
ecinx3_I uninstalled unity and ubuntu desktop and reinstalled and the problem persists. but00:28
ecinx3_was able to get it to work in recovery mode with low graphics. but every program was crashing.00:28
ecinx3_kde's window manager works fine though00:29
rbnswartzDBO you around?01:04
DBOyeah but a bit grumpy01:04
DBOwhats up?01:04
rbnswartzhey glad to finally get a hold of you01:04
rbnswartzI need a way to send information from inside of unity to the user for debug purposes what would be my best bet01:05
rbnswartzDBO ^^01:10
DBOrbnswartz, to the user?01:10
rbnswartzto me on the outside of unity so I know if a value is set or a function is called.01:10
rbnswartzI can't really use cout01:11
DBOrbnswartz, we normally just use printf01:13
DBOIm not sure what else you really want01:13
rbnswartzwill that output on the screen though01:13
rbnswartzif so how do I get to the output01:13
ionI almost said printf’s a polymorphic function that either returns a string or an IO action that prints stuff based on context, but the i noticed this is not #haskell after all. :-P01:15
ionSee printf(3). It mentions sprintf which might be what you want.01:16
rbnswartzokay thanks also one more thing when I compile and install unity is that version the one that is used on boot or do I have to disable and re-enable the plugin from compiz manager01:18
DBOrbnswartz, you should restart compiz after installing a new version01:23
rbnswartzDBO I restart compiz and then go to the compiz settings and disable then reenable the plugin. Then everything crashes01:24
DBOyeah you dont have to disable/reenable01:24
DBOjust restarting compiz is enough01:24
rbnswartzOkay thanks that is what I needed. Thank you for your time and it was great talking to you again.01:25
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didrocksgood morning07:46
smspillazmorning MacSlow07:56
MacSlowhey smspillaz07:56
MacSlowgreetings folks!07:56
oSoMoNgood morning08:06
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nerochiarokamstrup: hi. i was told to ask you if i had issues with libunity. i'm trying to build it on natty and on configure i get this: "error: failed. Please install the package 'gobject-introspection' in order to compile libunity" -- but i have that package already installed. any ideas ?09:23
kamstrupnerochiaro: sorry for the obvious question, but are you 110% sure you have gobject-introspection installed?09:30
nerochiarokamstrup: just triple checked now. it is installed09:31
nerochiarokamstrup: i can try reinstall it if you want09:31
kamstrupnerochiaro: have you tried 'sudo apt-get build-dep libunity'?09:32
nerochiarokamstrup: great idea. let me try that09:32
kamstrupnerochiaro: if it installs something you're missing please let me know what it was so I can add checks for it09:33
nerochiarokamstrup: The following NEW packages will be installed:09:33
nerochiaro  gir1.2-dbusmenu-glib-0.409:33
nerochiaroThe following packages will be upgraded:09:33
nerochiarokamstrup: but i still get the same failure when i configure09:34
kamstrupnerochiaro: is it libunity trunk or a release?09:34
nerochiarokamstrup: lp:libunity09:34
nerochiarokamstrup: branched it yesterday09:35
kamstrupnerochiaro: ok, so when you say "configure" you mean "autogen.sh"?09:38
nerochiarokamstrup: i ran it once, then ran only configure after that. and in fact, running autogen.sh again now worked09:40
nerochiarokamstrup: sorry for being an idiot ;)09:40
kamstrupnerochiaro: no worries :-)09:40
nerochiarokamstrup: one more question09:40
nerochiarokamstrup: the docs mention a dbus filter that would route all messages from the LauncherEntrys to unity09:41
nerochiarokamstrup: how is that setup ?09:41
nerochiarodbus rule, sorry09:41
kamstrupnerochiaro: not sure what you refer to?09:41
nerochiarokamstrup: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI << it says at some point Unity will pick up the Update signal by having a DBus match rule catching all signals from com.canonical.Unity.LauncherEntry disregarding its origin.09:43
nerochiaroi'm not sure what's that about honestly09:43
kamstrupnerochiaro: oh, sorry, that's outdated09:43
kamstrupnerochiaro: it's already there09:43
kamstrupnerochiaro: i'll just update the wiki09:43
kamstrupnerochiaro: oh, no, wait09:44
nerochiarokamstrup: right, but i'm asking this for unity2d since we likely have to do the same thing, so I needed to understand what's that about a bit more precisely09:44
kamstrupnerochiaro: sorry for the confusion09:44
nerochiarokamstrup: no problem09:44
kamstrupnerochiaro: right, it didn't occur to me that you where looking at this from the unity side, not the client side09:44
nerochiarokamstrup: should've said that at the start :)09:45
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kamstrupnerochiaro: so what we do in unity to pick up the Update signals are just:09:45
kamstrupnerochiaro: g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe (conn,09:46
kamstrup+                                          NULL,                       // sender09:46
kamstrup+                                          "com.canonical.Unity.LauncherEntry",09:46
kamstrup+                                          NULL,                       // member09:46
kamstrup+                                          NULL,                       // path09:46
kamstrup+                                          NULL,                       // arg009:46
kamstrup+                                          G_DBUS_SIGNAL_FLAGS_NONE,09:47
kamstrup+                                          on_launcher_entry_signal_received,09:47
kamstrup+                                          this,09:47
kamstrup+                                          NULL);09:47
kamstrupin src/LauncherEntryRemoteController.cpp09:47
nerochiarokamstrup: ah, makes sense. i think i can do the same from Qt. thanks09:47
kamstrupthat will set up a dbus match rule ala: "interface='com.canonical.Unity.LauncherEntry',type='signal'"09:48
kamstrupthe point is to listen for the signal disregarding the sender09:48
kamstrupI also listen for any signal on that interface so we can print some good debugging info if people sends unknown signals on that interface09:49
nerochiaroand then work by looking at the app_uri in the signal09:49
nerochiaroif it's Update09:49
nerochiarokamstrup: do you have a debian packaging info for libunity yet ?10:30
nerochiarokamstrup: also, i'm trying to build the example from the wiki page, and i get this:10:41
nerochiaro$ valac --pkg unity --pkg dee-1.0 --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg Dbusmenu-Glib-0.4 testlibunity.vala10:41
nerochiaroerror: Package `Dbusmenu-Glib-0.4' not found in specified Vala API directories or GObject-Introspection GIR directories10:41
nerochiarokamstrup: if i comment out the menu parts in the example and remove that failing pkg it works10:42
didrocksnerochiaro: what do you mean by "debian packaging info"?11:13
nerochiarodidrocks: the debian/ dir11:13
didrocksif the question is "is there a package", the answer is yet11:13
nerochiarodidrocks: ok, where can i find it ?11:14
didrocksnerochiaro: in natty, it's just libunity11:14
nerochiarodidrocks: ok, maybe i'm missing something, but if i bzr branch lp:libunity and want to build the .deb on my own, how do i do that ?11:15
nerochiarois there a packaging branch ?11:15
didrocksnerochiaro: oh, you want to build it on your own? (why btw? the release version is weekly and you should either build locally or using the package, but well…)11:16
nerochiarodidrocks: right. because i just build from source and i wanted to install it via the package11:17
nerochiarobut it's ok, i just did make install11:17
didrocksnerochiaro: do you need something particular in trunk?11:17
didrocksnerochiaro: the thing is that if you build your own package, you won't be able to report bugs via apport (even unrelated one)11:17
nerochiarodidrocks: i just wanted to run on the latest, since I was told you were changing things quickly this week11:17
nerochiarodidrocks: working on unity2d11:18
didrocksnerochiaro: yeah, the daily build in the ppa should be what you want11:18
nerochiarodidrocks: ok, i'll move to that11:19
didrocksnerochiaro: FYI, in libunity, trunk and latest natty package is the same11:19
nerochiarook, so i'm fine even with trunk. just simpler with the package i guess11:19
nerochiarodidrocks: and also, maybe you know this: in the LauncherEntry part of libunity, why there's a check if unity is actually running before sending the updates ?11:20
didrocksnerochiaro: that's a dee issue AFAIK, but I don't have a deep look on that part yet. I'll get to it next week :)11:21
nerochiarodidrocks: ok. i guess njpatel knows11:21
nerochiaroor kamstrup perhaps11:22
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kamstrupnerochiaro: because the check is free, and there is no need to spam the bus during startup or other heavy pressure ops11:37
nerochiarokamstrup: ok. also did you see the issue i reported about about building the example app from the wiki page ?11:41
kamstrupnerochiaro: yeah, the build instructions on the wiki has been updated11:42
kamstrupnerochiaro: after didrocks cleaned up the deps for libunity you only need to pass --pkg unity to valac11:42
nerochiarokamstrup: great11:42
didrocksshould work with the packaged version in natty in fact11:43
kamstrupnjpatel: considering https://bugs.launchpad.net/libunity/+bug/719780 do you know if quicklists are supported in unity yet?12:13
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didrockskamstrup: it's not12:18
rodrigo_hmm, where does the package 'unity-misc' live?12:18
rodrigo_it's needed to compile latest unity trunk12:19
didrocksrodrigo_: I would say ~ubuntu-desktop/libunity-misc/ubuntu12:19
* didrocks checks12:19
rodrigo_ah, a new lib12:19
didrocksrodrigo_: no, it's just not migrated yet12:19
didrocksrodrigo_: I'll migrate it today with the new release12:20
rodrigo_migrate to?12:20
didrocksrodrigo_: https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/libunity-misc/packaging12:20
didrocksI'll move it with today's release in ~ubuntu-desktop12:20
didrocksI moved them once after another when we are doing release :)12:20
rodrigo_ah ok12:21
didrockswhich didn't happen for a while in libunity-misc12:21
rodrigo_ok, the libunity-misc-dev package does it12:21
rodrigo_no, it doesn't: /opt/extra/src/canonical/unity/atk-component-for-panel/src/PanelTray.h:31:32: fatal error: unity-misc/na-tray.h: No such file or directory12:24
rodrigo_didrocks, so yeah, it needs an update?12:24
didrocksrodrigo_: yeah, will come with today's release12:24
njpatelkamstrup, I was certain they were, but as this is the first thing to really use them, maybe not12:28
njpatelkamstrup, internally everything is quicklist, so I thought your and jason's work hooked that up too, maybe it's a few lines of code that are missing there12:28
om26erlibunity-misc trunk says "configure: error: cannot find sources (unity-misc/unity-misc.h) in . or .."12:29
om26eran older commit suggests this file was removed12:30
om26erdidrocks, ^^12:30
didrocksom26er: that's because njpatel is evil :) let me check12:31
njpatelom26er, didrocks let me push a fix, sorry :)12:31
njpatelom26er, didrocks done12:32
didrocksnjpatel: excellent, thanks :)12:32
om26ernjpatel, aaala12:32
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didrocksom26er: looking GNOME bugs as well? ;)13:30
om26erdidrocks, just subscribed ;)13:33
alecuHi all, thanks for the great work you are doing. I wanted to ask a question regarding progressbars on launcher icons... who should I ask?13:41
alecu"I see that libunity has support to show and hide, and update the progress on the progressbar on the launcher icons. Will it also support enabling/disabling the 'pulse' on the progressbar?"13:42
didrocksalecu: not sure, ask DBO when he's there :)13:43
alecudidrocks, thanks.13:43
njpatelalecu, I don't think we'll be adding a pulse this release, but I'm not sure. What was your use-case?13:53
alecunjpatel, disabling the pulse was meant to signal that the connection to the Ubuntu One servers was lost, but that there was still pending files to upload.13:54
alecu(or download)13:54
njpatelalecu, I thought you were doing that through an emblem13:55
njpatelalecu, we decided against pulse as it would needlessly cause animation13:55
alecunjpatel, yup, we may do that as an emblem too.13:55
alecunjpatel, sounds reasonable.13:55
njpatelnp :)13:55
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onoxDBO, where are you?14:19
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czajkowskiiainfarrell: what new circle of friends should I use ?14:39
cando_tedg, got a moment?14:52
kvalokamstrup: hi. energy for review? https://code.launchpad.net/~kvalo/indicator-network/settings-passphrase-fix/+merge/5016114:55
kamstrupkvalo: is it less than 6k lines?14:58
kvalokamstrup: it is, this time ;)14:58
kvalokamstrup: actually I think all pieces are done and from now on it's more about small steps14:59
tedgcando_, What's up?14:59
cando_tedg, forget me...i've solved my doubt..:)15:00
kamstrupkvalo: approved15:01
kvalokamstrup: thanks15:02
onoxDBO: bamf compilation fails15:33
DBOonox, bamf hasn't changed in quite some time15:33
DBOI suspect the issue is on your end15:33
onoxyes, njpatel told me I need to patch glib15:33
onoxyou got a patch?15:33
DBOonox, are you not on ubuntu?15:36
DBOonox, the patch is only needed to build the GIO module15:36
DBOyou can skip building the GIO module if you want15:36
DBObamf will still work with a degraded accuracy15:37
onoxDBO: I'm on gentoo ^_^15:37
onoxhow do I disable the gio module?15:37
aruiztedg, about?15:39
tedgaruiz, Yup15:39
aruiztedg, the dbusmenu server should emit the DBUSMENU_SERVER_SIGNAL_ITEM_ACTIVATION signal once an item is clicked right?15:40
tedgaruiz, No, the menuitem should emit it's signal.  That's for signaling back to the client.15:41
aruiztedg, so, how do I listen for items being called on the client side?15:41
tedgaruiz, We might be mixing up client and server here :)  dbusmenu-server is in LO.15:42
aruizyeah, understood15:42
aruiztedg, and the global menubar is client, right?15:42
tedgOkay, so the server gets the event from dbus and passes it to the menuitem to handle.15:42
tedgCorrect, the unity-panel-service is the client.15:43
onoxDBO: btw, why are you not twittering anymore? :(15:43
aruizso I should connect a callback for every menuitem?15:43
DBOonox, not really no15:43
tedgaruiz, Yes, so each menu item has an activate signal.15:43
aruiztedg, gotcha15:43
DBOonox, I guess you could disable the gio module in the Makefile.am15:43
onoxI'll rip module \ out of SUBDIRS15:44
aruiztedg, the "gint id" mislead me to think that you can just connect to the root item or the server15:44
tedgaruiz, Yeah, it's perhaps a bit over OO'd, but it's nice for things like the GTK parser we have that doesn't know anything about the server really.15:46
aruiztedg, okay, let's see if I can get some actions triggered around here15:46
aruiztedg, it works :-)15:49
aruiztedg, the callback, not the actual action, sorry for the downer now :P15:52
aruizI'm not too far from that though15:53
* tedg cries a little15:54
njpatelrodrigo_, please update your bugs https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/3.4.416:04
rodrigo_njpatel, update how?16:05
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njpatelrodrigo_, the statuses16:24
njpatelfix committed/in progress etc16:24
njpateljust so I know what to move to the next milestone, what needs to be done etc etc16:24
rodrigo_njpatel, ok, so all that is committed is now in today's release, right?16:25
njpatelrodrigo_, yep, it will be, there is still time to merge any branches that haven't landed, though16:25
desrtnjpatel: word17:01
njpateldesrt, hey hey17:01
njpatelsmspillaz, didrocks we have our desrt17:01
didrocksnjpatel: excellent \o/17:01
didrockshey desrt :)17:01
njpatelcould you guys please give him a run-down of the current status on the gdbus bug :)17:01
desrtyour $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable isn't set17:02
desrtor at least that's my guess17:02
njpatel<njpatel> could you guys please give him a run-down of the current status on the gdbus bug :)17:02
njpatel<desrt> your $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable isn't set17:02
njpatel<desrt> or at least that's my guess17:02
didrocksdesrt: yeah, it's not set17:03
seb128it isn't17:03
didrockssmspillaz was looking at why17:03
seb128still it shouldn't hang?17:03
desrtit's trying to spawn a private bus for itself17:03
didrocksright, it shouldnt :)17:03
desrtwhich i think is just stupid, frankly17:03
desrtdavid only added the functionality for compatibility with libdbus-117:03
seb128why does that dbus-launch call hangs though?17:03
desrtthere are two possible reasons17:04
desrt1) dbus-launch isn't daemonising properly17:04
desrt2) it is, and sending sigchld but the sigchld is missed by gdbus17:04
desrti'd wager 2 if i was forced to guess..17:04
desrtyou can see for yourself based on if you have a zombie dbus-launch hanging around, i guess17:05
seb128smspillaz, ^17:05
njpatelso something is unsetting that envvar in compiz/unity?17:06
desrti'll take a quick peek at the code in gdbus to investigate my suspicions about #217:06
seb128guess that makes it a compiz issue really, glib shouldn't hang this way but compiz should hit that code to start17:06
desrtya.  exactly17:06
desrtit's our bug to fix17:06
desrtbut the real problem is yours to fix17:06
seb128desrt, thanks17:06
seb128njpatel, right17:06
smspillazdesrt: where exactly are we re-setting the session bug id ?17:06
smspillaz*bus id17:06
smspillazthere isn't any code in compiz that touches dbus17:06
desrti have no idea :)17:07
njpateldesrt, thanks17:07
njpatelsmspillaz, unity17:07
njpateltouches dbus quite a bit17:07
smspillazoh :/17:07
smspillazso ... how is this a compiz bug then ?17:07
desrtnjpatel: good touch or bad touch?17:07
seb128smspillaz, well, gnome-session has this environement set and it starts compiz17:07
seb128so it really ought to be set17:07
njpatelsmspillaz, no one tells me if it happens without the unity plugin, been waiting for that info for weeks as I can't reproduce17:07
smspillazright, I can look into that again17:07
njpateldesrt, always bad, that's just how we roll17:07
smspillaznjpatel: the crash happens before the unity plugin is *loaded* though, thats the thing17:07
desrtnaughty DX17:08
njpatelsmspillaz, oh, so it is your fault17:08
smspillazbut we don't touch dbus17:08
njpatelsmspillaz, find the code that calls unset and we're done17:08
smspillazwe don't touch the env either17:08
njpatelsmspillaz, did you do the thing about printing out the env before and after every plugin that you load?17:08
desrtthis is definitely not a gdbus bug...17:09
njpatelwe need to narrow this down to a part of compiz or one of the plugins17:09
smspillaznjpatel: seb128: desrt: last time I looked into this, I printed the env on main () and DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS17:09
smspillazwas not there17:09
seb128but it's in /proc/$(pidof compiz)/environ17:09
njpatelsmspillaz, you need to add more places where it prints, as I said, before and after ever plugin that is loaded17:09
smspillaznjpatel: I guess I can try that, but the hang happens *before* any plugins other than ccp are loaded (which initailizes gconf)17:09
njpatelsmspillaz, then you need a lot of printfs ;)17:09
smspillazsomething's not adding up here that's all17:10
seb128smspillaz, it's really weird, as said the proc environ say it's set17:10
njpatelI agree17:10
njpatelsmspillaz, if nothing else, I want to isolate it either in or away from compiz17:10
seb128compiz is also started by gnome-session which is has it set and is using dbus for sure17:10
desrti think i figured it out17:10
desrtg_spawn_sync() doesn't wait for SIGCHLD to finish up17:10
desrtinstead it waits until its reading from stdout and stderr both hit EOF17:11
desrtwhich is a good indication that the child process is dead (because both have been closed from the other end)17:11
desrtdbus-launch is probably leaking at least stderr to the daemon17:11
desrtso it never closes, so we never hit EOF17:11
desrt--> run forever17:11
desrtit's really a case of differing expectations and non-documentation than a bug that you can point at and say "it's your bug"17:12
desrti'll open a bug in glib anyway17:12
seb128desrt, thanks17:12
desrtsince one way or another g_spawn_sync() should work a particular way or we should not be depending on it working that way from gdbus17:12
seb128smspillaz, well that's for tha hang part, still compiz should connect to the existent bus so there is an issue in compiz17:13
smspillazseb128: we don't touch dbus at all, thats the thing17:13
smspillazseb128: we only touch dbus implicitly because gconf uses it17:13
seb128smspillaz, gconf does17:13
njpatelsmspillaz, gconf17:13
njpatelseb128, got there before me :)17:14
smspillazmy expectation is that if you load gconf and use it, it should just work or error out if it can't connect () rather than just hanging due to some obscure env thing which isn't even made clear in the gconf docs17:14
seb128smspillaz, why it hangs is a bug that desrt just explained17:15
smspillazyeah, I saw that17:15
njpatelsmspillaz, so we've figured out that why it isn't doing that, but it doesn't take anything away from the fact that, even though the env is set, something is screwing it up17:15
seb128smspillaz, still at the time you start dbus is set and the environment variable as well17:15
njpateland that something is in or around compiz17:16
njpateland hence, we need to fix it17:16
smspillaznjpatel: but there's no good indication of what that thing might beg17:16
smspillaznjpatel: seriously, what we do is this17:16
seb128that's what youneed to figure17:16
smspillazstart -> load plugins -> init screen -> init plugin screens -> ccp screen -> init backend -> load gconf -> hang!17:17
njpatelsmspillaz, at each of those steps print the env and, hopefully, you'll see between each one where it's screwed up17:17
bdmurraylamlex: So I'm looking at bug 711916 and it has 14 unmarked likely duplicates and I'm curious about what's next.17:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 711916 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in std::_List_node_base::_M_hook()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71191617:17
smspillaznjpatel: you could just set a watchpoing on environ :)17:17
njpatelsmspillaz, whatever, but you get the point :)17:18
smspillaz*shrug* I guess we can do that17:18
smspillaz*waits for compiz to rebuild*17:18
smspillazbut I think I'm going to get some sleep now17:19
smspillaznight all17:19
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|sleepi
seb128'night smspillaz|sleepi17:19
njpatelsure, night17:19
lamlexbdmurray: I guess looking at the dupes and decided in they're dupes is next?17:19
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bdmurraylamlex: sure. more specifically should I open an upstream compiz task or an upstream unity one?17:19
lamlexhm, njpatel how are we doing compiz bugs?17:20
lamlexI would think upstream compiz task is the way but I know that sam has a workflow established17:21
njpatellamlex, I'm not sure, it's a didrocks/sam thing17:21
lamlexdidrocks: ^17:21
didrockslamlex: there is no compiz upstream bug because their bug tracker was broken until recently17:22
bdmurraythey should move to launchpad ;-)17:22
didrockslamlex: so, on unity related issue, open a compiz packaging page and an unity upstream one17:22
didrocksbdmurray: yeah, already proposed :-)17:22
kenvandinetedg,  you know how much i love days like today...17:41
kenvandineto test libindicator, i can just do rebuilds of the existing indicators right?17:42
tedgkenvandine, Yup, should work :)17:44
* kenvandine grumbles about having to do rebuilds of everything to just test one package17:44
kenvandinetedg, which indicators will get releases today?17:44
tedgkenvandine, Don't have a complete list yet, but several.17:45
tedgkenvandine, I wouldn't rebuild them in archive yet.17:45
m_conleytedg: ping18:18
tedgm_conley, Hey18:18
m_conleytedg:  hey - I was wondering, do you have a mock version of libindicate to write tests against?18:19
m_conleytedg:  I'm trying to find a nice way to unit test my TB indicator extension.18:19
tedgm_conley, The best is to use the listen-and-print tool.  It'll put things on the command line.18:19
tedgm_conley, It's in the libindicate source18:19
m_conleytedg:  awesome - thank you!18:20
desrtdidrocks: really fascinating bug!18:41
didrocksdesrt: I gave me joy and cry at 3AM the day before my holidays :)18:43
desrtfor the record, i have no idea what the hell is wrong18:43
desrtunless there's some bizarre way that dbus is leaking pipes18:43
Devil505http://ostatic.com/blog/fedora-opensuse-give-up-on-unity :/18:48
didrocksdesrt: the thing is that it's pretty reliable18:56
didrocksdesrt: if I don't add any delay at start18:56
desrtso what's the symptom?  compiz totally fails to start, or what?18:56
desrtjust had a thought -- is there any way that something like apport could be holding some process open?18:57
didrocksdesrt: yeah, compiz totally fail to start and hangs18:58
didrockshum, I didn't try without apport enabled IIRC18:58
didrocksnot apport expert though, I was just thinking it was waiting on some kernel signals18:59
desrtso when i login i get a normally-functioning compiz...19:00
desrti think the problem is that an fd is leaking somehow...19:01
desrtdidrocks: some clear information on how to reproduce this would go a long way...19:09
desrtroot access to a system that's currently in the deadlocked state would also help19:09
desrtbut please install libc debug symbols first :)19:09
DaekdroomWhy doesn't synaptic integrate with globalmenu?19:18
didrocksdesrt: well, quite easy, install ubuntu, I can provide you the compiz version without the workaround and log in :)19:20
desrtah.  i didn't know that a workaround was being used.19:20
desrtnon-workaround version, plz :)19:20
didrocksdesrt: yeah, I've reordered the compiz starting order :)19:21
didrocksdesrt: sure, not right now because in unity reease and ETOOMANYTHINGS-before-rebase19:21
didrocksdesrt: I think sam should look at #1 why the variable isn't there19:21
desrti'll shelf working on the bug until then :p19:21
didrocksdesrt: heh :-)19:21
didrocksdesrt: well, the issue is that we got a lot of ABI break, so I can't give you easily a non working compiz version right now :)19:22
desrtit's no worries19:22
didrocksdesrt: and apparently, the hang with machine dependent, some people got it, the other got another crash19:22
didrocks(not related though)19:22
desrtat this point the bug itself is merely a curiosity to me19:22
desrtand considering that the real fix will make my changes irrelevent, it's not really high priority19:23
didrocksdesrt: hence the fact the workaround was remove/readded by some people :)19:23
didrocksdesrt: exacctly19:23
didrocksgrrr, can't type19:23
bdmurraylamlex: did you recreate bug 698348 or should I try it again?20:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 698348 in gnome-screensaver (Ubuntu Natty) "screensaver does not display but screen is locked" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69834820:33
lamlexbdmurray: do you mean was I able to reproduce?20:33
bdmurraylamlex: yeah20:33
lamlexI can't reproduce anything. I'm on osx until nvidia drivers are fixed20:33
=== Artir is now known as JoseLuisRicon
=== JoseLuisRicon is now known as Artir
lamlexanyone got a minute and want to see if they can reproduce this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bamf/+bug/70975921:02
bdmurraylamlex: re 709759 I see the old icon before w/o running unity --replace21:24
jcastrocyphermox: booyah I see your branch21:40
cyphermoxjcastro, yeah... a little late to file the review but heh21:41
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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