
Seonybundo: 계세요06:35
Seony메일 주신거요, 그게 제가 일전에 말씀드린 한국로코팀 2년 재연장 관련한 내용이에요06:35
bundo감사합니다 ^^;06:36
Seonyjasonjang님께도 말씀드렸고, 구글그룹스에도 포스팅했는데 다들 아무 말씀 없으셔서요 ㅎㅎ06:36
Seony오늘인가 어제 포스팅한 것도 보셨죠?06:36
bundo요즘 우리 특징이 아무말없기 인가 봐요06:36
Seony이제 구글그룹스에 올릴려구요. 그래야 그룹스를 좀 활용할 거 같더라구요. ㅎㅎ06:36
bundo네 그룹스에도 알려 주세요06:36
bundo서울 사무실서 일좀 보는 중임06:37
Seony오늘도 캐노니컬에서 메일 하나 받아서, 그룹스에 포스팅했거든요.06:37
Seony별 내용은 없는데 그래도 운영진이면 다들 알아야할 거 같아서 간단하게 올렸어요06:37
bundo아 그거 요 커스텀06:38
bundo전 커스텀 별루인데 ㅎㅎ 머 대세가 그렇다면 따라야죠06:38
bundo암튼 작성자 또는 우분투 위키 표기정도야 좋죠06:38
Seonyㅎㅎ 네. 불만있으면 얘기하라고 하니깐요 ㅋ06:39
Seony저는 요즘 무좀이 심각하게 안좋은 상태라서 요즘 매일 슬리퍼 끌고 댕겨요...06:39
Seony진짜 발꼬락 짤라야되는 줄 알았어요 ㅎㅎ06:39
Seony역시 신발 좋은 거 사봐야 몸 체질이 안맞으면...06:40
milkmaster재대로 접속 한게 맞나모르겠네;;14:04
milkmaster질문이 있어서 들어왔습니다.14:05
milkmaster코분투 10.4 LTS 를 받고싶은데14:05
milkmaster다운받을수가 없네요14:05
milkmaster방법이 없을까요?14:05
SIMPLISM음... 지금 분도님 서버가 고장나서 다운이 안되는 듯 하네요;;14:07
SIMPLISM제가 파일이 있으면 제 서버에 올려드리는데;;; 저도 파일은 없네요;;14:07
SIMPLISM포럼에 글을 한 번 올려보심이;;ㅋ14:08
milkmaster아하 그렇군요^^14:09
SIMPLISM잠시만요... CD가 있네요14:10
SIMPLISM일단 이미지로 떠서 서버에 올려놓은 뒤에 링크 걸어드릴께요14:10
SIMPLISM지금 이미지로 뜨고 있습니다.14:10
milkmaster급하게 코분투를 깔게되어서...14:10
SIMPLISM한국에서는 코분투만한게 없죠;;ㅋㅋ 손댈것이 없어서;;ㅋㅋ14:10
milkmaster당장 내일모래 프랑스로 가게되어서;; 오늘안에 설치를;;;14:11
SIMPLISM워워~ㅋㅋ 프랑스14:11
SIMPLISM왠지 외국가시는 분들은 너무 멋있는것 같다능;;ㅋㅋ14:11
milkmaster너무 감사드립니다..ㅜㅜ14:11
milkmaster정말 막막했어요;;14:11
SIMPLISM32bit 필요하신거죠?14:14
SIMPLISM다행이네요;;ㅋㅋㅋ 64bit면 답없었음....ㅋㅋ14:15
milkmaster넘 감사드립니다14:15
SIMPLISM아뇨;; 뭐 이정도로;;ㅋㅋ;;14:16
SIMPLISM안그래도 요즘에 하는 거 없어서..ㅋㅋㅋ 드라마 보고 있던 중에 심심했어요...ㅠ^ㅠ14:16
SIMPLISM지금 서버에 업로드 하는 중이구요... 다 올라가면 링크 드리겠습니다.14:16
milkmaster넵 알겠습니다14:16
SIMPLISM아 근데 넷북으로 돌리고 있는 서버라..ㅋㅋㅋ 조금 불안하긴 한데;;ㅋㅋ14:17
SIMPLISM일단 milkmaster님은 느리긴해도 받는데에는 지장없을듯..ㅋㅋㅋ14:17
milkmaster받아지기만 하면 됩니다 ㅋ14:17
milkmaster잘받아집니다 ㅎㅎ14:24
SIMPLISM속도 얼마나 나오나요;;ㅋㅋ14:24
milkmaster1m정도 나와용14:24
SIMPLISM쩝... 역시 로컬이 아니라 느리군요..ㅋㅋ 공유기 내의 다른 컴퓨터에선 빠르던데;;ㅋㅋ14:25
milkmaster저에겐 엄청 빠른겁니다 ㅎㅎ14:26
milkmaster받는것도 감격인데 1m는 감격이죠 ㅎㅎ14:26
SIMPLISM뭐... 그렇다면 다행이구요;;;ㅋ14:26
ndsinIndex of /public14:26
SIMPLISM하여튼 저는 다시 드라마보러 뿅14:26
milkmaster다 받았습니다14:29
peteriushi, can anyone here read korean?14:51
jincreatorEveryone in here are native Korean speaker!14:52
peteriusI need help with something, I'm working on a go client that works with Tygem which is a korean go server14:52
peteriusbut I can't read a couple of the buttons and it would help me out if someone could tell me what they say14:52
jincreatorIs Tygem a web site, or program can run in Ubuntu?14:54
peteriusits a windows program, my client is linux but...14:55
peteriusI can post a screenshot though14:55
jincreatorIf you post a screenshot and there are few English string, I will give you translated image using gimp.14:56
jincreator...If I can14:56
peteriusyou don't have to use gimp if that's a lot of work, i can do that15:04
peteriusyou can just tell me what the buttons are, there's only a couple that I really need15:04
peteriusi know bottom far right is resign, and 2nd from the left bottom is pass15:04
jincreatorThe problem is I don't know how to play this game so I don't know some words :(15:04
peteriusthere's also a request draw button and some review15:05
peteriusoh, okay15:05
jincreator대국신청 = start fight15:05
peteriuswell you pass or skip if you want to end the game15:05
peteriusand then the otherp erson passes or skips too15:05
peteriusand then you score15:05
peteriusthe game15:05
peteriusyou can also resign if you don't want to score the game15:05
jincreator무승부신청 = draw(tie) proposal15:06
jincreator한수쉼 =  rest 1 time?15:06
peteriusyeah that's the pass button15:06
peteriusskip one turn or something15:06
jincreator물리기 = cancel15:07
peteriusis there a button to review the game? like after its over15:07
peteriusor one to score the game or count15:07
peteriusmaybe start fight is the score button15:08
jincreatorThere's no string related to score maybe...15:08
jincreator기권 = withdraw15:09
peteriusyeah that's the resign button15:09
peteriuswhat about: http://img163.imageshack.us/i/tygembuttons2.png/15:09
peteriusits a dialog i think saying accept score or result or something but im not sure15:09
jincreatorIt means 'black 3 win'15:10
jincreator흑 = black15:10
jincreator백 = white15:10
jincreator승 = win15:10
jincreator패 = lose15:10
jincreator결과에 동의하시겠습니까?=Do you agree result?15:10
jincreator수락 = ok15:11
peteriusokay... hmmm15:12
peteriuswhat about these three: http://img268.imageshack.us/i/tygembuttons3.png/15:12
jincreator1대국신청 = start fight15:13
jincreator1복기시작 = start something15:13
jincreator1I don't know 복기15:13
jincreator1음성복기 = 복기 using voice?15:13
peteriusoh that must be if you want to talk about the result on a mic or something15:14
SIMPLISM복기는 바둑에서 처음부터 다시 둬보는 것을 복기라고 합니다.ㅋ(일종의 검토같은..?)15:14
SIMPLISMreview라고 해도 무난할 것 같은데요;;ㅋ15:14
jincreator1Oh! 복기시작 = restart game15:14
peteriusis that like rematch? or... yeah that must be rematch15:15
jincreator1SIMPLISM said 복기 means review15:15
peteriusokay, thanks, only a couple more I think, let me check15:16
peteriusthese have something to do with reviewing the game15:18
peteriususually what happens is one of the players has control of the review and can place stones and move back and forth15:18
peteriusand then sometimes there's a way to give control to the other player15:18
jincreator1진행자선택 = select person who play?15:19
jincreator1진행자제거 = remove player?15:19
jincreator1놓아보기 = try to get stone?15:19
jincreator1원래상태로 = restore?15:19
jincreator1복기마침 = finish review15:19
peteriustry to get stone lets you place stones15:20
peteriusi guess that makes sense, there's one more... hold on15:21
peteriusthis is after you do the place stone button: http://img341.imageshack.us/i/tygembuttons4.png/15:23
jincreator1Is this image different from before?15:24
peteriusoh whoops...15:24
jincreator1다시 = do it again15:25
jincreator1다시 놓아보기 = get stone again?15:25
peteriuswell it looks like it backs up to before you've placed any stones15:26
jincreator1Because the only way to get stone again is get away stones you've placed. Maybe...15:27
peteriusdo you know the one on the right of it?15:28
jincreator1You mean 원래상태로?15:28
peteriusits the opposite of the one on the left in the previous picture15:28
peteriusthe try to get stone button15:28
jincreator1It means "go back to original state"15:29
peteriusthanks a bunch15:30
peteriusthat should be enough15:30
jincreator1Good night, everyone!16:00
jincreator1이만 자러 갑니다. 모두 안녕히 주무세요.16:00

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