes opening pages that use webfonts " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65570710:18
seb128Riddell, bug #713880, could you reassign to whatever is the right kde source?10:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 713880 in gnome-control-center "System settings doesn't retain touchpad disablement" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71388010:21
Riddellseb128: done10:23
seb128Riddell, thanks10:23
seb128rodrigo_, hey11:20
seb128rodrigo_, I've added bug #718098 to your buglist, seems to be a common nautilus crash in natty, not sure if it's due to gtk or something else though since that seemed to have started recently and nautilus didn't change in a while11:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 718098 in nautilus "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_str_hash()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71809811:21
rodrigo_seb128, ok11:21
seb128rodrigo_, jibel get the crash easily if you need details11:22
rodrigo_ah ok, cool11:23
seb128rodrigo_, he also says that g-s-d is running but changing icon theme doesn't them to work, like the icons displayed are not updated11:23
rodrigo_seb128, with 2.32 I guess?11:24
jibelrodrigo_, yes11:25
jibelrodrigo_, fresh install of natty11:25
rodrigo_jibel, none of the icon themes work?11:25
jibelrodrigo_, none11:26
* jibel doing screenshots11:26
rodrigo_jibel, my first thought is some missing package, but I guess they wouldn't show up at all in the appearance capplet11:29
rodrigo_jibel, you don't have g-s-d from the gnome3 ppa, right?11:30
jibelrodrigo_, don't be so impatient, let me take the screenshots, I have only 1 brain and 2 hands11:30
seb128rodrigo_, no, it's stock natty11:30
rodrigo_ok, ok :)11:30
mptmvo, hey, I'm looking at bug 66838211:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 668382 in software-center "No warning before removing important packages!!" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66838211:36
mptand wondering, how can we tell that removing libcamel1.2-14 (for example) is dangerous in a way that removing evolution (for example) is not11:36
jibelrodrigo_, I've attached 2 png to 71809811:36
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rodrigo_ricotz, any news on the gnome-shell package for the gnome3 ppa?11:50
ricotzrodrigo_, sorry no, wanted to wait for the gtk+3.0 final11:51
ricotzrodrigo_, before that every package in the ppa needs to be rebuild against the new gtk libs11:53
rodrigo_right, is anyone working on the 3.0 packaging?11:56
ricotzrodrigo_, they are already in natty11:57
ricotzrodrigo_, the soname changed, so everything using gtk3 should be broken currently11:58
ricotzrodrigo_, but before that we should sync with debian, since the changed the package names according to the soname change12:00
ricotzrodrigo_, robert should be on it12:01
Sweetsharkso oehm, how do I compile the dkms for virtualbox ose on natty?12:01
jibelrodrigo_, 718098 reproduced on another system running classic desktop without effects12:02
jibelrodrigo_, to reproduce, install a fresh natty, login,  launch "nautilus /usr/share/applications" and close the window => crash12:03
rodrigo_jibel, add that to the bug, please12:18
Riddellseb128: why is vala-0.10 needed if vala 0.11 is the default?12:32
Riddellseb128: also main or universe?12:32
seb128Riddell, because there is still a stack of rdepends we didn't port yet12:32
seb128Riddell, to main for now please, binaries are still used in the default install12:33
seb128they are staying on nbs for a while12:33
seb128we discussed it during the last meeting there12:33
seb128we just pull 0.10 back while we port those12:33
seb128Riddell, i.e that will be be cleaned for natty12:34
seb128Riddell, thanks12:35
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
bratschedidrocks: btw, I posted two merge requests if you have a few minutes anytime today to look at them.   https://code.launchpad.net/~bratsche/libgrip/packaging-dep5-copyright/+merge/49639   and   https://code.launchpad.net/~bratsche/libgrip/packaging-remove-gtkdoc-dependency/+merge/4964413:54
didrocksbratsche: looking at them right now :)13:54
bratscheAwesome, thanks!13:54
didrocksbratsche: approved! (for both)13:55
didrocksbratsche: think to migrate to ~utouch-packaging as well13:55
didrocksbratsche: yw ;)13:55
bratschedidrocks: Do I do anything other than push to a new location there?13:59
didrocksbratsche: you need to update the Vcs-Bzr tag in debian/control13:59
didrocksbratsche: look at the other utouch- packages, like utouch-frame, they should be fine14:00
bratschedidrocks: Looks like I don't currently have Vcs-Bzr set.  I guess I should set that.14:01
didrocksbratsche: right, that will be nice (it enables us to just debcheckout <package_name>)14:04
didrocksbratsche: it will bzr branch or apt-get source depending on what is given in debian/control14:04
bratschedidrocks: Okay added that and pushed now to lp:~utouch-packaging/libgrip/ubuntu14:04
didrocksbratsche: excellent, all points are addressed then?14:06
bratscheI'll double check.  Just a minute.14:07
bratschedidrocks: Yeah, I think everything is addressed now.14:07
didrocksbratsche: excellent, will give another look today and then upload it :)14:08
bratschedidrocks: Awesome, thank you very much!14:09
didrocksbratsche: you're really welcome!14:09
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
Sarvattnew natty nvidia drivers in ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates14:32
tedgSarvatt, For xserver 10 ?14:33
seb128njpatel, ^14:33
seb128gord, ^14:33
* didrocks begins to break his machine14:33
Sarvattthey haven't built yet14:33
seb128MacSlow, ^14:33
didrocksseb128: just miss dbo when you will be there :)14:34
seb128didrocks, ;-)14:34
njpatelseb128, hey14:34
seb128njpatel, howdy14:34
* tedg thinks Sarvatt has started a DDoS on LP by telling people before they built as they'll all be refreshing the page14:34
njpatelSarvatt, WOOHOO14:34
* tedg got them, amd64 FTW!14:35
didrockstedg: i386 is ready as well :)14:37
chrisccoulsoni feel like i'm missing out here with my intel chipset14:37
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, you just missed 2 weeks of frustration, what a shame ;-)14:37
* bcurtiswx agrees with chrisccoulson 14:37
bcurtiswxokok, i have AMD64 :P14:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i'm pretty fortunate about that :)14:38
bcurtiswxbut i don't have nvidia drivers14:38
MrChrisDruifMy next "might" be intel or nvidia....currently ati14:39
tedgchrisccoulson, You miss out every time you want to see graphics run quickly ;)14:39
* bcurtiswx hits the boxing bell "Round 1"14:39
* tedg is rebooting14:40
tedgNope, segfault in X :(14:47
seb128tedg, you were that close and yet... ;-)14:54
Sarvatttedg: accepted but its not staring14:55
Sarvattcan ya pastebin it?14:56
tedgSarvatt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/567340/14:57
tedgCool, pastebinit finally works with paste.ubuntu.com!14:58
Sarvatttedg: thats 270.1814:58
Sarvatt270.26 is the newest one14:58
tedgSarvatt, Hmm... okay.14:58
tedgSarvatt, Let me try again and make sure I get the right now.14:59
Sarvatttedg: did ya just add the PPA and update? amd64 hasn't been published yet if so15:00
tedgSarvatt, Yeah.  Hmm, must have gotten it from somewhere else.  I'll look through my sources15:01
seb128tedg, use apt-cache policy <binary>15:01
seb128tedg, it will tell you where it's coming from15:01
Sarvatt270.18 is the current one offered in there for amd64, 270.26 still hasn't been published yet https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates/+sourcepub/1512937/+listing-archive-extra15:03
tedgSarvatt, Ah, okay.15:03
Sarvattit'll be awhile until I can test it15:03
Sarvatt557 upgraded, 14 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.15:03
SarvattNeed to get 530 MB of archives.15:03
didrockstedg: i386 FTW then :p15:05
didrocksX restart brb15:10
didrocksSarvatt: seems that the packaging let me upgrading with a wrong version of nvidia, I have the ABI mismatch15:14
SarvattSection "ServerFlags"15:15
Sarvatt        Option  "IgnoreABI"     "True"15:15
Sarvattdidrocks: do you have that in your xorg.conf?15:15
didrocksSarvatt: I don't, should I?15:15
* Sarvatt nods15:15
didrocksok, let's try to ignore the check then :)15:16
Sarvattdidrocks: no luck?15:24
didrocksSarvatt: no :( didn't work very well, (my Xorg.0.log): http://paste.ubuntu.com/567359/15:25
Sarvattdidrocks: kernel module failed to build?15:26
Sarvattdidrocks: can I see your dmesg?15:27
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didrocksSarvatt: I have a lot of NVRM: API mismatch, but nothing else relevant15:29
didrocksSarvatt: for instance: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567361/15:30
didrocksSarvatt: I've just upgraded my kernel but didn't restart. That shouldn't impact isn't it? as DKMS should build with every known kernel…15:30
Sarvattyeah it affects it15:31
Sarvattyou still have the old one loaded15:31
didrocksSarvatt: right, but dmks build for every kernels, isn't it?15:31
didrocksit tries to only load the latest one?15:31
Sarvattdkms only builds against the current and the newest kernels I believe15:32
Sarvattdkms status15:32
Sarvattwill tell ya15:32
didrocksnvidia-current, 270.26, 2.6.38-3-generic, i686: installed15:33
didrocksnvidia-current, 270.26, 2.6.38-1-generic, i686: installed15:33
didrocksand I'm on 2.6.38-1-generic15:33
didrocksI still can try to reboot anyway15:33
didrocksbut it doesn't seem to be that, isn't it? :/15:33
=== zyga-afk is now known as zyga
didrocksSarvatt: segfault with the new kernel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567369/15:43
didrocksseb128: btw, I tried to reset the panel, and I don't get the messaging menu neither the indicatorme/session15:46
seb128didrocks, how did you reset it? I noticed that as well in a guest session but it was working and gnome-panel didn't get updated15:48
seb128didrocks, I got some applet crashes again since the recent compiz updates though so I was wondering if that was due to it15:48
didrocksseb128: gconftools --recursive-unset /apps/panel15:48
didrocksseb128: I'm on metacity15:48
MacSlowseb128, thanks15:48
seb128if not could be something in the indicator start15:48
seb128didrocks, ok, so that needs debugging15:49
* Sarvatt disappears to test this nvidia junk :)15:49
didrocksseb128: ok, at least, you reproduced in the guest session15:50
seb128didrocks, yes15:51
rodrigo_when pushing new branches for gnome3-team, it takes ages, taking /~vcs-imports/gnome-menus/main as default stacking branch, any idea what might be wrong?16:02
rodrigo_it used to just work16:02
rodrigo_work = push took a couple minutes, not 4/5 hours16:02
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seb128rodrigo_, did you use to push debian only directories or source history?16:03
rodrigo_seb128, I usually branch locally from the ubuntu-desktop branch (debian only) and then just push that to ~gnome3-team16:04
rodrigo_so yes, pushing a debian only branch16:04
seb128rodrigo_, those imports are not debian only though16:04
seb128which might be the difference16:05
tedgUhg, segfault the same with 26 :(16:06
seb128tedg, it doesn't work for didrocks either16:06
rodrigo_seb128, yes, but why is it using that as stacking branch?16:08
rodrigo_if I use --stacked-on=lp:~ubuntu-desktop..., the same, it takes ages16:08
seb128not sure what you mean?16:09
seb128how did you work on it?16:09
seb128usually I do bzr get lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-menus/ubuntu16:09
seb128hack on it16:09
seb128bzr commit16:09
seb128bzr push lp:~gnome3...16:09
seb128which works fine16:09
rodrigo_seb128, that's what I did16:09
seb128rodrigo_, check on #launchpad then maybe16:10
lamalexbryceh, so i just updated from x-swat but nvidia isn't loading16:13
jasoncwarnermorning everyone...16:30
* kenvandine waves16:31
kenvandinehey jasoncwarner16:31
pittihey jasoncwarner16:31
pittioh, meeting time16:31
dobeyrodrigo_: is it a particular branch, or all of them?16:31
seb128hey jasoncwarner, pitti, kenvandine16:31
seb128seems meeting time ;-)16:31
didrockshey hey16:31
rodrigo_dobey, last week it was gnome-icon-theme and this week gnome-menus, so the last 2 I've tried16:31
* Sweetshark waves.16:31
tremoluxhey folks16:31
rodrigo_dobey, I've been able to push using --stacked-on, but see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/gnome-menus/ubuntu16:32
Riddelloh aye, meeting16:32
jasoncwarnerAlright...here we go for a quick meeting. Don't forget to update the wiki above and ....here we go!16:33
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] Partner Update16:33
kenvandineDX, this week we'll have ABI changes for libindicator16:33
kenvandineso we'll need to rebuild all the indicators16:33
kenvandineshouldn't be a big deal, but beware of bumps in the road16:34
kenvandinethey have dropped the work planned for shotwell16:34
kenvandineinstead they will focus on API work to make it easier for someone to do it later16:34
kenvandinethe U1 API work done so far will land next week16:35
kenvandineand the U1 integration in the launcher is blocked on bug # 70924016:35
kenvandinelibunity via python16:35
kenvandineGIR problems16:35
kenvandineanyone have questions?16:35
pittido they need help with that bug?16:36
pittiI could help out with that16:36
kenvandinepitti, probably16:36
kenvandinekamstrup is out sick16:36
kenvandinehe was working on it16:36
chrisccoulsonoh, meeting time16:36
kenvandinepitti, so please do :)16:36
chrisccoulsoni nearly missed that ;)16:36
seb128yeah, jasoncwarner doesn't ping people just to make sure we pay attention :p16:36
pittikenvandine: ok, will coordinate with kamstrup16:36
didrockspitti: you should talk to kamstrup, right, he already advanced a little on the subject16:37
jasoncwarnerthanks, kenvandine. Any other questions?16:38
kenvandinepitti, i think he has documented what he has done there16:38
jasoncwarnernext topic would be [TOPIC] UNITY16:38
didrocksif you refresh the wiki page, you should have the report :)16:39
didrocksdo you have any question?16:40
jasoncwarnerthanks didrocks, so the invisible window is gone except for gvim?16:40
seb128I got some todays with gtk-demo16:41
seb128so it's not only gvim16:41
didrocksjasoncwarner: well, only on few apps, still need investigation16:41
didrocksbut I didn't get it for days now16:41
mterrydidrocks, is it when there's "nux input window" in the panel?16:41
seb128mterry, no, that's another bug16:41
mterryI saw that today16:41
mterryoh, ok16:41
seb128mterry, #69377716:42
didrocksmterry: yeah, the nux input window is when the launcher is focused16:42
didrockslike, you triggered alt + F116:42
mterrysure, blame it on me  ;)16:43
didrocksmterry: with the greatest pleasure :)16:44
jasoncwarnerthanks didrocks..I'm looking forward to this update this week even...from the looks of https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/3.4.4 there are some real stability things coming this week.16:44
seb128without wanting to disappoint anyone the bug I pointed was open before the alt-f1 work ;-)16:44
didrocksjasoncwarner: yeah, the list isn't finished yet, so, keep an eye on it :)16:44
didrocksseb128: right, hence the "like, you…" not the only case you can have it :)16:45
bcurtiswxhmm, ubuntu-one-sync always causes my fan to turn on at startup16:45
jasoncwarnerOk...next topic16:45
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] Software Center16:45
bcurtiswxoh meeting, apologies16:45
tremoluxreport is on the wiki, but I can paste a summary16:46
tremolux Unity launcher integration: Software Center side is complete, Unity side in-progress16:46
tremolux  Ratings and Reviews: New "Was this review useful" feature (awaits server-side rollout to activate), offline cache support for reviews16:46
tremolux  Coming soon: Lobby improvements, deauthorize your computer feature16:46
jasoncwarnertremolux: the unity integration, you feel pretty good about that landing this week?16:47
kenvandinetremolux, is that using libunity?16:47
tremoluxjasoncwarner: I am not sure actually, I need to ping DBO for an update16:47
tremoluxkenvandine: currently the plan is dbus, but DBO may change that16:48
kenvandineok, because libunity from python is a problem right now16:48
didrocksjasoncwarner: not sure for that week16:48
tremoluxkenvandine: yep16:49
* Sweetshark just has a Xorg freeze right now. Luckily the irc client is in tmux. However, the system has huge latency => I will need a reboot soon.16:49
jasoncwarnerok, thanks tremolux. can't wait to see the software center / unity interactions :)16:49
jasoncwarnerany other questions?16:49
tremoluxjasoncwarner: yes, thanks!  me too16:50
jasoncwarnernext [TOPIC] Kubuntu16:50
Riddell * Lucid .2 testing under way16:51
Riddell * owncloud packaging in progress16:51
Riddell * samba sharing is working, finally! thanks to rbelem16:51
Riddell * Ubiquity keyboard selection now working, hugs to cjwatson16:51
Riddell * mobile seed split into new collection, launchpad update due to be merged, then kubuntu-mobile images will be working again16:51
Riddell * 10 bugs milestoned for alpha 3 http://goo.gl/yGhJd16:51
Riddell * In a decent position with https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo for feature freeze, mostly green where it needs to be16:51
jasoncwarnervery cool...is that samba sharing in the default install?16:53
MrChrisDruifWoops....missing the meeting :P16:53
Riddelljasoncwarner: yes (or will be on tomorrow's CDs)16:53
jasoncwarnerawesome, very cool.16:53
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] Xorg is for eastern edition16:55
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] Tools and processes...if anything?16:55
jasoncwarnerand I don't think we have anything here except for WIs, WIs, WIs! :)16:56
pittiwe are falling behind quite badly indeed16:56
didrocksspeaking of WIs, I wanted to discuss oneconf16:57
didrocksso, I ported oneconf (with pain) on the new software-center API16:57
didrocksstill need to do the same for ubuntu sso API16:57
pittishoudl we start dropping the low BPs like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-opportunistic-developer-manual or https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-oneconf ?16:57
didrocksso, with that, we will have the same oneconf as in maverick (just spent hours to port to changed API…)16:58
didrocksthen, seeing new issues with desktopcouch, the point of order is to drop it in the futur16:58
didrocksand rely on the software-center infrastructure16:58
didrockswe won't have upgrade path from desktop-couch -> s-c infrastructure easily16:58
didrocksso, as we can't set it by default now, my proposal is to drop the ubiquity and oneconf by default for next release16:59
didrocksonce ported out desktopcouch16:59
didrocks(so, I'll just have a "port to new sso API" WI)16:59
pittigiven that you are #2 on number of WIs, anything which relieves you will be quite welcome17:00
didrocks(realistically, I won't have the time to port to the USC infrastructure this cycle before FF and I prefer to help unity righ tnow)17:00
pittididrocks: seems fine to me; is that packageselection-desktop-n-oneconf?17:02
pittishoudl we move the entire thing to the o cycle, or just POSTPONE some WIs there?17:02
MrChrisDruifunity should be rock solid in natty....usc...it works as is...17:02
didrockspitti: the usc porting is almost done17:02
didrocksI need to do the u1 sso port still17:02
didrocksshouldn't be hard17:02
MrChrisDruifunity is in your face all the time...17:02
didrocksall the rest should be postponed to O17:02
pittididrocks: so perhaps you should update the spec yourself accordingly?17:02
didrockspitti: I'll17:02
pittididrocks: merci17:03
didrockspitti: de rien ;)17:03
pittirelated to that, I was wondering why our WI fixing pace has decreased recently17:03
pittiis it because people work a lot more on bug fixes now? (that's certainly true for me)17:03
mterry_that's where I've been17:03
pittior because the remaining WIs are the hard ones which were just pushed out to later?17:03
seb128pitti, well to start most of our items are dx ones17:03
seb128pitti, that and lot of unity, dx helping work and bug fixing which was not speced17:04
pittia large portion is also xulrunner 2.0 ports17:04
pittiwhich should make progress once micahg starts17:04
seb128pitti, well, same difference17:04
seb128it's mostly items from other teams17:04
pittiright, that's what I'd actually like to see :) (all hands to unity bug fix battle stations)17:04
* micahg has started :)17:04
seb128we don't have some many desktopish items by themself there17:04
pittibut even our own team still has ~ 70 items left for natty17:05
seb128pitti, right, which seems an ok count17:06
chrisccoulsonif we could get xulrunner out of main, we could drop some of those WI's :)17:06
chrisccoulsoni'm spending way more time than I would like to on this stuff17:06
seb128especially if you count off chrisccoulson's and didrocks's pet work items on those ;-)17:06
pittiheh, yes17:06
pittichrisccoulson: yeah, I guess we should try harder eliminating swt-gtk from euca; it shouldn't have anything GTKish anyway17:07
chrisccoulsonyeah, that would be nice17:07
micahgpitti: maybe I should move the universe packages off the WI list?17:08
chrisccoulsondid Daviey get back to you?17:08
pittichrisccoulson: not with details17:08
pittimicahg: if you are going to port them, I think they should stay17:08
pittimicahg: but perhaps we can be more aggressive with package removal?17:09
micahgpitti: perhaps17:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg - the issue is that because xulrunner is in main, i sort of feel like we're obliged to fix everything we break ;)17:09
chrisccoulson(even the things in universe)17:09
seb128do a call for help saying we will drop what is not fixed by the end of the cycle17:09
seb128what the meeting over, is anybody still there?17:12
* kenvandine is here17:12
seb128ok, I was wondering ;-)17:12
jasoncwarneralmost though!17:12
* Sweetshark hides in the shadows17:13
didrocksI'm still there and waiting the meeting to finish to restart on a working X, hopefully :)17:13
jasoncwarnerwe only have one topic left if the previous discussion is done?17:13
jasoncwarner[TOPIC] AOB, which I think we covered ;)17:13
jasoncwarnermaybe I should change it to [TOPIC] restart so you can get working desktop17:14
didrocks(or not…) ;)17:14
chrisccoulsonis everyone using my globalmenu-extension in firefox btw?17:14
MrChrisDruifchrisccoulson: I'm using Chromium <_<"17:15
seb128no, I use what comes with natty17:15
seb128when it that one going to land? ;-)17:15
pittichrisccoulson: has worked like a charm for several days now17:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm hoping sometime this week, but people should be using it so i can fix all the remaining bugs before it lands ;)17:15
pittiseb128: it's blocked by mozilla allowing us to ship ti17:16
seb128k, will install it17:16
seb128don't thank me, you might receive extra bugs :p17:16
Sweetsharkhmmm, the natty installer dies a flaming death in Virtualbox ... Is that a known issue?17:16
chrisccoulsonheh :)17:16
chrisccoulsonseb128 - so far, all of the bugs have been reported by myself and mike conley17:17
seb128Sweetshark, not sure, check with ev or cjwatson, does it display any error?17:17
chrisccoulson(ie, the 2 people working on it) ;)17:17
chrisccoulsonnobody else reported any bugs so far17:17
chrisccoulsonperhaps that is a good thing ;)17:17
seb128you clearly don't have enough users running it ;-)17:17
chrisccoulsonthere are some users running it, because i had a look on crash-stats and saw that some crashes were being caused by it ;)17:18
chrisccoulsonbut those dropped to zero after i landed some fixes for them17:18
chrisccoulsonperhaps everyone stopped using it ;)17:18
seb128ok, let's open a contest of who can find a bug first then:17:18
jasoncwarnerchrisccoulson: still thinking this week for mozilla getting back to us?17:18
chrisccoulsonjasoncwarner, i hope so17:18
jasoncwarnerchrisccoulson: ok..thanks.17:19
jasoncwarneralright, anything else for today's meeting?17:19
seb128not from me17:19
kenvandinenot from me17:19
pittichrisccoulson: no, perhaps because it just works now :)17:20
Sweetsharknot from me17:20
seb128thanks jasoncwarner17:20
didrocksnothing for me17:20
pittichrisccoulson: well, I still can't remove/edit bookmarks in the global menu17:20
pittithanks everyone!17:20
* didrocks reboots and cross fingers17:20
* pitti reboots with new udev, brb17:20
jasoncwarner[END MEETING] thanks!17:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's not my fault though ;)17:20
Sweetsharkseb128: Well, I tried too different nightly, and both of them die after entering the default user and password with a dialog "blabla unrecoverable error, I will drop you on a desktop session". The only thing i did "different" from last time was Virtualbox and enabling "log me in automatically".17:21
MrChrisDruifAlright, now that the meeting is over :P17:22
chrisccoulsonpitti / seb128 - the only bugs we're finding so far are minor things like bug 71837417:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 718374 in globalmenu-extension "Empty bookmark menupopups in Firefox are not populated with the "(Empty)" placeholder menuitem when they are opened" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71837417:22
MrChrisDruifI've got a small question about keyboard lay-out in Maverick :P17:22
chrisccoulsonso i'm hoping that those are the sort of bugs that i[m going to get ;)17:22
chrisccoulsonMrChrisDruif, i don't think anyone in here uses maverick ;)17:23
MrChrisDruifStill....it was there in lucid as well I think O:-)17:24
MrChrisDruifIt's a bug I think :P17:24
seb128you should just ask your question17:25
MrChrisDruifWhen ever you switch out keyboard lay-outs, and remove the old one....it's all fine and dandy....that is: until a reboot...17:25
MrChrisDruifThen the old lay-out MYSTERIOUSLY reappears :P17:25
pittiMrChrisDruif: you need to set your default layout in gdm17:26
MrChrisDruifI've applied the lay-out system wide <_<"17:26
pittithis will overwrite the default and add a new one17:26
pittistill, your per-user gdm configuration (~/.dmrc) still has the old one17:26
MrChrisDruifBut if I'd select the new one, remove the old one and apply system wide.....shouldn't it be removed?17:27
kamusinfolks, is there any problems with gtk or something in Ubuntu Natty? just can't load any *.svg images :(17:44
didrocksbratsche: added some info on the bug pulling from the latest17:53
Sweetsharkpitti: ping?17:57
pittihi Sweetshark17:58
SweetsharkI have a nice little libreoffice-3.3.1~rc1-3ubuntu1 finished here, unfortunately lintian is not too happy with it.18:00
pittiSweetshark: I guess the previous version wasn't either, though? anything new?18:02
Sweetsharkpitti: Im not sure. But lintian errors (as opposed to warnings) are evil arent they?18:03
pittiSweetshark: in general they should at least be considered, yes; can you pastebin them?18:03
Sweetsharkthe armhf stuff is in 3.3.0 already fwiw if i read that correct: see http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=blob;f=control;h=66977e67ed09e9d770d6ff329ec8fbfd1cb36139;hb=ubuntu-natty-3.3.0#l18 for example18:04
pittiSweetshark: looks like a lot of them are in the previous version, too18:05
pittidebhelper-but-no-misc-depends on openoffice.org* are harmless as these are only transitional18:05
pitti(no harm in adding it, though)18:05
pittiarmhf might be a new one in Debian18:05
pittiall the image-file-in-usr-lib are unfortunate (they should be in /usr/share/libreoffice/ ideally), but certainly not new either18:07
pittiSweetshark: I see nothing that stands out; it certainly would benefit from some cleanup (at least lintian overrides for image-file-in-usr-lib if it isn't going to be fixed upstream)18:07
pittiSweetshark: but nothing that would block an upload18:07
pittiSweetshark: do you plan to upload to a PPA for broader testing?18:07
Sweetsharkpitti: I would like a ppa. But first I would like to do some basic tests with it in a VBox (which just finished the install) and wait for rene to release 3.3.1~rc1-3 at debian. ;)18:13
SweetsharkI would then merge the remaining changesets and go for it.18:14
pittiSweetshark: congrats18:14
pittiseems you got into the packaging bits really fast!18:15
SweetsharkIf rene is waiting with the release, I could release as 3.3.1~rc1-2ubuntu1 too.18:15
* pitti waves good night18:17
Sweetsharkpitti: rene moved the packaging repo from bzr to git which is of course evil, but it helped me a bit as i do not need to learn the details of two new dscms at once (I still keep writing hg^W^Wgit^W^Wbzr ...)18:18
Sweetsharkpitti: n8 ;)18:19
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ricotzMacSlow, hi, is there going to be a notify-osd update (with fix_dropshadow) soon?19:30
MacSlowricotz, yes in the next few days.19:50
ricotzMacSlow, ok, i was hoping to propose a pixman update which is likely triggering this problem19:52
MacSlowricotz, this fix will be part of the release too19:52
ricotzMacSlow, alright19:54
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* kenvandine_ waves, gotta head out21:16
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RAOFMan, x-ray lasers.  How cool is that!21:58
jasoncwarnerRAOF: whaaaaaaaat?22:01
RAOFImaging viruses with x-ray lasers.22:02
jasoncwarnerone sec...meeting is on hold...RAOF needs to explain himself ;)22:02
RAOFOr, rather, imaging *a* virus with an x-ray laser.  It's like x-ray crystalography, but without the making-a-macroscopic-crystal bit.22:03
TheMusoI'll take you at your wodr. :)22:04
jasoncwarnerok...here we go... RAOF TheMuso bryceh robert_ancell22:04
jasoncwarnerready for meeting?22:04
jasoncwarnerok....western edition log is on the wiki as always...22:04
jasoncwarnerkicking it off [TOPIC] X.org Update22:04
jasoncwarnerbryceh or RAOF22:05
RAOFIf the schedule is to be believed, Xserver 1.10 should be released on Friday.22:05
RAOFI don't believe it :)22:05
RAOFHowever, we need to get utouch's Xi 2.1 multitouch work in, and there are some interesting packaging changes to merge from Debian.22:06
brycehRAOF, now, viruses weilding x-ray lasers... that'd be kinda scary actually22:06
RAOFSo there'll be another git snapshot Xserver upload towards the end of the week.  This won't change the ABI (in a backwards incompatible way), so it should be painless.22:07
RAOFMesa: We'll pull in a new snapshot from the 7.10 release branch soon, and add a tiny backported patch that makes unity work on nv5x+ hardware.  Yay!22:08
RAOFThat means that, as far as I'm aware, Unity will run on all the big three open-source drivers without complaint :)22:09
jasoncwarnerRAOF: I really, really want that22:09
jasoncwarnerwhen do you think that is going to happen?22:10
brycehI'll believe it when I see it22:10
TheMusoRAOF: What about mipmapping stuff on radeon, I think I still get crashes when switching between windows in unity on radeon.22:10
TheMusoI turned it off before, but haven't got round to doing that again.22:10
RAOFTheMuso: Hm.  *My* radeon system doesn't suffer from that; I checked that I had mipmapping enabled.  It's possible I've done something strange, though, like enabled the gallium driver.22:11
RAOFThat's something I need to check while testing the mesa upload.22:11
TheMusoOk, this is a fresh install from a week or so back, card is V770.22:11
TheMusoRV770 even22:11
RAOFWhich should be ready today, and *will* run unity on all the hardware I have access to :)22:11
TheMusoYes t runs, but I get crashes when switcing windows. I'll check again in a while when I need to do some more unity testing.22:12
robert_ancellRAOF, I can test the radeon bug too, I still get that sometimes22:12
brycehTheMuso, I'm using an RV770 myself.  Are there steps to repro the bug somewhere?22:12
TheMusobryceh: Not that I've looked for, I haven't dug into it much, but will try and reproduce when it happens again, and make a note of the steps.22:12
robert_ancellalt-tab 20 times in a row tends to do it for me22:12
* RAOF fires up his radeon box.22:13
brycehok, probably better rather than discuss unreported bugs here in the meeting, to go file reports on them.  ;-) ;-)22:13
jasoncwarnerOk, RAOF and bryceh, anything else? otherwise we can talk about [TOPIC] AOB22:14
brycehI have been tending to incoming natty xorg bug reports pretty well this release, we're doing ok at tracking issues down22:14
RAOFI believe the relevant upstream bug is https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3224622:14
ubot2Freedesktop bug 32246 in Drivers/DRI/R600 "Compiz 0.9 switcher segfaults in mipmap generation code" [Normal,New]22:14
brycehjasoncwarner, new -nvidia was released today, however still hasn't been updated for new xserver22:15
jasoncwarnerbryceh: aight...just ping me when that happens and i'll update ASAP ;)22:16
TheMusobryceh: Thats just great. :)22:16
jasoncwarnerAlright, anything else ?22:16
brycehjasoncwarner, I've been focusing most of the past week on Intel gpu lockup bugs.  While they're kernel bugs more than X, I've been analyzing them and helping get upstream attention, and have pulled in some patches to fix things.22:16
brycehit seems each time the kernel updates we get slightly different new forms of gpu lockups, so it's a bit of an ordeal22:17
brycehhowever, been improving the apport hooks as well as I go22:17
RAOFAnd generally rockin' the Launchpad!22:18
brycehtrying to, but it's a hard fight to stay on top of the bugs.  http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg22:19
brycehdespite all the -nouveau/-nvidia complaints, it's clearly -intel where people are reporting bugs the most22:19
brycehRAOF, aside from tracking the upcoming releases (thanks), anything in particular you've been working on?22:20
RAOFI've done some reviewing for someone who'se picked up my DRI2 changes and extended them.22:22
jasoncwarnerOk, sounds like we are about done. If anyone has anything to add, now would be the time :)22:22
RAOFAlso, working out whether & how to do the gallium fallback differently.22:23
RAOF(I notice no one has responded to my RFC on ubuntu-x ☺)22:23
jasoncwarnerOk....[END MEETING] ;) thanks everyone22:24
RAOFOh!  And the mesa dricore patch actually landed upstream.  Hooray!22:25
robert_ancelljasoncwarner, should we be booking travel for UDS?22:25
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TheMusobryceh, RAOF, where do things stand WRT notebooks with 2 GPUs, i.e an I7 wth integrated intel GPU + an NVIDA GPU?22:26
TheMusorobert_ancell: Usually an email is sent out from admin as to when its ok to book.22:26
TheMusoThats usually what I go on.22:26
jasoncwarnerrobert_ancell: I'll check and get back to you...22:26
robert_ancellok, thanks22:26
brycehjasoncwarner, I'd like to know as well22:26
brycehTheMuso, last I'd heard it wasn't working any better than last release, however there has been discussion upstream and it's a known issue.22:28
RAOFTheMuso: Generally it should be possible to use the intel chip.  For some systems, it is be possible to switch off the intel chip and use the nvidia chip (with an X restart).22:28
RAOFLast I heard, the binary drivers “have no plans to support” dynamic switching.22:29
broderi definitely saw that for nvidia22:30
brycehnvidia never seems to have plans ;-)22:30
TheMusoAs long as nouveau as power management coming, thats good enough for me, I'd be happy to live on nouveau.22:31
* TheMuso recently picked up a new Lenovo notebook which has an intel GPU and an NVIDIA GPU.22:31
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: which one?22:31
TheMusojasoncwarner: The T510, there was an Australia Day sale here in Australia, on, you guessed it, Australia day.22:32
jasoncwarnerTheMuso: very nice22:32
brycehTheMuso, what's the GPU?  NV50?22:33
TheMusobryceh: All I know is that its an NVIDIA optimus, I'll know the exact specs once it gets here, which should be in the next day or so.22:33
RAOFbryceh: It'll either be nv5x-class or fermi, although it won't be nv5022:34
RAOFAFAICT everythings been pretty similar nv50 onwards, and the nvc0 is the first crazy new thing.22:35
brycehTheMuso, well, anyway, according to the nouveau feature list, there is some "WIP-ish" support for power management for up through the nv50 family, but none for nvc022:38
brycehIOW, I wouldn't count on it22:38
TheMusoIf I can disable the nvidia GPU, the intel GPU will be fine for the vast majority of things I need to do.22:38
* bryceh nods22:39
brycehlooks like suspend and even modesetting is still tbd on NVc022:39
RAOFnvc0, with some binary firmware-y stuff you need to extract from a mmiotrace (IIUC), has 2D & 3D accel with git snaphshots, but none with what we've got in Natty.22:41
TheMusoRight, I don't need a powerhouse GPU for Linux work anyway.22:41
RAOFI think that if you don't have the firmware-y stuff that it won't even modeset, which is a little awkward.22:41
RAOFOk.  Looks like the reason I don't see the radeon mipmapping crash is that somewhere along the line I've overwritten the classic r600 driver with the gallium driver.22:45
broderTheMuso: i think my friend has one of the thinkpads with optimus, and i think he mentioned an issue where turning off optimus to force the intel chip didn't stick across reboots, so keep an eye out for that22:47
TheMusobroder: Thanks, may be addressed in a BIOS update though.22:48
broderah, good22:48
TheMusoI don't know, just speculating.22:48
AmaranthRAOF: If you didn't notice that's a strong plus toward turning it on by default :)22:58
RAOFAmaranth: r600g?  Yeah.22:58
fieldymacCurrent chat topic is “GNOME Seahorse”, set by sadam. fieldymac: Hi, a quick shout out to find out if anyone knows if I can export the seahorse contents via the command line or a bash script. I need to backup the contents of the seahorse folder as part of a backup script I'm writing.23:20
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TheMusoOk with the rv770 mipmapping alt-tab issue I have, it only occurs when compiz goes to display the window switcher. If I alt-tab before the switcher window appears, everything is fine. If I hold alt after pressing tab, and the window switcher window tries toa ppear, compiz crashes.23:36
brycehTheMuso, RAOF, any chance it is this issue?  http://cgit.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/commit/?h=7.10&id=995edd4c0a05412bb9c0f733546082cad707ecca23:37
RAOFTheMuso: Right.  Thanks.23:38
RAOFIf we switched to the gallium driver this would magically disappear...23:39
brycehmy patch probably fixed an earlier incarnation of the alt-tab crash, but it may still fail at a different point in the code23:40
RAOFbryceh: Your patch is for r300g, rv770 is using r600c.23:41
TheMusoYeah was about to say that.23:41
brycehRAOF, ahh23:41
brycehlemme pop into unity and give it a try23:41
TheMusoHeh I'm not the only one still using classic GNOME. :)23:42
bryceherf... remembering why I went back to classic now ;-)23:43
brycehunity + dualhead = nosogood23:43
RAOFParticularly: don't try dynamically enabling a display.  Unity's not a fan.23:43
chrisccoulsoni can't even use my second monitor, with or without unity :(23:48
chrisccoulsonit sucks being stuck with 1 screen23:48
RAOFchrisccoulson: That's terrible!  What's your bug?23:48
chrisccoulsonRAOF - bug 71062523:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 710625 in linux "Oops in intel_tv_detect when docking laptop, or starting X with it already docked" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71062523:48
brycehwell, the good news is I can totally repro TheMuso's bug23:50
TheMuso...the worst part about the crash, is that if I have a terminal open, I can't give it focus and type commands... I have to switch to a VT to run metacity et all with the DISPLAY env set to clean things up. :)23:51
RAOFTheMuso: The trick is to have byobu set up, and a terminal always open :)23:51
RAOFThen when you log in via the VT you've got all the environment set up for you :)23:52
TheMusoYeah but I do testing that infrequently that switching to a VT is not a problem, and I use a secondary test user to do unity testing atm.23:52
brycehunfortunately gdb can't grok symbols for the fault23:52
TheMusoOh lovely.23:52
brycehI installed dbg symbols for the usual suspects but still no go23:52
brycehdmesg just shows this:23:53
bryceh[ 2158.039672] radeon 0000:01:00.0: r600_cs_track_check:361 mask 0x0000000F | 0x0000000F no cb for 023:53
bryceh[ 2158.039677] radeon 0000:01:00.0: r600_packet3_check:1330 invalid cmd stream 48623:53
bryceh[ 2158.039679] [drm:radeon_cs_ioctl] *ERROR* Invalid command stream !23:53
RAOFbryceh: it's highly likely to be fdo 3224623:53
brycehdunno if it's related23:53
RAOFHm.  New and different!23:53
RAOFI don't think I was getting that.23:53
TheMusobryceh: Let me check my dmesg.23:53
TheMusobryceh: Get the same thing in my demsg.23:54
TheMusogah typing sucks this morning.23:54
RAOFchrisccoulson: That sucks.  But at least it looks like that should be a fairly easy to fix bug with a clear lead.23:54
TheMusobryceh: Did you get a crash report from it?23:56
* TheMuso goes to reproduce again after clearing his crash directory.23:56
bryceh-rw------- 1 bryce bryce   424092 Feb 15 15:41 _usr_lib_policykit-1-gnome_polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.1000.crash23:57
brycehthat's the only one I got in /var/crash, but it hasn't popped up in apport (yet)23:58
TheMusohrm ok23:58
TheMusoI got one, let me file a bug with it.23:58

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