
=== pace_t_zulu_ is now known as pace_t_zulu
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fta!info ioquake3 natty15:49
ftai wonder who let the debian openarena in, it needs an ioquake3 we don't have16:13
micahgfta: someone who didn't test build :)16:13
micahgI think that's why I skipped that merge16:14
fta openarena : Depends: ioquake3 (>= 1.36+svn1858) but it is not going to be installed16:14
micahgoh, that was me :(16:15
micahgI didn't notice the binary depends16:15
micahgfta: I'll fix it16:15
ftaso *you* didn't test build ;)16:15
micahgfta: no, I did, I just didn't read the changelog close enough16:15
micahgit was a binary depends16:15
ftayep, but iirc, the debian policy says you have to install your debs and test them before uploading16:16
ftaor at least, it was the case years ago16:17
micahgweird, build-dep version is lower than the binary dep version16:19
micahgand I usually install binaries if I'm on the devel release, but I'm not yet, I think I'll upgrade this weekend16:20
micahgfta: sync requested16:35
ftamicahg, thanks16:35
ftachrisccoulson, hi, did you have a chance to look at the breakpad issue?17:22
chrisccoulsonfta - not yet, sorry. i'm on vacation today too17:25
ftachrisccoulson, oh, i didn't know. sorry. enjoy your day17:26
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asacchrisccoulson: your bz mail is?20:08
gnomefreakdoes thunderbird-globalmenu get installed on a non-gnome system?21:16
micahggnomefreak: I think it's part of thunderbird now, so yes21:17
gnomefreakiirc it was installed when thunderbird was installed21:17
gnomefreakit is useless on anything but unity21:17
micahggnomefreak: right21:17
gnomefreakit would be great if it allowed me to add thunderbird to the menu bar in unity21:18
gnomefreakbut i cant add anything to the menu bar21:18
chrisccoulsonhi asac21:24
chrisccoulsonsorry, i'm on vacation today ;)21:24
gnomefreakany chance we can get thunderbird back into preffered apps list?21:44
micahggnomefreak: in software center?21:45
gnomefreakmicahg: no in preffered applications menu system>prefferences>preffered apps21:45
* micahg doesn't know what that is :( (I really need to upgrade to natty :))21:46
gnomefreakevo is the only one that is there21:46
ftathis is gone in natty/unity21:46
gnomefreakmicahg: maverick and before have the same menu entry21:46
gnomefreakfta: its in the unity applications menu21:46
gnomefreakbut still doesnt list thunderbird21:46
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, yes, there is a bug for that already21:47
chrisccoulsoni'll do it next week21:47
gnomefreakmenu bar > applications > preffered applications21:47
ftai hate compiz, and i think i hate unity too21:47
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: ah ok thanks21:47
ftaboom, just crashed21:47
gnomefreakunity lost alot of features from classic gnome21:48
gnomefreakfta: indicators?21:48
ftanope, compiz21:48
fta10th time today21:48
ftaand it doesn't recover21:48
gnomefreaki know classic desktop has crashing indicators21:48
ftamicahg, any idea how long it will take for the ioquake sync to be processed, i need to pass my nerves on something21:50
micahgjdstrand: you have time to process bug 721360, I broke openarena and it needs this update21:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 721360 in ioquake3 "Sync ioquake3 1.36+svn1858-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72136021:51
micahgjdstrand: that was meant to be a question :)21:51
ftacrashed again, oh my21:55
ftaand gwibber21:56
ftaand notify-send21:56
jdstrandmicahg: done22:03
micahgjdstrand: thanks22:03
ftamicahg, you said earlier that you were able to test build stuff on arm, right?22:10
micahgfta: yes22:10
ftawould you mind building chromium for me? i'd like to see if my merge works there22:11
fta(the codecs had a few arm custom flags)22:11
micahgfta: sure, can I start it sat night?  which release?22:11
micahgfta: ok, which build would you like me to pull22:12
ftaone of beta/dev/trunk, they are all merged now22:12
ftatake one that is green in that page22:12
micahgok, I'll grab beta sat night since that'll be closest to stable soon22:12
ftabeta just jumped to ch10 today, and dev to ch1122:13
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