
brycehRAOF, dunno if you've run across it but there is some sort of OOM situation that crops up during livecd testing01:25
brycehRAOF, which has had a tendancy to show itself as an X crash somewhere in the error handling logic01:25
RAOFbryceh: I don't do much livecd testing, so I haven't hit it.  Fun!01:25
brycehI've put in some patches for those crashes, but the root cause of the OOM situation remains a mystery01:26
brycehRAOF, anyway, it's been sort of wack-a-mole.  Fix a crash today, wait a couple days, and see where X crashes next.  :-)01:31
brycehRAOF, so keep an ear open for people with bugs like this one - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/72044501:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 720445 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in _start() (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Medium,New]01:31
brycehspecifically, the pattern in the Xorg.0.log - http://launchpadlibrarian.net/64482277/XorgLogOld.txt01:32
brycehit's a sudden spew of "[   191.259] (WW) intel(0): intel_uxa_prepare_access: bo map failed: Cannot allocate memory" followed by a crash somewhere in the error handling stack01:32
RAOFWe don't have memory details in the apport crashes, do we.01:33
brycehunfortunately no01:34
brycehI don't think I had that problem when installing from CD.  maybe using usb keys it's different?01:35
brycehRAOF, so far, it's entirely been canonical people (mostly in the testing teams) who have reported these kinds of bugs, not community folk in the general public01:36
brycehso that seems odd01:36
RAOFSomething has to be leaking memory somewhere, and it has to be pretty early into boot.01:37
RAOFIt's even possible that it's the union filesystem we use.01:37
* bryceh nods01:37
* RAOF wants a faster laptop. Maybe with 8 processors, or something.01:38
brycehgiven that we don't (afaik) have such a memory leak outside the livecd environment, it makes me doubtful that it's X leaking, however anything's possible I suppose01:38
RAOFIt could be something in the live environment that X isn't handling.01:38
RAOFAny of these crashes with anything but intel?01:38
brycehall have been with intel01:38
brycehit might not be significant though, I think the vast majority of the testing hw is intel gfx01:39
RAOF…-Wl,-rpath,:::::::::::::::.  Really, compiz?  Really?  You need to check all those empty linker paths?01:43
brycehRAOF, I'm getting towards EOD... any bits or patches you need uploaded?03:10
brycehᑕᓗᖑᓱ ᑕᓗᖑᓱ ᑕᓗᖑᓱ03:12
RAOFmesa would be nice.03:12
RAOFUm, ???03:12
brycehbeen having xkeyboard-config fun today ;-)03:12
RAOFWhat was that string? :)03:13
brycehit was "blah blah blah" in Canadian Inuktitut03:13
brycehwhich I've never heard of before but has nice letter forms03:13
brycehlooks easy to draw in snow or polar bear hides03:14
RAOFI haven't yet tested the final mesa build on my netbook (stupid i386!), though it should be good.03:14
brycehgot a .dsc or git branch ready for mesa?03:14
brycehok, I think with mesa especially, I shouldn't upload at EOD03:15
brycehbut I'll load it on a few systems tomorrow and test it out, and if it looks good will upload it03:15
RAOFYeah, good call.03:16
RAOFI might have the various other pieces of the r600g switch ready by then, so we could do that at the same time, or in a subsequent upload.03:17
* bryceh snags and starts a build03:17
brycehsounds good03:17
brycehI tend to favor being prolific with uploads when we're not in release crunch; it can give folks extra versions to test, which can help in narrowing down when issues appeared03:18
brycehRAOF, changelog should mention the -1ubuntu[23] changes too03:23
brycehthe two patches can be dropped, but the libudev-dev change needs mentioning03:23
RAOFThe 1ubuntu[2,3] changes are in the changelog.03:24
RAOFAh, but I forgot to include the Debian revisions in the .changes, however.03:25
brycehoh I mean in the 'Remaining Ubuntu changes' section03:25
RAOFOh, right.03:26
alex_mayorgabryceh: ping03:46
alex_mayorgaI've updated bug 71378103:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 713781 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[natty] Video corruption on kernel 2.6.38-1-generic and nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 230M] (rev a2) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71378103:52
alex_mayorgaplease let  me know if anything else is needed03:52
alex_mayorgastill not working on 2.6.38-303:53
alex_mayorgashould I rename it03:53
brycehalex_mayorga, thanks.  I can take care of that03:53
alex_mayorgashould I gather something on the working 2.6.37?03:54
alex_mayorgabryceh: thanks to you for caring :)03:54
RAOFIs that the one I responded to…03:55
* RAOF wonders, and checks.03:55
brycehRAOF, yep03:55
brycehRAOF, let me know if you'd rather do the upstreaming03:55
brycehalex_mayorga, no that's not necessary, although it might be nice to know what version last worked properly for you03:56
RAOFNah, I'm happy for you to upstream.03:56
alex_mayorgabryceh: that's in comment #503:57
brycehgreat thanks03:57
brycehalex_mayorga, one thing to try, if you can reproduce it on a livecd or liveusb, is to try booting the i386 image. Could be a 64bit specific issue.04:01
alex_mayorgabryceh: which one should I try? daily?04:02
alex_mayorgawould need to find a USB though04:02
bryceha daily would be fine, whatever works for you04:02
alex_mayorgaI'd give it a try if I find a big enough USB04:04
brycehok, forwarded as https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3437104:18
ubot4Freedesktop bug 34371 in Driver/nouveau "[natty] Video corruption on kernel 2.6.38-1-generic (and on -3) and nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 230M] (rev a2)" [Normal,New]04:18
brycehalex_mayorga and RAOF, please add yourselves to the CC of that bug ^^ 04:19
alex_mayorgabryceh: done, thanks!04:20
lilstevieI am having a problem with X not giving me any output into why it isnt outputting to the display, is there anything better than invoking X with -verbose 20?12:30
tjaaltonwhich release?12:31
tjaaltonso ubuntu 10.10?12:32
tjaaltonlivecd or did it break by itself?12:33
lilsteviehttp://pastie.org/1570123 <- this is the output12:33
lilstevienever had it running12:33
tjaaltonfix the kernel first12:34
tjaaltonthere are no input devices it seems12:34
lilsteviewell thats because GPIO buttons and touch screen are the only input devices12:34
lilsteviewhat is wrong with the kernel?12:35
tjaaltonstill, it's either kernel or udev failing12:35
tjaaltonnot X12:35
tjaaltonno device has ID_INPUT set by udev12:36
lilsteviehm ok12:36
tjaaltonso either the kernel has no such devices or udev fails otherwise12:36
tjaaltonhum no, it did find the touchscreen12:37
lilstevieok so that is stopping X from working12:37
lilsteviethe backlight of the lcd flashes on and off12:37
tjaaltondunno why config/udev spams the log like that12:38
tjaaltonif there's natty alpha2 image for arm, you could try that if it fails the same way12:39
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bigonhi when compiling examples of champlain from GIT on natty I get15:38
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DarxusMight be worth cherry picking this, required for wayland outside of X with nouveau:  http://cgit.freedesktop.org/nouveau/linux-2.6/commit/?id=8e645575d469bf08c9d5d98a101ef4cfce6a918017:42
DarxusAlthough I don't know if everything else needed is already in the natty kernel.17:42
tjaaltonroughly 80 bugs against fglrx-installer (out of the 370 filed) where the kernel module failed to build17:51
tjaaltonbecause there were unofficial kernel packages installed, and dkms barfed17:51
Sarvatttjaalton: you missed the cleanup of those about 2 months ago too, was closer to 800 :)17:52
Sarvattacross all the dkms packages17:52
tjaaltonSarvatt: and no-one thought about fixing the root problem?-)17:52
tjaaltonanyway, it should be doable17:53
Sarvatttjaalton: what do you mean? we did at the time17:55
Sarvattoh you mean just the ones with unofficial kernel packages?17:56
Sarvattmissed that part, sorry17:56
tjaaltonyeah, now that there are mainline builds etc that people are testing..18:01
tjaaltonclosed over 30 "fixed upstream" bugs today, another batch waiting for tomorrow18:02
brycehtjaalton, thanks for tending to those18:57
tjaaltonbryceh: was a refreshing experience :)21:30
brycehtjaalton, I think I can even see the dent it made - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals.svg21:31
brycehor maybe not, that's a humongous graph :-)21:32
tjaaltonyeah I've been cleaning some bugs along these past two weeks, at least the "remainder" is going down :)21:33
brycehtjaalton, btw I'm sure I've shown you this already but in case not - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg21:33
brycehI ended up not really worrying about _total_ bug reports, but rather focusing on bug reports against the current development version21:33
tjaaltonbut speaking of natty, I should test wacom a bit. noticed that there's some crasher reported recently21:33
brycehwhich I've found to be a lot more tractable21:33
brycehand the 'workqueue' variant shows bugs that aren't already incomplete/upstreamed/fix-committed so it's just bugs we have to actually look at21:34
brycehthe lines are clickable too so you can go see the exact bugs (more or less)21:35
tjaaltonyep, nice lists/graphs21:35
brycehalso did a tabular view of all bugs in the workqueue - http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/workqueue-natty.html21:35
brycehanyway, I'm probably the only person in the world that geeks out this much over bug graphs/lists.  ;-)  But I think it's been really useful for keeping on top of bug reports this release.21:36
tjaaltoni've noticed, the speed of seeing bugs reported upstream (by you) is breathtaking ;)21:37
tjaaltonum, bad language21:37
brycehhi jaytaoko21:40
brycehjaytaoko, btw, just fyi I've removed the glxinfo call from the apport hook.21:40
brycehjaytaoko, I am guessing you guys don't need it for compiz/unity reports; in any case glxinfo has been moved to universe so not everyone has it installed, and so the apport hook gets errors in those cases.21:41
brycehjaytaoko, if you do need any of the info that glxinfo produces, maybe you can roll it into the unity support test tool21:41

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