
c2tarunI checked by rmadison sphinx and I am getting that sphinx ver-0.6.6-1 is in maverick. but on running sudo apt-get install sphinx I am getting unable to find package. why so?00:00
micahgc2tarun: that's a source package00:01
c2tarunmicahg: so what is the package for installation?00:01
micahgc2tarun: python-sphinx00:01
c2taruncan anyone please explain me this error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/567909/00:03
c2tarunthere is a doc_src folder in the prev version, and in new version there is doc folder. some files are same and some are different. I am getting the error that doc_src not found. I think renaming the doc to doc_src will do the job?00:08
c2tarunI checked, renaming the folder worked. Should I rename this folder? If yes in which changelog should I mention it? debian changelog or somewhere else. Please reply.00:12
c2taruncan anyone please explain me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/567953/02:06
psusic2tarun, looks like a patch failed to apply to debian/rules... which shouldn't have patches touching it...02:17
c2tarunpsusi: u mean we can't make changes to rules?02:18
StevenKc2tarun: Just make the changes directly02:19
StevenKPatches are for changes to upstream code.02:19
c2tarunStevenK: ok.02:19
c2tarunStevenK: Should I mention the change is rules file in debian/changelog?02:19
c2tarunpsusi: ok02:20
c2tarunI added a patch which is adding a file to the source tree. What should I write about this in changelog. Just added the patch?02:28
c2tarunand in rules file in one line I changed "doc_src" to "doc" its name of a folder. What should I mention about this in changelog? anything like changed line <older-line> to <newer-line> will do or just change doc_src to doc?02:32
arandSomething like "- added fix_foo.patch: fix foo by doing bar (LP #xx)", maybe?02:32
c2tarunarand: but this error was not reported on LP yet, I was fixing an upgrade bug and found this error in new upstream version.02:33
arandReference by file is usually clear and compact: "- debian/rules: doc_src -> doc"02:34
arandc2tarun: In that case just omit it, include reference if they are relevant...02:35
c2tarunarand: or I should just write "imported file filename.txt from previous version"02:36
c2tarunarand: will this be good? ^^02:36
arandc2tarun: If it is clear it's good ;)02:40
vorianhey hey hey02:41
voriancam anyone spare a shell for me, strictly for irc use?02:41
brodervorian: i could probably get you an account on irccloud if one of the devs is around02:44
arandc2tarun: Mention version number, where the file goes, and reason for doing so... I guess, I can only give general hints I'm afraid02:45
arandSomeone else would probably know more specifics02:45
c2tarunif anyone free for sponsorship please look at bug 645138  thank you02:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645138 in spyder (Ubuntu) "update Spyder to Version 2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64513802:57
* vorian advocates for $20 us02:58
RoAkSoAxeve/win 2104:06
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dholbachgood morning07:21
MTecknologyzul: I know you're incredibly busy.. I was just hoping you maybe could explain why php-fpm was taken out in 5.3.3-2..07:38
ajmitchMTecknology: it was because of the squeeze release, I believe the release team wasn't keen on having a new SAPI just before release07:39
ajmitchat least that's what I recall from the mailing list07:40
MTecknologyIt seems it's not back in there yet07:40
MTecknologywhich mailing list was that?07:40
ajmitchdebian php list & debian-release, I think07:41
MTecknologyDo you know if they're planning on bringing it back?07:43
MTecknologyas far as I can see, it's not even around in experimental07:43
RhondaDo you mean php5-fpm?07:44
MTecknologyyay, thanks :)07:45
RhondaMTecknology: In the changelog of php5 5.3.3-2 it was removed with "Don't build FPM SAPI now", though no further information on the why.07:46
RhondaYou might want to ask ondrej (on irc.debian.org), he signed off that changelog07:47
RhondaActually it php5-fpm seems to only have been built between 5.3.3-1 and 5.3.3-2, so a single upload.07:47
RhondaAh, that alioth mail explains a bit more07:49
MTecknologyRhonda: `the bug report that caused the mail ajmitch sent me a link to was perfect07:49
MTecknologybasically a long version of what he just said though :P07:49
RhondaSorry for jumping in sideways. :)07:50
MTecknologyhelp always appreciated07:51
RhondaWasn't much help from what I can tell :)07:52
MTecknologyRhonda: I'm attempting to build a package with it added pack in :P08:27
RhondaMTecknology: You can fetch the 5.3.3-1 source from snapshot.debian.org08:28
RhondaTo take a look at how it was incorporated there08:28
MTecknologyooh- another really neat website08:29
MTecknologyI'll try that out if this doesn't work - fighting my pbuilder environment now - but I think it was just out of date08:30
RhondaI've started to work on a download client, though haven't found the time to clean it up well enough to push it into the devscripts package yet. %-/08:30
wejaegerHey, anyone up for reviewing l2tp-ipsec-vpn? It's a little applet to configure and manage L2TP IPsec VPN connections. I've just uploaded a new candidate. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/l2tp-ipsec-vpn08:31
MTecknologyRhonda: still building..... but have done something right :D08:46
MTecknologygah... this has been building for 1/2hr now08:55
c2taruncan anyone please tell me how can I convert copyright to dep-5 format?09:27
c2tarunanyone up for the sponsorship. please look at bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/medit/+bug/71972509:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 719725 in medit (Ubuntu) "Newer Version Available" [Wishlist,In progress]09:44
mok0c2tarun: Looks like bhavi has handled it up to now. I think we should wait for him09:47
c2tarunmok0: ok :) but I dont know how to fix dep-5 problem. Can you please tell me how can I do that?09:51
mok0c2tarun: what dep-5 problem?10:03
c2tarunmok0: bhavi suggested me to convert copyright file format to dep-5 format. I dont know how to do that?10:04
mok0c2tarun: well, it's just editing the copyright file to conform to the spec10:05
c2tarunmok0: there is no tool to convert from one format to another?10:06
mok0c2tarun: TL;DR the full bug thread...10:06
mok0c2tarun: nope10:06
mok0c2tarun: vi or emacs :-P10:06
tumbleweedc2tarun: the old format is purely text, not machine readable10:06
tumbleweedlicencecheck can give you an overview of the contents of the package10:07
c2tarunmok0: ok :)10:07
mok0tumbleweed: make that machine _parseable_10:07
tumbleweedmok0: yeah :)10:07
mok0c2tarun: TBH, I don't understand why you bother, since the package is already maintained in Debian10:08
mok0c2tarun: and your version will be zapped when Debian catches up10:08
mok0c2tarun: better to contact the Debian maintainer and offer your help10:09
c2tarunmok0: I am not getting what you are saying :(10:09
tumbleweedhe's saying bhavi is requesting things he shouldn't (we want to keep our packages as close to debian as possible)10:11
mok0c2tarun: you want to upload a new version of medit, right?10:11
c2taruntumbleweed: how can i check whether a package is maintained in debian or not?10:11
c2tarunmok0: yup10:11
mok0c2tarun: ... that package is in Debian, version 0.10-4-110:12
c2tarunmok0: ya that is not latest thats why I tried to pack it.10:12
tumbleweedyou can also tell from the changelog, or by looking at packages.debian.org/$packagename or rmadison -u debian $packagename10:12
mok0c2tarun: ok, it's orphaned, but if someone takes it over, your ubuntu version will be overridden10:13
mok0c2tarun: I say, it's better to offer to help maintain it in Debian10:13
tumbleweedc2tarun: if you want to, you can take it over in debian, or we can do a QA upload of it in Debian10:13
tumbleweed(assuming the new version is something people will want)10:14
c2taruntumbleweed: that's what bhavi said about a QA upload, but I dont understood that. I thought to upload it here first and then look into what QA is.10:14
tumbleweedoh, someone already intends to adopt it10:14
tumbleweeda QA upload is an upload to an orphaned package (i.e. to fix a bug, or upload a new version, but not much else)10:15
tumbleweedyou can poke the adopter and ask him what the status is10:15
c2taruntumbleweed: ok, how can i check whether a package is orphaned? and how can i adopt it?10:15
mok0yeah, his message is from September 1010:16
tumbleweedmok0: there's some more recent retitling below that10:16
tumbleweedc2tarun: http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/medit.html10:16
mok0tumbleweed: are you a DD?10:17
tumbleweedmok0: as of pretty recently :P10:17
mok0tumbleweed: ah, congrats!10:17
mok0than you could sponsor c2tarun I suppose10:17
c2tarunhey guys, I just wanted to contribute via packaging (as I dont know much of coding) What is the best way to do that? by best I mean most effective way.10:18
c2tarunmok0: tumbleweed^^10:18
mok0c2tarun: go ahead and fix the package, then ping bahvi10:32
mok0c2tarun: and tumbleweed for sponsoring (?)10:32
c2tarunmok0: but you said, that my package will be zapped :(10:32
mok0c2tarun: not if you get it uploaded to Debian10:33
mok0c2tarun: but as we said, contact that guy who wanted to take over the package for maintenance, and ask if he still means it10:33
mok0c2tarun: it's great you want to contribute!10:34
tumbleweedmok0: thanks, sorry, connectivity issues here...10:34
mok0c2tarun: and seemingly tedious stuff like writing emails to people is part of it :-)10:34
tumbleweedc2tarun: happy to help, but please contact the person who has stated he's going to adopt it, first10:34
c2tarunmok0: yup very tedious :(10:35
mok0c2tarun: do you have interest in other packages?10:35
mok0c2tarun: have you done merges?10:35
mok0c2tarun: sync requests?10:35
c2tarunmok0: I am intereseted in other packages, but never done merges and sync.10:36
c2tarunmok0: but I would love to do them.10:36
c2tarunmok0: can you guide a bit, like from where to start. I am a quick learner ;)10:37
c2tarunmok0: ping10:46
mok0c2tarun: for merges, look here: https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html10:46
mok0c2tarun: you know what "merge" means?10:46
c2tarunmok0: little bit, like if any package has new version in debian than we can pack it as per ubuntu and merge it into our archive.?10:47
mok0c2tarun: not quite10:48
mok0c2tarun: a merge applies only to packages that have ubuntu changes10:48
mok0c2tarun: when a new Debian version of that package appears, we need to move those changes to the new version10:49
mok0c2tarun: that is, the ubuntu modfications need to be merged with the new Debian package10:50
c2tarunmok0: ok, and if no modification needed than we call it sync? (I guess)10:50
mok0c2tarun: ... and we add "ubuntu1" to the debian release string10:50
mok0c2tarun: exactly10:50
mok0c2tarun: syncs happen automatically up to a certain point in the cycle10:51
mok0c2tarun: after that, you need to make a "sync-request"10:51
mok0on LP10:51
udienzc2tarun, you should read sync and merge process10:52
c2tarunmok0: but for sync we need to know that no change is required. And I guess the only way to check that is to build it on ubuntu machine?10:52
udienztips, look at latest chagelog both ubuntu and debian10:52
mok0c2tarun: udienz said it. In addtion, all packages that do not have ubuntu* as part of the release string, have been sync'ed10:53
mok0c2tarun: ... and we don't like to introduce deltas unless there is a very good reason10:53
mok0(like bugfixes)10:54
c2tarunmok0: sorry to say this, but I never say any package without ubuntu as part of the release string :( can you name some.10:54
mok0c2tarun: dpkg -l on your system lists all installed packages.10:55
udienzc2tarun, do you want to make a sync request now? i'm ready10:56
c2tarunmok0: wow... there are many.10:56
mok0c2tarun: I have i.e. zip_3.0-210:56
c2tarunudienz: sync request for medit?10:56
mok0c2tarun: yep, 75% of them10:56
udienzc2tarun, no, i guesst xchm package. i want to sync last night but i'm sleepy :(10:56
mok0c2tarun: go to the bottom of this page: https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html10:56
mok0ah, not quite 75%...10:57
mok0more like 2/310:57
c2tarunmok0: ya approx 67% still many. ok so its not always necessary to pack. most of the time we request sync. for example as udienz said xchm package.10:58
mok0c2tarun: yes, but most syncs happen automatically10:58
mok0c2tarun: you see the little purple slice there, these are packages that need "manual" sync10:59
mok0(so including that, we're up to 3/4)10:59
mok0c2tarun: these may or may not be sync'ed for natty10:59
mok0c2tarun: depending whether someone requests a sync11:00
c2tarunmok0: ok. so first we should check that a package is in natty or not. If not then we should check whether best option is sync or merge. and then we go for that?11:00
c2tarunudienz: ping11:02
udienzc2tarun, yup11:02
c2tarunudienz: package xchm has newer version in debian. how can we check whether we need a sync or merge?11:02
udienzc2tarun, as mok0 saya, sync is no modified in ubuntu, and merge need some modified. so look at xchm in PTS11:03
udienzand lp11:04
tarunudienz: sorry I got disconnected. How can we check whether a sync will be better or merge?11:05
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=== Guest87222 is now known as c2tarun
udienz c2tarun, as mok0 saya, sync is no modified in ubuntu, and merge need some modified. so look at xchm in PTS11:05
udienz http://packages.qa.debian.org/xchm11:05
udienz and lp11:05
udienzyou can see in LP that xchm not require merge, because no ubuntu delta11:06
c2tarunudienz: ya this thing I didn't understand, what is ubuntu delta?11:06
udienzc2tarun, ubuntu changes, you can check in ubuntu changelog11:07
udienzbut from xchm version i believe there is no ubuntu delta11:07
c2tarunudienz: ok, just wait a sec, let me check please11:07
c2tarunudienz: ok, so last changelog entry is for changeing packaging format, control file and rules file.11:09
c2tarunnothing like ubuntu chagne11:09
c2tarunudienz: ping11:10
mok0c2tarun: "delta" is slang for a difference, a patch11:10
udienzc2tarun, yes but it's debian change11:10
* udienz agreed with mok011:10
c2tarunudienz: got it. so how can we request a sync?11:11
mok0it seems the remaining merges are either difficult or uninteresting11:11
mok0c2tarun: ah here is one: epdfview11:12
mok0c2tarun: wanna take a look?11:12
c2tarunmok0: sure11:12
mok0c2tarun: find it on that MoM page I gave you above11:13
mok0c2tarun: in the "updated merges" section11:13
c2tarunmok0: ya got it.11:14
mok0c2tarun: click on the name, and see the merge report11:14
mok0c2tarun: the merge generated 2 conflicts11:15
c2tarunmok0: oh.. I can see on PTS page, there is a patch fixing a bug11:15
mok0c2tarun: indeed11:15
c2tarunmok0: and ya in conflicts, there is a change in control file and a patch. control file is not delta but patch is :)11:16
mok0c2tarun: put that bug aside for a moment (we'll get back to that)11:16
c2tarunmok0: ok.11:16
mok0c2tarun: the merge is preprocessed in Ubuntu, but sometimes it can't do everything automatically11:17
mok0c2tarun: for example, when there is a conflict11:17
mok0c2tarun: which means, the Debian maintainer edited the same line in a file that was edited in the ubuntu version11:17
mok0c2tarun: so that needs to be fixed manually, so the merge can be completed11:18
c2tarunmok0: ok.11:18
mok0c2tarun: there is a script here to help doing the merge: https://merges.ubuntu.com/grab-merge.sh11:19
c2tarunmok0: you sure this script? I executed this script and it removed all the files from my folder.11:20
mok0c2tarun: yikes11:20
mok0c2tarun: I was about to warn you11:20
mok0c2tarun: it expects you to create a woring dir11:20
c2tarunmok0: woring?11:21
c2tarunmok0: oh :)11:21
mok0c2tarun: I actually edited that line from the script11:21
mok0in my local copy11:21
c2tarunmok0: what else this script do except deleting?11:22
mok0c2tarun: :-)11:22
mok0c2tarun: it fetches everything you need to do the merge11:23
mok0c2tarun: i.e. the debian version, the old ubuntu version and the attempted merged version11:23
mok0c2tarun: the latter is what you need to fix11:23
c2tarunmok0: ok, how to use this script? I mean any parameters required to pass?11:24
mok0c2tarun: the name of the package11:24
mok0c2tarun: so create a directory, cd into it, and run the script with the argument epdfview11:26
c2tarunmok0: ya did :)11:26
c2tarunmok0: its getting what required11:27
mok0c2tarun: yep. It creates 1 directory11:27
mok0c2tarun: with the merge-attempt11:27
mok0cd into that + debian/11:27
c2tarunmok0: ya then.11:28
mok0c2tarun: so, it seems there is a problem with 2 files: control and patches/series11:29
c2tarunmok0: ya.11:29
mok0c2tarun: edit control11:29
mok0c2tarun: something with build-depends11:30
c2tarunmok0: yup, its like in red color, with <<<<<<<<< and >>>>>>> symbols. What are these?11:31
mok0c2tarun: it seems debian requires a package "hardening-includes"11:31
mok0c2tarun: they are markers delimiting the 2 versions.11:31
mok0c2tarun: the ubuntu version is from <<< to ===11:32
mok0c2tarun: and the debian version is from === to >>>11:32
c2tarunmok0: sorry for this silly question :( but who put those markers?11:32
mok0c2tarun: the program attempting to do the merge11:32
c2tarunmok0: so there is an automatic program as well trying to merge each an every pacakge? what is its name?11:33
mok0c2tarun: diff3 I believe11:33
mok0c2tarun: mege-o-matic11:33
c2tarunmok0: oh :)11:33
mok0c2tarun: it uses varioous standard tools to do the job11:33
c2tarunmok0: ok.11:34
mok0c2tarun: but it can't figure out what to do if there are modifications to the same lines of a file11:34
c2tarunmok0: so what we can see is debian require hardening-includes while ubuntu req dh-autoreconf?11:34
mok0c2tarun: exactly11:34
mok0c2tarun: and you have to figure out what's going on11:35
c2tarunmok0: so we just update the build-depends according to ubuntu and save this control file11:35
mok0c2tarun: yes, but you should end up with a control file without the <<<< === and >>> lines11:35
c2tarunmok0: I should end up, or I will end up? I mean should I remove those markers or leave them as it is?11:36
mok0c2tarun: when you figure out what the Build-depends: should look like, remove the marker lines11:37
c2tarunmok0: that's easy i guess, we just add line b/w <<< and === after libgtk2.0-dev in Build-Depends?11:37
mok0c2tarun: so there are 2 questions you should find out: A) is dh_autoreconf still needed? and B) should "hardening-includes" now be in ubuntu as well?11:37
c2tarunmok0: okay...11:38
mok0c2tarun: the other conflict has to do with patches.11:38
mok0c2tarun: to resolve that, you need to understand if one or both ubuntu patches are now redundant11:39
mok0(I'll leave that to you :-))11:39
c2tarunmok0: in order to check this conflict we have to build the package with the possible build-depends? and for patch one i'll try :)11:39
mok0c2tarun: yes, when you've fixed all conflicts, build the source package (add changelog entry first, to say what the ubuntu diff is)11:40
mok0c2tarun: then build the binary package in your pbuilder11:40
mok0c2tarun: make sure the package builds11:41
mok0c2tarun: and if at all possible, test the program to see that it runs and works11:42
c2tarunmok0: sorry to ask this but you said both ubuntu patches, but here there are 6 patches.11:43
mok0c2tarun: then you make a debdiff between the new debian version and the new ubuntu version, attach that to a bug on LP, and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors11:43
mok0c2tarun: then the bug appears here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sponsors11:44
mok0c2tarun: and the MOTUs will tak a look at it11:44
mok0... eventually11:44
c2tarunmok0: yup :)11:45
mok0c2tarun: I noticed..11:45
mok0c2tarun: I noticed there are different pathces11:45
mok0c2tarun: ... and I could not at a glance see what's going on11:45
c2tarunmok0: sure, no prob. I'll try and in case i get stuck i'll ask back on channel :) thanks a lot11:46
mok0c2tarun: you probably need to consult the debian version and the old ubuntu version to figure out what has happende11:46
c2tarunmok0: yup, I was exactly proceeding in that direction only :)11:46
mok0c2tarun: great11:47
c2tarunhow can i check the dependency of a library?12:05
c2tarunmok0: hey all the patches are already applied. should I remove them all?12:23
mok0c2tarun: yes if that's the case... then you need a sync request12:24
mok0c2tarun: and celebrate that we managed to drop 1 delta :-)12:24
mok0c2tarun: in package ubuntu-dev-tools, you will find the program requestsync, that makes it easier12:27
c2tarunbut what about the issue with control file?12:27
c2tarunmok0: ^^ I removed dh_autoreconf and added hardening-includes. It was necessary12:28
mok0c2tarun: you didn't figure that out?12:28
mok0c2tarun: ok12:28
c2tarunmok0: so still this calls for a sync or merge?12:28
mok0c2tarun: if all deltas are gone, there is no reason to have a -*ubuntu1 package, that only carries forward changelog comments12:29
mok0c2tarun: then the merge becomes a merge12:29
mok0then the merge becomes a SYNC12:29
c2tarunmok0: I am bit sceptic with my changelog file. Can you please take a look at it?12:30
mok0c2tarun: pastebin it12:30
mok0c2tarun: of course if the package is synced, you don't need it12:31
c2tarunmok0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568156/ here is my changelog12:31
mok0c2tarun: there are two entries for natty, the first one was proposed by MoM.12:33
mok0c2tarun: did you create a debdiff?12:33
c2tarunmok0: sorry, :( I forgot. wait let me create12:34
mok0debdiff  old new12:34
mok0old == debian12:34
mok0new == yours12:34
udienzc2tarun, you can use dch -e instead of dch -i to change "MOM <merge@ubuntu.com>" with your nam and email12:35
mok0c2tarun: if you look at the changelog, you can see that fabrice fixed a bug, and the patch was sent upstream.12:36
mok0c2tarun: so it makes sense that we can now request a sync12:36
mok0c2tarun: so unless you just want to learn, there is no reason to do more work on the package12:37
c2tarunmok0: here is my debdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/568158/12:37
* mok0 looks12:37
mok0c2tarun: I am not convinced it is the right debdiff12:38
mok0c2tarun: I would expect it to be nearly empty12:39
c2tarunmok0: it is the one b/w the two dsc?12:39
mok0c2tarun: yes, but which two?12:39
c2tarunmok0: debdiff epdfview_0.1.7-4ubuntu1.dsc epdfview_0.1.7-5ubuntu2.dsc12:40
mok0c2tarun: thats not the one I want12:40
c2tarunmok0: than?12:40
mok0c2tarun: I want the debdiff that creates the newest ubuntu version (yours) from the newest debian version12:40
c2tarunmok0: ok12:41
mok0debdiff  epdfview_0.1.7-5.dsc  epdfview_0.1.7-5ubunt1.dsc12:41
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c2tarunmok0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568162/ here is the diff u asked.12:46
c2tarunmok0: I did one mistake, dh-autoreconf and hardened-includes both are required, I checked on pbuilder and package build successfully :)12:51
mok0c2tarun: did you try to build  epdfview_0.1.7-5 =12:54
c2tarunmok0: I tried to build  epdfview_0.1.7-5ubunt1.dsc and it build succesfully12:54
mok0c2tarun: I am convinced you can drop the delta12:54
c2tarunmok0: so changelog is fine or I need to create a new one?12:55
mok0c2tarun: i.e. the difference between 0.1.7-5 and 0.1.7-5ubuntu112:55
mok0is not worth carrying forward12:55
mok0c2tarun: you don't need to do more. Just request the sync. You can now try the requestsync program12:56
c2tarunmok0: ok, sorry but let me gather all this, I fixed the control file problem, removed patches as it was applied upstream. So no patches hence no deltas. right. hence it needs sync not merge. so no need to change changelog. All just mattered is fixing of control and calling for sync?12:57
mok0requestsync --lp epdfnew natty12:57
mok0c2tarun: during the course of your work, you discovered that all ubuntu changes were now incorporated in the debian version. Therefore, we can go back to sync'ing this package, and drop the ubuntu changes.12:58
mok0c2tarun: so you don't need to change anything12:59
c2tarunmok0: not even control file?12:59
mok0c2tarun: not even that12:59
c2tarunmok0: then why we started with control file? :/ we should have started with patch problem. :|13:00
mok0c2tarun: the archive admins will respond to the sync request by copying the package over from debian13:00
mok0c2tarun: so you could learn how to resolve a conflict13:00
c2tarunmok0: ok :)13:00
c2tarunmok0: and suppose one or more patches applies succesfully, than what?13:01
mok0c2tarun: yes, we should have started with the patch problem, but that was more difficult13:01
mok0c2tarun: when the sync happens, there won't be any patches. The ubuntu version will byte-for-byte be identical to the Debian version13:02
c2tarunmok0: and suppose one or more patches applies succesfully, than what?13:02
mok0c2tarun: if MoM has done something, it should be visible in the debdiff.13:03
mok0c2tarun: that's why I wanted you to check that13:03
c2tarunmok0: I got this error on requestsync :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/568170/13:03
udienzmicahg, around?13:04
mok0c2tarun: oh, I think it has to do with authentication with LP13:04
mok0c2tarun: you need to do something to get it to work13:05
c2tarunmok0: I am looking at the manpage of manage-credentials :(13:05
mok0c2tarun: good13:06
mok0Hm, wft is a consumer13:07
mok0Ah, its the program that needs access13:08
mok0c2tarun:  manage-credentials create -c ubuntu-dev-tools -l 213:08
c2tarunmok0: I am not getting somethings in man page, like --service,--cache,-o,--level13:08
mok0c2tarun: try the line I sent13:09
mok0c2tarun: which is from the bottom of the man page13:09
c2tarunmok0: its asking for what level of access I do want. ??13:11
mok0c2tarun: what are the options?13:11
c2tarunmok0: No Access, Read Non-Private Data, Change Non-Private Data, Read Anything, Change Anything13:12
mok0c2tarun: Change Anything sound good :-)13:12
c2tarunmok0: ok :)13:12
mok0c2tarun: I honestly can't remember. I've done it once years ago13:12
c2tarunmok0: wow... you didn't format your system since last one year?13:13
mr_pouit(fwiw, I don't think that 0.1.7-5 can be synced, it probably ftbfs without the patch from 0.1.7-4ubuntu1, because debian doesn't have the newer poppler yet)13:13
mok0c2tarun: but you need to authenticate ubuntu-dev-tools with your LP account, so LP knows it's OK for a program to do stuff on your account (Like filing a bug)13:13
mok0mr_pouit: That seems to have been fixed13:14
mok0mr_pouit: ah13:14
mok0mr_pouit: new poppler, eh13:14
c2tarunmok0: I am at a vi text editor with a piece of changelog at bottom and some lines over it. :?13:16
mok0c2tarun: that text will be the description of the bug in LP.13:17
c2tarunmok0: Am I supposed to write anything there?13:17
mok0c2tarun: but hang on, mr_pouit has raised doubts if the package can be synced13:17
c2tarunmok0: why so?13:17
mok0c2tarun: wait a moment, I will check13:18
c2tarunmok0: sure13:18
mok0c2tarun: mr_pouit was right, we need a merge after all13:22
c2tarunmok0: anything I did wrong?13:22
mok0c2tarun: no, not you, me13:22
c2tarunmok0: what?13:22
mok0c2tarun: the version from debian 0.1.7-5 does not compile under natty13:23
c2tarunmok0: who said?13:23
mok0c2tarun: I just checked13:23
c2tarunmok0: I was using natty chroot for everything and it compiled pretty well :?13:23
mok0c2tarun: look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568181/13:24
mok0c2tarun: I think you compiled the merged version, not the native one13:24
c2tarunmok0: yup, not the native one.13:25
mok0c2tarun: plz pastebin the debdiff between 0.1.7-5 and your version13:25
c2tarunmok0: that debdiff is b/w the dsc files ?13:27
mok0c2tarun: yes13:27
mok0c2tarun: your version SHOULD be 0.1.7-5ubuntu113:27
mok0c2tarun: (but  before it was 0.1.7-5ubuntu2 which is wrong)13:28
c2tarunmok0: I dont have anything line *0.1.7-5ubuntu1.dsc13:29
mok0c2tarun: like I said, you probably have 0.1.7-5ubuntu213:29
mok0c2tarun: which needs to be fixed, but lets do that later13:29
c2tarunmok0: yup pbuilder failed on native version :( hmm... what to do now?13:30
mok0c2tarun: you need to do a merge13:30
mok0c2tarun: like we started out13:30
mok0c2tarun:  I was wrong in assuming that the package could be synced13:31
mok0c2tarun: sorry13:31
mok0c2tarun: so we are just rewinding a littlebit, and I would like to see your debdiff13:31
c2tarunmok0: I have some questions :(13:31
mok0c2tarun: ask away13:32
c2tarunmok0: we checked the src in folder epdfview-0.1.7-5ubuntu1 I think this is the new one created by MoM. right?13:33
mok0c2tarun: right, but make it yours13:33
mok0c2tarun: MoM writes a template changelog entry that you are supposed to finish13:33
c2tarunmok0: ok, but when I builded the source package why I didn't got epdfview-0.1.7-5ubuntu1.dsc?13:33
mok0c2tarun: because you entered _another_ changelog entry above MoMs13:34
c2tarunmok0: ok got it, because I changed the changelog :(13:34
mok0c2tarun: with the version -5ubuntu213:34
mok0c2tarun: yes, you added another entry, but we only want 113:35
mok0so just put your name etc. instead of MoMs13:35
c2tarunmok0: ok, so now all the patches from debian previous version are already applied. so why it failed on natty pbuilder?13:35
mok0c2tarun: then debuild -S13:35
c2tarunmok0: ping13:37
mok0c2tarun: go ahead13:38
c2tarunmok0: ok, so now all the patches from debian previous version are already applied. so why it failed on natty pbuilder?13:38
mok0c2tarun: let me check13:38
c2tarunmok0: sure.13:39
mok0c2tarun: I am having trouble with my build-environment, my machine is running Lucid13:41
c2tarunmok0: I can do it. What you want to check?13:42
mok0c2tarun: I need to see your debdiff13:42
c2tarunbetween which two files?13:42
mok0c2tarun: give me a ls *.dsc13:43
c2tarunmok0: epdfview_0.1.7-4.dsc  epdfview_0.1.7-4ubuntu1.dsc  epdfview_0.1.7-5.dsc  epdfview_0.1.7-5ubuntu2.dsc13:43
mok0c2tarun: ok thnx13:44
mok0c2tarun: debdiff epdfview_0.1.7-5.dsc epdfview_0.1.7-5ubuntu2.dsc13:44
c2tarunmok0: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568194/13:45
c2tarunmok0: ping13:49
mok0c2tarun: tnx13:50
mok0c2tarun: something is wrong, I don't know what13:55
c2tarunmok0: do you know anyone on this channel that can help? :(13:56
mok0c2tarun: heh13:56
mok0c2tarun: We're the only ones here at the moment13:57
mok0c2tarun: your debdiff doesn't apply13:57
c2tarunmok0: that grab script. how did it generated epdfview-0.1.7-5ubuntu1? by extracting epdfview-0.1.7-5.tar.gz and by copying epdfview_0.1.7-4ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz into it right?13:58
Laneydpkg-source -x blah.dsc13:59
c2tarunmok0: and renaming it to epdfview-0.1.7-5ubuntu113:59
c2tarunLaney: hello :) are you talking to us?14:00
Laneysorry, I didn't read the previous line so don't know what you are trying to achieve. :(14:00
c2tarunLaney: actually I am stuck and I think little bit confuse :)14:01
mok0c2tarun: it grabs 0.1.7-4 and 0.1.74ubuntu1, creates a diff between them and tries to apply that to 0.1.7-514:01
mok0c2tarun:  it calls the new version 0.1.7-5ubuntu114:01
mok0c2tarun: all that is store on m.u.c, grab-merges merely fetches the data14:02
c2tarunmok0: hmm...14:03
mok0that damned source format 3.0... %€&%€%€##14:03
c2tarunmok0: what's wrong with that ? :( I feel more comfortable with patches in 3.014:04
mok0c2tarun: it's terrible14:04
mok0c2tarun: I can't say enough bad things about it14:05
mok0c2tarun: an abomination14:05
c2tarunmok0: ok, just give me some time. I want to try everything from beginning :/14:05
mok0c2tarun: TBH, I've never done a merge with a 3.0 (quilt) source package, I am afraid it can't be done14:06
mok0c2tarun: at least not easily14:06
c2tarunmok0: u sure?14:06
mok0c2tarun: no14:06
mok0c2tarun: the problem is, your debdiff shows differences in the .pc directory (quilts working dir) and that makes me very nervous14:07
c2tarunmok0: that may be because I was using quilt push to apply patches and check whether they apply or not. If they fails then I open them and check them manually.14:08
mok0c2tarun: hm, perhaps14:09
mok0c2tarun: but when you unpack Debians package, it's born with a .pc directory14:10
c2tarunmok0: ok just relax :-) let me try again. It will take some time and by that time this place will be crowded :-)14:10
c2tarunmok0: This time i'll keep an eye on .pc14:10
mok0c2tarun: great14:10
mok0c2tarun: you need to fix the changelog14:11
c2tarunmok0: I am trying from very begining. right from that script :-) i'll take care of changelog as well.14:11
c2tarunoops :(14:12
mok0c2tarun: this is what the top of your changelog file should look like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568210/14:13
mok0c2tarun: you copy forward the (relevant) changelog entry of the last ubuntu merge14:14
mok0c2tarun: because those modifications are still true14:14
c2tarunmok0: thanks :)  this will help a lot. Just tell me how to use that script again? "./grab-merge.sh epdfview"?14:14
mok0c2tarun: exactly14:15
mok0(create a directory to run it in)14:15
mok0or modify the script so it doesn't zap everything in the current dire14:15
c2tarunmok0: ok14:16
mok0c2tarun: good luck. I have to walk my dogs now :-)14:16
c2tarunmok0: thanks :-) bye.tc14:16
mok0see ya14:17
MTecknologyok.... I really need some help.... I'm trying to remove an old file that another package employs.. My .postinst, .postrm, .prerm stuff looks like this (the bottom 44-47) http://dpaste.com/426434/ .. Going from version  <= 0.8.54-3  to  == 0.8.54-4  the file doesn't get removed... The file pasted is nginx-full.postinst.14:34
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c2taruncan anyone please take a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/568240/ I am having doubt from line 356-36015:09
micahgudienz: pong15:09
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c2tarunmicahg: ping15:24
micahgc2tarun: pong15:24
c2tarunmicahg: hi :) can you please look at the above message I posted15:25
c2tarunmicahg: that pastebin one15:25
micahgc2tarun: it looks like all the patches got removed and added as a single patch15:26
c2tarunmicahg: ya, but I am very sure that there was nothing like debian-changes-* something like that.15:27
micahgc2tarun: source format 3 does that, it takes anything applied to the source that's not in a patch or the original tarball and creates a patch with sample dep-3 headers15:29
c2tarunmicahg: that pastebin was a diff b/w debian and ubuntu version of packages. but debian version is not building on natty.15:30
micahgc2tarun: so, i'd start on the merge again, maybe start with the Debian package and apply the Ubuntu diff directly15:32
micahg(i.e. the diff between the last Debian version and the last Ubuntu version)15:32
c2tarunmicahg: I was trying to merge epdfview package. by grab script I got two patches epdfview_0.1.7-4ubuntu1.patch & epdfview_0.1.7-5.patch15:34
c2tarunmicahg: first one is i think b/w debian and ubuntu version.15:34
micahgc2tarun: right, so I'd start with a clean version of the new Debian release and apply the first patch, then see what happens15:35
c2tarunmicahg: very sorry to ask this, but how to apply a patch?15:35
micahgc2tarun: patch -p1 < foo.patch, inside the source dir15:36
c2tarunmicahg: ok, but from where can i get the new debian release? by that grab script I got only debian.tar.gz15:37
c2tarunmicahg: ping15:38
micahgc2tarun: no need to ping if you highlight me15:38
micahgc2tarun: grab-merge should have pulled it for you15:39
c2tarunmicahg: sorry its due to my connection. sometimes message just dont go :(15:39
MTecknologyWhat's the right way to change the permissions on /var/log/foo?15:39
MTecknologyI want it to be 0640 www-data:root or 0640 www-data:adm; not sure which15:40
c2tarunmicahg: nope it didn't15:41
c2tarunmicahg: ya it did :)15:42
c2tarunsorry thanks :)15:42
MTecknologyis it even appropriate at all to set the directory like that?15:43
MTecknologylooks like it's done in postisnt15:49
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Laneyif anyone has some time/is looking for a fun task to do then there are some rebuilds on http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/haskell-installability/amd64.png which can be checked/uploaded :-)17:36
* Laney won't have time now until monday17:36
Laneyyou need to look for "utf8-string" in the .cabal file and add build-deps on libghc6-utf8-string-{dev,prof,doc} (appropriately versioned) if it's in there17:36
mok0Laney: eeeek Haskell...17:37
Laneyit's friendly really17:38
mok0Laney: the language perhaps, but the packages...17:38
Laneyeven those, you just have to show them who's boss17:38
mok0Laney: oh... I am wimp when it comes to package domination17:39
udienzari-tczew, around?17:42
* debfx grabs a few haskell packages18:01
ari-tczewudienz: yes18:10
udienzari-tczew, i have commented in squid3 sync. it is 3.1.11-118:11
udienzi tested in my ppa18:11
udienzbug 72066718:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 720667 in squid3 (Ubuntu) "Please sync squid3 3.1.11-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72066718:11
ari-tczewudienz: I really really encourage to improve english. You can't understand comments.18:14
ari-tczew"following Debian changelog in 3.1.10-1, i believe that ufw has been included right now"18:14
ari-tczewbelieve? if you're requesting sync, you should be SURE18:14
ari-tczewyou can believe in better tomorrow, no that changes have been included18:15
udienzah.. sorry about that18:15
persiaDon't get too caught up on semantics at that level.18:15
jdstrandno need to sync ufw18:16
ari-tczewudienz: and next, I don't mean that this change in d/control hasn't in Debian. it's missing dependsc18:16
ari-tczewjdstrand: it's squid3, no ufw18:16
ari-tczewudienz: Debian now requires higher version of squid-langpack and natty can't satisfy it, do you understand?18:17
udienzari-tczew, ok understood18:17
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udienzari-tczew, so squid3 must be merge to change Depends?18:18
ari-tczewudienz: no, please read once again my comment18:18
ari-tczewYou have to take care about sync squid-langpack from Debian. Without this one, package won't install.18:18
ari-tczewI think it's pretty clear.18:18
mok0ari-tczew:  calm down18:19
ari-tczewmok0: ?18:19
mok0ari-tczew: no need to be rude18:19
ari-tczewmok0: I'm easy.18:20
ari-tczewmok0: rude? lol18:20
ari-tczewmok0: perhaps you don't know how people can be rude18:20
mok0ari-tczew: oh, and you are gonna show me?18:21
ari-tczewand I'd not show you that behavior18:21
mok0ari-tczew: just calm down18:21
ari-tczewmok0: [19:20] <ari-tczew> mok0: I'm easy.18:21
ari-tczewmok0: where do you see me upset?18:22
ari-tczewI don't get it, lol18:22
ari-tczewpeople are too sensitivy18:22
ari-tczewmok0: I'm waiting for example18:24
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!18:24
visherr, i should have sent that in /msg :/18:24
ari-tczewudienz: do you feel something bad from me?18:25
udienzari-tczew, no. it's fine for me, really18:26
ari-tczewmok0: do you see? ^^18:26
ari-tczew@all: please stop making me as a bad man.18:27
ari-tczewtumbleweed: could you look on https://code.launchpad.net/~ari-tczew/ubuntu-sponsoring/updates/+merge/50205 ?19:08
ari-tczewsponsors overview can't update anymore19:09
paultagare any sponsors around to check up on bug #720921 for me? Thanks! :)19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 720921 in fbautostart (Ubuntu) "Sync fbautostart 2.71828-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72092119:37
paultagclean sync, no delta maintained from Ubuntu's side19:37
micahgpaultag: unless it's urgent, those syncs are usually processed pretty quickly on the sponsors list19:38
paultagmicahg: Oh, excuse me. I'm sorry, I had no idea. I'll wait next time. Thanks :)19:38
micahgpaultag: it used to be pretty bad, but I think at least for syncs/they're usually ACKd w/in 24 hours19:39
micahgpaultag: if you see it being ignored, feel free to bump it :)19:39
paultagmicahg: yeah, I recall hearing some grumblings about syncs not getting done a few years ago19:39
paultagmicahg: sure, sorry for bugging ya'll :)19:39
ScottKIt's gotten better.19:39
micahgpaultag: no worries19:40
micahgpaultag: thanks for getting the diffs upstreamed :)19:40
paultagmicahg: my pleasure :)19:40
paultagthanks porthose ;)19:56
porthosepaultag, your welcome :)19:57
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LLStarkswhen was universe freeze for natty?21:06
ari-tczewbdrung: ping21:08
bdrungari-tczew: pong21:08
ari-tczewbdrung: could you look on https://code.launchpad.net/~ari-tczew/ubuntu-sponsoring/updates/+merge/50205  sponsors overview can't update anymore21:09
bdrungari-tczew: it's merged, but daniel has to pull the update onto the machine running this script. ping him once he get online tomorrow21:10
ari-tczewbdrung: I'll leave a MemoServ msg him.21:11
ari-tczewbdrung: who has got upload access to this branch? out of curiosity21:14
bdrungari-tczew: it's owned by ubuntu-dev - but i don't know who has access to the machine running the overview21:15
bdrungari-tczew: you can use http://people.ubuntu.com/~bdrung/sponsoring/ in the meantime21:15
ari-tczewbdrung: aha so in future if I'm 100% sure can I push changes to branch themselve?21:15
bdrungari-tczew: yes21:16
bdrungari-tczew: (e.g. changes like this one)21:16
ari-tczewbdrung: ok :)21:17
ari-tczewbdrung: FYI I don't need temp sponsors overview, no time for sponsoring :-)21:17

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