
jibelmarjo, hi, you reported bug 720430 against the kubuntu netbook image. Did you really used the kubuntu netbook image or was it kubuntu desktop ?10:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 720430 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 10.04.2 Live Persistent ConsoleKit session error (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72043010:16
jibelmarjo, I cant reproduce your problem. Its working perfectly there. Which tool did you use to create the persistent media and on which release ?10:28
marjojibel: i used Disk Utility 2.30.1 on 10.04.2 LTS14:05
jibelmarjo, hello14:07
jibelmarjo, oh, you created a partition on a hard drive ?14:07
jibelmarjo, I've tried with the persistent partition on the usb.14:07
marjojibel: no i created a partition on a usb stick14:10
marjojibel: casper-rw, 1.0 GB Linux ext314:11
jibelmarjo, well, I need to try creating the usb in Lucid, I don't remember how it worked in this release and I don't have any lucid running here with access to a USB port.14:14
* jibel trashing this poor netbook once again.14:14
marjojibel: ack14:15
marjojibel: according to ev, "migration assistant is supposed to work Ubuntu to Ubuntu for very old versions of Pidgin and Firefox (2.x)"14:23
marjojibel: and it only copies files from Windows14:24
jibelmarjo, pidgin to empathy and firefox 2 to 4 ?14:27
marjoev: ^^^14:28
evit most certainly does not understand the empathy or firefox 4 configuration formats14:28
evit was written back when pidgin was the default14:29
jibelev, should we drop those test cases from natty testing then ?14:29
evit's very much bit rotten14:29
jibelmarjo, ^ what do you think ? it looks obsolete.14:29
marjojibel: that's what i'm thinking14:30
jibelev, marjo , thanks, we'll drop them from a3 testing then.14:30
marjojibel: i've had quite a few problems in the past with http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopMigrationAssistant14:31
jibelev, any untested feature of ubiquity you'd like to add instead ?14:31
marjoev: can you please consider rewriting that test case ?14:31
marjoev: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopMigrationAssistant14:31
marjoev: thx14:51
skaet_jibel, how close are we to finishing off the iso testing?15:21
jibelmarjo, no problem with the persistent device created from
jibelmarjo, and booting 10.04.2 kubuntu desktop i38615:21
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jibelskaet_, I think we are good. Server UEC AMD64 (i386 is done) and no iSCSI tests were run. So we need feedback from the server team if they are ok with that.15:24
jibelskaet_, no last minute deal breaker.15:24
jibelthe 2 main issues remain bug 645818 and bug 65070315:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 645818 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "Unknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot (affects: 60) (dups: 4) (heat: 188)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64581815:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 650703 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "oem-config-prepare works, but oem-config fails to start after reboot (affects: 11) (dups: 1) (heat: 66)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65070315:25
jibelskaet_, few figures:15:29
jibelImage Coverage:2626100.00%15:29
jibelMandatory TestCases: 11513287.12%15:29
jibelRun Once TestCases:233860.53%15:29
marjojibel: ack15:29
skaet_jibel,  ok we need to get the mandatory handled before the announce goes out.15:30
skaet_are the only mandatory not run yet in the server images?15:31
skaet_or are there some in the Ubuntu desktop & Alternate as well?15:32
marjoping hggdh15:33
hggdhmarjo: pong15:34
marjohggdh: i'm testing http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerWhole#Preseeded%20Installation15:34
hggdhmarjo: problems there?15:35
marjohggdh: failing w/ "Configuring linux-image-2.6.32-28-generic15:35
marjo"Unable to install the selected kernel"15:35
hggdhI will run it manually here15:35
marjohggdh: vt4 says "E: Package linux-headers-generic has no installation candidate"15:36
hggdhthis is *very* weird15:36
hggdhlinux-headers-generic is a meta-package, and should point to the current linux-headers package15:37
hggdhbetter get one of the foundations folks involve3d15:37
skaet_jibel, from looking at the ISO tracker,  seems there are some Ubuntu desktop and Alternate tests not done yet.     What is the outlook on getting those last tests done?15:37
jibelskaet_, Mandatory testcases remaining:15:38
jibel * Kubuntu Alternate amd64 / Install (entire disk with encryption)15:38
jibel * Kubuntu Desktop amd64 / Live Session (Netbook)15:38
marjohggdh: i'm using image: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/lucid/daily/20110211.1/lucid-server-i386.iso15:38
jibel * Ubuntu Server AMD64: Install (JeOS on ESX), Install (JeOS on KVM), UEC install (minimal topology)15:38
jibel * Ubuntu Server i386: Install (default + RAID1), Install (JeOS on ESX), Install (Preseeded)15:38
marjojibel: i've started Ubuntu Server i386: Install (Preseeded), but see problem above15:39
* skaet_ must be misreading the iso tracker... wiil dig.15:39
skaet_thanks jibel15:39
hggdhmarjo: I will install it here, and see what happens15:40
marjohggdh: i will try again, ok?15:40
hggdhmarjo: OK, but sounds bad15:42
jamiedmattinglymorning jibel sorry i didnt make it in yesterday had to watch kids at home do you need me to test anything today?15:46
marjohggdh: so far so good on this current test; only difference i made was to type in "ubuntu" as the hostname instead of "marjomercado-server"15:52
marjojamiedmattingly: thx for joining us today, please take a look at: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/notcompleted15:53
jamiedmattinglythanks marjo15:55
jamiedmattinglyok where can i get a kubuntu alternat 386 the link on the tracker site isnt working15:58
hggdhmarjo: I was also able to install with no errors. Fluke?15:58
marjohggdh: maybe, i'm going to burn a new disk, just in case15:59
marjohggdh: please mark that one passed16:00
hggdhmarjo: just did ;-)16:00
marjohggdh: thx much16:00
charlie-tcajamiedmattingly: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/lucid/16:07
charlie-tcadaily is alternate, daily-live is desktop16:07
jamiedmattinglygot it charlie-tca thanks16:09
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:09
jamiedmattinglyits downloading now will test when its complete16:09
charlie-tcagreat! thanks for helping today16:10
jamiedmattinglywe dont have many left do we stop when this list is complete or do you have another to start on?16:10
jibeljamiedmattingly, mandatory test cases are ... mandatory.16:13
jibelthe target is 100% of mandatory cases done.16:13
jibelbtw , thanks for helping :)16:13
Davieymarjo, Do you have the preseed you were using for 10.04.2 ie86 testing?16:13
Davieyerr, i38616:14
marjodaviey: url=http://people.canonical.com/~cerdea/preseed.cfg16:15
jibeljamiedmattingly, charlie-tca any of you can help with LTDP test for Alternate16:15
jibelnot LDTP , LTSP16:15
Davieymanjo, you were using the same preseed as hggdh ?16:15
hggdhDaviey: you probably meant 'marjo', right?16:16
manjoDaviey, you want to talk to marjo16:16
Davieyerr, yes. :)16:16
hggdhmanjo is used to this by now ;-)16:16
jamiedmattinglysure where is ltsp test?16:16
Davieymanjo, sorry16:17
marjodaviey: yes16:17
jamiedmattinglynever mind i found it starting now16:17
Davieymarjo, *boggle*16:17
jibeljamiedmattingly, great ! thanks16:17
charlie-tcajibel: I tried to do that one, but failed miserably at getting it right16:18
Davieymarjo, hggdh, jibel: roaksoax has marked it as passed for him... so we have 2:1.. want a third?16:18
hggdhDaviey: no, I think we are good. This was a weird error, though16:19
skaet_all,  head's up -  I experienced an IRC communication glitch in the list jibel sent earlier,  in case anyone else did, the remaining mandatory test cases can be found at http://paste.ubuntu.com/568279/16:19
marjodaviey: no we're good16:21
jibelDaviey, thanks16:21
Davieygood 'o16:21
marjodaviey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568279/16:21
jibelDaviey, iSCSI any one in the server team can cover them ?16:21
Davieyjibel, i didn't think we tested them for 10.04.1... do we need to for .2?16:23
jibelskaet_, ^ ?16:23
skaet_Daviey,  jibel -  it is listed as a mandatory test case.16:27
skaet_robbiew,  should the test case be mandatory?   advice?16:27
marjoskaet_ on behalf of the QA team, iSCSI should be optional16:46
marjoskaet_ with hindsight, we should have made it optional after 10.04.116:47
skaet_robbiew,   can you weigh in on the iSCSI test case for server.  optional or mandatory?16:49
robbiewskaet_: unless we have dedicated hardware in the lab for it, I see it as optional16:54
robbiewso I agree with marjo16:55
skaet_thanks robbiew,  marjo - ok.  please mark it as optional going forward, and we'll consider it as such for this release.16:55
jibelpatrickmw, hi, can you help with ltsp ?17:03
patrickmwwhich test17:04
patrickmwI mean iso flav arch and such17:05
jibelpatrickmw, ubuntu desktop alternate amd64 / i38617:06
patrickmwjibel: ok17:07
jibelpatrickmw, thx17:07
jibelpatrickmw, I'm on i386 btw17:09
jamiedmattinglyim on i386 also jibel17:11
patrickmwjibel: im syncing those images. i will get those done today17:19
randomdudejust wanted to know if 10.04.2 is coming out today (means available for download on main ubuntu page) ? thx17:21
skaet_randomdude, depended on whether the mandatory testing gets done.   Feel free to help ;),  tests that are still outstanding on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/all/notcompleted17:32
jamiedmattinglybuilding thin client system has been stuck on 50% for quite a while anyone else with this issue?17:57
jamiedmattinglyok recieved an error message 'no interface for ltsp dhcp configuration found'18:00
jamiedmattinglyprobably why it hung up so long18:00
jamiedmattinglycan someone help me to file a bug for this?18:09
marjoDaviey, hggdh:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/72086518:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 720865 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]18:10
jamiedmattinglyjibel or charlie-tca are you available for a ??18:22
jamiedmattinglyi think i found a problem on the ltsp for the 386 alternate but im not sure what to do now?18:23
jamiedmattinglythe last couple tests i did had a click here to file bug i dont see it on this page18:23
charlie-tcahggdh: what package does the ltsp bug get filed against?18:24
hggdhcharlie-tca: good question, researching18:26
hggdhcharlie-tca: which test is this?18:27
charlie-tcajamiedmattingly: ^ ^18:27
jamiedmattinglyubuntu alternate i386 ltsp18:28
hggdhcharlie-tca: ltsp-server?18:29
jamiedmattinglyok im sorry install ltsp server was correct title18:29
charlie-tcaIt was jamiedmattingly testing it18:29
jamiedmattinglyok here is another question before i get too involved in reporting this possibly for nothing18:30
jamiedmattinglyif this is for a server would it ake a difference if i am not loading on a server18:30
jamiedmattinglyrunning it in a vbox on my laptop18:30
charlie-tcaNo, installing the server stuff makes it a server, instead of a desktop18:31
jamiedmattinglyok cool18:33
jamiedmattinglydid you see the error message i got when printed above?18:33
charlie-tca<jamiedmattingly> ok recieved an error message 'no interface for ltsp dhcp configuration found'18:34
jamiedmattinglyyes charlie-tca that would be something to report as a bug correct?18:35
marjoping jibel18:35
ScottKHello marjo18:35
charlie-tcajamiedmattingly: do you have VBox set to use bridge networking, so it goes through the host interface?18:35
marjojibel, skaet: i've asked ScottK to join the channel to discuss kubuntu iso test cases for 10.04.218:35
jamiedmattinglylet me check18:35
ScottKThe netbook test doesn't apply to Kubuntu for 10.04.2 since we didn't respin that one.18:36
jibelmarjo, I'm doing the latest alternate and Riddell DVD, and there's no netbook. So all the mandatory cases will be done very soon18:37
jamiedmattinglyhow do i set it for that charlie-tca18:37
marjojibel: ok18:37
charlie-tcaI don't know if the dhcp part works with out the bridge18:38
marjojibel: ScottK says the kubuntu test cases are correct for Natty, but not for 10.04.218:38
charlie-tcaYou click Network, Adapter 1, Enable Network Adapter, attached to:18:38
charlie-tcaIt defaults to Nat, but you can select Bridged Adapter18:38
charlie-tcaThen I select Advanced:  Adapter Type PCNet-Fast III, cable connected18:39
charlie-tcasince my hardware is cable connected18:40
jamiedmattinglyok let me try this again18:40
charlie-tcaI don't really know if this is the issue, but I don't think it will work without the bridge. You also need two adapters added, I think18:40
jibelmarjo, what do you mean ? Are you talking about this http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateEncryptedLvm18:42
jibelhow can it be ok for natty, it was last updated 10 months ago.18:43
marjoScottK ?18:43
ScottKBecause Natty and Maverick are the same in this regard.18:44
marjojibel: maybe ScottK should review all the Kubuntu test cases?18:44
ScottKI think they are fine for Natty.18:44
marjoso there's no ambiguity for ALL releases18:45
marjoScottK: and we need testers!18:45
marjoScottK ?18:53
ScottKDoes the ISO tracker have the ability to have different test cases for different releases?18:54
jibelScottK, no it doesn't.18:55
ScottKThen it's pretty pointless to try and review their correctness for different releases.18:55
marjoScottK: i think what's more important is the specification of test cases (mandatory, run-once, optiona) and get testers to test them18:55
ScottKmarjo: The test case in question should be mandatory on Maverick/Natty and not applicable to Lucid.  You've no way to express that in the tracker.18:56
marjoScottK: ack18:58
marjoScottK: how about testers for each release milestone?18:59
ScottKWhat about them?18:59
marjocan we get more testers for kubuntu during iso testing?19:01
jamiedmattinglyok charlie-tca it worked once i changed the settings19:01
charlie-tcaGreat! :-)19:01
ScottKmarjo: We've asked.  The amount of participation varies.19:02
jamiedmattinglysorry bout that im still new to this both on ubuntu and tewsting19:02
marjoScottK: understood19:02
marjoand thx for asking19:02
ScottKI don't have a magic pile of ISO testers in my back pocket.19:02
marjoScottK: ditto :)19:02
ScottKSee you later.19:05
robbiewmarjo: guess iscsi can remain in run-once19:25
robbiewwe've found a victim...uh, I mean volunteer ;)19:25
marjorobbiew: thx for finding the volunteer19:26
robbiewmarjo: nevermind...I missed the "not" in the first sentence of the email...as in "I am not volunteering to run the tests"19:33
marjorobbiew: oh too bad; thx for trying19:34
marjohggdh, jibel: who's testing UEC install (separate networks topology) on amd64?19:54
marjohggdh: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/notcompleted19:54
marjohggdh: i think that's the last remaining (not doing iSCSI)19:56
skaet_marjo, jibel - can you confirm my understanding,  Ubuntu Desktop is now done,  Ubuntu Alternate has one test left - in progress.20:13
skaet_Also,  Ubuntu server has how many?20:13
marjoskaet: Ubuntu Desktop mandatory all done (exempting Migration Assistant)20:15
marjoskaet: Ubuntu Alternate (1 test in progress)20:16
marjoskaet: Ubuntu Server mandatory all done20:17
jamiedmattinglymarjo,  which test is in progress the page i looked at showed complete for 386 alternate20:17
marjojamiedmattingly: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4991/229; patrickmw testing20:18
marjoinstall LTSP server20:18
jamiedmattinglyok thanks20:19
patrickmwmarjo: are you asking me if I'm testing ltsp?  if so, yes :)20:19
marjopatrickmw: no, i was telling jamiedmattingly that you are testing ltsp20:20
charlie-tcajamiedmattingly: thanks for doing those tests20:20
charlie-tcaWe do this again in two weeks for Natty alpha3, probably starting about March 120:20
marjoskaet: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/kubuntu/notcompleted; i would consider that all done since netbook is not counted20:21
jamiedmattinglycool its actually kinda fun charlie-tca20:22
jamiedmattinglyalmost done with kubuntu alternate expert20:22
marjoskaet: so, for mandatory test cases, only 1 is left (pressure is on patrickmw)20:24
charlie-tcajamiedmattingly: gives you a chance to see the different distributions, too20:26
charlie-tcaWe will have many more tests to do for natty, though20:27
jamiedmattinglycant wait20:27
hggdhmarjo: I am installing uec alternate20:30
marjohggdh: thx much20:30
skaet_marjo, thanks!   can you please post  status in #u-release when the last test finishes off?20:30
marjoskaet_ will do20:30
patrickmwjamiedmattingly: I see you passed the ltsp test.  I am not able to connect.  What client did you use?20:31
jibelskaet_, I confirm what marjo said :-)20:32
skaet_thanks jibel.  :)   any new bugs to look into?20:33
patrickmwjibel: I am getting a failure with the ltsp test20:34
jibelskaet_, bug 72086520:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 720865 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72086520:36
jibelneed investigation from a server guy.20:36
skaet_Daviey,  ^^  can you help?20:37
jamiedmattinglyyou know patrickmw im not sure i know i had to change a bunch of settings to get it to run charlie-tca helped me with that20:38
jamiedmattinglywhat error are you getting?20:38
marjoskaet: i reported 720865; i don't think it's critical since two other testers passed the same test20:38
charlie-tcapatrickmw: VBox?20:38
marjoskaet: could be specific to my hardware20:39
patrickmwcharlie-tca: yes.  that's a problem then I take it20:39
jibelmarjo, could be critical, it needs to be qualified.20:39
charlie-tcaGot to use the bridge network connection20:39
jamiedmattinglyshould we not be using vbox to test???20:39
marjojibel: even if it's on a netbook?!20:39
patrickmwcharlie-tca. I am20:39
patrickmwcharlie-tca. I've been able to pass this test before20:40
jamiedmattinglywhat error did you get patrickmw20:40
charlie-tcaThen it might be a hard fail20:40
patrickmwI get an unable to connect20:40
patrickmwI can ssh in the ltsp server, so I know I have a connection20:41
charlie-tcaI had jamiedmattingly change to the bridged networking and add a second adapter20:41
patrickmwok, I will try adding an additional nic20:41
charlie-tcaThey were using NAT, which won't work20:41
patrickmwyes, that makes sense20:41
charlie-tcaI am by no means an expert, I could not get the tests to work at all20:41
patrickmwcharlie-tca, there was a bug with natty alpha 3 when I tested it, but this is different20:42
* charlie-tca feels real bad, now. Can't get the tests to work, but knows how to fix it?20:42
jibelstgraber, around ?20:53
marjopatrickmw: can you please go ahead and file a bug and mark the test as failed?20:55
patrickmwmarjo: I can20:57
marjopatrickmw: please do ASAP; thx20:57
stgraberjibel: yep, what's up ?21:05
marjojibel: just passed kubuntu alternate i386 manual partitioning21:06
patrickmwjibel: done21:06
jamiedmattinglyjibel just passed kubuntu altenate 386 expert mode21:06
jibelstgraber, patrickmw is experiencing issues with ltsp setup can you help him?21:07
patrickmwjibel, marjo, skaet_: tests are complete, if you're waiting on me. I've updated the iso tracker21:08
stgraberpatrickmw: what kind of issues are you having ?21:08
patrickmwstgraber: i've followed this test case: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Testing/Cases/LTSPServer21:09
patrickmwand I'm not sure if its incomplete or if there is some assumed knowledge I should have before running the test21:10
stgraberhmm, someone should have mentioned that you need two NICs ;)21:10
marjopatrickmw: thx much21:10
patrickmwone for external connections, one for the ltsp connection21:10
stgraberand at install time, choose the one with internet access so it can install. A dhcp server will be setup on the other one for ltsp21:11
stgraberso you should always make sure the one that's going to be used for ltsp is plugged to a switch that doesn't have any dhcp server plugged in21:11
stgraberor just use a crossover cable as suggested21:12
patrickmwlet's say I'm using a VM ;)21:12
stgraberok, so create a isolated virtual network for ltsp21:12
stgraberand put the second nic of your server in it21:13
stgraberthen create a diskless VM that boots using PXE and is plugged on that same isolated network21:13
patrickmwadding a nic inside the virt network makes sense21:14
patrickmwthe other part I would not have figured out21:14
stgraberso usually I have "virbr0" that's the usual libvirt bridge with libvirt's DHCP and internet access and I have another "virtbr1" bridge that's not connected to anything and used only for the second nic of the ltsp server and the nic of the thin client21:14
patrickmwyou seem to have a grasp on this. maybe you and I can take some time to document a reproducable test case21:15
patrickmwI don't know of many people who can follow the 7 steps outlined in the test and get it to pass.21:15
kirklandmarjo: ping21:17
kirklandmarjo: re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/72086521:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 720865 in linux (Ubuntu) "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]21:17
kirklandmarjo: i just ran that in a VM without trouble21:17
kirklandmarjo: rtg thinks the issue you hit might be related to Atom and PAE21:17
skaet_jibel,  I think there's a bug in error on the isotracker - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/base-installer/+bug/22786921:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 227869 in base-installer (Ubuntu) "Server installer should not use -server kernel for non-PAE CPU's (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Medium,Triaged]21:18
jibelskaet_, why ?21:21
stgraberpatrickmw: I just updated the wiki page21:22
patrickmwstgraber: you rock21:22
skaet_its a bug from 2008, and hasn't been touched since 2009.   If its applicable against this release, it should be targetted to lucid, and iso-testing tags added?21:23
skaet_jibel, ^^21:23
skaet_bug looks like what's being seen though,  so maybe it just hasn't been updated to reflect today's results/comments?21:24
* jibel context switching is too high atm.21:24
jibelskaet_, it's already tagged, but should have been updated with today's status, right.21:25
skaet_jibel,  yes please.21:25
jibelIll nominate for lucid and confirm21:25
* skaet_ understands what jibel means about context switching too high as well ;)21:26
skaet_jibel, thanks.21:26
marjokirkland: thx; i suspect rtg is right21:29
marjokirkland; that's why i hesitated to log the bug21:29
jibelskaet_, done21:29
jibelpatrickmw, you're ltsp failure is due to your setup or the build or the documentation ?21:43
patrickmwjibel: yes21:44
patrickmwjibel :)21:44
jibelyes what ?21:44
patrickmwjibel: the test case has been updated21:44
jibelnice, thanks21:45
patrickmwjibel: i did not rerun the test21:45
hggdhmarjo: uec separate topo test done for amd64; I really do not think i386 is required21:46
marjohggdh: ack21:47
skaet_jibel, marjo, Riddell, ScottK, charlie-tca  - please pass on a big "Thank you" to everyone who was testing today.   Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu  would not be able to go out today without their efforts!22:46
jamiedmattinglyjust out of curiosity for whoevr runs this area..... do you get feedback on your wiki for working here? ill do it anyway but just curious22:50

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