
klipertskytanong poh04:45
klipertskygood day04:45
klipertskymay tao bah?04:46
klipertskypa help naman oh05:47
Terminusklipertsky: about what+?06:06
klipertskyrunning ang installation ng ubuntu 10.4 lts06:07
klipertskypang 2nd round na to06:07
klipertskyafter kc sa installation may  error06:08
klipertskydi na xa nagloload06:08
klipertskymatapos ko irestart.06:08
klipertskyano problema dito sir?06:09
Terminuswhat's the error?06:26
klipertskymay nakalagay06:35
klipertskyalert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/ does not exist06:36
klipertskydropping to a shell06:36
epalbaka sa fstab yan? :/06:39
Terminussounds like it. weird if the fs is formatted by uuid and then it's not detected on bootup. =/06:46
klipertskysir di ko maintihan mga terms ninyu06:48
=== deng_c is now known as deng
=== deng_c is now known as deng
=== rstacruz is now known as _rstacruz
Necrophillicgandang gabi po, bago lang po ako sa IRC channel ng ubuntu-ph16:11
bhearsumhello, kumusta?16:13
NecrophillicSir zak16:19

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