
psusihow does nautilus decide what to open a given file with and the other menu options?  I thought there was a gconf key that listed that sort of thing for each mime type, but I can't find it00:28
psusiI could have sworn that you used to be able to right click on a cd-rw and choose blank, but it looks like that doesn't work now because nautilus thinks it is a "folder" instead of a cd-rw...00:29
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
c2tarunAn application epdview. Debian has its new version, I tried to build the native new Debian version for natty but it failed. So sync cannot be possible. I need to merge it. Can anyone please help.01:42
persiaWhy does it need to be merged?01:47
persiaDoes it include a cool new feature?  Does it fix a useful bug?01:47
c2tarunpersia: well there should be something that made debian included the newer version.01:49
persiaSure, but after DebianImportFreeze, there needs to be a reason to do a merge or sync.01:51
persiaReasons vary: could be fixing a bug, could be a new cool feature, could be beause you really, really want to merge it.01:52
persiaDoesn't matter what the reason is, but there needs to be *some* reason.01:52
persiaSo, either find a reason to do this merge, or find something else that needs doing.01:52
c2tarunpersia: well I am new so I dont know much :( but they applied all the patches that somehow needed a change in the build-dependencies.01:54
* c2tarun (But I was wondering patches are also there in previous version, they are just applied by upstream, why we didn't added the new build-dependency requirement in previous version?)01:54
persiaBeing new only means you have a greater opportunity to learn :)01:55
persiaMy recommendation would be to start by looking at the upstream changelog and the Debian changelog.  Then compare these to the diff in the code.01:56
persiaSee if any of that looks interesting to you, or like a good reason to merge it.01:56
artfwoc2tarun: I see there have been a number of "hardening" changes, debian version is more secure, and that's good for a PDF viewer01:56
c2tarunartfwo: this security reason is enough? and there was no change in the source code, can just by importing one library make the application more secure?01:57
artfwobuilding against hardening-includes is supposed to make things harder to break. is this reason enough for you? :)01:59
micahgyes, I'd say that's worth pulling in if the FTBFS can be fixed01:59
micahgc2tarun: it needs a merge anyways since there's an UBuntu change01:59
c2tarunmicahg: cool :) so can you help me a bit please in merging?02:00
micahgc2tarun: would you like to fix blobwars for me :)02:01
c2tarunmicahg: sure :)02:01
micahgc2tarun: I was half joking, but that one we can fix after feature freeze as well02:02
c2tarunmicahg: feature freeze means? debian has a newer version and can you please tell me where to find the PTS page for blobwar?02:03
micahgc2tarun: just make sure there's a bug filed and I'll milestone it for 11.04 beta02:03
micahgc2tarun: I've already started working on blobwars, so don't worry about it, I was just saying, I have my own FTBFS to fix ATM :)02:04
c2tarunmicahg: what kind of bug I should be? sync or merge?02:04
micahgc2tarun: merge since there's an Ubuntu change02:04
c2tarunmicahg: oh.. :)02:04
c2tarunmicahg: ok :) i'll file the bug? do I hv to subscribe any team to that bug?02:05
persiac2tarun, No, just assign yourself02:05
c2tarunpersia: myself? but micahg already started working on blobwars.02:06
persiac2tarun, for epdview (unless you decided not to do it)02:07
c2tarunpersia: i'll merge epdfview :)02:07
micahgc2tarun: I was suggesting filing a bug for epdfview02:08
c2tarunmicahg: yeah :) sorry I got it wrong. I am doing that02:08
c2tarunmicahg: bug 72105402:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721054 in epdfview (Ubuntu) "Please merge epdfview-0.1.7-5 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72105402:11
micahgc2tarun: milestoned, thanks02:13
c2tarunIn uploading the package for a merge bug on LP what files should be attached one is the latest ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz, any other files that might help in reviewing?02:22
micahgc2tarun: debdiff from Debian version to Ubuntu version02:23
persiaI usually request a debdiff between latest Debian revision and the candidate revision.02:23
c2tarunok i'll get the debdiff from current debian version to ubuntu version, persia: what do you mean by candidate revision?02:24
persiaThe revision that you've prepared, which you are presenting as a candidate to be included in Ubuntu.02:25
c2tarunpersia: ok, done :)02:27
micahgc2tarun: no, you're still removing all the patches and adding them back as one big one02:29
c2tarunmicahg: ya those are already applied. did i miss something?02:30
micahgc2tarun: idk, seems something funny about merging with source format 302:31
c2tarunmicahg: so what can i do?02:32
c2tarunmicahg: I mean to fix this?02:32
persiac2tarun, Do you understand the nature of the issue?02:33
micahgc2tarun: I don't know offhand, I'm having a weird issue myself trying to merge eclipse02:33
c2tarunmicahg: ok, no prob :) I'll ask it on channel someone will reply thanks :)02:33
c2tarunI can fix the indentation problem of changelog + i'll add an entry of dropping all the patches. But I dont know how to remove that big patch, can anyone please help. bug 72105402:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 721054 in epdfview (Ubuntu Natty) "Please merge epdfview-0.1.7-5 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72105402:35
micahgc2tarun: no, the patches shouldn't be dropped02:35
c2tarunmicahg: but they are already applied. I checked.02:36
persiac2tarun, You may want to read more about Format: 3.0 (quilt).02:37
persiaIn the dpkg documentation.02:37
persiaThe patches are not applied upstream: they're just applied in the unpacked Debian source.02:37
c2tarunpersia: I also thought that may be one condition, but I tried to remove all of them first by quilt pop :(02:38
c2tarunpersia: ping02:39
persiaWhy do you ping me?02:41
c2tarunpersia: I am not getting, I checked by removing all the patches, and none of them were applied at the time I checked that are they applied or not. Then  why shouldn't I remove those patches?02:42
persiac2tarun, So, if you look at your debdiff, you may notice debian/patches/debian-changes-0.1.7-5ubuntu102:43
persiaThat is produced because of differences between the unpacked source and the source in the original upstream artifact.02:44
persiaPrecisely how you reached that state is something I don't know, but I presume you can reproduce by experimentation.02:44
c2tarunpersia: ya somehow it didn't makes sense. the patches are included in the new debian version. How can they be applied? If they are applied already than they should have been removed from the debian version as well. And since they are included it means that they are not applied. Can you please explain me one last thing please, how is the patch applied in the version I am working on?02:47
persiaWhich patch?02:48
c2tarunpersia: all of them02:48
persiaAre you asking why the patches in debian/patches are applied when you unpack the source?02:49
c2tarunpersia: No I am asking how to remove the patches that get applied automatically when we unpack the source.02:50
persiaassuming bash: `export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches; quilt pop -a`.  Why would you wish to do this?02:50
persiaNote that the above line is specific to this type of package.  There are many other sorts of packages that require different treatment.02:51
c2tarunpersia: quilt pop -a is not working, and unless I dont pop the applied patches how can i build the source package?02:51
* c2tarun by not working I mean getting the message no patches applied02:53
persiaThat sort of package presumes the patches have been applied when you build the source package.  Unapplying them will result either in them being reapplied or unexpected behaviours, depending on other changes to the package at the same time.02:53
persiaDid you export QUILT_PATCHES first?02:53
c2tarunpersia: nope, let me do that02:53
c2tarunpersia: can I include it in my .bashrc, I think I gonna need it very often02:54
persiaIf you want to include something to work by default, read the docs on the quilt package, which has some suggested ways to handle it.02:54
c2tarunpersia: ok sure02:54
c2tarunpersia: I just checked that export* line is already in my .bashrc. still I was not ablt to pop that patch.02:56
c2tarun*pop any patch02:56
persiaThat export line won't work unless used in the right context.02:57
persiaI believe the correct solution is to modify .quiltrc in specified ways, not .bashrc03:04
c2tarunpersia: I uploaded a new debdiff, can you please take a look.03:10
persiaYou don't need to upload the debian.tar.gz.  Only the debdiff.03:12
c2tarunpersia: ok :) from next time i'll get the debdiff only03:12
persiaThat looks well-formed.  Do you see the difference between this and your other debdiff?  Do you understand how it got each way?03:13
c2tarunpersia: yup :) finally ;)03:13
persiaSo, tell me :)03:14
c2tarunpersia: can you please sponser it? :)03:15
udienzmicahg, i try to merge conkeror in bug 720069. seems like its is mozilla seed03:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 720069 in conkeror (Ubuntu) "Please merge conkeror 0.9.3+git110213-1 (universe) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72006903:16
persiac2tarun, If you tell me about the difference between this debdiff and the other one03:16
c2tarunpersia: this is a clean diff containing only the info of one poppler patch. This is the actual differece because earlier patches are not applied, somehow I did something that applied them. Since those patches are also in the ubuntu version so they are not the difference ;) hence not in this debdiff :)03:20
persiaExcellent, and do you know what you did before that applied them?03:21
c2tarunpersia: all other things are legitimate, as changes for ubuntu releases in changelog.03:21
c2tarunpersia: sorry not getting what you are asking ?03:22
persiaDo you know what went wrong the first time?03:22
c2tarunpersia: yup, everything started with the changes made by mom in series, while fixing that may be somehow I applied those patches, that quilt pop was exectued by me before fixing that series file. so I checked that they are applied and that was wrong.03:24
c2tarun*series=> debian/patches/series03:25
persiaCool.  Now you know.  I often find that when I make a mistake I have a much lower chance of repeating it if I understand what went wrong.03:25
c2tarunpersia: yup :)03:25
persiaAnd, it's always worth checking your debdiff carefully (even if you're not seeking sponsorship).  make sure you intend all the changes that appear, and if something is confusing, try to sort that first, before sending to sponsors/uploading.03:26
=== tarun is now known as c2tarun
Yanksyou know ur motherboard has 250$ worth of gold in it?03:37
persiaYanks, May I help you?03:41
Yankswho the fuck r u03:41
persia!ohmy > Yanks03:41
ubottuYanks, please see my private message03:41
Yanksfuck u ubottu03:41
psusisomeone please boot this jackwaggon spammer that has already bene booted from +103:41
Yanksplease fucking ban me03:42
novicedeveloperhi. i want to start developing for ubuntu. But not getting the right way to start with. I checked the bug squad but it was confusing. i am confused.08:47
novicedeveloperplease help08:49
novicedeveloper hi. i want to start developing for ubuntu. But not getting the right way to start with. I checked the bug squad but it was confusing. i am confused. please suggest something.08:51
artfwonovicedeveloper, I'd suggest you start by reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu#Maintaining Ubuntu08:51
novicedeveloperartfwo: thank you. but i hav queries also.08:52
artfwoif you have them, ask :)08:52
novicedeveloperartfwo:  cant i start wuth coding directly instead of entering into  correcting bugs and then strart coding?08:53
artfwoof course08:53
novicedeveloperartfwo:  so how can i do that?..:P08:53
artfwobut I think, it's easier to start by fixing bugs08:53
artfwothat's described in the same page as above: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu#Writing%20Code08:54
novicedeveloperartfwo: ok.. :) .. now in bug fixing i would like to go with something related to kernel.08:55
novicedeveloperartfwo: so can u please suggest something related to this?.. :)08:55
artfwoI am not much into kernel development :)08:56
mok0Why would the buildd not be able to find gcc?? See this build: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/collectd/4.10.1-2.1/+buildjob/210183508:56
artfwonovicedeveloper, but there's a dedicated wiki page as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev08:57
dholbachgood morning08:57
mok0goodmorning dholbach08:57
novicedeveloperartfwo: ok. i may find something good there.. :).. thnakyou08:57
novicedeveloperdholbach: good morning08:57
novicedeveloperartfwo: *thank you08:57
dholbachhi mok008:58
novicedeveloperartfwo: thankyou for help.. there is lot given in  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev.. i will read it.. :)08:59
novicedeveloperdholbach: hi. i have read your class of "Getting started with ubuntu development".. it was teally informative.. hope to look forward help from you... :)09:01
dholbachnovicedeveloper, that's great09:01
novicedeveloperdholbach: *really09:01
dholbachif you have any questions, just ask in here - there's always somebody around who can try to help you09:01
novicedeveloperdholbach: ok. thanks.. :)09:02
dholbachROCK ON! :)09:02
novicedeveloperdholbach: yooo.... \o/...09:03
mok0dholbach: what was the idea re: the ubuntu-packaging guide? It still seems to be a stub09:12
dholbachmok0, did you check out lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide?09:13
dholbachthat's where it happens :)09:13
mok0dholbach: I did, but I don't see any action09:14
dholbachmok0, I contributed 3 guides to it and barry is working on getting UDD docs merged in09:14
dholbachsome other bugs are assigned and work is in progress09:15
dholbachit's not a fast moving target (yet), but there's actually people working on it09:15
mok0dholbach: Any coordination going on? I'd like to contribute, but not sure what is needed09:15
dholbachmok0, we filed bugs for articles that we'd like to see - we use merge proposals to peer-review stuff that goes in09:16
mok0dholbach: Is the idea that it should replace what's on the Wiki?09:16
mok0dholbach: I'll go check out the LP project I guess09:16
dholbachmok0, in the long run, yes probably - for now we want to create useful articles that are task-based (as opposed to one huge guide) and additional knowledge base articles that deal with more general topics09:17
dholbachthere's also a spec that explains which old content we could merge in, but what might need updating09:17
dholbachlet me get the link09:17
mok0dholbach: I'll grab bug #70484509:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 704845 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "Add article explaining how to work with Debian/Upstream" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70484509:19
mok0dholbach: I drafted something on the wiki for that09:19
dholbachthanks a bunch mok009:19
dholbachLaney, ^09:19
dholbachyoohoo! :)09:19
mok0Laney, dholbach actually, come to think of it, what I drafted was the reverse: a guide for upstreams on how to work with Ubuntu09:20
mok0Laney: dholbach, but perhaps it makes sense to put in the same guide?09:21
dholbachthat might be interesting as well09:21
dholbachyeah, if not in the "task-based" section, it would be an excellent "knowledge-base" article09:21
dholbachI'll work with barry to get his huge branch in, then I'll juggle pieces around a little bit09:21
dholbachbut if you make it a separate article for now, we'll have no problems integrating it09:21
mok0dholbach: I might as well start there09:22
dholbachthanks a lot mok009:23
mok0dholbach: I guess I should join the team09:23
dholbachyou already are09:23
dholbachubuntu-dev and ubuntu-core-doc are in there09:23
mok0dholbach: heh, indeed09:23
mok0dholbach: so work-flow is to work in a branch ?09:24
dholbachyes, branch from lp:ubuntu-packaging-guide, commit, push to a separate branch, propose merge09:24
dholbachI'll do my best to review as quickly as possible and get more other folks involved in reviewing stuff as well09:25
dholbachLaney, ^ :)09:25
mok0dholbach: great09:25
slomohi, is anybody updating gst-plugins-bad0.10, gst-plugins-ugly0.10 and their multiverse variants?09:29
mok0dholbach: I also wrote this draft: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GettingStartedDraft09:37
mok0dholbach: but I ran out of ideas and time09:37
dholbachmok0, I wrote three articles "Very general introduction to Ubuntu Development", "Getting set up" and "how to fix a bug" - I could imagine that some of the info in your article would be very helpful to get merged in there - what do you think?09:38
mok0dholbach: perhaps, but this is more like a self-paced course, with exercises etc09:39
dholbachI like the idea of exercises09:40
mok0dholbach: yes, it's a good way to get people started09:41
dholbachI'm not sure what's the best way of integrating them09:41
dholbachif you have a good suggestion, I'm all ears :)09:41
mok0dholbach: The three articles you mentioned ^ , where are they?09:45
dholbachin the root directory?09:45
dholbacherr root of the source tree :)09:45
dholbachthe .rst files09:45
mok0dholbach: ah, they are already in the branch, I see09:45
mok0dholbach: I will reformat to rst and add my gettingstarteddraft, then we can work on it together09:46
mok0dholbach: perhaps merge etc09:46
mok0dholbach: I can't find my upstream guide on the wiki.09:47
mok0dholbach: It's lost in the jungle09:47
mok0dholbach: and I can't see that I have a link to it... :-/09:48
mok0The problem with wikis...09:48
dholbachok, let's start with the gettingstarteddraft09:48
dholbachI hope that once we have a lot of content in the branch we can sit together and think of a good structure for it09:49
dholbachthe way I see it right now, it'd be good to have some kind of simple landing page that links you to the knowledge base articles (common problems to avoid when packaging, DEP-3, how to triple-check your new package, etc.) and lists tasks that people who like to do (fix a simple bug, update a package to a new version, propose a change for sponsorship, etc.) - I realiase that this might not be the perfect recipe for everything, but I feel it's a09:50
dholbach good start09:50
mok0dholbach: sounds good09:51
mok0dholbach: is there another way to search the wiki? The search field only searches titles.09:52
dholbachthere should be a link to "full text search" no?09:53
mok0dholbach: ah. Google :-)09:54
dholbachso who apart from mok0 is interested in helping out with the packaging guide?09:57
dholbachit'd be really nice if you all signed up for the team mailing list09:57
dholbachand checked https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/+activereviews every now and then09:57
mok0dholbach: on the mL now. Can you give me a hint how to render .rst text?10:03
mok0dholbach: format seems simple enough10:03
dholbachrun "make html"10:03
dholbachand open the file in _build/html/ in a browser10:04
mok0dholbach: ah :-)10:04
dholbachthere might be an immediate "rst viewer", but I don't know10:04
dholbachthat's what I did :)10:04
mok0dholbach: didn't notice the Makefile in there...10:04
dholbachif you prefer pdf, you can run "make pdf" too (and lots of other things)10:05
dholbachfor .pdf you might need all the build-deps of the package though10:05
mok0dholbach: is this packaging-guide meant to go online as HTML sometime?10:41
dholbachmok0, yes11:12
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
hggdhwhat replaces multilib in karmic? gcc-multilib and gcc-4.4-multilib are both phantom packages14:02
hggdhbah, just an amazingly restricted sources.list14:24
Laneydebfx: cheers for the haskell help \o14:51
c2tarunwhat is revision control?16:08
micahgc2tarun: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revision_control16:09
debfxLaney: you're welcome :)17:22
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
c2tarunI was trying to grab a package for merging or sync ( as needed) I got this warning http://paste.ubuntu.com/568832/ What does it mean?17:40
micahgit means the Debian source is maintained in svn17:41
c2tarunmicahg: so what is so special with it? I mean why a warning?17:42
micahgc2tarun: it points people to where the packaging code lives if they want to work on it,17:43
c2tarunmicahg: ok.17:43
c2tarunmicahg: whenever we grab a package using the grab script, it unpacks the tarball and applies all the patches. but when I try to remove those patches by quilt pop -a then I always get the message no patches removed. Why so?17:48
c2tarunoops :(17:49
micahgc2tarun: no, it doesn't necessarily apply all the patches17:49
micahgc2tarun: you probably need to set up .quiltrc17:49
c2tarunmicahg: do you mean export QUILT_PATCH=debian/patches line in .quiltrc?17:50
c2tarunmicahg: yup my bad sorry :( ok i'll do it.17:51
grunthusHi, I have been working on a bugfix, need a little help with commit and push commands23:44
grunthusFirst, after bzr ci, in the text editor, should I describe changes in same fashion as with changelog files?23:46
lifelessinstall bzr builddeb23:50
lifelessthen you can just use debcommit23:50
grunthusHi lifeless, AFAIK, because its the trunk, there is no deb23:53
grunthusbug 71582023:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 715820 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) "No tooltip for disconnect button" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71582023:54

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