
induzI posted b oth00:00
induzChogyDan,  I have posted both00:00
ChogyDaninduz: I see.  What is your goal?  The second one gives access to some third party software, and is more organized.  Both will work though.  You should probably just use the GUI00:01
induzGUI ChogyDan ??00:02
gregkohey where I can adjust mouse scroll-wheel speed?00:02
ruif13..help needed :( my font's and wallpaper when i boot it's ok about 10 minuts later appears blured and wallpaper too, anyone can help?00:02
induzIf i delete the old one and update to new[http://paste.ubuntu.com/567162/] it would be better for me?00:03
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.00:03
ChogyDaninduz: from the cli: gksu software-properties-gtk00:03
lastmGood evening.  My panel disappeared.  v. 10.04.00:03
whatthefuzzufw question - can I allow from domain name? ufw allow from example.com00:04
induzChogyDan, what that command would do?00:04
ChogyDaninduz: it is the GUI00:05
itaylor57KM0201: I found out I can't be an OpenJDK contributor, because my work IP conflicts with oracle's IP requirements (intellectual property)00:05
=== ben__ is now known as Photocopy
PhotocopyI have an issue00:05
Photocopytwo actually00:05
ChogyDan!panels | lastm00:05
ubottulastm: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:05
Photocopybut I think I should take it one at a time so first; when I resize windows, the white border that displays for me what size the window will be when i let go leaves a 1px rectangle of white around the window that lingers until something passes over it00:06
Photocopycan I get rid of this somehow?00:06
Abinadican someone point me in the right direction (I've searched and googled all over for) of an app (that I had once before on a different installation.) that will turn the trackpad on and off?  In windows if I plug in my usb mouse it disables the touchpad.00:06
induzChogyDan, it says Could not download all repository indexes00:07
Photocopyof course.00:07
ChogyDaninduz: doesn't really matter, but you can uncheck the repository that is doing that00:08
ZombieRameni'm having a problem with minecraft classic00:08
ZombieRameni can't move at all00:08
induzChogyDan,  its medibuntu GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:00:08
MNSTRNRGG666anyone here use backtrack 4?00:09
ChogyDaninduz: don't use medibuntu unless you need it?00:09
rwwMNSTRNRGG666: BT4 isn't supported here. Register/identify with Nickserv and /join #backtrack-linux00:10
induzChogyDan, ok00:10
coz_MNSTRNRGG666,  I did at one point00:10
Photocopywhen I resize windows a 1px wide white border remains around the window until something else passes through the space00:10
Photocopyit lingers00:10
Photocopyfrom the box that appears when i'm resizing00:10
ZombieRamencan anyone help with my minecraft issue?00:10
Photocopythe box that demonstrates how large my window will become00:11
Photocopythis is the fourth time i've come into this chat in two weeks about this issue00:11
coz_Photocopy,  are you using compiz?00:11
Photocopycoz_ yes00:11
coz_Photocopy,  and which video card?00:11
kylemmHey i need help/00:11
induzChogyDan, can i use few lines like #Canonical Commercial Repository from that 2nd list00:11
erossis there a command to display how many users in the room?00:12
Photocopycoz_: It's a laptop, so whatever is my integrated graphics. I don't recall. anywhere I can see who manufactured that bit?00:12
coz_Photocopy,    in terminal     lspci | grep -i vga00:12
kylemmI need help getting visual effects to work. I got the driver installed and my ctrl+alt+f1 works. Please help00:12
lastmubottu: I effectively did that to get a set of default panels back.  gconftool-2 --shutdown; rm -rf ~/.gconf/panel; kill gnome-panel.  This resulted in a fresh set of default panels which survived reboot.  Is there anyway to recover the previous panel settings?00:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:12
Photocopycoz_: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]00:13
nathasarwhy is my system hanging whenever I reboot normally? it's frozen at * Starting PostgreSQL 8.4 database server00:13
ChogyDanlastm: no, sorry00:13
coz_Photocopy,  ok  , although I know nothing about ati,,,  open ccsm and go to the Utility category  then click on the Workarounds plugin and see if  "Force synchronization between X and GLX"  is ticked00:13
ChogyDaninduz: just check off what you want in the GUI00:14
coz_Photocopy,  I am not sure if this works with ati  but cant hurt00:14
a_p3rsonanyone know if there is a way to add a download/install queue to synaptic?00:14
Photocopyit is ticked, coz_00:14
induzChogyDan,  so most of the repos are there in GUI00:15
lastmChogyDan: I did make a copy of the ~/.gconf/apps/panel directory prior to its destruction.  Is there anyway to find the offending entry in that directory?00:15
erossi'm going to install 10.10 onto a harddrive and am backing up. question is, it is ext3 from an old install and i find i have to reformat for ext4 and is recommended. Does ext4 read ext3 and winxp paritions? Will I have to reformat again for the next greatest filesystem? Or can I partition the ext3 to have a ext4 without deleting the contents of the harddrive?00:15
aeon-ltda_p3rson: no, but really you should just mark everything you want before hand first00:15
coz_Photocopy,  ok now go into the  Window management category  and click on the Resize window  plugin to get into its settings...also see what happens when you untick the Force synchronization  box00:15
rumpe1a_p3rson, a queue?00:15
kylemmI need help getting visual effects to work. I got the driver installed and my ctrl+alt+f1 works. Please help00:15
ChogyDanlastm: I actually don't know00:15
rumpe1a_p3rson, well ... you can type something like "apt-get install packagea packageb packagec ..."00:15
a_p3rsonbecause, when i want to install something, if synaptic is running (e.g., updates), i cant use another package manager00:16
coz_Photocopy,  in the Resize Window plugin click on the General tab and  under the  "Default Resize Mode"  what do you have as the resize mode?00:16
ChogyDanlastm: but if you saved the file, you might be able to, you should go for it00:16
coz_a_p3rson,  nope   you can only use one pakcage manager at any given time00:16
Photocopydo you mean resize info plugin, coz_?00:16
a_p3rsonso something like instead of making a new package manager session, just add it to the queue of the package manager on the fly00:16
minimecPhotocopy: Ok. This could be my playground... The ati x1200 is a special version of the x1250 integrated chipset. It is supported (but not that good)... there is much going on on ati drivers. You may consider the x-edgers ppa and install the bleeding edge ATi drivers. Also if you are running ubuntu 10.04, swich to a 2.6.35 kernel. It has better support for ATi graphics. You will even have gallium 3d and a new 2.6.38 kernel in that ppa. I am ru00:16
aeon-ltdeross: people still use ext3 fine, also the filesystem type doesn't determine whether you can read other filesystems. just use ext4 if you'd like to but you will have to transfer data over via a copying method00:16
Abinadican someone point me in the right direction (I've searched and googled all over for) of an app (that I had once before on a different installation.) that will turn the touchpad on and off?  In windows if I plug in my usb mouse it disables the touchpad.00:16
a_p3rson@coz_ - nothing?00:16
Photocopycoz_: nevermind, you don't00:16
lastmChogyDan: Yes.  I'd hate to reload things onto the panel and be back to the no panel situation again.  I just hate blazing trails if somebody has already done it.00:16
coz_Photocopy,   no   its called the "Resize Window"  plugin under Window management category00:16
kylemmWho can help me set up visual effects/00:17
Photocopycoz_ I didn't see it00:17
coz_a_p3rson,  nope only one package manager at any given time00:17
dancekeross, if you've got ext3 you dont need to change the filesystem00:17
Photocopycoz_ default mode is rectangle00:17
dancekeross, ext3 can be mounted as ext400:17
coz_Photocopy  ok   try  "stretch"00:17
ChogyDanlastm: I just looked at my panel settings, and it looks hard to pick through.  I would just reset it up myself.  gl00:17
a_p3rsonok, and you cant modify the queue of like synaptic on the fly?00:17
rumpe1a_p3rson, well... you could sure build something in bash ....00:17
eross10.10 is saying it will format my primary hd if i install side-by-side00:17
a_p3rson@rumpe1 - i dont build, i use...00:18
rumpe1a_p3rson, apt-get -command and waiting till its finished... then another apt-get00:18
gregkohey where I can adjust mouse scroll-wheel speed?00:18
coz_Photocopy,  what happened?00:18
rumpe1a_p3rson, well.. then... no :)00:18
Photocopycoz_ stretch works, doesnt leave anything behind but the graphical effect is the ugliest thing i have ever seen00:18
Abinadikylemm, right click on your desktop, choose *change your desktop background* then use whatever features you want (including visual effects).00:18
Photocopyminimec; your message got cut off, can you type it in a pastebin?00:18
coz_Photocopy,   its my favorite :)  but each to their own,,, try any of the other  except  "normal"00:18
lastmChogyDan: Thanks.  We'll see what happens.00:18
MNSTRNRGG666anyone here tried ubuntu 11.04 and hated the new look?00:18
dancekeross, if it were me i'd just upgrade with apt / update manager / etc00:19
coz_MNSTRNRGG666,   you can log into  classic gnome desktop00:19
Photocopycoz_ outline looks exactly the same as rectangle but it didnt leave anything behind. let me try it on a few other windows00:19
nathasarI'm trying ubuntu 10.10 and I can't get it to work00:19
induzhow can i install Opera??00:19
aeon-ltdinduz: sudo apt-get install opera00:19
MNSTRNRGG666ubuntu 10.10 is amazing00:19
coz_Photocopy,  there you go...your card may not be able to handle that particular mode   but keep testing to be sure00:19
erossdancek - tried that form 8.04 to 10.04, said too many errors and would not boot. had to use a usb boot00:19
Photocopycoz_ nevermind, outline still left a border00:19
induzthanks aeon-ltd00:19
coz_Photocopy,  ah00:19
induzi got it00:19
Photocopycoz_ just didnt seem to do it on xchat but appears to be doing it still on midori and other windows00:19
MNSTRNRGG666i got a disc00:20
coz_Photocopy,   also try the #radeon channle to see if they have any suggestions for that card00:20
=== marius is now known as Guest9221
dancekeross, well 10.04 to 10.10 should be less problematic00:20
minimecPhotocopy: ok. short. The x1200 x1250 series is much better supported with the x-edgers ppa (including gallium 3d and 2.6.35 and 2.6.38 kernel)00:20
Photocopycoz_ Or I could just use normal, it's fine actually00:20
Photocopyminimec; is that a ppa containing drivers?00:20
coz_MNSTRNRGG666,  well if you install natty,,, you have 2 choices   netbook  =  Unity or  classic gnome desktop00:20
kylemmAbinadi: it says cant enable00:20
MNSTRNRGG666how do u log into classic gnome desktop in it?00:20
Guest9221I need HELP!!! I made a GIG booboo and now all my work is gone! Anyone please help me!!00:20
induzI install Opera, but i can not see it?00:20
coz_Photocopy,  normal is fine?  generally that is extrememly video intensive since it has to redraw every single pixel of the window as you resize it00:20
induzdo i have to restart ubuntu?00:21
dancekeross, i've never really understood people doing reinstalls so take my advice with a grain of salt00:21
erossGuest9221 - pls explain00:21
Photocopycoz_ it's not really slow or anything doing it and it doesnt look as bizarre as stretch00:21
MNSTRNRGG666once i updated to 11 it put it into netbook00:21
Photocopycoz_ let me test a few windows00:21
minimecPhotocopy: the ppa includes the bleeding edge xorg stuck including mesa gallium 3d driver (default in natty 11.04 for ATI cards)00:21
Guest9221i'll explain00:21
minimecPhotocopy: stack ...00:21
Photocopycoz_: Admittedly its a tiny bit slow but whatever00:21
erossbacking up and reinstalling for ext4 filesystem :P00:21
coz_Photocopy,  ok00:21
Abinadikylemm, then your hardware may not support visual effects.  I know that I can't enable visual effects if I'm running windows 7 as a host OS and have a Maverick VirtualBox00:22
coz_Photocopy,   also check in #radeon to see if they know of any issues with that card00:22
Guest9221i went into wine and deleted some stuff coz i thought it was windows (c:) stuff00:22
Guest9221then everything crashed00:22
Photocopyminimec seems to know, coz_ Thanks for the help though00:22
coz_Guest9221,   reinstall wine00:22
kylemmis Soreau or Jack_ here?00:22
=== captnmorgen is now known as captnmrgn
minimecPhotocopy: I am using the x1250 AMD/ATI combination, while yours should be one of this rare Intel/ATI combinations.00:22
Guest9221i restarted and ran a system recovery00:22
Photocopyminimec; i'm going to be out for 5 or 10 minutes, can I come back in a moment and work through this with you?00:22
Guest9221the pc has now rebooted00:23
Guest9221and is working fine except...00:23
soreaukylemm: what00:23
kylemmsoreau: i got the new version00:23
kylemmsoreau: and i can access ctrl+alt+f1 menu now00:23
nathasarmy system hangs when I boot up normally but when I go into recovery and select "resume normal boot" it doesn't hang00:23
kylemmsoreau: i just dont know where to go from here00:23
Guest9221all the folders in the root are on my desktop and i cant delete them else they disappear alltogether and...00:23
Guest9221all my work in a folder on my desktop is GONE!!!]00:24
soreaukylemm: Install the nvidia driver then go to tty and restart gdm with: sudo service gdm restart00:24
minimecPhotocopy: Bedtime here in Switzerland... It's 1.30 AM ... ;)00:24
kylemmsoreau: then what?00:24
Guest9221you fellas still there?00:25
minimecPhotocopy: sudo add apt-repository x-edgers... Update the system reboot (if you installed the new kernels) That should be all. You don't need to install the ppa kernels.00:25
erossGuest9221 - what do you mean files in root? Did you set up a password?00:25
Abinadican someone point me in the right direction (I've searched and googled all over for) of an app (that I had once before on a different installation.) that will turn the touchpad on and off?  In windows if I plug in my usb mouse it disables the touchpad automatically.00:26
=== [1]Mallowcheeks is now known as Mallowcheeks
induzwhat is rabbitvcs00:26
minimecPhotocopy: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers00:27
Guest9221erros yes. i screwed up big time. i went fishing in the wine explorer and found some files that i thought i could delete. it screwed up the system and i ran a restore. now all the files that used to be in root are on my desktop and cant be deleted then they disappear from root as well00:27
minimecPhotocopy: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa00:27
Guest9221plus i lost my work folder with all my stuff00:27
wirebughey i need help.00:27
kylemmsoreau: okay im installing driver now00:27
erossyou can move them to another folder from the desktop, right?00:28
Logan_WP!ask | wirebug00:28
ubottuwirebug: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:28
erossempathy is annoying, please tell me they are going with x-chat or pidgin in natty00:28
Guest9221sorry. not root but home00:28
wirebugdoes anyone know any pentesting irc servers00:28
aeon-ltdeross: why does it matter, it takes less than a minute to unistall and install one you'd like00:29
erosswhat did you do to delete the items00:29
Gnea!factoids | a_p3rson00:29
ubottua_p3rson: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:29
rumpe1eross, hm... no, but installing xchat isn't really a big deal00:29
erossaeon-ltd cause i'm spoilt00:29
itaylor57induz: it is a simple version control system, but git is better00:29
thewanderer1hi. anyone with Dell Inspiron 15R? I need to get sound to work00:29
kylemmsoreau: once i input sudo service gdm restart in ctrl+alt+f1 menu what happens?00:29
Guest9221i picked them and pressed delete00:29
a_p3rson@eross if you'd like i can walk you through putting on pidgin, it works much better00:29
Logan_WP!sound | thewanderer100:29
ubottuthewanderer1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:29
razorr1990which version do u have installed?00:30
induzitaylor57, how can i get it/00:30
rumpe1kyentei, your desktop will close, login-manager will come up00:30
erossi know.. am working with live version at moment00:30
wirebughey help the new network admin over here00:30
Logan_WP!please | wirebug00:30
itaylor57induz: the same way you get any software from the repo00:30
ubottuwirebug: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:30
erossamazingly, the wireless card connects to my router with no problem :)00:30
Photocopyminimec; back now. what's in that ppa and what should i install?00:30
iheartubuntui cannot seem to find it, but what is the website for ubuntu artwork where people are posting their flyers, svgs, posters, etc? thanks.00:30
kylemmsoreau: once its done instaling it says SystemError: installArchives() failed, but it does say its activated but not in use00:31
Guest9221erros i'm Marius. how can i put my name in there so im not a number00:31
thewanderer1Logan_WP: I'm having problems specifically with ALSA model setting... can't figure out the one for Inspiron 15R00:31
jrib!artwork | iheartubuntu00:31
ubottuiheartubuntu: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:31
itaylor57induz: http://wiki.rabbitvcs.org/wiki/install/ubuntu00:31
soreaukylemm: You have to restart gdm for it to load the driver00:31
razorr1990run alsamixer00:31
kylemmsoreau: okay now its done installing now i do sudo service gdm restart brb00:31
minimecPhotocopy: just add the ppa and update the system. it will update the packages.00:31
erossGuest9221 - here is where you want to break into using the CLI, google about the trash, and doing a find.. maybe it went to trash long as you didn't hold down the CTRL key00:32
Photocopyminimec; minimal risk of breaking my install, you think?00:32
a_p3rsondo we have to ask about adding factoids about things like bad usernames?00:32
wirebugi think i will try google00:32
erosson older version of ubuntu i found somehow I had two trash locations, one for the desktop and an internal one00:32
ubuntu_soreau: okay im done00:32
ubuntu_soreau: it still says the driver is activated but not currently in use00:33
a_p3rson@Gnea - do we have to ask about adding factoids about things like offensive usernames?00:33
razorr1990thewanderer1 try run alsamixer00:33
Guest9221erros i checked the trash. its not there. how can i get my desktop to be empty again? all my home folder contents is shown on the desktop and when i clear the desktop then my home folder is also wiped00:33
soreauubuntu_: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file00:33
wirebugsince i think u guys dont wana help00:33
wirebugam out00:33
minimecPhotocopy: I use it with my x1250. You can remove the ppa if you installed purge-ppa before.00:34
soreauubuntu_: To ubuntu.pastebin.com00:34
ubuntu_soreau: permission denied00:34
thewanderer1razorr1990: all volume is fine. works through speakers, but not via line out00:34
Photocopythank you minimec00:34
iheartubuntuubottu - im not looking for themes, but a specific artwork website where people are sharing their ubuntu artwork. specifically pamphlets, flyers, cd sleeves... stuff to promote ubuntu. not artwork for the desktop00:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:34
Photocopyon to my second issue00:34
thewanderer1razorr1990: as in, I plug headphones and the sound is muted00:34
soreauubuntu_: Pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file to ubuntu.pastebin.com (Hint: The operative word here is 'file')00:34
a_p3rsonGnea - do we have to ask about adding factoids about things like offensive usernames?00:34
PhotocopyI seem to be able to copy any file onto or off of my external drive and everything seems to be working correctly except for a folder full of music that a friend gave me. When I copy that music folder into my computer's hard drive, the file copy dialog stalls and i one by one get an error for each file00:35
razorr1990thewanderer1: which ubuntu version do u have installed??the 9.10?00:35
minimecPhotocopy: no problem. It's ppa-purge... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ppa-purge&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names00:35
soreauubuntu_: /var/log/Xorg.0.log is not a command, it's a file. You can however use this command to get a link to it though: sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us00:35
thewanderer1razorr1990: actually I'm on Debian but was needing anyone with working ALSA with this hardware...00:35
Photocopyminimec; does that remove all ppas? I have added a ton of them00:35
minimecPhotocopy: it would something like 'sudo ppa-purge x-edgers'. It only removes the given ppa.00:36
razorr1990thewanderer1: see this http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3911600:37
induzwhat does rabbitvcs do??00:37
coz_there is something named   Y PPA  manager also that seems to work not only for finding PPA  but purging them as well00:37
erossGuest9221 u still there?00:38
Photocopythanks coz_00:38
Guest9221erros yes00:38
Photocopyanyone got any ideas about my external drive00:38
itaylor57induz: you might try and read up on it on their web sire00:38
itaylor57induz: you might try and read up on it on their web site00:38
ubuntu_soreau: Errors were encountered while processing:00:39
ubuntu_ initramfs-tools00:39
ubuntu_ nvidia-current00:39
ubuntu_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)00:39
FloodBot1ubuntu_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
coz_Photocopy,   some of the music files may well be corrupted00:39
itaylor57induz: http://wiki.rabbitvcs.org/wiki/install/ubuntu you can do it yes you can00:39
minimecPhotocopy: coz_: Problem is, if you have problems with a xorg ppa, you might need to reboot in recovery mode. So no GUI...00:39
Guest9221ERROS!!! i'm here mate00:39
Gneaa_p3rson: not sure that that's really something that needs to be done00:39
coz_mineur,  point00:39
erossdid you delete the files with a user account or in root00:39
coz_minimec,  point rather00:39
Photocopycoz_; think all of them are? there's a mix of music from one guy's computer and some from another00:39
thewanderer1razorr1990: thanks but it didn't solve the problem unfortunately00:39
Photocopycoz_; i can move the files around to different locations on the drive but not from the drive to the computer00:40
fdsoifhneDoes anyone know how to remove a virtual hamachi interface.  ifconfig ham0 down and ifconfig ham0 destroy both fail.00:40
induzis it something like ubuntu tweak??00:40
coz_Photocopy,  not sure  I had a similar issue last week.,.. what I did was to  remove ,,,one file at a time onto ubuntu,,, and the others  I just cleaned the drive off,,, reformatted00:40
soreauubuntu_: When you boot your live session, you do set your repos first and run apt-get update before trying to install any packages, right?00:40
induzor compiz00:40
aplundwhich package has the libcurl header files?00:40
itaylor57induz: its exacltly what tyhe web site says it is00:40
Gnea!pm | a_p3rson00:41
Photocopycoz_; anything else on the drive like my pro-tools sessions and television shows and whatnot can stay00:41
ubottua_p3rson: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.00:41
coz_Photocopy,  mm  not sure then unless permissions are screwed up on the external00:41
ubuntu_soreau: no00:41
induzI read the website but...00:41
Photocopycoz_; not able to backup everything on my drive to reformat it though00:41
bazhanginduz, its a version control system00:41
coz_Photocopy,  ok not sure... check permissions on the music files00:41
fdsoifhneIt also wont let me rm -rf the directories even under root00:41
Photocopycoz_; the permissions look fine, just checked00:41
=== Predominant is now known as lubec
coz_Photocopy,  mm  yikes... I am puzzled then..you could try ##linux channel for some general views on this00:42
razorr1990thewanderer1: you said that its works only with speakers?no line out?00:42
itaylor57induz: it is an easy interface into subversion, that I can't explain in this room because it is off topic00:42
Photocopycoz_: hmm, I got one of them to work, hold on00:42
soreauubuntu_: You need to. Run gksu software-properties-gtk and select repos and let it load then try again (Hint: You do not want cd rom, you want the live web repos)00:42
cossovichhello all, is there a recommended way to find an Ubuntu sys admin for hire or a company that does SLAs?00:42
aplundinfact, does anyone have any information in understanding ubuntu's libcurl packaging?00:42
induzitaylor57, should i install it?00:42
Photocopycoz_: Okay, it appears to be a problem with just the first album in alphabetical order00:43
coz_aplund,    http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/00:43
induzsince past  few days i am just downlaoding s/w and installing them hardly of any use00:43
itaylor57induz: not if you haven't a clue how to use it or what it can do for you00:43
erossyes Guest922100:43
coz_Photocopy,  ok00:43
=== lubec is now known as Predominant
induzitaylor57, I have no clue what is VCS is00:43
aplundcoz_: That has no information about the structure of how ubuntu packages libcurl00:43
Guest9221could you please tell me how i can respond to you directly like 'reply' or something00:43
coz_aplund,  sorry misunderstood00:43
ubuntu_soreau: there is no repo option00:44
Photocopycoz_ it died on another album. it seems to not work with some of the files my friend copied from his mac00:44
itaylor57induz: then you probably have not need for it00:44
Photocopycoz_ but the other guy copied his stuff from his windows machine and those ones are working00:44
Logan_WP!tab | Guest922100:44
ubottuGuest9221: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:44
fluvvelldoes anyone have volume keys on microsoft keyboard working in lucid?00:44
coz_Photocopy,  ok  mm  I know very little about mac and file transfer from on OS to the other00:44
erossGuest9221 - see PM chat window00:45
ubuntu_soreau: back00:45
Photocopycoz_: nevermind, i've got it narrowed down for sure to what the problem is00:45
Piciaplund: likely libcurl4-gnutls-dev or libcurl4-openssl-dev00:45
=== ElderDryas is now known as Guest18719
itaylor57induz: I would be more than glad to discuss it more in #ubuntu-offtopic00:45
coz_Photocopy,  cool00:45
aplundPici: ok.  But why is there no libcurl4 package?00:46
Photocopycoz_; it's struggling with the m4as00:46
Photocopydoesn't itunes use that format?00:46
coz_Photocopy,  hold on let me check something00:46
Photocopycould it be some kind of copy protection if its something he purchased?00:46
induzitaylor57, that VCS is not for me00:46
Gneaawww man, Chogydan left00:47
induzI pasted the 2 version of source lists which one to keep now??00:47
coz_Photocopy,  you could convert the m4a files to wav00:47
ubuntu_soreau: damn i thought getting the live of 10.10 would fix this stuff00:47
Photocopycoz_ it's no big deal00:48
itaylor57I'm always the one who when asked "What time is it?" begins to describe how to build a watch00:48
Piciaplund: Likely because theres no libcurl4 in Debian00:48
Photocopycoz_ the one guy gave me music i think i'll actually like and he's the guy whos music is working00:48
a_p3rsonPhotocopy - I use the music i purchased from itunes on ubuntu without a problem with rhythmbox00:48
coz_Photocopy,  you need to have  faad installed...maeuver to the external where they are located   command would be    fadd name.m4a   hit enter and it should convert to wav00:48
Photocopycoz_ the other guy listens to weird stuff i dont think i'd be able to get into it anyway00:48
ubuntu_Whats that code for ctrl+alt+f1 to restart gdm00:48
Photocopyevery irc client on linux pisses me off =(00:49
a_p3rsonPhotocopy - Pidgin works quite well for mulitasking00:49
bstarekPhotocopy : use Xchat00:49
Photocopyxchat i'm using right now00:49
Photocopyi hate it00:49
a_p3rsonget pidgin00:50
bstarekPhotocopy : why so00:50
sjmPhotocopy, +1 for XChat00:50
Photocopypidgin is fine but annoying because i use empathy for my im00:50
a_p3rsonit integrates into the messaging menu00:50
a_p3rsonand it is much stabler than empathy00:50
a_p3rsonand works better00:50
minimecPhotocopy: Don't be so hard. I love 'irssi'. It is a command line irc client...00:50
a_p3rsonand has plugin capabilities00:50
Photocopypidgin isn't working with my messaging menu, and it's not really running well00:50
Photocopyminimec; ive heard of that, not my style00:50
a_p3rson10.04 or 10.10?00:50
razorr1990sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:50
Photocopypidgin also doesnt seem to want to conform to my gtk theme properly00:50
a_p3rsonx86 or x64?00:51
razorr1990ubuntu_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:51
bstarekwhat do u guys about the new ubuntu 11.04?00:51
razorr1990ubuntu_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:51
a_p3rsonhmm i have that00:51
a_p3rsonand its fine...00:51
coz_ubuntu_,  if you do ctrl+alt+F1   log in   first try    restart gdm  if that doesnt work ,,,which it should... then use  the /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:51
Photocopybstarek; not much. wont be using unity, the rest all seems fine00:52
ubuntu_coz_: how do i login fist then restart gdm lol?00:52
razorr1990coz_:you are second :P00:52
bstarekPhotocopy : i cant find the categories anymore...like game,system...00:52
razorr1990ubuntu_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart00:52
coz_ubuntu_,  no  first  ctrl+alt+F1  then log in00:52
coz_ubuntu_,   you have to log in when you run  ctrl+alt+F100:52
Photocopybstarek; i've never used unity yet so i don't know, i just don't want to use it. its not minimal enough00:52
ubuntu_coz_ do ctrl+alt+f1 then type log in?00:53
coz_razorr1990,  sorry  if I repeated ,, wasnt paying attention00:53
Photocopyit's too much stuff on my desktop at once00:53
bstarekPhotocopy : okk00:53
razorr1990coz_: its ok :)00:53
coz_ubuntu_,  no   ctrl+alt+F1  should take you to test console  where the is a login promt00:53
avance0295how do you find the fourth dimension?00:53
soreauubuntu_: Updating your repos is not the same as updating all of the packages00:53
bstarekwho else thinks the menu bar sucks in unbutu 11.04??00:53
Photocopybstarek; what menu bar00:53
Photocopybstarek; like globalmenu?00:53
bstarekI dont find the categories anymore00:53
induzwhat should be Nautilies settings?00:53
soreauubuntu_: by default ubuntu uses the cdrom fro repos and not the live web ones assuming the live session doesn't have the internet00:54
coz_bstarek,   actually  #ubuntu+1  is the 11.04  official channel before release00:54
bstarekalright ill go check it out thanks ;)00:54
avance0295You suck?00:54
Photocopybstarek; a global menu type thing is much better than a menu in each window, but i think the elementaryos approach is even better00:54
coz_bstarek,  if you mean the panel on the left you dont need to use Unity  you can log out then log into the classic gonme desktop with or withouty  effects00:54
avance0295two camels in a tiny car?\00:54
soreauubuntu_: So you're supposed to just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment all repos then run apt-get update and install whatever package you need to00:54
bstarekcoz_: how do i choose which menu i wanna use?00:55
gp5st1hello.  I'm having issues where i have an adobe air app running in xvfb and it isn't grabbing standard fonts (webdings, impact, verdana times new roman, &c).  I install xfonts-*. how can i tell if these fonts are installed or where could i install them from? this is a headless box with no desktop env installed.  X is installed00:55
soreauubuntu_: But if you don't need to do apt-get upgrade in live session00:55
coz_bstarek,  when you log out... put in your password,,, and be fore hitting enter,,,at the bottom of the screens is the "Session" button pull down00:55
razorr1990anyone having fixed channel probelms in aireplay-ng in ubuntu 11.04?00:55
ubuntu_soreau: i dont get how to enable the web repos00:55
a_p3rsonPhotocopy - you do know you can get the global menu for 10.10?00:56
bstarekcoz_: the thing that i dont like is that i dont find the dropdown menu anymore...like accessories...games...networking...00:56
a_p3rsonand with a hack and so, it works with firefox, etc.00:56
itaylor57razorr1990: try ubuntu+00:56
bstarekcoz_: got u00:56
itaylor57razorr1990: try ubuntu+100:56
coz_ubuntu_,  there you can choose classic gonme desktop  with or without effects  if you are going to try that I suggest opening ccsm and disabling  the Unity plugin00:56
avance0242How do you hijack a school server?00:56
avance0295How do you work photo shop?/00:56
coz_ubuntu_,  unless you go with   classic gnome without effects00:56
ubuntu_coz_: im trying to enable effects with LIVEUSB00:56
avance0242my Macintosh is going haywire? may you help me00:56
coz_avance0242,  are you having issues with ubuntu or one of it's applications?00:56
coz_ubuntu_,   ah sorry then... again I misunderstood00:57
a_p3rsonubuntu_ - someone else was having that problem...00:57
SkittyHow long does it take to run Ubuntu from the disc?00:57
a_p3rsoncant pull a name00:57
avance0242coz_ My iMovie is decomposing.00:57
a_p3rsonSkitty - my installation was about 30min00:57
ubuntu_soreau: how do i enable web repos00:57
SkittyI don't know if it's running or if my computer is just stalling again.00:57
edbianSkitty, to boot the live CD takes about 5 minutes00:57
a_p3rsonto boot up from the idsk is like 500:57
itaylor57avance0242: please stop00:57
avance0295can any one answer mk questions?00:57
bazhangavance0295, please stop that00:57
avance0295you stop00:57
coz_avance0242,  apparenlty  more than imovie is dcomposing00:58
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SkittyWell, then the question becomes, how do I get it to run?00:58
bazhangavance0295, this is ubuntu support only00:58
soreauubuntu_: I told you already00:58
soreauubuntu_: You need to. Run gksu software-properties-gtk and select repos and let it load then try again (Hint: You do not want cd rom, you want the live web repos)00:58
=== erik__ is now known as xorgnak
Photocopythis irc client is trash00:58
a_p3rson!ontopic | avance029500:59
SkittyShould I restart my system and try again, or...? The reason why I'm trying to run it is because my system does not load and I am trying to dump files.00:59
ubottuavance0295: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:59
avance0242bazhang but my Macbook Pro Extreme Bill Gates Edition is o00:59
avance0242verheating and running ubuntu Maverick Meerkat!00:59
ubuntu_soreau: there is only a option for Cd rom with Ubuntu 10.10 'Maverick Meerkat'00:59
xorgnakwould anyone know what the discover1 package has been changed to in 10.10?00:59
coz_avance0242,  so is it now overheating running ubuntu?00:59
bazhangavance0242, please take silliness to #ubuntu-offtopic00:59
xorgnakI'm building a remix and it hangs on boot without it01:00
avance0295i dont care01:00
SkittyThe ubuntu client seems to be responding... I can use the icons in the corner, but it isn't taking me to the home screen.01:00
bstarekwhat is ur ubuntu top 10 applications guys?01:00
soreauubuntu_: You don't see at the top where it says 'Downloadable from internet'?01:00
avance0242bazhang but hey my next door neighbor is Bill Gates01:00
coz_bstarek,  thats a big question... depends on what you like to do ...for me graphics is the key on linux01:01
ubuntu_soreau: o yes i do01:01
coz_bsmith093,  not much   I am probably the biggest "doof"  when it comes to networking :)01:01
a_p3rsoncoz_ : productivity = ++ on ubuntu01:01
ubuntu_soreau: The following are check marked. Canonical-supported open soruce software, Proprietary drivers for devices, and Soruce code01:02
avance0242bazhang no but really can you help me with my Mac OSX01:02
soreauubuntu_: Diable cdrom and enable all of the web downloadable then click Close and it will auto upload (so you don't have to run apt-get update)01:02
coz_bstarek,  that was for you  sorry  bsmith09301:02
bazhangavance0242, not in this channel. Please stop asking01:02
a_p3rson!ontopic | avance024201:02
ubottuavance0242: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:02
avance0295Yes Avance0242 but have you tried turnig your computer on and off?01:02
avance0242bazhang Two Camels in a Tiny Car?01:03
ubuntu_soreau: k01:03
ubuntu_soreau: done01:03
soreauubuntu_: Now, reinstall the nvidia driver from additional drivers (remove it and install it again)01:03
soreauubuntu_: You should not receive any errors at all01:03
avance0295dont ignore me!01:03
coz_avance0242,   there are many people of many different chronological ages here from 12 up  but NONE  are emotionally 12 years of age,,, people come here to learn...  by sharing knowledge..  I have not seen any valuable information from you nor any pertinent questions01:04
avance0242ubuntu_ you should download the ATI video graphics card from NVIDIA, maybe you should be able to archive the number of dividends on the pythagorean triplet.01:05
Photocopycan I merge icon sets? I love the elementary theme but I don't like it's rhythmbox icon.01:05
ubuntu_soreau: said SystemError: installArchives() failed when it finished removing, but it did get removed01:05
coz_Photocopy,  yes you can change the icons in the sets...01:06
aeon-ltdPhotocopy: yes, a icon set is essentially a group of folders containing icon images01:06
soreauubuntu_: That's not good.. just keep going though and we'll run some tests to verify the installation01:06
avance0295˙(sɹǝqɯnu ןɐǝɹ ɹoɟ ʎןuo ʇnq 'suoıʇɔunɟ ɹoɟ pǝsn ʎןןɐɹǝuǝb ʇou sı "ןɐuoıʇɐɹɹı" ǝʌıʇɔǝظpɐ ǝɥʇ ʇnq) uoıʇɔunɟ ןɐuoıʇɐɹ ɐ ʇou sı ((x)uıs = (x)ɟ 'ǝןdɯɐxǝ ɹoɟ) ɯɹoɟ sıɥʇ uı uǝʇʇıɹʍ ǝq ʇouuɐɔ ʇɐɥʇ uoıʇɔunɟ ɐ ˙1 = (x)b ɥʇıʍ uoıʇɔunɟ ןɐuoıʇɐɹ ɐ sı uoıʇɔunɟ ןɐıɯouʎןod ʎɹǝʌǝ01:06
avance0295˙ǝǝɹbǝp ǝʌıʇısod ǝɥʇ ɟo sɹoʇɔɐɟ ןɐɹǝʌǝs ǝʌɐɥ b ǝןʎʇsʇxǝʇ\ puɐ d ǝןʎʇsʇxǝʇ\ 'sı ʇɐɥʇ 'sɯɹǝʇ ǝǝɹbǝp ɹǝʍoן sʇı uı uǝʇʇıɹʍ sı uoıʇɔɐɹɟ ǝɥʇ ʇɐɥʇ sǝɯnssɐ ǝuo ǝɹǝɥʍ 'oɹǝz ʇou sı '\(x)b ɹoʇɐuıɯouǝp ǝɥʇ ɥɔıɥʍ ɹoɟ '\x sʇuıod ןןɐ ɟo ʇǝs ǝɥʇ sı '\ɟ ɟo uıɐɯop ǝɥʇ ˙ןɐıɯouʎןod oɹǝz ǝɥʇ ʇou sı '\01:06
avance0295b puɐ '\x uı suoıʇɔunɟ ןɐıɯouʎןod ǝɹɐ '\b puɐ '\d ǝɹǝɥʍɯɹoɟ ǝɥʇ uı uǝʇʇıɹʍ ǝq uɐɔ ʇı ɟı ʎןuo puɐ ɟı uoıʇɔunɟ ןɐuoıʇɐɹ ɐ pǝןןɐɔ sı uoıʇɔunɟ ɐ ''\x 'ǝןqɐıɹɐʌ ǝuo ɟo ǝsɐɔ ǝɥʇ uı01:06
FloodBot1avance0295: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
Photocopycoz_ & aeon-ltd; how?01:06
ubuntu_avance nice post lol01:06
coz_Photocopy,   you would need to open nautilus with   gksudo nautilus from terminal first and maneaver to the icons  directory  unless elementary icons are in /hoime /yourname/.themes01:06
coz_Photocopy,  you would have to replace all of the same icon in its various sizes as well01:07
Photocopycoz_ they're in usr/share/themes01:07
ubuntu_avance0242: ill look into it01:07
coz_Photocopy,  then  gksudo nautilus first01:07
Photocopycoz_; thats the gtk theme i can find, where are the icon set?01:08
a_p3rsonubuntu_: its a joke, nvidia and ati don't have cooperation on eachother01:08
coz_Photocopy,   did you look in /home/yourname/.themes folder?01:08
Photocopynothing in there01:08
Photocopywell nothing related to elementary01:08
razorr1990nvidia has open source,ati doesnt...01:08
coz_Photocopy,  try  /home/yourname/.icons01:08
Photocopycoz_; nevermind, appears to be usr/share/icons for icons01:08
a_p3rsonrazorr1990: not true, necessarily01:09
ubuntu_soreau: okay same error came up when done installing: SystemError: installArchives() failed, but it does say its activated and not in use01:09
ghostnik11hi, I wanted to know a good laptop brand to buy, does anyone have recommendations for a female who is an artist and writes alot, draws, into music and games01:09
Logan_WP!offtopic | ghostnik1101:10
ubottughostnik11: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:10
coz_ghostnik11,  mm I would go with  asus  or toshiba  however you may also want to look into some of the tablet pcs  with wacom grahics stylus01:10
coz_ghostnik11,  you want a good deal of memory and hard drive space as well  with a decent graphics card01:10
a_p3rsonghostnik11: i would reccomend a higher-end one, as games and artistry require more ram and a higher processor, and music would need a larger hdd. artistry would need a good display/video card01:11
coz_ghostnik11,  toshiba has several tablet pc modesl as does motion computing01:11
a_p3rsonghostnik11: it really does reccomend on your price range01:11
ghostnik11coz_: thanks for reply, is there a particular asus you have in mind i can check out01:11
SkittyRestarting worked. Thanks for the guidance. (:01:11
coz_ghostnik11,  no  but as I said you want to have quite a bit of memory and cpu power,,, and see if asus  has any table pcs   as well ...as an artist  a wacom stylus is absolutely n ecessary01:12
itaylor57you are so all off topic, so go into your respetive rooms and repent01:12
lolcat^I have an encrypted home folder01:12
induzis there a better file locator like catfish??01:13
coz_yes apologies for offtopic  ghostnik11  you can PM me if you want to discuss this further or go to #ubuntu-offtopic and ask there :)01:13
lolcat^Any easy way to mount for another iinstallation?01:13
JDogg420hello how do i get compiz to do anything there is now button to apply changes i have wobble windows checked for enabe and desktop cube but i cant get it to do any of it01:13
ubuntu_soreau: okay its done installing but same error. But it says activated not in use01:13
ghostnik11coz_; yeah but i have been told tablets have weaker processors than regular laptops01:13
a_p3rsonJDogg420: did you install compiz?01:13
itaylor57babble fish works great induz01:13
a_p3rsonghostnik11: yes, they do01:13
Logan_WP!desktopsearch | induz01:13
prefrontaljust upgraded to Maverick 64 bit running kernel 2.6.32-21-generic. trying to install nvidia drivers but they can't find the kernel source. linux-headers-generic is installed but linux-headers-2.6.32-21 and linux-headers-2.6.32-21-generic don't exist01:13
ubottuinduz: Services to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)01:13
soreauubuntu_: What is the output of 'grep nvidia /etc/X11/xorg.conf'?01:13
coz_ghostnik11,  tablet PC  not netbook01:13
a_p3rsonJDogg420: did you get the drivers for your graphics card?01:13
JDogg420yea it says activated01:14
fluvvellwhat does one do when your keyboard medel doesn't appear in the settings menu?01:14
coz_JDogg420,   you have ccsm installed ...yes?01:14
ubuntu_sorea: Driver "nvidia"01:14
soreauubuntu_: And 'dpkg -l|grep nvidia-common'01:14
a_p3rsonJDogg420: did you reboot?01:14
coz_JDogg420,  open a terminal and type    ps ax  | grep compiz01:14
ghostnik11coz_: okay thanks but the other person said they do have weak processors01:14
ubuntu_soreau: ii nvidia-common                 0.2.2401:15
ubuntu_soreau: Find Obsolete NVIDIA drivers01:15
soreauubuntu_: Good, and 'lsmod|grep nvidia'?01:15
coz_ghostnik11,  not quite true  :)   but I would still research this as an artist which I am01:15
JDogg420 2844 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto compiz01:15
jon_athonSo, I have an autographed CD, and I want to make a copy of it, so I don't mess up the autograph... but it's copyright protected.... suggestions?01:15
coz_JDogg420,  thats it?01:15
=== q_a_z_steve is now known as zz_q_a_z_steve
BunnyFooFooI'm trying to search for a media file(mpeg) that has a unknown extension and unknown name, is there any way to search for files of type mpeg by not using the file name?01:15
induzitaylor57, is it for real?/01:15
coz_JDogg420,   in that terminal   lspci | grep -i vga01:15
ubuntu_soreau: nothing lol01:15
coz_JDogg420,   meet me in #compiz channel please01:16
JDogg42000:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2)01:16
tlabthis rt8192se wireless card sucks in ubuntu01:16
soreauubuntu_: gimme a second01:17
coz_tlab,  seems that wireless is the biggest issue on ubuntu from listening in here01:17
itaylor57induz: only if you are a hitchhiker01:17
ubuntu_soreau: yup01:17
ubuntu_soreau: u know how ur power botton on top right is white? mine is red and i have a option to Restart to Complete Update...01:18
soreauubuntu_: Ok, just restart gdm again from tty01:18
ubuntu_soreau: okay with the code u gave me? or one the they did01:18
induzitaylor57, i have catfish[a search app] but sometimes it says fatal error and it stops to search file01:18
soreauubuntu_: just use sudo service gdm restart01:19
ubuntu_soreau: okay brb01:19
tripelbhi, can I type "on top of" a pdf document, as if to fill it in?01:19
itaylor57induz: I haven't used catfish so I have no idea of your problem01:20
BunnyFooFootripelb, you can use GIMP to edit text ontop of the PDF01:20
a_p3rsontripelb: only if it isnt secured, you can in gimp and any other pdf editor01:21
BunnyFooFootripelb, I use GIMP to digitally toss my signature onto documents to sign them electronically.01:21
mikeb123i need help plz?01:21
mikeb123is 10.10 and official release now or a beta?01:22
a_p3rson!ask | mikeb12301:22
ubottumikeb123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:22
a_p3rsonmikeb123: official01:22
a_p3rson11.04 is the alpha (before beta) release01:22
Jon--Trying to connect to an IPC printer at my school. I can see the list at iprint.cc.*SNIPPED*.ca/ipp//EITC135-PR4.  I am having difficulties printing to it. The University only supports Windows clients. Any ideas?01:22
kylemmsoreau: it wouldn't let me so i restarted01:23
mikeb123i have 10.04 and i want to upgrade to 10.10 but when i run update manager it says that there is no new updates01:23
sdelic<--Trying to install mysql-5.0 in ubuntu 10.10, apt-get wants to install 5.1, anyone have a clue how to force 5.0?01:23
kylemmsoreau: i have to reinstall diver01:23
tripelba_p3rson, I want to type on it, what's easier gimp or some other program. (I find gimp daunting if not wierd, so far.) BunnyFooFoo01:23
kylemmsoreau: should i do the download from internet thing first? then install driver?01:24
prefrontalwhy is the latest kernel shown here but i only have 2.6.32-21 even though I have fully upgraded? http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/linux01:24
prefrontalhow do I upgrade to the latest kernel?01:24
tripelba_p3rson, I assume that's for me.  (grin)01:24
BunnyFooFootripelb, there's a online PDF editor that might help yo: PDFescape01:24
a_p3rsonmikeb123: you would need to check for distribution updates01:24
mikeb123where do i locate that?01:25
a_p3rson1 sec01:25
tripelbBunnyFooFoo, will search for it. ty  -- and a_p3rson am installing inkscape01:25
BunnyFooFootripelb, just add (.)com to the end of that and it'll take you there01:26
bstarekmikeb123: go to terminal and type: sudo update-manager -c -d       to look for new updates01:26
a_p3rsonmikeb123: no -d01:26
kylemmsoreau: u dere? :D01:26
Picibstarek: Do not suggest -d please.01:26
rww!upgrade | mikeb12301:26
michael138yey it worked01:26
ubottumikeb123: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade01:26
a_p3rsonbstarek: -d will look for devel releases01:26
BunnyFooFooI'm trying to search for a media file(mpeg) that has a unknown extension and unknown name, is there any way to search for files of type mpeg by not using the file name?01:26
bstarekPici,a_p3rson: sorry guys01:26
a_p3rsonBunnyFooFoo: mime type maybe?01:27
michael138so yea iam new to ubuntu01:27
Jon--Trying to connect to an IPC printer at my school. I can see the list at iprint.cc.*SNIPPED*.ca/ipp//EITC135-PR4.  I am having difficulties printing to it. The University only supports Windows clients. Any ideas?01:27
bstarekPici,a_p3rson:my mistake01:27
michael138and iam a lil lost01:27
ImaLamersdelic, you want to know how to "hold back packages"01:27
ImaLamersdelic, if you are trying to upgrade01:27
a_p3rsonJon--: make sure you have any linux drivers for the printer, and look in printers for add>network printer01:27
ImaLamersdelic, if not you need to find a source for the version you want (ppa maybe)01:27
michael138what are u guys talking about upgradeing for01:28
a_p3rson!ask | michael13801:28
ubottumichael138: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:28
sdelicImaLamer, source eh? I was afraid that was going to be an answer I'd get.. :)01:28
=== kthomas_vh_ is now known as bingrep
BunnyFooFoosdelic, does your uni use active directory to authenticate on your network printer?01:28
Picimichael138: There are other people here in the channel asking questions, if someone is talking to you, they will prefix the message with your nick, like I have.01:28
iamwinftwhey i was going to use ffmpeg to convert flv to mpeg video, and was wondering how much larger will the mpeg be01:28
iamwinftwits a 300 meg file01:29
a_p3rsoniamwinftw: (300 meg? you pirate) anyway, it should be much smaller01:29
=== bingrep is now known as Microsoft
iamwinftwi got it runnin its past 300 megs already01:30
michael138Pici: i shouldent key in un less iam being talked to01:30
iamwinftwim couldnt find shit for codecs01:30
tripelbBunnyFooFoo, PDFescape is awesome, typing in it now. Transparent!01:30
iamwinftwcant get flash on this version -.-01:30
=== Microsoft is now known as onekenthomas
gartralis it possible to transfer a single User's home dir out of /home/?01:30
iamwinftwcoded some java games tho01:30
jon_athonSo, I have an autographed CD, and I want to make a copy of it, so I don't mess up the autograph... but it's copyright protected.... suggestions?01:30
Picimichael138: Or if you have a suggestion :).01:30
iamwinftwlol, sudo rm01:30
induzhey guys what theme u guys use for Desktop??01:31
a_p3rsongartral: yes and no. individual folders (documents, etc) yes, not sure about the actual folder01:31
ImaLamerjon_athon - use abcde :)01:31
=== onekenthomas is now known as WebWalker3Dlap
BunnyFooFooI like it too tripelb01:31
induzhow is ubuntu- community thems01:31
jon_athonImaLamer, easy as 12345?01:31
=== WebWalker3Dlap is now known as WebWalker3D
soreaukylemm: Ok so now what?01:31
michael138wow well heres a good question well my movies are making my computer skip how do i fix that01:32
ImaLamerjon_athon, yes :) is it going to be in a standard CD database?01:32
=== WebWalker3D is now known as onekenthomas
jon_athonImaLamer, just a direct copy01:32
ImaLamerjon_athon (because it will tag the files for you)01:32
soreaukylemm: Yes you need to set up your repos first. But like I told you before, this is a huge waste of time and you are much better off installing ubuntu01:32
ImaLamerjon_athon, i mean, is it a commercial cd in the freedb?01:33
r1zaпростите это русский канал???01:33
gartrala_p3rson: I already setup an encrypted partition on an encrypted drive, I want it so that it's impossible to do any mantinence or sudo work without this drive (obviously there's ways around that, but i plan on disconnecting the usb headers and locking the tower in a desk)01:33
jon_athonImaLamer, oh, I dunno... I haven't put it in the computer yet01:33
=== Gwar_Trolle is now known as Gwar_Pony
ImaLamerjon_athon, http://lly.org/~rcw/abcde/page/01:33
gartral!rs | r1za01:33
ubottur1za: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.01:33
Jon--a_p3rson: I tried that. Care to help?01:33
Pici!ru | r1za01:34
ubottur1za: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:34
jon_athonImaLamer, it doesn't say anything abut copying01:34
a_p3rsonJon--: im sorry, what was your question?01:34
ImaLamerjon_athon, or try this for super detailed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=10942901:34
induzwhen i update my sources why i get this; Could not download all repository indexes01:34
induzhow can i correct it?01:34
Jon--a_p3rson: Trying to connect to an IPC printer at my school. I can see the list at iprint.cc.*SNIPPED*.ca/ipp//EITC135-PR4.  I am having difficulties printing to it. The University only supports Windows clients. Any ideas?01:34
a_p3rsonJon--: oh did you look for any drivers you might need?01:35
lolcat Passphrase:  (Enter the mount passphrase you recorded when you setup the mount--this passphrase is different from your login passphrase.)01:35
lolcatWhat does that mean?01:35
kylemmsoreau: hey01:35
lolcatI only have my login passphrase01:35
hypatialolcat: have you changed your password?01:35
gartralJon--: I would ask your schools sysadmin too open up for other clients01:35
kylemmwhats the code again? sdk?01:36
lolcatMy computer stoped working01:36
hypatialolcat: if you change it with passwd instead of with the gui, it won't change the encryptopn password01:36
lolcathypatia: I am trying to access it in my other laptop01:36
jon_athonImaLamer, does it do copies, or just ripping? it looks like the latter01:36
Jon--a_p3rson: It's a Epson DFX-850001:36
soreaukylemm: what code?01:36
Jon--gartral: They support Linux with a ridiculously old .rpm01:36
michael138where can i go to learn the Ubuntu op system01:36
kylemmsoreau: the umm repo code01:36
a_p3rsonJon--: googled?01:37
kylemmsoreau: to enter in terminal01:37
soreaukylemm: gksu software-properties-gtk01:37
scott__has anyone ever used finch as a command based irc client? i had it working once01:37
hypatialolcat: then it's the password for the homedir you're trying to mount, not your current password01:37
kylemmsoreau: thx01:37
Jon--a_p3rson: alien installed the .deb without success. +1up01:37
gartralJon--: does said rediculously old rpm require subsequent rediculously old requirments?01:37
soreaukylemm: It's Software Properties in sys>admin but now you have to enable it first in sys>prefs>main menu01:37
Jon--gartral: Actually, alien worked. Kind of. Novell wants to use your browser to install the printer at that point but they probably don't support newer browsers [they mention Konqueror on the webpage....]01:37
a_p3rsondid you try just using like ubuntu software center?01:38
lolcathypatia: My homedir doesnt have a password01:38
a_p3rsonits pretty good at compatibilty01:38
gartralJon--: ohh OWW... whoever set this up meant for it too be done in KDE 3.5...01:38
ImaLamerjon_athon, sorry was afk... rip = copy01:38
hypatialolcat: it clearly does on the drive you're trying to mount01:38
hypatialolcat: you get that message when you try to mount an encrypted homedir01:39
jon_athonImaLamer, I thought ripping was just taking from cd to computer01:39
induzhello due to Power setting my screen gets lock what should i do?01:39
ImaLamerjon_athon, oh i see, you want 1-to-1 cd copy01:39
lolcatError: Unwrapping passphrase failed [-5]01:39
lolcatInfo: Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs01:39
hypatialolcat: try an older password01:39
gartraljon_athon: is the cd autographed on the burned side?01:39
hypatialolcat: as i said, if you changed the password with passwd instead of with the gui, it won't have changed your encryption password01:39
kylemmsoreau: done01:39
Jon--gartral: -_-'. Can you helps me? It should be ipp interface I know windows can connect w/o the client using http in places of ipc, but that fails in Ubuntu01:39
kylemmsoreau: now isntall driver?01:40
_pg_I have a machine that is 10.10 but has repos for lucid and karmic but not maverick-how should I proceed?01:40
jon_athongartral, no, but I want it to stay put on my shelf XD01:40
ImaLamerjon_athon, use Brasero to create a copy, select image, then burn image to blank CD01:40
lolcathypatia: Passphrase:01:40
Jordan_Uhypatia: Actually I believe that with PAM it should.01:40
BunnyFooFoothanks a_p3rson, a mime search found aprox what I need, just gotta rewrite the cmd01:40
soreaukylemm: Yes. But did you check the md5sum of this 10.10 image you downloaded?01:40
alejandrois there a channel where i can get support for VirtualBox? or can i ask here?01:40
hypatiaJordan_U: if you use passwd it definietly doesn't change it01:40
hypatiai've run into this before, Jordan_U01:40
michael138what is md5sum?01:41
soreaukylemm: Because it shouldn't be failing with those strange package messages01:41
kylemmsoreau: no i have no idea how to do that01:41
_pg_I have a machine that is 10.10 but has repos for lucid and karmic but not maverick-how should I proceed?01:41
a_p3rsonJon--: you can also try having a permanent computer thats always on share the printer through another interface01:41
Jordan_Uhypatia: Did you run passwd as root or as the user whose password you were changing?01:41
=== richard is now known as Guest40677
soreau! md5 | michael13801:41
ubottumichael138: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:41
soreau! md5 | kylemm01:41
ubottukylemm: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:41
a_p3rsonthen it will use that computers drivers01:41
Jon--Trying to connect to an IPC printer at my school. I can see the list at iprint.cc.*SNIPPED*.ca/ipp//EITC135-PR4.  I am having difficulties printing to it. The University only supports Windows clients. Any ideas? I've determined that Windows can connect to the printer using http:// interface, Ubuntu cannot. I can also browse the IPC server.01:41
gartraljon_athon: i'm afraid I make a habbit of insisting that schools/employers either support Linux correctly, or take my work via odt over email. I get a horrible headache dealing with poorly configured print servers, I'm afraid I can't help you.01:42
zgrhello, last time i have loged in i see new user "proxy" in gdm what that can be? I've got hacked?01:42
michael138how do i hook my wireless printer  to my computer01:42
kylemmhashes and crap01:42
krunalanybody ever use Clonezilla?01:42
Logan_WP!language | kylemm01:42
ubottukylemm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:42
lovelyladyI have a problem with the ipad.....I am running ubuntu and have windows running through virtualbox to get the ipad to come on. Now I have the ipad on the usb driver or something isnt working properly any advise for this issue?01:42
a_p3rsonmichael138: depends on printer01:42
gartraljon_athon: sorry01:42
kylemm1 sec01:42
_pg_I have a machine that is 10.10 but has repos for lucid and karmic but not maverick-how should I proceed?01:42
jon_athongartral, haha, no worries, I hate printers too01:42
a_p3rsonlovelylady: virtualbox doesnt like working with portable devices01:43
krunali'm trying to backup my entire ubuntu partition - i used clonezilla but it only generated a 3.2gb image01:43
kylemmsoreau: when i do cd download_directory it says no such file or directory lol01:43
kylemmsoreau: since its usb i think01:43
michael138well this sucks byr01:43
_pg_I have a machine that is 10.10 but has repos for lucid and karmic but not maverick-how should I proceed? is it safe to remove lucid and karmic sources? how can I add maverick ones? I dont know that apt line...01:43
lovelyladyis there another way to get the ipad to install using ubuntu?01:43
Logan_WP!repeat | _pg_01:43
ubottu_pg_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:43
jerryitta_p3rson: yup it sure does01:43
a_p3rsonjerryitt: huh?01:44
lovelyladyis there another way to get the ipad to install using ubuntu besides virtualbox01:44
a_p3rsonjerryitt: did you ask a question?01:44
jerryitta_p3rson: sorry i ment about virtualbox01:44
gartrallovelylady: you mean apps?01:44
kylemmsoreau: that wont even apply to me. That is for CD im using USB01:45
soreaukylemm: You have to read between the lines. download_directory means wherever you downloaded the iso to01:45
gartrallovelylady: er, i mean sync01:45
jerryitta_p3rson: i read that wrong01:45
=== raechl is now known as Mossyfunk
a_p3rsonlovelylady: for apps, youre out of luck. For music, you can use rhythmbox (i think)01:45
soreaukylemm: You can still do a md5 check for the usb image you downloaded01:45
r1zaРусские есть????????????????01:45
r1zaРусские есть????????????????01:45
FloodBot1r1za: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
kylemmsoreau: i tried usb download_directory01:45
a_p3rson!ru | r1za01:45
ubottur1za: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke01:45
kylemmsoreau: or since my usb is F i would replace cd with F01:45
hypatiaJordan_U: as the user, that might have done it :)01:45
ylmfosI 'm from china!01:45
soreaukylemm: Nah, you just need to quit messing around and install ubunut01:46
rww!ru | r1za01:46
ylmfoshow do you do?01:46
induzby guys , my screen gets locked01:46
induz c u tomorrow01:46
Logan_WPylmfos: Do you have a question about Ubuntu?01:46
_pg_I have a machine that is 10.10 but has repos for lucid and karmic but not maverick-how should I proceed? is it safe to remove lucid and karmic sources? how can I add maverick ones? I dont know that apt line...01:46
Jon--Problem 1 down, I can connect with some h4x0r CUPSing.01:47
Jon--Next issue! I have no driver for Epson DFX-8500   ideas?01:47
a_p3rsonylmfos: are you fluent in english? if not, there is a ubuntu chinese channel01:47
kylemmsoreau: i cant install to USB01:47
FraxtilHow can I make my Scroll Lock key act as Caps Lock?01:47
krunali'm trying to backup my entire ubuntu partition - i used clonezilla but it only generated a 3.2gb image01:47
Jordan_Uhypatia: When changing the password using just "passwd", running as the user whose password is being changed, PAM should cause the password for the encrypted home directory to be changed to. This doesn't happen when you use passwd as root because you are never prompted for the user's password, which is required to make the change.01:47
soreaukylemm: Well you can make some room on your 1TB then01:47
a_p3rson!ch | ylmfos01:47
ubottuylmfos: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.01:47
Logan_WP!zh | ylmfos01:47
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk01:47
kylemmsoreau: i dont want to install this to my HD due to stuff will prob mess up my crap01:47
a_p3rsonthank you01:48
Logan_WPa_p3rson: np01:48
Abinidiylmfos: !ch | ylmfos01:48
hypatiaoh Jordan_U in that case it should have worked, but didnt- i definitely made the change as the user01:48
hypatiagranted this was a few versions ago01:48
hypatiamaybe the pam thing is recent, Jordan_U01:48
soreaukylemm: It will not mess up anything. You just resize the windows partition, then install ubuntu into a separate partition next to it01:48
Abinidi!ch | ylmfos01:48
ubottuylmfos: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.01:48
Logan_WPAbinidi: No.01:48
rwwAbinidi: !ch is Switzerland ;P01:48
a_p3rsonAbinidi: !ch = german01:48
Hanauwhois hanau01:48
a_p3rsonor swiss01:48
PiciHanau: thats you01:48
soreaukylemm: ubuntu does this automatically for you if you tell it to in the installer01:48
Hanauhahahah, thanks01:48
Hanausorry, wrong window01:48
_pg_are repo sources stored somewhere new in 10.10? i cant find the default maverick ones and when i add them i dont see them witht the rest and now apt-get update says i have duplicates01:48
rww_pg_: look in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*01:49
Jon--Oh dear GAWD is this old.01:49
Jon--I have no driver for Epson DFX-8500   ideas?01:49
a_p3rsonJon--: does it need drivers?01:50
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:50
Jon--a_p3rson: cups is asking me to specify which driver to use.01:50
_pg_rww: what is the difference btw those two files?01:50
kylemmid rather try to find this MD5 stuff then risk my computer01:51
_pg_rww: ps- they are diferent01:51
kylemmsoreau: id rather try to find this MD5 stuff then risk my computer01:51
a_p3rsonJon--: dot matrix? jeez how old is this thing?01:51
Jon--a_p3rson: Old.01:51
psusiwhoa, someone still has a dot matrix?01:52
soreaukylemm: You wouldn't be risking your computer. But anyway, it's your machine you can do what you want with it01:52
rww_pg_: For a start, one of them is a directory. /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ exists so that programs and packages can add and remove software sources without having to muck around with appending to /etc/apt/sources.list.01:52
AbinidiJon--: LOL, you may have to write your own drivers for it01:52
Jon--Abinidi: No.01:52
psusithere is no such thing as a driver for dot matrix... it just prints ASCII characters01:52
a_p3rsonJon--: i agree, this is far too old...01:53
krunalcome on guys this is an easy question - what can i use to backup my entire partition01:53
_pg_rww: i dont have maverick defaults in either. but apt-get update says i have it duplicated01:53
Jon--a_p3rson: But... :/.01:53
soreau! backup | krunal01:53
ubottukrunal: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:53
Jon--psusi: Exactly. So what do I tell CUPS to use? :P01:53
psusikrunal, http://askubuntu.com/questions/26405/what-are-full-partition-disk-imaging-solutions01:53
psusiJon--, you can't use cups... it prints graphics... your printer doesn't01:54
Jon--psusi: NOOO but cups is the only way I can access it? I've tried everything else.01:54
kylemmany1 know where iso is downloaded to if you put it on a USB? instead of cd01:54
a_p3rsonJon--: try to find a cups dot matrix driver, thats your only option...01:54
psusiJon--, you just write text to your serial port directly01:54
DarkStar1What's a decent lightweight mailserver for Linux in general. (No sendmail jokes :P)01:54
lolcatDuppy: !01:54
Logan_WP!mailserver | DarkStar101:55
ubottuDarkStar1: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html01:55
psusiJon--, or maybe the old lpr printer daemon01:55
kylemmlike cd is called cd, USB is not called USB tho.01:55
Duppylolcat, What is your problem?01:55
a_p3rson!language | Springscar01:55
ubottuSpringscar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:55
lolcatDuppy: I keep mounting my own home folder01:55
Duppylolcat, So*?01:56
lolcatI need to decrypt the home dir of my backup01:56
soreaukylemm: *you* are the one that created the usb image, right?01:56
lolcatI end up decrypting the local home dir01:56
kylemmsoreau: yup01:56
_pg_my sources suck01:56
soreaukylemm: So at the time you download the image for the usb is when you check it. Also live cd images have a built in image/md5sum checker at the boot menu, maybe the usb does too01:57
psusiJon--, yea.. lpr is what you used to use on those old beats... install that01:57
kylemmsoreau: probably does01:57
michael138hello is there any nes emultors for Ubuntu01:57
lolcatDuppy: I have mounted my own home folder three times now -.-"01:58
kylemmsoreau: i downloaded the iso ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso01:58
soreaukylemm: You should always run that first directly after creating the bootable medium to make sure there's not going to be any related issues01:58
Jon--psusi: how do I lpr?01:58
Logan_WPmichael138: http://linuxgamingtoday.wordpress.com/2008/09/14/how-to-install-emulators-on-ubuntu-nes-edition/01:58
psusiJon--, install the lpr package01:58
Jon--psusi: I am01:58
psusiJon--, man lpr ;)01:58
kylemmsoreau: actually i dont recall one01:58
michael138thank u01:58
soreaukylemm: Then you have to check it when you first d/l it01:59
Logan_WPmichael138: np01:59
kylemmsoreau: damn i just gotta find name of usb lol01:59
soreaukylemm: Usually the md5sum is displayed on the site where you download the image01:59
psusiJon--, I don't remember how to configure it, but there should be a config file that you set up and point it to your serial port ( /dev/ttyS0? ) and then you just run lpr foo.txt to print a plain text file01:59
_pg_how do i choose which version of java i want to use for things? in osx there is an app called java preferences01:59
kylemmsoreau: ya i got the md5sum01:59
Jon--psusi: No.01:59
Jon--psusi: Just kidding01:59
kylemmsoreau: its 1b9df87e588451d2ca4643a036020410,    im not sure what mine is02:00
soreaukylemm: So boot windows and test it, like it shows on the md5sum how-to page02:00
jrib!multijava | _pg_02:00
kylemmsoreau: its aspost to be that02:00
ubottu_pg_: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives02:00
Abinidican someone tell me of a little applet that will allow me to turn on/off my synaptics touchpad?02:00
Gneaokay, so I'm trying on this oddyssey to get Ubuntu working correctly on this desktop... at this point, it almost fully boots up, but gets trapped at dbus loading and it kernel panics, here's a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/oLmO6.jpg02:00
michael138how do i get to add/remove when i dont have a tab in my applications?02:01
ElderDryasAbinidi: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/   (middle of the page)02:01
GneaI'm not sure what steps I can take to diagnose this further...02:01
a_p3rsonmichael138: what are you trying to uninstall?02:01
michael138the emulator the site i was given told me to go goto the add/remove02:02
kylemmsoreau: okay brb02:02
Abinidiand...can someone tell me if there is a synaptics driver for linux that will give you the extended attributes of the touchpad02:02
AbinidiElderDryas: Thanks02:02
a_p3rsonbtw who knows how to change your nickname on the fly?02:02
a_p3rsonin irc?02:03
jon_athona_p3rson, /nick *name*02:03
kylemmsoreau: ill be back in like 7mins lemme go check it on windows k?02:03
a_p3rsonjon_athon: that temporary?02:03
jon_athonmmm, I dunno02:03
=== a_p3rson is now known as a_p3rson[shout]
hidensofthi everybody02:03
a_p3rson[shout]!hi | hidensoft02:04
hidensofti have problem for opening https wheb site02:04
a_p3rson[shout]hidensoft: what site and what browser?02:04
a_p3rson[shout]also, your entire question on 1 line02:04
kylemmsoreau: BRB GOING TO TEST IT ON WINDOWS02:04
hidensoftany browser , any web site contains https url02:04
_pg_!multijava usage help02:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:04
jrib_pg_: what is your question?02:05
michael138well any ways how do i get to add/remove and make a tab for it02:05
_pg_jrib: do i have to set the default for each thing? --jre --jre headless --plugin etc02:05
tripelbBunnyFooFoo, Can i use pdfescape to do a signature. I dont see how. Can you help?02:06
jrib_pg_: no that's the point of update-java-alternatives02:06
Jon--It worked.02:06
Jon--I is happy.02:06
_pg_jrib: i cant figure out how to tell what the default is for each thing02:06
a_p3rson[shout]hidensoft: https://encrypted.google.com/ go there02:06
_pg_or at all02:06
mickster04!details | hidensoft02:06
ubottuhidensoft: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:06
g_0_0hidensoft, missing certs?02:06
soreaukylemm: sure, but I might be gone here in a little while02:07
a_p3rson[shout]thats why im having go to https google02:07
a_p3rson[shout]hidensoft: anything?02:07
jrib_pg_: if you don't pass --jre-headless or --jre or --plugin, I believe it just sets everything02:07
_pg_how do i know what is set?02:07
hidensofta_p3rson[shout]: The connection has timed out02:07
zmaHow to install Ubuntu alongside Fedora using lvm2? Ubuntu installer is not able to see lvm2 so I'm afraid it will wipe away Fedora.02:08
jrib_pg_: don't know02:08
a_p3rson[shout]can you connect on any other applications that use the internet? im, etc?02:08
_pg_jrib: most of the options dont seem to do anything02:08
michael138how do i get fec ultra02:08
=== a_p3rson[shout] is now known as a_p3rson
jrib_pg_: use update-java-alternatives -s YOUR_CHOICE02:09
_pg_whats the format for your choice?02:09
soreaumichael138: apt?02:09
hidensoftmickster04: I have a problem with https website, I'm running KUbuntu version 10.10 When I try to do see https web site , I get the following output: The connection has timed out02:09
_pg_i tried java-6-sun 6302:09
jrib_pg_: update-java-alternatives -l  lists your choices02:09
=== Fraxtil is now known as Fraxtil`
=== a_p3rson is now known as a_p3rson[shout_a
jrib_pg_: drop the "63"02:09
michael138no the emulator fot the nes02:09
=== satamusic_ is now known as satamusic
mickster04hidensoft: that doesn't happen after a fresh install, what has happened since then02:10
=== a_p3rson[shout_a is now known as a_p3rson
_pg_i get all this output that it doesnt exist02:10
hidensofta_p3rson[shout]:  pidgin can't connecto to my facebook account because it use https , but gmail and yahoo work02:10
=== a_p3rson is now known as a_p3rson[yellme]
Abinidia_p3rson: are you having an identity crisis?02:10
hidensoftmickster04: i don't know02:11
a_p3rson[yellme]Abinidi: working on homework, not focused on window02:11
krunalwhat does: Error opening terminal: xterm.02:11
krunal mean?02:11
twitch!nick | a_p3rson[yellme]02:11
ubottua_p3rson[yellme]: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.02:11
michael138where is add/remove02:11
a_p3rson[yellme]hidensoft: can you connect on windows?02:11
mickster04hidensoft: well you are using the system so?02:11
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soreaukrunal: What is giving you that output?02:11
g_0_0hidensoft, try typing in terminal - sudo apt-get install ca-certificates02:11
g_0_0hidensoft, then retry accessing web sites02:12
krunalsoreau, im trying to run partimage (using it to load a usb stick to be bootable)02:12
jo-erlenddoes LVM slow disk access down? I have spanned my filesystems over three disks, not using any raid, and it seems to me that disk access is slower. I know it wouldn't speed anything up, but should it slow it down?02:12
psusijo-erlend, no02:12
wedwo-michael138, in Applications >> Software Center02:12
hidensoftg_0_0:  sudo apt-get install ca-certificates --> ca-certificates is already the newest version.02:12
soreaumichael99: apt-cache search fceu02:12
soreaumichael99: use apt02:12
soreau!info gfceu02:13
ubottugfceu (source: gfceu): Graphical front-end using GTK2 for the FCE Ultra NES emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 30 kB, installed size 168 kB02:13
krunalsoreau, http://pastebin.com/HgytYsLu02:13
hidensofta_p3rson[yellme]: which windows you mean ?02:13
jrib_pg_: that's because you don't have the jdk.  Pass the --jre option if you want02:13
mickster04hidensoft: have you uninstalled anything recently?02:13
Abinidiok, this is a little OT but how do I register my nick with /Nickserve?02:13
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:13
g_0_0hidensoft, have you tried reinstalling firefox?02:13
hidensoftmickster04: no02:13
mickster04hidensoft: well something must have happened for it to break?02:14
Abinidimickster04: thanks!02:14
hidensoftg_0_0: i just install firefox02:14
g_0_0hidensoft, a new version ??02:14
hidensoftmickster04: i have this problem whit other browser02:14
_pg_jrib: :]02:14
hidensoftg_0_0: 3.6.1302:15
g_0_0hidensoft, purge and reinstall02:15
_pg_jrib: nice call with the --jre. totally made the magic happened02:15
mickster04hidensoft: well I am sorry but things don't break by themselves, might it be a router, or proxy issue?02:15
hidensoftg_0_0: i think , firefox is not problem02:15
g_0_0hidensoft, I think your certificates are though02:15
g_0_0hidensoft, and they should be reinstalled02:16
hidensoftg_0_0: with which command i can reinstall firefox ?02:16
hidensoftor certificates02:16
niriven_Hello, does ubuntu amd64 use the flash 10.2 plugin thats native 64-bit?02:16
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hidensoftmickster04: i don'y use any proxy02:17
g_0_0hidensoft, sudo apt-get purge firefox02:17
=== Fraxtil` is now known as Fraxtil
hidensoftg_0_0: ok , im trying02:17
g_0_0hidensoft, followed by - sudo apt-get install firefox02:17
HerCuryniriven_: no02:18
niriven_HerCury, ok.02:18
niriven_HerCury, i take it the flashplayer using the wrapper in amd64 is really kinda, not fun? :)02:18
=== ExplodingPiglets is now known as AnnoyingOrange_
_pg_are the fedauly sources stored somewhere where they dont show up in the software sources window?02:18
HerCurytheres a PPA witht he latest 64bit version02:18
hidensoftg_0_0: i have this out put with this command : "sudo apt-get install firefox" --> Please restart all running instances of firefox, or you will experience problems.02:19
zhellow, all.02:19
hidensoftim not running firefox now02:19
=== z is now known as Guest55806
HerCurynever used it always gone 64 bit - works fine on the wifes comp though02:20
g_0_0hidensoft, you did close firefox first02:20
Guest55806noooo, i has been changed02:20
g_0_0hidensoft, before purge02:20
michael138hay i want to get an nes emulator for my Ubuntu 10.1002:20
hidensoftits closed02:20
=== Guest55806 is now known as zhoste
a_p3rson[yellme]hidensoft: open the task manager and makesure firefox-bin is not running02:20
g_0_0hidensoft, well install and start it up again02:20
a_p3rson[yellme]it sometimes does hang after close02:20
kylemmsoreau: hey02:21
kylemmsoreau: i checked them and the sums are the same02:21
hidensoftgod damn, i can't find task manager in KDE02:22
hidensofthow i can run task manager with terminal ?02:24
zhosteopen it, type 'top'02:24
g_0_0hidensoft, forget task manager02:24
iamwinftwcan you extract just the audio from a video file with ffmpeg?02:24
g_0_0hidensoft, did you reinstall?02:24
soreaukylemm: Well I don't know why it's giving you package errors but AFAICT, the drivers are installing ok, they're just not loading without reboot. And the nouveau module might be messing it up. So, boot with rdblacklist=nouveau, then update the repos, install the drivers and restart gdm.02:24
hidensofti think its not reinstalled02:24
g_0_0hidensoft, you can kill firefox in terminal with - sudo pkill firefox02:25
Nick25I'm trying to get drivers for my Brother MFC-490CW printer, I can find 32-bit downloads, but not 64-bit.  Can anyone help?02:25
a_p3rson[yellme]also do:     sudo pkill firefox-bin02:25
kylemmsoreau: so do the ctrl+alt+f1 and fo rdblacklist=nouveau02:26
Abinidican someone tell me (or point me) in the directions of how to tweak about:config in Firefox into loading pages quicker?  I've already done a few but don't want to proceed with anything I don't know about.02:26
iamwinftwcan someone tell me the terminal command to extract the audio from an avi file with ffmpeg???02:26
a_p3rson[yellme]Nick25 - did you check the brother site02:26
=== Guest40677 is now known as richardr
soreaukylemm: No, you have to boot with that as a parameter passed to the kernel02:26
kylemmsoreau: but when i boot, i cant edit anything02:26
soreaukylemm: Remember, press e at boot time.02:26
hidensofti kill the firefox whit that command but i got this output again "Please restart all running instances of firefox, or you will experience problems."02:26
soreaukylemm: What do you mean you can't edit anything?02:26
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: yeah I've been there, they only have 32-bit drivers.  Is there anything I can execute in the terminal? Surprisingly the terminal is my go-to for all installations, makes it simple.02:27
g_0_0hidensoft, from where02:27
kylemmsoreau: last time i tried to press e it just typed in in with all the coding02:27
g_0_0hidensoft, after you did a reinstall02:27
hidensoftg_0_0: give me a minut02:27
a_p3rson[yellme]Nick25: i dont think cups has a difference between 64 and 32 drivers, hold on02:27
kylemmsoreau: so i go to boot menu presss my usb. Then press run from usb. then press E while code is going across screen02:27
a_p3rson[yellme]does anyone know if theres a difference between 32bit and 64bit cups drivers?02:28
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: the .deb files are telling me that i386 is the wrong architecture.02:28
tripelbBunnyFooFoo, I used gimp ofr a signature02:28
a_p3rson[yellme]do you have the ubuntu software centre?02:28
michael138ok now i need to uninsatall  a program how do i go about that?02:28
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: yep02:29
lolcatmichael138: apt-get remove program02:29
soreaukylemm: No, go to the boot menu and highlight which entry you want to edit, then press e02:29
Ben_Kehoeanoyhet issue i just cannot figure out for the life of me02:29
kylemmsoreau: OOOO OKAY02:29
a_p3rson[yellme]try installing through there and see what happens02:29
hidensoftg_0_0:  http://pastie.org/private/fols5bnbmlku9a8vhsqlqa02:29
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: that's where the i386 error comes up.02:29
soreaukylemm: You don't boot until you have appended rdblacklist=nouveau to the end of the kernel line where it has things like ro quiet splash02:29
michael138lolcats: iam new to this what apt-get02:30
a_p3rson[yellme]ahh i though you were using terminal02:30
lolcatmichael138: Good to know02:30
a_p3rson[yellme]!paste | hidensoft02:30
ubottuhidensoft: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:30
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: ?02:30
g_0_0hidensoft, ok did you try firefox after the install02:30
g_0_0hidensoft, go here - https://encrypted.google.com/02:30
Ben_Kehoehttp://img526.imageshack.us/img526/2497/firefoxox.png why does my tab bar background look like that? shouldn't it look how it does in the theme I've installed? (preview in browser window)02:30
=== marius is now known as Guest46574
a_p3rson[yellme]well, try to look on the brother website for x64 drivers i think there are some02:31
a_p3rson[yellme]!paste Ben_Kehoe02:31
a_p3rson[yellme]!paste | Ben_Kehoe02:31
ubottuBen_Kehoe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:31
kylemmsoreau: k brb02:31
michael138lolcat: yea so iam still learning my way around so where i find the remove sould i just use terminal or what02:31
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: Extensive searching, are the drivers just unavailable? They have ONE driver for the scanner on the printer.  But nothing for printing...02:32
lolcatmichael138: yes a terminal02:32
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme] nice try, but I don't think you used the right ubottu command on me. i don't see anything relevant in what ubottu said. Keep it constructive?02:32
a_p3rson[yellme]i think brother has an all-encompassing 64bit driver02:32
michael138lolcat: ok what should i tyep jst the location and program name and remove02:32
lolcatmichael138: No, the name02:33
lolcatmichael138: sudo apt-get remove whatever02:33
michael138ok thanks02:33
hidensoftg_0_0: i can see "https://encrypted.google.com/" , but https://addons.mozilla.org still not work02:33
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: i thought imageshack was frowned upon as a screenie dump?02:33
Nick25a_p3rson[yellme]: If you can, I'd GREATLY appreciate a direct link to that. I've looked around and seen nothing.  I come here as a last resort.02:33
hidensoftgod damn this problem02:33
g_0_0hidensoft, could you see google before?02:33
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: I think if someone's asking for help you should answer their question or do nothing, rather than rudely frown upon them. I don't think I did anything particularly inappropriate.02:34
dustincan you do "wake up on lan? with linux?02:34
a_p3rson[yellme]dustin: that would be bios02:34
marius_hi all. could someone help me wrt desktop. my home/marius folder contents is displayed on my desktop and i would like it to be the desktop folder02:34
SwedeMikedustin: yes.02:34
mickster04dustin: thats more to do with the bios of a pc?02:34
kylemmsoreau: u there?02:34
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: do you know anything about the tab bar issue or are you just interested in image hosts and other trivial things02:34
=== woooooodsy is now known as sily-rabbit
eli_ubunut is not accepting my wep key....does anyone know how to work this out02:34
Logan_WP!attitude | Ben_Kehoe02:34
ubottuBen_Kehoe: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:34
soreaukylemm: nope02:34
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: no im just trying to follow guidelines02:35
dustinhuh , explain pleas02:35
a_p3rson[yellme]also, i reccomend a better atitude or no-ones gonna answer your question...02:35
dustinwhat do i need to do02:35
kylemmsoreau: i cant edit anything. I go to boot menu and i see 3 options. My hard drive something else and my usb. I move to my usb and its highlisted, and i press E and nothing happens lol02:35
SwedeMikedustin: if you google for <wake on lan linux> you get a lot of information.02:35
eli_ubuntu 10.10 does not accept my wep key...can someone help02:35
marius_dustin, you talking to me?02:35
SwedeMikedustin: ow how to work this out02:35
Logan_WP!repeat | eli_02:35
ubottueli_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:35
dustinok , what programs do i look up ,too02:35
SwedeMikedustin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=234588 is the first one.02:36
soreaukylemm: No, that's not grub, that's your boot device menu02:36
a_p3rson[yellme]dustin: you may be able to go into your bios and select wake on... and then lan, but thats my bios02:36
dustinSwedeMike, thanks02:36
kylemmsoreau: well i have 2 options, boot menu and setup menu02:36
eli_logan_Wp: what did i do?02:36
Nick25Can anyone link me to a brother MFC-490CW amd64 architecture driver download? I've been searching for a while now...02:36
soreaukylemm: Select usb first and get to ubuntu, the press Esc and when you see the menu then highlight and press e02:36
g_0_0hidensoft, so something is working better than before02:36
mickster04eli_: I think you'll find it's the wireless router not accepting your wep key :p ubuntu just tells you :D02:36
michael138lolcat: ok thanks thats how i would remove any program  well iam tryin to find  nes emulator for this system where should i look02:37
a_p3rson[yellme]eli_: make sure you have the right kid of encryption. there is a difference between WEP and WPA and WPA202:37
soreaukylemm: I have to run but I'll be back in a few hours02:37
eli_mickster04: go to heck02:37
trollboyHaving issues with my wireless card..02:37
kylemmsoreau: so when i get to menu where it says run on usb i then press etc?02:37
hidensoftg_0_0: yeah :D i trying to download some addons for 3 hour02:37
trollboyI went ahead and even did the stuff in here http://ubunturt2870.pbworks.com/w/page/8928776/FrontPage but it won't detect02:37
kylemmsoreau: oaky bye02:37
mickster04eli_: :(02:38
Logan_WP!ohmy | eli_02:38
ubottueli_: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:38
derpyderpany reason why the "/who #channelname" command would work on some channels, but not others (on the same server)? Can a channel have "protection" against the who command? thanks02:38
Logan_WP!offtopic | derpyderp02:38
ubottuderpyderp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:38
eli_logan_wp....you are not a better person than me because you know more about linux....he was being rude and sarcastic which is just a rude02:39
Ben_KehoeHas anyone experiened their firefox tab bar being a very dark colour: http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/2497/firefoxox.png This happens with my default theme as well.02:39
pLrderpyderp: yes02:39
g_0_0hidensoft, so if you click on this link what happens ? - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/?browse=featured02:39
michael138any who can help any indepth  reading material on ubuntu 10.1002:39
eli_ubuntu 10.10 does not accept my wep key...can someone help02:40
derpyderppLr: yes as in the channel can have "protection" against it?02:40
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: it may be your theme, firefox tries to integrate with gtk+ but not naturally, try changing your ubuntu theme02:40
a_p3rson[yellme]!repeat | eli_02:40
ubottueli_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:40
pLrderpyderp: yes02:40
hidensoftg_0_0:  The connection has timed out - The server at addons.mozilla.org is taking too long to respond.02:40
eli_ubuntu 10.10 does not accept my wep key...can someone help02:40
pLrderpyderp: yes as in the channel can have protection against it02:40
derpyderppLr: oh ok, thanks02:40
a_p3rson[yellme]eli_: are you sure you are using WEP and not WPA or WPA2?02:40
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: this was happening with elementary, ambiance, shiki-wise, and every other theme i've ever used, as well as with the custom firefox theme shown.02:40
lolcatderpyderp: Are you perfm?02:40
eli_why are you gauys being rude02:40
derpyderplolcat: whats perfm?02:40
lolcatIt is a person02:41
mickster04!DETAILS | eli_02:41
ubottueli_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:41
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: and it's been a problem in both firefox3 and the 4 beta02:41
Gnea!attitude | eli_02:41
ubottueli_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:41
eli_on the bottom of my router is a wep key...i'm using that02:41
derpyderplolcat: nope02:41
Gneaeli_: why are you using wep?02:41
g_0_0hidensoft, maybe it's another problem and not just with https sites02:41
mickster04eli_: you should prbably plug in first, cable, set up, then connect using wpa202:42
hidensoft g_0_0: god damn this problem !02:42
mickster04eli_: most routers don't use any security as default02:42
g_0_0hidensoft,  can you ping the site?02:42
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: you could try using the aging tabs extension, that will play with the tab bar02:42
eli_the details.....i had to install a driver, did that. now when i boot up i can select wireless networks...but whatever doesn't accept my wep key02:42
hidensoft g_0_0: im trying02:42
eli_mine does02:42
kylemm_Is any1 familiar with rdblacklist=nouveau02:43
Gneaeli_: yeah, wep is old and weak, anyone with a laptop can break it within 60 seconds, wpa2 is strong, you should be using that instead.02:43
eli_did so with windows02:43
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: wasn't firefox eventually going to move their tab bar above the address bar anyway? when is that coming?02:43
eli_easier said than done gnea02:43
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/aging-tabs/02:43
Gneaeli_: if you're going to use wep, you might as well not use any key at all02:43
mickster04eli_: yeah, get a cable and just plug in02:43
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: just installed it, waiting for restart02:43
a_p3rson[yellme]and not exactly sure about when that will happen, although there's probably an extension for that...02:43
Gneaeli_: right, because it's so difficult to plug it in, point a web browser at it and configure it02:43
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: Nothing, still has that dark background. it makes no sense.02:44
Gneaeli_: at any rate, are you using network manager or wicd?02:44
eli_yeah...i have to have it pugged in whever i go02:44
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: you changed the aging tabs settings?02:44
eli_guys your are teaching me a monkey to do calculus02:44
hidensoftg_0_0:  ping: unknown host https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/?browse=featured :O02:44
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: Er, no... haha hold on. I didnt know you wanted me to do something specific with it02:44
eli_network manager gnea02:44
Gneaeli_: try installing wicd and use that instead02:45
kylemm_Is any1 familiar with rdblacklist=nouveau, in the grub menu :D02:45
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: ya you need to probably change some the settings, and it will play with the tabs02:45
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: none of those settings seem to be able to handle the background area.... hmm02:45
Gneakylemm_: what about it?02:45
kylemm_gnea: i need to put it at the end of ro quiet splash :D02:45
g_0_0hidensoft, try adding these  to your domain name servers and see if that resolves your problem02:45
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: they dont seem to, but playing with the tabs will also play with the background02:45
kylemm_Gnea: and i dont know how to02:46
Gneakylemm_: heh, that's not how blacklisting works02:46
kylemm_Gnea: when i press ETC it just says root= and there is nothing else02:46
Gnea!blacklist | kylemm_02:46
ubottukylemm_: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »02:46
alpha7anyone know how to lower bandwidth?02:46
dustinSwedeMike, hey i did it02:47
kylemm_Gnea: some1 told me to add rdblacklist=nouveau to end of ro quiet splash02:47
dustinSwedeMike, i set my bois to boot,02:47
Gneakylemm_: follow the instructions on that page, they are correct.02:47
kylemm_Gnea: not sure if i can do that in LIVEUSB mode tho02:47
alpha7anyone know how to lower bandwidth?02:47
Gneakylemm_: sure you can02:47
Gneaalpha7: get dialup02:48
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: It really doesn't change the background. I just changed a ton of the settings and colours and stuff and I'm not getting any results02:48
kylemm_so does it involve terminal02:48
hidensoftg_0_0: i do that but problem not solved :(02:48
a_p3rson[yellme]well, do you have any kinds of programs that play with gtk+?02:48
Gneakylemm_: well first of all, you need to open a web browser... then copy and paste the url from ubottu into the browser02:48
g_0_0hidensoft can you ping it02:48
dustincan you do "wake on lan " with an andriod ?02:49
a_p3rson[yellme]possibly like emerald?02:49
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a_p3rson[yellme]!ontopic | dustin02:49
ubottudustin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:49
hidensoftg_0_0: i got unknow host error02:49
mickster04dustin: just to point out, the WOL thing is nothing to do with linux or android02:49
g_0_0hidensoft if you ping google?02:49
kylemm_Gnea: there was no link lol02:49
Gnea!blacklist | kylemm_02:49
ubottukylemm_: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »02:49
Gneakylemm_: oh, right - yeah, in a terminal then02:50
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: do you have any kind of alternate decorators? eg emerald, etc?02:50
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: nope.avi02:50
hidensoftg_0_0: same output for "https://encrypted.google.com/" what happening :(02:50
a_p3rson[yellme]i would suggest starting firefox in safe mode (firefox -safe-mode)02:51
kylemm_gnea: it has to be done while on boot up or smtin is retartded02:51
g_0_0hidensoft, let me think about it02:51
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: i  would suggest starting firefox in safe mode (firefox -safe-mode)02:51
dustinmickster04, well why is that? i see it on some forms , try to see if its possible for ubuntu02:51
kylemm_I need help blacklisting nouveau :D02:51
hidensoftg_0_0: im waiting02:51
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: why? to see if it still does it?02:51
Gneakylemm_: just follow the directions02:51
a_p3rson[yellme]ya to see if any addons are messing with it02:51
mickster04dustin: no it is nothing to do with the OS02:52
kylemm_Gnea: it does not explain how to exactly get to there to edit02:52
Gneakylemm_: you'd need to use a text editor02:52
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: its possible that an addon is messing with the background02:52
kylemm_gnea: wtf02:52
Ben_KehoeI don't have any addons besides that theme02:52
Gneakylemm_: stop saying that, it's bad language02:52
kylemm_gnea: this makes no sence lol02:52
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: highlight cause i forgot to in above message02:52
Gnea!editor | kylemm_02:52
ubottukylemm_: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code02:52
dustinmickster04, ?? i dont get get it .. my bois can do it ,02:53
kylemm_Gnea: makes no sence. Okay in a text editor input /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist blacklist nouveau and save02:53
kylemm_but then it does nothing02:53
a_p3rson[yellme]well then this is weird... still try -safe-mode02:53
Gneakylemm_: look, just type this:  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist02:54
Gneakylemm_: actually, make it this:  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf02:54
^Phantom2^is it normal for a drive to sound like this:  http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fqqbziw6bkxdaay02:55
Gneakylemm_: then add this one line:  blacklist nouveau02:55
Gneakylemm_: then ctrl-x02:55
Gneakylemm_: say yes to save and quit02:55
dafi_hi everyone, i was wondering if anyone could point me to resources to better understand /var/log/message so i can find out why my server crashed (new to linux)02:55
lazyPowerI installed virtualbox from the repo, virtualbox-ose. I'm attempting to install the Oracle extensions pack for RDesktop support. According to their docs the vboxmanage app is supposed to have an extpack option, however thats not the case. Any ideas?02:56
Gneakylemm_: let me know when you're done with that please02:56
lazyPowerAs an addendum, I'm also doing htis on a headless Ubuntu 10.04 servre02:56
alpha7<Gnea> "get dialup" there is a solution to lower down02:56
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: any fix from -safe-mode?02:56
kylemm_when i press Y02:56
yeikthats better02:56
Logan_WP!virtualbox | lazyPower02:56
ubottulazyPower: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:56
kylemm_it then brings me back to menu02:57
Gneaalpha7: perhaps if you phrased your question with better detail as what you REALLY mean, you wouldn't get such a vague answer02:57
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: Still a no... This is so weird02:57
kylemm_and it says File Name to Write /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf02:57
Gneakylemm_: yes, now press enter02:57
yeiki broke it :P02:57
a_p3rson[yellme]maybe reset your profile?02:57
kylemm_Gnea: okay complete02:57
Gneakylemm_: alright, now type:  sudo update-initramfs -u02:57
kylemm_Gnea: now guy told me to update web repos, and restart gpd02:57
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: export your passwords or use firefox sync and delete your profile from firefox02:58
stephen_hey mates, i'm having me a problem accessing my wireless network....network manager aint accepting my passcode02:58
Gneakylemm_: eh, he had you do too much, too fast02:58
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: make sure everything of value is saved02:58
Logan_WP!wireless | stephen_02:58
ubottustephen_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:58
Gneastephen_: install wicd and use that instead02:58
needlezcan someone help me solve this problem with wpa_supplicant?? http://pastie.org/156505302:59
^Phantom2^is it normal for a drive to sound like this:  http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?fqqbziw6bkxdaay02:59
stephen_what is a wep code?02:59
Logan_WP!wep | stephen_02:59
ubottustephen_: WEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:59
kylemm_Gnea: he said use gksu something-properties-gsk or grk he said do that bcuz it was quicker02:59
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Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: whatever, I don't have anything to backup, it's all in chrome but chrome recently broke their gtk+ theme use with the latest update so I was thinking of switching back02:59
^Phantom2^Logan_WP, we use wep, but only cause we have a couple old devices that only handle wep02:59
stephen_yeap....thats my only option as of now02:59
Gneakylemm_: forget that for now, did you run the update-initramfs?03:00
kylemm_Gnea: doing now03:00
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: tried midori first and that was acting unstable so I tried firefox and it's not working03:00
stephen_how can i change a encrytion03:00
KM0201Logan_WP: i wouldn't say "totally insecure"... but it's close... instead of leaving your doors unlocked w/ the keys in the ignition, your simply leaving the doors unlocked, and hiding the keys under the seat.03:00
yeikso, anybody good with gone/xorg?03:00
KM0201stephen_: that likely depends on your router.03:00
ali__I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my asus Eee pc seashell netbook03:00
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: is your next step reinstall? I'll do that now if thats where you're going with this =P03:00
Gneastephen_: that's defined at the router03:00
ali__but wireless driver does not seem to work03:00
needlezstephen: log into your router and change it03:00
ali__any help?03:00
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: if you dont use firefox for the addons, go to chrome03:00
Logan_WPKM0201: good analogy :D03:00
Gneaali__: did you install ubuntu desktop or ubuntu netbook remix?03:00
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: chrome broke "use gtk+ theme" and now there's nothing I can do to make it look normal again. it's being a pain03:00
yeikthat is a good analogy03:00
kylemm_soreau: Sudo: update-initramfs: command not found03:00
ali__netbook remix03:00
a_p3rson[yellme]but clearing the profile (and if that doesn't work, reinstalling =P) should fix it03:01
Abinidi!details | yeik03:01
ubottuyeik: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:01
stephen_well wcid doesnt accept my password03:01
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: use a new theme?03:01
Gneaali__: alright, how do you know wireless isn't working?03:01
kylemm_Gnea: Sudo: update-initramfs: command not found03:01
Gneastephen_: make sure you're typing the password right03:01
mickster04stephen_: have you tried plugging into the router and turning security off to see if you can connect at all?03:01
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »03:01
needlez can someone help me solve this problem with wpa_supplicant?? http://pastie.org/156505303:01
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: do you know anything about midori? sometimes midori does this strange thing where it lags up when i open a tab and puts speed dial in the title bar and when i click tabs it onyl changes the title bar03:01
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mickster04!patience | needlez03:02
stephen_Gnea: i am 300 times sure its the right password03:02
ubottuneedlez: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:02
Gneakylemm_: ok, nevermind then - just reboot and see if it loads or not03:02
steff12321I need help, i cant untar files in kubuntu 10.1003:02
a_p3rson[yellme]nah cant say ive ever used even seen midori03:02
Ben_Kehoea_p3rson[yellme]: chrome now makes its title bar colour dependent on window focus which broke the ability to use gtk+ theme to good effect with every single gtk+ theme I like03:02
kylemm_Gnea: should i restart gdm03:02
ali__because usually in my desktop ubuntu I can find the wireless in the network connection icon which is in bar at the top right corner near the date and time03:02
kylemm_Gnea: as his is LIVEUSB03:02
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yeikI have a problem logging in, every time i try and login (the gui pops up and i can click login, change session type) it appears to crash the xorg system, i see the black screen with text from session that you see when you go to alt f7, i had the last LTS and i decided to upgrade to the newest update, ran the update to new release from update manager, and there were some times when it said failed03:02
needlezmickster04: I did wait like a few minutes plus I repeated it cuz new ppl entered03:02
lazyPowerLogan_WP: while that was a good read, it didnt help resolve my issue. None of the RDP options are availble in the virtualbox-ose installed package from the repo. any call to them is resulting in a message that its an invalid option. Nor does it give any information on how to do enable them.03:02
a_p3rson[yellme]Ben_Kehoe: non-gtk+? anyway, try a profile clear, and then a reinstall, i gtg03:02
ali__but in this guy the network icon does not show any wireless availability03:03
Gneakylemm_: well you should be restarting the system that you need to be restarted that you editted this for03:03
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LinSteveHI need some help troubleshooting NFS mounting my NAS.  It's been a while since I played with NFS, but I THINK that it is correct.  I believe that NFS is running properly on the NAS, 'cause I can do showmount -e NAS and it shows the four FS mounts on the server.  I created a place to mount on my client, and it is looking right and with owner/group as root.  However when I do "sudo mount -o...03:03
LinSteveH...soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 sunshine:/mnt/disk1 /sunshine" nothing happens and it times out.03:03
kylemm_Gnea: yea im editing on a USB03:03
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yeiksaid i should run dpkg --configure -a and i did. but my main issue is that no matter what session i choose xorg seems to crash then restart itself when i try and login to the x-session03:03
Gneakylemm_: is it installed to usb?03:03
kylemm_Gnea: no live USB03:03
Logan_WPlazyPower: ask in #vbox03:03
Gneakylemm_: I just asked if you installed Ubuntu to a USB device or a Hard Drive, and you just told me "no, it's installed to a USB device"03:04
stephen_yeah, i think i am using the right passcode03:04
stephen_is it case sensitive?03:04
kylemm_Gnea: u said : well you should be restarting the system that you need to be restarted that you editted this for. U said is it installed to a USB i sayy its LIVE USB not installed03:04
kylemm_Gnea: its not installed at all03:04
Logan_WPstephen_: Yes.03:04
stephen_i tried both ways03:04
Gneakylemm_: let's step back for a sec - where is Ubuntu installed to?03:05
kylemm_Gnea: no where. Its a LIVEUSB. When i restart my comp all my files and settings and everything goes away03:05
ali__Gnea :  can you get back to me?03:05
steff12321I am having trouble untarring files via terminal in kubuntu 10.1003:05
Gneakylemm_: Okay. so reboot the live usb then.03:05
kylemm_Gnea: then everything goes away tho03:06
kylemm_Gnea: and i have to restart03:06
yeikkylemm_ you don't have a persistent live usb.03:06
Gneaali__: you need to type my name and say stuff to me like this, otherwise I don't see it. try again.03:06
LinSteveHsteff12321: What kind of trouble?03:06
kylemm_yeik: whenever i restart my comp NOTHING saves03:06
yeikkylemm_: to get any configurations you make to stay you have to have a persistent live usb. its actually easier to just install it to a drive.03:06
Gneakylemm_: but since it is a LIVE USB, any changes you make to the config files will save.03:06
kylemm_yeik: i know03:06
ali__Gnea : I do not see any wired network availability in my netbook ubuntu03:07
kylemm_Gnea: so the blacklist WILL save?03:07
steff12321LinSteveH: it just sais: tar(child) error is not recoverable: exiting now03:07
Gneaali__: I thought your problem was with wireless, not wired.03:07
ali__Gnea : the problem is wireless I don't have wired connection03:07
steff12321LinSteveH: first it sais cannot find such file/directory03:07
Gneakylemm_: why wouldn't it? the only read-only medium out there are CDs and DVDs03:07
steff12321LinSteveH: bit its there03:07
LinSteveHsteff12321: Tell me (copy/paste) the actual command that you are trying to use.03:08
kylemm_Gnea: well i think its read only usb idonno03:08
Gneaali__: so why mention wired?  what have you done so far? I don't have time to scrollback and read everything.03:08
ali__Gnea : but in network icon it says wired network disconnected and I cannot see any wifi availability03:08
kylemm_Gnea: i installed a iso to the usb, just like a CD03:08
mickster04stephen_: try changing it to a really simple password to see if that works? or using a different security protocol?03:08
Gneakylemm_: oh, it'll save, just reboot and see what happens, k?03:08
kylemm_Gnea: should i install drive after?03:08
ali__Gnea : ok the problem is I have installed ubuntu netbook remix in my asus netbook I cannot see any wireless availabity to access the internet03:08
Gneakylemm_: just... reboot.03:08
ali__Gnea : why?03:09
Gneakylemm_: don't worry about after that, the only thing you need to worry about now is rebooting.03:09
ubuntu_i am stephen03:09
KM0201ali__: do you know what your wireless device is?03:09
steff12321LinSteveH: www.tinypaste.com/01ec0103:09
ali__Gnea : Ethernet03:09
Gneaali__: which model of eeepc is it?03:10
Gneaali__: I have a 1009HAB03:10
kylemm_Gnea: okay ill be bak in a min03:10
Gneakylemm_: cool03:10
ali__Gnea : yes03:10
ali__Gnea : it is eeepc03:10
Gneaali__: 'yes' is not a eeepc model #.03:10
ubuntu_do you know why network manager might not accept correct passwords? please no disrespect here or snobbery here03:10
needlezanyone?? any ideas??03:10
LinSteveHsteff12321: you are not telling it where to store the tar file ...03:10
Gneaali__: turn your eeepc upside down, look at the stick on the bottom, what does it say?03:10
Logan_WP!please | needlez03:10
ubottuneedlez: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:10
ali__Gnea : ok so what is the device and how can i install it?03:10
Gneaali__: s/stick/sticker/g03:10
ali__Gnea : ok03:11
steff12321LinSteveH: what command should i use?03:11
Gneaali__: no, tell me what model # you have first.03:11
Gneaali__: it's a clear sticker, it will say03:11
Gneaali__: ASUS Eee PC <something>03:11
ali__Gnea : the model is eeepc seashell series03:11
LinSteveHsteff12321: do "tar xvfz /a/* fil.tgz" as an example to save all in that subdir tofil.tgz.03:12
ali__Gnea : no there is no sticker only windows 7 genuine sticker03:12
Gneaali__: no, that's not good enough.  there will be a set of numbers and letters.03:12
ubuntu_do you know why network manager might not accept correct passwords? please no disrespect here or snobbery here from my part03:12
ali__Gnea : ok let me check03:12
Logan_WP!repeat | ubuntu_03:12
ubottuubuntu_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:12
LinSteveHsteff12321: You werecorrectin what you wrote, butyou didn't tell it where toput the results.03:12
steff12321LinSteveH: thanks :)03:12
needlez can someone help me solve this problem with wpa_supplicant?? http://pastie.org/156505303:13
SkaterHi I am running Dual GTX 295 Cards can anyone help with HDMI Video in ver 10.10 please?03:13
LinSteveHsteff12321: Sorry, sticky space key.03:13
michael138hello i couldent a program from the softwhare center03:13
Gneaali__: windows 7 genuine will be on top of the netbook where the keyboard is - I'm talking about underneath, around where the battery is at03:13
steff12321LinSteveH: same thing happens03:14
ubuntu_suppose you asked someone a question about mcdonalds in genuine ignorance and they thought they could turn there noses up at you and ignore you because they ate mor eburgers...that is what is happening to me in this chat03:14
LinSteveHI need some help troubleshooting NFS mounting my NAS. It's been a while since I played with NFS, but I THINK that it is correct. I believe that NFS is running properly on the NAS, 'cause I can do showmount -e NAS and it shows the four FS mounts on the server. I created a place to mount on my client, and it is looking right and with owner/group as root. However when I do ...03:14
ubuntu_may someone answer my question...it was a yes or no question03:14
LinSteveH"sudo mount -o soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192 sunshine:/mnt/disk1 /sunshine" nothing happens and it times out.03:15
yeikubuntu_ i actually only see you being rude, there are lots of people, its hard to get everybody, and nobody may know what you are asking.03:15
needlezubuntu: I understand, and I have the same thing goin on myself, its not rudeness its just there aren't that many people that help it seems03:16
ubuntu_why don't they say that, if you think i am being rude i honest to God apologize...but it is hard to readi ignorance from the internet on both mine and your guys sides03:16
ali__Gnea : ok I found my model number it is Eee PC 1015PEM SeaShell03:16
Gneaali__: Good job!03:17
kylemmGnea: okay i restarted but i had to reinstall XCHAT cuz it got deleted03:17
yeikubuntu_: thanks. it is hard to read when there is a lot of activity on.03:17
yeikkylemm: on your usb, is it just the iso, or is it all the files? also what version? i apologize if you already explained that03:17
Gneakylemm: okay, is the /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf file still there?03:18
Gneaali__: one moment...03:18
kylemmGnea: how do i check if its still the same?03:18
Gneakylemm: see if it's still there.03:18
Gneakylemm: does it exist or not?03:18
kylemmGnea: what do u mean lol03:18
kylemmGnea: it was never on my desktop03:18
Gneakylemm: the file didn't exist before.03:18
Gneakylemm: you....03:18
SkaterHi I am running Dual GTX 295 Cards can anyone help with HDMI Video in ver 10.10 please?03:18
ali__Gnea : no problem take your time please03:18
kylemmGnea: do i type that in terminal?03:18
Gneakylemm: did you boot back into the LIVE USB?03:19
kylemmGnea: ya03:19
Gneakylemm: okay, open a terminal, type:  ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf03:19
kylemmGnea: ls: cannot access /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf: No such file or directory03:20
KM0201ali__: are you on ubuntu right now?... you need wireless help, right?03:20
LinSteveHsteff12321: Did that fix your problem?03:20
ali__Gnea : yes03:20
ElderDryasGnea: having watched kylemm being helped with this problem for several days now, I think yeik's question maybe at the root of why nothing works03:20
Logan_WPali__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10084379&postcount=603:20
ali__Km0201 : yes03:20
droidftwwhen i type su in the terminal it asks for a password but it wont let me type why is this03:20
KM0201ali__: have you figured out your wireless device?03:20
Logan_WPali__: that post shows instructions for how to install the wireless driver03:20
ubuntu_how do i change a protocol from wep to wpa03:20
GneaElderDryas: I'm inclined to agree.03:21
KM0201ubuntu_: you have to do that in your router.03:21
yeikkylemm: do you have access to another computer? with the iso for the distribution you want on your usb?03:21
kylemmyeik: i used usb downloader to download ALL the files on the USB. its 10.1003:21
ubuntu_open it up?03:21
uRockdroidftw, it is accepting the type, but it doesn't show anything for security reasons03:21
CressI've got a bit of an issue, With an ATI Radeon HD 545003:21
ali__Logan_wp : ok I will try on currently on my desktop ubuntu and i have no problem with wireless where i'm chatting you guys now only the problem is in my asus netbook so let me check thanks03:21
KM0201ubuntu_: no... you do it through your router management page..... google your router model #03:21
kylemmyeik: i only have this 1 comp and a xbox03:21
Gneaali__: did you say you can or cannot connect via wired interface to the internet on the eeepc?03:21
jubobahow can I return an attribute of a class by its name? example Class Movie has attribute title. So I want to have a function called get_attr($name) that returns $this->${$name};03:21
jubobaI don't know if you get it03:22
yeikkylemm: do you have windows installed on the hard drive?03:22
CressI've installed drivers, and on boot it gives me a black screen now, but I can still move my mouse, Sorry didn't mean to press enter.. Cards ATI Radeon HD 5450 (Keeping it neat, Not spamming)03:22
Logan_WPGnea: I found a forum post with repo/driver instructions03:22
ali__Gnea : I cannot access via wireless03:22
droidftwin terminal it wont let me type in password03:22
kylemmyeik: yes03:22
KM0201ali__: if you can boot ubuntu on the netbook, and tell us what the wireless device is, it'll probably be fairly easy to get working03:22
droidftwit only lets me push enter03:22
Gneakylemm: but you can access via wired?03:22
ubuntu_i wont do that yet03:22
Logan_WPdroidftw: <uRock> droidftw, it is accepting the type, but it doesn't show anything for security reasons03:22
Gneaali__: but you can access via wired?03:22
jubobaso I can do get_attr("title")03:22
kylemmGnea: hmm?03:22
jubobahow can I return an attribute of a class by its name? example Class Movie has attribute title. So I want to have a function called get_attr($name) that returns $this->${$name};03:22
Gneakylemm: wrong msg03:22
jubobaso I can do get_attr("title")03:22
uRockdroidftw, type your password, then hit enter, it will not show any characters while you type your password03:22
KM0201ubuntu_: ok.. what exactly is your problem03:22
ali__Gnea : I don't have wired, only wireless and how can I boot and tell you my wireless device ?03:22
Gneakylemm: and please listen to yeik, it seems like he's got a better idea of what your problem is :)03:22
yeikkylemm: good, the best tool i have seen for creating a live usb drive is at www.linuxliveusb.com, it is easy and straightforward. you could try that, make sure you set it to persistent03:23
Logan_WPjuboba: what are you talking about?03:23
Gneaali__: do you have a usb thumbdrive?03:23
jubobaLogan_WP: damn, thought I was in ##php03:23
Logan_WPjuboba: haha, no problem03:23
yeikGnea: i have a lot of experience with usb drives.03:23
ali__Gnea : you mean pendrive?03:23
kylemmyeik: so if its set to persistent then its actually INSTALLED like it would be on the hdd?03:23
KM0201thumbdrive, pendrive, same thing.03:23
Gneayeik: as do I, I'm also trying to solve a non-usb issue on my end here as well03:23
Gneaali__: yes03:24
yeikkylemm: sort of. all of your changes will stay, and you can save files. it creates a container that is loaded when you boot up.03:24
KM0201ubuntu_: what exactly are you trying to do?03:24
yeikGnea: i understand. my upgrade broke :(03:24
kylemmyeik: but only on the usb right?03:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:24
ali__Gnea : yes I have it is where I installed ubuntu netbook remix on via this USB pendrive03:24
yeikkylemm: yes only on the usb03:24
Gneayeik: I've got some massive dbus issues at the moment03:24
kylemmyeik: okay as long as nothing is saved in my HD03:24
itaylor57is back03:24
KM0201itaylor57: o/03:25
Gneaali__: okay, you ought to be able to insert the drive back in and create a folder on it03:25
yeikkylemm: nothing will be changed from linux, on your hard drive from that tool03:25
kylemmyeik: Gnea: let me get on windows and try it out03:25
Gneaali__: (on the eeepc)03:25
yeikkylemm: excellent, you can pm me if you have any issues or questions with it.03:25
ali__Gnea : ok and what should I put inside this folder?03:25
itaylor57KM0201: o/03:25
Gneaali__: you'll need to open a terminal and cd to the path of that folder03:26
virtusI have an issue runnin wxsand binaries. I have the libpng3 package, and i've ran updatedb: virtus@Cathedral:~/Downloads$ ./fsg-4.403:26
virtus./fsg-4.4: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:26
ElderDryasyeik: Bingo! Congrats. No one here over the past few days realised he was running off the .iso (it took us a day to realize he was running off a usb at all)03:26
emif i just tpe everything in here that sould give me more entryp03:26
Gneavirtus: do you have a /usr/lib/libpng.so.3 file?03:26
ali__Gnea : i know now what is my wireless device?03:26
ali__Gnea : i run in command 'lspci' and it shows that I have03:27
KM0201ali__: do you see the wireless device in the list?03:27
Gneaali__: good, now type it like this:  lspci > lspci.txt03:27
virtusGnea: Yes.03:27
ali__Gnea : ok wait03:27
yeikElderDryas: thanks, i wish i could get my iso to run that well off of a usb (my iso was about 1 gb containing 3 differen't os installers)03:27
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droidftwwhen it asks for a password in terminal it wont let me type, i can only push enter03:27
virtusdroidftw: The charectors are hidden.03:27
a_p3rson[yellme]droidftw: you are typing, the characters are hidden03:28
virtusIt may not look like it, but you ARE typin.03:28
Gneadroidftw: when you enter a password, you won't see anything, but it is being entereed03:28
uRockdroidftw, type the password and hit enter already03:28
Logan_WPvirtus: s/charectors/characters03:28
ner0xI'm looking for a mailer program, specifically just to send mail, not receive.03:28
ali__Gnea : I typed the command nothing shows up03:28
KM0201ali__: all that does is show your lspci in a text file, if you already have lspci in a terminal, just fine your wireless device in that list03:28
virtusLogan_WP: Indeed. I'm sorry, i'm tired.03:28
droidftwok thankyou03:28
ali__Gnea : ok03:28
ali__it is03:28
Gneaali__: good, then it worked. you just created a text file on the usb device that contains the output of the lspci command.03:28
a_p3rson[yellme]droidftw: to get a graphical interface, replace "sudo" with "gksudo" and "su" with "gksu"03:28
Gneaali__: now, take the usb drive and plug it into the pc you're typing on now.03:28
yeikok, now im trying to see if i can get some updates to work, maybe hoping that will fix my issue, sudp apt-get upgrade gives me dpkg errors. how can i fix issues with dpkg? dpkg --reconfigure -a doesn't do anything03:28
droidftwok thankyou03:28
Gneaali__: open the lspci.txt file and then copy & paste the contents to http://ubuntu.paste.com03:29
ali__Gnea : ok03:29
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:29
* uRock opens palm and inserts face03:29
Gneaali__: sorry, http://paste.ubuntu.com  lol03:29
virtusShould I just compile the source?03:29
GneauRock: :P03:29
rwwner0x: 'mail', in the bsd-mailx or heirloom-mailx packages03:30
ali__gnea : it is Ethernet controller03:30
ali__Gnea : there is this one called03:30
Gneaali__: did you get it copied and pasted to the pastebin site?03:30
mycosysif i asked really nicely would some1 make a metapackage for me?03:30
ali__Gnea : no I didn't but i think i know the wirless03:30
KM0201ali__: just tell us the wireless device.03:31
KM0201that's really all we need03:31
yeikmycosys: i doubt it. its not just as simple as asking for a metapackage.03:31
Gneaali__: would you please just open the file and put it all on the pastebin site?03:31
ali__Gnea : it is Broadcom Corportation BCM431303:31
Gneaali__: just.... copy and paste please.03:31
mycosysor a dummy package with nothing in it to jus provide a dep03:31
KM0201!broadcom | ali__ this site has intructions for offline installation03:31
ubottuali__ this site has intructions for offline installation: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:31
mycosyshave been struck down by a package name change03:31
virtusDo you guys have any ideas what I can do? I HAVE the libpng.so.3 file.03:32
mycosysall good and fine to use dpkg --ignore-depends - but it breaks package management03:32
ali__Gnea : oK i will copy and paste now03:33
yeikElderDryas: is it always this busy in here?03:33
KM0201ali__: if you're sure it's a broadcom4313, no real need to paste your entire lspci.03:33
virtusI have an issue runnin wxsand binaries. I have the libpng3 package, and i've ran updatedb: virtus@Cathedral:~/Downloads$ ./fsg-4.403:33
virtus./fsg-4.4: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:34
ner0xrww: What exactly is this type of mailer called? I remember it having a name.03:34
ElderDryaswell, I need my beauty sleep so I don't know about 03:00 (gmt-5) but usually03:34
ElderDryasyeik: well, I need my beauty sleep so I don't know about 03:00 (gmt-5) but usually03:34
rwwyeik: this is about average. peak time for #ubuntu is about six hours ago03:34
yeikElderDryas: nice. ok. I work in computer support, so i am good at knowing what people are doing with very little data, and being able to easily explain to them how to go about fixing it.03:34
alin`buna dimineata03:35
rwwner0x: Not sure. I think it's just an implementation of the POSIX 'mail' program03:35
ner0xrww: I'm almost positive they have a name. Maybe nullmailer.03:35
ElderDryasyeik: like I said, congrats.  I was just begining to wonder about the .iso thing, but you caight it right away03:35
ali__Gnea : I'm in pastein website I pasted the content in poster box what should I type? my name?03:36
yeikElderDryas: now if only i could get my system working.03:36
Gneaali__: sure, then submit03:36
sogi tried to upgrade my ubuntu 10.4 to 10.10 now everytime i load my  twinkle or ekiga  its always hanged after call.... pls help....03:36
a_p3rson[yellme]!it | alin`03:36
ubottualin`: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)03:36
ali__ok submitted03:36
ElderDryasyeik: belive it or not, this all started from a "I can't get Desktop Effects to work" :)03:36
yeikElderDryas: not like i need it though, i usually one have ssh to the box and have 3 other computers.03:36
ali__Gnea : ok I submitted03:36
Gneaali__: now copy and paste the URL here03:36
KM0201ali__: now paste the link03:36
Logan_WPa_p3rson[yellme]: sigh....03:36
Logan_WP!ro | alin`03:37
ubottualin`: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro03:37
yeikElderDryas: for you? or the issue from lymek?03:37
ali__gnea : http://paste.ubuntu.com/567197/03:37
alin`Logan_WP> senq03:37
a_p3rson[yellme]Logan_WP: Sorry, google said it was italian...03:37
KM02014313 it is.03:37
Gneaali__: very nice work :)03:37
KM0201!broadcom | ali__ follow the instructions for offline installation of the STA driver03:37
ubottuali__ follow the instructions for offline installation of the STA driver: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:37
alin`a_p3rson[yellme]> :)) it is a latin language to03:37
a_p3rson[yellme]alin`: thought romanian was Cyrillic based...hm03:38
yeikGnea, KM0201, ali__: you are all on the same page now. KM0201 brought up some good information.03:38
trollgod2uh ohes03:38
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grendal_primehey guys...I got this cron job that runs every min.  It moves files basically. if it gets a big one though and cron starts again it trys to copy it twice.03:38
ElderDryasyeik: the <kylemm> issue03:38
Gneayeik: indeed.03:38
trollgod2is there a default package for ubuntu-server .. like a package that has all the default packages for server?03:38
trollgod2er 2x same thought :P03:38
KM0201yeik: i always knew what page i as on... :).. while what gnea said worked, i thought it wa a long ass way to go about it, considering ali__  figured out his wireless device a few minutes ago03:39
grendal_primehas anyone had any luck with running cron with a lock file?03:39
Disturbed1'lo all.03:39
cdrIs there a way in Ubuntu to get similiar functionality to the "Restore previous folders on startup" feature in Windows?03:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:39
yeikElderDryas: ahh ok, and yeah, i am bad with names... i can remember a computer and an issue like it was written down on my hand, but names really don't work for me.03:39
alin`a_p3rson[yellme]> it is, but not totally03:39
virtusI have an issue installing lamp =/03:39
cdrI hate losing all my open folders when I reboot.03:40
yeikcdr: i believe that is probably more of a feature in gnome, or your favorite x-manager. I know that xfce has an option to open your programs up when you reboot.03:40
ElderDryasyeik: your systems sound like me 15 years ago...now I'm down to one laptop and leave the multiple systems to my daughter03:40
cdryeik: Yeah, gnome.03:40
ElderDryasbut I'm getting ot :(03:40
cdrI can't find any way to do it in Gnome, though03:40
yeikElderDryas: i use it more like a server, then i have two computers, one for my living room (laptop was taken over by my gf) and my desktop in the other room.03:41
FrankBroWhat would be the best remedy for a notification area removing/doubling icons between boots03:41
ali__Gnea : thank you03:41
David664 does anyone know if external video cards work good for games?03:41
a_p3rson[yellme]cdr: try hibernation?03:41
alin`knows anyone how to port a source code from windows to linux??/03:41
a_p3rson[yellme]David664: no, absolutly03:41
Gneaali__: any luck yet?03:42
cdra_p: not an option03:42
cdrthanks though03:42
ali__Km0201 : thank you too i'm trying now to install it in offline mode03:42
yeikcdr: what gnome version?03:42
a_p3rson[yellme]alin`: thats a vague question, if you are trying to run a windows program on linux, either look for a linux port or try a windows emulator.03:42
ali__Gnea : not yet but still trying thank you anyway03:42
Gneaali__: awesome03:42
KM0201ali__: it's pretty easy... if you're on a live usb/cd... just follow the instructions to modprobe the driver, and it should work... i've had pretty good success w/ the STA and the 431303:42
David664no, absolutly? is that yes or no? lol03:42
cdryeik: whatever's current on 10.10, 2.32.003:42
alin`a_p3rson[yellme]> i have source code make with visual studio, but i can't compile it in linux :(03:43
ali__Km0201 : you mean the USB which I installed the ubuntu netbook booted in?03:43
yeikcdr: im not that great with gnome, but i found this http://blogs.sun.com/mattman/entry/gnome_2_24_session_save103:43
a_p3rson[yellme]alin`: hmm not sure if you can...03:43
ali__Km0201:  how can i do that? cuz i'm blur now seriously03:44
surialWhere should I be looking for documentation on properly starting my own services?03:44
suriali.e. apps I write myself.03:44
alin`a_p3rson[yellme]> why not?03:44
a_p3rson[yellme]cdr: if you are using ubuntu, just select hibernate on the menu03:44
KM0201ali__: are you following the instructions for "no internet access/STA driver"?03:44
a_p3rson[yellme]alin`: visual studio i don't think will work on linux, but im not sure...03:44
yeikali__: it actually sounds like you installed onto the hard drive from the usb, because netbooks don't have cd drives. do you require the usb to boot/is that how you boot?03:44
grendal_primevisual studio blow03:44
yeikalin`: why do you want visual studios in linux?03:45
ali__Km0201 : I'm reading it now03:45
cdra_p: this is a dual boot machine, I doubt hibernate works03:45
grendal_primelook at gambus03:45
KM0201ali__: are you on a live USB, or did you actually install ubuntu on this netbook03:45
alin`a_p3rson[yellme]> I know it is not working in linux VS, but why not work sa source code??03:45
a_p3rson[yellme]alin`: again, im not sure, im not a visual studio guy03:46
alin`yeik> I don't want VS in linux, I want only the source code03:46
kylemmOkay im done03:46
yeikalin`: most code in visual studio (any type) usually uses windows libraries, as that is what the target os usually is. i would contact the person that has the source code and ask them if they can help you03:46
alin`a_p3rson[yellme]> :)K I keep looking03:47
kylemmyeik: im done :D03:47
yeikkylemm: wb, how did that go?03:47
kylemmyeik: it is now 710MB persistant03:47
yeikkylemm: are you booted to that now?03:47
kylemmyeik: ya03:47
alin`yeik> in C++ are not the same libs??03:48
yeikkylemm: ok, so now you should be able to make any changes, add a file to the desktop, and reboot.03:48
kylemmwhere did that guy go lol03:48
kylemmyeik: thanks03:48
yeikalin`: No, there is a lot of different libs, some even implement things like boost, there are differences for things like time() threads() etc, as the underlying os is different.03:48
ali__Km0201: no i'm on my desktop ubuntu it has no problem the problem is in my netbook ubuntu03:48
ali__I am following the instructions now but I feel i'm confused03:49
KM0201ali__:  where are you confused?03:49
alin`yeik> :(03:49
yeikalin`: There is lots of source code that can be compiled in both linux and windows, but usually for any decent sized project it has to be configured03:49
kylemmCan somebody help me blacklist nouveau03:49
ali__I seem i cannot install it03:49
alin`the it is any program to convert from C++ in Java??03:49
ali__by offline mode03:49
yeikkylemm: you're welcome.03:49
ElderDryaskylemm: now you should NOT have to jump thru all the hoops of the past few days, adding the recommened NVIDIA driver should work03:50
kylemmElderDryas: really?03:50
alin`yeik> I try a very small one...it is dosen't work to compile in linux03:50
ElderDryasyes...we did not realize that you were using the .iso :(03:50
ElderDryaskylemm: yes...we did not realize that you were using the .iso :(03:50
* ElderDryas getting tired03:50
kylemmi was told i need to blacklist nouveau03:51
yeikalin': if it was set up for visual studio it might not. but if you have a small .c file that just is main(){prinft("hello world");} then it will compile no matter what.03:51
* a_p3rson[yellme] realised this is there...03:51
cdryeik: thanks, that at least got me the right keywords to search03:51
yeikalin`: you should contact maintainers of the code, and ask them for help, or go to a C++/C room and ask for help compiling the code.03:52
safire_what's ubuntu's wgetpaste alternative?03:52
alin`yeik> "Hello World" it is the simplest program03:52
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ElderDryaskylemm: I don't think you have the nouveau driver install now...just try the NVIDIA driver03:52
=== onekenthomas is now known as kthomas
yeikcdr: you're welcome. hopefully you can find it.03:52
VampistHey I was having a quick chat with one of my college profs. Hey suggested sudo -s instead of sudo su. Can anyone tell me the differences between the two?03:52
gp5st2i installed the mscore fontss package, but this air app can't seem to see webdings.  this is a headless box with a minimal X install. what can i do to see if it's installed? or how could install just webdings if i had the ttf?03:52
yeikalin': yes, but visual studio creates packages and adds includes automatically, to make things easier for developers. without knowing the source code i am more inclined to say it wont work03:53
yeikalin`: even if it all works in linux, you have to manually compile it, using gcc, and link each file and library that is needed.03:53
=== kthomas is now known as onekenthomas
VampistDoes anyone know the difference between Sudo su and Sudo -s off hand?03:54
alin`yeik> I compare two source code, one of windows and one of linux, are the same, but still don't work03:54
gp5st2Vampist: sudo - tuns everything from stdin sudo su gives you a shell, if i recall03:55
yeikVampist: sudo su actually does su as root, su changes the user thats logged in. i don't know what sudo -s does.03:55
hanasakiD-Link DGE-530T    which driver does this need and does it come with ubuntu?03:56
VampistSudo -s is basically as if you called sudo before every command after that until "exit". (logs you in as root)03:56
yeikalin`: do you have a link or can you paste something that i can look at to have an idea of what you are working with?03:56
a_p3rson[yellme]Vampist: sudo -s appears to have to do with the input of the password03:56
voxhow in the hell do you successfully enter single-user-mode in 10.10? i'm trying to unmount / but the stupid recovery console is screwing it up03:56
VampistI have always done sudo su. But he suggested sudo -s03:56
gp5st2Vampist: sorry, i missed the -s and just aread a -03:56
yeikVampist: then i would say sudo -s would probably also time out and ask for a password later, but sudo su will always be as root, so if you leave or someone else tries to mess with it, then they will not be able to.03:57
alin`yeik> ok for an example a simplest program who make makefile from sln03:57
alin`yeik> http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cross-platform/sln2mak.aspx03:58
yeikalin`: sln is a solution file for visual studio, im not away of any tools to compile sln in linux03:58
Vampistyeik: That is interesting, didn't think of that aspect.03:58
droidftwcan ubuntu play .mov files03:58
=== slug_ is now known as slug
alin`yeik> sln is incorporate all the tree source03:58
intokWhere can I get a PPC build of LXSplit?03:58
gp5st2droidftw: should be able to. if the default media player can't, try vlc03:58
droidftwgp5st2: thankyou03:58
emfor some reason nautilus has lost its theming03:59
emall the folders are just white now03:59
emhow do i get that back to normal03:59
VxQeem: tried restarting nautilus?03:59
VxQejust nautilus -q in terminal.03:59
yeikalin`: i know what sln is, it is called a "solution" file, it gives visual studio its structures, includes, files, etc, with that link you sent, it might be possible to convert the sln to a makefile. But i don't think the actual source code will compile.03:59
jon_athonwhy does my proc speed show 530 mhz?04:00
emVxQe: ahh thanks, that did it. I wonder why that would happen.04:00
yeikVampist: Most things like that are for security reasons. it makes the most sense.04:00
GneaOkay, making a wee bit of headway with my problem.... basically I'm trying to get dbus to work on Ubuntu Server 10.04 amd64 (can't use Ubuntu Desktop because same thing happens and can't even get to the prompt to fix it during install phase) and during the pre-script, it attempts to run "dbus-uuidgen --ensure" and by default, /var/lib/dbus/machine-id comes up empty, so it fails. if I issue a "dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id" and then issue a "service 04:00
Gneadid I just get cut off?04:00
VxQeem: It's happened to me before when I installed orta04:00
alin`yeik> uoff, sln have #include "stdafx"04:00
VxQebut it only happened once after I rebooted and never came back. :/04:00
Vampistyeik, yeah it makes sense. Thanks.04:00
emyeah i rebooted too04:00
qebabGnea: you cut off at "service04:01
embut nautilus -q fixed it04:01
Gneaif I issue a "dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id"  and then issue a "service dbus start", it finds it and tries to start, but snowballs into a fully-locked kernel  panic. What should I try next?04:01
uRockForgot to mention that I love my Ubuntu!04:01
Gneaqebab: that one?04:01
qebabGnea: that should be the rest yeah. Unfortunately, I have no idea on how to solve your problem. :(04:01
Gneaqebab: alright :(04:01
voxhow in the hell do you successfully enter single-user-mode in 10.10? i'm trying to unmount / but the stupid recovery console is screwing it up04:01
Gnea!language | vox04:02
ubottuvox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:02
uRockvox, sudo reboot04:02
jon_athonwhy does my proc speed show 530 mhz? http://imagebin.org/13802204:02
kylemmOkay i activated my driver and restarted computer, but it still says its not in use04:02
Gneavox: second, bring up the menu at boottime by pressing the shift key just after post04:02
yeikalin`: stdafx is a windows thing, wont compile in linux without knowing what it is and changing it.04:02
Gneajon_athon: power saving04:03
jon_athonGnea, I'm plugged in04:03
androidbruceanyone have any advice on how to mount a NAS so that it mounts on boot in /etc/fstab?04:03
uRock jon_athon it throttles04:03
Gneajon_athon: the system is designed to throttle the cpu down when it's not being used for anything intensive04:03
VxQeWill still downclock cpu if it's not being used.04:03
VxQeDon't worry about it.04:03
kylemmGnea: yeik: i got it to make it save. But it still says driver not in use....04:03
bastidrazorjon_athon: cpufrequtils will allow more flexibility in controling it.04:03
alin`yeik> ok, I would try to compile without that library04:03
jon_athonGnea, so why does my fan still run all the time?04:03
bastidrazorjon_athon: cpufreq-info cpufreq-set are the two commands you may want..04:03
uRock jon_athon check it again while ripping two DVDs at the same time while playing a game on Facebook04:04
DpinkyandDbrainok so i have a graphics card that is not nvidia and one that is04:04
VxQeFan is usually managed by the motherboard.04:04
Gneajon_athon: bad ventilation? bad fan?04:04
DpinkyandDbrainbut the one that is not nvidia gives better output04:04
Jordan_Uvox: If you're trying to run fsck then then run "sudo shutdown -F -r now" to reboot and force an fsck.04:04
jon_athonuRock, it would have a heart attack04:04
yeikkylemm: i am not that great with drivers in linux, like nvidia drivers. Did it say activated before you rebooted?04:04
jon_athonuRock, it's 7 years old04:04
kylemmyeik: yes04:04
jon_athonGnea, nah, it didn't do this with windows04:04
kylemmyeik: it said activated but not in use, and it still says that04:04
DpinkyandDbrainis there a way to just use one of the graphic cards for cuda and the other one for out put04:04
voxJordan_U: neg, need to image / onto another disk04:04
jon_athonGnea, it's actually blowing cold air outta the fan vent04:04
Gneajon_athon: so check the fan speeds04:04
uRock I was exaggerating a way to get it to show the full throttled CPU Hz04:04
voxGnea: done that04:05
Gneajon_athon: install and setup lm-sensors04:05
uRockcomputertemp is another good package for monitoring temps in one of your panels04:05
Gneavox: okay, then select the recovery mode04:05
accelwhat's a good linux compatible scanner? all the ones listed at http://usalug.com/phpBB3//viewtopic.php?t=8406 seem old-ish04:05
Gnea!sane | accel04:06
ubottuaccel: Scanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR04:06
voxGnea: done04:06
jon_athonGnea, hmm, it's already in, I must have not been able to figure it out. I'll have to look at it again04:06
Jordan_Uvox: That's easiest done with a LiveCD, but you can also remount / read only. It's going to be difficult to image without / mounted as I don't think dd exists in the standard initrd.04:06
uRock accel anything HP04:06
uRock My scanjet was plug n play04:06
Gneajon_athon: okay, should be able to check using the sensors command04:06
yeikkylemm: Like i said, i am not sure. I haven't messed with changing to proprietary drives in a while.04:07
jon_athontemp1:       +45.0°C  (crit = +100.0°C)04:07
voxJordan_U: i've done it before years ago. running a live cd on this system isnt overly easy at this point04:07
voxGnea: i have a menu04:07
Gneajon_athon: check RPM04:07
kylemmGnea: now that things save should i do that rdblock nouveau?04:07
Gneakylemm: yeah04:08
kylemmGnea: can i get the terminal code04:08
kylemmGnea: plox04:08
jon_athonGnea, I don't see a commnd option for rpm04:08
DpinkyandDbrainhey can anyone answer some questions about graphic cards?04:08
Gneajon_athon: no, it should say how many RPMs the fan is spinning04:08
soreaukylemm: Did you figure it out?04:08
kylemmsoreau: well my stuff now saves04:09
Gnea!ask | DpinkyandDbrain04:09
ubottuDpinkyandDbrain: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:09
jon_athonGnea, nope04:09
Gneajon_athon: weird04:09
soreaukylemm: That's good at least..04:09
jon_athonGnea, yup04:09
Gneavox: yeah, make the selection by hitting enter04:09
voxGnea: done that, am in root shell04:09
kylemmsoreau: some1 told me to blacklist nouveau a diff way in terminal04:10
Gneavox: okay04:10
DpinkyandDbrainI have two graphic cards one is nvidia and one is not, the one that is not nvidia gives a better out put is it possible to just use the nvidia for cuda04:10
DpinkyandDbrainto basically use it as more computing power04:10
Gneakylemm: you could also just remove it altogether04:10
voxGnea: now how i mount / as read-only?04:10
GneaDpinkyandDbrain: what's the other video card?04:10
kylemmGnea: well id rather just blacklist it04:11
Gneavox: sudo mount -n -o remount,ro /04:11
voxGnea: mount: / is busy04:11
Gneakylemm: that's fine, just:  sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/nouveau.conf04:11
clu3hi, if i exec a command in bash shell script, how do i get its pid? Thanks04:11
Gneavox: okay, reboot and go back to the menu04:11
yeiki use to love nano, now i hate it and love vim :P04:12
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »04:12
Gneavox: instead of going to the recovery console, 'e'dit the first item, go to the end of the kernel line, remove 'quiet splash' and input 'init=/bin/sh' and then press ctrl-x04:12
soreaukylemm: If you have things saving, that is similar to having ubuntu installed.04:12
kylemmsoreau: ya its like installed on usb but its saving04:12
zirconiumksanybody knows how to revert to orginal touchpad drivers04:12
DpinkyandDbrainGnea sorry i dont remember04:13
Gneavox: it will boot up and suddenly everything will go blank - when it's blank, you have a shell prompt and / is read-only04:13
soreaukylemm: Good, now did you blacklist nouveau?04:13
DpinkyandDbrainits not in my possession yet04:13
GneaDpinkyandDbrain: as long as it's not an ATI, it will work04:13
zirconiumksi tried installing the multitouch drivers on my hpdv6t but they are no good, so i need to revert back to the original ones, but i cant find how04:13
voxGnea: win and awesome04:13
GneaDpinkyandDbrain: if it's an ATI, the Nvidia will have a better output.04:13
Dan__Hell i have a good ? I am on the net using my laptop and i would like to hook up a eithernet cable from laptop to another pc! What i am tring to accomplish is to leach the internet from lap top to the other pc using eithernet cable04:13
Gneavox: cheers04:14
voxGnea: mount says / is mount rw04:14
Dan__is it possible?04:14
kylemmsoreau: not yet i might not have to04:14
kylemmsoreau: lemme restart comp and find out04:14
Gneavox: heh, try to touch a non-existant file in /04:14
Gneavox: you're reading stale data from when / was mounted rw04:14
voxGnea: touche` :)04:14
DpinkyandDbrainthere not the same card tho04:15
DpinkyandDbrainones a gt 24004:15
marekwebhi, I just ran the startup disk creator on a usb drive, and it's been creating the persistence file for a longwhile now, it's stuck at 100% with only a cancel button, should I keep waiting?04:15
yeiksoreau: kylemm got set up with a persistent live usb drive now.04:15
DpinkyandDbrainwhich is the nvidia and the other is much much higher04:15
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python04:15
soreauyeik: Ah ok, I don't know how that works04:15
needlez can someone help me solve this problem with wpa_supplicant?? http://pastie.org/156505304:15
soreauneedlez: Run it with sudo04:16
yeiksoreau: it is like a nromal live cd, but also creates a container that loads your user data on boot. its really neat, and there is an easy tool in windows to create one.04:16
soreauyeik: Awesome but can you tell it to become persistent through the live session itself?04:16
yeikso i am having issues with xorg, and now with upgrading packages, i am getting dpkg errors,04:16
GneaOkay, making a wee bit of headway with my problem.... basically I'm trying to get dbus to work on Ubuntu Server 10.04 amd64 (can't use Ubuntu Desktop because same thing happens and can't even get to the prompt to fix it during install phase) and during the pre-script, it attempts to run "dbus-uuidgen --ensure" and by default, /var/lib/dbus/machine-id comes up empty, so it fails.04:16
needlezsoreau: thats point less im already root04:16
yowshigrrr usb-devices sees my blackberry but i cant figure out how to get it to mount04:17
yeiksoreau: i am not sure, you probably could if you knew what you were doing, and the usb drive isn't just booting the .iso04:17
soreauneedlez: Try it as your normal user with sudo04:17
needlezsoreau: I have I get similar error, except I get permission denied for the device04:17
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?04:17
Gneaif I issue a "dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id"  and then issue a "service dbus start", it finds it and tries to start, but snowballs into a fully-locked kernel  panic. What should I try next? Panic info: http://i.imgur.com/oLmO6.jpg04:17
soreauyeik: I was meaning more of a 1 to 3 click solution for newbs ;)04:18
yeiksoreau: yeah, in the usb drive itself no. but it would be a good thing to work on. Although this tool for windows is nice, it can put a portable copy of virtualbox on the usb drive and in most operating systems boot the usb in a virtual machine.04:19
soreauyeik: cool stuff04:19
zirconiumkscan anyone point to working multitouch drivers to hp dv6t ?04:20
yeikI have a problem logging in, every time i try and login (the gui pops up and i can click login, change session type) it appears to crash the xorg system, i see the black screen with text from session that you see when you go to alt f7, i had the last LTS and i decided to upgrade to the newest update, ran the update to new release from update manager, and there were some times when it said failed04:20
trollboyso what's a good wireless dongle that works out of the box w/ ubuntu?04:20
trollboyI've got 2 here that suck :-/04:20
yeikand said i should run dpkg --configure -a and i did. but my main issue is that no matter what session i choose xorg seems to crash then restart itself when i try and login to the x-session04:20
kisukeany one able to help me with some x11 forwarding?04:20
yeiksoreau: yeah, its almost as cool as my master usb drive. can do everything with it.04:21
g_0_0kisuke, what are you trying to do?04:21
Gneayeik: have you tried:  sudo apt-get -f install  ?04:21
needlezsoreau: this is what I get with running as regular user with sudo, http://pastie.org/156522904:21
kisukeg_0_0: tring to run update-manager on a somewhat headless mavhine04:22
ChogyDanGnea: hi!04:22
yeikGnea: sake dpkg errors, says dpkg: error processing binutils-mltiarch, dpkt-divert ... clashes with diversions of /usr/bin...04:22
GneaChogyDan: dude, I moved like, 1/8 of an inch lol04:22
Gneayeik: ^.o04:22
needlezso anyone got any ideas??04:22
Gneayeik: okay, do you get the same errors from sudo dpkg --configure -a ?04:22
yeikGnea: i am not familiar with that one.04:23
[Kai]PrototypeAnyone know if there is any repo with gtk3 in it?04:23
GneaChogyDan: I will repost.....04:23
soreauneedlez: You need to make sure the card you're trying to connect with supports the specific encryption type you're using on the AP04:23
ChogyDanGnea: well I remember you had kernel issues04:23
Gneayeik: try it, see if it fixes anything04:23
yeikGnea: i ran it, said it ran find, now it does nothing when i type that04:23
GneaChogyDan: well, I did get that latest ppa kernel installed, but having the same problem04:23
Slayerhow to upload files through transmission04:23
g_0_0kisuke, type in terminal - ssh -X username@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - then - type  - update-manager &04:23
needlezsoreau: how would I check that?? and it connects fine normally, I just wanna use wpa_supplicant so I don't have to keep re entering the password04:24
yeikGnea: i was running a distribution upgrade... knew i have should avoided doing it when i wasn't here to monitor it the whole time.04:24
Gneayeik: ouch...04:24
yeikg_0_0: if you close the x session will that stop the updates and cause issues?04:24
yeikGnea: yeah.04:24
soreauneedlez: Ah, in that case you need to kill NetworkManager04:24
Gneayeik: I'm really not sure :( guess I'd start backing stuff up and just install 10.10 from the get-go04:24
soreauneedlez: or service network-manager stop04:25
g_0_0yeik, not sure why he wants to do it but he doesn't need to close it04:25
GneaChogyDan: ok here we go...04:25
Gneabasically I'm trying to get dbus to work on Ubuntu Server 10.04 amd64 (can't use Ubuntu Desktop because same thing happens and can't even get to the prompt to fix it during install phase) and during the pre-script, it attempts to run "dbus-uuidgen --ensure" and by default, /var/lib/dbus/machine-id comes up empty, so it fails.04:25
kisukeg_0_0: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/567204/04:25
Gneaif I issue a "dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id"  and then issue a "service dbus start", it finds it and tries to start, but snowballs into a fully-locked kernel  panic. What should I try next? Panic info: http://i.imgur.com/oLmO6.jpg04:25
yeikGnea: could do that. except i would use xubuntu, and probably want to do a few things first. luckily this isn't the one with my web server.04:25
g_0_0kisuke, ah you're using putty04:25
Gneayeik: heh, I was going to say, if it was a production server I don't think you'd be helping others out in the meantime lol04:26
kisukeg_0_0: i had x11 forwarding working the other day04:26
yeikGnea: if it was a production server, i wouldn't have updated from lts to 10.1004:26
yeikor 10.0404:26
Gneayeik: indeed04:26
g_0_0kisuke, you would be better just connecting with ssh04:27
yeikGnea: i wonder if i can start a remote x session.04:27
kisukeg_0_0: how do you prepose i do that?04:27
Gneayeik: not sure how that would help the situation.... could compound the problems04:27
g_0_0kisuke, then in the terminal - type - sudo apt-get update - then sudo apt-get upgrade04:27
ChogyDanGnea: I really don't know.  I would try a clean 10.10, and then maybe go straight to natty and post a bug report.  You should get better help on launchpad04:27
yeikGnea: i was thinking maybe if it works i know its not necessarily an issue with gnome-session?04:28
=== zz_q_a_z_steve is now known as q_a_z_steve
g_0_0kisuke, use putty enter hostname/ip address04:28
kylemmyeik: u know how to run ccsm?04:28
needlezsoreau: tried same errors as before04:28
g_0_0kisuke, then when prompted enter username password04:28
kisukeg_0_0: my terminal machine is winblows, and yes i do know that my x11 forwarding is working, i was using it about 12 hours ago04:28
=== hendaus is now known as wolf23
yeikkylemm: nope, why do you ask?04:28
kylemmyeik: just asking04:28
kylemmsoreau: u know how to run ccsm?04:28
g_0_0kisuke, no need for x-forwarding04:29
kisukeg_0_0: and im sshed into it now, thats what the paste was from04:29
alex__can somebody help me with fixing  my boot loader?04:29
DailyWalk365Holy Cow...I haven't used a chat program since the early 90's.  '94 I think it was.  Windows 3 days.04:29
yeikkylemm: the compis config setting manager?04:29
g_0_0kisuke, if your in now type - sudo apt-get update04:29
kisukeg_0_0: there is for a dist-upgrade04:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:29
kisukeg_0_0: did that right before i jumped on IRC04:29
GneaChogyDan: well I"m determined to do it with 10.04 for the meantime04:29
alex__i need help fixing my boot loader04:29
yeikkylemm: congrats!04:29
Logan_WP!caps | kylemm04:29
ubottukylemm: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:29
g_0_0then - sudo apt-get upgrade04:29
Jordan_U!details | alex__04:30
ubottualex__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."04:30
needlezsoreau: tried but no joy, same errors as before04:30
g_0_0kisuke, sudo apt-get upgrade04:30
GneaChogyDan: if I can get the system to behave, then I will try burning 10.10 and give that a go soon04:30
alex__whenever i boot up, it shows the microsoft boot loader and then grub04:30
alex__is there any way to disable the microsoft boot loader?04:30
yeikGnea: very interestingly the x session opened right up04:31
Jordan_Ualex__: I assume you installed Ubuntu within Windows?04:31
kisukeg_0_0: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/567205/ so we dont keep on playing "try x" "alrady done it" heres my current session04:31
GneaChogyDan: and found this, it seems to explain things a bit: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/+bug/60485404:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 604854 in dbus (Ubuntu) "dbus is not started by upstart when the machine-id file is empty" [Undecided,New]04:31
Gneayeik: interesting04:31
alex__Jordan_U: yes04:31
soreauneedlez: Not real sure then.. make sure no other instances of wpa_supplicant are running and kill avahi-daemon and dhclient if they're running too04:31
kylemmGnea: yeik: soreau: got effects working! :D04:32
uRock!troll > kylemm04:32
alex__Jordan_U: if i reinstall ubuntu using livecd will the microsoft boot loader go away?04:32
Jordan_Ualex__: This might not be the most convienient answer, but I recommend removing the Wubi install and installing Ubuntu normally, by booting from a LiveCD/USB.04:32
g_0_0kisuke you can do  - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade - where is this machine have you physical access to it? it's not the other end of the planet is it?04:32
Gneakylemm: awesome04:32
GneauRock: dude, why did you do that?04:32
alex__Jordan_U: k thanks. that's all i needed :)04:32
ElderDryaskylemm: even after a reboot?04:32
Jordan_Ualex__: You're welcome.04:32
kisukeright ext to me, its only imput atm is a media center remote.04:32
GneauRock: seriously, that's uncalled for.04:33
kylemmElderDryas: i just had to reboot04:33
yeikGnea: this is weird. i had vnc set up to turn on when i logged in, starting the remote x session enable vnc, and connected me to the same session i have on the box i ran the gnome-session with04:33
wolf23can anyone help me plz04:33
kisukeg_0_0: i wish the ubuntu upgrade page would tell you that...04:33
Logan_WP!ask | wolf2304:33
ubottuwolf23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:33
rww. !troll no longer exists, for reasons that are relevant right now.04:33
g_0_0kisuke, you can physically access this machine if something goes wrong ?04:33
Gnea!pm | uRock04:33
ubottuuRock: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:33
ElderDryaskylemm: congrats! ( Gnea & yeik too )04:33
kisukeg_0_0: yes04:33
soreaukylemm: I told you it's easy after you install it.. now install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compizconfig-settings-manager and simple-ccsm then set Custom in gnome-appearance-properties>Visual Effects04:34
g_0_0kisuke, ok fine04:34
uRockGnea, don't fucking call me out if you don't want to talk about it04:34
a_p3rson[yellme]!language | uRock04:34
kisukeg_0_0: so just apt-get dist-upgrade?04:34
ubottuuRock: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:34
g_0_0kisuke, you've done updates yeah?04:34
kisukeg_0_0: yes04:34
g_0_0kisuke, if so yeah go ahead04:34
GneauRock: please do not ever speak to me in that tone again.04:34
yeikElderDryas: congrats for?04:34
wolf23Logan_WP,  thanx, but i do format for my friend, and i cant found the drivers,i have the names of the drivers can u help me04:34
kisukeg_0_0: thanks much04:34
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:35
g_0_0kisuke, you're welcome04:35
ElderDryaskylemm's .iso problem04:35
a_p3rson[yellme]kisuke: to upgrade, in a terminal run      sudo update-manager -c04:35
kf7nnzMaverick Meerkat. I want to add a folder (scripts) in my home folder to the PATH environment variable. I can do it from a terminal but it is only active for that term. How do I make it "global" for GNOME and any new terms I open?04:35
droidftwubottu are you a person?04:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:35
uRockGnea, you missed what I was talking about, so don't bother replying about it04:35
kylemmThere isnt many things04:35
a_p3rson[yellme]droidftw: well there's your answer04:35
bastidrazorkf7nnz: add to your .bashrc04:35
Gnea!ops | uRock harrassing via uninvited PM04:36
yeikElderDryas: ahh ok.04:36
ubottuuRock harrassing via uninvited PM: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:36
droidftwi guess04:36
gpcuRock and Gnea Please both of you stop now.04:36
kisukea_p3rson[yellme]: requires x11 forwarding im my case, and that broke sometime in the last 12 hours04:36
droidftwhe seems intelligent04:36
a_p3rson[yellme]ahh i see04:36
GneauRock: welcome to /ignore04:36
a_p3rson[yellme]!ubottu | droidftw04:36
ubottudroidftw: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:36
yeikElderDryas: if you get a lot of people asking about live cd's it might be work keeping that link i gave kylemm handy.04:36
yeikerr i mean live usb04:36
a_p3rson[yellme]droidftw: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi here04:36
kf7nnzbastidrazor: I'll try that. BRB04:36
a_p3rson[yellme]droidftw: thats how he works04:36
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)04:37
ElderDryasyeik: missed it (and small buffer)...can you resend?04:37
=== Thomas___ is now known as Ripp____
Logan_WP!bot abuse | rww04:37
ubotturww: Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot04:37
Logan_WPoh wait, you're an op :P04:37
yeikElderDryas: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/04:37
=== Ripp____ is now known as Ripp
kylemmThere is only a few effects lol04:37
rwwLogan_WP: and, more relevantly, that was a reply to someone saying "he" in reference to her ;)04:37
macoLogan_WP: and he wasnt botabusing, he was responding to someone calling ubottu a he :P04:37
a_p3rson[yellme]rww: ubottu doesn't seem all that female...04:38
uRockLogan_WP, are you a mod here?04:38
=== Ripp is now known as Ripp__
macouRock: no, Logan_WP's not04:38
Logan_WP!pm | wolf2304:38
ubottuwolf23: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:38
rwwa_p3rson[yellme]: gender roles are overrated ;P04:38
uRockthanks maco04:38
kreppnarhey all, i have a quick question.. everytime i plug in my USB drive, it automaticly gets mounted as read only? how can i fix this?04:39
wolf23Logan_WP,  i have a text file that shows the drivers for my pc friend04:39
yeikdpkg: error processing binutils-multiarch (--remove):04:39
uRockbeing that the other guy put me on ignore, I'll drop it04:39
kf7nnzbastidrazor: there is no PATH setting in .bashrc currently. I'm assuming it is set somewhere else first?04:39
yeikPackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should04:39
yeikreinstall it before attempting a removal.04:39
yeikany idea on how to attempt that?04:39
needlezsoreau: still doesn't work, even with killing avahi-daemon, wpa_supplicant, & network-manager... says something about ioctl[SIOCSIWAP]: Operation not permitted04:39
a_p3rson[yellme]kreppnar: is it in a format that ubuntu cant read?04:39
bastidrazorkf7nnz: .profile there is a preset for ~/bin if ~/bin exists.04:40
a_p3rson[yellme]or is it set as encrypted from windows, like in U3?04:40
kreppnarit was originally formated with ubuntu, and then files were copied to it from ubuntu04:40
kreppnarso no04:40
droidftwubottu is amaing04:40
a_p3rson[yellme]you may not have permission, try in terminal         gksu nautilus04:40
droidftwits incredible what it does04:40
kf7nnzbastidrazor: I see! So if I rename my "scripts" folder to "bin" then it will be in the PATH, correct?04:41
a_p3rson[yellme]kreppnar: if it turns out that the device doesn't give you permission, you can use    gksu nautilus    to go in as root and reset the permissions04:41
bastidrazorkf7nnz: yes, you will need to source ~/.profile or start a new terminal session.04:41
kreppnarnow if i right click on the drive in the file manager.. i dont have the option to format04:41
kf7nnzbastidrazor: Will it also be in the PATH for the graphical environemnt?04:42
a_p3rson[yellme]kreppnar: in terminal:         gksu nautilus04:42
bastidrazorkf7nnz: or, you can change that line in .profile to 'scripts' instead of 'bin'04:42
kreppnaryeah i did that04:42
kreppnartried to remove the files04:42
kreppnarbut no luck04:42
kreppnarand this is with more than one thumb drive04:42
a_p3rson[yellme]ooh more than one?04:42
kreppnaralways mounting as read-only04:42
a_p3rson[yellme]now THATs a problem...04:42
KGBWolfi just installed ubuntu 10.04LTS Server am at the terminal prompt. Need to install a windows manager KDE preferably how can i get this done?04:42
GneaChogyDan: well, I've got a mostly working system now if I issue a dbus-daemon --system --fork  on its own04:43
a_p3rson[yellme]sounds like a problem with usb from ubuntu04:43
ChogyDanGnea: what about /var/lib/dbus/machine-id?04:43
GneaKGBWolf: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:43
kreppnarpossibly i should try another usb port04:43
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GneaChogyDan: by-passed it with that command04:43
ChogyDanGnea: are you populating it?  I think it needs a value04:44
a_p3rsonkreppnar: yes, and also make sure that the drives are readable from windows04:44
GneaChogyDan: no, if I do that the system will panic04:44
bastidrazorkf7nnz: you mean a clickable icon?04:44
GneaChogyDan: it's a hack04:44
ChogyDanGnea: and dbus-uuis --ensure makes it blank?04:44
a_p3rsonkreppnar: otherwise, im out...04:44
GneaChogyDan: yes.04:44
kreppnarhmm let me start up virtual box and format it04:44
kreppnaryeah switched usb ports and still no luck04:44
kreppnarthanks for the help though04:44
GneaChogyDan: I threw in some debugging statements before and after the command is run, it runs the first one, never makes it to the second04:45
ChogyDanGnea: does a plain dbus-uuidgen say anything?04:45
kf7nnzbastidrazor: I want to associate the script I've created with a keystroke. If it is in the PATH, then I don't have to give a fully qualified name, right?04:45
GneaChogyDan: yeah, it generates a random machine id04:45
ChogyDanGnea: yeah, I guess that bug report is your problem then04:46
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?04:46
kisukeok any one know how to fix this:  "MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not match"? im tring to get X11 forwarding to work04:46
bastidrazorkf7nnz: just give it the full path. no real reason not to if you're setting a shortcut.04:47
GneaChogyDan: yup, flagged myself as having the same problem as well, haven't come up with anything to add to the conversation yet04:47
Jordan_Ukisuke: Did you use ssh -X? Are you using screen or otherwise running programs from a different shell than the one started by logging in via ssh?04:47
kf7nnzbastidrazor: gotcha. I edited .profile, then opened a new term but ~/bin is not in the PATH. Do I need to restart?04:48
kisukeJordan_U: mostly im tring to firgure that problem is server or client-side04:48
kisukeJordan_U: the rest will flow from there04:48
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Jordan_Ukisuke: For me to help you though I need to understand the exact situation. The reast will flow from there :)04:49
GneaChogyDan: well, I now have a gdm login screen with a working nvidia driver and sound's working04:49
Omen_20Does anyone know where I can find a real crack for Illustrator CS5? Everything I've found has been a runaround.04:49
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tensorpudding!ot | Omen_2004:49
ubottuOmen_20: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:49
tensorpuddingand software piracy is against channel rules04:50
Gneawow, the visual effects on this system are *amazing*04:50
ChogyDanGnea: I think you can edit the dbus.conf file to not run --ensure if you think that is the problem.  How exactly do you populate /var/lib/dbus/machine-id?04:50
bastidrazorkf7nnz: no need to restart. what did you add/remove in .profile?04:50
GneaI should make a small movie and upload it04:50
GneaChogyDan: dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id04:50
kf7nnzbastidrazor: Nothing. I just renamed my scripts folder to bin.04:51
ChogyDanGnea: why don't you try putting that in your dbus.conf?04:51
kisukeJordan_U: im using PuTTY and xming on windows, it was working about 12 hours ago, and my server is a mostly headless ubuntu 10.04.2 desktop install04:51
droidftwhow do i build on ubuntu04:51
KGBWolfi just installed ubuntu 10.04LTS Server am at the terminal prompt. Need to install a windows manager KDE preferably how can i get this done?04:51
GneaChogyDan: that's apparently worked for others, but after I do that, somewhere along the way something causes the panic, I'm not sure what at this point and I really don't have the time to bother trying to fix it just now04:51
GneaChogyDan: because it will just cause an endless panic on each boot04:51
droidftwi <3 ubuntu04:52
ChogyDani c04:52
Jordan_Ukisuke: Are you using screen or otherwise running programs from a different shell than the one started by logging in via ssh?04:52
kf7nnzLet me start again. To group. I have a TrippLite USB KVM switch. The docs state that Scroll_Lock Scroll_Lock will switch terminals in Windows or Linux. It doesn't work under Ubuntu.04:52
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guslhello, I just restarted my computer, and there is a sound file playing, but I cannot figure out what it is or how to kill it04:53
[THC]AcidRaini need help hooking and audiobox upto ubuntu04:53
guslps doesn't show any processes04:53
[THC]AcidRainit wont let me record anything. and im pretty sure the drivers are right04:53
Jordan_Ugusl: What does it sound like?04:53
Sly-FoX!seen idleone04:54
ubottuI have no seen command04:54
nit-witgusl, run top in the terminal to see running processes.04:54
guslit's a documentary on Jeopardy and AI04:54
yeikhow do i kill an x session? ctrl+alt+backspace no longer does it.04:54
bastidrazoryeik: alt sysreq k04:54
g_0_0yeik, sudo pkill Xorg04:55
bastidrazorkf7nnz: echo $PATH does not include ~/bin in the newly opened terminal session?04:55
yeikbastidrazor: is there a way to do it so it doesn't restart?04:55
bastidrazoryeik: in a terminal sudo service gdm stop04:55
kf7nnzbasitdrazor: Negative.04:55
Jordan_Ugusl: If you open System > Preferences > Sound, then go to the Applications tab, what applications are listed if any?04:55
guslthanks, nit-wit! There are lots of processes but none of them look suspicious to me.04:55
stat1kanyone had problems with transmission not getting peers list from trackers?04:56
gusl... maybe npviewer.bin04:56
kf7nnzbastidrazor: :~$ echo $PATH04:56
kisukeJordan_U: yes, i have XBMC running on its screen04:56
[THC]AcidRainno one can help?04:56
Logan_WP!please | [THC]AcidRain04:56
ubottu[THC]AcidRain: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude04:56
yeikhmm, ok, so i killed that, then ran startx. i get a gnome-session now.04:56
kisukeJordan_U: and it doesnot make sence, i was doing this just fine last night under the same conditions, and now it does not work04:57
yeikbut still issues with dpkg and binutils-multiarch04:57
bastidrazorkf7nnz: http://pastebin.com/JMDvumTB   your .profile is similiar to this?04:57
maodunI'm getting warnings about packages not being authenticated when I use aptitude - how can I investigate further?04:57
GneaChogyDan: *interesting!!!* so I commented out the exec dbus-uuidgen --ensure line so that it would go ahead and run the exec dbus-daemon --system --fork at the end, and it kernel paniced again - but it doesn't kernel panic once the whole system is up and running04:57
[THC]AcidRainstat1k: ive had that problem.04:57
[THC]AcidRainespecially from thepiratebay04:57
koepihello folks04:57
guslkilled it! Thanks nit-wit.04:58
Logan_WPstat1k: that question would be better suited for #transmission04:58
kf7nnzbastidrazor: Virtually identical except for the last 3 lines.04:58
ChogyDanGnea: you may want to try and post here, the upstream bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=57588104:58
stat1klogan_WP; thanks04:58
kreppnarhaha used usb-creator-gtk to fix my usb drive...work's now04:58
Logan_WPstat1k: np04:58
[THC]AcidRainman i just wanna record music. and i dont understand why this doesnt work. i have a laptop with ubuntu on it, same versions, and it works fine04:58
koepiI have a short question. is it better to install virtualbox via the source code for gaming or is the .deb enough for that purpose?04:58
yeikE: /var/cache/apt/archives/binutils-multiarch_2.20.51.20100908-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 204:59
[THC]AcidRainof course i have to change the recording device. but when i change it on this box, doesnt matter what i change it to it doesnt work04:59
KGBWolfif i cant update apt-get because my network card isnt installed how can i install kubuntu-desktop?04:59
bastidrazorkf7nnz: source ~/.profile   ..that should add your ~/bin .. then try echo $PATH04:59
kisukeJordan_U: you get that?05:00
Logan_WP!kubuntu | KGBWolf05:00
ubottuKGBWolf: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde05:00
ner0xCan someone please give me a list of nullmailers for ubuntu? Thank you.05:00
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kylemmlol fail05:00
Jordan_Ukisuke: Yes.05:00
bastidrazorkf7nnz: oh wait.. the lines about path are commented?? they have # before them?05:01
kylemmi changed my wobble friction to like 0 and it went off my screen05:01
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kf7nnzbastidrazor: No comments before those lines. That added bin to the beginning of the PATH. Now how do I make it do it every time I open a term?05:02
bastidrazorkf7nnz: it should do it automatically.05:02
kf7nnzbastidrazor: OK I'll try exiting and starting a new term.05:03
kf7nnzbastidrazor: No, it doesn't add it in a new term!05:03
KGBWolfwhen i do ifconfig i only see lo interface05:03
Jordan_Ukisuke: Walk me through all the steps that you use to try to run a program with X forwarding, up untill you get that error.05:04
bastidrazorkf7nnz: comment those lines in ~/.profile and add those exact lines to .bashrc .. then try a new terminal.05:04
bastidrazorkf7nnz: the newly added lines uncommented, of course.05:04
Roo79I'm trying to get chat.frostwire.com to work with empathy but all it tells me is network error? I've tried with pidgin and it works, can anyone please help I've been at this for days now!05:05
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?05:06
Roo791470 people idle in a help room?05:08
kf7nnzbastidrazor: That worked!05:08
bastidrazorkf7nnz: oddly now that i look at my settings i have it that way.. commented in .profile and added to .bashrc05:09
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=== NaiNai is now known as ShaNayNay
kf7nnzbastidrazor: Let me run this by you: The issue I was trying to solve is with my TrippLite USB KVM. The docs state that Scroll_Lock Scroll_Lock will switch under either Windows or Linux. It doesn't work under Ubuntu.05:09
ShaNayNayRoo79, Many people do not use Empathy05:10
Abinidiraises hand05:10
kf7nnzbastidrazor: I determined that the issue is Gnome isn't sending back the command to toggle the Scroll_Lock LED. The script ruens on and off the LED and this works for switching.05:10
ShaNayNayPidgin ftw, I even use pidgin on WIndows05:10
maodunso I'm running 8.10, which is apparently end-of-life - how can I update to something newer?05:11
ShaNayNayclean install05:11
Jordan_U!eol | maodun05:11
ubottumaodun: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:11
bastidrazorkf7nnz: no idea how to solve that. i've seen the same issue 4 years ago05:11
maodunthis is command-line-only, I have no gui access nor physical access to the machine05:11
paq7512is 10.4.2 coming out the 17th?05:11
kf7nnzbastidrazor: This is the script. xset led 3; sleep 1; xset -led 305:11
Roo79if no one uses empathy what numbscull adds it to the default install05:11
ShaNayNaypaq7512, it should be listed on the Natty release schedule05:12
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:12
xanguapaq7512: lsb_release -a , if you are using lucid05:12
ShaNayNayhmm, they don't have the link for the schedule there05:12
xanguaShaNayNay: he said LUCID05:12
kf7nnzbastidrazor: I was afraid of that. I've searched the Ubuntu forums and found no real solution (just workarounds) going back to 2004!05:12
ShaNayNayxangua, I can read, all of the release schedules include the release version of LTS that are coming out05:13
ubottuA schedule of Natty Narwhal (11.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule05:13
kisukeJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/567205/05:13
ShaNayNaytanx rww05:13
ner0xWhat exactly is courier-mta?05:13
yeikhere is a paste of my dpkg errors: http://pastebin.com/xbFvjXbw05:14
yeikanybody have any thoughts?05:14
ShaNayNayner0x, Open System> Administration> Synaptic and search for that package, it will tell you what it does05:14
kylemmthese effects are cool05:14
maoduncan I upgrade straight from 8.10 to 10.04?05:14
owen1_anyone got a script for irssi notifications that works with 10.10? mine is broken after upgrading.05:15
bazhangmaodun, no05:15
rwwmaodun: no. You need to do 8.10 -> 9.04 -> 9.10 -> 10.04, as the link ubottu gave mentions.05:15
ShaNayNayyeik, what are you trying to do, eat my database?05:15
xanguamaodun: easier fres install05:15
maodunrww, bazhang, ah, thanks - i just wanted to double-check05:15
yeikShaNayNay: i am just trying to upgrade, apparently i had a package that was all messed up and caused major issues in a dist-upgrade.05:15
ShaNayNaymaodun, I'd do a fresh install, to include a new home05:15
ner0xShaNayNay: Did that, still sort of in the grey.05:15
maodunI don't have a good way to do a fresh install05:16
kisukeJordan_U: sorry about the delay, i have a 7 month old whos wanting attention05:16
maodunthis is a remote machine05:16
maodundeb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ CODENAME main restricted universe multiverse05:16
overcluckermaodun: is this a rented box or something?05:16
yeikShaNayNay: that was the output of dpkg when i open a .deb it tries to repair and says its an error, should be Reading database ..05:16
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?05:16
maodunshould codename be my current codename or my desired codename?05:16
rwwmaodun: your current codename05:16
markosoi got a iphone 3gs and it wont mount?05:17
maodunthis is a proxy server buried in a basement05:17
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kisukeJordan_U: NVM got it, it was a problem with my ~/.Xaquthority05:17
ShaNayNaygo Irongrasps05:17
kisukeJordan_U: thanks for the help though05:18
Jordan_Ukisuke: You're welcome.05:18
maodunwait, it tells me i need update-manager, but i dont want it on a CLI-server05:19
maodunso should i grab it or not?05:19
xymantecjust got a new server and installing ubuntu, I wanna make a cloud :)05:19
markosowhy does ubuntu not support one of the most poplular phones ?05:19
rwwmaodun: there should be do-release-upgrade instructions in there somewhere05:19
maodunrww: i'm following the instructions, they're a bit ambiguous to me05:20
maodun# update-manager is something you don't want to install on cli servers05:20
rwwmaodun: oh, I see. Yeah, you just want update-manager-core, not update-manager05:20
maodunFrom version 6.06 and up you will need to install the update-manager and update-manager-core packages.05:20
maodunso just the core05:20
FloodBot2maodun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:20
rwwmaodun: update-manager-core contains do-release-upgrade, which is the program you'll be using to go from one version to another.05:20
markosowow it just worked05:20
xymanteccan you windows environments on EC2?05:21
rww(the GUI folks use update-manager instead)05:21
JoeMofknDot2hey I'm installing the alternate install and I think it has hung @ 5% on select and install software its been there 30 mins05:21
Jordan_U!ot | xymantec05:21
ubottuxymantec: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:21
maodunrww: ah, now i understand. thanks05:21
xymantecoh had no idea05:21
Jantarohey people, my good friend PiemanXC wants some help regarding theme customization for gnome, perhaps someone could help him05:23
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Jordan_U!ask | PiemanXC05:23
ubottuPiemanXC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:23
PiemanXCMore specifically, I'd like to change specific colors of things like menus and change individual icons rather than icon sets05:24
PiemanXCIt doesn't seem there are a lot of customization options in gnome05:24
vishPiemanXC: you can change those individually, but there is no GUI05:24
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PiemanXCvish: How would I accomplish that, then?05:25
vishPiemanXC: you can edit the theme's gtkrc to edit the menu color, or replace the icons in the icon set. and you also need patience ;)05:25
maodunerg, i need to reboot this machine, but all i have is an ssh connection... anything i should check to be sure i'll be able to log in again upon reboot?05:26
PiemanXCAlright then.05:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 697938 in binutils (Ubuntu) "package binutils-multiarch 2.20.1-3ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New]05:26
yeiklooks like someone beat me to the bug :P05:26
iszakHow do I upgrade from 9.04 to 10.10?05:26
yeikwow, ubottu is fast05:26
Jordan_U!eol | iszak05:26
ubottuiszak: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:26
xanguaiszak: 9.10>10.04>10.1005:26
Abinidiwill update manager wait for the stable release of the next upgrade (from Maverick) before it acts?05:28
xanguayes Abinidi05:28
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?05:28
Abinidixangua: thank you05:28
xanguathat if you don't force it to upgrade to the unstable version05:28
maodunlet me ask this, do i really need to reboot after each upgrade, or can i just reboot after the last?05:30
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KGBWolfhow can i set ubuntu 10.04 LTS server to a certain date and not update date and time?05:30
Abinidi<< no forcing for me.  I'm just getting Maverick tuned up the way I want it.  ;)05:30
pksadiqAny command line tool to repair bad sector of hard disk?05:30
AkjjHello. I am having permission problems. I am a member of a group and the group owns the dir. The dir has "chmod 775" done to it. Why can't I do "echo "test" > test" in the dir?05:30
ShaNayNayAbinidi, you can set your Software Sources to never offer an upgrade05:30
AbinidiShaNayNay: I don't think I need to do that.  But I sure didin't want update manager doing an update that was going to crash me for some reason or another.05:32
ShaNayNaylol, understood05:32
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AkjjAnyone want to help me figure out my permission problems?05:33
jim__Hi I have a problem, my laptop has a button to turn off the touchpad, i did so, and when i turned it back on, it no longer works, i can log in as root, adn the mousepad works fine, or use an external usb mouse, but the touchpad no longer functions logged into my normal user account, any help would be appreciated05:34
Abinidi!DETAILS | Akjj05:34
ubottuAkjj: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:34
AkjjHello. I am having permission problems. I am a member of a group and the group owns the dir. The dir has "chmod 775" done to it. Why can't I do "echo "test" > test" in the dir?05:34
sacarlsonAkjj: are you sure your chmod action was a success?  ls -l -d /path/of/dir/,  if it's ntfs file system it won't change05:34
ShaNayNayAkjj, with permission of 5, you can't write05:35
Akjjls -al raid05:35
Akjjshows that the group does own it05:35
AkjjShaNayNay: Since I am a member of the group the second 7 should give me rwx, right?05:35
kyosth was wrong when adding new fonts to utuntu10.10,how to fix it,thx!05:35
=== matthewrsmoker is now known as MuZkeyboard
The_Pharoahi want to change my login screen, already downloaded files from the website but i dont know how to change it05:36
overclucker775 is is write for members of group as well05:36
chipminkhow do i restore the printer menu item05:36
sacarlsonAkjj: in most cases yes,  posible but not likely is apparmor settings05:36
ShaNayNayunless there is an error and his/her account isn't part of the group05:36
AkjjRight. And when I do a ls it shows that group. When I do groups username it shows the group05:36
AkjjI do not have apparmor05:36
ShaNayNayThe_Pharoah, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-do-you-change-the-boot-splash-screen-image-for-10-04-lucid-lynx.html05:37
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KGBWolfhow can i auto run a command on login?05:37
sacarlsonAkjj: also what if the test file already existed with perms of ?  does the file already exist in the dir?05:37
AkjjKGBWolf: look into /etc/init.d I think05:37
ShaNayNayadd it to startup applications05:37
Akjjsacarlson: It does not. I also ran chmod 775 raid -R05:37
ShaNayNayadd it to startup applications KGBWolf05:38
AkjjSo I own all subfolders / files05:38
Jordan_UKGBWolf: System > Preferences > Startup Applications.05:38
=== ExplodingPiglets is now known as [The_OP]
sacarlsonAkjj: apparmor is installed as default in ubuntu so saying you don't have it is probly wrong05:38
Akjj* if not obvious raid is the directory.05:38
KGBWolfShaNayNay how would i save the custom command for example date xxxxxxxxx05:38
AkjjPackage name to remove?05:38
AbinidiShaNayNay: will those instruction for changing plymouth work for Maverick also?05:38
AkjjI started with ubuntu server and installed from there. I really have almost nothing05:39
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?05:39
ShaNayNayAbinidi, yes, I have used it on 10.1005:39
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AkjjWe're talking I didn't even choose the lamp setup and added the amp part myself.05:39
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AbinidiShaNayNay: thanks!05:39
sacarlsonAkjj: how is the directory mounted?  read only?   check mount05:40
Akjjsacarlson: It is not read only. The user that owns it can read and write05:40
ShaNayNayKGBWolf, use gedit to create a script with the command you want, then run chmod +x on the file then add it to statup applications05:40
taranHow to resolve this ERROR http://paste.ubuntu.com/567214/05:40
ShaNayNayKGBWolf, you may have to fiddle with it05:40
ShaNayNayhard to explain without screenies05:41
Akjjtaran: get some internet :) ... sudo dhclient might be a good start.05:41
sacarlsonAkjj: well try 77705:41
Akjjsacarlson: But that is damn unsafe05:41
chipminkhow do i restore the print menu item to the system administration menu?05:41
AkjjI'll do it for a sec just to see of course...05:41
sacarlsonAkjj: just to test, you can always change it back05:41
taranAkjj: im a newbie but command line interface work only after asking for username and password. I have added username & password in apt.conf05:42
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Akjjsacarlson: As expected, yes I then get r/w access. But that isn't a good solution to me05:42
ShaNayNayWhat number does one use to get the S for super?05:42
ShaNayNayin a chmod05:42
ShaNayNayor is it even possible to use the number05:42
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ShaNayNayAkjj it depends on whether others use the system or not05:43
AkjjShaNayNay: This is running ubuntu server. It is an NAS05:43
AkjjIt is accessable to anyone on my rather large network if I screw up05:43
sacarlsonAkjj: the in cli  what does whoami  say you are?05:43
ShaNayNaytaran, you have no network connection05:44
Akjjsacarlson: it gives my username05:44
AkjjAs expected05:44
taranShaNayNay: But then how I can download using Synaptic?05:44
ShaNayNaytaran, you can't without internet05:45
AkjjActually, on second examination, I can edit already existing files but not create new. sacarlson, sorry for not adequatly testing that already05:46
ShaNayNaytaran, what brand network card does it have?05:46
KGBWolfjust installed kubuntu-desktop how can i make it auto start on boot?05:46
taranShaNayNay: I can browse using Mozilla all the sites05:46
nit-witKGBWolf, from login window05:46
sacarlsonAkjj: Akjj and this is with 777?05:46
AkjjNo, with 77505:46
taranShaNayNay: Im in my institute which provided internet from a lease line through a proxy05:46
AkjjI already tested 777 and can create etc etc05:46
nit-witShaNayNay, yes05:47
AkjjBut back to 775 because I can't run a 777 dir accessable via samba05:47
chipminkhow do i restore the print menu item to the system administration menu?05:47
ShaNayNaynit-wit, I just felt like saying it05:47
jim__Anyone have a suggestion? Mouse will not move using touchpad under normal user, if I log in as root it works fine, it was always working until I turned off the touchpad via button over it briefly.05:47
ShaNayNaywithout harassing anyone05:47
nit-witShaNayNay, thats okay I practice it.:)05:48
ShaNayNayjim__ go to System Preferences Mouse and see if you can get it working that way05:48
jim__i'll give it ashot ty05:48
ShaNayNaywritmx, please use english05:49
Jordan_U!cn | writmx05:49
ubottuwritmx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk05:49
sam9089do u know how to install "kwin " in kde3 as kde4 is not supported by my laptop05:50
kisukewritmx: nihon'go?05:50
ShaNayNaythanx Jordan_U05:50
lobo#ubuntu-es /join05:50
ShaNayNaylobo, do the /join first, then the room name05:50
ShaNayNaywatch out for the floodbots05:50
xanguasam9089: you can use compiz i believe, but why do you use an old distro with kde3¿ o_O05:51
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sacarlsonAkjj: I'm sure you looked at sudo groups yourusername05:51
yowshioh come on even the disk utility cant find it. but usb-devices finds it05:51
sam9089do u know how to install "kwin " in kde3 ..........,as kde4 is not supported by my laptop05:51
ShaNayNaysudo apt-get kwin05:51
econanyone know why I might be seeing DHCPv6 solicit messages in my traffic? I"m not using IPv6. I know it isn't really ubuntu related but thought i'd ask.05:51
Akjjsacarlson: yeah, I already mentioned that that shows me as being in the group in question05:51
yowshianyone got any experience getting the BB curve to mount in ubuntu?05:51
ShaNayNayecon, that sounds like a good one to google05:52
* ShaNayNay didn't mean that disrespectfully05:52
sam9089shanaynay@ i already tried it its not working at all05:52
g_0_0Akjj, did you chmod +t dir at some point?05:52
econyeah, from what i've seen it is what a DHCPv6 client would send to a DHCPv6 server. I'm not running a server though so I don't get why I"m seeing it05:53
AkjjNot to my knowledge g_0_005:53
ShaNayNaywhat does +t do?05:53
KGBWolfat login screen when i authenticate the credential screen dissapears then comes back and im not logged into my desktop enviorment05:53
g_0_0akjj - sticky bit05:53
dtrf4837if i want to learn programming should i install desktop or server?05:54
Akjjg_0_0: So I should run that?05:54
overcluckerdtrf4837: doesn't matter which05:54
g_0_0akjj, here this will explain it05:54
Akjjdtrf4837: Desktop has all the functionality server does. Go with whichever makes you comfortable. I use server because I prefer sshing in from my windows box05:54
Akjjg_0_0: Ah, thank you very much05:55
StarminnShaNayNay: man chmod and it'll tell you05:55
g_0_0Akjj, this may be better - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit05:56
hnhi how to make a shellscript execute on boot up of a mchine05:56
dtrf4837thanks Akjj05:56
sam9089my cyberlink webcam of laptop is not working ,i already installed cheese...........what should i do..............05:57
Starminn!webcam | sam9089: Have you read through this? ---05:58
xanguasam9089: how about you use an updated and supported distro, not one that used kde305:58
ubottusam9089: Have you read through this? ---: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:58
ShaNayNayStarminn, thanx05:58
ShaNayNaydoesn't 910 use kde3?05:58
sam9089yeah..............its not satisfactory05:58
ecinx3is there a good programming tutorial, app?05:59
ecinx3interactive, or animation or etc..05:59
StarminnShaNayNay: Sure thing. I, like you, often asked, "What's the $extension do?" and every response I got was to either "man it, infot it, whatis it, or apropos it" (usually one of the above)05:59
sam9089actually........my cam is working (clicking) but it is not showing the pics05:59
Starminninfo* -- For quick answers, I suggest "whatis" but for the +t and such you're asking, man or info. Works every time ShaNayNay. :)06:00
dohkogti have a question, any here to help?06:00
ShaNayNayI used to know what the S in permissions ment, but me forgot, something like super06:01
dohkogtsam9089: thanks XD06:01
sacarlsonAkjj: so the sticky bit was set?06:01
AkjjActually, no06:01
Starminndohkogt: Plenty of people. Ask away, preferably all on one line so we can follow easily06:01
AkjjI've been playing around to make sure before I asked again06:01
MACscrhow do i know if im using pulseaudio and its configured correctly? my microphone sucks in most apps,06:01
sam9089whats ur question06:01
AkjjBut no, setting / unsetting / recursively and not in whatever combinations in the end doesn't actually change the issue06:02
dohkogtsam9089: i want to become Ubuntu Member, how I do this, you know?06:02
sacarlsonAkjj: if it was I would think the dir would look like 1777 or s77706:02
Akjjsorry g_0_0, didn't quite work06:02
Akjjsacarlson: actually, the permissions show a t at the end06:02
ShaNayNaydohkogt, there is a nice big wiki on it06:02
iszakSo I want to remove mysql-server but when I reinstall it, it's still using the same configuration, I've tried using --purge but it doesn't seem to work06:02
Akjjinstead of drwxrwsr-x06:02
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership06:02
dohkogtShaNayNay: ubottu hey thanks for the link :)06:03
ShaNayNayno problem06:03
sacarlsonAkjj: that's if you put it in rwx format, not sure what it becomes in number mode06:03
ShaNayNayI've been slowly working on my application06:03
Akjjoh, yeah, it is 177506:03
AkjjAnyways. Any other ideas here?06:03
ShaNayNayAkjj, other than pulling the plug?06:03
ShaNayNayjust kiddin06:04
AkjjShaNayNay: We've already established this is a net accessable server.06:04
AkjjNot an option to even reboot06:04
ShaNayNaylike I said, just kiddin06:04
ShaNayNayhave you started a thread on UF?06:04
sacarlsonAkjj: so is that what you see then 1775?  then the sticky bit is set?06:04
ShaNayNaythere are a few nerds there that may be able to help06:05
Akjjsacarlson: The last few things I said to you were just information unrelated to my problem but related to sticky bits. No, the sticky bit is not set on mine. Yes I am pretty sure06:05
AndrewX192Anyone know why a bad sector would not be able to be re-mapped? (Is this possibly a disk issue in itself - eg firmware fail?)06:05
Jordan_UAndrewX192: Because there are no more extra good sectors left.06:06
Jordan_UAndrewX192: Consider the drive to be on its last legs, back up now.06:06
ShaNayNaytime for a new HDD before all the data gets lost06:06
AndrewX192Jordan_U: there are plenty of good sectors though06:06
GneaAndrewX192: you should still backup.06:07
AndrewX192I have 2X Segate ENTERPRISE grade drives on delivery right now, I'm just wondering what's up06:07
Jordan_UAndrewX192: Drives internally keep extra sectors which are not normally used, to be used when a sector dies for some reason.06:07
dohkogtthanks guys for the link, Greetings From Guatemala :)06:07
optimusgnea: need some help my radeon card is messed up. I cant even add line radeon.modeset=1 in my grub file kicks out error unknow command and i dont think acceleration is enabled.06:08
AndrewX192Jordan_U: I'm seeing about 150 bad sectors on the disk in question via `badblocks`, but SMART only reports 6 sectors that are pending remapping.06:08
Jordan_UAndrewX192: You don't just reduce the capacity of the drive by one sector. Once the drive runs out of extra sectors you're out of luck.06:09
optimusthere might even be more then one graphics driver installed all i need is radeon but i have intel glx and all sorts of other awesomeness mixed in my koolaid06:10
AndrewX192Jordan_U: how are "extra sectors" defined?06:10
ghm33hi how do i add more of those wallpapers that change automatically06:10
Jordan_UAndrewX192: Internally. Within the drive and not exposed directly when accessing the drive normally.06:10
Gneaoptimus: how are you trying to add it to grub?06:11
AndrewX192Jordan_U: uhoh. I guess that's why, I guess I can partiion around the bad blocks06:11
optimusgnea: well under grub commands where it says 'quiet-splash' radeon.modeset=1 then i do sudo update-grub and i get error unknown command radeon.modeset=06:12
Jordan_UAndrewX192: You can, rather you use e2fsck -c, but once the drive is at this point you can expect data loss as more sectors go bad, and eventually the drive simply fails completely.06:12
Gneaoptimus: so you're adding it to /etc/default/grub ?06:13
optimusbasically nano to /etc/default/grub then06:13
optimusgnea: beat me too it06:13
ShaNayNayghm33, that is a hard task but look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4992430&postcount=406:13
Jordan_Uoptimus: Can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub?06:14
mah454why i can not download this file : http://screencasters.heathenx.org/wp-content/videos/ep001.ogv06:14
AndrewX192Jordan_U: I can just RMA the drive then when I get my new drives.06:14
ghm33thanks ShaNayNay i find it odd that there are already existing default wallpapers and we cant either make our own or find more to add06:14
Gneaoptimus: try just:  modeset=106:14
optimusjordan_u sure thing where would you like it pasted at06:14
optimusgnea: ill try06:14
Jordan_U!pastebin | optimus06:14
ubottuoptimus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:14
xanguasave video as mah45406:15
ShaNayNayghm33 the coding they use is a pain for us non coding guys06:15
Gneamah454: working fine here, open a terminal and type:  wget http://screencasters.heathenx.org/wp-content/videos/ep001.ogv06:15
Eliotimhi guys not ubuntu specific, but im trying to generate an environment variable with the value of ' " ' (a double quote char) without using it, tried print \\42, it prints ' " " but actually returns '\42', any creative ideas?06:15
optimusgnea: that works06:15
ghm33ShaNayNay: oh ok thanks06:15
Gneaoptimus: cheers06:15
Gneaoptimus: apparently, different distributions handle it differently - if radeon.modeset= doesn't work, just drop radeon.06:16
mah454stay  here : HTTP request sent, awaiting response...06:16
mah454not continue ... !06:17
Gneamah454: could be a bad route on your end06:17
=== ShaNayNay is now known as Shagneagnea
Gneamah454:  75% [===============================================================>                     ] 11,767,531  78.2K/s  eta 45s06:17
optimusgnea: willl this fix my desktop problem also? pretty much i have the menu bar at the bottom of the screen but its also at the top distorted when i click applications it pops the menu to the top of the screen and when i exit applications, it leaves behind a white window06:17
Akjjsacarlson: g_0_0: problem solved. I closed that ssh and did a fresh session. Appearently a user doesn't get added to a group instantly. All better now06:17
AkjjI should have thought to try that much earlier06:18
Shagneagneaghm33 no problem, I had seen an app for doing that before, but have no clue where06:18
Gneaoptimus: I can't say for sure, you'll have to determine that when it comes back up06:18
optimusokay give me a few to reboot :006:18
=== Shagneagnea is now known as ShaNeyNay
* Gnea eyes ShaNeyNay suspiciously06:20
* ShaNeyNay guesses you didn't iggy me afterall06:21
sam9089 Shagneagnea@ i have a compaq laptop and its cam is not working even after installation of cheese06:22
Eliotimhi guys how can i set a variable with the output of a given command?06:23
juksam9089: did you try to recompile module?06:23
sam9089which module06:23
ShaNeyNaysam9089, I'm not that great at getting webcams to work, outside of installing Cheese06:24
MagicJhow do I tell ubuntu not to make that annoying noise when I sign on?06:24
juk!easycam | sam908906:24
sam9089easycam .........whats it06:24
juksam9089: im not sure if it's still working, you might give it a shot https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam06:25
ShaNeyNayMagicJ go to System Preferences Startup Applications and find the gnome login sound listed there and disable it06:25
=== ShaNeyNay is now known as running_rabbit07
MagicJShaNeyNay: ty - knew it was easy just could not remember where06:27
^Phantom^firefox needs to die06:29
TheMusicGuyDoes anyone here have any experience running Ubuntu inside of VirtualBox from a WIndows 7 host? In particular, relating to problems with hardware-accelerated graphics?06:29
juk^Phantom^: just pkill it06:30
AkjjTheMusicGuy: Yeah,. What are you trying to do?06:30
ardchoilleI'm on Ubuntu 10.10, just accidentally pressed Super+A and it zoomed out to show all windows. Where can I find more commands like that?06:30
running_rabbit07TheMusicGuy, are you trying to run Unity?06:31
juk!nvidia | TheMusicGuy:06:31
ubottuTheMusicGuy:: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:31
ardchoilles/commands/kb shortcuts/06:31
TheMusicGuyjuk, this has nothing to do with any of those cards06:31
TanvirHello, how can I edit .db file in Ubuntu?06:31
AkjjTanvir: Many apps produce .db files. What produced it?06:32
TheMusicGuyAkjj, I'm trying to mix a dual-boot configuration with a virtualization configuration.06:32
TanvirAkjj, I don't know. :S06:32
jukTheMusicGuy: hm06:32
g_0_0TheMusicGuy, have you installed the guest extensions?06:32
AkjjDo you know anything else about the file other than the extension?06:32
TheMusicGuyAkjj, I want Ubuntu to use the ATI drivers when its running on physical hardware but Vbox drivers when its in Vbox.06:32
TheMusicGuyg_0_0, yes06:33
running_rabbit07TheMusicGuy, are you trying to run Unity?06:33
TanvirAkjj, no, can you tell me, how can I find out those?06:33
TheMusicGuyrunning_rabbit07, I don't know what that is06:33
running_rabbit07ok, just checking06:33
AkjjTheMusicGuy: You can't really do anything to stop it from using Vbox drivers in the vbos06:33
Taffyardchoille thx i tried that didn't know can press windows + a and get all windows thx06:33
mneptokTheMusicGuy: Vbox does not provide access to your hardware to a guest OS. instead, it presents a custom video interface for guest OSes. you cannot just install the driver for your video hardware in a VBox guest.06:33
AkjjTanvir: Well, what's the use of a random file if you don't know where it came from or what's in it?06:33
AkjjI'm a little confused about that06:33
ardchoilleTaffy: try also super+w, super+e06:34
g_0_0TheMusicGuy, and did you set hardware acceleration in VirtualBox itself for the ubuntu machine?06:34
ardchoilleTaffy: I'd love to learn more but don't know where anymore are06:34
Taffytried it thx alot06:34
TheMusicGuyg_0_0, yes06:34
lkcompiz fusion06:34
TanvirAkjj, I know what's in it. It's a bot's database.06:34
TheMusicGuyThe problem is that it seems like the ATI drivers are conflicting with the Vbox drivers06:34
AkjjAh, it might be mysql or similar06:34
Taffyardchoille learn something new everyday :)06:35
TanvirAkjj, probably.06:35
AkjjIf you cat it or open it in a text editor does it make human readable sense? If so can you paste the first short chunk or something?06:35
ardchoilleTaffy: indeed. these seem to be part of compiz06:35
TheMusicGuythe Vbox hardware accelleration only seems to work if the ATI drivers are not installed.06:35
lkati is not open source06:35
mneptokAkjj: unlikely. more like Berkeley DB or somesuch.06:35
juklk: non are06:35
Akjjmneptok: *shrug. My .db files are usually dumps of mysql dbs. Depends on circumstances somewhat.06:36
=== running_rabbit07 is now known as SkyVodka
AkjjAll the same, Tanvir, checking the first bit might show a human readable header with more info about the file06:36
TanvirAkjj, it doesn't open with gedit.06:36
SkyVodkaAkjj did you find the fix to your permissions issue yet?06:36
TanvirAkjj, but I tried worked cat, it worked.. but nothing useful I think..06:37
ardchoilleyou can run a .db file through the strings command to possibly get the strings inside the .db:  strings file.db06:37
AkjjSkyVodka: Yes. I needed to do a new ssh session to actually become a member of the group. Log out log in >.<06:37
SkyVodkaglad it turned out to be easy06:37
TanvirAkjj, The texts are all cluttered. :S06:37
AkjjTanvir: Yeah, strings file.db . Good idea ardchoille06:37
Akjj* strings file.db | less06:37
mneptokAkjj: dumps, yes. active databases, no. MySQL does not use the .db file extension06:38
Akjjmneptok: Sure it does. When you're a dbAdmin extensions don't matter crap. You name files in the way that makes sense to you06:38
ardchoillemneptok: ah, thank you for that06:38
A_Userhi, following the instructions on ubuntu.org, i applied the grub-install on a pc, first i used /usr/sbin/grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda106:39
=== Adrian_CNCERT is now known as Adrian
TanvirAkjj, you want me type "* strings filename.db | less " ?06:39
^Phantom^Other than firefox crashing up the system when large images are opened within it, I absolutely love ubuntu.06:39
=== Adrian is now known as Guest40293
TheMusicGuyI figure I can put a script into rc.local that uses imvirt to detect whether the system is running in virtualbox or on physical hardware, then create an /etc/X11/xorg.conf that uses whichever drivers are needed to get hardware accelleration for the current system type (Physical or VirtualBox)06:40
AkjjTanvir: No. Try typing "strings filename.db | less" (no star) and see if there's anything useful in the output.06:40
A_Userbut then i discovered that this was the wrong drive so i did  /usr/sbin/grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda, this worked; BUT... now when i boot my pc the drive corresponding to sda1 i.e. c drive in windows is not available !!!!06:40
A_Userhow can i undo it06:40
TheMusicGuyProblem is I dont know how to make an xorg.conf that uses the vbox drivers, and they don't seem to work automatically when ATI drivers are installed06:40
TanvirAkjj, yes, I got a list.06:40
AkjjA_User: You can boot into windows?06:40
SkyVodka^Phantom^, are you short on RAM?06:40
AkjjIf you can boot the C: drive should be there06:40
Akjj*can boot into windows06:41
^Phantom^SkyVodka, no06:41
^Phantom^I have 1.5GB06:41
AkjjTanvir: Anything that might hint at the program that made it or such?06:41
^Phantom^2GHz pc, too06:41
AkjjIf you wanted to pastebin it I could look06:41
ardchoille^Phantom^: have you tried chromium yet? I found it to be much faster and doesn't crash06:41
lighta^Phantom^ why don't you try other navigator like chronium ?06:41
^Phantom^Is this FF crash bug common?06:41
SkyVodkaI have had my RAM get loaded after loading too much porn without closing Firefox to clear the cache06:41
TanvirAkjj, it's list of site that the bot will work on06:42
lightaflash vid ?06:42
Akjj^Phantom^: I use lynx on my comp with 128MB of ram and 1 ghz proc. It's great. Never crashes06:42
TanvirAkjj,  I need to edit that list06:42
lightayeah I had it alot06:42
^Phantom^This'll happen even on a fresh boot06:42
Taffyardchoille did u try windows + m neat06:42
AkjjTanvir: If it isn't sensative you could upload the file and i could try looking at it06:42
ardchoilleTaffy: ugh, it's like film negatives!06:42
SkyVodka^Phantom^, that isn't kool then, does Chrome give you those issues06:42
A_UserAkjj: NO06:43
^Phantom^I haven't tried Chrome06:43
lightaor opera06:43
AkjjA_User: Sorry, mind explaining the issue better. Will windows boot?06:43
A_UserAkjj: when i try selecting windows in grub during restart, it again shows grub menu !!!06:43
^Phantom^I'll be okay.  I take note of what sites crash it.06:43
TanvirAkjj, where to upload?06:43
Taffyardchoille on this computer it makes what i see brighter can see better06:43
SkyVodka^Phantom^, same here06:43
AkjjA_User: Is it xp or windows 7?06:43
AkjjTanvir: I like mediafire. Wherever though06:44
A_UserAkjj: yes06:44
lightafor flash player I often had crash with firefox06:44
kisukeany one know of a was to mass rename a set of files?06:44
SkyVodkaPeople still use xp?06:44
AkjjA_User: Which one06:44
A_UserAkjj: XP SP206:44
^Phantom^The biggest pic I dare open in FF is 1280x102406:44
macokisuke: use the rename command06:44
ardchoilleTaffy: might be monitor dependent then, makes all my windows invert colors06:44
^Phantom^any bigger and LOCKUP06:44
AkjjA_User: Okay. Do you have the windows install disk? You might have to run fixmbr from the recovery console06:44
macokisuke: rename 's/.html/.php/' *.html06:44
kisukemaco: just rename fiel1 file2?06:44
^Phantom^you too, SkyVodka?06:44
AkjjA_User: I haven't worked with xp in a bit so my command might be slightly off06:44
ardchoillehi maco06:44
SkyVodkaI haven't tried a pic that big in a while06:44
A_UserAkjj: even on ubuntu, in places i don't see my c drive partition !!!06:44
^Phantom^But you get the same problem, SkyVodka ?06:45
SkyVodkafreeporndumpster poops itself with files that big06:45
macokisuke: that command would rename all the html files to be php files, for example06:45
asdfqweris there a way to set the --geometry for gnome-terminal in your profile?06:45
macoSkyVodka: uh, could you please keep it family-friendly?06:45
SkyVodkayes sir06:45
AkjjA_User: I'm pretty sure that you just overwrote the windows boot information. And running "fixmbr" and "fixboot" from the xp recovery console should be a good idea.06:45
kisukemaco: i have the rename page up, gime a minute to wrap my mind atround it :P06:45
A_UserAkjj: i agree, but why the drive is not being shown in ubuntu?06:46
lightaA_User, there no logical partition on ubuntu06:46
TanvirAkjj, here: http://www.mediafire.com/?c53emccmk9c4gy906:46
Taffyardchoille think your right inverted everything in all my windows even web06:46
A_UserAkjj: ok, but when i goto places, and select computer06:47
AkjjA_User: Are you sure it isn't? It won't show as C. If you mount sdaNUMBER do any of them have your data on it?06:47
A_UserAkjj: I can see others, but not the one that is identified as C in windows06:47
AkjjTanvir: It's an SQLite database06:47
ardchoilleTaffy: I think all of these are compiz stuff. I remember seeing that inversion when I ran full compiz/fusion icon06:47
TanvirAkjj, yes.06:48
AkjjTanvir: Version 3 if that helps. That's the most recent version06:48
A_UserAkjj: no such entry either06:48
AkjjWell, you can open that with the sqlite binary06:48
TanvirAkjj, what should I install?06:48
lklinux can see the windows disks,but windows can`t see the linux disks06:48
AkjjA_User: Hmm... Are you comfy with the terminal? I'd manually mount your devices and check em06:48
AkjjIt might just not be showing for some strange reason.06:49
A_UserAkjj: ok06:49
AkjjI don't trust file managers anymore tbh06:49
lightalk, you should install 3d programs for windows like ext2read06:49
TanvirAkjj, is there a command to run from terminal?06:49
lkoh..i don`t know that,ths06:49
AkjjTanvir: sudo apt-get install sqlite306:50
lightalk, well depend on your file system of course, but windows can only see ntfs and fat32, so any other need 3d tool06:50
AkjjTanvir: This might be tricky if you don't know SQL syntax. For example "SELECT * FROM `data` WHERE `name`="bob";06:50
mneptokAkjj: the MySQL/MariaDB storage engine you use can most certainly care about file name extensions.06:50
mneptok(e.g. MyISAM)06:51
parisHi folks! how to download youtube file in linux?06:51
Akjjparis: there are a dozen firefox extensions etc for that06:51
TanvirAkjj, all I need to do is modify that list.06:51
jukparis: can't you watch in totem06:51
AkjjTanvir: .. mmkay.06:51
TanvirAkjj, I've installed SQLite, now, how to open?06:52
parisAkjj! I use google-chrome, so in this case what I should do?06:52
Akjjparis: As one example: http://www.downloadhelper.net/ I think owrs06:52
Akjjparis: There are http://tips.webdesign10.com/youtube-downloader-linux06:52
AkjjTanvir: You can probably run sqlite file.db or similar06:53
Akjjand then you'll be taken to a prompt where you'll get to type all that fun SQL stuff06:53
jukparis: there is also websites like ^, irrelevant you on linux or windows06:53
=== taka is now known as Guest43909
star3amhallo all, can anyone help, what does this mean ?06:54
star3amThe mapping for this reverse DNS entry is failing because the PTR record doesn't match the A record for that domain. We currently require the forward A record to match the PTR record for all reverse DNS entries.06:54
lkhow to enter the single user mode06:54
jukparis: http://downloadyoutubevideo.org/06:54
star3amlk init 106:54
Akjjlk http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/06:54
Akjjalso works06:54
Akjjinit 1 is a smarter way I suppose :P06:54
lkin the bios06:54
Akjjbios? can't be done. Grub... see mine06:55
TanvirAkjj, it doesn't work.06:56
* Takagami is lonely... doesn't this place have a help channel?06:56
_skplanyone know what fml means?06:57
TanvirAkjj, it just opens sqlite, not the file.06:57
maodunhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Karmic this link is dead - is there somewhere else i should look?06:57
SkyVodka!ot > _skpt06:57
mneptok_skpl: "Fix my lunch!"06:57
AkjjTanvir: Are you sure the file isn't open?06:57
boxbeatsyi'm using urlencode to send a json dump via an http request, and when the data is received, i unpack the json but all the forward slashes are escaped.  anyone know how to stop this?06:57
TanvirAkjj, I think so. But how can I be sure?06:57
SkyVodka!ot | _skpt06:58
ubottu_skpt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:58
AkjjTanvir: try typing .tables for me06:58
TakagamiThanks unottu!!06:58
SkyVodkahe aid unottu06:58
TanvirAkjj, it says "database is locked"06:58
AkjjWell, that's out of my range of experience. I haven't worked with sqlite in a few years06:59
AkjjEver since I switched to mysql for EVERYTHING.06:59
nuhairhi guys i'ill use ubuntu for server and dekstop .. must i install version server first ??06:59
Akjjnuhair: No. YOu can install desktop06:59
AkjjAnd then later add everything you need via apt-get install06:59
SkyVodkainstall desktop first, then install the series you need afterwards07:00
=== hmis3 is now known as A_User
nuhairjazakallahu khairan07:00
Akjjalternatively you can install server and then do apt-get install gnome-desktop or whatever it is07:00
TanvirAkjj, i went to the directory then tried "sqlite filename.db"07:00
TanvirIs that okay?07:00
nuhairok , thanks07:00
lkra single should cehange to rw single init=bin/bash, someone said07:00
A_UserAkjj: Sorry, there was some problem with the network07:01
AkjjTanvir: Looks fine to me07:01
A_UserAkjj: I am back07:01
AkjjAny progress?07:01
TakagamiWell ih ad a question about the motd.d update stuff... but i figured it out! hehehe07:01
A_UserAkjj: you wanted to perform certain command line operations07:01
TanvirAkjj, then it says:07:01
TanvirSQLite version 2.8.1707:01
TanvirEnter ".help" for instructions07:01
FloodBot3Tanvir: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
AkjjTanvir: Yeah, I'm out of help I think. Read up on SQL syntax. Figure it out. Your question was the format and we figured that out. Beyond that is not really a ubuntu question any more07:02
AkjjA_User: The commands I suggested rely on you getting to the windows recovery console. That means you need to have a windows xp install / recovery disk07:02
AkjjDo you?07:02
TanvirAkjj, okay, thanks a lot.07:02
A_UserAkjj: i dont have any recovery disk07:03
A_UserAkjj: does grub-install simply removes a partitiion07:03
A_UserAkjj: then why it isn't available07:04
AkjjIt writes over the boot information (MBR or partition boot sector)07:04
trollgoddoes the command find work off a cache?07:04
macotrollgod: no. locate does.07:04
A_UserAkjj: is there a way out, if i don't have a recovery disk for XP07:04
trollgodmaco: thanks07:04
DiverdudeLets say i have installed  a program A on ubuntu using apt-get. The packet manager finds out there is an update to the program that takes up for example 54MB. Does the update then take 54MB more from the harddisk besides what program A already fills up on the harddisk or are some parts of the program removed first so that the 54MB is just replacing some parts of the old program or what actually happens?07:05
AkjjA_User: There are alternatives to it.07:05
A_UserAkjj: can u please suggest, which are those07:05
AkjjA_User: I think super grub disk might have support for it?07:06
A_UserAkjj: I did n't get u07:06
jukDiverdude: not necessarily, depends on package/update07:06
AkjjA_User: Sec, looking07:06
AkjjA_User: Yes, Super Grub Disk should help. http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Howto_Boot_Windows_without_problems07:07
Diverdudejuk, its just because sometimes the updates are like huge.....one day i think im gonna run out of harddisk space07:07
accelis ubuntu 10.10 + mac mini latest + sound = basically fucking impossible ?07:08
Jordan_U!ohmy | accel07:08
ubottuaccel: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.07:08
accel!sorry | Jordan_U07:08
ubottuJordan_U: It's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/07:08
jukDiverdude: yeah, nowadays that rapid development ...07:09
AkjjA_User: on second thought that might not be right actually. But it's hopefully a good start point. I have to go now. Good luck07:09
tenchi21can someone help me with getting the headphone jack to work on my ASUS k52F laptop using 10.10 64bit desktop07:09
Jordan_UA_User: Follow this guide to restore the Windows PBR: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector07:09
Emanonif one has a low powered (netbook class) 64 bit capable processor, is there any benefit to using a 64 bit version of Ubuntu?07:11
kisukeEmanon: how much ram?07:11
kisuke!pm > Emanon07:12
ubottuEmanon, please see my private message07:12
Emanonit has 2 gigs07:13
snappi have problem whit lvm on grub207:13
snappsomeone have any idea??07:13
Jordan_U!details | snapp07:13
ubottusnapp: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:13
kisukeEmanon: not really then, and the 64 bit version is not really recomended for regular use at any rate07:14
boxbeatsyhi, i know this might sound dubious, but i'm absolutely convinced that my server is crashing ONLY when I run it in the background.  does anybody know what might cause this?07:15
Jordan_Uboxbeatsy: When you run what in the background?07:16
A_UserAkjj: is there an undo process for grub-install??07:16
jsnthere is some problem in playing video files .when i play them video doesn come but sound comes.this problem occurred suddenly,it was not there when i had installed ubuntu..can anybod help?07:16
Jordan_UA_User: Follow this guide to restore the Windows PBR: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector07:16
boxbeatsyJordan_U: it's a python bottle server07:17
boxbeatsyJordan_U: i'm trying to run it like: python server.py > server.log 2>&1 &, but everytime i run it in teh bckground it crashes after half an hour with absolutely no traceback int he log file07:17
Jordan_Uboxbeatsy: How are you running it in the background?07:17
boxbeatsyon the other hand, whenever i run it in the foreground it stays running for days on end until i try again in the background07:18
sacarlsonA_User: each grub-install will just undo the last07:18
overcluckerboxbeatsy: try running it in screen07:18
jukboxbeatsy: ask in #python07:19
boxbeatsyi'm not familiar with screen.  how would that help?07:19
Jordan_Uboxbeatsy: Are you running out of space on the filesystem containing the log file?07:19
boxbeatsyive tried python :\07:19
boxbeatsyJordan_U: o itneresting..how would i check that?07:19
Jordan_Uboxbeatsy: "df -h" to view free space.07:20
boxbeatsyJordan_U: i have 11/15GB available07:20
star3amThe mapping for this reverse DNS entry is failing because the PTR record doesn't match the A record for that domain. We currently require the forward A record to match the PTR record for all reverse DNS entries.07:20
star3amcan anyone help ?07:20
jsnthere is some problem in playing video files .when i play them video doesn come but sound comes.this problem occurred suddenly,it was not there when i had installed ubuntu..can anybod help?07:20
Jordan_Uboxbeatsy: What filesystem is the log file stored on?07:20
boxbeatsyi'm also confident that it's not anything to do with oom because it runs perfectly fine in foreground07:20
Jordan_Uboxbeatsy: What filesystem type that is, extN, fat32, ntfs, etc.07:21
kiwilathamjsn: what player are you trying with?07:21
kisukejsn: have you updated anything recently?07:22
boxbeatsyJordan_U: when i use df i see "dev/sda1" <- ext3, devtmpfs<-devtmpfs, /dev/sda2<-ext307:22
boxbeatsyand i think the log is going to /dev/sda107:22
kisukeboxbeatsy: you need to use the -h flag07:22
boxbeatsyyea, i just used df -T07:23
boxbeatsyalso in my trials, i've been running it in the foreground but still logging to the same place07:23
jsni hav tried playing with all the players like gnome movie player, gnomeMplayer,vlc etc..but one thing is there when i changed the video output from default to x11 in gnomeMplayer then it is working fine.but i am unable to do this thing with other players07:24
overcluckerboxbeatsy: gnu screen is a detatchable terminal multiplexer, you could try running your server in screen.07:24
jsnkisuke: i hav tried playing with all the players like gnome movie player, gnomeMplayer,vlc etc..but one thing is there when i changed the video output from default to x11 in gnomeMplayer then it is working fine.but i am unable to do this thing with other players07:24
jsnkisuke: just some of the chromium updates07:24
boxbeatsyoverclucker: o i see07:24
boxbeatsybut are there fundamental reasons something like this could happen?07:25
boxbeatsyi'm just completely boggled and have no idea what could remotely cause this07:25
kisukejsn: is this one file or several?07:25
jsnkisuke: several..all video files07:25
kiwilathamjsn: you can change the video output in vlc under tools->preferences->video->output dropdown.07:26
boxbeatsyit's like there's some process saying..."i want to kill some processes randomly...let's only look for background processes...and let's pick the same one very time"07:26
jsnkisuke : i have tried this thing in vlc but it was of no help07:26
jaywalkerHowdy. Got a little issue with SSH on ubuntu server07:27
khannzCan someone tell me, where I can set up my system-wide proxy settings? I mean really system-wide so I never using "export http_proxy.." stuff again. and even sudo commands used it07:27
kiwilathamhave you tried running mplayer from the commandline?  What kind of output do you get?07:27
kiwilathamkhannz look in /etc/profile.d/07:28
jaywalkerim trying to change the port it listens on to something else, and even tho I've changed the config file (and removed port 22) and restarted ssh, it still lets me connect on port 2207:28
khannzkiwilatham, kk, let me try and thanks anyway )07:29
kiwilathamjaywalker: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58559807:29
sacarlsonjaywalker: you say removed port 22,  you do need to assign some port number, if so what file did you modify?07:29
PrinlerCan someone help me get some ubuntu/windows 7 sharing setup?07:30
kiwilathamkhanz: Sweet bro.07:30
jaywalkerah, i see. so is /etc/ssh/ssh_config just a default file that doesn't get read?07:30
TheMusicGuyI'm having trouble with permissions and file ownership on a CIFS filesystem. My mount line is here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/338771/07:31
jsnkisuku: deleted my configuration file of vlc and again restored it now it is working fine..can u tell me what thing i did wrong earlier due to which this mess happend07:31
kiwilathamPrinler: A super quick fix (not longterm or full time is to install winscp (free) on windows.  It uses ssh port 22 to connect and do scp file copying over a gui.  Not as nice as samba but gets you there in the end.07:31
sacarlsonjaywalker: that's the wrong file to edit,  you want to change /etc/ssh/sshd_config07:31
boxbeatsyany hypotheses? :\07:31
TheMusicGuyEverything on the share is owned by "root", but its supposed to be owned by "brad"07:31
jaywalkerkk, got it07:31
noGoodNicksthis is a support channel, right?07:32
Prinlerwell i installed samba but im no pro... Think you can run me threw some things?07:32
kisukeok regresh my memory, does ubuntu desktop come with a sshd by default?07:33
TheMusicGuykisuke: I don't think so07:33
jukkisuke: no07:33
kisukeTheMusicGuy: juk thanks07:33
jsnkisuke: do u know?07:33
kiwilathamPrinler: which way do you wish to sync?07:34
noGoodNicksfor some reason my audio has decided to flake out on me. PulseAudio skips about randomly when the CPU load is high, which seems to happen when phy0 spikes. It has never done this before today...07:34
kisukejsn: nope sorry07:34
kiwilathamdont all distros come with sshd by default?07:34
noGoodNicksis there a way to get pulseAudio to stop skipping, or alternatively stop phy0 from spiking as often as it does? :/07:34
jsnkisuke: okay no worries07:34
PrinlerIt doesnt matter... i attempted to mount a share.... now im trying samba.... I just installed and dunno if it needs config or something.07:34
PrinlerIt doesnt seem to work07:35
petersteele111#join python07:36
kiwilathampetersteele111: try /join #python07:36
petersteele111yeah i saw i missed it lol07:37
kiwilathamPrinler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently07:37
noGoodNicksanybody? :S07:38
jsncan anybody tell me the plugin for mozilla for downloading streaming videos?07:38
grendal_primeanyone ever user vsftp07:39
kiwilathamgrendal: yes07:39
libaofengeveryone can use ubuntu ,doc,xls,ppt.now you do everything ,some soft can be made in china ,wo use linux system for working07:39
Prinlerkiwilatham, ok folowing it now...07:39
jukjsn: streaming? why would you need just ctr+s07:39
grendal_primeit seems to be up working...i want to set it up so anonomouse uploads all go to /mnt/remotefiles07:39
wyldguyhow can i get access to /ect/apt in ubunto 7.10?07:39
vega-_wyldguy: what do you mean "get access" ?07:40
vega-_(although 7.10 is not supported anymore..)07:40
wyldguywell my apt.list has # all through them i wanna get into there to remove them07:40
vega-_sudo <insert-favourite-editori> /etc/apt/sources.list (there is no such file as apt.list)07:41
juk!sudo | wyldguy07:41
ubottuwyldguy: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo07:41
trollboysome one recommend me a cheap ubuntu - friendly usb wifi dongle07:41
juk!nano | wyldguy07:41
ubottuwyldguy: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code07:41
TheMusicGuyHow can I get the correct file ownership/group for a Windows 7 share mounted as CIFS?07:42
kiwilathamPrinler: have you done a sudo apt-get install smbfs smbclient?07:42
r3d2hey you guys im getting permission denied on "sudo ls -l > list.txt07:42
Prinlerno but i did so sudo apt-get install smbfs07:42
r3d2whats going on07:42
vega-_wyldguy: there's also a graphical utility for editing source repositories, software manager/sources or something like that if you don't know how to use command line07:42
kiwilathamPrinler: then try: smbclient -L ip.addr.of.win7 -U%07:42
kiwilathamok - you have to install smbclient07:43
kiwilathamnot sure if smbfs will install smblcient as a dependancy.07:43
Prinleri did install "sambA""07:43
jsnjuk: i want to download the video files which streams like in youtube..can u tell me any software or plugin for dowloading these videos from any site?07:44
kiwilathamwhat happens when you try smbclient -L ip.addr.of.win7 -U%07:44
Prinleri get erroras07:45
Prinlerit tells me about the OS07:45
Prinlerbut i get denied and no workgroup avail07:45
kiwilathamgrendal: vsftpd has configuration settings in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf for declaring where anonymous uploads are pathed to.  You might have to enable the right ownership of files in the location you specify.07:46
r3d2hey you guys im getting permission denied on "sudo ls -l > list.txt"07:46
vega-_jsn: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl07:46
wyldguyya cant avoid the term to do the editing to the /ect/apt sources list?07:46
kiwilathamPrinler: have you confirmed that you are able to browse the share from another windows machine?07:46
jsnvega: this is for only youtube ?07:47
vega-_jsn: yes07:47
r3d2hey you guys im getting permission denied on "sudo ls -l > list.txt"07:47
PrinlerI share all my files07:47
vega-_!repeat | r3d207:47
ubottur3d2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:47
kiwilathamPrinler: Nice... :)07:47
jsnvega: i want a software or plugin which can download from any of the sites07:48
Prinlerbut i cant see them in my ubuntu07:48
vega-_jsn: don't know if there exists such a thing..07:48
brverghi.. i have a problem with flash palyers07:49
maineacPrinler: are your Ubuntu and Win7 machines in the same workgroup?07:49
kiwilathamtry smbclient hmm on mine if i issue smbclient -L //
pksadiq!samba > Prinler07:49
ubottuPrinler, please see my private message07:49
wyldguyok how bout this for a qustion...is there any linux distros current with the compiz-fusion out of box other then knoppix?07:49
brverghi.. i have a problem with flash palyers07:50
kiwilathamwyldguy: Fedora 14.  using it now.07:50
libaofengchange this os07:50
libaofenguse ubuntu07:50
libaofengone by one use07:50
=== chikokishi is now known as Chikokishi
ChikokishiHello everyone07:51
KatronixSerfHi all, I was curious how do you make Gnome look like it does in this picture? http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/firefox4ubuntu-large_005.jpg07:51
kiwilathamprinler: copy pasted this from : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280473 "sudo smbmount // /home/dbott/music -o username=dbott,password=mysecretpassword,uid=1000,mask=000"07:51
ChikokishiIm trying to get my sound to work and my chipset is "ICH9" under "intel"   but i cant find it on the chipset list from Alas or whatever.  Am i screwed?07:52
TheMusicGuyAre mount.smbs and mount.cifs the same?07:52
libaofenghow to use *.bin07:52
kiwilathamKatronixServ: try http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/8-power-docks-for-your-linux-machine/07:53
KatronixSerfkiwilatham, thanks07:53
libaofengwho can tell me ?07:53
pksadiqlibaofeng: if it's executable you can do ./<filename>07:53
kiwilathamI think mount.cifs replaces mount.smbfs07:54
Diverdudehow do i execute a ash-script on startup?07:54
kiwilathamlibaofeng: if ./<filename> does not work, try first chmod +x <filename> then ./<filename>07:55
=== oden is now known as Guest21874
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: so mount.cifs uses the same command structure as mount.smbfs and supports the same options, etc.?07:55
gaelfxso I just updated to 10.10 from 10.04 because when I used the liveUSB, my DVD actually worked, and now that I've finished and fully installed my DVD player is broken again, is there anything I can do to diagnose the problem, if not solve it?07:55
kiwilathamthere are various methods of executing scripts on startup.  When would you like to execute the file? During boot, or when you log in.07:56
kiwilathamTheMusicGuy: I use mount.cifs with the -o switches to specify username and password at work to mount Windows2003 shares from inside redhat linux.  I am sure ubuntu is the same.07:57
kiwilathamman mount.cifs07:57
=== ucenik25 is now known as MACEDON
kiwilathamI love man commands.  Ever tried a man date? or worse... A man mount?07:58
ucenik21daco peder07:58
Jordan_UMACEDON: Please stop.07:58
=== ucenik21 is now known as makedonac
makedonacim stop07:58
ohzieHey guys. I have an issue with bind, and the #bind channel is kinda quiet this late, so I thought I'd throw it out here and see if anyone had any ideas. =) When I start my bind server it errors out saying it can't open "rndc.key" "Permission denied" This is weird because the dhcpd user owns that file. I still get the error when I make it a+rwx. What could possibly cause a world-read/write/executable file to deny permission to a deamon to open it?07:59
ohzieSorry, that's a large bit of text but it's a strange problem that baffling me.07:59
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: it seems that mount.smbfs is an alias for mount.cifs (same with man mount.smbfs)07:59
kiwilathamTheMusicGuy: yeah.  I guessed so.  On my system mount.smbfs does not exist. But then I use a different distro.08:00
PrinlerCouldn't chdir to /home/steve/music: No such file or directory08:00
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: I was just wondering because I'm having some issues with file ownership and I thought it might be because I was using the wrong filesystem.08:00
Prinlerkiwilatham, Couldn't chdir to /home/steve/music: No such file or directory08:00
kiwilathamPrinler: does /home/steve/music exist on your system?08:00
Prinlersudo smbmount \\steve-pc\mp3 /home/steve/Music -o username=steve, password=MYPASSWORD, uid=1000, mask=00008:01
Prinleris the username and password the username and pass from the windows machine?08:01
kiwilathamok remove the space after the comma.  use forward slashes for //steve-pc/mp308:01
llutz_Prinler: Music or music? it's case sensitive08:01
Prinleri tried both08:02
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: also there isn't a "cifs.conf" in any of the man pages, only "smb.conf". It seems...inconsistent.08:02
kiwilathamand yes - ensure case sensitivy is correct and that you have the username and password correct for the fileshare permissions on the windows machine.08:02
brvergi have a problem with my flash player08:03
kiwilathamright. samba still uses smb.conf.  The commands I suggested use cifs which is a filesystem type that mount will apply when mounting the share.  Once we confirm this works we can start looking at configuring samba.08:03
brvergmy browser crashes when i have more than two tabs for youtube08:04
brvergmy system is updated but still the adobe flash player crashes..pls help08:05
kiwilathamTheMusicGuy: file ownership and filesystem would be a new one for me.  Have you checked everything else?  IE: chown and chmod?  Does ubuntu have SELINUX or an equivalent that is getting in your way?08:05
Prinlermount.cifs: bad UNC (\steve-pcmp3)08:05
Prinlerhow do i undo the mount?08:05
Prinlerso i can retry?08:05
gaelfxMy DVD drive worked in the LiveUSB, but after install, whenever I insert a DVD (or any CD) the entire UI hangs for long periods, only responding to mouse movement but not mouse clicks, how can I fix this?08:05
kiwilathamsudo umount /mnt/steve/Music08:06
brvergam i in the wrong channel? nobody seems to help regarding flash players08:06
ohziebrverg: Can you restate your question? I'm sorry, I've been flitting in and out.08:06
gaelfxbrverg: which player/browser are you using?08:06
brvergcpould you at least redirect me to the proper channel?08:06
ohzieSomeone here may be able to help you08:06
ohziethe best practice is t re-ask your question every 20-30 minutes or so. :P08:06
llutz_!patience | brverg08:07
ubottubrverg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:07
brverg<gaelfx> thank you08:07
ohzieerr sorry08:07
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: I can mount the filesystem without any problem, but everything is owned by root and it should be owned by another user. Attempting to chown/chgrp does nothing08:07
ohzieThat's what I wanted08:07
CalvinMcGeehi there, fellow Ubuntuers. I installed Ubuntu on my netbook and having some probs with the battery indicator. It shows how many percent that's left, but It just says (calculating...) on how much time there is left.08:07
brverg<ohzie> i use mozilla firefox with adobe flash player installed08:07
ohzieOh, it doesn't know anything about bind. :(08:07
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: same with chmod08:08
ohzieCalvinMcGee: the best resource I've found with things that are laptop-specific(as this issue probably is) is linux-laptop.com08:08
kiwilathamTheMusicGuy: are you mounting a FAT32 or NTFS filesystem?08:08
llutz_TheMusicGuy: smbf/cifs is not a unix-fs, so you cannot use chmod/chown. you have to use mount-options08:08
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: that's the correct behavior, changes made to it08:08
ohzieCalvinMcGee: there are forums dedicated to makes/models of netbooks, and most problems I've had, someone else has bhad and posted about08:09
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: ntfs08:09
ohzieand some of them have solutions.08:09
Prinlerkiwilatham, umount: /mnt/steve/Music: not found08:09
gaelfxbrverg: well, I haven't done anything yet, but if you give me some more info, I might be able to08:09
Prinlernothing in the /mtn folder08:09
ohzieCalvinMcGee: although it's likely that almoxarife knows more about this than I do, as he certainly seems more confident than I feel about my "check this out and hope it helps" answer. lol. =P08:09
=== ElderDryas is now known as kuakkganni
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: So, I cannot see how much time there is left?08:10
brverg<gaelfx> the flash palyer in my firefox crashes every time i open more than two tabs of youtube08:10
TheMusicGuyllutz: I understand that cifs/samba is supposed to be able to "translate" permissions between operating systems when it is configured properly08:10
TheMusicGuyllutz: er, not operating systems...you know what I mean.08:10
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: you can if you click on it, should open up to info08:10
llutz_TheMusicGuy: and thats done with mount-options or when using samba, in smb.conf.08:11
brverg<gaelfx> i regularly update the system but it still crashes08:11
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: It says "time to empty: o seconds"08:11
llutz_TheMusicGuy: check "man mount.cifs" for uid/gid08:12
TheMusicGuyllutz: no, that's not what I'm talking about...08:12
brverg <gaelfx> but everything is fine if i don't do tab browsing for youtube.. i mean viewing one video at a time is no problem.. +08:12
gaelfxbrverg: are you using adobe's player?08:13
Prinler*pulls hair out*08:13
Prinlerblasted google08:13
kiwilathamahaaa. I am not sure you are able to mount easily using mount-options when mounting an nfts drive.  I have just read: FILE AND DIRECTORY OWNERSHIP AND PERMISSIONS in man mount.cifs08:13
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: I get the same numbers, and mine is fully charged08:13
gaelfxbrverg: also are you using 10.10 or 10.04 (Ubuntu)?08:13
llutz_TheMusicGuy: "<TheMusicGuy> kiwilatham: I can mount the filesystem without any problem, but everything is owned by root and it should be owned by another user. Attempting to chown/chgrp does nothing"    this is what _i_ am talking about08:14
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: well, mine is 37%08:14
brverg<gaelfx> yes i'm using adobe's palyer08:14
TheMusicGuyllutz: When mounting a share from a host that uses the "UNIX extensions," the client (Ubuntu in this case) should be able to determine the owner and permissions on a per-file basis...I thought.08:14
brverg<gaelfx> ubuntu 10.1008:15
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: the nifty batt indicator when you hover over the batt is gone, why?? no idea08:15
LinSteveHI need some help troubleshooting a NFS problem.  I have a NAS running NFS.  and I believe that it is running properly, because  I see it both on the server (exportfs looks right) and the client (showmount shows the same info).  I have a mountpoint on the client, with root as owner/group.   Am I overlooking something??08:15
kiwilathamthat depends on whether or not the client negotiates UNIX extensions. The MusicGuy, Is this a USB disk or somwthing.08:16
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: but on my other laptop, it works fine08:16
Prinlerkiwilatham, lemme try a ftp server.... if that dont work? $&^%#^&#$ im gonna buy a fing thumb drive08:16
Prinlerwalk it over08:16
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: 10.4 ?08:16
almoxarifeor 10.10?08:16
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: no...its a partition on the internal HD that is being accessed over the network.08:16
bigbanghow to install bery on ubuntu 10.1008:16
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: 10.10 on both08:16
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: 10.4 worked fine on mine08:16
kiwilathamok.  try mounting using mount.cifs and adding the uid=xxx,gid=xxx options08:17
kiwilathamthese are the uid and gid from /etc/passwd and /etc/group files08:17
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: crap...08:17
ThrawnHi, i need help with setting up an ad-hoc network between a windows 7 and an ubuntu machine08:17
Prinlerkiwilatham, over my head. Like i said im just dipping toes into this. havent got that far to know 100% what your talking about08:18
kiwilathamPrinler: Thrawn: Save yourselves both a huge headach and just insstall WinSCP on your windows machine and browse to the Ubuntu machine.08:18
Thrawncool i got that app alrdy08:19
gaelfxbrverg: the version of Firefox you're using is the one provided or are you using a different version?08:19
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: according to the man pages, won't that force _everything_ in the share to have the same uid/gid? (That's not what I want)08:19
brverg<gaelfx> it's the one provided08:21
almoxarifeCalvinMcGee: and then a ppa came to save the day, maybe, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/battery-status-ppa-finally-updated-with.html08:21
Thrawnkiwilatham: im complete networking noob :( got a link to a tutorial @ settings in WinSCP to get windows->ubuntu filesharing working?08:21
=== richard is now known as richardr
kiwilathamTheMusicGuy: Look, I dont really know.  It would appear that your client does not support Unix extentions.  If you dont specify the UID / GID then the file permissions will be those of the user that executed mount.  Is there a way to configure mount to be executed by a non root user?08:21
bigbanghow to install beryl on ubuntu10.1008:22
CalvinMcGeealmoxarife: Yay!08:22
llutz_kiwilatham: add it to fstab with "users" option08:22
gaelfxbrverg: ok, one more question, 32 or 64-bit?08:22
Prinlerkiwilatham, Installed winscp gonna take a quick look see if i can figure it out08:23
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: My server is WIndows 7 Pro. My client is Ubuntu. I don't know what Win 7 supports. I thought it supported the Unix extensions, maybe it doesn't.08:23
brverg <gaelfx> 32bit08:24
kiwilathamPrinler: Excellent.  It's handy for a quick file transfer here and there.  Really good for ad-hoc stuff.08:24
PrinlerIts open asking me for info... privatekeyfile?08:25
kiwilathamTheMusicGuy: Maybe you should just give it a go huh?  Try the fstab users option on the mount.  That should allow you to mount the thing as a normal user.  Alternatively try it with the commandline and see if it works.08:25
llutz_Prinler: winscp needs openssh-server running on ubuntu08:25
Prinleroh god08:25
Starminn!compiz | bigbang08:25
ubottubigbang: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz08:25
kiwilathamllutz_ thanks dude.   I gotta go. ITs been cool - thanks for letting me hang out here.  I might pop in later.08:25
Thrawnlol @ prinler08:25
llutz_Prinler: just "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"08:26
Prinlermore to install haha08:26
Starminn!beryl | bigbang08:26
ubottubigbang: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz08:26
brverg <gaelfx> 32bit08:27
llutz_Prinler: if you haven't set up keys just use username/password to authenticate in winscp08:27
Thrawnwhat do i type as host name in winSCP08:27
llutz_Thrawn: linux-machines name or ip08:28
Thrawnllutz_: where do i find that?08:28
Thrawn(in ubuntu)08:28
llutz_Thrawn: "hostname" "ifconfig"08:28
TheMusicGuykiwilatham: Listen. Setting the uid, gid, and users options does indeed do exactly what you say it should do. I already tried it. However, that isn't the issue here. I can't just mount everything in the share with the same uid/gid and file permissions; that doesn't work for what I'm ultimately trying to do. I need separate ownership and permission bits for each file.08:28
Prinlerok trusting08:29
PrinlerYAY! I see stuffs!08:29
Thrawnhow ?08:29
Prinleri love when it works08:30
ThrawnPrinler: what did you type in winscp?08:30
brverg<gaelfx> FYI, 512 ram and ti was ok with previous OS08:30
Prinlerip un/pass?08:31
Prinlerafter i installed the ssh08:31
Prinlerit logged in fine08:31
Prinlermoving over some mp3's now08:31
Thrawni installed ssh and entered that but nothing :(08:31
Thrawnmaybe i got the wrong ip; where did you get yours from#08:32
PrinlerSee, im trying to configure a media server to play with... i love Tversity... its amazing for my Iphone08:32
Prinlerifconfig eth008:32
Thrawnifconfig gives me eth0 lo and wlan008:32
Prinlerwell are you wifi? or wired?08:32
Prinlerthen do ifconfig wlan008:33
RadarWhat's the site that I can see the packages and versions that are available for a specific Ubuntu version?08:33
RadarSomething like dpkg-list.com or... I dunno. It has a brown header / background08:33
Prinler:p joking sorry bad08:33
Prinler*smacks his hand*08:33
Thrawni get connection refused :(08:33
Prinlerummm do you have ssh?08:34
llutz_Thrawn: do you have openssh-server running?08:34
Thrawninstalled but duno if running lol08:34
Prinler"sudo apt-get install openssh-server"08:34
Thrawnyea did that08:34
Thrawndoes it run automatically?08:34
llutz_Thrawn: sudo netstat -tulpen|grep sshd08:34
Prinlerdid you type the proper username and password?08:34
Ambienthey all can anyone help me here: i've got a usb mouse and have been using it on the usb port but now to free up usbs i want to use it on the ps/2 port i have the adapter but it dosent want to work i've been reading blogs but i cant figureout how to configure it. any ideas?08:34
gaelfxbrverg: I can't find anything pointing to the problem, sorry!08:35
brverg<gaelfx> ok... thanks anyway08:35
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:36
Thrawnsudo netstat -tulpen|grep sshd08:36
gaelfxI'm having a DVD drive issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10459971#post10459971 It works when I use it on the LiveUSB, but not after install, can someone help me find what's going wrong?08:36
pinnaclehey guys how to i restore my ubuntu desktop panels to default settings08:36
pinnacleI had delted a panel08:36
pinnacleby mistake08:36
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:36
=== anomie is now known as Guest30657
llutz_Thrawn: any output?08:37
Thrawnjust "accepted"08:37
Thrawnso i guess it works; but still get connection refused in winSCP08:37
pinnacleit fixed my panels08:37
FloodBot3pinnacle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
llutz_Thrawn: if that command gives no output, sshd is not running08:38
Thrawnllotz_: how should my ubuntu machine's ip look like? its looks odd for me08:38
pinnaclewhat are the best games for ubuntu?08:38
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/08:38
ubottuA desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors08:38
tvwAfter the update to 10.04 the visual effects of my desktop are set to 'none' and I need to change them, each time, when I log in. How do I make them permanent?08:38
llutz_Thrawn: ip depend on your routers/dhcp-servers settting. might be possible, also 192.168.x.y08:39
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct08:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:39
llutz_pinnacle: stop abusing the bot please08:39
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:39
Prinlerkiwi is gone?08:39
monkbot abuse is bad mkay08:39
pinnacleim seeing what the bot knows08:40
pinnaclemind your own business08:40
Thrawnllutz_: damn, scrolled up in terminal found out that install ssh-server failed -.- that explains it08:40
llutz_pinnacle: stop please,  query the bot08:40
pinnaclewhats query08:40
llutz_ /msg ubottu08:40
pinnacleah ok08:40
Diverdudeif i write grep main in a folder it will search all files in the folder for the word maiin right?08:40
pinnacleprivate message08:40
pinnaclegood idea08:40
pinnaclethat sounds better08:41
FloodBot3pinnacle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:41
llutz_pinnacle:  /msg ubottu bot08:41
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:41
llutz_drop it08:42
Ambientstupid computer08:42
Ambientsorry has anyone got a solution to my mouse problem?08:42
SparshCan someone help me with some ipconntrack / connections through firewall issues08:42
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto08:42
Sparsh the server only has nginx reverse proxy and does around 500req/second. The keep-alive is 0, but still i dont think the server is configured correctly,08:42
PrinlerAnyone know of a tversity alternative?08:42
SparshCan someone help me with some ipconntrack / connections through firewall issues08:43
Sparshthe server only has nginx reverse proxy and does around 500req/second. The keep-alive is 0, but still i dont think the server is configured correctly,08:43
TheMusicGuySparsh: we heard you the first time08:43
Starminnpinnacle: ubottu's gonna start crying if you don't stop making her speak in public. She's shy. ;)08:44
TheMusicGuyand then her daddy will come get you. if you know what I mean.08:44
Starminn(I think it's a she, anyway.)08:44
SparshTheMusicGuy: apologies, this room is very full and i am here for the first time, I am struggling with my issue, but apologies i shoudl have copied same thing twice08:44
DJonespinnacle: Have a look at this, its an old post on the ubuntu forums, but seems to make a few suggestions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52289508:44
pinnaclewahts that?08:45
Prinlerthe best freaking media server program ever :p08:45
Prinlerwindows only08:45
Prinlerit can transcode any media into a format for almost any device in realtime on the fly08:46
K|nGPrinler: Linux ROCK :D and it`s best :D08:46
Prinlerso lets say you got huge blueray movies on your pc...08:46
DJonespinnacle: Sorry, that link was for Prinler http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52289508:46
Prinlerand your at work... and you wanna watch it on your iphone08:46
TheMusicGuySparsh: its ok. its just that it generally takes a minute or two before you can get any help with a really specific issue, so posting within the same 30-45 seconds will not help you much...08:46
Prinlerit converts it into a iphone friendly format on the fly :p08:46
gaelfxMy DVD drive works in the live USB, but it doesn't after I install: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10459971#post10459971 Can anyone help?08:48
Thrawnmany thanks llutz_ stuff works now :D08:49
SkaterI recently installed 10.10 and am a newbie. It's asking me for root access but I was never asked to set this up during the install. Can anyone tell me how to do this?08:50
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:50
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto08:50
DJonesSkater: The password for your admin/root permissions will be your own user password08:50
llutz_!botabuse > pinnacle08:51
ubottupinnacle, please see my private message08:51
SkaterThank you08:51
Ambientokay anther quick question how do i know what device is what when i'm trying to get this ps2 mouse to work08:51
pinnacle!botabuse > llutz08:51
ubottullutz, please see my private message08:51
llutz_pinnacle: drop it08:52
memoryleakwondering what the private message is08:52
kisukeany one know about getting a WUSB11v3 working on 10.10?08:52
DJonesSkater: Ubuntu doesn't have a password set for the "root" user by default, instead, the first user creater is added to the sudo group which gives access to any admin permissions needed, so any time you're asked to authenticate/or for a sudo password, just use your own password08:53
TheMusicGuymemoryleak: If you really want to know then /msg ubottu !botabuse > memoryleak08:53
kisukeTheMusicGuy: if you /msg ubottu you dont need the > nick08:54
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:54
SkaterThank you08:54
Ambientwhat dose mapper do now08:55
Ambientwill that help me determine what dev is for my mouse08:55
TheMusicGuykisuke: thank you. I've been experimenting with ubottu (the *ahem* correct way) but I still don't understand it completely.08:55
memoryleakdamn, no secrets  :(08:55
libaofengyou can go to the menu of sys , sent  in recovery os,and  change the passwd of root08:56
libaofengand you can use shell ,su root08:56
TheMusicGuyFor some reason I was thinking that if you used the > nick you would get a different message than normal.08:56
kisuke!ubottu > TheMusicGuy08:56
libaofengand write passwd08:56
ubottuTheMusicGuy, please see my private message08:56
llutz_libaofeng: please don't recommend setting a root-password here. its not supported, sudo does fine08:57
libaofengi away use root to ubuntu08:57
llutz_libaofeng: its your choice08:57
Jordan_Upinnacle: Please investigate ubottu eith in private messages or in #ubuntu-bots. This is your last warning.08:58
libaofengi can be careful08:58
llutz_libaofeng: i just ask you not to recommend it to others here08:58
pinnacleJordan. Suck my dick.08:58
TheMusicGuylibaofeng:  You don't really need root password on ubuntu. If you're worried about security, make an "admin" user with sudo privelages and then use another user that does NOT have sudo powers for your daily tasks.08:59
TheMusicGuylibaofeng: then, give "admin" a password instead of root.08:59
kisukeTheMusicGuy: you got that one?08:59
PrinlerOk, what else is there to play with on my ubuntu box? media server, security dvr.....08:59
TheMusicGuykisuke: eh?09:00
kisukePrinler: file/print server, MCPC09:00
nuhairterima kasih semua09:00
libaofenggood idea09:00
kisukeTheMusicGuy: the one where ubottu's factoids are locater09:00
TheMusicGuykisuke: ....eh?09:01
llutz_kisuke: /msg ubottu bot09:01
kisukellutz_: what about it?09:01
kisukePrinler: media center PC09:01
Prinlerwhats that09:01
TheMusicGuykisuke: If you're asking about the ubottu info you directed to me earlier, then yes, I got it.09:02
kisukeTheMusicGuy: that was it09:02
kisukePrinler: pretty much it hold all you videos/music/whatever, uses your TV as a screen and plays said media09:02
kisukePrinler: im about to be using one, but this wireless adapter is being a royal bi... shonen09:03
Prinlerit can play hdmi?09:03
kisukePrinler: if you have a video card that can out put to it09:04
TheMusicGuyIntersting factoid...All recent WIndows systems have a hidden user called "Administrator" that functions a lot like root does on Linux. You can't log into this account normally, and usually don't need to, just like root on Ubuntu.09:05
TheMusicGuyBut that reminds me...don't you need a root password to log into recovery mode on Ubuntu?09:06
satyamy client could not connect to the web server09:06
Prinlerkisuke, http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=188-02N09-00A00-CO-R&cat=VCD09:06
satyaclients connected web server via wireless router09:06
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: no09:06
kisukePrinler: then yes09:06
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: we don't need the interesting factoids in this channel either, it's ubuntu support channel only09:07
TheMusicGuyikonia: um...sorry. but it wasn't, like, completely off topic. I said it because of libaofeng's question.09:08
gaelfxwhat command will list sata devices?09:08
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: it's not needed, but no problem09:08
Prinlerwhat better supported nvidia or ati09:09
sacarlsongaelfx: I think sudo lshw gives a list of them also maybe sudo fdisk -l09:09
llutz_intel :)09:09
kisukeFUUUUUUUUU! ok, any one know of a linksys WUSB11v3 driver that supports wpa? or can some one walk me through ndiswrapper?09:09
Prinlerwell intel doesnt make pci-e video cards :p09:10
satya<ikonia> my clients could not ping with hostname but it ping with ip09:10
ikoniasatya: ok ?09:10
FloodBot3Prinler: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:10
kisukePrinler: i think its about even now09:10
llutz_Prinler: unfortunately not :( from what i'm reading here, nvidia causing less trouble09:10
ikoniaPrinler: ?09:10
kisukePrinler: ans it waht i have on hand, im hopping to get a decent wifi card this next week09:11
ikoniasatya: if you are having a problem, it looks like your DNS setup is not working09:11
TheMusicGuyok. serious question now: How can I tigger a script to run as soon as I've established a LAN connection?09:11
gaelfxsacarlson: no, neither of those shows me what I want. I'm trying to figure out some info about my DVD drive09:12
llutz_TheMusicGuy: /etc/network/if-up.d09:12
ikoniallutz_: slick trick09:12
llutz_not sure if it works with nm ...09:12
ikoniallutz_: it won't, but it's still a great trick, I've noted it down09:13
llutz_noticed "reason 3421 not to use nm"09:13
kisukeugh that is a keyboard-full09:14
arvind_khadri!find easy_install09:14
ubottuFile easy_install found in libchef-ruby1.8, python-distribute-doc, python-setuptools, python-zc.buildout, python3-setuptools09:15
Jordan_UTheMusicGuy: llutz_: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/07/22/networkmanager-secret-weapon-for-the-linux-road-warrior/09:15
Ambienti cant find the xorg.conf file09:15
Prinlerwatching "social network"  wow skillz09:15
Ambientit's not in the X11 folder09:15
llutz_Jordan_U: thanks, but ifupdown is much easier and well known :)09:16
TheMusicGuythe problem is that I'm trying to mount a network share at boot, but the NIC isn't ready until after logging into X, so the mount always fails.09:17
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: don't use network manager and the network card will come up at boot before the login09:18
llutz_TheMusicGuy: coonfigure /etc/network/interfaces09:18
Ambientconfigure /etc/X11/x09:19
luoluoluohi there, i have a problem.  I want to return to the page before login.  How can i do it?  I'm using AuthComponent for login09:19
ikonialuoluoluo: loginto what ?09:20
ikonialuoluoluo: login to what09:20
luoluoluofor example, i want show page admin/icons/index, but i'm not login09:20
luoluoluothe auth component will lead me to the login page09:20
luoluoluoafter entering login name and passwords09:20
luoluoluoi want to automatically return to admin/icons/index09:21
kisukeluoluoluo: on what? a webpage?09:21
ikonialuoluoluo: ask in #httpd that's an apache issue09:21
gaelfxman, my DVD drive is doing some weird stuff. It takes about 5 minutes for it to recognize a DVD and then it fails to mount it, I mount it manually and can play, but the system lags like mad. Anyone have any ideas what might be going wrong?09:21
kisukegaelfx: what kindof DVD drive?09:21
brontosaurusrexhow can i test postfix sending mail from cli?09:21
luoluoluocan't I do this  just by using stuff like loginRedirection?09:21
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: mail user@host.com09:22
ikonialuoluoluo: ask in #httpd it's an apache module issue09:22
TheMusicGuyikonia: the NIC is a different device depending on whether the system is booted inside a virtual machine or on the physical hardware. If its on the physical hardware, the NIC is weird wifi USB adapter that needed special configuration to work. If the system is booted in the VM, its an emulated ethernet adapter.09:22
Ambientyeah i'm over this now is there any other way i can do this ps/2 mouse deal or is linux just incapable09:22
TheMusicGuy(which is bridged to the real USB NIC)09:22
gordonjcpluoluoluo: loginRedirection in what?09:22
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: then you have to accept the limitations, a simple option would be to do the mount command in your login profile after a "sleep 120" command09:23
gordonjcpluoluoluo: you're asking in the wrong place, but someone can probably tell you a better place to ask with a bit more information09:23
brontosaurusrexikonia: and error log will be.. ?09:23
llutz_brontosaurusrex: /var/log/mail.err09:23
gaelfxkisuke: Pioneer, if that's what you mean09:23
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: the postfix error log, the mail log and the screen09:23
jatthow do I add a volume control to the panel09:24
kisukegaelfx: try loading a DVD then run "dmesg | tail" from a terminal09:24
brontosaurusrexhmm, no errors, just mail didnt get where it shoudl09:24
gaelfxkisuke: kk, hang on09:24
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: has it left the mail queue09:24
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: do you see it being acceptabed in the mail log09:25
gaelfxit'll take at least 5 minutes before I can do that09:25
ikoniaDarwin4Ever: do you see it being sent in the postfix log ?09:25
kisukegaelfx: when you do finish that use a pastebin.09:25
brontosaurusrexikonia: left the quote, let me check the mail log09:25
kisuke!PB > gaelfx09:25
ubottugaelfx, please see my private message09:25
kisukegaelfx: no problem09:25
gaelfxno worries, I know about pb ;)09:25
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brontosaurusrexuf, what would be the correct logs?09:28
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: you said you'd checked the logs09:29
gaelfxkisuke: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567248/09:29
brontosaurusrexok, got connection timed out from smtp server09:30
ikoniathere we go then09:30
TheMusicGuyikonia: How about this: Since the network share comes from the host operating system, it won't be available when running through physical hardware anyway. (In this case the same files are available on an actual hard drive partition) That being the case, I don't need to mount any shares when in physical mode...so can I optionally turn NM off when in the VM?09:30
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: not really no09:30
jatthow do I add a volume control applet to the panel09:31
kisukegaelfx: run "dmsg > ~/dmesg.txt" and pastebin it please, that raised more questions than it answered09:31
robertzaccourhey yall09:31
kisukerobertzaccour: hey09:31
TheMusicGuyikonia: btw I can detect whether or not the system is in a VM at boot by using imvirt09:31
luoluoluosorry, entered wrong channel....09:31
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: doesn't matter09:31
robertzaccouranyone know which laptops would be best for running Linux?09:31
Starminnjatt: right-click on the panel->Add to Panel...->Indicator Applet09:32
ikoniarobertzaccour: look on the Linux supported lists, they are the best ones09:32
SkaterI am pulling teeth to figure this out. I now have the latest drivers for my GTX 295 cards but still can't get the HDMI working. I have gone so far as to restart the install of 10.10 to confirm that HDMI is working because I see commands on the HDMI Screen. Does anyone have any idea how I can get HDMI to work when I start ubuntu as now it only works with DVI :(09:32
robertzaccourI think I'm gonna put Win 7 back on this thing and be more selective with my next purchase09:32
jattStarminn: thanks that worked09:32
Starminnjatt: Not a problem. :)09:32
TheMusicGuyikonia: there isn't a script I can modify to conditionally start NM?09:32
kisukerobertzaccour: dell is usually decent, what you looking to do?09:32
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: no09:32
jattrobertzaccour: hp laptops are a pain on the neck09:32
robertzaccourikonia, preinstalled Linux laptops a safe bet? like system 76 and things like that?09:32
Starminnjatt: Agreed. HP in general has it out for Ubuntu.09:32
ikoniarobertzaccour: that's a safe bet yes, but also there are non-preinstalled laptops that are supported09:33
robertzaccourkisuke, being able to record a screencast without turning compiz off09:33
jattrobertzaccour: dell had linux preinstalled some time ago I bought one of them and worked fine, I think they don't do it anymore09:33
ikoniaStarminn: that's nonsense, please don't talk nosense in here09:33
robertzaccourbasic compis for running docky. can't even run basic compiz with a screencast. i can but it won't record right09:33
kisukerobertzaccour: thats more relatedto who made your GFX card then who put the PC together09:33
TheMusicGuyikonia: I'm sorry but can you please provide a little more information than just "no, you can't?" Is there page that can explain why it isn't possible, for example?09:33
sathisi face a problem in Ubuntu LTSP server09:33
Starminnikonia: I concede, it wasn't a factual piece of information -- I've just had bad experience with incompatibilities with them. HP I'm sure has nothing against any Linux distro, really. I withdraw my previous statement. :)09:34
sathisi have made this for OUTBOUND callcenter09:34
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: it's not possible beacuse network manager/not-network manager isn't enabled/disabled in a config file so it's awkward to manaipulate09:34
ikoniamanipulate even09:34
sathisbut the voice quality and voice break are @ high level09:34
robertzaccourjatt, I usually hear good things about hp and linux compatibility09:34
robertzaccourgot an emachines 3527-2537 right now09:35
Prinlerwhat program do you use to make a media server computer?09:35
sathisand now i get another error called failed to connect NBD server09:35
ikoniaPrinler: there are many options available to you, it depends on a lot of things09:35
ikoniaPrinler: what research have you done so far?09:35
llutz_Prinler: xbmc, mythtv, lots more on google09:35
sathisany help of ubuntu ltsp09:35
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robertzaccourI wish there was a website with select systems that confirmed no graphics issues09:36
gaelfxkisuke: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567250/09:36
Prinlerlooking at video cards and cables online :009:36
jattrobertzaccour: the laptop I'm using right now is an hp laptop (the company provided it to me), you can run ubuntu on it, however I had very bad experiences with other hp models, so for me they are a neck in the pain to use with linux09:36
ikoniaPrinler: ok, a little research on the web will narrow it down a little, then we can help you with specific questions09:36
robertzaccouri wonder which computer make is most linux reliable?09:36
sathis failed to connect NBD server  ?09:37
gaelfxkisuke: if you want me to trim that, I probably could09:37
ikoniarobertzaccour: I've told you, look at the compatible linux lists09:37
kisukegaelfx: thats what i was afraid of, either your DVD drive is loose or its dieing a slow painful death09:37
PrinlerWell i used xbmc...... I hack Xbox 1's and install it... Bad a$$! I also make them into full scale arcade machines :p09:37
robertzaccourikonia, link?09:37
ikoniarobertzaccour: this isn't really anything to do with ubuntu09:37
ikonia!hcl > robertzaccour09:37
ubotturobertzaccour, please see my private message09:37
ikoniarobertzaccour: www.google.com09:37
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:37
morgan__noob question - I accidently assigned a default program to open drives with.. where do I go to change default programs?09:37
ikonia!default > morgan__09:38
ubottumorgan__, please see my private message09:38
gaelfxkisuke: really? cause it had no problems in LiveUSB09:38
jattrobertzaccour: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops?action=show&redirect=HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops09:38
kisukePrinler: im using that as the core of my HTPC lol09:38
jattwww.google.com my god09:38
ikoniajatt: ?09:38
kisukegaelfx: reading from the DVD drive?09:38
robertzaccourjatt, thanks09:38
jattyou are welcome09:38
suigenerishow do I file a bug against googleearth?09:38
suigenerisit crashes09:39
kisukePrinler: Home Theater PC, what i called a MCPC eariler.09:39
kisukesuigeneris: talk to google09:39
Prinlerall these terms lol09:39
TheMusicGuyikonia: Surely there must be a script that starts the necessary services/registers the necessary system hooks. Looking in /etc I see various scripts related to network-manager09:39
gaelfxkisuke: correct09:39
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: there isn't09:39
kisukegaelfx: thats weird...09:40
gaelfxkisuke: that's exactly what I said when it happened09:40
TheMusicGuyikonia: then how does it work?09:40
gaelfxhang on, I'll try starting it up live again09:40
kisukegaelfx: i missed that then.09:40
memoryleakPlaying a video especially in full screen mode causes flickering - i tried some stuff like setting TexturedVideo in the X11 Options to off. But after the reboot the screen stayed black and i had to restore the x11 config. Any other ideas?09:40
morgan__hmm - is there a list of default apps for mime types in ubuntu.. open with isnt helping09:40
ikoniait's an application that is loaded as part of the desktop component, it's either loaded with network card configs, or without any (null) which in effect disables it09:41
TheMusicGuyikonia: that implies that there's something somewhere that starts the service when the desktop starts. Perhaps a component of the X11 suite of startup scripts?09:43
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: no, it's part of the desktop09:43
ikoniaTheMusicGuy: if you don't believe me, go and do some research instead of asking if it's possible, I tell you it's not really possible and you arguing it is, despite asking if it is09:43
jattwhat is not possible?09:43
TheMusicGuyikonia: I am.09:44
brontosaurusrexwow, got postfix working with gmail smtp relay09:44
ikoniajatt: dynamically enabling/disable nmapplet and then either populating/unpoppulating the interfaces file depenidng on location09:44
ikoniaand of course populating/unpopulating the networkmanager applets config stored within gnome09:44
TheMusicGuyikonia: ok, nmapplet. that right there helps me.09:44
gaelfxkisuke: ok, well, it takes about a minute for it to show up, but I didn't have any of the sluggishness during that minute09:46
TheMusicGuybut in any case, I'm going to have to pick this up tomorrow. its late here.09:46
kisukewierd then it sounds like a bad driver, how long has this been going on?09:46
robertzaccourI wish there was a list of computer models alphabetized by model make and number09:46
libaofengim upgrade my os09:46
ikoniarobertzaccour: this isn't an Ubuntu issue09:46
kisukegaelfx:  wierd then it sounds like a bad driver, how long has this been going on?09:46
robertzaccourfor good hardware support i mean09:46
ikoniarobertzaccour: this isn't an Ubuntu issue09:46
brontosaurusrexthank ikonia, llutz09:47
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llutz_TheMusicGuy: you could fiddle with 2 interface-files which were switched by a check-script, detecting if you're running vm or not...09:47
robertzaccourikonia, it is to me09:47
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ikoniarobertzaccour: it's not to the channel09:47
zetherooso whats the point of swap?09:47
gaelfxkisuke: ever since 10.0409:47
ikoniallutz_: how would that disable/enable nmapplet outside of gnome ?09:48
gaelfxkisuke: it's the reason I updated to 10.10, which I'm very nearly regretting at the moment09:48
kisukeso it just started in 10.04? when you installed it? after an update? when?09:48
llutz_ikonia: inside vm: interfaces-file with enabled eth0 would cause nm to ignore that interface09:48
llutz_ikonia: just a thought09:48
ikoniait wouldn't ignore it, it creates a conflict09:48
zetheroomy system gets to using 90% of RAM and then just starts locking up with apps freezing etc ... and swap is at 5% capacity!? ... whats up with that?09:48
gaelfxkisuke: ever since I installed the DVD drive actually (I didn't have it in my box initally)09:49
zetherooor is swap just for "looks"!? :P09:49
llutz_ikonia: wait... if one configures i.e. eth0 in /e/n/interfaces it shows as "ignored" in nmapplet. doesn't it?09:49
gaelfxzetheroo: swap is for inactive apps09:49
kisukegaelfx: open up the computer, and reseat the drive, if that does not work try a diffrent slot, your dmesg is telling me either the drive is bad or its gota bad conenction09:49
ikoniallutz_: I've only ever seen it create conflicts, beyond what it says09:50
zetheroogaelfx: meaning? if they are inactive why bother having them in swap?09:50
TheMusicGuyikonia: llutz: sorry, I'm going to have to pick this up tomorrow; I need to go now...09:50
gaelfxkisuke: I'm starting to suspect it has something to do with my mobo09:50
gaelfx!swap > zetheroo09:50
ubottuzetheroo, please see my private message09:50
kisukezetheroo: swap is for incative apps that you are running but are are not fully active for what ever reason.09:50
llutz_ikonia: i haven't tried that too, so it was  just an idea09:51
kisukegaelfx: like i said, try diffrent ports on the mobo09:51
ikoniait's valid, but practically, I don't believe it works09:51
gaelfxthink like when you're using tabbed browsing and you're only looking at one or two tabs09:51
gaelfxkisuke: I guess I'll have to give it a go09:51
zetherookisuke: maybe they are inactive due to a system freezing up!? ... ha .. I just don't get why automatically there is this 5GB swap partition created and it's basically useless ...09:51
gaelfxkisuke: it might be a good excuse to make a new box though :D09:52
gaelfxzetheroo: how much physical ram do you have?09:52
satya<ikonia> my clients could not ping with hostname but it ping with ip09:52
kisukezetheroo: more like they are running and not doing any thing so go to swap09:52
zetheroogaelfx: 2GB ... I know  .. I should have 4 or more ... but alas ...09:52
satya<ikonia> clients connected webserver through wireless router09:53
gaelfxzetheroo: and what kind of apps are you running when this happens?09:53
zetherookisuke: I really cannot think of when that would occur09:53
gaelfx4GB usually isn't necessary unless you're doing a lot of things at once09:53
zambai want to access ip on a remote site through a ssh tunnel.. how do i do that?09:53
kisukezetheroo: firefox when minimised has an option to do that09:53
zetheroogaelfx:  FF, Thunderbird, VirtualBox (running a VM with 512MB RAM usage), Skype ... that's about it09:54
satya<zetheroo> my clients could not ping with hostname but it ping with ip09:54
satya<zetheroo> clients connected webserver through wireless router09:54
rumpe1zamba,  have you access to the internet-router of
zetheroosatya: wonderful ... but why are you telling me? :)09:55
satya<zetheroo> i configured apache2 and bind servers.09:55
rumpe1zamba, you have to use the public ip of the net... not, which is a local one09:55
zetheroosatya: yeah .. I don't really want to know ;)09:55
zambarumpe1: no, that's why i'm going through the internal machine09:56
zambarumpe1: i know this is possible with ssh09:56
zambarumpe1: and tunneling09:56
satya<zetheroo> clients could not connect with the hostname, but connected with the ip09:56
zetheroosatya: ok ... your just being bothersome now09:57
llutz_zamba: google for reverse-ssh tunnel09:57
rumpe1zamba, sure... tunnel to the host with the public ip or its forwarded port09:57
zamballutz_: thanks09:57
llutz_zamba: thats what you need if you can connect TO a site, just make it reverse09:57
zamballutz_: hm..09:58
zamballutz_: i think i have to rephrase my question09:58
LinSteveHHas anyone else had NFS problems, when updating to Meerkat(10.10)?09:58
zambai have access to a computer that's inside a network, through a forwarded port 22.. that way i can connect to the public ip of the host which gets me on the inside ( now i want to access the web gui of the router, which is at, through this ssh tunnel.. is that possible?09:59
gaelfxzamba: generally, SSH and GUI don't go together10:00
notroothow do you forward to port 2210:00
zambanotroot: DNAT10:00
zambagaelfx: err10:00
zambagaelfx: this is a tunnel10:00
kisukegaelfx: x11 forwarding...10:01
gaelfxnotroot: you set up the router to forward all traffic on the port 22 to a specific IP address of a computer connected to a router10:01
rumpe1zamba, has Gnome or something? then use ssh -X  (or ssh -Y) and start webbrowser on .2.9 and enter router ip10:01
gaelfxzamba: well, can't you open up a browser then and navigate to the IP?10:02
zambarumpe1: no xlibs10:02
zambarumpe1: so no10:02
llutz_zamba: create a tunnel with ssh -D 7070 (socks-proxy) to your server and access it from a local browser configured to use socks5 port 7070 localhost10:04
xichen_fuck off10:04
kisuke!language > xichen_10:04
ubottuxichen_, please see my private message10:04
gaelfxan excellent opening line, but not particularly useful10:05
PrinlerOk, myth TV.... whats an easy way to control it? with out a mouse?10:06
jacekowskiPrinler: supported tv remote + ir reciever10:06
kisukePrinler: xbmc10:06
jattwhat is this floodbot stuff10:06
kisukeok i jsut screwed up, how can  ifind my mac address?10:07
notrootyeah whats this floodbot10:07
ohzieIs anyone experienced with dhcpd? =)10:07
notrootwhats that10:07
jattit runs automatically, why do you need to fiddle with it?10:07
ohzieDHCP deamon, dhcp3-server10:07
ohziejatt: not the client, the server10:08
jattjust run dhclient it will provide you with an ip address10:08
ohziejatt: not the client, the server10:08
jattyeah but why configure it? it runs fine out-of-the-box10:08
llutz_!anyone | ohzie10:08
ubottuohzie: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:08
notroothow do you flushdns on linux10:08
ohziellutz_: Thank you10:09
robertzaccouris there a list of computers that have been tested and guaranteed for Linux support, especially GPU?10:09
Raphi974Hi everyone10:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:10
djamelnotroot flush dns : /etc/init.d/nscd restart10:10
Raphi974I juste made a new install of Ubuntu 10.10 on my new laptop (Asus G53) and I have no sound from the speakers. Headphones works. Any ideas ?10:11
ohzieI'm having an issue with dhcp3-server where a client requests an ip address, that request is logged in syslog, dhcp3-server performs a "DHCPOFFER" to that machine, and the client just sits there. It seems to never recieve the offer. I'm not sure if this is a client issue or a server issue. Does anyone have any tips to get me started troubleshooting? The client can recieve an address via dhcp from other dhcp servers.10:11
llutz_ohzie: can you tcpdump on client to check if offer reaches the client?10:12
Raphi974ohzie, if the server is a bit far from the client, maybe the offer is lost10:12
ohziellutz_: windows client. :( I don't know how to tell.10:12
kisukeohzie: you have athird machine?10:12
Raphi974ohzie, increase the wait time of the client10:12
AdvoWorkHi there, the only way I can attach network files via firefox is going to /home/user/.gvfs/files on ip/location/location which works well. Can I make a shortcut to that somehow? I tried a launcher with custom location but that failed10:12
jattohzie: from the dhclient man page: http://codepad.org/WTk5aJA610:12
ohziejatt: I'm not talking about dclient, but thank you.10:13
ohziejatt: man dhc3-server10:13
jattyou said you didn't know it was the client or the server, dude10:13
ikonia/l/last ohzie10:13
robertzaccouris there a list of computers that have been tested and guaranteed for Linux support, especially GPU?10:14
ohzierobertzaccour: It's different from computer to computer, but if you google the model number with "ubuntu" or "fedora" at the end of it, you can get a lot of personal reports from people trying that laptop.10:14
ohzierobertzaccour: It's a good place to start.10:14
ikoniarobertzaccour: you have been told approx 5 times now, stop asking10:15
robertzaccourok thanks10:15
wlcaseyrobertzaccour only GPU and wifi may cause trouble10:15
robertzaccourikonia, several people have came in over the last several minutes, and yes it is directly Ubuntu related10:15
jattand HP's fingerprints detectors10:15
wlcaseyrobertzaccour googleize it10:15
bijiChecck phoronix.com for gpu news10:15
jattdamn hp10:15
Raphi974_Q_ : Sound OK from headphone. No sound from speakers ! Any ideas ?10:15
ikoniarobertzaccour: no it's not, you've been given the hardware compatability list, you've been told what to check, stop asking10:16
jattchill out dude10:16
wlcaseyyes and HP's fingerprints detectors10:16
robertzaccouryes, please chill10:16
ikoniajatt: no, asking the same question over and over again, when you have been given the answer multiple times is unacceptable10:16
jattignore the guy10:16
jattif it gets on your nerves10:16
bijiRaphi974 create new user and try to play some music using that useer10:16
Raphi974biji, ok, i'll try10:17
gaelfxwhat command configures the sensors applet so it actually gets all the sensors?10:17
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S2DoWhat is the default dektop font in maverik?10:19
ohzieOkay, multiple clients now that the dhcp server won't hand addresses to.10:20
Djlbertdoes anyone know a irc client that can connect to multiple servers at once, that has a good management system for multiple servers?10:20
ohzieDjlbert: irssi10:20
greppyDjlbert: weechat-curses or irssi10:20
ohzie!irssi > Djlbert10:20
ubottuDjlbert, please see my private message10:20
Djlbertfor linux rifht10:20
ohzieDjlbert: Definitely10:20
S2DoI've got ubuntu studio and I'd like to have ubuntu's desktop font. Can anybod shed some light?10:20
jattDjlbert: erc10:20
DjlbertI need something with gui10:21
bijiAndchat for android :)10:21
Djlbertnot terminal based10:21
ohzieDjlbert: Irssi is sometimes a bit intimidating but it's amazing.10:21
rumpe1Djlbert, xchat10:21
jatterc has gui10:21
Djlbertok ill get irssi anyway10:21
Djlbertbut i dont get used to commandline programs well10:22
mateushi, how to install gtk3 in ubuntu 10.10?10:22
jattfrom source?10:23
mateusjatt,  ppa10:24
StarminnS2Do: I'd imagine you can just install it like any other font. Download it and throw it in the ~/.fonts folder (make .fonts if it isn't already there)10:24
AdvoWorkHi there, the only way I can attach network files via firefox is going to /home/user/.gvfs/files on ip/location/location which works well. Can I make a shortcut to that somehow? I tried a launcher with custom location but that failed10:25
gaelfxhow do I get all my sensors to show up on sensors-applet?10:25
StarminnAdvoWork: Is it a folder you're trying to link to?10:26
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tehbautI have hfsprogs installed, but I have no idea how to mount an hfs+ partition as writable... anyone know?10:29
ikoniatehbaut: I'm not sure hfs+ supports writes10:29
tehbautapparently even with hfsprogs installed, the system still only mounts them as read-only10:29
msr_how did you mount it?10:29
msr_did you use -t?10:30
tehbautvia nautilus :)10:30
msr_ah, I don't know if it supports write, just wondered about the easy mistakes10:30
bijigaelfx isn't it hardware according to capability10:30
msr_I have a question aswell anyway10:30
msr_I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on two different comps with the same soundcards10:30
msr_on 1 it works out of the box10:30
msr_on the other the realtek hda doesn't come o10:31
PrinlerWOW xbmc is amazing10:31
msr_I broke alsa completely while attempting to manually do stuff10:31
AdvoWorkStarminn, basically the .gvfs list the network locations, going in that way I can attach network files, so if i goto that route I can see my files10:31
msr_and now I'm reinstallig ubuntu and wondering if anyone has encountered the problem or this is a bug or something10:31
msr_I should really try xbmc on my mediapc10:32
bijiMsr Try newer kernel from ppa10:32
rtyuiohello there10:32
spmccanntehbaut:  i thiunk you need to turn the jlournaling off http://superuser.com/questions/84446/how-to-mount-a-hfs-partition-in-ubuntu-as-read-write10:32
rtyuiois it ease to changekernel ?10:32
msr_newer kernel from ppa?10:32
StarminnAdvoWork: Ah, hey, I was about to get offline (really late here). Sorry, but I'm sure somebody else can get you. :) Best of luck.10:32
rtyuiois it ease to changekernel ?10:32
gaelfxbiji: yeah, but when you install sensors-applet initially, it tends to miss a tong of sensors, at least, it did when I installed it10:32
msr_ppa is a repository?10:33
tehbautspmccann: interesting, I'll check that out... thanks :)10:33
bijiYup probablu there is new driver for your soundcard10:33
rtyuiohello anyone there ?10:33
rtyuiois it easy to change the kernel ?10:33
gaelfxmy sensors applet only has HDD and GPU temps, how can I get it to recheck for sensors? (I know my CPU and a couple other sensors should show up at least)10:33
msr_that depends rtyuio10:33
spmccannhi rtyuio10:33
rtyuioi think i got a custom kernel10:33
rtyuiowhich means ? msr_10:34
msr_changing the kernel can be problemless or break everything depending on the changes between kernels10:34
rtyuiohi spmccann10:34
bijiSo easy using kernel-ppa10:34
spmccannrtyuio:  step back and tell us the problem you are trying to solve10:34
bijiIm on 10.4 using 2.6.38 kernel10:34
rtyuiowell i can't able to install a package via apt spmccann10:34
bijiJust find backported kernel10:35
msr_still the card worked on another comp10:35
msr_so chaging the kernel sounds...10:35
spmccannrtyuio:  are you getting errors about dependancies not be satified or missing10:35
msr_they're both onboard realtek hda10:35
msr_on asus mobos10:35
rtyuioand this is the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/567267/10:36
rtyuioi got10:36
rtyuiofrankly i can't understand what's wrong ?10:37
rtyuioi can't even upgrade and this is the error what i got : http://paste.ubuntu.com/567268/10:38
msr_grub Drive o.O10:38
rtyuiomeans ?10:38
rtyuiojust only newbie on linux10:38
msr_I've never hetii rd of it10:39
rtyuiocan't understand what to do exactly ?10:39
msr_that error tells you, GRUB (your bootloader) is trying to find something with grub-probe but fails10:39
llutz_rtyuio: mount |grep proc10:40
msr_rtyuio: I'd try finding out what a grub drive is10:40
* msr_ is far from an expert10:40
spmccannrtyuio:  have you added any new drives recently ?10:40
rtyuiohere is the pastebin10:41
rtyuiono new drive spmccann, i don't even know where is problem10:41
spmccannrtyuio:  looks like grub is a bit confused10:41
rtyuiohow one days an other i got this error, i don't know franckly10:42
rtyuionot only the grub me also :)10:42
rtyuiotell me what to do ?10:42
bullgarde2fsck /dev/sdb210:43
spmccannbullgard:  is that command for the benfit if rtyuio10:44
rtyuiono file or folder find for e2fsck10:44
ZuhaitzI am using 11.04, what is the channel for 11.04? Thanks.10:44
Leman_RussHey.  What webcams are you all using that work out of the box?10:44
Leman_RussAbout to order one on Amazon10:45
mateushi, how to install gtk3 in ubuntu 10.10? (ppa )10:45
bullgardspmccann: It is not.10:45
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PrinlerAnyone here good with getting usb cameras working?10:45
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Guest58425good day all , i'm wondering i'm installing ubuntu cloud eneprice how can i get a cloud controler?10:45
bullgardPrinler: Please put a more specific question here in this channel.10:46
spmccannrtyuio:  hang on trying to find some easy to follow instrutions10:46
Leman_RussPrinler: what do you need to do with it?10:46
rtyuiook spmccann10:46
Leman_Russ(what is the way I can get a users name on here to auto appear when I type in a few letters?  forgot the shortcut)10:46
thangavelhow to solve this - Unable to exec g++.real: No such file or directory10:46
PrinlerI have installed zoneminder. I can get all my usb cams to work with Cheese but not zoneminder10:47
msr_thangavel: install g++?10:47
cyri_hello; I have a cool question :)      ...how can we clear and delete the content in Terminal? (control-L only clear)10:47
Leman_RussPrinler: do you just want to look at the photos on your camera?10:47
Guest84602hello, im trying to convert a .flac to .mp3, but when i use lame in terminal I get "1.flac: ERROR initializing decoder" and in soundconverter i get "Gstreamer encountered a general stream error". how can i fix this?10:47
msr_cyri_: what do you mean delete?10:48
jattcyri_: reset10:48
cyri_yes, reset10:48
spmccannrtyuio:  theres a video you need to rebuild grub http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtBBl6HvdpM10:48
jattyes yes10:48
thangavel<msr_>thanx for ur reply...but i've already installed it by sudo apt-get install command..10:48
spmccannrtyuio:  have a look at that10:48
cyri_msr_: just reset the previous content inside the Terminal10:49
zambai have ssh access to a box.. i now want to enable the built-in vnc server to remotely control the server when running gnome10:49
zambahow can i enable that using cli tools?10:49
msr_Guest84602: you have a decoder problem, check if you can play flac files at all, maybe?10:49
zambai can enable that per user using system -> preferences -> remote desktop, but i want to be able to turn this on globally10:50
rtyuiois it you on the video ? spmccann10:50
spmccannrtyuio:  lol no10:50
Guest84602msr i will check now (not i have just converted a few other .flac with soundconverter with no problems..)10:50
rtyuiolol spmccann10:50
PrinlerLeman_Russ, i would like to use it as a security cam. People do it all the time. Just cant get them to work right10:50
thangavelhow to solve this - Unable to exec g++.real: No such file or directory10:51
Guest84602msr_ the file plays in both movie player and VLC10:51
Leman_RussPrinler: Not sure what the specifications of this are, so if you could tell us in detail, exactly what it is you want to do, I am sure we can all work together to get you toward a solution.10:51
msr_Guest84602: vlc uses built in decoders that are not used by the system410:52
msr_so that isn't a good test I think10:52
Prinlerok gimme a min10:52
ZuhaitzI am using 11.04, where should I go?10:52
Guest84602it playes in movie player aswell10:52
msr_movie player I don't know about10:52
Guest84602i can try rythmbox if you think it will help10:52
msr_I'm not that upto date on media players in linux10:53
Belgeri hope someone can help me iam searching for a possibility running unity with a via cn700 chip10:53
bazhangZuhaitz, #ubuntu+1 for 11.0410:53
rtyuiofrankly it makes me really want to follow this tutorial spmccann10:53
bullgardZuhaitz: /join #ubuntu+110:53
Belgeropenchrome doesnt work10:53
rtyuiookay let me check that10:53
Guest84602msr_ the file playes fine in rhythmbox10:53
msr_hmm I guess your decoder works then (don't take my word for it though)10:54
Jordan_UGuest84602: Try "ffmpeg foo.flac foo.mp3"10:54
Guest84602Jordan-U do i have to ~/filepath before the filename?10:54
Guest84602or just navigate to the folder?10:54
Jordan_UGuest84602: Either will work.10:55
_skplis it possible to use unity in maverick?10:56
Zuhaitz_skpl, Unity in 11.04 crashes everytime...10:56
ZuhaitzBelieve me, you dont want to use it now. :)10:57
Belgerno thats the problem if i scroll over the sidebar the Wm reset10:57
Symmetria*hrm* someone gimme an awk command string that allows it to print a literal '10:57
PrinlerI have a better question. Is there a better DRV program out there besides zoneminder? I would like it to look like my old standalone DVR...10:57
ikoniaSymmetria: try #awk10:57
Prinler4 screens up all the time10:57
ZuhaitzHere crash, and no reset, I have to restart GDM in a TTY10:57
ikoniaSymmetria: or #bash10:57
_skplZuhaitz: ok, thanks.10:58
Belgeris it possible to change the xorg.conf in Maverick?10:59
ikoniaBelger: yes10:59
crash82Ubuntu and other linux distros could use a better screen(monitor+graphic driver) configuration ... Just saying.11:00
Guest84602Jordan_U i tried the ffmpeg command but it tries to over write the original file (when i let it do so on a copy it created a stream with no data)11:00
kingofthethinghey anybody around for a little dual booting help?11:00
llutz_Symmetria: "\x27"11:00
yourwhiteshadowBelger: yeah, you can actually just do sudo gedit or nano11:00
ikoniacrash82: don't need to hear it11:00
ikoniakingofthething: such ask11:00
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: what's up?11:00
rtyuioOops sorry i on a virtual  machine spmccann11:00
Jordan_UGuest84602: Sorry, my mistake. That should have been "ffmpeg -i foo.flac foo.mp3" but that doesn't appear to be working on my end either :(11:00
Belgerahh ok i will try11:00
Guest84602ok thanks11:01
kingofthethingI made a live usb  of ubu 10.10 earlier today for my first trial on linux11:01
kingofthethinglove it and want to dual boot my windows 711:01
ikoniakingofthething: ok, so what's the question ?11:01
Jordan_UGuest84602: "ffmpeg -i foo.flac foo.wav" then "lame foo.wav foo.mp3" does work.11:01
kingofthethingi clicked install ubuntu on my live usb start up prompt, picked install along side and then i chose the partition11:02
Jordan_UGuest84602: You're welcome.11:02
ikoniakingofthething: what's the question11:02
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: yeah it happened to me the other day, it partitions, but doesn't format, just format it to exf411:02
kingofthethingthe installer crashed during it and now that partition that was created is still there11:02
Belgerwow now can i read the letters but the WM reset is already there... I want to try to compile a via driver made for ubuntu 9.0411:02
ikoniakingofthething: ok, so what's the question11:03
Symmetriathanks llutz11:03
kingofthethingi want to get rid of tht created partition and install ubuntu correctly this time11:03
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: so you have to go to the advanced partitioner, and select the partition, it won't be formatted, so you have to choose a format, and then choose the boot directory, which should just be "/"11:03
ikoniakingofthething: ok, so at the partition time, select advanced and select the partitions you want to11:03
Belgerkingoftheting: u can use the wubi installer ist the most easiest methot11:04
kingofthethingi played with the advanced partitions menu a little bit but it didnt seem to get me anywhere11:04
Guest84602Jordan_U: is it possible to set the programs up to auto convert an entire folder?11:04
Belgerout from win711:04
ikoniaBelger: that is not a dual boot situation,11:04
ikoniakingofthething: you need to be specific "doesn't get me anywhere" doesn't mean anything, what is the problem11:04
thangavelhere nobody is helping11:05
ikoniathangavel: you need to ask a question11:05
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: can you click on the partition that you created, and choose a format11:05
kingofthethingfirst of all I just want to get rid of the created partition then ill ask about getting into an actual dual boot11:05
thangavelhelp me to resolve this...Unable to exec g++.real: No such file or directory11:06
ikoniathangavel: that file does not exist on your system11:06
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: why do you want to get rid of the partition now?11:06
ikoniathangavel: that is the problem,11:06
spmccannrtyuio:  ok well thats interesting11:06
kingofthethingwell if i can use it that would be great11:06
jattthangavel: install build-essential11:06
spmccannrtyuio:  what vm manager are you using11:06
kingofthething\If i can use it for the dual boot then thats fine11:06
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: you can...i'm telling you, this happened to me, i already know how to use the partition11:06
thangavelwhen i try to compile c++ programs using g++ i get this error11:06
kingofthethingok im sorry11:06
zambaanyone know how i can configure vino using gconftool2?11:07
kingofthethingok now i guess i need to ask how to get it to be an actual dual boot11:07
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: do you remember seeing advanced partition during the install?11:08
erUSULthangavel: how did you installed g++?11:08
jattbuild-essential is the answer11:08
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: you need to go into the advanced partition, and tell me what you see11:08
thangavelusing sudo apt-get install g++ command11:08
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: also, i assume you're using 1 hdd?11:08
bullgard'~$ sudo e2fsck /dev/sdb1' reports at the end: "WD1.5_1: 2661/64004096 files." What do these 2 numbers mean?11:09
andremillethello all11:09
_FuryMy headphone jack does not work. I have an acer travelmate TM8172. Does anyone know what to do?11:09
xpl0iteri created an aaplication using qt in one ubuntu machine. now when i try to launch it another ubuntu machineit shows cannot execute binary file? can somebody pls tell me why this happens?11:09
ian__ irc.thebox.bz/#thebox.bz11:09
ian__my account has been disabled11:09
thangavelnow when I tried installing build-essential i got the following..plz help me..11:09
bullgard_Fury: "doesn't work" is no exact description.11:09
kingofthethingyes, im gonna have to get on my ubuntu and get on my phone for this chat then11:09
erUSUL!find g++.real11:09
ubottuPackage/file g++.real does not exist in maverick11:09
kingofthethingunfortunatly im on the comp im trying to dual boot11:10
_Fury@bullgard : the sound still comes from the build in boxes11:10
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: ok, lemme do a rundown for you then11:10
ileawho wants a good aplication for watching tv try google-ing for tv maxe a nice aplication made by a romanian but you will get only romanian chanels unless someone modify's it11:10
sacarlsonthangavel: what is it you are compiling?11:10
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jattjust open-source it11:10
llutz_bullgard: used/available inodes              iirc11:11
thangavela c++ program11:11
erUSULthangavel: weird i can not find that file anywhere11:11
sacarlsonthangavel: so any c++ program will give you this error?11:11
andaiHi i'm trying to run VLC over SSH but it says it cant find a display11:11
ohzieI have a dhcp3-server config that's not working right. With multiple clients, the server sees and logs the DHCPDISCOVER and responds with a DHCPOFFER and it's not being recieved. I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting, other than: I have the problem on multipl clients so I'm gonna say it's a server problem at the moment.11:11
tommyExcuse me whats the command again to see what kernel version I am running ?11:12
thangavelya..any program in c++ is giving this error..c programs works fine..11:12
llutz_tommy: uname -a11:12
bullgard_Fury: Consult your computer's handbook. The command 'alsamixer' may be of help too. But sometimes you can only find additional information by googling for your computer type.11:12
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erUSUL!intelhda | _Fury11:12
ubottu_Fury: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto11:12
jattuname -r11:12
Guest48825thank you all11:13
sacarlsonthangavel: what does whereis c++ show you?11:13
bullgardllutz_: But inodes and files are different things. Can you elaborate.11:13
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: so basically for some reason the installer creates a partition, but it doesn't format it, so you need to get into the advanced partition in the installer, and then (right ?) click on your partition, you'll get an option to pick a format for it, i chose exfat4 (or exf4 or something), and then you have to choose a root directory, there are a bunch of options in the dropdown, choose "/" w/o the "", it'll format the pa11:13
yourwhiteshadowrtition and continue to install, Win 7 will say you need to run chckdsk for some reason, but for me there was no "corruption" so you can bypass that next time you go into win711:13
thangavel Depends: g++-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not going to be installed11:13
thangavel       Depends: gcc-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not installable11:13
jattforget it11:13
jattg++ is useless in that state11:13
jattinstall another version or something11:14
p4g3i see in the internet back track is ubuntu modificated is true?11:14
_Fury1If i plug in my headphone to the lineout, the sound still comes from the build in boxes... :(.11:14
erUSULp4g3: yes; it has its own channel11:14
thangavelhow to insyall another version of c++ instead of g++..plz help me11:14
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: Ext4 journaling file system for "Use as:" and for "Mount point:" "/"11:14
erUSUL!backtrack > p4g311:14
ubottup4g3, please see my private message11:14
ianparkinson62 irc.thebox.bz/#thebox.bz11:14
jattthangavel: remove the existing one, install the new one11:14
jattthangavel: use synaptic11:15
cyri_so, any idea for reset the Terminal? (control-L only clear)11:15
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: for "primary" and "beginning" for the other options11:15
yourwhiteshadowthat should be it i believe11:15
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto11:15
kingofthething<yourwhiteshadow> ok i think i can  follow that11:16
Jordan_UGuest84602: It's 3:00 AM for me so you might want to wait untill someone confirms this is sane, but  : for flac in /path/to/directory/*.flv; do tmpwav=/tmp/"${flac##*/}"; mp3="${flac%flac}mp3"; ffmpeg -i "$flac" "$tmpwav"; lame "$tmpwav" "$mp3"; done11:16
kingofthethingwhat do i do after that, how do I choose that partition and use it for the dual boot?11:16
Wulfyianparkinson62,  why are you posting that irc link?11:16
llutz_bullgard: check with sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdb1 | grep "Inode count"11:16
thangaveli have opened synaptic..now what to do??11:17
jattuse it11:17
jattthe howto is above11:17
Jordan_UGuybrush88: Change /path/to/directory/*.flv to /path/to/directory/*.flac11:18
sacarlsonthangavel: I have g++ installed 4:4.4.3-1  on this system on 10.04  so it must be avalable11:18
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: after that ubuntu will install into that partition, dual booting is taken care of because when your computer restarts after the installation there will be a bootloader GRUB 2 that allows you to choose between Ubuntu/Win7/whatever other OS11:18
jattdude you are compiling a c++ program, no way synaptic is difficult for you :)11:18
erUSULJordan_U: can not ffmpeg convert directly to mp3 ?11:18
sacarlsonthangavel: if you don't see g++ then try another repository miror site in synaptic11:19
Jordan_UerUSUL: I'm sure it can, I'm just too tired to figure out how at the moment.11:19
kingofthethingok thanks a lot, ill be back on if i have trouble but hopefully because it works and im running ubuntu11:19
erUSULJordan_U: for file in path/*.flv; do ffmpeg -i "$file" "${flac%.flv}".mp3; done11:20
erUSULJordan_U: btw you use *flv as the glov but then in pe you use flac ??11:20
Jordan_UerUSUL: Doesn't work here.11:20
yourwhiteshadowkingofthething: good luck, i'm gonna head to bed, but i'll still be on, feel free to PM me, hopefully you'll be on ubuntu, GL, and please message me if it worked too, makes me feel good that i could help11:20
erUSULJordan_U: i think you need medibuntu enabled for mp3 in ffmpeg to work11:21
Jordan_UerUSUL: Ahh, that's probably the problem on my end then. As for the incorrect glob I corrected myself about that already.11:21
thangavelg++ is not present in my synaptic monitor11:21
ianparkinson62sorry for before. first time on irc. found channel i want11:22
sacarlsonthangavel: did you try change repository mirror site in synaptic11:22
thangavelhow to do that..sry if i'm irritating by asking simple questions11:22
erUSULJordan_U: you surelly need a rm "$tmpwav" somewhere in there the rest looks ok in a quick read11:23
thangavelhow to change repository mirror site in synaptic??11:24
sacarlsonthangavel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu  change the download from box11:24
bullgardllutz_: '~$ sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdb1 | grep "Inode count" obtains: "Inode count: 64004096." This number is identical to the second "files" output by e2fsck.  --  Thank you very much for your help.11:24
erUSULJordan_U: if you used the same tmpwav file over and over you only have to rm it onoce at the end ?11:24
borgeshsmorgI have a Linux server behind a router. The IP address is 192.168.0.<anything> Is there a website that will instruct me how to BIND the server to the router which is assigned a dynamic IP address from the provider? If a person wants to see the web server they would http://<router gateway address>11:25
ohzieI have a dhcp3-server config that's not working right. With multiple clients, the server sees and logs the DHCPDISCOVER and responds with a DHCPOFFER and it's not being recieved. I'm not sure where to start troubleshooting, other than: I have the problem on multipl clients so I'm gonna say it's a server problem at the moment.11:25
Jordan_UerUSUL: Ineed, unfortunately Guest48825 already left :(11:25
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  you could tell your router to give your server a perminant internal ip11:26
erUSULborgeshsmorg: you have to configure the router to do port forwarding on port 80 to your machine11:26
erUSULJordan_U: ahh ok11:26
bc81is there any way to make a backup "snapshot" (similar to windows' System Restore, before updating?  that way if someonething goes wrong, the updates can be undone??11:26
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llutz_bullgard: you can check with "sudo dumpe2fs -h /dev/sdb1" for free Inodes too. the difference should be the first number given by fsck11:26
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  and then once you have setup a static ip for your server (via the router) you would then do port forwarding 80 and what ever other ports you wanted operning11:26
thangavelwhat do mean by "change the download from box?"..i'm in the site  u had poseted..what to do now...11:26
rumpe1bc81, with btrfs it's possible ... but btrfs is still experimental11:26
erUSULborgeshsmorg: additionaly you may want to sign up for noip or dyndns to have a name ( http://myname.dyndns.com for example )11:27
borgeshsmorgI see so set up the router for a Static address for the server even though the router is Dynamic.11:27
bc81rumpe1: thanks, i'll chack that out :)11:27
Wulfyerusl borgeshsmorg  or affraid.org (bigger range of dns options11:27
ikonia /last ikonia11:27
rumpe1bc81, be aware, that there is still (?) no fsck.btrfs repair-tool...  :/11:28
thangavelwhat do mean by "change the download from box?"..i'm in the site  u had poseted..what to do now...11:28
Wulfyborgeshsmorg, yes your external ip may be dynamic but if you tell your router to "save" the internal ip your server has now you can then setup port forwarding to that ip as your internal ip shouldnt change11:28
thangavelhello..plz direct me..11:28
borgeshsmorgI am a bit familiar with dyndns and was curious about how and where in Linux to set up the settings.11:28
ikoniathangavel: what is the issue now ?11:28
sacarlsonthangavel: see the box that says main server?  change that to like japan11:29
thangavelin the web page??11:29
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  affraid.org isnt any differnt in ease of use with regards to setup/use and most routers support it as much as dyndns11:29
sacarlsonthangavel: yes in the webpage and in synaptic11:29
ikoniathangavel: what is the issue ?11:29
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  sorry afraid.org11:29
borgeshsmorgWulfy thanks for the advice.11:30
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  no worrys11:30
karmic-koalahi all, how do I make my processor fan spin constantly at max speed?11:30
ikoniakarmic-koala: it depends if your bios supports the acpi interface to linux and has a controller program11:30
yourwhiteshadowkarmic-koala: the easiest way would be to use your bios11:30
thangavel<ikonia> thanx for ur interest but that is a long story..sombody is already guiding me...once again thanx..if i need any help i'll seek...11:31
bc81rumpe1: sounds promising, but i'll wait for more stability.  too bad there's no simple way to undo updates yet..it seems too often that updates introduce new bugs.11:31
Wulfykarmic-koala,  why not lot it regulate itself?11:31
karmic-koalacurrently i issue the command pwmconfig and press ctrl C when fans are at max speed11:31
rumpe1bc81, afaik fedora (?) uses it to make snapshots before each update... and you can easily copy the snapshots to another partition for backup11:32
rumpe1bc81, it really has some nice features and will be the linux-filesystem of the future (afaik)11:33
bullgardllutz_: The difference is identical to the first e2fsck output number. As you predicted. --   Thank you very much again for your help.11:33
borgeshsmorgWulfy would I need to do the same with the router if I wanted to set up a private IRC daemon set up a STATIC address for the same server and asign a port number?11:33
spmccannbc81 try looking at this http://maketecheasier.com/backup-ubuntu-with-remastersys/2008/12/2211:33
shyguy1188hello, anyone tell me where is the sorce code of the gnome terminal in ubuntu 10.0411:33
karmic-koalaWulfy, coz the fans don't spin half as fast and processor temp goes to 65+ degrees celcius if kept on automatic11:33
karmic-koalaon full speed proc temp is around 30-3511:34
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  you would use the same internal ip and simpley port forward to the irc dameon port so you would open 80,6667 (for example)11:34
shyguy1188i want to see the source code of the gnome terminal11:35
Wulfykarmic-koala, fair enough11:35
borgeshsmorgI see. So using a Windows client such as I am using I would enter server.<ipaddress>.net11:35
bc81spmccann: that looks really interesting, thanks11:35
zlatanhi to all..I have Ubuntu and Debian on my PC...I installed graphic driver on Ubuntu and now I get only screen with wallpaper-no panel,nothing..can I fix it from Debian?11:35
thangavelit is now server for india..which one to choose now...????11:35
shyguy1188Wulfy, hi , can you tell me where i can find the source code for terminal?11:36
shyguy1188Wulfy, gnome terminal?11:36
Bushmani certainly have SATA drive in my lapto yet it is reported as PATA in Disk Utility11:36
karmic-koalaany 'software' way to do this, Bios only has two options - minimum fan speed - slow or none11:36
Bushmanhow come?11:36
Wulfyborgeshsmorg, no you would use ip:6667 (unless you was using dyndns etc11:36
thangavelother options r server for uk,main server...which one to choose???11:37
kingofthethingyourwhiteshadow: the installer crashed again...11:37
Wulfyshyguy1188,  please dont direct questions at me im currently assisting someone else11:37
shyguy1188Wulfy, sorry.11:37
PrinlerI give up11:37
thangavel<sacarison> r u here??? other options r server for uk,main server...which one to choose???11:37
borgeshsmorgWulfy so I would enter   server.    just as an example?11:38
thangavelother options r server for uk,main server...which one to choose???11:38
ileahi all11:38
Bushmanhi you11:38
ikoniathangavel: why do you want to change servers ?11:39
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  no unless you have a domain name such as one from dyndns you cant use server.ip.net:portnumber you have to use ip:port11:39
kingofthethingyourwhiteshadow: thoughts on what i should do...?11:39
shyguy1188anybody tell me the source code directory for gnome terminal11:39
Bushmani certainly have SATA drive in my laptop yet it is reported as PATA in Disk Utility. how come?11:39
ikoniashyguy1188: there isn't one, you have to download it11:39
Smileyherm, why does this package not exist in 10.10 #: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gosa&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all11:39
iflemashyguy1188 in a terminal      apt-get source <packageName>      no need for sudo, the source code will end up in same directory as the term is in...11:39
borgeshsmorgI see. On this client I can enter  /server irc.freenode.net     and log in here.11:39
zlatanhi to all..I have Ubuntu and Debian on my PC...I installed graphic driver on Ubuntu and now I get only screen with wallpaper-no panel,nothing..can I fix it from Debian?11:40
ileasata/pata its a standard11:40
thangavelsomebody told me that could be a reason for not being able to install gc++ in my system11:40
ikoniazlatan: how did you install the driver11:40
ikoniathangavel: they are wrong, the problem is not g++ is't the fact that the command you where doing wanted to find g++.real (note the .real)11:40
zlatanikonia, through additional drivers11:41
thangavelso what to do now??11:41
borgeshsmorgSo I would enter:   /server  <ipaddress:6667>11:41
shyguy1188ikonia, i want to study some package so that i can understand the working. can you tell me some package on which i can try some hands11:41
ileawhy i can't send files or photos to someone else using pidgin and conected to yahoo messneger?11:41
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  that is because the domain irc.freenode.net translates into a ip as they have domain records set for it once you get a domaion name from afraid.org or dyndns you can then setup A records for your ip which will then translate into domain name > ip11:41
kingofthethingalright looks like the guy who was helping me earlier might not be around...anybody else want to help me with my dual boot problem?11:41
ikoniashyguy1188: download the source code to any package you want11:41
shyguy1188iflema, ok let me try.11:41
thangavelikonia: what to do now??11:41
ikoniathangavel: what are you trying to build ?11:42
sacarlsonshyguy1188: maybe http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/maverick/gnome-terminal11:42
shyguy1188ikonia, is there any site or link from where i can start as a beginner, coz i don't know that much working of linux, but i'm studying it.(trying)11:42
borgeshsmorgI see. I was trying to make it a bit easier for people that I want to log into my server once set up. I also would like to set up chat web pages where others can talk in real time. I suppose a DNS daemon may help there too.11:42
bullgardshyguy1188: change to the directory of your coice. Then '~$ apt-get src genome-terminal'11:42
ikoniashyguy1188: what languages do you program in ?11:42
thangaveli need to install gc++..u told build-install..but was not installed..11:43
ikoniathangavel: no, you don't, please listen to the questions I'm asking11:43
jrib!who | thangavel11:43
ubottuthangavel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:43
shyguy1188ikonia, c,c++ i know good11:43
ikoniathangavel: the problem is the file your application wants is g++.real (note .real)11:43
ikoniathangavel: what application are you trying to build11:43
sacarlsonshyguy1188: well hello world printed to standard out is a good start at most programing for me11:43
shyguy1188ikonia, rest i know basics of python11:43
Zeu5hi there, i bought a new laptop and wants to move over to the new laptop11:43
bullgardshyguy1188: change to the directory of your choice. Then '~$ apt-get src gnome-terminal'11:43
Zeu5i installed sbackup and used it to do a manual backup to a portable hdd.11:44
ikoniashyguy1188: ok, then www.gnu.org has the core gnu (linux) applications, they range from basic to advanced, they are a a good starting place11:44
shyguy1188bullgard, thank you ..11:44
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  can you please add my name to your messages so i can track them, and  yes as your WAN ip will change every now and then it is best to setup a dyndns account11:44
ashwinHow do put a specific port on transmission (bit torrent) client11:44
borgeshsmorgI think I get the idea Wulfy. Thanks.11:44
Zeu5sbackup told me background backup using process id 3955, but i see nothing happening to the destination folder inside the hdd. please helkp11:44
Wulfyborgeshsmorg,  no worrys11:44
Zeu5hello? anyone?11:45
shyguy1188ikonia, can you guide me through, if i would need any help.?11:45
brontosaurusrexpostfix seems to be sending some old mail, uhm, where is the outgoing mail and how to trash it11:45
ikoniashyguy1188: guide you through what ?11:45
zlatanikonia, is there any chance to make correction with Debian and mounting on Ubuntu partition11:45
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: where did you set the mail queue for postfix as)11:45
shyguy1188ikonia, if there would be any problem.11:45
ikoniaborgeshsmorg: /var/spool is a good start11:45
thangavel<ikonia> : i tried installin gc++ using apt-get install gc++..but that gave me the following error messages....11:45
ikoniashyguy1188: errr if you want11:45
thangavelDepends: g++-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not going to be installed11:45
ikoniazlatan: mount your ubuntu disk on your debian system and fix the files that way11:45
shyguy1188ikonia, yeah, sort of.11:45
thangavel       Depends: gcc-4.4 (>= 4.4.1-1) but it is not installable11:45
thangavelE: Broken packages11:45
FloodBot2thangavel: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:46
jribshyguy1188: you want to learn about programming or do you want to learn about packaging?11:46
ikoniathangavel: 1.) I've told you multiple times the problem is g++.real ! 2.) pastebin your /etc/apt-sources.list11:46
ikoniathangavel: sorry pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list11:46
zlatanikonia, but I don't know how or where to find files to fix...I installed 3D experimental driver and after that it happened11:46
ikoniazlatan: experimental drivers ? how11:47
shyguy1188jrib, packaging..11:47
jrib!packaging | shyguy118811:47
ubottushyguy1188: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports11:47
Lirkhow to minimize to tray irc window in pidgin?11:47
brontosaurusrexikonia: i dont recall, this is the old setup, iam just trying to bring it back to life11:47
ikoniabrontosaurusrex: look in the config file11:47
zlatanikonia, well (I upgraded to 11.04 :) so I get the possibility to do that11:47
ikoniazlatan: then it's not supported11:48
ikoniazlatan: discussion in the channel #ubuntu+111:48
thuykaihow do I install printer canon LBP 2900 on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop ?11:48
thangavel<ikonia> :how to pastebin mam??i'm new to ubuntu..so plz..i know i'm irritating u by asking silly questions but i'm sry..11:48
ikoniazlatan: but it's not a supported release.11:48
thuykaihow do I install printer canon LBP 2900 on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop ?11:48
ikonia!pastebin | thangavel11:48
ubottuthangavel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:48
ikoniathangavel: what are you trying to compile/build11:48
bazhangthuykai, check linuxprinting.org database for your printer11:49
thangavel<ikonia> : a c++ program11:49
kingofthethingcan anybody help me with getting rid of a partition I created by accident11:49
ikoniathangavel: which one11:49
tim167how do i see info about my computer hardware (processor, ram etc...) ? thanks11:49
ikoniakingofthething: open the partition manager from the livecd - click on it and click remove/delete11:49
thangavel<ikonai> i give u the url... wait mam,,11:50
thuykaithanks alot11:50
bazhangtim167, sudo lshw11:50
kingofthethingdo i need to be in the installer to get to the partition manager or can i get to it from my live usb of ubuntu?11:50
jribtim167: sudo lshw11:50
ikoniakingofthething: your liveusb should do it11:50
kingofthethingfirst day in ubuntu sorry11:50
jribkingofthething: it's called "gparted"11:50
kingofthethingalright thanks11:51
tim167bazhang: jrib: perfect, thanks!11:51
bazhangroot__, english here11:51
thangavel<ikonai> plz have a look at this mam..http://paste.ubuntu.com/567287/11:53
shyguy1188join #ubuntu-beginners-team11:53
ikoniathangavel: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file please11:53
ikoniathangavel: actually, please do "sudo apt-get update" tell me when that is done11:54
thangavel<ikonia> yes mam..wait a second...i didn't update recently...11:54
bullgardUsing GParted I unmounted the external USB partition /dev/sdb1. I did e2fsck successfully. Now Disk Mounter applet 2.30.0 does not mount this partition any more if I press "Mount WD1.5-1". How to fix this?11:54
ikoniabullgard: what does it say if you try to mount it11:55
sacarlsonthangavel: but it does say  but 4:4.3.3-1ubuntu1 is to be installed   so I guess you do have c++ already installed11:56
sacarlsonthangavel: opps to be installed not is installed sorry11:57
=== SirNeo is now known as sirneo
brontosaurusrexthis was a pain, but i think i delleted all old outgoing stuff, also whats up with /etc/aliases ? i never had to setup that before11:57
thangavel<sacarison> i don't know sir..11:57
bullgardikonia: '~sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media' did not complain. But the Disk Mounter applet disappeared.11:58
thangavel<sacarison> sir as u said i changed the server to uk server..what to do now11:58
ikoniabullgard: sounds like a bug, log it11:58
bullgardikonia: ok.11:58
ikoniathangavel: changing the server to the UK is pointless11:58
sacarlsonikonia: that was my idea,  I thought he couldn't find a package that should exist11:59
Bushmani certainly have SATA drive in my laptop yet it is reported as PATA in Disk Utility. how come?12:00
thangavel<ikonia> mam  etc/apt/sources.list  pops up as a window..do want those snapshots???12:00
ikoniaBushman: what makes you think it's reported as PATA ?12:00
ikoniathangavel: I want you to paste the contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list into the pastebin12:01
ikoniathangavel: I also want you to run "sudo apt-get update" for me12:01
sacarlsonthangavel: just update and see if it installs, but now you have some broken package so what's the fix for that?12:01
Bushmanwell, i can read, ya'know12:01
ikoniaBushman: ok, but what is it that makes you think it's pata12:01
Bushmanit is reported to ME, the user12:01
ikoniaBushman: how, what is the wording12:01
Bushmanlet me quote12:01
BushmanLocation: port 1 of PATA host adapter12:02
thangavel<sacarison> : yes it ofen says E: Broken packages whenever i try to install gc++12:02
ikoniathangavel: I give in, if you refuse to do what I ask you to do, you're on your own12:02
ikoniaBushman: what make/model laptop is it ?12:03
thangavel<ikonia> sorry mam..i'm copying..12:03
Bushmanit's a low-end acer extensa 520012:04
Bushmana crappy thing must admit12:04
thangavel<ikonia> mam the url is http://paste.ubuntu.com/567290/..12:04
arunkumarubuntu gtk theme http://ubuntu-india.blogspot.com/2011/02/download-top-10-gtk-2-theme-for-ubuntu.html12:04
ikoniaarunkumar: why are you posting that here12:05
sacarlsonthangavel: I guess you could try in synaptic Edit>Fix Broken packages12:05
kisukeis there a list of wifi adapters the works as of 10.10?12:05
ikoniaBushman: doesn't have to be good, I just want to check the actual chipset, it can just be a wording error, or a parallel controller, with a serial interface12:05
thangavel<sacarison> but there that does not shows any broken packages..that column is empty there...12:06
thangavel<ikonia> :mam i've pasted the sources.list contents here http://paste.ubuntu.com/567290/12:07
codemagicianwhen i use my FAT32 formatted USB pen drive Ubuntu see's it as full. it has a hidden folder called .trash1000 with files inside.  Does Ubuntu have a way to 'cleanup' the disk space or should I remove this folder?12:08
ikoniacodemagician: for fat, I'd suggest you manually manage it12:08
jribcodemagician: I thought it was decided at some point that that should get emptied when you eject, but I could be wrong12:08
overcluckerwhat is gc++?12:09
codemagicianikonia, so can i just remove the .trash1000 directory?12:09
ikoniathangavel: you have an ubuntu 9.10 CD in an ubuntu 9.04 machine, it will cause a conflict12:09
jriboverclucker: he means g++ but keeps saying gc++ for some reason I think12:09
codemagicianikonia, it has .trash1000/files .trash1000/info12:09
ikoniaoverclucker: he means g++12:09
overcluckerah ok12:09
codemagicianikonia, im using Windows XP wrote these12:09
overcluckerand he's tried installing build-essential?12:09
thangavel<ikonia> : what to do  now mam??12:10
codemagicianikonia, and that this method is Windows XP specific?12:10
jriboverclucker: ask him, he's all yours :)12:10
keastesis there a list of wifi adapters the works as of 10.10?12:10
sacarlsonthangavel: well then close synaptic and try sudo apt-get install -f12:10
Djlberthow can I get the proper drivers for my intel mobile graphics for ubuntu maverick12:10
codemagicianjrib, did you mean Ubuntu will empty it?12:10
Djlbertor are they already included?12:11
thangavel<sacarison> : ya right now i'm running that sir...12:11
ikoniasacarlson: look at his source.list it has conflicting 9.10 and 9.04 repos12:11
jribcodemagician: check and see.  I think I remember something like that, but am not sure12:11
sacarlsonikonia: ok cool I'll look closer12:11
overcluckerthangavel: have you installed build-essential package?12:11
ikoniaoverclucker: styop12:11
codemagicianjrib, yes sir. it prompted and knew about this directory12:11
ikoniaoverclucker: stop12:11
ikoniaoverclucker: look at his sources.list it has conflicting packages, stop telling people to do things blind12:11
jribcodemagician: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/12893 if you like history12:12
codemagicianjrib, so does seem like Ubuntu uses this hidden directory12:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 12893 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Shouldn't put .Trash-$USER on removable devices" [Low,Triaged]12:12
Djlbertlike how does it have the proper drivers for my computer alreasy (maverick)12:12
malama_hello,i just installed Pinguy a linux distro and my touch pad is not working12:12
jribcodemagician: yeah, if you delete things from the usb, they go in there12:12
ikoniamalama_: why don't support pinguy here, only ubuntu12:12
Djlbertthis is ubuntu12:12
thangavel<ikonia> : mam right now i'm running update command as u said..12:13
malama_Djlbert: yea its based on ubuntu12:13
codemagicianjrib, aha.. that's okay then.  I will not delete it and let the OS take care of it when I eject. I'll take a read of that article12:13
codemagicianjrib, thanks12:13
ikoniamalama_: we don't support it here, only ubuntu12:13
overcluckerah, i see12:13
ikoniathangavel: you have conflicting repos you have a 9.10 CD in12:13
=== eastesk is now known as kisuke
DjlbertI installed ubuntu (maverick) on my acer aspire 5735 now everything works but how do I know its the most up to date drivers? I just dont understand that12:14
malama_ikonia: do would you recommend were i can get help12:14
ikoniaDjlbert: if there are more up to date packages, it will offer them to you12:14
ikoniamalama_: no idea12:14
sacarlsonikonia: I see it has a cdrom of karmic and all else is jaunty for thangavel, so if he just comments out that line and update it might work?12:14
kisukeDjlbert: they may not be, but they are usually proven to work12:14
ikoniasacarlson: depends if it's installed things from the CD, in which case his system is in conflict and broke12:14
thangavel<ikonia> : do i need that cd now mam?? if so,then i have with me mam12:14
Djlbertwhat would I do to check12:15
ikoniaDjlbert: nothing, it will offer them to you if they exist12:15
protonbartwhat is needed for .PNG to be supported in Ubuntu?12:15
Djlbertok because I just am not sure if my screen can set to the highest resolution12:15
protonbartthe transparency wont work12:15
jribprotonbart: how are you determining this?12:15
protonbartwell it works on one ubuntu 9.04 machine, and then on another less updated it doesnt12:16
jribprotonbart: how are you determining this?12:16
sacarlsonikonia: thangavel: ya I think your right it's probly hosed,  I'm not sure how to fix it without a reinstall12:16
protonbartjrib: well it works on one ubuntu 9.04 machine, and then on another less updated it doesnt12:16
ikoniasacarlson: that's the best position to take for this level of mix up12:16
sacarlsonthangavel: yup reinstall time12:16
jribprotonbart: right, see I repeated my question because that's not an answer to it.  Anyway, I'll ask a different one and we can come back.  How old is this ubuntu?12:16
Djlbertok it seems everything is great12:17
jribprotonbart: 9.04 isn't support anymore anyway, you should upgrade12:17
jrib!9.04 | protonbart12:17
ubottuprotonbart: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.12:17
protonbartyes i know that btu upgradign is nto an option.....any other ideas?12:18
jribprotonbart: why is it not an option?12:18
keastesis there a list of wifi adapters the works as of 10.10? not tring to spam, but connection is being really flaky right this second12:18
chouchouHello good morning, pls is there any Teamviewer equivalant I can use in Ubuntu?12:18
protonbartcaus eim restricted to 9.04 for my development12:18
jribprotonbart: it's completely unrelated to your png issue, 9.04 is no longer supported12:18
thangavel<sacarison> : sir  when i reinstall whatever i've installed now wll be lost right??or can i upgrade it to solve the problem..12:18
DjlbertI also use an xbox controller on my system but the joysticks seem to be way overly sensitive and its impossible to set it properly in button configurations in any games, also i cant seem to use the pov buttons (Dpad) + )12:18
chouchoufor remote collaboration and presentation?12:18
ikoniathangavel: it will be lost, yes12:19
Djlberthow can I fix this12:19
protonbartexcuse typing12:19
sacarlsonthangavel: yup lost,  no you can't just upgrade as far as I can tell you need to do a fresh install from cd12:19
kejserwin 112:19
protonbartbasically one ubuntu machien 9.04 is understanding the opacity level in a PNG but not on another machine12:19
keasteschouchou: there is a buuilt in RDP client and server in ubuntu desktop12:20
jribprotonbart: 9.04 is not supported.  Upgrade to a supported release.  There's no point in even debugging 9.0412:20
sacarlsonthangavel: you some how have part new and part old sytem, you can't go backward and you can't move forward with a broken system12:20
chouchoukeastes, can you please brief me a little about it/? or a link to where I can set it?12:20
thangavel<sacarison> : whether this was bcoz of my machine or my fault of not updating it when it asked..12:21
keasteschouchou: its under system>prefrences> remote desktop.12:21
chouchoukeastes, thanks,12:21
m1dn1ght_Can anyone tell me if it's possible to see what model DVD drive is in my PC from the terminal with a command like lspci?12:21
sacarlsonthangavel: I"m not sure how it happend maybe a failed upgrade?12:21
keasteschouchou: i think, im not in frount of my ubuntu maching right this second12:22
protonbartmy release is irrelevant to my problem12:22
erUSULm1dn1ght_: dmesg | grep -i atapi12:22
Djlberthow do you calibrate joysticks on ubuntu now12:22
ikoniaprotonbart: actually it is relevant12:22
Djlbertsince jscalibrator was removed12:22
protonbartim trying to find otu the driver name or module needed to understand the opacity level in a PNG format12:22
ikoniaprotonbart: there isn't a "driver"12:22
protonbartikonia: how its a good OS and open source12:23
ikoniaprotonbart: your release is not supported, upgrade to a supported release please.12:23
m1dn1ght_thanks erusul12:23
Rayltonhi... someone know if unite 2d is in repository ubuntu or is make pre installed ?12:23
thangavel<sacarison> : my machine is dell vostro A840 laptop...which version of ubuntu will best suit my hardware sir...12:23
ikoniathangavel: current 10.04 or 10.10 is the best option12:23
sacarlsonthangavel:  I'm not sure I like the lts systems 10.04 myself but the new version is 10.1012:23
sagaciRaylton: ask in #ubuntu+112:23
Djlbertthere must be a way to calibrate joysticks on ubuntu besides jscalibrator right?12:24
Rayltonsagaci, thanks12:24
thangavel<ikonia> : <sacarison> : a millions of thanks for helping me to find out the problem..i've been fighting with this problem for abt 6 months..nowhere i found the reason/solution..everywhere they discussed sth which i could never even understand...once again thanks a lot...12:26
DjlbertI find ubuntu to be very terrible with supporting an xbox usb controller, I12:28
Djlbertthe programs are so out of date it seems12:28
ikoniaDjlbert: ok,12:28
Djlbertrejoystick qjoypad12:29
Djlbertand alternatives?12:29
ohzieI'm seeing a DHCPOFFER go out in the syslog, but the client isn't recieving the offer. Does anyone know where I can start, as far as how to troubleshoot this?12:29
medflywhat's the latest ubuntu called?12:29
Djlbertif you guys know a good joy 2 keyboard mapper software let me know12:29
bazhang!maverick > medfly12:29
ubottumedfly, please see my private message12:29
ikoniaohzie: look on the client logs and setup, if the offer is getting sent out, it's the client12:30
kingofthethingif i already have an ext4 partition made on my computer, will wubi allow me to choose it?12:30
ikoniakingofthething: yes12:30
DjlbertI cant set the keys in desume to my xbox controller12:30
ikoniaDjlbert: you've said 10 times now, we get it12:30
medflyI am searching through this mirror to find the amd64 download. it was hard to find the link on the website.12:30
DjlbertI guess ill never beable to fix it then ive looked everywhere12:31
Djlbertthis is probably th eonly thing windows is better for12:31
ikoniaDjlbert: you've waited about 5 minutes for a response, if you wnat to give up now, that's fine by me12:31
Djlbertno I wont12:31
medflyDjlbert: it's extremely easy to map keyboard buttons on linux12:31
=== Hexadecimal is now known as BinaryBLob
Djlberthow though12:31
medflyDjlbert: you don't need a special program for it12:31
=== BinaryBLob is now known as BinaryBlob
ikoniamedfly: it's for an xbox controller12:32
Djlbertlike I want to use my xbox controller as a keyboard12:32
keastesis there a list of wifi adapters the works as of 10.10?12:32
Djlbertis that easy?12:32
medflynever used one of those :/12:32
erUSUL!hcl  | keastes12:32
ubottukeastes: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:32
ikoniaDjlbert: no12:32
erUSULkeastes: linuxwireless.org12:32
Djlbertits just a usb gamepad basically12:32
medflyI've actually begun having more trouble using windows than ubuntu. I shove in my wireless USB stick. "I can't seem to find a driver for this" - worked out of the box on ubuntu12:32
keasteserUSUL: that usually works, but ive got a wireless card thats gone crazy as of 10.1012:33
ohzieikonia: That was my initial belief as well, but I've seen it happen on three clients now12:33
th0rDjlbert: research the xmodmap file in linux12:33
ohzieikonia: and when I turn off dhcp3-server and start the dhcp service on the windows machine, the clients pull IPs fine.12:34
TuGai want to disable cupsd from starting at boot, how can i do this?12:34
ikoniaohzie: ahh, are these part of a windows domain ?12:34
ohzieOH WOW okay I just made headway12:34
thangavelhow to search for a channel here??12:34
medflyDjlbert: check out my link, it seems to be specific for it. I can't vouch for its credibility, though.12:34
ohzieI got a client to pick up an ip, a windows XP client12:35
ikoniathangavel: look on www.freenode.net for usage12:35
ohzieand it says its dhcp server is "12:35
ohzie"" <--12:35
thangavel<ikonia> :once again thanx.12:35
Djlbertth0r probalem is finding out the values for the xbox controller buttons12:35
Djlbertotherwise that would seemingly be very easy to do12:36
ohzieThis is weird.12:36
Djlbertwith xmodmap12:36
ohzie( ;_;)12:36
ileahi all12:36
th0rDjlbert: there is a program for that, but I don't recall what it is. You run it and when you press a button it returns the keycode12:36
Djlbertyeah thats exactly what I need12:36
medflythere's no netbook amd64 thing? odd.12:37
ikoniamedfly: 32bit processors12:37
ileacan someone tell me whi i can't send files with pidgin when i am loged on yahoo messenger12:37
dagon666did anyone successfully configured .htaccess password authentication on ubuntu for gitweb ?12:37
ikoniailea: not supported12:37
medflyikonia: ya, I know. I just happen to have a 64bit processor12:37
th0rDjlbert: a simple search would solve your issue http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=keycodes+for+linux12:37
dagon666or any other cgi script ?12:37
ikoniamedfly: that's why it doesn't exist though12:37
medflyikonia: I don't understand :S12:37
ileathere is a chat app that suports sending files?12:37
alumnok pasaa12:38
Djlberthow can i get xev to monitor js012:40
juki heard i can help in developing of nouveau by running something and submitting dumps, is it true?12:40
bazhang^Phantom^, dont spam here12:41
ohzieikonia: They are part of a windows domain, yes12:41
^Phantom^I thought I was still in OT12:42
medflywhat's on the nebook version anyway? just a different window manager configuration?12:42
ohzieikonia: what could cause a client to think its dhcp server is when it is not that at all?12:42
ikoniaohzie: ask the guys in ##windows, however I do know there can be problems with windows machines not accepting DHCP offers from servers that are non-members of the windows domain12:43
jukwhat is Mod4+P i don't have any binds in shortcuts12:45
sacarlsonohzie: maybe your local ubuntu is running the dhcpd ?12:45
Djlbertth0r when I press buttons on my xbox controller nothing comes up in xev12:45
Djlbertbut it works for my mouse and keys lol12:45
ohziesacarlson: What?12:45
jukit flicks my screen12:46
iojuk: Switch display.12:46
sacarlsonohzie: that's one of the localhost ip12:46
jukio: ah12:46
ohziesacarlson: The client that's getting that as its dhcp server is not running the dhcp server. It is a windows xp client. the dhcp server is
iojuk: It can be disabled using gconf by setting /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/plugins/xrandr/active to false.12:47
Djlbertwell thanks for the help hopefully i figure this out12:47
Djlbertpm me if you find a solution while I am gone if you dont mind12:47
sacarlsonohzie: oh must be a windows thing then,  try dhclient from a linux system to verify12:48
keastesis there a list of wifi adapters the works as of 10.10? i have one that worked 10.04 and is not going crazy and the offical documetation has not seen an update sence gutsy.12:48
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
sbaumgarhi all12:49
kisukesbaumgar: hi12:49
sbaumgari am having an issue with my damn microsoft mouse12:49
jukio: cool!12:49
sbaumgarit is a microsoft optical mouse usb12:49
kisukesbaumgar: like what? and watch your mouth please12:49
sbaumgarand it is not detected by ubuntu10.0412:50
kisukesbaumgar: what have you tried so far?12:50
jukio: now i have to logout and come back to stop screen flicking12:50
sbaumgarI've tried lsusb and it doens'n get shown in the list12:50
kisukesbaumgar: have you tried a diffrent usb port?12:50
sbaumgarI've tried different usp borts and mice but no success until now12:51
kisukesbaumgar: which M$ mouse is it?12:51
sbaumgarhold on please12:51
sbaumgarms optical mouse 1.0a12:51
sbaumgarms basic optical mouse 1.0a12:52
sacarlsonkisuke:  does iwconfig show your wifi device?12:53
kisukesacarlson: yes, and it works- sort of, starts to connect to the network and get stuck in a loop12:54
sacarlsonkisuke: is your network wpa?12:54
kisukesacarlson: yes12:54
kisuke!pm >sb12:54
kisuke!pm > sbaumgar12:54
ubottusbaumgar, please see my private message12:54
sacarlsonkisuke: did you try wicd  or wpagui ?12:55
rtyuioi use Xen as VM spmccann12:55
kisukesacarlson: it worked oob in 10.04, can cannonical stick with the working configs? going beteween working and not working is starting to give me whiplash12:56
sacarlsonkisuke: different configs work for different people,  network-manager isn't working for everyone with wifi12:57
kisukesacarlson: why am i not supprised? ugh, now to go kludge together a bridge12:58
sacarlsonkisuke: simply sudo apt-get install wicd  and see if that works12:58
kisukesacarlson: *repeats part abotu bridge*12:58
borgeshsmorgHey guys Microcenter has a sale 2Terabytes hard drive for about $90.00.12:59
kisukesbaumgar: can you plug the mouse in and then run "dmesg | tail" from a terminal?12:59
swazzythow do i now stop the appearance window from popping up on future boots? it's there every time i login now. mildly bothersome13:00
sbaumgarshall i pm you?13:01
FshyHello guys. I need a bit of help.13:01
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
sbaumgarkisuke, shall i pm you???13:01
kisukesbaumgar: did you get ubottu's message earlier about PMs?13:02
kisukesbaumgar: oh wait, use a paste bin13:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:02
newbie_001how do i add a directory to environment PATH permanently? i have tried 'PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:' as both user and su but it only lasts for the current terminal session13:02
swazzyhow do i stop the appearance window from popping up on future boots? it happen every time i login.13:02
FshyI installed fglrx, but I get a "X Error of Failed Request: BadRequest... blah blah blah" error whenever I try to do anything like config the catalyst panel.13:02
juknewbie_001: export?13:03
newbie_001no i will try and get back13:03
sbaumgarsorry i am a noob, what shall i do?13:03
Fshyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/567299/ is the full thing.13:04
sbaumgardid it13:04
kisukesbaumgar: runn the command i gave you in the quotes, highlight the output and push ctrl+shift+C and paste it at paste.ubuntu.org, then post the link here13:04
FshyIf I try fglrxinfo13:04
newbie_001tried export still only temporary13:05
sbaumgaromg, watch the message: An error has occurred in the Pastebin software. Please notify the administrators.13:05
jribnewbie_001: edit your ~/.profile (use the example there with ~/bin as a guide)13:05
kisukesbaumgar: reload the page13:05
jribnewbie_001: and if you are trying to add ~/bin then ~/.profile already does that.  (you just need to log out and back in)13:06
newbie_001jrib ok will try13:06
jribnewbie_001: (after creating ~/bin that is)13:06
kisukesbaumgar: oh lord bad driver13:07
guitar431how can i transfer files from on ubuntu computer to another ubuntu computer?13:07
sbaumgarall i did was to plug in the mouse13:08
kisukeguitar431: there is ubuntus cloud for one, dropbox, e-mail, (s)FTP, sneakernet.13:08
sbaumgari never installed something13:08
kisukesbaumgar: no the built in profile for that mouse is borked13:09
ioguitar431: A number of ways, preferably I'd use SFTP if they're networked.13:09
sbaumgarokay, you know how to fix it?13:09
FshySo can anyone give me a hand with my video card issues?13:10
borgeshsmorgGuitar431 if you set up both computers to log into the IRC you can DCC send data to the other computer.13:10
ioFshy: What issues?13:10
dustinhow do i make a file it treminal?13:11
ikoniadustin: touch$filename13:11
ikoniadustin: touch $filename13:11
guitar431lol thanks borgeshmorg13:12
kisukesbaumgar: not off the top of my head, just out of curiosty can you unplug the mouse run "lsusb > ~/lsusb.txt" plug the mouse back in run "lsusb > ~/lsusb1.txt" and then "cd ~ && diff lsusb.txt lsusb1.txt"13:12
sbaumgarwill do13:12
jukis there another way to transfer files other than sftp (6Mb/s higher)?13:12
Fshyio: I installed fglrx, but it seems that a lot of graphics stuff got borked after that.13:12
FshyThat's what I get for doing anything, like fglrxinfo13:12
kisukesbaumgar: also, you can type the first couple letters of someone's nick then hit tab and the name will auto complete and ping the person you were talking to13:13
Picijuk: netcat would be a low-level way of doing it.  See http://oreilly.com/pub/h/105813:14
FshySo all in all, I got nothing. I looked up a few things and found.....nothing that really helped me.13:14
redI just recently stumbled upon an article showcasing some nice ubuntu themes (and an app that handled it I think), now I cant find it anywhere meh13:14
redAnyone know what it might be?13:14
dustinhttp://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO_set_up_Wake-On-Lan_(Ubuntu)    am i doing this right ?13:14
Picijuk: Er, looks like theres a typo in that,t ake a look at the first comment.13:14
sbaumgarkisuke, i've now 2 textfiles13:14
borgeshsmorgGuitar431 do you play the guitar? I play lead and blues guitar and more.13:14
kisukesbaumgar: what did the last command out put?13:15
kisukesbaumgar: you had the mouse pluged in durring one and not the other right?13:15
jukPici: ah, thanks, yeah i was thinking sftp wastes trafic on crypting, when security isn't issue13:15
sbaumgarkisuke, the led was blinking and now it is off again13:16
kisukesbaumgar: ok now im lost, and im fried enough for lack of sleep that im not gonna be much good, good luck13:16
sbaumgarkisuke, thx13:17
kisukesbaumgar: np13:17
kisukedustin: its a blank page13:17
dustinHOW-TO set up Wake-On-Lan (Ubuntu)13:18
kisukedustin: its still a blank page, if you are editing it, you need to save it first13:18
AbhijiT:o its dustin !!!13:19
* AbhijiT hides!13:19
kisukedustin: scratch that, the URL is not showin right on my side13:19
Picikisuke: The link parsing seems to break before the close paren.  Make sure thats showing up in your browser.13:19
dustinAbhijiT, hi its you13:19
psycho_oreos!cn| lsaint13:19
ubottulsaint: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk13:19
kisukePici: the opening in xchats case13:19
dustinkisuke,  ots on wiki13:19
dustinAbhijiT,  im still at it13:20
* AbhijiT ruuuns!!!13:20
=== denny- is now known as denny
Blorg28Does anyone know how to disable cupsd in ubuntu 10.10 ?13:20
dustinanyone  know about xbmc ?13:20
ubottucupsd: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com13:21
zhostesure is smurfy in here...13:21
karakasimovanyone know of a program like that of "dependency walk......" of Visual Studio for ubuntu?13:21
Picidustin: Whats your question about that page?13:21
AbhijiTewwwww visual stuio!!! ewwww aaakkkkk eaakkk13:22
jribBlorg28: if you don't want it, why not just uninstall it?13:22
Picikarakasimov: For those of us who aren't familiar with what that does, can you perhaps elaborate?13:23
stianhjkarakasimov, something like apt-rdepends? apt-get install apt-rdepends13:23
stianhjkarakasimov, it displays a hierarchy of package dependencies for a given package13:24
dustinwake on lan is my goal , computer to computer ,andriond to computer this  is what im trying to do . setup an xbmc and the andriod app with it13:24
Blorg28jrib: actually I don't need it, but who know... not a problem having it installed, I just don't want it runing. I can't find it in sysv-rc-conf, I don't know where it is started13:24
jribBlorg28: it's an upstart job13:24
Blorg28jrib: upstart job ?13:25
jrib!upstart | Blorg2813:25
ubottuBlorg28: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/13:25
Picidustin: So whats the question about that page? I see instructions there, are you having problems with some of them?13:25
Blorg28jrib: thank you very much13:25
jribBlorg28: you can add "never" as a starting condition and it won't start when you boot13:25
Blorg28jrib: ok, thx ;)13:25
jribBlorg28: in /etc/init/cups.conf that is13:25
ucenik05WHAT IS TIHIS??13:26
ucenik05WHAT IS THIS13:26
ucenik05HRISTO DA TE EBAM I GZ13:26
ucenicesmej se kurvo13:26
jukPitel: thanks13:28
jukPici: thanks13:28
dustini want to know if im doin it right , i dont like command line  theres no manual to it so i do know how to work it, i like a gui better for that reason13:28
jattthere are manuals for it13:28
jattlots of them13:28
novitololoHi, I can hear sounds from Amarok and system, but I can't hear the sound on youtube (tried on both Chrome and Firefox) any thoughts?13:29
dustinhow much is lots?13:29
[The_OP]novitololo, alsamixer?13:29
Picidustin: That page looks accurate to me, I can't tell you if you're doing it right because you haven't told us what you13:29
Picihave done.13:29
novitololoeverything seems right at alsamixer13:30
jattthe bash documentation is 1MB13:30
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:30
Zuhaitzubuntu 11.04 fuck13:30
FloodBot3Zuhaitz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:30
novitololo[The_OP]: I see verything right at alsamixer13:30
dustinwell its saying that i can use a file without it being there13:30
dustinno such dictory,13:31
Picidustin: What file? What part of the instructions?13:31
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:31
karakasimover. i meant a software similar to 'nm' with a GUI.13:32
jribkarakasimov: "nm"?  As in "Network Manager"?13:33
jeromatronanyone know why setting a the memlock in /etc/security/limits.d/<user>.conf or /etc/security/limits.conf wouldn't take effect for the user?13:33
jukjeromatron: restart?13:33
jeromatronjuk - I tried that, but it's still the same13:34
dustinThe init.d script13:34
=== [The_OP] is now known as ExplodingPiglets
KGBWolfrunnung tar-zxf command gives me invalid command do i need to install anything?13:34
JunkyJameshey i need to run a script on startup, how would i do that?13:34
jattKGBWolf: watch the space13:34
jukjeromatron: well what you expect? freezings?13:34
Picijrib: nm from binutils.13:34
jribKGBWolf: space after the "tar"13:34
karakasimovno just the 'nm' command/executable you type in a terminal. it shows details of 'a.out' / dynamic libraries '.so'13:34
jeromatronjuk - what I'm trying to do is set the memlock to unlimited for a user and when I su - <user> ulimit -l returns 64 no matter what I do.13:35
Stormshadowhi all, i just installed a hardy chroot and would like to retrieve important packages such as X development libs etc - is there a package (nnnn-common) i can point to using apt-get, to retrieve necessary development utils and libs?13:36
bc81JunkyJames: go to System >> Preferences >> Startup Applications: Add13:37
jukjeromatron: it shows for me too, and unlimite13:37
JunkyJamesbc81: sorry, i forgot to mention im ubuntu server :P13:37
jukjeromatron: 64 is unlimited13:37
jribStormshadow: not really, there's build-essential and then *-dev for whatever you want.  But hardy is EOL soon, why not use lucid or maverick?13:37
dustindustin@dustin-desktop:~$ sudo cat << EOF >> /etc/init.d/wake-on-lan13:38
dustin> #!/bin/bash13:38
dustin> #13:38
dustin> ### BEGIN INIT INFO13:38
dustin> # Provides:             wake-on-lan13:38
FloodBot3dustin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:38
jattStormshadow: xserver-xorg-dev13:38
eXpLoDhow can i fix my flash player?do I need to update it?because some apps with flash player like tinychat dont work properly for me13:38
Stormshadowhi jrib, tanks - would buil-essential include X too ?13:38
jribStormshadow: no.13:38
bc81JunkyJames: i haven't used server edition, but maybe check ~/.config/autostart  ??13:38
Stormshadowok would have to install these serially then13:39
Stormshadowthanks to JATT too13:39
jribJunkyJames: what do you want to run exactly?13:39
JunkyJamesjrib: a php script in the background with root privileges13:39
jribJunkyJames: I suppose you can use /etc/rc.local or root's crontab (with @reboot)13:40
JunkyJamesjrib: how does @reboot work?13:41
jribJunkyJames: you use @reboot for the time specification in your crontab and the command gets executed once, at startup13:41
JunkyJamesjrib: oh ok cool beans ill try that thanks13:42
jribJunkyJames: « man 5 crontab » mentions it13:42
Stormshadowwould installing lucid or maverick restrict me to a recent version of libc? I would like to use libc2.713:42
jrib!info libc6 lucid13:43
ubottulibc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.8 (lucid), package size 3691 kB, installed size 9360 kB13:43
sol-invictushello! is it possible on ubuntu 10.10 amd64 to use two graphic cards (nvidia 9600 gt) with 4 screens (each 1920x1200) with just one x-server? i installed the proprietary nvidia-driver (from ubuntu repository) but i could just configure all screens when i run an x-server for each card.13:43
jribStormshadow: yes, it would restrict you to a recent version of libc13:43
Stormshadowthats my dilemma; many things compiled for libc2.713:43
jribStormshadow: k, just realize hardy is EOL this april13:44
KGBWolfwhats the su password for ubuntu 10.04 lts server?13:44
Stormshadowhmm, thanks jrib, will note that and start thinking about upgrading libc13:44
jrib!root | KGBWolf13:45
ubottuKGBWolf: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:45
BluesKajHi all13:47
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj13:47
KGBWolfim using sudo but i still get an output that says Permission Denied13:47
jribKGBWolf: show us what you are doing exactly13:47
ActionParsnipKGBWolf: if you runs:  groups   are you in the admin group?13:47
sol-invictusso i can expand the ubuntu desktop with twinview to 2 screens, then i have to select to use a seperate x-server to activate the 3rd and 4th screen again in twinview... is it possible to just use one desktop on all 4 screens?13:48
induzcan this command:$sudo apt-get -f install, harmful??13:48
induzI am getting some error when i update my source manager13:48
jribinduz: apt-get will ask for confirmation before doing anything possibly harmful13:48
borgeshsmorgHey guys what is the best program to emulate pastebin and imagebin? Any good links?13:48
ActionParsnipinduz: not really, it just continues installs and fixes things13:48
raveeit forces, all force can be dangerous :)13:48
induzso i can use that command13:49
jribinduz: yes, just read the output13:49
Blorg28is it safe to uninstall ubuntu-desktop. I mean, I know it's a meta package and it's empty, but will it break my system for future updates ?13:49
BluesKajhi ActionParsnip , ths sudoers fileon my other pc  is corrupted somehow , unable to open ir with visudo or any other metod , can't update or upgrade ...any suggestions ?13:49
ActionParsnipravee: i suggest you read: man apt-get    before advising13:49
jribBluesKaj: update-manager will reinstall it on upgrades I think13:49
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: boot to root recovery mode and repair13:49
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: I can pastebin my virgin file which you can then simply copy over the top13:50
induzI am not getting any error Now13:50
BluesKajActionParsnip, yeah , I tried that , no luck13:50
jribBlorg28: update-manager will reinstall it on upgrades I think.  It's safe to remove but you should have it installed on upgrades13:50
Blorg28jrib: ok. mmm.. I'm trying to remove cups, and it want to remove ubuntu-desktop too :/13:50
BluesKajActionParsnip, like I said there's no way to open it ..it just errors out13:50
jribBlorg28: heh, why didn't you just do what I said to /etc/init/cups.conf?13:50
sol-invictusdoes anyone runs ubuntu on 4 screens with 2 graphic cards?13:51
=== maximus is now known as Guest84991
Blorg28jrib: yeah, it works, I added "never" to the "start on" condition ;) but I fear that on the next update, it will erase the upstart script13:51
induzit says;0 to remove and 15 not upgraded, why??13:51
jribBlorg28: it will not13:51
raveeright you are, i was confusing things :)13:51
BluesKajjrib, ActionParsnip I even tried to rm -rf , but that doesn't work13:52
induzI mean the command;$sudo apt-get -f install, gives me output;0 to remove and 15 not upgraded, why??13:52
jribBlorg28: apt will prompt you about what you want to do with configuration files13:52
asdfqwerhey if i wanted to backup my gnome-panel settings i.e. panel position and components on panel, where would i go?13:52
jribBluesKaj: how are you determining it is corrupted?13:52
KGBWolfjrib im running a sudo sh startserver.sh13:52
Blorg28jrib: ok, problem solved then, thanks again. Sorry for the noob question I'm new to ubuntu... was on debian for the last 10 years...13:52
=== strike is now known as Guest98146
jribBluesKaj: you realize that's pretty meaningless?13:53
jribugh, I'm getting confused.  Ignore my last BluesKaj13:53
jribKGBWolf: what does « groups » return?13:54
aroshlakshandoes anyone know how to change the boot screen of ubuntu?? it was great before but when i installed my vga drivers it turned in to an ugky boot screen13:54
bc81asdfqwer: not sure, but have a look in ~/.gconf/apps/panel13:54
jukBlorg28: nice joke, ubuntu isn't much different13:54
jrib!plymouth | aroshlakshan13:54
ubottuaroshlakshan: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »13:54
Blorg28juk: ;)13:54
asdfqwerbc81, yeah i guess that entire folder eh13:54
BluesKajjrib,  /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 27 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 27 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting13:55
=== westffff is now known as westchn
Blorg28juk: upstart is something new for me. I have to rethink the way my system start services13:55
aroshlakshanso do i have to type this "sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u"13:55
brandon420guys, why cant i move files into my /var/www/ folder on my home computer? says permission denied13:55
RedO_1ping_onlyanyone use bitcoin?13:55
Blorg28juk: and learn to live with sudo too13:55
jribBluesKaj: don't use "sh file".  Instead make the file executable and do "./file"13:55
jukBlorg28: ah13:55
jribaroshlakshan: if that's the theme you want, sure13:56
jrib!permissions > brandon42013:56
ubottubrandon420, please see my private message13:56
Blorg28juk: but I have to admit that ubuntu is really good at a desktop system... pretty much everything works out of the box :)13:56
jribbrandon420: I'd recommend creating a new group (like www-editors for example), adding your user to that group, chgrp www-editors  /var/www, and add group write permissions to /var/www13:57
=== annunaki is now known as krycek
aroshlakshanok thanks guys13:57
bc81asdfqwer: yea, maybe try moving it somewhere else, and kill the panel.  see if it reverts to default13:58
jukBlorg28: despite all efforts of every hardware manufactures to ruin this13:58
Zeu5bought a new laptop. installed ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. using USB hdd to transfer data. 32bit old laptop can detect hdd, but 64 bit cannot. please help. gconfeditor already shows automount.13:58
Lufti_oOMaverick 10.10, Gnome, Nvidia 9600M GT (supported by all drivers since 173): Added  ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates to my sources. Deinstalled all nvidia-* packets and installed nvidia-current. Now X starts as before but when I type my username (after some letters), press enter, or switch to another terminal with CTRL+ALT+Fx the screen turns black and the system is freezed. The new xorg.conf differs only with its comments to that from 173 driver.13:58
Lufti_oOany Idea?13:58
jribBluesKaj: you should never assume .sh means you can run the file through sh.  Use of ".sh" is actually unfortunate imo13:58
induzDo I need a program like Avast or some other virus protection s/w on Lucid?/13:58
jattinduz: NO!13:58
jrib!virus | induz13:58
ubottuinduz: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus13:58
jattinduz: there are no viruses in linux13:58
jattinduz: not one13:58
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:59
Zeu5bought a new laptop. installed ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. using USB hdd to transfer data. 32bit old laptop can detect hdd, but 64 bit cannot. please help. gconfeditor already shows automount.13:59
jattuse 32bit, I also have a 64bit machine and installed 32bit to avoid all that mess13:59
jribKGBWolf: don't use "sh file".  Instead make the file executable and do "./file"14:00
sol-invictushi! does anyone runs ubuntu on 4 screens with 2 graphic cards with one x-server? is this even possible?14:00
BluesKajActionParsnip, gonna take your suggestion about the recovery root mode , I just tried fix brken pakges, ...will I have access to the sudoers  file using that method?14:00
jribBluesKaj: yes, pastebin your /etc/sudoers14:00
KGBWolfis 777 full permission?14:01
jattKGBWolf: avoid it14:01
jribKGBWolf: it doesn't matter for your issue.  And you never want 777 anyway.  Do what I told you just now14:01
BluesKajjrib, like I said earlier , it won't open , it errors out , otherwise i would edit the offending line myself14:02
jribBluesKaj: in recovery mode?14:02
BluesKajanyway , bbl14:02
BluesKajjrib, no , I havent tried recovery mode yet14:02
jribBluesKaj: did you cause this error by editing /etc/sudoers?14:03
Mad_Dudhi guys. could someone help me with remapping "back" button on mouse, to act like middle mouse button?14:03
GreengrassHi guys, I have a problem.14:03
jribMad_Dud: do you still want middle to be middle?14:03
GreengrassSomeone on here was helping me install wine14:04
Greengrassand now my computer won't boot.14:04
jribGreengrass: what exactly did you do?14:04
Mad_Dudjrib: it's logitech mx air and technically it does not have middle14:04
memoryleakGreengrass: Error messages?14:04
* juk hide fast14:04
GreengrassI followed there instructions up until dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda14:04
Greengrassand now when I switch on, nothing14:04
Mad_Dudjrib: and this "back" button acts like "back" (in browsers for example) by default out of the box.14:05
Mad_Dudon ubuntu101014:05
Greengrassno grub, just a post message saying no os found14:05
WulfyGreengrass,  how does dd have anything to do with wine?14:05
libaofengi am coming14:05
WulfyGreengrass,  youve been had some muppet told you to clear your hdd14:05
llutzGreengrass: who told you to "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda"14:05
GreengrassO know :(14:06
sacarlsonGreengrass: wow that's a complete wipe of putting all zero data in you hda disk14:06
GreengrassO well, I best go back and install a new os14:06
xonixHi, i have installed apache2 for a while. After a few configuration errors... i decided to remove all the packages with aptitude remove apache and do a new setup from default. After doing a new installation with aptitude install apache2. The directory structure /etc/apache2 looks fine, but i miss some files like the apache2.conf. How can i resolve this problem ?14:06
BluesKajjrib,yes I mistakenly tried to edit it by ssh from thios pc , and didn'trealize it  hadn't worked our til this morning14:06
GreengrassThanks guys14:06
jribBluesKaj: in the future make sure you use visudo to edit sudoers.  But for now, you should be able to fix the issue by using recovery mode14:07
* BluesKaj has breakfast14:07
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jattapache2.2-common: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf14:07
famihugToday I can't hear any sound from my laptop but yestoday it worked well, i switch to Win7 and it still working. What happen to my Ubuntu?14:07
BluesKajjrb I did use visudo14:07
jattinstall apache2.2-common14:07
jribMad_Dud: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1256549.html has some discussion14:07
osmosis_paulHi everybody, i'm trying to send a backup from one machine to another one by rsync, but i'm seeing that using rsync that i'm trying to do is transfer from the remote machine to the local14:07
famihugi didn't mute it14:07
jribBluesKaj: strange14:07
Mad_Dudthanks jrib.14:07
Wulfyfamihug,  you hit the mute button?14:08
osmosis_pauli'm doing this "rsync -ave 'ssh -i /home/ubuntu/.ssh/private_key.pem -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' ubuntu@"remotemachine":/home/ubuntu/tmp /mnt/ebs_volume/"14:08
BluesKajjrib, I'll try fixinfg it in a few mins..breakfast time here14:08
gp5stis there a way to get metacity to wrap workspaces?  I found a thread that stated that the devs didn't want to and wouldn't add an option to, but is there a hack or a workspace manager that ill?14:09
osmosis_paulto transfer something from A to B can i use rsync or this is only to copy something from B to A calling from A14:09
famihugi've just upgrade to newer kernel but i switch to the older and it didn't work14:09
sudiptais stacks can be integrated in docky?14:10
jattgp5st: you can do it with compiz14:10
jattgp5st: without compiz metacity is a joke14:10
jattgp5st: you cannot do anything fancy with it14:11
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tobiassjostenI'm trying to set a custom prompt with colors but I'm running into a problem when it's wrapped. The new line starts at the same line and thus overwrites it. Every guide I've come across says I need to surround the color codes with \[ and \] but the only prints out "\[" and "\]" to the terminal. Any ideas what I could be doing wrong?14:12
gp5stjatt: yeah, i that's what I read. I was hoping there was something lighter weight.  I guess i don't have to enable all the pretty effects, though.  thank you.14:12
Blorg28gajim or emesene can't flash in the taskbar when incoming new chat message. I installed notification-deamon but it doesn't change anything... is it something I have to activate in gnome itself ?14:12
famihugToday I can't hear any sound from my laptop but yestoday it worked well, i switch to Win7 and it still working. What happen to my Ubuntu?14:12
bc81_sudipta: are you talking about stacks from awn?14:12
mk4hello, is there a way in terminal to batch convert a folder of /.flac files to .wav, and then batch convert the files into .mp3 using lame?14:12
voozeHow do i check which netkort i have?? because my wired network dont work on ubuntu 10.10?14:13
g_0_0!sound | famihug14:13
ubottufamihug: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:13
jatttobiassjosten: use this:14:13
jattPS1="$C_GRAY[$C_LIGHT_BLUE\t$C_GRAY][$C_LIGHT_BLUE\u@\h:\w$C_GRAY]\$ $C_RESET"14:13
FloodBot3jatt: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
tobiassjostenjatt: Thanks! I'll try that.14:13
bc81_sudipta: never used docky before, but see this guide: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/06/stacks-for-docky-looks-like-a-dream-works-like-one-too/14:13
Blorg28mk4: http://www.tuxarena.com/static/cli_audio_guide.php14:13
michael138how do i find a emulator program for my computer14:13
mk4Blorg28: thanks14:13
llutzmichael138: why do you want to emulate your computer if your computer works?14:14
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bc81_sudipta: or you can try it with one command: wget http://www.panticz.de/sites/default/files/Docky/compile.docky.stacks.sh.txt -O – | bash –14:14
sacarlsonmichael138: to start you have to know what kind of a computer you want to emulate14:14
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jattos8 - DEC OS8 images for a PDP-8 emulator14:15
michael138ok now iam lost i just was looking for a nes emulater and what do u mean14:15
jattsnes9x-x is good you can play mario with it14:15
jattand contra14:15
voozeHow do i check which netkort i have?? because my wired network dont work on ubuntu 10.10?14:16
llutzvooze: "lspci | grep -i ether"14:16
michael138snes9x-x s that compatable with my usb Nintendo controllers14:17
ActionParsnipmichael138: playdeb repos have some decent emulators for snes etc14:17
sacarlsonmichael138: I found this http://fms.komkon.org/iNES/14:18
jattit has some joystick option never used it you should try it out14:18
cloudUser2Hi guys14:18
induzis there anyone using Jokosher??14:18
michael138thanks guys and srry iam not doin any difficultquestion i just got ubuntu like yesterday so i  got some learning whats compatible with my os now14:18
cloudUser2What is the ubuntu default login for ssh?14:18
cloudUser2I'm using ubuntu on the amazon cloud14:19
voozellutz, this is the line i get: 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 03).. what should i google for (what is the "short" name for my ethernet ??)14:19
ActionParsnipcloudUser2: your userame and password on the server system, there is no default14:19
erUSULvooze: your nic uses r8169 driver in linux if that's what you ask14:19
jattthe default is test/test14:19
cloudUser2Accelerator, what would they be?14:19
cloudUser2Accelerator, the password is the secret key/pem file. What is the username?14:20
mk4Blorg28: that guide you linked to only shows how to convert single files using ffmpeg and lame. any info on how to batch convert an entire folder without having to manually enter every filename?14:20
michael138how do i change my nick name on here14:20
jattwith /nick14:20
llutzvooze: RTL8111/8168B14:20
erUSUL /nick newnick14:20
cloudUser2Accelerator, found it, it is 'ubuntu'14:20
cloudUser2and there is no sudo password!14:20
Blorg28mk4: look at the script, there is a bash loop14:20
mk4whats a bash loop?14:21
Blorg28mk4: ok wait14:21
KGBWolfwhats an easy way to auto start applications using KDE14:21
llutzvooze:try " sudo modprobe r8169"14:21
ActionParsnip!cik | michael13814:21
BluesKajActionParsnip, jrib , ok fixed the sudoers file , had a bad line under %Admin, thanks for the suggestions :)14:21
sacarlsonmk4:  example http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-for-loop/14:22
ActionParsnipKGBWolf: add a symlink to it in ~/.kde/Autostart14:22
Blorg28mk4: you want flac to mp3 right ? try this : for file in *.flac; do flac -cd "$file" | lame -h - "${file%.flac}.mp3"; done14:22
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: good lad :)14:22
Blorg28you need flac and lame of course14:22
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denoCan you tell me what could happen if I remove the swap partition? will my linux system boot?14:23
ikoniadeno: should do14:23
voozellutz, no respons to that command14:23
jattdeno: nothing14:23
ActionParsnipdeno: yes, as long as it's not referenced in fstab14:23
llutzvooze: no reply = goog news, "ifconfig -a"14:24
ActionParsnip!nick | michael13814:24
ubottumichael138: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.14:24
denoand what if I create another partition14:24
ActionParsnipmichael138: meant to trigger that from ubuntu14:24
denoanother swap partition I mean14:24
ikoniadeno: nothing14:24
ActionParsnipdeno: that's fine14:24
denowill my system recognize it automatically?14:24
ikoniadeno: if you put it in your fstab, yes14:24
denoso have I to do it before the boot right'14:24
llutzdeno: automatically? no14:24
ikoniadeno: or just do a swapon /dev/partition14:25
michael138!nick | ike13814:25
ubottuike138: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.14:25
denoikonia, when?14:25
ikoniadeno: post boot14:25
michael138wow did it work14:25
denobetter to add it in the fstab14:25
denothank you guys14:25
ActionParsnipdeno: either way is fine, just remember to use swapoff or the partition will be in use if you do it before the reboot14:25
ActionParsnipdeno: technically, you don't have to reboot at all14:26
voozellutz, here is paste: http://pastebin.com/hRL23qN714:26
Wulfyhey action whats with having to reboot after a upgrade now days, used to be linux was the rebootless master14:26
llutzvooze: eth0 should be your wired-nic. does it show up now in networkmanager?14:27
KGBWolfis port 443 used by ubuntu 10.04 LTS server for anything because it says it is used by another app?14:27
erUSULKGBWolf: 443 is https iirc ?14:28
voozellutz, its right over the wireless, but it just says "not connected" and when i plug the cable in, nothing happens14:28
llutzKGBWolf: netstat -tulpen |grep 44314:28
ActionParsnipWulfy: new kernels are the only real reason to reboot, you can use ksplice to prevent that14:28
WulfyActionParsnip, yeah seen that but not tried yet been considering deploying it on some vps nodes14:28
NoNaMeNohow can I create an xorg.conf from the xorg autodetection?14:28
llutzvooze: but you are sure, the cable is OK?14:28
voozellutz, yeah, works perfect in my boxee mediecenter14:29
erUSULNoNaMeNo: « sudo Xorg -configure :1 »14:29
ActionParsnipWulfy: ksplice will (as far I know) change the bits of the kernel in RAM which need changing, so no reboot is needed14:29
WulfyActionParsnip,  any downsides?14:30
llutzvooze: "sudo apt-get install ethtool" and then check "sudo ethtool eth0|grep Link" with cable attached14:30
ActionParsnipWulfy: not that I know of14:30
zoelhelp me, i already have mysql, apache2, phpmyadmin. but when i go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin , i doesn't work14:30
WulfyActionParsnip,  seems odd its not included by default in os's now days if it has such benifits as 0 reboots14:30
serardHello, is there any truetype font installed on ubuntu 10.10 ?14:31
memoryleakzoel, error message? result?14:31
zhosteyay i14:31
memoryleakDoesn't work could mean anything14:31
zoelmemoryleak, i'm using firefox, it's show pop up save/download to ...14:32
zhosteyay i'm remotely accessing my computer's terminal through my android phone. :)14:32
serardWhere are fonts stored on ubuntu 10.10 ? please :)14:32
vooze_llutz, back again.. i got it "blinking" now14:33
vooze_but there is no internet from it14:33
memoryleak" i already have mysql, apache2, phpmyadmin" - what about PHP?14:33
llutzvooze_: you have a router/dhcp-server running?14:33
ActionParsnipWulfy: i guess because the user has to check for the new kernel, then updates. This could easily be scripted though14:33
vooze_llutz, yes14:33
vooze_works fine with wireless.. and the cable works in my mediecenter just fine14:33
llutzvooze_: "sudo dhclient eth0"14:33
WulfyActionParsnip,  indeed14:34
llutzvooze_: you might need to disconnect wifi before14:34
vooze_llutz, okay, be right back :D14:35
Zoffix_Hey. I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and I notice that my windows are going UNDER the panel; it's especially troublesome when the panel is on the right, as window scrollbars become hidden. In my old version, maximizing windows would align them to the panel, not window edges. I tried googling around, but haven't found an answer. Any idea how I can fix this, please?14:35
zoelmemoryleak, i'm also using apache2triad in windows, when i goto http://localhost/phpmyadmin its show username & password window14:35
KGBWolfnothing is resturn when i do netstat 44314:35
* BluesKaj doesn't understand the reboot fear that's out there nowadays for home computers ,workplace servers are a different story of course14:36
memoryleakzoel: what does apt-get install php return?14:36
memoryleakEither you didn't installed php or it isn't configured as handler for php files14:36
llutzKGBWolf: what do you want to do, what fails, what errors?14:36
KGBWolfllutz running a shell says port 443 is in use i want to terminate whatever is using 443 permanately14:37
WulfyBluesKaj,  this is why i mentioed i may be deploying it on some vps hardware nodes, end users really hate it when there vps's go down14:37
zoelZoffix_:make a new username ..14:37
llutzKGBWolf: sudo lsof -i :44314:37
Zoffix_zoel, and that's it? Is it some kind of a bug?14:38
voozellutz, damn you rock:D it all works now14:38
Zoffix_zoel, Or are you talking about on IRC :) ?14:38
voozellutz, if i may ask.. what did that command do? sudo modprobe r816914:38
llutzvooze: check after reboot "lsmod|grep 8169" if the module was loaded. if NOT, add it to /etc/modules14:39
llutzvooze: it just loads the nics kernel-driver manually14:39
BluesKajWulfy, , understood14:39
zgrhi all! my friend has samsung rv408 laptop with maverick on it, in gdm touchpad works but after login don't; how to fix that? Disabling touchpad with gconftool don't worked14:39
voozellutz, okay, i'll just do a quick reboot now to be sure :) brb14:39
llutzvooze: which should have been done automatically. so you might force it, with /etc/modules: just one line "r8169"14:40
KGBWolfllutz port 443 is still in use14:40
rafihi guys ..if you can help me i ll be happy ;)  i bought 2 screen  i wanted to work both screen but i dont know how i can do that if you guys help me  i ll be appritiate14:40
llutzKGBWolf: by? should have been told you14:40
Zoffix_rafi, what's the problem?14:40
gnewbHow do I encrypt /home./usr,/var, /tmp on 10.04 post install?14:40
KGBWolfllutz i dont knwo14:40
KGBWolfi know it is bound14:40
libaofengwho can tell me about vnc server14:41
llutzKGBWolf: paste the output of that command to pastebin14:41
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rafii connect the 2 screen in one computer it sposed to work but it doesnt14:41
compdoclibaofeng, what do you want to know?14:41
llutzKGBWolf: what you're typing makes no sense14:41
Zoffix_rafi, well, does the second screen does not light up at all?14:41
libaofengabout vnc server14:41
Zoffix_libaofeng, what exactly?14:41
zoelZoffix: i don't know it's bug or not, but its just tips from me, when you have a problem with your ubuntu, just delete that user and maka a new user name14:41
Zoffix_zoel, ok, thanks14:42
deddyotzany girl?14:42
rafiits working14:42
jukrafi: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html14:42
Zoffix_rafi, so what's the problem?14:42
rafibut i dont know how can i make it works both14:42
jattdeddyotz: why do you need a girl14:42
BluesKajrafi,, more info, which graphics card etc14:42
compdocdeddyotz, if I shave my legs, I look very sexy14:42
Mad_Dudjrib: thanks for help! on webstie, which you gave me, i found btnx tool for mouse keys mapping. it works. thanks!14:42
rafii see14:42
Zoffix_rafi, try going to System->Preferences->Monitors... (just trying to guess what you want, but check it out)14:43
Wulfycompdoc,  thats nothing my wifes buying me a traning bra soon!14:43
TuGahi any idea how on maverick to disable cupsd?14:43
voozellutz, seems it works just fine14:44
jukTuGa: remove it?14:44
llutzvooze: fine14:44
BluesKajTuGa, disable it startup14:44
BluesKajin startup14:44
jukTuGa: stop it, i knew it14:44
rafiwhen i go there it looks different then before it show x server information14:44
voozellutz, should i check what you said before or just figure it will work in the future also?14:44
deddyotzvooze : hi14:45
TuGadisable from startup at bott14:45
llutzvooze: if it worked after reboot, it should work in future14:45
voozededdyotz, hello? :)14:45
gnewbTuGa: I saw and read an article on that at Lubuntu sight and other Canonical Sites , it has something to do with a light weight install.14:45
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up port-forwarding (for games, torrents, webservers) see http://portforward.com - also see !firewall14:45
voozellutz, okay :)14:45
Visual`!firewall :)14:45
deddyotzvooze , where u from?14:45
llutzKGBWolf:your paste?14:46
deddyotzhow make it easy?14:46
TuGagnewb, BluesKaj , juk, yes but how can i disable it from starting at boot? :s14:47
bullgardNautilus > Places shows the partition »WD1.5_1« of an external USB hdd. Why does right-click > Mount not mount this partition? (No response.) (Using GParted I had unmounted it and checked it successfully using e2fsck.) Disk Mounter applet cannot mount this partion either.14:47
ikoniabullgard: we spoke about this earlier14:48
ikoniabullgard: why are you asking again14:48
Stormshadowisnt msgfmt supposed to be inside gettext-base?14:48
bullgardikonia: Because my problem is not solved even if I report an error to Launchpad.14:49
jukTuGa: http://www.linuxtutorialblog.com/post/tutorial-disabling-unused-daemons-to-speed-up-your-boot-sequence14:49
ikoniabullgard: ok, but it's a bug, so what do you expect people to do in here14:49
ikoniabullgard: if it's a bug, it needs fixing, so keeping asking in here won't fix the bug14:49
bullgardikonia: I see your point.14:50
sacarlsonbullgard: so there is no work around to mount it at all?14:51
ikoniathere is a work around, it mounts fine manually14:51
ikoniait appears to just be a bug with the applet14:51
sacarlsonbullgard: ikonia: there problem solved, make a script to do it and make botton to run the script14:52
bullgardsacarlson: So far the only workaround that I have found is that I can mount it using the command-line command 'mount'.14:52
basyFor example i have [sudo apt-get ] typed in console and now i double-hit TAB and bash offers "clean, install, update, ..." options.... How to setup setup this behavior fo my script? [when i have typed my_script i want bash to offer my deffined options]14:52
ikoniasacarlson: we know the work around, but bullgard wants the application fixing, hence why asking in here is pointless14:52
ikoniabasy: not going to happen14:53
GeniusoI have dualboot ubuntu and win7 and when I turn on pc there is GRUB bootloader and I want to put windows on first place14:53
robusthi, everyone! need help: my kids' comp is running under #ubuntu 10.10. My main cimp is under WinXP. How can i remotedly control the kids's comp, that is installing programs, checking what my kids are doing on that comp etc. Under windows i used to use RDP or dameware. what would you suggest in this case?14:53
sacarlsonbullgard: you can add scripts to nautilus, so if you want it done write do it yourself14:53
ikoniabasy: your best option is to just do a usage option, so if you do ./yourcommand it offers your command [ usage ] options14:53
Wulfyrobust vnc14:53
Zoffix_robust, try vnc14:53
jpdsbasy: Look into bash completion.14:53
llutzbasy: check the files in /etc/bash_completion.d  and create one suitable to your script. have fun14:53
Wulfyrobust works on most platforms for example linux windows etc etc14:54
thenoobVvnc is written in java?14:54
jpdsbasy: There are some examples in /etc/bash_completion.d/ .14:54
Wulfynope thenoob c+ i think14:54
Zoffix_thenoob, not as far as I know.14:54
Geniuso I have dualboot ubuntu and win7 and when I turn on pc there is GRUB bootloader and I want to put windows on first place14:54
* jpds wonders why ikonia hates the bash_completion.14:54
ikoniajpds: I don't, I think it's fine14:54
basyllutz: thanx /etc/bash_completion.d/ i was looknig for :P14:54
tobiassjostenjatt: Noo. Buffer flooded before I could try your suggestion. Mind giving it again please? :)14:55
robustplease advice how can i use vnc. what needs to be installed on ubuntu, what on winxp. i just googled vnc & some progs such as realvnc etc come up.14:55
tobiassjostenjatt: On escape characters and prompt wrapping.14:55
Wulfyrobuust use realvnc14:56
Zoffix_robust, yup, realvnc is what you want for your Windows computer. There you'll need to install the server.14:56
compdocrobust, I think vnc4server for ubuntu is best, and ultravnc client on windows14:56
jattPS1="$C_GRAY[$C_LIGHT_BLUE\t$C_GRAY][$C_LIGHT_BLUE\u@\h:\w$C_GRAY]\$ $C_RESET"14:56
bullgardsacarlson: I do not understand your English in your last message. Please explain the phrase "so if you want it done write do it yourself" to me in #ubuntu-offtopic.14:56
robustWulfy, Zoffix, compdoc: thank you, i knew I always can rely on the ubuntu community :)14:57
ActionParsniprobust: vino is in a default install and will give desktop sharinig14:58
thenoobrobust read lxf magazine issue October 201014:58
ActionParsniprobust: there are often more graceful methods to achieve your ends (especially using apps with web interfaces)14:58
thenoobit gives reviews14:58
compdocrobust, vnc4server includes a program named vncconfig that you run to enable clipboard xfers14:58
compdocrobust, what ActionParsnip said is true if you want to view your kids desktop. vncserver wont do that14:59
KGBWolfwhat did you want me to pastebin?15:00
robustok, as i said i need both remote administartion (such as progs installation) & watching what my kids are doing15:00
thenoobcan any1 here tell me where nano's config files are located on ubuntu?15:00
jattbig brother for your kids?15:00
llutzKGBWolf: output of "sudo lsof -i :443"   and how you determine that somethings listens on that port15:01
th0rthenoob: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=nano+config+files15:01
TuGathis is wird chkconfig shows cupsd off state for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 but if i do netstat -antp i get open15:01
KGBWolfno output15:01
TuGahow can this be?!?!15:01
llutzKGBWolf: then part 215:01
robustanother problem i haven'r solved yet, is parental control - i tried Gnome Nanny - it displayed intimidating notices such as "in a minute yor com will be off" but... nothing happened & my kids kept on playing games though it was time to go to bed15:02
compdocrobust, vino requires that someone is logged on already. vncserver doesnt require that anyone is logged in15:02
jukthenoob: /etc/nanorc15:02
KGBWolfllutz im unable to bind that port15:02
robustjatt: big father for my kids, i'd say15:02
jukthenoob: np15:02
llutzKGBWolf: you need to be root to do that15:02
gordonjcprobust: "parental control" is when a parent tells the children to turn the computer off and go to bed15:02
g_0_0thenoob, --> locate nano15:04
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openSUSEkorisnikAny recommended video/audio conversion software for linux?15:04
jukopenSUSEkorisnik: ffmpeg, mencoder, and brothers15:05
thenoobi tried using find nano returned nothing15:05
ActionParsnipopenSUSEkorisnik: handbrake is one I can think of15:05
thenoobi have the config now anyway15:05
g_0_0thenoob, use - locate nano15:05
ActionParsnipthenoob: use:   gksudo gedit /etc/nanorc15:06
openSUSEkorisnikoke thanks15:06
hudoI'm using lucid. Swap has no blkid, and is not activated after booting. How can I determine/generate  the uuid of the swap partition ?15:07
Blorg28Does anyone have some taskbar flashing working ?15:07
bastidrazorhudo: sudo blkid should show UUID's for all drives15:08
ActionParsnipBlorg28: how do you mean 'flashing'?15:08
th0rthenoob: or, as the google link suggested, copy /etc/nano to ~/.nanorc and you won't need sudo to edit it15:09
PhonicUKhey all, i'm installing Ubuntu Server 10.1015:09
hudobastidrazor, blkid just gives /dev/sda6: TYPE="swap"  no uuid, thats my problem15:09
Blorg28ActionParsnip: the blinking of the taskbar of a minimized window (like when you got a incoming chat message in gajim or emesene)15:09
PhonicUKI want to install xrdp, but i can't apt-get install it15:09
PhonicUKis their a repo missing that I need to add?15:09
PhonicUKon the desktop version its fine15:09
PhonicUKi hate all these guides for xrdp that are only for Ubuntu Desktop :\15:10
juk!info xrdp15:10
ubottuxrdp (source: xrdp): Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0~20100303cvs-4 (maverick), package size 244 kB, installed size 1656 kB15:10
bastidrazorhudo: sudo fdisk -l   can you pastebin the output15:10
jukPhonicUK: pastebin sources.list15:11
ActionParsnipBlorg28: it happens with pidgin, not sure otherwise15:11
PhonicUKeh will do once this install has finished xD15:11
th0rjuk:  you might want to look at x-forwarding via ssh also...faster than rdp when accessing linux15:11
PhonicUKi had to reinstall the VM on a new host15:11
Blorg28ActionParsnip: do I need to enable something in gnome ?15:11
jukth0r: g, ok15:11
hudobastidrazor, now I have formated the swap patition with gparted, and it now has a uuid. Thx for the help15:12
Griz64how do I tell apt-get to just 'fetch' the packages I want and not try to install them? also, where is the cache for dl'd packages?15:12
bastidrazorhudo: i didn't do anything :) but you're welcome.15:12
ActionParsniphudo: may help: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-finding-using-uuids-to-update-fstab/15:12
PhonicUKGriz64, the cache is in /var/cache/apt/archives15:12
jukGriz64: apt-get install package -d15:13
ActionParsniphudo: glad you got fixed :)15:13
bastidrazorGriz64: --download-only   and /var/cache/apt/archives/15:13
Griz64PhonicUK, Thank You.15:13
TuGathis is wird chkconfig shows cupsd off state for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 but if i do netstat -antp i get open15:13
TuGaany ideas?15:13
llutzTuGa: service cups stop15:13
PhonicUK<3 VMWare Server :)15:13
goltoofwhats a good tool to split .ape file?15:13
erUSUL!info shndtool15:14
ubottuPackage shndtool does not exist in maverick15:14
hudobastidrazor, I created the swap with Acronis, maybe that was the reason that it had no uuid. But can I generate uuid for swap manually ?15:14
jukTuGa: can you rephrase to make sence15:14
ActionParsnipgoltoof: http://aidanjm.wordpress.com/2007/02/04/converting-monkey%E2%80%99s-audio-ape-files-to-flac-in-ubuntu/15:14
bastidrazorhudo: i don't know15:14
erUSUL!info shntool15:14
ubottushntool (source: shntool): multi-purpose tool for manipulating and analyzing WAV files. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.7-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 66 kB, installed size 264 kB15:14
goltoofthanks ap15:14
ActionParsnipgoltoof: may also help http://aidanjm.wordpress.com/2007/02/15/split-lossless-audio-ape-flac-wv-wav-by-cue-file/15:15
PhonicUKcrap, no wonder its being stupid15:15
PhonicUKmy VM appears to have no network access :\15:15
brendan-`hey all..  anyone know why i have the process "arecord -c 1 -f S16_LE -r 8000 -t raw" with a parent process of "randomsound -D"  starting at init?  it seems to be causing havok with my server but can't figure out what it's doing15:15
PhonicUKeven though it did during install15:15
PhonicUKeh it does have access15:15
PhonicUKbut can't reach the ubuntu servers >_<15:15
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: try using static DNS servers, and ease up on the ENTER key please15:16
brendan-`!info arecord15:16
PhonicUKthe DNS isn't the issue it seems15:16
ubottuPackage arecord does not exist in maverick15:16
compdoc<3 KVM15:17
bastidrazorhudo: uuidgen15:17
TuGallutz, yes it stoped15:17
hudoActionParsnip, your link is "outdated" cause vol_id is not used anymore, but nice article to read, thx15:17
robustActionParsnip just checked that vino is installed, but how can i view remotedly from winxp? using rdp? i tried but it refused connections15:17
PhonicUKhow can i pastebin something from the console if I can't apt-get install pastebinit?15:17
jukPhonicUK: curl15:17
compdocopen  pastebin.org in firefox15:18
PhonicUKthis is ubuntu server15:18
jukPhonicUK: lynx15:18
PhonicUKall i have is a remote terminal :P15:18
PhonicUKi can't seem to install anything at all15:18
PhonicUKi can't even apt-get update15:18
compdocerr, pastebin.com15:18
jattyou can use codepad-paste-region in emacs, very cool15:18
jattselect region, press keys, done15:18
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PhonicUKi can't install emacs -_-15:19
Seppmangood evening15:19
compdocyou using sudo?15:19
PhonicUKof course15:19
th0rPhonicUK: you could download the packages locally then scp them to the server15:19
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PhonicUKth0r, i have no SSH access15:19
TuGathis is wird i run chkconfig to check cupsd state and it shows cupsd off state for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 but if i do netstat -antp i get open15:19
TuGaif i run service cups stop it stops it15:19
th0rPhonicUK: how are you getting into the server?15:20
TuGaso how can disable it from start at boot?15:20
PhonicUKall i'm getting is "Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.com"15:20
Griz64Help! Trying to do an upgrade from 8 to 9 and now have this issue which is rather circular. :-(    http://paste.pocoo.org/show/33897315:20
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: then you can edit /etc/resolv.conf using nano....15:20
PhonicUKth0r, its a VMWare virtual server, im connected to its terminal using the VMWare remote console15:20
jukbrendan-`: remove randomsound15:20
pn3um0hi everybody15:21
pn3um0i've a little problem15:21
PhonicUKActionParsnip, resolving hostnames isn't the issue15:21
sacarlsonPhonicUK: but you do have an ssh to your remote server?  does the system you remote from  have access to the internet?  if so you could maybe setup a tunnel to get network into apt-get or install with atoncd15:21
jukTuGa: did you take a look at tutorial blog i linked you?15:21
bastidrazorTuGa: sudo mv /etc/init.d/cups  /etc/init.d/cups-disabled   ..that will stop it from starting.15:21
BluesKaj!ask | pn3um015:22
ubottupn3um0: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:22
PhonicUKsacarlson, I don't have SSH access, it has outgoing network access ( i can ping google.com )15:22
pmccandI have followed every help file to install GoogleEarth.  Dang if it doens't install.  I tried via synaptic package manager and it seemed to download, but it installed with many errors.  Anyone have trouble fixes on Ubuntu10.10 for Google earth?15:22
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: what message do you get regarding connecting to the update servers, what is the reason?15:22
TuGajuk, yes and no efect because of the state of the deamon of cups15:22
pn3um0do you know a software to build ubuntu-based distros?15:22
jukTuGa: pastebin the state15:22
ActionParsnip!remaster | pn3um015:23
ubottupn3um0: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility15:23
robusthow can is use vino to access an ubuntu comp screen from a windows computer15:23
sacarlsonPhonicUK: so your not the sudo user?15:23
PhonicUKAll i get is:15:23
PhonicUKi am sudo su15:23
compdocultravnc client15:23
ActionParsniprobust: you can use any VNC client on Widows, you just need to enable remote desktopping in Ubuntu15:23
TuGabastidrazor, tks have to try reboot15:23
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: sudo -i    is advised over sudo su15:23
Seppmanhow do i know if pcm "dmix" is the correct for asoubnd.conf15:24
PhonicUKW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/multiverse/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  Unable to connect to security.ubuntu.come:http: [IP: 80]15:24
ActionParsniprobust: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html15:24
alessandro_hi all15:24
TuGajuk, cups                      0:off  1:off  2:off  3:off  4:off  5:off  6:off15:24
robustthanks & sorry for stupid questions15:24
Seppmani mean the dmix. i wanted to make prescaler control, but it never shows up :-(((15:24
PhonicUKhmm, weird - i can resolve or ping but no HTTP access15:25
jukTuGa: so what is the next step in tutorial you have read?15:25
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: I get for security.ubuntu.com   try adding an entry to /etc/hosts  may help15:26
sacarlsonPhonicUK: well I can get that file here is it a firewall or just that repository mirror not seen from there?15:26
PhonicUKgood question15:26
PhonicUKi can't actually tell what's wrong15:27
llutzTuGa: doesn't all that only refer to sysV-init? disable cups-start in /etc/init/cups (upstart)15:27
PhonicUKi've switched the VM from NAT to Bridged networking15:27
PhonicUKthat may have been a bad idea15:27
Seppmanit really pisses me off with this low sound :-(15:27
ActionParsnipPhonicUK: try the host file addition, see if it flys, you can always take it back out if its no good15:27
ActionParsnipSeppman: please keep it family friendly15:27
sacarlsonPhonicUK: well can you wget the file?  or change the repository15:27
compdocI use bridges, but I had to set a 2nd nic to be the bridge15:27
ActionParsnipSeppman: is the system a laptop or branded PC?15:28
Seppmanwill do in future, sorry15:28
Seppmanits a netbook. i had to make fresh install and the prescaler was working before15:28
sacarlsonPhonicUK: I like bridge mode in virtualbox15:28
PhonicUKunder bridge mode, it couldn't resolve anything15:28
pmccandHaving trouble installing GoogleEarth package.  Any offers to help?15:29
sacarlsonPhonicUK: oh so what is your dns server ip then?15:29
ActionParsnippmccand: details please, what have you tried? What happens?15:29
PhonicUKthe nameserver is (VMWare)15:29
ActionParsnipSeppman: what make and model netbook?15:29
sacarlsonPhonicUK: and what is used on the host?15:29
pmccandInstalled using synaptic.  Seemed to Download but there were numerous errors and it did not take.15:30
sacarlsonPhonicUK: can you ping ?15:30
jukpmccand: pastebinit15:30
PhonicUKyeah I can, just adding it as a nameserver now15:30
BluesKajpmccand, install lsb-core then doenload and install this version: googleearth_6.0.1.2032+0.5.7-1_i386.deb , or checkout this site: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164807115:30
PhonicUKok this is weird15:30
PhonicUKi can resolve domains, but can't connect out15:31
pmccandI did install lsb-core.15:31
SeppmanActionParsnip: it's acer type branded emachines em350. soundcard is realtec acl272x (intel hda alsa)15:31
ActionParsnippmccand: can you pastebin the error messages15:31
sacarlsonPhonicUK: what is route show as your default gateway?15:31
BluesKajpmccand, make sure you use this version : googleearth_6.0.1.2032+0.5.7-1_i386.deb15:31
pmccandOk.  I will have to stop what I am doing,.  I am too dumb to know how to pastebin.  I've seen it, but never figured it out.  I will get back to y'all15:32
PhonicUKwhich is VMWare's internal NAT15:32
ActionParsnipSeppman: run this:    wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh    select YES to upload, you will get a red URL, what is it please?15:32
LandstalkerI'm having a problem with a find script. Basically I have a list of job numbers in a file, and the idea is it steps through it and does a find -iname based on them. However it doesn't always work15:32
BluesKaj!pastebin | pmccand15:32
ubottupmccand: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:32
LandstalkerHere is the script15:32
PhonicUKit looks like its a vmware networking issue, i should probably go ask those guys15:32
sacarlsonPhonicUK: you not vmware nat any more now your bridged it should match what your host uses15:32
ActionParsnippmccand: go to the site, paste the text to pastebin, then when the page changes, copy the new address and paste it here15:32
Landstalkerit appears to not find them, but if I manually run it using one from the list, it works15:32
PhonicUKwhen i used bridged it failed entirely15:33
PhonicUKcouldn't resolve or ping anything15:33
sacarlsonPhonicUK: oh I thought you were still bridged ignore that then15:33
Griz64how can i FORCE a removal of a package? --purge is NOT working.15:33
ActionParsnippmccand: nobody is born knowing how to pastebin, so your comment of being too dumb is a bit ridiculous. You could have been intelligent and asked calmly rather than the approach you took15:34
jattdpkg --purge remove --force-all15:34
ActionParsnipGriz64: not advised dud, can you pastebin your previous efforts please, so we can see what is going on15:34
kjsHi Guys, I noticed that twiki has been dropped in 10.04 as no one is maintaining it, I would like to look into doing this as I need to run it for work. How do I go about looking after this package?15:35
TuGanope after restart cupsd open port 63115:35
Griz64ActionParsnip, Help! Trying to do an upgrade from 8 to 9 and now have this issue which is rather circular. :-(    http://paste.pocoo.org/show/33897315:35
SeppmanActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1e4d9fb92afd11bcfed1cf80a87184549166ba4115:35
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Griz64jatt, what's the format for that?  dpkg {package} --purge remove --force-all   ?15:37
ActionParsnipGriz64: try:  sudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.prerm ~; sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree        may do it15:38
jattGriz64: put the package at the end15:39
ActionParsnipSeppman: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-maverick-generic15:39
ActionParsnipSeppman: there may be help here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/63984615:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 639846 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "microphone does not work on Acer eMachines EM350 - HDA Intel, ALC272X Analog" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:39
Griz64ActionParsnip, negative. no joy.15:40
ActionParsnipSeppman: also run:    alsamixer    and crank all levels15:40
ActionParsnipGriz64: can you pastebin the output please15:40
induzcan u suggest me a website to change the theme and look of Thunderbird as i can see few Panel items on TB15:40
induzI am using TB 3.115:40
Seppmani'll try. thanks a lot15:40
Griz64ActionParsnip, http://paste.pocoo.org./show/88398215:41
induzI changed the theme of TB 3.1  and i can not see many items, i messed up15:41
Seppmanbut "dmix" is correct?15:42
induzwhat is a good theme for TB please suggest15:42
kannan_how  to enable hibernation in ubuntu 10.04?15:42
jattclose your laptop15:42
jattit works out-of-the-box15:42
AbhijiTinduz, and what is TB?15:42
induzThunderBird 3.115:42
kannan_jatt : i'm not using laptop15:43
induzAbhijiT, its thunderBird 3.115:43
AbhijiTinduz, hmmm15:43
kannan_jatt : what dude?15:43
induzthe background has gone all dark/back15:43
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jattwhat what15:45
ZirgActionParsnip, Griz64 here15:45
induzI should have stayed with something else not this thunderbird15:45
induzits all messed up Now15:45
jattuse Evolution15:45
induznow its too late15:46
AbhijiTinduz, did you pressed super + m ?15:46
ActionParsnipZirg: the pastebin doesn't exist dude, can you repaste15:46
ZirgActionParsnip, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/338982/15:47
induzAbhijiT, i just downloade a adds-on[ office-black] now my background of reply,forward panel is all gone Dark15:47
ActionParsnipinduz: "good theme" is completely flexible15:47
AbhijiTinduz, then just switch to default theme rather than switching to another software?15:47
kannan_jatt :  system->shutdown->suspend ?15:48
kannan_jatt: i like to enable hibernate and not suspend dude15:49
juanchihi, I have Ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition... but if I change my WM.. I cant connect to internet... Ive installed E17 but It wont connect... Openbox neither... How can I fix that? It only connects on gnome :S15:49
ActionParsnipZirg: try: sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-nonfree; sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.perm15:49
SeppmanActionParsnip: nothing changed15:49
ActionParsnipSeppman: do any of the suggestions help?15:50
ActionParsnipjuanchi: can you ping in the other WMs?15:50
ZirgActionParsnip, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/338988/15:50
SeppmanActionParsnip: i installed the backports, but my prescaler doesn't show up ether15:50
ActionParsnipZirg: looks good, the app is gone :)15:51
juanchiActionParsnip, It returns "connect: Network is unreachable"15:51
SeppmanActionParsnip: i also read this bugreport, but its about the mic15:51
th0rjuanchi: you might have to set network-manager to autostart in the other wm's15:51
ActionParsnipZirg: you can now delete the file in home with:   sudo rm ~/flashplugin-nonfree.prerm15:52
Seppmanonly thing i need is that prescaler shows up again, then i would be glad15:52
juanchiActionParsnip, How is the binary called?15:52
Pici!zh | laoyi15:52
ubottulaoyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk15:52
robustok, i use vino now, access the ubuntu comp from winxp comp using ultravnc client. what's vnc4server then for?15:52
juanchiActionParsnip, "NetworkManager" is already running15:52
ActionParsniprobust: its an alternate to vino15:53
ActionParsnipjuanchi: nm-applet will give a panel item15:53
compdocas I said, vino requires a person is logged in, and vnc4server does not.15:53
laoyiubottu  just learning to using irc15:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:53
subseaYo, my numpad has become a mouse. (I can navigate the mouse with the  4,8,6 and 2) What's up with that? Can I have it back :P15:53
ZirgActionParsnip, Thank You Mate    now we*ll see what happens on the next reboot* sure hope i get the punctuation keys back* ***15:54
ActionParsnipZirg: gl dude :)15:54
juanchiActionParsnip, running that applet worked :)15:54
robustso now, when i tired the taste of remote access using vnc, please advice: how can i remotedly switch the comp on?15:54
ActionParsnipjuanchi: awesome15:54
th0rActionParsnip: good thing you thought of nm <smile>15:54
SeppmanActionParsnip: is there another way to boost sound besides make prescaler in asound.conf?15:55
ActionParsnipth0r: just came to me, i use wicd as it is DE independant :)15:55
sre-suI want to take exact backup image of HDD drive and then restore that image later after formatting the drive. How can I do it??15:55
robustcompdoc does it mean that when the comp is on but no user is logged in i'll be able to remotedly access this comp with the help of vnc4server? if yes then i'm about to install it15:55
ActionParsnipSeppman: does the netbook have a dial on the side to alter volume?15:55
ActionParsnipsre-su: partimage15:55
SeppmanActionParsnip: negative15:55
ActionParsnipsre-su: use it in liveCD as the partition needs to be unmounted15:55
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ActionParsnipsre-su: you will need a decent sized partition to spit the image to, partimage can also compress the data15:56
rany27I keep seeing firefox-bin when running ''top'' command after I shut down firefox. Why is that?15:56
sre-suActionParsnip: Alright, usually what is the compression ratio?15:56
Lord_Rahlanyone good with bash script? If so can some one that a look at this http://pastebin.com/XT4rMgby I keep get unexpected "do"15:56
chouchouHello, how do we take a screenshot in ubuntu?15:56
ActionParsnipsre-su: not sure, it tends to cary15:56
ActionParsnipchouchou: press printscreen15:57
ActionParsnipsre-su: *vary15:57
sre-suActionParsnip: Does it take lot of space?15:57
ActionParsnipsre-su: depends how much used space the partition has15:57
Zoffix_Ah, he left. Well, zoe*'s suggestion worked. I recreated my user account and my windows stopped going under panels :)15:57
sre-suoops! sorry15:57
Zoffix_Could someone please give me the link to setting up dual monitors on ubuntu? I just saw someone give the link here, but the bookmark got lost :/15:57
SeppmanActionParsnip: can you tell me if 'pcm "dmix"' in asound.conf is the right way or if there is something different i can try besides dmix (in fact i dont know what dmix is)15:58
robustplease advise how to remotedly switch on an ubuntu comp from windows15:58
jukZoffix_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html15:58
ActionParsnip!sound | Seppman15:59
ubottuSeppman: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:59
Zoffix_robust, you might wanna check out computer's BIOS settings.15:59
ActionParsnipSeppman: i suck at sound issues dude15:59
Zoffix_juk, thanks!15:59
jukZoffix_: yw15:59
ActionParsniprobust: might be able to use wake-on-lan15:59
danubhey all. how do I get rid of my ssh banners?15:59
ActionParsnipdanub: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ssh-welcome-banner-on-ubuntu/16:00
robustZoffix_: I understand,  i'll enable wake-on-lan but how can i actually wake it then?16:00
jribdanub: you likely want to read « man update-motd »16:00
Zoffix_robust, sorry, no idea :)16:00
SeppmanActionParsnip: Let me thank you for your help. Maybe i'll get it to work someday16:00
robustActionParsnip: i'm aware of wake-on-lan but never used it, when under windows i had no luck but now whant to get familiar with it16:01
erUSULrobust: use a program that can do it like etherwake ?16:01
ActionParsnipSeppman: keep the alsa info link handy, asking later may help16:01
Seppmani bookmarked it16:01
ActionParsniprobust: sounds like a project to me :)16:01
BaseBallBoyHey guys, for some reason my computer will not register that there is a blank dvd in the drive. What's the problem? (Ubuntu 10.04, It will read dvd that have already been written on, and I'm not sure what model/make the DVD drive is)16:01
erUSUL!info wakeonlan16:01
ubottuwakeonlan (source: wakeonlan): Sends 'magic packets' to wake-on-LAN enabled ethernet adapters. In component main, is optional. Version 0.41-10 (maverick), package size 11 kB, installed size 72 kB16:01
erUSUL!info etherwake16:01
danubok, got that squared away. thank you ActionParsnip . next question. when I enter the username, it takes about 6 seconds before i get prompted for a password16:02
ubottuetherwake (source: etherwake): A little tool to send magic Wake-on-LAN packets. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.09-3 (maverick), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB16:02
SeppmanActionParsnip: have a nice day. bye16:02
danubother systems I use ssh on (granted they are redhat enterprise), its instantaneous16:02
sre-suActionParsnip:  http://pastebin.com/kGW4EzYR & http://imagebin.org/138088  <-- I want to backup this before formatting drive, what do you say how much space it will take?16:02
jribdanub: you really should read « man update-motd »... or write it down for later16:02
danubis there some setting that is making it wait 5 or 6 seconds before prompting for password?16:02
robustthank you for suggestions but ineed to be able to send magic packets from a comp running under WinXP (sorry for mentioning this OS)16:02
ActionParsnipsre-su: can you pastebin the output of:    df -h    thanks16:03
ActionParsnipdanub: is your RAM and partition healthy?16:03
danubjrib: there is no man page for update-motd (dont have taht app installed either)16:03
danubActionParsnip: yes16:03
jribdanub: what ubuntu version is this?16:03
danubhow do i check?16:03
jrib!version | danub16:04
ActionParsnipdanub: what is the output of: lsb_release -d16:04
danubuname -a?16:04
ubottudanub: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:04
robustsoory, just realized it has nothing to do with ubuntu16:04
rany27I keep seeing firefox-bin when running ''top'' command after I shut down firefox. Why is that?16:04
kannan_anyone know how to hibernate in ubuntu 10.04?16:04
erUSULrobust: look for a similar tool for windows. i am sure there has to be a lot of them16:04
jribdanub: ok16:04
kannan_i have a good amount of swap space16:04
robusterUSUL: thanks, i'll do16:04
danubwait... shouldn't i be at 10 something...16:04
danubtime to dist-upgrade me thinks16:04
Picidanub: dist-upgrade isn't the proper way to upgrade to a new release.16:05
danubnevermind... says nothing is available16:05
danubPici: what the new way to upgrade?16:05
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:05
ActionParsnipdanub: its always been the same16:05
danubok, ill read that real quick16:05
Picidanub: either update-manager -c or do-release-upgrade -c16:05
Picidanub: First is gui, second is cli.16:05
ActionParsnipPici: just read man update-manager, dosn't seem to have a -c option16:06
PiciActionParsnip: er, oops.16:06
PiciActionParsnip: Whats the proper switch then? I only have a server install at my read at the moment.16:07
bastidra1or-d ?16:07
ActionParsnipPici: not sure, i always use the server method16:07
Picibastidra1or: Thats to upgrade to a Devel release.16:07
ActionParsnipbastidra1or: -d is the development release (natty)16:07
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sre-suActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/kGW4EzYR & http://imagebin.org/138088 <-- I want to backup this before formatting drive, what do you say how much space it will take?16:08
ActionParsnipPici: I always use: sudo do-release-upgrade16:08
jribActionParsnip, Pici: -c seems to be here on 10.10, don't know if that's not in 9.10 or what16:08
PiciActionParsnip: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/en/man8/update-manager.8.html says that -c exists.16:08
danubits not in 9.1016:08
ActionParsnipPici: strange, oh well.My bad :)16:08
Picidanub: Try -p then.16:09
danubim going to need to expand my virtual dirve i think lol16:09
Pici( This says it should be there though: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/en/man8/update-manager.8.html )16:09
ActionParsnipsre-su: can you give a pastebin of:  df -h    thanks16:09
danubpici, i just did do-relase-upgrade and its doing it16:09
danubwait, this wont screw with my mounts right?16:10
BiPolahIs it possible to set the port when using ping?16:10
danubwell if it does ill just put them back.16:10
sre-suActionParsnip: I'm on liveUSB so its counting that as well. Currently have removed my other two hdd, only one connected. http://pastebin.com/Jg5kxZrf16:10
Picidanub: It'll prompt you if it needs to replace any of our /etc/ files.16:10
erUSULBiPolah: no. ping do not uses ports... it is at a lower level16:11
danubpici, ok good. took me a while to get this setup the way i wanted. lol would really hate to have to do it again16:11
sre-su!info partimage lucid16:11
ubottupartimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.8-1 (lucid), package size 276 kB, installed size 968 kB16:11
Picisre-su: I'm not completely following, but if you're having issues finding partimage, its not available on AMD64.16:13
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danubwell while I'm waiting on this to download, is it possible to add ubuntu to AD?16:13
TuGahi everyone,  still wth cupsd daemon, no luck if running chkconfig --list or sysv-rc-conf --list the result is the same cups not showing because i remove the /etc/init.d/cups to /etc/  but still after reboot doing netstat -antp i get the port 631 cupsd open16:13
TuGaany ideas?16:13
sre-suPici: umm.. I'm finding it for lucid. I cannot find it with apt-cache here on lucid16:13
ActionParsnipsre-su: what disk is ubuntu on?16:13
jribTuGa: what do you want to accomplish?16:13
sre-suActionParsnip:  I've removed those16:14
danubsre-su: do a 'sudo apt-get update' after adding the repo16:14
ajfI stupidly installed ubuntu-desktop on my Ubuntu Server install. How can I remove all of it?16:14
sre-suI'll connect before taking backup though16:14
ActionParsnipsre-su: what are you backing up then?16:14
jattapt-get remove ubuntu-desktop16:14
TuGajrib, to close the port 631 cupsd16:15
ActionParsnipajf: remove xorg and it will remove them due to dependencies16:15
sre-suActionParsnip: I'll backup the image of currently hdd. But now just want to be aware of the procedure...16:15
jribTuGa: you want to stop cupsd from running?16:15
ajfActionParsnip: Ah, ok16:15
ActionParsnipjatt: ubuntu-desktop is only a metapackage and will not remove it's contents if removed16:15
TuGajrib, yes16:15
sre-suActionParsnip:  I;ll connect it soon. Should I use ubuntu containing drive or its possible by liveUSB as well?16:15
jribTuGa: cupsd is started by an upstart job.  Edit /etc/init/cups.conf and add "never" as a starting condition16:16
ActionParsnipsre-su: if you want an image of sdb you can use dd and make a 1-to-1 size image16:16
jribajf: should be able to remove the package and then do apt-get autoremove16:16
ajfjrib: No16:16
jribajf: no?16:16
ajfAs it's a meta package16:16
danubi need to figure out a way to integrate my ubuntu desktop into my AD. can ldap do it?16:16
sre-suActionParsnip: That will take up space.. more than what partimage would take.. It requires exact partion size16:16
ajfit isn't actually installed16:16
jattso take the list in Depends: and apt-get remove that16:16
jribajf: it is actually installed...16:16
jattapt-cache show ubuntu-desktop16:16
Piciajf: sure it is. It just doesn't have any files that it installs with it.16:17
erUSULajf: fs-archiver ?16:17
ajfoh ok16:17
jattit has a Depends line though16:17
jribajf: take a look at the man page for apt-get and what autoremove does.  It should work16:17
erUSULsre-su: fs-archiver ?16:17
erUSULajf: sorry16:17
ajfapt-get remove alacarte alsa-base alsa-utils anacron bc ca-certificates checkbox-gtk cups cups-bsd cups-client dc desktop-file-utils doc-base eog evince file-roller foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-filters gcalctool gconf-editor gdebi gdm gedit genisoimage ghostscript-x gnome-about gnome-applets gnome-control-center gnome-icon-theme gnome-media gnome-menus gnome-nettool gnome-panel gnome-power-manager gnome-session gnome-session-canberra gnome-system-moni16:17
ajftor gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes-selected gnome-themes-ubuntu gnome-utils gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-pixbuf gucharmap indicator-applet-session inputattach language-selector launchpad-integration lftp libgd2-xpm libgl1-mesa-glx libgnome2-perl libpam-ck-connector libsasl2-modules libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio libxp6 metacity nautilus nautilus-sendto notify-osd16:17
FloodBot3ajf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:18
jukjrib: isn't chkconfig name off should bring down daemon?16:18
jribjuk: I don't even have chkconfig16:19
ajfwas what I just did16:19
jribajf: good.  You probably need to run autoremove *anyway*16:19
jukjrib: ah, i thought they come up with policy on bringing down daemons16:19
ajfdependencies of dependencies...16:19
sre-suerUSUL:  file system archiver... How will it help to save space? I mean i want less space consumed by the image file before formatting and restoring it16:20
ajfloads of dependencies to remove16:20
Picijuk: chkconfig is a redhat-ism.16:20
danubhow can i delete a :q! file? lol i must have saved it when exiting vim and i cant seem to match it16:20
mtkorbI'm experiencing an issue similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/117303 and I ran the command "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE" to fix it. This works for the current session, but when I reboot, the error comes back. How can I make this change permanent?16:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 117303 in linux-source-2.6.20 (Ubuntu) "lo ate my ip address" [Undecided,Won't fix]16:20
ajfdanub: here's how16:20
jukPici: ah16:20
ajfrm \:q\!16:20
jribdanub: surround it in single quotes16:20
Fish-FaceHello, all - I'm now trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, but either 'checking' in update-manager or executing do-release-upgrade implies that there is no new release available. What could be causing this?16:20
danubahh, thought it was -, or --, or "16:20
e1venI'm using 10.04.1 and trying to mount a NFS share and read/write as root. I have no_squash_root enabled in /etc/exports on the server.. But the clients are only reading/writing as nobody.. Can anyone advise what I should look at?16:20
mtkorbSorry, I ran "iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE" to fix it.16:20
danubmarvelous. ty jrib ajf16:21
Fish-FaceOne thought I had is that I probably ignored the new release at some point since I didn't want to install it when it came out - is it possible that this is interfering?16:21
sre-sudanub: Do you know which repo is required to be added for patimage for lucid?16:21
ActionParsnipFish-Face: did you edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades   to read: Prompt=normal16:21
sre-suActionParsnip: dd will take up space.. more than what partimage would take.. It requires exact partion size16:21
ajfNow, a quick question. What does apt mean when it says "the following packages have been kept back:"?16:21
Fish-FaceI haven't manually edited that file, ActionParsnip - I'll check it16:21
jpdsajf: It cannot upgrade those packages for reasons.16:22
Fish-Faceah, no, it's Prompt=lts16:22
BluesKajFish-Face, have installed any nondefault apps by adding ppas , if so , either comment them oe remove them in your sources.list16:22
danubsre-su: when you did your !info, i thought it referenced a repo16:22
ActionParsnipFish-Face: if you don't then your OS will only upgrade to LTS releases16:22
jpdsajf: Although, newer versions are available.16:22
ajfjpds: Is it a bad thing that mountall is kept back?16:22
Fish-Faceyeah, that's weird, ActionParsnip - I upgraded to 10.04 from a non LTS16:22
Fish-FaceI guess it makes that change anyway16:22
jpdsajf: Potentially, doing: apt-get install mountall -- will show why it's like that.16:22
danubcomponent universe16:22
ajfjpds: OK16:23
* danub shrugs16:23
danubdont know which repo that is, but its in that one16:23
ActionParsnipFish-Face: run: gksudo gedit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades      and change: Prompt=lts    to Prompt=normal16:23
ajfjpds: It just installed fine16:23
Fish-FaceI'm modifying it now16:23
Fish-Facedo-release-upgrade could do with saying it found a new release that doesn't match the filter or whathaveyou16:24
Silexhow do I print the "mod" (as in chmod) a file has? I want a numeric value16:24
Silexsomething like 660 or 64416:24
SilexI could add the rw thing in ls -l but I want to make sure16:25
ActionParsnipSilex: ls -l file16:25
jribSilex: use stat '%a' I think.  Check man stat if I'm wrong16:25
Buttons840what file can i edit besides .bashrc?  i know there is another file which does a similar thing but is less dangereous to edit16:26
Silexjrib: thanks16:26
ActionParsnipButtons840: /etc/bash.bashrc16:26
jribSilex: oops, stat -c '%a' FILE.  But now my question is, why?16:26
rumpe1Buttons840, .bashrc isn't dangerous16:26
Fish-FaceBy the way, I currently have a problem with Ubuntu (which I hope the upgrade will fix) - the kernel is consuming a positively ludicrous amount of memory16:26
Fish-FaceHas anyone heard of this happening?16:26
lmvcHi guys. do you know what a clamp is?16:26
jriblmvc: is this somehow ubuntu related?16:27
jattit's normal16:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:27
Buttons840rumpe1: .bashrc is a big bash script which i don't understand, is there a single file i can edit myself?16:27
jattlinux tries to use as much as memory as possible16:27
jrib!ram | Fish-Face16:27
ubottuFish-Face: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html16:27
Silexjrib: I'd like to check the chmod that was applied to a lot of files. It's a lot easier to compare numbers than 'rw-r--rx' programatically16:27
lmvcIm connecting a board through the usb port.16:27
papucould someone help me, i have eeepc with ubuntu 10.04.1 installed...and huawei e1552 usb modem, which im desperatelly trying to get to work :) i have installed usb modeswitch and added some \etc\udev\rules.d\15-e1552.rules file with no luck :(16:27
TuGaCUPS saga solved just added never to /etc/init/cups.conf as a start condition, tks ppl!16:27
jribSilex: ok16:27
ActionParsnipButtons840: you can edit bashrc to add variables and definitions as you need, you don't need to understand it16:27
lmvcto my ubuntu desktop16:27
Fish-Facejrib, I assume that page tells me I should read the +/- buffers/cache line in free?16:27
rumpe1Buttons840, you don't have to understand it... just append your lines at the end16:27
jribFish-Face: yes16:28
mbeierlFish-Face: how did you determine it was the kernel that is taking all the memory?16:28
Silexjrib: -c '%a' works fine, thanks16:28
Fish-FaceIf so, the information is coming directly from slabtop, mbeierl and jrib16:28
rumpe1Fish-Face, look at "free && sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free"16:28
ActionParsnipFish-Face: if you run:  free -m   what is output (use a pastebin to hold the text)16:28
Fish-FaceOne of the kernel slabs is using 416M of RAM16:28
Fish-FaceActionParsnip, -/+ buffers/cache:       1284       1225 (there is also ~500M of cache used and a small amount of swap used)16:30
Fish-Facethere is about a 20% (650M or so) discrepancy between the total amount of memory consumed by processes and the total memory reported consumed (less cache) by free16:31
ActionParsnipFish-Face: can you pastebin the whole lot please16:31
Fish-Facebut this is nearly all accounted for by the memory used by the kernel16:31
Fish-Facesure thing, ActionParsnip16:31
Fish-FaceI will include /proc/meminfo as well16:32
cookiemadmy mic is not recieving anything in ubuntu 10.10. does anybody know what to do?16:32
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dirty-harrywhy can't I gnome log-monitor access /var/log/btmp - why is it binary16:32
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Fish-FaceActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/YPEaNyxY16:33
BaseBallBoyHey guys, for some reason my computer will not register that there is a blank dvd in the drive. What's the problem? (Ubuntu 10.04, It will read dvd that have already been written on, and I'm not sure what model/make the DVD drive is)16:33
jukcookiemad: how you know it doesnt?16:33
cookiemadjuk, i just tried it16:34
Fish-FaceActionParsnip, notice the Slab: line, and how of that only about 14M is reclaimable16:34
jukcookiemad: well it's not like trying cookie is it, what did you do?16:35
ActionParsnipFish-Face: seems strange, what is the output of:   uname -r     please16:36
Fish-Facebut as I say I'm upgrading16:36
Fish-FaceI was really just wondering if anyone had heard of it16:36
cookiemadjuk, i just plugged it in, and tried to use it in Skype. I also looked at the sound preferences, tried ever avaiable input connector and still nothing16:36
ActionParsnipFish-Face: do you have older kernels?16:36
Fish-Facesince the obvious thing to do is just upgrade and see16:36
Fish-Faceerr, maybe, let me check16:36
Fish-Faceoldest is .31-1416:37
jukcookiemad: in sound preferences in hardware section do you the device?16:38
jukcookiemad: do you see16:38
ActionParsnipFish-Face: try the one before your current kernel, see if its identical16:39
Fish-Facewell afaik it's a slow memory leak16:39
ActionParsnipFish-Face: make sure its in the .32 family :)16:39
Fish-Faceso my plan was to try a new kernel rather than an old one16:39
cookiemadjuk, i see 1 input and 1 output, thats the one im using16:39
Fish-FaceActionParsnip, 10.10 is on a newer minor revision, isn't it?16:39
jukcookiemad: what about profile?16:39
jukcookiemad: drop down left to test spakers16:40
cookiemadjuk, Analog Stereo Duplex16:40
ActionParsnipFish-Face: I know lucid is, otherwise not sure16:41
Buttons840i've installed python2.7 but all the convienient python modules in the repos get installed to python2.6; after pointing $PYTHONPATH to the python2.6 libs in .bashrc then the imports work like i want from the shell, but when i start idle with the gnome desktop it still doesn't work, do env vars set in bashrc not effect the gnome desktop?16:41
Fish-Facewell I'm on lucid and I'm on .32... I thought Maverick was on .35 or something16:41
jukcookiemad: so in input section you don't see any signal?16:41
Fish-Facemaybe I misread though16:41
cookiemadjuk, exactly16:42
jribFish-Face: maverick is on .3516:42
jukcookiemad: and you tried all options from drop down ofcourse?16:42
cookiemadjuk, yes16:42
Fish-Facejrib, thanks16:42
Fish-Facewell then ActionParsnip, my assumption is that upgrading to .35 will fix it16:43
Fish-Faceso I was just curious as to whether there was a known cause16:43
mtkorbWhat is the naming convention of symlinks in /etc/rc2.d? They start with S and a 2-digit number...what does the number mean?16:43
Fish-FaceS = start at this runlevel16:43
Fish-Facethe number indicates what order they start in16:43
Buttons840do the env vars in .bashrc not effect application launched through the gnome desktop?16:44
mtkorbFish-Face: Ok, thanks.16:44
jattman update-rc.d16:44
jukcookiemad: what if you tune in alsamixer from terminal16:44
ActionParsnipFish-Face: worth a try dude16:45
ActionParsnipButtons840: i believe tey do affect it16:45
Aidar-Nagatohi) looks like my dpkg died - any actions with it finish with segfault. what can i do to solve this problem?16:45
Fish-Facegah... what are the most common pieces of 3rd party software to make an upgrade fail to start16:45
jattreinstall the machine16:45
jattor, install dpkg from source16:46
Fish-FaceI don't really want to uninstall every third party package I've installed :/16:46
aeon-ltdAidar-Nagato: reinstall it?16:46
cookiemadjuk, still nothing16:46
ActionParsnipAidar-Nagato: can you pastebin your efforts so far please16:46
codemagicianis there a way to analyse the fragmentation on a FAT32 and NTFS drive attached using USB?16:46
jattapt-get segfaults how can you reinstall it?16:46
sre-suWhen I've have version 1.0.5 installed for bzip I'm still getting this error- configure: error: *** bzip2 library (libbz2) not found or too old: version 1.0.0 or more recent is need16:46
Buttons840ActionParsnip: i'm confused because if i start idle through the shell using "idle-python2.7 -n" and then try "import twisted" it will work (from the shell); when i do alt-f2 and then run "idle-python2.7 -n" then try import twisted, it fails16:47
Aidar-Nagatoaeon-ltd, i can't. ActionParsnip, ok, five seconds :)16:47
bonjoyeesre-su: it might be looking for the dev files..16:47
jukcookiemad: and it works find in win7 ofcourse?16:48
cookiemadjuk, yes16:48
CaptwestHi, In NetworkManager Applet (0.8.1) im unable to export an VPN connection setup. Error message; The VPN connection 'VPN@HOME' could not be exported to VPN@HOME (pptp).conf. Error: unknown error.  What could be wrong?16:48
jukcookiemad: fine*, yah16:48
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Fish-Faceis it possible to determine what caused pkgProblemResolver to fail?16:50
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jukcookiemad: what says 'alsactl init'?16:50
Aidar-NagatoActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/iHNvrBdK16:51
jribFish-Face: yes, details point you to logs.  Do you have nouveau installed perchance (xserver-xorg-video-nouveau)?16:51
jattinstall from source dude16:52
jattyour database is corrupt16:52
Fish-Facejrib, yeah I just found out that might be a problem16:52
Fish-FaceI'll remove it16:52
Buttons840ActionParsnip: do i need to restart for the new .bashrc to take effect?   so far i've only logged out and back in?16:52
cookiemadjuk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/567394/16:52
RockMeAmadeusyour society is corrupt16:52
RockMeAmadeussorry... wrong room16:52
jribRockMeAmadeus: do y... ok16:52
Fish-Face(do-release-upgrade didn't say which log I should look in though :()16:52
jribFish-Face: oh, the gui does16:53
RockMeAmadeusI was kidding, but i didn't realize i was in here, I actually have a question16:53
kumar__hey is there any equlizer in ubuntu 10.1016:53
jribFish-Face: /var/log/dist-upgrade/ for your reference16:53
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Fish-Faceoh, the command line just tells you to include those files in any bug report16:53
RockMeAmadeusWhen I'm in nautilus, 75% of the time, I get this when I try to connect via ftp:16:53
RockMeAmadeusDBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)16:53
jukcookiemad: looks good16:54
Fish-Facejrib, do I need to install another output driver if I am removing the nouveau one?16:54
juniourhey is there any eqilizer used in ubuntu 10.1016:54
jukjuniour: whatis eqilizer?16:54
maxagazmy system crashed, I can only boot on windows, impossible to start a liveusb (error while launching on vaio vpcf1), and I have no live CD to repair... is it possible to chroot from windows to linux ?16:54
jribFish-Face: do you have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed?16:54
Fish-Faceuh, no, I don't believe so16:55
mpchesterI have ubuntu server 10.10 .. how do i install a desktop where it doesn't auto-boot?  i heard when you type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" to install .. it will make it so when i start up my server it will auto-boot gnome everytime16:55
Aidar-Nagatojatt, where to get dpkg's source?16:55
Fish-Facehang on16:55
ActionParsnipjuniour: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/954-add-equalizer-for-pulse-audio-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx16:55
jribFish-Face: hmm, well in any case you can always just use vesa and then figure it out after you're on 10.1016:55
ActionParsnipjuk: graphic eq to tweak sounds, is my guess16:55
Fish-Faceoh I seem to have it actually16:56
jukcookiemad: ActionParsnip ah16:56
Fish-Facethe weird thing is that it's uninstalling the metapackage16:56
Fish-Facebut I guess that doesn't matte16:56
jukcookiemad: i dont know, sorry mate16:56
juniourjuk it like software that is used to listen music in different music like rock,normal,jazz etc16:56
bonjoyeempchester: if you just want a basic gui dont install ubuntu-desktop on a server..16:56
jribFish-Face: should be ok, I had to do the same thing16:56
jukjuniour: ah, fascinating16:56
juniourjuk to control bass,volume etc16:56
cookiemadjuk, ok, thanks anyway16:57
mpchesterbonjoyee: what should i install if i just want to use vlc and maybe amarok?16:57
juniourjuk you know abt that?16:57
jukjuniour: g, no16:58
bonjoyeempchester: id say just install the xserver and lxde..16:58
middleHello, i need some help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1046102616:58
juniourjuk any way thanks16:58
middleMy pC is messed up16:58
middleHow can i boot it into text mode?16:58
mpchesterbonjoyee: alright thanks!16:58
jukjuniour: np16:58
lmvcDoes anyone know a high performance pdf reader in ubuntu. My current pdf reader (installed by default from the installation CD) slow down my computer. Please help16:58
jattrun a memory check16:58
CaptwestIn NetworkManager Applet (0.8.1) im unable to export an VPN connection setup. Error message; The VPN connection 'VPN@HOME' could not be exported to VPN@HOME (pptp).conf. Error: unknown error.  What could be wrong?16:58
nibblerrecent graficcards (like ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145) are 3D supported in ubuntu (like proprietary drivers or proper 3d capable, gaming supporting open ones)?16:58
iluminator101W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 83FBA1751378B444??16:59
bstareksorry guys16:59
NooBoontooEverytime i try to open Blender, i have to change permissions on nvidiactl and nvidia0 so I can acces some stuff in blender, is there a way to NOT do this everytime I login in BlenderÇ?16:59
juniourhey any one know here equilizer used in ubuntu 10.1016:59
ActionParsnipiluminator101: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 83FBA1751378B44416:59
bonjoyeejuniour: for rhythmbox?17:00
iluminator101ActionParsnip, i did that17:00
ActionParsnipjuniour: did the link I gave not help??17:00
maxagazcan I repair my linux (fdisk, fsck, mount...) from windows ?17:00
ActionParsnipiluminator101: what is output  on the last line when you run the command?17:00
juniour ActionParsnip please send me again please17:00
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: no, its too primitive17:00
madmax_xhello all im having trouble getting 2 videocards to work...i have the first card(rv730)  working in dual head mode with the open source ati drivers...lspci shows the other card (ati rv370) but i cannot "turn it on"...it doesnt show up in the autodetect17:00
iluminator101gpg: error writing keyring `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg': file read error17:01
iluminator101gpg: key 1378B444: public key "[User ID not found]" imported17:01
iluminator101gpg: error reading `[stream]': file read error17:01
iluminator101gpg: Total number processed: 017:01
iluminator101gpg:               imported: 1  (RSA: 1)17:01
FloodBot3iluminator101: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:01
ActionParsnip(16:55:23) ActionParsnip: juniour: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/954-add-equalizer-for-pulse-audio-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx17:01
tak0_n10 band equilizer for rhythmbox: http://www.lirmm.fr/~morandat/index.php/Main/Tools17:01
maxagazActionParsnip: no way to chroot to linux from windows ?17:01
ActionParsnipiluminator101: only needed the last line (try reading)17:01
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: you can chroot from Ubuntu livecd17:01
lmvcDoes anyone know a high performance pdf reader in ubuntu. My current pdf reader (installed by default from the installation CD) slow down my computer. Please help17:01
ActionParsnipiluminator101: also, the key has been imported now17:01
juniour ActionParsnip thanks17:01
maxagazActionParsnip: I don't have livecd, only live usb17:01
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: same difference17:01
maxagazActionParsnip: but I fail during the boot17:01
maxagazActionParsnip: but it fails during the boot17:02
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: what happens?17:02
iluminator101ActionParsnip, i tried to add the key using gpg --armor --export 1378B444 | apt-key add17:02
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bonjoyeetak0_n: have you tried this? http://code.google.com/p/rbeq/17:02
BiPolahWhat sort of updates are included with the proposed updates?17:02
maxagazActionParsnip: /init: line 7: can't open /dev/src0: No medium found17:02
ActionParsnipBiPolah: future versions of stuff17:02
maxagazActionParsnip: unable to open /dev/sda17:02
tak0_nlmvc; foxit reader for linux is a good pdf reader , i think.17:02
BiPolahActionParnsip: So basically betas?17:03
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: did you MD5 test the ISO you transferred to the USB?17:03
ActionParsnipBiPolah: yeah, some17:03
maxagazActionParsnip: no, but I used it to install other computers, I think it comes from my Vaio VPCF117:03
iluminator101ActionParsnip, how do i add trusted.gpg which i downloaded17:03
Wulfyhey ActionParsnip  any hints on getting the media keys (such as play stop fast forward) to work on a logitech media kb?17:04
tak0_nbonjoyee: i'll try it now.17:04
maxagazActionParsnip: sony computers are not linux friendly17:04
ActionParsnipiluminator101: sudo apt-key add filename17:04
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ActionParsnipWulfy: do they make events in xev?17:04
ActionParsnipmaxagaz: they can be, depends17:04
WulfyActionParsnip,  not a clue ive "made do" without them since i migrated to linux (on and off for a few years)17:05
euglenaeHello dear ubunters! My question is: can i use multiple directors(except the root directory) in FAT12?17:05
bonjoyeetak0_n: also check this after installing it.. http://code.google.com/p/rbeq/issues/detail?id=1017:05
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bonjoyeetak0_n: and then apply that patch suggested there...17:05
[4-tea-2]maxagaz: best example: PS3. Never before has a manufacturer removed the option to run Linux after the sale has been made. ;)17:05
nightcrowim running ubuntu 10.04 and i have a bunch of machines connected to EQ-US domain, but when i close their RDP session and try to log in, it tells me that the user is already logged in17:06
nightcrowit normally just logs right in and logs the current RDP user out17:06
tak0_nbonjoyee: thnx;17:06
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nightcrowbut without closing any open applications17:06
middleYo, i got told to move my bawblings over here17:06
nightcrowcan someone please help me?17:06
nightcrowplease help17:07
ActionParsnipWulfy: run: xev   in a terminal, when you press stuff, does it react?17:09
WulfyActionParsnip,  yup spits out loads of bianry :)17:09
ActionParsnipWulfy: ok then in keyboard shortcuts, click the item to set then press the button on the keyboard, see if it works17:10
TomatoBrosnightcrow:  did u try to connect with same user name ? if ur user name as same with ur rdp machine that's maybe problem try connect with ssh and add a user with different name17:10
nightcrowTomatoBros: they all log on with the same user name17:11
nightcrowi cant create a new user name17:11
induzwhy my USB sticks are not getting mounted??17:12
induz the usb drives are fine on other comp's Os17:12
induzI have restarted the Lucid but still USB are not mounted automatically17:13
induzcan i find a solution to that17:13
ActionParsnipinduz: when you remove it from the system, what do you do? What filesystem do the partition(s) use17:13
induzi just takes them out17:13
ActionParsnipinduz: so you don't use "safetly remove"17:14
induzmost of the USB are for Xp17:14
induzActionParsnip, how can i do on Lucid?17:14
induzi just slide in and out17:14
ActionParsnipinduz: you right click the icon and select "safetly remove" Windows has it in the bottom right of the taskbar17:14
ActionParsnipinduz: that's why then, you are mistreating your hardware17:14
induzthere are 2 USB drive and they get read on other os but not on this Lucid17:14
birdybeehelp, ubuntu one won't sync anymore, on either machines. ubuntu one prefs windows just says unknown17:14
delinquentmeis there a good channel to ask about REGEXes in?17:15
robusti've instaled vnc4server - started it, it gave a warning, now i'm connecting via a vnc client (something like enter password & grey screen appears17:15
ActionParsnipinduz: if you don't remove the device safetly then Ubuntu will not be able to mount it if it's NTFS17:15
induzhow can i ractify them17:15
iluminator101ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/zBJAxzrC???17:16
BiPolahCould anyone help me determine what keeps leaving a zombie sh process running, it's happening quite a bit. Also, what are sd_dummy and sd_espeak?17:16
ActionParsnipinduz: plug it into a windows PC, then eject it PROPERLY. It will be fine. If you use your hardware  correctly you won't have an issue. If you abuse it you will get issues17:16
Jayrohi, i have an ir remote for my pc, and im using lirc so i can use it to control xbmc. how ever everytime i press a button on the remote it does it twice. how can i fix this?17:16
ActionParsnipiluminator101: there is no text there dude17:16
figure002delinquentme: you can try in #programming17:16
induzis it going to not read my USB at all??17:16
ActionParsnipinduz: asuming you havent damaged the device, yes17:16
jimcooncatinduz, you also may have to reboot ubuntu before using it, after what doing what ActionParsnip said.17:17
iluminator101ActionParsnip, sorry http://pastebin.com/jDQXgJEg17:17
induzno I can read them on my  macbook17:17
ActionParsnipiluminator101: that's not the key you downloaded17:17
robusthow do i avoid the grey screen after remotedly connecting to a comp via a vncclient (after i installed vnc4server)17:17
induzI dont have MS but apple17:17
iluminator101ActionParsnip, where can i get that key then17:17
induzthe USB can be read on Apple but not on Ubuntu??17:18
ActionParsnipiluminator101: this shows how to add the ppa correctly (I'm guessing you added the repo in /etc/apt/sources.list): http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-libreoffice-in-ubuntu-11-0410-1010-04-using-ppa.html17:18
ActionParsnipinduz: it's not unmounted correctly so Ubuntu will have issues with it17:18
bibic682 Hello, I can't turn off my screensaver...when I unactivate it it still comes on....messes me up when watching online video17:18
MrMintanetHello. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to disable "auto suspend" when I close the lid to my laptop.  I have two monitors, and i do not need the LCD on the laptop.  I only want to view the external.  I can turn off the LCD on the laptop, but I would like to close the lid, and free up some of my workspace.  Any tips?17:19
ActionParsnipbibic682: be sure to turn off the dimming screen in power profiles17:19
bibic682ActionParsnip: Where would I do that?17:20
figure002MrMintanet: go to Preferences > Power Management17:20
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ActionParsnipbibic682: system -> admin  (I believe, possibly prefs)17:20
bibic682power management says Never...Never  on each setting17:21
induzActionParsnip, i safely  ejected on Apple and now one usb is getting read on ubuntu17:23
induz how can I eject/unmount this usb now on Lucid??17:23
induzits connected to Lucid now17:23
ActionParsnipinduz: strange how when you use your ardware correctly it works.....don't you think??17:23
ActionParsnipinduz: right click the icon on the desktop or in the places menu and click "safetly remove"17:24
induzActionParsnip, Thanks but I have alreday messed up one USB17:24
RockMeAmadeusAny suggestions for ftp in Ubuntu? GFTP sucks for me, and so does nautilus17:24
induzActionParsnip, I dont USB  icon get on Desktop17:24
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keatonguyCan anyone tell me how to get error output from Ubuntu's wifi auto connector? I'm having a hard dtime connecting to my campus' wireless network.17:25
ActionParsnipinduz: it may be in the places menu17:25
mpchesterI installed xserver-org / xserver-xorg-core / openbox / lxde .. how do i start the desktop? (ubuntu 10.10 server)17:25
erUSULRockMeAmadeus: filezilla?17:25
erUSUL!language | RockMeAmadeus17:25
ubottuRockMeAmadeus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:25
ActionParsnipmpchester: if you wanted a desktop OS, why didn't you just install the desktop OS?17:25
erUSULkeatonguy: tail -f /var/log/syslog17:25
ActionParsnip!ftp | RockMeAmadeus17:25
ubottuRockMeAmadeus: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd17:25
induzwhen i right click it opens up the USB17:26
mpchesterActionParsnip: i want to only run the desktop at night when the server isn't active .. and i want a minimal desktop17:26
keatonguyerUSUL: Will try that. Might ask for more help if I can't figure out the output. :P17:26
uncle_davegood day17:26
ActionParsnipmpchester: I guess, the minimal ISO would have been a wiser call17:27
uncle_daveIs there a way (with aptitude) to go back to an older version of a package (in my case : openjdk-6-jdk)17:27
ActionParsnipmpchester: you can run: startx   and get the desktop started17:27
erUSULuncle_dave: sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jdk=version17:27
jukuncle_dave: you can remove and install older17:27
mpchesterActionParsnip: thanks17:27
ActionParsnipuncle_dave: if you have the debs then you can, you may want to pin the version so it doesn't re-update17:27
ActionParsnipmpchester: I suggest you install Lubuntu if you want a tiny LXDE based OS, much easier17:28
illioAfter having updated my system and rebooted, I can't login to my kubuntu box.. I get the kdm login screen and it does recognize my password, but after it goes to blank screen it just goes back to the login screen again.. I've tried going back to another kernel, checked the xorg, kdm, messages and auth logs.. and haven't found anything yet.. Any ideas?17:28
uncle_daveerUSUL: thank your very much ! the syntax is specific to each package ? where can I get a list of previous versions for a package ?17:28
erUSULuncle_dave: apt-cache policy packagename17:28
uncle_daveerUSUL: okay thank you so much, I'll try it now17:29
MrMintanetHow do I get to the Power Management in LXDE17:29
Jesdisciplewould anyone know why pages to a specific site would load sluggishly for me and not for someone else, due to a resource (e.g., CSS, JS, images, etc.) that takes so long as to time out?17:29
mpchesterActionParsnip: i already have everything configured or else i would .. i didn't think my server would run as well as it does so i didn't dream about having a gui17:29
uncle_daveActionParsnip: how do you pin a version to prevent re-update ?17:29
mpchesterActionParsnip: thank you for your help!17:29
bibic682screensaver still comes on after deactivation....??17:29
JesdiscipleI cannot tell the site unfortunately; I'm developing for it and sworn to secrecy17:29
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:29
Jesdiscipleany networking gurus in?17:30
MrMintanetI can not find power management settings in LXDE.  Can someone help?  I don't want my computer to suspend when I close the lid to my laptop...17:30
bibic682powermanageris off in  system start up17:30
induzwhen i right click on USB icon it takes me to the directories of it , not unmount it17:30
MrMintanetAnyone?  :(17:30
induzhow can i safely unmount USB?17:31
Jesdiscipleinduz: in Nautilus, Safely Remove Drive17:31
ActionParsnip!pin | uncle_dave17:31
ubottuuncle_dave: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:31
rumpe1induz, theres an eject-symbol in nautilus on the left side17:31
ActionParsnipmpchester: np bro17:31
jukinduz: sudo umount /media/usbstick17:31
Jesdiscipleinduz, right-click it in the sidebar17:31
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induzI get a symbol on right bar and i clicked on it so i dont see USB on my Places17:32
uncle_daveubottu: thank you ! I'll read and dig into that17:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:32
ActionParsnipinduz: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRhrW0_dPtt57k75c6-rZxQQz1UmCOyrzihV8S4GnPBLz7153og&t=117:32
induzis it safe now to take out the USB drive17:32
Jesdiscipleinduz: if it was on Places and disappeared, I believe so17:32
uncle_daveActionParsnip: thank you ! I'll read and dig into that :p17:32
jaisonhi can anyone help me in installing open source Flex sdk in Eclipse?17:33
induzyes it disappear now17:33
MrMintanetCan someone tell me how to change power management settings in LXDE?17:33
boywonderhi does anyone know the repository for java jre?17:34
NooBoontooEverytime i try to open Blender, i have to change permissions on nvidiactl and nvidia0 so I can acces some stuff in blender, is there a way to NOT do this everytime I login in BlenderÇ?17:34
induzActionParsnip, i dont have kind of appearance as i am using Lucid17:34
jukMrMintanet: you gnome-power-pereferences ?17:34
macoboywonder: can use openjdk-6-jre in most cases. it's sun-certified as compatible17:34
mbeierlboywonder: it's in the main repos, no?  There's both the sun java and the iced tea one17:34
jukMrMintanet: you mean this?17:34
bibic682boywonder: r u tryin to install JRE ?17:34
mbeierlmaco: I have to disagree with that.  the openjdk crashes on many apps still for me.  just an fyi17:35
macombeierl: its not acalled ices tea anymore. and sun's moved to pratner or multiverse or something17:35
jukMrMintanet: oh, no gnome sorry17:35
boywonderbibic682, yes17:35
macombeierl: i havent run into that but i also havent come across much in the way of appealing java apps. i just know sun certified them17:35
macombeierl: hope ya file bugs when you find them though17:35
mbeierlmaco: the plugin still calls itself iced tea in about:pluins in firefox...17:35
bibic682boywonder: give me a moment and I will give you the script to put in your terminal screen17:36
boywonderbibic682, thanks man17:36
macombeierl: oh yeah, but only the plugin does. the jre and such are all openjdk now17:36
ActionParsnipinduz: or you can use CLI and run:  sudo umount /dev/partition_name; sudo eject /dev/disk_name17:36
bibic682boywonder: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts17:36
mbeierlmaco: unfortunately I cannot as the bug I found was caused by a proprietary applet that I don't have access to the source17:37
boywonderbibic682,  that doesnt work17:37
delinquentmedoes the Ubuntu "search for files.." command accept any kid of expressions into its queries?17:37
bibic682boywonder:why not....what version are you running...works for me up to 9.1017:38
boywonderbibic682,  its missing17:38
BiPolahWhat are sd_espeak and sd_dummy?17:38
jpdsdelinquentme: Because it's just a front-end for the 'locate' terminal command?17:38
geekbriboywonder: for my ubuntu-servers i use deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner  for suns JRE17:38
induzI get an icon on side bar and i right click on it and selected safely removed media17:38
serializedI had to enable other sources to get sun-java6-jdk17:38
uncle_daveerUSUL:  I worked ! Thank you !!17:38
delinquentmejpds, ?17:38
induznow when i plug in again i dont get anything17:38
TuGahi i have a 10.10 maverick and by mistake i went to the Additional Drivers and Deactivate the nvidia-current driver, it stated that it was not using that especific driver. After reboot i get the shell to login, i have tried removing nvidia-current and installing it again no prob with that but still cant startx17:39
erUSULuncle_dave: no problem17:39
induzis it not hot swapable?17:39
KGBWolfhow can i run this command everytime my system boot sudo date 111111112010?17:39
jpdsdelinquentme: I think it does, sorry.17:39
induzdo i have re-start Ubuntu again17:39
bibic682boywonder: whats missing?17:39
geekbriKGBWolf: add it to rc.local17:39
TuGahow can i go to /do the Additional Drivers Activation step true the shell?17:39
geekbriKGBWolf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto17:40
boywonderbibic682,  the package is either missing or obsolete17:40
ActionParsnipinduz: should be17:40
KGBWolfshould i add to rc1-6?17:40
induzthen there is something wrong with my ubuntu as its not reading the USB drive/17:40
boywonderbibic682,  im using 10.417:41
induzI have to restart it17:41
geekbriboywonder: I just gave you a repo that installs java jre and jdk for me no problem on 10.0417:41
bibic682boywonder: Not sure from here...but make sure your multiverse repository is checked...then try the script again17:42
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
MrMintanetCan someone tell me how to change power management settings in LXDE?17:43
jukTuGa: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log17:43
Zoffix_Hey, is there a way for me to select all the packages I want installed and instead of downloading them to get just the LINKS to them so I could download them on another box?17:44
jaisonAnyone knows how to install open source flex?????17:44
straussHi could you t help me with my problem. I'm running Xubuntu 10.10 and wanted to make Debian netinst 6. So i got USB drive for 2gb and debian-6.0.0-i386-netinst.iso. To do it, i use in-build linux startup disk tool (Startup disc creator ). But after installer is all most done its shows same error " invalid version string "GNU/Linux" ". Any ideas what to do?17:44
jukjaison: why not asking in #flex17:45
boywonderbibic682, how do i check that?17:45
bibic682boywonder: system....administration....software sources .... make sure all are checked then retry script17:45
ActionParsnipjaison: http://stevelove.org/2009/05/14/how-to-install-and-set-up-adobe-flex-sdk-on-ubuntu-linux/17:45
erUSUL!info flex17:45
ubottuflex (source: flex): A fast lexical analyzer generator.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.35-9.1 (maverick), package size 238 kB, installed size 976 kB17:45
Zoffix_Basically, I can't use more than a few megs of bandwidth on this location AND I can't remove this computer (it's work). I'm trying to install some software on it...17:46
pp07 tell me the channel for WISP?17:46
straussoiii ... help, anyone!17:47
TuGajuk, http://pastebin.com/ct76F0Xh17:47
macoZoffix_: use --simulate on the apt-get command, and save the list of packages. they're all available at packages.ubuntu.com, and then you can use aptoncd to create a repository-on-a-cd17:47
Zoffix_maco, magnificent. Thanks!17:48
boywonderbibic682, would it make any difference if im downloading from uk>17:48
killjoyWhen i start my ubuntu-server my display goes to "looking for signal" but i can ssh in.  How do i make it so i can login from my server instead of having to ssh in everytime?17:48
Aikarkilljoy: i think the point of ubuntu-SERVER is to be headless...17:48
Aikarkilljoy: install regular ubuntu for a GUI17:49
pp07i am getting to start WISP support in our city ... what type of server i have to use for plan & bandwidth management & what type of wireless route with outdoor antenna with at lest 5 km range are required ....??17:49
thangaveli'm not able to run VLC player in root account..how to get over this situation17:49
killjoyAikar: alright thanks!17:49
thangaveli'm not able to run VLC player in root account..how to get over this situation17:49
Aikarthangavel: why are you logging in as root anyways?17:50
Aikarif typing sudo before every command bothers you then type 'sudo bash' then every command you run there is root17:50
cschneid`sudo su` is better afaik? Gets the environment loading right.17:51
llutzcschneid: sudo -i17:51
=== Dotoff is now known as Dotted
cschneidI mean as opposed to sudo bash17:51
llutzcschneid: sudo -i   should be used17:51
cschneidllutz: cool. Didn't know that option17:52
ikoniacschneid: sudo su is not correct and should not be used17:52
thangavel<Aikar> : But security settings in VLC player doesn't allow the player to get started..even the GUI will not appear when u r logged in as root..but it works perfectly in other accounts...17:52
llutzcschneid: man sudo17:52
cschneidllutz: yeah, my server I Was logged into doesn't have man :)17:52
Aikarwell depending what you WANT :P you may want to keep ~ as your users home etc, for most my use cases its not been an issue17:53
straussHi, could you guys help me with my problem. I'm running Xubuntu 10.10 and wanted to make Debian netinst 6. So i got USB drive for 2gb and debian-6.0.0-i386-netinst.iso. To do it, i use in-build linux startup disk tool (Startup disc creator ). But after installer is all most done its shows same error " invalid version string "GNU/Linux" ". Any ideas what to do?17:53
AikarTheaxiom: and im asking why are you logging in as root, login as yuor normal user17:53
llutzAikar: sudo -s    exists too17:53
ikoniastrauss: debian 6 may not be supported,17:53
ikoniastrauss: control the language17:54
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symetrikI was going to ask a question, haha.17:56
thangavel<Aikar> :security settings in VLC player doesn't allow the player to get started..even the GUI will not appear when u r logged in as root..but it works perfectly in other accounts...17:57
ikoniathangavel: you can run anything as root17:57
thangavelsecurity settings in VLC player doesn't allow the player to get started..even the GUI will not appear when u r logged in as root..but it works perfectly in other accounts...17:58
ikoniathangavel: you can run anything as root17:58
thangavelhow to solve this??17:58
symetrikmk, so,17:58
TuGahi i have a 10.10 maverick and by mistake i went to the Additional Drivers and Deactivate the nvidia-current driver, it stated that it was not using that especific driver. After reboot i get the shell to login, i have tried removing nvidia-current and installing it again no prob with that but still cant startx17:58
TuGahow can i go to /do the Additional Drivers Activation step true the shell?17:58
ikoniathangavel: you shouldn't be running it as root17:58
TuGajuk, http://pastebin.com/ct76F0Xh17:58
symetrikMy professor and I are curious as how to determine who else is logged into your computer, /without/ using the command-line.17:58
ikoniaTuGa: first thing, remove /etc/X111/xorg.conf , then reboot, you should get X back, you can then re-activate the nvidia driver through the gui17:59
llutzsystemonkey: switch it off and listen/count the "oh noooo"17:59
nibblersymetrik, browse to /var/log/ and examine syslog :)17:59
llutzsymetrik: ^^17:59
TuGaikonia, ok will do17:59
thangavel<ikonia> : could u tell me the command to run the vlc player through commands so that i can tell u the results...17:59
ikoniathangavel: you shouldn't be running it as root18:00
thangavel<ikonia> : i've logged in as root.then how to run that??18:01
ikoniathangavel: you shouldn't be logged in as root18:01
ikoniaroot_lol: can we help ?18:01
root_lolikonia, no, thanks18:01
ikoniaroot_lol: ok, then please don't mess around18:01
gordonjcpthangavel: don't be logged in as root, then ;-)18:01
root_lolikonia, (-0-)18:02
symetrikk, good enough18:02
thangavel<ikonia> : mam i really can't understand ur explanation..what is wrong with logging in as root..do u mean that as a solution to my problem or v should never log in as root..18:02
gordonjcpthangavel: root is a horribly outmoded concept18:02
ikoniathangavel: I mean both, a.) you should never log in as root b.) you shouldn't be launching vlc as root18:03
m4vthangavel: in general, using root for daily use or tasks that don't requiere it is a bad idea.18:04
IanMalcolmhey guys, I'm trying to fix a computer here which doesn't seem to know there is a NIC18:04
ikoniaIanMalcolm: what make/model is the nick18:04
StaRetjiFolks, what would be the lowest kernel to work with Natty Narwhal ?18:04
m4vStaRetji: you should ask in #ubuntu+1 probably18:05
ikoniaStaRetji: natty is not supported in here, try #ubuntu+118:05
puppyhow to do this action "coppy the nino folder to ~/.CoverGloobus/themes18:05
StaRetjim4v: and ikonia, yep, thx for the info18:05
IanMalcolmikonia: good question, it's not showing up anywhere anymore18:05
thangavel<m4v> : thanx for ur explanation..may i know why such kind of practice is not a good idea..i feel that it is more cmforatble with all privileges..18:05
voozeAnyone having experience with pidgin?? i keep getting messages that this, and this and this person is now online.. and when its facebook its ALL the time.. anyway to turn this off?18:05
ikoniapuppy: show me the output of "uname -a"18:05
IanMalcolmI believe it burned on the last thunderstorm, but I got to make sure the problem does not reside between the keyboard and the chair18:05
ikoniathangavel: you feel wrong then18:06
puppyikonia: ok18:06
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puppyikonia: Linux Puppy 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:48 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux18:06
IanMalcolmIkonia: actually, it shows up on lspci, it's a BCM575518:07
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IanMalcolmthere is no indication of a network interface when I ifconfig, though18:07
gordonjcpthangavel: I'm guessing you're relatively new to Unix-y environments ;-)18:07
ikoniapuppy: cp -R nino ~/.CoverGloobus/themes18:07
puppyikonia: ok18:08
nibblerIanMalcolm, ifconfig -a?18:08
shonnanrcan anyone help me with wubi install of ubuntu 10.10?18:08
ikoniaIanMalcolm: does the additional drivers tool offer you a driver doe it ?18:08
IanMalcolmnibbler: only loopback18:08
IanMalcolmikonia, it was working fine out of the box for a while18:08
ikoniaIanMalcolm: that's not what I asked18:08
puppyikonia: it says no such file or directory18:09
IanMalcolmikonia: no, it does not18:10
ikoniapuppy: you have to be in the same directory as the nino directory18:10
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ikoniaIanMalcolm: does lsmod show a kernel module for it18:10
puppyikonia: ok18:10
lahwranhow do I stop pulseaudio?18:11
lahwrandorar: please don't say 'hi' every time someone joins...18:11
IanMalcolmikonia nope18:11
ikoniaIanMalcolm: not good, whats in the syslog18:12
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m4vthangavel: is a security issue, putting aside anyone trying to break into your computer, you are more likely to break stuff unknowingly, (like deleting a file you shouldn't have) needing to use sudo helps to avoid mistakes.18:12
puppyikonia: how to enter in to the directory in terminal18:12
Ruudjahhow can I switch to another drive?18:13
dorarI have a problem in editing xorg file in ubuntu 10.1018:13
RuudjahLike when I do in a dos prompt "c:"18:13
ikoniadorar: you need to tell us the problemn18:13
ikoniaRuudjah: cd /directory18:13
Ruudjah(in a bash console)18:13
MrSaMiany1 good with apparmor?18:14
Ruudjahikonia: how can I know the name of the other drive?18:14
MrSaMii want just to create default profile for "less"18:14
MrSaMiif anyone can help :)18:14
Ruudjahin windows environment it's c: or d:18:14
ikoniaRuudjah:  you mount it where you want18:14
ikonia!mount | Ruudjah18:14
ubottuRuudjah: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:14
alpha7How i install printer driver for Canon PIXMA MP48018:14
dorarI want  add  tablet info to it18:14
maedox_Ruudjah: You should go read the basic guides at help.ubuntu.com, it will change your life :D18:15
ikoniaalpha7: canon printer support is pretty poor, have you checked it's supported on Linux18:15
brontoeeedorar, wacom?18:15
m4vRuudjah: in linux is a bit different, you need to mount the partition. See ubottu's help.18:15
dorarno tablet wp8060u18:16
maedox_Ruudjah: execute mount in the terminal and it will tell you what is mounted. There is no C: or D: in Linux. C: could be considered /18:16
MrSaMiapparmor ??18:16
IanMalcolmikonia I grepped the whole /var/log directory for 'Broadcom', there is only mentions from jockey about the wireless driver (which is not what I'm trying to fix)18:16
warren_Hey everyone! I am kinda a newbee with linux, I was wondering if there is someone out there who might be able to help me set up CGI webserver. I allready got apache installed and I have PHP installed but for some reason my CGI is not working. I appreciate the help18:16
Ruudjahthanks all18:16
RuudjahI see an /dev/sda1, that would be my ssd18:17
Ruudjahno hda1 though18:17
m4vwarren_: I think a more suitable channel for ask is #ubuntu-server18:17
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ikoniaIanMalcolm: look for eth options in the syslog (not the whole of /var/log)18:17
maedox_Ruudjah: if it's connected via SATA it's gonna be sda, sdb etc.18:17
juniouri wanna to login as root how to do that?18:17
Ruudjahhowever, I se it in nautilus18:17
ikoniaall disks are referenced as /dev/sdX now18:17
ikoniajuniour: you do'nt do it18:18
IanMalcolmikonia nothing18:18
juniourikonia y i cant?18:18
ikoniajuniour: because the ubuntu security model is not setup to do it18:18
m4vjuniour: you should use sudo18:18
ChikokishiI have ubuntu 10.04 and i cant get my sound to work.  If i upgrade to a newer version might it work?18:18
juniourwhen i type a command su in terminal it ask for passwd18:18
ikoniajuniour: enter your password then18:19
vinkolthello my tray in ubuntu looks weird, http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/9964/trayt.png how to fix that? I tried reinstalling indicator-applet but that didn't helps18:19
MrSaMi<juniour> i wanna to login as root how to do that? set root password and login as root18:19
m4vjuniour: the root account is disabled, but you can try with "sudo -i" for a root session.18:19
juniourikonia when i enter passwd it says su: Authentication failure18:19
ikoniaMrSaMi: no, that won't work with X, please don't suggest people do that18:19
ikoniajuniour: you don't use "su" you use "sudo"18:19
ikonia!sudo > juniour18:19
ubottujuniour, please see my private message18:19
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brontoeeeany problems with repositories lately? i'am geting 1 kib/s dl speed...18:20
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kuakkgannijuniour: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:20
MrSaMi:) ikonia why not18:20
ikoniaMrSaMi: because it is not the ubuntu security model and it will not work with X and cause problems18:20
juniourwhy my passwd is not working18:20
ikoniajuniour: what command are you using ?18:20
Chikokishiwrong password...?18:20
ikoniajuniour: show me exactly what command you are typing18:20
juniourikona su18:21
m4vjuniour: did you used the command I gave you or su?18:21
ikoniajuniour: I just told you not to use su18:21
ikoniajuniour: you use "sudo" then the command you want to run18:21
ikoniajuniour: ubottu has just sent you a pm - read the link it contains18:21
juniourpm -read18:21
tim167has, anyone here compiled/used ARToolkit on ubuntu?: ( http://www.hitl.washington.edu/artoolkit  )18:21
MrSaMisecurity means: unplug your box from network and switch it off ;P18:21
ikoniaMrSaMi: no it doesn't18:22
juniourikona how to read private mess18:22
ikonia!sudo | juniour18:22
ubottujuniour: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo18:22
ikoniajuniour: there it's in the channel18:22
juniourikonia i am chating through terminal18:22
ikoniajuniour: ok, then open those links outside of a terminal when you get chance18:22
Chikokishiikonia: when you get a chance could you try to assist me?18:23
rekhi, where's my dhcp.conf? is dhclient.conf in dhcp3 the same?18:23
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pythonedHello, I have a dell laptop with windows 7 ultimate on it and I have a 68 gb partition for which I want to install Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit. How do I partition those 68 gb?18:23
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ikoniaChikokishi: with what ?18:24
erUSULpythoned: the installer will partition it for you.18:24
m4vChikokishi: ask to the channel.18:24
Chikokishipythoned, pm me18:24
ChikokishiI have ubuntu 10.04 and i cant get my sound to work.  If i upgrade to a newer version might it work?18:24
ikoniaChikokishi: ok ?18:24
ikoniaChikokishi: is it a problem ?18:24
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ikoniaChikokishi: it may work18:24
rekhi, where's my dhcp.conf? is dhclient.conf in dhcp3 the same?18:24
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ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro18:24
erUSULIanMalcolm: the nic uses tg3 driver afaics. make sure tg3 is loaded « lsmod | grep tg3 » if it is not ( no output in the last command ) load it « sudo modprobe tg3 »18:25
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Chikokishiok ill try that18:25
feydI'd like to switch from ubuntu to xubuntu, is there any huge changes that require me to reinstall the system, or can I just ditch gnome and install xfce directly from the repos?18:25
pythonederUSUL:  No it can not, since I already have windows 7 ultimate on it.18:25
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IanMalcolmerUSUL it's loaded18:25
ikoniafeyd: just install the xubuntu-desktop package and enjoy18:25
erUSULpythoned: you just said you have 68 GiB free for ubuntu18:25
olskolircyou can install any desktop you wish feyd18:25
* devco3 is away: 18:25
ikonia!away > demonspork18:25
ubottudemonspork, please see my private message18:25
erUSUL!away > devco318:26
ubottudevco3, please see my private message18:26
ikonia!away > devco318:26
ikoniaerUSUL: thank you18:26
olskolircsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop feyd18:26
erUSULikonia: np :)18:26
Krenarihow can i install18:26
KrenariI need something to play .rm files18:26
erUSUL!codecs | Krenari18:26
ubottuKrenari: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:26
feydolskolirc: I know I can install it, I just wanted to know if there was anything more to the xubuntu distro other than it having XFCE instead of gnome that I should reinstall the system for18:26
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pythonederUSUL:  Yes but when I enter the setup, it gives me two options, either erase and use entire disk or partition manually.18:27
pythonederUSUL:  There I am asked to make a swap a home a .../18:27
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feydikonia: so there's no difference between ubu and xubu other than the DE?18:28
ikoniafeyd: nope18:28
erUSULpythoned: remove the 68 GiB partition in windows disk manager. it should offer you to install in the free space iirc. if still you have to do manual partitioning i would do 3 parts swap = Ram; root = 10 GiB and the rest for /home/18:28
feydikonia: how lovely, thanks for the help18:28
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pythonederUSUL:  And there is also a partition like /   should I do that too?18:29
m4vpythoned: that's the root partition18:29
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erUSULpythoned: / is root; sorry18:29
pythonederUSUL:  and usr/local or something like that. Or only the things you said?18:29
pythonederUSUL: So I guess I need that too18:29
erUSULpythoned: for a laptop there is no need for further partitioning imho18:30
olskolircIt's all trial and error feyd you may even want to take a look at lxde http://www.lxde.org/ which is a mixture of both desktops imho18:30
pythonederUSUL: Roger that, and as for ext4 or things like that, what should I choose?18:30
pythonederUSUL:  I18:30
pythonederUSUL:  I am not familiar with those, ext4 ext3 things18:31
IanMalcolmpythoned when in doubt, go default18:31
erUSULswap does not have mount point nor filesytem format18:31
pythonedIanMalcolm:  Haha, great one! Will remember that!18:31
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IanMalcolmokay, so I just rebooted that machine on windows and it too cannot connect to a network. It knows the NIC is there, but does not get an IP18:33
IanMalcolmand I'm pretty sure the windows partition hasn't been messed with18:33
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IanMalcolmmost likely it was the thunderstorm then18:34
erUSULtime to buy a new nic18:34
IanMalcolmerUSUL yep (:18:34
IanMalcolmwell, thanks a lot guys18:35
brontosaurusrexso zeitgeist will only support certain apps? like gedit will work, but chromium wont?18:36
boywonderhi im trying to install java jre and im having alot off trouble sudo apt install dont work and the dep link is also broken, any help?18:38
jrib!java | boywonder18:39
ubottuboywonder: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:39
boywonderubottu,  i have found the repository how do i enable it?18:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:39
jrib!partner | boywonder18:39
ubottuboywonder: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:39
Barnabasubotto : the smart bot ..18:39
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Barnabasboywonder, look at the cmd apt-add-repository18:39
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Machtini know this is kind of 80% offtopic, but: anyone got an idea how to be able to use the hdmi-output of a graphics card in grub? (or while booting).. seems just a dvi-port gets the signal.18:41
boywonderim stuck!18:42
jribboywonder: we have no clue what you did and what the result what was.  You have to tell us18:43
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boywonderok sudo apt-get install java-jre didnt work18:44
Chikokishihow exactly do i upgrade to the newest ubuntu?  Do i need a new live cd?18:45
trainerI'm using dnsmasq for wildcard local dns, and I added as a nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to keep resolv.conf from getting overwritten every time networking is restarted. Anyone?18:45
jribboywonder: why would you do that?  Read what ubottu told you earlier18:45
xanguaboywonder: enable !partner repository18:45
boywonderjrib, i looke here and cant find? sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"18:45
boywonderi must off missed that18:45
boywonderwhats the command18:45
jribboywonder: you just pasted the command to add the partner repository.  sudo ...18:46
boywonderim lost?18:46
jribboywonder: what did you just finish pasting here in this channel that started with the word "sudo"?18:46
erUSULChikokishi: only a net connection18:47
boywonderthe wrong sudo i think18:47
erUSUL!upgrade  | Chikokishi18:47
ubottuChikokishi: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:47
inf3rnalhave latest netbook remis, cant seem to get access to windows 7 shares....works with other windows 7 pc, no user/pass needed.....ubuntu keeps asking for user/pass to connect and wont accept blanks18:47
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jribboywonder: I don't understand why you are guessing or confused.  Just run the command that ubottu told you.  The one you pasted here just now.  But run in in your terminal18:48
erUSULChikokishi: you can also use the alternatecd if you have it to cut on the amount of data to dl18:48
jrib!partner | boywonder18:48
ubottuboywonder: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »18:48
ikoniainf3rnal: probably permissions or username/pass on the windows machine that's not working18:48
boywonderit failed18:48
jribboywonder: again, we cannot see what you see.  You need to show us what you ran and the full output.  Use http://paste.ubuntu.com to show us18:49
inf3rnalikonia, i have no password set up18:49
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boywonderah ok give me a min18:49
ChikokishierUSUL: do i type that in the terminal18:49
deuteriumhi, could an ubuntu dev please file a bug report that ubuntu should update python-pip to v0.8.2 as quickly as possible? there's a pretty severe bug in 0.8.118:49
inf3rnaland permissiones are set to.... "everyone"18:50
ChikokishiOh nevermind. i missed the msg lol18:50
jrib!bug | deuterium18:50
ubottudeuterium: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:50
deuteriumjrib: thx18:50
ikoniainf3rnal: it has to be something with that one PC as you've proved the ubuntu machine is working18:50
boywonderjrib, then what do i do?18:51
inf3rnalno no....ubuntu cant connect to either win7 pc...but the win7 pcs can connect to each other18:51
boywonderthere was no output?18:51
jribboywonder: tell us the link to your pastebin18:51
Piciboywonder: No output usually means that it was sucessful.18:51
boywonderwtf is going on here i have no idea18:51
ikoniacontrol the language18:52
deuteriumjrib: ouch.. why do i need an account/openid if i just want to report a bug?18:52
boywonderso then what because it still wont add the repo i want18:52
boywonderikonia,  soz18:52
Piciboywonder: How do you know tis not added?  Did you run apt-get update afterwards?18:52
jribdeuterium: I don't know, file a bug against that too if you want; not my decision18:52
olskolircoh this is getting comical18:52
boywonderim not laughing18:53
Piciolskolirc: We don't need those sort of comments here.18:53
boywonderno i tried to add the lucid partner ill try that18:54
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:55
roygbivfun ride18:55
wormmwhat is the command-style irc client?18:55
boywonderjrib, you here?18:55
eeepcСамолёт (реактивный или винтовой) стоит на взлётной полосе с подвижным покрытием (типа транспортёра). Покрытие может двигаться против направления взлета самолёта. Оно имеет систему управления, которая отслеживает и подстраивает скорость движения пол18:55
eeepcотна таким образом, чтобы скорость вращения колёс самолёта была равна скорости движения полотна. Вопрос: сможет ли самолёт взлететь в таких условиях?18:55
jribwormm: weechat and irssi are popular18:55
olskolircwell its funny to me because nobody said the words package manager, broken package, or synaptic18:56
Pici!ru | eeepc18:56
ubottueeepc: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:56
jribboywonder: yes, but you do not seem to do what we ask so I'm waiting for you to do s18:56
wormmjrib irrsi is it, thanks18:56
jribwormm: give weechat a try too :)18:56
deuteriumjrib: even for that, i'd need an account.. but well, perhaps i create one. it's not lowering the barrier to file valuable bug reports though.18:56
boywonderjrib if my repo fails then i cant update ?18:56
wormmjrib thanks will do18:56
roygbivi found a link the other day for irccloud.com. might look into that too18:57
chrono86can anyone help me? pulseaudio decided to break and refuses to start18:57
jribboywonder: I've told you what to do.  You replied "it failed".  I asked you to copy your commands to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the resulting link.  I'm waiting for that information.18:57
olskolircI wish ubuntu had a "back in time"18:57
deuteriumjrib: can i use _any_ of my openid accounts for launchpad to enter a bug report? or is launchpad only an openid provider?18:57
olskolircis there a wish list?18:58
boywonderthese are the commands i have used,it just said no command18:58
Pici!brainstorm | olskolirc18:58
ubottuolskolirc: Post your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!18:58
olskolircjis sayin18:58
jribdeuterium: I don't know.  You can certainly try though.  #launchpad may be able to help more18:58
chrono86why do i get "Daemon startup failed." when trying to start pulseaudio?18:58
jribboywonder: if you start doing random things on your own instead of what we tell you to do, then it's impossible for us to help you18:59
deuteriumjrib: ok, thx18:59
boywonderi ran this first18:59
boywondersudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"18:59
middleHello, i need someone to help me right now18:59
boywonderthen this18:59
jribboywonder: use a pastebin so you don't flood the channel.  Copy what you ran and the full output to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the resulting link.  Do not continue to paste things in the channel19:00
Picimiddle: We can't help if you don't ask a question.19:00
middleneed to be competent with Ubuntu and be able to help me, i am desperate! read this thread please: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168780219:00
boywondersudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"19:00
jrib!here | middle19:00
ubottumiddle: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com19:00
chrono86is anyone good with pulseaudio? i'm not sure what to do at this point19:00
boywondersudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"19:00
middlePici thanks, basically i jsut need to chat with someone on PM, would you be willing to help me?19:00
Picimiddle: No, I'm not available for in-depth support at the moment.19:01
jribboywonder: you're ignoring what I tell you again.  I cannot help you like this19:01
ikoniamiddle: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file for me19:01
middleMy problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168780219:01
boywonderthe later gave me this error,command not found19:01
ikoniamiddle: you've posted that, we saw, now please pastebin your /etc/apt/source.list file please.19:01
middleok hang on, the issue at the moment, is that i cant start networking on my PC, and it is jsut CLi at the moment19:01
Assidyou know how in windows you can use ALT and character sequences19:01
boywonderi have no clue as to what you are telling?19:01
middlemaybe someone could SSH to it, if i can get networking going?19:01
Assidis there a way to add the special characters19:01
ikoniamiddle: no, please pastebin the file19:02
jribboywonder: use a pastebin so you don't flood the channel.  Copy what you ran and the full output to http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the resulting link.  Do not continue to paste things in the channel.  What do you not understand?19:02
xanguaboywonder: what version of ubuntu are you using¿19:02
boywonderthere was no out put19:02
erUSULAssid: shift + crtl + u + code19:02
jribboywonder: good luck with your issue.  I cannot help you19:02
middleikonia, how am i supposed to do that with no internet (i am on my laptop at the moment)19:02
boywonder xangua 10.419:02
ChikokishierUSUL: my update had an error =(19:02
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ikoniamiddle: if you have to, type it out on the laptop19:02
erUSULChikokishi: what error ?19:03
middlecp /etc.apt/sources.list <my memory stick19:03
middlemight work19:03
Chikokishipkgproblemrecolver:: rexoler generated breaks19:03
middlecan some one PM me, this chat is busy19:03
ikoniamiddle: that's an excellent idea19:03
ikoniamiddle: , please stay in this channel19:03
AssiderUSUL, the codes are different in windows and linux?19:04
DarsVaedahi, if you use pidgin it gets its submenu in the taskbar with that little envelope, there is also a mail submenu but it is for evolution, i use thunderbird instead, is it possible to integrate thunderbird to that?19:04
chrono86can anyone even see what i'm saying? (not to complain, but i've been in this channel multiple times and no one ahs ever responded to something i've said)19:04
erUSULAssid: probably; check out in Aplications>Accesories>Char map19:04
hariomAm new to ubuntu , just now I installed ubuntu 10.04 but problem is its not at all detecting LAN..but in windows its working perfectly am able to access internet...plz help me19:04
xanguaDarsVaeda: i believe there is a plugin for thunderbird to use indicators19:04
ikoniachrono86: yes we can see you19:04
boywonderjrib,  youll find that you didnt actually help me!19:04
deuteriumjrib: sorry, looks like ubuntu isn't serious about getting bug reports: doesn't accept my openid and when i try to create an account it complains about my password: "Password must be at least 8 characters long, and must contain at least one number and an upper case letter."19:04
middleYeah i will stay here but it would be alot easier to give/recieve help in a PM19:04
xanguasearch in mozilla's addon web or in omg!ubuntu! webupd8 blogs19:04
erUSULAssid: the code is in the left bottom corner19:04
xanguaDarsVaeda *19:05
ikoniamiddle: only help in the channel19:05
chrono86iknoia: thank you for helping me to be sure i'm not goign crazy19:05
DarsVaedaxangua: okay i'll give it a try with indicators, thx19:05
erUSULAssid: you see U+CODE there19:05
Picideuterium: And that means that we're not serious about getting bug reports why?19:05
jribdeuterium: not sure why you are telling me.  I don't think it's that big of a deal, but if you do, that's ok too19:05
middleikonia: where will my memory stick location be?19:05
ikoniamiddle: normally under /media if it is an auto mount, if it's a manual mount, where ever you want19:05
ChikokishiTrying to update to 10.10 to hopefully resolve sound problem, got this error: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks19:06
ikoniamiddle: however, reading your forum thread, I would suggest you do a clean install19:06
middleoh yeah media derp19:06
ChikokishiI just installed ubuntu yesterday, so it should be exactly as it came.19:06
middleikonia, really? what do you think is the problem?19:06
ikoniamiddle: you're machine appears to be in a real mess and a clean install to a current version would be a simple solution19:06
ikoniamiddle: I think you've made a real mess of your machine19:06
deuteriumPici: that barrier could be lowered a lot. by accepting anonymous bug reports without the need to have a launchpad (whatever this is) account. or at least: by accepting valid openid credentials. sorry for the rant, but things like this make me sad.19:06
ikoniadeuterium: then you get spammed with people not serious about a quality bug report19:07
ikoniadeuterium: your attitude makes me sad19:07
middleOK, now if i did that what is the easiest way to back up all my files from the terminal?19:07
chrono86my pulseaudio has always been started from the startup applications with the command "start-pulseaudio-x11". it no longer starts. trying to run the command manually i get "Connection failure: Connection refused" any ideas?19:07
boywondercan anyone please help in installing java jre?19:07
amitesAnyone know why running an initial upgrade on Xubuntu 10.10 would cause it to boot into "General Error Mounting FIlesystems" - I can see all directories and read files through console just keeping looping back to the same error19:07
ikoniamiddle: which files are you thinking of ?19:07
Jayrocan any one help me out, i can start .jar files by rightclick>open with java. but when i open terminal and type "java -jar file.jar" i get java errors19:07
middlelike everything on my PC19:08
middlethats not a helpful answer19:08
ikoniamiddle: that would be unwise as it would take all the messed up packages/config files with it19:08
middlei suppose my home folder19:08
Chikokishimiddle, id suggest an external harddrive =)19:08
middleyeah, i guess19:08
middlegoddamit why do i ahveb to do stupid things19:08
ikoniamiddle: copy the contents you want to an external disk19:08
deuteriumikonia: look, i know that problem too, myself, though from other projects. i just value the benefits of a lower barrier higher.19:08
Chikokishihahaha I ask myself that a lot also19:08
wechatWhat are the first steps to quickly get in know how to work with Elastix?19:08
middlebut would any of you know what that actual issue is??19:08
ikoniadeuterium: log the bug, or don't, it's up to you19:08
* wechat not-Ubuntu?19:08
ikoniamiddle: yes, but it's simpler to just re-install as your machine is in a real mess19:08
ikoniawechat: ?19:09
ikoniawechat: we only support ubuntu here19:09
Barnabasmiddle: tried dpkg-reconfigure?19:09
mattg1jrib: got weechat going, working pretty good19:09
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ikoniaBarnabas: that's not going to work19:09
Jayrocan any one help me out, i can start .jar files by rightclick>open with java. but when i open terminal and type "java -jar file.jar" i get java errors19:09
ikoniaBarnabas: you need to read the thread in total to see how messed up it is19:09
ChikokishiTrying to update to 10.10 to hopefully resolve sound problem, got this error: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks19:09
middlelitterlaly that command?19:09
ikoniamiddle: no19:09
wechatikonia: i have joked 'bout that on my local room, sorry, i got it19:09
ikoniamiddle: you will be best to re-install19:09
middleoh funsies19:10
middleCould you at least help me to figure out how to get networking started?19:10
ikoniamiddle: I would just concerntrate on re-installing19:10
trainerI got it!! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1186979 "in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf look for "prepend domain-name-servers" uncomment it and put the dns servers you want."19:10
wechatmiddle: /etc/init.d/networking  restart19:10
DarsVaedathx there is an addon for thunderbird called "thunderbird indicator"19:11
ikoniamiddle: don't run that19:11
middlei tried that got an eror, so my system is f*ked19:11
ikoniawechat: it's not going to work, his machine is in a mess19:11
Barnabasmiddle : you have no net work even with a phys cable in the machine?19:11
ikoniamiddle: control the language19:11
m4vdeuterium: I did say that lowering that "barrier" results in more bugs of poor quality that adds only noise and extra work for triagers.19:11
choronzonHI, I get this error message in wine "Unable to open registry key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName" for reading." any ideas? thanks19:11
ikoniamiddle: then stop asking how to do things and look into re-installing19:11
middleikonia: so my system really is *flumped*?19:11
boywondercan anyone tell me why this dont work,sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"19:11
ikoniamiddle: you will get your system back easy then19:11
wechatchoronzon: pritty stuff19:12
Picichoronzon: Please ask in #winehq, we do not handle specific wine errors here.19:12
middleyeah, but all my files and config files etc.... they will be a pain to retrieve19:12
Barnabasmiddle nah19:12
middleis there any way to determine how large my home folder is?19:12
deuteriumm4v: sure, it's more work for triage, indeed. i don't want to flame.. time's to valuable19:12
Barnabasbackup of /etc /home/<user>19:12
ikoniamiddle: 1.) your config files should be dropped looking at your machine 2.) your packages should not be backed up, it's a mess19:12
erUSULmiddle: right cvlick on it properties19:12
ikoniaBarnabas: no19:12
ikoniaBarnabas: are you reading what I'm saying, his machines packages are messed up, backing up broken config files is not a good idea19:12
chrono86i am going to pull my hair out, i have no idea why pulse isn't working19:13
middleerUSUL im on CLI only19:13
Barnabasikonia, sorry but thats nonsense :-)19:13
wechatboywonder: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:<repository-name>19:13
boywondergod this sucks19:13
Barnabasa backup of the config files are always a good idea19:13
middlei mean like config files ofr irssi and conky etc...19:13
Piciboywonder: Lets start over.19:13
ikoniaBarnabas: no it's not, if you have config files that are lilkey broken, why would you back them up19:13
erUSULmiddle: du -hs $HOME19:13
ChikokishiTrying to update to 10.10 to hopefully resolve sound problem, got this error: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks19:13
boywonderok thank you19:13
Piciboywonder: Why do you think that command is 'not working'?19:13
ikoniamiddle: they are in your home directory in .irssi and .conky just put them on your memory stick, they are small19:14
xanguaboywonder: start with what ubuntu version you use and what do you want to do: lsb_release -a19:15
boywonderi dont know too much about it19:15
middleikonia, i knwo that but there are lots of them dotted all over the place...19:15
Barnabasikonia, always backup before reinstalling, you can then mount as an image and rescure whats rescued can be19:15
Picixangua: I'd like boywonder to try to answer just my questions if you don't mind.19:15
Barnabasthats very basic19:15
middleerUSUL: how can i find the size of the home directory for an other user (i am root atm)19:15
erUSULmiddle: du -hs /home/username/19:15
middleif i can get networking goin would anyone be willing to SSH to my box to help me out? Like backing stuff up?19:15
wechatmiddle: du /home/user19:15
boywonderpici, its not finding the distro?19:15
MC8Hey there, my ubuntu/gnome topbar is refusing to show the windspeed next to the weather icon and temperature. How'd I fix that?19:15
erUSULmiddle: du accepts file/dirs as parameter19:15
ikoniamiddle: they should all be in your /home direcotry19:15
boywonderor its not enabled19:15
middlewoo 17G more than my external HDD19:16
boywonderor i just dont know lol19:16
erUSULmiddle: do « sudo du -hs /home/* »19:16
ikoniaBarnabas: no, someone who has no idea what they are doing and has broken their system should accept a clean install unless they know for certain the config is sane19:16
wechatMC8: killall gnome-panel (if really)19:16
gordonjcpMC8: strange, I'm sure there used to be an option to do that19:16
Piciboywonder: Can we try this: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lsb_release -a | pastebinit19:16
Barnabasikonia, I will leave you to it then ;-)19:16
cwheelerNvidia GTX 400 series cards work with Ubuntu correct?19:16
MC8wechat: if really what?19:16
Piciboywonder: Let me know if you're having problems with that command.19:16
middleikonia, basiacally the issue arose when i removed a package that i had thought i had only jsut isntalled but aparently it had been ther efor ages... and that then screwed mys ssytem bad19:16
ikoniamiddle: I've read the thread19:17
middlewell if that really is the only option i will have to do it19:17
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boywonderno im not19:17
wechatMC8: some apps really not in color as others -- it can't be cured19:17
ikoniamiddle: looking at that thread and the mess of your system it is the best option to put you back to a sane stable system19:17
MC8*shrugs*. It's the default weather thingy, it worked earlier19:17
middledamn thats not good, i need my PC for tommorrow evening, and i have shit to do... grrr, looks like i am pulling an all nighter19:17
Jayrocan any one help me out, i can start .jar files by rightclick>open with java. but when i open terminal and type "java -jar file.jar" i get java errors19:20
MC8(just ran that through, no change)19:20
chrono86i'm at wits end, is there anyone out there that can help me fix pulseaudio19:20
boywonderPici, http://pastebin.com/BXrxK9p119:20
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wechatJayro: maybe full path to java is requered19:20
Piciboywonder: Great.  Now: ls -al | pastebinit19:20
middleJayro hey it is middle19:20
Piciboywonder: Er. wait. not that.19:20
Jayrohey man,19:20
Piciboywonder: Sorry. ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d | pastebinit19:20
Jayrowechat dosnt work with full path either19:20
* wechat is smiling19:20
middlei broke my PC so i am trying to fix it with the advice of these lovely people19:20
Jayrothey have helped me out a fairbit :P19:20
ChikokishiTrying to update to 10.10 to hopefully resolve sound problem, got this error: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks (sorry for the repost, still waiting =) )19:20
MorlJayro: probably missing environment vars. write a java prog to print them and run it with rightclick.19:20
boywonderPici, http://pastebin.com/YrSQbWeJ19:20
wechatJayro: will try myself, i met this issue, but forgot19:20
Jayrook wechat19:20
jribChikokishi: do you have xserver-xorg-video-nouveau installed perchance?19:20
Jayrolol middle, yeah that wouldnt be good, what did u break now?19:20
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Jayro<ojacobson> Jayro: Therefore X11, therefore Java uses X11 to display the UI19:21
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Jayrogot that answer in #java19:21
Jayrosoo.. how do i set up x11?19:21
jribJayro: you already have x1119:22
Chikokishijrib, i just installed ubuntu yesterday and did updates (i was trying to fix sound) i honestly know nothign about ubuntu19:22
MyWayhello, how can I auto-mount my usb ext4 hd? I've tried adding it to fstab, but after a reboot, it hangs on the boot saying it can't find /dev/sdb1 anymore :o19:22
Jayrojrib: wellidk :S19:22
jribChikokishi: what is the output of « apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-nouveau »?19:22
panfisthi, i'm using 10.04 and i was trying to change my network configuration from dhcp to static. i changed the /etc/network/interfaces file and everything was fine, until i restarted.19:22
panfistit seems the settings were not permanent19:23
wechatJayro: If it is try java -jar /path/to/file.jar19:23
chrono86so there's nobody out there that can help me?19:23
wechatJayro: portable/editors/j-0.23.0> java -jar j.jar19:23
alvarohello room19:23
Jayrosame errors19:23
boywonderPici, ?19:23
deuteriumjrib, ikonia, m4v: created launchpad account (sigh), filed bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pip/+bug/71953919:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 719539 in python-pip (Ubuntu) "Update python-pip to v0.8.2 due to severe bug in 0.8.1, see http://pip.openplans.org/news.html#id1" [Undecided,New]19:23
wechatJayro: pastebin errors for us19:23
ChikokishiJrib, i dont know as my ability to click anywhere on the screen has suddenly stopped working =/19:24
VCoolioMyWay: is it there in 'sudo fdisk -l' ? Try a label or UUID instead of /dev/id in fstab, use 'sudo blkid' to find out for the hd19:24
Piciboywonder: Can you tell me what  the output of:  uname -m   is?19:24
MyWayVCoolio: I've tried UUID, too. It works the first time, then if I restart, it doesn't work anymore, why only one time?19:24
pestilencei have a microsoft natural multimedia keyboard connected through a KVM switch to ubuntu 10.10.  the f{1-12} keys don't work.  any clues?19:25
erUSULMyWay: being usb disk it may not be initialized when fstab is mounted ?19:25
Chikokishijrib: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau:19:25
Chikokishi  Installed: 1:0.0.15+git20100219+9b4118d-0ubuntu519:25
Chikokishi  Candidate: 1:0.0.15+git20100219+9b4118d-0ubuntu519:25
Chikokishi  Version table:19:25
Chikokishi *** 1:0.0.15+git20100219+9b4118d-0ubuntu5 019:25
Chikokishi        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages19:25
Chikokishi        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status19:25
ChikokishiOh, im sorry about that =(19:25
MyWayerUSUL: I have no idea, what can I do? I've tried also an init.d script, but same :(19:25
wechatJayro: maybe file.jar is not executable (rwx) ?19:25
jribChikokishi: remove it, then try your upgrade again19:25
boywonderPici,  i68619:25
mneptokMyWay: use the USB UUID instead of an sd* entry19:26
roygbivJayro: the headlessexception looks telling19:26
Chikokishijrib, please give me the remove code?19:26
Jayrowechat: yes it is19:26
VCoolioMyWay: you have auto among the options in fstab?19:26
MyWaymneptok: I've tried it, it works only one time, when I restart, it doesn't work anymore19:26
jribChikokishi: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau19:26
MyWayVCoolio: I had "defaults"19:26
MyWay(with restart I meant PC reboot)19:27
raisin123Hello somebody please help me. Like an idiot I somehow removed my network applet from the bar on the desktop and now, I don't know how to bring it back. I can't connect to internet !!! I had to log in from a gues account to acess internet. Please help !!!19:27
Jayroroygbiv: what do you mean?19:27
wechatJayro: my j.jar is --x  and it has launched19:27
DaghdhaMy NIC dissapears sometiems (In the OS, it's still in the case) the network plug in top right is cometely gone. It was tehre working.. and at some point it's gone and network is dead19:27
Piciboywonder: Okay, now lets add this repository in a bit of a different way.  do   sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list      and then paste this all the way at the bottom of the file (no spaces in front):   deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner     when you're done press ctrl-o   to save, then ctrl-x to quit.19:27
roygbivJayro: well, either the app wants a graphics environment but can't detect it (most likely case), or it wants to run headless but doesn't think it can19:27
wechatraisin123: sudo ifconfig eth0 up19:27
erUSULraisin123: add a notification area to your top panel. right click on it choose add to panel19:27
erUSULraisin123: look for it in the list19:28
Jayroroygbiv: so what do u suggest i do?19:28
wechatJayro: maybe try anothe jar file not exactly that19:28
VCoolioMyWay: I don't know if auto is default; try again with 'defaults,auto' as options, no space in between (you can omit 'defaults' once something else is there)19:28
Morlpestilence: check if the problem persists without the kvm switch. those switches should be transparent but in my experience they aren't. no software solution for this.19:28
Jayrowechat: others do the same thing19:28
Chikokishijrib: Thanks, that worked =)19:28
wechatJayro: what app is?19:28
roygbivJayro: well i'm not a java pro, but hmm, you are running in a graphics environment right?19:29
raisin123erUSUL: It's not in the list da... I already checked.19:29
ChikokishiIll be back after upgrade19:29
MyWayVCoolio: yes, defaults have "auto", too19:29
Jayroroygbiv: yes19:29
pestilenceMorl: ok, you're probably right.  but i have two other computers that don't have this problem (one windows, one mac, both connected to the KVM)19:29
Jayrowechat: t.e.d.19:29
erUSULraisin123: the network applet is not in the list but the notification area should be19:29
roygbivJayro: is your $DISPLAY set properly?19:29
Jayroroygbiv: i dont know what that is :s19:29
MyWayand what I don't understand is why the first reboot it works, then the second reboot it doesn't work anymore19:29
prefrontaljust upgraded lucid to maverick, fully updated. boots into 2.6.32 kernel even though 2.6.35 is installed. grub-update doesn't add 2.6.35 to the kernel menu. need help.19:30
roygbivJayro: from your terminal, type "echo $DISPLAY" to see what it is set to19:30
alvaroi have a doubt19:30
Jayroroygbiv: 0.019:30
wechatJayro: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread185830.html19:30
alvaroa question sorry19:30
pestilenceMorl: ok, i connected it straight to the computer, made no difference19:30
chrono86is there really no one here who can help me19:31
VCoolioMyWay: sorry, don't know; ask again in ten minutes or so, maybe someone who knows has joined by then19:31
cwheelerNvidia GTX 400 series cards work with ubuntu I assume?19:31
MyWayok VCoolio, thank you anyway19:31
Morlpestilence: much better to debug this without the kvm switch in the way. but i'm afraid i can't help any further.19:31
roygbivJayro: hmm, that should be fine19:31
pestilenceMorl: ok, thanks :-D19:31
Jayrothats it19:32
boywonderPici, there is already three pastes of this at the bottom?19:32
pestilenceit's interesting....xev doesn't even acknowledge buttons being pressed19:32
raisin123erUSUL: dude, nothing is happening !19:33
Piciboywonder: Do they have # in front of them?19:33
boywonderpici yes19:33
Jayrowould reinstalling java do anything?19:33
erUSULraisin123: you added the notification area? ok now do « alt + f2 » and run the command « nm-applet »19:33
boywonderPici, oh sorry no19:33
Piciboywonder: Then go ahead and delete two of them so that theres only one.19:34
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roygbivJayro what is this TED app anyway? just curious19:34
Jayrotorrent episode downloader19:34
Morlpestilence: try showkey in the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal19:34
pestilenceMorl: ok19:34
roygbivJayro well you can try this. it's kind of a shot in the dark but it won't break anything: java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar ted.jar19:34
pestilencehow do i get there without pressing f119:35
raisin123erUSUL: nothing still happened !19:35
Daghdhawhere qould i be able to find NIC errors?19:35
pestilencelucky for me i have other keyboards laying around.  just have to dig them up.19:35
erUSULraisin123: run this in terminal « pgrep -l nm-applet » do you get any output ?19:35
erUSULDaghdha: dmesg ?19:36
DaghdhaI used tohave NIC issues, but then the applet would still be in the panel. Now even the panel isgone. Cani t be caused by powersaving features?19:36
boywonderPici, it says :- File Name to Write: /etc/apt/sources.list19:36
Daghdhalook for NIC? It was clear for NIC19:36
Jayroroygbiv: nope.. :(19:36
boywonderPici,  that was ctrl o not 019:36
Piciboywonder: just press enter19:36
roygbivdid you get the same stack trace as in your paste?19:36
erUSULDaghdha: eth eth0 or sometimes drivername19:37
Jayroits different19:37
wechatJayro: Reinstalling the software packages almost never solves anything, because the old settings and data will remain in hidden folders in the home folder.19:37
roygbivJayro: paste it19:37
Jayro1 sec19:37
roygbiverr pastebin it19:37
Odaymif i were to ..say download any application in .tar format19:37
Odaymand i want to "make" it19:37
Odaymwhere do i extract it to?19:37
DaghdhaerUSUL: Nothing bad in it, normal stuff19:37
Odaymwhat constitutes Program Files on ubuntu19:37
roygbivOdaym: wherever your heart desires19:37
Odaymbut i dont want them all floating around like that19:38
pestilenceMorl: showkey doesn't register anything either19:38
Odaymwhat is that19:38
erUSULDaghdha: what kind of nic aerrors are you tying to see?19:38
kveraswould it be possible to install BOTH Nvidia and the Ati/AMD graphic drivers in ubuntu at the same time? how will the system react?19:38
raisin123erUSUL: I got "2687 nm-applet"19:38
Odaymit's the usual place to put programs in?19:38
danielcI am getting an error when trying to install Asterisk.  Can someone read my pastebin and provide some insight?  http://pastebin.com/RYWx57Ew19:38
roygbivwell, presumably you're downloading source code? once you build and install, you can remove the source19:38
VCoolioOdaym: there is no Program Files in linux; create a 'packages' folder for stuff like that if you wish19:38
Odaymin my Home?19:38
raisin123erUSUL:  I got <<2687 nm-applet>>19:38
erUSULraisin123: so it is running... are you sure you added a notification area in one of you panels?19:38
Odaymor in / ?19:38
VCoolioOdaym: yes, always build as user (configure, make) then install as root (checkinstall, or make install)19:39
VCoolioOdaym: so home, not /19:39
pestilencewhat's the conventional wisdom on a wireless card for a desktop?  which brand for best compatibility with ubuntu19:39
Odaymah, not /19:39
Jayroroygbiv:  oops i guess it is the same :S19:39
Odaymok i will see now19:39
Odaymso it's ./configure19:39
raisin123erUSUL: yes da. I clicked on add to panel> notification area. Then 3 bars came vertically...19:39
kveraspestilence: intel I would say19:39
roygbivJayro that's the same stack heh. i have no idea on this one sorry. but i think the java.awt.HeadlessException is a valuable google search string19:39
erUSULpestilence: atheros; intel ralink19:39
boywonderPici, ok i think thats done19:39
VCoolio!compile | Odaym19:39
ubottuOdaym: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:39
Piciboywonder: Okay, lets run: sudo apt-get update   now19:40
DaghdhaerUSUL: My NIC dissapears .. and also the applet in the top right that indicates there is one19:40
erUSULraisin123: those three bars are not the wifi icon of the nm applet...19:40
VCoolioOdaym: depends on the package, usually 1. autogen.sh or configure 2. make 3. make install but checkinstall is very preferable19:40
pestilencekveras, erUSUL those are chipsets, right?  how about manufacturers?19:41
SpriteSODAguys, quick question: i have a .bin file which is an rpm files collection. how do I extract from it the rpm files so that i could attempt to install them via alien?19:41
Odaymcheckinstall will check AND make?19:41
willi need some help.19:41
pestilencei don't see any desktop wireless cards made by intel, for example19:41
danielcI am getting an error when trying to install Asterisk.  Can someone read my pastebin and provide some insight?  http://pastebin.com/RYWx57Ew19:41
boywonderpart of the error,Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/dists/lucid/Release19:41
kveraswould it be possible to install BOTH Nvidia and the Ati/AMD graphic drivers in ubuntu at the same time? how will the system react? I am setting up a test rig to use for stresstesting GPU cards, and I don't want to restart everytime because I have to install a new driver. so, would it work to have the system running both drivers at the same time, and will it load the correct driver during startup?19:41
erUSULpestilence: well manufactures are not fiable they change the chip and you are out of luck19:41
Jayroroygbiv:  some guy in #java is sure its because i do not have x11 set up in my shell19:41
erUSUL!hcl | pestilence19:41
ubottupestilence: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:41
DaghdhaerUSUL: I'm very dissapointed because i oredered a intell card specifically to not have any bad issues :/19:41
VCoolioOdaym: no, step 1 and 2 first, read the link, there's something on checkinstall there too, it will create a .deb and install that instead of cluttering your file system with files from the packages you can't trace later19:41
kveraspestilence: manufacturer is not very important, just check what chipset it is.19:41
roygbivJayro: that's my suspicion too, but your $DISPLAY is set so i tend to doubt the X11 thing19:41
boywonderPici, part of the error,Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/dists/lucid/Release19:41
kveraspestilence: and nowdays, most of the works just fine19:42
roygbivJayro but it's very possible19:42
erUSULDaghdha: :/ well nothing i can do. tried reloading the driver when the nic dissapears?19:42
Jayroroygbiv:  how do i set it up then?19:42
roygbivJayro: i searched google for "ted java.awt.headlessexception" and got some interesting stuff19:42
raisin123erUSUL: how to reinstall my whole desktop?19:42
Jayroroygbiv:  i will search19:42
erUSUL!resetpanel | raisin123 try this first19:43
ubotturaisin123 try this first: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:43
DaghdhaerUSUL: No, i just reboot19:43
Piciboywonder: Can you get to that url manually?19:43
roygbivjayro good luck19:43
Piciboywonder: Like in your browser?19:43
roygbivin general, java is a PITA heh19:43
boywonderim on iy19:43
Jayroroygbiv:  i do  not understanmd a single thing that came up.. god dammit i just wanna start ted on startup!!!19:43
roygbivJayro: i know. java is such a pain most of the time19:44
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Jayroroygbiv:  im gonan uninstall/install19:44
Piciboywonder: hmm..19:44
erUSULDaghdha: i guess the driver  is e1000 or e1000e ( check with « lsmod | grep e100 » to reload the driver « sudo modprobe -r modulename && sudo modprobe  modulename »19:44
Piciboywonder: okay lets try:  pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list19:45
wechatJayro: Right click on "ted.jar" and choose properties, go to the third tab "permissions" and check the "Allow execute file as program".19:45
Jayrowechat yes i did, 2 hours ago..19:45
xTheGoat121xI deleted one of the two folders listed in my list of keyrings, and now I need to know how to get them back19:45
grogoHi. WHere I can adjust mouse wheel speed??19:46
erUSULraisin123: did that last command helped?19:46
grogoin windows it's easy, but I can't find an option in ubuntu19:46
Piciboywonder: It looks like you're missing the R in partner on the last line there.19:47
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leo_rockwayhello everyone19:48
Odaymyou know that Fade in/out option that comes with Fedora?19:48
PiesieI Want to stream audio online. Read about apache/perl modules which can help. Also heard of Vlc, Darwin. But i think, what i really want a dedicated audio server that's extendable and configurable. Any suggestions?19:48
Odaymwhere you can get ANY window to fade out almost completely and fade back in till visible?19:49
leo_rockwayhow can I make the buttons on the Ambiance theme show up on the right side of the window for every new user? (ie, not manually changing it for each user I add)19:49
Odaymwith alt+mousewheel?19:49
boywonderpico i see so what now?19:49
Thrawnid need to get a patch for wine to get a program working; i read that id have to recompile myself wine with that patch i need; how do i do that?19:49
leo_rockwayPiesie: icecast and idjc19:49
erUSUL!controls | leo_rockway19:49
ubottuleo_rockway: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side19:49
grogoHi. WHere I can adjust mouse wheel speed??19:49
grogoHi. WHere I can adjust mouse wheel speed??19:49
Piciboywonder: Put the r there, then save the file again, then do: sudo apt-get update19:49
wechatleo_rockway: /etc/users.defs ?19:49
boywonderok brb19:49
maedox_grogo: You can't. Isn't it amazing.19:50
grogomaedox_: are you kidding me?19:50
leo_rockwayerUSUL: that only works for a single user and I'd have to run it each time.19:50
leo_rockwaywechat: what?19:50
Thrawnhwo do i recompile and install wine with a custom patch19:50
Piesie@leo: thanks. Hope they aren't gui apps.19:50
JayroWOAH ,i went into the software center and unintalled java common something and now it works from cli :)19:51
maedox_grogo: no, I'm afraid not. At least there was no good way to do it the last time I checked.19:51
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=== Dotoff is now known as Dotted
Miri28Hello, can someone recommend me what is the common/best permission to set for folders/files on apache server? (I am new to this hosting/apache issue ..777. 755. etc... )19:51
leo_rockwayPiesie: icecast isn't. idjc is.19:51
leo_rockwayPiesie: they work together...19:52
Piesie@leo: Ok. Thanks19:52
boywonderPici, ok done19:52
leo_rockwaywechat: that file doesn't exist...19:52
Piciboywonder: great. now:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre19:53
OdaymVCoolio, i untarred the tar.bz2 file where i wanted to, and i am typing "./configure", says no such file etc..19:53
BarnabasMiri28 I dont aim to be rude, but if the permission bits is a question, then perhaps you should not be configuring services publicly available on the internet19:53
Thrawnhow do i patch wine?19:53
wechatleo_rockway: put a command gconf...<change the buttons layout> in one of the files for new users ( maybe /etc/skels -- or somethin')19:53
Odaymi should have put "./configure --help"19:53
PiesieHow about a programming language library to build my own streaming server?19:53
Cyberelveshi there19:53
Odaymand that doesn't work19:54
leo_rockwaywechat: like bashrc? It would work, but it sounds kind of hacky...19:54
Cyberelvesany mouse specialists in here???19:54
wechatleo_rockway: ;)19:54
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leo_rockwaywechat: I'll do that if there's no other way. I thought Gnome kept this in a plain text file somewhere.19:54
Thrawnhow do i patch wine?19:54
wechatleo_rockway: you're are right19:55
leo_rockwaywechat: I saw /usr/share/themes/Ambiance... I modified two files there, but that didn't help.19:55
Thrawni found something like a script how to patch wine but i dont understand half of it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712407 and its dated; can some1 hlp me?19:55
leo_rockwayThrawn: patching is quite straightforward if you use the version the patch was written for.19:56
le0-qemu: could not open disk image /home/andrew/ubuntu-kvm/tmpl_gxmB.qcow2: Permission denied19:56
le0-anyone know why19:56
Thrawnwhats quite straightworward19:56
leo_rockwayThrawn: patching19:56
arandOdaym: how does the directory where you unarchived it to look?19:57
Thrawnleo_rockway: for me quite straighforward is doubleclicking an icon, and for you?19:57
Odaymarand: five dir's, 'application.ini' 'revision' 'yoono-desktop' (has a runnable icon)19:57
jribleo_rockway: there's probably a way to modify the theme.  Or you can just follow ubottu's instructions.  Just apply the changes there to there are system-wide gconf, not a user's.  I imagine that should work19:57
arandle0-: What are the permissions on that specific file?19:57
leo_rockwayjrib: I imagined the same, but I created a test user and it still has the buttons on the left.19:58
leo_rockwayThrawn: then you probably won't be able to patch and recompile.19:58
jribleo_rockway: how is that possible?19:58
Miri28Barnabas: so can you explain to me little about the permission? what is common etc.. ?19:58
Thrawnleo_rockway: i am not able at the moment, which is -surprisingly- the reason why i am asking for help here?19:58
boywonderPici, did i also need to sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts?19:59
Cyberelvesanyone knows something about the issue that a usb mouse gets deactiveated after a few minutes not using it????19:59
arandOdaym: Well in that case you won't be able to ./configure it, see if you can find a readme for it, what kind of software is it?19:59
Piciboywonder: If you'd like, it can't hurt.19:59
leo_rockwayjrib: that's what I don't know.19:59
Odaymyoono, it's like....19:59
boywonderPici, your the man19:59
Odaymthat old program, that runs MSN, Yahoo, etc..19:59
Odaymall in one application19:59
OdaymFacebook, Twitter, etc..19:59
jribleo_rockway: well what is the value for gconf key for the user?19:59
Odaymnot quite19:59
raisin123erUSUL: dude!!! you there? What did you do??? both my toolbars vanished !!!19:59
Odaymthis one has more19:59
Odaymand more GUI and etc..19:59
FloodBot2Odaym: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:59
AbinidiCyberelves: I haven't had that problem and I use a usb mouse all the time20:00
guntbertThrawn: patching/recompiling is usually beyond this channel's topic20:00
wechatleo_rockway: gconf xml schemes ?20:00
boywonderPici, i owe you big styley20:00
macoOdaym: i dont know of any client with mor protocols than pidgin. the old one was gaim, but that was before facebook was added :P20:00
boywonderthanks alot dude20:00
Thrawnguntbert: know a channel on this server where i could find some1 that helps me on that topic?20:00
Piciboywonder: :)20:00
CyberelvesAbinidi, well i have that issue after i've updated the system last time20:00
Odaymcan i "grep -ir ~/yoono 'readme'"?20:00
boywonderi can take them commands for further use20:00
Odaymwill that produce any readme files in that DIR if there are any?20:01
needlezhi, can anyone help me understand why wpa_supplicant wont work on my computer? I get the error that my password may be incorrect, however it is my correct password. The only thing is my router uses WPA2-PSK as its encryption. any ideas would be appreciated.20:01
mneptokboywonder: ask him to /msg you his PayPal credentials. he owes me a Dr. Pepper and a starter motor for a 1927 Studebaker.20:01
guntbertThrawn: did you say you have troubles with wine?  try #winehq20:01
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wechatleo_rockway: echo "gconftool -s /apps/metacity/general/button_layout -t string menu:minimize,maximize,close" >> /etc/skel/.bashrc  -- to CRAZY?20:01
PiciOdaym: No.  That will look for '~/yoono' in 'readme'  try: find /path/ -iname "*readme*"20:01
boywonderi will donate20:02
AbinidiCyberelves: I've updated to the latest updates in Maverick and I haven't had an issue.  What kind of mouse are you using?  I have a Logitech laser mouse20:02
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mneptokboywonder: donate help to others. and if you hang around long enough to help, you'll learn to ignore me.20:02
minimecneedlez: what encryption type (not mode) do you use? for wpa there should be a TKIP or AES mode. Try both of them...20:02
leo_rockwaywechat: no, not crazy, just ugly and hacky.20:02
CyberelvesAbinidi, I am using a logitech mouse man wheel20:02
leo_rockwayjrib: I created new users after running the gconf-tool line20:03
needlezminimec: I have tried both no luck with either20:03
CyberelvesAbinidi, and i've tested it on different usb ports20:03
jribleo_rockway: what gconf-tool line?20:03
wechatleo_rockway: not at all20:03
Guest87255I am wondering if I can ubuntu 10.04LTS going on a Compaq Armada E50020:03
boywondermneptok, Pici  just spent over an hour helping me dude20:03
FloodBot2ggo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
leo_rockwaywechat: yes, it runs that line every time you log in when it only needs to be ran once.20:03
mneptokboywonder: he's a good egg.20:03
leo_rockwayjrib: gconftool-2 --set "/apps/metacity/general/button_layout" --type string "menu:minimize,maximize,close"20:03
Abinidi!mouse | Cyberelves20:03
ubottuCyberelves: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto20:03
boywonderhes in my heart lol20:04
ggoa tunel20:04
minimecneedlez: I had problems with one of my wifi usb sticks. I had to use AES only, if I remember well.20:04
Guest87255it has 6GB20:04
Guest87255What can I do with Linux with a 6GB hard drive?20:04
wechatleo_rockway: xml files in gnome2 folder try'em to hack20:04
boywonderyour in my heart dog!20:04
jribleo_rockway: isn't that for a user?20:04
leo_rockwaywechat: okay, I'll look into that. Thank you.20:04
boywonderid never of been able to resolve that20:04
middleOne question: i am root, but i am unable to cp my pictures folder to my external HDD, why is this, and how cna i get around it?20:04
Guest8725511GB Hard drive, sorry my mistake20:04
leo_rockwayjrib: I ran it as sudo hoping it would modify it for all users. When that wasn't the case I modified the xml in /usr/share/themes/Ambiance/20:04
wechatleo_rockway: hack'em all :)20:04
Guest87255Will Ubuntu 10.04 work on a 11GB Hard drive20:05
jribleo_rockway: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/gconf-24.html.en change the default gconf value20:05
leo_rockwaywechat: I could add it to bashrc, but this is a personal challenge now, haha.20:05
minimecneedlez: You could also try to verify your chip with lsusb in a console (probably). With this info you might find something on the internet.20:05
middleany suggestions? how can i see the permissions on the folders?20:05
guntbertmiddle: rule #1: don't work as root20:05
wechatGuest87255: ussually i placed on 10 gb20:05
wechat* it *20:05
leo_rockwayjrib: oh, that link helps!20:06
middleguntbert >.> i know... but i logged in as root so i could copy these files20:06
leo_rockwaythank you20:06
wechatleo_rockway: hah20:06
minimecneedlez: for integrated wifi cards it might be with 'lspci'20:06
needlezminimec: I've tried to use both seperately I meant. I had it set to WPA-PSK with TKIP first and it failed and then tried with WPA2-PSK with AES (CCMP) and both say that the password may be incorrect. I'm wondering if the wireless card I'm using could be the issue. its a realtek 8191 sev8, its built in not usb20:06
tacomasterok im trying to play a .wmv and it plays with mplayer but it gives me a error wmapro support is not implemented update your FF mpeg version to the newest one from SVN. i dont know what folder to go to, to do the svn update20:06
Guest87255What is the capacity as far as how much hard drive space will Ubuntu 10.04 LTS take up on a 11GB?20:06
middlehowever i jsut get 'file omitted' no matter what i try20:06
guntbertmiddle: bad habit, what files do want to copy from where to where?20:06
wechatjrib: get right ! I was too lazy to search for that article . Thanks to support my suggestions20:06
minimecneedlez: so check 'lspci'20:07
needlezminimec: RTL8191SEvB sorry typo, B not 820:07
Guest87255And does Ubuntu work with PCMCIA devices well still?20:07
jribleo_rockway: more to the point: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/gconf-7.html.en20:07
middleok new problem.20:07
middlehow do i mount my HDD from the CLI?20:07
minimecneedlez: did you check that too? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163589220:08
lithprhi- i was wondering whether there was a gnome applet/indicator to show if a cd or usb stick is mounted?  I tried the diskmounter, but it puts too many buttons on my panel20:08
Abinidimiddle: if you are at the ciommand line, isn't it already mounted?20:08
jymerei just want to know (for those who play at Mines) what is their best times (easy-medium-expert)20:08
middleok i unplug it20:08
mactimesmiddle, sudo mount -t <partition_type> /dev/<partition> /path/to/mount/point20:08
lithprthere is a really great one in KDE, and i miss it :)20:08
flowbeedoes ubuntu support ad hoc connections?  i have a thinkpad t61 with intel 4965 adapater.20:08
macoflowbee: yes20:09
middleif i plug it in i get a load of info20:09
wechatflowbee: Good notebook?20:09
minimecneedlez: It seems that this card is not yet well supported.20:09
middlewould anyone be willing to SSH to my box and do it for me?20:09
jribmiddle: no20:09
needlezminimec: its not that the wireless isn't working cuz I'm on the wireless right now, my thing is that just if I kill network manager, and avahi-daemon and try to run wpa_supplicant from terminal it fails to connect20:09
minimecneedlez: http://www.ge.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159788120:09
flowbeewechat, had it for 3.5 years; still going strong20:10
minimecneedlez: ok. There I cannot help you ;)20:10
F|shiehello every1,I am trying to install a dummy-snd module to enable some applications20:10
tacomasterok im trying to play a .wmv and it plays with mplayer but it gives me a error wmapro support is not implemented update your FF mpeg version to the newest one from SVN. i dont know what folder to go to, to do the svn update20:10
F|shiethat requires a sound driver, but i get this error http://pastebin.com/sFJeyKqe any1 got clues to this20:10
wechatflowbee: workin ubuntu nice?20:10
needlezminimec: thank you tho, I'm gonna look over these and see if they have anything I might not of tried20:11
middlemactimes what would i put for partition type? like give me an example of how to mount an external HDD20:11
KGBWolf564ON CRONTAB -E will this commad work?  01 04 * * * sudo date 111111112010 ?20:11
jribKGBWolf564: no20:11
flowbeewechat, yeah; ive been running it for years.  thinking of getting one?20:11
wechatflowbee: in that way :)20:12
wechat* on *20:12
Blazentohello. I just installed Ubuntu on my Dell. I am trying to set up Dual monitors. When i go to System-> Preferences-> Monitors and unclick "same image on all monitors" i keep getting prompted to "log out and log back in" and i do so, but my settings never change20:12
Kinder-Pingvihello. I need help... give me please url how to configure radeonfb (sorry my english)20:13
snuffhow can i config my synaptic multi-touchepad , that i can use multitouche?20:13
middlei will just have to loose all of my images for ever20:13
jrib!helpme | middle20:13
ubottumiddle: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude20:13
NooBoontoomiddle: Well that's how Ubuntu works20:13
jribmiddle: what happens when you try to mount the drive?20:13
NooBoontoomiddle, I once lost like 500 CANOn pictures that needed to be edited20:14
wechatmiddle: what?20:14
middlei have no idea, if you missed the convo earlier, my Ubuntu isntall is messed up big time20:14
middleand i am jsut trying ot recover my pictures before i wipe it20:14
F|shiehello every1,I am trying to install a dummy-snd module to enable some applications that requires a sound driver, but i get this error http://pastebin.com/sFJeyKqe any1 got clues to this20:14
leo_rockwaywechat: jrib: /var/lib/gconf/debian.defaults/%gconf-tree.xml <--- this is the file. Thank you for your help.20:14
jribleo_rockway: ok, I hope you are not editing that directly though20:15
wechatleo_rockway: thanks for jbrs20:15
middlebelieve it or not im not that new, i just made one fatal mistake20:15
wechatleo_rockway: thanks for jrib20:15
middleand it has messed everythign up =[20:15
wechatleo_rockway: happy to help you20:15
leo_rockwayjrib: will it get overwritten with an upgrade?20:15
jribmiddle: are you on your broken install now?20:15
middletime to start again20:15
Kinder-Pingvihey.. people, help me with framebuffer... i need to use radeonfb..20:15
snuffdoes someone have the neo k125?20:15
middleno i jsut booted into a live USB20:15
leo_rockwayjrib: I did edited it manually directly.20:15
jribleo_rockway: you should be using gconftool, the links I gave you describe how20:15
middlei was seconds ago though20:15
middleoh andn no i am on my Laptop20:15
wechatleo_rockway: Is it now an ugly way?20:15
middleif that is what you meant20:15
leo_rockwaywechat: all new users have ambiance with buttons on the right.20:16
jribmiddle: do you want to get the pictures?20:16
jrib!who | middle20:16
snuffmy k 125 dont change the cpu frequenz20:16
ubottumiddle: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:16
middleubottu: yeah sorry20:16
zkriesseQuick question, I know how to CHANGE user permissions for a folder/file in terminal but how do I check to see what the current user permissions for a folder/file are20:16
leo_rockwayokay, thanks for everything, bye.20:17
jribmiddle: the pictures are on your laptop?20:17
jribzkriesse: ls -l20:17
middlejrib: the pictures are on the HDD of my PC that is messe dup20:17
jribzkriesse: ls -ld  for a directory20:17
zkriesseOk thanks...20:17
F|shieI am trying to install a dummy-snd module to enable some applications that requires a sound driver, but i get this error http://pastebin.com/sFJeyKqe any1 got clues to this -_-20:17
zkriesseFor a file though?20:17
Picizkriesse: stat -s /path/to/whatever    as well20:17
jribmiddle: are they on the same partition as your ubuntu install?20:17
zkriesseSo ls -ld /path/to/folder20:18
zkriessePici: Thanks20:18
jribzkriesse: you can use ls -ld on a file too if you want but you don't *need* the -d20:19
jribmiddle: and what's the issue?  You can't boot your ubuntu to get to your pictures?20:19
cordoval_hi there, I have a hp dv6700 and laptop's keyboard goes crazy when typing, mouse stops working and mousepad20:19
cordoval_any command to debug this? or to track or to send a bug report? I need help!20:19
cordoval_where should I look at?20:19
minimecF|shie: Did you compile this module yourself?20:20
middlejrib: i can boot into a root shell with networking, get to the directory i need to copy the files from, but i need to be able to mount my external HDD to copyt them to. That is the issue20:21
jribmiddle: and what happens when you attempt to mount your external?20:21
middlei don't know how to thats the point20:21
nzei'm trying to use sshfs on ubuntu 8.04, but am having problems with permissions20:21
middlejrib: i don't know how to thats the point20:22
cordoval_what is the command to resolve bug issues when keyboard stops responding properly?20:22
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nzei added my user to the fuse group, but still cant 'fail to open /dev/fuse'20:22
cordoval_t how to track hp dv6700 keyobard and mouse problem?20:22
jribmiddle: mount /dev/sdX /mnt                 where /dev/sdX corresponds to your external20:22
nzewhich is crw----r-x root:root by default20:23
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nzeis it save to just chown root:fuse and chmod g+rw it?20:23
oxodesignhi why im I running apache with 2 diff users (http://pastie.org/1567818)20:23
middlejrib: will i jsut make up X?20:24
minimeccordoval_: Your keyboard and mouse are configured by the xserver, but 'announced' to the system via udev. I would first try to find any issue in combination with udev.20:24
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oxodesignhow can I close the process that runs with root?20:24
erUSULnze: well something is fishy there in my 10.04 system is crw-rw-rw- 1 root fuse 10, 229 2011-02-15 21:23 /dev/fuse20:24
Blazentohello. I just installed Ubuntu on my Dell. I am trying to set up Dual monitors. When i go to System-> Preferences-> Monitors and unclick "same image on all monitors" i keep getting prompted to "log out and log back in" and i do so, but my settings never change20:24
snuff_how can i remove an old kernel?20:25
erUSULsnuff_: i use synaptic20:25
guntbertsnuff: use your favorite software manager to remove it20:25
jribmiddle: no, you will not just make it up20:25
cordoval_pleaes can you repaste your response? I accidentally clear the text on this window20:26
cordoval_please respond again , i missed your response thanks!20:26
snuff_thanks . and how can i change the cpu frequenz ? because the perfomence tool on the task doesnt work20:26
needlezhi, anyone able to help me with wpa_supplicant?? This is the error I'm getting. http://pastie.org/1567821    This is what my wpa_supplicant.conf file looks like http://pastie.org/1567824... and yes those are example psk and psk hash, not my real ones20:26
middlejrib: so what do i put? sorry for my incompetence20:26
nzeerUSUL: thanks, that goes in line with what i see on my debian and my arch box. i'll just allow group to write then (not sure about giving others rw-)20:26
doughj3I have configured /etc/network/interfaces with a static ipv6, but I am also getting an address through DHCP apparently20:26
cordoval_please respond again20:27
doughj3i.e. I have two ipv6 global addresses.20:27
lykeusI have just tried to encrypt my home and root partitions (which I think was successful), but know I get the following error message on boot: "cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available", dropping after a while to ash and am a little bit lost. Does someone have a nice pointer to some solution for me, or a place to look for more information regarding that error?20:27
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doughj3How can I stop getting the address through dhcp?20:27
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cordoval_help could someone repaste the respond someone gave me on this channel minute ago?20:27
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cordoval_it is the only one thanks20:27
jo-erlenddoughj3, use a static address. You can configure that in network-manager.20:27
guntbertcordoval_: <minimec> cordoval_: Your keyboard and mouse are configured by the xserver, but 'announced' to the system via udev. I would first try to find any issue in combination with udev.20:27
omegaphihi, what is the command to check the permissions of a file?20:27
altantalguien sabe como acelerar los menus de xubuntu?20:27
doughj3jo-erlend: I did configure a static address.20:27
cordoval_something about xorg20:28
jribmiddle: are you on the system now?  What does « ls -l /dev/sd* » return?20:28
jo-erlendOmega, ls -l, for instance.20:28
doughj3I am getting two addresses now, my static one and a dynamic one.20:28
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omegaphihi, what is the command to check the permissions of a file? anyone ? :)20:28
LjLomegaphi: ls -l will do20:28
jo-erlendomegaphi, I just told you?20:28
jo-erlendoh. Sorry. Tab error :)20:28
omegaphiok :)20:29
middlejrib: will what i had tried before have affected it? i will reboot and try that again20:29
cordoval_how to find any issue with udev?20:29
cordoval_cordoval_: <minimec> cordoval_: Your keyboard and mouse are configured by the xserver, but 'announced' to the system via udev. I would first try to find any issue in combination with udev.20:29
jribmiddle: I don't see how20:29
middleah well too late20:29
snuff_and how can i use multitouche at a synaptic touchepad?20:30
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Griz64which nvidia package do i want/need to run a GeForce 6150 LE ?? (10.04.1 is the release it will be on)20:30
middlejrib: /dev/sda 1,2,2,5 + sdb 120:30
doughj3If I don't have eth0 inet6 dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces, why would it automatically get an address, in addition to the inet6 address I DID specifiy in /etc/network/interfaces20:31
jribmiddle: is your external one large partition?20:31
minimeccordoval_: try to search the internet like 'hp dv6700' 'udev' 'ubuntu'20:31
middlejrib: sda sda1 sda1 sda2 sda5 sdb sdb120:31
dodecahedronI'm running into an issue about ecryptfs20:31
middlejrib: i thought it was20:31
danielcHow do you install Asterisk on Ubuntu-Desktop?20:32
cordoval_sudo apt-get install asterisk20:32
roger_padactoranyways to find out the physical location of a wireless router?20:32
dodecahedronI set up ecrypt to encrypt my home directory20:32
jribmiddle: then replace "X" with "b1" in the mount command20:32
dodecahedronbut now I resized the partition20:32
dodecahedronand login fails because the directory is not automatically mounted20:32
minimeccordoval_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74329920:32
hardheadhow do I partition my hard drive on the UBUNTU OS20:32
danielccordoval_, I have it installed, but it won't open in Gastman.20:32
evilsush1is there a repository for touch screen apps?20:32
jrib!encrypted | dodecahedron20:33
ubottudodecahedron: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory20:33
dodecahedronso I can access the data if I use ecryptfs-mount-private20:33
middlejrib: slightly stupider quesiton, what directory will it be at?20:33
jribdodecahedron: automatic login only happens if some file exists in ~/.ecryptfs.  I forget the name of the file exactly, but the link will probably help (check references at the bottom too)20:33
jribmiddle: /mnt20:33
middlederp, cheers20:33
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minimeccordoval_: I see that the link I posted is not about any issue with keyboard...20:34
dodecahedronjrib: how ~ would be accessible if it is encrypted20:34
wechathardhead: fdisk /dev/sba        m p d n w q20:34
dodecahedronit's not only the Private directory that is encrypted20:35
dodecahedronbut all ~20:35
danielcNo help20:35
middlejirb: oh good god it still dodn't work... something is screwy with the permissions, i am root, and the two folders that i couldn't paste before are still being omitted20:35
hardheadhow do I partition my hard drive on UBUNTU and is it a good Idea to have UBUNTU and UBUNTU SERVER patitioned on the same Hard drive20:35
jribdodecahedron: that's fine, you'll see that you'll still have ~/.ecryptfs before decrypting, then when you encrypt your real home will show up in ~20:35
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minimeccordoval_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/57163 ;)20:35
jribmiddle: use sudo20:35
hardheadwechat: thank you20:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 57163 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer crash - file bug (dup-of: 45200)" [Undecided,New]20:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 45200 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[Flight 7] installer crashed trying to select partition for mount point" [Medium,Fix released]20:35
cordoval_minimec reading20:35
cordoval_minimec: reading that one20:35
jribdodecahedron: unless you did some sort of setup that differs from what the installer does in which case you can probably just take ~/.ecryptfs to mean .ecryptfs20:36
middlejrib: nope, i am root i can't see why it would deny me it20:37
minimeccordoval_: may a solution https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/571638/comments/1320:37
dodecahedronin /home I have my ~ and .ecryptfs20:37
jribmiddle: pastebin20:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 571638 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Keyboard does not work when touchpad disable button pressed" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:37
middlewhat is the prompt to login as my user where the files are20:37
jribdodecahedron: what's in ~20:37
delkinI'm trying ti put my wlan0 interface to static ip. I think i have the interfaces file well configured, cause when i $ /etc/init.d/networking restart, it works well, and my new ip is configured. I check with ifconfig. But when I turn OFF and then ON the wireless, I have another ip back again... What might be? Why isnt it recalling the interfaces file when i restart the wireless?20:37
dodecahedronsorry my mistake20:37
jribdodecahedron: before decrypting20:37
hardheadwechat: where do I find fdisk /dev/sba20:37
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middlejirb: what is the 'login' command, if i want to login as middle20:37
wechathardhead: sudo fdisk /dev/sda20:37
minimeccordoval_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/549727/comments/4220:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 549727 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "[10.04] Touchpad stops working after login" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:37
erUSULdelkin: interfaces file can not react to hotplug ( the hardware comming and going ) events20:38
Wulfydelkin, is your router running a dhcp server?20:38
dodecahedron.ecrypts is a symlink to /home/.ecryptfs/joel/.ecryptfs20:38
jribdodecahedron: then that's what you want :)20:38
erUSULdelkin: why not use network manager?20:38
cba123top is saying I have 33meg ram free, but gnome-system-monitor says I have +3gig free.  Any ideas?20:38
dodecahedronyes but what I don't understand, is why it doesn't unlock automatically as it used to do20:38
nownotlooking here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git setting up a repo confused on this "sudo -H -u gitosis gitosis-init < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" this is setting it up for single user but what if i want mulitple users20:39
jribdodecahedron: well do you have the magic file in there to tell it to do so?20:39
dodecahedronI resized the partition20:39
dodecahedronbut I wasn't expecting it to fail20:39
Wulfycba123,  try [Global Notice] Hi everyone. You will have possibly noticed some instability on the network earlier this evening. The network is under a sustained DDoS and so lag and possible further splits are to be expected. We apologise for the inconvenience - our fantastic sponsorship and infra teams are working to minimise the further impact. Have a nice evening!20:39
Wulfy* FloodBot2 sets mode -j #ubuntu20:39
guntbertcba123: when in doubt: believe top20:39
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middlejrib: i am logged in as middle, how do i login as root?20:39
Wulfycba123,  try http://www.linuxatemyram.com/20:39
jribmiddle: just use sudo20:40
middlejrib: i am logged in as middle, how do i login as root? <-- other way round *facepalm*20:40
djoefHi, I want to learn how to make & manage my own repository for my projects at work using subversion, should I install the terminal version of svn and simply work with that, or do you recommend a GUI ? (and which one ?)20:40
wechatmiddle: $ login20:40
erUSULdelkin: well it looks like it can ... you have to install ifplud daemon and add « allow_hotplug wlan0 » but honestly network manager looks like a better solution20:40
cba123guntbert, Yeah, but I'm not noticing any slowdown at all, like I'd expect with 30meg free.20:40
jribmiddle: su - middle  will log you in as middle, if that's your question20:40
aeon-ltddjoef: whatever you prefer really20:40
Wulfycba123,  the reason being is disk caching look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ for a bette explanation20:41
jribdodecahedron: quick google says the magic file is ~/.ecryptfs/auto-mount20:41
MindPhreakHello everyone, I had a little query about my ubuntu system. I wanted to know that how can I send print jobs from a Windows 7 system to a printer connect to USB over a local area network .20:41
dodecahedronit's empty20:41
djoefaeon-ltd, If I would prefer a GUI, which one would you suggest ? (And is it better to work with terminal version first, to get the real idea of committing etc  ?)20:41
middlejrib: i did su middle and it rebooted20:42
jribdodecahedron: "it's empty" is too vague20:42
dodecahedronblank empty20:42
middlei take it it needs the dash20:42
MindPhreakHello everyone, I had a little query about my ubuntu system. I wanted to know that how can I send print jobs from a Windows 7 system to a printer connect to USB over a local area network .20:42
jribdodecahedron: I don't know what you mean by "it"20:42
minimecMindPhreak: There are multiple solution. Involving a windows system I would probably recommend 'samba'20:42
aeon-ltddjoef: can't really reccommend a gui, but in general i prefer command line as its much more 'direct' plus it allows you to work in other environments where a gui is not available20:42
jribdodecahedron: yeah, that's fine.  That should be sufficient20:42
delkinWulfy, I dont know. Probably, cause everytime i connect to it, it gives me an random ip20:43
dodecahedronso the file's presence is sufficient20:43
erUSULMindPhreak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu then add an ipp printer in windows. ipp is the protocol cups uses20:43
MindPhreakminimec, Well, I have looked for answers on google, but the solution they give is for a printer connected to windows system with the client being an ubi system.20:43
cordoval_minimec: hmm, thanks but it seems nothing with keyboard20:43
Wulfydelkin,  tell your router to save your current ip perminatly to your mac and you should be good to go20:43
MindPhreakThank you very much,  erUSUL20:43
dodecahedronbut I still don't understand why I couldn't login20:43
dodecahedronI thought about some checksum that changed since I resized20:44
delkinWulfy, i'll try to find that20:44
cordoval_minimec: have you had similar problems?20:44
minimeccordoval_: Still. I guess you might try taht. You can always step back. At least you know, that there is a 'input device' problem with your hardware.20:44
Wulfydelkin,  good luck msg me if you get lucky20:44
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middlejrip: i give up, nothing works20:44
middlei will have to wipe it all.20:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 549727 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "[10.04] Touchpad stops working after login" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:45
cordoval_minimec: hmm20:45
minimeccordoval_: Nope. Normally HP Computers are rather painless when it comes to linx. I have an old HP/Compaq nc800 here.20:46
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minimecMindPhreak: Other solution is to connect yourself directly to the cups server on the server via LPD/LPR20:48
StarminnMy Update Manager just ran in 10.10/Maverick and there was a package named "Kerperos" -- curious as to what that might be, I ubottu'd it and ubottu stated that it did not exist in Maverick... So why is it that my Update Manager felt the need to download it?20:49
SolvedWhat do I have to do to a USB in order to make it able to possible to put the windows 7 iso on it and install windows using it?20:50
Solved(In Ubuntu)20:50
erUSULSolved: not sure if unetbootin can do it?20:50
minimecMindPhreak: I personally use Internet Printing Protocol (ipp) on a pure Linux network, but that should also work with winX I guess. I did that once, if I remember well.20:50
inveximal ko da se mogu sporazumit :P ?20:51
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SolvedStarminn: Most likely, you downloaded a package that is not supported by Maverick, and it is an update for it20:51
wechatSolved : dd ?20:51
wechatSolved : dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdb120:52
StarminnSolved: Ah, alright, that would make sense -- figured it was something like that. Is there any way to determine what that package might have been?20:52
Solvedwechat: I have no idea, I just know there is something I have to do20:52
erUSULSolved: nope; only works for linux livecd's20:52
SolvedStarminn: Not sure, sorry.20:52
mogawihow could I list all the users in irssi? /who dosn't work20:52
StarminnSolved: Sure thing, not a problem. :)20:52
Pici!info libkrb5-3 | Starminn20:52
ubottuStarminn: libkrb5-3 (source: krb5): MIT Kerberos runtime libraries. In component main, is standard. Version 1.8.1+dfsg-5ubuntu0.4 (maverick), package size 340 kB, installed size 876 kB20:52
PiciStarminn: It was a security update.20:53
Solvedmogawi: I believe its just the regular commands for that20:53
hotrodhi people, what is the best firewall in ubuntu ? i work in hospical has 200 client. we use software named as KERIO Control. for access internet and access stuff in network. i want install ubuntu this computer and use any good firewall software ( with good UI )20:53
Solved(Regular IRC commands)20:53
guntbert!best | hotrod20:53
ubottuhotrod: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:53
wechathotrod: Webmin, Zentyal  ?20:53
mogawiSolved: dont understand your answer20:54
Starminn!find Kerperos > Pici20:54
mogawiis it the wrong command or what20:54
Solvedmogawi: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=IRC+commands20:54
StarminnPici: So is ubottu just not updated?20:54
guntbert!webmin | wechat, hotrod20:54
ubottuwechat, hotrod: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:54
mogawiSolved: thanks20:54
PiciStarminn: Its not the package name, and you're spelling it wrong.20:54
wechati don't like Webmin20:54
jattiptables is the best firewall20:54
StarminnPici: Ah, that would probably do it. :) Alright, thanks.20:54
Picimogawi: /names or /who #channel  or ask in #irssi20:54
erUSULjatt: wechat every firewall in linux is iptables at the end. but high level tools to easy administration exist20:55
mogawithanks no activity in there20:55
SolvedCan anybody tell me what I need to do to a USB in order to make it be able to install Windows 7 onto a computer. (Other than copy the .iso onto it)20:55
erUSULSolved: you need a windows machine ...20:56
Picimogawi: sure there, is, you haven't asked that question there.20:56
mogawiI asked another one and there where no answer20:56
guntbertSolved: this is ubuntu support20:56
aeon-ltdSolved: also ask in #windows they will know more20:56
Solvedaeon-ltd: its a torrented copy of windows20:56
Solvedguntbert: I need to know how to do it on Ubuntu20:56
StarminnSolved: You did burn the .iso and not just literally copy the .iso on to it, right?20:57
maco2Solved: and therefore can't be discussed here20:57
wechatSolved: search how to make bootble usb with syslinux on *their* sites20:57
maco2wechat: er, how is syslinux bootability supposed to help someone who wants *windows* to boot from usb?20:57
Starminnmaco2: He was just saying to make a bootable usb *with* syslinux, not *for* syslinux20:58
SolvedLet me rephrase the question. How do I make a usb into a bootable device which holds an OS20:58
maco2Solved: install to the usb stick if its large enough?20:59
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jattSolved: which OS?20:59
maco2Solved: however since we're discussing pirated software, you'll be betting no further help here20:59
Solvedmaco2: I put the .iso on the usb, and then boot with it plugged in, and thats it?20:59
wechatmaco2: in our cold country there a lot of usb or disks with *it* and some partition apps at the same usb at the same time They all use isolinux20:59
maco2*be getting20:59
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maco2Solved: copying an iso is not the same as installing. at all.20:59
StarminnSolved: Hit USB and hit "Show me how" http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download20:59
SolvedStarminn: I don't think its the same with Ubuntu21:00
MrMintanetWhat is the best VPN Server software for Ubuntu 10.10?21:00
Fish-FaceOK I just upgraded to Maverick and I'm having trouble recompiling some C++ file21:00
SolvedYou can use unetbootin21:00
StarminnSolved: Obviously that's for Ubuntu, but the general method applies. It may be different for what you want to do which is why #windows is the place to go21:00
wechatMrMintanet: sudo aptitude install openvpn21:00
EidelMrMintanet: i like OpenVPN, very secure21:00
Fish-Facethe error given by G++ is "no matching function for call to ‘stat::stat(const char*, stat*)’" - so I'm guessing I'm missing a development package21:00
maco2Solved: right, ubuntu's iso is a live cd and so specially formulated to run that way. that's why an iso can be used to put it on a cd. windows is not designed to run from a live cd because microsoft doesnt want that. now stop trying to get us to help you violate the terms of the license21:00
MyWayhello, when I reboot my notebook, my external hd disappears (wd my book 3.0) and it's not auto-mounted, what can I do?21:01
MrMintanetMyWay, unplug it and replug it in21:01
hippytaffsolved: use unetbootin to install the iso onto the usb21:02
MyWayMrMintanet: it works, but isn't there a way to do it automatically?21:02
MyWayI'd have to unplug/plug everytime I reboot :o21:02
guntbert!info build-essential | Fish-Face try this21:02
ubottuFish-Face: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5 (maverick), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB21:02
Fish-Faceguntbert, I made sure I had build-essential installed21:03
* shox lol21:03
* shox prend xa dans ces bras.21:03
MrMintanetMyWay, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=automatically+mount+USB+Ubuntu+10.1021:03
Fish-FaceI already compiled this file before the upgrade, too - so it must be something that's changed during the upgrade21:03
dodecahedronjrib: I solved my problem21:03
Fish-FaceI was wondering whether one of the packages build-essential pulls in has changed or didn't get updated21:03
dodecahedronactually the problem was totally unrelated21:03
dodecahedronin the process of resizing my /home, I also created a /tmp partition21:04
dodecahedronand the permissions were wrong21:04
dodecahedronso it wasn't ecryptfs that failed21:04
dodecahedronbut all gdm configuration at boot21:04
* shox RON21:04
dodecahedronbut thank you21:04
guntbertFish-Face: in other words: you really did your homework :-)), but I have no more ideas, sorry21:04
Fish-Faceguntbert, heheh, yeah - I think I just solved it though21:04
Fish-Facethere was no #include <sys/stat.h> in the source - I'm guessing previous versions of g++ were more liberal21:05
Fish-Facethanks for your help though :)21:05
guntbertFish-Face: sometimes all you need is a sounding board :-)   glad you worked it out21:06
jose9ça va?21:07
MrMintanetWindows is better than Ubuntu?21:07
guntbert!ot | MrMintanet21:07
ubottuMrMintanet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:07
FrekkHi! I have installed Dropbox Server Edition on my Ubuntu box, and I want to share the entire folder with another user. Dropbox do not allow me to share the entire Dropbox, but instead I can put all the files in a subfolder. However, I was wondering if there were any ways I could link the main folder with the subfolder so they pratically is the same folder? (No, I do not want to have a double set of files)21:07
minimecMrMintanet: Probalby depends on the point of view ;)21:07
patcitoI have my home encrypted with ecryptfs, is it safe to just backup the /home/.ecryptfs ? Or do I need to umount .Private first? I’m not sure21:07
FrekkAny help would be much appreciated!21:07
aeon-ltdMrMintanet: thats subjective aswell as dependent on your needs21:07
MrMintanetCan someone tell me if Ubuntu is an operation system or an "operating" system.21:08
jattoperation system21:08
hippytaffMrMintanet: an OS like windows or OSx for mac21:09
hippytaffnot like them though...better ;-)21:09
MrMintanetIt seems like I am conducting an operation rather than operating with my OS.21:09
jimcooncatI've mostly heard it called an operating system. Maybe that's US usage only.21:09
Guest87255Would it be any problem if I installed the netbook version of Ubuntu on a regular laptop?21:09
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haydemon_Can you see me?21:10
minimechaydemon_: No, but we can read you ;)21:10
trainerMrMintanet, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system#Linux_and_GNU21:10
MindPhreakerUSUL, So, I wonder how to i add an IPP printer to windows  ?21:10
ChikokishiI got my sound to work =)21:11
jimcooncatGuest87255, should be ok, but you should check the hardware pages on Ubuntu wiki first before installing to a new machine.21:11
minimecMindPhreak: ipp://yourserver/your-printer-queue ...21:11
harleypigIs add-apt-repository in a separate package? I'm running maverick and I can't find it.21:11
MindPhreakOh, thank you very much minimec .21:12
ChikokishiDoes someone know a good website with a list of commands and such for terminal/ ubuntu in general?21:12
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MrMintanetChikokishi, Have you not heard of Google?21:12
sabboooh wild21:13
jimcooncatChikokishi, google for "bash guide". The top hits should include a Beginners and Advanced guide.21:13
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erUSULMrMintanet: have you? heard of google i mean ---> http://howto.ccs.neu.edu/howto/printing/adding-an-ipp-printer-queue-to-windows-vista/21:13
ChikokishiMrMintanet, Yes.. as it turns out i have.  And iv looked around on it, but i keep finding websites for specific tasks - not a general list21:13
MrMintaneterUSUL, I have no idea why you keep talking about horrible things like that.21:14
MrMintanetChikokishi, Try this link...  http://lmgtfy.com/?q=good+website+with+a+list+of+commands+and+such+for+terminal%2F+ubuntu+in+general%3F21:14
StarminnChikokishi: Does that help http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html ?21:14
MyWayhello, when I boot my notebook, my external HD is auto-mounted. If I reboot it, the HD is not auto-mounted anymore, anybody knows the reason?21:14
MrMintanetMyWay, How did the link I sent you earlier not help?21:15
MyWayMrMintanet: no :( because It's auto-mounted when I boot for the first time, but it's not mounted anymore if I reboot21:15
BiPolahMyWay: What filesystem is it?21:15
erUSUL!es | Camacho21:16
ubottuCamacho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:16
BiPolahMyWay: Do you have an entry in your fstab for it?21:16
Camachoany spanish here?21:16
guntbertharleypig: it is in python-software-properties21:16
MrMintanetMyWay, sudo and edit fstab21:16
BiPolah!es | camacho21:16
ubottucamacho: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:16
LjLCamacho: no. va in #ubuntu-es21:16
MyWayBiPolah: not now, but I've tried with it, too. When I reboot, it disappear with a screen saying I can boot without mounting it or modifying it manually21:16
MyWayit seems there is no way to have it mounted after a reboot :(21:17
sabboothat is NOT spanish21:17
ChikokishiStarminn: Im going to look though that site, thanks!21:17
wechatje va a l'ecole21:17
ecretI am trying to avoid always using root. But i often need to set permissions or use sudo. Is there another way other than just using root or constantly logging inthe root account to do small tasks?21:17
LjLsabboo: he means "aquí" ;(21:17
BiPolahMyWay: Are you sure you set the entry right?21:17
jimcooncatecret: sudo -i21:17
MyWayBiPolah: yes, I've tried with /dev/sdb1 and the UUID, too, same result21:17
guntbertecret: get used to using sudo21:17
wechatecret: man sudo_root21:17
sabbooi know what he means, that's why i knew it wasn't what he wanted to say ;)21:17
Camachoa ver21:18
XuMuKCamacho, unos cuantos. el canal español está en #ubuntu-es21:18
ecretah wow thanks guys, i will try all 321:18
Guest87255if I install Ubuntu netbook through windows..21:18
StarminnChikokishi: When I wanted to learn terminal commands that's what I found after, like you, not finding what I wanted in general, so see how that treats you. I don't know about some of the more "advanced" things, but that should get you started anyway. Glad to help.21:18
guntbertwechat: don't recommend dubious practises please21:18
Camachomuchas graciaas!21:18
MyWayif I shutdown my notebook and start it again, it works, but if I reboot it, it doesn't21:18
Guest87255Is it possible I can take windows out?21:18
StarminnGuest87255: Only if you tell it to.21:18
mtkorbI've been booting Ubuntu from a flash drive. I recently mounted 2 hard drives, and now I can no longer boot from the flash drive. It says "Begin: Running /scripts/local-bottom ... Done. Done. Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... Done." And it freezes here. It does the same thing when I try to boot in recovery mode. Can anyone help me with this?21:18
banana_fishhello all can someone help me out in uninstalling the official ati drivers from my system21:19
wechatguntbert: ok21:19
vincent_what is this little program that opens up your chess log file? why does it only display the first game of that file?21:19
Chikokishijimcooncat: What is "bash scripting" really?  Is it like program scripting or is it like linux commands?21:19
BiPolahMyWay: Can your pastebin your fstab please?21:19
banana_fishI cant seem to find anything anywhere on how to remove them only install them21:19
Guest87255Right now I am installing Ubuntu netbook with Windows running, so it seems I am going it through wubi.. but in the end I'd like it to take Windows.21:19
jimcooncatGuest87255, not if you have Ubuntu installed with wubi21:19
guampaecret: you can use "sudo -s" to get a root shell21:19
MyWayBiPolah: yes21:19
lcbhi. i have a laptop running with external monitor and keyboard. i would like backlist the modules for the original keyboard and monitor. is there a specific option to look for it ?... modprobe --list doesn't look right21:19
MrMintanetI am presently on an iBook G4 with 10.10 installed, and everything is running great.  I just wish I could enable 3D Compiz settings...  Anyone?  Anyone?21:19
BiPolahMrMintanet: Have you got the settings manager, but they don't work?21:19
StarminnGuest87255: To make Ubuntu overtake Windows you'll have to do it with a LiveCD. Using WUBI Ubuntu is part of essentially Windows.21:20
jimcooncatChikokishi, when you're in terminal on Ubuntu, you're in a bash session (unless you change it).21:20
haydemon_Hi. My first time here. I have a dual boot system (Windows XP & Ubuntu 10.10), but my hard drive is running out of room. Is there an easy way of "cleaning it up?"21:20
Chikokishijimcooncat: oh cool21:20
MrMintanetBiPolah, Can you please stop and start at the beginning?21:20
Chikokishijimcooncat: thanks21:20
overcluckerChikokishi: bash scripting is scripting with the commands available on the system21:20
MyWayBiPolah: http://pastebin.com/L67brMci21:20
StarminnChikokishi: Yes. There are many "languageS" you can use for the terminal but the most common is bash. When in doubt, you're using bash.21:20
BiPolahMrMintanet: have you got the Compiz Settings Manager? sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:20
sabboohaydemon - get another hard drive21:20
erUSULhaydemon_: sudo apt-get clean21:20
BiPolahMyWay: /dev/sdb1 should be the external?21:21
MyWayBiPolah: it is21:21
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sabbooor delete windows and grow your linux21:21
ChikokishiStarminn: I saw a friend open up a new file and write a small script in it and made it an excutable file.  Is that bash also?21:21
lcboops.. missing something at the end... *hi have a laptop running with external monitor and keyboard. i would like backlist the modules for the original keyboard and monitor. is there a specific option to look for it ?... modprobe --list key* doesn't look right21:21
BiPolahHaydemon_:Try using ccleaner to clear out unecessary files from your Windows install, uninstall programs you don't need.21:21
Starminnhaydemon: Just clean out programs you don't use. You could also try "System->Administrator->Computer Janitor and see if anything is floating around there.21:22
mtkorbIs there a way to manually unmount devices? Since I can't boot Ubuntu, I need to do it by changing something in the file system.21:22
sabbooif you get another hard drive, you can mount specific directories on the new drive, such as /home or /usr, without uninstalling windows21:22
harleypigguntbert: thank you21:22
StarminnChikokishi: It could be, yes.21:22
ChikokishiStarminn: Alright thanks!21:22
erUSULmtkorb: sudo umount /dev/whatever21:22
guntbertharleypig: you're welcome :-)21:23
jimcooncatChikokishi, for some very good points, do:  yelp man:bash &21:23
haydemon_I tried Computer Janitor once before, but something happened that it messed up my Grub21:23
haydemon_I had a terrible time recovering it; it wouldn't boot up Ubuntu at all. Just Windows.21:23
erUSULyelp is slow as *****21:23
rekoilso my friend tells me someone is ddos'ing freenode because he got banned from here21:23
BiPolahMyWay: Do blkid in terminal and paste me the output please21:23
rekoilwhat a retard21:23
erUSULrekoil: a ban has nothing to do with a ddos on freenode21:23
wechatChikokishi: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/sha-bang.html21:24
mtkorberUSUL: I mean I can't even boot up. I think the problem is caused by Ubuntu trying to mount and failing during startup.21:24
BiPolahHayDemon_: Windows hates other operating systems and has a tendency to break them.21:24
rekoilerUSUL: no i understand that, but a friend tells me the ban is the reason for the ddos21:24
erUSULmtkorb: if it fails to mount something listed in fstab it should ask what to do. continue booting or halt21:24
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MyWayBiPolah: http://pastebin.com/8Q5VtYE721:24
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit21:25
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KGBWolf how can i image i live system?21:25
wechatthanks, ubottu for the knowledge21:25
mtkorberUSUL: Ok that must not be the problem then... It just hangs. But I still think this was caused by the mounts.21:25
haydemon_Bipolah: I know. But I have to keep windows, becz it's my work box and they require it. :(21:26
ccta-serverWhenever I restart my computer I get an IPV6 address and my connection is only converted to ipv4 after i refresh network connections21:26
BiPolahHaydemon_: Uninstall unecessary programs then21:26
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haydemon_Bipolah: yes, I did that already. So far so good, but I'm afraid I'll be getting that message again sometime soon21:26
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BiPolahCCTA: Check your network settings. Right click the arrows, edit connections, edit eth0, go to wired, go to ipv6 and set it to ignore then set ipv4 to Automatic DHCP or whatever it should be21:27
BiPolahhaydemon_: The other thing would be to buy a higher capacity 2.5" drive, replace it and reinstall Windows and all your programs and Ubuntu21:27
ccta-serverBiPolah: Yes I did that. ipv6 is set to ignore and static address on ipv421:28
BiPolahMyWay: Try this instead: UUID=e37b3aa8-4a4e-4410-b98a-0321d6a9c76e /media/Data     ext4    rw   0       021:28
BiPolahccta-server: Have you installed anything that could interfere with network settings?21:29
MyWayBiPolah: I've tried, but with same results, if I boot with this, it works, if I reboot, it says it can't find it and I have to press S to ignore it21:29
mapreduceHi.  I'm looking at some instructions for setting up git daemon that talk about /etc/inetd, but that file does not exist.21:29
mapreduceHas that stuff moved?  Where should I look?21:29
BiPolahMapreduce: Try /etc/inetd/inetd.conf21:29
ccta-serverBiPolah: a bridge.... dunno where to delete it from. its running at boot21:30
mapreduceBiPolah: /etc/inetd does not exist, and there is an empty file named /etc/inetd.conf21:30
BiPolahMapreduce: I meant /etc/initd/initd.conf, but I can see /etc/inetd.conf, what version of Ubuntu are you running?21:31
ccta-serverI had to edit the /etc/rc.local and delete the bridge config21:32
BiPolahccta-server: You can't install a bridge... You can set up a physical wireless bridge with a router and wireless adapter21:32
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antonafter mounting a directory with encfs the dir disappears from nautilus and I need to restart samba in order to recognise the dir. how do i fix this?21:33
ccta-serverthanks for the help BiPolah21:33
erUSULmapreduce: maybe you have to first install an inetd daemon21:33
go8765_anybody use vuse ?21:33
mapreduceBiPolah: /etc/debian_version says squeeze/sid.  Otherwise, where else should I look?21:34
mapreduceerUSUL: I'll have a look.21:34
erUSULmapreduce: like xinetd21:34
erUSUL!info xinetd21:34
ubottuxinetd (source: xinetd): replacement for inetd with many enhancements. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.3.14-7ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 142 kB, installed size 388 kB21:34
erUSUL!info openbsd-inetd21:34
ubottuopenbsd-inetd (source: openbsd-inetd): The OpenBSD Internet Superserver. In component main, is extra. Version 0.20080125-4ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 36 kB, installed size 144 kB21:34
erUSULmapreduce: those are the two recomended by ubuntu21:35
mantisei just installed ubuntu, and activated my nvidia-current driver, did a sudo nvidia-xconfig. but it cant start x.. says mo screen found21:35
KGBWolf how can i image/backup a  live system?21:35
mapreduceerUSUL: It looks like I need to add a file in /etc/init.d named git, guessing by the other things in there.21:35
BiPolahIs it possible to remove IE6 and Notepad from WINE?21:36
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StarminnBiPolah: Have you tried deleting the files from ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files21:37
luisgrinhi, i have installed ubuntu server 8 on a pIII, it worked ok, when I reboot i cant start mysql again i get fail21:37
bsmith093im logged in to my remote server via ssh how do i do 2 things at once in the terminal, oput the current task in the backgorund21:38
BiPolahStarminn: I'm not sute that would work, would probably leave references in WINE. Notepad itself is in the Windows folder. I actually just want to stop it from showing up when I want to open a text file21:38
mantisei did the nvidia-xconfig, but it also says something with system config file in /X11/Conf.d.d21:39
KGBWolf how can i image/backup ubuntu 10.04 LTS server?21:39
erUSULbsmith093: if the task is already running do crtl + z then bg %121:39
erUSULbsmith093: if you want to launch a command in backgfroun do « command & »21:39
StarminnBiPolah: Ah, alright. Not so sure then -- probably some file that control context menus somewhere that I don't know about. I do know, though, that when you delete files from the ~/.wine/drice_c/Program Files that they have a tendency to still show up in the WINE menu under Applications->Wine so as far as 100% getting rid of them I'm not sure. I'd say there's somewhere you can edit the context menus for the files that offer to open in 21:40
UbuntnubHi - quick question, hopefully I can get an answer before I have to leave.21:43
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UbuntnubI installed ubuntu via WUBI and the styling of the desktop is different than installing via a usb - is there a way to use the styling from the usb install?21:43
Starminn!details | Ubuntunub21:44
ubottuUbuntunub: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:44
ramadanI'm completely new to Ubuntu21:45
StarminnUbuntunub: IF you have pictures that would be awesome. We're just trying to get a better idea of what's happening. What exactly do you expect to see and what ARE you seeing instead?21:45
Odaymhi ramadan21:46
UbuntnubSorry. I installed the latest version of Ubuntu (10.10 I believe) via USB and it had the nice black taskbars and stylized buttons.21:46
ramadanI got a computer from my brother. It needed a new hard drive so I got it. No Operating system.... so I installed Ubuntu and it is awesome21:46
UbuntnubI install 10.10 via WUBI and I had white'ish (grey?) taskbars and other slightly different stylings21:46
ramadanI have my previous Windows Computer and want to get rid of it, but not without getting my files21:47
Guest87255How about this...21:47
guntbert!enter | ramadan21:47
ubotturamadan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:47
UbuntnubI much prefer the look of the USB install but why are they diffrent in the first place?21:47
Guest87255Can I install Ubuntu via Daemon Tools?21:47
Guest87255and format Windows?21:47
gbear14275anyone here familiar with LinuxMint 9 LXDE that would be willing to help for compensation... I'm down to the wire on a community service computer setup job and my package upgrades just hosed my install... 90 min left to get it working21:47
sabboowubiwubi is what jar jar ate at the market21:47
ramadanis there an easy way to create a network connection so i can access those files and copy them through wireless?21:47
iceroot_!mint | gbear1427521:48
ubottugbear14275: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:48
hypatiaGuest87255: that won't work, as you can't delete the windows install daemon tools is running in21:48
gbear14275iceroot_, very familiar...  but I'm desperate21:48
hypatiaGuest87255: if yuo have a spare USB key, you can put the ubuntu installer on that with unetbootin21:48
ramadanwould it be easier to just plug one computer into the other one using netwrok cables?21:48
jimcooncatGuest87255, you should use Ubuntu's default installer. You can wipe windows during install if you like.21:48
Odaymramadan, i think you can install "openssh-server" on Ubuntu, configure a key, install Putty on Windows, have both on the same subnet and ssh to the windows machine...21:48
UbuntnubSINGLE LINE VERSION: Sorry. I installed the latest version of Ubuntu (10.10 I believe) via USB and it had the nice black taskbars and stylized buttons. I then installed 10.10 via WUBI and I had white'ish (grey?) taskbars and other slightly different stylings. I much prefer the look of the USB install but why are they diffrent in the first place?21:49
Odaymor ssh FROM windows to the Ubuntu machine and "scp" the files there21:49
hypatiaOdaym / ramadan : i'd install openssh-server on ubuntu, and use winscp on windows21:49
Odaymah, there you go21:49
dust__hi comunity! I have devoleped an app in java and i made the file .jar, but when i try to open it, nothing happens! What should i do?21:49
Odaymthere's a default thing on windows called "winscp" hypatia?21:49
BiPolahRamadan: You can share your drive and connect to it through another Windows computer to copy data21:49
dust__(i opne with java sun virtual amchine 6)21:50
hypatiaOdaym: no, it's a program you have to download, but it's much nicer than just putty21:50
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jimcooncatramadan, 0daym is right. hypatia is right too, WinSCP includes some of putty.21:50
theimaginarymandust__ open it from the command line see what happens21:50
BiPolahDust_: Does it tell you to make it executable?21:50
hypatiahttp://winscp.net ; it's free software21:50
Odaymi'll have to let someone know of this Winscp then21:50
dust__nope, i have already make it excutable21:50
lcbi removed laptop keyboard - now i need to remove or blacklist the module. on modprobe --list *kbd* i get 9 modules running. how can i know the one corresponding to the laptop keyboard?21:50
hypatiayou're welcome, Odaym21:50
ramadanI've been looking online and they said something about samba21:50
BiPolahDust_: It just doesn't open then? Can you open other .jar files?21:50
luisgrinhi, i have installed ubuntu server 8 on a pIII, it worked ok, when I reboot i cant start mysql again i get fail21:51
hypatiaramadan: that'll be much more painful to set up than just using ssh/scp21:51
BiPolahLuisgrin: what error do you get?21:51
StarminnUbuntunub: I'm seeing if others have had this problem. GIve me a moment.21:51
dust__For exemple minecraft.jar works, but it'sthe only one !21:51
geekbriramadan: if you are new to linux i highly recommend against setting up samba.21:51
luisgrinBiPolah: only fail21:51
ramadanuntil i am comfortable with Ubuntu, i'm trying to stray from command lines [i guess terminal in linux] as to not screw it up21:51
ramadanis it pretty user friendly?21:51
jimcooncatramadan, Odaym: I make my keys with puttygen, and move the public key to the host.21:51
BiPolahDust_: I'd assume you haven't written it correctly then21:51
dust__all the rest of the .jar files doesn't works21:51
luisgrini try to sudo apt-get remuve and install but also fail21:51
BiPolahLuisgrin: I'd suggest reinstalling then, if it doesn't tell you why it's failing.21:52
dust__i have tried with other programmes21:52
dust__ot written by me, and it happens the same crap21:52
luisgrinBiPolah: i did reinstall21:52
BiPolahLuisgrin: If you're doing "sudo apt-get remuve" then it won't work. Use "sudo apt-get remove" :P21:52
luisgrinremove ok :)21:52
BiPolahDust_: Perhaps try reinstalling OpenJRE21:52
luisgrinit worked21:52
BiPolahluisgrin: Typing the commands properly helps.21:53
dust__i'll try .-. thanks you all for the support!21:53
_-Jorge-_Y love windows!!!21:53
luisgrinBiPolah: i know i type wrong here21:53
geekbriluisgrin: perhaps apt-get --purge remove  (this WILL destroy your config files)21:53
galamarrwhere is the best place to find gtk-gnutella help?21:53
luisgringeekbri: ok21:53
galamarris there a channel?21:54
Wulfy|awaywouldnt it make more sense to try looking at the log files to figure out why its failing before reinstalling it over and over and hit the same brick wall?21:54
theimaginarymanwhere do I set /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib to be first on my path when compiling c programs21:54
Guest87255Is there a way I can install Ubuntu via ISO directly from the hard drive? ( I am trying to find a round-about-way since I am dealing with an older system )21:54
theimaginaryman* c++ programs21:54
luisgrinnope, i does not start fail21:56
StarminnGuest87255: I could be wrong, but that seems logically hard to manage because the point of installing Ubuntu via LiveCD is to be unattached to the hard drive so if you're installing from the hard drive you'd be in a partition already and... hmm... It just confuses me even thinking about it. :)21:56
luisgrinnope, i does not start fail, i did --purge and also then install21:56
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luisgrindf -h is ok, it has 2%21:56
Wulfy|awayStarminn,  how about a pxe network install .. Guest8725521:57
BiPolahGuest87255: I'd assume it to be possible, but you wouldn't be able to remove the partition you're running it from.21:57
ramadanodaym, hypatia : thanks a lot. i'm installing winscp on my windows computer now. can i find openssh_server in the software server?21:58
julian_How do you restart ubuntu into cli?21:58
Odaymjust "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"21:58
Odaymyou already have client by default of course21:58
Odaymextra fact21:58
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luisgrini found the mysql.log and mysql,err has 0 bytes21:59
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julian_How do you restart ubuntu into cli?22:00
dust__DOes anybody know a good programe to make a chat server with its ownn clients?22:00
BiPolah!repeat | julian_22:00
ubottujulian_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:00
BiPolahDust_: Perhaps Mumble, that has text and voice chat22:00
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dust__thanks again, i'll google for more infos!22:01
ramadani hate to pester anyone. i am REALLY new at this. haha. i will shy away from samba. I got openssh through the terminal, how do i access it?22:01
BiPolahJulian_: You can boot into recovery mode from GRUB. You can boot into text mode by disabling X Server22:01
BiPolahDust_: It's free and cross-platform, should be fairly easy to set up.22:01
julian_BiPolah: the grub menu doesnt come up during boot, even after pressing esc22:02
cordoval_hi, how to restore ubuntu to default install but without taking off programs or data? my problem is with some drivers and some setup for udev22:02
cordoval_how to set ubuntu back to 0 without doing a complete reinstall?22:02
danielcI am on a network that is already using a SonicWALL firewall with VPN capabilities, but I want to use OpenVPN.  Can someone help me figure out how to set up OpenVPN from the ground up?22:02
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ajfWierd issue: Close button DOES NOT work for System Monitor22:03
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KGBWolftrying to install parimage but i get candidate not availible22:04
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mantisecan anyone try to help me with my x server problem? installed the nvidia-current on my laptop, for my nvidia geforce 310M grafic card. did nvidia-xconfig after that, and now i cant start X22:07
BiPolahJulian_: Did you install Windows after Ubuntu?22:07
ajfWierd issue: Close button DOES NOT work for System Monitor22:07
BiPolah!repeat | ajf22:07
ubottuajf: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:07
ajfI can close it by using it to end process22:07
ajfBut that's inefficient22:08
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BiPolahAjf: Can you close it by right clicking on the window list and clicking close?22:08
mantisecan anyone try to help me with my x server problem? installed the nvidia-current on my laptop, for my nvidia geforce 310M grafic card. did nvidia-xconfig after that, and now i cant start X22:08
ajfBiPolah: No22:08
supertuxxxmantise, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:08
supertuxxxmantise, try that22:08
mantisesupertuxxx: thanks22:09
supertuxxxso that you could return to a xserver basic22:09
luisgrinBiPolah: i fix the problem by changing the binding ip, it happened that i installed without new connection...22:09
BiPolahajf: Sounds like a problem with GNOME then22:09
mantisesupertuxxx: i think i did the dpkg-reconfigure once, which worked..22:10
VarcHello all, someone know if "Mandriva" have any IRC channel? I know this is a Ubuntu Channel but is a little question22:10
mantisesupertuxxx: dunno if i used xserver-xorg in the command tho?22:10
ajfis the channel #gnome?22:10
BiPolahLuisgrin: You were the guy having IPv6 problems?22:10
danielcI am on a network that is already using a SonicWALL firewall with VPN capabilities, but I want to use OpenVPN.  Can someone help me figure out how to set up OpenVPN from the ground up?22:10
supertuxxxpaste that22:10
luisgrinno BiPolah i was the gay with fail in starting mysql22:10
BiPolahajf: Apparently so. It doesn't seem anyone can help you here, try there.22:10
supertuxxxmantise, if the problem go on then uninstall nvidia driver and reconfigure again22:10
supertuxxxmantise, tried startx via shell?22:11
BiPolahLuisgrin: Ah okay, as long as it's fixed now.22:11
mantisesupertuxxx: yes, did startx in shell.. i did the reconfigure now22:11
supertuxxxyou log on on a shell mantise ?22:11
jimcooncatdanielc if no takers here try #openvpn22:11
mantisesupertuxxx: yes, it cant start X, so i get to the shell login22:11
mantisesupertuxxx: should i reboot now then ?22:12
supertuxxxstartx command?22:12
mantiseor just startx again22:12
supertuxxxstartx again22:12
Wulfy|awaydanielc,  one way i learnt about stuff like that was hitting youtube, loads of tutorial vids on such subjects22:12
luisgrinBiPolah:  i red this in some place but they said to put and with this ip it did not worked so i put the real one, the one i get via ifconfig22:12
StarminnVarc: Have you tried #mandriva?22:12
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supertuxxxmantise, so? worked?22:12
VarcStarminn: Is not a Channel22:12
mantisesupertuxxx: says the same, No devices detected; Fatal server errir22:12
mantisesupertuxxx: no screen found22:12
supertuxxxmantise, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:13
chai16i'm getting 550 permission denied when i log into my ubuntu server via ftp. i've tried logging in via ssh and using chown chai:chai /media/drive/downloads but to no avail. any suggestions?22:13
StarminnVarc. I promise you it is. I'm in it now. /join #mandriva22:13
supertuxxxthat command done?22:13
mantisesupertuxxx: i did use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org22:13
mantisesupertuxxx: yes22:13
mantiseill try reboot tho22:13
supertuxxxtry to remove nvidia22:13
Wulfychai16,  why not use scftp? its a) secure b) secure :)22:13
supertuxxxand then reconfigure22:14
StarminnVarc: I typo'd it the first time. You might have done the same. :) *shrug* It happens22:14
mantiseok, with apt-get ?22:14
VarcStarminn: Ohh, My bad i put #Mandriva? thanks you very much22:14
supertuxxxmantise, sudo dpkg -P it's the same22:14
chai16Wulfy i am using an ftp client! i'm just letting you know that i can log in to ssh to change the config if needed22:15
mantisesupertuxxx: apt-get remove nvidia-current ?22:15
supertuxxxuse apt-get remove --purge22:15
supertuxxxor dpkg -P22:15
\bMike\bWhy do I get these warnings during apt-get upgrade, and what can I do to fix them? http://p.defau.lt/?xNsmz6PHIvJI4wq0Am4fHA22:15
supertuxxxuse purge option22:15
Wulfychai16,  thats fine but what im saying is rather than use stander ftp why not use sftp which uterlises the ssh dameon?22:15
chai16Wulfy i will see what that gets me22:15
mantisesupertuxxx: ok, did purge nvidia-current22:16
mantisesupertuxxx: removing nvidia-current and all DKMS modules22:16
Wulfychai16,  youd be better off as ftp transmits passwords in plain text and could be the subject of network sniffing22:16
mantisesupertuxxx: no reconfigure or anything first22:16
chai16Wulfy can i apt-get it? what is the package name?22:16
supertuxxx\bMike\b, try sudo apt-get install -f22:16
Wulfychai16,  use filezilla it supports sftp connections22:17
supertuxxxmantise, what? REMOVE NVIDIA22:17
KGBWolfcant seem to install part image on ubuntu 10.10 cant find the repo??22:17
mantisesupertuxxx: it trys to load module invidia still.. so i need to run reconfigure now ?22:17
\bMike\bsupertuxxx: okay, will do... the system is rebooting currently22:17
mantisesupertuxxx: yes, i did remove the nvidia-current, as u said22:17
supertuxxxmantise, try22:18
sabbooanyone know of a good tts (speech) program that can be programmed dynamically (esp. python) like we used to be in festival using scheme?22:19
mantisesupertuxxx: i did all you said :) purge the nvidia driver22:19
mantisesupertuxxx: what then?22:19
supertuxxxthen startx22:19
mantisesupertuxxx: says failed to load module nvidia22:20
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mantisesupertuxxx: using the xorg.conf22:20
mantisei need to remove that then ?22:20
mantiseso i can make a new ?22:20
supertuxxxmaybe it fails because "read" in xorg.conf22:21
chai16Wulfy to initiate SFTP in filezilla i can just specify port 22 right?22:21
supertuxxxso rename it .bak22:21
chai16and i still get permission denied.22:21
mantiseand it also load /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf22:21
supertuxxxand then reconfigure22:21
mantiseand it also load /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d22:21
chai16basically how do i make it so that the user chai has rw access to an external hardrive located at /media/drive ??22:22
Wulfychai16,  correct22:22
supertuxxxmantise, try X -configure22:22
Wulfychai16,  it should auto negiote the connection22:22
chai16rw access to all files now and any made in the future22:22
chai16i think the command might be chown or chmod ? i really don't know22:22
mantisesupertuxxx: shows list of drivers22:23
supertuxxxmantise, i understand... different files....22:23
maco2chai16: chmod g+rw on the directory, and also setgid on it22:23
supertuxxxmantise, leave x -configure22:23
maco2chai16: recursively22:23
mantisesupertuxxx: and then it says failed to load module vmwgfx22:23
supertuxxxbankup xorg.conf and then reconfigreu22:24
sabboochai16, you might be thinking to hard.22:24
sabboolet me look up for a minute22:24
ragas_i went through the ehcp install, and it looks like it went fine.  but i navigated to my ip address, and it points to my website, not the control panel.  probably have to make A manual change in vhosts file.?22:24
maco2chai16: oh, and chgrp to that user's group (or a group containing that user)22:24
mantisesupertuxxx: did remove xorg.conf now, and did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:24
chai16maco2 so is this a suitable command? sudo chmod g+rw /media/drive ?22:24
supertuxxxmantise, so=22:25
chai16sabboo please explain22:25
maco2chai16: yes, that's one of them. but you do still need to set the group to be one of the user's groups22:25
mantisesupertuxxx: worked now22:25
mantisesupertuxxx: But22:25
sabboochai16, what format is the external hard drive?22:25
mantisesupertuxxx: its not using my gfx card22:25
chai16sabboo it's ext422:25
supertuxxxmantise, X work?22:25
burr_Does anyone know how to partition a drive so that multiple linux installations will all share a home folder in a seperate partition that is formatted for compatibility with windows?22:25
supertuxxxoffer me a beer then22:25
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=== Riddel is now known as Riddell
chai16maco2 currently it is in a group that transmission can access, and i don't want to screw that up22:26
mantisesupertuxxx: well yes, i can go into my desktop now.. but using onboard gfx card, insted of my nvidia gf 310M22:26
maco2chai16: you can make a group that both belong to22:26
chai16how can i make a group of users that includes transmission and me?22:26
VustomHow to get the quality of my webcam in Cheese to be a better quality? I know when i was using it in Windows it was much clearer, at the moment it seems Cheese just gets a small image and stretches it.. someone said to try luvcview -s 1600x1200 but i'm not sure what to do with that line of code.. any ideas?22:26
maco2chai16: the system -> admin -> users & groups thing will let you22:26
chai16maco2 i'm super novice can you explain please?22:26
supertuxxxmantise, you can use only a card.... bisadling by bios22:26
chai16it's a server though22:26
maco2chai16: oh, in that case....22:27
chai16maco2 know how to do it through cmd line?22:27
supertuxxxmantise, i think you are using 310 card but low resolution22:27
chai16maco2 yeah...22:27
maco2chai16: sudo addgroup groupname22:27
supertuxxxmantise, try to get the drivers from ubuntu "restricted drivers" menu22:27
chai16maco2 okay then add users to the group?22:27
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mantisesupertuxxx: well when i go to the into hardware center22:27
Vustom? :(22:28
jake_hello, recovery mode doesnt load :( any ideas22:28
maco2chai16: sudo usermod -a -G groupname username22:28
mantiseit says its using intel onboard drivers22:28
mantisesupertuxxx: but i have a geforce 310M 1gb22:28
chai16maco2 thanks a bunch22:28
supertuxxxhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1437980 mantise22:29
supertuxxxmantise, try that menu22:29
maco2chai16: oh oh dont forget the setgid part. thats what makes it so that all future files created there automatically get that group setting22:29
burr_Does anyone know how to partition a drive so that multiple linux installations will all share a home folder in a separate partition that is formatted for compatibility with windows?22:29
supertuxxxburr_, ntfs?22:29
burr_no, fat22:29
supertuxxxwhat's the problem? i don't get it22:29
supertuxxxlinux/win can access it both22:30
mantisesupertuxxx: what menu ? :)22:30
jake_my computer doesnt boot into recovery mode, I'm trying to install something that requires console only22:30
mickster04jake ctrl+alt+f122:30
max_who can invite me into landscape.canonical???22:30
burr_i have an external hard drive, and i want to install different versions of linux on it (chakra, sabayon, bodhi, ubuntu, etc.) and i want them all to share one home folder in the fat partition... is this possible?22:30
supertuxxxmantise, preferences, administration resrticeted22:30
jake_mickster04, it just blinks without a terminal line22:30
mickster04burr_: yes, specify the home partition and dont check format22:31
supertuxxxjake_, sudo init 122:31
max_who can invite me into landscape.canonical???22:31
mickster04jake_: what happens if you press22:31
burkeyrunning ubuntu 10.04 with a brother scanner but scanner only works as su in simple-scan.  what do i do to fix this22:31
burr_mickster04: i'm a noob... how do i do that?22:31
sabboomaco2 will addgroup add a group to a group?22:31
maco2sabboo: groups canot nest22:31
supertuxxxmantise, ?22:32
max_who can invite me into landscape.canonical???22:32
sabboomaco2, ah, only in sudoers, ok i know where my brain farted22:32
maco2max_: isnt that a for-pay service?22:32
chai16maco2 so what about this setgid part?22:32
sabboocan i catch up?22:33
KGBWolfneed help imaging22:33
mickster04burr_: on installation you specify which partitions do what, when you install the tertary OS's just select the one you created as a home folder, set is as a home folder (like you do with the first one) but instead of letting it format the home partition, just don't? alternatively, let each OS reformat the home partition and don't put anything in there till you are done?22:33
maco2chai16: sudo chmod g+s    on the directory22:33
metallicohi guys, just turned on my computer and ubuntu didnt load but it dropped me into grub CLI instead. any ideas what went wrong?22:33
cheese_gorillas7On a fresh install of ubuntu, one of my harddrives fails to mount routinely (but not always), and calling fsck or attempting to mount it results in a (false) error telling me that it's already mounted.  Any ideas what this could be? Is it likely a hardware issue?22:33
max_it seems not if you have an invitation22:33
sabbooyou want you and a group to have readwrite access to an external ext3 drive, right?22:33
chai16maco2 thanks man22:34
jake_hello, I couldnt get out of the blinking screen after ctr-alt-f122:34
burr_thanks mickster, i feel more knowledgeable already22:34
sharavhi all22:34
sharavi deleted my gstreamer ppa22:35
OdaymAW SNAP!22:35
mickster04burr_: try with 2 OS's and see if the first can still access the home directory22:35
sharavthen ubuntu gives me any errors :(22:35
mickster04burr_: though try to not let the second OS format the Home directory...22:35
mickster04jake_: press ctrl+alt+f6/7 (not sure which)22:35
supertuxxxmantise, how you resolved it? whit dpkg-reconfigure or Xorg -config?22:35
sharavhow to reset ubuntu ppa s22:35
chai16maco2 but i'm still getting permission denied... do i need to restart my server?22:36
mantisesupertuxxx: well i did both, tho i think Xorg -config just failed22:36
mantisei did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and rebooted22:36
BiPolahsharav: Re-add it in software sources22:36
mantisesupertuxxx: then i started x normally22:36
jake_mickster04, well at least I dont have to reboot when I do that thanks22:36
mantisesupertuxxx: but still, i dont have my nvidia options + settings22:37
mantisedoesnt use the 1gb ram on my nvidia22:37
BiPolahSharav: Unless you mean you delete the package, in which case you can just reinstall it22:37
jake_mickster04, still the screen just has a blinking thing no console22:37
supertuxxxmantise, i said X config INSTEAD you need to type Xorg -config22:37
supertuxxxtry sudo Xorg -config22:37
FishsceneHello all. I installed WINE a while back, then uninstalled it. But it left menu entries. So I manually deleted the menu entries. Now, when I install WINE, it refuses to create the menu entries and creating them manually doesn't work (using another computer as a reference). How would I create the menu entries again?22:37
metallicowhat's the commands to load ubuntu from grub?22:37
Anon7-2521Does anyone here use Ubuntu on a Mac with a built-in iSight?22:37
supertuxxxmantise, sorry Xorg -configure22:37
maco2chai16: no. can you install pastebinit and do `ls -la /media/drive | pastebinit` and give me the link so i can see how permissions are set so far?22:37
supertuxxxmantise, sorry Xorg -configure22:37
supertuxxxtry Xorg -configure22:37
mantisesupertuxxx: sec, need to connect my laptop to my power supply, 1 minut :)22:37
supertuxxxthe exaxt line22:37
sharavBiPolah: thank u. there too many software uninstalled on ma box :(22:38
sharavand i readded ppa, then update manger: the package system is broken22:38
sharavi don't know what should i do :(22:38
jake_mickster04, when I press ctrl-alt-F1/2... it doesnt bring up a terminal line. but it does go back to gnome when I press ...F722:38
boywonderhi,ive missed a stage in installing java jre/ android sdk(missed)/ eclipse/ adt plugin ,so im going to try installing the sdk after i have the tgz put i dont know what todo with it and i cant find a link yet?22:39
BiPolahsharav: Synaptic is broken?22:39
chai16maco2 here is the output (and thanks so far!) http://pastebin.com/etWEBPAM22:39
maco2chai16: oh, didnt do the chgrp22:40
maco2chai16: and also the chmod g+rw shouldve been recursive.   chmod -R g+rw /media/drive22:40
maco2chai16: sudo chgrp -R newgroup /media/drive22:41
* hotrod is away: Gone away for now22:41
LjL!away > hotrod    (hotrod, see the private message from ubottu)22:42
sharavBiPolah: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3482121/picture/screenshot%20of%20ubuntu/Screenshot.png22:42
FishsceneI installed WINE a while back, then uninstalled it. But it left menu entries. So I manually deleted the menu entries. Now, when I install WINE, the menu entries are not created. How do I get the package to create menu entries?22:42
ZoffixHey. I'm having trouble setting up dual-monitor Ubuntu 10.10 with separate X screens. I have followed this tut: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html  However, it only gets me to the "TwinView" mode, so two monitors are like one big one - I want to separate X screens, and I'm not even sure where to look for further. Any suggestions?22:42
chai16maco2 still 550 :(  http://pastebin.com/UaGVLAWj22:43
maco2chai16: it's right22:43
mantisesupertuxxx: i cant do Xorg -configure when im in X :)22:43
boywondercan anyone help out?22:43
PunkassFenderAt work I'm not allowed to run native ubuntu anymore,  I'm trying to set up a ubuntu server for lamp purpose, which will host my ntfs windows share webapp,  but apache tells me its not writable (it is writable in shell)22:43
maco2chai16: ah but your user isnt actively in the group until after you log out and back in22:44
marek_how can i help you22:44
sharavIm so noob :(22:44
supertuxxxmantise, init 122:44
Slayerneed help in reinstalling grub after the installation of win 7.. I have 10.04 installed22:44
boywonderim wanting to install android sdk, i have the tgz22:44
mantisesupertuxxx: type that in a terminal ?22:44
maineacboywonder: what are you waiting for?22:44
maco2chai16: if you dont want to log out, you can also do `sg lovegroup -c nano filename`22:45
chai16maco2 i'm just rebooting now :/22:45
maineacboywonder: follow the steps at http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html#components22:45
supertuxxxsudo init 1 ..... and where would you type it else?22:45
supertuxxxon a wall?22:45
jazzyjefdoes anyone have any experience of ath5k hanging karmic22:46
alkgood evening o/22:46
mantisesupertuxxx: it just tryes to shutdown X22:47
mantisesupertuxxx: i cant change to shell tho22:47
supertuxxxsudo init 122:47
sharavboywonder: if want install eclipse plugin for android sdk you need google plugins!22:47
mantisejust stuck on the load screen22:47
mantisesupertuxxx: i did22:47
mantise!!! :)22:47
alkdoes anyone know if it's possible to set the gnome system monitor to show process bytes used rather than trimming rounding to MB?22:48
boywonderi think i have that sharav22:48
boywonderits just i dont know what todo with the tgz im new22:48
mantisesupertuxxx: nothing happens, think it just frooze my pc22:48
chai16maco2 yeah man it's really not working still. no idea?22:49
ActionParsnipalk: possibly look in ~  ~/.config or maybe in /etc22:49
supertuxxxmantise, you sould see a shell but as it seems that command fails now22:49
boywondermaineac, i have read that page and im none the wiser?22:49
maco2chai16: hmm are the permissions still set?22:49
maco2chai16: or is it like...ntfs or fat32 or something where permissions dont stick?22:49
supertuxxxmantise, init S22:49
mantisesupertuxxx: i could a reboot, and do it again.. but it might freeze again, can i start in recovery mode or somehthing?22:49
sharav boywonder: do u installed android plugin for eclipse?22:50
mantisesupertuxxx: ok22:50
chai16maco2 nope it's ext422:50
boywondersharav, yes already22:50
KGBWolfneed to make an image22:50
KGBWolfhow can i get it done?22:51
boywonderi missed a step? i think22:51
chai16maco2 http://pastebin.com/UaGVLAWj it's the same as before i rebooted, so idk?22:51
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maco2chai16: output of the `groups` command?22:51
jake_recovery console doesnt boot and ctrl-alt-F1 to F6 doesnt give me a console line, can someone help me out?22:51
boywonderaha i think i have found /tool android22:51
chai16maco2 http://pastebin.com/nHzMeEqS22:52
sharavboywonder: extract tgz file on ur suitable directory, the go to eclipse->Window menu->Preferences->Android->locate your extracted folder22:52
FishsceneDoes anyone know how to force a package to create menu entries upon installation? This package (WINE) Normally creates menu entries, but now it is not.22:52
chai16maco2 i named it lovegroup so i could remember it22:52
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boywonder sharav ah thats what i thought to start with just i was unsure22:53
maco2chai16: and if you do `touch /media/drive/test` it gives an error?22:53
mantisesupertuxxx: did init S22:54
supertuxxxmantise, so?22:54
mantisesupertuxxx: with sudo init S? nothing happens22:55
KragenSitakerI'm trying to install 10.10 (desktop, i386) from a USB pendrive. My machine is currently running 8.10 (!!)22:55
Galuxhello, I've upgraded my kubuntu to kde 4.6 and I don't like that, too unstable, I want to come back to 4.522:55
kuakkganniFishscene: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632090 wiil help?22:56
GaluxI've remove the kubutu backports and update my database22:56
supertuxxxmantise, this should work:    sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop22:56
Galuxbut I'm still in kde 4.622:56
maco2Galux: ppa-purge22:56
sharavhas anyone know list of default ubuntu ppas?22:56
supertuxxxand later22:56
ActionParsnipGalux: remove the ppa and reinstall the packages, you may need to remove the current ones first22:56
supertuxxxsudo invoke-rc.d start22:56
Xeon06Hey guys, if I type "cd" in the terminal, shouldnt it tell me the curren directory im in?22:56
maco2sharav: there are no default ones22:56
Fishscenekuakkganni: Thanks, I'll try that. I've been searching for a while on google :P22:56
ActionParsnipsharav: PPAs aren't default, they are added extra by users22:56
tensorpuddingXeon06: 'cd' in the terminal takes you to your home directory22:57
KragenSitakerSyslinux, upon booting from the USB stick, complains that there's an unrecognized keyword in the syslinux config file. I'm guessing that this is because 8.10's syslinux doesn't support something that 10.10's syslinux.cfg does. Where do I get a syslinux that will work?22:57
Galuxok, I'm installing ppa-purge22:57
supertuxxxmantise, or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop22:57
tensorpuddingXeon06: for some reason that is the default behavior22:57
Xeon06tensorpudding: Ahh, that's it then. Windows habit I must lose. Thanks a lot!22:57
kuakkganniFishscene: google terms "wine+menu+ubuntu"22:57
tensorpuddingXeon06: if you want to know your current directory, use 'pwd'22:57
ActionParsnipsharav: I can give a list of default Ubuntu official repos.....22:57
Galuxppa-purge is installed22:57
mantisesupertuxxx: ill try init 1 again :) as im not in gnome atm :)22:57
Xeon06tensorpudding: Ha, exactly what I was looking for. Cheers mate22:57
tensorpuddingman, crazy GNU22:58
tensorpuddingeven pwd has options22:58
supertuxxxmantise, or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm kde22:58
sharavActionParsnip: ok please22:58
supertuxxxmantise, or sudo /etc/init.d/kde stop22:58
Xeon06I know it's written in the promp, but sometimes I just wanna see it printed...22:58
MTecknologyAny of you guys know if there's any way to run the fastest mirror check available in synaptic from the cli?22:58
_AV_Help available at _AV_. If you need something, tell me ;) I'll be waiting.22:59
boywondersharav, thanks alot its now there, but it says that the tools is missing and use the sdk manager to use it,would you know?22:59
BiPolahWhy is there two entries for Rhymthbox on my open with application menu? I've got "rhythmbox" and "rhythmbox-client22:59
ActionParsnipsharav: http://pastie.org/156844723:00
adeelhi, does someone mind pastebin'ing the standard ubuntu /etc/rsyslog.conf file for me? i don't have access to my ubuntu box, and need it for a different machine23:01
Xeon06More noob questions. I was used to nano, but for some reason, my current server installation doesn't have it. I tried doing "sudo apt-get install nano", but there's no package for it apparently. Is there a way to refresh the repositories or something?23:02
supertuxxxmantise, ? then? Update me23:02
sharavActionParsnip: Thank you very much!23:02
Galuxthanks you very much !23:02
ActionParsnipadeel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/56749723:02
mantisesupertuxxx: ok, worked23:02
adeelActionParsnip,  thanks23:02
mantisesupertuxxx: but i cant do Xorg -configure, it fails23:02
sharavboywonder: can u show eclipse->Window->Android SDK and AVD manager ?23:03
amalgameatehi, anyboyd know how i might go about creating a lits of IP's that www.google.com resolves to across the United States?23:03
ActionParsnipmantise: do it in a root recovery console, you can't use it while X is running23:03
bencahillhmm, what should be my upgrade plan from an intrepid (8.10) server to lucid (10.04)?23:03
mantisesupertuxxx: saying numbers of selected screens, doesnt match numbers of detectet23:03
supertuxxxmantise, which command worked?23:03
hvHow can I modify keyboard mapping for a certain keyboard type, across X and ttys?23:04
boywondersharav, yes but i cant create an avd?23:04
mantisesupertuxxx: saying numbers of selected screens, doesnt match numbers of detectet devices23:04
supertuxxxmantise, shit, which command to stop kde or gdm?23:04
boywondersharav,  it says that i have tools??23:04
supertuxxxmantise, you use kubuntu 10?23:04
boywonderthis channel rocks23:04
sharavboywonder: you should update your SDK via AVD manger23:04
hvsupertuxxx: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop23:04
hv(or kdm)23:05
mantisesupertuxxx: the one u wrote :)  sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop23:05
mantisesupertuxxx: yes 10.1023:05
supertuxxxok tnks23:05
FishsceneSweet Sazzafraz! Thanks kuakkganni, That link worked.23:05
sharavboywonder: updating can be found on AVD Manager->Available packages23:05
sharavboywonder: sorry ma bad English!23:05
=== Anon057 is now known as TREVORDALEY
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa||away
TREVORDALEYso what we talking about23:06
mantisesupertuxxx: know what i should do now ?23:06
boywondersharav, i dont have an avd avail packages?23:07
TREVORDALEYmantise : dude what ae you doing23:07
amalgameateanyone know how i might go about creating a lits of IP's that www.google.com resolves to across the United States?23:08
supertuxxxmantise, i dunno... tired.... work... need to sleep sorry23:08
sharavboywonder: does ur "Androi SDK and AVD manager" works?23:08
mantiseTREVORDALEY: ?23:08
mantisesupertuxxx: oh :p but i just f***** it all up now :p23:08
TREVORDALEYGuys whi us the oldest in here and what are you don mantise23:09
boywondersharav, im able to click on sdk and avd manager23:09
TREVORDALEYwjo is23:09
bencahillhey guys, is it ok to upgrade ubuntu without upgrading programs?23:09
fisch246ok i'm only curious about this because there's tons of better options for this that i can use... but is it possible to install gnome on Ubuntu Server and actually use it as a DE?23:09
_AV_bencahill: No!23:09
ActionParsnipbencahill: you could pin a LOT of apps and get the desired result23:09
TREVORDALEYalready tried tons of times23:09
boywondersharav, only one off the pains for avd is greyed out23:09
bencahillActionParsnip: this is an 8.10, but I don't think I can upgrade the packages...23:09
_AV_bencahill: Because almost applicattions will not being compatible with the new Kernel.23:10
bencahill!ot | TREVORDALEY23:10
ubottuTREVORDALEY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:10
supertuxxxmantise, but you can use X now.... don't forget it23:10
ActionParsnipbencahill: 8.10 is long dead dude, I'd clea install Lucid, Maverick or Natty (Natty is released in April this year)23:10
fisch246!caps | TREVORDALEY23:10
ubottuTREVORDALEY: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:10
TREVORDALEYbut who is23:11
supertuxxxmantise, try to install a previou version of the nvidia driver...23:11
sharavboywonder: hm. ma english is not good. so can u show me screenshot?23:11
fisch246TREVORDALEY: this is a support channel... please ask questions like that in #ubuntu-offtopic23:11
boywonderim just restating the app23:11
DaekdroomTREVORDALEY, what they mean is, that question shouldn't be asked here. It's a technical support channel.23:11
TREVORDALEYi didn't know i just came here because i was banned form a channel23:12
* Wulfy wounders why23:12
bencahillActionParsnip: don't really want to set up again :( all it's really running is squid, dansguardian, and iptables filtering...23:12
TREVORDALEYbecause i went bezzerk23:12
Wulfywhich channel?23:13
TREVORDALEYidk there are tons of them23:13
fisch246please go to the offtopic channel and talk about this >.<23:13
bencahillWulfy, TREVORDALEY: please take it offtopic, channel noise23:13
Wulfybencahill,  surley you could apply individual updates to the programs as required23:13
Wulfybencahill,  thanks for the input not required thoe23:14
TREVORDALEYwait you huys are like computer geeks23:14
dirk_what is the configuration file for xchat-gnome?23:14
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
Anon7-2521How do you check your IP in terminal23:14
bencahillWulfy: but doesn't out of support = no repositories?23:14
bencahillWulfy: you asked the question, that didn't need to be asked23:14
ActionParsnipbencahill: you can get the alternate ISO of Jaunty and upgrade to that, keep going like that til you get to a supported release23:14
hvAnon7-2521: ifconfig23:14
TREVORDALEYwait what type of channel is this23:14
Anon7-2521hv: thanks23:14
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: wan ip or lan ip?23:14
Wulfybencahill,  well as theres no repo support for your version whats there to lose by using sources?23:14
fisch246alright well i'll post on the forums then23:15
bencahillActionParsnip: may do that23:15
boywondernow im really goofed23:15
avenyhi there23:15
nucc1how do i move my panel?23:15
bencahill!ubuntu | TREVORDALEY23:15
ubottuTREVORDALEY: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com23:15
fisch246can someone please mute him...23:15
Wulfybencahill,  please do me a favour clib down off your high horse if you had noticed i ended the conversation before you decided to put your oar in23:15
avenyIf I have a patch and I want to modify it, is it possible manually, and above all is it simple? I don't want to write another patch.. just modify that patch23:15
_AV_TREVORDALEY: May I help you?23:15
hvaveny: yes, only if you are careful.23:16
boywondersharav, firstly i need you to be patient with me and help as much as you can,i really need help here so thanks in advance23:16
Anon7-2521Is there a way to get the router IP that I'm connected to?23:16
hv(try to apply the modified patch to a clone of the target and see if it is fine)23:16
nucc1Anon7-2521, it's probably your gateway23:16
g_0_0TREVORDALEY, why not join #WhoIsTheOldestInHere - they're having a competition tonight23:16
boywondersharav, on re-running the app it said tha t the tools are missing23:16
avenyhv, ok, what's the most common error? because I have modified it but I get errors23:16
WulfyAnon7-2521,  you could do ipconfig see what yours is (see if it lists the gateway) and guess its normaly 0.1 or 1.123:17
nucc1TREVORDALEY, use your caps lock key pls23:17
boywonderand the manager didnt work first time out23:17
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: for wan IP run:   wget www.whatismyip.com/automation/n09230945.asp -O - -q; echo23:17
ActionParsnip  23:17
Anon7-2521>ip config23:17
Anon7-2521>cmd not found23:17
hvaveny: be careful about the line numbers showing the begining of a chunk. maybe you deleted one line accidentally.23:17
rwwTREVORDALEY: come back in 15 minutes or so when you've discovered how to use a keyboard properly.23:17
ragas_can i put the ehcp folder in the webroot?  better to symlink to it from there?23:17
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: the command for internal IP is:  ifconfig   NOT ipconfig23:17
boywondersharav,  you there?23:17
bencahillWulfy: I don't see any evidence of that, "* Wulfy wounders why" & "<Wulfy> which channel?", not much (anything) else23:17
avenyhv, are you speaking about things like: @@ -1870,19 +1925,21 @@23:18
Anon7-2521What if I want to get the router IP23:18
Wulfybencahill,  got a time stamp on that?23:18
* fisch246 hands rww a free cheeseburger23:18
dirk_Anon7-2521: try nslookup google.com | head -n 1 . Works for me23:18
Wulfybencahill,  about 5 minutes back if i recall, just remind me who is dragging this up?23:18
bencahillWulfy: 5:12:34, and 5:13:10, respectively23:18
nucc1Anon7-2521, you can only get the router IP from the administrator of the network. if that person is not you.23:18
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: or for more intelligent output:     ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'23:18
hvaveny: yes, that shows the line numbers in a chunk. just be careful about things like deleting a line after that. you know what I mean.23:18
nucc1Anon7-2521, but a good guess, is to assume the gateway IP is your router's IP.23:18
sharavboywonder: Eclipse->Window->Android SDK and AVD Manager->Available packages->Android Repository: +Android SDK Tools, revision 8 +Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 123:19
exutuxAnon7-2521: type route23:19
Anon7-2521k thx23:19
sharavthats what i googled kkk23:19
DocfxitI'd like to find out how to install a package manually from *.deb . The package I would like is Double Commander23:19
avenyhv, yup I know :(23:19
boywondersharav, ill try that23:19
Jasoncould some 1 help me23:19
ActionParsnipAnon7-2521: to show gateway, run:     ip route show | grep default | awk '{ print $3}'23:19
cheese_gorillas7Nobody has a thought on my harddrive issue?23:20
rumpe1_Docfxit, dpkg -i package.deb23:20
ActionParsnipDocfxit: sudo dpkg -i filename23:20
dirk_I would like to know the configuration file for xchat-gnome23:20
ActionParsniprumpe1_: dpkg for installs, needs sudo23:20
bencahillActionParsnip: how is upgrading from a cd different than from dist-upgrade, or would the latter not be possible due to being out of support?23:20
Anon7-2521Thanks ActionParsnip23:20
DocfxitThank you both23:20
avenyhv, there are lines that starts with + and lines that starts with - and I know what are.. the thing that I don't know is: what are the other lines that have not symbols??23:20
nucc1anyone know how to move the gnome-panels in current ubuntu? :p23:20
sharavboywonder: what errors have u see?23:20
Jasoncould some 1 help me with my wireless problem23:20
nucc1!ask | jason23:20
=== Guest9080 is now known as AndrewMC
ubottujason: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:20
ActionParsnipbencahill: dist-upgrade is similar to upgrade, you will stay on the same release23:21
boywondersharav,  theres only tools revision 223:21
bencahillActionParsnip: ah23:21
fieldymacHi, a quick shout out to find out if anyone knows if I can export the seahorse contents via the command line or a bash script. I need to backup the contents of the seahorse folder as part of a backup script I'm writing.23:21
hvaveny: they are a few lines before and after a chunk that build up "the context". those are the ones I warned you not to delete.23:21
gustavo_amigos preciso urgentemente da ajuda de vcs23:21
Priceyfieldymac: which contents?23:21
sharavboywonder: ok install it!23:22
ActionParsnipbencahill: you can use the alternate CD of the next release to get the next release (or LTS -> LTS upgrade etc)23:22
Jasoneverytime i rebbot my laptop i cant connect to my wireless network i have to keep reinstalling the drivers everytime i reboot23:22
nucc1!es | gustavo_23:22
ubottugustavo_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:22
bencahillActionParsnip: right23:22
avenyhv, ah ok ok23:22
Priceyfieldymac: things like gpg and ssh keys should be trivial to export23:22
jrib!br | gustavo_23:22
ubottugustavo_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:22
Priceyfieldymac: just check in ~/.gpg and ~/.ssh23:22
bencahillActionParsnip: does the cd (booting) have an option to upgrade, or do you do it from the os?23:22
Priceyfieldymac: password keyrings though, i'm not so sure about where they're stored23:22
avenyhv, I didn't modify them, I tried this: http://pastebin.com/MYnij0AB but it didn't work23:22
nucc1jrib lol. i don't know the difference between portugese and spanish :)23:23
fieldymacAll of them, I want to make a backup of everything, the .gpg and .ssh are ok, but I think the gnomevfs also stores something..23:23
boywondersharav, shall i also add the google add ins23:23
ActionParsnipbencahill: do it from within the OS, there is basically a script in the root of the CD (Or ISO, both are equal (saves having to burn a CD)) to run and update23:23
DaghdhaWhen i enable swap my machine won't boot.. when i try and mount swap afte rboot i get: swapon: /dev/sdc5: read swap header failed: Invalid argument23:23
KragenSitakerHow do I find my way from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/syslinux/2:4.01+dfsg-3ubuntu1 to the binary .deb? I want to install it on an 8.10 system so I can install 10.10.23:23
jribnucc1: when in doubt, check the host :)23:23
fieldymacIs seahorse just a GUI wrapper for the command lines then?23:24
hvaveny: heh! you deleted the other lines. you have to update the line number bits23:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:24
hv(and the context, too)23:24
DaghdhaAccording to disgtool that partition is swap23:24
sharavboywonder: im sorry i couldn't understand what you mean!23:24
Xeon06Can anyone tell me the difference between the /home directory and the /root directory (when logged in as root)?23:24
Daghdha0x82 it says23:24
avenyhv, no I didn't delete anything! I just commented those lines23:24
bencahillActionParsnip: ok sweet :) I can't find any info on google about it though, lemme pull out a cd23:25
rwwXeon06: /root is the home directory of the root user. /home/usernamehere is the home directory of normal users.23:25
* bencahill retrieves a ubuntu cd from the stash23:25
hvaveny: sorry, lemme see again23:25
DaghdhaShould i just reformat swap?23:25
ActionParsnipbencahill: it must be the alternate CD to do it23:25
avenyhv, np23:25
Xeon06rww: Oh, so root's home directory is just not located with the others then?23:25
rwwXeon06: correct23:26
Xeon06rww: Cool, thanks23:26
Jasonhow do u ask a question then23:26
boywondersharav,  i have this :- [2011-02-15 23:24:43 - SDK Manager] Error: null23:26
fieldymacPricey: Thank you23:26
boywonderin eclipse23:26
bencahillActionParsnip: not server cd?23:26
boywondersharav,  in the console23:26
boywonderim going to restart23:27
nucc1jrib, how's the host checked in IRC again? :)23:27
fieldymacJason: What is your wifi question?23:27
KragenSitakerOh, found it, at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/i386/syslinux/2:4.01+dfsg-3ubuntu123:27
DaghdhaIt worked!23:27
Jason<fieldymac> everytime i reeboot the wireless card stops working23:28
DaghdhaI formatte dthe swap and now i can use swapon :)23:28
hvaveny: you have to correctly modify the line number bits. read about the unified format here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diff#Unified_format23:28
avenyhv, ok23:28
ZoffixHey. So, after manually hacking around my xorg.conf I managed to run separate X screens for my dual-monitor setup. However, now they are TOO separate: the mouse doesn't switch to the second screen when I try to roll it over. Any idea how I might be the problem here?23:29
fieldymacJason: When you say stops working, does it stop auto connection, by which I mean you can click back on your wifi connect, or does the card stop working so you cant see any wireless networks?23:29
kwtmHi! How do I set what program is used to open a certain type of file (MIME type), eg. "use Okular for PDFs"?  I use KDE, not GNOME, so I can't "23:29
K|nGHow I can install java open things are programmed by java language in webs ??23:29
ActionParsnipbencahill: no, only alternate23:29
avenyhv, one last thing: does my correction make sense? I want to erase those lines but it seems that it is erased using the patch.. or not?23:29
hvaveny: in short, change the last number (number of line additions)23:29
ActionParsnip!java | K|nG23:29
ubottuK|nG: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:29
kwtmHi! How do I set what program is used to open a certain type of file (MIME type), eg. "use Okular for PDFs"?  I use KDE, not GNOME, so I can't "go to Preferences > System ..." etc. --is there a command-line program like "gnomeconfig" or something?23:29
bencahillActionParsnip: but alternate will update a server install? (sorry for all the ques :P)23:29
ZoffixHere's my current xorg.conf file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567506/23:29
ActionParsniphey guys, is libdvdread4 legal in USA?23:29
ActionParsnipbencahill: yes it will upgrade any23:30
=== scott_ is now known as Guest70497
bencahillActionParsnip: ok23:30
medberry!list |medberry23:30
ubottumedberry, please see my private message23:30
* bencahill is not sure what the difference is with the server cd/install...23:30
a_p3rson!list | a_p3rson23:30
ubottua_p3rson, please see my private message23:30
sharavboywonder: i guess, the problem is you need google add on source on AVD manager23:30
WulfyActionParsnip, what does libdvdread4  do?23:30
cheese_gorillas7kwtm, you can configure that through file associations in the control panel23:31
boywondersharav, would you know which one?23:31
Guest70497hey i need help figureing out my linux systems23:31
kwtmcheese_gorillas7: What "control panel"?23:31
hvkwtm: there are a bunch of xdg-* stuff23:31
Guest70497i have no idea how to use this AT all23:31
kwtmhv: Ok, so I should look for commands in the shell starting with xdg-?23:31
jribnucc1: you can do /who NICK  usually23:32
hvkwtm: man xdg-mime23:32
Guest70497can anyone help ,me at all????/23:32
jribGuest70497: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:32
ActionParsnipWulfy: allows you to play commercial video DVDs23:32
boywondersharav, im just installing the lot23:32
nucc1jrib doesn't seem to work in my xchat23:32
Guest70497i need help installing skype23:32
ActionParsnipGuest70497: give details and we'll try23:32
WulfyActionParsnip,  i doubt it proberbly run foul of the crypto laws?23:33
ActionParsnipGuest70497: it's in the partner repo23:33
cheese_gorillas7kwtm, it is typically called kcontrol, it may be called System Settings in Kubuntu.23:33
Guest70497what is partner repo23:33
ActionParsnipWulfy: not sure but someone on launchpad answers is asking23:33
rwwActionParsnip: The illegal part of commercial DVD reading is decrypting CSS. libdvdread4 passes this off to a separate package (libdvdcss).23:33
ActionParsnip!partner | Guest7049723:33
ubottuGuest70497: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »23:33
kwtmhv: Thanks. The man page says there's a "mimetypes-file" -- can I find a sample of it on my system?  Eg. is there /etc/skel/mimetypes or something like that?23:33
ActionParsniprww: can you answer this please: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/145537   it's dead simpl but I want it to be accurate and right23:34
kwtmcheese_gorillas7: Ah, I see what you mean! Sorry, my question was deficient.  I'll clarify:23:34
acegiakcan anyone help me with my samba config? net usershare info and testparm here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567509/23:34
rwwActionParsnip: "No."23:34
acegiakjust can't connect23:34
Guest70497anyway someone can connect to my computer and do this23:34
ActionParsnipGuest70497: the repo is aleady listed in software centre, just not enabled23:34
waldo.prison.net 666723:34
ActionParsniprww: cool, thanks.23:34
sharavboywonder: ok then you restart eclipse and open AVD manager again. there must be another updates for available23:34
Guest70497or a 1on1 chat?23:34
hvkwtm: man xdg-mime works for me.  it has an example.23:35
bencahillActionParsnip: so I guess /cdromupgrade (from http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386.list)...23:35
kwtmI am using KDE but am switching to Evolution instead of Kmail. When I open PDF attachments in Evolution, it does not know to use Okular, although all my KDE apps use Okular. Is there a way to set GNOME apps to use Okular as well?  Clearly the KDE control panel settings don't affect Evolution.23:35
=== jezz is now known as Guest85994
ActionParsnipGuest70497: just run the software centre then click edit -> software sources23:35
=== zkriesse is now known as That_Wiki_Guy
kwtmhv: You're right!  I didnt' read far enough down into the man page.  Sorry.23:35
induzis there any application to get my video on .avi format  to import to itune23:36
jahrome_hi room23:36
Guest70497then when i get to that window?23:36
induznot itune rather imovie or23:36
bencahilljahrome_: hi :), do you have a question regarding ubuntu?23:37
=== That_Wiki_Guy is now known as zkriesse
jahrome_i am trying to install a windows application over wine from cdrom in ubuntu 10.10, but i have no executable rights23:37
induzI have this camera and i want to make a small video out of some .avi files....can i edit those on Ubuntu/23:37
bencahillinduz: you want to convert files?23:37
sharavboywonder: I need to go to sleep now and Google is your best friend ;)23:37
ActionParsnipGuest70497: under the 'other sources' tab, put a tick in the partner repo boxes23:37
bencahilljahrome_: on the livecd?23:37
DocfxitHow can I restart the network after updating the interfaces file?23:37
PhoulExcuse me, I installed kvm+qemu on my box and for some reason the guests are mind numbingly slow, i have good hardware and its supported by qemu, for debian squeeze it takes over 10 mins to get past the language selection23:37
boywonderok sharav  thank you23:37
PhoulDoes anyone know how i could fix this, im using virt-manager to setup the guests23:38
jahrome_bencahill: no, its installed, dualboot system23:38
cheese_gorillas7kwtm, in that case I don't know.  It depends what evolution on ubuntu uses to figure out mime info.  My best guess would be what hv suggested, to check out xdg-mime23:38
induzi  can  see those video files and thier proerties are listed as; AVI video (video/x-msvideo)...can i edit those files23:38
Guest70497all i have is a other software tab and that does not have a partner repo box23:38
ActionParsnipGuest70497: then click close and it should now be available23:38
bencahillDocfxit: sudo service networking restart, I think?23:38
induzor can i convert them to a codec which imovie can import23:38
ActionParsnipGuest70497: or you can use this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype23:39
bencahilljahrome_: what do you mean "I have no executable rights", what error?23:39
induzbencahill, i want to make a video out of few clips in .avi codec23:39
jahrome_bencahill: The file '/media/H3_CMPQ_30_/setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.23:39
bencahillinduz: you can convert using handbrake, ffmpeg, or mencoder, e.g..23:39
prefrontaljust upgraded lucid to maverick, fully updated. boots into 2.6.32 kernel even though 2.6.35 is installed. grub-update doesn't add 2.6.35 to the kernel menu. need help.23:39
bencahilljahrome_: what command are you running?23:39
Docfxitbencahill I get an error saying restart: unknown instance23:40
jahrome_i just doublecliced on that file23:40
boywonderthe freaking thing is installing them all lol that aint cool23:40
bencahilljahrome_: ?23:40
induzare they free and available on ubuntu?23:40
ZoffixYEY! I miraculously managed to get my screens working! And the effects work too (unlike them being broken in my older installation). Here's my working xorg.conf file, if anyone cares: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567510/23:40
ZoffixThanks for all the help.23:40
Guest70497actionparsnip: this is the message i get and its long23:40
miketomdooljahrome right click on file goto properties go to permisions and click make executable23:40
Guest70497There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.23:40
bencahilljahrome_: you need to do wine "[windows path to file]"23:40
boywonderi can just remove after lol23:40
induzbencahill, actually I would prefer not to conert them as i lose quality23:40
bencahillinduz: yes23:40
ActionParsnipGuest70497: what is the output of:   lsb_release -d23:40
bencahillinduz: why can't imovie import them?23:41
induzbencahill,  how can i get those s/w23:41
jahrome_bencahill: i first have to install the app, right?23:41
Guest70497im sorry that confused me23:41
bencahilljahrome_: what app?23:41
jahrome_bencahill: from the cdrom23:41
induziMovie has its own codec23:41
ActionParsnipGuest70497: press CTRL+ALT+T   copy the command I gave and paste it to terminal, then press ENTER, copy the output and paste here23:41
bencahilljahrome_: that's what I'm saying, wine "[path to installation file]"23:41
jahrome_bencahill: i have added the setup.exe to wine-configuration, isn't this the same?23:42
bencahilljahrome_: there may be a gui way to run it, I usually use the cli as it's easier23:42
bencahilljahrome_: what do you mean added to wine-configuration?23:42
BiPolahDoes anyone else with Steam installed via WINE have a little shadow under its icon on the notification area?23:42
jahrome_bencahill: i can add applications to wine over the wine-config desktop23:43
Guest70497CTRL+ALT+T doesnt do anything23:43
bencahillinduz: for imovie support, hop over to ##windows, I don't really see what this has to do with ubuntu...23:43
bencahilljahrome_: the wine-config desktop?23:43
induzI am looking for vide editing s/w on ubuntu23:43
bencahillinduz: oh, why didn't you say that?23:43
maco2induz: pitivi is the included video editor23:44
BiPolahInduz: Perhaps ProjectX, Pitivi or LiVES23:44
induzwhere can i find it / on applications/23:44
BiPolahmaco2: Included in what? I don't have that in 10.1023:44
bencahillinduz: what is "it"23:44
jahrome_bencahill: this doesn't solve the problem, my nautilus knows to open the file with wine, but i have no executable rights and cannot even change them23:44
ActionParsnipGuest70497: or in Applications -> Accessories -> terminal23:44
BiPolahinduz: Just search "video editing" in the software centre...23:44
ActionParsnipinduz: http://techcityinc.com/2009/02/04/top-10-free-video-editors-for-ubuntu-linux/23:45
bencahillinduz: also, openshot or kdenlive23:45
barfHow can I change the screen settings in the terminal? By that I mean in the text based linux23:46
Guest70497i got to terminal and i typed it all in i got > lol23:46
bencahilljahrome_: try copying the whole cd onto your computer23:46
Guest70497Can you just type the EXACT thing i need to copy and paste into my terminal23:47
ActionParsnipGuest70497: the command is:   lsb_release -d23:47
jahrome_bencahill: already tried, no success23:47
bencahilljahrome_: same error?23:47
wart___hi folks.  i'd like to use some of the code in an ubuntu ppa repository, but, as a gentoo user, i'm a little stumped.  there are these instructions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122934523:47
jahrome_bencahill: no, it was different, but i tried again now, and it seems to work23:48
wart___i just want to get the deb so I can deb2targz it and have a look at the spec file and the source code.23:48
Guest70497nothing happens23:48
wart___but i'm a little (well a lot) unsure how23:48
bencahilljahrome_: lol :), you're good then?23:48
Guest70497i hit enter and it just goes down and writes >23:48
jahrome_bencahill: haha, don't think so...23:49
bencahilljahrome_: oh? :-/23:49
wart___its related to (the same as?) this: https://launchpad.net/gma50023:49
jahrome_bencahill: seems to work, thanks for da help :)23:49
bencahilljahrome_: goody! :) np23:49
ActionParsnipGuest70497:  ok try:   cat /etc/lsb-release23:49
a_p3rsonBiPolah: Steam on WINE is known to not work. However, steam on PlayOnLinux works much better. No shadow, but the background is white23:50
ActionParsnipGuest70497: press CTRL+C first to stop that > thing23:50
jahrome_bencahill: but i don't want to copy every cd to hdd, is there another way?23:50
DocfxitHow can I restart the network after updating the interfaces file?23:50
bencahilljahrome_: it seems wine doesn't like to install from a ro source...23:50
Guest70497ohh it said ubuntu 10.10?23:51
bencahilljahrome_: you might read through this (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1500627), it seems relevant23:51
jahrome_bencahill: ahh ok, makes sense23:51
ActionParsnipGuest70497: good enough23:51
ActionParsnipGuest70497: then use:23:51
ActionParsnip!partner | Guest7049723:51
ubottuGuest70497: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »23:51
lakituhttp://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/02/clinton-pledges-25-million-for-net-freedom-fighters/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher  calling all white hat hackers23:51
bencahill!ot | lakitu23:51
ubottulakitu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:51
Guest70497bash: !partner:event not found23:52
jahrome_bencahill: thanks for the link, seems really relevant23:52
Guest70497thats what came up23:52
bencahilljahrome_: no problem, google is your friend :)23:52
bencahillActionParsnip: good luck :)23:52
jahrome_bencahill: haha ;) i know23:53
gardeniagood day. Does anybody know where I can find format painter in xubuntu?23:54
Guest70497ok im gettting some help localy23:55
mneptokgardenia: "Format Painter" is a Microsoft Office feature.23:55
gardeniayes i know but any similar thing in xubuntu mneptok?23:56
EveyHy guys, a question of low priority...23:56
a_p3rson!ask | Evey23:56
ubottuEvey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:56
Eveyi changed a blacklist but a reboot is required23:56
gardeniaim using xubuntu right now. I find a similar thing format painter in ubuntu but couldn't find it in xubuntu. please help23:56
Eveyi cant reboot with a live isb system23:56
bencahillgardenia: what was the name of the "similar thing"?23:57
Eveyusb system23:57
a_p3rson!xubuntu | gardenia23:57
ubottugardenia: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:57
bencahillEvey: what blacklist?23:57
Eveyfor wireless modem23:57
bencahillEvey: if it's a kernel mod, you can modprobe -r it23:57
Eveyi check, tnk23:58
gardeniayes i know i have ubuntu 9.10 server. on top of which i have xubuntu as my gui. need help in format painter in xubuntu im making cells a lot23:58
DocfxitDoes anyone know how to setup a static IP permanently in Ubuntu?23:58
sorinsuck my dick23:59
bencahillDocfxit: /etc/network/interfaces23:59
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IdleOne!language | sorin23:59
ubottusorin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:59
bencahill!language | sorin23:59
a_p3rsongardenia: join #xubuntu for xubuntu support23:59
bencahillIdleOne: beat me :)23:59
sorinsuck my dick  looser23:59
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