
SheeEttinanyone know if cryptsetup misdirecting passphrase input during boot is a known issue?00:28
* penguin42 doesn't do cryptsetup at boot time on his natty machines00:36
DaekdroomHas Unity got broken in latest updates?00:36
DaekdroomI haven't tried it lately.00:37
ecinx3_thanks Daekdroom00:37
Daekdroomecinx3_, what video driver do you use anyway?00:39
ecinx3_I haven't installed any00:41
Daekdroomecinx3_, I presume it's a intel or radeon card then.00:41
ecinx3_I assumed it detected the right one00:41
ecinx3_from software-center 3.4.2-0ubuntu2 (unity)00:42
DaekdroomYeah, that's the latest00:42
Daekdroomand it's working here.00:42
ecinx3_was working earlier today00:42
ecinx3_that's why it looks like soemthing broken more than a bug00:43
Daekdroomecinx3_, rename your ~/.compiz folder to check if there is something wrong with compiz parameters00:43
ecinx3_I renamed it, how do i check the param00:44
Daekdroomecinx3_, try starting unity now.00:45
ecinx3_idk how to, i just started by logging into 'ubuntu-desktop'00:46
DaekdroomUbuntu Desktop Session?00:46
ecinx3_compviz --release ?00:46
Daekdroom'unity --replace' or 'compiz --replace', I'd try the first.00:46
ecinx3_compviz --replace*00:46
ecinx3_holycrap, i have a left sidebar now00:48
DaekdroomYeah, that is unity's default.00:48
ecinx3_the bottom is missing though00:48
ecinx3_should i do compviz?00:48
DaekdroomAgain, that is unity's default00:48
DaekdroomNo. Unity uses compiz by default.00:48
EOF-senseiYou just figured that out?00:49
ecinx3_it looks a little different..00:49
DaekdroomEOF-sensei, that was an answer00:49
EOF-senseiit is different00:49
ecinx3_do you know how to get the bottom part back?00:49
Daekdroomecinx3_, if you don't like it, you can use GNOME Classic Session.00:49
ecinx3_I mean it looks a little different from my priior session00:49
DaekdroomPersonally, I wouldn't try mixing the bottom gnome panel with Unity.00:49
EOF-senseiI lost my numeric keypad in generic 2.6.37 and up00:50
EOF-senseiI need it for blender or I will put a gun to my head00:50
ecinx3_that isn't my intention, i had top bottom, and no left earlier in here00:50
Daekdroomecinx3_, but Unity IS what you're currently seeing, if you don't like it, you're better off going to classic gnome, really.00:50
DaekdroomUnity has little to no customizability now.00:51
EOF-senseiI don't see it gaining any00:51
ecinx3_it's fine.. but earlier the bottom bar had the applications open00:51
ecinx3_and the top had the menubar00:51
EOF-senseiit needs a lot of polishing before it should be default IMHO00:51
ecinx3_now they both on the top, kind of00:51
Daekdroomecinx3_, actually, the applications are on the left bar.00:52
EOF-senseiI wish they didn't hard-change audacity for the top menu00:52
EOF-senseiit's now unusable00:52
ecinx3_I see00:52
DaekdroomEOF-sensei, yeah, I don't like them compiling stuff upon libunity. Should have been separated packages =/00:52
Daekdroomecinx3_, you're likely to face problems with unity as of now anyway, and you can go back to classic interface any moment by logging your session as "Classic GNOME" or something like that, in the bottom bar of the login screen.00:53
VolkodavHow can I make this permanent ? xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Scroll_Lock'00:53
penguin42I think there is a .xmodmaprc that's read during login - never tried it00:53
VolkodavI do not see it - maybe create it ?00:54
OmegaBUGabundo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines And for all others that were being unhelpful.00:55
BUGabundowhat's up ?00:55
Omega"If you get stuck, say so instead of guessing; someone else will step up and continue."00:55
penguin42Volkodav: Yeh I think so, I can't honestly remember the format or the exact name - but I think it's that00:57
Volkodavwell won't hurt to try - if it does not work then trash it00:57
BUGabundonight everyone of you crazy FLOSS lovers01:01
penguin42night BUGs01:01
ecinx3I broke it by doing CTRL C on ther terminal where i did Unity --replace01:06
ecinx3failsafe mode had the left bar on the bottom i guess, and no wifi01:06
ecinx3I have the taskbars with a caveat a terminal is attatched to the top bar01:07
Eighteenshello and thanks if you can help me with my issue regarding Ubuntu 11.04, I recently upgraded from 10.10 and after reboot the boot menu was not visible, it said "Monitor out of sync." So thinking that i might be able to use the down arrow to get into another os from the menu, while that was successfull i still can't use ubuntu in the graphical x mode,   I later was able to get into etc/default/grub and removed the # from the graphi03:16
MTecknologyupgrading xserver-xorg-core wants to remove xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-video-intel03:18
MTecknologyI think something went breaky03:18
Volkodavread the topic ?03:19
MTecknologythe topic was cut off and I didn't see that03:19
Volkodavhave nvidia card ?03:20
Volkodavthat should work not sure on intel though03:20
Volkodavwell yeah it wants to remove the old xorg03:23
Volkodavyou should be ok on intel03:23
Volkodavgo for it03:23
MTecknologygo for removing those?03:23
MTecknologyI have a strange feeling when I reboot, I won't have X working :P03:24
MTecknologywe'll find out though :)03:25
Volkodavyou should be ok03:25
rwwMTecknology: this feeling you have, it's called "daily life on natty" >.>03:38
frewsxcvi have a lab of ubuntu computers. what is the easiest why i can have them update at the same time from a manager computer05:07
MTecknologyVolkodav: yuppers... I was right :)05:12
MTecknologyit went breaky05:12
Volkodavno X ?05:12
MTecknologybut my other suspicion was right too... by the time i got back the fix was already out there05:13
MTecknologyI think it was just my localish repo not fully synced up yet05:14
elricLSo,is there X for nvidia drivers now or not?05:22
Volkodavrather is there nvidia drivers for new X lol05:39
espen77anyway to remove cdrom, usb, hdd's from the unity launcher?05:40
bjsniderelricL, no05:45
elricLbjsnider: any eta on when it'll start workin again?05:47
bjsniderwhen nvidia releases a new 270 blob that is built against the new x server05:48
bjsniderno idea at all when that will be05:48
OhioEric83hi all06:04
OhioEric83well bye all. downloading the alpha and testing it out. take care.06:10
twagerAnyone tried gnome 3 in Natty ?10:14
coz_twager,  I have not10:16
twagercoz_,  I tried it on a live cd and it looks great10:31
coz_twager,  cool10:32
coz_twager,  sorry   damn fingers :)10:32
coz_twager,  what do you see as the difference?10:32
twagercoz_, Too much to list...Have a google and see it..Also several youtube reviews of it10:34
coz_cool will do :)10:34
twagerI am just getting Ubuntu 10.10 so as to install gnome3 on it10:34
coz_twager,  what is the difference with gnome3 and Unity?10:35
ikoniatwager: that is not supported here10:35
ikoniathis channel is for discussion ubuntu 11.0410:35
twagerikonia, I am using 11.04 and was asking if anyone had tried gnome3 on it10:36
coz_one thing that concerns me about natty is first boot... memory useages is at near 70%10:36
ikoniatwager: yes, is there a gnome 3 package in ubuntu 11.04 ?10:36
ikoniacoz_: isn't that mostly cache ?10:36
coz_I can sdmem  that down  but it gradually rises10:36
coz_ikonia,  mmm  might be but it is a bit "unusual"  for me10:37
ikoniaif it's cache, it's a good thing10:37
twagerikonia, There is a gnome desktop that is possibl;e to upgrade to gnome310:38
ikoniatwager: that's not what I asked, are there gnome 3 packages for ubuntu 11.04 ?10:39
twagerikonia, No10:39
ikoniatwager: ok, so it's not an ubuntu 11.04 issue/discussion10:40
coz_is banshee still going to be default in natty or is that canned because of the controversy?11:04
ikoniadon't know, it's a good question11:12
coz_it will be interesting to see what happens with this11:13
yann2hello! wanted to ask: How well does unity work without hardware acceleration at all (ie: VNC to a KVM vm) in 11.4?13:55
penguin42yann2: There is a unity-2d that is supposed to be for that, not tried it13:59
yann2thanks :) but "The 2D implementation of Unity will be using Qt 4.7 and QML" wow wtf :)14:00
yann2I think I ll give it a try, thanks14:01
twagerAnyone running the Gnome desktop?14:15
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ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment18:05
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.18:05
penguin42twager: Nvidia isn't having a good time on Natty yet18:05
penguin42twager: The closed drivers still don't work with it18:06
twagerpenguin42: So I see..Just installed but no joy..18:07
twager!gnome 318:08
judgenAnyone having problems after installin nvidia-current?19:31
judgenI am stuck in cli mode now.19:31
judgeneven if i remove the xorg.conf again it does not seem to work properly19:32
wormyourhonorWould anyone know the status of the 10.04.2 release?   apologies if this is the wrong channel, please advise the correct one.19:45
raknorakhey there19:48
raknorakmy interface is crashing if i start banshee19:49
Piciwormyourhonor: I believe  that we're either done testing the ISOs or that process is still going on.  You can inquire about that status in #ubuntu-testing and/or take a look at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/19:51
wormyourhonorthx Pici19:52
PiciAlso, nice nick.19:52
FloridaGuycan i make apt-get use ftp insted of http20:51
penguin42FloridaGuy: Yeh, just edit the /etc/apt/sources.list20:51
FloridaGuypenguin42: ok so change all http to ftp20:52
penguin42FloridaGuy: Yeh as long as it's a valid URL it'll cope20:53
FloridaGuyto me seems like ftp is faster then the same http mirrors20:53
penguin42hmm, don't think it should be20:54
DaekdroomHas anyone else been unable to install packages using software center?21:09
DaekdroomIt crashes aptd21:09
* penguin42 tries21:11
arandDaekdroom: Similar21:11
penguin42Daekdroom: Seems to have worked here - just randomly installed games->Puzzles->Berusky21:13
Daekdroompenguin42, I'm talking about .deb packages, not installing programs from there21:13
Daekdroombug 67404721:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 674047 in appmenu-gtk (Ubuntu) "the xsession script should set the variable only if the needed file is installed" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67404721:55
penguin42Hi Bugs23:45

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