
nerdful1greetings, working on a question.......00:36
nerdful1I unplugged my all-in-one mythbox from ethernet for awhile. When disconnected, I opened frontend to check on upcoming recordings...it complained that it could not connect to backend... So I reconnected, found no upcoming recordings scheduled. I rebooted, and found that it looked ok to record. But:00:38
nerdful1When I went to "recordings" to watch a show in process of recording, it said it could not find file. The busy circle was going in the menu, the backend status on mythweb said tuner is recording.00:39
nerdful1I can't find evidence of recordings being made, although it "thinks" it is doing the chores ok.  Database health all says ok, I rebooted again, no go, an also No Live TV. It sees tuner, but no signal shows.00:41
nerdful1Tuner is on the ethernet, it is a HDhomerun, so somehow things are corrupted, Help please, thanks.00:42
nerdful1HDhomerun is on ethernet on a reserved address on the router, so it didn't change, nor did the mythbuntu allinone box.00:45
Shadow__Xnerdful1: it will not record if it is not connected to the network especially if the tuner is an hdhomerun01:08
mycosysnerdful1 get rid of networkmanager and set up ifup instead01:38
mycosysnetworkmanager = pain for servers01:38
mycosysyou need to manually assign an ip address to the machine, so that it does not rely on dhcp to get one, so that if it boots without network, or IP is changed it will still work01:39
nerdful1mycosys: Thanks, found problem. Cable co changed all channel lineups that my HDhomerun is connected to. Coincidence that I disconnected lan, then later tuner was not apparently working. NO announcement from cable co about it. Also, I have the router reserving addresses for all my stuff.  Thanbks03:54
trackstarHi all. Kind of a n00b question but I just hooked up my ubuntu pc to my new TV with an HDMI cable (from an on-board HDMI port) and am disappointed that it didn't automatically detect the new display. is there a trick to getting this to work?05:23
Shadow__Xtrackstar: try your graphics card config manager05:34
somethinginteresAnyone else having issues with Shepherd getting Aus EPG data?06:09
mycosyshavent noticed any somethinginteres06:26
somethingintereshmm OK thanks mycosys. the grabber runs apparently pulls down data but most of the channels aren't populated. It usually works just since the last batch of data got pulled down. WIll have to investigate further. Cheers06:27
mycosysjust running it now to check06:28
mycosystry running with --notimetest from the console to see the output06:28
somethinginteresmycosys: OK will do06:59
somethinginteresmycosys: still seem to be getting the same error "Attempt 2 failed to fetch http://guides.news.com.au/television/profile/?action=saveProfile"07:11
Zinn[guides.news.com.au] Setup TV Channels | NEWS.com.au07:11
mycosysno error for me somethinginteres08:06
mycosysis it updating ok?08:07
somethinginteresmycosys: you mean updating the sources for grabbing the data or into the guide in mythtv?08:08
mycosysupdating shepherd itself, the grabbers and prog08:09
mycosystry ./shepherd --update in ur .shepherd directory08:10
mycosysthe guides change a lot, so it needs to update all the time08:10
somethinginteresmycosys: the sources all report "up to date" w/ no errors08:10
mycosystry disabling the news grabber then08:11
somethinginteresmycosys: hmm, how can I do that08:11
somethinginteresmycosys: I believe the grabber is "news v1.7"08:12
mycosys./shepherd --disable news08:13
somethinginteresmycosys: done. Just doing a pastebin of output08:16
somethinginteresmycosys: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568642/08:16
Zinn[paste.ubuntu.com] Ubuntu Pastebin08:16
mycosystry running it with --notimetest and see what u get08:18
somethinginteresmycosys: running now08:20
somethinginteresmycosys: no errors reported08:30
mycosysdunno why news wasnt working for you08:38
mycosysenable it again in a week or 2 i would say08:38
somethinginteresmycosys: kk08:51
somethinginteresmycosys: thanks08:51
hot_wheelzcan encoding a program for an ipod\iphone be done OTB with mytharchive in Mythbuntu?10:38
mycosystry mythencode hot_wheelz10:42
mycosysgah - mythexport10:44
mycosysis part of the distro10:44
Zinn[www.mythbuntu.org] MythExport | Mythbuntu10:44
hot_wheelzyes of course - my bad thanks10:47
hot_wheelzso its builtin then10:48
mycosysits a plugin that is a standard part of mythbuntu10:48
mycosysjust go to [mythsevername]/mythexport10:50
mycosysin a web browser10:50
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