
stickjr25i just installed ubuntu and when i bootup it says my monitor is out of range, how can i fix it.00:24
JackyAlcinestickjr25: Restart, and run in recovery mode.00:24
JackyAlcineOnce there, attempt to run in a low graphics session.00:24
JackyAlcineThat'll get you in the lowest resolution possible so you can scale up to the maximum resolution of your monitor.00:26
stickjr25when i select recovery mode i get the same issue of the monitor out of range00:27
stickjr25i cant even get to a part to set the resolution lower, the monitor is connected via HDMI as a side note.00:28
stickjr25any help?00:31
JackyAlcinestickjr25: What's the monitor make and model?00:33
JackyAlcineAnd your version of Ubuntu?00:33
stickjr25the newest version of ubuntu from the website and it is a westinghouse L2610NW00:35
stickjr25connected via HDMI00:35
johnny77I'm having an issue with loosing my right-click menus and drop down menus.00:42
stickjr25@JackyAlcine figure anything out yet?00:42
JackyAlcinestickjr25: No, I'm sorry..00:43
seidosjohnny77: presently i have no ideas why that is happening00:46
seidosif i think of anything i'll be sure to let you know00:46
johnny77seidos: ok, thank you.00:46
seidosjohnny77: well i have some ideas.  live cd.  mouse configuration menu.00:48
seidosnot sure if that will prove helpful, or what you have already tried00:48
johnny77seidos: but how would the mouse config affect my drop down menus?00:49
stickjr25i just installed ubuntu and when i bootup it says my monitor is out of range, how can i fix it.00:49
seidosjohnny77: right click button00:53
seidosjohnny77: i may not know the definition of "drop down" menu.  are *all* drop down menus not working?  Like when you "system" no menu "drops down"?00:54
johnny77seidos: So far from what I've noticed it's the drop downs in the programs. Like File, edit, etc.00:56
seidosjohnny77: do any programs work?00:57
johnny77seidos: Yes. It's hard to figure out because as soon as it starts doing it and I try to figure out what is all being affected it goes back to normal.00:59
seidosjohnny77: what version of ubuntu?00:59
johnny77seidos: I'm running 10.10 with fluxbox. It just happened again and I tried a few things. You might be right about the mouse config.01:00
seidosjohnny77: ah.  fluxbox.  i wonder if it happens in 10.04.01:02
johnny77I don't know. I didn't have fluxbox in 10.04. Barely had 10.04.01:03
paultagseidos: what?01:07
paultagseidos: there was a big update from 1.1.1 to +git ( git is a 2 year jump into modern software )01:08
paultagsee: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fluxbox01:08
paultag10.04 has 1.1.1-601:08
paultagso 10.10 and 11.04 are "modern"01:08
paultagbut will be replaced soon01:08
paultagwith 1.1.3-101:09
johnny77paultag: seidos was just trying to help me with a problem I was having. We may have figured out it is a mouse(touchpad) problem.01:11
seidosjohnny77: i'm not sure how to configure a touchpad or mouse in fluxbox.  i'm not presently in fluxbox, and the times i've used it, fluxbox just worked01:14
johnny77seidos: it's cool thanks for helping. It got me a step closer.01:15
seidoswish i could do more :|01:17
seidoscan i run fluxbox while gnome is running?01:21
aveilleuxseidos: You can do fluxbox --replace... you'll lose your panels though01:23
johnny77aveilleux: I was working on a long answer when you just popped in you simple one.01:23
aveilleuxjohnny77: hahaha, sorry01:23
johnny77aveilleux: Also seidos need to know that will not be the same fluxbox I'm running.01:24
johnny77aveilleux: no problem. :)01:24
johnny77I was working on a gnome/metacity vs gnome/fluxbox vs fluxbox explanation.01:25
JackyAlcinedoes anyone see the last few moments in #-team? lol01:27
aveilleuxJackyAlcine: hudda hudda hud01:27
* JackyAlcine wipes a tear.01:27
seidosfluxbox --replace didn't function01:30
aveilleuxseidos: could be exec fluxbox-start... I really don't remember the commands01:31
seidosaveilleux: fluxbox --replace ran, it just errored out.  last thing it said "make sure you don't have another wm running"01:32
paultag!info alexandria01:38
paultagubot2: info alexandria01:38
paultagdamn bot01:38
paultagubot2: info natty alexandria01:38
ubot2paultag: alexandria (source: alexandria): a GNOME application for managing book collections. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.6-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2666 kB, installed size 4784 kB01:39
ubot2paultag: 'alexandria' is not a valid distribution: hardy, jaunty, karmic, lucid, maverick, natty01:39
paultagah there we are01:39
aveilleuxseidos: You may need to kill GNOME and replace it with flux, but I don't know how that can be done (apart from killing the processes associated with GNOME)01:40
paultagaveilleux: erm, you don't kill gnome to start fluxbox, you kill the window manager, such as compiz or metacity01:41
seidosaveilleux: acknowledged.  i'll just restart into flux later01:41
paultagand I don't think you can --replace01:41
aveilleuxpaultag: ....erm right.01:41
paultagbut you can start the GNOME applications on the Fluxbox session (fbautostart might help)01:41
paultagubot2: info fbautostart natty01:41
paultagaveilleux: :)01:41
* seidos turns fluxbox into a flux capacitor, travels back to time. tells himself he's a loser.01:41
ubot2paultag: fbautostart (source: fbautostart): XDG compliant autostarting app for Fluxbox. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7182-2 (natty), package size 18 kB, installed size 88 kB01:42
paultagversion 2.71828-1 is pending upload01:42
seidosit didn't work.  i typed "to" instead of "in"01:42
seidose to 5 digits01:42
seidosi memorized pi to like 15 or something01:42
seidosup to "38"01:43
paultagseidos: I have a few different irrational numbers that I use for package versions01:43
seidossqrt(2), e, and pi, what else is there?01:43
seidospaultag: what is the number s such that s*pi = a whole number?01:43
paultagchrist if I remember01:43
seidospaultag: haha, that's a good one.01:44
seidosi was thinking there was some other number though that existed that is > 101:44
seidosi never learned about it in school though.01:44
seidos3 semesters of calculus, linear algebra...nothing01:44
seidoswell, there's a definition...how to calculate such a thing01:45
paultagah, that sounds rightish01:45
seidoswhat is s?01:46
paultagand when something sounds rightish, it's right for all intensive porpoise01:46
johnny77paultag: I saw your shameless plug there for your program. :)01:46
seidosporpoises aren't seals :(01:47
seidossmurfs are seals01:47
paultagjohnny77: damn skippy :) -- I know it works, and I've tested it (so I know it works ;))01:47
paultagOK, I need sleep01:47
seidosrebreathers are like 3 or 4 hours underwaters?01:47
paultagI'm starting to repeat myself01:47
seidosthat's what seals use01:47
seidosrepetition is good for brains :)01:47
midnightryder2Midas007: I am a beginner but ask your question anyway. Maybe some else can answer.05:39
cyberdharmahello. I have two computers running 10.10 on the same network and want to share files between them. how do I do this?08:12
dnbcyberdharma: right click on the files you want to share, and share them08:13
cyberdharmai've done that. the other machine can't see the share08:14
dnbmake sure you share from both machines, so the software gets installed on both08:14
dnbafter you're done, you can remove the share from the second computer08:14
cyberdharmahow do i actually turn on file sharing? all i find are config panels for shared folders not activating the service itself08:15
dnbif you right click on a file or folder you have the option to share08:16
dnbyou first need to have Samba installed, and this procedure installs it, and configures it08:16
cyberdharmaright i've done all this before. i can see that i have the appropriate packages installed on both machines.  when i navigate to network in nautilus all i see is windows network08:17
cyberdharmaon both moachines08:17
cyberdharmahow to i actually navigate to the share on one machine from the other08:17
SkaterI am running 10.10 with Dual GTX 295 but can't get HDMI running for my Video. I noted during the install it worked but after install all I get is blank screen. Anyone have any suggestions?09:24
Fvichi...can anyone plz tell me how to get complete information about my ubuntu version through terminal?14:38
JoeMaverickSettFvic: try "lsb_release -a" & "uname -a" both without quotes. one after the other. i think that would tell you the _complete_ info14:42
FvicJoeMaverickSett, thanks ...lsb_release worked for me14:45
JoeMaverickSettFvic: ok, glad it did. :)14:45
UndiFineDcan someone help me with iptables port forwarding ?14:55
geirhaUndiFineD: Have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing ?14:59
UndiFineDthanks geirha15:02
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mtkorb I'm trying to build a device driver I downloaded (which required me to install gcc), and when I run make, I get the error "expected ')' before string constant." The line in question is16:24
mtkorbMODULE_PARM (msg_level, "i");16:24
mtkorbDoesn't this look syntactically correct? What's going on here?16:24
stickjr25I recently installed ubuntu and it says my monitor is out of range. how can i fix this?16:39
stickjr25i recently installed ubuntu and it says my monitor is out of range, how can i fix this? my monitor is connected via HDMI16:48
UndiFineDI am still working on iptables17:33
UndiFineDsomehow the internal network has trouble going outside17:33
geirhaUndiFineD: Wild guess, they can't contact the dns server(s).17:38
UndiFineDmight be17:41
seidosi guess i'll try pureftpd18:31
bioterrorseidos, openssh-server is best ;)18:32
seidosbioterror: what kind throughput are you getting with it?18:37
bioterrorin network or what18:37
bioterrorI mean lan or wan18:37
bioterrorseidos, 2037731929 bytes transferred in 181 seconds (10.75M/s)18:42
bioterrorseidos, sorry, but my Cisco switch is only 100Mbit ;)18:42
seidosbioterror: why so funny?18:43
bioterrorthat's what I got with lftp using ssh18:43
bioterrorfrom my desktop to my router18:43
seidoshmmm, the ftp wiki should be updated.  i'll try lftp next.  pureftp is just as slow18:46
seidoser, assuming i can prove it on my config18:47
seidosi read the lftp man page.  i don't see how to use it to pull files from the ssh server19:50
seidoslftp appears to be a client, where as ssh is the server19:51
seidosserver, or host19:51
bioterrormirror -Rc19:51
bioterrorget / put19:52
seidosanyone *besides* bioterror?  he obviously doesn't care.19:52
ddecatorwhat's the question?19:52
seidosddecator: trying to find a fast way to transfer files.  i tried vsftp and pureftp, they are slower than scp.19:53
ddecatorseidos: i've never had a reason to use that before, so i'm not sure. sorry19:53
seidosddecator: if you ever do, let me know.  it would be cool to work on it together.19:54
bioterrorseidos, you havent specified yet is it wan or lan19:54
bioterrorseidos, error in reporting the error19:54
seidosbioterror: 019:54
seidosyou are far too amused in my inability to get what i need done.  go in peace.19:55
paultagI'm bored19:55
ddecatorpaultag: well that's a problem19:55
paultagI might try to change my LP blurb to have no words with the letter "e" in them19:55
paultagseems like that'd be hard19:56
ddecatoryah, i would think19:56
seidosi could search replace all the e's with ""19:57
bioterrorseidos, if you're trying to do this file transfer in LAN, you should use NFS or Samba, if you're using WAN, then it really doesnt matter, I think19:57
seidosbioterror: are we friends?19:58
paultagseidos: but that's no fun19:59
paultagseidos: I don't like aspell to whine at em19:59
seidospaultag: fun :'(20:00
seidosi just ate a bowl of food, that was pretty fun20:00
seidosprobably as fun as taking out all the e words from your LP page20:01
paultagwhat's another word for "me"20:01
seidosthat's what Coffee said in "The Abyss"20:02
seidos"now it's up to US.  US"20:03
seidosgreat movie20:03
seidosnovel was better though20:03
Geocosmlol Are you guys having offtopic fun without me?20:15
ddecatornah, we're always on-topic in here O:)20:17
Geocosmhaha lies20:17
GeocosmI've been yelled at so much for being off topic in here I made my own room to be off topic with myself. #offtopic-offtopic20:17
GeocosmBut I just broke the first rule of #offtopic-offtopic D:20:18
seidosGeocosm: seriously?20:19
seidoswow...you are.20:19
seidosi think off-topic chat should be fine as long as it's not interfering with actual help being delivered20:19
GeocosmI feel the same way. Unfortunately not everyone else does.20:20
GeocosmObviously no one needs help right now.20:20
GeocosmIf someone needed help and I couldn't, I'd shut up.20:20
GeocosmInstead we flood the room even more with "you're being off-topic!"20:20
seidoswhy does it have to be "Pinky and the Brain" and not "Brain and the Brain"?20:22
bioterrorreminder: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/17/%23ubuntu-beginners.txt that's why we suggest to use #ubuntu-beginners-team for chats20:27
GeocosmIf you search through that you can find my Guild Wars password I accidentally typed in here.20:27
GeocosmYay security!20:28
* seidos yawns20:29
seidosGeocosm: it also isn't too hard to join #ubuntu-beginners-team which is the off-topic channel20:32
GeocosmYeah but no one ever talks in there. Then I'm just talking to myself. So I might as well actually be talking to myself.20:32
seidosGeocosm: not true.  i talk in there20:33
seidosGeocosm: besides, it's the same as #offtopic-offtopic then20:33
MrChrisDruifGeocosm: Your not even IN -team...so how would you know if you'd talk too yourself? :P20:35
GeocosmI've been there a lot over the past 3 months.20:36
seidosprunes, pecans, bagel crisps, and tortilla chips20:37
paultagseidos: ddecator: https://launchpad.net/~paultag20:38
paultagI'll add more to it / make it sound better later20:38
MrChrisDruifGeocosm: make more sound when I'm there ;)20:38
GeocosmNot with this nick. As MrAnthrope. People took to judging me as someone who hates all people just because my nick is a silly pun.20:38
GeocosmThis nick means earth world.20:39
seidosMrAnthrope.  hilarious.20:39
paultagMrAnthrope is a great /nick20:39
GeocosmYup. i thought so.20:39
paultagI always chortled with glee20:39
GeocosmNo one else did.20:39
paultagcrying shame20:39
seidossomething weird has been going on with wiki.ubuntu.com and launchpad on my end it seems20:39
GeocosmSome people took to sending me /msgs about how I'm going to burn in the H-place.20:39
bioterrormove these conversation to #ubuntu-beginners-team20:40
seidoshave to click stuff twice to get it to work.  maybe it's chromium20:40
seidosbioterror: or what?20:40
Geocosmyou try it in Firefox, seidos?20:40
MrChrisDruifGeocosm: Why don't you come with this nick to -team?20:40
seidosGeocosm: not yet20:40
seidosbioterror: mea culpa.  i shouldn't even talk to you.  you aren't my friend :(20:40
paultagDarkwingDuck: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!20:41
seidosGeocosm: can't recreate the problem in firefox...20:42
seidosGeocosm: i'll have to try some more20:42
GeocosmAre you using chrome, or chromium? Aren't they basically the same?20:43
seidosGeocosm: chromium20:44
seidosdon't ask me, i have no idea how chromium or chrome work on the inside20:44
seidosGeocosm: well, i do know chromium is the open source "version"20:47
GeocosmFrom what I understand they are identical excepting the 'anonymous user data' junkz Google put in.20:48
GeocosmI have both installed.20:48
GeocosmI never use Chromium.20:48
bioterrorchrome is malmware and it has flash bundled with it20:48
johnny77bioterror: what malware is inside chrome?20:49
bioterrorchromium comes without flash and doesnt send your information to google20:49
johnny77bioterror: but you need flash, right?20:50
bioterrorsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:50
bioterrorand problem solved20:50
johnny77bioterror: I used chrome, should I switch to chromium or is this just being paranoid?\20:51
bioterrorI'm using chromium20:51
bioterrormostly beta from the ppa20:52
seidoschromium creeps me out.  it's not like i can look at the source code if it's doing malicious stuff20:52
pedro3005seidos, if you could look at the source code, would you understand it?20:53
seidospedro3005: that's what i meant by "look", since i already downloaded the source code :|20:54
seidosdownloading source is the easy part20:54
GeocosmI had to install flash manually for Chrome.20:56
seidosi haven't used chrome in a long time20:57
yax51I am trying to rip one of my dvds, but I cant seem to find a program that works21:11
yax51any ideas of what program I should use?21:12
seidosnone right now.21:13
seidosi've never ripped a dvd before.21:13
seidosi watch movies on my notebook21:13
yax51I normally do as well, just want to get my firefly dvds onto my notebook so I can watch them without dragging the dvds around21:14
holsteindvdrip ?21:15
holsteinor ask firefly ;)21:15
seidosthere's a dvdrip-queue, -utils21:16
seidosthere is no firefly21:16
yax51Firefly is the name of the show...21:16
holsteinask the content creators how21:16
holsteinhow they would like for you to accomplisht that21:17
seidosit's a sad joke...but a joke none-the-less21:17
seidosyax51: i'm search sudo apt-cache search rip21:17
holsteinwell, kind of21:17
holsteini think its a valid question21:17
seidosall your base belong to us21:17
holsteinas a creator of digital media21:17
holsteini can see both sides21:18
holsteintheres a reason why you cant do that easily21:18
holsteindoes that mean you cant/shouldnt?21:18
holsteini say you should be able to21:18
holsteinbut im not a lawyer21:18
seidosi can't see both sides.  but that's because my needs are presently being met.21:18
seidosi'm more interested in friends than money.21:18
yax51right, If I paid for the dvds should I be able to copy them to my computer?21:18
holsteinbut that not the agreement you entered into21:19
seidosyou would have to talk to your attorney yax5121:19
holsteinas an end user, purchasing those DVD's21:19
seidosi'm not giving legal advice :)21:19
holsteinyou agreed to make no copies21:19
MrChrisDruifIn Holland your allowed to create a personal copy...21:20
GeocosmSometimes DVDs will come with a digital copy.21:20
holsteini like that21:20
GeocosmBut you have to watch. The digital copy will expire.21:20
yax51and where was such an agreement made? there were no terms when I purchased it used....21:20
bioterroryax51, are you trying to make a .avi or just copy the dvd?21:20
Geocosm.vob likely?21:20
bioterroryax51, cat /dev/sr0 > ~/Videos/dvdname.iso21:21
holsteinyax51: lol, like i said, call the content creator, and say that you didnt enter such an agreement21:21
holsteinand ask how to do it ;)21:21
bioterroror you can dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/home/yax51/Videos/dvdname.iso21:21
bioterroror img21:21
yax51well I am trying dvd rip, and seeing how that goes21:21
bioterroror you can use acidrip for making a XViD21:22
yax51ooo that might be an idea as well21:22
bioterrorI dont own a dvdplayer, so I have to copy all dvd's to hdd to view them over the network ,)21:23
yax51and imgs and xvids are the way to go?21:23
bioterrorfor me yes21:23
yax51hmmm that might be someting to look into21:24
bioterrorI use cat /dev/sr0 > file.iso21:24
GeocosmAlright I'm off to work.21:24
yax51not familiar with that method...21:24
seidosyax51: me neither21:27
* seidos writes it down21:28
seidosyou would need something that played iso files.21:29
bioterrorvlc for example21:29
seidosi suppose totem might work.  not sure, never tried.21:29
yax51wouldn't you mount it then play it?21:31
bioterrorno need21:31
yax51usuing any media player/21:31
bioterrorjust say to vlc to open it21:31
yax51aaah that works too21:31
yax51 21:34
UndiFineDAaah iptables is driving me nuts !!!21:55
UndiFineDtop is what i use now, commented bottom is somewhat what is should be21:55
UndiFineDbut it kills the lan for other machines21:56
ddecatorpaultag: furnishEd22:18
ddecatorpaultag: still impressive though22:19
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
paultagddecator: oh fuck22:44

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