
joelmobhow do i remove the firewall in ubuntu server00:00
Logan_WPthanks tsimpson00:00
freebseBuenGuenio: type it in a terminal that is it, to make it permanent add it to startup programs00:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!00:00
tsimpsonCryonicCore: yes?00:00
mneptokCryonicCore: bad strategy00:00
joseAwayGood grief.00:00
mneptokjoseAway: cat the file and see what it does :)00:01
joseAwayWhy does /etc/cron.daily/apt take so long?00:01
BuenGeniofreebse, Alt+F2 -> gnome-volume-control-applet -> doesn't appear in the pane00:01
BuenGeniois it because I'm running Docky?00:01
xomphi, trying to setup an hybrid-ircd on my ubuntu server and I installed it via apt-get install hybrid-ircd and all went well, except there is absolutely NO ircd.conf in /etc/ircd-hybrid/ircd.conf lilke every bit of ubuntu's help files and hybrid-ircd's websites say there should be lol, please help!00:01
BuenGenioas well as panek00:01
anonbootsLogan_WP: i did use that wizard.00:01
joseAwaymneptok: I don't speak shell fluently. I'm worried because I'm on a shared machine, over ssh, and I started to run-parts without putting it in a screen to detach00:01
Logan_WP!enter | BuenGenio00:01
ubottuBuenGenio: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:01
anonbootsLogan_WP: I unplugged the printer. I reset it. They only thing I havent done is restarted my box.00:02
joseAwaymneptok: so, if I close my ssh session while it is running... will bad things happen?00:02
mneptokjoseAway: it checks for software updates. you can safely stop the process.00:02
induzI get error when i insert/give command: tar Zxvf??00:02
freebseBuenGenio: okay I admit I have debian, but still it does over here, maybe it is called something else in ubuntu, I can also add a volume control from the panel menu00:02
BuenGenioanother issue - apt-get/aptitude  don't want to work through proxy00:02
joseAwaymneptok: okay, that's what I thought/hoped :]]00:02
joseAwaymneptok: what's a ballpark runtime for that?00:02
mneptokjoseAway: claro que si.00:02
Joeb454bodhizazen: I think it's something to do with kernel config options00:03
BuenGeniohave export http_proxy in bash, and apt says couldn't retrieve00:03
mneptokjoseAway: depends on network speed and latency00:03
Jordan_Ufreebse: This is not #debian. This channel is for Ubuntu support only.00:03
mneptokJordan_U: freebse is giving help, not asking for it00:03
* mneptok shrugs00:04
freebseJordan_U: so what where is the big difference... I was just saying that maybe in a few times there could be a difference00:04
BillSundayWhat mirror should I select for Natty Narwhal on PS3? I live in the USA.00:04
Jordan_Ufreebse: Sorry, missed the context. Ignore my previous comment.00:04
anonbootsxomp: It is called example.conf00:04
anonbootsxomp: You must edit it, and rename it ircd.conf00:04
joseAwaymneptok: high speed, average latency. Should be less than five minutes, yes? Does it increase if it has not been run in a long time?00:04
Logan_WP!mirrorstatus | BillSunday00:05
ubottuBillSunday: A list of official repository mirrors and their statuses can be found at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors00:05
freebseJordan_U: I would not ask in here, even if normally all answers are also 100% comaptible00:05
xompanonboots, there are actually _no_ files in my /etc/ircd-hybrid folder :300:05
anonbootsDid you untar it correctly?00:06
Jordan_Ufreebse: Understood. It was completely a mistake, I should have looked at the context of your comment before saying anything.00:06
anonbootsand make and compile correctly?00:06
joseAwaymneptok: ah well, I just stopped it and ran it again inside a screen session. Thanks for your advice :]00:06
skeithhey i've just install amarok from repo but it don't play mp3 any clue why?00:06
freebseJordan_U: with the sound mixer applet ubuntu uses it is really a difference, so guess this is the 0.5%00:06
xompanonboots, I used apt-get install ircd-hybrid00:06
teb_do you have all the codex installed?00:06
skeithi think yes00:06
anonbootsxomp then what you need to do, is cd into the directory that you downloaded to, and untar it.00:07
skeithrythmbox play mp300:07
xompit was a package != tarball :P00:07
freebseJordan_U: never mind, actually I found out in this case gnome-volume-control-applet does nothing and I don't know what the applet is called in Ubuntu, so actually true00:07
xompan actual ubuntu package00:07
anonbootsxomp lol I appologize.00:07
xomphah no worries :)00:07
anonbootsxomp Then you need to type in ./config00:08
anonbootsIf I am not mistaken, and follow the prompts.00:08
wedwo-freebse, it's called the indicator applet - just looked00:08
teb_hi there, anyone using WoW mouse from Steelseries? have some probs that the sensitivity is to high. I can adjust it in terminal with [xinput --set-prop "SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 3,500:09
teb_] but it does randomly reset back with no reasons, somebody knows what the problem is?00:09
BillSundayWhich architecture would I select for the PS3? I see powerpc, but that's mostly for Dapper Drake.00:09
tripelbI understand some laptops (this is an Atom) have trouble with Ubuntu. Is there a list? (Acer Aspire One is the laptop in question.00:09
anonbootsI still cant get my Deskjet 1000 to work. I downloaded and installed the latest HPLIP, with no success. What should I do next?00:09
BuenGeniowhat's up with apt/aptitude not working through proxy??00:09
freebsewedwo-: thx like I said, I have seen this thing it is better, it can adjust applications volume within, with my box I just have a normal mixer that's it, guess ubuntu made somwthing own in this case00:10
cntbhi maverick grub2 dualboots ok w w7?00:10
Jordan_Ucntb: Yes.00:10
tsimpsonBillSunday: the one from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.04/release/00:11
edwardteach!hardware | tripelb00:11
ubottutripelb: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection00:11
cntb10x Jordan_U00:11
anonbootscntb i would recommend installing ubuntu next to windows. Not windows next to ubuntu.00:11
Jordan_Ucntb: You're welcome.00:11
cntbwill proceed then withusb install00:11
cntbgood day00:11
BillSundaytsimpson: Thanks!00:11
ubundoes anyone know how to configure vsftpd?00:11
xompargh, this is so annoying00:11
mneptokubun: what do you plan to use it for?00:12
mneptokubun: and ... why not use SFTP/SCP?00:12
ubunwell i just got a hosting account for a website  and it said i needed a ftp serever00:12
mneptokubun: for ... what?00:12
ubunsorry it said ftp client00:13
EOF-senseimy keyboard's numpad is unusable in ubuntu's generic 2.6.37 and up kernels00:13
EOF-senseiwhat's gone wrong?00:13
anonbootsubun I recommend filezilla00:13
freebsethat supposed to be a client I guess00:13
mneptokubun: Places > Connect to server00:13
* mneptok sees no need to install a client when GNOME supports all this natively00:14
freebsebut ok I like old programs, guess there is a better one out there since 5 years at least ;)00:14
ubunANONBOOTS: ok... and filezilla is a site right?  MNEPTOK: is that the gui for vsftpd?00:14
tsimpsonubun: vsftpd is an FTP server, not a client00:14
anonbootsubun: filezilla is an FTP client for Linux. Its easy to use.00:15
dasecretzofwarhey all need help setting up a dvr video card for use with zoneminder.....the card is in and i see /dev/video0 but nothing in zoneminder any help?00:15
mneptokubun: vsftpd is a server. it serves the FTP protocol.00:15
ubuntsimpson ok i eee...00:15
=== phuzion_ is now known as phuzion
ubunmneptok then thats not what i need... thans tsimpson: and mneptok... anonboots: i found it... let me try to do it... thanks00:16
freebsemaybe this ftp server is installed on the side of your website host, you don't need the server00:16
PerciusAnyone know how to check DD00:16
freebseyou need the client and connect to that server00:16
Perciusdd's progress after the command is started00:16
Aikarhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/607560   < anyone got any extra insight on fixing this bug ? its very annoying :(00:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 607560 in linux (Ubuntu) "jbd2 writing block every 5 - 10 seconds, preventing disk spin-down and making noise" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:17
tsimpsonPercius: you need to get the PID of the process, then issue "kill -USR1 dd_pid" (replacing dd_pid) from another shell00:18
joelmobcan i fork a java process into background with a special command?00:18
induzI can extraxt the .tar.gz file but it does nothing , the program is not getting installed..please send me more info?00:19
tripelbedwardteach, thanks. I didnt see it on here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Linux_supported_architectures00:19
tripelbnow I'll look there00:19
induzI have downloaded a .tar.gz file, i can extract it with archive manager but what should i do after that?00:20
razorr1990compile it :P00:20
induzreadme and install file say nothing about how to?00:20
razorr1990usually it is ./configure00:20
kdogis there a netinst image available, instead of downloading a whole CD?00:20
induzbasically i am trying to intsll wine-doors, its not in repo00:20
ubunhow do i connect filezilla to server?00:21
razorr1990read install.txt00:21
stickjr25i just installed ubuntu and when i bootup it says my monitor is out of range, how can i fix it.00:21
needhelp1ikonia, hey you around00:21
razorr1990its should say ./configure and then make install00:21
sharavOpen Source driver helps me for execute 3d java app00:21
needhelp1ubun, i would ask in filezilla00:21
sharavI've removed official ati driver00:22
ubun.... needhelp: k00:22
mneptokubun: Places > Connect to server00:22
sharavperformance is not well as official ati driver, but not bad ;) thanks all00:22
induzhere is the website ;http://sourceforge.net/projects/winedoors/files/00:22
mneptokubun: that's all you need. you do not need Filezilla.00:22
edwardteachtripelb,  I am on a acer one D255  and all is well on ubuntu 10.10!00:23
thirtytwobitrigtype who in terminal, being the only user, and I get "tty7" & "pts/0". what is this?00:23
novato_brhow can I fix that? ==> iwconfig wlan0 mode ad-hoc => Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :     SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.00:23
darren_can someone tell me how i can chat on backtrack-linux?00:23
rwwdarren_: register and identify with NickServ00:23
novato_brI have a wireless integrated card on my notebook00:23
induzI tried to search on package manager and its not listed00:23
induzI am running ubuntu Lucid00:24
novato_brI'm running maverick00:24
Picidarren_: Read the instructions in their channel topic00:24
novato_br!bot wireless00:24
novato_br!bot ad-hoc00:24
darren_k thanks guys00:24
Pici!msgthebot | novato_br00:24
ubottunovato_br: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:24
novato_br[22:25] <novato_br> ad-hoc [22:25] <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ad-ho00:25
novato_brwhat the fuck!00:25
Picinovato_br: Please mind your langauage here.00:25
anonbootsI just got my printer fixed on my own, but always enjoying help from #ubuntu. Thanks everyone.00:25
Logan_WPanonboots: glad you figured it out00:26
Logan_WPanonboots: what was the solution, fwiw?00:26
edwardteachthirtytwobitrig, one is the terminal and one is the x session i.e gui  both your sessions00:26
anonbootsLogan_WP I had made a mistake installing it earlier, and hadnt removed the "old" printer from the list, and it was still sending jobs to the "old" printer.00:27
Logan_WPanonboots: ah, okay00:27
anonbootsLogan_WP Just a simple change in a dropdown menu was all it took.00:27
thirtytwobitrigedwardteach, thanks for that.00:27
=== noneaan is now known as needhelp1
needhelp1im having issues getting firefox to do anything, it wont load or run, typing firefox in terminal does nothing either00:28
BedManneedhelp1: see if you have a hung process - run: ps -ef | grep firefox00:29
ecinx3_I uninstalled unity and ubuntu desktop and reinstalled and the problem persists. but00:29
ecinx3_kde's window manager works fine though00:29
needhelp1BedMan, jessica@jessica-laptop:~$ ps -ef | grep firefox00:29
needhelp1jessica   2163  2026  0 19:31 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto firefox00:29
magicianlordGood day, sirs.00:30
BedMannope, just the grep showing, so you don't have a hung process00:30
mickster04magicianlord: and ladies00:30
=== q_a_z_steve_ is now known as zz_q_a_z_steve_
needhelp1BedMan, back ground info..  i installed a third party add on called firesheep, had errors, disabled the addon and unistalled, restarted firefox, now wont work00:31
=== darren_ is now known as Orphite
mickster04needhelp1: reinstall firefox?00:31
BedManneedhelp1: try that00:31
=== zz_q_a_z_steve_ is now known as q_a_z_steve
mickster04!nick | qcode00:32
ubottuqcode: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.00:32
mickster04qcode: sorry00:32
BedManthere may also be a way to watch the logs while you try to start firefox00:32
mickster04!nick | q_a_z_steve00:32
ubottuq_a_z_steve: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.00:32
needhelp1mickster04, BedMan  sudo apt-get removed firefox ?00:32
needhelp1mickster04, BedMan  sudo apt-get remove firefox00:32
mickster04needhelp1: da00:32
BedManneedhelp1: yes00:33
ecinx3_anyone knows how to fix 'ubuntu desktop'? not classic00:34
middleapt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:34
mickster04ecinx3_: whats broken?00:34
ecinx3_no taskbars00:35
ecinx3_the bottom and the top one are missing mickster0400:35
Daekdroom!panels | ecinx3_00:35
ubottuecinx3_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:35
Ghastlyhey, having a problem editing .profile00:35
ecinx3_ubottu: not using gnome though00:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:35
Daekdroomecinx3_, what ubuntu version are you using?00:35
mickster04ecinx3_: what are you using then?00:35
Ghastlyuh, asked in #bash, and they say  theres nothing wrong with it00:35
ezyhello folks...I couldn't remember where to download the software named quality00:36
Daekdroom!natty | ecinx3_00:36
ubottuecinx3_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.00:36
mickster04ecinx3_: if you're not using gnome what are you using?00:36
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
Ghastlybut, I can only set one Enviromental Variable it seems00:36
induzI have this file on my desktop wine-door.tar.gz, how can i install it as a program... I am trying hard to get it right00:36
Orphiteregister capturez22 iamtobefound@gmail.com00:36
Piciecinx3_: Natty support is in #ubuntu+1 only00:36
Ghastlythe second (LB_....) is ignored00:36
PiciOrphite: Please pick a new password, and try not to do that again.00:36
Logan_WPOrphite: you probably shouldn't have posted that in the channel00:36
ecinx3_thanks Pici00:36
iflemainduz  usually, in a terminal @ that dir, type     ./configure    then type    make    then do a     sudo make install       provided the file is extracted and its dependencies are in place..... =)00:37
Orphitelol haha doh00:37
needhelp1mickster04, BedMan  if i want to remove something i installed via git in Desktop/junk. I used make ... to delete it/uninstall it .. ive moved my terminal into that directory00:37
ecinx3_it was working before, so i wonder what happened. and I'm trying to test touch screen feautures00:37
needhelp1how should i remove it, or unistall it00:37
konnerHey can someone help me00:38
needhelp1konner, dont ask for help, just ask your question00:38
Logan_WP!ask | konner00:38
ubottukonner: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:38
konnerhow do i install nvidia driver00:39
induziflema, it does not work00:39
induzit says No such directory00:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:39
magicianlordkonner: are you connected to the internet?00:39
mickster04magicianlord: no :p00:39
konneryes i have downloaded a driver but it needs to be run in root00:39
magicianlordmickster04: konner is asking. do yu have the same issue?00:39
mickster04konner: then sudo commandhere00:40
Logan_WPmagicianlord: he's using IRC O_o00:40
=== Dotted is now known as Dotoff
mickster04magicianlord: well he is on irc?00:40
magicianlordkonner: just install it from within ubuntu. in system, administration, hardware drivers (select activate recommended driver)00:40
needhelp1could be on a phone00:40
Logan_WPneedhelp1: he's still connected to the Internet00:40
mickster04needhelp1: ?00:40
induzis there any website for installing from .tar .gz file??00:41
induzI can unpack it but can not intsall it00:41
\bMike\bWhat architectures are supported by Ubuntu?00:41
mickster04induz: no guide?00:41
=== Dotoff is now known as Dotted
mickster04\bMike\b: define architectures?00:41
difesaI'm attempting to install ubuntu, but  im stuck at the "Who are you?" screen with the form filled out but the "foward" button greyed out.  reloading the page does not help and there doesn't seem to be a way to stop the installer.  does anyone have advice?00:42
thunkeeinduz: tar xvzf abc.tar.gz ... cd abc ... man README or INSTALL :)00:42
induzmickster04, there is no guide and guidance00:42
needhelp1mickster04, BedMan   https://github.com/codebutler/firesheep    scroll down and look at build and the instructions for ubuntu. This is the addon for firefox i installed, then removed. Now i want to remove / uninstall this from my pc entirely. Do i just delete it?00:42
IdleOnedifesa: type the username in lower case letters only00:42
Logan_WP\bMike\b: many...  which one are you inquiring about?00:42
thunkeeinduz: sry more README00:42
konnerokay this is confusing me it says i do not have a nvidida graphic card installed00:42
difesaIdleone: thank you00:42
mickster04konner: well then :p[00:42
\bMike\bmickster04, Logan_WP: arm and sparc00:43
cntbJordan_U: there?00:43
konnerits weird it also says know i have the stock intel video card00:43
Jordan_Ucntb: Yes.00:44
mickster04\bMike\b: i believe arm works, not sure about sparc?00:44
ezysorry...it is Qt...Is that the recommended GUI development tool for ubuntu or linux in general ?00:44
afvwhat's this program called that analyzes your disk to fragmentation areas and shows disk usage nicely?00:44
induzthere is a README file but it doesnt tell me How to00:44
needhelp1basically if i used git to grab something, then used ./autogen.sh and make to set it up. to uninstall this do i just delete it ?00:44
afvi think it's in accessories in ubuntu00:44
induzi just want to install debian/wine-doors.100:44
mickster04\bMike\b: alwaysinnovating have an arm based tablet that runs ubuntu i believe00:45
IdleOneinduz: what are you trying to install?00:45
cntbk not sure if auto suggest repartition un usb 10.10 netbook install did not work cause of two ntfs partition or bcoz of beinn w700:45
v0lksmanneedhelp1, yes..usually...ymmv00:45
=== gohan_ is now known as gohan
bc81afv: baobab00:45
Logan_WP!arm | \bMike\b00:45
ubottu\bMike\b: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.00:45
sri13hi to all00:45
afvbc81, thanks!00:45
Logan_WP!sparc | \bMike\b00:45
ubottu\bMike\b: Information on Ubuntu on SPARC platforms can be found here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Sparc00:45
Logan_WP\bMike\b: hope those help00:45
\bMike\bLogan_WP: probably - thanks00:46
mickster04Logan_WP: good spot00:46
sri13I had a problem in kubuntu 10.10 , can u help me00:46
Logan_WPmickster04: lol, thanks00:46
Logan_WP!kubuntu | sri1300:46
ubottusri13: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde00:46
induzIdleOne, I want to install wine-doors from here :http://sourceforge.net/projects/winedoors/files/00:46
cntbthen after no suggestio I was offered manual and not sure if install will resize and still let me boot into w7 safely Jordan_U00:46
Logan_WP\bMike\b: you're welcome00:46
konner Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller00:46
cntbI mean manual repartition  Jordan_U00:46
konneris this grapic card supported00:46
sri13Logan_WP: thanks00:46
Logan_WPsri13: you're welcome00:47
Jordan_Ucntb: Why are you using manual partitioning?00:47
mickster04induz: how is it different to playonlinux?00:47
cntb^^ maybe bcoz install met special two ntfs partition s situation  Jordan_U00:47
EOF-senseiwhich channel deals with alpha issues?00:48
mickster04blurgh EOF-sensei usually ubuntu+1?00:48
induzmickster04, i dont know, I just got it from a book on ubuntu00:48
bastidrazorEOF-sensei: #ubuntu+100:48
cntbdid not suggest to my surprise a resize offered use all disk or manual00:48
EOF-senseithx :P00:48
induzok how can i get permission to /usr/src folder??00:48
mickster04induz: try playonlinux instead sounds like they do similar things, except playonlinux is actually maintained00:48
cntbMI wrong Jordan_U ?00:48
EOF-senseichown :D00:48
Jordan_Ucntb: My guess is that you already have the maximum 4 primary partitions.00:48
Logan_WP!who | EOF-sensei00:49
ubottuEOF-sensei: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:49
induzI dont want to play games, i just want this WORd [MS] to work staright00:49
cntbOh yes the recovery on win 7startup yep Jordan_U00:49
HowardTheDuckwhats up mickster0400:49
mickster04induz: yeah00:49
mickster04induz: seriously check it out00:49
=== DaZ is now known as polacyrobacy
mickster04HowardTheDuck: problem?00:49
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:50
tripelbedwardteach is gone but thank you anyway.00:50
cntbso ? ubuntu wont be on primary Jordan_U will resize still work correctly on manual repartition and not kill w7 boot?00:50
induzmickster04, i will install it but my Q is how can I install a s/w from tar.gz downloaded file00:50
Jordan_Ucntb: Some OEMs set things up that way, and it's rather annoying because if they just made one of the 4 primary partitions a logical one you could create as many partitions as you wanted. As is you're stuck with 4 untill you delete one :(00:50
HowardTheDucki added a 2 TB hard drive to my ubuntu/win7 system for storage.  formatted it in ntfs with windows00:50
HowardTheDuckbut when i boot into ubuntu, it doesn't see the drive.00:50
mickster04induz: normally there are instructions, but sually involved unpaclking ./configure ./make ./makeinstall00:51
HowardTheDucki don't want to necessarily have it auto mount, but i'd like it to show up in nautilus at least so i can click on it to load it the way i can my other ntfs partition00:51
mickster04HowardTheDuck: places > computer > there?00:51
HowardTheDucknope only my 350 GB ntfs partition i have windows on00:51
Jordan_Ucntb: You need to use one primary partition as an extended partition, within which you can create any number of logical partitions. Since your OEM used up all 4 primary partitions without making any of them extended you'll need to delete one to add any more.00:52
HowardTheDuckit shows up in nautilus so i can click on it to mount it, and then eject it when done00:52
HowardTheDuckid'd like the new 2 tb drive i put in to do the same00:52
cntboh  s maybe I reconfigure and say bye to second ntfs to get things done Jordan_U ? may take time but seems the only way out00:52
DoctorPepperis anyone  here  using squid3 with squidguard please ???00:52
Jordan_Ucntb: Yes, but be very carefull what partition you delete. The small "system" partition for instance is needed for Windows 7 to be able to boot.00:53
K350How do get DVD's to automaticaly open in VLC?00:53
iflemainduz: extract the file, then enter the extracted folders directory in a terminal (cd /path/to/extract) then ./configure, make, sudo make install00:54
HowardTheDucknevermind guys i got it taken care of00:55
mickster04HowardTheDuck: how'd you fix it then?00:55
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
Dewey24DoctorPepper: maybe in #ubuntu-server channel00:56
=== q_a_z_steve is now known as zz_q_a_z_steve
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»00:56
Xeon06I have a small PHP-CLI server I want to run. Where should I put the actual .php files?00:56
HowardTheDuckmickster04, I'm a fool nothing was wrong, I just overlooked it in my explorer window00:56
DecepticonSo the solution was?00:57
tripelbI have a question: I have a logitech webcam. I want to use the microphone part for sound. How do I tell if it works just for starters?  (It works on XP)00:57
Logan_WP!webcam | tripelb00:57
ubottutripelb: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:57
tripelbLogan, it works as a webcam with cheese. I am just asking to use the AUDIO part.00:58
Dewey24tripelb: alsamixer?00:58
Logan_WPoh, Cheese00:58
magicianlordwhat's the difference between alsamixer and pulseaudio00:58
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.00:59
tripelbcheese webcam booth is a program Logan_WP --- I can get alsamixer. I see nothing with soundrecorder, should I?00:59
tripelbfollowing the Dewey24 suggestions from ubottu01:00
tripelbLogan_WP, Dewey24 thankyou thankyou thankyou. I had to "choose" the webcam as a sound source.  <3 #ubuntu01:02
tripelbsimple my dear watson01:02
induzis there any website where i can see what to do to install .tar.gz files ???01:03
iflemainduz: ms word works good on wine alone, once install in a terminal    wine /path/to/msoffice.exe   or whatever.... Virtual machine of winblows even better or you have no winblowsto install? I know where MS Word runs best :P01:04
polacyrobacyinduz: untar, read the manual inside01:04
Dewey24induz: just uncompress the gziped file and read inside README file01:04
ecinx3what's the channel for natty again?01:04
g_0_0!natty | ecinx301:05
ubottuecinx3: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.01:05
rwwecinx3: #ubuntu+101:05
speedyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1063300 Iknow kinda of a silly thing but can be handy  i followed the instructions and seems to refresh but not showing on Context Menu hopefully some one can help me out thanks in advance01:06
AegisXHi guys; I'm after some advice. I want to run a dual boot of Windows 7 and Ubuntu, but want to share a separate drive of documents, images and so on. Is this possible?01:06
induzInstall file reda like this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/567933/01:07
iflemaAegisX: yes, just format it so winblos can see it and ubuntu will be fine with it....01:07
Logan_WP!dualboot | AegisX01:07
ubottuAegisX: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:07
Logan_WP!misspelling | iflema01:07
ubottuiflema: Please don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked, and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making the community look unreasonable.01:07
induzwhy its getting so complicated01:07
willystyleehello again all, i bought a KVM switch and i'm trying to use it to have it connected to my main PC (win7) and my new machine i just installed ubuntu on. I hooked it up properly, and tried using it. It worked when switching from the win7 machine to the ubuntu one, but after the (1st and only) successful switch, ubuntu just didnt seem to recognize my mouse or keyboard. Can anyone help?01:08
* iflema winblows :P01:08
djjonex_need a radio station player for ubuntu01:08
AegisXThanks everyone :)01:08
magicianlorddjjonex_: vlc01:08
speedysudo apt-get install vlc01:08
ecinx3DamirHorvat:  ?01:08
induzReadme file is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/567934/01:08
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
magicianlorddjjonex_: vlc has an icecast directory built into the playlist01:09
needhelp1to get help with a command you type what?01:10
needhelp1i know how to read the man files but01:10
AegisXSo I'm thinking, if I have one partition as an NTFS, both Ubuntu and Windows could link to that as the main "Documents" folder?01:10
needhelp1like with rm ... help rm ... rm help01:10
speedyadd refresh desktop to right click Context Menu works so it seems but not showing on Context Menu01:10
speedyhere is link > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106330001:10
induzdjjonex_, if u find one let me know too01:11
Picineedhelp1: man rm01:11
noobHi, i think there is a distant exploit in Ubuntu 10.10... i reinstalled it (checked the box telling me "automaticall download the updates"), never accessed the second partition,  and 1 mp3s from this second partition was in the trashbin, it did not download the updates and i have to download it now !01:11
djjonex_induz these ppl told me vlc im gonna try it01:12
Logan_WPnoob: huh?01:12
noobLogam_huh ?01:12
induzhow to get icecast on VLC?01:13
noobthe name of the mp3 is "1 Dubstep Devil"01:13
iflemaAegisX: yep, but, you might need to setup ubuntu to mount the drive on boot01:13
noobit is a serious problem...01:13
Logan_WPnoob: yes, dubstep is a serious problem.01:14
noobi know i never accessed this partition, i also know i checked the "download the updates during installations"01:14
nooberf 2h15 am no one will be able to help me now01:15
noobLogan_WP can you tell me why this file i never is in the trashbin ?01:16
noobor can you only tell some bullshits ?01:16
Logan_WP!language | noob01:16
ubottunoob: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:16
noobou are hipocrite because you are teasing me saying "dubstep is a serious problem" and being offuscated01:17
noobbut you already know it for sure01:17
speedyctrl-r and F5 keys are the same ? want to add this to the Right Click Desktop "Context Menu"01:18
=== mike is now known as Guest77722
noobHi, i think there is a distant exploit in Ubuntu 10.10... i reinstalled it (checked the box telling me "automaticall download the updates"), never accessed the second partition,  and 1 mp3s from this second partition was in the trashbin, it did not download the updates and i have to download it now !01:19
noobplease can anyone help me ?01:19
optimizalAnone setup an NFS share with ubuntu, and try to connect to it on OSX server? I created the share, and it showing up as an empty drive on the osx server01:21
CRC_Meh this will do for now I guess01:22
=== noob is now known as matu
matuHi, i think there is a distant exploit in Ubuntu 10.10... i reinstalled it (checked the box telling me "automaticall download the updates"), never accessed the second partition,  and 1 mp3s from this second partition was in the trashbin, it did not download the updates and i have to download it now !01:24
sacarlsonmatu: did you look at the dates the mp3 file was last modified and accessed?01:25
matui cant do that sacarlson01:25
ezyhello folks, I get a lot of Ignores when I do apt-get update...Anyway to fix this problem ?01:25
cannonfoddercan i ask an ops permission to bring a bot in here? im going to be making one soon enough, but i don't want to break any rules01:25
matui dont know how, i will call the police tomorrow01:25
sacarlsonmatu: why what disk format is it in?01:25
matuwhat you mean ?01:26
matui performed a fresh install, the file system is ext401:26
sacarlsonmatu: in ext3 and ext4 and most other keep a record in the file structure of times stamps01:26
matui beg you please tell me how to know what happened01:26
matui am not a technician...01:26
danubhey all01:27
cannonfodderwats up?01:27
sacarlsonmatu: I would use natuilus or any ls -l  your file to see properties of the time stamps01:27
danubim trying to do an update from an 10.04 to 10.10 and running into this issue "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:01:27
danubE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be01:27
matuit just says "yesterday"01:28
danubcaused by held packages. "01:28
matui slept fora while01:28
Spaztic_Oneany recommended partitioning schemes for a 250 Gb HDD on a laptop?01:28
sacarlsonmatu: that might point to the fact that it happend before or after the window of time you were doing your update or install01:28
danubwhat does it mean and how do i resolve it?01:28
sacarlsonmatu: what is the time stamp numbers?01:28
matujust tell me how to do it, as i said before i am not a technician...01:29
matutime stamp numbers...01:29
sacarlsonmatu:  you can also look at your /var/log/auth.log to see who was accessing the computer since it was first created01:30
danubwhat is matu looking for?01:30
Logan_WPhe found a random dubstep file in his trash01:30
sacarlsonmatu: nautilus  right click on the file and look at properties01:30
matuHi, i think there is a distant exploit in Ubuntu 10.10... i reinstalled it (checked the box telling me "automaticall download the updates"), never accessed the second partition,  and 1 mp3s from this second partition was in the trashbin, it did not download the updates and i have to download it now !01:30
matui already told you it only says "YESTERDAY"01:30
jribmatu: what is a "distant exploit"?01:30
matuusing nautilus sacarlson...01:30
scampbellmatu: "I found a file in my trash I don't understand so I think this whole operating system has been exploited"  doesn't really inspire much worry.01:31
matuscampbell, your comment it useless, i did not throw this file into the trashbin... but it is in the trahsbin, i never accessed the partition before01:32
danubmatu: just look at /var/log/auth.log that will tell you who has been logged in01:32
sacarlsonmatu: do you know how to look at a log file?01:32
scampbellmatu: I merely point out your assumption that "I don't understand" = "I've been exploited" doesn't make sense. Nothing more.01:33
ezywhy do I get Ign http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates/restricted Translation-en_US ...for sudo apt-get update ?01:34
matuoh yes m english is not perfect, i am very sorry scampbell , just dont read me01:34
matusacarlson, what is the exact command please ?01:34
Logan_WPmatu: danub already told you01:34
sacarlsonmatu: to view a file?  do you know what nautilus is ?01:34
jribezy: think it just means it's up to date so not downloaded01:34
matuno he did not tell me which command i have to type01:35
Logan_WPyou open it...01:35
matui already used nautilus guys, nautilus only tell me the file had been accessed "yesterday"01:35
ezyjrib, cool...i thought it was some error..what does hit mean ?01:35
Picimatu: sudo less /var/log/auth.log01:35
Picimatu: press q to quit when you're done.01:35
sacarlsonmatu: yestarday at what time and secounds please?01:35
Ben64I upgraded to firefox-4.0.. does anyone know how to disable the CTRL+Q shortcut to close firefox? It's really easy to hit when going for CTRL+W.01:36
jribezy: probably that it "hit"/fetched/downloaded/found the file online01:36
ezyok cool...and how about Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages ?01:37
sacarlsonmatu: you should see two time stamps like this Thu 06 Jan 2011 10:45:11 AM ICT01:37
drcmatu: in nautilus Edit>Preferences>Display Change the Date Format to the top listing and then look in the trash for the date and time01:37
jribezy: pretty sure that one's for "Err", it can't find the file for some reason.  I've never been able to see documentation explaining these things, but that's what they seem to mean01:38
jribezy: I meant to say "Error"01:38
Cyrano_DeAnyone seen an issue with getting a dhcp reservation from a Cisco dhcp server?01:38
sacarlsondrc: matu: yes that will also work check both modified and accessed times to view01:39
Cyrano_DeI can reserve my address on my home ICS dhcpd server without issue but the cisco dhcp server at the office does not hand me my reserved address.01:39
jribezy: you've inspired me to go read apt-get's source01:39
cookiedoomhey guys, I have a problem installing php5 on my ec2 with Ubuntu, every time I try to apt-get it or aptitude it I get:  404  Not Found [IP: 80]01:39
cookiedoomE: Failed to fetch http://us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5/php5-common_5.3.3-1ubuntu9.1_i386.deb: 404  Not Found [IP: 80]01:39
rwwsudo apt-get update01:39
cookiedoomdid that already :(01:39
jribcookiedoom: choose a new mirror01:39
=== noel is now known as Guest77851
ezyjrib...haha, glad for my inspiration...thanks for explaining mate01:39
cookiedoomjrib: how?01:40
jribcookiedoom: System → Administration → Software Sources01:40
drcsacarlson: even the the "yesterday" should also give a timestamp01:40
cookiedoomin terminal though01:40
jribcookiedoom: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list*01:40
cookiedoomoh, right01:40
cookiedoomk, thanks01:40
Cyrano_DeI have enabled the send dhcp-client-identifier option in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to no resolution01:40
matuok drc and Pici i am tring do it01:40
cookiedoomwhats a suggested mirror?01:41
sacarlsondrc: yes it gives times not yestarday01:41
brandon420is there a app to convert/burn flac to a cd?01:41
jrib!mirrors | cookiedoom01:41
ubottucookiedoom: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:41
Cyrano_DeCapturing tcpdumps of the transaction my client sends Option 61 as a length 6 value with the first pair in my MAC address dropped.01:42
matudrc nautilus is not installed01:42
matui use xfce...01:42
scampbellCyrano_De:  Are you implying that your dhcp server at work honor the reserved address you made at home?01:43
drcmatu: "i already used nautilus guys, nautilus only tell me the..." then this statement was wrong?01:43
speedywell I guess no one knows how to add to Context Menu  Refresh Desktop >>> heres the link > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=106330001:43
tron101is there alot of advantages to ubuntu?01:44
matuit looks it is drc because it says nautilus is not installed !01:44
matuthis computer is completely cracked01:44
Cyrano_Descampbell: No, I am implying that I can get a reservation at homee on my 192.168.x.x subnet from a linux dhcp server, but I am unable to get a reservation at the office on a 10.1.x.x network from a cisco dhcp server.01:44
speedywell format and start over01:44
matuwhy should i upgrade the system after i choose "automatically download updates during installation" ?01:45
drcmatu: how did you try to start nautilus?01:45
speedydo a complete new install  if its been cracked01:45
matuit is normal ? is it normal a file i never that was on a partition i never accessed is now in the trahsbin ?01:45
matuusing alt+f201:45
Cyrano_DeIt does not seem to matter if I prefix the "cleint-identifier" option with 01 in the pool on the cisco switch.01:46
gp5st1I'm trying to install AIR on a headless server (with X fwding to install and using Xvfb for the app). I'm getting an error where the air installer says it can't connect to the gnome-keyring.  the keyring deamon is installed and I exported the variables it outputs. I'm really lost.  Adobe's docs aren't any help:( (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/840/cpsid_84062.html http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/492/cpsid_49267.html)01:46
scampbellCyrano_De: so what response does the dns server give or does it just ignore you?01:46
GalaxorI'm on a dumb terminal.  Is there a way to make man not output the formatting?  This is not particularly readable:  SYNOPSISESC[9;7H man01:47
econdudeawesomehas anyone here got CUDA or PyCUDA working?01:47
Cyrano_DeIf I pad the "send dhcp-client-identifier" option with a 01 prefix I can see the full mac address being sent to the dhcp server.01:47
Cyrano_Descampbell: I get an unreserved address.01:47
drexl(process:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)01:47
drexlremoving quiet splash from the grub.cfg file eliminated the error.01:48
drexlbug nomore01:48
Logan_WP!pastebin | drexl01:48
ubottudrexl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:48
Logan_WPoh wait, nvm01:48
scampbellCyrano_De: okay, unreserved address usually means that you have requested an ip address from that network that you cannot have.  So that's a clue for us.01:48
Cyrano_Descampbell: The reserved addresses place my machine in a more privledged firewall zone that allows me more access to our datacenter vlans.01:48
drexlubottu: go suck a bag of dicks01:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:48
econdudeawesomedrexl: have a heart man. Whats the deal?01:49
Jordan_U!ohmy | drexl01:49
ubottudrexl: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.01:49
scampbellCyrano_De: understood.  It sound like the server is receiving a request from you machine for a specific ip address and the server is not programmed to allow you to have that ip address.01:49
Cyrano_Descampbell: I do not have the dhclient requesting a specific IP.  I even clear the /var/lib/dhcp3 directory of all previous entries for each try.01:49
drexlecondudeawesome: oops01:49
sacarlsonmatu: try the command stat yourfilename.mp3  | pastebinit  and give us the url returned01:50
Aikari was trying to repair my windows install01:50
teb_Hi there, Anyone using WoW mouse v1 from steelseries?01:50
Aikarand it seems it messed up my grub01:50
Aikarim getting bootmgr is missing01:50
MadHaTTer_777can anyone help a annoyingly needey noob?01:50
drexlecondudeawesome: there are thousands with this error and the solution is so simple I just want to get it out there01:50
pyronywine rocks.01:50
scampbellCyrano_De: it can also mean that your server has -no- address pool configured that you are allowed to access.   If it's a restricted network I would certainly suspect that to be of issue.01:51
Cyrano_Descampbell: The reservation is set on the dhcp server and the client just asks for whatever address the server wants to give me.  Other wise I would need to reconfigure dhclient for work and then again for home.01:51
matuyou did not want to help me before, trying to ridiculise what i said sacarlson dont act like you want to help me now01:51
mickster04!details | matu01:51
ubottumatu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:51
Cyrano_Descampbell: kind of makes the whole dhcp thing pointless.01:51
mickster04matu: sorry wrong nick01:51
matuiwill shut it the computer down and call the police as soon as possible tomorrow01:51
mickster04!details | MadHaTTer_77701:51
ubottuMadHaTTer_777: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:51
bastidrazor!troll | matu01:51
MadHaTTer_777after running wvdial as root it conneccts and all but i get "check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf. dont know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best. (then it does this about 30 times) then says pipe failed: to many open files"01:51
bastidrazoroh no.. troll is gone :(01:51
sacarlsonmatu: well don't you want to tell the police who did it?01:52
scampbellCyrano_de:  No sir. If one configures a protected zone they may configure strictly by mac address reservation and have no pool whatsoever.  Very common practice.01:52
matui am serious bastidrazor01:52
jribmatu: man you took it too far...01:52
scampbellCyrano_De:  But the big clue is, your server at work is telling you you are not allowed.01:52
bastidrazormatu: i am too. you're overboard.01:52
=== me_ is now known as Guest30042
matui cant this computer is already cracked, the proof is the file was in the trashbin01:52
Logan_WPmatu: you're calling the police because somebody put a dubstep song in your trash?01:52
sacarlsonmatu: stat will return something like this http://pastebin.com/5w2hSiuy01:52
ZiberFrom within ubuntu, how can I partition the disk?01:53
scampbellmatu: Gosh!   You should get off the internet immediately and stop spreading that virus then!01:53
Cyrano_Descampbell: Yes, we do configure strictly by mac address (client-identifier in cisco speak) and we can see my mac address being given a different IP than the one configured in the pool every time.01:53
Logan_WP!feeding the troll | scampbell01:53
ubottuscampbell: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.01:53
sacarlsonmatu: yes but what the people who did it don't know is they left a trail telling you who did it01:53
scampbellCyrano_De: so not an ubuntu issue, this is a config issue with the dns server there.01:54
MadHaTTer_777anyone know chogh ubottu01:54
Cyrano_Descampbell: My server is not saying anything about not being allowed.01:54
mickster04Ziber: h ave you tried gparted?01:54
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap01:54
Ben64I upgraded to firefox-4.0.. does anyone know how to disable the CTRL+Q shortcut to close firefox? It's really easy to hit when going for CTRL+W.01:54
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php01:54
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code01:54
Cyrano_DeBen64: Is there anything in about:config?01:54
=== zz_q_a_z_steve is now known as q_a_z_steve_
drexl(process:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)01:55
ZiberFrom the command line, I want to be able to partition a new HD. how can I do that?01:55
Ben64Cyrano_De: nothing i can see for it01:55
mickster04!nick q_a_z_steve01:55
drexlremoving quiet splash from the grub.cfg file eliminated the error.01:55
mickster04!nick | q_a_z_steve01:55
ubottuq_a_z_steve: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.01:55
Ben64Cyrano_De: i used to use the addon "keyconfig" in other releases, doesn't work in 4.001:55
Senjai!troll | Senjai01:55
Ben64Ziber: parted01:55
mickster04!bot | Senjai01:56
ubottuSenjai: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:56
MadHaTTer_777ubottu do u know me?01:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:56
leaveboydon't change your nick too ofen01:56
ZiberBen64: ?01:56
drexlubottu: you're a retard01:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:56
scampbellCyrano_De: you told me your server returned 'no reservation' to you.  That is a denial.  Cisco has excellent reference material to help you configure their dhcp server.  #Cisco can help you too.01:56
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P01:56
Ben64Ziber: its a program called parted, works from command line, you need to run it as root01:56
Senjai!over9000 ? kline #ubunto : kill yourself01:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:57
ZiberBen64: oh, let me find it.01:57
mickster04Senjai: you have a prpoblem?01:57
Jordan_Udrexl: That is not apropriate, please follow the channel guidelines http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines.01:57
danubok, where was i before i got sidetracked with work?01:57
MadHaTTer_777wheres the guy who banned me esterday from opps?01:57
drexlJordan_U: sorry01:57
Senjaimickster04, Just checking ubottu's logic ;)01:58
mickster04Senjai: don't do it here01:58
Jordan_UMadHaTTer_777: If you'd like to talk to the channel ops please join #ubuntu-ops.01:58
Logan_WPMad7Scientst: Tm_T01:58
Cyrano_Descampbell: I told you it is not giving me the address that we configured as the reserved address for this mac address.01:58
danubahh yes, trying to do a upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 but it's not letting me. it says E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be01:58
danubcaused by held packages01:58
Logan_WPMadHaTTer_777: Tm_T01:58
Cyrano_DeI get an address, just not the reservation address.01:58
drexlubotoo is cool01:58
scampbellCyrano_De: yes and why do you think that is a Ubuntu issue?01:58
drexlI luv robots01:59
MadHaTTer_777no jord i dont i was just curious what his namme was i dont member01:59
Logan_WP!ot | drexl01:59
ubottudrexl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:59
Cyrano_Descampbell: I am the only ubuntu user and the only user not getting his reserved IP.01:59
drexlbut ubottu I have a serious issue01:59
scampbellCyrano_De: I use ubuntu under Cisco dhcp servers all the time.  It works, thus I belive yours is misconfigured.01:59
Logan_WP!playwithbot | drexl01:59
Logan_WP!bot abuse | drexl02:00
ubottudrexl: Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot02:00
scampbellCyrano_De: Turn on logging on the dhcp server and see 'why' it gives you that address would be  a suggestion.02:00
Logan_WPMadHaTTer_777: clear your mind02:00
sacarlsonCyrano_De: oh so your setup in dhcpd with a mac address?  maybe the mac is typo'ed?02:00
Logan_WPLogan_WP> !playwithbot | drexl02:01
Logan_WP<MadHaTTer_777> eeewww02:01
Cyrano_Descampbell: We have turned on dhcp tracing and I have run tcpdumps to no avail.02:01
Cyrano_Desacarlson: We coppied the mac address from the entry that the dhcp server did give out into the pool definition for the reservation.02:02
sacarlsonCyrano_De: the other posibility is you have two dhcpd running on two sysstems?02:02
scampbellCyrano_de:  I strongly suggest you ask cisco.  They can tell exactly why that server is giving that address.  If they tell you "your client did this" then great but I don't think that's the case guy.02:02
danubhow can i update/remove from updating, packages that have been held for one reason or another?02:02
MeXTuXI have an Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor P8700. Do I need a 64 bit Ubuntu disc??02:02
aronwhat is wineprefix create?02:02
=== aron is now known as Guest8470
sacarlsonCyrano_De: on other thing might be the address is already in use02:03
Cyrano_DeBen64: Looks like ou have to extract the XUL bindings from the comm.jar file, make your changes and re-encode the file.02:03
Cyrano_DeBen64: http://www.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html#keys02:03
sacarlsonCyrano_De: can you arping your reserved address?02:03
scampbellCyrano_De: there are lots of reasons you could be experiencing this but "Because I have linux" is really really really really low on that list.02:03
MadHaTTer_777can anyone help me?02:03
Guest8470what is wineprefix create?02:04
Ben64Cyrano_De: hmm.. i was looking for that file, but it doesn't appear to exist...02:04
Ziberusing lvcreate, how can I make a seperate partition?02:04
Cyrano_Desacarlson: We have varified multiple times that the IP is free.02:04
Ben64Cyrano_De: but thanks, i'll look harder02:04
drcMeXTuX: no...it's capable of using 64 bit but you don't NEED it, 32 bit will work02:04
danubi need to get this system to update. what do i need to do?02:04
sacarlsonCyrano_De: and with dhclient ethX  what does it say it got it's dhcp request from?02:04
mickster04!ask | MadHaTTer_77702:04
ubottuMadHaTTer_777: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:04
MadHaTTer_777after running wvdial as root it conneccts and all but i get "check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf. dont know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best. (then it does this about 30 times) then says pipe failed: to many open files"02:05
me47hey, is there a firewall automatically enabled after i installed a fresh ubuntu version or if i got it as a vps02:05
me47how can i check it, ufw isnt installed02:05
Ziberme47: iptables -L02:05
me47is there any other firewall package i coudl check,02:05
Logan_WP!firewall | me4702:05
ubottume47: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.02:05
matiuanyone have a good link for getting ubuntu installed on AHCI drives ?02:06
Guest8470what is wineprefix create?02:06
me47command not found, so no iptables means no firewall?02:06
matiuit seems the kernel doesn't support it or something02:06
blkdghello, i am using ubuntu 10.4. when i try to suspend it, it does. when i try to resume, the laptops monitor will not turn back on. is this a know issue with 10.4 ?02:06
Cyrano_Descampbell: When most of the other variables that are apparent have no issue it strongly points to an issue with this OS.  Dell, HP, IBM and ACER machines with Intel, Broadcomm, and Atheros nics running windows do not have a issue.02:06
scampbellmatiu: just set your bios to AHCI and go.02:06
MadHaTTer_777in ubuntu 10.1002:06
MadHaTTer_777after running wvdial as root it conneccts and all but i get "check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf. dont know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best. (then it does this about 30 times) then says pipe failed: to many open files"02:06
gp5st1I'm trying to install AIR on a headless server (with X fwding to install and using Xvfb for the app). I'm getting an error where the air installer says it can't connect to the gnome-keyring.  the keyring deamon is installed and I exported the variables it outputs. I'm really lost.  Adobe's docs aren't any help:( (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/840/cpsid_84062.html http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/492/cpsid_49267.html)02:06
Cyrano_Desacarlson: dhclient eth0 shows the address coming from the cisco switch, and the address shows up in the leases on the switch.02:07
MadHaTTer_777what do i need to do/add to the wvdial.conf to fix this?02:07
MadHaTTer_777after running wvdial as root it conneccts and all but i get "check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf. dont know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best. (then it does this about 30 times) then says pipe failed: to many open files"02:07
sacarlsonCyrano_De: oh and the ip being free I guess doesn't mean that a licence for that address has not yet expired,  you might look in /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases  oh cisco well in there lease file see if your address is not expired yet02:08
Cyrano_Descampbell: Wifi phones from Cisco and grandstream do not have an issue, Cisco 6xxx series phones all get reservations without issue as do several brands of printers.02:08
MadHaTTer_777anyone anyone?02:08
scampbellCyrano_De: But you have a cisco dhcp server, there is no reason in the world why an experienced cisco engineer  can't tell exactly why it doles out that address.  If you don't have one, your cisco support contract will let you ask their technition to tell you.  There is simply no reason to guess.02:08
Guest8470how do i get wineprefixcreate?02:09
=== q_a_z_steve_ is now known as zz_q_a_z_steve_
scampbellCyrano_De: but, if you wish to just stick with the idea that "Linux dhcp client is broken because I and only I have an issue" then I wish you good luck.02:09
pragmascripthey im new to ubuntu. i try to connect a usb wlan stick but with no success i dont even see a message that an usb device was found02:09
Cyrano_Desacarlson: I have cleared the /var/lib/dhcp3 directory multiple times while troubleshooting this issue.  We have cleared all leases for my MAC at the same time on the Cisco.02:09
sacarlsonCyrano_De: but now you see it comes from cisco so I guess it's a cisco problem02:09
SenjaiGuest8470, sudo apt-get install wine1.002:10
MadHaTTer_777last night someonne perma banned me frrom this server02:10
=== brendan_ is now known as Guest77590
MadHaTTer_777so im back02:10
pragmascriptwhere can i see what usb devices are connected to my ubuntu 10.1002:11
Guest8470how do i get wineprefixcreate?02:11
sacarlsonCyrano_De: you could also try change your mac address and setup cisco with the new mac02:11
Random83206:18 -!- mode/#ubuntu [+b02:11
Random832          *!*@74-124-112-213.dynamic.cdma.acsalaska.net$#ubuntu-ops] by ikonia02:11
Random83206:18 -!- MadHaTTer_666 [~MadHaTTer@74-124-112-213.dynamic.cdma.acsalaska.net] has left #ubuntu [requested by ikonia (please visit #ubuntu-ops if02:11
SenjaiGuest8470, I answered your question02:11
Random832          you wish to discuss your removal)]02:11
Random83206:33 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-b02:11
FloodBot3Random832: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:11
SenjaiGuest8470, sudo apt-get install wine1.002:11
Cyrano_DeMakes very little sense that the only variable different with the non-working client is Ubuntu, and to not pursue that line of troubleshooting to it's fullest.02:11
Random832          *!*@74-124-112-213.dynamic.cdma.acsalaska.net$#ubuntu-ops] by ikonia02:11
drcGuest8470:  Why do you need it?  according to wine-wiki "Wineprefixcreate is handled by running winecfg...There's no need to run wineprefixcreate any more, it's deprecated.02:12
Random832STUPID IRSSI that was supposed to only be three lines02:12
MadHaTTer_777yeah that one random02:12
Random832[anyway, he was unbanned like 15 minutes after being banned]02:12
Senjaidrc, I would assume that is why it was 1.002:12
pragmascriptshouldnt i get a desktop message when i connect an usb device?02:12
Random832not 'perma-banned' by any measure02:12
Senjaidrc, but I answered his question.02:12
Cyrano_DeSo far there have been no suggestions on dhclient options to try.  I will just continue working the google searches....02:12
drcSenjai: yes you did :)02:12
sacarlsonCyrano_De: do you know how to change mac address in ubuntu?02:13
MadHaTTer_777ohh sorry that was a dif chat02:13
Cyrano_Desacarlson: I do.  I will give it a try in the morning.02:13
MadHaTTer_777yeah this was a breif bann02:13
limaI messed with group memberships, now when I am booting I don't see the xfce logo anymore (xubuntu). how to revert to default logo?02:14
sacarlsonCyrano_De: they even have a gui for it now macchanger-gtk02:14
MadHaTTer_777the perma bann from the server was done by someone in the hak5 room02:14
MadHaTTer_777after running wvdial as root it conneccts and all but i get "check permissions, or specify a "PPPD Path" option in wvdial.conf. dont know what to do! Starting pppd and hoping for the best. (then it does this about 30 times) then says pipe failed: to many open files"02:14
matiuscampbell: yeah, so kernel supports ahci by default ? I'm  having it crash looking for root partition02:14
MadHaTTer_777so random?02:14
Cyrano_Desacarlson: I can change it and send it as the dhcp-client-identifier in dclient.conf as well.02:15
MadHaTTer_777y ever read the great book of amber random?02:15
=== Gwar_Pony is now known as Flutterguy
matiuscampbell: my other suspect is that sda flips back and forth to sdc .. which is annoying, but I tried root=/dev/sda3 and root=/dev/sdc3 and both give a kernel panic :(02:15
sacarlsonCyrano_De: I never played with that02:15
Random832MadHaTTer_777: my name's not from that - it's just random :P02:16
MadHaTTer_777hey matiu i know how to fix this02:16
sacarlsonCyrano_De: I would also use wireshark on your ubuntu side to monitor the packets attempted if posible02:17
MadHaTTer_777matiu u there?02:17
slieanyone have a 64bit box set up to compile Android?02:17
matiuplease tell me MadHaTTer_777 :)02:17
matiuplease don't say revert back to IDE mode :)02:17
scampbellmatiu: I'm on a ahci system right now.  Current linux supports AHCI.  Just to check , you did set the controller for AHCI in the bios yes?  And beware that many bios change the drive order then you switch to ahci, watch out for that.02:17
MadHaTTer_777your problem is in ur bios u need to switch the os2 setting to non-os202:17
MadHaTTer_777i had this on install myself and fixed it02:18
drcmatiu: maybe you can find an answer here?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159861902:18
sacarlsonslie: I thought android was for small 32bit stuf like portable02:18
matiuscampbell: yeah, that's what I'm finding, the drive order changing02:18
scampbellmatiu: one of my systems gave me much grieve be reordering the door02:18
scampbellmatiu: that's a bios setting.02:18
MadHaTTer_777matiu u get that?02:18
matiuscampbell: remember which one ?02:18
=== choke is now known as chebs
matiuMadHaTTer_777: I'll look for that setting, but I don't remember seeing anything like that ..02:19
scampbellmatiu: yeah, "Drive order" but your mileage may vary (damn bioses)02:19
MadHaTTer_777i just friggin told u02:19
MadHaTTer_777thats what it is though02:19
matiuThanks MadHaTTer_777 and scampbell .. I'll go through all the bios pages again :)02:19
MadHaTTer_777look for OS202:19
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sacarlsonCyrano_De: I'm not sure it's posible also I set my dhcpd license time to expire in a short time like 300 secounds,  not sure if that would help you02:20
MadHaTTer_777so who want to help me now?02:20
Aikarive corrupted my ability to boot grub with windows... i get disk boot failure. i was trying to get windows to boot to play games and it seems like its screwed over grub. any idea on how to fix?02:20
pragmascriptha! it works now!02:21
SenjaiMadHaTTer_777, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/unable-to-run-usr-sbin-pppd-check-permissions-[solved]-178149/02:21
slieif i had grub installed on a thumbdrive will anyone tell me how or point me in the direction of booting a kernal off of a different disk?02:21
psusislie, is this grub2 or grub legacy?02:22
sacarlsonAikar: just reinstall the grub2 mbr http://paste.ubuntu.com/562593/02:22
MadHaTTer_777thanx senjai02:23
SenjaiMadHaTTer_777, did it work?02:23
cryptodirain the add to panel window for 10.04 amd/64 there is NO 'gnome-volume-control applet' listed.... what is the method for adding that applet to the list ?02:24
sacarlsonslie:  you want to make a permanent grub2 entry on the thumbdrive or just a single time boot?02:25
bjhaidplease how do i share internet connection with ubuntu, i have a modem with internet connection on my lucid and i want to share it02:27
mdg2I have some old files from Family Tree Maker and am wondering how I can open them - they are on a floppy02:27
sliesacarlson: I would like to choose at boot time or any kernal i see or have access too02:27
gp5st1I'm trying to install AIR on a headless server (with X fwding to install and using Xvfb for the app). I'm getting an error where the air installer says it can't connect to the gnome-keyring.  the keyring deamon is installed and I exported the variables it outputs. I'm really lost.  Adobe's docs aren't any help:( (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/840/cpsid_84062.html http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/492/cpsid_49267.html)02:27
Jordan_Ubjhaid: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/ (works with Ubuntu as well).02:27
mdg2what would I need to view floppy disks containing windows family tree maker files02:28
MadHaTTer_777arabian nights02:28
bjhaidJordan_U: thanks02:28
abstraktmdg2: probably windows... and "family tree maker", I would wager02:28
sliepsusi: probably end up going with grub202:28
Jordan_Ubjhaid: You're welcome.02:28
mdg2abstrakt: lol - I meant via linux ICK windows02:28
cryptodirain the add to panel window for 10.04 amd/64 there is NO 'gnome-volume-control applet' listed.... what is the method for adding that applet to the list ?02:29
bjhaidI would also like to know how to pull flv videos from the internet02:29
Senjaibjhaid, you can get youtube-dl off the repository02:29
MadHaTTer_777hey senjai u there?02:29
SenjaiNot sure about the other sites02:29
SenjaiMadHaTTer_777, yo02:30
MadHaTTer_777on that link u gave me02:30
mdg2I was wanting to rescue the info from the floppies - probably made with windows 95 lol02:30
bjhaidsenjai: thanks02:30
Senjaibjhaid :)02:30
abstraktmdg2: well unless you have a program that can read that file format you probably won't be able to get much out of your endeavors02:30
psusislie, then get to the console and do set root=(hd0,1) to select the first partition on the first hard disk, then load a kernel with linux /path/to/kernel [arguments] and the initrd with initrd /path/to/initrd, then enter the boot command to launch it02:31
MadHaTTer_777i forgot to mentoin im a ubuntu noob i cant read it for sht what is it telling me i need to do a chmod 777 to?02:31
abstraktmdg2: otherwise, ubuntu mounts discs automatically afaik, and it reads FAT32 and NTFS just fine02:31
abstraktmdg2: have you even put the floppy in your computer yet?02:31
Senjaichmod +x02:31
SenjaiI think02:31
Jordan_Umdg2: Plug the floppy in, if it doesn't show up in nautilus (the GUI file manager) then open a terminal and run "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/".02:31
mdg2abstrakt:yes.  It tells me there is no disk :(02:31
Senjaiits only missing that attribute, so.02:31
MadHaTTer_777to what?02:31
=== Flutterguy is now known as Gwar_Trolle
Senjaijust chmod +x file02:31
psusislie, you can use tab to complete the path, or ls to see what files are there... it should be /boot/vmlinuz-x-y-z-foo and /boot/initrd.img-x-y-z-foo02:32
SenjaiI don't know the numeric crap, I come from windows, I just do the flags02:32
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:32
bjhaidsenjai: with youtube-dl installed how do i use it?02:32
MadHaTTer_777yeah thats what i mean which file02:32
Senjaibjhaid, man youtube-dl02:32
MadHaTTer_777yeah im a windows server admin02:32
Senjaiuhh one sec02:32
bjhaidsenjai: thanks once more02:32
mdg2I'm guessing its an MSDOS file type I need to be able to read - can ubuntu do that?02:33
MonkeyDustwhat's the rsync command line to recover a rsync backup?02:33
Senjaithat whole directory02:33
psusislie, the kernel arguments needs to at least include root=/dev/sda1, again, for the first partition of the first disk02:33
MadHaTTer_777msdos or dos02:33
Senjaibjhaid, no problem :)02:33
sliepsusi: okay so this is all from a bare bones thumb drive with a bootloader on it? and then all i need to do is tell grub what disk and partition the path and then i should be set02:33
landingonwateris it safe to update the grub when running dualboot ?02:34
psusislie, yea02:34
Jordan_Ulandingonwater: Yes.02:34
KGBWolfI installed ubuntu with encrypted disk. Now i want to remove this how can i get this done?02:34
landingonwaterthanks :)02:34
Jordan_Ulandingonwater: You're welcome.02:34
KGBWolfi encrypted entire drive02:34
MadHaTTer_777it says opperAtion not permitted02:34
Senjaichmod it has root02:34
sliepsusi: Sweet, yeah i know what is going on i just need technique :)P haha02:34
Aikarwhen installing ubuntu side by side with windows, does it overwrite windows MBR or does it write it to same hdd as ubuntu? I installed ubuntu to a diff hdd than windows, now my grubs corrupted and trying to figure out is grub still alive or did windows just wipe it out02:34
Senjaisudo chmod02:34
kevdogKGBWolf: Dont think that can be done without a format02:34
MonkeyDustwhat's the rsync command line to recover a rsync backup?02:34
Senjai!chmod | Senjai02:35
ubottuSenjai, please see my private message02:35
kevdoglet me google that for you02:35
Senjaix or 102:35
KGBWolfreally theres no orther way?02:35
MadHaTTer_777ohh i just did sudo -i02:35
SenjaiSo i would assume, MadHaTTer_777 ,that the command on ubuntu is sudo chmod +x /usr/sbin/pppd02:36
MadHaTTer_777it worked though02:36
Senjaigood :)02:36
mdg2Disk Utility shows /dev/fd0 no media detected when I put a floppy in02:36
matiuMadHaTTer_777: nothing about OS/2 .. I think my motherboard's too new :(02:36
MadHaTTer_777testing it now02:36
matiuand only drive order thing was 'drive boot order' which I've set to the natural progression ..02:37
MadHaTTer_777to see if it fixed it02:37
matiuso running an install now02:37
JeffCBRHello, everyone. :D02:37
aaronrhey everyone, seeing some strange errors trying to debootstrap to a share mounted over nfs ( http://pastie.org/1573072 ) Is debootstrapping possible over nfs? Or have I missed something in my NFS setup?02:38
SenjaiHey JeffCBR02:38
JeffCBRHey, Senjai. I'02:39
* Senjai waves at timewriter02:39
timewriterdo i need a special kernel in order to use virtualization software ?02:39
JeffCBRI'm trying to get Ubuntu 10.10 installed and it seems to be hanging on "Ready when you are..."02:39
Senjai!virtual machine02:40
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications02:40
Senjai!virtual machine | timewriter02:40
ubottutimewriter: please see above02:40
timewriterim lagging ubotu02:40
timewriterthanks guys02:40
* Senjai waves at krishna02:40
Jordan_Utimewriter: Only if you specifically want to use Xen. KVM, Virtualbox, and VMware don't require special kernels.02:40
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:40
timewriterJordan_U, thank you02:40
Jordan_Utimewriter: You're welcome.02:41
=== pyrony is now known as twitter
MonkeyDustwhat's the rsync command line to recover a rsync backup?02:41
=== twitter is now known as pyrony
Senjai!rsync | MonkeyDust02:41
ubottuMonkeyDust: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync02:41
MadHaTTer_777no that parts fixed but now its doing that hanging sht after the dns addresses again02:41
matiuSo if my /boot is on /dev/sdc1 .. should I install grub on /dev/sda ? or on /dev/sdc ?02:41
SenjaiMadHaTTer_777, ew..02:42
Jordan_Umatiu: You can install grub to both, that way you don't need to worry about which drive is first in the BIOS boot order.02:42
MadHaTTer_777dmesg and check it matiu02:42
MadHaTTer_777eww indeed02:42
tripelbI "found" a file on a disk, found it in Nautilus. How do I find out the path of that file, ie where is it?  ----here we go. something that "seems" simple that I cannot do.02:43
timewritermatiu, i install it on my first hdd . its more comfortable02:43
matiuThanks guys .. will put it on /dev/sda02:43
timewriterbut you can always choose your boot device , at boot02:43
SenjaiMadHaTTer_777, I have no idea from there .. lol.. I will NEVER have to use wvdial02:43
Jordan_USenjai: Please stop playing with the bot here. You can PM the bot or join #ubuntu-bots to mess around.02:43
mdg2when I try to mount the floppy manually I get "/dev/fd0 is not a valid block device" what does this mean?02:43
MadHaTTer_777lol u suck02:43
Ben64Aikar: hi02:43
matiuMadHaTTer_777: I'm in the graphical installer, I don't see a way to get to dmesg :(02:43
matiuah nvm02:43
matiuhaha, I put alt+ctrl+f2 and I thought nothing happened ..02:44
matiubut it came up on my other monitor02:44
rwwJeffCBR: assuming you're stuck on the account screen, make your username all lower-case02:44
timewriterctrl + alt + shoft + F102:44
Jordan_Umdg2: Does a /dev/fd0 appear if you "sudo modprobe floppy"?02:44
MadHaTTer_777dmesg is a term command02:44
JeffCBRrww, seems to have done the trick. :D Thanks!02:44
mdg2Jordan_U: ? let me see what happens with that02:44
JeffCBR<- noob02:44
tripelbI "found" a file on a disk, found it in Nautilus. How do I find out the path of that file, ie where is it?  ----here we go. something that "seems" simple that I cannot do.02:45
matiuMadHaTTer_777: so what am I looking for in dmesg output ? sda is the first disk mentione din there ..02:45
arrrghhhTP2Heeey all anyone use projectM or any visualizations?02:45
MadHaTTer_777look under the cat ur trying to muont02:45
mdg2Jordan_U: ? hmmmm...02:45
timewriterthere is a problem with certain broadcom network controllers , on 10.04 .02:45
arrrghhhTP2Rhythymbox said it supports them, but they don't seem to work too well...02:45
KGBWolfcan i boot without it asking for the encryption password?02:45
Jordan_Utripelb: Right click > Properties.02:45
timewriterthe drivers must be manually installed02:46
kevdogtimewriter: so?02:46
timewriterkevdog, i guess there is an error on the .iso02:46
timewritersomeone might care02:46
mdg2Jordan_U: where do I look/what can I do?02:47
kevdogshoot:  I see that being hammered in the forums02:47
Jordan_Umdg2: Did a /dev/fd0 appear?02:47
mdg2Jordan_U: you lost me.02:48
econdudeawesomeDoes anyone have CUDA? Does the latest driver in the repos for nvidia (nvidia-current) support it? Must I install the SDK on top of the driver and CUDA?02:48
mdg2Jordan_U: where am I looking02:48
MadHaTTer_777r u telling him a gkk comand jordan?02:48
Jordan_Umdg2: Try running "sudo modprobe floppy && sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/".02:48
tripelbJordan_U, sounds simple. I've been getting lost in trying to understand find command as in the undefined, yes I looked it up on google, "symbolic link".  Is that the filename? the icon?02:48
Ben64econdudeawesome: what are you trying to do with cuda?02:48
timewriterecondudeawesome, i guess that the latest nvidia drivers have CUDA support02:48
=== Guest52776 is now known as richardr
timewriterbut im not 100 % sure02:48
sacarlsonKGBWolf: I could be wrong but doesn't the standard install just encrypt the /home/user dirs?02:49
timewriterwhy do you need cuda , by the way ?02:49
mdg2say /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device - I don't know what that means02:49
tripelbJordan_U, sounds simple. I've been getting lost in trying to understand find command as in the undefined, yes I looked it up on google, "symbolic link".  Is that the filename? the icon?  -- I am interested in "find" to find a file not a charstring02:49
econdudeawesomeBen64: I'm trying to use it! :-) Using PyCUDA wrapper to interface with it. I keep getting an error that nvcc cannot be found. I suspect perhaps I don't have the SDK installed?02:49
KGBWolfsacarlson yes i choose to encrypt everything02:49
Ben64econdudeawesome: use = write program for it?02:49
MadHaTTer_777it means fd0 isnt in /dev02:50
sacarlsonKGBWolf: can I see the output of mount and fdisk -l ?02:50
econdudeawesomeBen64: Absolutely. I'm writing scientific programming and I want to incorporate it into the toolkit02:50
Ben64econdudeawesome: then yeah, you need the special drivers from nvidia02:51
econdudeawesomeBen64: I attempted to do the "Hello World" program using PyCUDA and it's giving me a CUDA error. Not sure how to check it02:51
econdudeawesomeBen64: So the latest driver in the repos do not support it?02:51
Jordan_Umdg2: My last floppy drive died last year. Sorry I can't help you more.02:51
Ben64they support cuda applications, but not your own02:51
mdg2Jordan_U: okay, thanks for getting me this far :)02:51
SenjaiCan't remember the last time i had a floppy.02:51
=== tcidave2 is now known as tcidave
Jordan_Umdg2: You're welcome.02:51
timewriteri have 2 floppy units02:52
pyronywhy is charlie noticng me02:52
pyronythat's nnoying02:52
timewriterhe noticed everyone02:52
Senjaihe noticed the channel02:52
MadHaTTer_777what pyro?02:53
gnewbecondudeawesome: Maybe here>http://wiki.debian.org/Firmware02:53
pyronyare we all allowed to do that?02:53
Senjaino, he  got banned for it02:53
rwwpyrony: no, hence them getting... sigh.02:53
timewriterwhy debian 6 is on 9 DVDs ?02:53
rwwtimewriter: ask #debian ;P02:53
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econdudeawesomegnewb: whats this?02:54
JeffCBRMaybe notice #debian why debian 6 is on 9 dvds?02:54
gnewbecondudeawesome: And here> http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog02:54
MadHaTTer_777but ubuntu is polished debian02:54
timewriterthis reminds me of the time i went to electricity headquarters to ask them something02:54
timewriterand they said : we have a problem with the electricity02:54
gnewbecondudeawesome: Those are drivers and firmware that are known to work.02:54
rwwpyrony: You're unbanned. Don't do that again ;P02:54
willystyleehello again all, i bought a KVM switch and i'm trying to use it to have it connected to my main PC (win7) and my new machine i just installed ubuntu on. I hooked it up properly, and tried using it. It worked when switching from the win7 machine to the ubuntu one, but after the (1st and only) successful switch, ubuntu just didn't seem to recognize my mouse or keyboard. Can anyone help?02:54
willystyleeWin7 x6402:54
willystyleeUbuntu 10.1002:54
FloodBot3willystylee: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:54
timewriterand i started going berserker02:55
=== pyrony is now known as how
MadHaTTer_777free willy02:55
timewriteryou are the electricity ffs02:55
Senjaiwow, floodbot is harsh02:55
MadHaTTer_777i just did02:55
tripelb(shakes head) I want to use terminal, find command, find all files in all directories that end in .avi  --- find -r *.avi  <--- I made that up. I cannot understand the man page02:55
=== how is now known as do_
=== do_ is now known as i_get_
=== i_get_ is now known as unbanned
rwwi_get_: stop that02:55
rww... I just unbanned you. lawd.02:55
=== tripelb is now known as tripelbaby
=== unbanned is now known as pyrony
tripelbaby(shakes head) I want to use terminal, find command, find all files in all directories that end in .avi  --- find -r *.avi  <--- I made that up. I cannot understand the man page02:56
timewriteri really like 10.0402:56
MadHaTTer_777wow rww's in a good mood02:56
rwwtripelbaby: 1) "find . -name *.avi" will find all files named *.avi in the current directory or subdirectories. 2) don't repeat that quickly ;P02:56
pnormanstrictly speaking, the bots should be doing their replies as notices to the channel, not messages02:56
shcherbaktripelb: find . -name *.avi02:56
timewriteri played super mario kart all day02:56
lithpranyone else having problems with xchat 2.8.8 on Maverick Meerkat?  The Server configuration panel is suddenly extremely wonky on my machine.02:56
willystyleeCan anyone help me?02:56
Senjaiwhats upw illy02:56
econdudeawesomegnewb: fair enough02:56
inaetyDo you need to be on the same local internet to access another computer through ssh?02:57
willystylee i bought a KVM switch and i'm trying to use it to have it connected to my main PC (win7) and my new machine i just installed ubuntu on. I hooked it up properly, and tried using it. It worked when switching from the win7 machine to the ubuntu one, but after the (1st and only) successful switch, ubuntu just didn't seem to recognize my mouse or keyboard.02:57
Senjaiout of my league, willystylee , would help if I could02:57
Senjaiinaety, no02:57
willystyleedang. :(02:57
timewriterinaety, the router might block ssh port02:57
Senjaiinaety, it is important to have it enabled on the target computer02:57
Senjai!ssh | inaety02:57
ubottuinaety: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:57
willystyleewhy can't stuff just work. :(02:57
econdudeawesomeHow does one add something to .bashrc? Suppose I have a trusted program that I must be privleged to run, in this case "/usr/local/cuda/bin" is the path and "./nvcc" is the program to run. How do I add this so that if I type "sudo nvcc" it knows where to look?02:57
Senjaiit isnt enabled by default02:57
MadHaTTer_777so u got the mini dins on ur octo cable hooked right?02:58
JeffCBRwilly, this isn't Mac OS, bro. :D02:58
inaetySenjai: I'm trying to do this over my university's network so I don't have access to the router or anything02:58
tripelbabytww someone told me to look at properties but the string is too long so it ends in ...  I need to find the path of the file that Find in Nautilus found.. The reason I am going to terminal is that find in gui fails to tell me that path. How can that be? And there is no "open in folder"02:58
Senjaiinaety, is the computer on the network?02:58
willystyleei hate how i give someone my money for something, but still it doesnt work.02:58
timewriteris there any software similar to CCleaner , for ubuntu ?02:58
inaetySenjai: It is connected to it, yes02:58
mickster04!tab | MadHaTTer_77702:58
ubottuMadHaTTer_777: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.02:58
Senjaiinaety, more specifically, you have to know that the computer your accessing has the ssh server running02:59
MadHaTTer_777on ur linux comp r your mini dins on the octo cable switched willy?02:59
Senjaiinaety, the router isn't usually a problem for uni networks02:59
rwwtripelbaby: as a KDE user, I'm not the best person to ask about Nautilus ;)02:59
timewriteri wonder if i can trust the computer janitor02:59
JeffCBRDoes Ubuntu include KDE?02:59
timewriterJeffCBR, Kubuntu02:59
inaetySenjai: I just installed openssh, made a key, and added that that key to the client02:59
willystyleeMadHaTTer_777: sorry, Mini dins? Octo cable? everything is connected the correct way03:00
inaetySenjai: the daemon should have started03:00
Senjaiinaety, I don't even remember having to make a key03:00
matiuJeffCBR: you can install kde on ubunutu normal though03:00
Senjaiyou have to start it manually03:00
matiuJeffCBR: you just end up with both .. gnome is default03:00
timewriteryou can install E17 too :)03:00
tripelbabyrww, It looks like I have to "be in" or indicate the directory of the disk I am searching in. BUT I have two disks both called the same. I dont know how to alter that. I dont know how to do a directory of "Computer" in terminal.03:00
Spaztic_OneJeffCBR: Kubuntu does, but if you install Ubuntu or any other variant, you can install it.03:00
MadHaTTer_777yes but is it connected with the right colors03:00
econdudeawesomeJeffCBR: it does not, but Kubuntu does. Or you can install it via apt-get (sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for KDE+goodies)03:00
tripelbabyrww sorry03:00
inaetySenjai:  then how would I have the client find the server? find the IP?03:00
econdudeawesomeJeffCBR: those goodies are many. Perhaps one can also just install kdm and kde?03:01
JeffCBRI'm actually not planning on using much of the Desktop environment. I want to run this without a monitor and just access the terminal remotely.03:01
inckiei have a HP dc5750 with an internal speaker, i can only get audio playback on the internal speaker, the rear or front jacks don't work03:01
MadHaTTer_777for the mini dins its green and pink i belive03:01
Brewer-How do I log in as the root user?03:01
Senjaithe command on hte client, inaety, is ssh -l username ip03:01
tripelbabyI was told to do find . -name *.avi  to find .avi files... I cant find the path after I find the files in Nautilus.  This is terrible. Please help., It looks like I have to "be in" or indicate the directory of the disk I am searching in. BUT I have two disks both called the same. I dont know how to alter that. I dont know how to do a directory of "Computer" in terminal.03:01
rww!root | Brewer-03:01
ubottuBrewer-: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:01
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Senjaiinaety, where the username is a username on the machine your accessing03:02
JeffCBRI'm impressed how far Linux has come as far as "just working".03:02
timewriteryou can set up the root password03:02
ubottuWe do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.03:02
JeffCBR10 years ago, it took us weeks just to get the ethernet card working.03:02
tripelbabytimewriter, there is no Root03:02
JeffCBRNot, I boot from a disk, and it has sound, video, network already going. :D03:02
timewritertripelbaby, i can sudo -i then passwd03:02
rwwJeffCBR: I thought the same thing today. I put a live CD in a random laptop someone was having problems with, and it worked fine without any configuration.03:02
Brewer-rww, I need to edit a file that only the user "root" can edit. Its the php.ini file for XAMPP03:02
timewriterand i have a root password03:02
inaetySenjai: the name of my server is inaety-ubuntu and my username is inaety.  So would it be ssh -l inaety@inaety-ubuntu IP?03:02
tripelbabyJeffCBR, and 10 years ago no one was using it or few03:02
timewriterwhich i can use with su03:02
rwwBrewer-: then do "sudo nano /whatever/path/to/php.ini"03:03
Brewer-Thank you03:03
Senjaiinaety, use the local IP, not the computer nam03:03
JeffCBRI used Mandrake, Corel, and Red Hat. Are they all gone, now?03:03
timewriterbtw , i can login as root via terminal03:03
Senjaiinaety, try that03:03
ghost__How i install flash for firefox? some how i'm unable to download03:03
inaetySenjai: the local IP according to ifconfig?03:03
tripelbabyI cant find the path of a file I have found. Please help this baby03:03
MadHaTTer_77720 years ago i was 6 and it took me 5 mins to get a ether card with a bsod working jeff03:03
rwwtimewriter: We're aware that it's possible to set a root password. It is not, however, supported in this channel.03:03
timewriterok rww03:03
JeffCBRMadHaTTer_777, you are one of the special ones. :D03:03
timewriteris there a security issue ?03:03
=== PicCard_Away is now known as PicCard
rwwtimewriter: see the RootSudo link ubottu gave earlier, it goes into details03:04
MadHaTTer_777yeah i built that windows 3.1 machine from parts from the dump03:04
timewriteri cant open any link with my fantastic connection03:04
SenjaiMake sure you use the ethernet one, if your wired in03:04
Senjaior the wireless, if your connected wirelessly03:04
timewriter<--- HDSPA03:04
JeffCBROh, Windows?03:04
Senjaiyou should get something like 192.168.x.x03:04
Senjaiinaety, depending on your setup03:05
rww!who | General note03:05
ubottuGeneral note: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:05
willystyleeMadHaTTer_777: yes, it definately all hooked up correct03:05
shcherbaktripelbaby: What do you mean: I cannot find path...?03:05
inaetySenjai: I don't see how that would  work if, say, I was on a remote connection though03:05
Senjaiinaety, externally?03:05
MadHaTTer_777did u try set serial?03:05
tyler_dhaving a problem configuring davmail, I have all the setup etc correct for this, however within evolution I receive the error, "Connection to refused" I have also tried with localhost, I have verified that both exist within /etc/hosts , what am I missing please?03:05
inaetySenjai: yeah, like not at my universit03:05
Senjaiinaety, first, lets check if your ssh is actually running, go onto your server, and ssh into itself: ssh localhost03:05
JeffCBRMadHaTTer_777, 20 years ago you had an ethernet card?03:06
timewriter2 mins to download a wallpaper03:06
inaetySenjai: ah man, I'm at work right now so I can't03:06
ghost__How i install flash for firefox? some how i'm unable to download03:06
willystyleeMadHaTTer_777: 1.whats set serial 2.what are the dins?03:06
inaetySenjai: I'll see if I can get on locally03:06
JeffCBRMan, you were ahead of the curve? I hadlike 28.8 modem...03:06
inaetywhen Im back03:06
xanguaghost__:  sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer03:06
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Senjaiinaety, ok, thats step one, then you have to note that your uni may not forward port 22 to your computer03:06
inaetySenjai: which would mean I'm screwed?03:07
ghost__let me see03:07
=== PicCard is now known as PicCard_Away
JeffCBRI remember for amazingly fast 56.6k modems seemed when we first got them.03:07
Senjaiinaety, It depends on their setup, sometimes their routers just block it03:07
timewriter2.55 kb/sec03:07
MadHaTTer_777mini dins r little round plugs with about 6 pins and a rectangle key in them03:07
Senjaiinaety, you can go on your server, go to whatismyip.com, use that ip and try ssh'ing into that03:07
Senjaiinaety, it would be wise to first make sure ssh is actually running though :P03:08
Senjaiinaety, ssh localhost, as aforementioned03:08
inaetySenjai: Yeah, haha.  Okay man I appreciate the help I'll try it out when I get back03:08
econdudeawesomehey all--how does one add a path for bash? I need to get a program working that I typically have to cd to and then type "./<program>".03:08
Senjaiinaety, No worries :)03:08
Senjaiecondudeawesome, go to your home folder03:08
Senjaiecondudeawesome, type gedit .bashrc03:08
MadHaTTer_777set is a terminal command03:09
Senjaiecondudeawesome, add: PATH=$PATH:extra/path/here03:09
shcherbakecondudeawesome: in .bashrc - add PATH=$PATH:/new/path03:09
willystyleeMadHaTTer_777:i dont think this  unit has 'mini dins'03:09
SenjaiMadHaTTer_777, Econdudeawesome, set is only temporary03:09
tripelbabyshcherbak, wow are you dutch or what (lots of consonants in a row) I mean: in gui I do control-F and search on .avi -- then I want to know what directory it is in. Properties cuts off the string. --- So I want the path, you know the charstring that tells where it is inthe filestructure.03:10
Senjaiecondudeawesome, You can seperate extra paths with :, just make sure $PATH is there so you don't lose the default paths03:10
* tripelbaby explodes03:10
SchizoidIf I install a gtk theme with the ubuntu theme installer, where exactly are the theme files put?03:10
MadHaTTer_777what plugs does it use for your kbd and mouse usb?03:10
timewriterSchizoid, in your home directory03:10
Schizoidtimewriter: yeah, but under what hidden dir?03:11
econdudeawesomeshcherbak: Senjai: this won't overwrite the paths already there?03:11
timewriterand so03:11
willystyleeMadHaTTer_777: it uses usb for keyboard & mouse03:11
Senjaiecondudeawesome, $PATH contains all the default Paths, so if you include it, it wont03:11
Senjaiecondudeawesome, if you don't it will overwrite them. PATH=$PATH:path/path:other/path03:11
Senjaiecondudeawesome, same as saying New = Old + this + that03:12
MadHaTTer_777brb i need a smoke break03:12
econdudeawesomeSenjai: I see. If I don't have any path variables, then adding PATH=$PATH:extra/path/here is fine?03:12
Random832econdudeawesome: it's very unlikely that you don't already have one03:13
Senjaiecondudeawesome, you already have $PATH variables, type $PATH in terminal to see the default ones, this addition just adds paths to the original ones03:13
willystyleeanyone else think they could help me with my problem?03:13
Random832it is set on startup to "/bin:/usr/bin" and your login script probably already adds more to that03:13
econdudeawesomedone :-)03:13
econdudeawesomethanks guys!03:13
Senjaiecondudeawesome, welcome :)03:13
econdudeawesome(and gals, as the case may be!)03:13
porjoI'd like to setup sudo so that my username isn't prompted for a password on certain commands - but is prompted for anything else03:13
shcherbaktripelbaby: got it!!!!03:14
shcherbaktripelbaby: press ctrl-203:14
Senjaishcherbak, that sounds.. too easy for linux..03:14
porjowhat do I put in sudoers?03:14
Senjaiprojo, no idea -__-03:15
shcherbaklumntripelbaby: in preferencies and in tab "List coliumn" Location, it will show path in last cou03:15
pyronycan i follow any of u on twitter?03:15
shcherbakSenjai: I agree, Nautilus sucks03:16
Logan_WP!ot | pyrony03:16
ubottupyrony: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:16
shcherbakpyrony: Sure, do you donate?03:16
JeffCBRAny 3D UIs for Linux?03:16
pyronysorry lagan03:16
Random832porjo: "username ALL (ALL) NOPASSWD: [your list of commands]"03:16
MadHaTTer_777i need support :(03:16
SenjaiQue pasa MadHaTTer_777 ?03:17
timewriterthis seagate hdd is driving me crazy03:17
timewriterim gonna send it to garbage03:17
Senjaitimewriter, ill have it :)03:17
mdg2I get this message "block device /dev/fd0 is write-protected, mounting read-only" how can I read and write?03:17
timewriteryou wont blame me for destroying your nerves03:17
kan3does netbook not support ATI03:17
timewriterit makes squeejy noises03:17
MadHaTTer_777msg just chmod 777 it03:18
timewriterat the same interval03:18
porjoRandom832: thanks, that's what I've got currently , however I'm now restricted to those commands only03:18
peaveymanis there a way to have numlock on at startup03:19
pyronypea: if u push the butn..03:19
maco2mdg2: fd0 means floppy disk. move the little slider on the floppy from the locked position03:19
Senjaipeaveyman, create a program that enables it, and run it at startup?03:19
JeffCBRPeavey, your BIOS might have a setting to control that.03:19
MadHaTTer_777geeze ive only been using linux a week am i still a nood when im solving other ppls probs?03:19
mdg2maco2: really?  that's what that means?03:19
Random832porjo: are you not in the admin group?03:19
DaGeek247peaveyman it should be in the bis settings03:19
mdg2maco2: I did and it still tells me that03:20
JeffCBRUbuntu include an irc client?03:20
porjoRandom832: sorry, I misread your comment. Let me try that again...03:20
MadHaTTer_777msg2 yes fd0= floopy disk device 0 in the /dev03:20
* JeffCBR felt a little dirty downloading mIRC...03:21
timewriterim gonna copy what i need of it , and dispose it03:21
mdg2MadHaTTer_777: any idea where I change from read only to read/write - users and groups?03:21
Random832JeffCBR: you can install xchat irssi or any other irc client03:21
shcherbakJeffCBR: irssi, xchat, others03:21
pyronyj #haskell03:21
MadHaTTer_777cd /dev then rclick and goto the permissions tab03:21
pyronyoops sry03:21
jon_athonrecommendations for video editing software?03:21
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:21
porjoJeffCBR: I use firefox's chatzilla plugin - it's basic, but does the job03:21
Senjai!chmod | mdg203:21
ubottumdg2: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:21
DaGeek247jon_athon whakind? creation, editing?03:21
JeffCBRshcherbak: Any of those CLI?03:22
gsp2009jon_athon: openshot is pretty good03:22
porjoRandom832: thanks, that works03:22
jon_athonDaGeek247, just gotta splice a couple .vob files together03:22
jon_athonand convert to wmv03:22
MadHaTTer_777yeah or do it in terminal like senji said03:22
teb_kdenlive and openshot is good software for video edit03:22
shcherbakJeffCBR: irssi, and weechat03:22
Random832JeffCBR: most peopel misuse the term "CLI", but irssi runs in a terminal03:22
SenjaiTerminal > IDE, eventually :)03:22
JeffCBRCool. :D03:22
Senjaidid i JUST say IDE? I meant GUI..03:22
JeffCBRRandom832: Meaning if I don't load Gnome, I can't run it?03:23
DaGeek247jon_athon pitivi. its a lot like windows movie maker it should do the job.03:23
SenjaiIt's useful to learn, so..03:23
MadHaTTer_777kinda a big dif there ahh senji03:23
jon_athonDaGeek247, thanks03:23
SenjaiThinking one thing, typed another :/03:23
Random832JeffCBR: no, that doesn't mean that, why would you think that means that03:23
shcherbakJeffCBR: irssi have awesome documentation, and script pack is in repos.03:23
Random832it's just a pet peeve of mine - i consider 'CLI' to exclude full screen text mode programs like irssi, vim, and so on03:24
=== Nisstyre is now known as Nisstyre65
Random832it's not a _command_ _line_ interface03:24
=== Nisstyre65 is now known as Nisstyre
Random832ed is CLI, vi is not03:24
timewriterhow do i remove something from /etc/fstab ?03:24
timewriterjust edit it ?03:24
MadHaTTer_777i like notepad myself03:24
Senjaitimewriter, rm03:24
timewriterthabk you03:24
Random832Senjai: what03:25
=== pyrony is now known as pyrony_
JeffCBRI might be confusing my terminology here, but I thought a terminal was something that accessed a CLI from a graphical environment, as opposed to simply having only the command line as your interface.03:25
timewriteri need to remove this Baracuda03:25
Random832timewriter: just edit it03:25
=== pyrony_ is now known as pyrony
timewriterthank you Random83203:25
FloodBot3Senjai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
MadHaTTer_777floodbot shut up03:25
FluttershyI'd switch back to irssi in a heartbeat if there was a good notification menu script...03:25
JeffCBRRandom832: Perhaps my question should have been do those run in the CLI?03:26
FluttershyWeeChat has one, but it's tedious03:26
Random832JeffCBR: technically a terminal also applies to the linux virtual consoles  [alt-f1 etc] and to physical devices, but otherwise... CLI is often misused, it's not like it's _your_ misconception03:26
Random832but yes irssi runs in text mode03:26
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
timewriteraway for a smoke until the star wars box set is copying03:26
PrinlerHey guys03:26
timewriteri like bluray Yoda03:26
Senjai!ot timewriter03:26
=== QuBit is now known as Guest32004
Senjai!ot | timewriter03:26
ubottutimewriter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:26
=== Guest32004 is now known as QuB1t
timewriterim there too03:27
MadHaTTer_777!kill @FloodBot03:27
JeffCBRSorry, Random832, I think I'm missing your point. On the upside, 10.10 just finished unstalling on a machine I thought was looooong dead.03:27
JoeMofknDot2has anyone put ubuntu 10.10 on a thinkpad t51003:27
PrinlerIf i put a blue ray dvd drive in my linux pc... would it work under like xbmc?03:27
DaGeek247!kill > FloodBot303:28
ubottuFloodBot3, please see my private message03:28
MadHaTTer_777!kill @FloodBot303:28
matiuso it turns out grub doens't like to be installed on partitionless drives03:28
matiuI hope my giant drive wide lvm group is still there :o03:28
DaGeek247!kll > DaGeek24703:28
MadHaTTer_777!kill FloodBot303:28
timewriterfile transfer speed is better than on windows 7 64bit03:29
timewriteron my machine03:29
churlandprivate message03:29
MadHaTTer_777!kill ubottu03:29
shcherbakJeffCBR: I bet Random832 belives everything beyond 8 bit is distraction03:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:29
shcherbakMadHaTTer_777: please.03:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!03:29
Logan_WPcome on03:29
timewriterim talking about Ubuntu , Senjai03:29
DaGeek247this is getting spammy03:30
Logan_WPsomebody kick him03:30
Senjaitimewriter, wasnt talking about you :)03:30
Random832shcherbak: i didn't say there was anything WRONG with fullscreen or even gui programs03:30
timewriterok :)03:30
Random832just it's not called CLI03:30
Logan_WPthanks mneptok03:30
shcherbakRandom832: I am just picky.03:30
* mneptok bows03:30
tripelbabyshcherbak, Oh, of course.  OK have to search again cause all results vanished.03:31
DaGeek247someone should have told him about the ability to explore ubottus commands without spamming03:31
shcherbakDaGeek247: You shown him how ;)03:32
SenjaiMadHatter formally requests to be unbanned :/03:32
timewriterdoes ubuntu any special features if a Android phone is connected to the machine ?03:33
SenjaiHe said he didn't know about the ability to message the bot.03:33
Senjaitimewriter, I believe theirs software out for it03:33
shcherbak-b+b ???03:33
timewriteri might get a android phone03:33
timewriterthey look promising03:33
tripelbabyshcherbak, when I look at "computer" in list, the other drives dont have the proper path, they say 40 GB Hard Disk: 40 GB Filesystem which isnt the path. I think the path starts with /media --- I need to learn this stuff. I dont have "some basics" and so I keep flailing.03:34
Random832shcherbak: changed from a plain ban to a forward03:34
tripelbabytimewriter, re phone. where are you?03:34
ruan_hi, i got a problem03:34
tripelbabynevermind then TimeRider03:34
tripelbabynevermind then timewrite03:34
tripelbabynevermind then timewriter03:34
pagan0neok guys, i think i have an issue... "Preparing to replace login 1: (using .../login_1%3a4.1.4.2-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb) ...03:34
pagan0neUnpacking replacement login ...03:34
pagan0ne" been like that for 2 hours, i am certain it froze, is there a GOOD way to fix this w/o booting off usb?03:34
ruan_i tried ubuntu with the livecd, installed it, and idk how to restart now03:34
timewriteri was one , but i got cured03:35
tripelbabydo you know how to power down ruan?  or to logout?03:35
shcherbaktripelbaby: Yes /media/ is in Ubuntu mount point for removables, Nautius do not show this, because it offers shortcut to such drives.03:35
ruan_the shutdown button only shows suspend or hibernate03:35
pagan0neruan_, if you can get to console, sudo shutdown -h now03:35
gnewbruan_: Remove the CD?03:35
ruan_its running off the cd03:35
tripelbabyOK look on the panel (that's the thin strip on the top)  ok go to add to panel with a rightclick03:36
timewriterruan_, configure it from Power Managemenbt03:36
ruan_i'll restart03:36
pagan0neanyone have any ideas on my issue?03:36
Senjaipagan0ne, whats wrong?03:36
pyronypagan0ne: not really03:36
Senjaipagan0ne, oh, not Im not that cool.03:36
jon_athonanyone skilled with pitivi?03:36
pagan0ne"Preparing to replace login 1: (using .../login_1%3a4.1.4.2-1ubuntu3.2_i386.deb) ...03:36
pagan0ne Unpacking replacement login ...03:36
pagan0ne " been like that for 2 hours, i am certain it froze, is there a GOOD way to fix this w/o booting off usb?03:36
timewriterruan_, open a terminal and type sudo reboot03:37
pagan0neSenjai, ?03:37
BitWraithhow do I prevent ubuntu from loading services that I don't use?03:37
shcherbakpagan0ne: is it after update/upgrade ?03:37
SenjaiSorry I saw it above, I don't have an answer03:37
tripelbabyshcherbak, I still cant get the path. when I switch to list view then I haev to research and it comes back in icon view03:37
pagan0neshcherbak, after an apt-get upgrade03:37
timewriterBitWraith, Preferences > Startup Applications03:37
ruan_ok its rebooting03:37
tripelbabyshcherbak, and I cant find the path to cd into the directory to use find03:37
pagan0neshcherbak, an auto-update actually03:38
BitWraithmy friend has a box that is starting dnsmasq whenever his connection comes up, and it's messing with another DNS server he needs to use03:38
tripelbabyshcherbak, good reasons for what they do notwithstanding03:38
PyjamaSpankI've installed 10.10 to an SSD, I've read that to use "noatime" and move the tmp to the SSD. Is there anything else I should do?03:38
* tripelbaby implodes03:38
shcherbaktripelbaby: after search press ctrl-203:38
pagan0neok, well im gonna kill it, and hopefully fiddle with the pkg mgmt system and get it working before i reboot03:38
timewriteri love LTS03:38
PrinlerAnyone here have any experience with a media center box? specificly a blueray?03:39
timewriterwhats wrong with it03:40
jon_athonwhy can't I edit my .vob files?03:40
jon_athonwhen I open my .vob files in pitivi they show one second in length, I can't edit them, but they play for a full 45 minutes03:40
tripelbabyshcherbak, I did. I told you I did. I told you twice what happens after I do. What happens is that all the find results vanish. Then after I search again they come back in icon view. -- I am well familiar with using icon view or list view.03:40
timewriterthey are DVD files03:40
tripelbabymy question is so simple that no one can figure it out cause it's trapped inside a set of invisible assumptions you "all have"03:40
jon_athontimewriter, is that bad?03:41
timewriterwhy would you edit them ?03:41
jon_athontimewriter, I did a class project, I gotta remove some stuff03:41
tripelbabyjon_athon, I've seen that in windows. No it's not bad, it is what dvd files are called. -- I also have problems relating to that kind of thing.03:41
timewriteryou need a dedicated editing software that is able to edit dvds03:42
tripelbaby!ask | Disturbed103:42
ubottuDisturbed1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:42
shcherbaktripelbaby: strange, what directory are you looking in and what is the query?03:42
timewriterbut i dont know if it is possible03:42
jon_athontripelbaby, relating how?03:42
timewriteryou my need to redo the project03:42
Senjai!bot abuse | tripelbaby03:42
ubottutripelbaby: Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot03:42
PrinlerAnyone have media box experience?03:43
tripelbabyshcherbak, I have found some .avi files and I want to find out where they are on the HD. Not my primary HD but a couple of other HDs. Both named the same afaik03:43
jon_athonis there any .vob editing software?03:43
Logan_WP!anyone | Prinler03:43
ubottuPrinler: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:43
tripelbabySenjai I didnt do that.03:43
jon_athontimewriter, no can do on the redo... it's do fri, and I have to critique it03:43
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:43
PrinlerDoes ubuntu support blueray03:43
tripelbabynevermind I have more things to dealwith than a simple crit. I am trying to deal with my computer. sorry I tried to help.03:43
jon_athontripelbaby, ?03:44
shcherbaktripelbaby: Try to set List view as default (nad add colunt with path), but with terminal you would be better.03:44
Logan_WP!bluray | Prinler03:44
ubottuPrinler: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:44
jon_athontripelbaby, who and what are you talking about?03:44
timewriterjon_athon, have you tried avidemux ?03:44
gnewbtriplebaby: Are they mounted?03:44
tripelbabyshcherbak, I dont know how to set the list view as default. I've asked that before.03:44
Disturbed1How do I change the login screen wallpaper?03:44
tripelbabyjon_athon, sorry I cant help you.03:44
jon_athontimewriter, nope03:44
jon_athontimewriter, but I will03:44
timewriterinstall it , it might do simple tasks03:45
FrenkHello, I have a small problem with a perl script. Here is the error and which perl and perl -v. Can anyone suggest a solution? Thx http://pastebin.com/aUErJsek03:45
Logan_WP!perl | Frenk03:45
Logan_WPwait, no03:45
shcherbaktripelbaby: Edit > Preferences > (first tab, top)03:45
Logan_WPFrenk: ask in #perl03:46
FrenkLogan_WP: the source should work, its just ubuntu is missing smth and I dont get it.03:46
shcherbakjon_athon: find in Nautiuls (battle with misconception)03:46
jon_athonshcherbak, ?03:46
shcherbakjon_athon: Your question to tripelbaby03:46
timewriterhello Mr Cpudan80 Sir03:47
JeffCBRRebooting into Ubuntu for the first time (and Linux for the first time in years). :D03:47
shcherbakjon_athon: good boy.03:48
droidftwis it possible to install unity on the desktop version03:48
shcherbaksorry, ment to JeffCBR03:48
jon_athonshcherbak, oh03:48
jon_athonshcherbak, I was confused03:48
lulohlzhola luis_lopez03:48
tripelbabyshcherbak, I've looked under all these things and cant find out how to set the default view of my window -- appearance windows nautilus-actions03:49
yaminaest-ce que par exemple la structure d'une mole et qu'Ule engendrerait un champ inverse à son symétrique vectoriel?03:50
jon_athonWoah this is sooooo werid03:50
FloodBot3jon_athon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:50
Senjaiyamina, #ubuntu-fr ?? i think03:50
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.03:51
tripelbabyshcherbak, -- got it EDIT, Prefs... TY I'll search again03:51
tripelbabygnewb, hi they are mounted. I'm almost burnt. I'm ready to smoke a cigarette and I dont smoke any more.03:52
tripelbabygnewb, I think it's time to do something else.03:52
yaminayes, sorry03:53
tripelbabyshcherbak, it does not give the path.03:53
yaminanot here ... ops03:53
tripelbabymy question is so simple that no one can figure it out cause it's trapped inside a set of invisible assumptions you "all have"03:53
tripelbabyshcherbak, it does not give the path. only the filename03:54
shcherbaktripelbaby: same menu, but 4th tab, tick Location03:54
CaleHi, I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and version 10.2 r152 of the flash plugin for Firefox, and in many places I can't input text (though copy/paste will work), notably in UStream's chat box. Has anyone else run into this?03:54
gnewbtriplebaby: Okee doke, I had to ask ,,03:54
tripelbabyshcherbak, oh bingo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:54
Senjai!flash | Cale03:54
ubottuCale: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:54
SenjaiI don't know anything about that, but you might find more there03:54
CaleFlash is installed03:54
* tripelbaby cries with relief03:54
SenjaiDid you install it through a repository03:55
matiuWhat's a good size for /boot partition ?03:55
shubbarplash plugin keep crashing03:55
Senjaishubbar, yep :)03:55
CaleI believe I just used Adobe's package03:56
shubbarhow can i watch youtube?03:56
gnewb!flash | shubbar03:56
ubottushubbar: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:56
SenjaiIt shouldn't crash a LOT.. just occasionaly03:56
shubbarSenjai, always crashing constantly03:57
SenjaiI would purge it03:57
Senjaiand install it from the ubuntu repository03:58
* shcherbak hugs tripelbaby with tears of joy in eyes03:58
Senjaiand see if it still occurs03:58
Senjaialso I use google chrom03:58
arandmatiu: depending on circumstances around 50->200MB I'd guess, you can assume one kernel is approx. 16MB, so it all comes down to how many you plan to have installed simultaneously03:58
ruanok im back03:59
Iron_Chefwhat's the best way to install openmotif in lucid?03:59
ruani cant boot ubuntu though03:59
ruantried installing it twice03:59
MrBmxi havea quick question03:59
Senjai!ask | MrBmx03:59
ubottuMrBmx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:59
gnewbruan: Is it a clean install or a dual-boot install?04:00
ruani tried dual booting but installing on the same partition as windows04:00
ruanthat was a bad idea i think04:00
JeffCBRIs Update Manager keeping "sudo apt-get install irssi" from working?04:00
* Senjai waves at Anon7-2521 04:00
arandruan: Using wubi then I assume?04:00
gnewbruan: Yes, that could be an error.04:00
joobieEntry 'etc' in / (2) has an incorrect filetype (was 2, should be 0). .. how can i confirm what 'filetype 2' is and 'filetype 0' is? I get this when i run fsck.. i know forsure it's a directory, but just want to confirm that type 0 is a dir04:00
MrBmxif i install ubuntu on my machine running vista, i will still be able to run vista or ubuntu at my choice right? and if i choose to uninstall ubuntu it will not effect any of my current vista settings/information?04:01
ruanim running on the livecd now04:01
Anon7-2521I am running 10.04 Lucid on a MBP 5,5. All of a sudden, yesterday, my brightness levels do not work at all. On the brightness applet, there is an "x" and it shows as being low. What do?04:01
SenjaiMrBmx yes04:01
shcherbakJeffCBR: It is installtion command, what and how supposed to keep it?04:01
xangua!dualboot | MrBmx04:01
ubottuMrBmx: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot04:01
Anon7-2521Also, when I unplug my computer, the screen does not dim, despite it being set ti.04:01
elfrankI have newbie question. I'm running ubuntu on a live flash drive. Every time I try to install it, it hands at the prepating  to install ubuntu... and I have to quit it. Is there a way to do this through the terminal?04:01
ruanbut i cant boot ubuntu, is it because im not using a seperate partition?04:01
arandJeffCBR: What kind of error does it give?04:01
=== Logan_WP is now known as PasketOfBuppies
* Senjai pets PasketOfBuppies04:01
tripelbabyI found out, to name a disk you name a partition. To name a partition you use gparted not nautilus. Thank you for all your attention friends.  -- inc shcherbak04:02
arandruan: How did you install it? Wubi? LiveCD?04:02
ruanlive cd04:02
tripelbabygoes to reboot from livecd04:02
JeffCBR"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)04:02
MrBmxthank you senjai... one last thing, if i install ubuntu i will not lose my current vista information (e.g music pics and so fourth) correct?04:02
SenjaiMrBmx, no04:02
gnewbtripelbaby: YES!04:02
ruanbooted off of the livecd, changed boot settings to hard drive after install, cant boot04:02
SenjaiMrBmx, Just follow the setup instructions, and choose to boot alongside vista04:02
shcherbakJeffCBR: Do you run any other installations or updates?>04:03
SenjaiMrBmx, When you boot, you can select "Windows Recovery Environment" from the menu to load vista04:03
arandJeffCBR: Yes, you can only have one package manager running at the same time04:03
JeffCBR"E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"04:03
JeffCBRI see.04:03
tripelbabyruan, when you boot up from scratch you should get a text screen that allows you to use the arrow keys to chose which partition to boot from. At this place Ubuntu wubi "looks like" a different partition even though it is not one. It is one of the choices.04:03
Anon7-2521Has anyone come across this problem before? i searched the forums extensively, but as of yet have not found a working solution04:03
elfrankI tried already a few times and I get the same results while trying to install04:03
SenjaiAnon7-2521, Whats the issue?04:03
ruani didnt get a text screen to choose a partition04:04
tripelbabyruan, warning about wubi. The files "inside" of wubi are only accessible when you have booted into wubi.04:04
MrBmxthank you senjai04:04
Anon7-2521 I am running 10.04 Lucid on a MBP 5,5. All of a sudden, yesterday, my brightness levels do not work at all. On the brightness applet, there is an "x" and it shows as being low. What do? Also, when I unplug my computer, the screen does not dim, despite it being set ti.04:04
matiuthanks arand .. I ended up making it 1 GB04:04
gsp2009Anon7-2521: I am assuming you are using a laptop and are asking about the power management?04:04
Senjaitough call, I have no clue.04:04
ruanbut i installed on the same partition as windows04:04
ruanis this a problem?04:04
Anon7-2521I am using a laptop, yes.04:04
SenjaiMrBmx, No problem :)04:04
Anon7-2521But it is not an option in the power management tab04:04
tripelbabyruan, this is not a problem per say. it is your situation.04:05
ruanbecause it seemed to wipe windows, not that i mind, but i need to boot into an os04:05
tripelbabyruan: when you boot, do you see the text screen?04:05
arandmatiu: That is likely a bit over the top, but as long as you don't desperately need the space... You normally don't need a separate /boot unless you want to.04:05
gnewbruan: There are some very good Utilities and Forensics in GParted and other places that could resolve that for you.04:05
ruanonly a "loading dmi pool data" screen and it freezes at that04:05
tripelbabyruan, I cant help you with that one, what you have has been addressed here by others. You have lost the grub2 (or grub for older versions)04:06
Anon7-2521gsp2009: Despite checking numerous times, and updating the repositories and chanign x11, nothing has worked. the screen is on full brightness all the time, despite the birghtness applet showing the screen as off.04:06
gsp2009Anon7-2521: do you get an error at boot/login?04:06
matiuarand: yeah, I redid it to 500 mb04:06
ruanshould i start a new partition?04:06
tripelbabyruan, good luck. First: save anything you do not want to lose04:06
matiuarand: I was using my left over gentoo partition that was 32 M .. and wondering why ubuntu install wasn't working .. turns out it needs bigger :)04:06
I-are-how do I use an abstract class in my code?  If I am unable to instantiate it, does that mean I just use it similar to a static class?04:06
JeffCBRWhat ever happened to LOAF?04:06
gsp2009Anon7-2521: this look familiar? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/55512204:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 555122 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot adjust brightness in Lucid Lynx" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:07
maco2matiu: yeah...needs about 2gb04:07
ruanok im going to try an install on a new partition this time04:07
tripelbabyruan, when you type in this channel, you should start the line with the NICK of the person you are addressing. that makes the line red for them. Like this one is for you.04:07
gnewbruan: First things first, do you have a backup of the Windows?04:07
Anon7-2521Somewhat but not completely04:07
arandmatiu: maco2: That is for / filesystem though, not for just /boot as in this case04:07
matiumaco2wha ? I made it 500 MB from arand's suggestion04:07
shubbarnow i install the adobe-flashplugin or the flashplugin-installer ?04:07
maco2arand: ahhh ok04:07
Anon7-2521gsp2009: When unplugged, nothing happens04:07
matiuarand: yeah I'm talking just /boot04:07
tripelbabygnewb, I leave this to you. hi504:07
=== PasketOfBuppies is now known as Brain_S
maco2matiu: i thought you meant for the entirety of /04:07
ruangnewb: i have a backup of windows04:07
matiufs is like 200 GB04:07
gsp2009Anon7-2521: what model laptop?04:08
Anon7-2521gsp2009: Also, when pressing the function key, nothing happens04:08
matiuplus 5 TB of LVM partitions :)04:08
Anon7-2521it's a MacBook Pro 5,504:08
Senjailinux should come with a facepalm program04:08
matiuThanks maco2 .. you had me worried there for a second :)04:08
ruanreinstalling on a diff. partition04:09
=== Brain_S is now known as FarkingBish
gsp2009Anon7-2521: are you booting plugged in or no? same problem either way?04:09
whisperkilleri have issues with the wireless with 10.10 and someone told me to try an earlier version because 10.10 has issues with wireless04:09
whisperkilleris 10.04 suitable?04:10
Senjai!wifi | whisperkiller04:10
ubottuwhisperkiller: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:10
shcherbakSenjai: There is sript with analise frequency and structure of given commands, and eventually gives you message like: It's OK. or Dont give up, or plays relaxing music.04:10
jon_athontimewriter, you know how to use this avidemux?04:10
gnewbruan: Good, now just start from scratch, please read the How to Install guide at Ubuntu.com. Is rather simple to understand and please print it out , then make certain the MD5 is correct, then install and enjoy, main thing is just let it install, is almost an unattended operation, put the username, password, timezones and whatnot, is all explained on the Ubuntu Download page.04:11
Senjaishcherbak huh?04:11
JeffCBRAnyone recommend a wireless card that works well with 10.10? I haven't purchased mine yet.04:11
shcherbakSenjai: instead of palmface04:11
Senjaishcherbak, agreed, JeffCBR, let me figure out what I have, I dont have problem04:11
gnewbruan: And you are wise, ALWAYS make a backup, always.04:12
skutr3can someone help me add myself to the sudoers file please????????04:12
=== FarkingBish is now known as __Logan__
gnewbskutr3: Try gksudo?04:13
gsp2009Anon7-2521: can you cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state ?04:13
skutr3gnewb: command not found04:13
shcherbakskutr3: add yourself to adm group04:13
gaelfxif I wanted move my '/' to an SSD, how would I do that? Is it possible?04:13
skutr3shcherbak: how?04:13
=== __Logan__ is now known as FarkingBish
epiHI, some days ago battery is not charging, can somebody help me ?04:14
Senjaigaelfx, yes, its ... something that you might have to google, I know its been done though04:14
shcherbakskutr3: adduser <name of user>:adm (need to be done by sudoer)04:14
Senjai!ask | epi04:14
ubottuepi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:14
skutr3shcherbak: im the only user04:14
InphernalHey, I'm having trouble burning CDs, my drive will play DVDs and CDs fine, but I cannot burn them in Ubuntu or Windows. How can I check what the problem is?04:15
Senjaiepi, what more can you tell us04:15
gaelfxSenjai: cool, I was thinking about buying a 16gb SSD and I was hoping I wouldn't have to reinstall to use it04:15
shcherbaktype: groups <your user name>04:15
shcherbakskutr3: ^^^^04:15
rwwin before -j04:15
Senjaigaelfx, My friends have done it, Im not pro enough though04:15
gaelfxepi: does your laptop still work with the power adapter plugged in?04:15
skutr3shcherbak: skutr3 : skutr304:15
Senjainick Bash04:16
=== Senjai is now known as Bash
timewriterjon_athon, no04:16
timewriteri never use it04:16
epiit works when is plugged04:16
=== FarkingBish is now known as CharlieEchoSalsa
gsp2009Anon7-2521: can you cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state ?04:16
DaGeek247FloodBots are spamming! :p04:16
=== Bash is now known as pdksh
gaelfxSenjai: Well, at least I know it's not impossible, that's encouragement enough :D04:16
shcherbakskutr3: well, how it happened?04:16
rwwDaGeek247: working as intended. turn off mode changes ;P04:16
Anon7-2521Wow. I'm sorry.04:16
=== pdksh is now known as Senjai
Anon7-2521My internet is full of AIDS and FAIL04:17
skutr3schaetec: idk i just installed04:17
Senjaiall the shell nicknames are registered.. :(04:17
Anon7-2521What do I need to do, gsp2009?04:17
gsp2009Anon7-2521: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state ?04:17
skutr3shcherbak: idk i just installed04:17
gsp2009Anon7-2521: from a CLI04:17
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DaGeek247rww im using pda. it doesnt have that feature04:17
=== CharlieEchoSalsa is now known as matthewrsmoker
gsp2009Anon7-2521: did that make a diff to the applet?04:18
gaelfxepi: then there's a good chance that the battery is dead or that it's connection to power has been messed up somehow. I suggest taking it to a service center04:18
shcherbakskutr3: you could drop to root shell after reboot (resque)04:18
gaelfxepi: you wouldn't want to buy a new battery just to find out that it's another problem04:18
skutr3shcherbak: ho?04:18
Anon7-2521And when I press the function buttons, the cursor in terminal just flashes04:18
skutr3shcherbak: how?*04:18
gsp2009Anon7-2521: hmmm. wait one sec k?04:18
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Anon7-2521Thanks, gsp200904:18
gsp2009Anon7-2521: pastebin the output of your cat04:19
shcherbakskutr3: reboot > grub > resquemode > shell04:19
epigaelfx: I guess is another problem.04:19
Senjaiepi, if your laptop works with the cord in, its likely the battery.04:19
SenjaiHave you tiried running something other than linux?04:19
Anon7-2521gsp2009: http://pastebin.com/rCGzyJik04:20
gaelfxepi: well, the surest way to find out is to pop another battery that you know is working into your machine, if possible04:20
^Phantom^power's back on04:20
skutr3shcherbak: dont know how to do that04:20
epiOk, i'll try to have a good battery to test04:20
maco2!es | hec04:20
ubottuhec: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:20
cntbon eeepc installed dualbooted 10.10 netbook having wifi problem now on same eeepc1005ha on w7 side .identifies wireless networks but disconnects04:20
gaelfxepi: if you normally use your computer with the power adapter, and you've done so for several months, there's a good chance that your battery got messed up, you're supposed to take them out if you won't be using battery power for extended periods of time04:21
maco2tab key fail04:21
cntbcould it be because this network is unsecured?04:21
maco2oh wrong channel haha04:21
gsp2009Anon7-2521: you are all up to date on your packages?04:21
skutr3shcherbak: ok i found the sudoers file but cant open it with gedit04:21
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Anon7-2521gsp2009: I think that may be the problem. I updated yesterday.04:21
IdleOneskutr3: gksudo gedit04:22
shcherbakskutr3: please, paste output of: lastlog04:22
gsp2009Anon7-2521: check your update history in synaptic and revert back if you can04:22
Anon7-2521gsp2009: How do I do that?04:22
skutr3IdleOne: command not found04:22
shcherbakIdleOne: he apparently do not have sudoers in system04:22
gaelfxepi: also, if you plan on keeping your laptop for a long time, you should use your battery when it's 80% charged and recharge when it's at 20% to improve the life of the battery04:22
IdleOneshcherbak: I see. all yours :)04:22
cntbwifi card is atheros  Ar9285 and although sees networks disconnects from thw one I use now on w7 ( unsecured AMOF04:23
gsp2009Anon7-2521: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2114404:23
cntbanyone ^^^^ ?04:23
skutr3shcherbak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567996/04:23
gsp2009Anon7-2521: sorry.. just click file-history in synaptic. that will show you what you installed04:24
Anon7-2521gsp2009: I installed over 400 megabytes of updates.04:24
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gsp2009Anon7-2521: ugh...04:24
JeffCBRSo, I'm the only user? No root?04:24
shcherbakskutr3: and paste: cat /etc/passwd04:25
SenjaiJeffCBR, no root password,04:25
Anon7-2521Yeah. I haven't done any updates at all, and I was having serious problems with my iSight so I decided to update. Didn't fix the isight, and now I'm having this problem, gsp200904:25
cntbnoone now04:25
shcherbakskutr3: is it live system?04:25
DaGeek247sudo passwd04:25
SenjaiJeffCBR, If you MUST log in as root, you can use sudo bash04:25
LoshkiJeffCBR: use sudo whenevr you want root...04:25
skutr3shcherbak: i guess04:25
cntbwill try to seeit myself although no clue04:25
JeffCBRI don't even see a user called root.04:25
shcherbakskutr3: Do you run it from usb?04:26
skutr3shcherbak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/567998/ and live cd04:26
SenjaiJeffCBR, type sudo bash, your name will change to root04:26
Anon7-2521gsp2009: Is there something specific I could search for in the history?04:26
gsp2009Anon7-2521: have you tried resinstalling gnome-power-manager using synaptic?04:26
Anon7-2521No. Why would I do that?04:26
JeffCBRSo, I'm not a super-user, but I have access to sudo to do su stuff?04:26
gsp2009Anon7-2521: well, that will reinstall the package...04:27
Anon7-2521No, I understand that04:27
Anon7-2521I meant04:27
SenjaiJeffCBR, yes, Ubuntu has root, but not a password for it, so if you do what I said you can still login to root04:27
InphernalHey, I'm having trouble burning CDs, my drive will play DVDs and CDs fine, but I cannot burn them in Ubuntu or Windows. How can I check what the problem is?04:27
Anon7-2521I've never done it through the power-management function. I used the nvidia...somethinsomething repositiory, gsp2009.04:27
gsp2009Anon7-2521: are you running the proprietary drivers?04:28
Anon7-2521gsp2009: yes04:28
gsp2009Anon7-2521: did you have to reinstall the drivers at single user when you upgraded kernel?04:28
Anon7-2521gsp2009: I wasn't prompted to, No.04:28
shcherbakskutr3: Confused, Do you have ubutnu installed on the hard drive? LiveCD do not deliver sudo right to users, there is only duest session.04:28
* gsp2009 assumes Anon7-2521 upgraded to a new kernel yesterday.04:28
skutr3shcherbak: should i just unintstall and reinstall?04:29
gsp2009Anon7-2521: this may be your issue. Do you remember how to reinstall the nvidia drivers?04:29
skutr3shcherbak: and yes its on the harddrive04:29
ZiberWhy, if I have swap labeled in /etc/fstab, should it not be used? swapon -a seems uneffective.04:29
Anon7-2521gsp2009: I already did04:29
Anon7-2521gsp2009: I also re-installed this: nvidia-bl-dkms04:30
Anon7-2521Which is what is used for the backlight dimming04:30
gsp2009Anon7-2521: hmmm.. ok. so once you ran all of your upgrades, you then reinstalled the nvidia drivers?04:30
ninjac0deGuys I need Some Books To know About kernel's04:30
Anon7-2521gsp2009: You know what, I forgot to reboot04:30
* Anon7-2521 facepalms04:31
shcherbakskutr3: ok, reboot, remove CD form tray, pres Shift on boot, choose Resque Mode, and pick Drop to shell in menu04:31
ninjac0deFrom Where Can i Get This Books04:31
Anon7-2521Let me reboot and then see.04:31
ninjac0deKernel How To04:31
gsp2009Anon7-2521: try it... k04:31
Senjaininjac0de,  http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Linux+Kernel+Books04:31
ninjac0desenjai :) Thanks04:32
LoshkiInphernal: if it doesn't work in windows *or* linux, I'd say the hardware is broken and usually the only cure is to replace it...04:32
KGBWolfanybody know where on which server #turboirc chan is on?04:33
Senjai!ot | KGBWolf04:33
ubottuKGBWolf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:33
JeffCBRsudo passwd -d root04:34
SenjaiWhat are you trying to do04:34
Inphernal@Loshki: That's what I'm suspecting, but is there some way I could diagnose it and hopefully find out it's some software issue which I can fix it myself?04:34
JeffCBRdelete the password for root again.04:35
Senjaifor Ubuntu? There is no password04:35
shcherbakJeffCBR: You will sleep better without password for root in Ubuntu04:35
Senjai!root | JeffCBR04:35
ubottuJeffCBR: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:35
JeffCBRI set the root passwd... I think.04:35
Senjaiyou cant04:35
JeffCBRUnles Ubuntu doesn't allow it.04:35
Senjaiits hardwired.04:35
Inphernal@Loshki: I remember Nero had some diagnostic tools, but I don't have it04:35
Senjaiit doesn't04:35
JeffCBRI didn't get an error.04:35
SenjaiTry logging in04:36
shcherbakJeffCBR: try su root then04:36
Senjaisudo bash is the only way to log into root on ubuntu, or sudo-ing another shell04:36
SenjaiAnd all that does is creates a new shell as root04:36
Senjaibut no root password.04:36
Anon7-2521gsp2009: That did it. Wow.04:36
* Anon7-2521 facepalms04:36
lkin the single user mode, you can edit the passwd file04:37
JeffCBRsu root works.04:37
DaGeek247or choosing "other"' "root" and the sudo pass at login04:37
Senjai!root | lk04:37
ubottulk: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:37
gsp2009Anon7-2521: haha... glad to hear that you are up and running.04:37
Aikarhi - windows nuked my mbr so i booted into live cd, apt-get install grub, then did grub-install --root-directory/media/xxxxxx/ /dev/sdb04:37
Aikarit said it was all good04:37
Anon7-2521gsp2009: Note to self: remeber to reboot after reinstalling drivers.04:37
Aikarand whe ni rebooted i got grub.... but a shell, how do i get gui?04:37
lkjust change it04:37
gsp2009Anon7-2521: haha04:37
Senjailk, you can't it doesn't work04:37
Anon7-2521gsp2009: I wish I didn't have to boot into OS X everytime I rebooted or shut down my computer >.<04:38
Senjailk, ubuntu ignores passwd for root, doesn't even read the file I believe.04:38
Senjainot for root at least04:38
rwwUbuntu sets the password hash to something that will never match an actual password.04:38
gsp2009Anon7-2521: :(04:38
arandAikar: You did not get a menu?04:39
Anon7-2521gsp2009: Yeah it's really annoying. But if I don't then my iSight doesn't work.04:39
Senjairww, Oh, Guess I'm wrong04:39
JeffCBRrww: on install?04:39
lklast time,I change my root shell "/bin/bash" to "bash",04:39
SleepyCow2Hello all. I am new to Ubuntu, and have limited Unix/Linux experience, and am looking for some help upgrading my installation of ShrewSoft VPN Client in Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Edition. Specifically, the latest version included in the Ubuntu software repository in 2.1.5,04:39
rwwJeffCBR: when it writes /etc/shadow, yes04:39
SleepyCow2but I need to upgrade to 2.1.7 to connect to my VPN device. Can anyone assist me?04:39
Aikararand: nope04:39
rwwIt's "!" or "x" or something. I forget.04:39
SleepyCow2I can download a source tarball but don't really know whwere to go from there.04:40
maco2rww: either works04:40
gsp2009Anon7-2521: that is annoying.. anyway I gotta jet... have a good one.04:40
maco2rww: well actually i think it's  ! or * ...04:40
arandJeffCBR: You can set a root password, yes, as per the wiki page linkes a couple of times above, however it is not recommended, and you shiould be able to get the equivalent by running "sudo -i"04:40
maco2rww: but since x is an impossible hash too (far too short for one.....) thatd be equally effective04:40
Anon7-2521gsp2009: Thanks for your help04:40
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rwwmaco2: that sounds more right04:40
gsp2009Anon7-2521: you are welcome.04:40
JeffCBRSo, if I've sent the root passwd, will "passwd -d root" delete it again?04:41
shcherbakJeffCBR: -l04:41
shcherbakJeffCBR: man passwd04:41
JeffCBRok, thanks.04:41
JeffCBRjust wasn't sure if the default setting was "locked" or "deleted".04:41
arandJeffCBR: Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#root%20account04:41
JeffCBR!root leads me to believe that it's deleted.04:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:42
DaGeek247SleepyCow2 what does the tarball readme say?04:42
rwwIf I have 'screen' (the terminal multiplexer) running with a few splits in it, how do I remove just one? I know about Ctrl-a Q to remove all but the active one, but that's unhelpful when I want to get rid of one of five or six...04:42
arandJeffCBR: As per, wiki, seems you should be using usermod for that04:43
=== samuel_ is now known as samuel
samuelhello guys04:43
samuelI am trying to install natty04:43
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!04:43
arandrww: ctrl+k isn't it?04:43
SenjaiAnyways all04:43
Logan_WP!es | Senjai04:43
ubottuSenjai: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:43
SenjaiI'm out04:43
samuelwhat is the best way to do it? once maverik is installed?04:43
samuelor direct from the natty cd?04:43
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family04:44
SenjaiYo hablo espanol, pero, mi prefiero ingles.04:44
zeromobiI think ubuntu+1 is the place to ask04:44
zeromobibut I would go with clean from the cd04:44
SenjaiNight everyone04:44
arandrww: or crtl+a + k rather04:44
samuelalso, is there something like a rolling release in ubuntu? can i use testing or unstable in /etc/apt/sources.list instead of maverik, natty, etc?04:44
rwwarand: that kills the program in the active window, doesn't it?04:44
rwwsamuel: no04:45
arandrww: It kills the active window04:45
samuelrww: just upgrade when a new dev release comes along?04:45
SleepyCow2Sorry to ask aagin, but is there anyone here who might be able to asist me with an upgrade compile an dinstall of the Shrewsoft VPN client for Ubuntu 10.10 ?04:45
zeromobilol, I would consider natty rolling, but you can give debian unstable a try and cherry pick experimental packages04:45
rwwsamuel: if you enjoy perpetual breakage, sure.04:45
samuelrww: actually, I do....04:46
zeromobiisn't that the defination of rolling?04:46
samuelfor some odd reason04:46
rwwzeromobi: no04:46
zeromobiI was joking ;)04:46
samuelI wish I could say "I am used to windows... I AM used to perpetual breakage...."04:47
JeffCBR261 Updates?!04:47
beagle2_can someone please help me do a dual-boot with Ubuntu 10.04 and Win XP?04:47
samuelbut I use mac most of the time today :)04:47
beagle2_it shouldn't be hard but for some reason I am messing it up04:47
rwwsamuel: natty is a whole heck of a lot less stable than Windows ;P04:47
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soginstall first the windows04:47
beagle2_i have the XP in a single partition, check.04:47
Anon7-2521Does anyone have experience running Ubuntu on a Mac?04:47
arandsamuel: Well the thing is that the development version goes from being almost unusable into the final release throughout it's dev cyle, so it's hard to pinpoint a ceartain level of unstability and roll with that, so to speak.04:48
beagle2_sog: i have a boot CD, and i click all the appropriate settings, but it is getting jammedo n the partitioning step...04:48
SleepyCow2Can I offer a bounty, folks?04:48
DaGeek247SleepyCow2 yes04:48
samuelrww, arand: tbh I would not know... I can say that I have not used windows since my days at uni on redhat 604:49
samuelmy first linux :)04:49
SleepyCow2DaGeek247: Suggestions?04:49
* Logan_WP is away: I'm busy04:49
rwwubottu: tell Logan_WP about away04:49
ubottuLogan_WP, please see my private message04:49
=== Senjai_ is now known as Senjai
DaGeek247SleepyCow2 whats the readme for the tarball say it depends on?04:50
lkwindows suck04:50
SleepyCow2Beagle2: When you say it is getting jammed up in partitioning, what exactly do you mean?04:50
arandsamuel: One can always upgrade about halfways though the dev cycle I guess, what I tend to do is run two systems by side,.04:50
SleepyCow2DaGeek247: I can do apt-get to get any missing prerequisites04:50
SleepyCow2that's not the issue04:50
SleepyCow2What I don't understand is how / where do I do the CMAKE so that it upgrades / replaces my 2.1.5 install04:51
SleepyCow2(From the Ubuntu Software Repo)04:51
DaGeek247remove it from repo the build it yourself.04:51
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=== Senjai_ is now known as Mka
SleepyCow2Does it matter where I build it to? I'd like to put it 'where it belongs'04:52
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ruani've tried installing ubuntu 3 times now04:52
DaGeek247SleepyCow2 no it doesnt04:53
jon_athonwhy is avidemux not saving with audio codecs?04:54
=== Senjai is now known as Mcj
SleepyCow2I'd like to know where all of my current applets are installed so I can put it in the right place04:55
SleepyCow2but locate (even after a updatedb) doesnt find anything04:55
samuelsorry got disconnected...04:56
NimBioticsIs there any other channel for oo besides the official one?04:56
=== Mcj is now known as Senjai
beagle2_hey all, i should be able to use the Synaptic on Ubuntu even if i'm working from a liveCD, right?04:56
samuellike I said... I started to use linux with redhat 6....04:56
beagle2_particularly, i am trying to install minicom but it is not liking it04:56
samuelsince then I have been on many distros, and then Mac OS X since my company bought it for me, but now that the laptop is mine I want to start again on linux... I thought Ubuntu might be a good place to start04:56
samuelI used to use Debian sid for every day use, would you guys recommend maverik or natty?04:57
arandbeagle2_: Yes, but it will install addiditonal software to memory, so it will run out eventually.04:57
samuelin particular I really would like to try out gnome-shell, read alot of good things about it04:57
beagle2_arand: can i have it use my USB stick instead or no?04:57
samuelshould I start with maverik or natty?04:57
JeffCBRWhy is my little power button in the corner of gnome red now?04:58
arandbeagle2_: You can create a persistent liveusb, yes, or if you manually mount.04:58
Tux123need help ...04:58
IdleOneJeffCBR: it turns red to indicate you need to reboot to complete an update04:58
arandJeffCBR: You need to restart to finish updates04:58
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arand!help | Tux12304:58
JeffCBRYeah, thanks, guys. :D04:58
ubottuTux123: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:58
g_0_0SleepyCow2, look in /usr/share for applets04:58
dreambookis it possible to access hardware API(android) in ubuntu in Android phone? could Somebody tell me?04:59
JeffCBRtwo keyboards sitting in front of me.04:59
Tux123Suppose i have the SHADOW file from my ubuntu installation, is it possible to crack the hash file? like in windows ntlm hashes?04:59
dreambookcould somebody tell me?04:59
shcherbakTux123: you are first to ask05:00
Tux123really? :S05:00
Tux123anyone can reply to this?05:00
=== jeremy is now known as Guest84818
shcherbakTux123: do you have access to machine?05:01
samuelany opinion as to the distro I should use?05:01
Tux123i have access.. and no i dont want to clear the hash05:01
Random832Tux123: is there a reason you need the password instead of just resetting it?05:01
Tux123i want to 'crack' it05:01
DaGeek247sammuel lucid05:01
=== william is now known as Guest13498
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:02
DaGeek247samuel lucid has the least questions in here05:02
samuelso that means the least learning as well no?05:02
Tux123Just for educational purposes...05:03
DaGeek247:p, i meant it in a good way.05:03
Tux123Suppose i have the SHADOW file from my ubuntu installation, is it possible to crack the hash file? like in windows ntlm hashes?05:03
samuelI think I will install maverik and then natty05:03
DaGeek247maerick has the most probems05:04
samuelI tried debian, but it took me a while to get everything working in my macbook pro05:04
Tux123lol i guess no one knows here ...05:04
samuelthen it stopped working....05:04
shcherbakTux123: Around gpg you can find few project (offensive and deffensive) which may be of interest.05:04
JeffCBROf course it's possible, Tux.05:04
NisstyreTux123, depends05:04
samuelcould not even boot in recovery05:04
Nisstyrehow long are your passwords?05:04
Tux12310 chars05:04
NisstyreTux123, not that feasible05:05
Nisstyreunless you have a very powerful system05:05
samuelDaGeek247: maverik has more problems than natty???05:05
Nisstyreanything below 7 characters is feasible05:05
Tux123do you use some tools to crask it anyway?05:05
NisstyreTux123, check out john the ripper05:05
NisstyreI forget what hashing algorithm ubuntu uses05:05
Tux123john the ripper for UBUNTU hashes?05:05
DaGeek247never seen a naty q in here.05:06
rwwthat's because natty questions belong in #ubuntu+1 ;P05:06
shcherbakDaGeek247: still #Ubuntu +105:06
DaGeek247im not in there05:06
Tux123Anyway, i think i'll code the hach cracker myself .. then05:07
beagle2___i am trying to get minicom on my Ubuntu liveCD load but it says 'E: Couldn't find package minicom' whenever i call on 'sudo apt-get install minicom', can someone please help me?05:07
SleepyCow2Compiling software takes a long time on a single core 1.2ghz ULV cpu.05:07
ruani still cant boot ubuntu05:07
SleepyCow2ruan, can you re-explain your issue?05:08
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ruanif i try to boot from hard drive, it freezes at post05:08
ruanwell, it does nothing05:09
skutr3can anyone helo me install please?05:09
g_0_0beagle2___, it's in universe05:09
Tux123Yeah thanks to the guy who said JOHN tHE RIPPER, It Works!!05:09
NisstyreTux123, no problem05:09
Nisstyreyou got it started?05:10
skutr3can anyone please help me with partitioning on installation please?05:10
JeffCBRi just clicked a link in a man page and my mind was blown05:10
Tux123yeah i cracked a 3 char password, but it should work for everything else provided a good dictionary05:10
beagle2___g_0_0: how do i access this 'universe'?05:10
NisstyreTux123, if you know what algorithm it uses and you have a newish nvidia card you can go much faster05:11
Tux123yeah i know05:11
Tux123I can use the GPU05:11
g_0_0beagle2___, - see here - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu05:11
JeffCBRit uses your GPU?05:11
beagle2___i am rather new to linux, but am frustrated that apt-get worked on my other machine, where the only difference I can see is that that one used a dual-boot setup instead of a liveCD...05:11
pitlimitCan anyone tell me how to add color to my vim? It's missing05:11
skutr3can someone help me with the partitioning part of the installation im getting a /root filesystem error05:11
NisstyreJeffCBR, yes you can use a language called CUDA05:11
Tux123I'm familiar wih CUDA05:11
Nisstyreit's a C like syntax # JeffCBR05:11
Aikararand: it was because i did apt-get install grub when i saw 'grub' didnt exists, which downgraded grub05:12
Tux123thanks byw..05:12
JeffCBRinteresting. How much power is in those things?05:12
Aikarrebooted live cd and used grub-pc default with grub-install and its back to normal05:12
KXTwoHello everyone05:12
KXTwoubuntu novice here05:12
KXTwohad a question about swappiness05:12
Aikarim back in my os now yay, ill screw with windows at a lkater date05:12
JeffCBRI saw one at the comp store today that I don't think would actually fit in my case.05:12
gaelfxKXTwo: usually the swap partition should be double what your physical RAM is05:13
ruani wish i could install ubuntu05:13
KXTwoI havent made a swap partition yet05:13
JeffCBRruan, you have windows alreayd installed and you're trying to dual boot?05:13
KXTwoIm talking about the swappiness of the swap file05:13
gaelfxKXTwo: at the very least, a little larger05:13
ruanJeffCBR: it was05:14
KXTwoI read an article on how to "speed up ubuntu" it had me change the swappiness from 60 to 10 I wanted to see what you guys thought05:14
JeffCBRis it gone from the partition manager?05:14
KXTwoI do seem to be running somewhat faster05:14
pitlimitsorry, if my q is offtopic, but can anyone tell me how I can find out how to add color to vim?05:14
g_0_0pitlimit, add - syntax on - to ~/vimrc05:14
rwwKXTwo: I have tried changing swappiness. It made exactly zero difference on my system.05:14
ruanno, i installed ubuntu twice on the same partition, but couldnt boot05:14
pitlimitthank you i willl try05:14
rwwKXTwo: your mileage may vary, especially if you're low on RAM.05:15
KXTwoI was also told to edit my inittab file but it doesnt even exist05:15
ruanthen i made a new partition, and it still didn't work05:15
KXTworww I have 4 gigs lol05:15
almoxarifeKXTwo: I never noticed a difference :(05:15
rwwKXTwo: So do I, so... yeah.05:15
g_0_0pitlimit, I meant ~/.vimrc05:15
pitlimitg_0_0: I don't have a vimrc... i have a viminfo... is that the same?05:15
JeffCBRI have 512 MB... :(05:15
rwwKXTwo: Unless you're using a lot of memory for something, you won't be using a notable amount of swap space, so swappiness won't matter.05:15
red2kicKXTwo: Buy this. It'll speed up your linux experience. http://tinyurl.com/4s7uq4l05:15
KXTwoim very good at optimizing the speed of windows os's just trying to learn ubuntu05:15
JeffCBROf DDR2...05:15
=== Andorin is now known as Andorian
KXTwoI have no swap partition as im maxed out on parts and seem to be running ok05:16
beagle2___g_0_0: thanks so much! that was exactly the problem. so much stuff to learn in Linux, sigh...05:16
=== Andorian is now known as Andorin
KXTwoI like to run a tight OS though and just wanted to figure out hwo to maximize05:16
g_0_0beagle2___, you're welcome05:16
almoxarifeKXTwo: with 4gig also I don't bother with a swap , hibernate instead of suspend and no issues05:16
KXTwoI think the ubuntu article I read was outdated though05:16
almoxarifethat was backwards?05:16
g_0_0pitlimit, the file is ~/.vimrc  - I made an error first time05:16
pitlimitbut g_0_0 I don't have one05:16
pitlimitI have viminfo05:16
KXTwoshould I change swappiness back to 60 or would you say it really doesnt matter05:17
SleepyCow2I am getting very frustrated. I managed to build the new version of ShrewSoft vpn client, and though its installed in a goofy location , it works05:17
=== mgalvin_ is now known as mgalvin
SleepyCow2but it doesnt, same problem as in 2.1.5. Connects, creates tap0 adapter05:17
KXTwoim running 64 bit dual cores with 4 gig, laptop so hd little slow but overall fast unit05:17
SleepyCow2but no traffic routes over it. Any suggestions?05:17
gaelfxKXTwo: well, I think the only place where you might notice any difference is if you're running a lot of different apps and changing between them pretty often05:17
KXTwothats not me05:17
KXTwotight tight05:17
KXTwonot a gamer05:17
KXTwoim just recently getting back into linux05:17
KXTwoI run a terminal to ssh into school05:17
KXTwomight do some c++05:18
KXTwofacebook, porn, etc lol05:18
ruanis it possible to install windows with wine?05:18
IdleOne!enter | KXTwo05:18
ubottuKXTwo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:18
pitlimitruan: that sounds....bad05:18
KXTworuan what are you trying to do, I just finished setting up a dual boot with 705:18
KXTwoI knew I was going to get yelled at for that lol05:18
ruani wanted to install ubuntu but it didnt work out05:18
KXTworuan I seriously just did it all just tonight, tell me what you did05:19
biopytehi, after login and klicking the ubuntu main menu icon there is a significant delay until the menu pops up. nothing important, but still annoying. is there a way to get rid of the delay?05:19
gaelfxruan: not really, the whole point of wine is that you shouldn't need to install windows05:19
ruanKXTwo: i installed ubuntu off the livecd but it doesnt boot of the hdd after install05:19
gaelfxruan: maybe you want a virtual machine running windows instead?05:19
KXTwodoes it juts boot right into windows?05:19
ruanno it wiped windows05:20
KXTwoso you DONT want to do a dual boot?05:20
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jon_athontimewriter, avidemux worked great.... thanks05:20
ruani do but windows was wiped05:20
gaelfxruan: have you looked at the boot sequence in your BIOS?05:20
KXTworuan what happens when you boot then?05:20
ruangaelfx: yes i changed boot sequence to hdd first05:20
Ben64ruan: you probably formatted on install, instead of resizing windows and dual booting05:20
ruanit does nothing at boot05:20
KXTwoyes ben thats what im thinking05:21
KXTwoRuan I take it you are on another pc right now?05:21
timewriterjon_athon, im glad it solved your problem05:21
ruanno, im on my livecd05:21
g_0_0pitlimit, if the vimrc isn't there create it05:21
gaelfxruan: I think if you hold 'shift' while booting, grub menu should show up, but if grub isn't working properly then it wouldn't work05:21
Ben64ruan: pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l"05:22
ruani gtg05:22
KXTwogrub should show up default05:22
KXTwocrap I just did it05:22
SleepyCow2How can I see all the ip routes that are entered05:22
KXTwohe just left jeez and I was trying to help05:23
abhinav_singhhow to see all users in the system?05:24
elricL who05:24
elricLabhinav_singh: who05:24
KXTwoomg Ij just did it but I cant remember how I resized my partition from my live cd, I know i didnt use the terminal05:24
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gaelfxKXTwo: probably gparted, that's on the livecd05:25
KXTwois it not on an install, I thought I found it under admin before05:25
gaelfx(but strangely absent after install)05:25
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KXTwook at least im not insane lol05:25
gaelfxyeah, that one got me the first couple times too05:25
KXTwoit doesnt matter now ruan left, I was going to help him but oh well05:25
KXTwogaelfx are you showing up colored because you typed my name?05:26
KXTwothought so05:26
gaelfxgotta love IRC :D05:26
KXTwogaelfx: thanks for the help05:26
gaelfxKXTwo: no prob05:26
uRockor one can do this05:26
KXTwoIm using irssi because thats what I use for my unix class, are you using Xchat?05:26
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basyhow to check supported monitor resolutions ?05:27
KXTwoyes Xchat-gnome is the graphical Xchat right?  gnome is what ubuntu uses for a gui?05:27
uRocknope, xchat is graphical as well05:28
rwwxchat-gnome is xchat + modifications to make it fit GNOME's HIG better. imho, use xchat instead.05:28
KXTwoGNOME is the GUI what is HIG?05:28
rwwHuman Interface Guidelines05:28
timewritergnome is de default desktop environment of ubuntu05:28
uRock basy System Preferences Monitors05:29
timewriteri love totem for no reason05:29
KXTwognome seems much more friendly than the ones i played with back in the day lol05:29
_skplcan someone help me? im trying to install compiz fusion icon from the ubuntu software center but i get an error about the site not being trusted.05:29
basyuRock: i am in bash over ssh need some command ,,,05:29
JeffCBRIf I "passwd -d user", user will be unable to log in, right?05:30
seidosokay, everyone go to your LoCo and get help there05:30
KXTwoI hope playing with swappiness didnt screw me up and now I cant remember what files I altered lool05:31
gaelfxKXTwo: actually, using Pidgin on a non-linux compy05:31
jeffiesanyone here like reddit... looking for developers05:31
g_0_0_skpl, in terminal - sudo apt-get install fusion-icon05:31
gaelfxKXTwo: it shouldn't be a big deal, especially since you have plenty of RAM and aren't running heavy programs05:31
uRockI use Pidgin in Windows as well05:31
KXTwooof I read not to touch pidgin so I didnt lol05:32
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gaelfxKXTwo: yeah, not so great on Ubuntu atm05:32
uRockMSN messenger doesn't allow me to IM phones anymore05:32
uRockPidgin works better than Empathy for me05:32
gaelfxI didn't even know you could do that with MSNM05:32
KXTwothis is my first time in years joining a public server on irc05:32
gaelfxit can get pretty hectic when a lotta folks come on asking strange q's05:33
KXTwofrom windows ive been using putty to connect to school and just local irc, I just guessed how to use irssi from my ubuntu install to connect here lol05:33
KXTwoI have a million but trying to organize them before I start asking05:33
* uRock turn off join/part messages05:34
uRockcan't stand all of the rubbish05:34
KXTwoI know i am eventually going to want to learn how to do static ip but im sure thats posted all over the net05:34
=== zz_q_a_z_steve_ is now known as q_a_z_steve_
uRockStatic IP is easy05:35
uRockusing Network Manager05:35
KXTwoi wouldnt mind moving the window controls to the right side of my windows im sure thats easily possible too lol05:35
KXTwouRock: Yah I figure I can probably figure it out05:35
uRockMoving the window buttons will be easy to find via google, lots of people cried about the change05:35
KXTwothe change?05:36
KXTwothey have been on the left side for over a decade05:36
uRockmoving the buttons to the left05:36
uRockby default05:36
rwwelky: !controls05:36
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side05:36
KXTwoI remember back when I was running slackware, redhat, debian, with kde I believe the default was always the left05:36
uRockKXTwo, they were just moved to the left with 10.0405:36
elkyrww hah05:37
rwwKDE's always had controls on the right by default.05:37
uRockThe bug report on it was really funny to read. So many people were running to another distro because of it05:37
KXTwomaybe im wrong05:37
rwwditto Debian, and I think other GNOMEs.05:37
KXTwoand it has been a long time05:37
KXTwobut I swore I remember left hand controls, oh well its just another thing to play with.05:37
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side05:37
KXTwowhat is lucid?05:38
Random832KXTwo: i think there was a version of KDE with the _close_ button on the left05:38
uRockthe code name for 10.0405:38
p_resKXTwo, I think it was an option you could set in KDE somewhere. I also remember that.05:38
KXTwoso lucid is ubuntu 10.405:38
Random832KDE's "plain" themes have always supported rearranging05:38
kishhi.. i want to install wubi in windows.. i get a error when I double click the installer.. cannot download the metalink and therefore the ISO..05:38
rwwKDE, Xfce, and most other sane window managers have UIs for changing window control location, yes.05:38
maco2KXTwo: development codename from when 10.04 was being made05:38
rwwGNOME is... odd.05:38
KXTwowhat is 10.10 thats what im running?05:39
Random832but for a while there was a popular one [default on some distros] that hardcoded with the close button on the left i think05:39
rwwKXTwo: maverick05:39
=== gordon is now known as Guest33795
uRockMaverick Meerkat05:39
KXTwoim running 64 bit 10.10 so far so good05:39
shcherbakJeffirssi: lol05:39
uRock0.10 has been great for me05:39
uRock 10.10 has been great for me05:39
Guest33795hey guys does in gparted im creating a new partition table, does it matter what i go with? msdos, mac, etc?05:39
JeffirssiI'm logged into the same channel from two different machines running two different OSes. :D05:40
KXTwodoes X windows still exist, I remember that was a GUI I used on slackware back in the day I think05:40
arandKXTwo: If you go to System>Administration>System Monitor, on the first tab you will find the version number and codename of your release05:40
rwwGuest33795: go with msdos unless you know you need to use something else05:40
KXTwoI recommend ext4 but dont knwo what you are doing lol05:40
Guest33795itll just be a second drive for movies, videos, etc05:40
satyahow to configure postfix to use gmailapps in ubuntu 10.0405:40
uRock EXT4 is greate05:40
Random832KXTwo: "X windows" was never the proper name of it, and it's a generic term for the thing they _all_ run on05:40
rwwpartition table format != filesystem format. ext4 is a filesystem format ;P05:40
KXTwothen kde was it05:41
KXTwoas you can tell im a "novice" but  not a pure beginner, I have a general understanding05:41
Guest33795that was going to be my next question, hehe305:41
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer05:41
KXTwonice im only using 15 percent of my memory and 0 swap lol05:41
uRock!postfix > satya05:41
ubottusatya, please see my private message05:41
=== Guest33795 is now known as gordian
uRock!MailServer > satya05:42
ubottusatya, please see my private message05:42
KXTwoim glad I looked this up it will be nice to have a place that has a high volume of people to ask questions05:42
uRockKXTwo, beware their are times where it is dead inhere05:43
uRockI typed in white, sha,e on me05:43
uRockRainbow of color05:44
KXTwoim seriously thinking im not going to need a swap partition05:44
dtrf4837i didn't have root installed in ubuntu 10.10 so i typed sudo apt-get install root-system and i got 'Default Kerberos version 5 realm:'...what am i supposed to type in there?05:44
gordianfor the partition, it should be primary or extended if its just going to be media?05:44
shcherbakKXTwo: Unless you hibernate05:44
mneptokKXTwo: laptop?05:44
KXTwoeven running a few programs im not going above 30 percent memory usage05:44
KXTwoyes sir05:44
rwwdtrf4837: umm. What precisely do you mean by "root"?05:44
mneptokKXTwo: see shcherbak's comment. (s)he is quite right.05:45
aranddtrf4837: First of all you are not supposed to log in as root on an ubuntu system05:45
uRockgordian, unless you plan on doing more than four partitions, use primary05:45
KXTwoI dont really hibernate, I typically shut my computer off, or suspend05:45
uRocksuspend for the win05:45
KXTwolet me check my power settings again05:45
KXTwoI dont even think in win 7 I have hibernate options05:45
uRockW7 only offers sleep for me05:46
uRockthough it will hibernate if left too long05:46
aranddtrf4837: Administration is done via "sudo"05:46
KXTwouRock: same for me on here, I have no hibernate option, just suspend05:46
uRockHibernate takes way too long to boot. I prefer to just shut down all the way if it will be a long time between uses05:47
JeffCBRWell, don't need to be here anymore.05:47
dtrf4837arand so im not supposed to have root installed?05:47
* JeffCBR kills self.05:47
JeffirssiGood riddance.05:47
=== johan is now known as Le0o
uRockum bye?05:47
andrew__hey, im running a minecraft server of a ubuntu desktop install (with no gui running) and it keeps crashing. any ideas on how to debug?05:47
arand!sudo | dtrf483705:47
ubottudtrf4837: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:47
gaelfxDoes planeshift work reasonably well in Ubuntu?05:47
uRocknever heard of planeshift05:48
dtrf4837do i'm supposed to leave root uninstalled?05:49
JeffirssiThere are 1400 people in this channel?!05:49
KXTwouRock:  I have another weird question for you about how my harddrive is showing up under computer, I have a 500 gig harddrive with 3 visible partitions.  one says 500 gig hd system(thats my win 7 restore one says 500 gig windows(obviously windows) and the other just says filesystem05:50
KXTwowhats that all about?05:50
=== slie is now known as StackSlip
KXTwouRock: and for some reason its not showing a small boot partition that hp put on my drive, but it did when I used live cd and gpart or whatever the partition program is called05:51
gaelfxFilesystem is the ubuntu system files05:51
soreaugaelfx: Get Radeon HD series graphics card and it will. nvidia may also fair well with their proprietary driver05:51
mmcjiwhen setting up bonding should i set eth interfaces onboot to yes or no?05:51
KXTwoyah gaelfx I know what they are just not why they are listed in such a funny way05:51
andrew__anyone know where to look for answers to why my comp keeps crashing?05:51
ejvandrew__: logs05:52
uRock KXTwo the HP drive is hidden, therefore hidden?05:53
andrew__ejv: got any in particular?05:53
dtrf4837can someone tell me if root should be left uninstalled or not, instead of just telling me to do sudo?05:53
satyahow to configure postfix to use gmail apps in ubuntu 10.0405:53
^Phantom^Videos look like I'm at the theater05:53
gaelfxKXTwo: well, I believe the windows partitions are shown because they are not mounted by default, and they are outside of the linux part of the computer05:53
uRockdtrf4837, If you installed Ubuntu then root is installed05:53
^Phantom^they're all jittery and junk05:53
KXTwoyah I kind of realized that was stupid after I said it, but the rest of my question is valid lol05:53
satyahow to configure postfix to use gmail apps in ubuntu 10.0405:53
uRock!postfix > satya05:53
ubottusatya, please see my private message05:53
uRock!postfix > satya05:53
uRock!postfix > satya05:54
KXTwogaelfx: no they are mounted05:54
FloodBot2uRock: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:54
gaelfxhaha, not a big deal05:54
uRockdamn you floodbot05:54
uRocksatya, did you get the PM?05:54
KXTwomaybe if I rephrase this, when I was running live cd, the partitions were listed as there actual size, but now the entire hd size is being listed instead, it makes it look like I have two 500 gig hd's when i dont, its one hd partitioned several times05:54
JeffCBRSo, now that my machine is up and running, I'd like to connect remotely from Windows XP. :D05:54
uRock!postfix > satya05:55
ubottusatya, please see my private message05:55
satyauRock: no05:55
^Phantom^What causes videos to have that "theater jitter"?05:55
dtrf4837uRock i thought i didnt have it installed because in terminal it said i didnt have it installed and also when i when to Administration > Users and Groups, root doesnt show up05:55
uRock!postfix | satya05:55
ubottusatya: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer05:55
aranddtrf4837: root is not something you install, root exists in ubuntu but has no password set and is thus unaccesible.05:55
^Phantom^Sometime's it's so bad it looks like I'm watching them at an old old old theater05:55
^Phantom^On an unbalanced projector05:55
gaelfxKXTwo: oooooooooooh, gotcha. Indeed, very strange05:55
uRockdtrf4837, the root account is not there for security reasons, it is not needed, use the sudo command to do root stuff05:56
gaelfx!root | dtrf483705:56
ubottudtrf4837: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:56
KXTwogaelfx: this might be a learningn opportunity, is there a simple way I could send you a screen shot?  I thought I used to do tht on here back in the day05:56
JeffCBRBy default, the root password hash is !.05:56
aranddtrf4837: This is setup so since sudo is used for all root tasks, do read the wiki for more info.05:56
gaelfxKXTwo: er, probably, but I can't remember how :P05:56
* uRock facepalms05:57
JeffCBRGood remote terminal program for Windows?05:57
JeffCBRNot Telnet...05:57
ubottuPuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)05:58
JeffCBRty rock05:58
Dark_OppressorAny idea why installing lmms-vst would require me to remove wine1.3 ?  Wine is installed from this repo: "http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu"05:58
JeffCBRI assume SSH is disable by default?05:58
uRockWine is for Windows users in denial05:58
KXTwoputty is what I used from windows for chool lol05:58
uRockJeffCBR, yes05:59
JeffCBRI tried to play Counter-Strike in wine years back.05:59
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uRockyou'd have to install openssh-server JeffCBR05:59
sandeepplease give me a channel name for windows05:59
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JeffCBROh, not even installed. Ok.05:59
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:59
andrew__how hot should components get inside my computer?05:59
JeffCBRNow, I'm in irssi, in a terminal.05:59
KXTwoim a vlcmedia player fan will that run on ubuntu?06:00
uRocksandeep #windows06:00
JeffCBRI'd like to get a new CL while preserving this.06:00
gordianhey guys, i was literally just in here when i was talking about my hard drive partition, and it just shut off the whole comp.06:00
psycho_oreosKXTwo, of course it will06:00
JeffCBRandrew__: CPUs can get to well over 120 degrees.06:00
andrew__JeffCBR: you talking C or F06:01
gordianthe pc wouldnt start up until i removed the sata power cable, think the hd is broken?06:01
KXTwopsycho_oreos: I take it that means you are a supporter?  I really liked it on windows it was lite, and easy to use and I loved how easy it was to add to playlists06:01
uRockKXTwo, VLC is the only video player worth using in Ubuntu06:01
JeffCBRNot C!06:01
KXTwouRock: ahh that makes me feel better lol06:01
andrew__JeffCBR: mines idling at 52 C... could that be why my comp keeps shuting off06:01
OhioEric83hi all06:02
JeffCBRAn overheating CPU can cause that.06:02
uRock52 is not bad06:02
gordianor possibily a problem with gparted?06:02
psycho_oreosKXTwo, not a dedicated VLC supporter, I do use it every so often06:02
JeffCBRI don't know what 52 C is in F.06:02
uRockhi OhioEric8306:02
JeffCBRBut, it doesn't sound too high.06:02
OhioEric83could someone tell me where I could download the latest alpha of 11.04?06:02
andrew__JeffCBR: its ~120ish06:02
KXTwouRock: ok heres another question.  I am noticing a lot of programs, that you dont just download and install like you would with windows, but instead you install it right through unbuntu what is that all about?06:02
^Phantom^JeffCBR, i converted06:02
^Phantom^52c is 125.6° Fahrenheit06:02
rwwOhioEric83: /join #ubuntu+1, see its /topic06:02
uRock!google > OhioEric8306:02
ubottuOhioEric83, please see my private message06:02
KXTwooh and another question, is there a way to turn off logging or whatever its called, im tired of seeing who has logged in and out06:03
rwwuRock: You may want to read that factoid yourself.06:03
JeffCBRI would think that's not it, andrew__ .06:03
rwwKXTwo: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages06:03
arandJeffCBR: Use screen/byobu, if in X/Gnome, ctrl+shift+t will get you a new tab in gnome-terminal.06:03
OhioEric83uRock: i did google it. typical lolbuntu user06:03
KXTworww: thank you sir06:03
andrew__JeffCBR: hmmm im running it without GUI and a minecraft server06:03
OhioEric83rww: ty06:04
uRockKXTwo, they b called repos, this way you get all of the library files needed for the program to properly work with your system06:04
JeffCBRIn the summer here in SoCal, I can overheat sometimes.06:04
uRockI guess ohio left06:04
KXTwouRock: that is comletely new to me, when I played with lin ux back in the day you had to still download and install06:04
JeffCBRI used to have to make sure not to keep the CPU going at full bore for very long.06:04
uRockrww, I have read it06:05
JeffCBRandrew__: You CPU will get hotter with higher loads, obviously.06:05
uRockwhy he expected someone else to do it for him was beyond me06:05
JeffCBRCan you monitor the temperature and stress it?06:05
andrew__JeffCBR: its my gfx card, i think06:05
rwwuRock: Okay. Please elaborate on what a factoid about how telling people to Google things is impolite has to do with the location of 11.04 downloads.06:05
andrew__not cpu, its the integrated card, yet i have a dedicated one06:05
JeffCBRIs the on board card disabled in bios?06:06
uRockrww, he was telling us to do the google for him06:06
andrew__1 sec06:06
uRockrww, that is the way I took it06:06
KXTwoahh so much quieter06:06
rwwuRock: uh huh.06:07
uRockI am not one to tell people to google unless it is guaranteed win06:07
SleepyCow2Hey guys, here is an easy one - how can I get iked to load as root at startup in 10.10?06:07
JeffCBRarand: Not sure what screen/byobu is.06:07
bazhanguRock, we dont tell people to google here. Ever.06:08
RAP_IS_CRAPhi everyone, i'm not sure if i'm in the right place but i am trying to get rhythmbox working again06:08
arandJeffCBR: A terminal multiplexer ;)06:08
uRockbazhang, I'll just leave them hanging with silly questions like the one he asked, no problem06:08
JeffCBRarand: How do I cycle between the terminal tabs I create using Ctrl+Shift+T?06:08
shcherbakSleepyCow2: root crontab?06:09
bazhanguRock, there are no silly questions. Just don't answer if you so choose.06:09
JeffCBRThat works for now. But, eventually, I'll be logging in via ssh.06:09
ronaldXis there a program like BSD watch for ubuntu?06:09
arandJeffCBR: ctrl+pgup/pgdn06:09
cschneidquick! Everybody hack dtrf483706:09
KXTwousing the synaptic package manager and searching for vlc there are tons of c hoices06:09
JeffCBRGreat, arand. That's working for now. :D06:09
KXTwoother than being told how does a person know which one to chose?06:10
ronaldXis there a program like BSD watch for ubuntu?06:10
cschneiddtrf4837: also, make your passwords longer.  24chars... way better.  :)06:10
uRockI just did the search and the daily release was at the top of the list http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+11.04+download06:10
RAP_IS_CRAPwhen i start rhythmbox it hangs and then it dims with no errors at all and i can't click on anything06:10
JeffCBRarand: Would a terminal multiplexer be appropriate for remote ssh access?06:10
RAP_IS_CRAPtanyone know how to fix it?06:10
arandJeffCBR: Screen is a terminal multiplexer, i.e. window manager, kind-of, byobu is a ubuntu default skin for screen06:10
arandJeffCBR: Very much so06:10
ronaldXRAP_IS_CRAP: sounds like it's freezing up buddy06:10
JeffCBRAh. :D06:11
rwwuRock: Good. It's easy for you to link people directly to the daily release page if you forget its URL.06:11
RAP_IS_CRAPyou know how to fix that?06:11
dtrf4837cschneid you mean thats not a good password?06:11
cschneiddtrf4837: it's certainly not bad.  But at the point you have non-memorable passwords, might as well go all-out06:11
ronaldXis there a program like BSD watch for ubuntu?06:11
RAP_IS_CRAPi tried reinstalling it with same results06:11
KXTwothis package manager is totally new to me I have to do some research on this06:11
ronaldXRAP_IS_CRAP: you should try vlc wor w/e06:11
Dark_OppressorAh, never mind.  In case anyone saw my question, it's being addressed by YokoZar06:11
rwwubottu: repeat | ronaldX06:11
ubotturonaldX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:11
JeffCBRarand: So, just "screen" after I log in.06:11
shcherbakdtrf4837: tonightihaveput!likesilly.etc12? - better?06:12
Dark_OppressorWhy on earth does lmms-vst depend on wine1.2, or wine at all?06:12
amithow to go in tty mode in virtual box os m unable to go through ctrl+alt+f1-f606:12
ronaldXPLEASE HELP06:12
arandJeffCBR: Yes, or byobu, if yo prefer that skin/config06:12
cschneidfor example: "b6BZayKAtA7rVEcY8bBeM4qN" -- "k6pZiUw94ghAoEPFY3UymoBt" -- "mY8L93h7HcPxyqZNdNWBNcBN"06:12
dtrf4837shcherbak well mine is shorter but its all random06:12
cschneidfree passwords for everybody06:12
JeffCBRI'll try it now.06:12
uRockronaldX, what b the problem?06:12
ronaldXuRock is there a program like BSD's watch for ubuntu?06:13
uRock!spam cschneid rww06:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:13
SleepyCow2crontab is for scheduled tasks, no?06:13
rwwuRock: hmm?06:13
JeffCBROk, that's looking good.06:13
shcherbakdtrf4837: What is random? (from brute point of view)06:13
cschneiduRock: :( sorry bout that. I'm discussing password strength.06:13
dtrf4837anyways its too late  i changed my password lol06:13
JeffCBRNo, can I configure Ubuntu to not boot into Gnome automatically?06:13
uRockoh, sorry, my bad cschneid and rww06:13
shcherbakSleepyCow2: yes, it does let you start at boot to06:14
JeffCBRMost of the time, there won't be a monitor even attached.06:14
uRockcschneid,  I only saw the free password part06:14
ronaldXuRock: you find anything yet?06:14
KXTwouRock: so I installed vlc media player but with windows I had the option to select multiple files right click and add to playlist, im not see it on here06:14
uRockronaldX,  what is the problem?06:14
ronaldXuRock is there a program like BSD's watch for ubuntu?06:14
gaelfxI wish there were a way you could keep certain programs up to date and still be able to upgrade without problems06:14
KXTwodragging works but prefer the other way lol06:14
thebr0dozerAnyone use Damn Small Linux before?06:14
KXTwoI used the live cd briefly06:14
cschneidActual question branching off this.  I use 1password for mac & windows.  Is there a compatible program in linux?  Or alternatively, a similar program (generator, storage of passwords)06:14
uRockronaldX,  I have no clue what BSD's watch is06:15
SleepyCow2if i edit crontab for root, that will load for all users?06:15
shcherbakKXTwo: try: vlc file1 file206:15
bazhangthebr0dozer, its offtopic here, try their support channel06:15
thebr0dozerThey got one?06:15
thebr0dozerTo the /list!06:15
ronaldXis there a program like BSD's watch for ubuntu?06:15
uRockronaldX, I have no clue what you are looking for06:15
midnightryder2RAP_IS_CRAP: I uninstalled Rhythmbox and installed Banshee.06:15
rwwronaldX: Stop repeating your question so often, please. Give it ten or fifteen minutes.06:15
ronaldXuRock: it's a program 2 snoop a given TTY06:15
ronaldXas root06:16
thebr0dozerbazhang, happen to know the channel name?06:16
shcherbakronaldX: screen, tmux, retty ?06:16
KXTwoshcherbak: thanks but I was looking for a right click way to do it, some windows features I do like lol06:16
uRockronaldX, you may want to try #backtrack, their tools are compatible and they will know what you are talking about06:16
ronaldXok thanks uRock06:17
bazhang #damnsmalllinux  thebr0dozer06:17
amitno answer??///////06:17
* rww facepalms06:17
KXTwowhat do you guys typically prefer for browsers, do you stick with firefox?06:17
thebr0dozerwell fuck06:17
thebr0dozerthe /list failed me, thanks bazhang06:17
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:17
shcherbakKXTwo: Use click with ctrl???06:17
gaelfxKXTwo: that or Chrome06:17
arandKXTwo: I think you should be able to disable gdm starting via the Services, item in the admin menu.06:17
thebr0dozerAh, my apologies uRock06:18
KXTwoarand: what?06:18
bonjoyeeKXTwo: chromium-browser is very good as well..06:18
jeffiesi like firefoxes06:18
* uRock said no names06:18
* uRock 8)06:18
KXTwoarand: disable gdm?06:18
arandKXTwo: Oh, that was for JeffCBR06:20
uRocksatya, did you get that fihured out yet?06:20
arandJeffCBR: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/prevent-xorg-from-starting-in-ubuntu/ or disable gdm starting via the Services, item in the admin menu.06:20
KXTwoheres a question, one thing I liked about windows was I could simply type a url into the run box and it would automatically open, that doesnt work with alt f2 on here, anyway to make that work?06:21
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side06:21
mkquistKXTwo: for whats its worth, google chrome usually works nice, firefox sometimes06:22
redGoatKXTwo: "firefox google.com" in ALT+F2 does not do it?06:22
deitarionDoes anyone know of an eix-analogue apt? (Basically, like `apt-cache search` but with more useful output and better default search behaviour) Here's a screenshot of eix for those who've never used Gentoo or a derivative of it --> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/14610481/eix.png06:22
uRockKXTwo, try variations with firefox in the command with the link06:22
deitarions/eix-analogue apt/eix-analogue for apt/06:22
KXTwoI didnt knwo I had to type firefox first06:22
uRockma either06:23
uRocknever tried06:23
KXTwoI cant decide if I want to remap some buttons to be mroe like dinwnos or not.  I dont like super d, Id rather super m but that didnt work06:23
ejvfirefox can be invoke via command line... imagine that!06:23
* ejv facepalms06:23
redGoatKXTwo: Why would you think linux know www.google.com is an url? For all I know, it could be a plain text file. :) "touch www.google.com"06:23
gaelfxejv: anything can be invoked from command-line ;)06:24
KXTworedGoat: because im obviously not exactly an expert :)06:24
ejvsarcasm ;)06:24
JeffCBRarand: That did the trick, thanks.06:24
uRockejv, what is the deal, he wants to enter a url in the command line and have it open a page06:24
JeffCBRAny idea how to just kill gdm right now?06:24
gaelfxejv: apologies, my sarcasdar is off today06:24
ilonJeffCBR: kilall -0 gdm?06:24
ilon-9 even06:24
mrb427 Wondering if anyone has encountered this in MATLAB before... I have a 3 dimensional array, ST, and a row vector, h.  I'd like to do conv(h, ST(1,1,:)), but I keep getting an error. Any suggestions?06:24
ejvyou are forgiven gaelfx06:25
* uRock shakes head in disbelief06:25
KXTwoahh controls are on the right lol06:25
ejvmrb427: this is probably the last place you should ask mrb427, notwithstanding it's completely offtopic, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic06:26
uRockOoh that is where MS puts them06:26
mkquistofftopic | mkquist06:26
JeffCBRilon: No, but what's the command to view the processes?06:26
KXTwoand I just realized im still seeing logs in here and I thought I disaabled them06:26
mkquist!offtopic | mkquist06:26
ubottumkquist, please see my private message06:26
ilonJeffCBR: ps -ef |grep gdm06:26
twitchJeffCBR: ps aux or top06:26
petahportyfuck all niggers die niggers die06:27
petahportyfuck all niggers die niggers die06:27
petahportyfuck all niggers die niggers die06:27
FloodBot2petahporty: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
ejvthe 10 year olds got loose...06:27
mneptokejv: welcome to the Internet06:28
yphohoi'm setup postfix, but when i send email to gmail via command line "mail", i receive the "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" mesage from postfix. i do a lot google, but i can still not resolve it. can somebody help me? thinks06:28
KXTwoin packet manager there are 100 different versions of xchat, how do I know which one I want?06:28
ilonhehehehe, please paste those lines on paste.ubuntu.com instead.. :P06:28
uRock!postfix > yphoho,06:28
uRock!postfix > yphoho06:29
ubottuyphoho, please see my private message06:29
ejvyphoho: ask in #postfix06:29
uRockeven bertter06:29
ejvi swear these things should be obvious...06:29
arandKXTwo: Generally you just want the xchat package, maybe the xchat-gnome one if you specifically prefer it.06:29
ejvim feeling awfully cynical06:29
juabn1hi  i need  mixer06:29
* uRock keeps having to self censor06:29
ilonjuabn1: alsamixer / rexima06:30
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:30
KXTwoarand: do you see where my confusion is?  Ive never used this packet manager, in the future how do I know which choice is the right choice?06:30
=== petahporty is now known as mymomhitsme
yphohoubottu: how can i see private message in irssi, i'm new06:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:30
juabn1i need up bass06:30
JeffCBRCan't seem to kill gnome. :\06:30
uRock!postfix | yphoho06:30
ubottuyphoho: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer06:30
KXTwoyphoho: hit alt n until you find it or get back to the channel you are currently in06:30
JeffCBRyphoho: Alt + Left or Right.06:30
=== Dotoff is now known as Dotted
uRockrww pm?06:31
arandKXTwo: If you use the Software centre there is generally only one item shown per piece of software06:31
ilonyphoho: /window goto <number>06:31
ilonyphoho: number is the number that is red in the statusbar06:31
KXTwoarand: software center?06:31
mkquistKXTwo: why not just just the software center? easy for those that dont want to use package manager?06:32
arandKXTwo: Accesible from the applications menu06:32
uRockbazhang, pm?06:32
yphohook, i got it, thanks very much06:32
dtrf4837if i installed ubuntu server then installed desktop in command line, does that mean i now have both?06:32
KXTwodamnit I was looking in system06:32
sacarlsonJeffCBR: <ctl><alt> + f2  will get you to a console,  I'm not sure what started you session but kill gdm might do it06:32
KXTwothats how vlc told me to install was through packet manager06:33
arandsacarlson: He left, so presumably he succede :)06:33
KXTwoand if I remember correctly I dont need to get xchat gnome?06:33
mkquistKXTwo: can, but for some the other option is easier...06:33
sacarlsonarand: cool06:33
arandKXTwo: normally no.06:33
blognewbHey guys, does anyone here maintain a small business or is planning to build one? Pls share your expertise on #seo or ##seo we need more active users there too to grow the community and implement best practices minus the unethical activities going on out there06:33
folkloreis 10 10 the latest?06:34
ilonspamspam *nomnoma06:34
uRockdid all of the channel operators put me on iggy?06:34
ilonuRock: probably :)06:34
yphohoilon: how can i close a window in irssi?06:35
ilonyphoho: /wc or /window close06:35
rwwuRock: try /join #ubuntu-ops06:35
arandyphoho: /part to leave a channel /wc to close a window06:35
ilonarand: /wc actually works on all windows that isnt set to immortal06:36
yphohoilon: ok, thinks and arand06:36
PrinlerDoes ubuntu support blueray06:36
=== karl_ is now known as KXTwo
KXTwoand welcome to xchat06:37
Chipzzzfolklore: yes06:37
KXTwowow way easier to disable notifications on here lol06:38
JeffCBRSomething didn't work.06:38
YangtseI could not change brightness with my lenovo laptop after upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04,with nvidia 270.2606:39
KXTwothought 10.10 was the most recent06:39
arand!natty | Yangtse06:39
ubottuYangtse: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.06:39
KXTwoahh ok06:39
KXTwo10.10 is stable06:39
uRockKXTwo, natty is in alpha testing06:39
JeffCBRarand: Can I have that link again?06:40
KXTwooof I dont like the colors in here but everything else is better06:40
JeffCBRFor disabling x-windows06:40
arandJeffCBR: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/prevent-xorg-from-starting-in-ubuntu/ or disable gdm starting via the Services, item in the admin menu.06:40
ilonKXTwo: that is something you could easily change tho06:41
KXTwoyah this is way more user friendly06:41
ChipzzzJeffCBR: you can boot into a shell from grub's recovery menu06:41
KXTwoit amazes me how far the user friendlyness of linux has come06:42
folklore2does ubuntu 10.10 come with CC compiler?06:42
uRockKXTwo, what client are you using?06:42
JeffCBRThis is a signle boot system. Do I have a bootloader like grub?06:42
rwwfolklore2: no. Install the `build-essential' package.06:42
dtrf4837is the password for Synaptic Package Manager supposed to be different from my username password? it keeps saying incorrect password06:42
KXTwois caps on?06:42
KXTwoits your admin pw06:42
arandJeffCBR: All systems have (well... basically)06:42
ilonwhy am i sitting here 7.42 in the morning? :S06:42
rwwilon: we're addicting06:43
ChipzzzJeffCBR: yes, Ubuntu always boots from grub... press shift while the machine is booting06:43
JeffCBRWell, anyway, I want this system to boot to a console by default.06:43
ilonrww: i like helping ppl >_<06:43
dtrf4837KXTwo my username password is the only password i can remember setting06:43
arandJeffCBR: But I do not think grub options help in this case06:43
ilonJeffCBR: do you want X at all?06:43
KXTwohmm what else to install, wonder if there is a good porn program in the software center! haha06:43
JeffCBRI want it sometimes.06:44
KXTwodtrf4837, that is the pw then06:44
uRockdtrf4837, your password is the root password06:44
JeffCBRBut, normally, no.06:44
redGoatKXTwo: Search for it -- I think there actually are one package (in mediabuntu)06:44
JeffCBRdtrf4837: There is no root password on a new install of ubuntu.06:44
ilonuRock: nononono, the user password IS NOT the root pw, but the first user created is in the admin group tho06:44
dtrf4837so what am i supposed to type when synaptic package manager asks for password? all i have is my username password06:45
uRockilon, same difference06:45
coz_dtrf4837,  that's what you type06:45
ilonuRock: no06:45
coz_dtrf4837,   same password you log in to the system with06:46
ilonuRock: root is an actual user, admin is a group with the rights to administrate the system, HUGE differense06:46
dtrf4837coz then why does it say its incorrect password...i never have problem with it when i'm logging in06:46
Chipzzzdtrf4837: root and the first user start out with the same password but can change them independently later06:46
JeffCBRdtrf4837: Check your caps lock key.06:46
Intrepiddtrf4837, is there another account?06:47
ilondtrf4837: try typing the password in a a terminal tp see that you keymap is correct and all06:47
coz_dtrf4837,   that one I dont know... as JeffCBR  mentione check caps lock key06:47
JeffCBRChipzzz: I don't believe that's the case with ubuntu.06:47
yphohohow can i scroll the window in irssi?06:47
uRockilon, I see what you are saying, but conceptually I think of my admin account as being root, because I have the power06:47
coz_dtrf4837,  generall I disable caps lock key and replace it with another ctrl key06:47
dtrf4837Intrepid i initially installed server then installed desktop from command line...could that cause it?06:47
l1nuxmanhow can I put a folder link in nautilus to a remote ftp directory as root ?06:47
ilondtrf4837: and try typing 'id' in a terminal, and check that admin is included as gid06:48
dtrf4837i dont have any other account06:48
=== q_a_z_steve_ is now known as q_a_z_steve
arandJeffCBR: If you still are working on that http://serverfault.com/questions/137776/disable-gdm-in-ubuntu-10-04 has some suggestions as well.06:48
=== q_a_z_steve is now known as q_a_z_steve_
Intrepidhmm, then whatever the server password was, should still be the same as your user one06:48
dtrf4837my capslock is off06:48
ilonuRock: to use something and to own something is different, but yes, you have the means to do about everything with your useraccount thats in the admin group06:49
Intrepidreally if you installed the desktop, then it's the same password for that06:49
ChipzzzJeffCBR: I haven't done it but in sudo su you should be able to change root's & in a regular shell your own06:49
JeffCBRarand: I am, thanks.06:49
aranddtrf4837: If you run "gksudo ls" and "gksu ls" do they both work?06:50
dtrf4837i typed 'gksudo' and 'Run program' came up06:50
dtrf4837i typed 'id' and i see my username as gid06:51
=== q_a_z_steve_ is now known as q_a_z_steve
q_a_z_stevesorry. Now I'm done.06:52
dtrf4837i typed gksu and the run program came up again06:52
q_a_z_steve!thankyou rww06:52
coz_dtrf4837,   try  gksudo synaptic     put in your regular password and see what the terminal sptis out06:52
YcareneAnybody have issues with videos on youtube delaying and then acting strangely?06:53
IntrepidYcarene, strange how?06:53
coz_Ycarene,  other than buffering issues  no06:53
dtrf4837ok i typed gksudo synaptic and i got in!06:54
ilonYcarene: try installing the properitary package from adobe for flash06:54
dtrf4837thanks coz06:54
dtrf4837after typing the password i mean06:55
coz_dtrf4837,  ok  so  you now are sure your regular password is the right one06:55
YcareneWell, the video plays the first second of sound, and shows the first frame, then sits there with the little circle in the middle, which is frozen, then about 30 seconds later the audio picks up at where it would be if it had not frozen, and it shows the second frame.  If I manually click the progress bar and bring it back to the beginning, it works, but I can't click any of the links in the video window when its finished.06:55
IntrepidYcarene, that's pretty strange, haven't had that yet06:55
coz_Ycarene,  put the video on pause untill the buffer completes06:55
l1nuxmananyone aware of this problem? "can't create bookmarks to the root folder of remote shares by drag & dropping it into nautilus' Places"06:56
YcareneVideos from other sites plain don't play.06:56
coz_Ycarene,  or install the  video downloadhelper plugin for firefox and simply download the video06:56
coz_Ycarene,  did you install the restricted extras?06:56
YcareneI don't seem to have this issue in chromium.06:56
KXTwoahh here is a question is there a way I can get my volume control to show me a percentage as well as a bar?06:56
Ycarenecoz_ - restricted extras?06:57
coz_Ycarene,    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:57
JeffCBRAnyone know why my Kingston Ethernet card suddenly started being detect as a "Lite-On" card?06:57
JeffCBRAnd this isn't just in linux.06:57
dtrf4837i'm trying System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager again and it still wont accept my password if i do it this way...i dont get it06:57
JeffCBRIn many different windows versions, as well.06:57
Ycarenejeffcbr - firmware update?06:58
coz_JeffCBR,  could be the chip firmware06:58
KXTwodtrf4837, it should be the same pw you used to login06:58
gaelfxJeffCBR: chips are probably lite-on06:58
Intrepidalso the same password that you just used06:58
gaelfxhaha, sorry coz_06:58
coz_KXTwo,   I dont know if that is possible06:58
Ycarenecoz_ - looks like I have it installed already.06:58
YcareneThing is, it was working fine before then stopped.06:58
coz_Ycarene,  mm    in terminal   lcpci | grep -i vga06:59
aranddtrf4837: Again, did you try the two commands I said, and did they both work?06:59
coz_Ycarene,  yeah sorry   lspci | grep -i vga06:59
dtrf4837i keep going back and forth between that and System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and typing 'gksudo synaptic' and i keep getting the same results....password will only work for the latter06:59
dissipatehello, anyone install ubuntu with hard drive encryption?06:59
coz_dissipate,  I have not06:59
Taffycan the link of the password be broken?06:59
Ycarene03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 9400 GT] (rev a1)07:00
KXTwoI installed my video drivers but I dont think im getting the quality I should be07:00
dtrf4837arand like i said before yes i tried both and they worked07:00
Intrepiddissipate, i have, but after i forgot my password and had to remember how to get it back, i stopped07:00
coz_Ycarene,  and you already installed the nvidia driver ...yes?07:00
uRockdissipate, you will need to use the Alternate Installer07:00
aranddtrf4837: gksu accepts your password?07:00
dissipateuRock, where do i get that from? i searched and couldn't find it.07:00
YcareneI tried deleting all of my firefox settings but then it won't play at all.07:01
uRockdissipate, one second07:01
coz_Ycarene,  did you install the nvidia driver?07:01
dtrf4837arand oh no...didn't go that far...sorry let me check07:01
YcareneOh, yes, quite a while ago.07:01
dissipateuRock, ok07:01
coz_Ycarene,  ok so you already rebooted after doing that07:01
uRockdissipate, are you looking for the LTS(10.04) or the newest(10.10)?07:01
dtrf4837arand the 'Run program' doesnt ask for password07:01
Ycarenemost definately07:01
dissipateuRock, newest with complete hard drive encryption option.07:02
coz_Ycarene, which version of ubuntu are you running?07:02
JeffCBRarand: Where's this Admin->Services area?07:02
arandJeffCBR: System menu07:02
maco2JeffCBR: doesnt exist07:03
coz_Ycarene,  then I am puzzled... it should be working fine with what you have07:03
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arandmaco2: Oh, not present in menus?07:03
maco2arand: wait what? its still around? but its not even compatible with the system!07:03
YcareneIt's gotta be something I installed or changed but damned if I know what.07:03
uRockdissipate, ubuntu 10.10 is about half way down the page. I will send you the link for instructions in just a minute. http://mirrors.ccs.neu.edu/releases.ubuntu.com//07:03
maco2arand: the old services-admin was for SysV Init. Ubuntu doesn't use that07:03
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dtrf4837i'm wondering if this password problem has to do with the fact that i kept getting errors when i was trying to burn iso to cd?07:04
choicesI have an issue -- I'm switching my office from Windows to Ubuntu, and we routinely use Postscript files. They display and print perfectly well on Windows using GSView (ghostscript), but on Ubuntu, all they display in GSView (gv) is an embedded image in the postscript and nothing more. Am I missing a package or something?07:04
Intrepiddtrf4837, if you mean for the OS, then i doubt it, just because normally that would mean that you wouldn't be able to install...07:04
arandmaco2: Are we thinking of the same thing? the gnome-session-properties application?07:05
maco2arand: thatd be Sessions, not Services07:05
Intrepiddtrf4837, although hey, weirder things have probably happened07:05
dissipateuRock, ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso  is the one i want?07:05
Ycarenecoz_ - lemme try re-installing the flash plugin.07:05
JeffCBRI don't see Sessions or Services07:05
maco2arand: and actually in 10.10 the menu entry is named Startup now07:05
dtrf4837Intrepid how weird is my password problem?07:05
uRockdissipate, yes, for a 32bit system07:05
arandmaco2: JeffCBR: Ah, right, it is named services in debian, sorry.07:06
toloykhanI have an issue with iptables i have this iptables statement and i need to know where is the log stored: $IPTABLES -A TCPF_CHECK -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -m limit \07:06
dissipateuRock, ok downloading now.07:06
JeffCBRAnd it's in Preferences?07:06
powergoodhow do i control fan-speed in ubuntu?07:06
toloykhan--limit 5/minute -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "NMAP-CHECK:"07:06
arandJeffCBR: Administration07:06
dissipateuRock, i'm surprised HD encryption is not available as an option in the standard installer.07:06
coz_choices,   I believe   sudo apt-get instll moxplugger  for viewing in firefox but let me check further07:06
YcareneWell, that didn't work.07:06
maco2arand: i think you're confused. there were *both* Services and Sessions at one point in the menu. Services went away from Ubuntu when we got Upstart, and Sessions was recently renamed to Startup. one controlled stuff run at boot, the other stuff run at login07:07
powergoodplz help me!!07:07
JeffCBRStartup Applications Preferences is in Preferences, but there is no option for gnome, except the startup sound.07:07
powergoodhow do i control fan-speed in ubuntu?07:07
JeffCBRAdmin has nothing for startup, services, or sessions.07:07
uRockThe GUI takes up too much of the space needed for the install files. dissipate07:08
coz_choices,  actually that is mozplugger07:08
* maco2 grabs 10.10 vm07:08
dissipateuRock, ah i see.07:08
choicescoz_, thanks...though same problem07:08
toloykhanhi, i need to know where is the iptables log stored, the statement is: $IPTABLES -A TCPF_CHECK -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -m limit \07:08
coz_choices,  let me do a bit of a search07:08
toloykhan--limit 5/minute -j LOG --log-level 7 --log-prefix "NMAP-CHECK:"07:08
choicescoz_, thanks, i did find an unanswered thread about it on the ubuntu forums07:08
choicescoz_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87384707:09
arandmaco2: JeffCBR: Ah, right, yea, there might not be a gui way to configure it then.07:09
coz_choices,  this is a painful way but take a look   http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/ps2eps.1.html07:09
uRockdissipate, I can't find the ubuntu doc on doing the encrypted install, but I have used it in the past and it is offered when you get to the partitioning setup07:09
maco2JeffCBR: i have System -> Preferences -> STartup Applications07:09
maco2JeffCBR: that has a Startup Programs tab in which a list of things to start at login are visible, and an Add button07:10
JeffCBRYes, but I don't see a way to turn off Gnome in there.07:10
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JeffCBRI guess I could just remove the package?07:10
Ycarenecoz_ - Ahh, that did it, for some reason firefox was using gnash instead of the adobe plugin.07:10
maco2JeffCBR: OOOOH. i see what you mean.  thats for configuring what to run *after you login to gnome*07:10
maco2JeffCBR: so you want to just go to a text login? remove gdm07:10
coz_Ycarene,  there you go07:10
Intrepiddtrf4837, i would say pretty weird, never had that happened, that youtube problem Yc is having might be slightly stranger07:10
dissipateuRock, thanks for trying to find it. i'm looking at this right now: http://joernfranz.wordpress.com/2011/01/20/installing-ubuntu-10-10-with-full-disk-encryption/07:10
choicescoz_, that worked!07:11
uRockdissipate, this page covers all of the cool stuff you can do with partitioning to include encryption https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/installation-guide/i386/module-details.html#di-partition07:11
JeffCBRWell... I want to have gdm there when I need it.07:11
Ycarenecoz_ - That's strange, I installed gnash as an afterthought months ago, I wonder why it started using it over adobe, oh well, my own fault.07:11
choicescoz_, surely there has to be something i can install that will fix that07:11
maco2JeffCBR: you could edit gdm's script then07:11
dissipateuRock, cool, thanks!07:11
JeffCBROk, maco.07:11
JeffCBRWhere is it?07:11
uRockdissipate, you are welcome07:11
coz_choices,   that seems reasonable thinking so hold on let me keep checking07:12
choicescoz_, thank you so much07:12
toloykhanany one have knowledge with iptables????????????????????????????????????????????//07:12
JeffCBRwhile i'm doing this... what's the ssh server again?07:12
maco2JeffCBR: im looking for it07:13
choicescoz_, i think the version I download for windows (4.9) is different than the one on ubuntu (3.7.1)07:14
coz_choices,  they seem to open in gimp but that is also painful so hold on07:14
JeffCBRand putty in Windows07:15
coz_choices,  I believe   ps2pdf  will convert it to pdf07:15
choicescoz_, ok cool....maybe I can can install gsview 4.9 from source or rig up a wrapper app to convert it and open it on the fly07:15
coz_choices,  possibly07:16
choicescoz_, unfortuantely ps2pdf changes the dimensions ever so slightly, and we're printing onto a form07:16
maco2JeffCBR: /etc/init/gdm.conf07:16
coz_choices,  ah ok  good to know07:16
hilarieIs there anything in server edition, that isn't in desktop? for my server that I am going to be setting up, couldn't I just install desktop edition in leu of server edition, or would there be essential things missing?07:16
maco2JeffCBR: so to double check:  you dont want gdm to run by default, but you want the option to start it manually?07:17
JeffCBRyeah, I'd like to be able to just hit startx07:17
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coz_choices,   gsview is rather old ...yes?07:17
maco2JeffCBR: you dont need gdm to use startx...07:17
Guest27603hey guys, I'm trying to get my Dell v715w printer going .. anyone know if there's like a cups ppd file for it or something ?07:17
folklorehlp cc nor gcc locate anything in the software center07:17
maco2JeffCBR: but to disable without removing it, i think commenting out the "start on" and its associated chunks of parentheses in /etc/init/gdm.conf should do it07:18
choicescoz_, oh i guess it is...but that is what works on our windows computers07:18
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JeffCBRhow about mv gdm.conf gdm.conf.bak07:18
coz_choices,  let me check it out...you would have to compile from source so let me see if it does hold on07:18
arandJeffCBR: I just tried on a vm the first suggestion at http://serverfault.com/questions/137776/disable-gdm-in-ubuntu-10-04 seems to work07:19
arandJeffCBR: You might want to remove "splash" from the grub boot line as well.07:19
JeffCBRon a 10.10 vm?07:20
arandJeffCBR: yep07:20
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JeffCBRok. and I would be able to start gnome how, then?07:20
coz_choices,  thats going to take a bit of work to compile07:20
choicescoz_, yeah...i'll see if theres an option in gv i'm missing07:21
coz_choices,   also visit the  ##linux channel... someone there may have some other solutions07:21
arandJeffCBR: it will then stop at the boot splash screen, so you'll ned to press ctrl+alt+F2 to login, and you'll have the purple bakground, but disabling the splash might take care of that07:21
choicescoz_, thank you so much for your help07:21
coz_choices,  no problem07:21
coz_choices,  if you find a viable solution let me know07:22
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coz_choicescs,  I believe lyx  has a post script import option but lyx is an even more complex way of dealing with this since the entire package is well over 6 gigs07:23
coz_rhater well over 4 gigs07:23
JeffCBRsweet... I'm sshing to my machine now. :D07:23
JeffCBRHow about remote desktop?07:24
dtrf4837if i click on Terminal > Reset and Clear, isn't that supposed to automatically let me type a new command? i still have to type ctrl + c each time?07:24
YouKayHey guys, will "cd /var/cache/apt/archives && sudo rm *.*" clean the cache up? I mean, will it be advisable to do so?07:24
maco2dtrf4837: that just clears the screen07:24
rwwYouKay: do "sudo apt-get clean" instead.07:25
maco2YouKay: sudo apt-get clean           would do07:25
dtrf4837maco2 what about when i click just 'Reset'...that doesn't seem to do anything?07:25
maco2dtrf4837: ctrl+c ends the previous command. i think you want to use & after your commands in order to background them and therefore make it available for more commands07:25
YouKayrww: maco2: Oh, much appreciated. Thanks, it seems better07:25
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maco2dtrf4837: reset is for fixing it when a command corrupts the terminal07:25
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dtrf4837maco2 ok thanks07:26
arand!vnc | JeffCBR07:26
ubottuJeffCBR: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX07:26
maco2dtrf4837: "cat /dev/urandom" will corrupt the terminal if run for a very long time, for example07:26
maco2dtrf4837: "job control" is the thing you want to read up on for how to use 1 terminal for lots of stuff at once07:26
dtrf4837maco2 i'll do that07:26
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JeffSSHKick rocks, mIRC.07:27
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jo-erlendI'm moving my system, cleaning up in the process. What do I need to copy in order for Firefox to work as before after copying to a new system?07:31
dtrf4837i went to Update Manager like half hour ago clicked on 'install updates' and the 'Applying changes' popup came up but nothing is happening07:31
vega-does apt-add-repository honor any proxy settings?+07:31
vega-(so far seems not..)07:31
dtrf4837it says 'Applying changes' but i dont see any sign of progress07:32
ejvjo-erlend: my guess is ~/.mozilla07:32
JeffCBROk. In byobu now. How to get a new prompt?07:33
ejvctrl + a + c07:33
maco2JeffCBR: ctrl+a c07:34
maco2JeffCBR: let go after ctrl+a07:34
JeffCBRAnd how to cycle them?07:34
ugurHi everyone. I just installed 10.10. Which jdk should I install?07:34
ejvctrl + a + n07:34
JeffCBRExcellent. That will do nicely. Thanks.07:35
amithow to login as different user in terminal without opening any tty mode in a sinle terminal?07:35
ejvsu <user>07:35
Fuchssu - <user>07:35
ejvdon't think the - is required07:35
maco2ejv: its a good idea to use it07:36
maco2ejv: gets the environment and permissions going properly07:36
amityes - is not required as i am trying - but i an unable to login07:36
amit- is not required07:36
ejvi've never had issue ever..07:36
ejvthen again i use gentoo ;)07:36
maco2ejv: the environment only gets changed to match the new user's environment if you use the -07:36
choicescscoz_, silver lining is that they print just fine07:36
ejvgot it ;)07:36
arandJeffCBR: And in byobu you have the F# keys for some of those commond functions (F9 for small menu with help), otherwise "man screen" will give you a coplete set of keys07:36
linopolusSince today, my V-Server, which is running ubuntu 10.10, shows this everytime I use apt or aptitude: FATAL -> Failed to fork.07:37
linopolusdebconf: apt-extracttemplates schlug fehl: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden07:37
linopolusCan you help me?07:37
coz_choicescs,  oh cool07:37
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:38
linopolusFATAL -> Failed to fork.07:39
linopolusdebconf: apt-extracttemplates failed: No such file or directory07:39
JeffCBR!de I'm guessing.07:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:39
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.07:39
JeffCBRMy bad... that was the bot...07:40
darkl1ghtHow do I make bluetooth start in "off" state?07:40
Park7darklight: let me know if you find out07:41
[zaf]-CoralHow do I create a device node to connect to a specific address (dmesg outputs using uhci_hcd and address 5)07:42
darkl1ghtOk. There are methods to remove bluetooth from startup, soft block bluetooth, etc. But did'nt find how to make bluetooth start in "off" state.07:42
mufasisis anyone here familiar with hp proliant servers?07:42
darkl1ghtPark7: Hang around, I am hoping for a solution here.07:43
amithow to open tty mode for  virtual box  OS?07:43
Park7darkl1ght: really interested in this question in particular07:43
darkl1ghtamit: Does Ctrl + Alt + [F1-F6] not work in virtual box?07:44
JeffCBROk, guys. Thanks a ton for all the help tonight. arand: Thanks, especially. I'll be back. :D07:46
darkl1ghtamit: Which OS are you running virtual box on?07:46
Park7i bet you could go to launchpad and ask on ubuntu answers....somebody is bound to know :)07:46
arandJeffCBR: Glad to help07:46
darkl1ghtamit: sorry budy no idea here, somebody else will help you, wait a moment and ask again.07:47
amitok thanx07:47
Park7i know...run a macro on startup to perform the sequence of shutting it off07:49
bluepicasohello everyone07:50
bluepicasoI'm kinda new07:50
bluepicasoand have some queries07:51
masai47Hello, I am trying to install edubuntu on a brand new computer with no prior OS.  I have a bootable USB that works on other computers, but in this computer I get a "boot error" message and nothing else.  Does anyone have any ideas on cause, and solution?07:52
red2kicbluepicaso: Ask away.07:52
bluepicasohey red2kic07:52
red2kic!hi | bluepicaso07:53
metalwolf|Lmasai47, do you know if the computer allows usb boot?07:53
bluepicasoI would like to know if it would be any chance to use gnome3 with new ubuntu1107:53
bluepicasoI dont want to use unity, New gnome3 looks awesome and more friendly07:54
_skplbluepicaso: try gnome-shell07:54
uguris openjdk in the repos stable enough? Or should i install proprietary oracle jdk?07:54
ardchoilleBlue1: the gnome you know will still be available07:54
masai47Metalwolf|l: it is brand new, and when I go to boot options it allows me to select the usb07:54
ardchoillebluepicaso: yes, and gnome-shell is in the repos now07:55
metalwolf|Lhmm, it should work then, so either something is wrong with the board or the stick07:55
metalwolf|Li would try it on another system and if it works then i would probably try a boot manager07:55
bluepicasoI mean i'm still with 10.10. and new version has unity as default.07:56
ardchoillebluepicaso: me too, but the regular gnome will still be available in 11.0407:56
masai47metalwolf|L: shall I pull out another computer and check?  (setting up a computer lab and its a bit over my head) I had no problem booting into the live environment on the USB on my netbook a few minutes ago07:56
bluepicasook archoille07:56
masai47Metalwolf|L: what do you mean by boot manager?07:57
bluepicasoarchoille | so with new version i just have to update gnome?07:57
metalwolf|Lso im guessing this isnt a home setup then07:57
bluepicasoi mean with new version of ubuntu?07:57
metalwolf|Lwhen im using a system that doesnt allow booting with usb i use a boot manager called plop07:58
ardchoillebluepicaso: it will be in the repos at the very least. Have you tried Unity yet? I ran it for a week and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be07:58
Taffymasai47: i can't help you but just to let you know i had that problem before on a usb-stick running it as a live boot then trying to install it on a different computer the usb-stick didn't work anymore had to reinstall the OS again07:58
metalwolf|Lyou put in the usb stick and plop cd07:58
Ve2How can I get Ubuntu server to install from a USB DVD Drive?07:58
bluepicasoarchoille no i haven't but i have seen the screenshots and unity does not have great reviews07:58
Park7ve2: cant u use unetbootin?08:00
ardchoillebluepicaso: those bad reviews are likely from people who used the old unity, which was based on mutter, and the new unity (based on compiz) is much faster and more complete. I talked with Mark Shuttleworth and he said their still polishing it08:00
Park7oh read that wrong sorry08:01
bluepicasoumm ok archoille08:01
mufasisi have an hp proliant dl320 server, i just tried installing ubuntu server edition 10.04 and i selected to use the raid that it detected but when i got to installing the bootloader it said it could not install to /dev/sda08:01
Ve2Park7, what is that?08:01
bluepicasoso we can always switch from unity to gnome?08:01
Park7thought you said thumb drive08:01
Ve2No, usb dvd drive.08:01
Ve2My server doesn't have a dvd drive.08:01
ardchoillebluepicaso: regular gnome will still be available in 11.0408:02
Ve2I'm using a usb dvd drive to boot & the instaler loads and then fails saying it cant find media08:02
anr78is there a (test) version of the Ubuntu Monospace font somewhere?08:02
Ve2which is the same for any other linux distro08:02
Park7my eyes are tired... well every bios should have a boot options menu, so when you activate it, you can boot from you usb device...ie your dvd drive08:02
Ve2I said it is booting from the disc.08:03
eossWhat happens when the mayan calendar ends?08:03
Ve2The issue is the installer does not work with usb dvd drives.08:03
Park7oh...wow crazy08:03
Ve2I am wondering if there are some boot options I need to use or something.08:03
Ve2eoss: the mayams are extinct mostly so I doubt they will mind.08:03
mufasisis anyone here familiar with hp proliant servers?08:04
Ve2I am a little bit.08:04
eosswill the magnetic poles shift?08:04
bluepicasoarchoille i'm sorry i may sound foolish, its jjust few months with linux. so its like gnome will be there as always with unity. and we can choose while upgrading or install?08:04
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ConcreteVitaminI typed "man ls" in terminal, and how do I go back?08:05
Ve2press q08:05
Park7if your burned dvd is flagged bootable, it should be no problem. i'm wondering if you should try installing from a usb stick using unetbootin just to see if your dvd drive isnt allowing boot for some reason08:06
bluepicasoarchoille please dont get irritated :(08:06
Ve2I don't think you understand the issue08:06
Ve2It is booting from the dvd drive & loading the installer.08:06
Park7aah, then?08:06
Ve2As in it gets the load screen for ubu08:07
TaffyConcreteVitamin q to quit or exit back to prompt$08:07
Ve2After that, it fails & says it cannot find the media.08:07
Ve2So linux is not loading modules for my usb dvd drive08:07
Ve2At least I assume that is it.08:07
ConcreteVitaminVe2: thanks.08:07
alsunave2: can you start the ubuntu server as a live cd without installing?08:08
masai47I am getting the same boot error on another machine (with the same hardware setup) but I know this USB live environment works on other computers.  I have a problem that I am working on a netbook so I dont have a CD drive.  Do you think I should try something like basic ubuntu and see if I can then burn some CDs (on the new computers)?08:08
ConcreteVitaminTaffy: thanks!08:08
masai47metalwolf|L:  so if I use a boot manager what would I do?  (you also asked about the environment, it will be pretty close to a home environment, just basic edubuntu install on 4 machines that are not networked in any way)08:08
Jordan_UVe2: You can work around the problem by using the minimal / netinstall iso. Everything is contained in the initrd, so no native drivers for the CD drive are needed.08:08
TaffyNP i'm just observing and learning what i can08:08
Ve2I've tried with a fedora netisnt disc and it didn't work.08:08
Ve2Would ubuntu-server be different?08:09
Jordan_UVe2: *aren't needed08:09
Ve2Also I was using the minimal install.08:09
foldinkhi all08:09
ConcreteVitaminWhat does "." before the file (of course as well as directory) name imply?08:09
metalwolf|Lmasai47, a boot manager acts somewhat like grub08:09
Jordan_UVe2: What was the exact error message you saw?08:09
Ve2con-man, : the file will be hidden.08:10
speedyInside of System  -- Preferences  --- System Settings there is a mapping key for Ctrl-r or F5 for refreshing the desktop but can't find out how to add to right Click "Context Menu" any know how to add it08:10
metalwolf|Lyou boot into it and it will give you a menu of devices you want to boot into08:10
Ve2Jordan_U, it's the standard cannot find boot media error.08:10
Ve2It's funny because I can verify the disk08:10
Ve2But as soon as I go to install08:10
bluepicasoaok so I'm ignored just coz i was stupid to ask questions08:10
Ve2it wont let me.08:10
metalwolf|Lyou can select usb and it will boot a thumbdrive even if your bios doesnt have usb boot support08:10
Jordan_UVe2: It doesn'08:10
Jordan_UVe2: ... doesn't make any sense for that error to be shown. Exactly what iso did you use?08:11
jukis gmail down?08:11
Ve2I know it doesn't make any sense.08:11
Ve2But the thing is I have tried ubu serverminimal08:11
Ve2as well as normal ubu 10.0408:11
Ve2and fedora 1408:11
Ve2& will try centos 5.5 soon08:11
Da|Mummygmail works for me08:11
Jordan_UVe2: What is the exact iso you used (link or md5sum)?08:11
CRC_Is there a wAy to use SSH on Ubuntu?08:12
bluepicasohey Ve2, could you help me please08:12
psycho_oreos!ssh| CRC_08:12
ubottuCRC_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)08:12
Ve2This one08:13
Ve2so not minimal08:13
Ve2ConcreteVitamin, that was directed at you. period before filename indicates it wont show up in nautilus etc unless you elect to show hidden files.08:13
bluepicasoVe2, since gnome will me available with ubutnu11.04. what will be the default interface, gnome or unity after the upgrade from 10.10?08:14
Ve2Your question has already been answered, bluepicaso.08:14
_skplhow come unity doesnt work on ubuntu 10.10? anyone know?08:14
red2kicVe2: You want minimal? There are 12MB iso on the servers.08:14
Ve2Unity will be the default, gnome will still be available.08:14
Ve2Yes but if the fedora minimal disc doesn't boot, will ubu-server?08:15
Ve2Just worried about burning moar coasters08:15
Ve2is all.08:15
bluepicasoVe2 |  so how could i switch and upgrade to gnome3?08:15
Ve2It's not even out yet.08:15
red2kicVe2: I don't know. In my past experience, Fedora Desktop was flaky when it comes to my laptop.08:15
Ve2How should I know.08:15
bluepicasoVe2 i know but08:16
bluepicasoi'm afraid08:16
Ve2Then don't upgrade.08:16
bluepicasoI found gnome3 more awesome that unity08:16
Ve2You haven't seen unity.08:16
Ve2It's not released yet.08:16
arandVe2: Can use usb stick?08:16
Ve2It's not finished either.08:16
Ve2arand, I would rather not.08:16
FloodBot2bluepicaso: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
foldinkHi, I've lost the sound since last ubuntu update... (Macbook Pro 5.5, Ubuntu 10.04) I've tried everything, installing backports, reconfiguring alsa from source, but I still have no harware detected by the sound system... Does any one has an idea ?08:16
ardchoillebluepicaso: gnome-shell is in the repos now, I'm sure it will be in the repos for 11.04. You're worrying yourself over something trivial :)08:17
_skplgnome3 comes out the same month as 11.04, right?08:17
YankDownUnderfoldink, Have you looked through your blacklists to see if the hardware driver is being blacklisted?08:17
bluepicasoOK thank you so much08:17
foldinkYankDownUnder: not its  nVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio08:17
Ve2Can someone link to the minimal iso I can't seem to find it.08:18
YankDownUnderfoldink, Um...that didn't quite answer the question I asked....08:18
foldinkYankDownUnder: yes I know I am looking at08:18
YankDownUnderfoldink, Just asking - some folks don't look...08:18
Jordan_U!minimal | Ve208:19
ubottuVe2: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:19
foldinkYankDownUnder: so no I dunno how to do it looking on the web for it08:19
juk!info gnome3-session08:19
ubottugnome3-session (source: gnome-session): The GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 3 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2 kB, installed size 128 kB08:19
juk!info unity08:20
ubottuunity (source: unity): Unity Interface for Ubuntu Netbook Edition. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.46-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 125 kB, installed size 484 kB08:20
juk!info gnome-shell08:20
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.31.5-2ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 580 kB, installed size 2388 kB08:20
YankDownUnderfoldink, Check the files in /etc/modprobe.d/ => specifically the alsa-base.conf and blacklist.conf => you might find that the driver is blacklisted...and if so, uncomment, do a cold boot...see what happens when you run the "jockey-gtk" utility08:21
cyberdharmai have two machines on the same network and want to share files between them. running 10.10.08:22
Mike__hi! Yesterday, i've installed ubuntu server, on my small home server, without internet conf. At tasksel i've checked the openssh server option. My problem is that, when i've bringed home the system, and plugged on the net, started, it doesn't gets up on the router. I don't have a monitor, so this is very difficult, to know what is the problem. Somebody can help ?08:22
foldinkYankDownUnder: ok thanks I will try I have something like blacklist snd_intel8x0m08:23
strange_how can i add a 2 hrddisk to computer08:23
jukcyberdharma: http://oreilly.com/pub/h/105808:24
ardchoillestrange_: power down the computer, install the 2nd hdd, power up and create a mount point for it08:24
ardchoille!mount | strange_08:24
ubottustrange_: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount08:24
taranplease hel to correct this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/568074/08:25
masai47Ok, I think I found the problem.  Bios setting had it as auto to decide to boot a USB as a FDD or HDD, when I forced HDD it booted.  Not sure why this motherboard reads it as a FDD  (I only vaguely know what all of the above means, but learning is good)08:26
IdleOne!guidelines | Uberloul08:26
ubottuUberloul: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:26
CRC_How do u restart ssh on ubuntu?08:26
Jordan_UCRC_: sudo service ssh restart08:27
ardchoille sudo service ssh restart08:27
Jordan_UCRC_: You're welcome.08:27
foldinkYankDownUnder: thanks restart08:27
masai47new question, does any one have any advice on a good partitioning set up or should I just go with edubuntu default of putting everything in one partition08:28
Ghastlyhow safe is it to (Already backed up) upgrade to maverick through the update manager?08:28
ardchoille!upgrade | Ghastly08:29
ubottuGhastly: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:29
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap08:30
cyberdharmajuk: unsuccessful08:30
jukcyberdharma: what?08:30
ardchoillemasai47: I used to do custom partitioning but have found that the defaults are quite nice. Why do all that work if there's no real need?08:30
cyberdharmathe oreilly link you sent me. i followed it. it didn't work.08:31
Mike__hi! Yesterday, i've installed ubuntu server, on my small home server, without internet conf. At tasksel i've checked the openssh server option. My problem is that, when i've bringed home the system, and plugged on the net, started, it doesn't gets up on the router. I don't have a monitor, so this is very difficult, to know what is the problem. Somebody can help ?08:31
jukcyberdharma: ah, link or solution didn't work?08:31
YankDownUnderardchoille, I do it because "then I know for sure" - I've always had a particular preference for setting up my disks and where swaps are and how things are mounted - aside from the fact that I have preferences to particular filesystems - and it certainly doesn't hurt to LOOK at what the partitioning scheme is when you're new to the entire show...helps to understand how the disk is used by the system.08:32
masai47ardchoille: Thanks, that is what I was thinking.  The next school I am going to is where it is really complicated because I want to have all the computers save /home on a central server and boot off of that, but they would also be thick clients (I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to this stuff)08:32
ardchoilleYankDownUnder: Very true08:32
ardchoillemasai47: ok, then you might take a look at the link juk posted08:33
jukMike__: do you have dhcp on router?08:34
Mike__juk: yes!08:34
ardchoilleYankDownUnder: I've been using Ubuntu since 5.04 (April 2005) and used to do my own partitioning. Lately I've just been lazy and let Ubuntu do it :)08:34
jukMike__: can you ping to router?08:34
CRC_Jordan_U: Ok I just was wondering. I have ssh configured properly but how do I log into my ssh threw windows platform?08:34
Mike__juk: i don't have monitor so this is a diffcult question.08:35
YankDownUnderardchoille, Hehehehehe...yeah - I sometimes do that when I'm not really bothering with a particular machine...however, if the machine is going to live here permanently, then I'm extremely anal about how it's setup...08:35
silverlightningdo you know if the latest ubuntu edition have solved issues with cooling fan?08:35
Mike__juk: but it doesn't appears on routers dhcp list!08:35
jukMike__: monitor? how you talk?08:35
Mike__juk: sry, display.08:35
CRC_Or if anyone else know this then jump in08:35
ubottuPuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)08:36
ardchoilleCRC_: ^^08:36
YankDownUnderFor SSH under MS Windows, probably use putty - best option.08:36
jukMike__: i don't quite imagine situation, guess you need to set up /etc/network/interfaces08:37
CRC_Thanks everyone08:37
chalcedonyis anyone around who knows ati graphics and ubuntu 10.04?08:37
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chalcedonyi've spent all night trying to configure it to work with my monitors08:37
Mike__juk:auto eth1 \n iface eth1 inet dhcp will be good ?08:38
jukMike__: if it is eth1 device you on, then yes08:38
Mike__juk: thanks!08:39
rtyuiohello there08:39
jukMike__: OK!08:40
rtyuioi delete my tray which on the bottom how to redo it ?08:40
rooksany idea if evolution will be replaced by something that works, in the ubuntu+1?08:41
ardchoillertyuio: right click the panel, choose "Add to panel". Look for the Notification area in the ,ist and add it back to the panel08:41
rooksor are ther e any better mail clients out there with similiar skills?08:41
jukrooks: thunderbird08:41
rtyuioi m sorry, my question how to redo the panel, i delete the panel ardchoille08:41
ardchoillerooks: you might try thunderbird08:42
rooksjuk, ardchoille, thanks, i guess i give it a try08:42
ardchoillertyuio: right click an existing panel and choose "New panel"08:42
ardchoillertyuio: once the new panel is in place, right click it and choose "add to panel", you can add things back to it08:42
jukrooks: but it doesnt have alarm notifier and calendar out of box08:42
red2kicrooks: Sometimes it is just simpler to go straight to the source, your Gmail. :)08:43
rooksjuk, if it has it configurable then its fine by me08:43
CRC_What's a good VNC server to use?08:43
rooksjuk, i use gmail notifier and keep evolution closed most of the times08:43
ardchoillerooks: there is a package in the repos named xul-ext-lightning: xul-ext-lightning - Calendar Extension for Thunderbird08:44
jukrooks: well, yes you might give it a shot, worked out for me years08:44
rtyuioi can even my panel at the bottom of the page where to click to add to panel, seriously i catch you ardchoille08:44
rooksjuk, k08:44
lmvcHi guys, do you know a Command line torrent client?08:44
ardchoillertyuio: you can right-click any empty space on any panel and choose "new panel"08:44
juk!info transmission-cli | lmvc08:45
ubottulmvc: transmission-cli (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client (command line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.04-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 374 kB, installed size 804 kB08:45
juk!info transmission08:45
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.04-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB08:45
lmvcOk thank you guys08:45
PoochSo I figured out way my wireless internet light is blinking....it blinks when the internet is doing something :)08:46
szpreaderhi, what's the easiest way to switch from ubuntu to kubuntu?08:46
CRC_What Is a good VNC server for ubuntu?08:47
amithow to delete several user at a time08:47
MadpilotPooch, they all do that :)08:47
Poochit didnt do that on windows08:47
red2kicCRC_: If you installed Ubuntu LiveCD, then it's already there. vino or vinagre.08:47
red2kicCRC_: vino <-- Server     vinagre <-- client08:48
CRC_Vino or vinagre? Where is that08:48
rtyuioif i click new panel nothing happen ardchoille08:49
Ve2Ubu minimal is installing okay.08:49
Ve2I think. :P08:49
Ve2Thank you fellows for your invaluable help.08:49
adubdoes anyone have a Nvidia Geforce GT 240 and able to get stupid ubuntu 10.10 to install this is so frustrating the screen shows the install splash screen then throws a bunch of dang pixels on the screen08:50
ardchoillertyuio: right click the new panel08:50
adubi dont have any other video cards on this machine dont know where to start but the only place i can turn on this is bios08:50
lmvc <ubottu> is lightweight BitTorrent client the name of the torrent client i must install?08:51
rtyuioyes done i put it on the bottom ardchoille08:52
rtyuiobut i can't see running application on the panel08:52
kisukeoff hand does anyone knwo the package name for the closed source nvidia binarys?08:53
juk!info nvidia-current08:54
ubottunvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 25690 kB, installed size 76364 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)08:54
ardchoillertyuio: right click the new panel, choose "add to panel". in the new list of applets, choose Window List and add it to the new panel08:54
YankDownUnderright-click panel => add window list08:54
Poochwhats up08:54
dasboxhello friends08:54
kisukejuk: thanks08:54
ardchoillertyuio: and you can add anyting else that's in that list to the new panel :)08:54
MadHaTTer_444hey wheres the ops in here i wanna talk to them...08:55
dasboxcan any one tell me what are all the tweaks to improve boot speed of xubuntu08:55
kisukeubottu: you lie08:55
jukwhy No packages with the requested plugins found for mms stream playing in firefox, mplayer can handle it08:55
kmdmHi all, booted my Ubuntu 10.10 laptop yesterday and now when gdm/X starts at the login screen I have no working mouse/keyboard, no TTY[1-6] -- although I can ssh into the box fine, what can I check/do?08:56
MadHaTTer_444are there any ops in here?08:56
azni need help with game srever fps08:56
kisukeoh great its you again08:56
ardchoilleMadHaTTer_444: you can contact the ops in #ubuntu-ops08:56
ikoniaMadHaTTer_444: leave08:56
kisukeikonia: thanks08:56
ardchoilleikonia: oh, sorry, I was just trying to refer him to the proper channel08:57
Poochnow thats a cool way to do ops08:57
ns5Hi, I just installed openjdk java 6 from Ubuntu software center.  How to make it work with google chromium?08:58
rtyuioi don't know if you get my question, how to see running application  on tab as it happen before, coz i can't see firefox on the panel which is running08:58
ardchoillens5: just install chromium and run it, that's all I did08:58
rtyuioi don't know if you get my question, how to see running application  on tab as it happen before, coz i can't see firefox on the panel which is running ardchoille08:58
ardchoillertyuio: I have told you numerous times how to add that applet to the panel.08:59
ardchoillertyuio: right click the new panel, choose "add to panel". in the new list of applets, choose Window List and add it to the new panel08:59
ns5ardchoille: No, my chrome still needs a java plugin08:59
ardchoillertyuio: the running apps is an applet that you have to add to the panel before you can see them08:59
ardchoillens5: ah, ok. I have no idea, I didn't have to do that09:00
rtyuiobut the problem is in frendch i can't get the right applet09:00
lmvcCan somebody help knows if the tutorial in the following link can be used under my ubuntu version. The link: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-command-line-bittorrent-client.html09:00
ardchoillertyuio: in my list, that applet is the third from the bottom. the icon next to it looks like a grey rectangle with a tiny window inside it09:01
Poochis there a way to display temps on the desktop?09:01
bazhanglmvc, why not rtorrent instead (for cli bittorrent client)09:02
tiborgkét táblázatból hogyan lehetne egyet csinálni? azaz van két táblázat és van egy oszlop ami megegyezik.09:02
bazhangPooch, with conky09:02
ardchoillePooch: I use gkrellm for that. it can monitor temps including CPU and GPU via the Builtins > Sensors module in the gkrellm config09:02
bazhang!hu | tiborg09:03
ubottutiborg: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál09:03
Poochthank you bazhang and ardchoille09:03
ardchoillebazhang: thanks, was just looking for that trigger09:03
lmvc<bazhang> can I download files remotely over ssh session?09:03
amithow to delete various users at a time from termial09:03
jattwith xargs09:04
jattput the list of users in a file09:04
jattand then use xargs and userdel to delete them all09:04
amitwhat is xargs09:05
jattcat file.txt | xargs -i userdel --force \{\}09:05
jattman xargs09:05
BartzyI use 'cp' to copy a local file to a NFS mount to a server in the same LAN. I sometimes get "Input/Output error" from cp. Any idea ?09:07
jattnfs bugs09:07
jukBartzy: use -f09:08
jattuse scp09:08
rtyuioyou     get my point ?09:08
Bartzyjatt: NFS bugs? What kind of bug ? Why scp will be better ?09:08
Bartzyscp will need a password and I don't want to use PKI.09:08
amitjatt: how to open tty mode in virtual os as alt+ctrl+F1_F6 doesnot work09:08
speedyWhat is a good tool are a way to roll ur own distro09:08
Bartzyjuk: -f will try multiple times until successful ?09:09
jukBartzy: kindof09:09
jattscp will be better because NFS sucks09:09
bazhang!remaster> speedy09:09
ubottuspeedy, please see my private message09:09
rtyuiothanks a lot i find it ardchoille09:09
ardchoillertyuio: you're welcome, glad you found it :)09:10
Blorg28jatt: you get  better performance on a LAN with NFS than SCP09:10
ubottuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:10
ardchoille!fr | rtyuio If French if your native language, you might be interested int his:09:10
ubotturtyuio If French if your native language, you might be interested int his:: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:10
rtyuiofrankly i prefer here09:11
Fudgehi is there a testdisk channel or someone really good with it who could help?09:11
=== SecretAg1nt is now known as SecretAgent
rooksthanks for thunderbird tip, its awesome09:11
ardchoillerooks: yep, and you can find more thunderbird stuff in the repos: apt-cache search thunderbird09:12
lmvcDoes anyone knows if I can download files remotely with rtorrent? If not, please give me some other options09:14
rooksardchoille, thanks, i installed heaps of stuff with synaptic :)09:14
ardchoilleI keep forgetting synaptic is there, lol.. so used to using cli09:14
gbjkI have an issue with recent updates to evolution. It checks that email addresses look valid, and prompt you. Our mail server handles our uids automatically, so this is a pita for me. Anyone know how ot turn that off?09:14
=== QuBit is now known as Guest84405
bazhanglmvc, there are some tutorials on rtorrent on the web, I suggest you check them, or the rtorrent help pages09:15
ardchoillerooks: don't forget to set thunderbird as your default mail reader in System > Preferences > Prefered applications09:15
rooksyup, did it09:16
rooksardchoille, btw altgr + 'i' = →   :P09:16
sunhaowhat is this09:17
amithow to delete home directory of user if i deleted the user alreaady?09:17
bazhangsunhao, Ubuntu support09:17
Blorg28amit: rm -rf /home/userdeleted09:18
Bartzyjuk: I actually don't use cp when I think about it. This is my line:09:18
jukBartzy: ah09:18
ardchoilleamit: be careful with using sudo with that rm command Blorg28 posted09:18
Bartzyjuk: gzip -c /var/log/backup.log > /net/my_server/backup/backup.log-`date +\%H\%M`.gz09:18
Bartzyjuk: Any idea why it's giving me Input/Output error ?09:19
Blorg28amit: and next time use deluser --remove-home when deleting a user09:19
jukBartzy: you doing literally?09:19
ardchoilleBartzy: why are you escaping the %H and %M?09:19
Bartzyardchoille: Because I run it in cron09:19
Bartzyand cron treats '%' like a newline09:19
amit                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a09:19
amit                                                                  09:19
FloodBot2amit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:20
jukBartzy: pastebin erros09:20
ardchoilleBartzy: /net/my_server/backup/backup.log-$(date +%H%M).gz09:20
Bartzyardchoille: And that will work in a cron ? Despite cron treating '%' like a newline ?09:21
Bartzyjuk: sec.09:21
iqbalhow to combiine chmod command with ffmpeg command?09:21
ardchoilleBartzy: works in my cron, been using it in my main backup file for years09:21
amitardchoille:why should i don't use sudo plz tell09:21
Bartzyardchoille: OK thanks.09:21
ardchoilleamit: you may need to use sudo because you won't be able to delete other users' home dirs without it09:22
Bartzyjuk: /bin/sh: line 1: /net/my_server/backup/backup.log-0645.gz: Input/output error09:22
ConcreteVitaminI am running irssi in one of my terminal windows. In other cases I press Q to go back, but how do I do in such program?09:22
Blorg28ConcreteVitamin: you want to quit irssi ?09:22
Ve2Ctrl + C ?09:23
Bartzyjuk: Any idea ? Maybe I should save the gzipped file locally and copy it with cp -f to the NFS share ?09:23
Ve2or /quit?09:23
ConcreteVitaminBlorg28: Not exactly. I sure know how to do so, but I'd like to know the general-case solution.09:23
[deXter]It's never too late to quit irssi. Talk to your local support group for more assistance. Think about your family.09:23
Ve2ConcreteVitamin, ctrl C exits most command line programs09:23
Blorg28[deXter]: lol09:23
Blorg28ConcreteVitamin: there is no general case. Use the way the softwar you are runing want. It's cleaner09:24
rooksim quite happy to quit irssi for xchat-gnome :P09:24
ConcreteVitaminVe2: /quit is a IRC command, not one of Linux.09:24
ConcreteVitaminBlorg28: Okay. THanks.09:24
youknowh1After an ubuntu update, my super+KP shortcuts stopped working09:24
Ve2/quit should work in irssi also.09:24
ardchoilleit does09:25
Blorg28Ve2: /quit is the way to cleanly exit irssi, yes09:25
Ve2There you go.09:25
Blorg28rooks: irssi ftw ;)09:25
youknowh1Does anyone know of a similar issue?09:25
rooksno its not :) RL ftw :P09:25
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youknowh1It happened recently (1 week or so) on ubuntu 10.1009:26
ardchoilleyouknowh1: you can reimplement keyboard shortcuts in System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts09:26
Blorg28rooks: RL ?09:26
youknowh1ardchoille: These shortcuts are some I've set in ccsm for the 'put' feature09:26
ConcreteVitaminlinsir: English official channel here.09:27
bazhang!cn | linsir09:27
ubottulinsir: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk09:27
ardchoilleyouknowh1: then you should be able to restore them in ccsm09:27
jukBartzy: yeah, give it a shot09:27
Bartzyjuk: ok, thanks.09:27
youknowh1ardchoille: They're still set, they just don't work anymore.09:27
jukBartzy: OK!09:27
rooksBlorg28, real life :)09:27
ardchoilleyouknowh1: oh, ok, didn't realize that09:27
Blorg28rooks: lol09:28
youknowh1When I try to set them again, ccsm doesn't register that I'm pressing on the keypad09:28
chris_osxrooks: how is a bot supposed to know rl? ;-)09:28
=== matthijs is now known as matthijs-waag
happyaronhello, I want to use a shell script to find whether a file is textual, I tried "if [ ! `file $1 | grep text` ]; then"..., but result in an unexpected operator, what's wrong?09:28
ns5I try to start a java webstart program in google chromium, instead of running the program, chromium starts to download the jnlp file...09:28
rookschris_osx, i thought it was sentient like skynet :P09:29
Ubuntu-userhow i can learn ubuntu?09:29
youknowh1happyaron: try the command 'file'09:29
bazhang!manual | Ubuntu-user have a read09:30
ubottuUbuntu-user have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:30
happyaronyouknowh1: I know that, I tried "if [ ! `file $1 | grep text` ]; then"..., but result in an "unexpected operator" error09:30
youknowh1happyaron: that's because you're comparing the output of grep to a boolean operator09:31
Ubuntu-userany virtual videos / trainings to learn ubuntu ?09:31
happyaronyouknowh1: so what is the correct way to do this?09:31
youknowh1happyaron: try telling grep to not output matches, or do like so $result = `yourcommand`; if [ ! $? ]; then ...09:32
youknowh1then $result will contain the match09:32
bazhangUbuntu-user, not that I know of, and really outside the scope of this channel09:32
Ubuntu-userThanks bazhang09:33
youknowh1ardchoille: I figured out my problem. Ubuntu enabled "use keypad as virtual mouse" feature after a software update09:33
tsimpsonhappyaron: if ! $(file $1|grep -q text); then ...09:33
happyaronyouknowh1: same problem09:33
happyarontsimpson: trying now09:33
ardchoilleyouknowh1: Ah, nice to know that09:33
M-spritewho use mutt to see mails ? how to set Maildir in muttrc ?09:34
youknowh1Now all my shortcuts work perfectly :D09:35
happyarontsimpson: cool, works. thanks!09:35
ljsoftnetwhere does google chrome save temporary files?09:35
llutz_M-sprite: http://www.elho.net/mutt/maildir09:35
greppyM-sprite: Look on http://wiki.mutt.org09:36
M-spritellutz_: that's it,09:36
M-spritegreppy: yeah, but i can not understand it clearly. ....09:36
M-spritellutz_:  and by the way, i mixed the sort sort_aux, and sort_browser options in muttrc up. i do now to how to set those three options to browser with "score"and "date" , let the first new message at number 1.09:37
ljsoftnetwhere does google chrome save temporary files?09:39
adubcould someone tell me why my installer will not let me set bootable flag to on when i make a ext4 partition it shows off it will NOT let me change the flag to on09:40
adub10.10 alternate bc on this pc the 10.10 standard install will not work09:40
bazhangadub, the alternate?09:41
adubbazhang yes the alternate iso install for people that are having a hard time with the main release09:41
kisukeok this is starting to get annoying.09:41
bazhangadub, that's odd, worked fine here09:41
ChogyDanljsoftnet: I think in a folder called profiles09:41
adubbazhang yeah you have different hardware09:42
alch3mistcan anyone offer me help with bactrack 4?09:42
ljsoftnetChogyDan: where can i find it?09:42
alch3misti'm relativley new with it09:42
bazhangalch3mist, in the backtrack channel not here09:42
adubsure go to the backtrack irc channgel09:42
bazhangalch3mist, #backtrack-linux09:43
ikoniaalch3mist: #backtrack-linux09:43
alch3mistim sorry,09:43
ChogyDanljsoftnet: ~/.config/chromium/Default09:43
alch3mistwould i then just ad '#bactrack-linux' to the server list on xchat?09:43
adubalch3mist go to the #remote-exploit channel09:43
ikoniaadub: no09:43
ikoniathat is the wrong channel09:43
adubno your on the right server09:43
juk!backtrack > alch3mist09:43
ubottualch3mist, please see my private message09:43
ikoniaalch3mist: the correct channel is #backtrack-linux09:44
adubikonia unless things have changed then it is right09:44
ikoniaadub: they have changed, it's wrong09:44
adubok things have changed, lol09:44
adubok im 0ld skool sorry09:44
kisukealch3mist: type  "/join #backtrack-linux" w/o the quotes09:44
Bartzyhow do I unset a shell variable ?09:44
Bartzyenv variable I mean09:44
alch3mistthank you ^_^09:44
ikoniaBartzy: unset VAR09:44
ikoniaBartzy: eg: unset PATH09:44
adubikonia why on earth will the alternate cd install of 10.10 not let me change the dang boot flag of a newly done partition09:44
Bartzyyeah makes sense. Thanks and sorry :)09:44
adubthis crap is kinda pissing me off09:44
ikoniaadub: no idea and control the language09:45
rumpe1adub, why do you need the boot flag?09:45
ikoniaBartzy: no need for sorry, it's a reasonable question09:45
adubrumpel to make the drive bootable09:45
rumpe1adub, linux doesn't care about boot-flags... thats windows09:45
adubrumpel ok in that case i can only pray that it boots09:45
Jordan_Uadub: BIOS's don't know anything about partitions or boot flags (with the exception of a few rare very broken ones).09:46
conconflash keeps crashing all the time09:46
adubi just want to get this working i have tried like hell to get 10.10 on my machine the live disk wont work there is something fubar with my graphics card and the installer09:46
ikoniaconcon: it is very buggy09:46
adubopting for alternate install so i can at least troubleshoot09:47
ChogyDanconcon: chromium?09:47
Jordan_Uconcon: For youtube and some other sites you can use HTML5 instead.09:47
adubwhich is odd the installer works with 10.0409:47
adubi just find that wierd09:47
ljsoftnetChogyDan: the flash file im looking for is not there09:47
erkan^Can someone tell where can I a configure where can I remove a program when I open a pictogram on the Desktop, than I click right mouse, than "Open with"... https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_-g7SHML2oAI/TVzs91hOEII/AAAAAAAAA1E/YXJk_EtaCMY/s512/kan%20niet%20verwijderen%20via%20openen.png ... because i see Adobe Reader on this computer (I have removed this software, but that is still, is not right), i want remove that, but can not .. can someon09:47
erkan^e help me ?09:47
adubwhat kernel does 10.04 run09:48
adubanyone know right off hand by default09:48
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: Flash unlinks the file immediately after creating it.09:48
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: The file is (sort of) in /tmp/.09:48
bazhang!info linux lucid | adub09:48
ubottuadub: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)09:48
ljsoftnetJordan_U: do u know where google chrome stores the /tmp files?09:49
jukljsoftnet: .cache/chromium/Default/Cache/09:49
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: If you're talking about flash videos it's flash that stores them, not chrome. And they are stored in /tmp/, but using a clever trick of Unix to make them hard to access.09:50
conconChogyDan: Yes09:50
adubbazhang what about 10.1009:50
conconFlash is unstable in firefox, doesn't work at all in chromium09:50
bazhang!info linux | adub09:50
ubottuadub: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)09:50
conconTried flashplugin-nonfree and installer, and now I'm trying adobe-flashplugin09:50
jukconcon: true that, crappy flash09:50
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: This script will "undelete" the files, so that they are accessible in /tmp/ like they used to be in previous versions of flash: http://pastebin.com/7DHc6eyU09:51
conconWorks as a charm on my other laptop09:51
conconSpotify doesn't like my soundcard, and youtube dies in horrible missery09:51
Metallicohi guys, last week i turned my pc on and got a failed to mount error when trying to boot and now i am trying to get the data from the hard drive with one of those hdd candys but ubuntu gives an error when trying to mount the hard drive "An error occurred while accessing the system responded: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply...."09:52
ljsoftnetJordan_U: where do i put the script?09:52
kiwidoodHey would it be possible to install ubuntu to a formated partition from windows?  I don't have any CD/DVD to burn the iso to and no flash drive to boot it from09:52
Metallicois there any way i could get my data back?09:53
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: Anywhere will work. If you want to use it often you might want to put it in ~/bin (create that directory if it doesn't already exist).09:53
juk!rcovery | Metallico:09:53
juk!recovery | Metallico:09:53
ubottuMetallico:: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"09:53
Metallicothanks, will try that now09:54
alsunakiwidood: there is an installer to install ubuntu from inside a windows09:55
ljsoftnetJordan_U: do i put it on a empty file?09:55
rumpe1kiwidood, well ... it certainly is possible, but i would not recommend it. Why not try ubuntu in a virtual machine?09:55
brontosaurusrexJordan_U: and   ~/bin is automagically on the system path for that user i assume?09:55
kiwidoodalsuna yes, but I don't want to install ubuntu from within windows itself09:55
kiwidoodI want to install ubuntu to its own partition09:56
Jordan_Ubrontosaurusrex: Yes (though it's only added to $PATH if it exists when you log in).09:56
kiwidoodrumpe1, my laptop couldn't handle it unfortunately09:56
llutz_brontosaurusrex: grep bin ~/.profile09:56
brontosaurusrexJordan_U: ok09:56
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: Yes. Name it something like "undelflv" and make sure that its permissions are set to allow execution.09:57
alsunakiwidood: yes that's exactly what that installer will do: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide09:57
brontosaurusrexllutz: i see09:57
kiwidoodalsuna oh? I always thought it actually installed itself in the NTFS partition with wubi09:58
Jordan_Ukiwidood: It does.09:58
kiwidoodAnd that's what I don't want to happen09:58
rumpe1kiwidood, it creates a container-file on ntfs and uses it as a virtual drive *afaik*09:59
kiwidoodI want to somehow install ubuntu to a ex3 partition from within windows09:59
kiwidoodnot sure if it can be done though09:59
wildbatkiwidood: don't use wubi then09:59
Jordan_Ukiwidood: It can, but not easily (probably not worth it).09:59
kiwidoodHey would it be possible to install ubuntu to a formated partition from windows?  I don't have any CD/DVD to burn the iso to and no flash drive to boot it from09:59
ljsoftnetJordan_U: so il just run the file, and start streaming the flash video?09:59
rumpe1kiwidood, a agree with Jordan_U ... it will be too complicated. Windows alone is just too stupid for this task.10:00
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: Load the video, wait for it to be completely downloaded, then run the script to copy the video file into /tmp/ where you can access it.10:00
triptecI just compiled and installed a lib into /usr/local/lib, but it doesn't showup when I run ldconfig -p.. how to fix?10:00
kiwidoodrumpe1 Challenge accepted.10:00
ljsoftnetJordan_U ok10:00
YouKayGuys, how to change my default shell from zsh to bash? Should I edit the /etc/passwd file and change it manually?10:00
rumpe1kiwidood, in worst case you will crush your windows :>10:01
stoney_001Hi there. I have a USB storage device sometimes attached to my machine and want it to automount when present. Upon bootup if it isn't present then I get a 'Press S to skip mount or M for manual recovery'. Any way to prevent this behaviour so that I don't have to interactively press 'S' ?10:01
kiwidoodrumpe1 this does not scare me in the slightest tbh10:01
rumpe1kiwidood, well... and if windows doesnt work anymore ... how do you boot your laptop?10:01
m|kaelhello, i installed ubuntu server for the first time and i have some troubles getting apache starting. i get the error ${APACHE_RUN_USER}10:01
kiwidoodrumpe1 with great difficulty, but that is not a worry for me10:02
alsunakiwidood: i think the easiest must be to get a usb stick and boot from that, if your bios supports that10:02
Jordan_Ukiwidood: If you want to try the challenge look at Wubi's source code to see how they load grub from ntldr/bcd, then create your own grub.cfg with an entry to loop boot an Ubuntu iso: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg10:02
triptecor actually the compile and linking of the program I'm compiling works but when I run it is cant find the shared object...10:02
jukm|kael: just run apachectl start10:03
kiwidoodI'm going to laugh so hard if i pull this off, it will be marked on my calendar as "the glory day"10:03
oliver_Hi guy. bmon is driving me insane. I want simply to get the output in a file. But when I use bmon -o ascii > file.txt, the file stays empty :( any Ideas?10:03
clu3Pls HELP. I ran away from my Toshiba laptop and when i got back, my screen server just showed totally black screen. I couldn't do anything so i logged into another terminal a restart the machine from there. now i'm presented with a few messages and a (initramfs) prompt. Some body pls help me?10:03
Jordan_Ukiwidood: Don't expect to succeed in that route in less than a few days and a lot of learning though.10:03
clu3Here is the error: "mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory"10:04
brontosaurusrexkiwidood: probably a 'glory month'10:04
kiwidoodI'll just have to have faith in myself10:04
clu3and same for /sys and /proc10:04
kiwidoodand lot's of coffee10:04
Jordan_Ukiwidood: Good luck.10:04
kiwidoodThanks :D10:05
rumpe1kiwidood, it would be a lot easier, if you could plug the laptops HD into another machine, which can boot from CD/usb....10:05
clu3hello, any body help me pls?10:05
jukclu3: did somebody touched your laptop when ran away?10:05
kiwidoodrumpe1 I don't have any screw driver's to open up my laptop10:05
clu3juk, no i'm home alone10:05
jukclu3: hm10:06
rumpe1kiwidood, well well... good luck i wish :)10:06
osmosis_paulgood morning, i'm creating a shell script, and i want give the name of a file that i'm gonna create the filesystem date, any idea how???10:06
juk!recovery | clu3:10:06
ubottuclu3:: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"10:06
ljsoftnetJordan_U: it worked, but why did they change it?10:06
juk!jp | tsucchin10:07
ubottutsucchin: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい10:07
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: I don't know, you'd have to ask Adobe.10:07
clu3juk, ok, thanks, i'm not sure if i have the live CD anymore, checking...10:07
L-s-Losmosis_paul: filename-`date -I`10:07
ljsoftnetJordan_U ok thanks man10:07
speedy_any tools or apps GUI in ubuntu for the Android forsaving pictures and SMS or mabye total backup of phone10:07
jukspeedy_: forsaving?10:08
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: You're welcome.10:08
speedy_pics music etc10:08
osmosis_paulL-s-L, thank you very much10:08
jukspeedy_: ah for* *saving10:08
speedy_I have Motorola Tools for Windows but would like similiar tool fou Ubuntu10:10
Blorg28speedy_: you can use some android app to backup your phone and then transfer the file with USB10:10
jukspeedy_: rhythmbox and spot something forgot10:10
ikoniaspeedy_: don't exist10:10
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
sectorbosmosis_paul: another format: filename-`date  +"%Y%m%d"`10:11
osmosis_paulsectorb, thanks dude10:12
llutz_osmosis_paul: $(date -I) to be preferred over using backticks `10:12
speedy_ya I could do that but would rather do it directly on Ubuntu but I have searched no luck tool does not exist maybe some programmers will make such tool10:12
ardchoillespeedy_: check your PM10:13
=== Guest84405 is now known as QuB1t
ljsoftnetJordan_U is there an alternative to adobe flash?10:16
oliver_Help needed: I want simply to get the output in a file. But when I use bmon -o ascii > file.txt, the file stays empty :( any Ideas?10:17
juk!info gnash10:17
ubottugnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.8-5ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 176 kB, installed size 492 kB10:17
stoney_001Hi there. I have a USB storage device sometimes attached to my machine and want it to automount when present. Upon bootup if it isn't present then I get a 'Press S to skip mount or M for manual recovery'. Any way to prevent this behaviour so that I don't have to interactively press 'S' ?10:17
llutz_oliver_: bmon -o ascii &> file.txt10:17
llutz_oliver_: bmon -o ascii > file.txt 2>&1         if not using bash10:17
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: For some sites HTML5 video, like http://youtube.com/html510:18
ljsoftnetJordan_U how about gnash, is it the same with adobe flash?10:18
speedy_Everyone Sleeping :)10:21
clu3juk, i'm in the ubuntu@ubuntu terminal now (from the live CD)10:22
Kpullotronis it better ubuntu than windows 7?10:22
Jordan_Uljsoftnet: It's not very usable yet unfortunately.10:22
clu3what should i do?10:22
ljsoftnetJordan_U ok10:22
Kpullotroni'm thinking about migrating to ubuntu10:22
jukclu3: sing? sorry im not mind reader10:23
YankDownUnderI migrate heaps of folks to Ubuntu from Microsoft. They're mostly quite happy with the change.10:23
Jordan_U!best | Kpullotron10:23
ubottuKpullotron: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:23
Kpullotronubuntu is it good for a shop?10:23
Kpullotroni mean it has all the needed software10:23
YankDownUnderKpullotron, For what? Using POS? Using accounting? Inventory?10:23
YankDownUnderOk...here's the go: there are heaps of POS programs, inventory programs and accounting programs - for many different types of "stores" - just a matter of making a list of what you're going to need, how it suits you, and that's all she wrote.10:24
adubok i just install ubuntu 10.10 and i have a screen full of just big blocks of pixels....ctrl alt backspace or ctrl alt f1 does not kick me to a prompt this does this on live distro i had to use the alternate to install if i use a boot disk to just get a shell could i dmesg to tell what the hell is going on10:24
adubi wouldnt think so since im using a disk to boot to a prompt but what do i know10:25
clu3juk, my computer got error after the screen saver? heh, you might have forgotten, we just talked a few mins ago10:25
adubis there anyway to troubleshoot this10:25
jukclu3: ah10:25
speedy_its not that one OS better than the other  its a choice of prefernces and the ease of customizing to the users taste so Ubuntu or any Linux can be modified...  Windows cannot at least at the heart of the os make sense dunno10:26
jukspeedy_: you gonna be baned10:26
adubok i just install ubuntu 10.10 and i have a screen full of just big blocks of pixels....ctrl alt backspace or ctrl alt f1 does not kick me to a prompt this does this on live distro i had to use the alternate to install if i use a boot disk to just get a shell could i dmesg to tell what the hell is going on10:30
adubis there anyway to troubleshoot this10:30
jukclu3: what error exactly?10:30
llutz_speedy_: most linux-freaks would call your (correct) statement "blasphemy" :)10:30
clu3target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init10:30
clu3No init found try passing init = bootarg10:30
clu3juk, i tried the live CD, but i can only get to the terminal by pressing Ctrl Alt F1. The GUI doesn't seem to load10:30
clu3and i am not sure what do to from the terminal10:31
YankDownUnderclu3, Have you checked the CD to make sure it's not corrupted?10:32
jukclu3: backup files first i'd do10:32
SilentDishello, How do I force Network manager to use a specific usb device for EVDO?  I'm able to connect fine with ppp because I can force it to use /dev/ttyUSB210:32
clu3juk, thanks. YankDownUnder i'm pretty sure it is10:33
hilarieAnyone here play with wine much?10:33
ikoniahilarie: guys in #winehq do10:33
clu3YankDownUnder, i mean it is OK, not corrupted10:33
jjp1789hilarie: do you mean play (tweak) or play (games) ?10:34
thropetrying to upgrade a 10.4 install to 10.10 - receive an error "an unresolvable problem occurred... Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages"... any idea on how to fix this?10:34
thropeis there a log somewhere i can see which packages caused it10:34
YankDownUnderclu3, If you can at least login to the console, then at least you're getting somewhere. When you're booting, have you tried to just hit enter and read some of the parameters that you can pass the kernel prior to booting into the system to see if that might help you get some type of graphical interface?10:35
clu3YankDownUnder, when i switch to terminal (ctrl + alt + F1) i'm presented with ubuntu@ubuntu. It doesn't ask me to login.  If booting without the live CD, i haven't tried what you said yet..10:37
YankDownUnderclu3, Give it a go. There are several params that can be passed to the kernel to possibly get you to a graphical desktop mate.10:37
=== root is now known as Guest9721
clu3YankDownUnder, you mean when booting without the CD, right?10:38
speedy_Apologies to whom I offended on previous post it was not meant to be10:38
YankDownUnderGuest9721, Mate, it's truly NOT a good idea to login to IRC as root mate. Truly. Very bad, and very bad taste.10:38
pasadefrancehi there :)10:38
YankDownUnderclu3, When booting WITH the CD - so you can troubleshoot the issue.10:38
clu3i see, thanks YankDownUnder10:39
adubyankdownunder i cant10:40
YankDownUnderadub, Eh?10:40
Guest9721hi all10:40
adubmy screeen is just full of blocky pixels and i cant ctrl alt f1 or backspace to get a prompt i dont think if i use any boot disk that dmesg will net me anything10:40
adubya my video is jacked10:41
adubi seen on a forum where others where reporting the same problem but some could disable onboard video people that have my graphics card10:41
YankDownUnderGuest9721, Please, do NOT login to IRC as the root user. It's extremely dangerous, and it's extremely bad form.10:41
clu3YankDownUnder, in deed, i think it's the CD problem, I just cleaned it ( a little more) and now i'm in the live CD :)10:41
adubi have no onboard video10:41
clu3GUI interface i mean10:41
brontosaurusrexi need a life without adobe.10:41
YankDownUnderadub, Have you tried disabling the onboard graphics card in your BIOS?10:41
adubi do not have onboard graphics10:42
YankDownUnderclu3, Coolbeans mate.10:42
YankDownUnderadub, What do ya got?10:42
adubgeforce gt 240 works fine with 10.0410:42
speedy_adub, video card issue try anoter system if available and repeat your process on that machine10:42
adubbut even tried just updating10:42
adubspeedy_ so your saying just dont use 10.1010:42
YankDownUnderadub, What is the graphics driver you're using?10:43
speedy_adub have access to anoher video card10:43
adubspeedy_ no i do not10:43
padi999I have the visual effects enabled in ubuntu but I can't figure out where the settings are! Like keyboardshortcuts for changing wobbly windows style etc.10:43
adubso 10.10 has a lot of issues with gt 240 for some reason10:43
adubspeedy_ i know you know your stuff i see you in here often  bro10:43
YankDownUnderadub, If you're using an NVidia card, you might want to try running "sudo jockey-gtk" - let the system try to determine the best driver for your card - let it do it's thing, reboot after it's done - see what you get...10:44
speedy_no i ran just the live DVD of natty and its works live fine and the previous versions as well I use now Ultimate Edtion10:44
adubyankdownunder here is the thing i can not get a prompt man to troubleshoot10:44
speedy_Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is my box10:44
clu3YankDownUnder, heh, but i'm not sure what do do next :) . I can see the harddisk but can't mount it10:44
YankDownUnderadub, So you can't even get to a console login?10:44
adubno console nothing just a bunch of pixels10:45
padi999lucid lynx: Where are the compiz/fusion settings?10:45
YankDownUnderclu3, PLACES => Whatever drive ?10:45
aduband it is as if the system is locked up10:45
adubspeedy_ you have a gt 240 ?10:45
YankDownUnderadub, Have you looked through the forums on how to boot to a liveCD and then chroot to the local disk?10:45
adubthe 10.10 will not boot to a live disk the same thing happens big pixels then locks up10:46
clu3YankDownUnder, yep, it doesn't response. When i try again. "Dbus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolueMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending"10:46
speedy_adub is the pixels all over or half the screen no prompt? try typing in blind if u know there is a console there10:46
YankDownUnderclu3, Sounds to me like the disk might be dirtier than you think - or the drive itself needs a bit of a cleaning....10:47
adubwhat do you recommend i type10:47
ArunCHi, I'm trying to build a shared object from a static lib. I use g++ -static option, when I get this error: http://codepad.org/cQRg9w8710:47
adubjust pass10:47
speedy_adub nope10:47
jukArunC: take it to #programming10:47
padi999where can I find the compiz/fusion settings in lucid?10:48
ArunCjuk: Thanks10:48
YankDownUnderadub, Not sure mate...if I had time to look through the forums for both Ubuntu and Debian, I'd do so...but working...10:48
osmosis_paulI want create a folder in case that does not exist yet, i looking in google and i found that line, but does not work to me.  if [[ ! -e $APACHE_BACKUP ]]; then10:48
osmosis_paultold me  "[[: not found10:48
nisthahi all10:48
osmosis_paulof course i close the loop fi10:48
kingofthethinghey on of my external hard drives isnt showing up on my desktop after it is mounted, it used to show up but now it doesnt, any help?10:49
clu3YankDownUnder, i can still open other applications like openoffice or play some games there, only they run quite slow10:49
YankDownUnderclu3, Yes, they'll run slow - if the graphics driver - amongst other things - isn't the right driver, then yeah, everything is going to crawl...10:50
clu3YankDownUnder, yes, I had problem with the drivers on this new Toshiba lap model when i installed Ubuntu a few months ago. Had to add extra repo.10:51
adubjust oging to go  back to 10.04 and troubleshoot the other hardware issues im having like no sound for whatever stupid reason10:51
YankDownUnderclu3, Hmmm...well, that tells all, doesn't it? :)10:51
clu3YankDownUnder, somebody suggest to run "e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda2" on ubuntuforms. should i try10:51
YankDownUnderadub, Sometimes, when you're having issues with ONE driver, other bits just ain't going to work, either.10:51
YankDownUnderclu3, Won't hurt.10:52
clu3I have some important data not yet backed up10:52
kingofthethingi have an external hard drive connected and it recognized and accessible but it is not showing up on my desktop, any ideas how to fix that?10:53
Ve2Ok so.10:55
Ve2I have a fakeraid array & ubuntu server installed.10:55
Ve2I need to mount an NTFS partition on the array10:55
Ve2Will I break everything?10:55
Ve2Because I cannot afford to lose the data and I cannot back it up. :)10:55
rumpe1Ve2, why can't you back it up?10:57
Ve2It's 2TB10:57
Ve2I don't have a 2TB disk to back up to.10:57
clu3when I run e2fsck from my live CD terminal, i got this error: "Dvice or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda. Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?"10:57
Ve2Seems to have mounted ok10:57
clu3what can i do?10:57
speedy_question:  What or were is the Splash Screen on boot located in system can it be changed? u know like the animated splash on boot or just as desktops loads. Like othere Linux Versions to name a couple Ultimate Edtion the nice liquid like loge for UE, and GnackTrackR4 has nice splash as well just like to add my own10:57
rumpe1Ve2, should be the first thing to do before doing anything else10:57
Ve2Fingers crossed it doesn't erase all my data10:57
YankDownUnderclu3, sudo e2fsck => you have to be root user (or have the rights) to do that.10:58
Ve2I will be backing up all the data10:58
rumpe1Ve2, otherwise you "can afford" to loose everything :>10:58
llutz_clu3: you don't want to fsck  /dev/sda, use a partition like /dev/sdaX10:58
Ve2Yeah I know.10:58
clu3YankDownUnder, i was already under sudo10:58
Ve2I am getting a 2TB disk like, tomorrow10:58
rumpe1Ve2, then wait10:58
Ve2but I want to format it ext4 & not use NTFS10:58
Ve2So I need to mount it in ubuntu anyway10:58
Ve2Hopefully everything will be cool.10:58
rumpe1Ve2, mount it read-only and there shouldn't be any problem10:59
kingofthethingi have an external hard drive connected and it recognized and accessible but it is not showing up on my desktop, any ideas how to fix that?10:59
clu3llutz_, what are those sda1, sda2, sda5  I have? Which one should i try?10:59
Ve2good iea.10:59
YankDownUnderclu3, Right...is the partition you're trying to fsck ext2?10:59
clu3it ext4 YankDownUnder10:59
Ve2What is the flag for that again?10:59
clu3YankDownUnder,  sorry, wait..10:59
llutz_clu3: /dev/sda is the drive, /dev/sda1.... are the partitions. you need to know which partition holds the filesystem you want to check10:59
Ve2-o ro?10:59
YankDownUnderclu3, Then use ext4.fsck /dev/sdXX11:00
rumpe1Ve2, yeah... or just -r11:00
clu3yep,  it seems ext4 for sda1 when i use sudo gparted11:00
YankDownUnderVe2, Must be a pom or an Aussie...11:00
clu3llutz_, i see, thanks , it must be sda1 then11:01
YankDownUnderVe2, Where ya live?11:01
YankDownUnderVe2, Yeppers...s'what I thought...11:01
YankDownUnderrumpe1, Yeah, mate. Austria. Heaps of wombats in Austria.11:02
clu3I still get the same error as sda . "...busy while trying to open /dev/sda1"11:02
suigenerishmm, there's a conflict on banshee.fm. the front page says iPhones can be synced, the user manual says banshee supports most smartphones with the notable exception of iPhone, iPad etc.11:02
YankDownUnderclu3, Then something is trying to read the partition already - didn't you say just a bit earlier that you were in the midst of trying to mount the drive?11:03
Ve2Quantum physics lib?11:07
rumpe1Ve2, it's used for lolcats :>11:07
YankDownUnderVe2, Not to mention: /usr/lib/libschrodingerscat11:07
Ve2oh dear11:07
tensorpuddinglibschroedinger is for the dirac video codec11:08
FloodBot3Ve2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:08
Ve2I am used to rhel, et c.11:08
Ve2How do I configure static ips in ubu server?11:08
rumpe1Ve2, dhcpd-config?11:08
YankDownUnderVe2, /etc/network/interfaces11:09
Ve2what is with the wierd config file?11:09
rumpe1Ve2, nevermind... didn't understand what you meant exactly11:09
YankDownUnderUm...weird? I rather like a simple config like the /etc/network/interfaces - easy for at least me to understand...11:10
Ve2I am used to the ifcfg files11:10
Pumpkin-it is literally that you are used to them though, they both do the same thing11:10
Ve2This one looks totally different11:10
Pumpkin-I will be honest, the fact it doesn't come with a bunch of examples in it commented out is a little irritating11:11
YankDownUnderI rather like just editing the one, restarting the network, and VOILA! S'all good and up and running happy as Larry...11:11
Ve2found some stuff on the net11:11
Pumpkin-but google should fix that11:11
YankDownUnderGoogle fixes everything...except for breakfast.11:11
Pumpkin-if you work for google, they even do that11:12
clu3sorry YankDownUnder my computer was hanging. yes, I tried to browse the partition earlier using the File Browser. Now i can see a mount process is still running11:12
clu3and i can't kill it, even with kill -911:12
YankDownUnderclu3, So since that is still running, you're not going to be able to run an fsck on that partition...unless you kill the process....11:13
decoderguys, I'm trying to get slapd (ldap) to work on ubuntu 10.04 lts. I'm using a slapd.conf instead of slapd.d/ style and I keep getting invalid credentials when trying an ldap search (ldapsearch includes -D cn=Manager,dc=my,dc=domain -y /etc/ldap.secret -x )11:13
YankDownUnderclu3, Ah...roger that...11:13
clu3YankDownUnder, i guess i have to restart this live CD ?11:13
YankDownUnderclu3, Sorry to say, but sounds like it mate.11:14
Ve2Accidentally set the server to have the same ip as the box I was logged into it as.11:14
Ve2Guess how that went...11:14
YankDownUnderVe2, If I get the right answer, you're buying me a slab of VB, right? :)11:15
Ve2You would seriously drink VB?11:15
Ve2You MUST be american.11:15
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YankDownUnderVe2, Um...well, quite some years an expat...but yeah...11:16
twitch!enter | Ve211:16
ubottuVe2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:16
Ve2I'm not. :(11:16
ubuntu_I'm trying to enlarge my Windows 7 partition from a live CD, but I can't expand it to the right. Here is a screenshot: http://i55.tinypic.com/2vbvkn8.png11:16
YankDownUnderVe2, However, if someone was to purchase some great dark beers from up in Sydney, well, then I'd have to take that instead, eh?11:17
conconubuntu_: I'm going to give you a hint: There's no space to expand to11:17
jjp1789Yank: What's VB btw ?11:17
ubuntu_concon: theres 34.69 GiB of unallocated space11:18
satyato authenticate ldap server, i just install the libnss-ldap package.11:18
YankDownUnderjjp1789, Victoria Bitters (beer)11:18
ethanolis it a common bug that often when ubuntu asks me to authenticate, for example when adding or removing software through the software center, the authentication dialog gets stuck after a succesful password entry (I have to click the X to get it to close)11:18
satyais it enough to connect to the ldap server?11:18
jukbasically difference here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery and here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChrootRecovery is '-o bind' in last, what for that last?11:19
conconubuntu_: There's 34.69GB of unallocated space on a logical block11:19
ubuntu_concon: I don't get what you mean11:19
Oerethanol no, this is normal.11:19
Oerethanol, if it get stuck, that is not normal.11:19
satyaubuntu to authenticate ldap server, i just install the libnss-ldap package.11:19
ethanolwell normal would be that it closes automatically, which it does only like 1/4th of all cases11:19
satyaubuntu: to authenticate ldap server, i just install the libnss-ldap package.11:20
jjp1789satya: na, you need ldap-auth-client or anything to eventually have libpam-ldap11:20
ubuntu_I'm trying to enlarge my Windows 7 partition from a live CD, but I can't expand it to the right. Here is a screenshot: http://i55.tinypic.com/2vbvkn8.png11:20
conconubuntu_: You see that extended sda3, you need to shrink that one first, if possible11:21
ubuntu_concon: It does not give me the option to resize when I right click on it11:21
satyajjp1789: auth-client-confiog  is in the libnss-ldap package only11:22
conconThen you'll need to delete, that's the negative side of logical partitions11:22
satyajjp1789: auth-client-config  is in the libnss-ldap package only11:22
ubuntu_concon: delete what?11:22
conconIf you delete it you'll delete sda5 as well11:22
ubuntu_I'm trying to enlarge my Windows 7 partition from a live CD, but I can't expand it to the right. Here is a screenshot: http://i55.tinypic.com/2vbvkn8.png11:23
satyajjp1789: it is already installed11:23
conconThat extended partition, it's a logical block so you can make logical partitions, there's a limit to 4 primary partitions to 1 drive, so windows tend to make logical partitions if you have more than 111:23
satyasilverlightning: hi11:23
silverlightninghow are you today11:23
conconAnd stop re-posting your error11:24
conconRead the guidelines11:24
silverlightningI have been stressed out of my mind11:24
silverlightningup half the night and fiddeling with the computer11:24
jjp1789satya: ok (apt-cache search --full ldap-auth-client |grep Depends) yields: libpam-ldap, libnss-ldap11:24
silverlightningin desperation I installed Ubuntu on the entire harddrive11:25
silverlightningdo you know anything about issues with the cooling fan?11:25
Ubuntu-userhow to master ubuntu11:26
vadimkiselev<Ubuntu-user> ?11:26
silverlightningit takes a life time of dedication11:26
coz_Ubuntu-user,  take it slow... hang out here... dont be afraid to ask questions11:26
silverlightningI have installed the latest version from scratch just now11:27
delinquentmeso my OFF button on my tool bar is weirded out atm .. how do i fix this?11:27
coz_delinquentme,  "off" button?  you mean the circle t hingy11:28
Ubuntu-usercoz_: every question?11:28
satyajjp1789: i cant connect to the ldap server11:28
silverlightningthere is an appliction for that coz11:28
delinquentmecoz_, yeah11:28
coz_Ubuntu-user,  if you have a question ask it... cant hurt11:28
jjp1789satya: have a look on pam-auth-update and / or auth-client-config. Beware openldap tools (ldapsearch...) and libpam-ldap may use slightly different ldap.conf files11:28
coz_delinquentme,  right click the panel   Add to panel   look for    Indicator applet session11:28
SimonPHOENIXi have 2 disks, how to make raid1 ?11:28
delinquentme coz_ awesome! thanks11:29
coz_delinquentme,  no problem11:29
jjp1789simonph: mdadm11:29
SlapcakeHi, I'm trying to follow the LDAP tutorial at ubuntu-help (https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html) but it says I have insufficient access when I try to add the frontend, does anyone know how I can fix that?11:30
clu3YankDownUnder, i guess i'm dead. Can't fsck the partition, it's still busy while there's no mount process running11:30
satyajjp1789: if i type sudo auth-client-config, it says profile is required11:30
WalexSimonPHOENIX: there are very many HOWTOs with examples on that, For example the original RAID HOWTO11:30
Ubuntu-userhow to add users using command line11:31
coz_Slapcake,  you are using "sudo"  for the commands   ... yes?11:31
WalexUbuntu-user: 'man useradd'11:31
arandUbuntu-user: adduser11:31
silverlightningwhat are the recommended driver packages for the latest verson of ubuntu?11:31
Slapcakecoz_: yes11:31
jjp1789satya: look in /etc/auth-client-config and man auth-client-config11:31
coz_Slapcake,  mm then I am not sure11:31
coz_silverlightning,  which drivers?11:32
ruansilverlightning: the latest drivers?11:32
Slapcakecoz_: the insufficient access error is an ldap error, not a uid error11:32
coz_Slapcake,  oh! mm  well... if no one here can answer  you might also want to go to t he ##linux channel11:32
jjp1789slapcake: are you using simple bind ?11:32
silverlightningthere used to be a package to make dvds play, and youtube videos11:32
ruani cant boot ubuntu off of my hard drive :/11:33
kingofthethingi really think i have a simple problem, can someone help me?11:33
Slapcakejjp1789: I don't know - I'm following the tutorial11:33
silverlightningruan, after installation?11:33
eXpLoDhow can i make my own build of ubuntu which has some packages already installed in an .iso format?11:33
Walexsilverlightning: checked Medibuntu11:33
bazhang!remaster > eXpLoD11:33
ubottueXpLoD, please see my private message11:33
WalexeXpLoD: there is an howto on the Ubuntu wiki on that11:33
ruansilverlightning: yes, after installation11:33
shomonwhat is the best way to get ie7 or 8 working in ubuntu?11:34
silverlightningwalex, is it the same as two years ago?11:34
Walexruan: there is recovery mode11:34
ruanwalex: i cant boot it11:34
Ubuntu-userhow to change network settings using command line?11:34
ruanwalex: it works using livecd, but it wont boot otherwise11:34
silverlightningruan, just now?11:34
Walexruan: you need to boot an ubuntu CD/DVD in recovery mode11:34
shomondepends on the network settings Ubuntu-user11:34
vilinyhey guys, i installed nvidia drivers from the nvidia site with the .run installator. my x now fails to start because the driver and the kernel module mismatch in version numbers. GCC problem for not compiling module or something? regardless, how can i rollback or choose to use another driver instead so i can get to the desktop again11:34
ruanwalex: recovery mode?11:34
kingofthethingi have two extenal hard drives connected one is showing up on my desktop and one isnt, both are working fine and accessible but the just isnt showing up on my desktop when it is mounted11:34
Walexruan: there is a relevant HOWTO on the wiki too11:34
ruanwalex i didnt get any option for recovery11:35
Walexruan: "rescue" mode11:35
ruanwalex: how? i cant boot ubuntu at all11:35
Ubuntu-usershomon: Giving an ip,Static ip, internet sharing related stuff?11:35
silverlightningruan, if it is very recently, the computer might have a few hickups before it gets used to ubuntu, like loud beeps and reluctant booting11:35
jjp1789ubuntu-user: good question; I personaly stop network-manager and kill dhcp client before using ifconfig, route and editing resolv.conf11:35
marHi. Can I somehow checked which files have changed in the last hour or so?11:36
ruansilverlightning: it hasnt made a first boot yet11:36
shomonah okay Ubuntu-user -  ifconfig is the command you want11:36
Walexruan: you have to boot the liveCD and go into rescue mode. I'll do a search fro you on a link11:36
ruanwalex: i can only "try" ubuntu and install it11:36
ruanwalex: no other options11:36
shomonand to restart or change this, all the services that start by default are in /etc/init.d/11:36
shomonincluding one called network or networking I think11:37
clu3From my liveCD, when i fsck my parition, it keeps saying: "Device or resouce busy while trying to open /dev/sda1", what can i do ?11:37
Ve2bit torrent client that has a web interface for ubu server?11:37
Ubuntu-userthank shomon11:37
kingofthething i have two extenal hard drives connected one is showing up on my desktop and one isnt, both are working fine and accessible but the just isnt showing up on my desktop when it is mounted11:37
ruanthe problem is that i cant boot ubuntu at all11:37
Walexruan: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-boot-ubuntu-linux-rescue-mode/11:38
shomonanyone know if wine or some other thing can run ie8 on ubuntu?11:38
Walexruan: http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/system_administration_books/ubuntu_starter_guide/ch08.html11:38
ruanwalex: i'll try it11:38
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
bazhangshomon, check appdb and /join #winehq11:38
shomonthanks bazhang11:38
Walexshomon: I think that Crossover can run various versions of IE, and it is a neatly packaged version of Wine11:38
bazhang!appdb > shomon11:38
ubottushomon, please see my private message11:38
ruanwalex: i cant boot at all,11:40
ruanwalex: grub isnt showing up, it just freezes at boot, as if there is no OS11:40
Walexruan: you can run rescue/recovery mode from the installation CD.11:40
Walexruan: then that allows you to reinstall GRUB11:40
offsense1anyone recommended empathy rather than pidgin?11:40
tobieroffsense1: not really, I got rid of empathy11:41
Walexruan: if the automatic rescue/recovery don't work, this is another and even more detailed approach: http://www.ubuntudoctor.com/content/blog/10/Boot-Install-Ubuntu-from-the-Grub-Rescue-Prompt11:41
Ubuntu-userhow to list & kill process in ubuntu?11:41
ruanubuntu-user: is the process visible?11:41
Walexruan: oops I really meant this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158109911:41
offsense1tobier: so u prefer pidgin then?11:41
GneaUbuntu-user: ps command lists, kill and killall kills11:41
tobieroffsense1: yes11:42
shomonUbuntu-user: also you can start a background process by running it followed by a &11:42
Ubuntu-userdifference between kill and killall?11:42
binawanhallo guys...11:42
tobierUbuntu-user: actually, IIRC kill politely asks a process to be killed, use kill -9 to force11:42
shomonkill needs a process number11:42
GneaUbuntu-user: man kill  and  man killall  tells it11:42
shomonbut killall needs a name11:42
ruanwalex: btw, im on livecd try mode at the moment11:42
Ubuntu-useroh thanks its pid and name thingy11:43
Gneashomon: "teach a man how to fish, he eats on his own. give a man a fish, he expects more."11:43
Ubuntu-userthanks guys u are doing great job here11:43
shomonbe careful with signals as well. kill -9 vs -1 or -15 a whole kettle of fish...11:43
shomonok sure thanks gnea11:43
ruancopy paste didnt work11:43
Walexruan: also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#Recovery%20Using%20the%20Ubuntu%20Desktop/Live%20CD%20%28RECOMMENDED%2911:43
ruan/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).11:44
Walexthe last link above advises going through a "fake" install, where you don't actually install, but the installer recreates the GRUB startup11:45
ruanthis is complicated :/11:45
Walexruan: it is indeed not that simple.11:46
risperdalxhow can i close mysql service at startup ubuntu11:46
Walexruan: the issue is that most people just install one partition and one time GRUB and "it just works" and so nobody cares very much about the non-standard cases. Just like in MS-Windows.11:46
ruanwalex: i tried installing it 3 times, once on a new partition, it never worked11:47
Walexrisperdalx: you have to edit the relevant entry in '/etc/init/' or use 'update-rc.d' to edit the startup links11:47
smegzorAnyone else experienced this?  Starting today all of the Ubuntu computers in my house are unable to browse any websites or send/receive email using firefox and thunderbird.  Other web browsers work perfectly, but I have the same problem with email in Evolution.11:47
Walexruan: that is very unusual, installation usually "just works", unless you have an odd disk layout.11:48
ruanwalex: i've only got 2 hard drives11:48
risperdalxWalex, should i use update-rc.d mysql remove or disable ?11:48
Walexruan: however I am an *extremely* experienced sysadm/programmer and at one point I could not boot Ubuntu LTS  10 after installing it and could not fix it, because the boot process has become too complicated and it was difficult even for me to figure out what had broken11:49
Walexrisperdalx: 'disable', because 'remove' has the problem listed in the 'man' page.11:49
Ubuntu-usercan i setup ftp server in ubuntu?11:50
Walexubuntulog: very easily, use something like VsFTPd or ProFTPd11:50
smegzorI use the filezilla ftp server.  I either swear by it or swear at it.11:51
Ubuntu-useri am loving it ubuntu is super11:51
risperdalxWalex: i got an error11:51
risperdalxupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/mysql missing LSB information11:51
risperdalxupdate-rc.d: see <http://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts>11:51
risperdalx System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/mysql do not exist.11:51
FloodBot3risperdalx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:51
jpdsrisperdalx: That's not an error, that's a warning.11:51
risperdalxuhm i think it must be disabled now11:52
Ubuntu-usersmegzor: what should i do... filezilla ?11:52
Walexrisperdalx: but note that " System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/mysql do not exist" is perplexing11:53
smegzorUbuntu-user: It works and isn't hard to set up.11:53
vilinyhey guys, i installed nvidia drivers from the nvidia site with the .run installator. my x now fails to start because the driver and the kernel module mismatch in version numbers. GCC problem for not compiling module or something? regardless, how can i rollback or choose to use another driver instead so i can get to the desktop again11:53
Ubuntu-usersmegzor: how to configure ?11:53
Walexrisperdalx: because if there are no *start* links, why do you worry about it being started?11:53
ruanim not going to try to install ubuntu till im 100% sure that its going to work11:53
kevdogUbuntu-user- why not ssh server?11:53
risperdalxwalex: i know its runing at startup11:53
Walexviliny: just run X reconfiguration11:53
risperdalxwalex: because this ubuntu opening time is slowing11:54
M-spriteIn mutt, which key is to tag a message as unread ? the flag N ?11:54
vilinyWalex: i think i did, but to no help... whats the command for that?11:54
Ubuntu-userubuntu gave me real trouble with SDM for cisco router it never worked :(11:54
smegzorUbuntu-user: It has a GUI and there should be plenty of guides on the internet.  Follow one of those.11:54
Walexviliny: also you can uninstall the nVidia package by rerunning the installer with the uninstallation option. You have to do that to clean up things.11:55
vilinyWalex: Roger that11:55
Walexviliny: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/11:56
vilinythank you :)11:56
ruanim not gonna fix it if its broken from the start11:56
vilinyruan: whats up?11:57
smegzorruan: I wasn't sure about Ubuntu, so I installed it and installed XP inside VirtualBox for anything that I couldn't do in Ubuntu (mainly work stuff).11:57
ruanviliny: ubuntu wont boot after install11:57
vilinyruan: any troubleshooting or possible causes visible?11:57
rekhi how can i install ubuntu ov11:57
reker another ubuntu without deleting my files?11:57
ruanviliny: nope, it just does nothing at boot11:57
bazhangrek, have a seperate hom11:58
vilinyrek: download cd-image from ubuntu site, burn it to a disk, boot your computer from that disk and then just choose to install ubuntu once you are on the livecd desktop11:58
bazhang!home | rek11:58
ubotturek: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome11:58
vilinylol, sorry...11:58
smegzorruan: the last times I had a non-booting new ubuntu install I had an IDE drive somehow preventing it booting off the sata I had installed it to.  The other time I had installed grub to the wrong drive.11:59
rekwbazhang i'm on irssi for win damn can't copy the link or i dunno how to copy it11:59
vilinyruan: do you get the grub menu?11:59
ruanviliny: nope, no menu at all11:59
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rekduring the installation i create another home?11:59
vilinyhow about using the supergrub disk to repair boot?12:00
ruanviliny: why would boot be broken from install 3 times?12:00
vilinyi don't have a good answer to that im afraid12:00
bazhangrek, not sure about how to copy via irssi as I'm on xchat, you could check the logs later, or just remember the psychocats website name12:01
ruani guess i'll have to install windows now12:01
vilinyhave you tried switching your boot hardrive from bios? i mean, if you don't even get the grub menu it seems like ubuntu has little to do with it12:01
K350is there any image viewer for the terminal..uhm..or well maybe I'm just dumb ....12:01
AegisXis it me, or is it no longer possible to hide the mounted drives from the desktop?12:01
ruanviliny: my boot hard drive is the hard drive ubuntu is installed on12:01
AegisXi've tried using gconf-editor12:02
vilinyruan: well, im not sure i can be of much more help... id give the third party grub rescue thing a try if i were in your shoes but other than that... out of ideas atm12:02
ruanviliny: i've tried 2 different partitions too12:02
AegisXanyone have any tips on how to hide the desktop drive icons?12:05
sacarlsonruan: what device did you select as you mbr for grub when you installed?12:07
ruansacarlson: my main hard drive12:07
timh____when I log in using my user account, does anyone know where the environment is loaded.  I looked in ~/bashrc, couldn't find an ~/xinitrc.12:08
sacarlsonruan:  what device might that be /dev/sdb?12:08
chopin_anyone, ho i make bash_profile like gnacktrack?12:08
ruansacarlson: possibly12:08
chopin_how i make12:08
sacarlsonruan:  well then there is a posibility it's wrong,  your bios may be set to boot from /dev/sda12:08
rethusmy cardreader doesn't work anymore after upgrade to 10.1012:09
ruansacarlson: how would i set it otherwise?12:09
rethusif i plugin the reader the led only blink shortly two times... no messages in /var/log/messages12:09
rethusand idea whats wrong?12:09
sacarlsonruan: did you try anything to install a new mbr with something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/562593/12:09
osmosis_paulmmm i have a wierd situacion, if i execute a shell script as sudo script.sh should execute every command that i have inside as root right?12:09
osmosis_paulis not happening with a CP that i'm mading12:09
hilarieSo... I ran a bunch of crap in wine as gksudo, and now my root folder has a bunch of crap for wine, can I safely delete all of it?12:09
osmosis_paulif i execute this line in the command line as sudo works12:09
osmosis_paulbut in the script nope12:09
osmosis_paulby default my user is ubuntu but i run the script as sudo12:10
sacarlsonruan: in most cases bios is set to boot /dev/sda  but with usb flash installs it sometimes becomes /dev/sdb so worst case maybe try install to both12:10
ruansacarlson: im using a livecd12:10
tensorpuddinghilarie: delete the /root/.wine folder12:11
LiquidDemocracyAnybody knows openoffice calc well?12:11
tensorpuddingit'll get rid of everything you installed or did as root in wine though12:11
sacarlsonruan: as you can see from the pastebin it's made to use a livecd boot to recover mbr12:11
hilarie@tensorpudding k ty12:11
bazhangLiquidDemocracy, try #openoffice.org12:11
Ve2pop quiz, creating samba shares that have spaces in the path?12:12
Ve2quotes doesn't seem to be working for me.12:12
LiquidDemocracybazhang, thx12:12
ruansacarlson: how would i remember all of that?12:13
Dr_Willishilarie:  the wine icons may still stay in the menus. those are under some other directory i recall.12:13
LjLVe2: dunno, try backslash\ space...12:13
Dr_WillisVe2:  ive fond out the hard way its best to NOT have spaces in shaer names12:13
Ve2I can't not have them12:13
Dr_WillisVe2:  how are you acessing the share, via fstab? nautilus? indows?12:13
Ve2It's a read only ntfs volume.12:14
rethusmy cardreader doesn't work anymore after upgrade to 10.1012:14
rethusif i plugin the reader the led only blink shortly two times... no messages in /var/log/messages12:14
sacarlsonruan: you shouldn't have to remember just follow it,  maybe print it if needed12:14
Dr_WillisVe2:  so whats the fact its a NTFS volume matter?12:14
Ve2It's read only12:14
Ve2I can't take the space out of the file name.12:14
ruanthen remove the read only attribute?12:14
Dr_WillisVe2:  you asked how to create a share.. You can make shares that are not the same name as a directory you are shareing is named..12:15
Ve2I just want to specify a path with a space in it.12:15
Dr_WillisVe2:  specifiy it where exactly? we need a bit more details.12:15
ikoniaVe2: escape it12:15
Ve2in smb.conf12:16
^Phantom^sometimes FF crashes on large images12:16
^Phantom^sometimes it doesn't12:16
Dr_WillisVe2:  so you are defining a share in smb.conf and the 'actual path' has a space in the name.. you are saying...12:16
bazhang!cn | xn101512:16
ubottuxn1015: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk12:16
rethusmy cardreader doesn't work anymore after upgrade to 10.1012:16
rethusif i plugin the reader the led only blink shortly two times... no messages in /var/log/messages12:16
Dr_WillisVe2:  the share defined does not have to have a space in the actual 'share name' is what we are saying.  it dosent have to be the same name as the  '/path/to/share directory'12:17
Nikkoshello everyone12:17
Nikkosi have a problem with my printer canon i250 and ubuntu 10.412:17
Ve2Willis I am not entirely sure what you are talking about, it doesn't seem relevant to my query however.12:18
bazhangNikkos, what does linuxprinting.org say about that printer12:18
Nikkosill check12:18
Nikkoshm i cant find anything about my printer :/12:19
Nikkosno i cant find i25012:20
Dr_WillisVe2:  You are confusing in yoru wuestion as to the 'share name' and 'defining' the share in smb.conf  there are 2 (at least) samba books in the repos with examples of the smb.conf file with examples. You may want to check them out.12:21
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc12:21
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.2 (maverick), package size 1700 kB, installed size 7740 kB12:21
Ve2So in smb.conf, under the "path" option, supposeing the path of the directory I want to map is /media/store/my documents12:21
Ve2How would I map this path?12:21
Ve2Quotes/escaping does not appear to work.12:21
Nikkosubuntu recognizes it, i installed it selecting the i250 drivers from ubuntu list... but i can't print12:21
Nikkosit gives an eror12:22
mak__Hi. Is there any possible way to remove DISK not bookmarks, DISK entries from Places menu? They are duplicates made by disk-manager, which I do not need any more.12:23
ActionParsnipVe2: make a symlink without the space, then path to the link12:23
Ve2Is that the only way?12:24
Nikkossomeone can help me?12:24
ActionParsnipVe2: using spaces in stuff maks life complicated. I suggest you avoid them12:24
Dr_WillisVe2:  a quick gootle hit.. says use quotes,.,,12:24
Dr_Willispath = "/media/disk1/My Documents/My Videos"12:24
Welshy-RobHello, my ubuntu (10.10)  seems to be running really slowly on my system, i can only run about two programs at once and it still manages to crash now this could be because i have a pretty poor pc but the previous version of ubuntu used to run so much faster! is there anything you can suggest i do?12:24
Ve2Yeah after I migrate off this raid array I will be reshuffling things12:24
Ve2can't right now though12:24
Dr_WillisVe2:  the 'share name' in my example . would be best to be set to 'My_Videos"12:24
ActionParsnipWelshy-Rob: test your RAM12:24
Ve2Willis: as I mentioned before, quotes are not working for me.12:24
Dr_WillisVe2:  they should be. double check other  shares..12:25
adub_what are some command to test sound12:25
ruancant install windows from wine :/12:25
Ve2uh oh12:25
Dr_Willisalso check the 'case' of the path Ve212:25
ActionParsnipadub_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting   has ways to test sound12:25
Rasm52Hi, I hope this doesn't intrude on your daily support cycle. But what FOSS is available from your software center than can be used to visually model explosions and map out compact explosive designs? It is a scholarly curiosity, I promise.12:25
Dr_WillisVe2:  and the ownership/other permissions.. shareing ntfs. i have found tricky in the past.12:25
Nikkosbazhang can ou help me?12:26
ActionParsnipruan: thats because its for installing apps, not windows itself. If you want Windows then use vmware or virtualbox12:26
ruanactionparsnip: i need to get an OS that works12:26
Welshy-RobActionParsnip, how?12:26
Rasm52ok j/k.12:26
Rasm52!ban me12:27
ActionParsnipWelshy-Rob: when the system starts to boot (just after POST), hold shift and you can run memtest+ from there12:27
ActionParsnipruan: ubuntu works....12:27
ruani would rather install ubuntu but it wont work for me12:27
wulfyikonia,  odd person there...12:28
ruanit wont boot12:28
alexrodriguezis there a specific help channel for Ubuntu, or is this it? (I'd hit "/list Ubuntu" but that doen't seem to work in Xchat)12:28
Welshy-RobActionParsnip, what am i looking for when i do that?12:28
hilarieAlex you have come to the right place12:29
ruanalexrodiguez: this is it12:29
Dr_Willisalexrodriguez:  topic says 'official ubuntu support channel' :)12:29
ActionParsnipWelshy-Rob: if the screen stays blue like this: http://www.playtool.com/pages/memtest/memtest86.jpg   it's ok. If it goes like this: http://billy-oneal.com/forums/memTest/memtestFail.png   it's bad12:29
kjellehello. When is /etc/timezone read/used?12:30
kjelleis it on boot?12:30
Dr_WillisVe2:  i just made a share with a space in its name and the auto-genrated conf used --> path=/home/willis/Desktop/test share12:31
Welshy-RobActionParsnip, cheers12:31
alexrodriguezWell, installed Maverick on my Acer Aspire (AOA150), microphone doen't work. I've spent the last two days trying everything googling Ubuntu support forums can tell me - I've updated all the lsa, gnome-alsa, pulse audio, I've reset between internal andMic a dozen times, I've slid the input volume bars to all extremes, etc12:32
Dr_Williskjelle:  I would think thats a yes. theres a set/check time/date service that checks it.. other apps could check it later i imagine.12:32
ActionParsnipWelshy-Rob: if the ram is ok we can explore other avenues12:32
sacarlsonruan: so the reload of mbr failed?12:32
ruansacarlson: i havent installed ubuntu yet12:32
ruansacarlson: well i uninstalled the 3 others i had12:32
ylmfoshappy every12:33
sacarlsonruan: oh well it won't boot if you don't install it other than from a livecd12:33
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: what is the generated url when you upload to the server when you run this command:    wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh12:33
ruansacarlson: all 3 were from a livecd12:33
sacarlsonruan: what did you do to uninstall ubuntu?12:33
AegisXDoes anyone use mind mapping software here? If so, for what and is it useful?12:33
ruansacarlson: i wiped the hard drive, since ubuntu did that already12:34
LjLAegisX: probably a better question for #ubuntu-offtopic12:34
sacarlsonruan: what program did you use to wipe it?12:34
ruansacarlson: gparted12:35
sacarlsonruan: well now that you leaned the uses of gparted maybe your ready to move on to install12:35
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ruansacarlson: i've tried installing it 3 times12:36
LjL!it | sopra12:36
ubottusopra: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:36
AegisXThanks, LjL12:36
kjelleDr_Willis: do you think it is checked later?12:36
sacarlsonruan: did you pick the same place to put the mbr each time?  did you try hit <ctrl><alt> +f2  if it ended with a black screen?12:37
alexrodriguezActionParsnip - unable to resolve host address 'alsa-project.org'12:37
kjelleDr_Willis: I have an application running on an embedded system using a debian etch, and im using settimeofday from some interface12:37
Dr_Williskjelle:  after the initial services boot.. i doubt it. unless theres a cron job.12:37
ruansacarlson: didnt end with a black screen12:37
kjelleDr_Willis: I just dont want any linux cron-cycle to overwrite my time/tz12:37
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: does the system have web access/12:37
kjelleDr_Willis: okey, I guess it's not (it's a minietch system)12:37
kjelleDr_Willis: ty12:37
Dr_Williskjelle:  ubuntu and debian dont use the same  startup system last i checked...12:37
sacarlsonruan: then I would try another mbr location12:37
kjelleDr_Willis: ouch, okey, I will just test it then =)12:37
alexrodriguezactionparsnip yes12:37
Dr_Williskjelle:  ubuntu uses upstart.. debian.. sysv proberly.12:37
ruansacarlson: like where?12:37
kjelleDr_Willis: okey. thank you for your help.12:38
sacarlsonruan: well you said you only have 2 disks so only two to chose12:38
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: ok try this: http://pastie.org/157436712:38
ruansacarlson: my other one is a 40 gb hard drive, i'd prefer not to use it12:38
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: it's a dead handy script for sound issues. If you run it, you can select to not upload ad it will make a file in /tmp which you can then manually pastebin12:38
sacarlsonruan: /dev/sda  and /dev/sdb  I would assume  but with all that activity on gparted you should know better that I12:38
alexrodriguezactionparsnip can I PM to avoid flood?12:39
ruansacarlson: how do i wipe the MBR?12:39
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: use pastebin.com and you won't flood12:39
sacarlsonruan: each time you install grub it wipes or replaces the mbr12:40
ruansacarlson: ok12:40
alexrodriguezactionparsnip http://pastebin.com/jubzMq0S12:40
alexrodriguez^the second time I ran wget12:41
mak__Hi. Is there any possible way to remove DISK not bookmarks, DISK entries from Places menu?12:41
sacarlsonruan: since you already played with gparted just make sure you have an empty space with no file system before installing ubuntu so it can guess where to install itself12:41
ruansacarlson: the drive is completely clear with 1 partition12:42
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sacarlsonruan: that sounds like a good place to start12:42
ruansacarlson: and i hope it works :/12:42
=== paissad_ is now known as paissad
sacarlsonruan: if all else fails try the alternate install cd12:43
ruansacarlson: alternate install cd?12:43
sacarlsonruan: the one used for server install in most cases yes,  it's a text based install without graphics,  it installs to systems with less memory12:44
Dr_Willismak__:  not that ive ever seen.12:44
ruansacarlson: i only have 1 cd, the livecd12:44
sacarlsonruan: there are other iso image file to try that can be downloaded.12:45
ruansacarlson: havent got any spare cds for that12:45
mak__Dr_Willis, is that for real? I mean I how have a list of 9 disks, which are duplicates12:45
ruansacarlson: and my pc wont boot from a usb12:46
sacarlsonruan: do you have a usb flash drive around?12:46
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: ok, press ENTER on the dislogue screen then select to save locally12:46
ruansacarlson: with all of the programs i tried to make an ubuntu usb with 2 different ones, they failed12:46
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: then copy the location of the file when the page changes, open it in gedit, copy the text then pastebin the text12:46
sacarlsonruan: well there is also something called plop that will can make a system that won't support usb boot to boot with them12:46
ruansacarlson: it does support usb boot, its mentioned in removable list12:47
ruansacarlson: but it fails at doing so12:47
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - I end with "Your ALSA information is in /tmp/alsa-info.txt.TYsnFTwkKV", I'm afraid I'm still newb - what do you mean to choose to save locally?12:47
ruanwell the install is finished12:47
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - I should sudo gedit /tmp/alsa-info.txt.TYsnFTwkKV ?12:48
sacarlsonruan: well also make sure the files you download are not corupted by checking with md5sum  and see if the usb flash will boot another computer system12:48
ruansacarlson: i've checked the md5sum already12:48
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: no need for sudo, and sudo is NOT to be used with gedit12:48
ruansacarlson: it also failed to install windows from usb12:48
sacarlsonruan: did you try the usb flash on another system?12:48
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: use gksudo for GUI apps like gedit and such12:48
ruansacarlson: no, havent got one to use12:49
sacarlsonruan: well that's all I can tell you12:49
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: you can run: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /tmp/alsa-info.txt.TYsnFTwkKV     and give the link in here12:49
ruanim going to reboot.. if im not back in 10 minutes, the install failed again12:49
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - http://pastebin.com/HwVxijML12:49
ruanand i'll be back redownloading xchat and everything for the fourth time..12:50
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: cool, lots of useful info there :)12:50
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - all Greek to me12:50
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: if you run:  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      add this to the bottom then reboot:      options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire         does it work ok?12:51
Dr_Willismak__:  sounds like somthings goofed up if they are identical. Ive seen Dupe items in some menus befor. try a reboot see if it corects itself.12:52
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - terminal seems to be frozen, when I try to close it warns it still has a process ongoing...can I force-close without danger, and reopen it to run that?12:52
Dr_Willismak__:  or check the forum,s there may be some file that needs  refreshed/removed.12:52
mak__Dr_Willis, did not work. This chat is my last resort. Goggle obviously fails12:52
FightingNavymanso how can i unlock the partition I used for linux and delete that.. im on win7 ultimat. and im ready to install Ubuntu10.10 :o12:53
FightingNavymanis it possible to delete te partition i used for linux?12:53
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: just kill it then12:53
osmosis_paulhi guys i change my promt PS1 but now dont see in which folder i am12:54
ActionParsnipFightingNavyman: did you hibernate / suspend when you exited Linux...12:54
osmosis_paulhow can i put it again the default name, or at least see again the folder where i am every time12:54
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ActionParsniposmosis_paul: my PS1=${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$12:55
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - alexrodriguez: if you run:  gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf      add this to the bottom then reboot:      options snd-hda-intel model=acer-aspire         does it work ok? - that was one of the many tricks I found on Google, tried it yesterday12:55
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - so that line is already in the file at the bottom, I put it there yesterday I'm afraid12:55
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, si pongo eso, ahora me sale "u@h:w$12:55
osmosis_pauly me sigue sin mostrar el directorio donde me encuentro12:56
FightingNavymanActionParsnip : i was on win7 first. then i installed the cd for linux mint. then i installed win7 ultimate from win7 home. and now i want to get ubuntu on this pc. but the partition for linux mint still there.... it didnt let me delete it when i was choosing the new partition for windows 7 ultimate.12:56
chopin_anyone, can i ask12:56
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, sorry i mean that if i put that you post me here i recieve this in console u@h:w$12:56
osmosis_pauland i dont have yet the folder where i am12:56
chopin_how to make bash_profile like gnacktrack (ubuntu remastering for penetration)12:56
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: ok and did you try:  sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-maverick-generic12:57
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - yes I'm afraid so12:57
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: then run:    export PS1=${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$12:58
osmosis_paulHello someone know a way to show the folder where are you in the PS1??? i change it and now dont show me in wich folder i am12:58
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, sorry man, nothing12:58
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: does sound work, just not the mic?12:58
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - yes12:58
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ActionParsniposmosis_paul: then at the bottom of ~/.bashrc    add:  export PS1="\e[0;36m[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m "             then save the new file and run:  source ~/.bashrc12:59
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: in: alsamixer    are all levels cranked and unmuted?12:59
remoteCTRLhi guys!13:00
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: does the microphone work in sound recorder and such?13:00
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, now, come back again13:00
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: what app(s) have you tested it in?13:01
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: all better?13:01
remoteCTRLin earlier times one used to write resolutions and metamodes into /etc/X11/xorg.conf, where do i put this nowadays?13:01
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - does not work in sound recorder or Skype, just static noise13:01
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: same13:01
osmosis_paulok now this is my PS1 ubuntu@ip-10-48-201-56:/home$  i want change the @@ip-10-48-201-56:/ for a name but dont have to lost the folder where i'am13:01
osmosis_paulActionParsnip, any idea how?13:02
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - all levels are up and unmuted, yes13:02
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: hi dude! i really ran into trouble quite frequently when still putting things in there...?13:02
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: screw skype, its proprietary rubbish and can be fraughted with issues, try sound recorder instead13:02
alexrodriguezactionparsnip, I am trying both13:02
theWORDiswhere am i?13:02
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: static in both?13:02
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - silence in skype, static in sound recorder13:02
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/433055    seems to be a know issue13:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 433055 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "9.10 Internal Microphone Does not Work on Aspire One (dup-of: 412862)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 412862 in linux (Ubuntu) "AOD250 microphone problem" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:03
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - if I go to alsamixer and hit F6 to select soundcard, it shows me I am on default, would setting it to  HDA Intel possibly help?13:03
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: #34 looks good13:04
theWORDisnever mind13:04
osmosis_paulActionParsnip,  if my PS1 is ubuntu@ip-10-48-201-56:/home$ and i want change only the ip after @ but remain the /folder_where_i_am any idea how can i do it?13:04
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: also try adding:   index=-2    on the same line in alsa-base.conf as I gave you earlier13:05
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: I'm not that hot with PS1 dude, sorry13:05
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - at the end of the same line, or beginning?13:05
ActionParsniposmosis_paul: the guys in #bash may be able to help13:05
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: at the end13:05
osmosis_paulcool thanks dude13:05
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - http://pastebin.com/rEQn6prf - like this?13:06
rethusi can't delete files on my usb stick.13:07
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: looks good, save the file and reboot13:07
ActionParsniprethus: its mounted read only possibly13:08
Gnearethus: because you don't have permission13:08
rethuswhere can i change it?13:08
psyfluxhey can i get some help ?13:08
chris_presrethus, was it default mount?13:08
Gnearethus: can you pastebin the output of the mount command please?13:08
ActionParsniprethus: when you last pulled the stick from a system, what steps did you take?13:08
Gnea!helpme | psyflux13:08
ubottupsyflux: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:08
ActionParsnippsyflux: ask away dude13:08
Gnea!ask | psyflux13:08
ubottupsyflux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:08
rethus/dev/sdb1 on /media/usb0 type vfat (rw,noexec,nodev,sync,noatime,nodiratime)13:09
rethusseems to be read and write13:09
psyfluxi need command   for getting admin with out knowing the admin pass13:09
rethusActionParsnip: open dolphin and try to delete a file13:09
chris_presrethus, what message do you get when you try to delete a file?13:09
ActionParsniprethus: how did you take the device out of the last system it was in?13:10
chris_prespsyflux, sudo su13:10
psyflux i need command   for getting admin with out knowing the admin pass13:10
aeon-ltdpsyflux: why? and can't you use sudo?13:10
Gnearumpe1: hm, somehow it's not setting the 'user' mount flag13:10
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: your PC reboots in 8 seconds?13:10
Gnea!sudo | psyflux13:10
ubottupsyflux: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:10
rethus"could not delete file13:10
psyfluxim on school man i need to unlock the pcs :)13:10
ActionParsnipchris_pres: sudo -i   is advised over sudo su13:11
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - little mor than that, but it's empty, so fairly fast13:11
psyfluxcant be done with that ive tried13:11
aeon-ltdpsyflux: your school uses linux13:11
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: nice13:11
Gnearethus: well yeah, how about the output of the 'id' command?13:11
chris_presActionParsnip, never heard of that?!?13:11
alexrodriguezactionpasnip - now my sound icon is showing its muted and I can't change it13:11
aeon-ltdpsyflux: then why?13:11
ActionParsnipchris_pres: (I)nteractive sudo13:11
alexrodriguezwell, not muted...just not moving?13:11
alexrodrigueznot registering13:11
Gneapsyflux: then you're not part of sudoers, you'll need to become a part of it13:11
rethusif i try on shell, i got permission denied... filesystem is readonly13:11
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: do you have sound?13:11
psyfluxfor unlocing and changing the DNS servers13:11
chris_presActionParsnip, what advantage?13:11
rethusGnea: what is the id-command?13:12
Gnearethus: if you're unwilling to answer my questions, then you won't get anywhere13:12
ActionParsniprethus: how did you remove the usb stick from the last system you pulled it out of, what steps?13:12
aeon-ltdpsyflux: how long do you have?13:12
Gnearethus: you type id, and you press enter.13:12
psyfluxthe cmd started like.. cd/atm or something like that13:12
Gnearethus: man id  <--- tells more about it13:12
ActionParsnipchris_pres: its the same as sudo but will keep geing until you type: exit13:12
rethusuid=1000(suther) gid=1000(suther) Gruppen=1000(suther),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),100(users),104(lpadmin),114(admin),117(sambashare),121(vboxusers),1001(burning)13:12
psyfluxi dont know it all13:12
psyfluxjust the firs cmd line13:12
rethusActionParsnip: normal way... alway unmount it13:13
ActionParsnipchris_pres: it's closer to using sudo, for one.13:13
ActionParsniprethus: good lad :)13:13
alexrodriguezactionparsnip - what do I type into terminal to bring up alsamixer again? I thought it was just "alsamixer" but it is saying that is no such file/directory13:13
psyfluxi need the cmd so i can become sysadmin and change DNS servers to unlock sites13:14
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez: alsamixer    you can use the UP cursor to review old commands13:14
Gneapsyflux: you've been given the command.13:14
rethusok, i put the microSD-Card back in my phone, and delete the file, thats work13:14
rethuswhy not on desktop13:14
psyfluxbut without knowing the admin pass13:15
rethuswhere can i set fullaccess to usbstick while mounting13:15
ActionParsnippsyflux: you can set DNS in network manager or you can edit /etc/resolv.conf13:15
Picipsyflux: Are you asking us how to get sudo/root access on a computer that is not yours?13:15
GneaActionParsnip: kids these days and their lack of patience...13:15
ActionParsnipGnea: kinda :(13:16
alexrodriguez_actionparsnip - what do I type into terminal to bring up alsamixer again? I thought it was just "alsamixer" but it is saying that is no such file/directory13:16
PiciOh well.13:16
ActionParsniprethus: try:    sudo umount /dev/sdb1; sudo mkdir /media/point; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/point -o rw,uid=1000,user          may help13:17
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez_: yes, it's alsamixer  simple and easy13:17
Gnearethus: okay, click on system-13:17
alexrodriguez_actionparsnip - alexrodriguez@alexrodriguez-AOA150:~$ alsamixer13:18
alexrodriguez_cannot open mixer: No such file or directory13:18
ispirtohey, anyone knows how to install the widget on the right on this screenshot? http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/79463-1.jpg13:18
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez_: ESC to exit the alsamixer too :)13:18
Gnearethus: system->administration->users&groups, then click on your account and then on 'advanced settings'13:18
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez_: looks like that 2nd option is screwing stuff up, I'd get rid of it13:18
alexrodriguez_which second option?13:18
Gnearethus: go to the 'user privileges' tab and see if you have the ability to mount user-space filesystems13:18
VP1using 10.10, accidentally deleted the top panel, added the user switcher menu ; it lacks many options in the default user menu, want to regain the user application on the panel with all normal options. Pl help13:19
alexrodriguez_actionparsnip what was the gksudo gedit something?13:19
DjoefHi, I am about to install ubuntu 10.10, I need to partition my hard drive (dual boot with windows) and I wonder how much I need to keep for ubuntu, knowing that I will create a partition for the data (shared with windows). What would be the "minimum" but comfortable recommended size ?13:19
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rethusActionParsnip: your command output only the helptext of mouint13:19
coz_Djoef,  I wouldnt go with less than 5 gigs... from that point it would be up to you13:20
rethusgnea: ok, than13:20
ispirtohey, anyone knows how to install the widget on the right on this screenshot? http://gnome-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/79463-1.jpg13:20
Djoefcoz_, great so 20GB should be "MORE than enough"13:20
Gnearethus: well, was it selected already?13:20
]thor[!resetpanel | Djoef13:20
ActionParsnipispirto: looks like conky13:20
ubottuDjoef: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:20
coz_Djoef,  20 gig would be fine  I have mine on a 36 gig13:21
coz_ispirto,  that looks like conky13:21
]thor[oops.. wrong user13:21
Seugwizihullo, i changed my user's password, but everytime when i login a popup window appears "login keychain"13:21
]thor[VP1: see ubottu's message to Djoef13:21
ActionParsniprethus: you may need to add the UID to the mount point so that it is owned by your user and you will get access13:21
Seugwiziit doesnt dissapear until i enter in my old password13:21
ispirtowhat does conky mean?13:21
Djoefk thanks coz_13:21
Gnea!info conky | ispirto13:22
coz_Djoef,  no problem... I dont use conky and it can be configured but  I never had luck with it13:22
ubottuispirto: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 31 kB, installed size 68 kB13:22
ActionParsnipispirto: conky is the thing on the righthand side of the screenshot you posted.....13:22
coz_Seugwizi,  hey guy13:22
rethusGnea: Im now on the user & Group-settings13:22
ActionParsnipispirto: what else couldI have meant?13:22
ispirtolol ok, i thought it was an adjective13:22
Seugwizidid you see my question^13:22
rethuswhat are the secondary-group for user-space?13:22
Gnearethus: okay, did you find the 'user privileges' tab?13:22
Seugwizior busy right now..13:22
Gnea!repeat | Seugwizi13:23
ubottuSeugwizi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:23
rethusah, now i found it13:23
ActionParsnipispirto: you asked a question, and I replied. So the context would have told you what I meant13:23
enc_hi, im trying to install phpbb forum remotly to my ubuntu 10.10 server but im failing miserably, is here someone who could assis me?13:23
rethusGnea: access external storrage device is checked13:23
ActionParsnipSeugwizi: set a blank keyring password and you won't be bothered by that13:23
Gnearethus: okay, what about 'mount user-space filesystems (FUSE)'?13:23
tullIs there anyone using Ubuntu with the graphic card Ati Mobility Radeon Hd 3650 ?13:24
Gnea!ati | tull13:24
ubottutull: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:24
rethushave not such entry in Privvileges13:24
pellehey im trying to install samba on my ubuntu server but it dosent work, get errr unable to fetch, im useing sudo apt-get install samba smbnf13:24
VP1 ]thor[: , ubottu: Thank u so much!13:24
Gnearethus: okay, it's possible they changed the name then. are there any un-checked items?13:24
ActionParsnippelle: what is the output of:  lsb-release -d     please13:24
CaraRotaBe a politician, a businessman, a media mogul, work, train and start wars! Join us! http://www.erepublik.com/en/referrer/Lord+Camia+Trefs13:24
rethusFUSE (in Groups section) is unchecked13:24
coz_CaraRota, ??13:25
Gnea!ot | CaraRota13:25
ubottuCaraRota: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:25
enc_is this the correct way to install phpbb forum: sudo apt-get install sqlite and sudo apt-get install phpbb3?13:25
rethusGnea: yeeeha, i activate fuse in groups, and now can delete files on the card.13:26
ActionParsnip!info phpbb313:26
ubottuphpbb3 (source: phpbb3): full-featured, skinnable non-threaded web forum. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.7-PL1-2 (maverick), package size 2246 kB, installed size 12732 kB13:26
Gnea!ops | CaraRota is spamming advertisements that are not ubuntu-related13:26
pelleActionParsnip: what?13:26
ubottuCaraRota is spamming advertisements that are not ubuntu-related: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!13:26
rethusthanks a lot13:26
ActionParsnippelle: run the command I gave then provide the output in here please13:26
Gnearethus: excellent13:26
ActionParsnipenc_: looks fine13:26
SeugwiziActionParsnip: where do i set the keyring password?13:26
rethusActionParsnip: thanks to you too for helping me13:26
pelleActionParsnip: ubuntu 10.1013:27
ActionParsnipSeugwizi: you could have websearched based on the direction I gave, but I'll get you a link....13:27
ActionParsniprethus: np bro. Keep unmounting properly as you are and you'll have fewer issues :)13:27
enc_ActionParsnip, but it does sho it self when i go to serverip/phpbb13:27
Seugwizioh right ><13:27
ActionParsnip!info samba | pelle13:27
ubottupelle: samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.2 (maverick), package size 7275 kB, installed size 20628 kB13:27
ActionParsnippelle: try:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install samba13:27
osmosis_pauli'm programing a script that want remove some folders that they have a date if the date of this folder is 5 days older, somebody can give me a tip, i'm newy with shell13:28
alexrodriguez_actionparsnip - sorry if you said anything I seemed to lag out there13:28
ispirtoActionParsnip, thanks, that worked great13:28
ActionParsnipSeugwizi: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=808945313:28
pelleActionParsnip: thanx that worked13:28
ActionParsnipispirto: np bro13:28
* ActionParsnip is on Fy-ah13:28
ActionParsnipnp pelle13:28
SeugwiziActionParsnip: Thank you =D13:29
ActionParsnipalexrodriguez_: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf13:29
alexrodriguez_actionparsnip - okay, Im there13:29
osmosis_paulsomebody know how can i get a name of a folder in shell and make a cast number and then check with system time?, i know there are a lot of questions :-)13:29
BIGBAMBUhi i get ever the same error whit more player in ubuntu 10.10 requested plugins are:13:30
BIGBAMBU XVID MPEG-4 decoder13:30
BIGBAMBUhow can fix13:30
lolcopterHello, I am trying to install ubuntu onto USB drive. Now when I am in the live cd and do a chroot after the installation, I can't get the networking up.  "Configuring network interfaces...ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: No such file or directory13:30
lolcopter" any ideas?13:30
jribosmosis_paul: I do not understand what you are asking.  What do you want to accomplish?13:30
gsbecanto_: hello13:32
osmosis_pauljribi want check folder that i have in a folder and remove all those folder whose date are older than 5 days13:32
osmosis_paulis for clean in my backup log system13:32
jribosmosis_paul: older in what way?  modification time?13:32
ikoniaosmosis_paul: just use find and -mtime13:32
osmosis_paulevery folder has as name the date when he was created13:32
ecanto_my problem is XF86Eject not working13:32
ruanim back13:32
osmosis_paulolder in the way of when he was created13:32
ruanstill cant boot ubuntu13:33
ecanto_my laptop dell inspiron 144013:33
coz_ruan,  does the live cd work13:33
jribosmosis_paul: so you have to parse the name of the folder?  Because when you created the folder you included the creation time in the date?13:33
ruancoz_ yes the livecd works13:33
jribosmosis_paul: so you have to parse the name of the folder?  Because when you created the folder you included the creation time in the name?13:33
coz_ruan,  and did you check the cd for errors?13:33
coz_ruan,  and also did you run a memory check13:33
ruancoz_: yes to both13:33
osmosis_pauljrib, exactly13:34
kmckHi All! :) so I am very new to 'the computer world' and will ask a lot of questions (especially if I don't understand something) and today i have a lot of questions... 1) i was trying to get rid of Ubuntu completely and get Windows 7 back, i got recovery media disks from gateway i put the CD's in and booted from the disk, after completely wiping my hard drive and re-installing windows 7 and all the drivers i got a black screen (looked like DOS prompt)13:34
coz_ruan,  mmm  and you installed to the main hard drive13:34
ruancoz_: yes13:34
osmosis_paul2011-02-17/ and inside i have the logs of that day13:34
ruancoz_: first priority on boot13:34
osmosis_pauli want remove the folders 5 days older13:34
coz_ruan,  was there another system on that same hard drive previously?13:34
ruancoz_: yes but it was formatted13:34
adub_i am having issues with my sound on my computer i would prefer hd sound but any sound would do i guess13:35
ruanadub_: do you have the latest sound drivers?13:35
coz_ruan,  this is ubuntu 10.10  ,, yes?13:35
jribosmosis_paul: well, loop over every directory, extract the date, compare the date to current one (maybe ask #bash how best to do this part or don't use bash...), then delete if older than whatever.  Or maybe an easier way, at the beginning compute what you want to keep (i.e. the last 5 dates) and then delete the folders that don't equal any of those13:35
ruancoz_: yes 10.1013:36
adub_ruan well even yesterday before formatting i had installed the lastest alsa13:36
adub_i think there is just a lot going on with sound13:36
coz_ruan,  just to carify,,, when the live cd boots ,,, when you see the keyboard icon at the bottom you hit enter,,, and then when the menu appears you ran both memory check and  check cd ,,,yes?13:36
adub_i have a tv tuner card that uses pulse audio then i have onboard sound then i have sound on my video card that uses hdmi13:37
ruancoz_: yes13:37
osmosis_pauljrib, yes the idea i have on mind, i was asking something more in low level of shell, how get the name of a folder and cast to number for example13:37
coz_ruan,  was windows on this prior to ubuntu?13:37
ruancoz_: yes it was on before ubuntu, but ubuntu wiped the partition13:37
alexrodriguez_actionparsnip - was there something new to try in alsa-base.conf now that it's open? (sorry, not trying to be a nag)13:37
coz_ruan,  do you have a windows install cd?13:37
jribosmosis_paul: you don't want to do that, it's a date in MM-DD-YYYY format, not a number13:37
tullIs there anyone using Ubuntu with the graphic card Ati Mobility Radeon Hd 3650 ?13:37
ruancoz_: yes i do13:37
ruancoz_: windows xp13:38
cdbs!anyone | tull13:38
ubottutull: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:38
osmosis_pauljrib, yes but then how you can compare with the system time?13:38
jribosmosis_paul: you can use date to convert your date into a unix timestamp, but ask #bash if there is a better way13:39
coz_ruan,  off hand I cannot think of what this could be ,13:39
LinkRagesomeone please type: id , as a regular user, I need to know the default groups pls ;)13:39
osmosis_pauli want cast to milliseconds do you know what i mean?13:39
ruancoz_: everyone said that :S13:39
tulli want to know if the card mobility radeon hd 3650 with ubuntu uses correctly the fan13:39
coz_ruan,   I would try to in stall  xp again and see if it boots just to be sure the hard drive itself is not broken13:39
bazhangosmosis_paul, milliseconds?13:39
coz_ruan,  thats a bit extreme but  ...13:39
ruancoz_: it booted before i booted off the livecd13:39
wulfycoz_,  wouldnt SMART be of any use?13:39
osmosis_paulbazhang, yes why not?13:39
lithprhow can i find out the X windows information about an window, so i can use that information for devilspie?13:39
coz_wulfy,  not sure ,, if you have suggestions go for it :)13:40
wulfycoz_,  well if your just testing the hdd why not query the smart info13:40
coz_ruan,  does nothing show when booting13:40
ruancoz_: nothing boots at all13:40
ruancoz_: it just does nothing at boot13:40
coz_ruan,   restart it  and hold down the left shift key to see if it comes to the grub menu,,,, if so ,,, hit   "e"  and edit the kernel stanza with     nomodeset  just before quiet splash13:41
lithprfound it: xlsclients -l13:41
ruancoz_: ok brb..13:41
coz_wulfy,   that sounds reasonalbe , maybe you can walk him through that one :)13:41
mah454how i can ssh without timeout ?13:42
kmckHi All! :) so I am very new to 'the computer world' and will ask a lot of questions (especially if I don't understand something) and today i have a lot of questions... 1) i was trying to get rid of Ubuntu completely and get Windows 7 back, i got recovery media disks from gateway i put the CD's in and booted from the disk, after completely wiping my hard drive and re-installing windows 7 and all the drivers i got a black screen (looked like DOS prompt)13:42
jribkmck: this is a ##windows question13:43
kmckjrib: Thank you!13:43
kasjdgfasdbhyeah yeah yeah yeahh13:43
kasjdgfasdbh*in voice of bono*13:44
kasjdgfasdbhhello hello13:44
wulfyis it a full moon tonight? the amount of strange ones coming in today....13:44
Piciwulfy: yes.13:45
eXpLoDhow can i run a program(say firefox) without it showing the details of it and so...is there an argument for it?13:47
jribeXpLoD: you can redirect all of its output to /dev/null with: firefox &> /dev/null13:47
coz_eXpLoD,  I am not sure I understand "details of it"13:47
noamickoeXpLoD: what do you mean details? r u running it from the command line?13:47
noamickoy not just clicking it from nautilus?13:48
eXpLoDyeah,i am running it from the terminal13:48
coz_existx,  hit  alt+F2    type  firefox13:48
yann2hello! wanted to ask: How well does unity work without hardware acceleration at all (ie: VNC to a KVM vm) in 11.4?13:48
eXpLoDi know that with alt+f2,i wanted to know if there is an argument for running it in terminal13:48
noamickosee <jrib> answer13:48
ActionParsnip!natty | yann213:50
ubottuyann2: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.13:50
ruani held shift at boot and it did absolutely nothing13:50
yann2ActionParsnip, I know that thanks :)13:50
coz_ruan, ooo13:50
jribruan: what ubuntu version?13:50
jribruan: you should get a grub menu then, try again?13:51
yann2just https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/gdm/+bug/40841713:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 408417 in gdm "XDMCP server not working in Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick)" [Medium,Confirmed]13:51
ruani had no grub menu13:51
ruani tried twice, nothing13:51
ActionParsnipyann2: then why ask in here if "you know'?13:51
coz_ruan,  did you already  do a reinstall of the system?13:51
ruanyes, 4 times13:51
coz_ruan,  yikes13:51
ruanevery single one failed :/13:51
ruanthey just dont boot13:52
yann2ActionParsnip, cause even if its in development there are alpha outs that people try, and because "running without hardware accel" might be a target of 11.4=13:52
coz_ruan,  is this laptop or desktop13:52
ActionParsnipyann2: if you knew, you would know natty is not discussed here and it is ONLY supported in #ubuntu+113:52
coz_ruan,   ready made or built?13:52
dubeyhow to create apt-get update server ?13:52
ActionParsnipyann2: so you clearly DON'T know13:52
coz_ruan,   give me a quick run down of hardware13:53
ruancoz_: it was originally ready made, but over the years i replaced everything13:53
ActionParsnipdubey: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror13:53
yann2I guess I missed the second part of the line :)13:53
ActionParsnipyann2: try reading, it helps13:53
nagel182could sombody help me with imagemagick's error log?13:53
ruancoz_: amd 2.7 singlecore cpu, nvidia 6150se, 40g 80g hdd, biostar motherboard13:53
jribnagel182: only if you share it!13:53
nagel182i installed it as the site said, and made a check13:53
yann2try being friendly, it helps too :/13:53
ActionParsnipyann2: no, just don't give cheek / attitude and you'll do better13:54
coz_ruan,  does that video card require power plug?13:54
ruancoz_: no its internal13:54
nagel182and only one failed this: FAIL: wand/wandtest.sh13:54
coz_ruan,  so onboard video  mm13:54
ruancoz_: yeh13:54
ruancoz_: its ok with heavy 3d games so i dont mind13:54
jribnagel182: erm, what do you mean you "installed it as the site said"?  Did you use apt?13:55
coz_ruan,  let me think this through  ,, hold on13:55
ruancoz_: ok13:55
nagel182no sudo make install13:55
koolhead11can someone point me to ubuntu PAM documentation?13:55
jribnagel182: undo that; always use synaptic13:55
=== Leman_Russ_ is now known as Leman_Russ
* ruan installs the mp3 drivers for the 2nd time in the meantime..13:55
nagel182how do i undo it?13:55
ruani meant codecs13:56
jribnagel182: read its documentation I guess.  Sometimes there's a "make uninstall" rule13:56
dubeyActionParsnip: Can my local network user use this host as their update server ?13:56
ActionParsnipdubey: sure if you add the server to the system(s)13:56
jribkoolhead11: apt-cache search -n pam doc13:56
marck_how can I find out the current regioncode of my dvdplayer?13:56
jribkoolhead11: there's usually also useful info in /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE for relevant PACKAGEs13:57
nagel182jrib: there isnt.13:57
ruanmy problem is that grub boot loader isnt showing at all, and pc stands still where it would normally go to boot13:58
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
jribnagel182: then you must delete it yourself.  Make sure you check its documentation13:58
jrib!away > Putr13:58
ubottuPutr, please see my private message13:58
ruanthis "loading DMI pool data" screen13:58
ActionParsnipruan: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html13:58
ActionParsnipruan: ahhhhh thats different13:58
=== oden_ is now known as Guest6067
ruani dont get a blank screen13:58
=== Guest60326 is now known as Cain
nagel182but why should i delete it, jrib?13:59
jribnagel182: because you should use the version in apt13:59
ActionParsnipruan: shutdown the PC and unplug the power for at least 30 mins, then plug it back in and it should be ok13:59
tullsi puo conoscere la temperatura di una scheda ati con i driver radeon? Ho scoperto che con i radeon funziona compiz!13:59
Pici!it | tull13:59
ubottutull: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:59
ruanactuionparsnip: why?13:59
nagel182and if i download the apt vversion does it overwrites it?13:59
jribnagel182: no13:59
ActionParsnipruan: it will sort the DMI pool data issue.....14:00
ruanactuionparsnip: its not an issue, it always goes there14:00
koolhead11jrib, thanks. let me check it. i need to know how to enable pam_mkhomedir14:00
ActionParsnipruan: I see, then the boot option in the link I gave will sort it for you14:01
nagel182jrib, i think sudo make uninstall worked14:01
jribnagel182: ok14:01
ruanActionParsnip: are you sure?14:01
nagel182jrib, so how can i get imagemagick from apt?14:01
ActionParsnipruan: yes, some video cards cause black screens at boot, the boot option mentioned is one known to resolve it in most cases14:02
jribnagel182: you can use synaptic if you like synaptic14:02
ruanActionParsnip: i dont get black screen14:02
ActionParsnipnagel182: sudo apt-get Install imagemagick14:02
ruanActionParsnip: i get a loading DMI pool data screen which tells me CPU fan rpm, temp, voltage, etc, and it normally goes to boot from that screen14:03
ruanActionParsnip: but it does nothing at the screen14:03
osmosis_paulit is possible change the date of creation of a file to make a test?\14:03
ActionParsnipruan: ok then press ESC when the boot splash shows and you can see the boot messages14:03
jribosmosis_paul: files don't have creation date stored anywhere14:03
osmosis_paulok what is the date that is close of the name of the every file when you do ls14:04
osmosis_pauli mean that date14:04
osmosis_pauli want test this14:04
osmosis_paulfind /mnt/ebs_volume/mysql_backup/ -type f -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;14:04
coz_ruan,  I am getting nothing14:05
ruancoz_ i know my pc can run ubuntu because im on try mode of the liveCD right now14:05
jribosmosis_paul: modification time14:05
nibblercan apache2 be configured to not save the full IP to the logfiles, but just the 2 or three first (or last) octets? mod_removeip is a bit too much for me14:05
ruanbut i want to restart my pc at times14:05
coz_ruan,  right which makes this more puzzling14:05
osmosis_pauljrib, yes14:05
jribosmosis_paul: yes, modification time is not necessarily the time a file was created14:06
coz_ruan,   as stupid as this may sound,  similar to "did you delete all of your cookies"  make sure all cables and wires are securly connected inside and out14:06
ruancoz_ cables cant really relate to installation14:06
osmosis_pauljrib, finally i google and i found this beauty function "find /mnt/ebs_volume/mysql_backup/ -type f -mtime +0 -exec rm {} \;" i need test it but i dont want remove any of my files older, only the ne ones that i created for the test14:07
kmckto get flash, don't you type ---->    sudo apt-get sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin and something else?14:07
coz_ruan,  I have seen very odd behavior with loose cables,,14:07
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ActionParsnipkmck: don't you mean java?14:07
ActionParsnip!java | kmck14:07
ubottukmck: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:07
kmckActionParsnip: yes sorry14:07
ruanjava is on package list14:07
ActionParsnipruan: not without enabling partner repo first14:07
ruansynaptic works14:08
kmckmy problem is, my terminal won't let me install java14:08
osmosis_paulkmck, go to source.list and uncoment all debian package, then use apt-get update and then try install again those package14:08
ActionParsnipkmck: you need to enable the partner repo in software centre14:08
jribosmosis_paul: so do it in a new directory.  But that command does not do what you asked.14:08
coz_kman__,   open synaptic package manager  go to "Settings"   "repositories"14:08
silverlightningis there a way to check the filesystem on ubuntu, and the boot register?14:09
osmosis_paulyes i just need change -f by -d and works with direcories14:09
coz_kman__, Click the "other software" tab and tick all boxes there14:09
CharlieS1I'm running default Samba 3.5 on Ubun tu 10.10. and I'm trying to get permissions right for point'n'print driver upload from a windows box.  So far no luck.  Anyone ever done this before?14:09
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coz_kman__,  then close that dialog and  hit the :"Reload" button14:09
silverlightningI have a newly installed OS and a bit trouble booting14:09
jribosmosis_paul: except it uses modification time which may or may not be sufficient for what you want to accomplish14:09
coz_kman__,  if you want sun java then hit Search  and type in   sun java   then install the sun-java6-plugin and it will pull down all you need,,14:10
osmosis_pauljrib, i know what you mean, so if someone read one of this files the date will change right?14:10
nagel182jrib, its installed14:11
coz_kman__,  if not sun java   hit search and type in     ubuntu restriced  and install the ubuntu-restricted-extas14:11
jribosmosis_paul: hmm, no14:11
dubeyActionParsnip:  how about apt-cacher-ng ?14:11
jribnagel182: now use it ;o14:11
nagel182jrib, how can i check it if works?14:11
osmosis_pauljrib, then why do you think is not what i want?14:11
silverlightninga major improvement in Maverick is that it manages the fan and cooling on my laptop much better than the others14:11
jribosmosis_paul: because your question involved creation time14:12
jribosmosis_paul: and you've set it up with your naming scheme so that that's actually feasible14:12
silverlightningif anything, it might run unnessecarily on high14:12
nagel182jrib, how can i check it if it works?14:13
ruani still can't boot ubuntu though14:13
jribnagel182: try using it to do something?14:13
osmosis_pauljrib, the script that i see using the name as date are crazy\14:14
Da|Mummywhat are people using to check sfv files?14:14
BIGBAMBUhow can hawe all video codec in ubuntu 10.1014:14
jribosmosis_paul: well if this is sufficient for you then use it, only you can decide that14:14
osmosis_pauljrib, this way is quite simple, but i dont see why wont work it, i just want remove file/directories 5 days olders14:14
nagel182jrib, thats the thing i dont know it until i install magickwand for PHP, and thats another issue...14:15
jribosmosis_paul: if a file gets modified, its mtime changes14:15
jribnagel182: just use php5-imagick from apt14:15
osmosis_pauljrib, yes i asumm that, but gonna be only readable files so... maube the effor to use the other technique dont pay off14:16
jribosmosis_paul: probably14:16
jribosmosis_paul: again, it depends on your setup14:16
osmosis_pauljrib, anyway question again, how can i modify the modify date of a file to made this test, it is possible?14:16
jribosmosis_paul: yes, you can use "touch"14:16
ikoniaosmosis_paul: just touch the file14:16
* Pooch waves hello to porker14:17
* Pooch waves hello to Wololo14:17
* Pooch waves hello to hateball14:17
* Pooch waves hello to nwg|jenka14:17
ikoniaPooch: stop please14:17
* Pooch waves hello to herbmonk14:17
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ikoniaPooch: please stop14:17
* Da|Mummy hits Pooch with a rolled up newspaper14:17
ikoniaDa|Mummy: don't add to it14:17
* Pooch waves hello to sburjan14:17
* jrib launches ikonia missile14:18
silverlightningthere used to be a way to do file check14:18
dubeyWhat is the different between apt-mirror and apt-cache-ng ? Which on is better ?14:18
silverlightningsomething equivalent to CHKDSK?14:19
kmckwhen trying to enter this command into terminal --> add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner" i get the error "must run as root" i've never gotten this before, what does this mean and how do i run as root?14:19
ikoniasilverlightning: fsck14:19
ikoniakmck: use sudo14:19
Da|Mummywhat are people using to check sfv files?14:19
kmckikonia: like sudo add-apt-repository14:20
silverlightningin terminal sudo fsck?14:20
ikoniakmck: just prefix the command with sudo14:20
silverlightningand it will just check, not mess up?14:20
ikoniasilverlightning: no, if you want to check your root file system you need to do it from a livecd14:20
ikoniasilverlightning: if it's another file system you need to unount it and check the device, eg: sudo fsck /dev/sda214:20
nagel182oh it works14:20
Oersilverlightning, force fsck on boot > terminal :  touch /forcefsck   ( and reboot)14:20
nagel182jlib, you're a life saver!14:21
jenkaHi! Can anyone help me with citadel. If I use multiple domain names some mail I sent from the server is placed in the junk mail on the on the recievers client. But if I only got 1 domain under "local host aliases" Then it works fine. Pls help!! :)14:21
xcool11How to install ibus?14:21
LinkRagesome can tell me default groups added to user in ubuntu 10.x ? just paste id's output pls14:21
silverlightningthat is the command touch/forcefsck?14:21
Gnea!ibus | xcool1114:22
ubottuxcool11: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus14:22
Oersilverlightning, yes > http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/14:22
ruani still cant get ubuntu to boot14:23
fumanchu182Has anyone installed the 1.10 beta packages for sphinx on ubuntu without issues?14:23
silverlightningI tried to join the linux chat ,and they demand registration?14:23
PoochI fixed it14:23
Poochsorry about that14:23
Poochwas playing with scripts14:23
mia158dueby: apt-mirror is a small and efficient tool that lets you mirror a part of or the whole Debian GNU/Linux distribution or any other apt sources.14:24
sburjanPooch:  ???14:24
ruanthe waves hello spam?14:24
mia158apt-cache performs a variety of operations on APT's package cache.  apt-cache does not manipulate the state of the system but does provide operations to search and generate interesting output from the package metadata.14:24
ruancan anyone else help me? i cant boot ubuntu off the hard drive14:25
kmckok so this is what i meant sorry guys! when i type in the sudo apt-get install java6 ect.. it gives me this "Package sun-java6-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:25
kmckThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or14:25
kmckis only available from another source14:25
kmckE: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate"14:25
FloodBot3kmck: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
Poochyea the waves spam14:26
LjLkmck: Java is in the Partner repository now14:26
LjL!java > kmck    (kmck, see the private message from ubottu)14:26
xcool11ubottu:Thanks, I will try14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
Poochdidnt realize it would do that on every channel14:26
mia158ruan: what happens when you boot your system?14:27
ruanmia158: it gets to a loading DMI pool data screen and it stays there14:28
ruanmia158: basically, it doesnt boot14:28
mia158thihs system worked before?14:28
ruanmia158: yes14:28
mia158what changed recently?14:28
ruanmia158: i removed windows and tried to install ubuntu14:29
ruanwell, ubuntu removed windows for me14:29
ruanduring installation14:29
ruanbut it doesnt boot, and i've tried reinstalling 4 times14:29
milamber!info sun-java6-jre | kmck14:29
ubottukmck: Package sun-java6-jre does not exist in maverick14:29
mia158If you hold the shift key during boot do you get into recovery mode?14:30
ruanmia158: no, it does nothing14:30
milamberkmck: what version of ubuntu?14:30
kmckmilamber: 10.04 LTS14:30
mia158does the sytem pass POST tests?14:31
kmckmilamber: i just ran sudo apt-get update and it gave me this14:31
ruani think14:31
kmckW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i386_Packages)14:31
mia158how many video inputs are there on the system?14:31
ruani've ran a memory and disk test14:31
kmckW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid/partner Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_dists_lucid_partner_binary-i386_Packages)14:31
kmckW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems14:31
ruani dont know, i only have one graphics card and monitor though14:31
mia158what is the exact error message?14:32
minttuxi lost my home parttion i just run fsck /dev/sda6 and after that i lost my /  and home partition :-( i got some inode errors14:32
milamberkmck: sudo apt-get clean14:32
ruanno error14:32
ruanit just doesnt boot14:32
kmckmilamber: your the best!! :D14:33
jattminttux: recover the data from your backup14:33
milamberkmck: everything working?14:33
minttux jatt: you are very smart. if i have backup i didn't come here. i didn't know scan disk in linux damage partition instead of fix it14:34
jattminttux: then the information in your home partition wasn't important, just create a new empty partition14:34
BluesKajHiyas all14:34
jattminttux: replace the disk14:34
mia158ruan: you can try setting your BIOS settings back to factory defaults then rebooting14:35
kmckmilamber: so far like a charm! :) is it ok that i have firefox and this chat and some other things open while it's downloading and installing?14:35
minttuxjatt:it was very important . but i said . i didn't know in LINUX scan disk damage partitions .14:35
kmcki just don't want to have firefox open and have that mess up the java plugin14:35
minttuxi don't have any probmlem but i did fsck14:35
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ikoniaminttux: you appear to be running mint, not ubuntu14:35
milamberkmck: you probably don't *have* to, but i would close firefox (and anything else that would want to use java) while it is installing14:36
minttuxikonia: you said it because my nickname?14:36
ikoniaminttux: one of the reasons, yes14:36
minttuxikonia: no . i have ubuntu. and another question . what different between ubuntu and mint except backgrounds and theme ?14:37
ikoniaminttux: there are differnces and it's more than themes,14:38
kmckmilamber: ok can you help with another question?14:38
minttux ikonia: but it's not refer to fsck and partitions14:38
milamberkmck: i can try14:38
ikoniaminttux: are you using mint or ubuntu14:38
silverlightninghi again14:40
minttuxikonia: i'm using mint . maybe you want to say here is ubuntu channel and you should not ask here.and this is mint problem . but i don't think so . because i installed applications from ubuntu repository . and find and solve the problems from ubuntu forum14:40
ikoniaminttux: ok I don't like being lied to14:40
silverlightningI could not make the touch/forcefsck work?14:41
ikonia!mint | minttux14:41
ubottuminttux: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:41
ikoniaminttux: please use the correct support resources14:41
kmckok so my update manager shows me that Ubuntu 10.10 is available...but when i go to upgrade and it get to the second step "setting new software channels" i get a box that pops up that says:14:41
kmckan unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade:14:41
kmckE:Error, pkgProblemResover::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused b y held package14:41
=== X_ is now known as x7x
minttuxbut i don't think so this problem refer to mint and here ; there are more users14:42
minttuxbut i tried that channel too14:42
jribkmck: if you have xserver-xorg-video-nouveau installed, uninstall it14:42
ikoniaminttux: no, use the mint channel only, not here14:42
milamberkmck: have you tried that since running the clean command?14:42
silverlightningmint linux? any good on laptops?14:42
ikoniasilverlightning: no better/worse than ubuntu14:42
kmckyes i just tried now and same thing happened14:42
kmckmilamber: and you mean the apt-get clean14:42
kmckjrib:  don't know what that is... don't think i have it?14:42
minttux ikonia: but it's truth the most of user here not pro and usually they can't help14:42
jribkmck: it's a package.14:42
milamberkmck: yes14:43
ikoniaminttux: that is not this channels problem, use the mint channel14:43
minttuxlike you14:43
=== liz is now known as Guest60653
ikoniaminttux: like me what ?14:43
kmckmilamber: should i try restarting and running it again and seeing if i can update after or is a restart not the answer to all my problems today? :P14:43
mia158ruan: are you rebooting your system?14:44
jribkmck: just remove the package I told you14:44
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kmckjrib: from synaptic package manager14:45
minttuxikonia: like you when can't help just look for reason to don't answer the question while they know exactly the problems refer to softwares not distribute14:45
juniourhey iam no t able to install ubuntu 10.04 via virtual box it give me an error "this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. unable to boot - please use akernel appropriate for your cpu.14:45
=== ego is now known as Grifis1978
milamberkmck: search for the package with: dpkg -l | grep nouveau14:46
ikoniaminttux: I'm more than capable of helping you, however I don't like being lied to. This is the last time I will say this to you. We do not support you with mint here, use the mint support channels14:46
juniourhey help me?14:47
=== boss is now known as areay
minttuxikonia:i understand it and not need to repeat also you are not whole of user here and also you are not the boss of this channel . i don't help from you . ok ? if you know the answer and can help me. i don't want it . clear ?14:47
BluesKajjuniour, use 64 bit ubuntu,  x86-6414:48
kmckmilamber: ok i found a xserver-xorg-video-nouveau and it has a green box next to it remove that one?14:48
juniourhey iam no t able to install ubuntu 10.04 via virtual box it give me an error "this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU. unable to boot - please use akernel appropriate for your cpu.14:48
milamberkmck: yessum14:48
Guest81572does anyone know how to mute the audio of a video? I've used ffmpeg and it makes the quality of the video crap14:48
kmckmilamber: 'mark for complete removal'  ??14:49
Pumpkin-juniour: easiest solution, use the i386 ubuntu distribution (32bit).14:49
teweWorkif i accidentally run out of ram my computer hangs, even the mouse doesn't move, it takes 5 mins to get to console and another 5 min to kill an app to free some memory, is this the intended behaviour? :) and btw i have 4GB swap and the max usage is 100MB14:49
milamberkmck: yes14:49
juniourwhy it is telling like that14:49
juniourany ans14:49
FloodBot3juniour: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:49
compdocteweWork, its not behaviour I would intend in any OS14:50
BluesKajjuniour, I already told you to use 64bit ubuntu , not the 32 bit version14:50
juniourPumpkin- Linux kumar-VGN-FW53GF-B 2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:50
iceroot_juniour: enable vt-x if you want amd64 for the vms14:50
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.14:50
iceroot_juniour: its a setting in vbox14:51
Pumpkin-BluesKaj: the error vbox is giving though says "only a i686 CPU". That isn't going work with 64bit.14:51
krgerThey're both fully-supported.14:51
teweWorkcompdoc: yeah i guessed that :) any idea to solve the issue or what to look for?14:51
krgerBut the website recommends 32-bit for desktop.14:51
juniourBlueskaj my system is 64 bit14:51
WilliamsHi everyone! I have a problem with mkv playback (1080p, even 720p). I'm using SMPlayer and my laptop handles these mkv files in windows no problem. So this is a problem with linux. The video is lagging sometimes... Please help14:51
Pumpkin-but I imagine its a vbox setting on CPU features to expose.14:51
juniourhow can i use 32 bit14:51
compdocteweWork, I work on lots of computers, and never see them run out of memory like that. how are you managing it?14:52
iceroot_juniour: i told you what the reason is, you are not using vt-x technologie in virtualbox, so vbox is using 32bit instead of what your cpu can do14:52
=== Guest81572 is now known as DMDean
BluesKajjuniour, sry , I'm mistaken14:52
DMDeandoes anyone know how to mute the audio of a video? I've used ffmpeg and it makes the quality of the video crap14:52
teweWorkcompdoc: right now i always check if i have enouhg memory before running eclipse for example14:52
WilliamsHi everyone! I have a problem with mkv playback (1080p, even 720p). I'm using SMPlayer and my laptop handles these mkv files in windows no problem. So this is a problem with linux. The video is lagging sometimes... Please help14:52
osmosis_paul somebody know why this command can not remove folders, "find $APACHE_BACKUP -type d -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;" i read i several place that it is possible change the parameter f (file) for (d) directory14:53
erUSULosmosis_paul: rm -r14:53
adub_i am not getting hdmi sound nor analog through ubuntu 10.04 installed latest alsa drivers also i have unmuted everything in alsa mixer and tried two different sets of speakers for the analog side.  I am only working with one hdmi cable tho so i cant test that part but still the analog side is weird14:53
edwardteachDMDean, do you mean strip a video of its audio ?14:54
drt4923osmosis_paul: maybe the directories arent empty?14:54
DMDeanedwardteach, yup exactly that14:54
osmosis_paulahhhhh so simple14:54
compdocbb shortly14:54
juniouris there any thing like nokia pc suit in ubuntu so that you can send or read mess or call via laptop14:54
k_szeWith the ftp(1) command, what's the difference between (auto-)login and (auto-)authentication (i.e. the -n and -u options)?14:54
edwardteachDMDean, ffmpeg can do that, it should not be afecting your though what command are you using ?14:56
juniouris there any thing like nokia pc suit in ubuntu so that you can send or read mess or call via laptop14:56
mia158juniour: look @ wammu and gammu14:57
DMDeanedwardteach, ffmpeg -i /home/dean/Desktop/Video0016.mp4 -an -b 1200 OutputFile.mp4 I did that and it did strip the audio of the video but my brother said it compressed the video which made the quality turn rubbish14:57
=== dpm_ is now known as dplanella
inckiei have a problem with my ubuntu, my computer has an internal speaker which is the only one i can get audio from, when i plug something into the rear jacks, the sound still comes out of the internel speaker. i tried installing the ALSAmixer and unmuted AUX and line in and increased volume to 100%14:58
inckiein Windows the internal speaker disabled as soon as i plug something into the rear jack14:58
silverlightningis there an isoburner for ubuntu?14:58
inckieit's built in14:59
silverlightningwhere ? brassero?14:59
milamber!burniso | silverlightning14:59
ubottusilverlightning: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto14:59
inckiesilverlightning: ye14:59
inckieright click on an iso file14:59
inckieand "write to disk"14:59
silverlightningI can't find any?14:59
inckiesilverlightning: install it14:59
FloodBot3inckie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
DenverDavegreetings.. is there a way to run windows apps from a bootable Windows HD when I have booted to my Ubuntu HD? Or am I looking at wine?14:59
=== androidbruce|afk is now known as androidbruce
extraclassicI had dovecot and postfix running, but wanted to turn them off at boot time so I ran update-rc.d....when I rebooted though it still says all those ports are open and I want to close them15:01
douwehey, im trying to install spotify with wine, but each time i run the .exe file it says its executable so i cant install it... anyone who can help?15:02
ikoniadouwe: the guys in #winehq are the best support group for it15:03
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douweikonia: okey, thanks, ill try there15:03
edwardteachDMDean, have you tried it with out the -b option?15:04
fumanchu182I am having a hellacious time with dpkg and apt-get install.  The package failed to install and I want to remove it, but dpkg or apt-get won't let me.  Where do I even begin with this type of an issue?15:05
DMDeanedwardteach, is that not what I used?15:05
Oerdouwe there is a linux version of spotify > http://www.spotify.com/int/download/previews/15:05
delinquentmeso ive got some firefox weirdness going on .. basically it says its already running .. when i dont have a ff screen to play with15:06
delinquentmeso .. how do i kill it all and start over .. or are there other options like a task manager15:06
memoryleaksometimes firefox process hangs15:06
memoryleakkillall firefox15:06
hardheadI'm trying to partition my Hard Drivr in order to throw UBUNTU SERVER on the bulk of the disk but I cant get the gparted partition manager to work is there any easier partitioner to use?15:07
rumpe1hardhead, easier? o.O   don't think so15:07
extraclassichardhead: you could use the install program to do it15:07
delinquentmememoryleak, not looking like thats working15:07
edwardteachDMDean, you said "-an -b 1200" options?15:08
DenverDaveis there a way to run windows apps from a bootable Windows HD when I have booted to my Ubuntu HD? Or am I looking at wine? or using isobox?15:08
memoryleakdelinquentme: top - and look for firefox15:08
DMDeanedwardteach, yeah I don't really know what that means I just read it on the internet so I typed it in lol15:08
jack__DenverDave: if you're trying to run .exe files you'll need to use wine or some other kinda of win emulater15:08
milamberdelinquentme: you can also try:  ps aux | grep firefox15:08
delinquentmememoryleak, its definitely not there15:08
compdoccant run many windows programs that way15:09
delinquentmemilamber, that looks bamf15:09
DenverDavejack__ yea I thought so .. my poker programs are not supported on any linux but love ubuntu now15:09
edwardteachDMDean, man ffmpeg for the destructions15:09
memoryleakdelinquentme: last idea 'ps waux | grep firefox'15:09
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DenverDavebut I didnt want to have to move a postrgres db and other tools over to ubuntu being the lazy geek I am15:10
=== Dotoff is now known as Dotted
milamberdelinquentme: glad you like it. did you find your process id?15:10
delinquentmejust hangs15:10
DenverDavejack__ thanks15:10
DMDeanedwardteach, sorry what does that mean? lol15:10
JuJuBeeis there a utility to tell what type of RAM is in a computer (other than removing the case)?15:10
hardheadrumpe1: why wont the manager let me tranfer an amount of gigs to the actual partition i'm making I'm following the steps but it will only allow me to get 1 GIG out of it15:11
jack__JuJuBee: i highly doubt it. you can try dmidecode15:11
edwardteach!man | DMDean,15:11
ubottuDMDean,: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/15:11
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:11
JuJuBeejack__: thanks, worth a try15:11
milamberdelinquentme: does the process hang or does it not return anything? does it dump you back at the prompt?15:11
bastidrazorJuJuBee: sudo lshw -c memory :: will give some helpful information15:12
delinquentmemilamber, doesnt return anything and doesnt return me to prompt15:12
delinquentmeblinky cursor and thats it .. ctrl+ c doesnt work either15:12
milamberdelinquentme: try just: ps aux15:13
JuJuBeejack__: dmidecode tells me it is ddr2 533mhz, good enough for me...15:13
jack__JuJuBee: :)15:13
JuJuBeesame with bastidrazor suggestion15:13
JuJuBeethanks to both15:13
StevenTylerhow do you mount an iso to /cdrom/ in ubuntu netbook?15:14
delinquentmemilamber, it comes up there!15:14
milamberdelinquentme: ok: kill -9 <processid>15:14
delinquentmemilamber, do i need to exit that to the prompt first?15:15
JuJuBeeStevenTyler: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/iso.iso /media/iso/15:15
JuJuBeeor whatever mount point you create for it...15:15
bastidrazorJuJuBee: you're welcome.15:15
delinquentmemilamber, exited it .. tried it .. returned me ot prompt15:16
delinquentmestill no luck starting FF15:16
k_szeWith ftp(1), what's the -f option for? The man page says it forwards the credentials to the remote host; isn't it necessary to forward the credentials to the remote host to get authenticated in any case? Or is it some other form of forwarding credentials?15:16
=== varun is now known as Vivekananda
milamberdelinquentme: ps aux should just list what processes are running and dump you back to the prompt. what you really need is the process id (PID) of firefox. when you did the ps aux did you see firefox?15:17
g_0_0delinquentme, have you tried simply - pkill firefox  ??15:17
=== Vivekananda is now known as logout
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delinquentmemilamber, so thje PID was 210115:18
delinquentmei did the " kill -9 2101 "15:18
Picik_sze: I don't see that option on the manpage for ftp.15:19
LunganHaving a big trouble. My Ubuntcomputer can't boot. Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/XXXXXXXXX does not exist. Dropping to a shell!15:19
=== logout is now known as Vivekananda
Doc0CLungan  this a new install or an existing one?15:20
k_szePici: oh, looks like the Ubuntu version of ftp doesn't have that options. I was reading http://linux.die.net/man/1/ftp15:20
Picik_sze: For reference, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/ has the same manpages that exist in Ubuntu.15:20
LunganDoc0C, I had an old install, but now it updated the kernel. And it did work for 2-3 days. And now i get that error and even if I use and old kernel it doesn't work15:21
jason_hi there15:21
milamberdelinquentme: . . . how are things going?15:22
Doc0CLungan  looks like your fstab got fubar'ed somehow. Take a look at /etc/fstab15:22
LunganDoc0C, Yep, the fstab seems corrupt. But I did try to fix it but got the same problem, maybe I can post my fstab in PM to you and then u can have a look at it?15:23
k_szeMy god, the HK Ubuntu repository mirror is so slow.15:23
Doc0CLungan  pastebin it15:24
=== marfil is now known as Marfil
test001hi, do you know if there is some to logically unplug/replug and usb wireless device ? I use usb wireless but sometimes it disconnects from network and the only way to make it work again is restart computer15:26
Homefixwhere could i go with a little help understanding this:compile a new start-stop-daemon with the patch added that is available below (the “dpkg” source package provides start-stop-daemon)15:26
ZipTyeTest001 what model usb wireless device?15:27
test001it's a pheenet15:27
test001with a panel antenna15:27
mewjoin jaje15:27
milamber!compile | Homefix not exactly sure what you are looking for/trying to do as a package automagically installs and compiling from source is so different:15:28
ubottuHomefix not exactly sure what you are looking for/trying to do as a package automagically installs and compiling from source is so different:: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:28
Doc0CHomefix  I'm confused by your question. Please be more detailed15:28
test001ziptye It's a pheenet high power 802.11  don't know more about the model15:28
test001ziptye it's this one: http://www.wifigear.co.uk/pheenet-high-power-usb-adapter-10dbi-panel-antenna15:29
DrPoOhow can i get the IP of a given URL???15:30
silverlightningubuntu is slow on my computer15:30
jpdsDrPoO: host $hostname of URL.15:30
PiciDrPoO: host hostname or dig hostname for more ifo15:30
jpdsDrPoO: Such as: $ host bbc.co.uk15:30
DrPoOnice thnx guys!15:30
LunganDoc0C, Heres the fstab http://pastebin.com/eLqX2La215:31
hardheadI have devices connected to the main drive I'm trying to partition and i cant unmount in order to resize - how do i unmount them manually.15:31
ZipTyeHm i have never herd of that one. I have a WUSB54 and WUSB54GC Linksys USB Wireless adapters and i always seemed to have my connection drop. i tried both ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 and still had the problem so i tried different distros and for some reason it works ok in Linux Mint 10 and i have herd on the forums it is working under the newist beta15:31
MrEgg964hey, I'm trying to install Maverick on a Sandy Bridge, but I'm getting an error. Has anyone done this here?15:31
delinquentmemilamber, im just gonna reboot :D but thanks for you time very very much :D15:31
EduardHello guys, I Would like to ask, is it possible to have multiple python installations on 10.10?15:31
ZipTyenewest ubuntu beta that is15:31
milamberdelinquentme: any time. sorry i couldn't be more help.15:31
EduardThat is without breaking anything15:32
silverlightningis it worth replacng the harddisk in an old laptop?15:32
silverlightningor get a new computer right away15:32
silverlightningI am tired of fiddeling with ubuntu15:33
Doc0CLungan  that is very messed up, like it got replaced by an example file15:33
hardheadHow do I Unmount a partition manually???15:33
silverlightningI have heard Acer and Dell have laptops designed for both Ubuntu and Windows15:33
LunganDoc0C, How should i fix it? The "xxx" and "yyy" har uuid numbers15:33
Eduarderm, anyone? any ideas???15:33
edwardteachEduard, yes15:34
rzx237hardhead: first you type command df and find a line that point to your drive15:34
secretary_linuxhardhead: where path is the path to the mountpoint or to the device, sudo umount /path/15:34
Doc0CLungan  fdisk can tell you the actual devices of your file systems. Then edit fstab to reflect actual devices15:34
Eduardedwardteach, is it possible to have multiple python installations on 10.10 without breaking anything?15:34
LunganBut what should I change to make it correct?15:34
test001ziptye ok, thank you very much !  :)15:34
LunganDoc0C, Which line is wrong?15:34
HomefixDoc0C: sorry my kid had an issue:..i am running lucid in a chroot and "upstart" will not "start" im trying to follow this:http://gyp.blogs.balabit.com/2011/01/using-upstart-in-a-chroot/.......... toward the bottom is a workaround but i dont know how what to compile or how I wrote this and this:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=932754 is what i am doing15:35
DrPoOMy terminal colour scheme broke, Now files and directories look the same... How can I fix this?15:35
silverlightningdoes anyone have a laptop with ubuntu that works trouble free?15:35
Doc0CThe xxxxxx and yyyyyy should be actual devices, like /dev/sda1 and such15:35
DrPoO<silverlightning> I have 415:35
test001ziptye so maybe it will work fine in next ubuntu 11.0415:35
silverlightningoh, I am emvious dr poo15:35
silverlightningweird nick15:35
LunganDoc0C, Yeah, but the xxx is in fact a realy long combination of numbers and letter, but the computer doesn't have internet ATM so i didn't take the time too write it down15:36
spmccannsilverlightning:  yep, but that probably doesnt help you15:36
silverlightningit does15:36
LunganDoc0C, The linuxsystem is on /dev/sda115:36
silverlightningI mean, I will not give up on ubuntu entirely15:36
edwardteachEduard, yes  you have to use them specifically .. #!/bin/usr/python3.1  or   #!/bin/usr/python15:36
Doc0CLungan  well, without the actual fstab entries, I don't know how to help you15:37
spmccannsilverlightning:  well i'm running a lenovo t61 intel chip set everything worked out of the box15:37
spmccannsilverlightning:  i take it that you are having some problems15:38
Doc0CLungan  ok, so dmesg is saying /dev/sda1 doesn't exist?15:38
Hillfuck allllllllll?15:38
jattwhat is better DSL or fiber?15:38
DrPoOMy terminal colour scheme broke, Now files and directories look the same... How can I fix this?15:38
Bushman_i have no video display (only sound) when playing matroska on kaffeine15:38
Picijatt: Thats not really on-topic for this channel, #ubuntu-offtopic or perhaps ##networking would be more appropriate.15:38
LunganDoc0C, This is the exactly copy of my FSTAB http://pastebin.com/YkhrageM15:39
Bushman_the video plays in totem but not in kaffeine15:39
silverlightningyes, but it might not be ubuntu's fault15:39
hardheadrzx237: this is the message I get in Gparted (Most likely other partitions are also mounted on these mount points. You are advised to unmount them manually.) I tried to unmount in terminal but it wont except the command - any ideas?15:39
edwardteachDrPoO,  what did you do to change it?15:40
BiPolahhardhead: Are  you using sudo?15:40
Doc0CDrPoO  probably just borked your aliases in your .bashrc or .bash_profile. Try temporarily renaming them and see if your dircolors show up15:40
cntbhi all , I very much like to use 2 finger scrolling as in my mac and w7 http://mixeduperic.com/linux/ubuntu-1004-how-to-setup-two-finger-scroll-on-laptop-touch-pad.html gives idea how to do and maybe I ma not doing right because it doesn not do as expected anyone dealed with it15:40
DrPoOedwardteach, not on purpose15:40
DjoefHi, I am installing Ubuntu 10.10. I have a partition for Windows, a partition for Data and an unpartitioned space where I want to install ubuntu. I went into the manual mode, and added a partition that takes the rest of the drive (+/- 30GB) Is this OK ? or do I need to create 2 partitions ? And what should I choose for the boot loader?15:40
rzx237hardhead: how many partition do you have on the drive?15:41
silverlightningsomething weird going on with my network15:41
blue112Hi hre.15:41
silverlightninghi blue11215:41
rzx237hardhead: you can type df to check it15:41
silverlightning112 is emergency phone to the firestation here15:42
* blue112 is not a fireman15:42
koolhead11waoo PAM is cool. fianlly managed it15:42
sacarlsonDjoef: 30g is big enuf,  you might want to  create a swap partition but it's not manditory15:42
LunganDoc0C, Can you se anything wrong with the fstab?15:42
koolhead11now i need another suggestion i want to lockdown my ubuntu to kiosk mode15:43
Doc0CLungan  so it is saying /dev/sda1 does not exist?15:43
BiPolahDjoef: You should have a swap partition of at least 2GB15:43
Doc0CNo it looks right15:43
hardheadrzx237: I think 3 other 10/dev/sda2[extended]-----20/dev/sda5[linux-swap]-----30unalocated15:43
silverlightningoh? I have no swap15:43
LunganDoc0C, It says "Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/8ace2d24... does not exist. Dropping to a shell15:43
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silverlightningmaybe that is way ubuntu is acting up here?15:43
LunganDoc0C, Don't know where /disk/by-uuid/ come from :S15:44
rzx237hardhead: you need to do umount /dev/sda3; umount /dev/sda5 and all that point to /dev/sda* in order to repartition sda15:44
Doc0CLungan  probably from initrd15:44
Assidwassup my crazy peeps15:44
=== skiphuffman is now known as skip
* Assid is waiting for the next release party15:45
Assidi got MORE bandwith15:45
LunganDoc0C, Okok, have any clue whats wrong?15:45
PiciAssid: Do you have a support question? If not, the social channel here is #ubuntu-offtopic :)15:45
hardheadrzx237: whats the command because I'm typing in sudo unmount /dev/then path and its not working15:45
Assidhrmm.. nah15:46
Assidbut the best way to learn anything is from what other people are doing15:46
Doc0CLungan  this happens right after grub comes up?15:46
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LunganDoc0C, Exakt15:46
rzx237sorry, I'm suggesting wrong answer..15:46
PiciAssid: Oh, thats fine too, I didn't mean to imply that you can't watch and learn and help.15:47
Doc0CLungan  ok, seems like a grub misconfiguration15:47
rzx237hardhead: did you try gparted?15:47
Assiderr does ubuntu have its OWN remote management tool like teamviewer ?15:47
LunganDoc0C, Using live cd ATM so i can reach the hdd (sda1), how do i reconfigure grub then?15:47
* Assid is thinking maybe it should consider making one15:47
BiPolahAssid: It has remote desktop viewer built in on 10.10 at least15:47
hardheadyes and it wont let me unmount the main partition until I unmount the other three15:48
DelvidGo to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :)15:48
BiPolahAssid: That supports SSH and VNC, you can also use "rdesktop <ip|hostname>" from command line15:48
DelvidGo to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :) Go to irc.epiknet.org on join #musique# !!!!! :)15:48
FloodBot3Delvid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:48
ZipTyeSo i was hoping someone could give me some advice. I am looking to pick up a new desktop this weekend a retail box and have been looking at the HP Pavilion Desktop P6754Y AMD Athlon II X4 640 with built in wifi and the Gateway DX4850-27e with an Intel Core i5-2300 Processor15:48
AssidBiPolah, yes, but that wont bypass firewall issues.. im just thinking from a "adoptive" strategy15:48
hardheadrzx237: yes and it wont let me unmount the main partition until I unmount the other three15:48
Homefixhelp with compiling?15:48
BiPolahAssid: Depends which port you're using etc. That's the point a firewall, to stop unauthorised connections.15:49
milamberhardhead: just caught the tail end of your convo, but the command is umount not unmount iirc15:49
Assidimagine people talking to their cuz's and uncles and telling them, "you know what.. im tired of helping you and your virus issues.. get a mac or linux"15:49
ZipTyedoes anyone have any experience running Ubuntu on anything like these or an HP desktop with built in wireless did it work out of the box, not sure of the wireless chip15:49
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
hardheadmilamber: Thank you15:49
AssidBiPolah, its actually how i got 4 people onto a mac.. cause i told them to stop bugging me15:49
^Phantom^<Assid> imagine people talking to their cuz's and uncles and telling them, "you know what.. im tired of helping you and your virus issues.. get a mac or linux"  <--- so tempting15:50
Doc0CIt is pointing to the wrong place to find the kernel image and ramdisk, I am guessing15:50
intel352hey guys, where does Network Manager store config information for wireless networks?15:50
credswhen i turn my PC on i can see login-monit in gnome15:50
Assid^Phantom^ why?15:50
credshow can i change it to terminal-login15:51
^Phantom^Assid, dunno15:51
ecantoi am use laptop dell inspiron, button XF86Eject not working, somebody help?15:51
^Phantom^actually the people i'm thinking of shouldn't have any electronic devices at all15:51
sjmhow do I report a bug for ubuntu?15:51
Assid^Phantom^, well now you know how i feel.. its even a mirable i can get them to load teamviewer15:51
credsanyone could help me please?15:52
^Phantom^these people can't update a ps315:52
intel352hey guys, where does Network Manager store config information for wireless networks?15:52
hardheadmilamber:what do I type after iirc15:52
^Phantom^hell they can't follow instructions on the screen15:52
Homefixim doing this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=932754 and i cant get upstart to run ( i believe because im in a chroot) but i have this workaround:http://gyp.blogs.balabit.com/2011/01/using-upstart-in-a-chroot/.....my question is... standing by....15:52
milamberhardhead: iirc means if i remember correctly, the unmount command isn't "unmount" it is "umount"15:52
Assidwell.. what im getting at is.. perhaps we can have a ubuntu based teamviewer service15:53
dasboxhello friends15:53
shaulaI have installed ubuntu 10.10 on virtualbox 3.2.8 which is again working on ubuntu 10.10, the resolution of my ubuntu on virtual box cannot go larger than 800x600 thought the guest addons is installed, any idea how can I improve my resolution on virtualbox?15:53
milamber!bug | sjm15:53
ubottusjm: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:53
dasboxi need a help15:53
Assidlike it connects to a toredo ipv6 service and bang.. your ready to get help15:53
Assidinstant vnc access15:53
edwardteachcreds, do you mean at the login screen   alt  +  ctlr  f1 to f6 for a terminal?15:54
dasboxcan any one tell how to make xubuntu shutdown on power key press15:54
sjmmilamber, thanks15:54
DjoefOk I created a swap area of 2GB, then a Ext4 journaling system? of 28GB for the installation ? Should I enter something for mount point or do I leave this empty ?15:54
milamberZipTye: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesDesktopsHp15:54
DjoefAnd finally, what should I choose for the boot loader ?15:54
credsedwardteach, I set quota on my account and when I'm trying to log in via gnome I see warning that I should remove some files (to do it i gotta login via terminal)15:55
dasboxfriends any one?15:55
credsbut i don't know how to login via terminal (how to display terminal)15:55
uRockApplications> Accessories> Terminal15:56
Doc0CLungan  you should be able to simply either choose an older grub config at the grub prompt, or point it to the correct kernel, and get booted15:56
=== Doc0C is now known as DocOC
milambercreds: ctrl + alt + f1 will bring you to a terminal, you can also go to applications >> accessories >> terminal if you login via the gui15:56
StevenTylerhow do you mount an iso to /cdrom/ in ubuntu netbook?15:56
LunganDocOC, When im in live cd and write "grub" in terminal it says its not installed?15:56
pareliis it possible to use conky-colors with conky and make it transparent?15:57
credsok, thanks a lot15:57
StevenTylerit's asking me to insert cd, all i can do is mount the iso somehow15:57
adub__having difficulty getting to hear sound on my computer not sure whats causing it15:57
DocOCLungan  not in live cd,15:57
uRockWhy do people offer ctrl alt F1 when you have to restart to get out of it?15:57
LunganDocOC, How then?15:57
popeyuRock: you dont15:57
DocOCWhen you get the grub promote during normal boot15:57
popeyuRock: you can CTRL+ALT+F715:58
adub__when i play a sound file with aplay i can see in a settings menu where it is playing yet i dont hear antyhing15:58
hatchetjackis there a way to get zeroconf to stop making me use only the hostname of the local domain?15:58
spmccannpopey:  you bet me to it !15:58
uRockpopey, I have tried that recently, didn't work15:58
popeyadub__: alsamixer, turn up the volume and unmute?15:58
rzx237StevenTyler: do you mean sudo mount -o loop file.iso /cdrom15:58
nostard_i have problems with preview-latex in Emacs =/15:58
hatchetjackfor example I have to use wiki instead of the wiki.domain.local15:58
popeyuRock: maybe F8, its not always on 715:58
LunganDocOC, Im pretty noob, how should i do when i come to the grub meny?15:58
hatchetjackit's screwing up page links and stuff15:58
milamberuRock: what kind of keyboard?15:58
Atlantic777how to open an X dialog from shell with default packages installed?15:58
adub__popey yes they are all spifs 1-4 are set to 0015:59
StevenTylerI tried that, not working. Let me try again.15:59
uRockwhy not recommend ctrl alt f2, then the user can easily close it15:59
adub__this is through hdmi i cant get my analog sound working either but i dont care about that atm i really would rather use my hdmi sound15:59
DocOCJust usr arrows to navigate to a coherent boot option15:59
uRockmilamber, MS keyboard15:59
LunganDocOC, But all of them gives the samer error?15:59
osmosis_paulsomebody know if there are some diferent to execute an script manually to do it by cron???16:00
DocOCDifferent, not coherent16:00
osmosis_paulin command line works but by cron dont do it the svn checkout16:00
DjoefOk, one question at the time : 1) Should I use ext4 for ubuntu 10.10 installation ?16:00
LunganDocOC, ?16:00
Djoefas logical drive16:00
uRockDjoef, yes16:00
milamberuRock: is there an f lock button?16:00
DocOCYou have tried them all?16:01
uRockmilamber, no16:01
StevenTylergetting "Failed to fetch cdrom"16:01
adub__on the monitor im using i have them selected to use internal speakers the monitor i have the hdmi cable hooked to16:01
StevenTylerI am trying to install some drivers16:01
ZoffixHey. I'm having trouble installing zlib1g-dev... Synaptic tells me that the file's not found. I tried downloading the package manually (zlib1g-dev_1.2.3.4.dfsg-3ubuntu1_amd64.deb), but when I try to install it, it tells me "Sorry, Zlib's not available for amd64".. I REALLY need to have this installed. Any suggestions on how to force it to be?16:01
antivirtelHow can I finalize(close) a data DVD? I burnt it with nero(in win). Can I do it with Brasero(or GnomeBaker)?16:01
DjoefuRock, should I set the mount point ? or can this stay empty ?16:01
LunganDocOC, Having 7 different kernels, should I try all of them? And if none of them works?16:01
hardheadOK last question - would I be able to install UBUNTU SERVER on the same hard drive along with UBUNTU 10 by simply installing from CD-ROM or will somthing get ereased?16:02
uRockdjoare you installing Ubuntu?16:02
milamberuRock: you should probably file a bug then16:02
StevenTylerthe mount command works without any errors16:02
raidoosmosis_paul: in the crontab, are you placing the full path to the command?16:02
DjoefuRock, yes, next to a windows partition and data partition16:02
StevenTylerbut system can't find it16:02
milamber!who | StevenTyler16:02
ubottuStevenTyler: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:02
osmosis_pauland it is more i have 4 scipts, 3 are running and the last one only part of it16:02
uRockdjoare, then you will need the swap and "/" partitions16:02
antivirtelHi How can I finalize(close) a data DVD? I burnt it with nero(in win). Can I do it with Brasero(or GnomeBaker)?16:03
DjoefuRock, I created a swap partition of 2GB, but left the mount point empty16:03
FrenkHey, I have a question. For some reason I can not open a website hosted on a specific port. My iptables are clean and netstat shows that the service is listening. http://paste.ubuntu.com/568278/ Anyone an idea?16:03
DjoefuRock, so I need to change that ?16:03
StevenTylerrzx237, getting "Failed to fetch cdrom"16:03
osmosis_paulraido, there's some limitation in cron to use subversion program?? because it is there where dont do anything16:03
rzx237hardhead: if you install it in another partition it will be ok16:03
DocOCLungan  try them all, if none works, you will need to use grub command line options to point to a working kernel and ram disk16:03
LunganDocOC, And how do I do that? Because non of them seem to work16:03
rzx237StevenTyler: no idea..16:03
Djoefah no, for a swap partition you cannot set a mount point16:03
Djoefso thats ok16:03
uRockthey can be logical or primary, Djoef, no mount pount needed for swap, just for the ext416:03
raidoosmosis_paul: not that I know of, is your svn repo local or remote16:04
DjoefOk, so for the EXT4 I set the mount point to "/"16:04
uRocksi senior Djoef16:04
raidoosmosis_paul: how are you authenticating16:04
osmosis_paulraido, but if i execute my script manually works16:04
hardheadrzx237: thats my problem I cant get anything to unmount so I can create a partition to throw it into16:04
milamberuRock: does the windows key + f7 work?16:04
DjoefuRock, gracias :)16:04
ZipTyeLooked over that page, thanks milamber16:04
osmosis_paulraido,  if execute manually works/ with login/password16:04
uRockmilamber, not sure, haven't tried16:04
DjoefThen the last question : Where should the boot loader point to ?16:05
DocOCLungan  I do not know off the top of my head, and I am irving from my phone, so a bit tough to read man pages, but the man page will tell you16:05
osmosis_paulraido, the point is that is a huge download at least the first time16:05
mongeHey guys, I'd like to be able to read and write files in a specific directory, but the access is set to root +rwx only. How do I use the chmod command to give my user priviliges to read and write?16:05
LunganDocOC, OH, okey thank you16:05
DocOCIrc'ing, not irving16:05
uRockDjoef, wherever the Wondows MBR is, usually sda16:05
raidoosmosis_paul: well, how does he auth work under cron, doenst it need to be interactive16:05
rzx237hardhead: boot using live cd can help you doing partitioning16:05
DjoefuRock, so the disk as a whole or the windows parttition ?16:05
osmosis_paulraido, i specify in the query --username --password16:06
uRockLet the installer decide Djoef16:06
hardheadrzx237: even if I already have UBUNTU as MY OS?16:06
osmosis_paulraido, svn checkout $SVN_MACHINE $SOURCE_BACKUP --username $LOGIN --password $PASSWORD16:06
DMDeandoes anyone know how to strip the audio from a video without ffmpeg?16:06
rzx237hardhead: yes, you can do resize partition16:06
Djoefwell it fills in the disk as a whole as standard, but I don't know if that is because its the first option, or because it decided that16:06
raidoosmosis_paul: hmmmm, so, if you copy and paste the exact command from the crontab to the command line it will run properly?16:07
Djoefso I can choose the disk as a whole, the windows partition, data, swap or ext416:07
milamberDMDean: handbrake might do what you are looking for? i'm not sure what the backend is though.16:07
Djoeffor the record : I would like to have a menu to choose between linux and windows on startup, but that was clear i guess ;)16:07
osmosis_paulraido, error because i dont specify sudo, but asume that cron do it everything as root16:08
raidowhos crontab are you using16:08
osmosis_paulubuntut crontab of ubuntu16:09
milamberDMDean: i have also had quite a bit of luck w/ k9copy16:09
raidoosmosis_paul: what user16:09
osmosis_paulraido,  what do you mean?16:09
MeanEYEHahah, I had to share this with you. I've been digging around the net and found this gem: "Linux is a free open-source operating on Unix. It's different then the Windows and Mac OSX operating system because it is freely distributed."16:09
raidoosmosis_paul: all users have their own crontab16:09
g_0_0DMDean, have you tried -an with ffmpeg ?16:09
osmosis_paulraido, is the same if i edit the /etc/crontab there you can specify the user and even putting as root does not works, i try the two ways16:10
DMDeang_0_0, yea16:10
xangua!ot | MeanEYE16:10
ubottuMeanEYE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:10
raidoosmosis_paul: if the command needs SU privelages then use roots crontab16:10
osmosis_paulthis way and the other one sudo crontab -e16:10
magn3tsHow the hell do I turn off overtype in Linux on a mac keyboard?16:10
magn3tsThis is a nightmare16:10
osmosis_pauland there edtinf there the tasks16:10
MeanEYExangua, yes yes I know...16:10
zachaysanhey everyone, I'm looking for help  with fixing my wireless network since I made the upgrade (via complete reformat/reinstall) from 9.04 to 10.10 (both netbook editions of Ubuntu). My wired network works just fine, but I can't seem to get a list of wireless networks. Is this the right place to ask, or is there another, better place to do so?16:10
DMDeang_0_0, it compressed the video while I was doing it or whatever and made the quality crap16:10
Homefixrecommend a channel for a compiling question that doesnt require an invite?16:10
osmosis_paulraido, yes and i can see that all the job of the other script was doing as root16:11
xangua!register | Homefix16:11
ubottuHomefix: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:11
Gneamagn3ts: what do you mean by 'overtype'? and please can the language...16:11
milamberHomefix: if you are looking for help on how to compile something on ubuntu, just ask the question. if anyone here can help you they will, otherwise we can probably point you in the right direction.16:11
edwardteachDMDean,   ffmpeg  -i somefile.mp4 -an somefile-2.mp416:11
raidoos, so, you are root when you run crontab -e16:11
magn3tsGnea, I meant Insert mode16:11
Gneamagn3ts: again, that's not very clear. insert mode works in vim.16:12
mage3070zachaysan - hello16:12
zachaysanhi mage16:12
g_0_0DMDean, just try - ffmpeg -i infile.avi -an -o outfile.avi16:12
KB1JWQmagn3ts: It's software dependant.16:12
magn3tsGnea, I don't really know how else to explain overtype|insert mode. There's no other word for. It's what happens when you press the "Insert" key.16:12
osmosis_paulraido, maybe because is a very huge download he was mading and dont show any folder until he finish. Yes i use sudo with the command. Befopre i made a ps aux | grep cron and i have three process counting the grep, it is normal ??16:12
computer_ whats the netbook version of ubuntu OS called again?16:13
Homefixam i registered now?16:13
magn3tsKB1JWQ: no, its Mac specific, I mean, maybe GNOME specific, but it's the same regardless of what editor I'm in.16:13
osmosis_paulraido, normaly when i execute the checkout expend 10 minutes in download everything16:13
xanguacomputer_: netbook edition...16:13
computer_xangua: kool thanks im getting it now16:13
mage3070zachaysan - if I were you I would do a fresh install of 10.10 instead of the upgrade16:13
sgerbinoanyone have some experience with svn and eclipse that could help me out?16:13
zachaysanmage3070 - I did so16:13
mage3070what hardware?16:14
androidbrucecould anyone let me know when I would need to use ./foo.bin versus using bash ./foo.xxx16:14
zachaysanmage3070 - asus eeepc (second gen, IIRC)16:14
karmic-koalahi all my system froze 7 times today, each time the ALT+SYSRQ .... didn't work. which section of the log file should i check to find out what's causing my sys to freeze? I am looking at 'messages' section of my log but nothing suspicious there, any ideas?16:14
Gneamagn3ts: when I press the 'insert' key on my keyboard, typing over left-arrowed text overwrites it, like it should, but if I press 'insert' again, it appends the text in place. is that what you mean?16:14
raidoosmosis_paul: I dont think so16:14
nenaHi. I need help. I need to have my computer connected to Internet for the first time (I suppose I have to configure the connection..) Can someone help me?16:14
mage3070do you know the ethernet card?16:14
osmosis_paulraido, then i dont understand16:14
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Tophin Ubuntu 10.10, where do I find all my system info, processor, storage, etc?16:15
raidoosmosis_paul: when you ran the exact command from the crontab on the command line you got a permissions error, right?16:15
researcher1when I run the command "sh hplip-3.11.1.run" everything is OK. except I get "No network" Error. Im working  this doc. http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/install/index.html16:15
zachaysanmage3070 - no, but is there a way I can check? ifconfig? (networking noob speaking)16:15
osmosis_paulif i dont sudo yes16:15
raidoosmosis_paul: oh16:15
osmosis_pauloh whayt? cron works as root16:16
raidoosmosis_paul: but with sudo it runs fine16:16
androidbruceToph, you can go to System-Administration-System Monitor as a starting place16:16
researcher1how to creat a root user on Ubuntu?16:16
mage3070yes there is - It's a short terminal command that i can't quite remember now - it starts with ip16:16
osmosis_paulraido, so is the same that made sudo manually16:16
androidbruceToph, you can also "cat /proc/cpuinfo16:16
raidoosmosis_paul: ?16:16
osmosis_paulraido,  is like i made su and then execute the command without sudo16:16
androidbruceresearcher1, sudo adduser16:17
osmosis_paulcron is root user16:17
Tophandroidbruce,,, thanks16:17
osmosis_paulraido, so he dont need sudo16:17
zachaysanmage3070 - ok let me google for it and get back to you16:17
computer_ehh its not working xangua lol,16:17
researcher1androidbruce: whats the complete command16:17
magn3tsGnea, yes, indeedy. The problem is, Mac keyboards lack that button.16:17
raidoyou dont need to add sudo to the command in the crontab. You are using roots crontab16:17
androidbruceresearcher1, do you already have access to the root user and want to create another user/16:17
magn3tsFor some reason the the Apple Keyboard ubuntu wiki page doesn't rank very highly.16:17
osmosis_paulraido,  i dont add it16:18
researcher1androidbruce: yes I do have16:18
DMDeang_0_0, ffmpeg: unrecognized option '-o'16:18
computer_how do I download 'netbook' and boot up into kit16:18
researcher1androidbruce: I want to creat a user by the name root with all root priveleges16:18
mage3070it's lspci16:18
raidoresearcher1: already there16:19
osmosis_paulraido,  that's why if i copy the exact line from cron and execute in command line does not works16:19
g_0_0DMDean, sorry the -o is a mistake just remove it16:19
osmosis_paulbecuase i'm ubuntu user16:19
androidbruceresearcher1, in a default install with ubuntu root is preinstalled16:19
androidbruceand the password for root is the password for the default user you created16:19
researcher1androidbruce: but the username is not root.I want username to be root16:19
zachaysanmage3070 - ok, I ran both lspci and lsusb16:19
DMDeang_0_0, ok it worked thanks :D16:19
raidoosmosis_paul: you got me, I cant imaging why you are having trouble16:19
androidbruceresearcher1, username root is there16:20
g_0_0DMDean, you're welcome16:20
androidbruceresearcher1, right now if you do "sudo su"16:20
androidbrucethen enter your sudo password16:20
androidbruceyou will be the root user16:20
sdferfxHello. Can I add a person's keypair to a running Amazon EC2 instance so they can have access?16:20
osmosis_paulraido, ok man thanks anyway if i find the problem i will tell you, thanks for your time\16:20
DMDeanalright I'm away thanks g_0_016:20
atx_geekresearcher1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:20
researcher1androidbruce: ok.I got it16:20
raidoosmosis_paul: cool16:20
geekbrisdferfx: yes16:20
sdferfxgeekbri: Through Amazon's interface or just a normal way?16:20
jenkaHi! Can anyone help me with citadel. If I use multiple domain names some mail I sent from the server is placed in the junk mail on the on the recievers client. But if I only got 1 domain under "local host aliases" Then it works fine. Pls help!! :)16:20
geekbrisdferfx: the same way you would add any other keypair... just cat their_public_key > authorized_keys16:21
geekbriin the .ssh of the user you want them to connect as16:21
sdferfxthanks geekbri, that's what I thought.16:21
mtkorb I'm trying to build a device driver I downloaded (which required me to install gcc), and when I run make, I get the error "expected ')' before string constant." The line in question is16:23
mtkorbMODULE_PARM (msg_level, "i");16:23
mtkorbDoesn't this look syntactically correct? What's going on here?16:23
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jukeboxhelp me pleasr16:24
jukeboxhelp me please16:24
xangua!ask | jukebox16:24
ubottujukebox: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:24
geekbrisdferfx: yup no problemo.  I've been messign with ec2 alot if you have any more questions :16:24
jukeboxi need to shut down my xubuntu just by pressing power button16:25
drcjukebox: you mean you WANT to or HAVE to?16:25
jukeboxhave to16:25
jukeboxno i mean all time i need that16:26
drexljukebox: check your bios and make sure power management is enabled16:26
HomefixIm not a total noob, but i dont understand how to compile this:(at the bottom) "http://blogs.balabit.com/2011/01/21/using-upstart-in-a-chroot/"   i dont understand help? ( ihave used makefile to compile darwinstreamingserver)16:26
jukeboxdrexl :when i press it goes log out16:26
jukeboxi want to shut down the box16:27
teweWorki use ubuntu 10.04, if i accidentally run out of ram my computer hangs, even the mouse doesn't move, it takes 5 mins to get to the console and another 5 mins to kill an app to free some memory and i have 4GB swap and the max usage is ~100MB, any idea to solve this issue?16:27
drexljukebox: acpi may be the issue16:27
raidoteweWork: how much ram do you have16:27
teweWorkraido: 4GB16:28
xanguajukebox: just change the preferences16:28
JeruvyteweWork: 32bit or 64bit?16:28
raidoteweWork: Is it possible you have some defective ram?16:28
teweWorkJeruvy: 64bit16:28
pareliDoes conky-colors override all settings in original conky?16:28
drcjukebox: what drexl said or maybe lok at PowerManagement Preferences>General16:28
jukeboxi want to configure it how could16:28
xanguajukebox: a long time since i used xfce, you can try on #xubuntu or #xfce16:28
jukeboxi am in xubuntu16:28
JeruvyteweWork: or it could be swap/hard disk issues.  Try reducing or eliminating swap16:29
teweWorkraido: i don't think so, it only happens when i use 100% ram, and in windows it didn't happen16:29
jukeboxya thanks i got it16:29
jukeboxthanks to all16:29
teweWorkJeruvy: swap was 256MB i raised it because of this issue :)16:29
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JeruvyteweWork: well if it didn't work, try my suggestion.16:30
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sisifHello guys, quick question: given a PC with two Bluetooth adaptors, how can I specify which device connects to which BT dongle ?16:31
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raidoteweWork: is there a specific app that uses all that ram?16:31
teweWorkraido: no, it just happens when i run out of it, ap doesn't matter16:31
jukeboxwhat are all the tweaks i could do to make boot faster16:31
raidoteweWork:do you monitor whn this happens to see if the swap is actually being used16:32
jukeboxhelp me?16:32
researcher1I can connect to network when using  apt-get install but find an error  "No network" when worked according to this http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/install/index.html16:32
teweWorkraido: as i said the swap is not used much, 100MB of 4GB, but i do not monitor it16:32
tomasm-how do i get the ubuntu ISO image burned to a USB stick when I'm running a fedora system (ie something command line)? fedora's usb creator program doesnt work with ubuntu images...16:33
drexljukebox: you could over clock your cpu by doing a bios upgrade16:33
jukeboxdrexl: thats ok16:33
jukeboxi seen some thing called warp216:33
Jeruvytomasm-: you could boot to livecd, then build the usb.16:33
darksiferhi everyone. i get incorrect password even if i entered correct password for Unlock Login Keyring??? i cant access ubuntu one16:34
tomasm-Jeruvy, you mean i have to burn a CD no matter what?16:34
jukeboxwhich could make a snap shot of ram to make boot faster16:34
darksifercan someone tell me how to sort this problem?16:34
Jeruvytomasm-: or you could use vbox/qemu to boot the image in fedora..16:34
jukeboxdrexl,: i would like to reduce the service at start up16:34
tomasm-Jeruvy, ah! thx16:35
movxhave an issue with dpkg, 10.04 does not update, nor does it install any new package from terminal or GUI http://paste.ubuntu.com/568292/16:35
Jeruvytomasm-: cheers.16:35
jukeboxbut i dont know which are all important16:35
Nikkoshello everyone16:35
vilinyso, anyone had any luck running minecraft in 64 ubuntu?16:35
jukeboxhello :drexl ?16:36
drexljukebox: I installed lubuntu and i boots in like 40 sec it has minimal scripts loading16:36
Nikkosi got my i250 canon printer working but if i print from openoffice the file appears in the print queue but it dissapears immediateley. Any help?16:36
Nikkosif i print with firefox it works16:37
jukeboxdrexl: i am using this os for my jukbox thats why i asked so16:37
g_0_0darksifer, did you change your logon password16:37
raidoteweWork: Well, thing I suggest is that you run memtest anyway, I have seen bad ram act badly under certain situations only. Also, you could try moving the swap to another drive or location on the disk in cas you have a bad section of that hard drive16:37
jukeboxi am using ubuntu studio as my main os16:37
darksifer@g_0_0: No. i didnt changed16:37
Homefixneed help here: "http://blogs.balabit.com/2011/01/21/using-upstart-in-a-chroot/" (at the bottom) any direction,how to  compile a new start-stop-daemon with the patch added that is available below (the “dpkg” source package provides start-stop-daemon)16:37
Nikkosanyone can help me?16:37
jukeboxbut i am using this box as my music box16:38
teweWorkraido: one thing i forgot, i use wubi, and virtual drive for swap also, could it be the problem?16:38
vilinyim sorry, but i just started empathy for the first time and it logged into my msn account automatically. this is a fresh installation of ubuntu... what the hell?16:38
jukeboxso i need to boot its a little faster16:38
raidoteweWork: sure, but I have no experience with that.16:38
jribviliny: maybe it imported your windows settings?16:39
vilinybit freak jrib16:39
vilinybit freaky*16:39
jukeboxdrexl: whats your command which version could boot faster16:39
drcviliny: you didn't have to even create the account in empathy?16:39
vilinyand this is on a freshly formatted drive16:40
darksiferg_0_0: No, i didnt change the password. it is the same as the one i used to login the computer16:40
drexljukebox: lubuntu 10.1016:40
drcviliny: gremlins :)16:40
jukeboxok thanks drexl16:40
jukeboxdrexl, : lubuntu use which desktop?16:40
vilinyspooky excrement right there16:41
drexljukebox: good for old computers like mine, make everything rreally snappy it uses lxde16:41
g_0_0darksifer, type alt f2 then seahorse and change your password in the password tab - right click password login16:41
movxtried every solution online to solve the dpkg error16:41
jukeboxdrexl: its for one of my old box16:41
agentgasmaskHello. My keyboard gets scrambled when connected to a VNC server created with tightvnc. Any ideas? What can I check?16:41
jukeboxwhich i wold like to make a music box16:42
stickjr25i recently installed ubuntu and it says my monitor is out of range, how can i fix this? no one on the beginners chat was talking....16:42
movxi have several updates for 10.04 older images can't be removed, the dpkg system is complely broken16:42
drexlthere is a major bug in it but I know how to fix it, just copy this and save it, removeremoving quiet splash from the grub.cfg file eliminated the error.16:42
drexljukebox: there is a major bug in it but I know how to fix it, just copy this and save  it, removeremoving quiet splash from the grub.cfg file eliminated the error.16:43
darksiferg_0_0: Thanks, i am stupid. my mistake16:43
cntbhi is hardware auto detection in 10.10 ignoring fdi files so that is the reason no hal under etc?16:43
drcviliny: you might try #empathy on GIMPnet16:43
g_0_0darksifer, glad it worked16:43
jukeboxdrexl: whats that16:43
drexljukebox: (process:235): GlibWarning **: get pwuid_r() failed due to unknown user id (0)16:43
vilinydrc, it's okay if it works like that, just hella weird is all :D16:43
stickjr25drex1- is that response directed towards me?16:43
drexljukebox: it's aknown bug16:43
jrib!hal  | cntb16:44
ubottucntb: Hal is in the process of being depreciated.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Halsectomy and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardware_abstraction_layer for more info.16:44
jukeboxooh got it16:44
jribdepreciated? 0_o16:44
BluesKajmovx, have you tried: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a   ?16:44
drcviliny: OK...but I bet it spooked you, didn't it?16:44
jrib!hal =~ s/depreciated/deprecated/16:44
ubottuI'll remember that jrib16:44
movxBluesKaj, will try now16:44
jukeboxdrexl: got it16:44
vilinydrc, yes :)16:45
stickjr25i recently installed ubuntu and it says my monitor is out of range, how can i fix this? my monitor is connected via HDMI16:45
drexljukebox: other than that I luv this new system16:45
jukeboxdrexl: thanks for your help16:45
drexljukebox: moo..16:46
jukeboxdrexl: i am using remuco to control my audacios and totem16:46
jukeboxso on startup i run both and use whole box as a music box16:46
drcviliny: had you used any other messanging app (pigin, etc)?16:47
cthuljewAnyone know where I can find out about sound problems in VLC in 10.10?16:47
vilinydrc, not that i know of, no... pidgin isn't even installed16:47
muneeb_hi! is it ok to delete .xsession-errors.old [8GB]... it just appeared now in my home folder..16:47
cthuljewBeen googling for days with no luck.16:47
drcok, just wondering if it had imported settings automagically16:48
soreaumuneeb_: Yes16:48
muneeb_ok thanks soreau but why it was created?16:48
thropeany tips for completing an interrupted upgrade (hard reboot)... dpkg --configure -a seems to be continuing the package installs, but is there anything to do to ensure the "Cleaning up" step of the dist-upgrade installer completes?16:48
BluesKajstickjr25, which graphics card , you may need to enable the recommended driver in admin/ HW16:49
soreaumuneeb_: X creates .xsession-errors. No idea why it's being backed up16:49
muneeb_soreau, ok fine.. i'll search for it..16:49
drPoOhow do I kill gnome from the command line?16:50
movxBluesKaj, same problem after trying out the commands http://paste.ubuntu.com/568304/16:50
jattkillall -9 gnome-session16:50
RootChaosi have ubuntu 8.04LTS running on a server and need to upgrade squid to a later version (not included in the current apt-get upgrade). whats the best way to do this upgrade ?16:50
soreaudrPoO: You can restart gdm with service gdm restart16:50
xanguaRootChaos: upgrade to lucid, compile16:51
whisperkillerok i am really frustrated now....16:51
whisperkilleri installed 10.10 and my wireless was disabled16:51
soreauRootChaos: Which version of squid do you need?16:51
movxBluesKaj,  the terminal took the commands and immediately retruned to prompt Is that the way the commands are supposed to work?16:51
whisperkillerand then i installed 10.4 and its still disabled16:52
whisperkillerwhat do i need to do to fix this16:52
soreaumovx: Yes, no output generally means success16:52
DjoefHm, should the bootloader be linked to the hdd as a whole /dev/sda or to the microsoft partition /dev/sda1 ( eg such that I can choose which os to start)16:52
soreauwhisperkiller: Which wifi chip is it?16:52
whisperkillerthe wireless originally worked with the live cd16:52
RootChaosxangua : i'm scared to do the distro upgrade remotely. I have done this once before but the upgrade didnt go smooth, resulted in me driving all the way to the server to re-install...16:52
RootChaossoreau, 2.7stable3 or >16:53
whisperkilleri cant remember...whats the ls command16:53
soreauwhisperkiller: lspci16:53
Jordan_UDjoef: /dev/sda, installing to a partition requires the use of blocklists pointing to a file on a filesystem, which is not reliable.16:53
whisperkillerim trying to install linux on this laptop for a freind who cannot afford to purchase a new copy of windows16:53
elijahDoes anyone know how I can use Dolphin to FTP w/SSL? I tried using ftp but it returns the error 'Server replied: 530 Have to use explicit SSL/TLS before logging on.'16:54
soreauRootChaos: See here which versions of ubuntu have which versions of squid http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=squid&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all16:55
devilcode1hi all16:55
whisperkilleratheros communications a49285 wireless network adapter pci express rev 0116:55
soreauRootChaos: Seems 2.7 made it into karmic (9.10)16:55
soreau! who | whisperkiller16:55
ubottuwhisperkiller: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:55
devilcode1anyone here used ffmpg16:55
DjoefJordan_U, I don't understand, what is not reliable (in the meanwhile i can start it on /dev/sda right ?)16:56
jribdevilcode1: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)16:56
devilcode1ffmpeg i mean16:56
whisperkillersoreau sorry i normally try to use highlighting16:56
soreauwhisperkiller: Try to right click on the networking icon and enable wireless16:56
RootChaossoreau, yes indeed. i have another server running 9.10 which has it on16:56
RootChaosbut like i said16:56
whisperkillerin the toolbar?16:56
devilcode1ok  im trying to use ffmpeg to turn a series of images into a .mpg file16:56
movxsoreau,  thanks, didn't know that, but after these commands the problem remains unsolved16:56
devilcode1it works but all black output16:56
RootChaosi'm a bit weary to do the dist-upgrade remotely16:56
RootChaosin case it breaks16:56
whisperkillersoreau you mean right click the networking icon on the toolbar correct?16:56
soreauRootChaos: So for 8.04 you would need to build it or try to install the deb package(s) from karmic (not recommended)16:57
soreauwhisperkiller: Yes, either left or right click there is a way to enable it16:57
devilcode1Command Such As ::   >>  ffmpeg -i image%d.jpg video.mpg16:57
whisperkillersoreau it wont let me enable it...ive tried that16:57
RootChaossoreau, can you perhaps point me in a direction on how to build it for 8.04 ?16:57
soreauwhisperkiller: Does 'iwconfig' show a wlan0 interface?16:57
KXTwoI have a question about software insallation.  I can go to the software center to install adobe reader 9 but I can go to the adobe site and download 9.4, how would I install 9.4?16:58
soreauRootChaos: You probably would have to grab the source from their site and follow the build instructions (usually included in a README or INSTALL file packaged with the source)16:58
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
soreau! source | RootChaos16:59
ubottuRootChaos: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:59
RootChaossoreau, normal ./configure .. make .. make install stuff ?16:59
soreau! compile | RootChaos16:59
ubottuRootChaos: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:59
SidewaysI installed ubuntu 10.10 on an intel d815eea2 board, hangs at login screen, recovery console stops at agppart-intel i815 chipset eth0. I would really appreciate a little direction. I kind of new to linux.16:59
CharlieSuHas anyone ever sucessfully used Samba's point'n'print functionality for windows?  Having Samba serve up the print drivers automatically?16:59
whisperkillersoreau on the wlan0 essid is set to off/any mode is managed access point is not associated tx-power is off16:59
soreauRootChaos: I don't know what squid uses for a build system, but yes, you'd use make etc16:59
RootChaossoreau, ok, thanks for the help !17:00
cntbthis is a tip for 2 finger scrolling but in 9.10 will it work in 10.10 ?17:00
soreauwhisperkiller: If you try 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid' does it show results?17:00
cntbthis  http://blog.mfabrik.com/2009/10/11/setting-up-multi-touch-scrolling-for-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-linux-on-asus-eee-1005ha-netbook/ is a tip for 2 finger scrolling but in 9.10 will it work in 10.10 ?17:00
movxBluesKaj, should i try restarting the system perhaps?17:01
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rooksis there a way to make in thunderbird a one folder with all the unread mail from selected accounts?17:01
whisperkillersoreau hmm it seems to be hanging on that command17:02
BluesKajmovx, what happened after running those commands ?17:02
soreauwhisperkiller: Does the output of 'lsmod|grep ath' show anything?17:02
whisperkillersoreau its not returning a cmmand prompt now17:02
soreauwhisperkiller: Ctrl+C17:02
soreauwhisperkiller: Try 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' in case the interface is down17:03
movxBluesKaj,  the same problem this is another package installtion error - a font  http://paste.ubuntu.com/568304/17:03
DocfxitWhat is the best IRC client for Ubuntu?17:04
whisperkillersoreau says no such device17:04
ooixcan i uninstall updatedb, because i don't use locate at all. or is it needed by some other software?17:04
soreauwhisperkiller: You said you can see wlan0 in iwconfig output.. does 'ifconfig wlan0' show information for wlan0 iface?17:04
Sideways_-    /msg nickserv register 1ircword mycoldfusion@yahoo.com17:05
soreauSideways_-: Might want to change that now ;)17:05
whisperkillersoreau device not found17:05
caraa todos17:05
rooksDocfxit, for plain ubuntu desktop i would recommend xchat-gnome, it has the least bells and whistles, and it looks nice with the rest of the desktop17:05
soreauwhisperkiller: Interesting.. perhaps there is some irq conflict or some other type of driver issue..17:05
carapin wii asulio cara 1 papa zeroforever17:05
adeeehello any programmer help me who have good knowledge of Mysql  php5 and apache2?17:06
BluesKajmovx, did you run ; sudo dpkg --clear-avail  ?17:06
DocfxitRooks Thanks.17:06
adeeehello any programmer help me who have good knowledge of Mysql  php5 and apache2?17:06
soreauJordan_U: Thanks :)17:06
soreauwhisperkiller: I assume you didn't make any hardware changes since you tries the live session17:06
soreauwhisperkiller: tried*17:06
whisperkillersoreau no i have not....someone told me 10.10 has a known issue with wireless17:06
soreauwhisperkiller: Works fine here for both my atheros cards17:07
adeeehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1689258 i need help here. please help17:07
uRocksame here, atheros and 10.10 be happy17:07
soreauwhisperkiller: What module is loaded from the output of 'lspci|grep ath'? ath9k or ath5k?17:07
rooksDocfxit, youre welcome :)17:08
whisperkillersoreau yeah i dont know mate....i tend to take what people say in here with a grain of salt...but this seems to be the same issue i had with 10.10 so 10.04 must have the same issue if thats true17:08
uRockadeee, would you like me to move the thread to Server Platforms?17:08
movxBluesKaj, did that now, first I ran the first two commands sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a now the clear-avail command17:08
soreauwhisperkiller: I guess you probably can't easily pastebin the output of 'dmesg' but look and see if there's any interesting messages indicating a problem. You can also look in /var/log/syslog17:08
movxBluesKaj,  will try now17:08
whisperkillersoreau seems like ath9k17:08
rooksis there a way to make in thunderbird a one folder with all the unread mail from selected accounts?17:08
soreauwhisperkiller: Try to reload the module and see if you're able to: sudo rmmod ath9k && sudo modprobe ath9k17:09
uRockwhisperkiller, have you install backports?17:09
soreauwhisperkiller: Then look at the output of 'dmesg' right after reloading the module17:09
soreauwhisperkiller: 'dmesg|tail' or so17:09
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uRockadeee_ , would you like me to move the thread to Server Platforms?17:10
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pareliare there any software out there like tor?17:10
whisperkillerurock i have not installed anything...fresh install.17:11
Krycekhow do you change the boot screen on ubuntu 10.10?17:11
geek4weekis there anyone here could help me in a simple matter of installing jdk on ubuntu ?17:11
soreauKrycek: What boot screen?17:11
soreaugeek4week: Not unless you ask..17:12
Krycekim stuck with a mac theme boot screen i installed agess ago, now i cant change it xD dunno how or wher17:12
soreauKrycek: What 'boot screen'?17:12
geek4weeksoreau, i need too install jdk-1_5_0_15-linux-i586.bin on ubuntu, when i use "./" it extract the folder on desktop17:12
Undisclosed99can someone tell me why my RAM keeps loading as 750MB when it should be 2.7Gig and only sometimes it loads correctly17:13
soreaugeek4week: Why can't you install it from the repos?17:13
e_mc^2 ofer #eminem give price?17:13
Krycek..... does it have a another name for it since im on ubuntu -.-17:13
geek4weeksoreau, i need this spacific version17:13
soreau! who | Krycek17:13
ubottuKrycek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:13
uRockUndisclosed99, have you tried the free command to see if it is seeing all of the RAM? You may want to check that the chips are properly seated on the mobo17:14
movxBluesKaj,  same issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/568313/17:14
KGBWolfwhat command can i type in to view cpu users logged in ip mem usage hd usage etc17:14
Kryceksoreau: ..... does it have a another name for it since im on ubuntu -.-17:14
whisperkillersoreau i am not seeing anything i recognize as being an issue of any sort17:14
KGBWolffrom BASH17:14
Undisclosed99uRock:  ill check now17:14
soreaugeek4week: You should seek help from whoever produces this .bin file17:14
whisperkillersoreau but that may be because i dont know what im looking at too17:14
soreaugeek4week: We only really support official ubuntu packages here17:14
geek4weeksoreau, their channel is invite only :-(17:14
rooksin thunderbird, is there a way to make a one folder/place with all of the unread mail from selected accounts?17:15
soreaugeek4week: Is it java development toolkit?17:15
geek4weeksoreau, yes17:15
soreaugeek4week: Try #java17:15
Undisclosed99uRock: its only seeing 762256, usually after a reboot though it does load correct17:15
geek4weeksoreau, Cannot join #java (Channel is invite only).17:15
soreauKrycek: Are you talking about the screen where you log in?17:16
Undisclosed99geek4week: i think if you register your nick it lets you in17:16
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KGBWolfwhen i log into bash i get a system summary how can i replicate this?17:16
soreaugeek4week: It's ##java17:16
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soreaublackCode: It would help if you registered your nick too17:17
whisperkillersoreau should i try an earlier version?  9.10 maybe?17:17
blackCodesoreau, thanks mate17:17
KrycekI am stuck with my 'boot' screen from hell, if its not called a 'boot' screen tell what it is then.. im starting my F computer and BAM! there is the F boot screen showing me that the freaking computer are loading... how can i turn it too default ?? thanks.17:17
blackCodesoreau, Thanks alot, i'm in :)17:17
ikoniaKrycek: your F computer ?17:18
Krycekikonia: ye my F computer with it F boot screen..17:18
whisperkillerthe deal is i dont really need the newest greatest ubuntu i need something the common computer user can use reliably17:18
soreauwhisperkiller: No, what happened when you tried reloading the module and all?17:18
ikoniaKrycek: what is an F computer and F boot screen ?17:18
ikoniais it some sort of theme ?17:18
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whisperkillersoreau nothing that i could tell besides it shutting down and restarting17:18
Krycekits the word FUCKING as F17:18
jribKGBWolf: you mean the contents of /etc/motd?  See « man update-motd » I guess17:18
movxlastlog/ movx17:18
ikoniaKrycek: then don't use it,17:19
whisperkillerwish i could easily get a pastebin17:19
jribKrycek: don't do that please17:19
ikonia!language > Krycek17:19
ubottuKrycek, please see my private message17:19
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Krycekomg ! one question you knew the F answer too,...17:19
KrycekF this shitt..17:19
ikoniaKrycek: I didn't, or I would have just told you to mind your langauge17:19
soreauwhisperkiller: I am thinking some strange issue but if dmesg doesn't report it, then I'm not sure where else to look for the problem17:19
cntbkrycek wont listen17:20
jribKGBWolf: or maybe you mean landscape-sysinfo?17:20
soreauwhisperkiller: Maybe try #wireless or anywhere17:20
whisperkillersoreau what should i look for in dmesg?  becuase i may not know how to read it17:20
uRockcntb, he b gone, so he won't talk either17:20
uRocktee hee17:20
cntbwhisperkiller:  have same or similar wifi - atheros17:20
KGBWolfjrib thats it17:20
movxBluesKaj,  same issues http://paste.ubuntu.com/568313/17:20
=== annunaki is now known as Krycek
cntbwas discovering but not connecting17:21
cntbfound the cure almost by chance17:21
soreauwhisperkiller: If you see any error message about ath9k driver or the wifi card17:21
adeee_ikonia is here?17:22
ikoniaadeee_: yes17:22
saleta82jest ktoś z polski???17:23
whisperkilleri cant see anything indicating an error17:24
adeee_ikonia you suggest me three days before to check memory test via live cd. and we had a conversation. so i do it. but i dont know how much test going on? when 20 test finished. i stoped testing. and there was 5000 above errors. can you help me how to remove those errors?17:24
ikoniaadeee_: bad ram17:25
ikoniaadeee_: buy new ram if it has errors17:25
adeee_ok i agree its bad ram. what your recommendation17:25
soreau! pl | saleta8217:25
ubottusaleta82: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:25
uRockgo shopping17:25
Sin`i have a problem17:25
Sin`if anyone could assist me ?17:25
soreauwhisperkiller: Is this a laptop or desktop computer?17:25
uRockSin`, just state your issue17:25
cntbeeepc 1005ha hasno multitouch scrolling esp 2finger scrolling17:25
soreau! ask | Sin`17:25
ubottuSin`: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:25
whisperkillersoreau its a laptop17:26
saleta82a jaki to kanał?17:26
cntbwonder if emulation indicated inhttp://blog.mfabrik.com/2009/10/11/setting-up-multi-touch-scrolling-for-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-linux-on-asus-eee-1005ha-netbook/ will work in 10.1017:26
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soreauwhisperkiller: Does it have a button to enable/disable the wireless?17:26
cntbwonder if emulation indicated in http://blog.mfabrik.com/2009/10/11/setting-up-multi-touch-scrolling-for-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala-linux-on-asus-eee-1005ha-netbook/ will work in 10.1017:26
adeee_ikonia is there is no any way to recover those errors?17:26
ikoniaadeee_: no, if there are errors it's bad ram17:26
uRockadeee_ you can't repair bad RAM with code17:26
Sin`i have a phone, that has a FAT partition of 2gb, ext3 partition of 2GB, and another Fat partition of about 3,36 GB. When i connect it to ubuntu in wmvare, the storage doesnt show on the workspace, but they are shown in the Places tab... ergo, i cannot access any of these 3 partitions... what should i do?17:27
adeee_uRock what code?17:27
cntbanyone ready to discuss consider touchpad scrolling?17:27
jrib!helpme | cntb17:27
ubottucntb: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:27
ActionParsnipSin`: is the vmware configured correctly to access USB correctly?17:27
adeee_ikonia. if i buy a good ram. then my graphics are working?17:27
uRockadeee_, I said you con't fix ram with code, there is no code that can fix it17:27
Sin`well it did install a wmvare usb driver17:27
Sin`other than that i havent touched anything17:28
ikoniaadeee_: I don't know about that, but you need a stable platform to debug isues17:28
adeee_oh. ok urock.17:28
cntbty jrib17:28
ActionParsnipSin`: I'd ask in #vmware they may know something. Have you tried virtualbox?17:28
Sin`no i have not17:28
Sin`i will try that17:28
Sin`let you know if it works17:28
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whisperkillersoreau it does but it wont highlight....https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Atheros/AR928517:28
ActionParsnipSin`: the vmware guys can check your config is good, then we can start looking into the OS17:29
Sin`thank you17:29
Sin`is the chanell on this server?17:29
jusodamn ubuntu needs to become more mainstream in the eyes of major retailers and such.17:29
adeee_ikonia So what your suggestion.  how much ram. and graphics require for ubuntu. i have current 512mb ram. and 1.6 g HZ processor with 80 gb hard.17:29
jusocant use ubuntu as a main desktop until then.17:29
ActionParsnipSin`: sure, just type:   /join #vmware17:29
cntbjust how helpful it was > jrib17:29
soreauwhisperkiller: Well that tells you what to do right there.. have you installed the backports yet?17:30
Sin`ok. thank you17:30
ActionParsnipjuso: go ask Dell about Ubuntu17:30
jribcntb: I have no idea what your actual issue is.  That's why you should just ask your question and be patient17:30
ikoniaadeee_: as much as you can afford17:30
cntbsorry jrib ^^^17:30
ActionParsnipjuso: wait, so just because ubuntu isn't "mainstream" you won't use it?17:30
jusoActionParsnip, i said i CANT, not wont. I have too many external devices that arent supported in linux.17:31
soreauhi tishammer17:31
uRockadeee_, is the RAM for your server or a Desktop machine?17:31
cntbwill come back later17:31
ActionParsnipjuso: then thats the peripheral sellers fault, you could bother them to support Linux more17:32
tishammeri'm trying to increase my i/o performance. every i/o intensive task is pretty slow and risens %wa. on a fast computer doing something like "for i in *.gz; do gunzip $i; done" is taking 30% cpu and 30%wa. any ideas?17:32
adeee_Urock this is for desktop machine17:32
soreaujuso: What external devices?17:32
uRockdo you have a graphics card or just the graphics that are built in?17:32
MrMintanet2Can someone tell me how I can setup my Ubuntu box to act as a file server?  I want to be able to map windows computers to it over the internet rather than LAN.17:32
whisperkillersoreau no i have not i am about to try it...the main thing is i wanted to talk to someone who knows what they are talking about before i went through and trying to update everything this time17:32
MrMintanet2Can someone tell me how I can setup my Ubuntu box to act as a file server?  I want to be able to map windows computers to it over the internet rather than LAN.17:32
jusoActionParsnip, so you're saying if all major retailers sold linux as an option OS, the manufactures wont start supporting? come on now.. lets get serious17:33
whisperkillersoreau i spent two hours updating and setting things up last time to have someone tell me i needed to install a different version17:33
ActionParsniptishammer: you could look into hdparm17:33
uRockMrMintanet2, right click and share the files17:33
MrMintanet2uRock, Can you not give any more info than that?  I am behind a corporate firewall.  I am the network admin though.17:33
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soreauwhisperkiller: I'd say by the looks of that wiki page, you need to install the backports package. You may have to do this for really new hardware before the driver makes it into the kernel17:34
whisperkillersoreau im really glad i caught you though because you kinda helped me figure out whats going on....always appreciate the help mate17:34
soreauwhisperkiller: No problem, let me know if it works17:34
jusosoreau, canon camera/software, a specific wireless keyword, a all in one fax/printer/scanner - plus a few more17:34
pareliHow do i make a startup script so weechat starts at login?17:34
soreaujuso: wireless keyword?17:34
twitch!samba | MrMintanet217:34
ubottuMrMintanet2: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:34
sjmMrMintanet, you might ask more over on #ubuntu-server, but it's basically Samba setup issues and security and firewall ports, I would think.17:34
whisperkillersoreau yes someone mentioned installing the backports earlier...i just wanted to make sure what was up17:34
ActionParsnipjuso: if Linux got as much support as the companies give to Window there wouldnt be an issue. Sadly many are ignorant. Companies like IBM, Nvidia, Intel, Brother and HP make great Linux drivers and support very well17:35
twitch!iptables | MrMintanet217:35
ubottuMrMintanet2: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.17:35
uRockMrMintanet2 if you are sharing to the outside world, then you'll have to forward ports, otherwise just sharing the folder should make it avail to everyone on the network17:35
=== Explodingpiglets is now known as Cahl-hith
MrMintanet2twitch, I want to set it up so that the windows computer can mount the network drive over the internet...17:35
jusoActionParsnip, exactly. so my point stands..17:35
adeee_uRock my graphic card is builtin17:35
=== Kira is now known as k_sze
uRockadeee_, 32bit or 64bit OS?17:35
soreaujuso: I don't see why any of those devices wouldn't work in linux.. maybe you could set up vbox in ubuntu with whatever OS to connect to devices on the usb bus17:35
adeee_32 bit os17:35
MrMintanet2uRock, I want it to map over the internet.  Could you possibly break this process down?17:35
ActionParsnipjuso: I think the companies would have to support the OS if they want the "new OS" users to buy their products17:36
uRockMrMintanet2 that is beyond my abilities17:36
soreaujuso: But yea, really if your device vendor doesn't support linux, it might be time to consider a better vendor ;)17:36
jusosoreau, come on now.. install linux, then install another OS ina  virtual enviorment to get my devices to work....17:36
ActionParsnipjuso: amen to what soreau said, vote with yor wallet. Don't give money to companies not supporting Linux17:37
soreaujuso: Or get better devices, it's up to you really17:37
MrMintanet2Can someone tell me how I can setup my Ubuntu box to act as a file server?  I want to be able to map windows computers to it over the internet rather than LAN.17:37
BluesKajmovx, dunno how else to help , looks like a failed install ...perhaps a reinstall is in order17:37
ActionParsnipjuso: what make / model is the printer / scanner (please not lexmark).....?17:37
jusosoreau, so how good a device is depends on if its supported in linux? lol17:37
soreauMrMintanet: There's plenty of different configurations and protocols you can use to set that up. Try being more specific with your question or use google17:38
jusoActionParsnip, i can print to it, but I cant use the scan to computer options and such, which is why i use it mainly.17:38
MrMintanet2soreau, I am wanting to MAP a network drive OVER THE INTERNET.  This is very specific.17:38
uRockMrMintanet2 if you need help with your routers/switches, then you should visit the IRC for your brand equipment17:38
soreaujuso: Yes, that should tell you something about their company17:38
twitchMrMintanet2: look at samba, port forwarding for you firewall or vpn access. It's to complicated for in here something you will spend time reading about17:38
mia158MrMintanet2: You should do this via a vpn connection to the corporate net. once that vpn connection is established you would then connect as if they are on the LAN.17:38
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: if you install openssh-server, you have an SFTP server already :)17:38
soreauMrMintanet: Try #networking maybe17:39
ActionParsnipjuso: doesn't answer the question does it17:39
* drc looks at the clock and wonders when troll feeding time rolled around?17:39
jusosoreau, you name ONE reputable camera company that supports linux with their software. i will wait.17:39
MrMintanet2Thanks everyone.17:39
MrMintanet2I will hunt17:39
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: sftp is great for WAN access as it's secure17:39
soreauheh, MrMintanet just got answerized ;)17:39
llutzMrMintanet2:use a vpn or ssh to tunnel nfs/cifs17:39
jkgcamera ... software? aren't they all just usb-storage devices these days?17:40
ActionParsnipjuso: what make / model is the printer/scanner please?17:40
uRockdrc, it is not nice to call people trolls17:40
MrMintanet2To everyone suggesting VPN or SSH, I realize these are options.  I would like to rely on Windows Authentication as my means to connect.17:40
jusoActionParsnip, i need the specific software to run NOT an alternative.17:40
soreaujuso: Nobody cares about software. If the driver is in the kernel and the device works, that's enough. If you want the little pretty software doodads with bells and whistles, use windows, wine or a VM17:40
ActionParsnipjuso: my girlfriends does as I take the SD card out and jam it in a card reader. Ironically it's a Kodak whom HATE linux17:40
soreauNot ubuntu issue17:40
tishammerActionParsnip: i did hdparm it, and it's fast17:41
ActionParsniptishammer: nice17:41
soreaujuso: Most cameras are block devices that justwork in linux17:41
ActionParsnipjuso: what make / model is the printer / scanner please?17:41
tishammerActionParsnip: i have 97MB/s buffered reads on hdparm17:42
jusosoreau, i am taling about the camera software, canon EOS utility17:42
sjmjuso, you are avoiding the questions as to the makes and models that don't work for you.17:42
soreaujuso: What functionality does this 'eos' provide?17:42
jusosoreau, google it.17:42
tishammerActionParsnip: the same operations are 4x faster on my macbook with mac osx. tested on linux with on different hardware, still slow17:42
movxBluesKaj, thanks for all the help,  you brought me close to a solution, it is a netbook 10.04 with plenty of data, several kernel image updates, will keep have to keep trying somehow.17:42
ActionParsnipjuso: found this, seems Canon Coolpiz works nice: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150251117:42
soreaujuso: If you want help with your devices, install ubuntu then show us the output of lsusb and lspci17:42
JuJuBeeAnybody know if I can use include-from and exclude-from in rsync at same time?17:42
ActionParsniptishammer: is the system a macbook?17:42
ikoniaJuJuBee: should be able to17:42
soreaujuso: No, you're here for support, not me. You do the googling17:43
tishammerActionParsnip: the fast one is a macbook with mac os. the slow ones are desktops / racks with ubuntu 10.1017:43
soreau! unity | erkan^17:43
ubottuerkan^: Unity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity17:43
ActionParsniptishammer: then obviously it will be better. The OS is custom made for the exact hardware you are using. If you look at the spec of a PS3 or an XBOX360 they SUCK but the games are custom made to run well onsuch poor hardware17:43
jusosoreau, i never asked for help or support, i am TELLING YOU - the software doesn't run on linux, and i need that specific software.17:44
movxBluesKaj,  bye for now.. it is almost midnight here... thanks again17:44
ikoniajuso: ok, contact the vendor for a Linux version of the software17:44
erkan^what is unity, soreau ?17:44
soreaujuso: If you aren't helping or getting help, you may leave. This is the ubuntu support channel17:44
drcjuso: That's like buying a camper shell for your old Ford truck and being upset when it doesn't fit your new Chevy Truck17:44
soreauerkan^: That factoid just told you17:44
ikoniajuso: problem solved. Good luck17:44
ActionParsnipjuso: how can we "google" what hardware YOU have??17:44
erkan^thank you17:44
sjmjuso, you are avoiding the questions as to the makes and models that don't work for you.17:44
ikoniaActionParsnip: drc all done17:44
soreauActionParsnip: lmao17:44
ActionParsnipikonia: sweet :)17:45
ActionParsnipsoreau: its a fair point ;)17:45
drcikonia: darn...and I think I had a "real" answer for him17:45
ikoniadrc: he's refusing to give you the info, so lets end it17:45
jusoI made a simple ubuntu related statement, period. you are trying to turn it into something its not, calm down guys. wow.17:46
ikoniajuso: what do you want17:46
jusoikonia, didnt i just say i made a simple ubuntu statement, is english your first language?17:46
drcikonia: oh, I will17:46
ikoniajuso: what do you want from this channel17:46
jpdsjuso: Can't you just put the SD card into your laptop?17:46
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sjmjuso, I say it ONCE AGAIN>>> you are avoiding the questions as to the makes and models that don't work for you.17:46
jusosjm: i just said, canon eos software, STOP TYPING in caps.17:47
jpdsjuso: Not available for Ubuntu.17:47
ikoniajuso: ok, what do you want from this channel ?17:47
soreaujuso: And I asked what functionality this 'eos' provides'17:47
sjmjuso, you were also asked about printer/scanner/keyboards that you said didn't work.17:47
jusowow im popular.17:47
mia158MrMintanet2: look at this doc for your file sharing setup. You should address your internet connection solution as a separate issue.17:47
Fuchsjuso: you don't need EOS software in linux, or at least I have no idea why you would need it17:47
ActionParsnipjuso: I found about 50 different Canon EOS model, care to narrow it down?17:48
* AbhijiT eonders what is EOS btw!!! ;)17:48
Fuchsjuso: digikam detects the EOS models fine, is able to download pictures, as well as handling raw pictures. For firmware updates you don't need it either17:48
jpdsAbhijiT: Canon camera OS software.17:48
ActionParsnipAbhijiT: its a range of cameras from Canon17:48
AbhijiTohhh okay!17:48
FuchsAbhijiT: dslr cameras from canon, but he is refering to the software17:48
ActionParsnipjuso: what model EOS do you have>?17:48
jusoFuchs, I need it for real time viewing and recording, along with options to control the camera.17:49
jpdsAbhijiT: Quite nice cameras too.17:49
AbhijiTjpds, okay! :)17:49
jpdsjuso: Then, you'll have to talk to Canon about that.17:49
ikoniajuso: ok, so thats something you need to speak to cannon about17:49
ikoniawe can move on now17:49
ActionParsnipjuso: until you reply to my perfectly reasonable question, nobody can help you at all17:49
jusojpds, cannon doesn't support linux on their software, for the 5th time. end of story, wow.17:49
Fuchsjuso: in that case you have to run it in a virtualisation solution which passes through usb17:49
Fuchsjuso: such as virtual box.17:50
ikoniajuso: ok, so there is nothing more to say,17:50
JuJuBeeikonia: I thought I could use both also, but it seems that I cannot.  When I copy the contents of include-from to the rsync command itself it works but not when I use include-from=...17:50
uRockjuso, install WIndows and be happy17:50
soreauFuchs: That's exactly what I suggested17:50
soreauuRock: I told him that too ;)17:50
Fuchssoreau: possible, I just joined :)17:50
ikoniaJuJuBee: I've never tried to be honest, but I'm surprised17:50
soreauFuchs: hi btw :)17:50
wulfywhats the android support like in ubuntu (android smartphones)17:50
Fuchshi soreau :)17:50
jusoholy shit, lol - I made a simply statement "damn i wish i could run all my devices through linux, but the software isnt supported"   CALM THE HELL DOWN GUYS17:50
ikoniajuso: drop the language17:51
soreau! language | juso17:51
ubottujuso: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:51
Fuchswulfy: works regarding USB tethering, devloping and as a usb mass storage17:51
Fuchswulfy: so: rather good17:51
wulfyFuchs,  so better than current blackberry support?17:51
soreauwulfy: Also see #android17:51
Fuchswulfy: probably, yes. I don't own any blackberry device17:52
uRockI guess it is Linux's fault that vendors don't support linux17:52
Fuchswulfy: what functionality would you need?17:52
ActionParsnipwulfy: it rocks, there are loads of apps to help you control your system too (transdroid to manage torrents for example)17:52
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wulfysoreau,  thought it would be wiser asking on the platform i was using rather than asking them and them sendimg me here17:52
wulfyActionParsnip,  yeah i saw the app for ssh (a must for remote admin on my nodes)17:52
soreauwulfy: Just making you aware.. some people don't know of other channels on the network17:53
invisiluxhi there fellow ubuntu user.17:53
wulfysoreau, indeed :)17:53
tishammerActionParsnip: it's not so custom... it's not even the original harddrive17:53
ActionParsnipwulfy: indeed, plus andchat for those long bus rides ;)17:53
uRockinvisilux, got questions?17:53
invisiluxDoes anybody have any experience or knowledge towards using an Nokia E72 with ubuntu17:53
wulfyActionParsnip,  voice of experiance :D love it lol thanks :)17:53
ActionParsniptishammer: the controller is still the same, the IDE may be different but the drive controller is the same17:53
ikoniainvisilux: yes, very much17:53
ActionParsnipwulfy: hell yeah, fatrat have an android app in their to do list too17:54
invisiluxokay.. nice :) glad to know.17:54
invisiluxI'm new on ubuntu (linux in general)17:54
ikoniainvisilux: I've only just got rid of mine, do a good bit of work with the E72 and Linux17:54
soreau! who | invisiblek17:54
ubottuinvisiblek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:54
ikonia"did" sorry17:54
wulfyActionParsnip,  im off to buy iver a blackberry or a droid tommrow.... i kinda think with the ubuntu support i might go for the droid17:54
invisiluxBut is it possible to sync task and calender with the nokia e72 and evolution?17:55
ikoniainvisilux: short answer, no17:55
Fuchswulfy: definitely android, since the most important things  (file transfer, tethering) will work out of the box17:55
AbhijiT!manual | invisilux17:55
ubottuinvisilux: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:55
ikoniainvisilux: long answer, yes but it such a complex process you'll never maintain it17:55
wulfyFuchs, great :)17:55
stianhjwulfy: +1 for Android17:55
ikoniaAbhijiT: why have you just given him the manual for a Nokia E72 question on ubuntu ?17:55
invisiluxoh.. okay. Well then i'll just find another way then :)17:55
ActionParsnipwulfy: it does a lot, i recommend droid and tonnes of my friends are dropping apple's rubbish for android based handsets17:56
AbhijiTikonia, because he said he is new to ubuntua nd linux17:56
ikoniainvisilux: the straight sync using tools like gnokia don't work,17:56
ikoniaAbhijiT: so ? he had a specific question, don't spam people with info they didn't ask for17:56
wulfythanks guys (actionparsnip, stianhj  Fuchs )17:56
invisiluxgood to know.17:56
=== wulfy is now known as Wulfy
ikoniainvisilux: you bascially have to sync evolution with a webdev server, then get the E72 to pull down the calander from a webdev server17:56
AbhijiTikonia, okay just thought that since he is new to linux ubu manual might be of his help17:57
ikoniainvisilux: you need the E72 conduit packs to be able to do it, it's a real drag17:57
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invisiluxhmm.. so your suggestion is to fetch from a webserver.. hmm17:57
ikoniainvisilux: no, a webdev server17:58
ikoniainvisilux: sorry, webdav17:58
invisiluxwhat if i could transfer my calender stuff to google calender, could I from there got it to sync with evolution?17:58
ikoniainvisilux: google calander is a web dav service, however setting up the conduits for the Nokia is a real pain17:59
invisiluxhmm.. yeah i could imagine, however I know a guy from work how sync with google and e72, so maybe..17:59
ikoniainvisilux: I've been through all this myself and just worked out it was not a practical solution17:59
IdleOneinvisiblek ikonia can you two take this to a PM or #ubuntu-offtopic as it is not Ubuntu specific support.18:00
ActionParsnipis there a web service I can install to get an IRC client in Ubuntu. I don't want an IRC server. Just a service on a server I can access via HTTP and get a client. Thanks18:00
IdleOneerr invisilux ^^18:00
ikoniainvisilux: actually it is, it's E72 syncing with Evolution in Ubuntu18:00
ikoniaIdleOne: ^18:00
IdleOneActionParsnip: freenode offers a webchat client18:00
ActionParsnipIdleOne: true but I fancied setting one up on my fileserver for kicks18:01
WulfyActionParsnip,  mibbit.com?18:01
Ubuntu-userhow to add applications in wine?18:01
IdleOneActionParsnip: oh, sorry i misunderstood the question18:01
soreauUbuntu-user: Install them?18:01
ActionParsnipWulfy: let me check it18:02
Ubuntu-useri'm having some issue with wine18:02
soreauIdleOne: Yea, he asked specifically how to get that model device working with ubuntu18:02
llutzActionParsnip: cgiirc.org18:02
invisiluxit is?18:02
soreauUbuntu-user: What is the problem??18:02
invisiluxcool. Thank you for clearing some stuff for me :)18:03
ActionParsnipllutz: looks good dude, its in the repo too ;)18:03
llutzActionParsnip: works fine, easy to configure18:04
Ubuntu-useri installed java on wine to use SDM for cisco and than i was unable to remove java...18:04
Sin`they sent me here18:04
Ubuntu-useri feel its not working properly now18:04
Sin`they say it's ubuntu problem18:04
Sin`beacuse my device is clearly registered in wmvare18:05
Sin`but is not shown in ubuntu18:05
VivekanandaHello everyone.I have this problem in lucid where when I do ctrl+s then the window pops up but disappears and the minimize and maximize my window again then only it is visible.Why is this?18:05
soreauUbuntu-user: Maybe you can try #winehq for wine-specific support18:05
Ubuntu-userthanks mate18:05
Garfieldvirtual machine ey?18:05
imihi :) how can I make ubuntu re-run my iptables based firewall every time my network status changes (e.g. wired connection attached, wireless connection establishes etc?)18:06
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
sre-suHow to call the lock command at login so that immediately after login/auto-login the screen is locked?18:06
enavhi my coputer have 3 HDD 1 got ubuntu and the 2nd have winblow$, but i just remote the disk number 3 and now grub doe snot detect windows, i guess the dist 3 were the windows boot loader....how can i make taht windows appear in the grub list?????18:06
Garfieldinstalling :D18:06
soreauVivekananda: What program does this window belong to? ie. what does ctrl+s do for you?18:07
SilentDisis anyone here able to help me get network-manager functioning with a new mobile broadband device?18:07
VivekanandaIt does a save and the problem is not particular to a window but from browsers this always happens18:07
VivekanandaIt used to happen with nautilus but somehow corrected I dont know how18:07
Vivekanandathe browsers being Chrome and Firefox18:08
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soreauenav: You'd probably manually have to add a windows entry if it's not detected by update-grub218:08
js_how can i change the gnome session to only read from xinitrc/xsession without launching gnome?18:09
enavwho is flooding here?18:10
enavis a hack attack?18:10
soreaujs_: You could stop gdm from starting and just start X manually.. or create a custom session to select in gdm18:10
tehbauthow do I check if I'm running x64 or not?18:10
Fuchstehbaut: uname -m18:10
tehbautI don't remember what version I installed18:10
kaffienI cannot seem to get apt-get updates18:10
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
js_soreau: any hints on creating a custom session?18:10
soreauenav: It's not a flood, it's people joining/parting the channel. You may be able to disable join/leave messages in your irc client18:10
kaffienis there issues with the us updates servers today or something?18:10
Garfieldanyone here familiar with ryzom18:10
soreaujs_: /msg FusioBot standalone18:11
tehbautFuchs: i686 ...is that x64 I presume?18:11
js_soreau: thank thee18:11
Unode|Workhi guys18:11
soreaujs_: Will at least give you some idea I guess. Shows you how to use standalone X with compiz18:11
DocfxitI have a problem writing files.  When I use sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf   I change something, save the file, it doesn't give me an error.  If I close and then re-open my changes aren't there.18:11
Unode|WorkI'm trying to redirect output in crontab but it's ignoring the standard &>/dev/null18:11
Fuchstehbaut: no, that would be x86 (32 bit)18:11
DocfxitI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 from a thumb drive.18:12
Unode|Workthe command I'm running is "python somescript.py &> /dev/null"18:12
sre-suHow to call the lock command at login so that immediately after login/auto-login the screen is locked?18:12
wildc4rdevenin all18:12
soreausre-su: If there is a command to lock the screen, you can just call that from your session startup18:12
Unode|Worksince dash is the default shell, is cron also affected by this? meaning that I need a different redirect statement?18:12
tehbautFuchs: I though x86 would be i386... or is that only for windows?18:12
soreauUnode|Work: Where is the output ending up?18:13
Fuchstehbaut: i*86 is  x8618:13
Unode|Worksoreau, on email18:13
soreauUnode|Work: There's a way to set email to null18:14
Unode|Worksoreau, yes, but I still want email18:14
Ubuntu-userwine error for insallation : Error when opening a registry key the key doesnt' exist key Java Runtime Environment......18:14
Fuchstehbaut: else uname -m  would say x86_6418:14
soreauUnode|Work: right..18:14
Unode|Worksoreau, but not stderr18:14
sre-susoreau: How to call that at login/auto-login? I want that just after auto-login screen is locked ...18:14
tehbautFuchs: gotcha... ok, thanks!18:14
soreauUnode|Work: Does it make a difference if you try > /dev/null 2&>1 ?18:14
Unode|Worksoreau, testing18:14
soreausre-su: what?18:15
sre-susoreau: How to call lock command at login/auto-login?18:15
soreausre-su: I don't know if there's a command to lock the screen but if you have one, you can use it18:15
gnewbsre-su: Just disable Auto Login, it will boot to Login Screen, done.18:15
soreauUnode|Work: Sorry, it's supposed to be > /dev/null 2>&118:16
stianhjsre-su, gnome-screensaver-command --lock will lock the screen18:16
Unode|Worksre-su, make it part of the .bashrc or whatever shell you use (if you mean terminal logins)18:16
sre-suI just want to know about a way which allows to auto-login to a particular account AND immediately locks screen?18:16
stianhjsre-su, you can add that command to your session startup18:16
soreausre-su: So try 'gnome-screensaver-command --lock' to make sure it works, then put it in your session startup (sys>prefs>startup)18:17
sre-sustianhj: Yeah.. that seems fine. What could be the command for KDE?18:17
stianhjsre-su, i have no idea tbh18:17
sre-suThanks anyway18:17
soreausre-su: Which is the default kde screensaver?18:18
Ubuntu-userCan anyone help me with Wine issue?18:18
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soreau! anyone | Ubuntu-user18:18
ubottuUbuntu-user: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:18
Unode|Worksoreau, nope, doesn't work18:18
gnewbUbuntu-user: Did you ask in #wine?18:18
Ubuntu-useryeah no reply18:19
Unode|Worksoreau, it's taking 2 as an argument to the script18:19
gnewbokee dokee18:19
sre-susoreau: I've set it to Blank screen here18:19
Ubuntu-userinstallation of any programe in wine returns error opening a registry key the key doesnt' exist key Java Runtime Environment blah blah18:20
soreauUnode|Work: Try using the full path to python and the file arg to python18:20
gnewbUbuntu-user: Is it the latest ppa?18:20
sre-suUbuntu-user: Do you have jdk or jre installed?18:20
stianhjUbuntu-user, have you installed Java in wine?18:20
drcUbuntu-user: try #winehq...#wine is an invitation only channel18:20
gnewbUbuntu-user: Here> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine18:20
soreauUbuntu-user: If you want to reset all wine, try removing .wine folder from your home directory18:21
Unode|Worksoreau, it's dash (the shell I mean)18:21
soreauwhoa :)18:21
Ubuntu-userhow to remove .wine and install fre18:21
Ubuntu-userwith java application18:21
sre-susoreau: How will default screensaver help?18:21
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stianhjrm -rf ~/.wine18:21
stianhjwill remove .wine directory18:21
ActionParsnipstianhj: why use force?18:22
Picisre-su: Have you asked your KDE specific question in #kubuntu ?18:22
stianhjUbuntu-user, you don't need to remove it.. just install Java Runtime18:22
uRockwhy not rm dir?18:22
stianhjoh, rm -r then18:22
soreausre-su: Well that gnome-screensaver command is obviously for gnome-screensaver but I don't think gnome-screensaver is the default in kde18:22
stianhjActionParsnip, habbit i guess18:22
stianhjprobably a bad one :P18:22
ActionParsnipstianhj: its a REALLY bad habit18:22
stianhjActionParsnip, pffft (i know)18:22
sre-suPici: Thanks.18:23
alsunaActionParsnip: why is rm -f such a bad habit?18:23
voozeHmm, sound just stopped working.. what could be the case? the "welcome sound" worked fine.. and then when i opened som net radio it shut down18:23
solenoidit is now ok to buy SSDs18:23
FloodBot3solenoid: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
pcypherhow do I add my user to a folder that has root permissions?18:23
soreauvooze: Did you try rebooting?18:24
soreau! ot | solenoid18:24
ubottusolenoid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:24
uRocksolenoid, MaximumPC has been showing those in systems for almost a year now, they are fine and fast18:24
voozesoreau, i'll give it a try.. brb :)18:24
Ubuntu-useri removed wine :)18:24
solenoidoops, sorry, wrong terminal, my apologies18:24
Ubuntu-userwill install fresh wine :)18:24
ActionParsnipalsuna: you may mistakedly use it on a folder then it will delete it, no questions asked. Throwing force options around in general is a really BAD idea and should only be use when necessary18:25
soreauUbuntu-user: Reinstalling an application while leaving it's settings folder behind will effectively do nothing18:25
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alsunaActionParsnip: thx18:25
h0ar3guys I have cloned Linus' kernel branch. how can I compile and install it for ubuntu? can anyone help?18:25
Ubuntu-usersoreau: than?18:25
ActionParsnipalsuna: most cases when you want to delete you don't need -f yet people have the bad habit of adding it and its simply not needed18:25
Xi3tHello everyone. :)18:25
soreau! compile | h0ar318:25
ubottuh0ar3: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)18:25
Ubuntu-usersoreau: i remove the folder as well :)18:25
pcypherI do not want to chown...18:26
soreauUbuntu-user: All's you have to do is remove the folder and restart wine18:26
pcypherjust add a user18:26
Ubuntu-usersoreau: done :)18:26
h0ar3soreau: the link is broken on this page. it does not tell how to compile kernel.18:26
pcypheri can sudo folders all day... but this seems easier18:26
voozesoreau, seems that worked.. weird18:26
DocfxitI can't figure out how to write a file.18:26
h0ar3soreau: plus I have a different kernel source than the repositories18:26
soreauh0ar3: What page?18:26
ershadI accidently 'quit' the volume control icon in the top panel. I tried adding 'gnome-volume-control-applet' to start up, it comes, but it doesn't have the rhythmbox control in it, could you help me to get back the old volume control?18:26
llutzActionParsnip: rm -r    also won't ask if you're sure to delete something.18:27
voozeIs there any software like Apple spotlight - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotlight_%28software%29 - For ubuntu?? I've testet Gnome Do, wich is nice.. but nice really the same18:27
stianhjh00k, http://tinyurl.com/4z9tffu18:27
Ubuntu-usersoreau: how to add wine latest version with java now ?18:27
pcyphervoice: pcypher18:27
stianhjh0ar3, http://tinyurl.com/4z9tffu18:27
ActionParsnipllutz: if it's not in use18:27
ChipDSnowI need to copy files that have the same names from one directory to another.  Is there a command that I can use that will append the file name with a number say filename - xx?18:27
hardheadwhat is the  command to boot from CD-ROM in the terminal18:27
uRockhardhead, there isn't one18:27
soreauUbuntu-user: If you want the latest version of wine, you can install the wine ppa18:27
k_szeWhat's the easiest ftp server to configure on Ubuntu for anonymous access?18:28
uRockthat has to be done via BIOS hardhead18:28
h0ar3stianhj: all they tell in results get the source from repository. I have a different source without no config files.18:28
Ubuntu-usersoreau: wine ppa?18:28
stianhjUbuntu-user, Wine doesn't come WITH Java, you have to install it like any other program you install in Wine18:28
soreauh0ar3: This link seems to work fine for me https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KernelCompileHowto18:28
soreauh0ar3: There's just no article there for it :)18:28
* soreau tries to fix the link18:28
hardheaduRock: so how do I boot my Ubuntu server onto Ubuntu 10 in order to partition because it wont let me make the partition inside Gparted18:28
ActionParsnipUbuntu-user: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa18:28
DocfxitCould someone please help figure out how to write a file to a thumb drive.18:30
h0ar3soreau: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KernelCompileHowto does that really work?18:30
llutzActionParsnip: in use? you mean something like "lutz@watson:~/testdir$ rm -r ../testdir" ?  it won't ask, just deletes18:30
stianhjDocfxit, just copy it with Nautilus18:30
ershadI accidently 'quit' the volume control icon in the top panel. I tried adding 'gnome-volume-control-applet' to start up, it comes, but it doesn't have the rhythmbox control in it, could you help me to get back the old volume control?18:30
soreauh0ar3: Yes, I'm going to fix the link on that page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KernelCompileHowto18:30
stianhjershad, did you remove the indicator-applet?18:30
mia158vooze: I was just wondering the same thing yesterday. I was able to find beagle but have not had a chance to test it yet18:31
ershadstianhj, that's it :) thank you so much :)18:31
stianhjershad, no problem18:32
mia158vooze: I have also seen some people use google's desktop search engine18:32
_ProGammerHey ,anyone has Ubuntu x64 on Dell Latitude E6500 with bryl ?18:33
_ProGammerdoes the default driver install support bryl or ... ?18:34
stianhj_ProGammer, bryl?18:35
soreauI'm trying to edit a ubuntu wiki page but I don't see where the links are in the source of the page18:35
stianhj_ProGammer, i think if you have 3D drivers install (I'm guessing Intel) Beryl should work fine..18:36
Docfxitstianhj, I have a problem writing files.  When I use sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf   I change something, save the file, it doesn't give me an error.  If I close and then re-open my changes aren't there.18:36
_ProGammerwhen i install my ubuntu Hardware driver popup to install a driver for nvidia card18:37
DocfxitI have Ubuntu running from the thumb drive.18:37
_ProGammernow i dont know if it support 3d or not ?18:37
stianhjDocfxit, do you have the thumb set up with persistent storage?18:37
Docfxitstianhj, How would I check that?18:37
soreau_ProGammer: What is the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'?18:37
stianhj_ProGammer, if you installed the nvidia driver, beryl should work fine18:37
soreaustianhj: You mean compiz?18:38
stianhjDocfxit, how'd you create the USB thing?18:38
stianhjsoreau, he asked about beryl.. which i assume should work as well?18:38
drcDocfxit: are you running Ubuntu from the .iso on the thumb drive or did you install Ubuntu to the thumb drive?18:38
_ProGammeri heard about ubuntu non free drivers ?18:38
stianhjsoreau, if he installed it that is18:38
stianhj_ProGammer, that's what the popup thing is..18:38
shibbolethQuestion:  I'm dual-booting Windows and Ubuntu off the same hard drive, different partitions.  originally the Windows partition would show up under Places as a mountable directory.  this doesn't happen anymore.  I can still mount /dev/sda1 manually but it's a bit tedious.  is there a way to automount this on bootup without needing to enter sudo pword?18:38
_ProGammer:D thanks18:39
soreaustianhj: No, beryl is very old and outdated. Compiz is used in favor. Compiz is the default wm in ubuntu18:39
Docfxitdrc, It could be from the ISO.  I used an install program that made the thumb drive bootable and downloaded the ISO.18:39
angellI can't seem to get this working right, I keep getting sound from my headphones and stereos at the same time18:39
stianhjsoreau, i know it's the default.. he asked about beryl, but i'm guessing compiz is what he relly wants18:39
=== pipegeek1 is now known as pipegeek
angellI've tried everything from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4869649 and still can't get it right18:40
soreaustianhj: Most likely, yes18:40
joaozinhodo you know a channel where I can make a question related to linux/USB/programming?18:40
angellIs it that my hardware isn't compatiable with Ubuntu?18:40
jo-erlend can Ubuntu boot from a software raid 5 now?18:40
soreau! beryl | stianhj _ProGammer18:40
ubottustianhj _ProGammer: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz18:40
joaozinhoIn the meanwhile, why don't I have a /proc/bus/usb folder?18:40
Docfxitdrc, I didn't know you could run directly from the ISO.  When it boots up it has a menu. One option is to install Ubuntu.  Should I try that?18:40
stianhjjoaozinho, #linux?18:41
lostogre_can anyone tell me where h2n is in lucid?18:41
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz18:41
Jdogg420what flsh player package do i need to watch you tube?18:42
gnewbangell: Do you have the Alsa Mixer or some Audio Mixer installed?18:42
lostogre_Jdogg420, why not get the flash player from Adobe?18:42
Jdogg420ive tryed18:42
lostogre_Jdogg420, what have you tried?18:43
Jdogg420but i have a 64 bit system and they say the preview square one18:43
Jdogg420 and it did not work when i installed it still could not play video18:43
angellgnewb: I have Asla Mixer.18:43
lostogre_Jdogg420, what did you do to install it?18:43
shlsthello, is anyone here running ubuntu or ubuntu netbook edition on an asus eee 1018P ?18:43
gnewbangell: I think there is a Mute in that.18:43
Jdogg420it was a .deb and i dpkg it18:44
DocfxitIs there a way to tell if I'm running Ubuntu from the ISO or if it's installed?18:44
lostogre_Jdogg420, why not try just installing it in the plugins directory manually?18:44
Jdogg420ok ill try18:45
Jdogg420the fire fox plugins?18:45
angellgnewb: From the volume panel thats in my taskbar or through the terminal?18:45
lostogre_Jdogg420, make sure that all traces of any other "flash" players are gone.18:45
lostogre_Jdogg420, yes18:45
inaproblemflashhello ppl18:46
gnewbangell: Try the GUI one.18:46
inaproblemflashany one out here to help?18:46
ActionParsnipllutz: like a file which is currently open, sorry was slow18:46
kuramotohello guys. i need some help about the problem about my crashed HDD.18:46
lostogre_does anyone know where h2n from the bind utilities in lucid whent?18:46
lostogre_inaproblemflash, don't ask to ask, just ask.18:46
inaproblemflashi have a problem with my flash player..18:47
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
lostogre_inaproblemflash, details?18:47
inaproblemflashflash pluin installer18:47
DiverdudeIs there an alternative to  the find command? Apparently on the university server there is no find command.18:47
lostogre_inaproblemflash, distro version, bits, etc?18:47
inaproblemflashubuntu 10.10 (maverick)18:48
lostogre_Diverdude, locate?18:48
llutzActionParsnip: rm -r won't complain either ;)    don't get me wrong, i agree with you about general usage of -force, just not in case of rm18:48
inaproblemflash64 i guess dunno abt bits exacttly18:48
lostogre_inaproblemflash, you need to know that for sure. uname -a on the cli.18:48
inaproblemflashi did nt get u..18:49
Diverdudelostogre_, locate is also not present18:49
lostogre_inaproblemflash, open a terminal and type uname -a18:49
lostogre_Diverdude, dunno, then.18:49
angellgnewb: Tried it, it muted everything.18:49
inaproblemflash2.6.35-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 21 17:40:44 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:49
llutzDiverdude: ls -lRa / |grep pattern :)18:50
lostogre_inaproblemflash, you have the 64bit version.18:50
gnewbangell: Whoops, ok, lets see if we can resolve this...18:50
angellgnewb: I've tried the mute option and it muted everything, from the headphones all the way to the speakers.18:50
kuramotookay, I m thinking to take my broken HDD(SAS format) to some special company for restoration. do you guys think is there any possibility of be analyzed and be stolen my files in HDD? HDD is encrypted as LVM.18:50
inaproblemflashwat do i do?18:51
Diverdudellutz, that also works for subfolders?18:51
lostogre_inaproblemflash, remove all of the installers from synaptic and install the square player from http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html. You have to copy it to the plugins directory manually.18:51
llutzDiverdude: man ls18:51
Diverdudellutz, awesome18:51
serializeinaproblemflash, do you see video?  without sound etc?18:51
lostogre_llutz, love that command....18:52
Ubuntu-userHow to install java in wine?18:52
inaproblemflashno i see no video it says missing plugins..18:52
soreaulostogre_: There has no such file named h2n in lucid18:52
gnewbangell: Maybe here> http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=164100018:52
llutzlostogre_: gnu-find is much more handy (if available)18:52
soreaulostogre_: s/has/was18:52
serializesudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:52
lostogre_soreau, there should be.18:52
serializeenter that in your terminal18:53
soreaulostogre_: There isn't, according to packages.ubuntu.com18:53
inaproblemflashyes i did dat but its already the newest version it says..18:53
lostogre_its part of the dns utils.18:53
betinhohi people ... i'm new with ubuntu. how i can update my version of shutdown command? my shutdown does not have the -F option (force fsck on reboot)?18:53
lostogre_soreau, I know. that's my problem.18:53
Anom01y_hi, I have this video card on my computer18:53
Anom01y_description: VGA compatible controller18:53
Anom01y_       product: K8M800/K8N800/K8N800A [S3 UniChrome Pro]18:53
serializesudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree18:53
Ubuntu-userHow to install java in wine ?18:53
Anom01y_do I need to do anything special to get drivers working for this, or does the default drivers support this card ?18:54
serializeubuntu-user can you not run the exe?18:54
soreauAnom01y: You're not going to be able to do much 3D with that card, if any18:54
serializedo you get an error message?18:55
soreauUbuntu-user: Just run the java installer with wine18:55
Ubuntu-userthat means download java and run exe :(18:55
soreauUbuntu-user: yes18:55
Ubuntu-userlengthy process:P18:55
soreauUbuntu-user: Better get started ;)18:55
serialize.net is a length process on my lappy :)18:55
Ubuntu-userwine installation in process:)18:55
Ubuntu-userserialize: Ubuntu can't run SDM thats why im using wine otherwise windows really is a trouble18:56
jkgoh there's a thought. anyone using Chromium, and either an Adobe-supplied or Google-supplied PDF viewer inline in the browser?18:57
Ubuntu-userthats for cisco18:57
serializei saw that on how to geek site18:57
gnewbangell: Ubuntu 10.10 Gnome?18:57
soreau!info sdm18:57
ubottusdm (source: sdm): Secure Display Manager - secure remote access to X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-1 (maverick), package size 13 kB, installed size 120 kB18:57
llutzsoreau: Cisco SDM (Security Device Manager)18:58
soreaullutz: indeed18:58
Ubuntu-useryeah :)18:58
muc1977muchi all18:59
Ubuntu-usersoreau: b/w i'm unable to install wine it gives some error now :P18:59
soreauUbuntu-user: What error?18:59
=== earthmeLon is now known as meLon
christian_lappyllutz: problem with your sdm ?19:00
Ubuntu-userhang on i'll paste here19:00
voozeHello.. I've just installed deskbar-applet from the softwarecenter.. but where do i find the "search bar" anyone having some experience with it?19:00
llutzchristian_lappy: nope19:00
soreauUbuntu-user: Use ubuntu.pastebin.com for more than a couple lines19:00
gnewb!paste | Ubuntu-user19:01
ubottuUbuntu-user: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:01
TartarusDid Ubuntu 10.10 change process scheduling over 10.04?19:01
TartarusAnd if so, what's the toggle to put it back?19:02
Ubuntu-userwow this is really great :)19:02
Ubuntu-userchristian_lappy: How to setup SDM in ubuntu ?19:02
christian_lappyhopefully sdm is a java webapp like asdm19:03
alienkid10I booted into ubuntu today and it won't connect to my wired network19:03
grendal_primecan you mount a zip file as a...like drive?19:04
grendal_primei know that sounds werd19:04
alienkid1010.10 everytime I click to connect to auto eth0 it fails and both ends of the cable are in good and I can connect in Windows19:04
Ubuntu-usersoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568384/19:04
soreaugrendal_prime: What are you trying to do?19:04
gnewbvooze: Docky?19:04
DiverdudeI downloaded package: thinlinc-client-3.1.2-2751.i586.rpm  H19:04
Diverdudewhich is an update for thinlinc19:04
pplaski created a bridge with bridge utils19:05
Diverdudehow do i do the update?19:05
pplaskbut my computer behid it cannot ping anywhere outside the firewall19:05
voozegnewb, what do you mean?? docky?19:05
gnewb!update | Diverdue19:05
ubottuDiverdue: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:05
BluesKajalienkid10, in the terminal sudo dhclient eth019:05
Ubuntu-userubuntu irc help is great :)19:06
alienkid10BluesKaj: will try19:06
gnewbvooze: I thought you said you added a Dock Applet from Software Center?19:06
soreauUbuntu-user: Looks like there's some problem with the wine ppa repo. You'll have to contact whoever produces it19:06
pplaskplease, can u help me to create a bridge?19:06
angellgnewb: No, Ubuntu 10.04 on a Compaq Presario CQ6019:06
voozeno, a search applet.. desktop-applet its called..19:07
alch3mistcan someone give me a small xchat tutorial :S19:07
angellgnewb: Card: HDA Intel, Chip: Conexant ID 506719:07
soreaupplask: What kind of bridge?19:07
pplasksoreau, transparent firewall19:08
Ubuntu-usersoreau: i will try 1.2 instead of 1.3:)19:08
voozealch3mist, : #xchat19:08
pplasksoreau, ht machine behind it gets an ip address from the DHCP but i cant ping anywhere19:08
soreauUbuntu-user: make sure to run apt-get update after installing any repo..19:08
alch3mistim sorry19:08
gnewbangell: Ok, this is older, but looks like it may be the or a solution: > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131513819:08
alch3mistim new19:08
alch3mistcould you pst plz?19:08
alienkid10BluesKaj: no DHCPOFFERS: received NEWLINE no working leases in persistent database - sleeping19:09
gnewbvooze: You added Desklets or a Dock like thing?19:09
valeraне русская комната?19:09
Pici!ru | valera19:09
ubottuvalera: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:09
seidosany ideas why ftp is slower than scp?  i'm trying to get something faster than scp which is going at around 2MB/s19:10
alienkid10BluesKaj: no DHCPOFFERS: received NEWLINE no working leases in persistent database - sleeping any ideas?19:10
wedwo-alch3mist, open the wedwo- chanel on the left of your screen19:11
soreaupplask: This should get you started, even though it's very old may still be relevant19:11
soreaupplask: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge19:11
digitigProblems doing clean upgrade from 10.04 LTS. Documentation says "Start Synaptic. Click on the Status button in the lower left, then Installed (local or obsolete in the list above" but none of the optiojs show anything like "local" or "obsolete". What do I do?19:12
pplasksoreau, thanks19:12
BluesKajalienkid10, ok dhcp=eth0 , the sudo dhclient eth019:12
gnewbI have to feed the kitty cat, back in a moment.19:12
thornyhi....does anyone have a suggestion fora replacement dns package other than bind9?19:12
soreaupplask: basically, you use brctl19:12
soreaupplask: More help in #networking19:13
alienkid10BluesKaj: same as before but it did somemore DHCPDISCOVER stuff19:14
StepNjumpHi, is anyone familiar with Amarok here?19:14
digitigCan anyone help me with clean upgrade?19:14
as001Hi is there maximum value of ifconfig Rx and Tx Bytes after which those are 0 ?19:15
Ubuntu-userunable to update after adding wine ppa19:15
Ubuntu-userthat is the only problem it seems:)19:15
alienkid10BluesKaj: any other ideas?19:17
Ubuntu-usercan anyone help me with above error... that is after adding wine ppa http://paste.ubuntu.com/568396/19:18
digitigCan anybody help me with problems upgrading from 10.04 LTS?19:18
shaulaI like updating using apt-get but after I totally update using command line there seems to be more updates in the update-manager as security updates, why does not command line apt-get upgrade does not make full updates? anyway to fix?19:19
soreauUbuntu-user: You have repos from hardy and lucid which is a really bad idea19:19
Ubuntu-userhow to fix this problem ?19:20
soreauUbuntu-user: You need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove all entries for any version of ubuntu other than what you're using, and run apt-get update again19:20
BluesKajalienkid10, ifconfig ..pastebin the output19:20
Jdogg420do i need a firewall for any thing?? what does it help19:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:22
gnewbshaula: There are multiple items and other repository or pkg data that is involved in that.19:22
MrMintanet2Jdogg420, Do you have a router?19:23
adeeeguys i just install a firewall right now. what is it benefit19:23
shaulagnewb, don't they use the same sourcelist file19:23
ActionParsnipadeee: same as any firewall19:23
Ubuntu-usersoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568397/   here is the list im using ubuntu 10.0419:23
xiambaxYou think NBR could be hacked onto this? http://www.engadget.com/2011/02/17/nec-busts-out-an-android-netbook-the-lifetouch-note/19:23
alienkid10BluesKaj: this includs both my NICs eth1 semi-works but drops connection alot so I installed eth0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/568398/19:23
MrMintanet2adeee, It blocks ports and programs from accessing your computer.  In addition, it also allows specific programs and ports to enter/exit your system.19:23
* jfm` is away: Je ne suis pas là19:24
th_hello. okay my hauppauge tv card was working fine yesterday. today kaffeine: device not found. wtf? :S19:24
adeee_koe urdu bolnay wala hay idhar?19:24
MrMintanet2Anyone here use Pandora with Adobe AIR?19:24
ActionParsnipadeee_: http://www.cavsi.com/questionsanswers/what-does-a-firewall-do/19:24
johngillowhindi wala hu19:24
johngillowu need urdu??19:25
johngillowi speak hindi19:25
ActionParsnip!anyone | MrMintanet219:25
ubottuMrMintanet2: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:25
Tigger__anyone recommend a Network Time Protocol for setting the time from time servers?19:25
Ghastlyheres a pretty dumb question19:25
* johngillow exit19:26
soreauUbuntu-user: That looks fine but the output from apt-get update you showed earlier shows hardy repos mixed in19:26
gnewbshaula: That is part of the , hate to say error, so I will say is a defunct package thing, not UNIX speak, but is human, some packages upgrade others, in the process the old packages are not removed, took me a while to learn how that works, there is data on the Ubuntu and Debian site that explains it better than I can, is basically Orphaned stuff.19:26
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, that was my real question....  thanks for the chat etiquette snippet...  Do you feel that helps people?19:26
Ghastlywhy in $deitys name, is the only functional way to tile windows, a console app?19:26
Ubuntu-userwine is always a problem19:26
Ubuntu-userany thing other than wine:)19:26
dwarderhow do i mount blu-ray/AVCHD iso ?19:26
soreauth_: Probably a driver issue. Check dmesg output?19:26
MrMintanet2Anyone here use Pandora with Adobe AIR?19:27
alienkid10BluesKaj: this includes both my NICs eth1 semi-works but drops connection alot so I installed eth0 http://paste.ubuntu.com/568398/19:27
Jdogg420MrMintanet2 nope19:27
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
th_soreau, "a"19:27
sandstromHow can I hide all no-cpu processes in top?19:27
th_soreau, "[  233.960157] tda18271_write_regs: [0-0060|M] ERROR: idx = 0x5, len = 1, i2c_transfer returned: -5"19:27
th_[  233.960163] tda18271_init: [0-0060|M] error -5 on line 83019:27
th_[  233.960167] tda18271_tune: [0-0060|M] error -5 on line 90819:27
th_full of that19:27
FloodBot3th_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
th_[  233.960170] tda18271_set_params: [0-0060|M] error -5 on line 98919:27
soreauUbuntu-user: Oh that's right, I forgot.. there are some other files in /etc. Can you pastebin the output of 'grep -Rin hardy /etc' ?19:28
splnetAnyone know how to emulate the 3rd mouse button with a trackpad on my laptop?19:28
shaulagnewb, thank you for your help, I ll digg more to learn about it, always thought that they should be equivalent ways of updating system, sorry to learn that they are not19:28
soreausplnet: left and right click at the same time19:28
Ubuntu-usersure soreau lemme see where it is :P19:29
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: yes as it gets them to ask te real question. In responce to your question, I'm sure people do use it19:29
iinamehi, i have an iso image, the CD writer wants to know "Do you want to create a disc from the contents of the image or with the image file inside?"19:29
gnewbshaula: Here is a link that explains it better:> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/cleaning-up-all-unnecessary-junk-files-in-ubuntu.html19:29
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, I am looking for someone who uses it.  I am not going to write out a paragraph question if there isn't anyone in here who uses it.  Go lecture someone else.  I'm not causing any harm.19:30
splnetsoreau: great thanks!19:30
BluesKajalienkid10, ping www.google.com19:30
soreauiiname: If you're just burning the image to disk, you want to create the disk using the image itself, not the contents19:30
shaulagnewb, checking it thanks a lot19:30
soreausplnet: No problem19:30
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: just ask, like ubottu says, then anyone using it will reply.19:31
alienkid10BluesKaj: "ping: unknown host www.google.com"19:31
gnewbshaula: You are very welcome, and always make a backup, please.19:31
ActionParsnipalienkid10: can you ping ?19:31
BluesKajalienkid10, you need to install the driver for the nic19:31
DiverdudeI have a directory i want to delete, but i cannot do neither rm -R or rmdir because i get an error saying the device is bus19:32
alienkid10ActionParsnip: will try19:32
iinamesoreau, i am still confused, this is the iso image of android, what do I do? "burn as file" or "burn contents'?19:32
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, thanks for the worldly advice.  I will be sure to refer back to it when it actually applies to my chat behavior.19:32
JoepieQ: whats LVM and what can i do with it ?19:32
Jdogg420do i need a firewall for anything im using dialup19:32
alienkid10BluesKaj: it was working before kernel update!19:32
gnewbActionParsnip: Quit giving out my IP# please....19:32
Diverdudeif i wnter the folder and ls i dont see any content19:32
nixboxhi all19:32
alienkid10ActionParsnip: host unreachable19:32
MrMintanet2gnewb, He isn't giving out "your" IP address.  What are you talking about?19:32
nixboxhow do i figure out the font file path corresponding to a font listed by fc-list?19:32
root__sorry,have chinese?19:32
Pici!zh | root__19:33
ubotturoot__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk19:33
rand_ucan you run fsck repair from grub? I have a md0 device that found errors and says to repair manually. i don't have any other way to boot the system (no cd drive)19:33
Sam_eye_amHow do I reset my dual monitor setup after messing it up by running in recovery mode?19:33
ActionParsnipgnewb: hahaa19:33
MrMintanet2gnewb, You realize everyone here can see your IP?19:33
ActionParsnipalienkid10: then you have no connection19:33
gnewbYeah, was just a funny to lighten up a bit.19:33
alienkid10ActionParsnip BluesKaj  why would the nic work before kernel upgrade but not after?19:33
JoepieQ: whats LVM and what can i do with it ?19:34
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:34
ActionParsnipalienkid10: the new kernel sounds like it has a regression. If you compiled the module under the old module then you will need to recompile it under the new kernel19:34
alienkid10ActionParsnip: didn't compile anything it just worked before19:35
Sam_eye_amHow can i reset my NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS dual monitor setup?19:35
iinamesoreau, i am still confused, this is the iso image of android, what do I do? "burn as file" or "burn contents'? (sorry, asking again)19:35
=== H_ is now known as H`
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: its te standard reply for when users use pointles questions like "does anyone use" etc, its a worthless question19:35
BluesKajalienkid10, alt+f2,  gksudo gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state make sure network is enabled19:35
ActionParsnipSam_eye_am: once you install the proprietary driver, you can use nvidia-settings to setup the dual display19:35
alienkid10ActionParsnip: what's the current kernel ver?19:35
ActionParsnipalienkid10: which release?19:36
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, Again, thank you for the explanation as to why you felt the need to tell me how to ask questions.  Luckily, my question was pertinent in the context it was asked, regardless if you think so or not.  I'm not an ass.  I know how to ask a question.19:36
dwarderhow do i mount blu-ray/AVCHD iso ? use -t udf19:36
qcodeActionParsnip: Different kernel symbols19:36
dwarderfor thouse who wanted to know19:36
alienkid10ActionParsnip: 10.1019:36
ActionParsnip!info linux-image | alienkid1019:36
ubottualienkid10: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)19:36
sandstromIs it possible to set up port forwarding for multiple ports in one tunnel?19:36
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, Rather than having this banter in the chat, you can message me.  I do not think that it is appropriate for us to sit and debate this in the room.19:37
Tigger__does ubuntu  correct my machines time every time i reboot?19:37
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: i've said all I can really19:37
MrMintanet2Tigger__, Are you using a Live CD?19:37
Sam_eye_amActionParsnip, I had it setup but had to remove 2nd monitor and then ran it with a single monitor and now it refuses to go back to dual!19:37
MrMintanet2Sam_eye_am, Rebuild X19:37
Diego1Hi, I've got a problem between my xubuntu 10.04 and the fn keys, volume knob and dvd-rw, they all stop working after sometime working. Could someone give me a hint of which package manages those?19:37
gnewbTigger_: Do you have it set up to sync with network time servers?19:38
Sam_eye_amActionParsnip, I tried to recover the backup settings and that didn't work19:38
Tigger__MrMintanet: no I have it installed on my hardrive19:38
ActionParsnipSam_eye_am: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig   then restart x19:38
alienkid10ActionParsnip: darn I have latest19:38
Sam_eye_amActionParsnip, tried that19:39
BluesKajActionParsnip, ifconfig shows no gateway IP on alienkid10 's  nm19:39
MrMintanet2Tigger__, What is the problem?19:39
Sam_eye_amActionParsnip, perhaps I should reinstall Nvidia driver?19:39
MrMintanet2Tigger__, What does the time say in your BIOS?  Are you sure your battery isn't bad?19:39
ActionParsnipSam_eye_am: possibly, can't hurt to try19:39
Tigger__gnewb: I haven't been able to find anything on sttings yet :(19:40
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: could set one with route19:40
MrMintanet2Tigger__, Check your BIOS time.  See if it is wrong.19:40
MrMintanet2Tigger__, Your CMOS battery could be dead19:40
Tigger__MrMintanet: My battery is ok but my clock losses a little a bit of time now n again19:40
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: someting like:   route add default gw eth0     etc19:41
MrMintanet2Tigger__, Are your time zone settings accurate?  Have you checked?19:41
Tigger__the battery is good only losses a little bit19:41
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: prefix with sudo19:41
alienkid10BluesKaj:  that's something I know (if t's the IP to connect to the routers config page) where can I add it?19:41
Tigger__MrMintanet: yes timezone is perfect it just loses a minute or two19:41
gnewbTigger__: Check BIOS time is a good starting point as was mentioned by MrMintanet2, also tzdata and some other CLI calls will find it out for you.19:41
BluesKajalienkid10, read ActionParsnip 's post to me above19:42
ActionParsnipalienkid10: sudo route add default gw eth0                 change eth0 for the interface you are using and for the routers config page IP19:42
Diego1Hi, I've got a problem between my xubuntu 10.04 and the fn keys, volume knob and dvd-rw, they all stop working after sometime working. Could someone give me a hint of which package manages those?19:42
ActionParsnip!dvd | Diego119:42
ubottuDiego1: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:42
alienkid10ActionParsnip: then sudo dhclient eth019:43
MrMintanet2What command displays generic hardware information (processor, clock speed, RAM, etc.)  I am not interested in every PCI component (lspci).19:44
Diego1ubottu: it's blank dvd's which won't work19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
ActionParsnipalienkid10: if you already have an IP this isn't necesssary19:44
ActionParsnipDiego1: what happens when you put blank media in?19:44
BluesKajor alienkid10 maybe you'd like to get rid of NM altogether and use this method: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/19:44
alienkid10ActionParsnip: I ran it and it said no DHCPOFFERS received and none in persistent databases19:45
Tigger__MrMintanet: & gnewb thank you  for your help it's appreciated :) ... believe me :) all i need to know is will ubuntu correct my time if it a minute or two out when i reboot :)19:45
Diego1ActionParsnip: nothing at all, I've tried brasero xfburn and k3b all three have worked before, but after an hour or so, neither the dvd recorder nor volume knob or fn keys in keyboard work19:46
alienkid10is the the subnetmask if so then it's wrong19:46
BluesKajalienkid10, I have to ask the obvious question , have you checked your connections to the pc and router19:46
alienkid10BluesKaj: twice19:47
alienkid10BluesKaj: as I said before this connection worked in Windows before I rebooted into ubuntu19:48
BluesKajalienkid10,  run route in the terminal19:48
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alienkid10BluesKaj: what do you want me to look for19:48
MrMintanet2Tigger__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime19:48
Tigger__MrMintanet: thanks buddy :D19:49
BluesKajan IP adrress under gateway, alienkid1019:49
alienkid10BluesKaj: none just * next to link-local and default19:50
Tigger__MrMintanet: you \re a star mate :D thanks gnewb also mate:D19:50
BluesKajor destination , alienkid1019:50
Jezzz2nd day of using linux, forgive the noobness of the following:19:51
angellAnother question besides my audio issue.19:51
alienkid10BluesKaj: destination only says link-local and default under it19:51
BluesKajalienkid10, did you open /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state i the run box as root and enable networking19:51
angellI wanted to know something else about ubuntu since I am trying to also fix an older laptop as well.19:51
JezzzI installed a package "zoneminder".  Install seems to have completed successfully, however I can't find it anywhere.  Where do apps go if thy don't add themself to "Applications"19:52
alienkid10BluesKaj: no but can19:52
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Are you certain it installed?  If so, how?19:52
angellI wanted to know if it was possible that I could maybe get ubuntu to boot up and then finish its install by pulling the rest of the iso via usb?19:52
JezzzMrMintanet, "Ubuntu Software Center" shows it as installed.19:53
daniel_treehey guys ... I face the sneakiest and the most annoying bug ever...it is since 10.04 I hoped it will go away in time...but it didnt...19:53
uRockangell, unetbootin can do something like that19:53
BluesKajalienkid10, make sure all settings are true19:53
MrMintanet2Jezzz, You're using 10.10 Desktop?19:53
JezzzMrMintanet, yes19:53
kenneth_reitzIs there a good apt repo to install python25 on 10.10?19:53
daniel_treeif someone can take a look ..I would appreciate it19:53
angelluRock: The system I am dealing with has two partitions and I want one of them gone, though it would be better if I can wipe the whole partition and just put Ubuntu.19:54
Abinadi!usb | angell19:54
ubottuangell: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:54
alienkid10BluesKaj: all are ture19:54
sygnousanybody know if the current version of mencoder in 10.10 is multithreaded?19:54
tux_is there a 10.10.1 release scheduled?19:54
daniel_treeit behaves like this...all of the sudden the keyboard is not responding ...and I get this msg ...acpi exception...(the code I pasted it )19:55
angellAnd one more.. Does Ubuntu work with the old cards?? PCMCIA?19:55
JezzzMrMintanet, I found a doc that describes how to install and config the  .deb, but i thought going through Software Center would be a bit easier for a beginner.19:55
MrMintanet2Jezzz, (On the computer with ZM installed) Go to http://localhost/zm/index.php19:55
Diego1Correction, no cd nor dvd blank or written loads19:55
Picitux_: No. Only LTS releases get those minor point releases.19:55
JezzzMrMintanet, nothing there19:55
tux_Pici, cheers19:55
JezzzMrMintanet,  I checked var/www as well19:55
digitigTrying to upgrade Ubunto 10.04 LTS to 10.10 fails with "Could not determine the upgrade". What do I do now?19:55
ActionParsnipangell: depends on the chip19:56
uRockdigitig, clean install ftw!19:56
YankDownUndersygnous, The version of mencoder is: 1.0rc404.4.4.519:56
alienkid10BluesKaj: this hopeless?19:56
daniel_treeall I can do is reboot...but when I do..I get the message "system shadowed , bios shadowed " and the laptop keep restarting itself.. to get over it..I have to take the battery off and try again...this way it works19:56
sygnousYankDownUnder: thanks19:56
ActionParsnipdigitig: do you have ubuntu-desktop   metapackage installed(or similar)19:56
digitigI've followed the instructions for clean install, I still get the same failure.19:57
BluesKajwhat about network manager , alienkid10 ..have you set it up and also check /etc/network/interfaces19:57
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Try running the following command:  sudo ln -s /etc/zm/apache.conf /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf19:57
BluesKajauto eth0  iface eth0 inet  dhcp19:57
uRock!clean install19:57
JezzzMrMintanet, done19:57
alienkid10BluesKaj: I never had to set it up before but will check etc/network/interfaces19:58
MrMintanet2Now try to go to http://localhost/zm19:58
Jezzzstill no19:58
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Did you install Apache?19:58
Jezzzand mysql19:58
Jezzzand php19:58
tim167hello, i connected a projector to my sony vaio and i get no image, what should i do ?19:59
alienkid10BluesKaj: auto lo and auto lo inet loopback19:59
JezzzMrMintanet,  http://localhost shows the apache default page19:59
ActionParsniptim167: if you restart X, is it detected?19:59
Ubuntu-userplease help me fix software sources ?19:59
YankDownUndertim167, Preferences => Monitors => make adjustments from there.19:59
alienkid10BluesKaj: is what cating the file spat back19:59
tim167ActionParsnip: i cant restart now...19:59
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Let me check something really fast.19:59
tim167YankDownUnder: ok i'll check thanks19:59
digitiguRock: don't understand.19:59
Ubuntu-userActionParsnip: help me sort out software sources list?19:59
uRockdigitig, burn the 10.10 iso and do a fresh install20:00
Abinadi!details | Ubuntu-user20:00
ubottuUbuntu-user: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:00
digitiguRock: can I do that without risking my dual boot?20:00
alienkid10BluesKaj: auto lo and auto lo inet loopback so eth0 isn't in there20:01
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Try this: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload20:01
GHHCan i upgrade Openvas vulnerable scanner please?20:01
JezzzMrMintanet, I have restarted since zm install, but trying now20:01
BluesKajalienkid10, I recommend this method .. it should work for you ...obviously there something seriosly wrong with network manager .http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/20:01
uRockupgrading can break your system as easily as clean installing. you should have a backup befoe doing either digitig20:01
JezzzMrMintanet, restarting apache did in fact do something positive20:02
JezzzMrMintanet,  localhost/zm now shows a summary page of some sort20:02
MrMintanet2sudo zmfix -a20:02
alienkid10BluesKaj: will do20:02
MrMintanet2Jezzz, sudo chown www-data.www-data /usr/share/zoneminder/temp20:02
JezzzMrMintanet2, zmfix first?20:02
jonathanhey guys20:03
digitiguRock: Ok, I'll give it a try. I have good data backups, it's just the time that worries me. Thanks.20:03
uRockhey jonathan20:03
JezzzMrMintanet2, zmfix didn't give  a response.  doing chown now20:03
ActionParsnipUbuntu-user: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     and do what you need20:04
GHHthey release 3.2.1 ... Please reply that how i can upgrade openvas20:04
BluesKajalienkid10, ActionParsnip recommended the use of /etc/network/interfaces to replace the network manager gui20:04
uRockdigitig, I honestly don't recommend changing the system unless their is some new function you are looking for in 10.10 or if something is wrong with 10.0420:04
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: I didn't20:04
BluesKajyou did to me ActionParsnip :)20:04
Diego1how can I force xubuntu 10.04 to reload a cd (not mounting it), just load media20:04
EmuAlertI accidentally deleted the Dropbox and volume indicators from my panel. How do I get them back? Neither are in the "add to panel" menu.20:04
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: but not to alienkid10 :)20:05
JezzzMrMintanet2, sudo chown done20:05
stevomanuim using ubuntu 10.10 an when i run apt-get update i get this message gn cdrom://Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007) maverick Release.gpg20:05
stevomanuMedia Change: Please insert the disc labelled20:05
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Try http://localhost/zm20:05
stevomanu 'Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)'20:05
stevomanuin the drive ‘/cdrom/’ and press enter20:05
FloodBot3stevomanu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:05
digitiguRock: I have pretty bad sound problems with 10.4, that nobody here has managed to sort out. Making sure I have the latest version of everything seems like the best next move.20:05
JezzzMrMintanet2, still shows a zm summary page with no data20:05
MrMintanet2Can you let me see this summary page?20:05
ActionParsnipUbuntu-user: you can run: sudo apt-get Install pastebinit     then you can pastebin from command line20:05
BluesKajActionParsnip, well, i trust your recommends :)20:06
alienkid10BluesKaj: I added the lines like the webpage said how can I try to connect now?20:06
JezzzMrMintanet, if it was windows, I would just upload a screenshot20:06
stevomanuhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/568408/ update issue .. that better20:06
JezzzMrMintanet2,  unfortunately, I don't know how to take a screenshot in linux20:06
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Can you copy/paste the words to me in a message?20:07
JezzzMrMintanet2, found "accessories/screenshot"20:07
uRockdigitig, try running off of the 10.10 LiveCD and see if the problem is fixed there before installing. That may save you a lot of trouble if the problem is present in 10.1020:07
Jezzzone moment20:07
=== chris is now known as Guest87391
BluesKajActionParsnip, in case alienkid10 needs network manager later , what's the best method to disable it temporarily20:07
JezzzMrMintanet2, http://i.imgur.com/XPUBV.png20:08
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: true20:08
MrMintanet2Jezzz, You're setup...20:09
MrMintanet2Jezzz, Add a monitor.20:09
JezzzMrMintanet2, oh.  thanks.  I assumed there would have to be some mysql configuration, mail setup, etc20:09
Jezzzguess it was easier than I thought20:09
Jezzzthanks for the help20:09
MrMintanet2Jezzz, I am not an expert with Zoneminder20:09
BluesKajalienkid10, save the file and run sudo dhclient20:10
Tigger__MrMintanet: thanks mate, my clock is now correct to the second :D20:10
MrMintanet2I'm glad this got you started.  You should probably check out Zoneminder's site.  Lots of good info there.20:10
JezzzMrMintanet2, i'll start and see what happens.  will do.20:10
alienkid10BluesKaj:  I did EXACT same message as before. Would I be better off just reinstalling?20:11
juk!es FightingNavyman20:11
juk!es | FightingNavyman20:11
ubottuFightingNavyman: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:11
FightingNavymanim just saying hi i like doing that. :P20:11
BluesKajalienkid10, reboot20:11
meg_Hi I am having trouble with my CDROM drive. It used to work but for no readily apparent reason it has stopped - all I get is not authorised popup when I insert a disk.20:11
FightingNavymanmost people should already know what hola means :)20:11
meg_Anyone got a suggestion where the problem is?20:11
uRockFightingNavyman, that happens from time to time. Some people don't know how to say hi20:12
Lantiziaif I have a long list of packages... is there any automated way of stripping packages not needed in the list due to others depending/recommending them anyway?20:12
zgrguys how to remove that little triangle in bottom right corner of windows?20:13
MrMintanet2meg_, Can you give the specific error message?20:13
uRockzgr #Windows ?20:13
omgirc_how do i move panel icons ( gnome ubuntu 10.10) ? mine have decided to group on the left, and i've lost the ability to see the open programs20:13
LantiziaMrMintanet, he may be on about the kernel panic message20:13
soreauzgr: Screenshot?20:13
zgruRock: lol no, gnome-terminal has for example20:13
maedoxzgr: change theme to one that doesn't have it.20:13
uRock!control > omgirc_20:14
zgrambiance has too20:14
uRock!controls > omgirc_20:14
ubottuomgirc_, please see my private message20:14
korovamilkomgirc: do you mean windows button on left instead of right?20:14
StevenTylerhow do you use a local iso as a repository?20:14
korovamilkomgirc: gconf-editor will do the trick20:15
StevenTylerSoftware Source repository20:15
omgirc_uRock,  panel icons i.e. those little boxes at the bottom of my screen on the gnome desktop.20:15
meg_TMrMintanet2 here is no error message just a pop up that says "Not authorised" with a stop sign and OK button. Does not even mention the CDROM I just put in.20:15
uRockomgirc_, do you want to remove them/20:15
alienkid10BluesKaj: rebooted ran dhclient again SAME thing20:15
omgirc_urock, i want them back where they were.20:15
tim_HOLA ANDY?20:16
uRockomgirc_, right-click and select add to panel, then scroll down to WIndow Changer20:16
* jfm` is back (gone 00:52:32)20:16
Pici!es | tim_20:16
ubottutim_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:16
ikonia!away > jfm`20:16
ubottujfm`, please see my private message20:16
swazzyUbuntu does not work with flat  screen tv via VGA input?20:16
meg_MrMintanet2,  here is no error message just a pop up that says "Not authorized" with a stop sign and OK button. Does not even mention the CDROM I just put in.20:17
omgirc_urock, you mis understood, what i meant to say was everything that by default is on the RIGHT, is now on the left due to some cats laying on my keyboard. i'd asking for help to return the position of the default icons under gnome20:17
ActionParsnipswazzy: does here20:17
alienkid10BluesKaj: should I just reinsall?20:18
uRockomgirc_, right click and select Move, then slide them over20:18
meg_MrMintanet2, I am running Lubuntu as this machine has almost no memory to speak of (256M RAM)20:18
omgirc_urock. goodness, i'm slow today. i thank you20:19
BluesKajalienkid10, remove network manager , then try, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart20:19
uRockswazzy, select monitors from your System Preferences menu20:19
uRockomgirc_, it happens 8)20:19
omgirc_urock, what about the missing icons for running programs ?20:20
tim_QUE ES ESTO?20:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:20
uRockomgirc_, you may have to right-click, add to panel and select Notification Area20:20
uRock!es > tim_20:21
ubottutim_, please see my private message20:21
mickster04tim_: caps lock too20:21
omgirc_urock, i will have to reboot in order to have running apps showing up i pressume ?20:22
tjingboemi still got broken packages after 'sudo apt-get -f install' what can i do?20:22
majuk__Anyone use pacpl extensively? I need it to not put the output file's extension on the final output (as I include it in --outfile FULL/PATH/TO.MP3)20:22
BluesKajalienkid10, also check your /etc/network/interfaces file , nm may hve tried to reset it20:22
zgrsoreau: http://i53.tinypic.com/r22nmv.png that's it20:22
alienkid10BluesKaj: same as before20:22
majuk__Everything is coming out FULL/PATH/TO.MP3.mp320:22
zgrit's not shown when window is maximized20:23
th_hello. okay my hauppauge tv card was working fine yesterday. today kaffeine: device not found. wtf? :S20:23
jsebeandoes ubuntu server update automatically?20:23
daniel_treehttp://pastie.org/1575962 can anyone take a quick look at this error20:23
nobodybkHELLO , anyone know how to make shorcut for recent document ?20:24
uRockomgirc_, might have to sign out and back in again20:24
BluesKajalienkid10, run sudo dhclient one more time , but make sure thesettings haven't changed in the interfaces file since the reboot20:24
uRocknobodybk, at the bottom of your places menu20:24
alienkid10BluesKaj: they haven't will do dhclient20:25
jsebeandoes ubuntu server update automatically?20:25
jpdsjsebean: No.20:25
soreauzgr: Looks like that might be part of your theme. To check, try changing it in sys>prefs>appearance20:25
nobodybkuRock: i mean i want create shortcut in other place20:25
zgrhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/704105 looks like i found problem20:25
daniel_treenobodybk, start / places /recent documents20:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 704105 in gtk+2.0 (Ubuntu) "Resize grip always appears in bottom right of GTK+2.0 windows" [Low,Confirmed]20:25
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jpdsjsebean: Server questions might be better suited in #ubuntu-server.20:25
jsebeanwhy is my hdd space used climbing?20:25
mickster04jsebean: in that sudo apt-get update/upgrade is automatic?20:25
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:25
tim_HELP ME!20:25
nobodybkdaniel_tree: i mean place it in other menu20:26
uRock!caps > tim_20:26
ubottutim_, please see my private message20:26
alienkid10BluesKaj: same as before. Better off reinstalling?20:26
BIGBAMBUhow can get xvid mpeg-4 video decoder20:26
mickster04!ask | tim_20:26
ubottutim_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:26
BluesKajnot yet alienkid10 ...did you run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?20:27
mkanyicyBIGBAMBU: install ubuntu-restricted-extras? w32codecs?20:27
sunxuxueyuanwhere the bot?20:27
alienkid10BluesKaj: aye20:27
BIGBAMBUi hawe20:27
ActionParsnip!bot | sunxuxueyuan20:27
ubottusunxuxueyuan: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:27
nobodybkanyone know how to place recent document in somewhere else , like top taskbar in ubuntu ?20:27
alienkid10BluesKaj: then checked interfaces he ran dhclient20:27
BIGBAMBUbut i get ever ths error wit all video player20:27
BIGBAMBUbut i really tink the real problem is not xvid mpeg-4 video decoder20:28
uRockBIGBAMBU, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras should fix your problem20:28
tim_Please help as I can find Spanish-speaking people20:28
BluesKajalienkid10, musr be missing the linux driver for the NIC ...that's all I can think of20:28
DJones!es | tim_20:28
ubottutim_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:28
uRock!es | tim_20:28
angellWhat happens if I choose the usb as the source of the iso for unetbootin when it asks for the iso file?20:29
alienkid10BluesKaj: I'll reboot to last kernel that worked if it doesn't work I'm reinstalling20:29
BIGBAMBUuRock i do20:29
BIGBAMBUnot fix20:29
uRocktim_ go to #ubuntu-es20:29
BIGBAMBUim going crazy20:29
alienkid10BluesKaj ActionParsnip thanks for your help too bad I couldn't get this working20:29
drcnobodybk: open nautilus, find the file, click and hold on that file and drag it to the top panel and release the click20:30
BIGBAMBUwht all .avi i get the same message  xvid mpeg-4 video decoder20:30
wgwinnis there a prepped package for hyper-v v2 (2008 r2) drivers on 10.10 server edition yet? having some issues compiling it.20:30
magicianlord /join #debian20:31
uRockBIGBAMBU, try http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=ubuntu+xvid&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-820:31
talespin_kiti have a GSM modem connected as a character device. How to mount it as a block device since i have to extract some debian file from it. The GSM modem is from MTS mblaze.20:31
BIGBAMBUi try20:31
nobodybkdrc: you dont understand , i mean , i wanna put it in other place . example: in top taskbar , i have Applications , Places , System menu , so i wanna add more menu , it's Recent Document20:32
mkanyicyBIGBAMBU: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras w32codecs mplayer ffmpeg vlc20:32
angellShould I be able to resize the drive with Ubuntu running after installing it with Unetbootin20:32
mkanyicyBIGBAMBU: you may need medibuntu repositories enabled20:32
tim__anyone know how I can run effective empire, but to download it and what a disc. I do not work stays loading ...20:32
BIGBAMBUmkanyicy i also hawe tryed that20:33
[deXter]Hi all, I have a script and I it needs to be run as root. I've added it to the sudoers file like this: %users localhost=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/dexter/cpulow.sh    yet when I run it with sudo it asks me for the password. What's wrong? Thanks.20:33
uRocktim_ is that a game or something?20:33
mkanyicypastebin the error message then, BIGBAMBU20:33
BIGBAMBUand also whit medibuntu repositories20:33
llutz[deXter]: you have to add all apps called from the script to sudoers file too20:34
[deXter]llua: Ah, okay20:34
[deXter]llua: thanks, checking it out now20:34
BIGBAMBUThe required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file?20:34
BIGBAMBUThe search will also include software which is not officially supported.20:34
=== man255_ is now known as man255
uRockso let it search20:34
daniel_treenobodybk, if u use AWN u can use zeitgeist applet to simulate that :)20:34
BluesKajodd, the command  sudo lshw -C network , works sometimes , othertimes not ...any ideas?20:34
uRockdoes it find anything20:35
=== sean is now known as irvken
BIGBAMBUwhen i let te player search non found20:35
tim__is not a program to install the operating system snow leopard20:35
squigis there some way to tell apt-get not to run dpkg configure and just install packages with out asking questions?20:35
swazzyso do i use the monitor preferences before using my flat screen?20:36
tim__you can help20:36
BIGBAMBUbut some player dont give error and playing only voice20:36
BIGBAMBUsome otheer player give the error20:37
=== Artir is now known as JoseLuisRicon
=== JoseLuisRicon is now known as Artir
BIGBAMBUbut i can see video in streaming20:37
BIGBAMBUon the web20:37
mkanyicyBIGBAMBU: do not use ENTER too much, rather have a long sentence. Anyway, do not rely on a player to install proper codecs for you. You should be one step ahead of the player20:38
=== bencahill_ is now known as bencahill
irvkenwhat's the difference between the nvidia drivers listed here - http://irvken.homelinux.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=302820:40
BIGBAMBUmkanyicy, i hawe tryed all repostori and all codec20:40
mkanyicyBIGBAMBU: follow this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668320:40
=== max is now known as Guest29723
Guest29723Need help with installing teamspeak 320:40
BIGBAMBUthe strange ting is that i get ever the same error whit every .avi type also whit basic avi type20:41
sandstromHow can I hide all no-cpu using processes in top?20:42
soreausandstrom: Did you read the top manpage?20:42
sandstromsoreau: yes, I found out how to toggle inactives, but thats not really what I want to do.20:44
BIGBAMBUImpossible recover http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/dists/gutsy/Release.gpg  cant resolve  "medibuntu.sos-sts.com:http" (-5 - No address associated with hostname)20:44
jrib!gutsy | BIGBAMBU20:44
ubottuBIGBAMBU: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.20:44
Odaymit died :(20:45
BIGBAMBUi hawe 10.1020:45
jribBIGBAMBU: well get rid of that repository then...20:45
drcirvken: NVIDIA (173) is an old NVIDEA Driver, NVIDIA (recommended) is the current driver and BROADCOM (sta) is probably a proprietary driver for your wireless20:45
sandstromsoreau: or maybe that is? On one of the machines top will sort things on cpu-activity and secondly on pid. On the other the view is cluttered by loads of non-cpu-using processes with low digit pids.20:45
Mike__hi. Is there any command line apt command, to select the best download server, for updates ?20:46
besogonMike__: no20:46
LjLMike__: there is one but iirc it only works for debian mirrors20:46
soreausandstrom: Try reading the top manpage: man top20:47
LjLMike__: i think it's even been removed from the recent ubuntu versions because of that20:47
Mike__besogon: thanks!20:47
RoastedIn Network Manager, there's a checkbox to show the wireless password. Is there a way to prevent this from coming up, or at least making network manager require a root password to get into?20:47
Mike__LjL: thanks!20:47
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off
arandRoasted: That's what the keyring is for normally20:47
ActionParsnipRoasted: there is no root pass20:48
LjLMike__: fyi, it's called "apt-spy" or "netselect-apt". but i've just checked - both are not in ubuntu20:48
RoastedActionParsnip, what?20:48
BIGBAMBUaniway i hawe this repository20:48
BIGBAMBUdeb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main20:48
BIGBAMBUdeb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick main20:48
BIGBAMBUdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted20:48
BIGBAMBUdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted20:48
FloodBot3BIGBAMBU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:48
BIGBAMBUdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security universe20:48
Roastedarand, ah okay. So I can set up for ANY location in the OS itself to be blocked (or at least require the keyring)??20:48
ActionParsnipRoasted: there is no root password in Ubuntu20:48
jribBIGBAMBU: get rid of the medibuntu one you have (check /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if you don't see it in sources.list)20:48
SilentDishello, how do you add a new modem to modemmanager so network manager can use it properly?  (it works fine in all ppp dialers, modem manager is just selecting the wrong port to use)20:48
cuppsyAnyone know how to install a .app or .dmg in Ubuntu? Or if there is even a way to do it.20:49
ActionParsnipRoasted: users can connect to wirelesses as they need. I believe (I could be wrong), that users not in the admin group cannot change wireless conectivity options20:49
arandRoasted: Well, it does it automatically for a few things at least, when you first entered the pwd it probably did ask.20:49
ActionParsnipcuppsy: do you mean Mac installers?20:49
RoastedActionParsnip, well I was just curious if there was a way to restrict peopel from getting into certain areas to begin with. It'd be nice if there was some sort of "ACL" for programs/areas in the system.20:50
Galuxhello, I have a problem with folders that i cannot go inside20:50
cuppsyActionParsnip: Yeah, I have a .dmg file (it's a program, PHPFI), and I'm trying to figure out how to install it. With TransMac under Wine, I can extract the folders and .app, but can't figure out if there's a way to run it.20:50
Galuxthe error is : "the folder doesn't exist"20:50
OraLindaHi all.20:50
RoastedActionParsnip, I was just concerned about the wireless key being able to be seen by the click of a button. Granted I'm in the admin group, but I do NOT have to put in a root PW to look in network manager and check ":show key" for wireless.20:50
ActionParsnipRoasted: users not in the admin group (as far as I know) cannot join wirelesses20:51
arandRoasted: There is some settings in the "advanced" section of users and groups in the dmin menu20:51
RoastedActionParsnip, I was thinking about a mass deployment of ubuntu standpoint... I work at a school, so if I hand out 200 laptops with wireless connected, I do NOT want the students to know the key. They'll just turn around and get on it with their phones and personal devices.20:51
ActionParsnipcuppsy: not sure, is there not a linux equivelant20:51
ActionParsnipRoasted: tricky, they will have read access to the config files so they can be used....20:52
mickster04Roasted: I am sure there are some kiosk style set ups you can create that create special users etc...?20:52
bc81question: is it possible to hide certain mounted volumes from showing up on the desktop?? (i know how to toggle them in gconf-editor, and tried adding them to a .hidden file on the dektop, but neither are the solution i'm looking for)20:53
cuppsyActionParsnip: Not that I've been able to find. Thanks for the responses, though. I'll see what I can find.20:53
Travis-42for some reason, my "Open With" Dialog contains tons of duplicates. is there a way to clean it up?20:53
GaluxI've found the problem,20:54
adubi have no sound zero but my sound card acts as if its working20:54
adubnot really sure but i have tried 3 different speakers on this20:55
bc81Travis, open with dialoge is located ~./local/share/applications/mimeapps.list20:55
adubthe audio is hdmi through my video card the analog audio i dont much card if i ever see working so i disabled the onboard sound20:55
bc81Travis-42: you can edit that file, or delete it to reset20:55
Travis-42bc81, which file do I edit?20:56
bhychikCould somebody advice me a lisp translator for ubuntu?20:56
mickster04tim_: for the last time no20:56
adubi am thinking pulse audio may be preventing everything from working i read online this could be the cause20:56
bc81Travis-42: open a terminal and type: gedit ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list20:56
adubhow would i go about removing pulse audio drivers20:56
Travis-42bc81, thanks20:57
bc81Travis-42: the file is prefixed with a . so it's hidden by default.  you can press ctrl+h to show hidden files20:57
adubalso should i unmute all 4 channels20:57
adubcan someone help with sound that is really good at troublehsooting?20:57
adubsorry i just dont want to blindly ask questions with no answer20:57
Garfieldanyone know where i can find pae mode on virtual machine?20:57
bc81!es | tim_20:58
ubottutim_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:58
Ubuntu-userActionParsnip: Java installation for Wine... should download java for linux or windows ?20:59
OraLinda1 - Is it legal to use Wubi source code to compile it against another linux distro ? 2 - Can that so-called derived distro be sold ? 3 - Do Microsoft have (legal) views around the topic ?20:59
EddFacedoes anyone know how to disable compiz? im kind of linux illiterate and im trying to et the regnum online mmorpg to run faster, im tired of googling :/20:59
tim__there is any channel that speaks Spanish?20:59
induzI am using kdenlive for videos, is there other programs as kdenlive crashes a lot20:59
bc81!es | tim__20:59
ubottutim__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:59
Ubuntu-user Java installation for Wine... should download java for linux or windows ?21:00
tim_ok ok21:00
tim_mmm no entiendo poh21:00
tim_esta bien en ingles21:00
bc81EddFace: alt+f2     metacity --replace         |  to get compiz back alt+f2   compiz --replace21:00
EddFacethanks you bc8121:01
Mike__aptitude vs apt-get. apt-get in an alias ?21:01
erUSULEddFace: System>Preferences>Appearence||Effects tab. set to none21:01
bc81EddFace: also, you can install compiz fusion icon (fusion-icon)21:02
EddFaceerusul do thats the same as disabling compiz with a command? :o thanks!!21:02
erUSULEddFace: yes21:02
BIGBAMBUmain decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `mp4v'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format21:02
jenkaHi! Can anyone help me with citadel. If I use multiple domain names some mail I sent from the server is placed in the junk mail on the on the recievers client. But if I only got 1 domain under "local host aliases" Then it works fine. Pls help!! :)21:02
erUSULEddFace: if you are going to be changing the setting a lot then fusion-icon is agood idea21:03
EddFaceerUSUL will do, so im assuming i can use apt-get with "fusion-icon"?21:03
erUSULEddFace: yes21:03
=== blankdisk is now known as blankdisk|away
EddFaceerUSUL: Thanks21:03
ActionParsnipUbuntu-user: If you need java in windows apps ran in wine you will need the java installing in wine too21:03
ActionParsnip!away > blankdisk|away21:04
ubottublankdisk|away, please see my private message21:04
Ubuntu-userActionParsnip: which Java download should work for wine 1.321:04
PhoulHello folks, I noticed the maverick version of virt-manager frontend for KVM is currently insanely buggy, theres a lot of confirmed reports against it marked as fixed in natty, is there a PPA around that has the updated packages or is it possible to get virt-manager directly from Natty?21:04
vishbc81: pls dont suggest "compiz --replace" , that is wrong.. use just "compiz" instead21:04
vishEddFace: ^21:05
ActionParsnipUbuntu-user: go to www.java.com and get the 32bit windows one. If you want java in your Linux apps you can install java from the partner repo21:05
bc81vish: same for metacity?21:05
EddFaceVish, so is metacity less graphics intensive than compiz?21:05
vishno, metacity needs the --replace21:05
vishEddFace: bc81: "compiz" on its own implies the --replace , if you add the --replace you need to specify *all* the paramenters required to run compiz21:06
bc81vish: thanks for the tip :)21:06
EddFacevish; so i would do "metacity --replace all"? im really new to terminal21:07
vishEddFace: just "metacity --replace"21:07
EddFaceVish: will do21:07
angellCan I perform a hard drive format while I am booted from linux using unetbootin and by the way it is pulling the iso from a usb flash drive.21:08
EddFacebc81: In the compiz fusion icon when selecting metacity as the main window manager, would i still need to run metacity --replace?21:09
bc81EddFace: no, that does it for you21:09
EddFacebc81 gotcha21:09
ActionParsnipangell: as long as the partition is unmounted you can manipulate it21:09
vishEddFace: and yea, metacity should be less graphics intensive.. btw, you can disable compiz by just setting the visual effects to None in System » Preferences » Apprearance21:09
vishvisual effects tab21:10
EddFaceahh ok21:10
vishEddFace: no need for the fusion icon either..21:10
EddFacebc81: erUSUL: Vish: thanks for your help guys21:10
GeekManhow does one check to see if their cpu fan on their laptop is working like the sensor drivers21:11
GeekManright now im reading a page that talks about my computer and he was talking about checking the fan drivers (look under etc/rc.d/21:14
ssy09Hello and sorry bur im a new user. is this the right channel for kubuntu support or only ubuntu ?21:15
KB1JWQssy09: #kubuntu may be of more utility.21:15
qcodefan drivers under /etc/rc.d.. What the?21:15
GeekMannow i dont have a rc.d but i do have a rc.Sd which upon opening contains a files one such including sensors21:15
KB1JWQGeekMan: What's the real world problem you're trying to solve?21:15
ssy09thanks bye bye21:15
GeekMani want to see if my fan cuts on at the right time21:15
KB1JWQGeekMan: Do you have reason to suspect it's not?21:16
gbear14275hello, I'm having problems with my wirelesss, I've seemed to narrow it down to 10.10 and can't seem to get past that.  by any chance did 10.10 remove support for the rtl8180 chipset?21:16
GeekManyea i havent seen it turn on yet and the laptop under heavy downloads will get hot21:16
gbear14275or could anyone give me a hand?  I've been trying everything21:16
GeekManno fan sounds21:16
gbear14275my wireless card can't seem to see my network21:16
GeekManyou cant see the fan on my case so21:17
GeekManits a laptop21:17
aeon-ltdgbear14275: if the kernel changed, then you need to find which module was taken out (this is the hard part - google/ask around)21:17
drcgbear14275: Does it see ANY network?21:18
willystyleeCan someone help me? i bought a KVM switch and i'm trying to use it to have it connected to my main PC (win7) and my new machine i just installed ubuntu on. I hooked it up properly, and tried using it. It worked when switching from the win7 machine to the ubuntu one, but after the (1st and only) successful switch, ubuntu just didn't seem to recognize my mouse or keyboard which are both USB21:18
willystylee(plugged into kvm switch)21:18
bc81!cn | mahui21:18
ubottumahui: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk21:18
Cube``sudo apt-get install gnuplot21:19
guntbertGeekMan: you could try in the bios setup - there are often options for power control/fan speed - just to check if you can hear it21:19
mahuii see . Thank you21:19
gbear14275drc, no doesn't seem to21:19
GeekMani hate to say this but its a powerpc and also i never been in the bios21:20
GeekManother than like a regualr desktop21:20
GeekManyea and i know about the ppc chat21:20
bc81gbear14275: run "rfkill list" and see if there are blocks21:21
willystyleeCan someone help me? i bought a KVM switch and i'm trying to use it to have it connected to my main PC (win7) and my new machine i just installed ubuntu on. I hooked it up properly, and tried using it. It worked when switching from the win7 machine to the ubuntu one, but after the (1st and only) successful switch, ubuntu just didn't seem to recognize my mouse or keyboard which are both USB21:21
willystylee(plugged into kvm switch)21:21
GeekMani figured there is a command you can invoke to test the fan21:21
bc81!patience | willystylee21:21
ubottuwillystylee: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:21
induz_is there any Ubuntu program for 'tax'21:21
willystyleeok :(21:21
gbear14275bc81, no blocks21:21
MiniMatt_xcan anyone direct me to some chinese people21:21
bc81!cn | MiniMatt_x21:21
ubuntu_plz help me, i can't boot to any of my OS21:21
guntbertGeekMan: those are rather hardware specific - so ...21:21
ubottuMiniMatt_x: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk21:21
induz_does Open office has it?21:22
Starminn!details | ubuntu_21:22
ubottuubuntu_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:22
mkanyicywhat tax, induz_?21:22
GeekManguntbert: i guessed it would have21:22
induz_government tax 201021:22
induz_something like turbo21:23
vishinduz_: home bank?21:23
guntbertGeekMan: so you might want to tell the channel what kind of notebook you are talking about21:23
adubhow do i disable remove keyring21:23
ubuntu_i installed windows 7, and found out that i can't get to my ubuntu 10.4. then i tried to use a guide on ubuntu-geek, wich didn't work. then i tried to use Ultimate Boot CD, and completely ruined my computer21:24
TuffPoohey guys do you think if i put a live CD in a windows computer that blue screens it wold tell me what piece of hardwares is causing it?21:24
GeekMan#>_<# sry its a ibookg4 ... i use it for school work21:24
adubstupid thinig keeps asking me for my wifi password21:24
macoTuffPoo: no21:24
KB1JWQTuffPoo: That assumes the crash is hardware based.21:24
GeekMan2003 model 12"21:24
vishinduz_: the app name is "homebank"21:24
ubuntu_MiniMatt_x: what sould i do?21:24
macoTuffPoo: i mean, if you mounted and used the drive, and if that was the problem...youd get io errors in logs and ok sure..21:24
MiniMatt_xim assuming you now have a windows bootloader21:24
drcgbear14275: was this a upgrade or a reinstall to 10.1021:24
induz_is it for state and federal for USA?21:25
bc81induz_: not sure, but search the ubuntu software center for "finance" and maybe one of those programs will be of help21:25
macoTuffPoo: and you can run a memtest from the cd. but if its the audio or video chip or a usb port going funky...21:25
ubuntu_MiniMatt_x: no, i don't21:25
MiniMatt_xthen i dont know xD21:25
induz_vish, how can i get it?21:25
macoTuffPoo: or if its power fluctuations from a dying psu.... no, a live cd won't tell you21:25
GeekManany ways the site im reading is talking about install on slackware and he tells you a program to activate the fan anyways is slackware packages very diffrent to debian21:25
gbear14275drc, reinstall21:25
vishinduz_: see in software center21:25
MiniMatt_xtbh im trying to find a chinese person to translate my scrolls21:25
ubuntu_MiniMatt_x: i can boot only to a cd21:25
macoinduz_: homebank is not for taxes21:25
macoinduz_: homebank is for keeping track of spending21:26
guntbertGeekMan: I suggest you put your question to the channel again, together with the hardware info (all in one line)21:26
TuffPoomaco: i really wana know what causing my friends laptop to blue screen i google the error and of course it could be a lot of things :(21:26
drcanything in System>Admin>additional drivers21:26
gbear14275drc, just tried to run wlist scan and it said wlist command not found?  is there a chance I'm missing the package21:26
drcgbear14275:  anything in System>Admin>additional drivers21:26
induz_something like turbotax21:26
mkanyicyTuffPoo: you have windows?21:26
macoinduz_: tax software needs to be rewritten/updated each year to keep up with new tax laws so AFAIK is only available proprietary.  for linux users, ths means we use the online versions instead of desktop versions to file taxes21:26
induz_is it possible on openoffice/21:26
ubuntu_look guys, im really lost here21:26
macoinduz_: there is no desktop software for linux to do taxes aside from the calculator app21:27
induz_maco, online version asks for $$21:27
ubuntu_and how do i write in colors, and to specific people?21:27
TuffPoomkanyicy: yea but im on my fedora laptop as of right now and i wana put ubuntu on my friends21:27
mickster04induz_: just get the rates and work it out in  spreadsheet?21:27
mickster04!tab | ubuntu_:21:27
ubottuubuntu_:: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:27
macoinduz_: i didnt pay to file online last year or the year before21:27
gbear14275drc, nope21:28
ubuntu_ubottu: can you help me with my boot problem?21:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:28
linxeha bit OT, but is there a way of making gitk a bit more usable under GTK? or an alternative ?21:28
induz_have to go to Jackson, who waves at me everyday i go by in this winter21:28
mickster04ubottu: youinstalled windows second? or first?21:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:28
mickster04ubuntu_: you installed windows first or second?21:28
macoinduz_: when you go to irs.gov it should give you list of about 20 online filing services, including like h&r block's online thing21:28
mickster04ubuntu_: do you have any data on the harddrive?21:28
ubuntu_mickster04: second21:28
induz_maco, ok I have to check that21:29
ubuntu_mickster04: of course21:29
mickster04ubuntu_: well windows can't see ubuntu harddrives usually cos they are in ext4 file format21:29
mickster04which ubuntu can't read21:29
mickster04ubuntu_: so you need to reinstall ubuntu....21:29
Starminnmickster: *which Windows can't read/ Ubuntu CAN21:29
induz_maco,  so its possible online but not through Ubuntu or openoffice21:29
macomickster04: you mean which windows cant read ;-)21:29
macoinduz_: right21:29
macoinduz_: i mean, you can use ubuntu to get online to do it... :P21:29
mickster04ubuntu_: that way you'll get a boot loader that can see both windows and ubuntu21:29
drcgbear14275: darn...thought it might be easy...try rtl8180+ubuntu+10.10 in google...it seems there is lots of discussion about this, haven't found a solution yet21:30
ubuntu_mickster04: isn't there a way to reinstall grub?21:30
macoinduz_: but not desktop apps21:30
mickster04Starminn: yeah thanks21:30
induz_maco,  is there any resume maker/builder?21:30
mickster04!grub | ubuntu_21:30
ubottuubuntu_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:30
GeekMani run an ibook g4, ubuntu ppc 10.04 LTS.  i have been worried about my fan on my laptop not turning on . so i googled and found this site :http://tintuc.no-ip.com/linux/tipps/slackintoshibookg4/  (under the topic Thermostat module) can this method be applied to my ubuntu install21:30
induz_maco, online i dont know caz i have to give them my ssn etc number21:30
gbear14275drc alright at least its not just me... not sure if that is a good thing though :(21:31
mickster04!lmsensor | GeekMan:21:31
induz_what is that homebank??21:31
mickster04GeekMan: ok fine, but look in lmsensor21:31
GeekManmickster04 is that a dir21:31
induz_I am having hardtime with ubuntu so i need a BOOK for easy reference like installing from command line, is there any?21:32
mickster04GeekMan: no it's a set of tools that can be used to check sensors on a pc21:32
guntbert!sensors | GeekMan21:32
ubottuGeekMan: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.21:32
GeekManok so i just get a package21:32
induz_i picked up one from Border but its Old21:32
mickster04GeekMan: i personlly habven't had epic amounts of luck with it but you should try it first21:32
mickster04guntbert: thanks, i couldn't work out the link21:32
root____my winodw crashed21:32
macoinduz_: homebank does not do taxes. it lets you categorise what spending was restaurants, gifts, utilities, etc. and then you can use that info to help budget. thats all its for21:32
Starminninduz_: I'm sure there are plenty of books, but for just command line arguments this should get you started21:32
mickster04root____: yeah thgat happens21:32
Starminninduz_: Oops, I hit enter. :) http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html21:32
timHi maybe I can help I am new to this x-chat and do not understand anything someone could help me a bit21:33
root____mickster04: can you give me the links you gave me before?21:33
maco!manual | induz_ here's an ebook21:33
ubottuinduz_ here's an ebook: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:33
Starminn!ask | tim21:33
ubottutim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:33
mickster04!ask | tim21:33
mickster04root____: i didn't give you any links did i?21:33
root____mickster04: so it was someone else with an M in the begining of his name21:34
mickster04root____: possibly, what was it about?21:34
IanWizardis there any kind of index of PPAs?21:34
root____mickster04: restoring grub, after installing windows 721:34
timsorry did not know, thanks21:34
GeekMancan i apt get it?21:34
mickster04!grub | root____21:34
ubotturoot____: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.21:34
mickster04GeekMan: yeah, follow the instructions linked to efore21:35
mickster04tim: hey it's ok, we give that message to everyone21:35
timis difficult for me to be translated21:35
mickster04tim: no help in #ubuntu-es?21:36
root____mickster04: ??21:36
erUSULIanWizard: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas21:36
Clavin12Has anyone else encountered a problem with random logging out?21:36
Mike__synaptic package manager uses apt-get, or aptitude ?21:36
induz_maco, ubuntu maual is hard as there are not many pictures to understand21:36
root____plz help guys, i have to restore grub!!21:36
induz_maco, but thnaks a lot21:36
erUSUL!grub2 |  root____21:36
ubotturoot____: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:36
timsomeone speaks Spanish?21:36
Starminn!es | tim21:37
ubottutim: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:37
GeekMani did an aptget that the site told me but it returned saying its alredy the current version21:37
mickster04tim: no, this is the english channel21:37
mickster04GeekMan: in which case move on to the next instruction21:38
bc81tim, you asked that already 3 times under the nicks: tim, tim_ and also tim__21:38
paq7512where can i download 10.4.2 x64?21:38
mickster04bc81: forgetful spaniard is forgetful?21:38
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:38
mickster04paq7512: see above.21:39
guntbertbc81: stay polite please21:39
drcbc81: if time speaks very little english, I suspect he doesn't understand "wtf"...which you should use here anyway21:39
rwwshouldn't **21:39
bc81oh give me a break, he's obviously trolling21:39
Clavin12Anyone else have a problem with ubuntu randomly logging out?21:40
mickster04drc isn't it r?21:40
Starminn!anyone | Clavin1221:40
ubottuClavin12: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:40
timalguien podria ayudarme21:40
mickster04drc: not being a regex guy myself, does s also work?21:40
bc81Clavin12: Xubuntu did that to me a lot, turns out it was due to X11vnc21:40
mickster04!english | tim21:40
ubottutim: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:40
drcmickster04: errrrrrrr :)21:41
MrMintanet2I love it when people tell you not to use the word "anyone" even though you clearly asked a question.21:41
rwwtim: please type /join #ubuntu-es to join a Spanish-language channel. #ubuntu is English-language only.21:41
xanguaClavin12: want to 1000+ people/bot say no/yes or will you give an explanation of your problem with details¿21:41
GeekManwhere would the source be for the file21:42
mickster04source for what file?21:42
Jgaltis there an easy way to repair an internet connection?21:42
MrMintanet2xangua, It's not that perfect...  Obviously, not a single person responded with Yes/No, and therefore both you and Starminn are jack asses.21:42
MrMintanet2Just saying21:43
Clavin12Every time I leave my computer alone for a bit it will go black for a second then take to the login screen as if I had just booted up.21:43
StarminnMrMintanet2: I wasn't saying that. Just asking for details. :) Though I'll admit I should probably have used the "details" call. Good point21:43
mickster04Jgalt: plug the cable back in21:43
macoMrMintanet2: please watch the language21:43
GeekyAdam#acro Adam21:43
MrMintanet2maco, Cry21:43
mickster04Clavin12: it's the screen saveer21:43
DatzHi, I want to install a virus scanner on an my external Ubuntu HDD install. What is recommended?21:43
macoMrMintanet2: no thanks. i'd rather kick.21:43
mickster04!virus | Datz21:43
ubottuDatz: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:43
BluesKajJgalt, ethernet or wifi21:44
mickster04Jgalt: try sudo dhclient eth0 (tab complete that)21:44
Datzmickster04: thanks, I'll try out clamAV21:44
mickster04Datz: yep21:44
Jgaltthanks i'll try that21:45
timRWW: thank you very much I've managed to connect to a channel in Spanish but it was a nice gesture to try to help. thanks.21:45
MrMintanet2Datz, I use clamAV, but be careful about letting it automatically delete files that are found to be corrupt.  I have had quite a few false positives lately.21:45
timRWW: thank you very much I've managed to connect to a channel in Spanish but it was a nice gesture to try to help. thanks.21:45
BluesKajJgalt, ping in the terninal , is there a connection ?21:45
DatzMrMintanet2: thanks. I'll have to check out that option in the config21:46
toyman61Anjunta: I'm able to compile a single file (a project), but I'm not able to load and execute. Error message: "no rule to make target xxx from yyy"21:46
Jgaltwanted to use a static ip on network so that I didn't have to keep setting a ports for ssh and I read on a forum that I should uninstall dhcpcd and that didn't work out so well21:46
Jgaltright now I'm in windows21:46
angellWould it be bad if I made the ext partition 5GB?21:46
GeekManmickster04 it says to run the script in the source where would i find lm-sensors source21:46
Clavin12It seems that the finding of youtube flash files in the /tmp folder does not work in ubuntu 10.10, even with hidden files shown. Is this right or am I doing it wrong?21:46
MrMintanet2Anyone ever find a linux solution equivalent to Micro$oft Visio?21:46
mickster04GeekMan: uhm that doesn't sound too right...link?21:46
mickster04MrMintanet2: any modelling language tool will do21:47
Jgaltwould an unbuntu iso on a flash drive be able to repair network settings?21:47
mickster04GeekMan: give me a second then21:47
BluesKajJgalt, ok here's a tutorial that might work for you in ubuntu , http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html21:47
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: dia maybe?21:47
rwwGeekMan: that page says to copy the script file below to a text editor, save, and run it instead of grabbing it from the source.21:47
ActionParsnipJgalt: you can chroot, or even edit config files and such21:48
GeekManOH thx21:48
ActionParsnipClavin12: could use youtube-dl21:48
MrMintanet2mickster04, ActionParsnip, I found Google Draw to work well, but it's very... crappy.  :)  DIA is good, but still somewhat limited.  I suppose that I'd probably have found a better solution by now...  Just figured I'd ask.  Thx21:48
mickster04GeekMan: http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/iwizard/DistroPackageInstall21:49
mickster04GeekMan: that's all you need to do21:49
bc81Clavin12: the FF addon "DownloadHelper" works well, too21:49
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: does it not fly with wine?21:49
macoMrMintanet2: you can add new widgets to dia21:49
Clavin12ActionParsnip: All right then. It's just that I saw a video of it clearly working in a previous build, and wonder if something has changed.21:49
guntbertMrMintanet: look at dia (not so powerful but easier)21:49
macoMrMintanet2: draw them in inkscape (or find some online) and import into dia21:49
ActionParsnipClavin12: not sure dude, sorry21:49
StarminnClavin12: Just bear in mind that Firefox clears its temps when closed.21:49
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, I try to stay away from Wine if possible.21:50
Jgaltthanks for the help everyone21:50
=== thumb is now known as Guest33085
StarminnClavin12: IT works for me. I always download YuTube videos that way, in /tmp. If it doesn't work for you though then I don't know what to say, really. Just make sure FF is open while you're using them in /tmp.21:50
Tranbohow do you enable home/end key in gnome-term?21:50
GeekManmickster04: i did that but it says its the current version21:51
bc81Tranbo: alt+hoe i think21:51
angellWould it be okay if I made the ext4 5000GB?21:51
angellOr is that too small?21:51
bc81Tranbo: home* lol21:51
Cube``way to tiny21:51
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: basic stuff seems to work but its not an app i've used, sorry I can't help more21:52
=== chris_ is now known as Guest95809
Tranboi mean when i hit the home key and end key it suppose to send the scan code to my application21:52
cntbfiles and folders on te left side doesnot seem to give me nautilus with menus above .u know file edit view help21:52
MrMintanet2ActionParsnip, No prob!  Just looking.  I am trying to draft up a nifty network map on my 10.10 box, but I can't find anything "eye candy-ish" enough.21:53
StevenTylerwhere can I download the ubuntu-restricted* repository from?21:53
StevenTylerNeed to install stuff on a tablet pc with no network21:53
FightingNavymanrww hi :)21:53
angellWould I have any trouble later on in the system if I made the ext4 partition under 10000, I have it set on 5000.21:53
cntbhow do i get it in netbook the easiest way and where is the run field to invoke a command like in start run in win21:53
ActionParsnip!info tsnd21:53
ubottuPackage tsnd does not exist in maverick21:53
rwwFightingNavyman: hello21:53
Tranbothere is instruction on restriction on ubuntu page21:54
BluesKajStevenTyler, sudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras in the terminal21:54
cntbfiles and folders on te left side doesnot seem to give me nautilus with menus above .u know file edit view help21:54
cntbhow do i get it in netbook the easiest way and where is the run field to invoke a command like in start run in win21:54
Starminncntb: "Run" is basically "ALT+F2"21:54
ActionParsnipMrMintanet2: http://www.searchmarked.com/networking/openoffice-network-diagrams.php  maybe21:54
bc81cntb: alt+f2 = run21:54
StevenTylerthere's no network for the tablet pc21:54
GeekManmickster04: i did that but it says its the current version21:54
xangua!aptoncd | StevenTyler21:55
ubottuStevenTyler: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline21:55
bc81cntb: can you please rephrase your other question about nautilus?  i can't understand that21:55
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD21:55
angellI am manually installing ubuntu 10.04 and I need to know before I go on further with the installation ( I do not have too much of a hard drive on this older this system to divide -- I am working with a 12GB Hard Drive here )21:55
ActionParsnipangell: 12Gb is loads21:55
angellActionParsnip: So 5GB set for the ext4 is okay?21:56
ActionParsnipangell: you can get away with 5Gb easily, will have space for updates too21:56
Wipsterevning all bit of issues with printer, har har har. Apparently support was added in sane 1.0.19 or 20 and I see I have 1.0.21 installed but it doesn't appear on the database when I connect and get asked to choose21:56
StevenTylerthanks, i'll check that out21:57
mickster04GeekMan: wel then move onto the next bit21:58
GeekManthe script? or on the wikii page21:58
induz_how can i install cinelerra on Lucid??21:58
ikoniainduz_: is it in the repos21:59
GeekMani go to kernel preperation ?21:59
mickster04GeekMan: i assume you don't have a special kernel? cos if so just do http://www.lm-sensors.org/wiki/iwizard/Detection21:59
ActionParsnipangell: i use 5Gb for /, 3Gb swap and the rest for home on this lappy (has 1.5Gb RAM)21:59
mickster04GeekMan: as in if you have the normal kernel use the above lkink21:59
mickster04ActionParsnip: is there an amount of RAM where you don't need swap?22:00
xanguainduz_: follow cinelerra's web instructions22:00
ActionParsnipmickster04: if you have enough RAM for your needs then its not needed. No swap ==no hibernate.22:00
ActionParsnipmickster04: if I had 4Gb swap and all I did was chat and web browse I wouldn't have swap22:00
cschneidErr http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-updates/universe Sources 404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:01
cschneidwhy's apt-get update giving me: that22:01
ikoniacschneid: repo down22:01
rwwcschneid: because intrepid is End-of-Lifed, so its repositories are no longer mirrored.22:01
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:01
cschneidahh damn22:01
ikoniarww: ahhh better eyes22:01
cschneidwhat's it take to upgrade22:01
datavirusetwhere is the ubuntu 10.04.2 iso? me want :)22:01
rwwcschneid: see the links ubottu said22:01
ActionParsnipcschneid: intrepid is dead and gone22:01
cschneidcool - thanks. Didn't realize the server was that old22:01
cschneidfor an immediate request, is there a way to find the old packages?22:01
mickster04ActionParsnip: cool i don't use hibernate22:01
ActionParsnip!download | dataviruset22:01
ubottudataviruset: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!22:01
GeekManit says "root@Beauty-laptop:/home/matt# sensors-detect22:02
GeekMan# sensors-detect revision 5818 (2010-01-18 17:22:07 +0100)22:02
GeekMan# DMI data unavailable, please consider installing dmidecode 2.722:02
GeekMan# or later for better results.22:02
FloodBot3GeekMan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:02
GeekMan# DMI data unavailable, please consider installing dmidecode 2.722:02
rwwcschneid: there's information on where the repositories were moved to on ubottu's link ;)22:02
GeekManor better22:02
ActionParsnipmickster04: i have it as a habit, I set swappiness to 0 so its rarely touches22:02
cschneidrww: haha, I will just goahead and read that then22:02
rwwcschneid: (the EOLUpgrades one, that is)22:02
deuteriumcan i access an ext4 root partition (as ubuntu creates by default when installing) transparently as an ext2 partition? i.e. just boot ubuntu using ext2 instead of ext4?22:02
gbear14275REALLY!!!!!  this dang wireless is the only thing in between me and success!!!  and i don't have any internet connection for this thing other than a modem and a non-functional wireless card...22:03
UndiFineDI request for someone with iptables knowledge, specifically port forwarding22:03
mickster04deuterium: ext is the file format? whe you install ubuntu you can select that as the file format...22:03
gbear14275anyone know if I can configure a modem port to work with dsl?22:03
soreaugbear14275: What card is it?22:03
ikoniadeuterium: why would you want to do that22:03
mickster04!deatils | UndiFineD:22:03
mickster04!details | UndiFineD:22:03
ubottuUndiFineD:: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:03
ikoniagbear14275: modem port ?22:03
ActionParsnipgbear14275: what is the product line in the output of:  sudo lshw -C network22:03
gbear14275tew-226pc, rtl8180L is what lspci is reporting22:03
ikoniaUndiFineD: #netfilter is the iptables channel22:04
datavirusetActionParsnip: the thing is 10.04.2 isn't there yet. but the release date is today :(22:04
deuteriummickster04: afaik, the default is ext4. yes, it could be set differently at install.22:04
gbear14275ActionParsnip, lshw isn't installed22:04
soreau! who | gbear1427522:04
ubottugbear14275: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:04
deuteriumikonia: i run ubuntu inside a vmware virtual machine and shrink tools don't work for ext4 partitions, only ext2.22:04
UndiFineDthanks ikonia22:04
ActionParsnipgbear14275: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RTL8180L22:04
gbear14275soreau, sorry22:04
ikoniadeuterium: doesn't use vmware tools with it22:04
ActionParsnipdataviruset: try a little later22:04
ischlikyis anyone familiar with having 3 or more monitors in ubuntu, making it 1 large desktop, the only guides i seem to find seem horridly outdated22:04
ikoniadeuterium: "don't" sorry22:04
ikoniaischliky: how many video cards22:05
datavirusetActionParsnip: ok, but i'm in a hurry :p22:05
DatzMrMintanet: I don't see a man page for clamav, does it go by another name?22:05
ischlikylikely using 2 cards, hoping for a 2:2 set up that is all one desktop22:05
deuteriumikonia: well, i created a clone now, effectively shrinking the image without vmware tools. but i'm still interested in whether one can just boot into ext2 instead of ext4.22:05
ActionParsnipDatz: you can install calmtk and use a GUI22:05
ischlikymostly i found some conflicting information about 3d acceleration being avaiable on all the screens22:06
ikoniadeuterium: it's based on the same core file system but a much later version, it's not look ext3 being ext2+journal22:06
ikoniaischliky: how many video cards22:06
DatzActionParsnip: ah, ok thanks I'll consider that22:06
DatzActionParsnip: have you used it, is it any good?22:06
ischlikyikonia: 2 cards, both nvidia22:06
ActionParsnipDatz: i recommend you add the clamav ppa for newer defs and engine22:07
ActionParsnipDatz: yeah its sweet22:07
DatzActionParsnip: thanks, I will22:07
gbear14275ActionParsnip, thanks... although I thought this was all resolved in 10.04... what confuses me is that it just can't see networks in 10.1022:07
DatzActionParsnip: ubottu have any info on that?22:07
ikoniaischliky: ok, so you won't get 3 acceleration, you can use twinview, but that only supports multiple monitors on one card, or the non-propitary drivers, in which case no acceleration22:07
xanguadidn't know there was a ppa for it :)22:07
=== eldurian_ is now known as eldurian1
Valkyrie./golly: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5: version `GLIBCPP_3.2' not found (required by ./golly)22:08
NokioHi all, im am learning bash script and i was wondering if someone can take a look at this. http://pastebin.com/rJGs8Y8M    If someone can give me a hint to help me learn that would be great22:08
deuteriumikonia: i thought the main advantage of the ext* series being backwards compatibility, i.e. exty can be accessed as ext(y-1)22:08
ActionParsnipDatz: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav/+archive/ppa22:08
ValkyrieI don't know why that's coming up. It's a very discreat error. No real information.22:08
StevenTylerLooks like there are no deb packages on Sourceforge for APTonCD22:08
DatzActionParsnip: thanks22:08
gbear14275soreau, ikonia, yeah, I have a modem port on this laptop, tecra8000 (1999ish) and a pcmcia port which I'm trying to get this wireless card working on... other than that I have no network connection.  I have a dsl connection here.. wondering if I can use the modem to connect22:08
ischlikyikonia: thank you for information, will stick with just 2 monitors then for now, as i need 3d acceleration more then i need 4 screens22:08
ikoniadeuterium: it is backward compatible, but I wouldn't want to make that jump22:08
deuteriumikonia: hm ok. thx22:09
GeekManNote: there is no driver for Analog Devices ADT7467 or ADT7468 yet.22:09
ActionParsnipNokio: i'd ask in #bash22:09
=== eldurian1 is now known as eldurian
GeekManNo modules to load, skipping modules configuration.22:09
willystylee Can someone help me? i bought a KVM switch and i'm trying to use it to have it connected to my main PC (win7) and my new machine i just installed ubuntu on. I hooked it up properly, and tried using it. It worked when switching from the win7 machine to the ubuntu one, but after the (1st and only) successful switch, ubuntu just didn't seem to recognize my mouse or keyboard which are both USB22:09
willystylee(plugged into kvm switch)22:09
cschneidrww: thanks for the help, stopgap completed, will schedule a full upgrade for later.22:09
ikoniawillystylee: does the kvm support linux ?22:09
willystyleeikonia: i dont know, it says it works for sun win and mac22:10
DatzActionParsnip: I'm not seeing a package clamtk22:10
ikoniawillystylee: ok, so checking Linux support is worth while22:10
willystyleei dont know why it woundnt be bale to work with linux tho22:11
willystyleebe able*22:11
GeekManso now what No modules to load, skipping modules configuration.22:11
ikoniawillystylee: why ? Linux works difference from Windows and Solaris, so checking the support is quite important22:11
DatzActionParsnip: sorry my fault it's there (typo)22:11
willystyleeisnt there some sorta workaround??22:12
ikoniawillystylee: ???? you don't even know if it's supported, what are you trying to work around22:12
GeekManmickster04: i finished but there was no driver for the device22:12
mickster04i'va had that issue before :/22:12
soreaugbear14275: Do you see wlan0 iface in the output of iwconfig?22:13
willystyleewell thanks for not helping22:13
ActionParsnipDatz: no worries dude22:13
soreauikonia: I thought nouveau had acceleration working for some cards. Is it not in ubuntu yet?22:13
ikoniasoreau: it depends on the cards, and certainly not over multiple monitors22:13
GeekMandrat :( its never over heated22:13
gbear14275soreau, yes22:14
soreauikonia: You mean multiple cards?22:14
mickster04GeekMan: well i am out :p22:14
GeekManbut as a pc user its doesnt fell right to have a fan that doesnt sound liek its working22:14
soreaugbear14275: Does 'sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i essid' show AP's?22:14
ikoniasoreau: he wanted to span 3 monitors across two physical video cards22:14
GeekManFAIL :(22:14
GeekManthanks though22:14
DatzActionParsnip: something like this: -> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-clamav/ppa  ?22:14
soreauikonia: Right, but are you saying not even multiple outputs work for just one card with nouveau?22:15
gbear14275soreau, wlan0 No scan results <--  there are at least 5 local networks (apartment building)22:15
soreaugbear14275: hmm.. is the interface up? ifconfig wlan0 up22:16
ikoniasoreau: you'll get multiple outputs on one card, sure22:16
soreauikonia: Oh ok. I misunderstood what you said then22:16
gbear14275soreau, yeah its up22:16
ikoniasoreau: no, I said it's not going to happen on 2 cards acting as one22:16
ikoniasoreau: as in 2 physical cards22:16
DatzActionParsnip: gpg: key 5ADC2037: public key "Launchpad PPA for Clamav Update Team" imported <br> gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found <br> gpg: Total number processed: 1  <- that ok?22:17
soreaugbear14275: Well if scanning that way doesn't work, what about 'sudo iw dev wlan0 scan' (if you can get iw installed)22:18
gbear14275iw not installed...22:19
gbear14275what package is it in? soreau22:19
soreau!info iw22:19
ubottuiw (source: iw): tool for configuring Linux wireless devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.19-1 (maverick), package size 33 kB, installed size 128 kB22:19
soreaugbear14275: iw :)22:19
gbear14275soreau, crap, can't find it22:19
gbear14275one sec... may have to try and download it and move it over manually22:19
soreaugbear14275: but if scanning doesn't work, it's probably a driver issue.22:20
soreaugbear14275: Is this maverick?22:20
ActionParsnipDatz: indeed, thats you adding the ppa22:20
gbear14275soreau, 10.1022:20
soreauActionParsnip: Datz: What additional does the clamav ppa provide?22:21
ActionParsnipsoreau: later definitions and engine version than the official repos22:22
soreauActionParsnip: ok thanks22:23
DatzActionParsnip: thanks. defs are updated it says, not sure how to add a newer engine though22:23
Datzsoreau: I'm guessing updated virus database22:24
soreauDatz: I thought it downloaded the database from a server separately22:24
ActionParsnipDatz: its all in the updates from the PPA22:25
DatzActionParsnip: I see22:25
Zaulx_Iciao a tutti22:25
ikonia!it | Zaulx_I22:26
ubottuZaulx_I: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:26
dddhow to show log of gnome-panel?22:27
DatzActionParsnip: any reason when I add the root directory of my windows drive to be scanned it runs quickly and says scanned only four files?22:27
bhirschAnyone have a minute for a question?22:27
bhirschI recently installed Ubuntu on a ThinkPad 510. My machine often has trouble waking up after going to sleep or hibernating. I've been told patches are easy to find if I Google around. But I haven't found anything. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.22:27
ActionParsnipDatz: try:  gksudo  clamtk22:28
DatzActionParsnip: I see an option that needed to be checked was scan dirs inside dirs22:29
StevenTylerAll APTonCD files from Sourceforge seems to have disappeared.22:29
StevenTylerEven source files22:29
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
ActionParsnipStevenTyler: aptoncd is in the repos22:30
Datzfunny that wouldn't be checked by default :P22:30
StevenTyleroh ok22:30
Datz(recursive scan)22:30
ActionParsnip!info aptoncd | StevenTyler22:30
ubottuStevenTyler: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1 (maverick), package size 260 kB, installed size 1944 kB22:30
DatzActionParsnip: if your clamav engine newer than  0.96.5?22:31
gbear14275soreau, got iw installed, no value returned22:31
gbear14275how would I import the kernel driver from previous releases into this one?22:32
induzhello I have an iso file i dont have DVD/Cd burner right now, How can i mount those files on Lucid?22:32
induz<induz_> is it possible22:32
soreaugbear14275: It might be a driver issue then. Look for any interesting messages in syslog or the output of dmesg22:32
soreaugbear14275: It was working before? Then you need to file a bug22:32
induzwithout burning on DVD/CD is it possible to load iso file on Lucid22:32
macoinduz: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/your.iso  /mnt22:32
soreauinduz: mount -o loop /what/maco/said22:33
Nisstyremaco, no need to specify the filesystem type22:33
Nisstyremount can detect it automatically22:33
macoNisstyre: usually yes, but ive had it fail at that with isos, so i do it to be safe22:33
induzwhat is the final command to mount iso22:33
gbear14275soreau, it worked with LM9 (which is based on 10.04)  also doesn't work with lm10...22:33
induzis there any GUI for that?22:33
macoNisstyre: granted, that was a few years ago, but now its habit22:33
macoinduz: no, no gui. there should be. hrmph. i should take that as a papercut next release cycle22:34
macoinduz: the thing i said will work22:34
brontoeeewhat would it mean when viewing remote ftp folders in nautilus : the permissions of 'folder name' cant be determined ?22:34
soreaumaco: papercut?22:34
induzmaco,  what is -t there?22:34
Nisstyreinduz, I doubt it, because that would be a waste. Normally stuff gets mounted automatically because it's put under /dev and programs like nautilus mount them for you.22:34
gbear14275soreau, how can I look through the syslog and dmesg?  on xubuntu... log viewer doesn't seem to be installed22:34
Nisstyrebut with isos you have to do it manually22:34
ActionParsnipDatz: that's what I have22:34
soreaugbear14275: cat /var/log/syslog && dmesg22:35
DatzActionParsnip: great thanks. (says it is outdated so I was wondering)22:35
macoinduz: it tells it the filesystem type. iso9660 is what cds are.  it shouldnt be necessary to include that bit, but it also won't hurt anything22:35
macosoreau: the Hundred Papercuts project is a project to fix small usability things that make using Ubuntu just a little less pleasant22:36
soreaumaco: Ah ok22:36
macoNisstyre: well what im talking about writing a patch for is to have "right click -> Use as CD" in Nautilus and Dolphin22:36
macoNisstyre: only for .iso files22:36
Nisstyremaco, that might be ok22:36
macoit shouldnt be *too* hard22:36
Nisstyrewhat about .img files?22:36
macoharder to be sure of what's inside... so id start with just iso22:37
ActionParsnipDatz: the clamav ppa gets updated more regularly than the ubuntu ones22:37
ActionParsnipNisstyre: acetoneiso can mount img22:37
macoDatz: the ppa is where Scott puts super-new releases of ClamAV to be tested before they move into ubuntu a few days (or a week-ish?) later22:38
gbear14275soreau, wow... um, its been printing to screen for 2 min now22:38
induzmaco,  i used sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/your.iso  /mnt but its just giving me details about commands22:38
macoinduz: did you change /path/to/your.iso to actually be the path to your iso?22:38
Nisstyreinduz, make sure you use the actual full path to where the iso file is22:38
induzmy iso file is on /home/user/Desktop/file.iso22:38
induzi did this;sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/myName/Desktop  /mnt22:39
ActionParsnipinduz: sudo mkdir /media/iso; sudo mount -o loop /home/user/Desktop/file.iso /media/iso22:39
macoinduz: Desktop is the folder. you need the actual iso22:40
computer_hows everyone doing22:40
gbear14275soreau, I'm seeing lots of ieee80211 messages22:41
* ActionParsnip likes a /media/iso mount point :)22:41
macoActionParsnip: i tend to just mount right on /media/cdrom -- it makes media players happy22:41
Nisstyreyeah, putting CDs under /mnt makes no sense22:41
NisstyreI use /mnt for network stuff22:41
macoActionParsnip: but i think that mountpoint only exists by default if you do have a physical one, so... figured i wouldnt assume it was there22:41
ActionParsnipmaco: tru, although most can play ISOs as-is22:42
macoActionParsnip: O_o22:42
ActionParsnipmaco: vlc can22:42
macovlc isnt most!22:42
soreaugbear14275: I'm not sure about your chipset but you might try googling. You're probably not the only one with this problem22:42
NisstyreActionParsnip, what about mplayer?22:42
macoit's one thing!22:42
NisstyreI assume it can if vlc can22:42
StarlightGood night folks..22:42
gbear14275soreau, there is suprisingly little in the last year...22:43
SUFLEXFireFox Speed dial plugin does not save tab-bookmarks. after Firefox  reset all the SD bookmarks dissapear.22:43
gbear14275soreau, it would be alot easier too if the broken laptop had an alternative to just wireless card22:43
SUFLEXand default session manager does not work correctly22:44
ActionParsnipNisstyre: most likely, mplayer is the daddy :)22:44
gbear14275thats it... I'm going to best buy to get a wireless card22:44
heloanyone else have problems with banshee stopping playback at the last second of tracks, instead of going to the next song?22:47
maco!ru | goltoof22:47
ubottugoltoof: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke22:47
FightingNavymanubottu english please22:47
FightingNavymanfreaking bot D:22:48
FightingNavymanOMG he's a bot wtf D:22:48
induzmaco, Yes its mounted now thanks22:48
ubottuyes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)22:48
goltoofmaco:  wrong room :)22:48
FightingNavymani was like wtf why he pm me22:48
induzbut its a MS application so i can not run on Ubuntu22:48
macoinduz: wine?22:49
ActionParsnipinduz: cedega? CrossOver Office?22:49
macoFightingNavyman: watch the language in your abbreviations22:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:49
FightingNavymanI didnt say anything bad. :(22:49
mickster04I <3 ubottu22:49
induzmaco,thats what i thought that it would work on wine but it fails22:49
macoinduz: oh22:50
induzcrossover is a paid service is it?22:50
[deXter]FightingNavyman: What do you think the * stands for in WT* ? >_>22:50
mickster04induz: yeah22:50
macoinduz: yeah, and its based on an old enough version of wine that its not really got an advantage anymore22:50
FightingNavymanok then ill say: wt(22:50
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[deXter]FightingNavyman: Cool by me :)22:51
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FightingNavymanor just go back to idle :|22:51
mickster04induz: did you check out play on linux? did that have visio listed?22:51
mickster04datron: hullo22:51
induzpocket is tight so please dont suggest me something for pay22:51
[deXter]FightingNavyman: Or use wtd22:51
rwwor use English22:51
datronhow are you22:51
induzplayonelinux is installed on my system but i dont know how to use it22:52
FightingNavymanuse omgwt(bbq22:52
induzi checked it on synaptec22:52
rww"you should avoid any language which may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such language." ~ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:52
goltoofor ask a support question involving ubuntu, and stay on topic22:52
mickster04induz: go to applicaitons > games > playonlinux22:52
rwwthrowing random symbols in obvious places = obfuscation.22:52
gbear14275what does, "error opening terminal: unknown." mean when trying to run nano?22:52
[deXter]rww: Yes but 'd' isnt a random symbol, its stands for duck :)22:53
induzmickster04, i dont have 3d acceleration on my system so its giving me warning22:53
goltoofguys, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic if you don't have any ubuntu related discussion22:53
mickster04induz: meh you don't need it for visio22:53
mickster04gbear14275: are you in terminal?22:53
datronnedir bu22:53
induzhopw can i have 3d accelera22:53
mickster04induz: ignore it, carry on22:53
induzIts downloading something now22:54
gbear14275mickster04, yeah, I was, just restarted22:54
induzmickster04, hope iots not just games as my brother will not like it/22:54
induzwhy its under games?22:54
mickster04gbear14275: so what did you type? if you're in terminal just typing nano should work?22:54
mickster04induz: cos it started out and it's main focus is integration of windows games using wine, but it now does other programs too22:55
induzmickster04, how can i have #d acc??22:55
gbear14275mickster04, the error above was what I got22:55
mickster04induz: a what now?22:55
mickster04!en | datron22:55
ubottudatron: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:55
induz3d acceleration on my system22:55
mickster04gbear14275: well that doesn't make sense,22:55
induzmichael99, 3D acce22:55
mickster04induz: you need a graphics card and drivers that support it22:56
Datzmaco: ah, thanks22:56
mickster04datron: yoiu have a problem?22:56
induzmickster04, as per my knowledge the graphic card is integrated on this sytem Dell dimensin22:56
soreauinduz: What kind of gpu is it?22:57
mickster04induz: yeah don't worry about it22:57
mickster04it's not important22:57
induzmickster04, its still downloading something22:57
mickster04induz: yeah22:57
martin__im running on latest ubuntu + latest skype - if record myself via the basic sound recorder everything is just perfect, but skype - the mic isn't working at all... any hints?22:57
mickster04induz: i recommend going to the playonlin ux website for guides on how to use it22:57
induzsoreau, i checked with lspci22:57
soreauinduz: What does lspci|grep VGA say?22:58
Kyle__Anyone here familiar with ubuntu enterprise cloud?22:58
soreau! anyone | Kyle__22:58
ubottuKyle__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:58
induzcan i run MS Words effectively with  bulleted effect on .docx22:58
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mickster04induz: bulleted effect?22:58
induzmickster04, on resume how u use bullet ... effect22:59
Kyle__It's a fairly specialized branch of ubuntu, I was half hoping someone was going to say, "No, but /join #UEC, they know there"22:59
* Kyle__ already checked, empty channel.22:59
Kyle__How do you move the master node in UEC?22:59
mickster04induz: bullet points? why bother with ms word, use openoffice?22:59
computer_any linux virus scanners that work on windows files also??\22:59
mickster04computer_: clamav22:59
Kyle__computer_: All of them do from what I know22:59
computer_mickster85: thanks :)23:00
mickster04!antivirus | computer_23:00
ubottucomputer_: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus23:00
computer_Kyle__ :P23:00
Kyle__computer_: ClamAV is great for that, and also AVG Free.23:00
* Kyle__ shrugs23:00
induzmaco, the iso files is installed but i can not use it on Ubuntu23:00
soreaucomputer_: I think clamav does23:00
computer_Kyle__, mickster84: Thanks Ill go see23:00
mickster04!tab | computer_23:00
ubottucomputer_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:00
induzmickster04, my professor keeps sending me those docx files23:00
mickster04induz:  yeah open office can open them23:01
mickster04induz: and tell him not to23:01
induzwhen i open them on OO, they all get messed up23:01
computer_is it command line.. ? clamav23:01
mneptokinduz: tell your professor to either use Free formats, or buy you a license for the software you need.23:01
mickster04induz: well tell him he should be using just .doc23:01
soreaucomputer_: yes23:01
Kyle__computer_: It's not installed by default, you'll have to apt-get it.23:01
induzwhole of school uses that MS office he says23:01
mickster04induz: yeah he can save in .doc23:02
computer_Kyle__ so im suppose to figure out how to use a commnand line virus scanner now ? :S :P23:02
Kyle__induz: Sorry.  I know how it is.  Same at my uni.23:02
induzi have to go the library to get those files done23:02
jribinduz: try google docs maybe?23:02
soreaucomputer_: Its easy. Just apt-get install clamav && clamav --help23:02
Kyle__computer_: It's really damn easy though, once you read the man page.  If you want a gui, check out avg's site for their free linux one.23:02
computer_Kyle__: Ahh opkay23:02
induzhe saves on .doc and sends me, when i work on them on OO and send them to him all bullets get messed up23:02
induzor fdfew words get chopped off23:03
jribinduz: though you should speak to your professor about it.  Maybe he can export as pdf?  He might not know that he can actually do that23:03
computer_soreau, yes thank you I will do that23:03
mickster04induz: no they don't not in the latest ooo23:03
Kyle__induz: What format are you saving in?23:03
soreaucomputer_: see also ClamAV FAQ23:03
Dj-ToastHi, Quick question ,  im trying to create a raid 5 array on 3 disk but its all fine until i reboot then my drives notation changes.   I mount the raid using the UUID but the raid itself is created of /dev/sda1, /dev/sdb1 etc.   Anyone have a permannant way to have the sata deteded on the same device name every time?23:03
mickster04induz: also OOo can read .docx anyway23:03
soreaucomputer_: see also http://www.clamav.net/lang/en/support/faq/23:03
mneptokinduz: a massive percentage of word processing docs can be saved as RTF with no ill effect on formatting, style, or features23:03
Kyle__induz: You may be saving it to a different version of word's format than he's using, and that could confuse the _hell_ out of word sometimes.23:03
mickster04lunch bbiab23:03
induzI save on .doc on OO but when i open the same doc file on MS word in school, the starting letters get chopped off caz of bullet effect on them23:05
BiszkopcikPIERWSZY !23:05
macoinduz: if you're just sending it for someone to look at but not edit, id just go with pdf23:05
Logan_WP!caps | Biszkopcik23:05
ubottuBiszkopcik: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:05
Biszkopcikubottu: stfu ?23:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:05
Logan_WP!language | Biszkopcik23:05
Kyle__induz: Yes, but what version of doc?  Try save-as, select 2000's format or somefin.23:05
ubottuBiszkopcik: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:05
induzdoc version for 200323:06
Kyle__induz: Then try saving it old, open it in OO (make sure it's OK), then send it to him.  You may have better luck that way?23:06
induzmickster04, now its asking to run. install, remove, configure or close what should i do with PlayOnlinux23:06
induzKyle__, thansk for suggestion , i will do it23:07
andaiairsnort package not exists?23:08
Datzandai: don't think so, try aircrack-ng23:09
andaiso quiet here, amazing23:10
andaiusually a page per minute :D23:10
Datzyea, it just slowed (oddly enough just as I cleared my scrollback text)23:10
Dj-Toastanyone have a way to make the sata detection static for use in linux raid?23:12
=== Inumedia_ is now known as Inumedia
Kyle__Dj-Toast: You can list your drives by UUID instead of sd23:12
coffeerageHi, I had the OTRS ticket tracking system installed to try it out. I decided I didn't like it and wanted to go back to Request Tracker. I installed it, but I cannot get the Apache2 server to start. It is telling me "invalid user: otrs" and I cannot find the configuration where it is still trying to use OTRS settings. I've tried removing & reinstalling the apache2 packages23:13
Dj-ToastKyle_ : i searched for creating raid with UUID but I couldnt find anything.   Do you think doing mdadm --create..... /dev/UUIDs would work?23:13
Kyle__Dj-Toast: I think /dev/disk/by-id/<UUID>23:14
Kyle__Dj-Toast: ls /dev/disk/by-id/23:14
AndroUser2random question, anyone know command to open multiple ie tabs using vbacript? work sucks and uses winblows23:14
Dj-ToastKyle__: Ok i guess ill drop my array and recreate using those instead.  Just sucks i was planning to use WEBMIN to manage the raid :(23:15
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Kyle__AndroUser2: I (used to) know how to do it in waitr, and that just wraps com in ruby, so should be easy enough...23:15
Skyblaydehello, can someone direct me to someone who knows the graphics issues very well?23:15
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Ah.  Sorry.23:15
coz_Skyblayde,  it might be best to describe the issue for everyone23:15
coffeerageI'll try this... I installed OTRS manually downloading the source, not via the package manager. Is there a way to find the name of the package I installed manually so I may purge it?23:16
Kyle__AndroUser2: Ruby-watir is actually prety easy...maybe you could find an example and port it to vbscript (I recall this being pretty easy, but it was 3+ years ago)23:16
coz_coffeerage,  did you keep the source package?23:16
Logan_WP!winblows | AndroUser223:16
ubottuAndroUser2: Please don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked, and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making the community look unreasonable.23:16
coffeeragecoz_, just the .tar.gz file23:16
AndroUser2yeah, i can get it to open 1 web address but not multiple.23:16
Kyle__coffeerage: Some nicely written packages have an uninstall target in make,  Try going into the source and trying make uninstall23:16
SkyblaydeI have installed not only the Ubuntu Propriet drivers for my NVIDIA geforce 460 card, but also tried purging them and installing the latest drivers from nvidia's site.  Both with no luck in correcting this extremely low resolution rate in which i am experiencing now, on my 1920x1080 DVI-D Flatscreen Monitor23:17
Kyle__ubottu: you tell him for denegrating win311 like that.23:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:17
AndroUser2sysObj.Shell "c:..", "address"23:17
rwwI apologize for the incoming modespam.23:17
Skyblaydethe resolution is 75 x 7523:17
coz_coffeerage, mm ok well a crap way of doing this is to reinstall via thesource and then in the source folder  sudo make uninstall23:17
Skyblaydethe highest i can get it to is, at 680x23:17
coz_coffeerage,  other wise you may have to manually search and delete the directories23:17
folklorelol at coffeerage, funny nick23:17
coffeeragecoz_, gotcha. I just extracted again, went into directory and tried sudo make uninstall. Gave me "no rule to make target 'uninstall'". Is this because I haven't configured it etc.?23:18
SkyblaydeI have installed not only the Ubuntu Propriet drivers for my NVIDIA geforce 460 card, but also tried purging them and installing the latest drivers from nvidia's site.  Both with no luck in correcting this extremely low resolution rate in which i am experiencing now, on my 1920x1080 DVI-D Flatscreen Monitor the resolution is 75 x 75 the highest i can get it to is, at 680x23:18
coz_coffeerage,  right because that was not compiled yetr23:18
folkloreanyway I got new ubuntu installed, and cc, wish ubuntu included by default tbh though23:18
coffeeragefolklore, thanks :)23:18
Kyle__ConcreteVitamin: Often it has to be configured before you can do that, or even compiled.23:18
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Kyle__silly tab comletion error23:18
coffeeragecoz_ ok I'll try that, thanks! thanks to Kyle as well23:18
coz_coffeerage,  you would have to  recompile and install via source and then cd into source folder and make uninstall23:18
Kyle__no problem.23:18
Skyblaydeit is strange being stuck in extremely low resolution23:19
bwallenI've got some files with unicode character file names (Russian to be exact), but they show up as question marks in bash. How can I get them to show up correctly?23:20
Kyle__bwallen: What terminal are you using?23:20
Kyle__bwallen: Gnome temrinal is actually pretty good with UTF chars...23:21
bwallenkyle__: xterm23:21
SkyblaydeI just bought this video card23:21
Kyle__bwallen: launch uxterm, and see what it looks like.23:21
bwallenkyle__ I don't have gnome installed. This is a server23:21
Kyle__bwallen: IIRC, this is a term problem, not a bash problem :)23:21
Logan_WP!repeat | Skyblayde23:21
ubottuSkyblayde: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:21
=== gordon is now known as Guest61418
LS1hello, I'm having trouble setting ubuntu to 1920x1080. laptop connected to external samsung 24" lcd via HDMI....I tried adding a new modeline and all but it seems to add to a diff device and can't pick that res. can anyone help?23:22
ZiberUsing fdisk, can you really only create 4 partitions?23:22
Kyle__Ziber: You can create 4 primary partitions.23:23
Kyle__Ziber: You can create an extended partion as one of those, and logical partitions inside of it.  A holdover from the old DOS days.\23:23
ZiberKyle__: I notice I can create extended partitions as well. What is an extended partition?23:23
functorLS1: same problem :)23:23
functorIts the graphics card I think23:23
Kyle__Ziber: It's a partition you can make logical partitions in.23:24
functordoesnt work on windows either for intel graphics23:24
LS1functor, I am using an ATI Radeon HD card =)23:24
Ziberand mounting them like /dev/hdb1p1?23:24
functorI dunno then23:24
Kyle__Ziber: If the limmit of 4 is troublesome to you, you may want to consider using LVM.23:24
Guest61418hey guys, im having an issue with ubuntu changing the id of my drive at every boot, so its mounting a different drive each time. Any ideas?23:24
ZiberWhat is LVM exactly? I've heard of it...23:24
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:25
Kyle__Ziber: Logical Volume Management.  It's weonderful.  Go read that howto ubotto mentioned.23:25
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coffeeragecoz_ i ended up finding the apache file that was trying to load using the OTRS user that didn't exist anymore, it was in envvars; got it up and working now. thanks again!23:26
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magicianlorddoes anyone know how to fix the issue: thunar-volman, unrecognized usb device23:27
magicianlordit is not mounting23:27
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Kyle__magicianlord: Did you check your logs and see what it work?23:27
Kyle__OK, my info is out of date, grub _will_ work booting off of LVM... so why doesn't anyone do it?  LVM is so much nicer!23:28
Logan_WP!problem | angell23:28
ubottuangell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:28
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Dj-ToastKyle_: sorry to bug you again.. but checking the UUIDs closer they all get the same id for all the partion in the array. so i cant realy create the array by id.23:31
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Errr...that's odd.23:31
Kyle__Dj-Toast: They all show up as different UUIDs in my array...23:32
Dj-Toastkyle__:  i get different one if i do blkid /dev/sdd23:32
Dj-Toastbut /dev/sdd1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdb1 all have same UUID23:32
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magicianlordKyle__: it doesnt work with the newthunar23:33
Kyle__Dj-Toast: maybe I meant /dev/disk/by-uuid23:33
* Kyle__ whistles23:34
Kyle__Yup, of course _I_ said taht the first time.  YOu're just misremenbering.23:34
feydcan anyone help me with session startup at boot?23:34
yenn_2001alalguien que able espa;ol23:34
Logan_WP!anyone | feyd23:34
ubottufeyd: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:34
Logan_WP!es | yenn_200123:34
ubottuyenn_2001: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:34
feydI'm having issues with sessions and boot23:35
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa||away
estupendoHello, my dvd-rw drive no longer recognizes blank dvds, only blank cd's, also xubuntu doesn't automount audio cd's just data any hint about this would be appreciated23:35
a_p3rson!xubuntu | estupendo23:36
ubottuestupendo: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels23:36
Dj-ToastKyle_: so you see all your drives part of the array in the by-uuid.  In mine I only see md0 but not the actual drives.23:37
estupendoa_p3rson: also happens with my alternate installation of ubuntu 10.0423:38
a_p3rsonwell, it could be that your media player is taking over mounting of an audio cd...not sure though23:38
elijah1is the xorg.conf the same as the nvidia-settings-rc file in home? I am trying to get my screen configuration files saved..23:38
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Odly not, it's only showing me ones that are currently in use.23:38
Kyle__Dj-Toast: I know I've done this, let me think....23:39
Logan_WP!es | yenn_200123:39
ubottuyenn_2001: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:39
yenn_2001no hay nadie conectado en el canal23:40
Logan_WPyenn_2001: no podemos ayudarte aqui23:40
Dj-ToastKyle_: i wonder if my issue is not simply that in the mdconf i only have DEVICE partitions /dev/sde1 for the section where it says By default scan all partitions..23:40
kevdogevening everyone23:41
angellI am trying to install ubuntu through unetbootin with the iso on a usb flash drive, but when I get half way through it tells me that is unable to unmount the cdrom23:41
Dj-ToastKyle_: im thinking this should autoscan for the partions but it doesnt because i have 1 specified?23:41
computer__hey howcome window aminations never work for me,. lol23:41
Kyle__Dj-Toast: If you move the old conf out of the way, you can autoscan to the conf file.  I know that works.23:41
estupendoa_p3rson: how would I know and how would it affect blank media?23:42
Dj-Toastkyle_ just rename mdconf?23:42
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Kyle__Dj-Toast: yup.23:42
Logan_WP!compiz | computer_23:42
ubottucomputer_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:42
Logan_WP!compiz | computer__23:43
ubottucomputer__: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:43
Kyle__Dj-Toast: I think its just mdadm --examine --scan >& mdadm.conf but I don't do that daily :) so check it first of course.23:43
angellWhat is it seeing as my cdrom? Is it seeing the usb or the cdrom itself23:43
a_p3rsonestupendo: ohh i thought that it was only with audio cd's although it could be trying to burn to blank ones, try switching your media player between on and off, one of them should bypass it23:43
a_p3rsonnot sure tho...23:44
mrgordianis there no xorg.conf in 10.10? If not, how would I go about changing resolutions and panning for a tv?23:44
Logan_WP!xorg.conf | mrgordian23:44
ubottumrgordian: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution23:44
estupendo a_p3rson: I use mpd and vlc only, none of them autoloads removeable media23:44
computer__hey are there any apps that have free texting with em23:45
a_p3rsonestupendo: oh well then i dont know23:45
Dj-ToastKyle_: rebooted and had the issue again my sdc is now something different.23:45
a_p3rsoncomputer__: try voice.google.com23:45
estupendoestupendo: thank you23:45
Dj-ToastKyle_: array failed to mount23:45
computer__a_p3rson: okay I will. TY :D23:45
a_p3rsonno problem23:46
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Ugh.  Does it change _every_ time?23:46
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Dj-ToastKyle_: ya pretty much.. if I reboot a couple of time it will fall in place and mount it.23:46
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:46
Logan_WP!pmbot | angell23:47
Logan_WP!msg the bot | angell23:47
ubottuangell: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:47
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Damn.  That's just... weird.  I _know_ you can do this by UUID.  Maybe you can find a howto :/  Sorry.23:47
Dj-ToastKyle_: ok ill continue my quest.  Good think im in TESTING for building a NAS and not having all my data on it already :)23:48
=== _sirneo is now known as sirneo
Dj-Toasterr thing23:48
Kyle__Dj-Toast: it's ugly, but maybe /dev/disks/by-path/ will work?  I mean, it shouldnt change which SATA/scsi id it shows up as... I think.23:48
estupendoHello, my dvd-rw drive no longer recognizes blank dvds, only blank cd's, any hint about this would be much appreciated23:49
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Oh, quick thing to remember, if you at all can, use the whole device, not a partition for your md device.23:49
Kyle__Dj-Toast: That way you dont' have to worry about alignment issues.  I had a day to play with an external 4-bay sata array before I had to put data on it a week or two ago.23:50
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Putting the MD device on partitions was a huge performance hit.23:50
angellIs there a FAQ anywhere retaining to errors with the installation of Ubuntu with the unmounting of devices?23:51
angellOr is this a bug in Ubuntu's installation?23:51
lithprdoes anyone know how to define which packages come from which repos?  in particular, i want to limit only a limited number of packages to pull from getdeb/playdeb.23:51
HaqqkcbHi all23:52
Dj-ToastKyle__: oh.. so instead of doing a LINUXRAID partition spaning the full size you just target the /dev/sda rather than /dev/sda1?23:52
Kyle__Dj-Toast: Yes.23:52
Kyle__Dj-Toast: I mean, if you manually align the partition, then it's moot, but if you didn't, or don't want to bother, use /dev/sda rather than /dev/sda123:52
HaqqkcbI need help with apache23:52
lithprI don't want to download an updated package from the getdeb repository unless it is one of a predefined set of packages.23:52
Dj-ToastKyle_: Tx for the hit Ill change this right now..   Maybe thats my source of issues from the start :)23:53
Dewey24estupendo: did it worked before?23:53
Dj-Toasterrr.. geess Hint :)23:53
Logan_WP!apache | Haqqkcb23:53
ubottuHaqqkcb: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:53
amageedoes anyone know how to tell ack-grep to ignore particular files (not file types)?23:53
angell!ubuntu FAQs23:53
Logan_WP!msgthebot | angell23:54
Dewey24estupendo: I mean did the DVD recognized DVD's before?23:54
ubottuangell: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".23:54
HaqqkcbInstalled apache but cant find folders23:54
HaqqkcbTest page shows23:54
magicianlordany ideas? thunar-volman does not work23:55
magicianlordit's not mouting23:55
mylistohey everyone23:55
* Kyle__ avoids hitting, in general.23:55
angellIt is telling me that the problem is unknown.23:55
Kyle__Ah well, time to head home23:55
Dewey24Haqqkcb: apache-common was also installed?23:56
angellIs there a certain site that I can go to that can help me with my issue regarding unmounting the device? or installation issues, really?23:56
mylistoaudacity keeps on crashing...so I started it up with terminal and when it crashed I got a "segmentation fault" in terminal...nothing more, nothing less...What can I do?23:56
HaqqkcbI heard linux is the illuminati23:56
bjhaidi want to change ownership of a file from root to general, please how do i do this23:56
Logan_WP!ot | Haqqkcb23:56
ubottuHaqqkcb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:56
angell!error unmounting cdrom23:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:57
Logan_WPmylisto: Please ask that in #audacity.23:57
Logan_WPangell: Please stop playing with the bot.23:57
Dewey24!details | angell23:58
ubottuangell: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:58
HaqqkcbWhy is ubuntu pandering to africans23:58
mylistohaqqkcb: pandering?23:59
uRock_why not?23:59
uRock_they are people for freedom23:59
HaqqkcbLibux is the kkk23:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!23:59

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