
bdmurraypatrickmw: I'll see what I can do00:00
patrickmwbdmurray: thank you!00:00
hggdhpatrickmw: stop evolution (evolution --shutdown from the command-line)00:11
hggdhpatrickmw: then restart it as 'env CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution >& evo.log'00:12
hggdhpatrickmw: then repeat what gives you pain... then close evolution (exit, then 'evolution --force-shutdown')00:13
patrickmwhggdh: thank you, I did get that pointer in the #evolution channel00:13
hggdhpatrickmw: then -- and IMPORTANT -- browse the log, and make sure nothing private is shown, and post it00:14
patrickmwhggdh: question though, what is that just to show what the deps are?00:14
hggdhpatrickmw: er, what?00:14
patrickmwhggdh: what does the data in the log represent?00:15
hggdhpatrickmw: pretty much *all* email operations -- send/receive/IMAP lookup, etc00:15
hggdhand potentially raw emails, etc00:16
hggdhwhat it sounds like is your IMAP setup is not kosher00:16
hggdhBTW, it is 'evolution --force-shutdown', not 'evolution --shutdown'00:17
patrickmwhggdh:  what's weird is that it only fails on the first send00:19
hggdhpatrickmw: now THAT is indeed weird00:20
patrickmwhggdh: but that doesn't rule out that my smtp setup is wrong00:21
hggdhoh, yes, it is on send.00:21
BUGabundowhat a night to have a picky user at +100:58
BUGabundonot with best humor to take on s/he00:58
BUGabundobetter let him/her vent a bit00:58
BUGabundoalready had to take it over PM00:58
BUGabundos/he tries to stay In that # for 2y00:59
BUGabundoand then tell me I have no sense of humor00:59
BUGabundonight everyone of you crazy FLOSS lovers01:01
AbhijiThi guys10:43
AbhijiTanyone please triage this bug10:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 720621 in simple-scan (Ubuntu) "File naming is not continous (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]10:43
AbhijiTvish, ??10:50
jibelAbhijiT, I can't reproduce in Natty, multiple saves create Scanned Document.jpg Scanned Document-1.jpg Scanned Document-2.jpg, ... and so on10:51
AbhijiTjibel, i can produce here in lucid 64 bit10:51
AbhijiTand btw this is not papercut10:51
AbhijiTnatty is not yet released10:51
TeTeTAbhijiT: seems there is an easy work around to the problem, simply specify a unique filename for each scan.10:53
AbhijiTTeTeT, yeah 'its workaround' but normal users would like it the 'actual' solution10:54
AbhijiTthe normal joe10:54
TeTeTAbhijiT: agreed, but I doubt developers will grant it an SRU, as it is neither a security problem, nor a critical bug10:55
jibelAbhijiT, I mean that it is fixed in the current development release, so the status of the report is 'Fix Released'10:55
AbhijiTjibel, okay10:55
AbhijiTTeTeT, hmm10:55
AbhijiTthanks guys TeTeT jibel11:01
=== tarun is now known as Guest87222
=== Guest87222 is now known as c2tarun
decoderthere seem to be several problems with slapd in 10.04 lts11:36
decoderfirst of all, the -y option isn't working with tools like ldapsearch11:36
decoderhaving password in file fails11:36
decodertyping password with -W works11:36
decodersecondly, slapd did not accept any SSHA passwords for me11:36
decoderonly MD511:36
decodernot plain11:36
decoderit took me hours to find this out11:36
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
Fviccan anyone plz tell me where to start bag triaging??I am new to this community.I joined bug squad but everytime i get lost in related links?15:16
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Untriaged%20bugs is good15:18
charlie-tcaHave you read the wiki pages for HowToTriage and Helping with bugs?15:18
Fviccharlie-tca, yes ,i did...but the problem is where to get new bugs..i think it would be helpfull if i get to analyse work done by others.is it possible?15:19
charlie-tcasure, you can look at bugs in launchpad to see them. It is good to pick a bug in an application you use to start with.15:20
charlie-tcaThat link I gave you will give a list of new bugs.15:21
Fviccharlie-tca, i also read somewhere that mentor that guide.well thanks for link.i will go through that right now15:21
charlie-tcawhat package do you think you might be interersted in?15:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Fvici think diff will be a gud choice.if you can suggest any that is easy to start with,it will be highly appreciated?15:24
Fviccharlie-tca, i think diff will be a gud choice.if you can suggest any that is easy to start with ,it will be highly appreciated?15:27
charlie-tcaFvic: bug 664489 is a triaged bug15:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 664489 in mousepad (Ubuntu) "When typing Enter in mousepad with ibus-daemon running, mousepad and ibus-daemon consume 100% CPU (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66448915:28
charlie-tcabug 70889715:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 708897 in diffutils (Ubuntu) "diff tool generates wrong unified diff (affects: 1) (heat: 237)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70889715:30
charlie-tcashould be good to start with15:30
charlie-tcaFvic: see if you can reproduce that, even if it is not in hungarian. If you can, then it can be confirmed15:31
Fviccharlie-tca, thanks..i eill just go through that bug.gratefull15:31
charlie-tcaask here if you have any questions.15:32
Fviccharlie-tca,  i was trying to reproduce that bug,but in my task montor,their is no space to write"this is a test".i know it is very small question,is it because i am using luci,not kubuntu??apolozise if question is below standard?15:50
Fviccharlie-tca,   i was trying to reproduce that bug,but in my task montor,their is no space to write"this is a test".i know it is very small question,is it because i am using luci,not kubuntu??apolozise if question is below standard?15:51
Fvic  i was trying to reproduce that bug,but in my task montor,their is no space to write"this is a test".i know it is very small question,is it because i am using luci,not kubuntu??apolozise if question is below standard?15:51
charlie-tcaThat is on that diff bug?15:52
charlie-tcaFvic: I don't understand? Is that the diffutils bug or another one?15:53
Fviccharlie-tca, bug 66448915:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 664489 in mousepad (Ubuntu) "When typing Enter in mousepad with ibus-daemon running, mousepad and ibus-daemon consume 100% CPU (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66448915:53
Fviccharlie-tca, https://launchpad.net/bugs/66448915:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 664489 in mousepad (Ubuntu) "When typing Enter in mousepad with ibus-daemon running, mousepad and ibus-daemon consume 100% CPU (affects: 1) (heat: 31)" [High,Triaged]15:54
charlie-tcaone time is enough for each response15:54
charlie-tcaSo, you installed mousepad, and should be typing in it.15:54
charlie-tcaYou type that line in mousepad after opening Task Monitor15:55
Fviccharlie-tca,  i appolozise for writing again.me "enter button" was jammed.it mean i need to install mouse pad?15:56
charlie-tcaTask Monitor lets you see what the cpu is doing while using mousepad15:56
charlie-tcaIf you are trying to reproduce the mousepad error, you need to do it using mousepad15:56
charlie-tcaOtherwise, you can not reproduce the bug in mousepad15:57
charlie-tcaThat was just a bug that has been triaged already, for an expample15:57
Fviccharlie-tca, thanks.when i triage a new bug,wher to report that?just changing its status is enough?15:58
charlie-tcaYou need to comment on it, that you reproduced it and then change the status to confirmed15:59
charlie-tcaWe comment on all the bugs we do anything to, sometimes it means we want more information, sometimes it means we could reproduce it.15:59
charlie-tcaFvic: many of us use VirtualBox to reproduce bugs, so we don't have to add extra stuff to the computer16:03
charlie-tcaOtherwise, you clutter up your usable computer with a lot of extra stuff working these bugs16:03
Fviccharlie-tca, i tried that using mousepad.but still my cpu  usage was 100%,not 50%.n thanks for advising virtual box.16:04
charlie-tcathat would be enough to confirm the issue the report is about16:05
charlie-tcaAn application like mousepad should not make your cpu spike at all16:05
Fviccharlie-tca, great...this is triaged bug,so i must not changed status or should i give my comment.?i hope it wont affect people who will resolve this ?16:08
charlie-tcaRight, don't change status, but look at the comments made. That a good example of how to reproduce the issue and confirm it16:08
charlie-tcaYou can comment that you also reproduced it and your cpu went to 100%16:09
Fviccharlie-tca, thanks.but the comment on that bug by charlie confirmed the error in xubuntu.shall i check again with xubuntu??or have i did a mistake in reproducing?16:13
charlie-tcano, you did fine16:13
patrickmwbdmurray: have you seen the updates to bug 72038316:13
ubot4Launchpad bug 720383 in evolution (Ubuntu Natty) (and 1 other project) "Error while Sending message (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72038316:13
charlie-tcaFvic: Now you move to the diff bugs, just try to reproduce them, or ask for more information16:14
bdmurraypatrickmw: not yet - wading through email16:14
patrickmwbdmurray: when you get to it let me know. I have a few questions16:14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Fviccharlie-tca, thanks.this encouraged me to start bug triaging as a beginning.can u also give me the link to find more bug?or it is the same link you gave earlier.wher to find diff bugs16:15
bdmurraypatrickmw: Answer - click also affects project and link to the gnome bug16:16
charlie-tcaFvic: yes, I can. Here is a list of responses we use when triaging bugs16:16
patrickmwbdmurray: nice. thanks16:16
charlie-tcaFvic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Untriaged%20bugs16:17
patrickmwbdmurray: that was one question16:17
charlie-tcaFvic: stay away from bugs in "linux" though. They are very hard to do16:17
Fviccharlie-tca, is their any gud any easy to learn pacjkage for triaging,or should continue with diff16:18
bdmurraypatrickmw: I'm not coming up with another one right away ;-)16:18
charlie-tcaFvic: Just pick one, I think. Some bugs will be easier than others, but packages are pretty much the same16:19
charlie-tcaSome are harder than others, but I don't know what is easy16:19
patrickmwbdmurray: my question is regarding what the follow up process is for getting the bug fixed and getting an update16:20
Fviccharlie-tca, thaks a lot.really encouraged me.i was not getting the beginning steps.16:21
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:21
bdmurraypatrickmw: its complicated ;-)16:24
patrickmwbdmurray: would this be better to discuss on mumble?16:24
bdmurraypatrickmw: yeah or something16:24
=== JamesPage is now known as jamespage
penguin42where's the standard text of the 'try the upstream kernel package and see if it still happens'?18:05
AbhijiThi jon______18:06
jon______hi swoody.18:06
jon______where do you see the list of users in this room?18:06
AbhijiTjon______, are you using xchat?18:07
jon______indeed.  hi back btw.18:07
AbhijiTjon______, then users list is on the right hand side panel18:08
jon______heh.  o I get it.  new to this IRC.18:09
jon______has any one had any issues with themes changing randomly?18:19
charlie-tcapenguin42: I don't think there is one, but the policy is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies#Confirmed%20Bugs18:20
charlie-tcapenguin42: I use my own at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CharlieKravetz/BugNotes#Kernel%20testing18:21
penguin42charlie-tca: I found it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/Responses18:21
charlie-tcaI didn't know about that page. Thanks18:22
penguin42neither did I until Google just found it for me :-)18:22
hggdhcharlie-tca, penguin42: I just added a link to it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Debugging%20Kernel%20General18:51
hggdhthank you both for the heads up18:51
penguin42no prob18:51
njinHello team, I found that a tool for the bug 689185 (webcam with the r5u87x chipset) is working and fix the issue, now what can I do to have it on Ubuntu ?19:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 689185 in ubuntu "Built in webcam not working Sony vail VGN-CR343N (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68918519:32
bdmurraynjin: I think there is a bug requesting packaging of that driver19:34
bdmurraynjin: iirc there are some issues with licensing or something19:36
njinbdmurray, thanks19:40
njinspam https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/36061919:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 360619 in ubuntu "only top gnome panel moves to secondary monitor on metamode change (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Invalid]19:48
bdmurraynjin: found it bug 12043419:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 120434 in ubuntu (and 1 other project) "[needs-packaging] Ricoh R5U87x Webcam userland tools (affects: 19) (dups: 6) (heat: 213)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12043419:53
njinbdmurray, big thanks19:53
* penguin42 fails to convince lp to loink a bug to a KDE bug report20:05
njinhello what can i do to restore this, No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already20:05
penguin42I oculd swear you could link to KDE bugs20:06
njinpenguin42, kdebase ?20:08
penguin42no, I'm not asking for the package20:08
penguin42I want to link a bug in my ubuntu bug to a bug in the KDE bugzilla20:08
yofelpenguin42: bugs.kde.org is supported, so you're doing something wrong20:32
yofelremember that you need to use the right project when linking the bug20:32
penguin42yofel: OK - so it's the 'also affects project' link?20:33
charlie-tcanjin: usually remove the crash reports in /var/crash20:35
penguin42yofel: Any idea which 'project'?20:37
penguin42yofel: Doing a search for kde says too many matches20:37
yofelpenguin42: what's the bug, we have several kde component projects on launchpad20:38
penguin42yofel: bug 71907820:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 719078 in gtk2-engines-oxygen (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "assertion (IA__gtk_box_reorder_child: assertion) (affects: 1) (heat: 1616)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71907820:39
yofelgood question under what that should go...20:43
penguin42yofel: I'd hope if I had a KDE bugzilla link it should figure it out for itself20:44
yofelnot really, launchpad needs a configured project if you want it to show up as an upstream task and you then link a source package with the project20:45
yofelthe oxygen-gtk theme doesn't have such a link20:46
penguin42bah, the phantom pidgin crash returns20:50
* penguin42 blames dbusmenu so I might add it to that as well20:52
yofelheh, my ralink driver here just got me a disconnect too :/20:52
yofelpenguin42: ok, I don't know where to put that, ask the others in #kubuntu-devel - maybe we can put them under something else we already have or the theme will need it's own project20:53
penguin42yofel: I'm tempted to file a lp bug to tell itto figure it out itself20:53
yofelwell, you're  using 'also affects project' - that means you want it to attach to a launchpad project20:54
yofelthe theme package isn't linked to a launchpad project yet20:54
yofelso it doesn't know where to put it20:55
penguin42yofel: Well I don't want to 'also affects project' - I just want it to follow a remote bug tracker20:57
penguin42yofel: And KDE has a series of categories for stuff20:58
penguin42yofel: It's in Product Oxygen, component gtk-engine20:58
yofelI know bug launchpad doesn't have any magic to understand that20:58
yofelit needs a project on launchpad that tell it which upstream bugtracker is used to do the tracking20:59
penguin42why can't it figure that out from the URL? I could swear it used to be able to do that20:59
yofelwell, maybe it can, doesn't change the fact that you need a launchpad project for the linking - and there isn't one for oxygen-gtk21:02
yofelI found the one for oxygen-icons, but that's only for the icons package21:03
penguin42I'd take a single 'kde' project as a good way to do links21:05
yofelin this case, I agree..21:06

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