
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
=== 16WAAHT8Q is now known as ian_brasil
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* vish is the evil gloomy darkness of the day! ;p15:56
vishthorwil: what poll is sergey talking about..?15:56
highvoltagevish: lol16:19
thorwilvish: pah, i'm the hordak to your skeletor16:20
thorwilvish: obviously he thinks a poll will be the way to go16:21
thorwilvish: since out of 1000+ subscribers, there's maybe a small handful who's opinion i would give any weight to, a poll would just shift the problem, from my pov16:22
thorwilvish: but i think it's you turn to remind that a big part of the reason for the delay was you pointing out that we should  have the results of that survey16:23
* highvoltage wonders if there's actually a solution to that problem16:23
thorwili should have (tried to) kill the whole thing before it started, shooting down the proposal. but i was too distracted back then16:25
vishyea.. i blame you! ;p16:31
* highvoltage just saw thorwil's email. hectic.18:02
vishhrm! :s18:07
thorwilhighvoltage: after a few days of consideration, hectic sounds strange18:16
=== ian_brasil__ is now known as ian_brasil
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
woutervddnhey guys, I was wondering where I could find an icon list. in the pictograms.pdf of the branding guidelines there are some, but is there a pool or such with more in them?22:01
woutervddnI saw some icons on spreadubuntu that weren't in that file so I'm curious about where they are from..22:05
doctormowoutervddn: Some have been made by community artists, other have been made by the canonical design team22:12
doctormothe design team ones are available as a tar.gz as svg files22:12
doctormoSpread ubuntu is the best place for all the community media ones.22:13
woutervddndoctormo: where are those of the design team? I searched everywhere but I think I look over it :s22:14
doctormoYou can also take svg files out of pdf files using inkscape. I did that for quite a few.22:14
woutervddnoh god.. I looked on that page I didn't see the /pictograms folder.. :s22:15
woutervddnsorry it's getting late here.. Thx anyways.. ;-)22:15

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