
WhinisMy custom kernel spits out a wierd mountall and plymouth error00:57
Whiniscould not connect to upstart: could not open socket: address family not supported by protocol01:02
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* apw yawns08:51
* smb is beyond thatzzzzz08:52
* amitk throws resistors into apw's gaping mouth08:55
amitkthat's all I had lying around :)08:56
smbamitk, Amazing what kind of stuff _you_ have lying around. :)08:56
apwits a while since i had any of those 08:56
apwor indeed a use for the08:57
apw> #ifdef BTN_TRIGGER_HAPPY09:04
* apw reminises ... how did you get that past them09:04
* smb just proposed...09:04
smb... and apparently there was no better name for the need of more than 40 buttons on a joystick09:05
* apw smiles about the name09:06
apwsmb, oh while i remember ... did that email go out abuot the SATA ALPM ?09:14
=== smb` is now known as smb
sorenapw: Would you guys object terribly to including the netfilter ipset patch in the kernel?11:28
apwsoren, which one is that, got a pointer ?  and in which kernel?11:29
sorenapw: Natty (and onwards, possibly).11:30
* soren finds link11:30
apwis it going upsteream?11:30
apwand what does it do, why do we need it11:30
sorenIt's a more efficient way to apply an iptables filter to a (large) set of IP's.11:31
sorenInstead of having a rule per IP, you have a rule pointing to the ip set.11:32
sorenThe ip sets are implemented using more efficient data types.11:32
sorenLike a hash or whatnot.11:32
sorenSo instead of having to traverse through hundreds of individual iptables rules, you just have one with a very efficient lookup.11:33
apwmostly out acceptance of that kind of thing depend on it being something which is on its way upstream, that it is not intrusive and is well maintained; and there is someone asking for it11:33
sorenIt's not intrusive at all. It can build completely out-of-tree.11:34
apwso i wonder if a dkms package might be more appropriate ...11:35
sorenI'm not sure if it's on its way upstream. I tried asking upstream at some point, but never got a response. It's actively maintained, though.11:35
sorenDKMS is certainly possible.11:35
apwbut the normal first step is to propose the thing o11:35
apwon kernel-team@, preferablly including the patch11:35
apwhows it all going ?  obviously got a lot of machines if you need that :)11:36
sorenI was just trying to float the idea to gauge whether I should bother at all :)11:36
apweven if we say no, at least noone else needs to ask the reasons if we have them in public11:37
sorenI try to avoid hardware. It's nice and quiet in my office without server fans drilling into my ears.11:38
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
smbtgardner, Rhetorical question: the last time you did an ABI bump in Hardy was longer time ago, wasn't it?15:24
tgardnersmb, um, I think I pushed one recently. lemme check15:25
smbtgardner, Yep, that is the one you broke. :)15:25
tgardnersmb, what do you mean?15:25
apwsmb, is hardy the one we still ahve the result files checked in?15:25
* smb reminds tgardner that Hardy has all this generated files checked into the tree still15:26
smbI got things here, will fix it up15:26
apwat least we have -next rebase allowed ness now15:26
tgardnersmb, I've been building hardy, so I thought it was correct. what did I miss?15:26
smbYeah, 15:27
apwtgardner, the issue is if you clean it works just fine15:27
smbtgardner,  Oh just those control control.stub and d-i stuff15:27
apwbut if you just make it can leave the unchanged files ... all depends on dates15:27
smbJust give me a second and next is good15:27
apwJFo, shall we dance on the balcony15:27
smbtgardner, done15:29
tgardnersmb, pulled15:30
tgardnersmb, did I get dapper right?15:30
smbtgardner, Not build tested yet. That will be next15:30
smbtgardner, It looks right though15:32
tgardnerwill wonders never cease ?15:32
JFoyou're just that good tgardner :)15:40
bjfsmb, new version checked in and pushed, give it a try15:48
bjfsmb, if i can get it working for you, i figure it will work for the others as well :-)15:48
smbtgardner, Would you want the honors? I am done with my CVE this week... :-P15:48
tgardnersmb, I'll try it with the next one.15:49
bjfsmb, if you use the "--staging" flag, you can use the same cve number and it will create the bug on the staging server15:49
smbbjf, Right, true. Ok, a sec15:49
smbbjf, lpltk.service.LaunchpadServiceError15:52
bjfsmb, ok, let me do some real debugging and not just some hacking15:53
smbbjf, Ok, it seems the error comes from reset in lpltk so it could be just lp being broken15:53
smbOh wait that _is_ the default isn't it. :)15:54
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
bjfsmb, the staging server is: "Code Update In Progress", took me a bit to run that down16:14
smbbjf, Ph well, so broken by default was true. Thanks for digging into that16:15
tgardnerGrueMaster, Lucid linux-mvl-dove is built at https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+packages. Please test it. thanks.16:23
GrueMasterAlready loaded.  Just getting ready to head to the basement to verify console screen output.  Thanks.16:24
apwyay interlock is working16:24
* JFo goes to check on the updates on his natty netbook. brb16:26
GrueMastertgardner: Still not right.  Same console screen corruption.16:28
tgardnerGrueMaster, hmm, you're _really_ sure the previous kernel doesn't exhibit this issue? I wonder if I rebuilt the previous version using current Lucid toolchain etc if it would also have the console problem.16:30
GrueMasterI just rebooted and reverified (lots of stairs were involved).16:32
GrueMasterThe working kernel for lucid on dove is 2.6.32-209.2516:33
GrueMasterI wonder if there is something that needs to be done for plymouth?16:33
tgardnerGrueMaster, well shit, 2.6.32-209.25 isn't exactly the previous kernel. there are at least 4 versions after that. I wonder which one broke the console?16:34
GrueMasterThe only one that apt-cache shows in between 209 and 214 is 211.  I was never notified of it, but I can install and test it.16:37
tgardnerGrueMaster, do you have 210.26, 211.27,  212,28,  or 213.29 ? I can rebuild them if not.16:37
GrueMasterlinux-image-2.6.32-211-dove_2.6.32-211.27_armel.deb is the one being pulled from archive.16:37
tgardnerGrueMaster, probably 'cause they never got promoted. Are you pulling from -proposed?16:38
GrueMasterLet me see if it passes or fails, then we can go from there.16:38
GrueMasterYes I am.  But my system is in the basement in a rack cabinet now, and unless I am notified of updates, I don't test them.16:39
tgardnerGrueMaster, does _anyone_ else have this HW? Someone in the community?16:39
GrueMasterI think the only other hw I know of is OEM, but it is not marvel test platform.  They have an OEM system.16:40
tgardnerI'm wondering why I'm spending time on it otherwise16:40
GrueMasterI haven't heard of any dove based systems in the wild yet.16:40
GrueMasterheh, same here.  :P16:40
tgardnerlemme chat up David.16:41
GrueMaster(which is also why I recommend ignoring karmic).16:41
tgardnerkarmic is already abandoned16:41
tgardnerfor mvl-doce that is16:41
GrueMasterThat saves me a LOT of headache.  I don't have an image atm.  Not even a mirrored copy to boot with.  I would have to start from scratch.16:42
GrueMasterOk, relocated to basement.  linux-image-2.6.32-211-dove_2.6.32-211.27_armel.deb is running with no console corruption.16:45
GrueMastertgardner: I'll setup my panda systems to do builds and test the kernels in between pass & fail (unless I can find them on lp).16:48
GrueMasterI can build faster than the buildds.16:48
tgardnerGrueMaster, I can cross-compile or use qemu to build in just a few minutes.16:49
GrueMasterWel, that would be even faster then.  :P16:49
tgardnerGrueMaster, I'm emailing David to verify we even need to do this.16:50
GrueMasterHe's in #arm is you want to ping him directly.16:50
tgardnerGrueMaster, I can't type that fast, so I'll just annoy him with email16:52
JFok, gonna try to grab some lunch on time today for a change. :-)17:00
GrueMastertgardner: Looks like 2.6.212 also fails.  That narrows it down.  I got it here:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-mvl-dove/2.6.32-212.28/+buildjob/206400417:06
htorque_apw, hi, just had some time for bug 721389 i cloned the branch that got merged (which definitely is the first bad commit in linus' tree) and it doesn't show the problem17:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 721389 in linux "Boot time regression 2.6.38" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72138917:26
htorque_should i now incrementally test all 33 commits that were part of that merge on linus' tree (after the last good commit)?17:27
apwhtorque_, you should be able to bisect the branch too17:27
apwbut yes17:27
htorque_apw, the last commit of that branch is good, so i don't know what to bisect for17:28
apwoh hrm17:28
apwso an interaction between the two, does the commit itself have any diff ?17:28
apwcould it be a merge error17:29
apwhtorque_, ok what prolly would do next17:29
apwthen as the branch is fine, but the merge of it is not17:30
apwis to checkout the commit before the merge, then cherry-pick all of the 33 onto the top, not merge them17:30
apwand then test that, if it fails, you can then bisect over that17:30
htorque_apw: thanks, will do :-)17:31
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jj-afkback in a bit17:32
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=== sforshee is now known as sforshee-lunch
tgardnerbjf, Traceback (most recent call last):18:35
tgardner  File "./create-cve-tracker", line 219, in <module>18:35
tgardner    app.main()18:35
tgardner  File "./create-cve-tracker", line 167, in main18:35
tgardner    bug = self.lp.create_bug(project='ubuntu', package='linux', title=title, description=description, tags=tags)18:35
tgardnerTypeError: create_bug() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tags'18:35
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
htorqueapw: if i haven't screwed up: after applying all the patches the resulting kernel doesn't show the bug18:44
* tgardner --> lunch18:51
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=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
blagim trying to build the ubuntu maverick kernel from git, but it keeps telling me to run "make mrproper", which blows out the debian/ directory, which means the command "fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel fails.  how do I build a .deb file of the ubuntu kernel by just using make?19:49
jjohansenblag: you have something messed up, this happens occasionally19:50
jjohansenif you are in the git tree this trick usually works19:50
jjohansenrun make mrproper and then do a git checkout -f19:50
jjohansenit will restore the debian directory, and you should be able to build19:51
blagjjohansen: looks like it worked, thanks!19:57
* jjohansen -> lunch20:02
sforsheeblag, I usually use 'git clean -xfd' in that situation, which seems a little easier and also won't blow away local changes20:09
=== herton_ is now known as herton
blagsforshee: ill have to try that20:14
sconklinsforshee, blag: git clean -dxf will delete untracked files, unless I'm mistaken20:22
sconklinso try it in a place you don't care about ;)20:22
sforsheesconklin, isn't that the point?20:23
sforsheeit's no worse than 'make mrproper' as was suggested before20:23
sconklinsorry I misread "local changes"20:23
sforsheeyeah, if you have new files they will be blown away, that's a good clarification to throw in20:23
sconklin^^ don't upgrade Natty rigth now20:24
tgardnersforshee, I use a sledge hammer to make sure my trees are clean. This works across all versions of git:20:27
tgardnergit checkout -f20:27
tgardnergit clean -f -d20:27
tgardnergit ls-files --others --directory |xargs rm -rf20:27
tgardnerrm -rf .git/rebase*20:27
sforsheetgardner, that's certainly thorough :)20:28
janimowhich package sets up the 'Restart Needed' notification after certain kernel upgrades?20:32
tgardnerjanimo, ask in #ubuntu-devel 'cause I can't remember.20:32
janimotgardner, ah so it is not part of the kernel packaging then? Not one of your dpkg hooks?20:34
tgardnerjanimo, I'm sure its a hook somewhere in the packaging, I just can't remember where.20:35
tgardnerbjf[afk], the nominations fix works for me20:42
vanhoofquick question hopefully :)20:51
vanhoofright now if you file a kernel bug, it lands under 'linux', which is the latest release, natty20:51
JFofamous last words vanhoof 20:51
vanhoofsub tasks can be opened against prior releases ... maverick, lucid, etc20:52
vanhoofnow say something doesnt get fixed in natty (linux) at this point in time20:52
JFoyou can open a Natty task now as well20:52
vanhoofafter the natty release, would those tasks be moved to a sub task of natty, and the original task migrated to the 'o' release?20:52
JFoand the main task will show "Status tracked in Natty"20:52
JFono, you would need to add it20:52
vanhoofah ok20:53
JFoit would be nice to have that20:53
vanhoofim just looking at historical data for bugs we've got fixed, sometimes things get filed under linux (applied in natty), and then fix released20:54
vanhoofi'm wondering if i go back in time, will i be able to find those by searching under natty20:54
vanhoofsounds like if i want that data i need to have natty tasks opened as well20:54
JFoI wish, but no20:54
JFoyep, that would be the best way20:55
JFobest== easiest20:55
vanhoofcool, thanks JFo :)20:55
JFomy pleasure vanhoof :)20:55
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
* tgardner has pretty much had his fill of CVE tedium21:24
tgardnerbjf, so, are you considering adding all of the relevant linux package names to create-cve-tracker ?21:25
bjfyes, it's on my todo list21:26
bjftgardner, ^21:26
tgardnerbjf, cool. see you Tuesday.21:26
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