
Kilosmorning everbody04:16
KilosMaaz, coffee on04:16
* Maaz starts grinding coffee04:16
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!04:20
inetpromorning sakhi06:42
superflyhey sakhi, inetpro06:42
inetproheh superfly06:42
StrongManI live in Blouberg, and I am often cycling along the coast to Camps Bay. Where would the best place be for me to get a CD?11:06
superflyStrongMan: look on http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu11:08
StrongManIf I type "Cape Town" there, nothing comes up -- bar UCT of course.11:09
superflyStrongMan: try to be more specific?11:11
superflytype in "Blouberg" or "Camps Bay"?11:11
StrongManBlouberg (0). Sea Point (0)11:12
Kiloshiya all. i be happy13:12
Kilos80G drive fixed again13:12
superflyhi Kilos13:13
superflywhat did you do?13:13
Kilosit was a bug in the mbr superfly 13:14
Kiloseven used xp to rewrite the mbr and boot13:15
Kilosbuty still battled13:15
Kiloszero'd drive 4 or 5 times and tried win and ubuntu and then this morning after zeroing and installing karmic it works13:16
Kilosanyway now we can have coffee in peace agin13:17
KilosMaaz, coffee on13:17
* Maaz starts grinding coffee13:17
KilosMaaz, with milk13:17
MaazKilos: Excuse me?13:17
superflyMaaz: coffee please13:17
Maazsuperfly: Yessir13:17
* Owkkuri thinks Kilos needs a new drive13:17
Kiloslol Owkkuri  they  expensive13:17
Owkkurinot really :P13:17
Kilosmust make do with what i got13:17
Kilosevery cent goes for data13:18
Owkkurino drive - no data :P13:18
Kilosand ide drives hard to find i think13:18
Kilosi have karmic working on my 6g as well and 20g13:18
Kilosso i will always have contact. i hope13:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and superfly!13:21
KilosMaaz, thank you ever so much kind bot13:21
Maazno probs, Kilos13:21
KilosMaaz, wat eet ons vanaand13:22
MaazEnigiets met pap en sous Kilos Ek is gelukig met mikro organismes van die internet13:22
Kilosthe mbr virus prob is quite common out there. you can even download a program for ms called avboot to repair it13:28
Kilosbut then you still got ms on your pc13:28
Kilosnow hopefully only ubuntu here13:28
Kilosif this didnt work i was gonna try using a good 500m drive just to boot from. dunno if that would work13:33
=== superfly__ is now known as superfly
kbmonkeyevening all :-)19:38

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