
cjohnstonalejandraobregon: were you able to find answers about apt.ubuntu.com and uds.ubuntu.com?16:43
alejandraobregoncjohnston: hi chris... from what i've gathered, the current uds.ubuntu.com is not using the latest theme16:51
alejandraobregoncjohnston: but the latest theme is still not addressing some of the issues you pointed out16:52
alejandraobregoncjohnston: the current theme is maintained by https://launchpad.net/~sushkov16:52
alejandraobregoncjohnston: would be good to get in touch with him and investigate16:52
alejandraobregoncjohnston: i'm going to try to see if we can dedicate some resources to looking into it too... but need to fit it into the schedule!16:53
cjohnstonOk.. If you referring to the community theme.. it does still have a few issues, yes.. And some of the things can't be directed to only uds.ubuntu.com without us being given access to it.. The community themes are just base themes, and further customization is done by the particular site.. but without knowing who has the access to update/change it, it does make it hard.16:55
alejandraobregoncjohnston: we can make some changes, and jono can too.16:55
cjohnstonI will talk to Stas and find out what can be put into the community theme.16:55
alejandraobregoncjohnston: this has in the past been handled by jono, using the community theme16:56
stascjohnston: whats up guys :)16:56
alejandraobregoncjohnston: we'll try and look into it tho, to make sure stuff gets fixed16:56
cjohnstonOk. hey stas.. there are a couple bugs against uds.ubuntu.com filed under ubuntu-website16:56
cjohnstonwe are trying to find out who has the access to update the teme16:56
cjohnstoniirc it uses a modified light-wordpress-theme16:56
cjohnstonthanks alejandraobregon16:57
stassure, i'm all yours, how can i help?16:57
cjohnstonstas: I'm leaving for the day.. Will you be around tomorrow?16:57
alejandraobregoncjohnston: stas: so sorry have to dash guys! will check back later, let me know if I can help with anything16:57
cjohnstonthanks alejandraobregon16:57
cjohnstonstas: I'm on vacation.. so trying to do ubuntu stuff between family events16:57
cjohnstonif you will be around tomorrow I should be able to get stuff fixed with your help16:58
stascjohnston: sure16:58
cjohnstonSounds great.. ttyl16:58
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
AlanBellnewz2000: got a shiny new wiki theme for me to play with yet?22:03

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