
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jibel\o/ My first successful wubi installation for a long time14:27
charlie-tcaNow jibel is going to hurt me14:27
charlie-tcathe Xubuntu Alternate i386 image fails to install for abiword packages14:27
jibelcharlie-tca, cjwatson will take care of you ;-)14:27
charlie-tcaHe is ready to hurt me too, I think14:28
charlie-tcahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/567312 , line 337514:28
jibelcharlie-tca, is it affecting only alternate ?14:46
charlie-tcaI don't know yet14:47
charlie-tcaI only tried the Alternate 386 image so far,14:47
charlie-tcaI am running a amd64 install now14:47
charlie-tcachecking the 386 desktop image, too14:49
charlie-tcajibel: 64bit that worked yesterday fails for the same error15:01
charlie-tcastill waiting on the 386 desktop image to see if it works today15:04
charlie-tcajibel: both alternate images fail. filing the bug report now15:12
jamiedmattinglycharlie-tca,  ok im on the page for the tests do you mind giving me a pointer to get started?16:01
charlie-tcasee that "Ubuntu alternate 386" ?16:04
jamiedmattinglyalso when i search for iso's for ubuntu i cant find 10.4.2 only 10.4.1?16:05
charlie-tcaclick the cd symbol and download the image from the link it gives you16:05
charlie-tcaright, you are in the wrong place to find them.16:05
charlie-tcathe images we are using are in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lucid/16:06
charlie-tcause the ones in "current" under each one16:06
jamiedmattinglyok charlie-tca i see the alternat 38616:06
charlie-tcaWe need to do almost all the tests listed in the tracker for that one, so it is a good one to start with16:06
jamiedmattinglyok cool16:07
charlie-tcaby clicking on the cd symbol, you get to the image link, by clicking on the words, you get to the tests needed16:07
charlie-tcaWhen you look at the Mandatory testcases, there is a symbol to the left again. It is a link to the actual test to be done16:08
jamiedmattinglywhen i clicked on the symbol it said the image wasnt found16:08
jamiedmattinglyi got it from the other link though16:08
charlie-tcajibel: New tester! jamiedmattingly16:09
charlie-tcajibel is the person running this test cycle16:10
jamiedmattinglyi had to register on the site but ill start when finished16:10
charlie-tcaWhile that downloads for you, I am going shower. I will be right back16:10
jamiedmattinglyok no prob thanks charlie-tca16:10
charlie-tcaThank you16:11
charlie-tcaWe appreciate your help16:11
jibelHey jamiedmattingly, Welcome and thanks for joining us.16:16
jamiedmattinglysure im still downloading iso but once i get it in virtual box will start testing jibel16:17
jibeljamiedmattingly, Great16:18
jibeldon't hesitate to ask if you have any question16:18
jamiedmattinglyoh trust e youll get plenty :016:19
jamiedmattinglyim just glad i can help and be a part of16:20
jibelHey all, new kubuntu images are available on the tracker.16:27
charlie-tcajibel: the links to the images from the tracker are bad16:28
jibelcharlie-tca, yeah I know, I 'm not sure I can fix it right now though.16:28
charlie-tcaOkay, no problem. I just wanted to make sure we know it16:29
jibelthe latest images for Kubuntu are available there http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/daily-live/current/16:29
jamiedmattinglywhen it finishes downloading i figured i would start with the free software part of the 386 alternate is that ok? jibel16:30
jibeljamiedmattingly, which ISOs did you sync ?16:31
charlie-tcajamiedmattingly: Great! You can run them any way that works for you.16:31
jibeljamiedmattingly, at this stage of testing any test in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/notcompleted is good16:32
jamiedmattinglyi386 ubuntu alternate is the one i downloaded is that what you are asking?16:32
charlie-tcajibel: I gave a direct link to http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lucid/16:32
jibeljamiedmattingly, good, there are plenty of uncovered tests there. Choose whichever you feel comfortable with.16:33
jibelfreesoftware is a good start16:34
charlie-tcahm, I will sync the server images and jump in there now16:35
jibelcharlie-tca, I think zul and JamesPage are taking care of it. can you help with kubuntu instead ?16:36
charlie-tcaI can. I will have to do a complete download, though.16:36
charlie-tcano problem, I got started!16:37
jibelcharlie-tca, with zsync you can copy another image e.g lucid-desktop-i386.iso to the target file and it will download the difference, that usually saves something like 25% to 30% of the download.16:38
zulalthough we would love help on the server isos ;)16:38
charlie-tcajibel: great! thanks for the tip16:39
jibelHey zul, how are you going with server testing ? where do you need help specifically ?16:39
zuljibel: we are just in the middle of setting hudson up for lucid iso, we could use some warm bodies to do manual testing16:40
jibelcharlie-tca, forget what I said then, server is a priority target, I'll take care of kubuntu.16:41
charlie-tcaOkay, syncing server instead16:42
jibelcharlie-tca, thanks.16:45
jibelcharlie-tca, what's the status of xubuntu ? is there a respin coming ?17:00
charlie-tcaI hope17:01
charlie-tcacjwatson was looking into it, deeper, since it should not have been there17:01
charlie-tcaThe desktop 64 respin should be running now17:02
jibelcharlie-tca, thanks for the update.17:06
charlie-tcaYou are welcome17:07
* jibel testing kubuntu upgrades17:09
jibelcharlie-tca, xubuntu upgrades should be ready for testing because that's only a problem with missing packages on the cd17:09
charlie-tcaOh, goody17:10
charlie-tcaI will try to run them17:10
kamusinis there any problems with svg images in Natty?17:28
skaetjibel,  kubuntu is up on iso tracker now, as well as the rebuilt xubuntu amd64.17:36
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jibelskaet, thanks17:45
skaetjibel, kubuntu dvd's being built, and I think that should be it for the rebuilds, unless you spot any kitten killers.17:46
charlie-tcakiller: Xubuntu alternate images fail completely17:47
skaetcharlie-tca,  details.17:51
jibelskaet, bug 71938917:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 719389 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu alternate 10.04.2 cd's fail to install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71938917:52
jibelany news ?17:52
charlie-tcaI have no news17:52
skaetjibel,  can you please set the priority so it shows up on folks radar.17:54
charlie-tcacjwatson was looking into it17:55
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skaetjibel,  Kubuntu DVD's posted19:27
jamiedmattinglyjibel,  or charlie-tca i have a question about this testing thing if its ok?20:10
charlie-tcaask, by all means20:10
jamiedmattinglyi ran first test no errors worked as it should at the end of page it said file a bug. do i file a bug it it is ok?20:11
charlie-tcajust mark the test as passed in the tracker20:11
jamiedmattinglyok thanks moving on20:12
charlie-tcaWe put that on all the test cases as a reminder to file the bugs found during the test20:12
jamiedmattingly_ok first one coplete and reported charlie-tca20:26
charlie-tcaGreat! Thanks for sticking with it. :-)20:26
jamiedmattingly_charlie-tca,  you here?20:59
jamiedmattingly_im doing the second test for ubuntu alternate21:00
jamiedmattingly_guided resize drive. but it doesnt give the option for resize drive only entire drive. is that a bug?21:01
charlie-tcaare you using a new drive?21:03
charlie-tcaif the drive never had an install yet, it won't let you do a guided resize21:03
jamiedmattingly_ok so i have to do it with something else already on it?21:04
charlie-tcaSince it is going to squash the partition down and repartition the drive21:04
jamiedmattingly_got it thanks charlie-tca21:04
charlie-tcaor skip that one and someone else will pick it up21:04
jamiedmattingly_its ok ill figure it out21:05
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charlie-tcabug 718749 is fixed; Xubuntu alternate amd64 installed good21:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 718749 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "Xubuntu i386 Lucid 10.04.2 images will not boot (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71874921:41
charlie-tcaNow I have to go fix a hot tub leak, then I can finish xubuntu images21:42
jibelcharlie-tca, thanks for your help and good luck with your hot tub leak!21:43
charlie-tcaleaks fixed, back to testing22:26
jibelcharlie-tca, good news for you, I'm finishing xubuntu upgrades, 1 weird bug found. During the upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 on amd64 console-setup is not upgraded.22:29
jamiedmattinglycharlie-tca,  do i report in here or just log everything on wiki site?23:26
charlie-tcalog on the ISO tracker, but if find a problem, ask here23:30
jamiedmattinglyok almost done with 2nd one23:30
jamiedmattinglyare you going to be doing this tommorow?23:31
charlie-tcawe do this until all them tests are done23:32
charlie-tcaand we will be done tomorrow23:33
jamiedmattinglyi do as many as i can tommorow then i have to go after this test23:35
jamiedmattinglyif thats ok charlie-tca23:35
charlie-tcathanks again23:35
charlie-tcasure, we will keep testing tomorrow until we finish them all23:36
jamiedmattinglyok ill be in at 7 pacific ill start then23:37
charlie-tcathat would be great. Just say good morning, jibel. and then look at the list to see what needs to be done.23:38
jibelthanks for your help jamiedmattingly, your doing a great job. see you tomorrow,23:40
jibelgood morning charlie-tca23:40

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