
K350How do I get my DVD's to automaticaly open in VLC?00:29
DaskreechYou can edit the device actions I think00:32
sri13hi to all00:44
sri13I had a problem in kubuntu 10.10 , can u help me plz00:44
sri13startx is not working00:44
sri13My drivers are ATI Radeon Xpress 200 , and not able to install drivers00:48
sri13Please help me out , I need to start my PC00:50
Logan_WP!please | sri1300:50
ubottusri13: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:50
sri13what the need of catalyst driver ?00:54
Daskreechsri13: For 3D acceleration01:00
Daskreechwhat happens when you type startx ?01:01
sri13Daskreech: Thanks for reply , in xorg.0.log  shows error kbd is not loading01:02
Daskreechsri13: can you type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?01:02
sri13Daskreech: in failsafe mode , "Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)"01:02
Daskreechsri13: Oh dear01:02
sri13kubuntu-desktop is already installed01:02
Daskreechsri13: Why do you have an nVidia driver with a ATI card?01:03
sri13Daskreech:  I didnt get you , i have no idea about that01:03
DaskreechWhat video card do you have ?01:04
Daskreechcan you type sudo lshw -C video ?01:04
sri13ATI Radeon Xpress 20001:04
sri13Daskreech: I am presently in debian , as my kubuntu is running text mode oonly01:05
Daskreechsri13: text mode only will be sufficent as long as you can get on the net01:05
Daskreech you can log in here with Irrssi01:05
sri13Can u tell me how Can I do that01:06
Logan_WPsudo apt-get install irssi01:06
sri13After installing01:07
sri13Logan_WP: After instaling irssi , what i have to do01:08
sri13Daskreech: I am in kubuntu , now01:21
Daskreechsri13: ok01:21
Daskreechcool :)01:21
DaskreechYou know how to switch terminals ?01:22
sri13Daskreech: by using alt+f2, right ?01:22
Daskreechdo you have pastebin it?01:23
Daskreechsudo apt-get install pastebint01:23
sri13Daskreech: ok i will do that01:24
sri13Daskreech: completed install01:25
Daskreechsri13: then when you are finished you can type pastebinit lshw -C video01:26
Daskreechit will give you a url just type it back in here01:26
sri13Daskreech: the url is http://pastebin.com/qPDdZwRR01:28
Daskreechsri13: ok thanks. can you type pastebinit startx01:28
sri13Daskreech: It is giving error , not able toread from startx01:34
sri13Daskreech: i did like sudo startx | pastebinit also , here it gives empty file01:34
Daskreechsri13: does it have any out put to the screen when you do sudo startx ?01:35
sri13Daskreech: I tried sudo startx > xorgfile , xorgfile is empty01:35
Daskreechsri13: does it throw errors?01:35
sri13Daskreech: yes output is there , but it is not able to copy into another file01:36
Daskreechsri13: try sudo startx 2>&1 >xorgfile01:36
sri13can i send u xorg.0.log file01:36
Daskreechthen you can pastebinit xorgfile01:36
sri13Daskreech: ok01:36
sri13Daskreech: the url is http://pastebin.com/ynagswkf01:40
Daskreechsri13: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?01:43
sri13Daskreech: Yaa , I have01:44
Daskreechsri13: can you try this?01:44
Daskreechsudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.kbd && sudo startx01:45
sri13Daskreech: Yup success , it worked out01:47
sri13Daskreech: Thanks a lot ,01:47
Daskreechsri13: ok cool01:48
sri13Daskreech: When I reboot , startx will run automatically01:48
Daskreechsri13: reboot and tell me :)01:48
sri13Daskreech: Ok01:48
sri13Daskreech: yup , it worked out02:00
sri13Daskreech: For this thing , I worked for 3 days yaar02:01
Daskreechhave a drink02:01
sri13Daskreech: I installed nvidea , then ati , then radeon and soon , at last thanks  a lot ....02:01
DaskreechSounds like that is going to break again02:05
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sri13Hi to all , How to create local repository in kubuntu 10.1003:12
natasri13: you means change to repository near your country?03:16
sri13nata :  I  downloaded the packages from another system with highspeed net connection and want to do installation in my PC using apt-get , how can I do ?03:16
sri13nata: Did u get me ?03:19
natasri13: can, just transfer that deb package to your local system folder03:20
natasri13: then only apt-get install03:20
sri13Local system folder means /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?03:21
nataall the .deb package03:24
natabut you must gain superuser to copy them03:25
sri13nata: Thanks , i will try , do the packages give any conflicts ?03:29
natasri13: if you wan using graphic interface to gain sudo can install "pcmanfm", under the menu got 1 tab can gain sudo03:29
natasri13: you just transfer the package only, from your local computer still need using apt-get, it will auto solve for you. conflicts no.03:30
sri13nata: Okay thank you very much :)03:31
natasri13: try using synaptic package manager, it can download package only without install them. :)03:31
=== shann is now known as cinex
cinexthere is a widget in kubuntu.  its on the bottom left hand corner of this image: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/8.10-upgrade/upgrade3-wee.png it lets you browse the file system and open files. does anyone know what its called, or the file nam e?03:59
maco2folder view?04:00
cinexi think folder view is the big window you can put a directory into04:00
cinexi thought it was quickview. but that is turning nothing up on google or kde-look.org04:01
Jackalopecan anyone help med with a problems?04:01
maco2cinex: depends if its in the panel or on desktop04:01
maco2i think04:01
cinexdepends what the problem is Jackalope04:01
natacinex: quick access04:01
cinexmaco2: in the panel.04:02
Jackalopei have some odd crap happening with kubuntu 10.10 when i hit my application launcher then over mouse games or something like that it wont show up sometimes04:02
cinexnata: thankyou :D04:02
Jackalopealso the screen overlaps when using a application that involves scrolling04:02
maco2ah ok. i thought it was folderview just behaving differently depending on where you put it04:02
Jackalopei have gnome fluxbox blackbox and X04:03
Jackalopejuist kde is having this problem04:03
Jackalopethe entire screen doesnt overlap just in the inside area of the application04:07
cinexhow do u mean overlap ?04:09
nataJackalope: what you means is when you point to the menu application it wont show up application or tooltip?04:10
Jackalopeexample this message here will cover up the message above04:10
cinexlike in a web browser?04:10
Jackalopeare any of the programmers around?04:11
Jackalopethis has been happening every since i have had kubuntu04:12
Jackalopeits just in kde04:12
Jackalopewith ubuntu04:12
Jackalopekde is working on the computer with opensuse 11.304:12
Jackalopei think its a software issue04:13
cinexand the graphics look the same in both?04:13
nataJackalope: try closing your desktop effect 1st at "system settings/desktop effect" see whether stil got overlap when scroling04:13
cinexscreen resolution etc04:13
Jackalopenata, k04:13
Jackalopei dont think i have them on04:13
Jackalopeill see if that fix it04:14
Jackalopeso far so good04:15
Jackalopeim not having any of them problems now04:16
nataJackalope: try check your window behavior setting in system settings. if stil cannot you need some expert help :)04:18
Jackalopewell im not having the problem now04:19
hector___hola a todos04:20
hector___alguien que hable espanol04:20
hector___am thirsty04:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:21
vastian /msg xbins !list04:36
vastianxbins !list04:37
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Guest32454how is ubuntu different from kubuntu04:52
=== Guest32454 is now known as expecto
Daskreechexpecto: It has GNOME05:21
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.05:21
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:21
jeffieslookin for a friend...05:25
nickmoeckHas the ability to monitor remote machines been removed from the Kubuntu version of ksysguard?05:27
nickmoeckaccording to the documentation for it, there should be an option for it on the File menu, but it's not there05:28
expectowould xp in virtual box be to slow with 1 gb ram?05:33
nickmoeckexpecto: I've run windows XP in vbox with 256MB of RAM and had no problems with it being ridiculously slow, so 1GB would be fine05:35
expectoi downloaded virtual box... how do i install it? do i start virtual box first and introduce the cd with xp after it?05:39
ridinexpecto, yes05:42
natavirtual xp very consume CPU05:50
nataXorg+plasma+virtualbox = 100%05:52
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Guest85128i installed unity to replace gnome but now everything is so slow06:23
Guest85128itss taking more thhan one minute to type and send this message.... how can i go back to gnome... it is INCREDIBLY SLOW06:24
Guest85128helpplease help me :(06:25
nataGuest85128: log out and before log in check gnome. after that only delete unity06:26
Guest85128how? can u    turn o?06:27
nataGuest85128: unity stil unstable, please wait they all solve the replacement of gnome only use06:28
Guest85128i turn it off or hwo do i go back?06:28
Guest85128i cannot ffing type now06:28
nataGuest85128: not turn it off, is log off.06:29
Guest85128would that be change user?06:29
Guest85128close session06:30
Guest85128i have it in spanish06:30
nataGuest85128: ok, you restart your computer, when at login screen, type your name, password, click gnome session at the menu only enter06:31
nataGuest85128: ya, is close session06:31
Guest85128i never get that login screen ur talking about06:32
natasudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (more eazy, install back gnome ubuntu)06:33
susundbergdoes that override default windowmanager?06:35
susundbergin old days one could edit some /etc/X11 file that defined what was the default manager ..06:35
susundbergOh its still there, /etc/X11/default-display-manager06:36
natasusundberg: u means gdm?06:36
susundbergbut surely one needs to have kdm/gdm installed ..06:36
expectoit worked06:36
expectonow im back in gnome :) thank you06:36
expectonow how do i delete unity?06:36
expectoi dont see it listed at application06:37
natasusundberg: you can get define display manager when got new version of gdm @ when cross platform like kdm change to gdm only can auto give you define06:38
nataexpecto: if not wrong sudo apt-get remove unity06:40
nataexpecto: or search unity at synaptic then completely remove them06:40
expectowhere do i find synaptic.. ive had ubuntu for 2 days06:41
natasusundberg: but u also can change it but change your system file at root06:41
expectooh ur command worked in the terminal it seems :)06:41
nataexpecto: emm..i think at system/synaptic (package manager)06:43
ugurHi everybody. I just installed kubuntu 10.10. Should I install open jdk? I was using sun jdk ın previous releases07:33
arigeadJust trying to join the web forums to ask a question. The answer to this question is the word 'yes':  ???07:40
arigeadI need to answer that question to register. There are a lot of questions to which the answer is yes. I am confused07:41
globaldirectHi Fuck08:46
globaldirectHi Fucking Man's08:46
yuxelhi, is there anyone using trinity desktop environment (kde3)?08:52
yuxelanyone can access their repoistories "deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu maverick main"08:52
arigeadHello All. I'm trying to register for the web forums in kubuntu to ask a question but I'm stuck on one of the security questions. I know where the Eiffel tower is but what is the question which has the answer yes?09:10
chalcedonyarigead, your english is very good, i wish i could help but i dn't know kubuntu that well09:14
tsimpsonarigead: you just type "yes"09:29
arigeadtsimpson: Thanks for that sorry I missed that there. I'll go try09:34
arigeadtsimpson: God that makes sense now. I was having a homer moment and I asked somebody else here and they were scratching their heads as well.09:36
tsimpsonI'm not sure why kubuntuforums has so many silly questions...09:36
Niek_Riddell: I attended your talk at fosdem 2011. I was wondering if your slides are available online. The fosdem site doesn't seem to have it.09:58
Niek_I'm looking for them because I was interested in the screenshot of kontact or kmail you showed.09:59
RiddellNiek_: hmm, good question10:01
RiddellNiek_: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/qt-tutorial/10:03
Niek_Riddell: ah it was kontact mobile.10:10
RiddellNiek_: which is in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental if you want to try and get it running (may interfere with the other kontact)10:11
Niek_Riddell: Thanks. :)10:12
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rosco_yis there a gui to format a hard drive, so that I can copy files to it?11:06
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap11:11
Tm_Trosco_y: ^11:12
rosco_yThank Tm_T!  I'll take a look into that!11:21
rethussince one week the kmixer icon and the clipboard-icon in the tray doesn't appear (only empty fields...11:23
rethusif i click on the empty field, kmixer and clipboard opens11:24
rethusif i move the wheel over kmix... and the icon change to lower noise,  the kmixer icon appear in the tray.11:24
rethusanyone know, why the icons doesn't appear?11:24
rethuspalim palim, eine flasche fritten bitte :)11:27
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szpreaderhi, I'm having problem's booting kubuntu....there's an error on the booting startup process......12:14
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rorkszpreader: what's the error? when does it occur and what happens after it?14:17
waqar-malikevery one..14:22
rorkhi waqar-malik14:22
waqar-malikfriiends i want to share ma internet connection using wifi14:22
waqar-malikcan aany one help me14:23
rorkwaqar-malik: the only thing I can do is point you to the wiki (which might be gnome oriented), I know nothing about wifi but maybe someone else will pick up your question. In the wiki check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs#Connections14:26
BluesKajHiyas all14:34
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DarthFrogDoes anyone know how to get around " Cannot open shared library libasound_module_conf_pulse.so" on 10.10?  I'm trying to run an old Loki game (Alpha Centauri) which worked before pulseaudio.  It runs but there's no sound and that error is thrown.14:52
BluesKajDarthFrog, have you tried it without pulseaudio?14:54
DarthFrogBluesKaj: In earlier versions of Kubuntu, yes.  But pulse is the sound system in Maverick.14:55
ufohackerthat will be .....14:55
ufohackerbut my kubuntu someting wrong14:55
BluesKajDarthFrog, I removed pulseaudio in maverick and it works just fine with alsa14:55
ufohackerif it be log off  then black background14:56
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  Hmm, thanks for the idea.  Pulse is nothing but a nuisance AFAICT.14:56
ufohackerbeside restart14:56
BluesKajI keep getting these options asking if I want to remove a soundcard for some reason , but i just click on manage audio, ..it happens about once a session wehn I decide to play some music or a video14:58
ufohackeri do not know14:58
BluesKajDarthFrog, pulseaudio is nothing another layer basically designed for higher end soundcards which have plenty of options14:59
BluesKajnothing but another layer of useless distortion producing audio processing15:00
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Well, I removed pulseaudio and now have sound through ALSA.  Now to try the game again. <crossed fingers>15:01
DarthFrogNo joy.  A @#$pile of new errors. :-(15:02
BluesKajDarthFrog, check apt for alsa-base and alsa-utils15:05
DarthFrogBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568241/15:07
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  They're installed.15:07
=== larsivi_ is now known as larsivi
BluesKajDarthFrog, sudo /sbin/alsa reload15:13
DarthFrogBluesKaj: It's still looking for a Nvidia card.  I have a Soundblaster X-Fi15:15
BluesKajDarthFrog, it wouldn't be a usb outboard card  ?15:16
DarthFrogNo, an internal card.15:17
DarthFrogOh lovely, now I have no sound at all.  Well, that'll make the wife happy. :-)15:19
BluesKajIn some cases DarthFrog the one has to choose the card in the BIOS if there are onboard and pci cards ,in BIOS peripherals15:21
DarthFrogThere's a thought.  But it did work when I removed pulseaudio and stopped working after I did the ALSA reload.15:22
DarthFrogI hate the Linux sound system.  A festering mess of (&)^^$%.15:22
BluesKajdid you set the alsamixer ctrls , wonder if the card is listed ther15:22
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DarthFrogHmm, there is no mixer.  Isn't that special.  Ah, the blazes with it, I'm giving up.15:24
BluesKajDarthFrog,  then install alsa-base (the driver) and asla-utils , don't give up yet15:24
BluesKajalsa should see the driver , so it may have inadvertenly been removed by pulseaudio, DarthFrog15:25
BluesKajactaully alsa is the driver15:26
DarthFrogBluesKaj: I re-installed pulse and now have sound again.  I'll try again some other time.15:26
BluesKajok DarthFrog ..odd that i can run without PA ..15:27
DarthFrogBluesKaj: Lucky you.  :-)15:30
BluesKajDarthFrog, look for libasound2 , libasound2-plugins, gstreamer0.10-alsa if any of those are missing then that could explain it15:32
BluesKajalso . I'm surprised to see alsa looking for an nvidia chip on a SB card15:35
BluesKajalso . I'm surprised to see alsa looking for an nvidia chip on a SB card , DarthFrog15:35
DarthFrogBluesKaj: You're surprised?  I'm astonished. :-)15:35
BluesKajsomething askew there15:36
BluesKajthat's whay I assumed you had a pci soundcard as well as an onboard, DarthFrog15:37
DarthFrogThe snd-ctxfi driver was loaded.  There was no snd-nvidia loaded, though there is a snd_hda_intel driver.  This is an AMD system, no Intel stuff at all AFAIK.15:38
DarthFrogThe video card has HDMI, but that's not interfering.15:38
BluesKajDarthFrog, what does cat /proc/asound/cards show ?15:39
DarthFrogI think that the next time I reboot, I'll poke around in the BIOS.  I thought I disabled on-board sound but perhaps not.15:39
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/568264/15:40
sturmflutSince I updated to the KDE 4.6.0 packages from kubuntu-ppa/backports akonadi is not working anymore. Right after the login there are four akonadi processes in the task list, just happily consuming CPU and RAM until the machine starts to swap to disk and becomes completely unusable. I have to kill those processes and cannot use KMail or KOrganizer anymore, the applications just freeze. Is this a known bug or should I just file a report?15:41
DarthFrogsturmflut: You'd be best to go to Launchpad and search for that issue.15:42
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DarthFrogsturmflut: I don't recall anyone on this channel reporting such an issue.   That doesn't mean that no-one has, though. :-)15:42
BluesKajDarthFrog, yup , looks like you need to choose it in the BIOS , thee used to be a command that would choose and make a card the default but it hasn't worked in a while15:43
sturmflutDarthFrog: I think I may have found a matching bug report just now, https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26589615:44
ubottuKDE bug 265896 in general "Akonadi resources churn CPU and consume memory until OOM killed" [Crash,Unconfirmed]15:44
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  Well, I'll wait until the next time I need to reboot.  The issue is not that important, at least not until I go into Alpha Centauri withdrawal. :-)15:44
sturmflutStupid Akonadi. This thing is way too complicated and error-prone for such a central component.15:45
DarthFrogsturmflut: There you go, you can add your name to that bug.15:45
BluesKajsturmflut, think I heard about another similar case a few days ago , can you turn off the nepomuk search which might help15:45
sturmflutBluesKaj: Nepomuk is already off, I don't use it15:46
BluesKajok ...bummer15:46
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DarthFrogsturmflut: Please keep in mind that the KDE SC is a major undertaking by volunteer workers.  I have no doubt that KDE 4 subsystems that are problematical now will be much better in the future.15:46
DarthFrogI'm not sure about this whole semantic desktop thing.  I'm not sure that I really understand it but am looking forward to the future with KDE SC. :-)  Above all else, it's worth the price and comes with a money-back guarantee!15:48
BluesKajkde 4.6 has a few probs still, but mostly little graphical hitches in my experience , no 'hogs" on the loose , sturmflut try killing whjatever process it is in system monitor15:48
BluesKajnever cared for kontact or akonadi ..just my taste i guess15:49
szpreaderhi, I'm getting an error during startup of kubuntu.......the /home is missing and to press S or M.....15:50
Daskreechszpreader: do you have /home on a different drive?15:50
szpreaderI configured swap, / and /home15:50
szpreaderin the partition installation menu15:51
szpreaderI'm trying to install it on a external hdd15:51
DarthFrogszpreader: Are you booted into the problem system now?15:51
szpreaderI cannot start Kubuntu because of that error15:52
sturmflutDarthFrog: I understand that, but for me Akonadi has been a constant source of problems since it was introduced. This is about the third Akonadi-related bug report I have to add my name to in the last year, which makes Akonadi the most problematic KDE component since I started using KDE back in 1999. I didn't really care about it in the beginning, but Kontact relies on it nowadays, and I really need stable access to my e-mails and appoi15:52
DarthFrogszpreader: Are you trying to install Kubuntu or /home onto an external drive?15:52
szpreaderI configured the partitions manually.........15:52
sturmflutDarthFrog: And running mySQL in the background just makes it worse IMO.15:52
szpreaderLet me be more specific......15:52
szpreaderI booted the live image from an usb memory stick15:53
szpreaderI started the install kit15:53
szpreadercreated a swap, a / and a /home partitions15:54
szpreaderrebooted and I get that error when trying to boot kubuntu (on the blue screen)15:54
westmi49319can I display hidden files and folders in dolphin?15:55
DarthFrogszpreader: Did you try installing it again?15:55
szpreaderI did it twice15:55
szpreaderI had ubuntu 10.10 on it15:56
DarthFrogszpreader:  Can you boot into recovery mode and see if the /home partition even exists?  If so, try replacing the UUID paramter in /etc/fstab with the proper device name.  If that works, then you've encountered a bug.15:57
sturmflutwestmi49319: Sure, there is a menu item in "View" for that, or you can press the Hotkey. Should be Alt+.15:58
szpreaderI'm a newbie......You lost me there15:58
Daskreechszpreader: When you start up there is a pause that says press any key for the menu. If you press your any key then you should get a list of option15:59
Daskreechone of them is recovery mode15:59
szpreaderand then?16:00
DarthFrogDaskreech:  "your any key" .  Funny man.  :-)16:00
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szpreaderhow do I replace the UUID parameter?16:02
DarthFrogszpreader: you would edit the /etc/fstab file.  But, as a newbie, I take back that suggestion. as an error there will screw up your system.  Not that it isn't already screwed up.16:03
DarthFrogszpreader:  How about installing Kubuntu without a separate /home partition?  You can always add one later.16:04
yofelyou'll get a recovery shell when you press 'M' when you get the error too btw. - and as long as you don't edit the / entry in fstab, you won't break the system more than it already is16:04
szpreaderI also found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146708116:07
szpreaderIf I would know how to apply that.........:(16:08
DarthFrogszpreader:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/568281/  shows my /etc/fstab file.  Lines starting with # are commented out.  To switch my /home partition from UUID to /dev/sdc1, I'd comment out the UUID line and enable the /dev/sdc1 line.16:08
szpreaderokay, I'll try it16:10
=== Wolf is now known as Guest94271
elijahDoes anyone know how I can use Dolphin to FTP w/SSL? I tried using ftp but it returns the error 'Server replied: 530 Have to use explicit SSL/TLS before logging on.'16:58
jemandtry   fish://16:59
jemandit works perfect ...16:59
jemandsyntax (in dolphin address line)17:01
TheKoksihow to connect on the UNDERNET ?17:16
DaskreechTheKoksi: What's the UNDERNET?17:18
DarthFrogTheKoksi: The same way you connect to Freenode.  Join an Undernet server.17:18
DarthFrogDaskreech: Another IRC network.17:18
DarthFrogTheKoksi: I haven't been on the Undernet for years, so I have no idea why you can't connect.17:19
TheKoksi[18:09] [Info] Looking for server newyork.ny.us.undernet.org:6661...17:19
TheKoksi[18:09] [Info] Server found, connecting...17:19
TheKoksi[18:13] [Error] Connection to Server newyork.ny.us.undernet.org lost: operation is not supported. Trying to17:19
TheKoksithis shows17:19
TheKoksiand i cannot connect17:20
DarthFrogTry a different server?17:20
TheKoksii tried about 1017:20
DarthFrogTry a different IRC client?17:20
DarthFrogTheKoksi: You're using Konversation right now.  Try quassel.17:21
TheKoksii have to download it17:21
DaskreechDarthFrog: can You connect to it?17:21
DarthFrogOr does the Undernet require ident?17:21
DarthFrogDaskreech: Not interested in trying.17:21
DarthFrogDaskreech: I used to hang out on the Undernet all the time when I was running OS/2.  But not since then.17:22
TheKoksiundernet is more for a chatting17:22
DarthFrogYou can chat on #kubuntu-offtopic17:23
TheKoksithey get nervous whenever i pm them lol17:23
DaskreechTheKoksi: do they have a website> They may be experincing server outages?17:23
TheKoksithats y i need undernet17:23
TheKoksiits www undernet org17:24
TheKoksiwhat is an ident?17:25
DaskreechYour identity. You have to authenticate17:26
TheKoksii think i am authenticated17:26
TheKoksibut im not sure17:26
DarthFrogTheKoksi:  Press F8 and see if you've configured it.17:27
TheKoksioh that.17:27
TheKoksiits allright17:27
DarthFrogMake sure you're not firewalling ident requests.  I can't tell you how to do that, though.17:28
DarthFrogTheKoksi: There is a #konversation channel, you might get what you need there.17:29
skaet_Heya,   would love to be able to ship the 10.04.2 Kubuntu images today, but we're behind on the mandatory testing for the Kubuntu images .   If anyone has some bandwidth to help,  tests still needing some testing can be found at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/notcompleted17:53
elijah1Has anyone been successful in using Konqueror to FTPS (not SFTP)?17:59
u19809hi all, I have kubuntu 10.10 on a quad core 8GB NVIDIA based system. and the GUI is really SLOW.  I.e. sometimes my menus popup after half a second.  There is NO CPU activity as I run a cpu monitor applet.  Also scrolling up or down in kate is slow almost as if the keyboard refresh rate is way to low.18:01
b_gholamaliu19809, do you use xrender for desktop effects?18:02
u19809i believe so (I have the cube showing if my cursor goes bottom left., right ?18:03
b_gholamaliu19809, it means desktop effects are active, but xrender is not a good choice for compositing desktop effects, try opengl18:05
u19809Did I mis anything ? my X server died.  What I also have is that when I boot into my system i have focus problems.  Then I need to go to a tty console and restart kdm.  Then focus problems are gone.18:05
u19809b_gholamail : how can I check if xrender is begin used for desktop effects and how can I use opengl instead ?18:06
b_gholamaliopen system settings and go to the Desktop effects, then click the last tab and change the compositing type to the opengl18:08
u19809opengl is active18:10
u19809was active18:10
b_gholamaliDo yiu installed graphics driver?18:11
b_gholamaliu19809, Do you installed graphics driver?18:12
u19809yes I have the nvidia driver (proprietary18:12
u19809in fact before 10.10 things were just fine18:13
u19809I have read somewhere that my graphics card might be old but that should not be a problem since it was always good enough.18:13
b_gholamalithen I don`t know what to do18:14
b_gholamaliopengl should work fine18:14
u19809sad :(18:14
b_gholamalieven on older graphics cards18:14
u19809in fact things are 'slow' even for regular apps18:15
sysop3hey was there a change to login today? like just now?18:26
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sre-suhey james14718:27
sysop3it said I needed to update and I looked at the packages and it was just login and something else.18:27
sysop3I am on 10.1018:27
sre-sujames147:   Autologin and lock screen from system settings gives some kstartupconfig4 error which is annoying18:27
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homeany one knows about KDE Partition Manager 1.0.3 repository19:10
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elijah1What is the easiest way to save monitor configurations so I don't have to set them up all the time?19:25
elijah1Everytime that I try to save the config file in nvidia settings it always fails to parse the file.19:25
elijah1Even if I can get that to work, I still have different configurations.19:26
james147elijah1: are you running nvidia-settings as root?19:30
BluesKajelijah1, run sudo nvidia-xconfig19:40
elijah1BluesKaj: http://typr.in/r64a19:47
BluesKajok elijah1 the conf was rewritten19:49
elijah1BluesKaj: What does that mean?20:00
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BluesKajit means the xorg files should be stable now20:02
elijah1BluesKaj: Oh! You mean it fixed it! That command repaired the file?!20:03
BluesKajelijah1, I'm not sure but it may have20:05
elijah1BluesKaj: Do you know if I can have multiple config files for different environments then20:09
BluesKajelijah1, such as ?20:13
elijah1well, right now I am at work and I have a secondary monitor at 1920x1080 and when I go home I have a secondary monitor at 1680x1050, then sometimes I watch movies on my projector and have to cingure that differently too, also my monitor at work is on the right and the one at home is on the left. It would be awesome to have config files on my desktop or keyboard shortcuts that I could recall for instant setup of commonl20:16
* james147 suggests to elijah1 to look at nvidia-settings --help 20:25
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james147elijah1: or better yet look at the section " 3. Loading Settings Automatically" of "man nvidia-settings"20:29
elijah1james147: Thanks buddy!20:30
samirhi all20:31
sveinseWhere can I find tutorial for KDE? Being an experienced Linux (gnome) user, I really feel like a fish out of water here. How can I move a desktop icon into a panel?20:48
FloridaGuyhows come kubuntu...and ubuntu uses http for mirrors and not ftp ??20:49
Daskreechsveinse: Drag it there20:53
Daskreechsveinse: What do you mean by a desktop icon first of all20:54
DaskreechFloridaGuy: It's faster20:54
FloridaGuyDaskreech: what http is faster20:55
sveinseDaskreech: I've found an application -> right clicked -> "Add to desktop".  ("Add to panel" adds it to the wrong panel)20:55
FloridaGuyit always seemed like ftp was faster to me20:56
sveinseDaskreech: Dragging the icon to the panel wont work. It doesn't "stick"20:56
Daskreechit's crashing plasma here for me20:58
DaskreechWorked before20:58
sveinseI'm running maverick20:58
james147sveinse: drag and drop the icon... but make sure that widgets are unlocked20:58
james147(from the menu)20:58
sveinsepanel/widget isn't locked20:59
amichairwhy does firefox plugin check show java plugin as vulnerable older version (even though everything from repos is up to date)? don't the standard repos get security updates for such things?21:01
ahelibnalquivrhow can i build kde trunk on kubuntu?21:03
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ahelhi! how can i build kde trunk on kubuntu?21:05
Daskreechahel: instructions are at kde.org21:08
ahelDaskreech: i've seen that many tuts are outdated... someone speacks about svn and not git..21:10
ahelif someone could give me some tips, 'd be great!21:10
Daskreechahel: Well if you would like more direct instructions you can ask in #kde-devel Check if they have updated docs21:10
ahelok, i'll check. ty21:11
ssy09Hello. Sorry but i need Support in German but i dont know the channel name . Can you help me? Im a little stupid21:16
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:17
Jackalopehow soon will the next kubuntu will come out?21:18
sveinseDaskreech: So dragging and dropping of the icons unto the panels should work, right?21:19
DaskreechShould I just dragged the Folder view onto it and it stuck21:19
Daskreechthen I clicked it and plasma crashed :)21:19
Daskreechsveinse: check in #plasma since I may have missed somechange21:19
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BluesKaj!release | Jackalope21:20
ubottuJackalope: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:20
ssy09Ok im back. I have switch from Windows to Kubuntu but i have in the message log many entries like this intel ips MCP power or thermal limit exeeded . Can anyone help me to investigate this? I have no idea how i can quiet this message21:20
ssy09Linux office 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:21
Daskreechssy09: Which log?21:23
ssy09Im using  a notebook with intel i-5 core and 4 gb ram21:24
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sveinseIsn't the network manager shared across gnome and kde?21:31
sveinseI lost all my network settings when switching to kde21:31
james147sveinse: yes, but the settings are stored in the front end as far as I know...21:33
Daskreechsysop3: What is your thermal limit set to?21:34
BluesKajsveinse, kde uses a different nm , unless you saved your gnome desktop21:34
james147^^ from what I know networkmanager handels the connection, and the front ends manage settings21:34
ssy09ok i think this is a bug reported with BUG Nr 63604521:35
sveinseand I cannot create a new vpnc link, while I'm using that all the time under gnome21:35
sveinseDo I need to install something extra specifically for kde?21:35
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Daskreechsveinse: install the gnome network manager21:36
sveinseDaskreech: It is already installed21:38
Daskreechok Well you can use that to make the VPN connection then21:39
sveinseWell, that implies ditching KDE and continuing using gnome...21:39
sveinsetrying network-manager-vpnc-kde, so yes you need something specifically for kde21:42
sveinseI'm a little surprised that I need to enter all my SSID's and VPN Auth info all over again just because I'm using KDE21:43
macounfortunately the FreeDesktop.org specification for a cross-DE keyring is still incomplete21:44
sveinseUhm. I dont have network-manager-kde installed, but I do have some wlan management thing in my tray. What's that?21:46
sveinseAh. plasma provides its own21:48
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SeanHarris1991does anyone have trouble with there Ipod touch 2g here (if you have one)22:05
reyarthItalian kubuntu?22:05
reyarthchannel Italian Kubuntu????22:08
SeanHarris1991does anyone have a ipod touch and i dunno make but google may help22:08
james147!it | reyarth22:14
ubottureyarth: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:14
alexis_Hi, in kde 4.6 with nepomuk activated, the filtre sidebar in dolphin still greyed out...22:23
SDemonUAHello, just curiouse is there is a way to path bash var into promt command?22:28
james147SDemonUA: not sure what you mean by that22:32
Daskreechalexis_: restart dolphin?22:33
SDemonUAsomthing kind of `rsync /my/dir /my/dest/dir/${PATH}`22:33
alexis_Daskreech: no effect :-)22:34
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SDemonUAjames147: Yepp... it's works. echo `rsync $1 $2`22:44
Daskreechalexis_: what are you trying to get done?22:45
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alexis_Daskreech: the sidebar (f12) is juste unusable22:46
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Daskreechalexis_: all greyed?22:53
Daskreechstrigi is working I suppose?22:53
alexis_but nepomuk works22:53
alexis_enabled, and i see his process22:53
alexis_i tryed to enable too strigi but nothing happens22:54
alexis_(strigi is now disabled22:54
Daskreechalexis_: #nepomuk-kde might help but I doubt it they are very quiet23:04
DaskreechWhat version of KDE?23:04
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