
Shayonhello there !01:39
ShayonI was wondering is Wisconsin loco team is meeting for the Ubuntu Jam ?01:40
spikebnot that i've heard02:22
Shayonhey spikeb ! , hmm i see02:23
spikebhi Shayon :)02:24
spikebsorry it took so long. i was fighting with natty on my netbook and playing a game on this computer heh02:24
sj_hi spikeb , sorry was having some issues with the web interface02:26
spikebahh hi again02:26
sj_spikeb, you a developer ?02:27
spikebsj_, more of a designer than a developer.02:28
sj_nice !02:28
sj_I am a student !02:28
sj_just so you know :)02:28
spikebcool. what're you studying?02:29
sj_I am majoring in Comp Sci02:29
=== sj_ is now known as Shayon
h00kdammit, I missed it.02:53
mikeputnamSubject: Ubuntu Wiki to be re-licensed to CC BY-SA21:43
douglasawh-workwhat time is the meeting tomorrow I don't remember seeing an email about it23:52

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