
snailibeardslee: there used to be some package that recommended three restarts between upgrades00:09
snailibeardslee: i think it was a grub upgrade?00:09
ojwbwhat i tell you three times must be true?00:10
ibeardsleeI think the grub -> grub2/grubpc recommends something like that before actually removing grub00:12
hadsHmm. I am running do-release-upgrade in screen. I disconnected from my screen and it appears screen has been uninstalled.01:39
hadsI can't re-install it since dpkg is already running. That's quite amusing.01:39
ajmitchthat's very irritating :)01:39
mwhudsonhope it's not trying to ask you a question01:39
hadsI guess I'll wait a while and see if it's unlocked when it finishes.01:40
hadsOh yes, questions. Bummer.01:40
ajmitchthere shouldn't be any reason why screen would get uninstalled01:40
mwhudsoni guess you can man-handle the deb to get the binary out and run that?01:40
hadsYeah, that's what I was thinking if worst comes to worst.01:40
hadsajmitch: Yeah, odd.01:41
ajmitchdpkg-deb should allow you to get the files out, if you're desperate01:41
ojwbhads: download the .deb by hand and unpack it?01:41
ojwbor ar and tar...01:41
ajmitchor just wait & see if it finishes the upgrade :)01:42
ojwbhmm, I wonder if you can run screen from under /proc01:43
ojwbsince it's presumably still running01:43
ajmitchusing the open fd?01:43
ojwbor something like that01:43
hadslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2011-02-15 14:37 /proc/7744/exe -> /usr/bin/screen.real (deleted)01:43
ojwb/proc/<PID>/exe is a symlink, so that's no help01:43
ajmitchthe fd allows you to get the file contents01:44
ojwbyou may need to copy it rather than executing from the fd01:44
ajmitchmaybe not useful for screen, but useful for other deleted files01:44
ojwbyes, I've salvaged files that way before01:44
ajmitchI'd probably use the screen binary from the .deb rather than doing it that way01:45
hadsHey, it's installed again.01:45
hadsThat's useful.01:45
hadsWonder what happened there.01:45
ajmitchthen all our speculation for how to unbreak it is unnecssary :)01:45
hadsI thought the package was upgraded rather than removed for some minutes and then replaced.01:46
ajmitchI can't remember what order it's done in, files are unpacked as a different name (eg screen.dpkg-new) & then renamed in place01:46
hadsAh okay.01:47
hadsI wonder if it's something to do with the fact that it's actually screen.real too.01:47
ajmitchcould be, alternatives can make things a bit screwy01:47
ajmitchor wrapper scripts like that01:47
hadsOh well all better now, that would have been an interesting twist to the upgrade.01:47
ajmitchnot as bad as sshd getting killed mid-upgrade01:48
mwhudsonmy machine spontaneously rebooted while most of the new packages weren't configured once :/01:51
ajmitchyeah, that can leave things in a bad state01:53
Atamiraive been through that too01:54
ajmitchtimes like that you want to be able to use filesystem snapshotting01:54
mwhudsonluckily there was enough configured to boot to a console01:56
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