
FiReSTaRTtxwikinger: do you by any chance know what's the right # for OSM? i see you in #joomla, but i'm a better spatial analyst than a cms coder :P00:44
FiReSTaRTnm i found it00:47
dscasselBobJonkman: You should post your Ubuntu Hour to the loco directory. :)03:37
dscasselI'm on vacation next week.  So I'll probably drop by for that one.03:38
dscasselMorning, BluesKaj15:07
BluesKaj"Morning dscassel15:10
txwikingerFiReSTaRT: OSM (= OpenStreetMap) is on a different IRC server system (not freenode)18:24
txwikingerFiReSTaRT: server irc.oftc.net, room #osm18:26
txwikingerFiReSTaRT: see also http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Beginners'_guide18:28
=== Amgine is now known as MGodwin
=== MGodwin is now known as Amgine

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