
czajkowskihttp://design.canonical.com/brand/10.%20Photography%20treatments.pdf  <----- very useful document11:10
=== 16WAAHT8Q is now known as ian_brasil
MootBotMeeting started at 09:00. The chair is NCommander.15:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:00
* rsalveti waves15:00
NCommander[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011021715:00
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Meeting/2011/2011021715:00
NCommanderWho's here this morning15:00
* NCommander pokes GrueMaster ogra persia 15:02
NCommanderand davidm15:02
* GrueMaster is pre-caffeinated.15:02
GrueMasterdavidm may be running late.15:02
GrueMaster(he mentioned it last night in a different channel).15:03
* ogra pokes NCommander back15:03
* NCommander is poked15:03
NCommanderlet's go15:03
NCommander[topic] Action Item Review15:03
MootBotNew Topic:  Action Item Review15:03
NCommander[topic] NCommander to talk to the release team on which team to track w.r.t. to bugs (co)15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  NCommander to talk to the release team on which team to track w.r.t. to bugs (co)15:04
NCommanderDone. Thanks ogra for bringing it up at the release meeting15:04
NCommander[topic] Standing Items15:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Standing Items15:04
ograi didnt15:04
NCommanderogra: I thought you said you did in #ubuntu-release15:04
rsalvetiI had one action to talk with cooloney to work on the DVI patches, and he's already working on it15:04
ograi just changed our report but that didnt mean that kate used the other tracker15:04
* NCommander coughs15:04
ograshe does now after our conversation in #ubuntu-release, yes15:05
NCommanderI also did talk with skaet_ on this the other day15:05
ograi dodnt think she noticed it in the report15:05
ogra(which is why you should talk to her ;) )15:05
NCommandereither way, its resolved15:05
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html15:06
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html15:06
NCommander[link] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-3.html15:06
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel-natty-alpha-3.html15:06
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
NCommanderno comments on the workitem tracker?15:07
ograwe look pretty good i'd say15:07
ograwe need to move items next week though15:08
* NCommander moves on15:08
NCommander[topic] Unity 2D Status15:08
ograif there are any we dont make15:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Unity 2D Status15:08
rsalvetialso good :-)15:08
ograits on the images since yesterday15:08
ograi'll care for the new upstream next week15:08
GrueMasterAnd semi-works too.15:08
ograthe dash isnt fixed in that version15:08
ograupstream has the fix already afaik15:09
ograupstream is at 3.4 while we are at 3.215:09
GrueMasterIs une-efl still seeded in the image or no?15:09
ograits gone to universe already15:09
rsalvetioh, cool15:09
GrueMasterOk.  Hadn't checked due to other high priority testing.15:09
GrueMasterIt was useful in that unity-2d can't launch apps yet.15:10
ograwe're waiting for QT for NEON stuff15:10
ograit launches apps for me15:10
ograjust doesnt show the dash15:10
GrueMasterTry launching a terminal.15:10
ograwell, shows it but doesnt get you search results15:10
ograi dont have a terminal in the launcher15:10
ograand the dash doesnt work15:11
ograwhat i click on in the launcher works here15:11
GrueMasterFilemanager also crashes, but I think that is due to the icons bug.15:11
ograhmm, works for me too15:11
GrueMaster(can't tell as I have no terminal. )  :P15:12
ograi have issues with it on my x86 lappie, but not on the panda15:12
ograbut as i said. new upstrea pending that will solve the dash issue15:12
GrueMasterOpen the file manager and go to /usr/share/applications.  It will crash trying to display the .desktop icons.15:13
GrueMaster(which was the alternate way to launch the terminal)15:13
ograah, i didnt try that15:14
ograwell, overall unity-2d looks ok apart from known bugs15:14
rsalvetithat's fine15:15
ograNCommander, move (if there arent any other issues)15:15
rsalvetinow we need to blog about it :-)15:15
rsalvetior wait alpha-315:15
NCommander[topic] Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)15:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Status (cooloney, rsalveti)15:15
ograrsalveti, davidm alrteady did ;)15:15
ograsee planet15:15
rsalvetinew kernel for omap3, based on 38-rc5, should work quite same way for us15:15
rsalvetiogra: nice, will check15:16
rsalvetifor omap 4 cooloney is still working on the DVI patches15:16
rsalvetionce he's done he'll update the ti-omap4-dev branch15:16
ogradid anyone test the ppa kernel yet ?15:16
janimoI ran it today15:16
janimoand booted, but reverted to .35 after that15:17
rsalvetishould work, as it's basically upstream15:17
ograwhat didnt work ? ;)15:17
janimoI tried turning off proc115:17
janimoand the command hung15:17
janimoeven if the board did not15:17
ograno PM in that kernel15:17
janimoso no CPU hitplug?15:17
ograso thats not surprising15:17
janimothe sysfs file is exposed though15:17
rsalvetijanimo: don't expect pm to work :-)15:17
ograi would think hotplug is a PM feature15:17
janimoit should not if it does not work15:17
rsalvetiwell, pm is there15:17
GrueMasterThat's the same on .35 kernel.15:17
rsalvetijust doesn't work :-)15:17
ograGrueMaster, on the natty .35 one ?15:18
janimoalso I saw tiwlann errors in dmesg but maybe I did not nstall some firmware pkg15:18
ograthere it should work15:18
janimodid not test much else15:18
rsalvetijanimo: could be15:18
GrueMasterMmm.  May have been mav.15:18
janimoas I wanted to build mono and did not want to risk an oops or something15:18
ogranatty .35 has the PM patches15:18
rsalvetinatty should be fine15:18
GrueMasterI hit it testing f-spot last night.15:18
rsalvetiI tested yesterday while testing mono15:18
ogra.38 wont have or get them though15:18
janimorsalveti, so tiwlan on panda should work without TI PPA now?15:18
rsalvetiput second cpu off and still going fine15:18
janimothat would be nice15:19
rsalvetijanimo: yup, just need the right firmware15:19
janimohmm, so a restriced package just as on x86?15:19
janimowithout needed to fetch from the TI ppa?15:20
ogralikely that way15:20
persiaIs the firmware merged into linux-firmware?15:20
ograpersia, not yet15:20
janimoanyway we'll discuss in #arm  later15:20
ograand i think the codebase isnt fully merged either yet15:20
rsalvetibut no other news from TI15:20
rsalvetinor Linaro, about newer changes for OMAP 415:20
ograwe have to wait for TI's "go"15:20
janimodo TI make a new code drop in the PPA sometime?15:20
rsalvetionce we have the "go" we can update the branch and publish it to the ppa15:21
ograjanimo, for natty, yes, but note they are not bound to release schedule15:21
ograits a PPA after all15:21
ograjust needs to be ready by release15:21
janimoI see tiwlan firmware on x86 so maybe I just need to get that pkg on the panda too15:21
janimoif it is built against this kernel version15:21
ogratry it :)15:21
rsalveticurrent schedule ways that we'll have a working 38 kernel days before the final release hehe :-)15:21
ograif it works we can just pull it over15:22
rsalvetiwe'll see :-)15:22
ograwell, as long as we have sound and display we can drop .35 imho15:22
NCommander[topic] QA Status (GrueMaster)15:22
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Status (GrueMaster)15:22
rsalvetiogra: probably15:22
ograthe other features will just stream in15:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
GrueMasterThis week has been busy with a flurry of kernel updates from the kernel team on older releases.15:23
ograand network :)15:23
ograoh, we moved =15:23
persiaAnd USB, please.15:23
ograpersia, network expects USb15:23
GrueMasterKernel updates for Lucid and Maverick on Dove have a serious regression in that they corrupt the console output.15:24
GrueMasterAlso working on a revised script for pulling a bug list from LP that better suits the teams needs.  WIP.15:25
GrueMasterMay not be able to get everything as some search query capabilities appear to be missing from lplib.15:26
ografile bugs ;)15:27
GrueMasterLinaro team has me hopping on some old (karmic) bugs.  Apparently they can't reproduce the failures on natty with newer platforms.  Go figure.15:27
GrueMasterogra: planned on it once I can dive back in.  Kernel testing preempted this for the moment.15:27
GrueMasterThat's it for QA.15:28
NCommander[topic] ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:29
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Porting/FTBFS status (NCommander, janimo)15:29
janimotriaged/tested and closed a few bugs in yesterday's porting jam15:29
NCommanderDid some debugging work on mono, made some interesting progress15:29
janimofixed one more alignment related FTBFS during the week15:30
NCommanderjanimo: any chance you looked at kdebindings? I'm stumped on that build failure, and a second set of eyes might help15:30
janimoNCommander, ok, will take a look15:30
ograthe mono smp finding was awesome, kudos to rsalveti and GrueMaster !!15:30
NCommanderogra: unfortunately, even adding memory barriers to mono doesn't quite fix it :-(15:31
NCommanderIf anything, it breaks worse now15:31
janimoI think both banshee bugs have the same root and should be dupes15:31
GrueMasterIt will be a major step in the right direction.15:31
rsalvetiNCommander: did you talk with upstream already?15:31
NCommanderrsalveti: yeah, and we cooked a patch15:31
janimoNCommander, did they have a patch in 2.8 or 2.10 already?15:31
NCommanderhttp://pastebin.com/aRZ0R2HK - for reference15:31
MootBotLINK received:  http://pastebin.com/aRZ0R2HK - for reference15:31
ograNCommander, it works with nosmp15:32
NCommanderjanimo: no charges to the code in 2.8 or 2.10, I am working against 2.10 for the moment with intergration with upstream15:32
NCommanderogra: yes, I know :-)15:32
ograrthats a massive progress15:32
rsalvetiwe can just say, turn one cpu off in case you want to play music with banshee :-)15:32
janimoNCommander, is that for armv6?15:33
ograrsalveti, if PM works ;)15:33
NCommanderjanimo: and great, we're continuing to work on it :-/15:33
rsalvetiogra: haha, true15:33
janimoon ARMv7 memory barrier is DMB I think no coprocessor instrucitons involved15:33
ograbut yeah, gross hack but would work15:33
NCommanderjanimo: we decided for the sake of upstream to do it with the MCR instruction so they don't have to specifically decide at runtime which ARM variant we're on :-/15:34
janimoNCommander, from what I've seen in the code they test for armv7 in a few places already, but it's ok15:34
NCommanderjanimo: I think I figured out why our code is busted though15:35
janimowhat seems interesting is that on their CI site (monkeywrench) 2.8/arm/ubuntu 9.04 passes tests15:35
* NCommander is now more awake and relooking at the patch15:35
davidmG;day NCommander ogra janimo rsalveti GrueMaster persia15:35
ograhow about discussing that offline ?15:35
ograseems to get a bit to much into detail for the meeting15:35
GrueMasterjanimo: 9.04 was armv5 iirc.15:35
janimoGrueMaster, oh that would explain a lot of things15:36
ogra9.04 was essentially debian recompiled15:36
janimothey don;t have more arm boards to set up more CI boxes. too bad15:36
GrueMasterThey can order panda's.  :P15:37
ogramove ??15:38
NCommander[topic] ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:38
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM Image Status (ogra, NCommander)15:38
ografailed today (as all arches did)15:39
ograthanks to computer-janitor15:39
ogralool fixed that afaik15:39
NCommander[topic] AOB15:41
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB15:41
ograflash-kernel has issues with panda with the new kernel15:41
* NCommander groans15:41
ograspecifically with linaro using a unified omap flavour15:42
NCommanderogra: ugh, they changed omap4 to use 'omap'?15:42
ograbut also with the kernel reporting omap4 boards differently15:42
* NCommander notes that breaks a ton of sanity checks ...15:42
ograNCommander, yes15:42
ograthat was on their roadmap for quite some time15:42
GrueMasterHow will that even be possible?15:43
ograit apparently works15:43
GrueMasterCan one kernel run both platforms?15:43
ograask linaro kernel devs how they did it15:43
rsalvetisure, at least one omap kernel for all15:43
rsalvetithat's the upstream direction15:43
ograwell, i guess it wont run on omap215:43
rsalvetihehe, true15:44
rsalvetiomap 3 and omap 415:44
ograbut who has the hw to test that anyway15:44
GrueMasterOh, boohoo.15:44
rsalvetinobody cares for omap 2 anymore15:44
ograanyway, just wanted to mention it15:44
ograaob seemed appropriate15:44
rsalvetiand soon just one u-boot too15:44
ograwe need to look into that15:44
ograand most likely reqork some of the subarch detection15:44
rsalvetix-loader should still be different for the moment, as it needs the hardware id15:44
GrueMaster...and in the darkness, bind them.15:44
ogra(as we need to do for blaze anyway to fix the open bug)15:45
janimothese are all post natty right? unified uboot and kernel15:45
ograjanimo, fixing flash-kernel is natty15:45
ograbootloaders arent15:45
rsalvetijanimo: unified probably15:45
janimoright, I mean omap3/4 unification15:45
ograand will likely require HW changes anyway15:45
ograthe rom code wont just handle unified x-loader15:45
ograjanimo, unified kernels are reality in linaro15:46
rsalvetibut only one u-boot and kernel is cool enough already15:46
ograand flash-kernel currently breajs for them15:46
rsalvetilool seems to be fixing it15:46
ogralool fixes upstream15:46
ograwe need to fix it downstream for the moment15:47
ogradebian doesnt support omap4 yet15:47
ograand i dont even thing omap3 atm15:47
persiaSo we should have unified kernels in "linux" for natty+1?15:47
rsalvetiat least for omap15:48
ograpossibly +2 who knows15:48
ograin any case linaro has it today15:48
ograanyway, thats all from me15:48
rsalvetiI'm also done15:49
NCommanderanything else?15:49
rsalvetimove! :-)15:49
MootBotMeeting finished at 09:52.15:52
=== ayan_ is now known as ayan
loolrsalveti: I'm not working on Ubuntu's flash-kernel ATM16:03
rsalvetilool: yeah, ogra explained16:03
loolrsalveti: So I don't think I'll be fixing any Linaro/Ubuntu issue soon; the work I'm doing is rather longer term investment in having a more useful flash-kernel16:03
rsalvetibut good anyway16:03
ogralool, thats what i expected16:04
loolIn any case, I kept relatively quiet on this because I don't want to discourage people from improving flash-kernel just because I might possibly be working on it16:04
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
beardygnomehi charlie-tca, we're selling our house at the moment and I've got someone coming round to see it for the first half of the meeting, but will try to make the second half.18:46
charlie-tcaOkay, thanks for letting me know18:46
charlie-tcatake your time with the house. That is more important18:47
beardygnomecheers charlie-tca, catch you later18:47
charlie-tcaI would like to keep this a short meeting. I am already a week behind on minutes from last week, so we got to wing it a bit18:58
MootBotMeeting started at 12:59. The chair is charlie-tca.18:59
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:59
charlie-tcaWelcome to the Xubuntu Weekly community meeting19:00
charlie-tcaThe full agenda is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:00
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Old Business19:00
MootBotNew Topic:  Old Business19:00
charlie-tcaSince I am behind on the minutes, does anyone remember if there is any old business to discuss?19:01
knomesays agenda19:01
knomeno - i think that's for the prev meetin19:02
charlie-tcaYes, we still need to create a marketing plan on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu19:02
charlie-tcaany volunteers to do that?19:02
ochosiyeah, btw i'm sorry since i wasn't here the last couple of days i didn't manage to move the publicity-section from shimmer-wiki to the xubuntu wiki yet19:02
charlie-tcaNo problem, I remembered you were gonna be busy19:03
knomedon't add a specific action for me, but i'll work on the marketing plan, probably with ochosi and mr_pouit (and maybe pleia2)19:03
charlie-tcaand make it on the wiki?19:03
knomeit would be great if ochosi could take the item so we can move our plans to the ubuntu wiki once we have something more19:04
Sysiknome suggested it for me once but i'll propably be just watching and trying to learn19:04
charlie-tcaOkay, carried forward then19:04
knomei need to go toi toilet, but you could even make it a shimmer action19:04
charlie-tca(yes, i am in a bit of a hurry today)19:04
charlie-tca[ACTION] shimmer project to move items pertaining to Xubuntu to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu19:05
MootBotACTION received:  shimmer project to move items pertaining to Xubuntu to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu19:05
charlie-tcaThanks, knome19:05
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Team updates - Team Leads19:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Team updates - Team Leads19:06
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Packaging & Development19:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Packaging & Development19:06
charlie-tcamr_pouit: your turn for updating us19:06
mr_pouitokay, sorry for being late19:07
* charlie-tca thinks you got here right on time, packaging and development updates19:07
mr_pouit* More syncs from debian experimental19:07
mr_pouit* Updated xfce4-session and tumbler to the latest upstream releases19:07
mr_pouit* More bugfixes/improvements for xubuntu-default-settings (Bug #79053, Bug #718177, mostly menu tuning, feedback welcome!)19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 79053 in xfdesktop "Network menu entry is confusing (Xubuntu)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7905319:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 718177 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "The current Xubuntu menu hides too many entries" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71817719:07
mr_pouit* Uploaded update-notifier to fix restarting with 4.8 (Bug #716905)19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 716905 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Natty) "[Xubuntu] Unable to restart" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71690519:07
mr_pouit* Fixed a few plugins to work with the new panel (xfce4-weather-plugin, xfce4-timer-plugin).19:07
charlie-tcaI want to say the weather plugin is working in Natty now19:08
mr_pouitand some bugs reported for the integration with ubiquity19:08
mr_pouitthat's all19:08
charlie-tcaYou have been busy!19:08
mr_pouitas I wrote, some feedback is welcome for the menu19:08
charlie-tcaThank you for your hard work.19:08
ochosione more quick note in the packaging department from me: i'm working hard on making gmusicbrowser final for natty, should be ready next week before the freeze19:09
ochosiiirc micahg does the packaging of that one?19:09
mr_pouit(yeah, the two remaining items are a new elementary-icon-theme release and gmusicbrowser)19:10
charlie-tcaand the wallpaper, right?19:10
knomethat isn't a "feature" ?19:10
micahgyeah, I've been trying, I need to get someone to show me how to get the debian upstream dir not to import19:10
ochosiyep about elementary icons: talked with upstream today, they will do a new release for us in time for the feature freeze and will also accept our packages until then19:10
mr_pouityeah, but it can be uploaded after feature freeze (next thursday)19:10
mr_pouit(the wp)19:10
ochosimicahg: can we talk about gmusicbrowser in #xubuntu-devel after the meeting?19:11
mr_pouitfor the icon theme and gmb, it's easier it they are ready before that :)19:11
charlie-tcamicahg: mr_pouit or cody-somerville should be able to help with that, can't they?19:11
micahgcharlie-tca: well, it's a git issue19:11
charlie-tcaany other questions for Packaging and Development?19:12
charlie-tcathank you, mr_pouit.19:12
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Bug Triage & Testing19:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Bug Triage & Testing19:13
charlie-tcaBusy couple of weeks. This week we tested the iso images for 10.04.219:13
charlie-tcaand they passed19:13
charlie-tcaI fell down on bugs again, but will pick them up next week19:13
charlie-tcaWe need some testers and probably a new testing lead, if anyone is interested19:14
charlie-tcaWe need to have some more people looking at Natty, so we can get the feedback to mr_pouit and ochosi in time for any changes needed.19:15
charlie-tcaWe have Natty Alpha3 coming out in two weeks.19:15
ochosimhm, good point19:16
ochosi> marketing?19:16
charlie-tcaXubuntu 10.04.2 will be released either today or tomorrow, depending on testing for Kubuntu and Ubuntu19:16
charlie-tcawhat marketing?19:16
charlie-tcadid I get lost again?19:17
knomenext topic?19:17
Sysii didn't get alpha2 to boot from usb, syslinux config fail19:17
charlie-tcaany questions on bugs and testing?19:17
ochosi(no i meant: maybe getting more people to test is also an issue for marketing)19:17
charlie-tcaSysi: correct19:17
knomei suppose it's an issue for anything19:18
charlie-tcaIf you create the image on 10.10 or 10.04, you have to type "live" or " help" at the boot:  prompt19:18
charlie-tcathen it will work19:18
charlie-tcaand I don't know why19:18
mr_pouitI guess unity is getting all attention, that's why we have less testers19:18
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Website & Marketing19:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Website & Marketing19:19
charlie-tcaWe do have users running Natty, and they are quite happy so far19:19
charlie-tcaanyone have an update on this? pleia2 or knome maybe?19:19
knomeno updates. i suppose pleia2 should investigate if we can switch to wordpres19:20
pleia2I was supposed to ask knome to do some drafts with a grey background and a black background as some folks requested at the last meeting, but I didn't19:20
knomepleia2, well now you did :)19:20
charlie-tcaI am sorry, it would have helped if I had gotten the minutes out19:20
pleia2not sure who I can follow up with re: wordpress, would that be cody? or canonical?19:20
knomepleia2, probably canonical IS would be the best place to ask19:21
charlie-tcaI don't know for sure19:21
charlie-tcaI think it is Canonical, though19:21
knomepleia2, afaik cody can't decide anything (he can help on us getting what we want though)19:21
pleia2ok, I can submit an rt ticket to get things started19:21
knomepleia2, err, if there is any other way, please use that19:21
charlie-tcaYou want an action for any of that?19:21
knomeit took over two years for my last rt tickets to go through19:22
knomeand they were really trivial19:22
pleia2knome: the process I tend to find works best is submit rt ticket, then join #canonical-sysadmin after a couple weeks and ask directly :)19:22
knomepleia2, sure, feel free to ask me to join as well19:22
charlie-tcaIt helps to know how to push19:22
pleia2but they are currently under a lot of pressure to upgrade the wiki, so I'm not hopeful that they'll have time in the super near future19:23
pleia2(they have wiki plans that are being put into place these next few weeks, yay!)19:23
charlie-tcaA nice change for O maybe?19:23
knomepleia2, also, do you have time to look at the website later today - let's say at 22 or 23 utc?19:23
pleia2knome: I can try, I don't get out of work until 1UTC19:23
knomeokay. ping me @ #shimmer19:24
knomeanyway, i have a proposal19:24
charlie-tcaThank you for the update, pleia2.19:24
knomelet's arrange a skype meeting to discuss the marketing plans19:24
charlie-tcaknome: proposal for here or for pleia2 ?19:24
knomeas well as possible changes to the xubuntu strategy document19:24
charlie-tcago ahead19:24
knome^ there you go ;)19:24
charlie-tcaDon't we all need skype to do that?19:25
knomeyeah. we can do any other voip-call as well, if skype is a problem19:25
charlie-tcaI don't have any, but you can conference me in, if needed19:25
knomebut i think it would make much more sense if we could really discuss things19:25
Sysidoes everybody have a microphone?19:26
knomenot only by typing19:26
knomearrangeable, i think19:26
charlie-tcaNo, but I can get one19:26
knomei'm not proposing on keeping the meeting now, but arranging one later19:26
charlie-tcaokay, knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss marketing19:26
knomeyou can add an action item for me to do some preparation stuff for that19:26
charlie-tca[ACTION] knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss marketing19:27
MootBotACTION received:  knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss marketing19:27
charlie-tcaleaves it nicely open to what ever can be done19:27
knome...as well as the strategy document and the future of xubuntu19:27
charlie-tcaI don't think I can hit that one today, but it is still in the minutes, too19:28
charlie-tcaI keep carrying it forward19:28
charlie-tcavisibility counts19:28
charlie-tca[TOPIC] artwork19:29
MootBotNew Topic:  artwork19:29
mr_pouitNot an update, but a todo item: we need someone to update the slideshows displayed during the installation, they are badly outdated (they were made for karmic or lucid)19:29
mr_pouit(sorry, that was for marketing)19:29
charlie-tcavalid point19:29
ochosiyeah, true19:29
charlie-tcathat is artwork too19:29
knomeartwork but documentation as well19:29
charlie-tcaThat just hits everything, huh?19:29
charlie-tca[ACTION] find someone to update the slideshow19:30
MootBotACTION received:  find someone to update the slideshow19:30
knomei can work on the technical/artwork side19:30
charlie-tcaochosi: any updates?19:30
knomebut i need somebody who knows natty19:30
charlie-tcaI kind of know natty19:30
ochosihm, yeah, small updates19:30
ochosimr_pouit helped me figure out the last remaining issues for panel-plugins in greybird19:31
charlie-tcaknome: we will get together somehow on it19:31
ochosii think in alpha3 everything should work great19:31
Sysii'll be testing natty (and i have archlinux with xfce 4.8)19:31
ochosibut the changes are not comitted yet19:31
ochosii have to test it a bit more and and clean up the code for the panel in greybird (which i couldn't do yet since i was away till today)19:32
ochosithe xfwm theme is still missing the stick-button, but i'll add the one from bluebird for now, i think it'll work ok and then the xfwm-theme is also complete19:32
charlie-tcaochosi: can it be done by Feature Freeze on the 24th?19:33
ochosithose two items can be done, yes19:33
ochosii'm also looking for problems in the icon theme19:33
ochosiso far everything seems ok19:33
charlie-tcaouch, I forgot, I got one more for you19:34
ochosiespecially after i've done the appfinder-icon19:34
mr_pouit(even if it's not fully ready, it's more bugfixes than new features, so it's ok to upload later imho)19:34
charlie-tcachange the cursor color and size, it reverts to default in parts of the desktop and windows19:34
ochosicursor-color and size means mouse-cursor?19:35
ochosihm, to be honest i19:35
ochosi've never dealt with the mouse pointer19:35
charlie-tcaIt will be the changed cursor in the window, then revert in the title bar19:35
Sysicharlie-tca: for what i know it's common 4.8 problem19:35
charlie-tcaThanks, Sysi19:35
Sysi(have it on arch too)19:36
ochosik, so i guess that's an upstream bugreport, not artwork :)19:36
charlie-tcaWell, never mind then19:36
mr_pouityeah, it was present in 4.6 already19:36
charlie-tcaAny questions or comments for artwork?19:36
Sysibut it's after X restart too?19:36
ochosiok, if anyone finds other missing or problematic icons in elementary (pulled from launchpad/bzr), please let me know19:37
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charlie-tcaIt depends on the theme, Sysi19:37
charlie-tcasome do it no matter what, others are not as bad when starting, but get worse over time19:38
Sysistill propably upstream thing19:38
charlie-tcasince it does spread itself over many themes19:38
charlie-tca[TOPIC]Discuss panel launchers for natty19:38
MootBotNew Topic: Discuss panel launchers for natty19:38
ochosiok, the generic icons/launchers should also be ready for natty, haven't tested them yet personally19:38
charlie-tcaAre they in natty, or need to be downloaded?19:39
ochosishould be uploaded already19:39
ochosiright mr_pouit ?19:39
knomeleft charlie-tca19:40
knomehar har19:40
charlie-tcaI will be testing the images this weekend19:40
ochosiwhat a funny knome :)19:40
ochosiok great19:40
mr_pouityep, uploaded already19:40
charlie-tcaThank you, ochosi and mr_pouit19:41
charlie-tcaanything else for the default launchers?19:41
ochosimy suggestion for panel items would be something like: Desktop | Browser Email Musicplayer Terminal Abiword | Folders and maybe Trash19:41
ochosioh, and Software Center19:41
Sysiterminal in panel is.. handy but questionable19:41
charlie-tcasoftware center ? people really use that?19:42
Sysii think advertising it would be good19:42
charlie-tcaI agree with the panel launcher list as presented then19:42
ochosioh, and Appfinder19:42
Sysiif it fits our target groups19:42
Sysipersonally i've never used appfinder, and would it give good picture about xubuntu?19:43
charlie-tca[IDEA] Default panel launchers to be Desktop | Browser Email Musicplayer Terminal Abiword SoftwareCenter Appfinder | Folders19:43
MootBotIDEA received:  Default panel launchers to be Desktop | Browser Email Musicplayer Terminal Abiword SoftwareCenter Appfinder | Folders19:43
charlie-tcaappfinder is xfce specific and it is great19:44
Sysithough i don't see real promlems in about anything added to panel19:44
ochosiand: it will get even better in xfce 4.1019:44
charlie-tcaIt lets you find any app on the computer, whether or not they show in the menus19:44
charlie-tcaand it is fast. I have been using in Natty, since we didn't have a menu when I upgraded.19:45
charlie-tcaI did tell a gnome guy to use one day, that was bad19:46
charlie-tcas/use one/use appfinder one19:46
charlie-tcaany other comments on launchers?19:46
ochosisry people, g2g19:46
ochosiwill read the log tomorrow19:47
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Announcements19:47
MootBotNew Topic:  Announcements19:47
charlie-tcaI have one announcement - Xfce is starting on 4.10 now, to be ready in January 2012.19:47
charlie-tcaIt will include Accessibility built in, if it goes according to plan19:47
charlie-tcaand if it stays on schedule - ready for LTS release in April 201219:48
mr_pouitthunar 1.3.0 is already out (first development release for 4.10)19:48
charlie-tcaThanks, ochosi19:48
charlie-tcalate agaibn19:49
charlie-tca[TOPIC] Any Other Business19:49
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business19:49
charlie-tcaDoes anyone have anything further for this meeting?19:49
charlie-tcaI propose we take up the strategy document starting in three weeks, a bit at a time.19:50
charlie-tcathe meeting of March 10 is what I am thinking19:50
charlie-tcaI want to thank everyone for attending and participating in this meeting.19:51
charlie-tcawe will have another meeting in one week, 2011-02-24 at 19:00 UTC19:52
charlie-tcaThanks, all19:52
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:52.19:52
charlie-tcaand we will need to discuss alternate meeting times later too19:53
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beardygnomehi, is the meeting still going?20:06
Sysi<MootBot> Meeting finished at 13:52.20:07
beardygnomecheers, i'll catch up with charlie-tca in xubuntu-devel20:08

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