
bdmurrayI just noticed jaunty-updates is stil active as a milestone01:14
cjwatsondeactivated, thanks01:18
skaet_cjwatson,  can you look into why http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/info/5001 doesn't have an image?16:57
cjwatsonthe path is wrong, insert lucid/ before daily16:58
cjwatsonAFAIK iso.qa just doesn't know about stable builds16:58
cjwatsonI've never worked on the iso.qa code though16:58
skaet_thanks cjwatson,  jibel,  ScottK ^^16:59
jibelskaet_, its a known issue, on the todo list of fixes for this app.17:00
skaet_jibel,  thanks.17:00
cjwatsonelmo: how tight is releases.ubuntu.com?  do we need to move 10.04.1 off before publishing 10.04.2?17:42
elmodo you know how much extra space we're talking?17:44
elmolooks like 6 Gb?17:45
cjwatsonon the order of 8GB17:45
cjwatsoncdimage@antimony:~/cdimage/www/simple$ find -path \*.pool/\*10.04.1\*.iso | xargs du -cs17:45
cjwatson7857564 total17:45
cjwatsonactually a bit less because Kubuntu netbook is staying at .117:45
elmooh man that's so much cleaner than my method17:46
cjwatsondo I want to know?17:46
elmofind . -name \*10.04\* | xargs ls -l | awk ' { x += $5 } END { print x / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 }'17:46
elmoso, hum17:46
elmo40+6.  no, I think we'll be OK17:46
skaet_elmo,  cool.  thanks!17:47
cjwatsonok, planning to start publishing soon17:47
cjwatsonnotwithstanding my utter lack of brain today17:47
jibelHere is the status of 10.04.2 ISO Testing21:50
jibelMandatory Test Cases for:21:50
jibel * Ubuntu Alternate: All Done21:50
jibel * Ubuntu Desktop: All Done21:51
jibel * Ubuntu DVD: All Done21:51
jibel * Ubuntu Server: All Done21:51
jibel * Kubuntu Alternate: All Done21:51
jibel * Kubuntu Desktop: All Done - excepted Netbook (no image available)21:51
jibel * Kubuntu DVD: All Done21:51
jibel * Xubuntu Alternate: All Done21:51
jibel * Xubuntu Desktop: All Done21:51
jibel * Upgrade from 8.04.4, all flavors/arch: All Done21:51
jibel * Upgrade from 9.10, all flavors/arch: All Done21:51
jibelImage Coverage:2626100.00%21:52
jibelMandatory TestCases: 13113299.24%21:52
jibelRun Once TestCases:283873.68%21:52
jibelthe 2 main issues found:21:52
jibel* bug 64581821:52
jibel* bug 65070321:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 645818 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot (affects: 61) (dups: 4) (heat: 188)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64581821:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 650703 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot (affects: 11) (dups: 1) (heat: 66)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65070321:52
jibelOther serious issues found are not reproducible or invalid21:53
jibelany question/comment ?21:53
marjojibel: thx; nice summary21:53
jibelskaet_, ^21:53
jibelskaet_, not marjo's comment, the summary21:53
marjojibel: which 1 mandatory test case are you counting not done?22:02
jibel_marjo, kubuntu netbook22:02
ScottKIt's not needed to be done, why mention it?22:03
marjojibel: but isn't that the one that's not needed?, therefore, mandatory is 100% ,right?22:03
jibel_ScottK, because I'm binary22:03
jibel_marjo, right22:03
marjoScottK: I agree, but jibel_ is "binary" :)22:03
ScottKThink of it as notrequiredandtheisotrackeriswrongforlucid22:06
jibel_ScottK, correct, but my query doesn't do fixthedatareturnedbyawrongisotrackerforlucidthatdisplaysnotrequiredmandatorytestcases, that's why it won't be appear in the final report.22:09
skaet_thanks jibel.  :)22:10
skaet_cjwatson,  go ahead and pushing the images.22:11
marjoskaet_, jibel: thx!22:13

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