
* brobostigon-g1 retuens on yaaic00:06
brobostigon-g1as soon as i go to an email from notification it seems to disconect me.00:10
* dwatkins takes pictures of Eeyore00:28
=== hazrpg is now known as hazmaster
=== hazmaster is now known as hazrpg
ubuntuuk-planet[Stuart Langridge] End of an era - http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2011/02/17/end-of-an-era01:04
penguin42erm that's possibly the most random thing to end up being posted by that01:05
hcfdHi guys. Can anyone tell me the best/fastest way to get Sun/Oracle Java RE 6 Update 3?01:05
hazrpg\o hey all03:02
shaunomorning hazrpg05:00
hazrpgholy cow just realised it was 5am xD05:03
shaunoheh, yup.   up at the crack of stupid for work05:03
shaunobtw, scroll up in -minecraft and see if you've got any input :)05:04
hazrpghow far am I scrolling up?05:05
shaunojust the last hour or so05:06
* ball sighs05:17
hazrpgwhoops... that was the wrong keyset05:18
hazrpg<== has arabic installed too05:18
MartijnVdSbut.. you have to type that backwards!05:19
hazrpgماما :)05:20
MartijnVdShazrpg: are you my mummy?05:20
hazrpgmy arabic writing/typing is really poor though :(05:20
hazrpgMartijnVdS: google translate :P?05:20
MartijnVdShazrpg: + doctor who reference, yes05:21
* ball thinks about Daleks05:21
hazrpgball: missing england already dude?05:21
MartijnVdSit's the scary "kids with gas mask" episode05:21
ballhazrpg: Every day.05:22
MartijnVdSball: just sing a couple of verses of "God save the Queen" each morning before you go to work. Should help.05:22
hazrpgball: always welcome to come back, and sure we'll all have open arms out for ya :)05:22
hazrpgMartijnVdS: or he could set up a cron job to automatically play it in the morning for him ^^05:23
shaunoit's not meant to play in the morning.  it's meant to be the last thing you hear before the telly shuts off for the night :)05:23
MartijnVdSshauno: ah, and then The Star-Spangled Banner in the morning, to remind you where you are05:24
shaunohaha, I'm not going there ;)05:24
MartijnVdSshauno: but ball is there05:25
ballhazrpg: Not an option for a variety of reasons. Two of the primary ones are that a) I can't afford it and b) my daughter can't fly.05:25
shaunobbc used to play the national anthem before they signed off for the night.  back in the scary days when stations actually turned off at night05:25
hazrpgball: can't fly why?05:28
hazrpgball: no passport?05:28
hazrpgshauno: ikr!05:28
hazrpg"I Know Right!"05:29
MartijnVdSno passport? that exists? :P05:29
* hazrpg the creepy girl with the random green man early in the morning before station on...05:29
hazrpgback before teletext was cool05:29
MartijnVdShazrpg: you're a GIRL?!05:30
shaunoreminds me, I need to figure out how to renew my passport05:30
maco2this requires caps?05:30
MartijnVdSshauno: http://www.ips.gov.uk/05:30
maco2and two forms of punctuation?05:30
shaunoMartijnVdS: last time I looked it required me to know someone in certain job functions (police, etc).  which I don't :(05:30
MartijnVdSmaco2: well, I was assuming "Hassan" wasn't a girl's name05:30
shaunowell, I do, but not in this country05:31
MartijnVdSshauno: which country is that? North Korea?05:31
shaunoalmost; Ireland (the non-british bit)05:31
MartijnVdSshauno: 3 seconds of google tell me: http://www.dfa.ie/home/index.aspx?id=25405:32
ballhazrpg: medical reasons.05:32
shaunoMartijnVdS: lol, I don't need an irish passport; I'm not irish :)05:32
MartijnVdSshauno: ah, you're a Complex Case :)05:33
MartijnVdSshauno: talk to your consulate/embassy :)05:33
ballNew passport's going to cost me US$ 24005:33
ball...perhaps more now, it's a while since I checked.05:33
shaunoI'm british but living in ireland.  the general plot is exactly the same as renewing in the UK, except the co-signer has to be in the republic too.  which is where I run into a wall.  I don't know many people here05:33
shaunolet alone nurses / policemen / teachers / and what-not05:34
MartijnVdSshauno: http://britishembassyinireland.fco.gov.uk/en/help-for-british-nationals/passports/05:34
hazrpgball: ah05:34
hazrpgMartijnVdS: rofl, no... just realised I had /me typed up before I sent that05:35
shaunoanyhow, back in 30 minutes or so, need to shuffle off to work (5 minutes ago)05:35
hazrpgMartijnVdS: nope, I'm definitely a boy... I checked05:37
hazrpgMartijnVdS: heh, just realised how you knew my name xD05:37
hazrpgare most of you signed up to the mailing list?05:38
* MartijnVdS gets enough mail already :P05:39
hazrpgshauno: you might appreciate this :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyCIpKAIFyo05:40
hazrpgMartijnVdS: so no?05:40
MartijnVdShazrpg: indeed05:40
hazrpgthat's what filters are for :P05:41
MartijnVdSwhiskey tango foxtrot @ video05:41
ballhazrpg: There's a mailing list?05:41
hazrpgball: yeah...05:42
hazrpgball: hit up http://www.ubuntu-uk.org/05:42
hazrpgor directly to the signup for the mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-uk05:42
MartijnVdSpopey: did the Windows-Ancient in virtualbox with USB-serial trick/hack work?05:43
hazrpgon my gmail I have it set to filter "ubuntu-uk.lists.ubuntu.com" to go to a label called "ubuntu-uk"05:43
MartijnVdShazrpg: Have you seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-MfrT0wvMg05:44
hazrpgthere must be a way to make pidgin have a darker colour scheme :/05:46
hazrpgreally bugs me that its white :/05:47
MartijnVdShazrpg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134082805:47
hazrpgMartijnVdS: aww05:48
hazrpgMartijnVdS: don't thinkt that will work on my windows install though05:49
MartijnVdShazrpg: see, there's your problem05:49
hazrpgI switch between ubuntu and windows often, so I have .purple set to a directory both can access05:50
* MartijnVdS just has 2 PCs to switch between Win7 and Ubuntu :)05:50
hazrpgheh, if I had the money I would05:51
MartijnVdShazrpg: job > minecraft :P05:51
hazrpgdon't really have a job lol05:51
ballI have one, but it's suboptimal05:52
ballI suppose technincally I have two.05:52
hazrpgI do at the moment, but after this project I don't know where the next client will come from05:52
hazrpgjoys of working for yourself05:52
ballNeither works.05:52
Apacheukmorning, geez you guys are up early today06:01
hazrpgor haven't slept yet...06:02
Apacheuktrue :)06:06
Apacheuksupposed to be getting BT Infinity enabled today06:08
shauno30 minutes was optimistic.  windows decided it didn't want to wake up :/06:23
AlanBellmorning all06:58
nigelbMorning \o/07:38
MooDoohello all07:58
TheOpenSourcererinteresting tale of two kernels... http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/kernel-any-other-name Anyone running Ubuntu Server (32bit) *needs* to read this.08:11
chalcedonyhi DJones08:36
screen-xmorning :)08:38
DJoneshi chalcedony screen-x08:38
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: wow - interesting article.09:29
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: Do debian do server kernels?09:29
bigcalmMorning peeps :)09:31
BigRedSgood morning!09:31
bigcalmToday's SMBC is a hoot :)09:32
andylockranSMBC ?09:33
andylockranto me that's Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council.09:33
andylockranand they're never a hoot :p09:34
bigcalmIt's fun how the BBC weather site changes its background depending upon the type of weather. But it does make using the site depressing this time of year09:36
DJonesAnybody using tweetdeck on windows? Just wondering whether you'd recommend the Desktop app, or the google chrome app09:38
gordits just flash either way isn't it?09:38
bigcalmOnly place I use that is on my Nexus One09:38
DJonesthe desktop app is adobe air, not sure about the chrome version09:39
bigcalmgord: air not flash on the desktop09:40
bigcalmhttp://www.tweetdeck.com/desktop/ # that's using my monitor. How generic09:40
bigcalmBy the looks of it, all 3 objects are Dell09:41
gordbigcalm, right, but air is basically just flash09:41
screen-x\o JamesTait09:42
bigcalmI guess, but doesn't require flash player. 6 of one half a dozzen of the other09:42
MooDoomorning czajkowski :)09:44
czajkowskiJamesTait: oi thats my greeting in here!09:47
czajkowskidont confuse me09:47
MooDooczajkowski: i was going to mention that09:47
screen-xbut JamesTait is so creative with his 'good mornings'09:47
screen-xhe wont hog yours for long czajkowski09:48
JamesTaitczajkowski: Can't we share? :)09:48
popeymorning all09:48
screen-xmorning popey09:48
JamesTaitscreen-x: I'm running out of languages. :-P09:48
dwatkinsGuten morgen!09:48
czajkowskiMaidin mhaith09:49
andylockranSuku Manu09:51
bigcalmNannoo nannoo09:52
MooDoomork calling orson09:52
dwatkinsnanu! nanu!09:52
czajkowskihttp://www.networkworld.com/community/banshee-amazon-store-disabled-by-canonical-in-ubuntu  hmmm09:53
shaunoI think I'd just have to echo 'hmmm' on that one.  interesting read10:02
daubersI'm not sure why they're complaining tbh10:05
bigcalmI buy physical CDs and use Spotify, so I'm not going to make a difference anyway :)10:05
andylockranIt's an interesting precedent.10:06
daubersAt least they asked10:06
andylockrani.e. if banshee's relationship with the amazon store was supporting the development of banshee10:06
* gord is going through a branch that makes unity respect the gtk theme, wonderful stuff :) 10:06
daubersI do find it amusing that open source peeps seem to want to promote Amazon getting money than a company that works on a distro getting money10:10
mungojerry7digital never has any music i am looking to buy10:10
mungojerryamazon does10:11
mungojerrymaybe they could have compromised on 50% :S10:11
BigRedSdaubers: I don't think the issue people are taking to heart is whether amazon get money or not10:11
* Myrtti found what she was looking for in 7digital and bought it from the Ubuntu One store10:11
daubersI have no idea if any discussion on the %age was actually raised10:11
shaunodaubers: I believe U1 is essentially the same setup, but they get to rebrand their portal?10:12
daubersBigRedS: Ultimatley though, a large portion of that money will go back into OSS software anyway, as canonical pays devs to work on OSS stuff10:12
daubersshauno: No idea10:12
Myrttihttp://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/pda/2010/oct/01/oliver-blank-finland-album-app and Oliver Blank did have his first one on the store so I got it from there10:12
dutchiedaubers: Open Source Software software?10:13
daubersdutchie: BOX!10:14
BigRedSdaubers: I think the issue is it affecting the competetiveness, more than the final destination of that money10:15
shaunoI think that's pretty much it.  7digital's offering kinda pales in comparison to amazon's.10:19
shaunoso canonical 'pull an apple' to either protect, or substitute that revenue10:19
mungojerryi guess those that enable amazon store will then be giving 100% to banshee?10:20
bigcalmNothing goes to Banshee10:21
dutchiebigcalm: they get money off amazon10:22
directhexbanshee has no amazon affiliate code10:22
bigcalmI thought that was GNOME10:22
directhexbanshee uses the gnome code. nothing ever goes to a banshee dev10:22
dutchieoh, fair enough10:22
shaunoit is, s/banshee/gnome foundation10:22
bigcalmI read the artical ;)10:22
bigcalmWell, half of it before getting bored10:23
daubersshauno: Not quite a complete apple though is it, they've not banned it, just disabled the default10:23
shaunoI think it fails the 'do unto others' test tho.  If someone changed that affiliate code to their own in non-cannonical *buntu derrivate, people would cry foul10:24
daubersSurely thats why they asked rather than just did?10:25
mungojerrythe amazon store within banshee is great, really handy since it avoids the separate downloader deb. shame that many won't realise it is there.10:25
directhexclearly banshee > amazon's downloader thingy10:26
directhexthere's also a tool called clamz, dunno how well it works10:26
mungojerryoh well, it's all politics, i hope it blows over in a few days10:27
directhex"Hah, I see what Bansee screamers are up too. They want a place on GNOME advisory board to push their Mono and Anti-GNU agenda and they have no money. So they decided to tax Ubuntu and mask it as support for GNOME. Canonical should just dump banshee and use Rythmbox."10:29
mungojerryi  thought mono extremists would have siwtched to hating java by now.10:30
mungojerryactually i'd be wary of using virtualbox though10:31
dwatkinswhy the concern with virtualbox, mungojerry10:31
mungojerrybecause the new owners are not OSS friendly10:31
* dwatkins adds a question mark to the above line... ?10:31
directhexmungojerry, they still herald Java as completely Free and safe.10:31
directhexmungojerry, it's GPL, and it's not Microsoft. those are how things are defined as Free10:31
BigRedSI think Java's probably percieved as too stagnant to be viewed in a threatening way10:32
BigRedSMS are actively pussing .NET, nobody's doing that with Java10:33
UndiFineDI use virtualbox, they actually loosened the license for 4.010:33
mungojerryhow so undifined?10:33
popey10:24:48 < shauno> I think it fails the 'do unto others' test tho.  If someone changed that affiliate code to their own in non-cannonical *buntu derrivate, people would cry foul10:33
popeypeople already do10:33
UndiFineDit was stricter, and not all goodies were available for free10:33
popeycrunchbang has changed their affiliate code for firefox so they get revenue and ubuntu doesnt10:34
popeyI don't believe Ubuntu has ever complained about this fact10:34
popeyI suspect mint probably change thiers too10:34
mungojerrycanonical already contribute financially to the gnome foundation too10:36
mungojerrypopey i noticed an xserver update to natty today10:44
mungojerryor is it the nvidia update you're waiting for?10:44
gordmungojerry, no10:45
mungojerrydidn't see the changelog tho10:46
AlanBellgord: when resizing a VM window that runs unity it gets a bit confused, is that a bug?10:48
AlanBellend up with the top toolbar where the top of the old screen size was10:49
gordAlanBell, sorry i don't follow10:50
gordoh wait you mean unity running in a vm :)10:50
gordyeah, so resolution changes aren't hooked up yet, i don't know why. i need to ping the nux guy about that again honestly, there are a bunch of bugs about it10:50
AlanBellok, thought there might be10:51
morleypotterMorning all - Does anyone know anything about multiple network protocols in peer to peer technologies (i'm not up to anything by the way :) )10:54
AlanBellbug 684539 seems to be the main one for the resolution change issue10:55
lubotu3Launchpad bug 684539 in Unity "Unity does not update when screen resolution changes" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68453910:55
morleypotterI'm wondering, if I create a torrent file (legal, for uni work) will it work on all the protocols and applications?10:55
morleypottergord: I'm using VM's at the minute for my uni project, you get very different results with different VM packages. (have only walked in half way through the conversation though)10:58
bigcalmhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmoDLyiQYKw # safe for work, requires sound11:01
morleypotterbigcalm: nice one :)11:05
czajkowskihttp://design.canonical.com/brand/10.%20Photography%20treatments.pdf  <----- very useful document11:09
AlanBellI spy Matt Barker11:11
mungojerryfirefox 4 beta + adobe reader plugin takes 10 attempts to open pdfs :( got there eventually11:12
czajkowskiAlanBell: I spy most of the design team11:13
czajkowskisorry wrong to pull a sad face11:13
gordmungojerry, don't like evince?11:13
gordgord <3 evince11:13
mungojerryi like viewing the pdf in the browser window11:13
gordits like adobe reader but doesn't take an hour to start up and doesn't eat up a billion ghz of processing power11:13
* mungojerry has cpu to burn11:13
gordi have a quad core i7, adobe reader is still slow and eats up more cpu than i can provide it with11:14
mungojerryit's funny, when i run a kickstart for our user machines, half of the 15 min kickstart time is taken by installing adobe reader (90mb)11:14
davmor2morning all11:15
* davmor2 tickles czajkowski 11:15
czajkowskidavmor2: oi there will be less of tha mister!11:15
davmor2czajkowski: it was that, proding or hugs, I fancied a change :P11:16
* AlanBell tickles davmor2's fancy11:16
* AlanBell didn't really think that one though properly11:17
* czajkowski pus AlanBell and davmor2 in a room on their own 11:17
davmor2AlanBell: No you didn't11:17
gorddo we need an #u-uk naughty step?11:18
davmor2gord: haha11:18
davmor2He czajkowski you off on Holiday again?  do you every work in the UK?11:18
czajkowskigord: yes MooDoo and davmor2 to sit on it every day11:19
czajkowskidavmor2: I am in the uk....11:19
czajkowskisaturday week off to spain :d11:19
davmor2czajkowski: My point exactly you seem to be out of the country more than you're in it :D11:20
* screen-x would have been on it yesterday11:20
gordhttp://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=613083 hehe11:21
gordlibreoffice off to a flying start ;)11:21
Nggord: epic facepalm :O11:24
bigcalmgord: WOW!11:24
mungojerryi usually use .rpmsave when trashing files with a package :P11:26
gordin other news, i just tried to close a window on my desktop, then i realised that "window" was a screenshot of an osx application a friend had sent me11:26
* mungojerry thinks of a good april fool joke involving desktop wallpaper :P11:26
shaunohah, that bug is tasty.  if only for the "oh, didn't think of that.  sorry" bit11:28
dwatkinsoh my, that could be rather catastrophic11:30
dwatkinswhy don't installers just do something like: TEMPDIR=/tmp/`date +%s`     ?11:32
dwatkinsgranted, there's a miniscule chance of a conflict, so it could also include the PID and some other pseudo-random reference/number11:32
screen-xdwatkins: a dir version for $(tempfile) would cool11:34
dwatkinsscreen-x: dir version in which sense?11:34
* dwatkins checks for a manpage for tempfile11:34
andylockranI thought /usr/share/appname/* was a sensible place to store app stuff.. why's it even looking at  / ?11:35
andylockransurely that goes against FHS anyway11:35
dwatkinsI think it's just during installation, but even so andylockran - you have a point11:35
andylockran/usr/share/app/temp :p11:36
andylockranmerging both our suggestions11:36
andylockranusing opera at the moment.. you can 'stack' tabs ontop of each other.11:42
smittixanyone any good with MS SQL11:42
Laneydwatkins: mktemp -d11:46
* daubers upgrades his USB stick11:46
diplosmittix, I've used it in the past, not overly heavily.. I'd just asked and see if any of us can answer :)11:47
andylockransmittix: hit us with the question :)11:48
Laneylaptop → natty11:48
* Laney is scared11:48
popeyi want to go home11:48
popeyto put my new ssd in laptop :(11:48
popeythis is the downside of getting new toys delivered to work11:48
Laneyyesterday I had a new toy arrive at work11:48
smittixandylockran: Came in this morning with our ERP down, Looks as if someone has deleted a field from within a table. Im no SQL expert but i need to know whats happened.11:49
Laneyso I may have worked from home in the afternoon ;)11:49
Laney♥ squeezebox radio ♥11:49
andylockransmittix: guess the best thing is to find out what the logging logs.11:49
popeysmittix: what ERP system is it?11:49
smittixIt's called Defacto11:50
andylockransmittix: check the transaction log ?11:50
popeyoooh, not heard of that one11:50
andylockrando you know hte field?11:50
waveformsmittix: have a look at the system catalog (wherever that it in MS SQL - I'm not sure off the top of my head) to see what the last modified timestamp of the table's meta-data is?11:50
smittixWhere is the transaction log?11:50
waveformsmittix: you might want to try #sql as well - there's a few people in there that know MS-SQL pretty well11:50
andylockransmittix: yeah, I'm afraid I can't help with MS SQL specifics (not knowing it at all)11:51
dwatkinsLaney: thanks11:52
dwatkinsdaubers: a magical stick of diagnostic tools?11:52
waveformsmittix: just had a quick trawl thru the t-sql ref - have a look at modify_date in sys.objects (filter on the name column for the table you're interested in)11:54
daubersdwatkins: Indeed!11:54
smittixwaveform: thanks I will try it12:00
screen-xpresumably if I renew an ssl cert, I have to download and install new version of cert from CA?12:04
BigRedSscreen-x: yup12:07
BigRedSnew cert, new ca-cert if you're using one, generally same key12:08
screen-xBigRedS: ok, just waiting for a new version to appear on the certificate management page12:09
screen-xs/nnn/mmm/ its lunchtime!12:10
HazRPG\o Lunchie12:12
Lunchieheya haz12:12
davmor2czajkowski: was humming the theme to batman as she typed that I'm sure12:14
* czajkowski sends davmor2 to the naughty step 12:15
HazRPGczajkowski: ^^12:15
screen-xis that #ubuntu-uk-naughtystep?12:15
davmor2czajkowski: Has been sat on the naughtystep the whole time :P12:15
czajkowskidavmor2: only place for you and MooDoo12:17
HazRPGthat and minecraft xD12:17
davmor2czajkowski: it has our names on :)12:17
czajkowskimore like a dent in the seat12:18
AlanBellit does :)12:18
Welshy-RobHello, my ubuntu (10.10)  seems to be running really slowly on my system, i can only run about two programs at once and it still manages to crash now this could be because i have a pretty poor pc but the previous version of ubuntu used to run so much faster! is there anything you can suggest i do?12:23
czajkowskiWelshy-Rob: have you U1 running and updating files anywhere?12:24
screen-xHi Welshy-Rob, have you investigated system > administration > system monitor?12:24
HazRPGbeaten to the punch12:25
HazRPGwas about to ask both those questions12:25
Welshy-Robczajkowski, whats UI?12:25
HazRPGU1 = Ubuntu One12:25
HazRPGfile syncing and music store12:25
Welshy-Robthen no i dont12:25
Welshy-Robscreen-x, there's nothing really odd there to be fair12:26
HazRPGopen up system monitor and as screen-x mentioned, and try and see what's eating up your resources - might help narrow down what's killing your system12:26
HazRPGtry and organise by CPU %, that way you can see what's doing the most activity12:27
screen-xWelshy-Rob: is it anything in particular thats crashing?12:27
Welshy-Robfirefox, chrome, Banshee12:27
screen-xdo you get prompted to report a bug when the crash?12:27
HazRPGWelshy-Rob: what would you say was the general routine you do before it just crashes out?12:27
Welshy-Robnah i have to reboot, its completly dead cant even move the mouse, well usually its when i go on facebook  or music changes song12:28
screen-xsounds X ish, have you tried reading /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old?12:30
mungojerrywelshy-rob when looking at system monitor , go to the resources tab and check how much RAM you have too12:30
mungojerryby RAM i mean memory12:30
Welshy-Robmungojerry, 266.3Mib (53.7%) of 495.8 Mib12:31
Welshy-Robscreen-x,  what am i looking for ?12:31
screen-xWelshy-Rob: a crash, normally reported at the end of the log12:32
screen-xWelshy-Rob: also, that isnt much ram..12:32
Welshy-Robscreen-x, yeah its only single core 512 ram so its not the greatest pc in the world but before ubuntu 10 it used to run fine ?12:33
screen-xWelshy-Rob: anything interesting in the xorg log?12:35
lubotu3Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:35
Welshy-Robscreen-x,  ill show you12:37
mungojerrywelshy-rob, do you have system monitor graphs open when performing the operations that cause it to go slow? it could be useful in identifying what is happening (whether memory or CPU grpahs flatline at 100%)12:37
Welshy-Robmungojerry, well right now, my CPU history is sky high and im only running xchat, system monitor and file browser12:39
mungojerryok, now switch to processes tab and order by CPU column12:39
screen-xWelshy-Rob: xorg log looks ok.12:40
Welshy-Robscreen-x, could it be compiz? cause i have medium effects enabled?12:40
screen-xWelshy-Rob: dont know, mungojerry sounds like he has a plan though.12:41
mungojerrywhat's at the top of the list? and what are the CPU values12:42
Welshy-Robatm, gnome system monitor cpu 22-912:43
Welshy-Robthen xchat at 2 and metacity at 012:43
Lunchielaters people, time for systems analysis class12:43
HazRPGyeah system monitor does tend to kill the CPU sometimes, might be worth changing the intervals up from every 3seconds to say 5-10 seconds12:44
Welshy-RobHazRPG, done12:45
mungojerryvariable CPU is OK, it's when your CPU usage is pinned at 100% that you have a bottleneck12:46
mungojerrynow it's time to try and break the system again while watching system monitor12:46
Welshy-Robright, lets crash my pc then, wll the Xorg log everything right?12:48
screen-xWelshy-Rob: it will only be noted there if you manage to crash X12:48
Welshy-Robwell ill be right back then....12:50
screen-xhmmm successs?12:50
* mungojerry only just discovered that skype for linux has a share-your-desktop facility - does it work ok with ubuntu?12:51
mungojerryfirewall-traversing desktop support for parents would be cool12:51
screen-xmungojerry: I use openvpn for that, but I guess skype would be easier..12:52
mungojerryyeah, bigtime12:53
HazRPGI've used it on skype for a while in ubuntu :P12:58
BassettsDoes anyone have experience with Logitech HD webcams on linux?12:58
screen-xBassetts: iirc http://popey.com/webcam/ uses a logitech.13:00
screen-xthough it appears to have fallen over slightly13:00
Bassettsping popey do you use a logitech webcam with linux?13:00
Bassettsthanks screen-x13:00
* BigRedS uses a logitech webcam with linux13:01
BigRedSI don't know which one off-hand, though, and I don't have it with me13:01
BassettsBigRedS: is it a HD one?13:01
Bassettsahh ok13:01
BigRedSah, no13:01
BigRedSI should've read up *before* responding :)13:01
Bassettsthat is the ones I am worried about working, specifically a C31013:01
BigRedSah, it doesn't claim any sort of standards compliancy :(13:02
mungojerryhazrpg, u can send and receive desktop sharing requests throught NAT routers between win/linux machines?13:02
HazRPGI use a Microsoft LifeCam HD one13:02
BassettsHazRPG: does that work?13:03
HazRPGworks fine in cheese - and on skype, so one would assume so :P13:03
BigRedSI'm always amused at how well MS hardware tends to work under Linux. Mostly through just adhering to standards...13:03
HazRPGmungojerry: if you mean by sharing requests, that I can control the remote machine - then no, however you can share the desktop and see what the other person is doing, or they can see what your doing... works quite well13:04
davmor2BigRedS: It's the one thing MS do right hardware13:04
HazRPGI wouldn't recommend playing a game over it though - as I found out xD13:04
mungojerryhazrpg, great, thats all i need13:04
mungojerrymy dad is > 1hr drive away and often asks me vista questions13:05
HazRPGBigRedS: is is shocking how microsoft hardware is reasonably good, its just the O/S that reeks13:05
mungojerryi used to know what screens to expect on XP but i haven't really gone near windows for a few years now13:05
HazRPGit is*13:05
HazRPGheh, yeah people ask me vista questions all the time and I haven't a clue how to respond - XP I know, slowly getting to grips with 713:06
HazRPGubuntu I sort of know (always seem to find something new to learn all the time!)13:07
HazRPGjust really don't know what's going on with vista though, and its shocking how many still actually use it (sadly) T_T13:07
mungojerrymy dad refused to pay for the upgrade13:08
popeyBassetts: i do13:08
gordthe other weekend i spent about half an hour desperately trying to figure out how to uninstall an application on windows 7...13:08
Bassettspopey: is it a hd one?13:09
popeydefine HD13:10
popeyit's a logitech pro 900013:10
popey960x720 is max resolution13:10
daubersascii 70 and ascii 6813:10
popeyAIUI the logitech pro 9000 'for business' does 1280x72013:10
Bassettsone that Logitech market as their HD range13:10
Bassettse.g. c270, c310 etc13:11
popeyit is neither of those13:11
Bassettsfair enough, they seem fairly new and I wanted to check compatibility13:11
* daubers realises ascii 70 is F and goes to sit in the fail corner13:11
* mungojerry bought 20 packs of monster munch today mmmmm13:12
Bassettsshame my HD camcorder doesnt function as a webcam too :-(13:13
mungojerry) is still irked by the topic name13:13
popeyBassetts: which camcorder?13:14
* popey hugs his kodak zi813:14
BassettsSamsung H20013:14
popeyco-worker has kodak zx3 which is lovely13:14
popeyand waterproof to 3M13:14
dwatkinsI tend to buy cheese & onion crisps in packs of 2613:14
dwatkinsalthough I like Monster Munch also :)13:14
popeyi end up with a layer of monster on the inside of my mouth13:15
popey(that sounds wrong)13:15
mungojerry20 bags for £2.55 ..months supply sitting in my office drawer13:15
popeywhen I eat monster munch13:15
Bassettspopey, that is one of those handheld mobile phone like ones right?13:15
popeylike the flip13:15
popeyits great, i carry it with me everywhere in my coat pocket13:15
Bassettsaye, I went for a traditional style one13:15
popeyalso, SD cards FTW13:16
Bassettsmine does SD :-)13:16
Bassettsdidnt see the point in an ssd model when 16GB of 1080 lasts as long as the battery13:16
* mungojerry used a webcam to find out who was snaffling our cakes and biccies once13:17
Bassettsmungojerry: that is a similar reason to me wanting one13:17
Bassettswebcam + motion + revo = spying :-)13:17
mungojerryturned out to be a cleaner at 5am having a right old feast..and helping themselves to £20 from my drawer. althouh i shouldn't have hidden it under a bar of chocolate13:17
* Bassetts wanders off to actually eat something and finish off coursework13:18
* mungojerry ponders cracking open another bag of crisps13:18
MyrttiI don't understand the attachment to crisps, I don't understand the multipack idea, I don't understand it in packed lunches, I don't get it13:19
Myrttimaek no sense13:19
mungojerrymyrtti, you're finnish, right?13:19
Myrttiit's a treat in my books, not something that you could have every day13:20
mungojerrymy sister's partner is danish. he says the same thing. it's very british though. you never find delicacies like monster munch or walkers sensations chicken &thyme flavour in other countries :P13:20
Myrttigoes to the same category with candy, chocolate and soda13:20
mungojerrycrisps are an essential part of my daily lunch13:21
* andylockran tucks into some prawn cocktail...13:21
popeyOM NOM NOM MSG13:21
soneillour work canteen has started offering marmite as an alternative to jam13:22
soneillthat is all13:22
popeywe have marmite in our canteen too, with toast13:22
mungojerryin fact, if i've gone a day without eating crisps or meat, i feel that i've missed out13:22
popeyit wins13:22
moreatiMyrtti: What's in a Finnish packed lunch?13:22
popeyfish and vodka13:22
gordmoreati, disappointment13:22
lunchieEwww Marmite13:22
soneilllol gord13:22
popeyand quietness13:22
mungojerrythey do have better haribo flavours in other countries though13:23
mungojerryi often go to lidl to check out their offerings13:23
lunchielike what?13:23
* moreati ignores the national stereotyping and hopes for a chance to learn something13:23
* HazRPG runs behind mungojerry and bites one13:23
Myrttimoreati: usually there are no packed lunches, our cafeterias are fairly good, but (rye) bread or salad or microwaveable leftovers, milk or juice and a muesli bar?13:24
HazRPG(monster munch that is)13:24
gordpretty much what kind of packed lunch i had as a kid13:24
mungojerrysounds like crisps would go nicely with that lunch13:24
JamesTaitBacon and poached egg on toasted seeded batch. Not one for the vegans, obviously.13:25
moreatiMyrtti: Thank you, I'll have to try rye bread some time13:25
* mungojerry had chocolate spread sandwiches as a kid. that is why he has high dental bills but is strangely underwieght13:25
MyrttiI don't usually ever buy soda, candy or salty snacks at a store, I have been without crisps for years. Sometimes I have plain Doritos with salsa or guacamole when watching a movie, but...13:25
popeyI used to like working in finland13:25
lunchiemonster munch flavored haribos, and vodka to wash it down13:25
popeyexcept that the canteen did healthy food, which was no good after we went out on the beer on thursday night13:25
* mungojerry gave up beer a few years ago13:26
mungojerrywsn't hard considering the quality in london pubs13:26
brobostigonafternoonings everyone.13:27
Bassettshey brobostigon13:27
brobostigonhey Bassetts13:27
BigRedSg'morning brobostigon!13:27
shaunoI've sworn off drinking anything I didn't make myself.  ends up being more scarcity than moderation13:27
Bassettslong time to chat13:27
brobostigonhey BigRedS13:28
mungojerryhey i have an ubuntu question *shock*13:28
popeyooo me too :)13:28
popeyyou first13:28
* mungojerry steps up...13:28
dwatkinsshauno: how do you make water? ;)13:29
mungojerryi have ubuntu desktop connected to ldap. my /etc/nsswitch.conf contains "passwd files ldap", but when i do ps -ef i see entries such as this: 108      32510     1  0 Feb16 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/hald13:29
shaunodwatkins: who on earth drinks water?13:29
mungojerryuid = 108 rather than haldaemon13:29
dwatkinsshauno: good point, I rarely do13:30
mungojerrybut getent passwd | grep 108 shows haldaemon13:30
mungojerryweird huh?13:30
mungojerrymy own uid and root show correctly13:30
HazRPGbrobostigon: hey dude \o13:30
brobostigonHazRPG: hey, :)13:31
mungojerrypopey , your turn13:31
popey68        5630     1  0  2010 ?        00:00:32 hald13:31
popeyI see same :)13:31
popeyon RHEL513:32
mungojerrypopey, u on ldap, or any other auth?13:32
dwatkinsI also see the UID for haldaemon in the ps output on CentOS 5.513:32
* mungojerry notices it on SL5/RHEL5 too13:32
dwatkinsi.e. the number not 'haldaemon'13:32
popeypasswd:     files ldap13:33
mungojerryyet i see avahi in RHEL, which only exists in ldap13:33
popeyfile a bug :)13:33
popeywonder if haldaemon is missing in ldap?13:33
mungojerrydoesn't need to exist13:34
mungojerrysorry, avahi only exists in passwd13:34
dwatkinsI'm using winbind as well as local files for user info (i.e. what nsswitch.conf describes as passwd)13:34
popeyi have no avahi on this box13:34
mungojerrybug 13130613:34
lubotu3Launchpad bug 131306 in hal (Ubuntu) "ps -ef shows lists hald and dbus-daemon runs with numerical uid " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13130613:34
mungojerryThat's because 'haldaemon' and 'messagebus' are to long to fit into the  field. Instead ps shows the numerical ID for those users.13:34
mungojerrygoogle to the resuce13:34
popeyhow crap13:35
dwatkinsmungojerry: tada13:35
dwatkinsI guess all command line outputs with tables are a bit restricted in terms of how they can output, one way or another13:35
mungojerrychecked a colleagues machine who has a long name, same thing13:35
* dwatkins is reminded of someone he was at school with by the name of Konstantin Konstantinovic13:36
* mungojerry is reminded of hassan hassan hassan in my brothers year13:36
penguin42your name? And your surname? And finally any middle names?13:36
popeyThere's a bloke at Dell called "Demis Dememis"13:36
dwatkinsSome parents are just cruel.13:36
popey(say it aloud)13:36
mungojerryi had a visit from a dell person called del lunn13:37
popeyanywa, mungojerry can I do my question now?13:37
dwatkinspopey: in French or English pronounciation?13:37
mungojerryand he came to give SAN training13:37
mungojerrypopey go ahead13:37
dwatkinsI guess I need to reformat parts of my brain, but I'll let you get on ;)13:37
popeywhats the best way to migrate from 320GB hard disk to 120GB SSD13:37
popeyclonezilla wont work, because the disk is shrinking13:38
penguin42delete 200GB13:38
popeyits running ubuntu13:38
dwatkinspopey: OS partition or just data? is there space?13:38
mungojerrylvm or partitions13:38
mungojerryif the /home partition is < 120gb i'd copy only that over to a suitably sized partition on the SSD13:39
screen-xpopey: tar via ssh13:39
dwatkinsI'd be considering booting from USB with external storage attached if I had to copy the OS partition, and couldn't just reinstall and copy /home across (assuming same OS version)13:41
mungojerrypartimage GUI run from livecd allowed me to reduce my partition13:41
mungojerryscreen-x i wonder what happened to welshy-rob :P13:43
screen-xmungojerry: yeah, I thought he quit because he was trying to cause a crash, but then didnt return..13:43
shaunotar's a surprisingly sensible way to clone systems.  (cd / && tar cf - $(ls -1 |egrep -v "mnt|proc|sys|dev") ) | (cd /mnt/target && tar xvfp -)13:48
dwatkinsI like that tar preserves permissions and ownership, assuming equivalent UIDs13:49
shaunoyou'd need to recreate whatever hides beneath devfs's mountpoint tho13:49
shauno(or run it from a livecd and not have to exclude folders)13:49
bigcalmIn the fridge there is some couscous made on Sunday. Think it'll still be ok?13:51
* brobostigon shakes his head.13:51
bigcalmThat bad?13:52
bigcalmPot noodle it is then13:52
* mungojerry just watched the elementary OS video in HD full screen to get a feel of what it's like : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFwHTcSZjAk13:52
brobostigonbigcalm: i would say, with starches, a day, is probebly the limit.13:53
dwatkinsI wouldn't touch rice or couscous that's over a day old13:53
dwatkinssee: wikipedia://e-coli13:54
Myrtticold rice and couscous is one of the most common sources of foodborne illnesses in western countries13:54
shaunothis I didn't know.  last night's rice tends to feature heavily in my curries13:55
dwatkinsmungojerry: looks a lot like someone copied Mac OS X to me :-/13:55
brobostigonthats why, when i reheat my curry, i reheat it properly, to kill off all that.13:55
mungojerryeven borrowed the wallpaper13:55
Myrttishauno: Cooking with Geeks has a good chapter about cold rice13:55
dwatkinsmungojerry: indeed, I don't get why people insist on making their desktops look like some other OS, I'd prefer to be unique13:55
shaunodwatkins: I was thinking that, but as a self-confessed mac 'fanboy', I refrained13:56
mungojerryi have a special way of dealing with cold rice: open bin, throw away.13:56
dwatkinsshauno: my main machine at home is a MacBook Pro13:56
mungojerrydwatkins running which OS?13:56
dwatkinsmungojerry: currently just Mac OS X 10.6.6, although I've been consiering triple-booting it with Ubuntu and that other OS some people use13:56
dwatkinsthing is, Mac OS X is good enough13:57
brobostigonmungojerry: less than 24 hours, reheat, really well, to kill off bugs. more than 24 hrs, bin.13:57
penguin42anyone got a msi u135 netbook? Argos seem to be doing them for £14913:58
mungojerrynever been tempted by mac os since i generally prefer to buy cheaper hardware, self-upgrade and "make do" with what i find13:58
shaunoI got lazy when that's what my day job turned into.  ruined a perfectly good hobby.13:59
mungojerryi'm no RMS but community and ideology in software feature quite highly for me.14:01
mungojerryif it needs specialist software to run/administer, then often i avoid it (e.g. mp3player, printer, scanner, smartphone)14:02
* brobostigon uses diskspace analiser toworkout,where toclear out stuff from the microsd inhis phone.14:05
shaunomy ideology tends more towards my data than software.  software's effectively transient. my data is mine.14:06
brobostigonbigger microsd i think.14:06
shaunoa fantastic number of the loudest free software advocates are happy to let google own their emails14:07
mungojerryshauno, although google offer ways to extract the data, so you aren't locked in14:07
shaunoso you have a nice free, prinstine system, while all your data is wrapped up in proprietary products14:07
mungojerrymy zimbra server now offers a button allowing users to download an archive of all their mail,etc. previously only possible to admins - nice touch14:09
andylockranthat's kewl mungojerry is that the new 7 version?14:29
dogmatic69any way to get mysql 5.5 on 10.1014:31
BigRedSdogmatic69: I think you'd need to build it14:33
BigRedSI had a brief look for someone packaging it for debian and didn't come across anything14:33
dogmatic69no worries14:33
dogmatic69ill wait for a ppa14:33
BigRedSthough by brief it was about long enough for the customer to point out that he didn't *need* it14:34
bigcalmMade fresh mushroom couscous and added some bacon14:37
bigcalmBacon makes anything better14:37
lunchieHooray for bacon14:50
dwatkinsbigcalm: does that include bacon toothpaste? ;)14:52
bigcalmdwatkins: for dogs I'm sure it does15:03
brobostigonhttp://www.slapometer.com/ :)15:04
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
* popey returns from work after asking his question ages ago15:19
dwatkinswelcome home, popey - time to put your feet up and start doing tech support for your family instead of your colleagues, I assume...15:20
popeystill at work15:21
popeyi mean "return to irc from work" :D15:21
popeythe laptop has a desktop ubuntu install on it, with one big partition15:21
popeyi need to migrate to ssd15:21
danfishpopey: migrate to 120gb ssd from 300gb disk?15:21
dwatkinsaha, thought you might have some nice cushy number where you finish early so you can collect younglings from school15:21
danfishhow full's the 300gb disk with actual data?15:21
popeydanfish: yes15:21
popeyguess easiest is do a clean install then rsync /home over15:22
bigcalmI would15:22
shaunoI still vote for tar|tar15:22
danfishpopey: probably yes - I did that when I migrated from 32 -> 64 bit15:22
popeyshauno: needs a second machine15:22
dwatkinsI'd back it up to an external disk, try the resize, and if it fails, restore or reinstall then restore the data15:22
shaunopopey: or a livecd15:22
danfishbut I forgot about the VM's in a a dir under /var :(15:22
dwatkinspopey: if you were closer, I'd lend you my 1TB spare hdd15:23
popeyi have plenty of space15:23
shaunooh, laptop .. two disks at once may be awkward15:23
danfishnice SSD tho15:23
popeycould put the ssd in a usb enclosure15:23
bigcalmexternal harddrive enclosure15:23
popeyseems perverse15:23
popeythen what? boot to cd, do the install then rsync over, swap drives, job done?15:24
popeyin fact!15:24
popeyhow about, shutdown machine, swap disks, so I'm on SSD15:24
popeyboot from CD, install, attach _old_ disk via USB15:24
popeyrsync data15:24
popeyjob done15:24
popeythat makes more sense15:24
bigcalmThat's what was in my mind from the start15:24
popeyyou say that now!15:25
andylockrananyone use mailman?15:32
bigcalmAs a subscriber, yes15:32
andylockran  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND15:32
andylockran25556 mailman   16   0  364m 289m 2572 S  0.0 14.9   0:16.09 python2.515:32
andylockranOne of our servers is running it - two lists, one with 10 people, the other with 2015:32
andylockranneither is high traffic (as you would imagine)15:32
andylockranis it normal for it to be eating so much memory ?15:33
dogmatic69andylockran: is that not including cache?15:33
popeyandylockran: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568260/15:33
popeythats lug.org.uk15:34
popeywhich has 100+ lists15:34
andylockranyeah, Houston, I have a problem :)15:35
andylockranmailman  25556  0.0 14.8 373684 296316 ?       S    04:01   0:16 /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/lib64/mailman/bin/qrunner --runner=IncomingRunner:0:1 -s15:35
andylockranthat seems to be the culprit for the high memory usage15:35
dwatkinsSo the mailman is eating your memory? Makes a change from the dog eating the mailman...15:38
mungojerryandylockran, using zimbra 6.0.1015:40
ikoniaanyone done any motherboard/cpu shopping latley, I need to swap out a legacy board/cpu combo on a Linux box and I'm out of touch15:40
mungojerrybut zimbra 7 is looking nice15:40
popeyikonia: not I, Azelphur has I think15:40
popeyhe keeps up to date on hardware15:40
directhexdon't get one made from wood. wood is bad at conducting electricity. #protip15:41
ikoniawell, I'm scouring the second hand stuff too15:41
ikoniathe board I've got on this box could take a quad core 775 chip, but it won't support more than 2GB ram15:41
popeyi have no idea what a 775 chip is :D15:42
dwatkins2 GB of RAM is enough for anyone.... oh wait, it's not 1999 anymore.15:42
ikonianeed something that will support a quad core and more ram, with as much Linux happy kit on, eg: intel chipsets :)15:42
popeyI just maxed out every PC I own to 8GB15:42
directhexpopey, older intel socket, as used for desktop chips from high-end Pentium 4 up to Core 2 Quad15:42
popeyahh, probably same as my desktop then15:42
popeyAsus thing with C2D which could go as high as Q660015:43
* popey points ikonia at directhex :)15:43
ikoniapopey: that's the same problem I've got, all my desktops are rammed up to the nines, gone to ram this one up and it won't take more than 2GB...15:43
Azelphurikonia: haha good timing just woke up15:43
ikoniaI know directhex is normally on the cutting edge15:43
ikoniaAzelphur: ahhh perfect15:43
popeynovatech bundle?15:43
ikoniaI can go away and do a ton of research or I can ask experence15:43
AzelphurI'm not that amazing on hardware, when I built mine I went to my hardware person and said "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"15:43
Azelphurbut I'm a bit better having completed the build :)15:43
Azelphurwhat's your budget?15:44
ikoniawhat's my options for a solid board that will take a good chunk of ram and a quad core cpu15:44
ikoniabudget isn't set, more interested in what I can get15:44
gordnovatech don't do good build quality in my experience of buying one thing from them15:44
gordwhich makes me an expert15:44
directhexthat's p45 territory isn't it?15:44
directhexwife's is g3315:44
Azelphurikonia: you can get i7 boards reasonably cheap now15:44
ikoniathis isn't a performance whore, so doesn't have to be leading edge15:44
ikoniajust solid,15:44
ikoniaI'm lookin on scan at the moment15:44
Azelphuryou want a second hand one? :D15:44
ikonianew or second hand15:44
directhexyeah, p45 is the only living chipset for s75515:44
ikonianot really bothered15:44
popey /join #ubuntu-swapshop15:45
brobostigonsee you all later, have fun.bye-15:45
ikoniapopey: that can't exist !15:45
* Azelphur has an Asus Striker 2 Formula with 8GB of DDR2 800Mhz RAM and a Q6600 @ 2.4ghz on the table next to him15:45
popey01 811 805515:45
directhexwait, nope, p45 is gone15:45
directhexit's into "only embedded gpu etc" ranges like g3315:45
ikoniaAzelphur: that may tick the box, is it for sale ?15:45
Azelphuryea, that's my old PC :D15:45
popey\o/ win15:46
ikoniaq6600 used to be very cool15:46
Azelphurit also has an 8800GT graphics card, and a 250GB hard drive15:46
ikoniaAzelphur: how many nics on it15:46
Azelphurno case, though15:46
Azelphurit has 2 onboard network devices15:46
ikoniadon't want graphics cards or disks or anything like that15:46
ikoniahang on, let me check it out on line15:46
mungojerrypopey, wikipedia tells me thats the seconds series phone number15:46
directhexwife has an e6850 iirc, made more sense for her than the q660015:46
ikoniaannoying, nforce chipset15:47
ikonianot sure if I want that15:47
mungojerry"The telephone number for the first series of the show was 01 288 8055.  This number was also used for many other BBC phone-in events, with the  result that on one occasion a young caller trying to reach Swap Shop instead got through to a phone-in with the then Prime Minister James Callaghan."15:47
directhexikonia, market's flooded with intel chipsetted gigabytes in that market.15:47
Azelphurikonia: *shrug* I ran Ubuntu on it for years flawlessly15:47
ikonialooks solid though, ticking all the boxes15:47
Azelphurwine gaming and stuff15:47
ikoniaAzelphur: I won't be running ubuntu and the support of the chipset is quite important15:47
ikoniaAzelphur: just researching15:47
ikoniadirecthex: are they much cop ?15:48
directhexikonia, intel boards for your cpu: http://www.scan.co.uk/Shop/Computer-Hardware/All/Motherboards-Intel/357/130/574/61115:48
AzelphurI've got a couple of people interested in buying the whole lot, so if they fall through I'll send it in your direction :p15:48
* mungojerry wonders if intel will buy the trolltech guys15:48
ikonia£34 !!!! my word15:48
mungojerry"intel said its partner Nokia dropped the MeeGo operating system after Microsoft offered "incredible" amounts of money for the phonemaker to switch to Windows but it would find new partners for MeeGo."15:50
ikoniaI can get an ok asus board for £38 !!! that's mental15:50
Azelphurikonia: if it's your first built it's a good idea to buy your stuff from scan, that's what I did15:51
Azelphurthey do insurance against accidental damage during install15:51
Azelphurso if you drop it while installing it they'll replace it for free basically15:51
ikoniaAzelphur: not first build, just being lazy doing research15:51
directhexAzelphur, ikonia knows his stuff15:53
directhexknew, maybe? :p15:53
popeyhehe mungojerry15:53
mungojerrydoes anyone know if it's possible to create clickable TOC in an openoffice doc as resulting pdf?15:55
dwatkinsit should be, since PDF supports this, mungojerry15:55
ikoniaha ha15:57
ikoniajust a bit rusty on the current hardware wizard stuff15:57
ikoniais it worth going to the I7 platform ?15:58
daubersBlasted poxy SCSI cables15:59
popeymy boss has an core i thing laptop15:59
popeyhe seems happy with it15:59
popey8 cores, 12GB RAM15:59
popeyinsane laptop15:59
directhexikonia, is it a hardcore box?16:00
ikoniabut it won't be hammered hard16:00
ikoniait will host a few kvm vm's though16:00
dwatkinspopey: I have a core i7 with 8GB RAM16:00
ikoniaat home so no risk16:00
dwatkinspopey: a laptop, that is16:01
popeycan't see myself buying another laptop anytime soon16:01
popeycant justify it16:01
dwatkinsI can run several virtual machines without noticing a slowdown, which is really handy16:01
ikoniato run a couple of vm's do I really need to move to the I7 platform, I don't think so (but I don't know)16:03
ikoniarats, just found the perfect board but it only supports 4GB ram16:04
ikoniacool, the lesser model supports both ddr3 and ddr2, and in ddr2 mode it supports 8GB16:07
directhexthere's no i7 no laptops!16:08
directhexjust rebadged i5!16:08
dwatkinsdirecthex: oh?16:08
danfishikonia: i've a laptop with a mere i3 4gb of RAM, and encryption, and two VM's - W7 and natty, running just fine16:08
dwatkinsikonia: I also run VMs on a core2duo with 4 GB RAM16:08
directhexdwatkins, if you're using memory in multiples of 2 not 3, it's i5!16:08
directhexdanfish, the key with encryption is aesni, which brand new chips (rather than fast ones) have16:09
popeydirecthex: what does my bosses laptop have then with 12GB RAM?16:09
dwatkinsdirecthex: I'm just going by the computer's own description of its own CPU16:09
directhexdwatkins, you trust *intel* to know about intel models? foolish boy!16:09
directhexpopey, a desktop cpu, probably16:09
directhexnope, judging by dell's pages it's common enough with an i7 8xx (i5)16:10
danfishdirecthex: didn't know that - is aesni 'listed' in /proc/cpuinfo?16:11
ikoniawolfdale or yorkfield cpu's ? I assume wolfdate16:11
ikoniao, they are only duo, yorkfield it is16:11
directhexdanfish, "aes" in /proc/cpuinfo16:13
directhexdanfish, may need enabling in the bios. if you have pclmulqdq you likely have access to aesni16:14
* gord approved a merge into unity today that lets you have a fully transparent panel, its sooo pretty16:16
ikoniathe ammount of stuff scan has on Pre order awaiting ETA is realling annoying16:16
* popey hands ikonia an ebuyer link16:17
gordpopey, no chance of you grabbing alpha one and upgrading that, skipping xserver updates?16:17
ikoniaahhh got it covered, it's ok16:17
ikonianot in a massive urgency as still waiting for centos 616:17
shaunoa bit late, but i7 is happy with 12.  it is a multiple of 3.16:18
AzelphurI use 12GB with my I7, 3x4 :)16:19
popeygord: thats quite a ballsache16:19
mungojerrynational express have emailed me to say that today there will be a full compliment of carriages on the service today16:19
mungojerrygrammar nazi wonders if i need to pay them16:20
dogmatic69i want to get a ssd but dont feel like reinstalling everything, is there a way to copy everything from one drive to the other16:21
gordpopey, i agree, but its an option16:21
danfishdirecthex: tx :)16:21
dwatkinsdogmatic69: scroll up ;) it's been discussed plenty today16:21
Azelphurdogmatic69: dd16:21
dwatkinso.O Azelphur16:21
dogmatic69dwatkins: :O16:21
dogmatic69Azelphur: :?16:22
dwatkinsAre you seriously suggesting dd as a means to migrate data, Azelphur?16:22
Azelphurdwatkins: sure, I've done it before when want to clone a hard drive16:22
* mgdm seconds dd16:22
dwatkinsI agree it could be used if you happen to have two identical disks, but that's unlikely when switching from platters to SSD16:22
shaunoit's almost sane when the drives are identical16:22
popeygord iirc i had issues with alpha 1, so i actually had to install 10.10 and upgrade16:23
mgdmI've done it from an 80GB disk to a 500GB disk16:23
mungojerryOT: has anyone ever been to a school reunion?16:23
mgdmI then used parted to resize the partitions16:23
mgdmjob done16:23
dwatkinsI guess you ended up with a single 80 GB partition, mgdm16:23
Azelphurmgdm: indeed, that's what I do16:23
mungojerryhow did it go? is it mainly bragging?16:23
ikoniapopey: Azelphur directhex big thanks for the input16:23
dwatkinsI wouldn't want to rely on resizing, and would prefer to have a second copy of the data16:23
directhexpretty sure i still owe ikonia a beer16:23
dogmatic69i was thinking livedisk + sudo cp /* ... but the permissions would be borked im sure16:24
mgdmdwatkins: No - 4 partitions (1 recovery, 1 Windows, 2 ext3)16:24
mgdmOh, and a swap16:24
popeyif only my toshiba supported more than 3.x GB RAM :(16:24
popeystupid intel chipset16:24
ikoniadirecthex: I think I owe you a few, we are more than even16:25
Azelphuryay, got my HTC Desire Z working again after flashing a ROM from a broken SD card16:26
mungojerryazelphur is that one with the keyboard16:26
mgdmdwatkins: grub moved across too, so when the DD was finished I swapped the drive in and the laptop booted straight away16:26
mgdmzero complications whatsoeever16:26
* mungojerry has an htc desire (no Z or S), but still likes it16:27
directhexwaiting for Pre³16:33
ikoniadirecthex: the android / blackberry style phone you linked to the other day looks interesting16:33
ikonialooks a good combo of solid OS and handset16:33
directhexikonia, still pissed with your fruitphone?16:34
ikoniaI accept it as the best of a bed bunch16:35
ikonianot pleased, but not displeased,16:35
ikoniaI find some of the lock down offensive16:35
ikoniabut best of a bad bunch sum it up reasonably well16:35
ikoniaI regret swapping from the blackberry physical hand set, but blackberry OS 6 is a disgrace16:36
ikoniaI regret swapping from the nokia hand set, but symbian....is comical16:36
directhexi think android is unstoppable... i don't think it's good, but it's unstoppable.16:36
mungojerryi'm amazed that so many people use blackbery16:36
directhexsymbian was a corpse 5 years ago16:36
ikoniadidn't leave me much option16:36
directhexWP7 is more locked down than iphone16:36
ikoniadirecthex: and you'll remember me ranting at it for about 5 years16:36
directhexblackberry... i need to be convinced it has a future, and isn't just pretty symbian16:36
ikoniathe handset I had was amazing, the best there is, the OS.....well, a disgrace16:36
directhexwebos... i don't know how rosy its future is, but HP are going all-out with it16:37
ikoniadirecthex: didn't care if blackberry had a long term future needed something "now" the apps on it are much better than they where, but blackberry OS is a bug fest that you can't trust16:37
directhexand webos is my favourite of the bunch16:37
ikoniait's too infant for me at this moment16:37
directhexfair enough16:38
ikoniaI am interested in the android+blackberry handset you posted though, that looks like it could kill the fruit device for me16:38
directhexikonia, which device?16:38
ikoniathe white blackberry looking prototype device you posted from HTC with android on16:38
directhexwait, the salsa?16:39
directhexum, chacha16:39
ikoniathat's it16:39
mungojerryandroid needs a bigger screen really16:39
directhexpre³ for me. unless it's o2-only, in which case screw o2 in the ear. http://www.palm.com/us/products/phones/pre3/16:40
mungojerryikonia, you would prefer chacha to http://www.htc.com/uk/product/desirez/overview.html ?16:40
popeyphones with facebook buttons16:40
directhexpopey, i know :|16:40
daubersdirecthex: I made a spinny ball in the palm pdk the other day16:40
popeyi made a bouncy cube on the iphone sdk the other day :D16:41
directhexpopey, not even the facebookiest device! INQ are making android even facebookier16:41
ikoniamungojerry: nah, sliding bricks are not my think16:41
directhexdaubers, no PDK for linux yet :(16:41
ikoniapre looks like blackberry tourch16:41
daubersdirecthex: no :( But I need socket access for what I'm trying to achieve, so used it on the aluminium evil box16:42
directhexikonia, or vice versa. e.g. the blackberry playbook is a total ripoff of webos16:42
mungojerryhtc are the new nokia :P16:42
ikoniayes, true16:42
daubersWebOS strikes me as a very good tablet OS tbh16:42
daubersBe quite interested in the touchbook16:43
pr0ph3thi all16:43
pr0ph3thow do I check which packages have recently been updated?16:43
directhexikonia, ultimately, android feels a bit... glued together. kinda like the typical linux desktop, to an extent. webos experience is smoother and fruitier, but comes out of the box with root access running a real GNU userland16:44
popeypr0ph3t: look in software centre16:45
popeythere is a history option16:45
ikoniadirecthex: sounds promising, I've stayed away from android for the reason you've just said16:45
popeydirecthex: how is that practically useful?16:45
popeyin a "real world, its useful to have GNU userland on a phone" type way?16:46
pr0ph3tpopey, thanks16:46
directhexpopey, it makes porting apps to the device much much easier16:46
directhexpopey, it has "real" linux with linux libs you can develop against or supplement16:47
popeywhat practically would someone port to a phone?16:47
ikoniaI guess it depends how active development is16:47
ikoniaand maintained16:47
directhexpopey, libs more than apps.16:47
popeyI mean people tell me its ace to have highly portable devices16:47
popeybut evolution / firefox etc are just not cut out for that size/spec device16:48
ikoniaif it falls to the total unmaintained or conflicting state of a lot of the current Linux packages, there will be trouble16:48
mungojerryin a tablet context , it could mean a lot16:48
dauberspopey: Means it would be relativley easy to take something like shotwell and have a mobile version of it (depending on how well shotwell is built)16:48
directhexpopey, consider every lib you might use for development.16:48
shaunoevo still wouldn't like tablets.  it barely tolerates netbooks.16:48
directhexpopey, for perspective, webos uses libpurple (pidgin core) for its IM client16:48
popeyi dont envisage many desktop apps making that transition16:48
mungojerrya lightweight one like postler though ?16:48
popeythat makes sense directhex16:49
directhexships with Qt416:49
directhexffmpeg for media16:49
directhexalso gstreamer16:49
mungojerrygpodder would be useful for managing podcasts across devices16:49
gordhttp://i.imgur.com/QK6hM.png - how are we supposed to market ubuntu in new zealand?16:49
directhexlibjpeg, libexif, libflac16:50
mungojerrygord, that's OK purple =/= aubergine ;)16:50
daubersgord: Quick! Trademark the colour black! No-one can have a black out without a licence16:50
directhexhell, webos uses ubuntu's Upstart init system16:50
directhexvpnc for Cisco VPN support16:50
davmor2gord: haha!16:51
mungojerrywebos is a dodgy name. i never tried out pclinuxOS on the basis of it's lame name16:51
jpdsgord: aubergine.16:51
davmor2gord: you gonna point that out to legal :D16:51
directhexalog mungojerry's lines, it has libgpod16:51
ikoniadirecthex: I'll be watching with interest how it progresses16:51
mungojerrydirecthez, how does it compare with meego16:51
ikoniadirecthex: be interesting of comercial businesses, eg: tomtom pickup development for it16:51
directhexmungojerry, it's shipping, meego isn't?16:52
mungojerryintel have other ideas apparently16:52
directhexi can't really risk talking about meego btw, other than in broad terms16:52
ikoniarisk talking about it ?16:52
mungojerryin case u get upset?16:52
popeyhe works for collabora16:52
popeyhe knows secret stuff :D16:53
shaunoor isn't sure what is and isn't secret, and terrified of lawyers.  that's when NDAs get annoying16:53
ikoniahe knows it sucks ?16:53
popeyhe knows there will only ever be about 2 devices that run it16:54
directhexaha, shauno has it16:54
directhexi don't know what's public and what isn't. i know our website says we are familiar with meego16:54
mungojerryi would like a good real linux tablet OS..but while i wait, i'm getting to like android a lot16:54
ikoniahe's not taking the bait16:54
popeygord: when are you going to port unity to the ipad?16:55
popeyhmm hmm!?16:55
mungojerryhe's waiting till ipad2 :P16:55
directhexipad2 is old hat, everyone's excited about ipad316:55
davmor2popey: your asuming he hasn't16:55
directhex(no i'm not kidding, i don't know why)16:56
gordhrm, someone got ubuntu running on the ipad didn't they?16:56
gordi think linaro are porting compiz to opengles, so its not out of the realm of possibility16:56
directhexdone for the day \o/16:59
ikoniame too17:00
directhex3 hour day tomorrow \o/17:00
shauno3 hours would be perfect.  that's perfectly timed for breakfast, nap, lunch, then home again17:01
bigcalmWhat's the last date you can have in 2038 with 32bit?17:02
shauno03:14:07 UTC on Tuesday, 19 January 203817:02
bigcalm1/1/2038 will do17:03
popey"two digits for the year will do"17:03
davmor2bigcalm: don't worry though the world ends next year the Aztec's said so17:03
shaunotwo digits will be fine; I'll be dead before it's a problem all over again :)17:04
bigcalmdavmor2: sorry, I'm not a Daily Mail reader17:04
davmor2popey: meh I was close17:04
popeyyou were17:04
AzelphurIs there any tool that allows you to easily browse the contents of a dd image? like the archive manager or something17:35
popeymount it17:36
popeyif by "dd image" you mean, it's an image of a disk17:36
davmor2damn you popey :D17:36
Azelphuryea it's the image of a disk, mounting is long though :(17:36
Azelphurhave to go into terminal, create a folder, look up the long command to mount it again >.>17:36
AzelphurI just want to click it.17:36
jpdsThe time you spent complaining, you could of done it by now.17:37
* popey walks away17:37
bigcalmjpds: ++17:37
Azelphurjpds: except I find myself doing this regularly :)17:37
popeyI have already looked this up17:37
jpdsAzelphur: Script it.17:37
popeybefore you finished typing17:37
Azelphurso basically there isn't or you don't know :p17:37
Azelphurtelling me how to do something I already know which isn't the answer to my question is pointless :D17:37
popeypack it in17:37
davmor2Azelphur: save with .img at the end and then right click open with archive mounter iirc :)  done17:38
popeyalso depends how the dd image was made17:38
Azelphurdavmor2: doesn't seem to work, I'll try running nautilus from a terminal to see if it says anything17:38
popeywhether it's an image of the disk or partition17:39
Azelphurit's of the disk17:39
popeythe disk which was exhibiting brokenness?17:39
Azelphuryea, the microsd17:40
AzelphurI got most of the data I reckon, only like 6 bad sector errors17:40
davmor2Azelphur: you know you dd the breakage in right :)17:40
Azelphurindeed I do17:40
AzelphurI know there may be data loss, but getting some of it back is better than none :)17:41
davmor2Azelphur: that might be why there is issues mounting it17:41
popeyyou tried ddrescue?17:41
Azelphurpopey: nope, there's not an amazing amount of stuff on there I need to keep17:41
popeywell, ddrescue (linked from the google search results above) may help17:42
popeyfeel free to ignore me because I know nothing right.17:42
davmor2popey:  can you fsck a .img file?17:42
AzelphurI'll try that if I have issues with the image I have17:42
popeydavmor2: if you mount it rw, yeah17:42
popeynot sure you'd want to fsck it17:42
popeyAzelphur: make a copy of the image :)17:42
popeythen you can try lots of times17:43
=== OmNomSequitur is now known as slugs
popeythe beauty of images17:43
=== JamesPage is now known as jamespage
=== slugs is now known as GentileBen
ali1234if you double click a filesystem image the automounter should take care of it17:46
ali1234it works for cd and dvd isos anyway17:46
Azelphuryea, I use it with iso's all the time, doesn't seem to work with disk images though :(17:47
ali1234it wont work with whole disk images17:47
ali1234you need to use the partmapper for those17:47
popeydo you /9117:48
ali1234instead of the terrible instructions on ubuntu forums linked by popey, you can do this, which is much easier: http://tinyapps.org/docs/mount_partitions_from_disk_images.html17:50
popeyhaha, I didnt link to any forums17:56
andylockranguys, am I being dense?  http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/psimage.1gmt.html18:15
andylockranwhere can I find that program?18:15
andylockran*for lucid*18:15
andylockranwas hiding outside my path18:17
andylockranwhat's a good ps reader on ubuntu18:17
* daubers ponders heading home18:24
davmor2andylockran: ps as in postscript,  if so evince should read it18:37
MartijnVdSevening everyone18:52
=== cbx333 is now known as cbx33
jacobwhows goes it?19:07
MartijnVdSgood, just ran 3.6 miles in 30 minutes :)19:08
MartijnVdS(that means I'm faster than tonywhitmore :))19:08
jacobwOh wow19:08
jacobwSolid ground or treadmill?19:08
jacobwHa, #ubuntu-uk race off19:09
MartijnVdSsolid ground19:09
MartijnVdSI'm running 20km in 2 weeks19:09
MartijnVdSas in.. in 2 weeks time, there is a 20km race19:10
MartijnVdS(and I'm running it)19:10
jacobwcool :)19:10
MartijnVdSjacobw: last year, around this time, I couldn't run 5 minutes19:11
penguin42is it 'legal' to pass more parameters to a variadic function than it actually consumes?20:01
MartijnVdSpenguin42: C?20:01
penguin42I think it probably is20:01
MartijnVdSlikely, yes20:01
MartijnVdSyou might leak some memory20:02
MartijnVdSbecause those variables are pushed onto some kind of stack (I'd guess), space reclaimed when you va_end20:03
MartijnVdSyou know, reading those docs again20:03
MartijnVdSva_end should do the Right Thing20:03
penguin42I think it's the normal stack, so I think it should clean up20:03
MartijnVdSpenguin42: write a tiny program that does this 1000 times, check with valgrind :)20:04
penguin42MartijnVdS: Ah, if valgrind passes it must be right :-)20:07
MartijnVdSha http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lg7ysmbynd1qz5vuso1_500.jpg20:12
daubersblimey, it's a lot later than I thought it was20:16
MartijnVdSdaubers: it's 21:17 here :)20:17
penguin42dah, I can see why oxygen-gtk has such a grim hack now20:20
penguin42yeh - oxygen theme for gtk apps20:21
penguin42it's crashing amide for me, and I can see why, they've got a grim hack, but I can't see a less grim hack20:21
MartijnVdSrm -rf, it's the only solution :)20:23
penguin42yeh well I did disable it, and I thought I might be able to fix it - but the problem is gtk doesn't provide the useful interface it needs and is too fussy about the parameters to the routine it's using20:25
MartijnVdSpenguin42: rand(42) doesn't cut it? :)20:25
penguin42MartijnVdS: Not enough of the time20:25
=== GentileBen is now known as OmNomSequitur
* daubers drags out the wii fit20:33
andylockranhowdy all20:42
DJonesNasty MS, blocking apps with open source licenses from their app store for winmo http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/02/17/microsoft_bans_opensource_windows_phone/20:42
andylockranhmm, interesting20:44
andylockrancan kinf of understand avoiding gplv3 though20:44
AzelphurDJones: don't worry, they'll come along and announce it's just a miscommunication20:44
Azelphurand we're really nice20:44
DJonesAzelphur: Heh20:44
Azelphurit's part of their "Do something evil, then say woa woa, you've got it all wrong, we're not evil honest"20:44
DJonesAzelphur: And they'll say the Windows 7 is actually released under the same license :)20:45
ali1234this is much worse20:48
ali1234do we have a backup plan for when you can't go on any major ISP unless your operating system has been certified as "healthy" by microsoft?20:48
ali1234does ubuntu have any BBS software? fidonet etc?20:48
DJonesandylockran: Bullitin Board Software20:52
DJonesI guess anyway20:54
DJones!info papercut20:55
lubotu3papercut (source: papercut): simple and extensible NNTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.13-7ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 42 kB, installed size 480 kB20:55
DJonesMaybe not that then20:55
andylockranphpBB ?20:55
DJonesali1234: Not sure whether any of these are available but may help http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/Internet/Communications/BBS/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_BBS_software#Unix_and_compatible20:57
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=== zz_Azelphur is now known as Azelphur
andylockranis there an etherpad equivalent of a spreadsheet?21:38
tomfromdelmonteanyone feel like givinng advice to a noob about running ubuntu server?21:40
andylockranyeah sure21:40
andylockranwhats up tomfromdelmonte21:41
tomfromdelmontewell, firstly im new to linux, is there a way i can put a gui on it?21:41
tomfromdelmontei have ubuntu deskto on another laptop21:41
* brobostigon-g1 is ircing from the pub.pub quiz. yay21:41
andylockranat the Fleur de Lis?21:42
* brobostigon-g1 scp's everyone real ale21:43
andylockrantomfromdelmonte: you're probably don't really want to put X on it - that's not generally done for servers.21:43
andylockrantomfromdelmonte: what did you want to run?21:43
tomfromdelmonteno idea...21:43
tomfromdelmontei just bought an old-ish hp proliant server21:44
tomfromdelmontejust to learn about administering a server21:44
tomfromdelmonteand add it to my cisco lab21:44
brobostigon-g1boo. battery dying. :(21:44
tomfromdelmontethought i would try hosting some web stuff, maybe ftp21:44
popeytomfromdelmonte: you could put a gui on it21:45
popeytomfromdelmonte: or you could add a web based admin tool like webmin or ebox21:45
tomfromdelmontewhat is that?21:45
popeyweb based admin tools :)21:45
tomfromdelmonteis it a bit like remote desktop?21:45
tomfromdelmontewill windows remote desktop work with ubuntu?21:46
popeyremote desktop controls the actual desktop gui21:46
tomfromdelmonteand vice-versa?21:46
popeydepends what you mean by "work with"21:46
popeyyou can remotely control windows servers/desktops from ubuntu, yes21:46
tomfromdelmontehow does one do that21:46
popeythere's a client in applications -> internet21:46
popeyjust put in the ip/host of the windows box and you can see its desktop21:47
popeylike... well, exactly like remote desktop :)21:47
* brobostigon-g1 scp's evryone a beer before his battery dies.21:47
tomfromdelmonteassuming u have redp enabled and an account on window?s machine, right21:47
tomfromdelmonteok so that works ubuntu>windows21:48
brobostigon-g1rdp. yes21:48
tomfromdelmontebut windows rdp wont let u ineract with an ubuntu desktop, right?21:48
popeyyou can with vnc21:49
brobostigon-g1ubuntu can do rdp aswll/21:49
popeyubuntu has vnc server installed out of the box21:49
popeyand you can get vnc clients for windows21:49
popeyso you can remotely control ubuntu from windows21:49
tomfromdelmonteis that open source?21:49
popeyyes, google it, its quite well known21:49
popeyfree and easy to use too21:50
tomfromdelmonteis it secure?21:50
popeyit can be :)21:50
tomfromdelmontelol it can be21:50
popeyyou can tunnel vnc over ssh, but you dont have to21:50
tomfromdelmontebut its not by default, right?21:50
brobostigon-g1vnc was originally designed over in cambridge.21:50
tomfromdelmonteso security is opt-in not opt-out21:50
tomfromdelmontesounds like facebook21:50
popeybut its very easy to implement :)21:50
popeyunlike facebook ;)21:51
brobostigon-g1facebook can and is very open by default.21:51
popeytomfromdelmonte: if you get any more questions, we tend to hang out here most days, so feel free to drop by any time :D21:51
popeywe're generally happy to try to answer any ubuntu related questions21:51
popeyand often answer questinos about cake, chickens, cheese, minecraft, trains and roundabouts too.21:52
tomfromdelmontewell, i do like cheese21:52
tomfromdelmontein moderation of course21:52
tomfromdelmonteim chatting to you from a backtrack 4 virtual machine right now21:53
penguin42a what?21:53
tomfromdelmonteim on a windows machine21:54
tomfromdelmonteruning a linux distro is a vm21:54
tomfromdelmontei think its based on ubuntu21:54
popeythats how a lot of people start out21:54
popeyyes, backtrack is ubuntu based21:54
tomfromdelmontelol i have to on this cuz its a work laptop21:54
tomfromdelmontethey would go mad if i took windows off it and put linux on21:54
tomfromdelmontei thought downloading backtrack would make me the worlds no.1 hacker21:55
popeya common misconception21:55
tomfromdelmontelol yeah21:56
tomfromdelmontebut at least it got me interested in linux21:56
popeyi thought playing minecraft would make me the best miner21:56
popeylook how that turned out21:56
tomfromdelmontewhat is minecraft?21:56
popeya silly game21:56
tomfromdelmontelol, what games arent silly?21:56
tomfromdelmontei used to play runescape21:56
popeythis is somewhat more silly than most :)21:57
Baikonurminecraft is a non-silly non-game21:57
tomfromdelmontehow so ?21:57
Baikonurit's a game asmuch as a pile of legos is a game21:57
tomfromdelmontei try to stay away from games unless they r educational21:58
Baikonuri try to stay away from games, if they're educational21:59
tomfromdelmontethe cisco subnetting game is pretty cool, for about 5 minutes21:59
cbx33hey peeps22:37
cbx33wondering if you guys can help me with something22:37
cbx33http://en.newinstance.it/2010/05/23/git-autocompletion-and-enhanced-bash-prompt/ - just added that PS1 prompt line to me bashrc22:37
cbx33then i took it out again...well commented it22:37
cbx33but now when i go down into subdirs they are all shown in the prompt line22:38
cbx33I'm sure it didn't do that previously22:38
cbx33or am I wrong22:38
cbx33maybe I'm wrong22:38
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
dwatkinscbx33: changes to the file may not be seen until you log out completely from the GUI22:41
cbx33bbiab then i guess22:41
dwatkinsI'm not certain, but it's worth checking22:41
martin__what the heck22:52
dwatkinsThat's no moon.22:56
HazRPGa friend of mine from the other side of the globe just sent me this on facebook: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8d6JhOmcRE22:57
bigcalmIt's a spacestation22:57
bigcalmHazRPG: this is why I have decent cans22:58
* bigcalm has a one man rave in his office22:58
HazRPGdecent cans?22:59
HazRPGoh speakers :P?22:59
HazRPGSTOP!! Mobile disco time!23:00
bigcalmNo, cans are headphones23:00
HazRPGah ^^ new it was something speaker related23:00
HazRPGheh yeah23:01
bigcalmHazRPG: http://cuth.eu/oonst23:01
* HazRPG looks for more crooooooooooooookerrrrrrs music23:03
HazRPGbigcalm: xD23:04
andylockranI have a log of the last 200000+ lines said in this IRC chatroom23:05
andylockranthat's a lot of useless data sitting there :)23:05
andylockranand it takes up 14MB23:05
bigcalmText compresses well23:05
HazRPGhamitron!!! \o/23:06
* HazRPG runs up and hugs him23:06
* andylockran group hungs23:06
hamitronmuch happening?23:07
HazRPGI wonder how hard it would be to make a story using people's irc names...23:08
HazRPGhamitron: you missed this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8d6JhOmcRE&fmt=1823:08
hamitronah, seems my internet filter blocks youtube23:09
penguin42HazRPG: We're a bit low on words23:09
HazRPGpenguin42: obviously it doesn't /just/ have to be irc names23:09
HazRPGHazRPG picks up a bag, and puts it into the hoover; wearing a funkyHat. He goes to grab choffee, for his MonsterKiller mug. He puts on his stereo, and plays a little Pendulum. Suddenly a SWAT team come out and requesting a bigcalm - because of the loud music!23:14
bigcalmWhat the?23:15
HazRPGwell I tried...23:15
dutchieyou will really upset all these people you have highlighted for no reason now :)23:15
bigcalmYou distracted them (myself includded)23:16
HazRPGheh, just realised the riceball smileys I put on pidgin worked23:17
HazRPGヽ(o`皿′o)ノ <== creeper!23:19
HazRPGdid I scare him?23:21
popeyevening all!23:22
andylockranhowdy popey23:22
* andylockran is looking into self-repairing network-raid filesystems23:23
andylockranam I ahead of the curve, or way behind?23:23
penguin42self repairing?23:23
AlanBellHazRPG: you could have worked a chicken into that somehow23:24
HazRPGAlanBell: really how23:24
andylockranpenguin42: i.e. if one half disappears, and you bring it back up - it doesn't set itself to primary23:24
penguin42andylockran: I think dbd is supposed to do that these days23:24
andylockrandrbd looks like a candidate23:25
HazRPGpopey: evening popey :)23:25
penguin42andylockran: Yeh, I used that years ago and at the time it really required you to figure out who was primary when you started stuff back up; I think it's got smarter now23:25
andylockranpenguin42: is that what you meant?23:25
andylockranin the kernel from 2.6.3323:25
andylockranI'm running 2.6.2723:25
penguin42there are modules/source packages I think23:26
penguin42andylockran: It's excellent - I ran a Xen pair on top of it for ages23:26
andylockranpenguin42: it does look neat23:27
andylockranjust wish I had a load of test servers to run it on23:27
penguin42VMs :-)23:27
andylockranyeah, I'm running openVZ23:28
penguin42andylockran: Something else to look at is 'sheepdog' - not sure how far that got, it's supposed to be  a distributed thingamy23:28
andylockranthe problem I have is that I'm not particularly CS minded23:28
penguin42probably best to stick with things that already work then23:29
andylockrani.e. - I want a) syncronous writes - and am not sure the effect that'd have on performance (though I imagine quite a lot)23:29
penguin42yeh synchronous writes will suck23:29
andylockranfor low-traffic email they might be ok though23:32
andylockranit's for storing IMAP folders, so if one server crashes the other can still serve.. or am I thinking of this wrong?23:32
penguin42Ah, distributed imap stuff; I don't know how to do that - I think it's pretty magic23:33
penguin42andylockran: I've not done it, but I think some of the imap servers will store stuff in databases, and you can get databases to run in backed up pairs and .... yeh I'm not quite sure23:34
andylockranIn all honesty, most of the stuff I'm setting up to run doesn't need to be fault tolerant, but other things I do will need to be23:35
andylockranso this is an exercise in using technology that I expect to use in the near future, and using it for our internal systems so that we'll be familiar with it.23:36
penguin42yeh, I think that might be one of the hardest cases23:36
andylockranyeah - I think so :(23:41
andylockranI can work out how to setup a redundant SAN easily enough23:42
andylockranI say 'easily enough' - I mean there's software and howtos on it.23:42
andylockranJust wondering whether that may be the best option, and simply NFS it out to servers that would require shared storage23:43
andylockranCan't quite work out the pros and cons23:44
penguin42redundant NFS isn't trivial23:53

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