
drexlprocess:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)01:33
drexlremoving quiet splash from the grub.cfg file eliminated the error.01:34
drexlI've got poopies in my bum01:45
gnewbI think I saw a download or a script somewhere that removes any and all non-LXDE pkgs, was I dreaming or does such a thing exist?03:53
swoodyis there no 64bit installer for lubuntu?08:44
=== ubot5` is now known as ubot5
rtdoswhat changes are in store for Lubuntu 11.04? I know about the changes in Ubuntu 11.04 but what about Lubuntu 11.04?14:41
bioterrorThu10:44*<swoody> is there no 64bit installer for lubuntu?14:52
bioterrorno there's not one, but you can use minimal install and then sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop14:53
bioterrorrtdos, nothing much new, music player is going to be changed and what else14:54
swoodythanks bioterror :)14:54
rtdosbioterror: so most of the changes are happening in ubuntu mainly?14:54
swoodyI wound up installing Kubuntu 64 and then installed Lubuntu14:54
swoodymore importantly though, I'm using 11.04 and pcmanfm is failing to load :/14:56
swoodylaunched from a terminal, it does not give any output, but just doesn't run14:56
bioterrorshould give something14:56
swoodythat's what I thought, but no go14:57
bioterrorpurge pcmamfm and install it again14:57
swoodyyeah, still nothing :/14:59
bioterrorrtdos, ofcourse lxde programs are evolving too14:59
rtdosany major changes, bioterror?15:02
bioterrorrtdos, I havent noticed much major changes what I've used natty15:05
swoodyyeah, still no go :(15:07
rtdoswow lxde is a one man operation?15:13
bioterrorswoody, you might want to backtrace15:13
swoodyrtdos: there's actually an entire team... but we don't like talking about the voices in his head :p15:13
rtdosif i were to design my own desktop, is there a standards guide somewhere?15:14
swoodybioterror: setting that up now15:16
swoodywha?? "Program exited normally." That shouldn't be 'normal' :P15:18
swoodywell this certainly is a pickle15:28
jmarsdenrtdos: http://freedesktop.org has multiple standards that relate to desktops.  See http://standards.freedesktop.org for the actual standards documents they have created.15:29
MrChrisDruifHai y'all15:30
bioterrorswoody, do you have any pcmanfm's running in the background?15:32
swoodywow, that's odd...15:38
swoodypcman was running in the background, but I have no idea why after logging in/out a few times :/15:38
swoodyand now it works fine15:38
swoodybrb, trying this out15:38
rtdosthanks jmarsden.15:39
swoodyyep, works fine now, even after logging in/out again15:39
swoodytres bizarre, but tyvm bioterror :)15:39
bioterroryou killed it?15:44
swoodyindeed I did, then it started up fine15:44
bioterrorthat's the spirit15:44
bioterrorbut now you learned about bug hunting with backtrace ;)15:44
swoodyif all else fails... kill! KILL! KILLALL!15:44
swoodytrue, true15:44
swoodyanother random question, I know there exists a terminal app to display the actual output from keypresses which I've used in the past for my laptop volume keys, etc. Any idea what I'm looking for here? Google seems to not be of much help :/15:49
swoodyit would make setting custom hotkeys in lxde UBER easy :)15:50
bioterrorapt-cache show logkeys15:53
jmarsdenswoody: Are you looking for xev ?16:02
hyperairswoody: xev for a terminal one, xkeycaps for a graphical one that highlights the keys you're pressing16:03
hyperairxkeycaps is especially good for debugging keyboards16:03
swoodythank you jmarsden and hyperair :)16:06
jmarsdenYou're welcome16:06
swoodyxev was what I was thinking of, but my mute button it still borked :/16:06
swoodyI think this may be a firmware issue though, as it works on other versions of gnome, but not lxde/KDE/gnome in 10.10 or later16:07
swoodyand I've heard this laptop is particularly touchy with it's firmware16:07
hyperairthat doesn't sound exactly like a firmware issue.16:09
hyperairi don't know about LXDE, but in GNOME, what i used to do is re-bind the key in the keyboard shortcuts dialog16:09
hyperairjust change the modifier to whatever the "Mute" button was coming up with16:09
hyperairusually if the key is being grabbed by something, you can see this in xev's output:16:10
hyperairKeymapNotify event, serial 28, synthetic NO, window 0x0,16:10
hyperair    keys:  2   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   016:10
hyperairor something similar16:10
hyperair           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   016:10
swoodywell that's the thing, when I press mute by itself xev doesn't show anything. It's only when I do mute and then press a volume key that it actually mutes16:12
swoodylike I mentioned, on other versions (Debian squeeze I know for sure) where I can mute w/o having to press a volume key after16:12
swoodyomg that was easy, lol16:20
swoody"rmmod thinkpad_ahci" and mute is back to normal16:20
swoodynot a fix, but it'll work for now :)16:21
swoodyman, having an extra day off work is horrible, I'm getting too much done today ;)16:22
GoodgameI've got some problems for my updates17:05
GoodgameI receive this message when I try to update17:05
GoodgameW:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/restricted/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/main/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/universe/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/restricted/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/universe/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
bioterrorpaste | Goodgame17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:05
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:06
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  403  Forbidden17:06
bioterror!paste | Goodgame17:06
Goodgame, W:Failed to fetch http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz  403  Forbidde17:06
ubot5Goodgame: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:06
bioterrortry another mirror17:06
Goodgamebioterror, how?17:06
bioterrorstart synaptic17:07
bioterrorand there's settings > repositories17:07
Goodgamebioterror, what do I change there?17:08
bioterrorthere's this "Download from: <dropbox>"17:10
Goodgamethe problem remains17:10
bioterrorGoodgame, change back to france17:12
bioterrortry to change http:// to ftp://17:12
bioterrorI dunno what kind of network you're using17:12
Goodgamebioterror, I cna't change it, but I think I know where the problem is17:14
bioterrorwhere's the problem?17:14
Goodgametwo weeks ago I've tried to install koffice, but I didn't have the good repositories, so I changed a configuration file (don't remember the name) I may have done something wrong17:14
bioterrorkoffice :G17:15
leszekhmm... koffice is in the official repo17:15
leszekGoodgame: please post the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to a nopaste service17:16
Goodgameit may have been this file I've edited17:17
bioterroryou have totally wrong mirror17:18
GoodgameI relace my file with what is in your link?17:20
leszekonly the contents please :)17:20
bioterrorand use fr instead of fi17:20
leszekGoodgame: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568327/17:23
Goodgamebioterror, I've replaced my content with yours and change de fi en fr but still it doesn't work17:23
leszekGoodgame: run "sudo apt-get update" after editing and saving the file17:24
Goodgameleszek, i get this http://paste.pocoo.org/show/340314/17:25
leszekGoodgame: 403 forbidden ? Are you sitting behind a proxy ?17:27
Goodgameleszek, hum, in my school we need to connect to a proxy to use the connection, I've been looking for a program who could help, so I've installed some of them, but I don't remember if one of them set a proxy17:29
leszekwe have lxproxy in the lubuntu ppa, which should work fine17:29
Goodgamehow could I know which of the programs I've installed could create a problem?17:30
GoodgameIf I could find the list of the lasts installed programs I could delete them17:30
leszekI don't know, I never had such a problem17:30
Goodgameit was a program called squid17:33
bioterrorsquid is used to make a proxy17:34
stlsainthowdy folks17:34
stlsaintnginx ftw17:34
stlsaintswoody: ?!?!?17:35
Goodgamebioterror, I've removes squid and it works17:35
swoodyheya stlsaint :)17:35
swoodywhat's going on??17:35
stlsaintchilling in kuwait still17:35
stlsaintgonna be hear a year17:36
swoodyoh yeah? That's pretty cool, how is all going over there?17:36
bioterrorstlsaint, we are almost on the same tz :D17:36
bioterrorthink about that!17:36
stlsaintyea i guess17:37
Goodgamethanks for ya help17:44
NRWlionwb topy18:24
Topy44my xchat is constantly crashing :(18:24
NRWlionwhy that?18:24
Topy44no idea18:24
Topy44it does it since i switched to my UMTS card (because my dsl line was cut)18:25
Topy44no idea how that could possibly related18:25
Topy44only the windows port though, the linux machine runs fine18:25
Topy44ah well18:25
Topy44(yes, i am on a linux channel from my windows box. so sue me. :)18:26
stlsaintTopy44: tsk tsk18:27
bioterrorwe cannot help with windows :D18:31
NRWlionhey eric!19:12
ericoreHey, just tried out Lubuntu live disc and it works great.  haha that is until I installed it then everything got weird...couldn't see any programs...just a run shortcut...and the wireless app wasn't working right19:13
NRWlionsorry, i just installed lubuntu last saturday ^19:15
ericoredo you like it, its pretty stable... I had fedora installed b4 but it lacked a certain consistency19:15
bioterrorericore, install again, please19:16
ericorewell in fact i did install it twice19:16
ericorefirst time, with updates (internet)...and second time without (thinking my wireless might of messed it up) but nope it was just as screwed up...also did a media check and its perfect19:16
NRWlionfor installation i would recommend a cable connection19:17
ericoreFor Sure, I trusted the prompts too much the first time since it does recommend internet haha....but I was installed from cd media...and it checked out fine....the graphics upon loading are well i think messed up, checking that now19:18
ericoreI just find it weird, that it runs perfect live...then messed up when its installed19:20
ericoremy laptop has never run a ubuntu distribution b4 so i was very hopeful19:20
ericorein the past all ubuntu distributions failed lol....had to go with something like PClinux OS19:20
ericorecould the proprietary software have to do with it...just noticed that it's absent from live run?19:26
NRWlionwb eric19:29
ericorety NRWlion19:32
NRWlionwb leszek19:32
leszekthx ;)19:33
Unit193My Scroll Lock keyboard indicator light doesn't show the status of Scroll Lock. Is there any fix for this?21:09
ActionParsniphey guys, in panel preferences what is the text in: filemanager   please22:25

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