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mabac_Hi! Is the staging server getting a code update or is it possible it is stuck? https://staging.launchpad.net/07:23
mabac_I got the same message yesterday night and took it as a sign to go home. :) ~15 hours later it's either "still" in that state or "again". :)07:24
mneptokmabac_: you got the wrong message. it wasn;t "go home," but "VACATION TIME!"  :/07:25
mabac_Ah thanks, I'd need that. ;)07:26
* mneptok bows07:26
wgrantmabac_: You could try https://qastaging.launchpad.net/07:28
wgrantBut I'm not sure why staging is offline at the moment.07:28
wgrantIt looks like the update might have failed.07:28
mabac_wgrant, thanks, I'll try. Not sure if that's possible though (using python launchpadlib)07:29
wgrantmabac_: Newer versions of launchpadlib should support it. Otherwise specify 'https://api.qastaging.launchpad.net/' instead of STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT or 'staging'.07:31
mabac_wgrant, Ah thank you. I just tried replacing 'staging' with 'qastaging'.07:31
wgrantqastaging has only been around for a few months.07:32
mabac_Great that works perfectly. :) Now my own bugs surface again.07:34
mabac_Is qastaging intended for your internal testing? What is the difference from the staging server?07:35
wgrantmabac_: Both are primarily QA environments. qastaging runs the production DB schema along with the latest updates that don't require schema changes, while staging's database has schema patches applied and has all updates.07:37
wgrantmabac_: Note, though, that qastaging's database is currently from October, while staging's is only two weeks old.07:38
wgrantSo you may have some trouble with qastaging if your scripts expect various newish objects to exist.07:38
mabac_Ok, thanks. No problem for me at the moment.07:43
lifelesswgrant: the restore faceplanted?07:44
wgrantlifeless: Did not finish.07:45
wgrantI plan to ask a LOSA about it this evening.07:46
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ivaldiif i use the import-api but there are already bugs in my bugtracker, what will be happening?11:52
bigjoolsallenap: ^11:56
menesisI have upgraded trunk to 2a format through launchpad, but now other branches are not accessible12:29
menesisI could upgrade some other branches the same way and they work again12:30
menesisbut some were not upgraded even though I clicked Upgrade a week ago12:30
menesisis there anything I can do to remedy this situation?12:31
menesisthe branch I need most is https://code.launchpad.net/~replaceafill/schooltool.gradebook/replaceafill_schooltool.gradebook12:31
maxbsmokex: Your bouncing connection is quite noisy :-/12:43
maxbmenesis: So, the upgrade is still pending in the web UI?12:43
menesismaxb: yes12:50
maxbmenesis: weird. Could you file a bug so that someone looks into that?12:51
maxbMeanwhile, I copied the branch and pushed an upgraded version to lp:~maxb/schooltool.gradebook/replaceafill_schooltool.gradebook if that helps you12:51
menesismaxb: question or bug?12:53
maxbhah, yes, I was just pondering that12:53
maxbI think a bug, because it's definitely a bug that it can become stuck like that with no feedback12:54
menesisI don't know about feedback because this is not my branch12:55
menesisand I had to ask developers to upgrade their branches12:55
maxbOh. Did the developer actually do it, then?12:55
maxbCHRs (gosh, 3?): the following questions are in non-Open states when they are in fact still Open - could you re-status them? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/142589 https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/14214212:58
allenapivaldi: The imported bugs will be added to the existing bugs.13:00
ivaldiokay, thank you13:02
bigjoolsmaxb: yep, thanks13:08
menesismaxb: yes, I saw replaceafill has pressed the Upgrade button. thanks for the copy13:26
menesisbut he is not online to ask if Upgrade is still in progress or not13:27
menesismeanwhile, I upgraded another branch, https://code.launchpad.net/~schooltool-owners/schooltool/1.0 . The "Upgrade in progress" message is gone, but the format is still the same13:27
maxbmenesis: hmm. Well, I think it's clear that the upgrader is broken enough to merit a bug13:30
menesisis there no way to rescue the non-upgraded branch?13:31
maxbmenesis: Sure, someone with write access could upgrade it themselves using bzr itself13:34
menesisno, I mean get an old trunk in 1.6 format, push it as devel focus branch, so that old branches work as before, and then do upgrade again as the documentation says.13:39
maxbmenesis: Why downgrade the trunk just to upgrade it again?14:14
maxbIt is not necessary to downgrade the trunk in order to be able to upgrade the stacked branches14:15
menesisbut I am not able to upgrade all branches, e.g. those owned by others14:15
menesisso I would like to restore the situation before I upgraded, and start again in a safe way14:16
maxbmenesis: Some of the branches are already upgraded to 2a though - it could be more messy to backtrack14:23
menesismaxb: I know :(14:24
maxbhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/568217/  <--- formats of all branches14:24
menesisso I have broken the repository and there's no way back :(14:26
belakIs it possible to make a repository private on encoded?14:35
maxbOnly if you have a commercial subscription14:36
belakOk, thanks14:36
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* ayan wonders when the staging system will be back up.16:43
MTecknologyhm... there's almost no ppa build wait time; but a tthe same time a package i just upload isn't getting to the build queue17:04
bigjoolsMTecknology: PPA/package name?17:04
MTecknologybigjools: nginx/stable nginx/development17:05
bigjoolsdid you get the acceptance email?17:05
MTecknology16min ago17:06
bigjoolsMTecknology: you did not upload to those PPAs17:07
MTecknologyoh shit17:07
MTecknologybigjools: thanks- I guess I could let them finish building and copy over; then delete fromt he ppa I DID upload too......17:08
MTecknologytoo tired17:08
MTecknologybigjools: thanks :)17:08
bigjoolsMTecknology: yeah that would work.17:08
bigjoolsand I hear ya :)17:09
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lifelessjml: flacoste: here too17:40
qwebirc60545hi, can you specify a different base directory path for the builder to look for the debian package directory? it doesn't seem to work when the debian folder is nested one level below the source root17:43
qwebirc60545this is regarding the recipe builder beta17:43
jmlqwebirc60545: no, I don't think you can.17:44
jmlqwebirc60545: but you ought to be able to craft your recipe such that the debian directory is in the root.17:45
qwebirc60545jml: thx. i tried adding the directory path to the lp:... path. but that doesnt seem to be recognizable by bzr17:46
jmlqwebirc60545: umm... you should be able to do something like ' nest-part packaging lp:~whatever/packaging/branch debian'17:47
mok0jmi, speaking of which: how does the recipe builder get the tarball?17:57
qwebirc60545jml: thx again. that doesnt seem to work. the web interface automatically replace the line with something else18:03
jmlmok0: it doesn't. it assembles something equivalent to a tarball from branches. uses bzr-builder.18:04
mok0jmi, do you know the command it is using?18:04
mok0bzr buiddeb --split?18:04
jmlmok0: not off the top of my head18:05
mok0jmi, another question: does it rebuild the package even if there have been no commits to the repo?18:05
jmlthe daily builds stuff doesn't18:06
mok0jml: thanks, so it's like: daily builds --- at most :-)18:06
jmlmok0: you can request a build, but there's a limit so we don't spam our servers.18:15
mok0jmi, of course. I only require a weekly build at most18:16
davmor2hey guys any idea how much long LP staging will be down?18:42
lifelessno, can look into it. Its probably doing a db update18:46
lifelessdavmor2: you can also use qastaging.launchpad.net as a sandbox18:46
lifelessdavmor2: that runs our current schema, so its probably more suited anyhow18:46
davmor2lifeless: Software Center Agent is plugged into staging which is what I was testing till lp went away :D  Thanks for the update I'll try and work on something else for the time being18:47
lifelessjoey: ping18:51
joeyhi lifeless18:51
joeylifeless: how can I help?18:51
lifelessjoey: can you drop -O (automatic ops) for flacoste jml and I in the lp channels ?18:51
lifelesschanserv reckons I can't do it myself18:51
joeylifeless: sure thing18:52
flacosteah, that's why it failed fo rme18:52
lifelessjoey: thanks18:52
lifelessjoey: uhm18:53
joeyI"m playing18:53
lifelesskeep +o +v etc18:53
lifelessit should just be18:53
lifelessflags #launchpad-dev lifeless -O18:53
joeyI wanted to see if the templates would do it18:54
joeylifeless /msg chanserv access #launchpad list18:55
lifelesslooks good, though you have +O and probably don't want it18:56
joeylifeless: never takes affect, it's on Rinchen18:56
micahgI just got an e-mail that a translation template on a package I uploaded 8 months ago was just imported18:56
lifelessjoey: which you don't use ?18:57
joeylifeless: no but freenode thinks it's my primary account18:57
joeylifeless: just like kiko's primary is kiko-phone  :-)18:57
joeylifeless: so last quesiton.  allenap & jtv have voice. That on purpose?18:57
jtvjoey: we're on maintenance rotation18:58
joeyjust wanted to see if there was a goof up somewhere. I like the idea of having voice on rotation18:58
joeyok, I'm going back to sleep. Ping me if you need something18:59
dpmmicahg: that's because a bug was fixed yesterday in Firefox translations in LP and we needed to upload a new template to clean up the one imported last. We noticed that yours had never been imported and that manually approving them would be much easier than regenerating a new one.18:59
jtvg'night joey!18:59
dpmjtv, it seems that the lucid and maverick FF templates got imported ^18:59
kikojoey, that's correct though :)18:59
micahgdpm: chrisccoulson posted an interesting one in ubuntu-devel18:59
jtvdpm: wow, all well with them?18:59
joeykiko: lol18:59
dpmjtv, not sure yet, haven't had the chance to check them out19:00
joeyoh lifeless btw I also have noop set on me so I don't op on channels19:00
lifelessjoey: thanks!19:00
dpmmicahg, ah, yeah, let me explain it to Chris too :)19:00
joeylifeless:  /msg nickserv help set noop19:00
lifelessjoey: I thought I had that too ... works for other channels :)19:02
ayandoes anyone have an eta on when the staging servers will be available again?19:08
ayanthe launchpad api isn't working for the staging system.19:09
lifelessayan: you can use qastaging.launchpad.net for playing with as well19:24
ayanlifeless: thanks!19:30
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pmjdebruijnhi, some of my builds are corrupting on (possibly the SSE instructions), anyhow the binary quits on an "invalid instruction" when I build the software locally this never happens20:58
pmjdebruijnincidentally the current broken build, was built on thallium20:58
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