
gbear14275anyone have any pointers to good articles for "what to do after you install lubuntu?"   I just installed and want to make sure all the multimedia and other repos are installed.00:27
Unit193medibuntu and getdeb repos (maybe lubuntu-restricted-extras)00:30
=== ridin is now known as ridin3
John___i have a question how do i install netgear wn311b?12:11
bioterrorJohn___, you dont see it in the restricted drivers12:13
John___i already activate it but no wireless12:14
bioterrorifconfig doesnt show it?12:15
John___it didnt show12:17
bioterroryou have to use ndiswrapper, I think12:17
John___i already install it but still i have the same problem12:18
John___hold on i'll be back12:19
John___ok im back12:26
John___it still wont work but when i run lspci it show my wireless12:27
bioterrordoes ifconfig then list it?12:28
John___only eth0 and lo12:28
bioterrorso no12:28
John___i'll tried and it figure it out by google it12:29
John___i mean i will try to figure it out12:29
bioterrorndiswrapper and .cab files from cd12:29
craigbass1976is there another package manager that lets me browse by category?  Synaptics only lets me browse by repo, unless I'm missing something14:52
bioterroryou want something like that software center?14:53
craigbass1976bioterror, right, but without installing GNOME14:54
bioterrorsudo apt-get install aptitude --no-install-recommends14:56
MrChrisDruifAptitude searching on category?14:57
bioterrorand then "sudo aptitude"14:57
bioterroryou will get into the ncurses based UI14:57
craigbass1976http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/   I think that might be enough actually, then I can just install the package I find there.14:58
John___im back16:17
MrChrisDruifWelcome back John___ :)16:17
John___my wireless card work and now i have problem connecting by wicd16:19
MrChrisDruifI saw someone with the same problem a while ago...16:22
MrChrisDruifBut I don't know how it got solved...if it got solved :)16:22
NRWlionhey chris16:23
NRWlionyou are not talking about me, are you?16:23
MrChrisDruifNRWlion: Might be....did you have wicd problems?16:24
NRWlionwhats that?16:24
MrChrisDruifDon't know either :P16:24
NRWlioni am happy to have my system running now :D16:24
MrChrisDruifI saw it mention a few days back I think16:24
John___Wicd is an open source wired and wireless network manager for Linux.16:25
NRWlionnext step is to install a localhost to do my webdesign / programming ;)16:25
MrChrisDruifJohn___: Doesn't Lubuntu use gnome's wireless manager?16:25
John___yes i tried that and couldnt connect16:26
John___on wireless16:26
MrChrisDruifJohn___: Weird....it's pretty good afaik16:27
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
n97hmmm... I have Lubuntu with the netbook interface17:39
n97but how di I customize it?17:39
n97like adding shortcuts or adding groups on the top (like internet, work, learn)17:40
NRWlionadding shortcuts would be nice to know :(17:48
Unit193You *can* make a .desktop file... or us ln (ln --help for more info)17:53
NRWlionhey hajour18:02
gbear14275my desktop icons are gone...  how do I either make new shortcuts or get them back?19:15
bioterrorcp /usr/share/applications/bmon.desktop ~/Desktop19:19
gbear14275bioterror, that might be the problem... I don't appear to have the bmon.desktop file20:42
bioterrorit was a example20:43
bioterroryou have other .desktop files in your /usr/share/applications/20:44
gbear14275bioterror, ah, just figured that out thanks :)20:44
gbear14275bioterror, what about the home folder?20:46
bioterrorgbear14275, you want desktop icon that opens a view to your home directory?20:53
gbear14275bioterror, yes please20:54
bioterrormake home.desktop to your ~/Desktop and put http://paste.ubuntu.com/568906/ those inside it20:55
labcomo puedo configurar que los iconos se vean mas pequeños?21:05
bioterrorenglish please21:05
=== kai_62656 is now known as kracker[BDC]
phillwbioterror: drat, where is pedro when you need him!21:15
bioterrorI dunno21:15
gbear14275bioterror, where is home.desktop21:15
phillwbioterror: lab was asking about resizing icons21:16
bioterrorgbear14275, create one, as in make one yourself21:21

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