
Riddellhi rbelem, I made a couple of small changes to the kdelibs ksamba bits, do check them over for sanity00:31
Riddellthey're in git00:31
rbelemRiddell, cool :-D00:32
RiddellI think the kdenetwork patch is good to on into git with the addition of the dialogues on problems (samba not installed, whatever the other one is)00:32
* rbelem git fetch origin00:32
rbelemRiddell, i will add the dialogs right now :-D00:33
c2tarunThere are two patches, one is applied and other don't apply because of change in the source code. What comment should I add in changelog, for removing patches?00:33
rbelemRiddell, thanks for the patches :-D00:37
c2tarunrbelem: can you please help me in the above problem I asked.00:38
rbelemRiddell, i made a small patch to check if samba is installed in the ksambashare00:38
rbelemc2tarun, sure :-)00:39
c2tarunrbelem: thanks :) so what should I write in changelog? two separate entries for both the patches or simply dropped all patches.00:39
rbelemc2tarun, do you think the patch still needed?00:40
c2tarunrbelem: no, in case of first patch, half of patch is applied and on place or rest a complete new source code is there. in case of second, whole file is removed.00:40
c2tarunof rest*00:41
rbelemc2tarun, i think that you can write that the code where the patches were applied was completely modified and can not be applied anymore00:44
rbelemc2tarun, something like this00:44
c2tarunrbelem: ok thanks :)00:44
rbelemRiddell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/567923/00:45
rbelemc2tarun, u r welcome :-)00:45
Riddellrbelem: I think that kWarning should be a kDebug, it's not unreasonable that the person don't have samba installed00:48
Riddellthen the kdenetwork bit should pop up a friendly dialogue saying sharing won't work unless it is installed00:49
c2tarunrbelem: one more help please, in newer version there was a folder named doc. In older version there was a folder named doc_src. both folder contains some same and some different files. I  was getting an error that doc_src not found. I renamed doc of newer version to doc_src and it worked. It build succesfully. Should I mention this change in any changelog?00:51
rbelemc2tarun, sure, you have to write ther every change you do the app or packaging00:53
c2tarunrbelem: so I should put this change in debian/changelog or at some other place?00:54
rbelemc2tarun, just debian/changelog00:54
c2tarunrbelem: thanks :)00:54
rbelemc2tarun, all the changes to the source have to be a patch00:55
c2tarunrbelem: renaming a folder as well?00:55
rbelemc2tarun, yup00:55
c2tarunrbelem: sorry, but I dont know how to create a patch?00:56
c2tarunrbelem: sorry I forgot, I also copied a file profiling.txt from older version to newer version. :( can you guide me to any link or manual that tells me how to create a patch?00:58
Riddellc2tarun: I expect whatever is expecting doc_src needs changed to doc00:58
Riddellinstead of changing the upstream directory00:58
c2tarunRiddell: ok, and what about copying that *.txt file from older version to newer one?01:00
c2tarunRiddell: sorry I may be poking a lot, but I found the place where I need to chagne doc_src to doc. but I dont think this will create a patch automatically. And copying a file from previous version. I have no idea how to deal with this. Please reply01:04
rbelemc2tarun, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Howtos/Quilt01:07
rbelemc2tarun, http://wiki.debian.org/UsingQuilt01:07
c2tarunrbelem: ok, thats easy, I can fix the renaming problem and can add a patch. but still can you please tell me how to handle the problem of file I copied.01:11
rbelemc2tarun, quilt add filename handles that01:14
c2tarunrbelem: thanks :)01:14
rbelemRiddell, i pushed two patches to ksambashare kdelibs01:35
rbelemRiddell, i will add the dialogs and the kpackagekit thing :-)01:35
rbelemRiddell, do you know if is there an example anywhere? :-)01:37
c2tarunI created a patch pushed it and then made changes, on running quilt refresh I am getting "Nothing in patch debian-change-2.0.6". why so?01:43
c2tarunRiddell rbelem: ^^ 01:44
Riddellrbelem: qdbus org.kde.KPackageKitSmartIcon /org/freedesktop/PackageKit  might help01:44
rbelemRiddell, oh! packagekit uses dbus01:45
rbelemthx :-)01:45
Riddellrbelem: InstallPackageNames will be it01:45
Riddellphonon-backend-gstreamer might have an example01:45
Riddellc2tarun: sorry I need to sleep now01:46
c2tarunRiddell: gud nite :)01:46
rbelemRiddell, g'night01:47
rbelemc2tarun, look for dot directories01:48
c2tarunrbelem: dot? what are they and where to look?01:48
rbelemc2tarun, maybe it is .pc01:48
rbelemi'm not sure01:48
rbelemc2tarun, ls -la01:48
c2tarunno there are no hidden directories (doc dir ;)01:49
c2tarunrbelem: ^^01:50
c2tarunrbelem: but there is one .px01:50
rbelemc2tarun, take a look in the src root dir01:50
c2tarunrbelem: there is one .pc directory it contains a folder of my patch name.01:51
c2tarunrbelem: there is no src :(01:52
c2tarunrbelem: patch applied. getting an error, If you get time please look at this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/567953/02:05
rbelemc2tarun, you have to clean the source tree02:08
rbelemc2tarun, fakeroot debian/rules clean02:08
c2tarunrbelem: should i just run "fakeroot debian/rules clean"?02:10
rbelemc2tarun, try that if it cleans02:10
c2tarunrbelem:  nope, got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/567956/02:11
rbelemc2tarun, backup the debian dir, remove the current source tree and unpack the tarball move the debian dir back02:13
rbelemc2tarun, try to build after that02:13
c2tarunrbelem: :( same error. What is wrong actually?02:16
rbelemc2tarun, no idea right now... I'm a little bit sleepy, so i'm not thinking very well :-)02:18
c2tarunrbelem: no prob :) thanks02:18
rbelemc2tarun, u r welcome02:18
rbelemc2tarun, did you take a look on this wiki page? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU02:20
c2tarunrbelem: yup, approximately zillions of time :) why?02:20
rbelemc2tarun, the packaging stuff there might help until tomorrow02:23
c2tarunrbelem: help means? I am not getting02:23
rbelemc2tarun, you can find some answers there02:24
c2tarunrbelem: sure :)02:24
* rbelem going to bed02:30
c2tarunrbelem: good nite :)02:30
rbelemc2tarun, g'night :-)02:30
c2tarunrbelem: its 8:00 am here ;)02:31
vorianyo yo yo02:39
voriancan anyone spare a shell for me? - just for irc reasons02:39
ScottKWhat happened to your server?03:11
vorianIt's toast ScottK 03:13
vorianplus 1000 miles away03:14
ScottKWhat happened?03:14
ScottKThat makes it tougher.03:14
vorianIt over heated and fried the mother board, all the capasitors have blown03:14
ScottKThat's generally considered "bad".03:15
vorianI'm just glad I have an inlaw in the area that could confirm the state of the server03:15
ScottKI don't have one I can offer, sorry.03:15
ScottKGood luck finding one, I think I'm off to bed.03:15
vorianno worries03:15
maco2vorian: i can04:01
vorianmaco2: thanks, but found another source04:01
vorianyou rock though:)04:01
maco2vorian: ok04:02
c2taruncan anyone please tell me how can I convert copyright to dep-5 format?09:26
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Riddellmorning bambee 10:03
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ScottKc2tarun: You have to edit it by hand.  There's no requirement for dep-5, so I wouldn't worry about it if you don't want to.12:10
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apacheloggerall my systems need reinstalls -.-14:02
Riddellooh just in time for lucid.2 testing14:03
apacheloggerisn't lucid like old? :P14:03
apacheloggerRiddell: is the kubuntu mobile seed used?14:08
Riddellapachelogger: in natty it's in transition, there's a new mobile seed collection which needs a patch to be merged into launchpad to get it working14:16
apacheloggerRiddell: I think kubuntu-common should either become kubuntu-bare or we need an additional kubuntu-bare and have common as well as mobile base on that14:18
apacheloggercommon contains too much plunder14:18
ScottKjust move it to desktop.14:18
ScottKThen it won't be common anymore.14:18
apacheloggerRiddell, ScottK: that still does not help as kubuntu-common is based on desktop-common which pulls in all sorts of crap14:33
apachelogger(all of cups for example)14:33
ScottKThat is a bit different.14:34
Riddellwe do have a Todo item for that "Work out what can be ignored from desktop-common seed (i.e. depend on standard and bring in only those bits necesssary from desktop-common)"14:35
Riddellfeel free to take it up apachelogger :)14:35
apacheloggerthere alread is a minimal seed, no?14:35
apacheloggerjust make kubuntu-minimal: minimal, kubuntu-common: desktop-common kubuntu-minimal, kubuntu-mobile: kubuntu-minimal14:36
apacheloggerthere isn't much from deskto-common I deem useful on mobile14:37
Riddellapachelogger: go for it14:40
apacheloggerfirst I'll try to get my mobile install fied14:40
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shadeslayerapachelogger: <apachelogger> shadeslayer: dialogFinished        (        const KNS3::Entry::List &         changedEntries         )15:44
shadeslayerinstead of my connect signal?15:44
shadeslayeri mean ... instead of aboutToShowDialog15:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^15:45
shadeslayerdarn .. i pinged him twice :)15:45
apacheloggerI blame everyone else15:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: think about it15:45
apacheloggerwhat you are doing right now does not make sense15:45
apacheloggeras the button wants to show a dialog and you do that too15:45
shadeslayerhmm ... 15:45
shadeslayeri do?15:46
shadeslayerbut there's no dialog.exec there15:46
apacheloggerwhereas dialogfinished is emitted when the button is done with its dialog and give syou the entries15:46
apacheloggerand IIRC you only need the entries for your function15:46
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apacheloggershadeslayer: which makes it even worse as you currently have empty entries ;)15:46
apacheloggeryour dialog never is executed thus you never get entries15:46
shadeslayergood thing this isn't committed yet ... 15:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: apart from that it's fine?15:48
apacheloggerthink so15:48
apacheloggercan tell you once you fixed that :P15:48
shadeslayeri have 20 mins, will try and fix15:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/5239 << better now?15:50
shadeslayerwait no15:51
apacheloggerthat is not gonna work?15:56
* shadeslayer reads docs again15:57
apacheloggerwe needs a uds schedule app in qml17:04
ScottKfsvo needs.17:18
DaskreechWidget please :)17:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: plz make a schedule app kthxbai17:25
apacheloggerScottK: if qemu was less shit kubunt mobile would be 300% more ready :S17:25
apacheloggermaybe I should scratchbox17:26
apacheloggerthen again that uses qemu too I blieve17:26
bambeeRiddell: I'm renaming language-selector packages (as you requested). what about rename the kcmodule to "language-selector" (without "qt" prefix)18:10
bambeeI mean qt-language-selector is now for kde... so kcmshell4 qt-language-selector does not make sense, imho18:11
bambee(i.e language-selector-kde contains /usr/share/kde4/apps/language-selector/language-selector.py and /usr/share/kde4/services/language-selector.desktop)18:13
Riddellbambee: yes I agree18:15
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apacheloggerbambee, Riddell: more like kcmshell4 language?18:59
apachelogger2/3 feature sets do not have anything in common with a selector ;)19:00
bambeeapachelogger: or system-languages ? (since its name under kcontrol) 19:01
bambee=> typo, the module is renamed "system languages" now under kcontrol19:01
apacheloggerthat i a silly name19:02
apacheloggerif I were a user I would go like "wah?"19:02
apacheloggerfor 2 particular reasons 1) what is the difference between that thing and the other thing where I can configure languages 2) what is a system language?19:03
apacheloggerbambee: how about "Global Languages"?19:03
apacheloggerthough that also is not very convincing ^^19:03
* apachelogger leaves it to bambee and returns to kpat19:04
bambeeapachelogger: objectively... the module uses LanguageSelector package and it's part of this package... so... why rename it differently ? secondly 2/3 features have something to do with selector "Install tab" since you can now select each component and "select tab" (to select an installed language)19:15
apacheloggerthen the action is still install and not select19:16
apacheloggerotherwise we would have a K Desktop Environment Selector19:16
apacheloggerbambee: it is bad policy to have source code rule naming IMHO19:16
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ScottKI may have a fix for kdebindings on armel.22:16
ScottKIt's at least gotten further than the current one did.22:16

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