
tonyyarussoh00k: so how's your XI testing going?02:06
h00ktonyyarusso: well, I have nagios-core installed and msmtprc talking to my gmail02:41
h00ktonyyarusso: for sending mail,02:42
tonyyarussooh, lightweight MTA.02:42
* tonyyarusso just uses postfix02:42
h00ktonyyarusso: I couldn't get that talking to my gmail for smtp relay :(02:43
tonyyarussoh00k: Silly you, should have looked at http://files.tonyyarusso.com/postfix_config_gmail.tar.gz02:43
h00kanyway. nagios-core installed, still deciding what to do next.02:43
* h00k installs nagios-plugins*02:44
h00kdone. now what...02:45
tonyyarussomake it monitor your Linode?02:45
h00ksure, I just have to figure out how :D02:46
tonyyarussohttp://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/docs/Installing_the_Ubuntu_and_Debian_Agent.pdf might be useful02:47
h00ktonyyarusso: oh, also, I'm not using xi, I just did nagios-core from the repo02:47
tonyyarussoOn a related note, remind me to fix a bug in the PPA package.02:47
tonyyarussoh00k: yeah, but the reference the PPA is still useful to you :)02:48
h00ktonyyarusso: don't forget to fix a bug in the ppa package02:48
tonyyarussoWhen I'm at work, silly.02:48
h00ktonyyarusso: also, i have to figure out what ports it uses, to allow through my router and all that.02:49
* tonyyarusso thinks02:50
h00kI'll find it somewhere02:50
tonyyarussoActually, the PDF I linked actually does tell you the bit you need for Core , so you don't need XI for it at all.02:51
h00ktonyyarusso: yeah, I'm going to try to use it without xi02:53
* tonyyarusso should set up his Core server too02:53
tonyyarussoMaybe I'll go upstairs and work on that for a while and we can commiserate about our syntax errors together ;)02:54
h00ktonyyarusso: I cannot find check_nrpe03:05
h00kI have the plugins and agent installed locally...03:05
tonyyarusso!info nagios-nrpe-plugin03:06
lubotu1nagios-nrpe-plugin (source: nagios-nrpe): Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.12-4ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB03:07
h00ktonyyarusso: I put my project on github03:44
tonyyarussothe rsvp one?03:46
h00ktonyyarusso: yes03:46
h00kmakes me nervous, I am the suck.03:46
h00koh well.03:46
h00kIt says I'm a noob in the readme.03:46
* tonyyarusso sends h00k anonymous hatemail about how bad his code is03:46
* h00k finds tonyyarusso's house on google-maps and pays him a visit03:47
h00kIt's cool, we could check out your...what's it called in the back yard. I have a mummy-bag somewhere03:47
h00kand Brittany and sparklehistory could chill03:47
sparklehistorytonyyarusso: Is it still standing after the last few days?03:47
h00kGood question.03:47
tonyyarussoYou'll know it's me because there will be lots of references to how you should redo it in Python.03:47
sparklehistoryh00k: Sounds good to me03:48
tonyyarussoh00k: quinzee.03:48
tonyyarussoh00k: And you better hurray - it's melting fast :(03:48
h00ktonyyarusso: yes, why I could not think of that is beyond me.03:48
tonyyarussohurray?  hurry.03:48
h00kI still feel cool for making one that slept 8 of us.03:48
h00kwith a gear-room03:48
tonyyarussoWe should definitely do some camping sometime.03:49
GulfstreamWhat are the requirements for a release party?16:27
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=== Guest89424 is now known as tonyyarusso

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