
allenapHi, the "Join This Team!" link on http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/washingtonstate points to https://launchpad.net/~washingtonstate. However, that team doesn't exist, and the wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WashingtonTeam shows that the team should be https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-washington.14:10
allenapIs there anyone here who can correct the loco page?14:10
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MarkDudeallenap, I might be able to 17:01
MarkDudeI will check inm a bit if I need to be anOP tho17:02
allenapMarkDude: I did follow this up on #ubuntu-locoteams17:04
allenapMarkDude: There's a log of the conversation in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/14542917:04
allenapSecond comment from last.17:05
* MarkDude is waiting for the coffee to kick in17:19
MarkDudeThe words are still tooo abstract for my amakening brain17:19
altharaallenap, it can't be changed. That's why there are two washington teams. One has to correct launchpad group.17:50
altharathe loco directory is kinda lame in that it can't handle changes like that17:51
altharaI asked about it when chuck finally got around to changing our launchpad team name. They basically said it's not designed to update.17:52
allenapalthara: Cool. I'll see if there's a bug filed and file one if not.17:52
allenapChuck = Chris Johnston?17:52
altharaChuck = Chuck17:52
altharaThe "team contact"17:53
allenapAh, okay.17:53
=== Generic is now known as Ashex

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