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xorgnakwoud anyone know what the discover1 package has been moved to for 10.10?01:04
xorgnaknevermind... if anyone's curious for remixes, discover1 has been depreciated to discover01:07
slangasekSpamapS: hi; still around?01:14
r3d2hey you guys. i just downloaded my first source code so i can get an idea of how linux programs are written....i picked a relatively small program, mousepad. and after i "sudo apt-get source mousepad" it seems like everything worked out01:29
r3d2but now i have 1 folder and 3 files for it01:29
r3d2mousepad.diff.gz mousepad.tarr.gs and mousepad.dsc01:30
r3d2what are all those?01:30
RAOFmousepad.dsc is some metadata about the source package, mousepad.diff.gz is the difference between the upstream source and the Ubuntu source package, and mousepad.orig.tar.gz is the original source.01:31
r3d2ah nice01:31
r3d2thank you01:31
r3d2that explains it all lol01:31
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YokoZarwhat are the ways that Universe might be unchecked?04:45
YokoZarIs there an option at install, for instance?04:45
* micahg thought it was disabled by default04:49
vishthere is an option during which enables the restricted and multiverse repos but as micahg says nothing enables universe until user selects it05:05
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pittiGood morning07:21
pitticody-somerville: no, it isn't; apport doesn't use notifications at all; also, web browser should be opened as user indeed07:23
cody-somervillepitti, if you click links in dialogues, they open as root07:24
cody-somervillepitti, for example, the link to trying out upstream kernel07:24
pitticody-somerville: you mean in the kernel dialogs?07:24
pittiright, that's GTK itself07:25
pittiperhaps there's a way I can override the default URL handler in GTK07:25
pittiwhen apport opens the browser for bug filing, it uses some tricks to go "back" to the user's account07:25
* cody-somerville nods.07:26
alkisgHi, can someone re-open LP bug #580961, as it's not fixed yet?07:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 580961 in unzip (Mandriva) "unzip fails to deal correctly with filename encodings" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58096107:30
macoalkisg: you tried it with version 6.0-4ubuntu1 in 11.04 alpha 2?07:32
alkisgmaco: yes, I posted why it's broken in the bug report07:33
alkisgIt looks like part of the patch is missing07:33
macoalkisg: ok, reverted to triaged07:34
macoor well...as soon as my web browser goes as bit faster....07:35
alkisgThank you. To clarify, it's still not working, i.e. a regression from previous Ubuntu versions, I'm not asking for anything new like autodetection (like others in that bug report do ask).07:36
dholbachgood morning!07:39
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didrocksgood morning08:06
pittihey dholbach, bonjour didrocks08:09
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didrockshey pitti08:12
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dholbachhey pitti08:23
kklimondajdstrand: btw, the other thing you thought I was talking about is still important, but it just wasn't as important to me ;)08:23
cjwatsonvish: not true, universe has been enabled by default since feisty08:39
cjwatson(not on the live CD though, but in installs)08:39
vishcjwatson: odd.. the last time i installed with natty cd it made me choose universe to install banshee..09:00
* vish will check but trusts cjwatson more ;)09:00
seb128does anybody has any clue about bug #717516?09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 717516 in cairo (Ubuntu) "No Plymouth message or password prompts w libcairo2_1.10.2-2ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71751609:03
seb128slangasek, pitti, cjwatson: ^ not sure who is tracking plymouth issues nowadays, seems something to check but I'm not sure what to ask on the bug09:04
cjwatsonthere was a plymouth bug that soren fixed yesterday09:05
cjwatsonhaven't actually read that report but make sure that the user isn't using plymouth 0.8.2-2ubuntu15 or 0.8.2-2ubuntu1609:05
seb128cjwatson, he says he still get the issue on 17 in the bug09:05
cjwatsonsoren: did you commit your patch anywhere?  I don't see it in lp:ubuntu/plymouth09:06
seb128cjwatson, thanks, I've added a comment pointing to the bug fixed in ubuntu17 and asked some details09:12
Riddell@pilot in09:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: Riddell
pittiwhee, Scottish airpatchlines!09:15
* dholbach hugs Riddell09:17
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apwcjwatson, can you remind me  when we enabled the grub graphical handoff at the grub level?  was that after A1 ?09:34
cjwatsonapw: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 13:59:55 +000009:35
sorencjwatson: Gah, sorry.10:24
sorencjwatson: I wanted to wait until it was accepted into the archive, but got sidetracked.10:24
sorencjwatson: Pushed.10:25
seb128dholbach, did someone point already that the sponsoring queue have wrong urls for merge requests today?10:31
dholbachseb128, no, not yet10:31
seb128dholbach, it has api.launchpad.net/1.0/.... instead of "code.launchpad.net"10:31
dholbachah yes10:31
seb128dholbach, it's likely a side effect of the fix they did yesterday after breaking things still using "edge" in their code10:32
seb128dholbach, you should probably port your code to use "production" rather than edge10:32
seb128should be trivial10:32
dholbachyes part of it was, yesterday10:32
seb128dholbach, well yesterday it just crashed, they did online patching to fix the redirect10:32
seb128but seems it's not perfect10:32
dholbachyes, I know10:33
dholbachworking on it10:33
seb128dholbach, danke10:33
dholbachthat's why I said "part"10:33
dholbachnice, bdrung already fixed it10:34
dholbachseb128, should be fixed with next cron run10:34
seb128dholbach, excellent10:35
seb128bdrung, dholbach: thanks10:35
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Riddellzul: python-django-nova packaging is GPL 2, I think canonical policy is for GPL 310:53
Riddellzul: I've accepted but you should check that10:54
siretarthi \sh!11:23
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\shhey siretart...how's life?11:30
siretart\sh: not too bad, a bit stressful, but otherwise making progress. how are you and family?11:30
nigelbugh, sorry11:31
\shsiretart: fine..wife is waiting in belgium, that our nice and nephew are born...and I'm still at KA and merging from netviewer to citrix online ;)11:35
siretart\sh: :-)11:36
\shsiretart: means our company just reported the closing of the deal between citrix and netviewer ;) so we are now a 100% division of them ;)11:36
siretartwow. does this relate in any way to your dc^2 project?11:38
\shsiretart: dunno...but I still have some weeks of time to think about staying with this company or to change to another company or to just leave all that behind and become self-employed (or in the worst case, hartz IV ;))11:39
siretart\sh: don't make (bad) jokes about that11:40
siretart\sh: but while I have you here, is there some installation guide or something available for dc2? I'm considering to deploy it.11:41
\shsiretart: no..I mean that...well, I have some nice job proposals11:41
\shsiretart: nope...but I can guide you if you want...I have to push another branch to trunk to make especially the qooxdoo frontend more usable with self deployed installations11:42
\shand there are two other branches to switch dc² from mysql to couchdb, and to integrate some amazon ec2 management to it...it's still work in progress but hey :)11:43
siretartsure, I imagine. for a starter, the precise installation requirements would help me11:43
siretartbut perhaps we should move that to a more appropriate channel ;-)11:44
\shsiretart: #dc2 ;)11:44
siretartoftc or freenode?11:44
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Riddellcjwatson: thanks for fixing bug 705917 :)12:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705917 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "kde frontend keyboard selector broken" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70591712:15
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zygadoko_, ping13:21
MadCow108hi, when I want to backport a bugfix in a debian native package (format 3) for ubuntu, do I still use the debian/patches method or do I just directly patch the source as I would do it for debian?13:31
MadCow108the former would additionally require to add quilt to the build depends13:33
cjwatsoner, a *native* package?13:34
cjwatsonwhat does 'cat debian/source/format' say?13:35
pittiMadCow108: I'd apply inline for native packages13:35
cjwatsonDebian and Ubuntu are just the same in this regard, but your question is confusingly phrased in a way which makes me think one of us is misunderstanding something13:35
pittiITHM "3.0 (native)"?13:36
MadCow1083.0 (native)13:36
cjwatsonit's not clear, that's why I asked13:36
hallynanyone else seeing garbled gnome-terminal text with 2.6.38-3 ?13:36
cjwatsonyou don't use the debian/patches method in either Debian or Ubuntu for native packages13:36
cjwatsonyou apply it inline, and there is no need to build-depend on quilt13:36
* hallyn figures kirkland will chime in13:36
cjwatsonbecause you wouldn't be using quilt13:36
MadCow108I was just wondering as the qult method would make it a bit easier to see the differences between the debian and ubuntu version13:37
cjwatsonyou can see that by just diffing the packages13:37
cjwatsonbut no, that would involve changing from native to quilt format and we try hard not to make that sort of fundamental change to a package's format in Ubuntu13:37
MadCow108ok thanks13:37
Riddellmvo: are you going to update natty for bug 556189 ?13:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556189 in python-pip (Ubuntu) "$ pip install <package> fails on missing setuptools" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55618913:38
mvoRiddell: this is just a stale status, I fix that13:40
doko_zyga: pong13:41
zygadoko_, who should I ask to debug stale pymodules cache?13:42
doko_zyga: either barry or me. could you be a bit more specific?13:44
zygadoko_, drop in to #ubuntuone please13:44
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zygadoko, ralsina and me are trying to understand and debug something that seems to be stale cache of pyc files after an older installation13:49
zygadoko_, we'll file a bug and I'll ping you about it if you don't mind13:49
tumbleweedzyga: which package? It's quite possible that there are stayle .pyc files in the python path, if it was uploaded inbetween python2.7 support and python-support being updated13:51
zygatumbleweed, this is still on maverick, and seems to be reproducible13:51
zygatumbleweed, ralsina on #ubuntone understands more13:52
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asacdidrocks: master ... how painful is it to backport the current unity stuff to maverick?14:07
asacor are you guys actually maintaining a backport somewhereß14:07
didrocksasac: we stopped backporting it because it's really painful14:07
didrocksasac: you need to backport compiz and all plugins + a lot of package from the unity and appmenu world14:08
didrocksand soon, you will need the latest glib14:08
asacwhy are folks always jumping on the latest crack :)14:08
didrocksasac: yeah, people are crazy… :)14:09
sebnerasac: because old stuff is boring ;)14:15
asacits really dog style of development ;)14:17
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kirklandhallyn: kirkland reading scrollback14:56
kirklandhallyn: garbled terminal text?  no....14:57
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ogracould an archive admin promote unity-2d, libqtgconf, libqtbamf and libqtdee to main ? (MIR bugs are bug #708649, bug: #708661, bug: #708659 and bug: #70865815:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 708649 in unity-2d (Ubuntu) "[MIR] please include unity-2d in natty main" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70864915:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 708658 in libqtdee (Ubuntu) "[MIR] please include libqtdee in natty main" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70865815:21
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pittiogra: yup, doing15:47
* ogra hugs pitti15:48
pittikein Problem :) *hug*15:48
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kirklandpitti: hey16:08
pittikirkland: hey Dustin, how are you?16:09
kirklandpitti: fine thanks :-)16:09
kirklandpitti: okay, so ecryptfs-utils version in lucid and maverick were identical, hence that upload was rejected16:09
kirklandpitti: how does this look:16:09
kirklandecryptfs-utils (83-0ubuntu3.1-maverick) maverick-proposed; urgency=low16:09
pittikirkland: ah, usually we do somehting like x.10.04 and x.10.10, but as we already have lucid, "3.1maverick" works16:10
pittikirkland: no dash, please, as this is the separator of upstream-revision16:10
kirklandpitti: cool16:10
kirklandecryptfs-utils (83-0ubuntu3.1maverick) maverick-proposed; urgency=low16:10
kirklandpitti: done;  re-uploading now16:10
pittikirkland: thanks!16:10
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kirklandpitti: done16:11
kirklandpitti: thanks, mate!16:11
smosergeser, bug 715818 is fixed.16:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 715818 in ec2-api-tools (Ubuntu) "ec2-api-tools FTBFS in natty" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71581816:32
gesersmoser: thanks16:32
smoserthank you for your help. I irresponsibly failed to credit you in changelog. for that i am sorry.16:32
Riddellmterry: could bug 676512 get some MIR assignment love?16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676512 in qtmobility (Ubuntu Natty) "MIR qtmobility" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67651216:35
mterryRiddell, I'll check16:35
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ograpitti, hmm, unity-2d doesnt show up in main yet17:34
ogra(netbook-meta update tells me its unknown)17:34
* ogra thinks after 17:35
ogra3h it should be there17:35
ograoh, its only 2h17:36
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RoAkSoAxstgraber: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/dllist is empty and there are ISO's available in the tracker17:54
RoAkSoAxany ideas why?17:54
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stgraberRoAkSoAx: that's weird, let me check17:56
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stgraberRoAkSoAx: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/501517:57
stgraberRoAkSoAx: seems to happen with all the builds17:57
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stgraberso dllist doesn't return anything as it can't get the info from cdimage17:58
stgraberRoAkSoAx: I guess that the current magic to find the right file on cdimage doesn't cover the point releases17:59
RoAkSoAxstgraber: ah I see17:59
stgrabermarjo: ^18:00
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RoAkSoAxRiddell: till what time are you piloting?18:16
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RiddellRoAkSoAx: until I sign off :)18:28
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RoAkSoAxRiddell: lol ok :)/. Let me know cause I'm up next :)18:32
RiddellRoAkSoAx: oh you can add yourself too I'm sure18:33
Riddelljust do @pilot in18:33
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gaurav_pawaskarhi people, I want to know.. when bug is raised .. how do we identify, which all packages are related to that bug?18:38
RoAkSoAx@pilot in18:39
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: RoAkSoAx, Riddell
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mdeslaurmvo: have you got a minute? I want to update flashplugin-nonfree in hardy from v9 to v10. There is another package that some people install called "libflashsupport" that ships a library that is incompatible with v10.18:52
mdeslaurmvo: of course, even if I try to conflicts/replaces it, update-manager in hardy won't remove it18:52
mdeslaurmvo: is my only hope to ship a dummy libflashsupport update that is empty?18:52
* ogra glares at bug 906818:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 9068 in casper (Mandriva) "Serial mouse/mice not autodetected" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/906818:57
ogramandriva uses casper ?!?18:57
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mdeslaurmvo: hmm..I'll try adding a transitional package to flashplugin-nonfree18:59
marjostgraber: I noted same to jibel; will fix in future point releases19:00
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cjwatsonstgraber: in the case of http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/5015, that should be /lucid/dvd/...19:04
cjwatsonstgraber: generally, put lucid/ before the "daily", "daily-live", or "dvd" bit19:04
* ogra wonders how long main promotion takes nowadays19:05
ograpublisher should have run several times now19:05
cjwatsonI probably forgot to release the lock after my manual work earlier today19:05
cjwatsonreleased, hopefully the next run will work19:06
cjwatsonsorry about that19:06
ograno problem19:06
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keespitti: is /etc/default/apport's "maxsize" actually used anywhere?19:34
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Riddell@pilot out19:42
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: RoAkSoAx
ari-tczewcjwatson: lilo 23 in Debian. what's the decision?19:52
cjwatsonari-tczew: I followed up to the bug19:56
ari-tczewcjwatson: stay with 22?19:56
* cjwatson wonders why he is on the hook for lilo - I'm a grub developer, I'd rather not deal with lilo19:56
cjwatsonari-tczew: are you prepared to deal with all issues that arise from upgrading?19:57
cjwatsone.g. subscribe to all lilo and lilo-installer bugs until at least the natty release19:58
ari-tczewcjwatson: guess no19:58
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cjwatsonthen I think we ought to merge up to what was released in squeeze, and let the new version shake out in Debian for a while19:58
cjwatsonthat seems like a reasonable course of action to me.  do you agree?19:58
cjwatsonwithout somebody paying attention to it in Ubuntu, I think we should be fairly conservative and stick with what we would have done if it hadn't had Ubuntu modifications - sync up to Debian import freeze19:59
cjwatsonit's different when somebody has taken active ownership20:00
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ari-tczewcjwatson: I agree.20:02
slangasekSpamapS: ping20:06
SpamapSslangasek: pong hey. :)20:12
SpamapSslangasek: so, the restart action..20:12
SpamapSslangasek: in discussing with keybuk, he made it clear that it is intended to restart the job *without* reloading the job file.20:13
slangasekSpamapS: "it is intended" under what circumstances?20:13
slangasekI mean, that's what the 'restart' command is designed to do, right?20:13
slangasekbut those are not the defined semantics of the init script interfaces20:14
SpamapSslangasek: right, it is designed to restart the job, without reloading the job config...20:14
slangasekand /lib/init/upstart-job accounts for this by calling stop && start instead of calling restart20:14
slangasek*because* we need to make sure we're forcing a reload of the job20:15
SpamapSIt does.. oook.. good.20:15
SpamapSFor some reason I thought it used the restart action.20:15
slangaseknah - I had this conversation with Keybuk a while ago :-)20:15
SpamapSslangasek: well glad I could occupy some of your brain-space for a few minutes. Carry on then.20:17
slangasekSpamapS: glad to help :)20:17
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keesari-tczew: nvclock> sounds fine; much easier that way.21:01
ari-tczewkees: about nbd: OK, Agreed with sync in natty+1. However, probably natty is affected by CVE and I'll prepare debdiff in CVE's bug.21:02
ari-tczewkees: about openssl: I'll _TRY_ to update d/changelog, but it seems to be hardcore to do21:03
ari-tczewkees: and now we are entering in problem: developers prefer to upload changes to archive without describe changes in details like e.g. d/rules: foo bar21:05
ari-tczewjust 'foo bar' without describing changes in which files done21:05
cjwatsonand that's perfectly reasonable21:05
ari-tczewcjwatson: what?21:06
cjwatsonpeople who need that level of detail can look in a VCS - changelogs are a little bit more user-focused21:06
keesari-tczew: nbd> yeah, the CVE fix is appreciated. I'd like to know how far back it goes, though.21:06
cjwatsonwhile I do sometimes mention individual files in debian/changelog, I normally only describe the functional change made21:06
keesari-tczew: openssl> yup; that's why merging can be difficult. unless you can understand and explain each change, it's not a good idea to just cargo-cult them forward.21:06
keescjwatson: for merges, I like having the mapping.21:07
cjwatsonI don't usually object when people include it, but it is in no way a requirement21:07
ari-tczewcjwatson: very very good solution! (sarcasm), now while merging contributor wastes time to looking about information changes, congrats21:07
* cjwatson ignores ari-tczew in order to avoid breaching the code of conduct.21:08
keesari-tczew: there's no need for that tone. developers each have their own preferences and time constraints.21:08
ari-tczewwhat breaching? I'm just telling the true21:08
ari-tczewsometimes it might hurt, though21:09
keesari-tczew: I happen to prefer verbose merge logs, as it helps me review the work since I'm rarely a primary maintainer for packages.21:09
keesit's not a waste of time to understand the changes in a package when doing a merge.21:09
ari-tczewkees: bullshit21:09
ari-tczewI call this way an egoism21:10
ari-tczewI won't describe changes in details because someone else will do it while merging.21:10
keesI think you misunderstand the motivation.21:11
keesI happen to disagree with cjwatson's opinion on the level of detail, but that doesn't mean either of us is wrong.21:12
cjwatsonfor example, here's one of my changelog entries:21:13
cjwatson  * Use a separate build directory, eliminating the requirement to preserve21:13
cjwatson    some files by hand.21:13
cjwatsonI don't see that that would gain anything by enumerating all the little details, and it would be a lot of noise for users.21:13
ari-tczewcjwatson: normal uses usually don't understand that specific changes21:14
cjwatson(This was a changelog entry written for Debian, but I write Debian and Ubuntu changelog entries essentially the same way and I happen to think that that's a good thing.)21:14
cjwatsonPeople who need to know the exact details can look in a VCS, which is more convenient for that anyway.21:15
keesand I'm saying I prefer details for when package deltas get large.  e.g. lvm2 mdadm21:16
ari-tczewanyway, it's egoism21:16
cjwatsonIn some cases it can be useful, certainly21:18
cjwatsonI just don't agree with mandating it in all cases; I've found that the cases where I need it are rare21:18
ari-tczewkees: so I have to more time for update d/changelog and I'll do it at the weekend because someone else WAS LAZY to do it appropriate21:20
* ari-tczew True hurts, not breaking Code of Conduct.21:21
keesari-tczew: you're making a judgement about cjwatson's opinions. I don't recommend doing that for anyone.21:22
ari-tczewkees: I'm just pointing what is wrong in development flow of work.21:23
keesari-tczew: this is not a black and white issue. it's not wrong, it just makes merging later somewhat more difficult if you're unfamiliar with the package.21:24
ari-tczewbut what do I know, I'm not developer with 10 years expierence21:24
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cjwatsonand honestly, nobody who doesn't make themselves fairly familiar with, say, grub2 is going to be able to merge it correctly anyway21:25
cjwatsonso I've deliberately gone for trying to be a bit more concise there, while still describing the changes adequately to explain the differences versus Debian21:25
cjwatsonnot every piece of explanation needs to live in the changelog; it can often quite reasonably live elsewheree21:26
cjwatsonaiming for concision in changelogs doesn't imply (in the extreme) writing comment-free ultra-obscure code just because you like it that way21:27
ari-tczewcjwatson: do I like? kees as sponsor requires it from me21:27
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smoseri guess i'm missing something.21:32
keessmoser: ?21:32
smoseri bzr branch lp:ubuntu/natty/udev21:32
smosercd udev21:32
smoserbzr bd -S ... sbuild -d natty-amd64 --arch-all ../udev_165-0ubuntu3.dsc21:33
smoserbuild fails unable to find linux/videodev.h:21:33
ari-tczewsmoser: v4l is dead.21:33
ari-tczewsmoser: you have to port package to support v4l221:34
smoserhm.. i see i'm out of date. maybe i need to try with 166-0ubuntu1  which isn't synced yet to bzr repo21:34
smoserari-tczew, i just want to build it. should not the above basically rebuild ?21:35
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pooliehi smoser21:35
ari-tczewsmoser: probably rebuild will result in FTBFS21:35
smoserhi poolie21:36
ari-tczewsince linux/videodev.h is no longer supplied by linux-libc-dev21:36
ari-tczewzul: you might be interested in comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~ssalley/ubuntu/natty/likewise-open/likewise-open-fix-716615/+merge/4945821:52
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jdongcjwatson: what's your opinion on the suitability of the natty patch for bug 232557 for SRU?22:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 232557 in ConsoleKit "console-kit-daemon leaks memory" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23255722:06
jdongI just happened to run across a particularly horrendous occurrence of this bug leading to console-kit-daemon using close to 6GB memory22:07
jdonglooks like the git patch is http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ConsoleKit/commit/?id=7b9212fa6aff55420c58f2cacd0a941762920337 from andersk22:08
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cjwatsonjdong: I haven't looked at the patch (not at my laptop), but your description of the problem sounds SRUable to me22:52
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jdongcjwatson: *nods* Indeed the bug itself is IMO SRU-able, just the FDO bugzilla discussion worried me in that andersk seems to still express a correctness concern over the patch (e.g. a potential use-after-free)22:58
jdongbut seeing how upstream accepted it into their latest release.... *shrug*22:59
broderjdong: did upstream end up taking Anders' followup _ref/_deref patch?23:00
jdongbroder: I couldn't find evidence of that in git :-/ and the FDO bug didn't have any comments after that one.23:01
ubottuFreedesktop bug 26227 in Daemon "Memory leak" [Normal,New]23:01
RoAkSoAxkirkland: do you want timestamp in the logging for testdrive?23:13
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sure!23:14
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anderskI posted another comment to poke upstream about that potential use-after-free.23:28
jdongandersk: thanks23:34
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chrisccoulsonslangasek, re bug 439007 - the retracer doesn't run on any firefox crashes now, as they all go directly upstream since lucid (using breakpad)23:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439007 in firefox-3.5 (Ubuntu) "firefox crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43900723:52
slangasekchrisccoulson: well, that was reported pre-lucid, and anyway having them sent upstream doesn't help us any with triaging that bug report...23:54

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