
=== asac_ is now known as asac
micahg\o/ uploading Firefox 4.0 beta 11 to the PPA, waiting for beta 12 to be released before it builds :-/06:41
silverymicahg: Hi. I have a prob with 4b (Minefield), now apt-get update gives me 3.x.x (Namoroka) only, can you tell me please the URL of 4b's PPA.07:23
micahgsilvery: should be in /topic07:24
silverymichang: oh)) thanks07:24
micahgsilvery: beta 11 should be published (assuming it builds fine) in a couple hours07:27
silverymicahg: thats great, thank for the info07:29
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czajkowskiI was wondering if anyone could shed some light on an annoying bug on this machine https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/72075615:12
ubot2Ubuntu bug 720756 in chromium-browser "downloading items from web result in empty objects" [Undecided,New]15:12
=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team (Chromium too!): | Firefox 4.0b11 in Firefox Beta PPA 9.10-10.10 http://is.gd/f6TM4 | Firefox 3.6.14/Thunderbird 3.1.8/Seamonkey 2.0.12 in http://is.gd/dsudW need testing | Firefox 3.6.13 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1.7 in Lucid-Maverick and Stable PPA | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/hdZc1
ftajdstrand, hi, i merged the chromium codecs into the chromium source package. it's a nightmare to maintain, with all the a[bp]is changing randomly (ffmpeg/vpx/gyp/yasm/...)16:00
jdstrandfta: yeah, that makes total sense for chromium16:01
ftajdstrand, so far, i did it only in ch11. would it be a problem if i do it also for the next stable (ch10)?16:01
ftai mean, for lucid and maverick16:02
jdstrandfta: if it is needed (or what upstream recommends), sure16:02
ftai already told you that ch10 needs vpx 0.9.5+, and a fresher gyp16:02
ftai can also merge gyp btw16:03
ftabut i can't merge libvpx, it's a system lib even for upstream16:03
ftajdstrand, ^^16:06
jdstrandfta: right, I remember the vpx part. I'm ok with gyp and codecs if it makes life easier since we know going forward we are going to need it16:07
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
czajkowskifta: any idea on what causes this to happen only on this machine  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/72075616:24
ubot2Ubuntu bug 720756 in chromium-browser "downloading items from web result in empty objects" [Undecided,New]16:24
ftaczajkowski, nothing in the terminal?16:26
czajkowskifta: eh ?16:29
ftaczajkowski, start chromium from a terminal, to see if it reports an error16:30
czajkowskifta: nope no error16:31
ftaczajkowski, disk full maybe?16:32
czajkowskifta: nope nothjing on this HDD16:32
czajkowskifta: annoying as it only happens n this machine and works fine for firefox16:33
ftaczajkowski, difficult to say from here with just this description. could you please pastebin "df; df -i ; dmesg" ?16:37
fta(i really should add that to the apport hooks)16:38
ftaanything relevant in ~/.xsession-errors?16:39
czajkowskifta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568301/16:42
ftaczajkowski, can you change the download dir to another partition and see if it's better?16:48
czajkowskifta: doesnt help16:52
czajkowskisame issue16:52
czajkowskifta: when I click on an item after I assume it's been dwnloaded it looks likehttp://pix.ie/czajkowski/2170460/size/80016:56
ftawhat kind of disk is that? ssd/hd/nfs/samba/...16:58
czajkowskifta: bog standard hd16:59
ftai've seen a similar problem only once, it was someone using an NFS mounted home dir16:59
czajkowskitis flipping odd17:01
ftaczajkowski, i see some "*.crdownload" files on your desktop, those are supposed to be incomplete downloads17:01
czajkowskifta: yup17:01
czajkowskiit has issues downing pdfs also on chromium and not on ff17:02
ftado you see anything in chrome://downloads/  ?17:02
ftaand in the javascript console17:02
czajkowskifta: when it goes there I see conflict as it tries to sync to U117:03
ftai know nothing about U1, but it seems to be the reason17:03
* czajkowski stabs U1 17:04
ftamicahg, do you still have a hardy VM?17:45
ftai'd like to know how portable apport.hookutils.command_output() is..17:45
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micahgfta: yes17:59
ftamicahg, could you please try:18:00
fta>>> import apport.hookutils18:00
fta>>> apport.hookutils.command_output([ 'df', '-h'])18:00
ftain a python shell18:00
micahgfta: yeah18:00
* micahg could've done that in a chroot actually18:04
micahgerr, vm isn't happy18:07
micahgtrying again18:07
micahgfta: is there another chromium release?  Debian is now actually ahead of us in unstable18:35
ftamicahg, .98?18:35
micahgfta: yes18:35
ftamicahg, it's not needed, zero code change18:35
micahgfta: ok18:35
ftajust one tiny fix: #ifdef WINOS blabla #endif18:36
ftaso nothing for us18:36
micahgI'm marking it unimportant on the rcbugs page18:36
ftamicahg, use Win only or something18:37
micahgfta: k, thanks18:37
ftamicahg, where is that page?18:38
micahgI'm trying to keep the natty list clean18:39
ftareading the debian changelogs, he missed .94, hence his .98 with the release notes of .9418:43
micahgah, ok18:44
micahgfta: I'm sorry, my VM ATM doesn't seem to be doing too well18:44
micahgfta: would you know offhand to how trigger a disk check on reboot?18:45
ftamicahg, yep, "sudo touch /forcefsck"18:50
micahgfta: thanks18:51
micahg\o/ vm working again19:02
micahgfta: no hookutils in hardy, but hardy is EOL in 2.5 months anyways19:03
ftaok, thanks, i'll write it old-style then19:04
ftajcastro, is it possible to disable the "Recent" in the "Files & Folders" dash? it's way too slow21:13
ftalike 5 sec to open the dash, or scroll a bit, no way to get to the bottom to have the folders in less than a minute21:13
jcastrodid you get the unity update from today yet?21:14
ftahm, probably not. my last upgrade was >12h ago21:19
ftabdrung, fixing the gtk3 sonames? ;)21:45
bdrungfta: copy-paste changelog ;)21:46
ftabdrung, /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-3.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:46
bdrungfta: just rebuild and libgtk-3.so.0 will be picked up21:51
ftabdrung, i know, but seb128 said it will change again21:52
bdrungoh, then i was too fast21:52
ftajcastro, not sure what upgrade i'm supposed to get. I just see an un-upgradable libnux21:55
jcastroyou should have the whole stack today21:55
jcastrounity, libunity, nux, etc.21:56
ftaand the evil X/nvidia..21:56
jcastrobut it might not be published yet21:56
ftaoh, ok21:56
jcastro(it isn't on my mirror yet)21:56
ftajdstrand, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=56730  blocking the upstreaming of crash dumps21:58
ftachrisccoulson, ^^22:00
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i saw the mail22:01
chrisccoulsonthat sucks22:01
chrisccoulsoni'll try and look at that, seeing as i've already fixed one other ptrace related issue in breakpad22:01
ftachrisccoulson, the dailies are breakpad enabled if you're willing to try22:03
chrisccoulsonfta - thanks22:03
ftajcastro, just got unity22:03
ftapff, unity crashed 10 sec after login22:11
ftastill cant resize xterms22:12
ftachrisccoulson, .. breakpad enabled, providing the HEADLESS variable is passed22:13
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chrisccoulsonfta - cool, thanks22:14
ftachrisccoulson, do you know if the py api for the indicator is visible somewhere?22:20
ftajust made one but i need more than just a text and a menu22:22

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