
angellMy PROBLEM IS.. This installation that this installation keeps giving me errors regarding it not being able to unmount the cdrom...00:00
uRock_gee, feeling nice today rww?00:03
ubottuOpera is an advanced, fast and free (as in beer) web browser. It is packaged for easy installation into Ubuntu. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser00:03
Aikarwasnt there a kernel update the other day?00:04
uRock_Aikar, for which release?00:05
elijah1Is there a way I can load a custom xorg.conf file by clicking an icon on the desktop?00:05
uRock_10.10 and 10.04 had one like two weeks ago00:05
Dewey24angell: did the installation finish?  you should try powering down the machine and booting the new installed00:05
Aikari cant use flash anymore... firefox and chrome playing videos will randomly freeze my entire system forcing me to hard power off. i never had this issue before this week. ive tried like 3 diff versions of flash, even the 10.3 native 64bit one00:05
Ziberlvcreate is telling me that my volume groups arent found... I thought I could just make a name for them?00:05
mickster04elijah1: not really :p00:05
uRock_hi Gnea00:06
angellDewey24: No the machine didn't finish installing, infact it froze with that error not being able to unmount the cdrom.......00:06
Aikarany idea of a log file this would likely log to? ive searched and cant find any messages as to what caused the complete system freeze00:06
elijah1mickster04: Is there way to load a xorg.conf file?00:06
JunglPervSo I know this isn't really an Ubuntu support questionn but my problem seems to be affecting more than one MSN client.  So far I've tried aMSN and Emesene I have had intermitten results with being able to connect with both of them saying that I am logged in at another location.  Has anyone else had this problem?00:07
Dewey24angell: have you checked your media(CD)?00:07
Logan_WPJunglPerv: If you know that it isn't a Ubuntu support question, then why are you asking it in this channel?00:07
uRock_JunglPerv, no00:07
angellDewey24: It is being installed via Unetbootin with the iso on the flash drive, and yes I did the checking and it passed.00:08
Ziberhow can I create a volume group with lvcreate?00:08
JunglPervLogan_WP: because its is obviously not client support00:08
uRock_JunglPerv, seek help through MS00:09
JunglPervuRock: why would Microsoft help me with non MS products?00:09
uRock_because your account obviously has issues00:10
uRock_whenever I log in with one client, the other client gets disconnected00:10
elijah1JunglPerv: Maybe try #microsoft00:10
elijah1JunglPerv: or #windows00:10
uRock_unless you are logged in via the browser00:11
Dewey24angell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=123761700:11
puffI'm using ubunt u 10.04.2 LTS, amarok is behaving weirdly;  it tries to play a track and then skips to the next track.  Eventually I get a popup saying too many errors, stopping playlist.00:11
shubbarflash plugin keeps crashing and gives error "The application exe has crashed"00:11
puffHow do I find more info about what's going wrong?00:11
Dewey24angell: maybe the "use entire cd" workaround will do it00:11
uRock_puff, have you install restricted extras?00:12
angellDewey24: Where is that option? Is it suppose to be anywhere around the options when you boot into it through unetbootin or....00:13
Dewey24angell: when partitioning the disk I guess00:14
fridabanditaiam windows user, but am trying to change over my system to linux.  i have a peer to peer windows system at home, and the office (workgroup, not domain)  i want to get my laptop to run ubuntu, and be able to log onto my workgroup at home or the office.  i have looked at various forums, but they go into a great deal of detail, lost to me.  i am a computer user, not a computer guru, so keep it00:15
angellDewey24: It doesn't give me that option, it only shows the usb flash drive when I go from the beginning of the partitioning.00:15
angellDewey24: The only time I see the hard drive it self is when I go to try and manually partition the drive itself.00:15
=== chrisoc is now known as DocOC
* uRock shakes fists at freenode00:15
pufffridabandita: I think you will need to explain in more detail what you mean by "a peer to peer iwndows system" and "workgroup, not domain."00:16
pufffridabandita: I don't know windows, but either this is a windows-specific technology, in which case you're stuck with windows, or it's a more general technology (for example a vpn), in which case you may be able to do what you want.00:17
puffuRock: Yes, ubuntu-restricted-extras is installe.d00:18
fridabanditapuff: in a MS windows based system with a server, the usual network configurnation is a domwin where the server controls security.  in a peer to peer system, security is taken on by each individual computer, there is no hierarchy.  that is a workgroup.00:18
tomftwhi guys, i'm installing ubuntu netbook 10.10 with wubi and it's getting stuck at "creating the virtual disks"00:20
paq7512also most linux distros uses mandatory access control (mac) hence the numbers 0-1000 so on; where windows uses discretionary access control (he who owns)00:20
meadI need some help making a grub cd to boot off a USB drive. Computer has no bios support to boot from USB.  I made one for this computer over a year ago and it has disapeared00:20
Wulfymead your nic support pxe?00:21
pufffridabandita: Sorry, the only windows/linux geek I know is AFk at the moment.00:21
a_p3rsontomftw: Wubi is not a reccomended install solution: make a new partition and install it on there00:21
ZiberHow do I make a disk partition 'identified as an existing physical volume'?00:22
tomftwwhat's the recommended partition size, a_p3rs0n?00:23
uRocktomftw, 10 or more gb00:23
Elsshai was curious if it was possible to set up a timer that would take Ubuntu out of suspend mode at a certain time00:24
meadnot a clue if the nic supports PXE, I would say probably not.  since this is a first generation centrino laptop sold by sony00:24
tomftwdarn, i wanted to dual boot with win7 and i only have a 16gb ssd :/00:24
jribtomftw: no windows, not a big deal00:24
uRocktomftw, it'll work with less, how much room do you have00:24
tomftwlike 4 gb00:25
Elsshawhat are you running this on00:25
tomftwa netbook00:25
tomftwhence i want to install the netbook edition :P00:25
uRocktomftw, it will install, but you won't have much space ton install stuff00:25
Wulfymead dont dismiss the pxe :D its not a new tech and should be doable00:25
tomftwok thanks for the help guys00:25
ozatomicI'm having problems with multiple ubuntu machines on a vm accessing datastore via NFS and they also access a share on fstab via nfs. I keep getting hung_task_timeout_secs ?00:25
uRocktomftw, if you have a spare thumb drive, then Ubuntu can be installed to it00:26
Logan_WP!usb | tomftw00:26
ubottutomftw: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:26
tomftwyeah, that's what i'm doing urock00:26
tomftwi'm gonna boot from the usb00:26
tomftwand add a partition00:26
uRockI have a persistant USB 4GB and love it00:26
uRockI have the one from the Ubuntu store00:26
Corsariushello guys, I have a question: do you know why the NMetbeans version in the repos still is 6.8?00:26
meadwell it might have it... but the laptop isn't in my possession right now, gave it to a friend who needs a computer to use the internet for job hunting....00:26
wolfricis there anywhere i can read further on ubuntu cloud? there doesn't seem to be that much documentation on how it all works when it's up and running. It seems to give a general idea about having a controller and nodes and loading images and a very nice install guide to get you there but it doesn't give that great a few of what the admin page is like or whta you can do or how it all works together00:26
wolfrici'm going currently but the community page00:27
Elsshaanyone know if a time like i mentioned is even possible?00:27
Elsshai'n not too great on terminal >_<00:27
uRockElssha, not that I know of00:27
Logan_WP!cloud | wolfric00:27
ubottuwolfric: The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC00:27
LjLElssha: it might be possible since 1) the BIOS can usually wake up the computer at a given time, 2) there are a couple of tools in Ubuntu that can set the BIOS up like that, at least certain BIOSes00:27
wolfricubottu: you'll notice i mentioned i was already going off community and it wasn't sufficient00:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:28
LjLElssha: it's probably not trivial though. another possibility i guess would be using another computer to wake it up from LAN00:28
Elsshait's not set up to anything though00:28
Elsshait's a laptop on wireless int00:28
Elsshaand there's no other comps around00:28
LjLoh, that doesn't help :P00:28
Elsshastudying abroad00:29
wolfricLogan_WP: that last message was for you00:29
mickster04Corsarius: wow?00:29
Elsshaso i got one room00:29
Elsshaand the comp keeps me up but if i suspend it my devices don't charge and I'm SOL in the morning00:29
Logan_WPwolfric: why not join #ubuntu-cloud?00:29
Jason_OstrowskiGot a question: I installed Ubuntu to dual boot with Windows 7 (Windows was installed first). When it reboots, I see the GRUB loader but if I select Ubuntu it just goes to a blank screen and never loads. I CAN boot into Windows from the grub boot loader. Any ideas? Boot sector issue?00:29
Corsariusyes, this Ubuntu Enterrise Cloud seems cool00:29
Elsshaso was hoping to set it so that it'd wake up ~5am so that by 7 they'd be charged (more or less)00:30
Corsariusi thing gonna study it00:30
wolfricLogan_WP: thanks00:30
uRockElssha, by a wall adapter00:30
Elsshajason, did ubuntu ever load? it might be an install problem00:30
Elsshai'm in PL00:30
Elsshathey don't really do apple here00:30
Jason_OstrowskiCompletely installed, asked me to eject the CD and then rebooted but never loads..00:31
ElsshaI don't think the country even has an apple store -_-;00:31
uRockI would think they would00:31
Elsshaa friend was told to go to germany00:31
* mead notes that he can move to Poland if the apple fan boys get out of control00:31
Elsshaand they tax electronic purchases (like, from ebay)00:32
DocOCjason_ostrowski, boot to the install cd and use it as a live cd, then see if you have any linux partitions you can mount.00:32
Elsshayeah mead, there's like no apple stuff here (you *can* get it, but you are left with no accesories and no backup)00:32
* Elssha personally dislikes apple00:33
Elsshaa lot00:33
Jason_OstrowskiUsing gparted?00:33
CorsariusDocOC: it's doable, Jason you must try it00:33
Elsshabut the itouch was a b-day present that functions as my camera, voice rec (class) and mobile comp(ish thing)00:33
=== LjL is now known as NotLjL
Corsariusstudent: hello00:34
mickster04!ot | Elssha00:34
ubottuElssha: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:34
uRockElssha, try t-mobile http://www.iphoneworld.ca/news/2008/03/03/t-mobiles-plan-to-launch-iphone-in-poland/00:34
=== NotLjL is now known as LjL
Logan_WPstudent: that's a good question00:34
Elsshathey have it already uRock00:34
mickster04student: need a hand with something?00:34
uRockwhy ask why?00:34
mickster04why not?00:34
studentu guys are cool00:34
euxneksmickster04: hah was going to say that00:35
DocOCI wonder if this would work: tether to the itouch, then set the itouch to send some packets to the computer at a certain time, and set the computer to WoL00:35
Elsshaand there *are* places to get stuff00:35
euxneksstudent: some say I'm hot00:35
Logan_WPeuxneks: tmi00:35
DocOCjason_ostrowski, you were saying something to me?00:35
Elsshabut i think the best-buy type store sells iphone headphones for like $35usd00:35
mickster04ookkaaaaay moving on00:35
Jason_OstrowskiDocOC - Yes, using Gparted to mount the partition?00:35
ElsshaLiL; so what would i have to do to set up a program like that00:35
Corsariusubottu: A question to you: do you know something about repos and versions?00:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:36
puffuRock: So, it turns out that amarok needs xine, hence amarok needs kubuntu-restricted-extras, or libxine1-ffmpeg, not ubuntu-restricted-extaras.00:36
uRock!repo | Corsarius00:36
LjL!info nvram | Elssha probably will involve this program00:36
ubottuElssha: Package nvram does not exist in maverick00:36
ubottuCorsarius: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories00:36
LjL!info nvram-wakeup | Elssha probably will involve this program00:36
ubottuElssha: nvram-wakeup (source: nvram-wakeup): A tool to read/write the WakeUp time from/to the BIOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (maverick), package size 92 kB, installed size 348 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)00:36
DocOCjason_ostrowski, no, just use the mount command, or even just the graphical file browser00:36
Led_ZeppelinHow can I get audio to work in KDE?00:36
Led_Zeppelinit was working when I was using GNOME.00:37
uRockpuff, that bytes, i am glad I stay with Pioneer for music00:37
CorsariusuRock: it's about whi the Netbeans in repo are outdated00:37
Elsshai'll look into it LjL, thanks ^_^00:37
meadKDE is more of a Elvis type of graphical enviroment00:37
Elsshais it in synaptic?00:37
p_resLed_Zeppelin, KDE uses a different architecture for multimedia.00:37
Led_Zeppelinp_res, crap. How can I fix it? heh00:37
Jason_OstrowskiDocOC - Thanks, Last Question - If I am able to mount it, do I then reboot and try to boot into the installed Ubuntu?00:37
uRockdid floodbot really mute ubottu?00:38
p_resThere should be a wiki page somewhere. You might have to Google it unless someone here has it bookmarked.00:39
DocOCjason_ostrowski, well, it won't fix anything, just tell you if the install progressed to the point of creating a partition and putting some or all of the distribution on it.00:39
uRockiRabbit, cool name00:39
=== student is now known as sonic
ElsshaLjL; ummmmm.... i just installed it, but no clue where it went (it's not in my menu's)00:39
mickster04!who | p_res:00:39
ubottup_res:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:39
rwwubottu: no00:39
ubottuHvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!00:39
sonicim back00:40
rwwuRock: no00:40
sonicjustin biebe00:40
mickster04wb sonic00:40
Elsshaanyone know where nvram-wakeup installs? or how to activate it?00:40
sonicjustin beiber00:40
uRockthanks rww, was looking @ --- FloodBot3 sets mode -q #ubuntu ubottu!*@*00:40
DocOCelssha, dpkg -L nvram-wakeup00:41
Elsshai used synaptic to install it00:41
DocOCdoesn't matter00:41
Elsshajust can't FIND it now that it has00:41
DocOCall package manager front-ends use and register with dpkg00:41
Elsshaall the other stuff i got through synaptic auto-installed00:42
Elsshawill try it though00:42
DocOCoh, I love how all my years of debian are completely applicable to ubuntu00:42
DocOCdpkg -L just tells you all the files installed by the package00:43
mickster04DocOC: that's because the latter is based on the former00:43
* Elssha bio major >_> 00:43
uRock!pm > Corsarius00:43
ubottuCorsarius, please see my private message00:43
Elsshastill no clue how to find the icon that opens the program though00:43
DocOCmickster04, yep, debian unstable frozen and fixed. A dream for me since I have always run that crazy sid kid00:43
uRockElssha, it is probably a cli tool00:44
uRockCorsarius, I have no clue with the issue you are having.00:45
DocOCelssha, you type dpkg -L nvram-wakeup in a terminal00:45
Elsshadid that00:45
Elsshagot a list of files00:45
DocOCelssha, ok, well that list is everything the package installed00:45
CorsariusuRock: the version in repos are 6.800:45
uRockDocOC, is there a front end that needs installing?00:45
DocOCelssha, you should probably start with whatever it installed in /usr/share/doc00:45
uRockCorsarius, what is wrong with that version?00:46
CorsariusuRock: but i need 6.9 in order to install a plugin00:46
uRockCorsarius, download and install it from their site00:46
DocOCurock, I never even heard of nvram-wakup until a few minutes ago, I just know how to work dpkg00:46
uRockDocOC, k00:47
CorsariusuRock: ok, this could work00:47
uRockCorsarius, http://netbeans.org/00:47
CorsariusuRock: thanks!00:47
mickster04sonic: back so soon?00:48
Corsariusbye ebrybody00:48
Elsshaokay, was hoping this would have a GUI00:48
Elsshanot really sure how to edit this00:48
DocOClooks like there is a front-end, maybe scripts, called shutdown-at-night00:48
Elsshalooking for the wake up part00:49
Elsshabut i guess i'll look into that00:49
* uRock is off to school in a few minutes...00:49
Elsshacuz the files i see have like 5 configs00:49
DocOCcheck the sourceforge page too: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nvram-wakeup00:49
foivos_can I ask a question?00:50
Datzdoes anyone know if when program "top" updates, it is a snapshot, or an average?00:51
DocOCno matter how much they make the graphical interfaces for dpkg/apt nice and useful, nothing can replace dpkg/apt-cache/grep00:51
DocOCdatz, it updates once a second by default, iirc00:51
KGBWolfdoes crond start automatically on boot?00:51
psusifoivos_, you just did.  now if you want to ask a question that isn't a waste of time, just ask that question instead of asking if it might be ok if you maybe propose to ask a question00:52
DocOCkgbwolf, if it is working correctly, yes00:52
DatzDocOC: yes, but is the update a average of activity from second to second, or a snapshot00:52
foivos_psusi, ok...I have Ububtu...and the question is....Google Earth?00:52
DocOCapt-cache search google|grep earth00:52
foivos_I copy paste that into Terminal?00:53
DocOCyes sir00:53
psusifoivos_, that is a subject, not a question.00:53
rwwaptitude search ~ngoogle~nearth ;P00:53
beata|lemurI'm trying to figure out where it is defined that <Mod4>m brings up the mail/chat menu instead of the keyboard shortcut I assigned.00:53
DocOCok, well I'm showing my age :)00:53
foivos_thanks dudes and dudenesses00:53
DocOCI remember when aptitude was gui nubness :)00:55
n2diyok, I have a fresh virgin install of 10.10 on my test box. Now I want to set it up like this box, so how do I get my synaptic marks over to it? I can ping the box, but grsync and gftp are refused connections, along with my ssh attempts?00:55
foivos_Doc...heres the outcome00:55
foivos_utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth00:55
DocOC(yes, back then curses was gui nubness :)00:55
Elsshai think i got it, just not sure how the date is coded00:55
DocOCfoivos_, yes, so it looks like you can get google00:55
foivos_I am glad00:56
DocOCyou just need to use that package to build the package, then install it.00:56
DocOCI'm curious, going to try it myself :)00:56
Elsshait looks like they want me to run it in terminal00:56
Elsshai just need to figure out what the format for the date is -_-;00:57
foivos_Doc, so what do I do...I type "use package google earth"?00:57
DocOCelssha, probably has a man page which will tell you how to format it.00:57
EricInBNEis there a bash-completion package for git in ubuntu?00:57
foivos_"package google earth, if you please"   ?00:57
DocOCfoivos_, aptitude install googleearth-package00:58
Logan_WP!sq | simbol00:58
DocOCthen do man make-googleearth-package00:58
DocOCwhich I am doing right now :)00:58
mneptokEricInBNE: http://repo.or.cz/w/git.git?a=blob;f=contrib/completion/git-completion.bash;h=4ea727b14303e397117067993dbda446ed154ea1;hb=HEAD00:59
DocOCaha, looks like you will need to download the googleearth linux installer from google, then that package will build a .deb that you can use dpkg to install it.00:59
Elsshafound it00:59
DocOCoh, wait, it will download it for you. Nice01:00
sheenzfriends just looking for some basic help01:00
KGBWolfdo i need to login for crontab to work?01:00
Elsshaall that and my mainboard is not supported01:00
edwardteach!info googleearth | DocOC01:00
ubottuDocOC: Package googleearth does not exist in maverick01:00
DocOCkgbwolf, crontab should run under the cron user at boot.01:01
edwardteach!googleearth | DocOC01:01
ubottuDocOC: Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth01:01
KGBWolfwhat if the user never logs in01:01
DocOC!info googleearth-package01:01
ubottugoogleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.5.7 (maverick), package size 10 kB, installed size 68 kB01:01
Elsshanight all01:01
Elsshaguess i'll have to stick to the manual way for now >_<01:01
mneptokKGBWolf: cron scripts get run regardless of whether the user is logged in01:01
Elsshathanks for the help though ^_^01:02
=== bouherp is now known as zebra
sheenzI was looking for some help/support is this the right place? Installed ubuntu for the first time but I am unable to see any icons on the top of my screen or on the left hand side.. though when I over the mouse it seems like icons are there01:03
computer_are there any decent media players for ubuntu now a days01:03
histocomputer_: vlc01:04
xanguacomputer_: yes01:04
computer_Ohhh nice01:04
computer_thanks histo, xangua :)01:04
xanguasheenz: videocard drivers installed¿01:04
sheenzno reply01:07
beata|lemurTrouble with video drivers over here, but I suspect I'm one of the only people left who still likes to work on the console.01:08
sheenzxangue I was running windows xp before on that computer01:09
edwardteachsheenz,  xangua  asked you if your video drivers are installed on ubuntu?01:09
aeon-ltdbeata|lemur: nope, i like console/terminal too, but about your problem more details please (tell the channle not me)01:09
elkngI have my eth0 renamed: "udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth1", how to not have this happen ?01:09
sheenzhow am supposed to fix the video driver01:10
beata|lemurOh not a big problem. Just that nouveau isn't stable yet (hard locks my video card) and the proprietary drivers don't get along with the framebuffer.01:10
asarchHow do you remove the 'n character left to the "Name" field? http://imgur.com/PXCEq01:10
beata|lemurPlus, I have no idea how to make the framebuffer do dualhead.01:11
sheenztotally new here and unfamiliar with ubuntu01:11
sonichi people im watching a new episode of dragon ball z kai01:12
mickster04 !ot | sonic01:12
ubottusonic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:12
mickster04asarch: what is that?01:13
sonicwat it wat01:13
asarchThe 'n character01:13
mickster04sonic: take your off topic chat else where01:13
asarchI don't even know how it get there01:13
mickster04asarch: no i know what an n character is, what is the program?01:13
BiPolahWhen running rdesktop from the command line, is there any way to expand the window size?01:14
asarch If I press that char the sorting get reverses (and it changes from 'n to ,n)01:14
sheenzam connected to net so it offered me to do system test.. suggested to install some software its doing that now... seems like the icons are there but they dont show on the top of my screen and on left side once you hover with mouse then it displays like sounds calender...01:14
asarchMidnight Commander01:14
sonici cant there is no other chat i like01:14
mickster04sonic: yes you can or you'll get kicked01:14
mickster04asarch: and they don't have a help foirum or something? that probably isn't an ubuntu thing?01:15
asarchWell, #mc is a dead channel actually01:15
mickster04asarch: not an ubuntu problem01:15
asarchDoes your mc have the same char?01:15
mickster04asarch: why not just nautilus?01:15
mickster04asarch: i don't use m\c01:16
sonicwait a minute why do we got to talk about tech stuff01:16
mickster04sonic this is a help channel thats why01:16
rwwsonic: because this is an Ubuntu support channel. If you want to be offtopic, go to #ubuntu-offtopic.01:16
sheenzam looking for help and not getting much :)01:16
asarchI use mc an IDE01:16
twitch!guidelines | sonic01:16
ubottusonic: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:16
mickster04sheenz: that's because no one can help you01:17
mickster04sheenz: tell us more about your set up, which ubuntu what pc what graphics card etc01:17
sheenz:mickster04 I thought it was a help channel01:18
sonicguy enough with tech stuff and have fun01:18
mickster04sheenz: it is01:18
sonicill be back01:18
mickster04sheenz: but a volunteers one, you can pay for official ubuntusuppoort if you want to01:18
mickster04sonic: yep01:18
sheenzdell inspiron 860001:18
syn-ackGood evening, folks01:18
meadhold on... you can PAY for ubuntu support?01:18
syn-ackmead, Sure can01:19
Teddy__when building an installer iso does any one know what oem-config tasks option does? it's not documented anywhere :(01:19
ProfessorBaconenterprise support01:19
syn-ackmead, Canonical is good like that01:19
meadhow much is it?01:19
syn-ackTeddy__, it allows one to install the system without creating any user accounts01:19
mickster04!details | sheenz01:19
ubottusheenz: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:19
mickster04also !ask01:19
sacarlson mead: I'm for sale but expensive01:20
syn-ackTeddy__, also, it installs a first-run script so the end user can create one when it's first booted.01:20
Teddy__syn-ack: great thank you :)01:20
syn-ackTeddy__, as well as other stuff and you're welcome.01:20
Teddy__so I'm totally safe to remove it as I've already created users in my preseed01:20
meadno how much is support from Canonical?01:20
syn-ackmead, you'd have to call them and find out. That's out of the scope of this channel.01:20
Teddy__mead: pretty affordable iirc01:21
xanguamead: canonical.com you can see there01:21
Teddy__anyway, later guys :001:21
beata|lemurAdmittedly sad that Hardy never got a fix for the xserver/pixbuf/browser memory leaks, but I found out about gnome-applet-globalmenu yesterday.01:21
Jordan_Umead: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71501:21
sonicim back this is the only chat that has alot of people01:21
AcceleratorWhy are packages listed here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy/cl-sdl But aptitude returns it cannot find them?01:21
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xanguaAccelerator: are you using hardy¿01:22
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Acceleratorxangua, Actually isn't my system, but I think he is. The package is listed for all of them though, under the same name.01:22
sheenzok am totally new no idea what am doing.. have a dell inspiron 8600 notebook was running xp no problems- thought of playing around and learning about ubuntu so I read about it made a usb boot ubuntu v10.10 nebook (hope thats not the issue netbook version using on notebook)01:23
sonicim back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:23
Acceleratorsonic, I think your "o" key is broken01:23
AcceleratorSo is your "!"01:23
xanguasonic: stop please01:23
=== dave is now known as Guest65091
sonicokay but im bod01:24
rwwsonic: Stop being disruptive. It got you banned from #debian on OFTC, and the same is likely to happen here.01:24
AcceleratorEr, sorry, this is maverick.01:24
rwwsonic: You've been told that this is an Ubuntu support channel, and given links to our guidelines. Please start following them.01:24
sonicthis is the only chat that has alot of people01:24
AcceleratorIn that case, how do I go about installing cl-sdl on maverick?01:24
Guest31603would someone mine explaining to me how irc works? -- IE the channel list { do you find a server and then that server gives u a list ?}01:24
sonicwait a minute u banned me rww?01:25
Guest31603if so how do u get a server list01:25
rwwsonic: No.01:25
sheenzfrom Xp I ran the installation of ubuntu reboot everthing seems to be working only I cant see the icon on top and left hand side.. but if I hover over them they display the options like if I over the right top and hover over I can get calender, ..01:25
shentinosonic:  You are off topic here :P01:25
sonicim srry ill stop01:25
ZiberUsing lvcreate and vgcreate, how come they dont show up in /dev?01:25
sacarlsonmead: I found the price it's 88 pounds per year?  http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=71501:26
sheenz:mickster04 ?01:26
sonicso i need help how can i get wireless internet onhere01:26
sonicso i need help how can i get wireless internet on here01:26
s5fsI have a usb drive (fat32) that has some bad blocks. What utility should I use to fix this?01:27
sonicso i need help how can i get wireless internet on here01:27
s5fssonic: Laptop or a desktop?01:27
syn-acks5fs, I would just throw it away01:27
SpeedrunnerG55is there an interface i could get for my lego nxt01:27
soniclaptop eeepc01:27
AcceleratorIs there a "cl-dsl" package for Maverick?01:27
Logan_WP!info cl-sdl01:28
ubottuPackage cl-sdl does not exist in maverick01:28
Jordan_Us5fs: I don't recommend trusting flash drives with known bad blocks. Most I have encountered don't even do CRC checks so you're likely to get silent data corruption.01:28
SpeedrunnerG55for ubuntu01:28
s5fssyn-ack: It's a spinning disk, not flash drive.01:28
AcceleratorHm. Well that's lovely.01:28
AcceleratorIt was supported before.01:28
soniclaptop eeepc01:28
Logan_WP!repeat | sonic01:29
sonici cant get internet01:29
ubottusonic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:29
sacarlsons5fs: I guess when you format like with ext3 or ext4 or other it will check and put bad blocks off of the fat table, but if it's failing I'm not sure I would trust it,  maybe partition around the bad blocks?01:29
edbiansonic, wired or wireless?01:29
syn-acks5fs, ah, then badblock it01:29
CoNFuS3Dhi, when I do "sudo usermod -a -G audio,pulse-access,pulse-rt" it says that the group "audio,pulse-access,pulse-rt" does not exist, any ideas?01:29
s5fssyn-ack: I thought badblock only detected bad blocks, not actually fixes them.01:29
edbiansonic, can you pastebin the output of lspci -k for me?01:29
syn-acks5fs, it'll flag them too01:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:30
edbiansonic, DON'T YELL :)01:30
sacarlsons5fs: or is it just say bad superblock?01:30
ZiberUsing lvcreate, they should show up in /dev, right?01:30
Accelerator!info libsdl-ttf2.0-001:30
ubottulibsdl-ttf2.0-0 (source: sdl-ttf2.0): ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer with FreeType 2 support. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.9-1build1 (maverick), package size 16 kB, installed size 80 kB01:30
AcceleratorSee, I don't get that.01:30
Xeon06Hey folks. Can someone tell me why when I try to write a forward slash in nano, it asks me to quit and if I want to save the modified buffer?01:30
edwardteachsheenz,  from what i have read at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1597370 you need to log out log back in with the gnome desktop and download the propitiatory drivers01:30
sonicim on vpn connction01:31
AcceleratorIt has libsdl-ttf2.0-0, but not libsdl itself.01:31
AcceleratorNor cd-sdl01:31
edbiansonic, does wired work?01:31
beata|lemurThe envelope icon in the indicator panel, has the chat and email stuff in it. What is it called?01:31
neil_dI am trying to configure Thunderbird... on my local computer running 10.10 ... the 'Edit->Preferences' includes a 'Confid editor' button.... on the remote running 10.04 (same version of thunderbird 3.1.7) ... the same preferences dialog doesn't have the 'Config editor' button.... why?  I need it!01:31
sonicNO :(01:32
edbianCoNFuS3D, try putting spaces01:32
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
s5fssacarlson: I was deleting some data from it earlier when apparently it ran across some bad blocks and remounted the disk ro.01:32
edbiansonic, I've never set up a VPN01:32
sonici have a eeepc laptop01:32
sheenzok now computer is frozen is there thing like alt+ctrl+del01:33
CoNFuS3D"user pulse-rt does not exist"01:33
s5fssacarlson: I found a bunch of "FAT: Directory bread(block 114461) failed" messages in syslog so I figured I'd ask if there was a simple way to detect and fix bad blocks w/o just reformatting.01:33
edbiansonic, What happens when you plug in the wire and use the network applet to try to connect?01:33
ghost__Anyone have this problem when you logon ubuntu it ask for password 2 freaking times!!!!01:33
s5fsghost_: Does the second prompt say something about your keyring?01:34
sonici cant go on browser01:34
ghost__s5fs yes01:34
s5fsghost_: yeah man, I had the same problem on 10.10. Lemme find it in the menus, 1sec.01:34
edwardteachsheenz,  alt+ctrl+del should work01:35
n2diyok, I have a fresh virgin install of 10.10 on my test box. Now I want to set it up like this box, so how do I get my synaptic marks over to it? I can ping the box, but grsync and gftp are refused connections, along with my ssh attempts?01:35
ghost__thanks s5fs . It really drives me off the wall01:35
edbiansonic, but you can connect to the network?  I'm confused01:35
jrib!clone | n2diy01:35
ubottun2diy: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:35
sonicme to01:35
s5fsghost_: For sure! Peep this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161557501:35
SpeedrunnerG55no one ever goes to #fun01:35
sheenz: edwardteach cd rom works but a+c+del nope01:36
sonici will go onto fun01:36
n2diyjrib, but the box is refusing to connect.01:36
beata|lemurn2diy: openssh-server appears to not get installed by default.01:36
foivos_HAS ANYONE ever installed google earth on Ubuntu????01:36
n2diybeata|lemur, exactly.01:37
jribn2diy: yes, you need to install openssh-server if you want to ssh in01:37
sonicim on fun01:37
DocOCwow, why did the installer for the 64-bit version of google earth install a 32-bin binary?01:37
jrib!googleearth | foivos_01:37
ubottufoivos_: Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth01:37
edwardteachsheenz,  power button ! not sure what else to say..01:37
sonicim on the fun channel01:37
CoNFuS3DI put the spaces, still doesn't work....01:37
jribsonic: you've been asked several times to stay on-topic (ubuntu support).  If you cannot do that, please leave01:38
iszakIs there a plugin for "aero snap" even if it's from a ppa?01:38
Roxyhart0hi There, I im doing backup with rsync but it stop to work in the middle apparently because long size files, somebody know how to solve or run rsync to copy big files?01:38
jribiszak: you can do it in compiz, ask #compiz01:38
sheenzjust did that .. by the way how you make it so when you type my name it beeps or is it normal01:38
edbianCoNFuS3D, Hang on, I'm reading the man page (which is what you should be doing)01:38
DocOCjrib, seems google's package is messed up.01:38
iszakjrib, I know you can do it with a bunch of commands BUT I don't want to restrict dragging from desktops, will ask there.01:38
edbianCoNFuS3D, what are you actually trying to do?01:39
sonicsomeone ask to go on the fun channel  and i did01:39
CoNFuS3Dthis is what I am trying to do: http://rightfootin.blogspot.com/2009/05/fixing-pulseaudio-stutters-pauses.html01:39
edbianCoNFuS3D, Was it the second command there that was giving you problems?01:39
Xeon06 Does anyone know why nano would treat a forward slash (/) as an escape character?01:40
edbianCoNFuS3D, type it for me please?  I wanna see what you're writing. Also, what error does it give you?01:40
Jordan_UXeon06: In what context? nano is a text editor, it doesn't have escape characters.01:40
michael138how do i do a remove program01:41
Xeon06Jordan_U: It tries to close nano if I have made changes, and closes it otherwise01:41
CoNFuS3Dsudo usermod -a -G audio,pulse-access,pulse-rt then usermod: user 'audio,pulse-access,pulse-rt' does not exist01:41
jribmichael138: you can use synaptic for example01:41
edbianmichael138, sudo apt-get remove program name01:41
Jordan_Ustudent_: Yes?01:41
michael138that will completly remove it01:42
edwardteachsheenz,  no beeping is not normal.. which graphics card have you ?01:42
Jordan_UXeon06: Odd.01:42
student_why u kicked me01:42
pyroscopeCoNFuS3D: usermod wants a login name, see the man page01:42
edbianCoNFuS3D, the -a option is missing the username I believe.  try this: sudo usermod -a <you> -G audo,pulse,...01:42
CoNFuS3Dok, I will try, thanks01:42
edbianCoNFuS3D, let me know what happens01:42
=== student__ is now known as b
=== b is now known as super
CoNFuS3Dsame error... usermod: user 'audio,pulse-access,pulse-rt' does not exist01:43
ghost__When i logoff there this program not working and its unknown is there any way i can force it to logoff or shutdown with out knowing01:43
jribedbian, CoNFuS3D: login should go at the end01:43
Jordan_Ustudent_: You were told many times that this channel was for technical support discussion only. You continued to make offtopic comments. Next time it will be a ban.01:43
edbianCoNFuS3D, put your username at the end of the command01:44
pyroscopesudo usermod -a -G audio,pulse-access,pulse-rt $LOGNAME01:44
edbianjrib, thanks01:44
edbianCoNFuS3D, what pyroscope said01:44
daniel__i need some help01:44
CoNFuS3Dsame error again :(01:44
edbiandaniel__, with what01:44
CoNFuS3Dusermod: group 'pulse-rt' does not exist01:44
Logan_WP!needhelp | daniel__01:45
ubottudaniel__: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude01:45
edbianCoNFuS3D, (that's not the same error) just add that group01:45
daniel__i can not get turbotax to install01:45
edbiandaniel__, in wine?01:45
daniel__it will not even read01:45
edbiandaniel__, Are you using wine?  You cannot install windows software in linux01:45
ghost__When i logoff there this program not working and its unknown is there any way i can force it to logoff or shutdown with out knowing?01:45
syn-ackdaniel that's because linux != linux01:46
daniel__i am using wine but01:46
edwardteachsheenz,  you should also ask your main question again as there are more experienced people here now !01:46
edbiansyn-ack, what?01:46
CoNFuS3Doh it worked!01:46
CoNFuS3Dthanks :)01:46
edbianmy ears are burning01:46
edbianCoNFuS3D, no problem01:46
ghost__a program is still running but i want shut down anyway01:46
syn-ackI see what I did, thanks for the catch, edbian01:46
daniel__i can not get the the cdrom to load01:47
edbianghost__, sudo shutdown -h now (and it will shutdown)01:47
edbiansyn-ack, :)01:47
ghost__<edbian> what about logoff?01:47
edbiandaniel__, If you're using wine you should ask in #winehq01:47
sheenzRadeon 9600 pro01:47
DocOCsyn-ack, I thank what you meant is Gnu's Not Unix01:47
edbianghost__, what program is it?  (list them all with ps -e)01:47
syn-ackDocOS Nah, I'm pretty sure I meant Windows is not Linux01:47
sheenz:edwardteach Radeon 9600 pro01:47
ghost__edbian it doesn't say its just say unknown01:47
edbianghost__, use ps -e to list them all.  use top to get a better idea.  use gnome-system-monitor to get a graphical better idea01:48
edbianghost__, once you can get the process name that's stuck you can get the pid and run 'kill <pid>' which can end the process for you01:49
ghost__i'm going try01:49
edbianghost__, for for it :)01:49
daniel__is anyone in the phoenix area i really could use help in person01:50
edbiannaruto, whatup01:51
Jordan_U!lug | daniel__01:51
ubottudaniel__: Lug's are Linux User Groups. You can find your local group here: http://www.linux.org/groups/01:51
Logan_WP!colloquialism | edbian01:51
ubottuedbian: Slang and colloquialisms are not proper English. Please use proper English in our channels to make it easy for those who have it as a second language.01:51
narutonothing much01:52
narutoeating ramen01:52
sheenzmsg edwardteach01:52
Logan_WP!pm | sheenz01:52
ubottusheenz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:52
narutowas there a person named sonic in here01:52
chills518anyone know why Synaptic Package Manager doesn't work the first 1 or 2 times I click it?  usually on the 2nd or 3rd try I finally get the password prompt and it works..01:53
narutowas there a person named sonic in here01:53
edbiannaruto, he was01:53
aeon-ltdchills518: lag?01:53
sheenz!pm | edwardteach01:53
ubottuedwardteach: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:53
sheenzpm | edwardteach01:53
edbianchills518, run it in the terminal and see if you get errors01:53
edwardteachsheenz, please ask your main  question again you will get more help ?01:53
narutothats my friend he wants u guy to join the #fun channel01:54
narutosonic is my friend he wants u guy to join the #fun channel01:54
Logan_WPnaruto: Go away.  Now.01:55
sheenzlol you know now it hangs on boot up at ubuntu screen just before the screen you get prompt for password01:55
shane4ubuntuok, using kubuntu what is a simple gui way of shrinking picutres sizes?01:55
elijah1What is the command to make a new file in CLI?01:55
Logan_WP!kubuntu | shane4ubuntu01:55
ubottushane4ubuntu: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde01:55
chills518edbian: worked fine with no errors when I just did it from terminal...  when I use menu I get a task stating "Starting Administrative Application" and after about 10 seconds it closes..01:55
aeon-ltdelijah1: touch01:55
edbianelijah1, touch filename.txt01:55
pyroscopeshane4ubuntu: gimp01:55
sacarlson!spam | naruto01:55
edbianchills518, try this: gksudo synaptic   in the term01:55
narutodont spam me01:55
macopyroscope: why install extra software when the included photo viewer (gwenview) can do that just fine?01:56
chills518edbian:  worked... opened right up with no errors01:56
elijah1aeon-ltd: and edbian - Thanks!01:56
edbianchills518, odd  I'm not sure then01:56
narutoso wat u guys do in this channel01:56
pyroscopemaco: because i never use that, and do my scaling with iomagemagick anyway ;)01:56
edbianelijah1, good :)01:56
Logan_WP!ot | naruto01:56
ubottunaruto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:56
edbiannaruto, we help people with Ubuntu01:56
sheenzhelp required: fresh installation of ubuntu 10.10 on laptop dell inspiron 8600 with dual boot xp and ubuntu01:57
sheenzproblem I was looking for some help/support is this the right place? Installed ubuntu for the first time but I am unable to see any icons on the top of my screen or on the left hand side.. though when I over the mouse it seems like icons are there01:57
JerrysKidHow do I set a hot key to activate screen saver?01:57
chills518edbian:  kk.. thanks for trying... :)01:57
edbiansheenz, this is the right place.01:57
edbianchills518, yep :)  (that's just a bug in Ubuntu sounds like)01:58
pyroscopeJerrysKid: ctrl alt L01:58
[thor]JerrysKid: CTRL-ALT-L01:58
sacarlsonsheenz: maybe the panel is set to hide,  try right click on the panel and see if a botton hide is checked01:58
shoooodto uninstall a program what is the command line ????01:58
edbianpyroscope, [thor] obviously not what he was asking01:58
Logan_WP!uninstall | shooood01:58
ubottushooood: To learn how to uninstall applications in Ubuntu - please visit http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-delete-remove-software-using-apt-get-command/01:58
edbianshooood, sudo apt-get purge package01:58
narutoand how old all u ppl01:58
edbiannaruto, that's off topic01:59
The_Pharoahill tell you when your older01:59
[thor]edbian: how do you figure?01:59
narutohwat toic01:59
edbianJerrysKid, system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts (change the lock screen one)01:59
CoNFuS3Dok, so, I have done all that, when it comes to the last command, it tells me that no such process exists, then it says that the daemon failed to start...01:59
JerrysKidMy minimize bar and top menu bar is completely gone.  How do I get them to reappear.  Every window is missing the minimize, maximize, and close button.01:59
edbianCoNFuS3D, link me the article again02:00
edbianJerrysKid, do you have a terminal?02:00
JerrysKidI do02:00
edbianCoNFuS3D, sudo apt-get install pulesaudio  then do the last command02:00
sheenzby the way will it make a different installing ubuntu netbook on a Laptop? can be the cause of my issue02:00
edbianJerrysKid, metacity --replace&    (i'm guessing)02:00
CoNFuS3D"pulseaudio is already the newest version"02:01
JerrysKidedbian, Thanks!02:01
edbiansheenz, that shouldn't matter02:01
edbianCoNFuS3D, what's the error02:01
jonathanJerrysKid, were you trying to do compiz fusion?02:01
edbianJerrysKid, no problem02:01
silverlightningI reinstalled ubuntu all over02:01
CoNFuS3DE: main.c: Failed to kill daemon: No such process02:01
CoNFuS3DE: main.c: Daemon startup failed.02:01
AegisXHi guys; I'm looking to use a separate drive as my home folder. Is there anyway to point the home folder subfolders to counterparts on the separate drive?02:01
edbianCoNFuS3D, can you just sudo service pulseaudio start    ?02:02
JerrysKidjonathan, I am already running a sweetly setup compiz setup with no problem.  The window manager bar was gone.  The command edbian just gave me worked.  Thanks guys02:02
sheenzok new problem the disk drive for / is not ready yet or not present02:02
jribAegisX: sure, use a symbolic link02:02
AegisXjrib: Ah; and then delete the folders in the home drive?02:02
JerrysKidjonathan, Wait.02:02
JerrysKidCompiz stopped working02:02
CoNFuS3D * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions02:02
jribAegisX: yes02:02
edbianJerrysKid, yeah but compiz is not running.  Do this: compiz --replace&  to get compiz back02:02
jonathanyou switched wm02:02
jribAegisX: well I guess you would have to delete first :P02:02
edbianJerrysKid, no worries :)02:03
AegisXjrib: Thanks, that's a pretty functional way of doing it haha.02:03
DocOCjrib, not sure that's what he wants. He probably wants to cp -Rp /home to the new drive, then change the fstab to reflect that filesystem as /home02:03
AegisXjrib: So I guess the command would be "ln -s <blah>" right?02:03
sheenzseems like bios :)02:03
rany27I keep seeing firefox-bin when running ''top'' even though I shut down firefox.02:03
edbianCoNFuS3D, just do pulseaudio   in the term02:03
jonathanJerrysKid, let me know if you have the no window boarder problem again02:03
edbianrany27, kill it dog.  It's a run-away process02:03
CoNFuS3Dwhat do you mean?02:03
jonathanmake sure you have window decorations checked02:03
edbianCoNFuS3D, pulseaudio     the command.  in a terminal02:04
AegisXDoc0C: That sounds interesting; could you explain further?02:04
jribAegisX: do you just want to move your current home to a new partition? When I read your question, I thought you knew how to do that but now wanted to have a couple of directories under your HOME still point to the original drive.  Can you explain what you want to do?02:04
CoNFuS3DE: module.c: Failed to open module "module-hal-detect": file not found02:04
CoNFuS3DE: main.c: Module load failed.02:04
CoNFuS3DE: main.c: Failed to initialize daemon.02:04
rany27edbian: What do you mean by run-away process?02:04
AegisXjrib: Basically what I want to do is to have a documents and music folder on a separate hard drive that is also accessible by my Windows partition.02:04
edbianrany27, It's running but you told it to quit (by closing firefox gui)  just kill it02:05
AegisXjrib: That partition is NTFS02:05
edbianCoNFuS3D, sudo apt-get install module-hal-detect02:05
jribAegisX: then just do it with symlinks02:05
DocOCjrib, my mistake, sounds more like he wants what you said.02:05
boota2AegisX: what's the problem?02:05
edbianCoNFuS3D, I'm guessing now btw02:05
edwardteachsheenz, what was it you downloaded ? when you booted into it..02:05
CoNFuS3Dunable to locate :(02:05
AegisXboota2: I think jrib just answered my question hehe. Thanks, anyway.02:05
AegisXjrib: Thanks again, jrib02:05
jribAegisX: the syntax is: ln -s TARGET NAME02:06
edbianCoNFuS3D, I'm at a loss bud :(02:06
rany27edbian: So do I have to ''kill'' it manualy everytime I shut firefox down?02:06
CoNFuS3Ddang :(02:06
CoNFuS3Dthanks anyways :)02:06
jribDocOC: no problem, I wasn't too sure either02:06
AegisXjrib: Roger; thanks02:06
sheenzit did work few times but after this third or forth reboot its stuck02:06
edbianrany27, no, typically when you kill firefox it should die.  For some reason this time it didn't.02:06
edbianrany27, It's a fluke02:06
DocOCjrib, lol, I love to help people, but this channel moves so fast, it's sometimes hard to get the answer out before the question is 100 lines back up my scroll-buffer02:07
sheenzis there any command ?02:07
daniel__why would upgrading have an effect on my cdrom02:07
rany27edbian: I also have this with rythmbox lately. Are you sure it is a fluke? Can't it be something more serious?02:08
jribDocOC: rare for me not to /lastlog any question that isn't answered with a factoid02:08
JerrysKidWhat can I type in terminal to tell me how much physical ram i have installed?02:08
elhadi39saluttttttttt  a toussssss02:08
jribJerrysKid: free -m02:08
edbianrany27, It's just general bugs in the software.  I can't say what exactly is causing it.  If you can re-create the problem easily then you should make a bug report.02:09
edbianJerrysKid, free -m02:09
rany27edbian: Thank you very much.02:10
edbianrany27, no prob02:10
edbianDocOC, it just takes practice02:10
edwardteachsheenz, did it work when you tried it from the usb ?02:10
JeffCBRIs there an irc.ubuntu.com?02:11
silverlightningdo you know if easy iso works with ubuntu?02:11
sheenzit was working but after reboot it not any more02:11
edwardteachsheenz, run off the usb !02:11
sheenzfrom bios?02:11
edwardteachsheenz, as a live disk?02:11
sheenzor there is a way02:11
AegisXOne more question, actually; when I create the soft link, how do I change the permissions? I require root to do so, but have no idea how to access root from the file manager window...02:12
jribJeffCBR: irc.ubuntu.com just points to freenode02:12
sheenzyou mean from windows02:12
JerrysKidMy system is bogged down hard.  Can someone take a look at my top on pastebin?  http://pastebin.com/GgtqycDY02:12
sheenzoption 1 demo02:12
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family02:12
edwardteachsheenz, have you used wubi?02:12
edbianAegisX, you can open a nautilus window as root using gksudo nautilus .  (but don't do it unless you have to).  To change the file cli use sudo chmod XYZ filename.02:13
sheenzwubi?? not familiar02:13
AegisXedbian: Thanks for that, I'll give it a shot02:13
edbianAegisX, no problem02:13
Datz!wubi | sheenz02:13
ubottusheenz: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe02:13
silverlightninghow do you make a partition in ubuntu, for a dual install02:14
soreausilverlightning: gparted02:14
sheenzseems like something is happening02:14
sheenzfrom bios I changed to boot from usb02:14
DatzJerrysKid: ungrade your hardware, or don't run as much stuff. :P02:14
sheenzam on a welcome screen02:15
edwardteachsheenz, ok02:15
sheenzand I can see power off button sound and wireless of top right hand02:15
edwardteachsheenz,  so it boots ok from usb.. just not from your installed partition?02:17
AegisXHmmm... another question, and this time around chmod haha. How do I change the folder permissions to allow my user to read and write? Thanks in advance.02:18
jrib!permissions > AegisX02:18
ubottuAegisX, please see my private message02:18
silverlightningsoreau, gparted works for bootable cd or as an application?02:18
jonathanchmod +rw02:18
jonathanand then the filename02:19
AegisXjrib Thanks :)02:19
silverlightningas bootable *02:19
AegisXjonathon: Thanks :)02:19
soreausilverlightning: Both, but you should not modify the partition you're running so it's best to use a live cd02:19
silverlightningI see02:19
silverlightningI have truble burning iso images02:19
edbianAegisX, chmod 777 /path/to/folder   is one way   chown userName /path/to/folder  is another02:19
pyroscopesilverlightning: if you can boot from usb, use that02:20
AegisXedbian: Ah, thank you!02:20
edbianAegisX, did it work?02:20
soreausilverlightning: You can even install ubuntu to a usb stick02:20
silverlightningpyroscope, does the usb memory flash have to be empty?02:20
AegisXOh... no it didn't, edbian02:20
silverlightningdoes ubuntu resist burning iso?02:21
AegisXHmmm, ever since I set the drive to mount on boot, it doesn't seem to let me write to it02:21
onelinerhack idea; would it be possible to install ubuntu on a sim card running as a mass storage unit from a phone?02:21
edbianAegisX, what is the output of ls -l /path/to/folder/   ?02:21
pyroscopesilverlightning: don't think so, see http://partedmagic.com/doku.php02:21
JeffCBRAnyone installed ubuntu on an iPhone?02:22
AegisXedbian, it shows one folder I created called "Documents", then $RECYCLE.BIN and System Volume Information02:22
edbianAegisX, pm me?02:22
changmjoin #gentoo02:23
silverlightninggentoo what?02:23
JeffCBRwhat's the text ssh client?02:24
=== changeme__ is now known as notebox
TuffPoohey guys i got a problem... i did "try ubuntu" and it spit out the disk with a bunch of errors02:24
adubshould hdmi sound play analog sound02:24
silverlightningtuffpoo, it always does that for me too, after install and first restart02:24
adubor will hdmi sound just play some sound?02:24
silverlightningtuffpoo, weird nick02:25
TuffPoosays failed due to unknown user id02:25
JeffCBRAdmin on my old CS Server was TuffNuts.02:25
TuffPoosilverlightning: hahaha yea its an old insife joke02:25
michael138hay i just downloaded google earth and it wont open is that because its not compatible or i have to do some thing with it?02:26
silverlightningyou cannot log on or boot after install?02:26
TuffPooi wish i was a better typer so i could word for word tell you02:26
JeffCBRWhat is the name of the ssh client in ubuntu?02:26
silverlightningI have trouble after installing Maverick too, but with a few attempts it boots02:26
silverlightning...but sluggish version02:27
a123456789how to show NO?02:27
silverlightningI am very happy that my cooling fan is working though02:27
edwardteach!ssh | JeffCBR02:27
ubottuJeffCBR: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)02:27
TuffPooi booted the computer up and did "try ubuntu" then it spit out the disk and has a bunch of logical blocks02:27
drcTuffPoo: You burnt a LiveCD, booted the LiveCD, clicked on Try Ubuntu and it spit out the cd and stopped with errors?02:27
JeffCBRthanks, ed02:28
TuffPooyes dr02:28
silverlightningtuffpoo, I see02:28
AikarI really need advice :( Flash is causing my entire system to freeze forcing a hard power off to restart. ive tried like 4 diff versions of flash, 10.3 10.2, from ppa, from manual, FlashAid etc. all cause random complete freeze or spontaneus reboot02:28
Aikarno logs are reported to /var/log folder, checked every log file right before the boot and no messages02:28
silverlightningTuffpoo, it often helps with a few attempts,02:28
TuffPooit says getpwid_r (): failed due to unknown user id02:28
silverlightningtuffpoo, did you check the CD for errors?02:28
silverlightningI never had that happen02:29
TuffPoois it cuz my pc is 64bit and the disk is for 32?02:29
ghost__How to Add a shared Windows printer in Ubuntu10.10??02:29
TuffPooi installed it on another pc fine so i think the disk is okay SilentDis02:30
silverlightningtuffpoo, no it shouldn't but you could try burning the 64 bit version02:30
TuffPooi installed it on another pc fine so i think the disk is okay silverlightning02:30
silverlightningI see02:30
michael138well iam tryin to find a short hand dictionary  for Ubuntu or a place where its all laid out and i can c what it all means any one can help02:30
silverlightningit should be all right then02:30
edwardteach!printers | ghost__02:31
ubottughost__: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:31
michael138its there a bok i could get to explane ubuntu to me02:32
silverlightningyou could try booting, and choosing boot from cd manually, your computer might allow booting for cd if it resists02:32
annmariaI like Unix for the Impatient02:33
silverlightningI am starting to dislike Ubuntu on this computer02:33
annmariaThere's also something like Unix in 10 minutes (each chapter is supposed to take 10 minutes)02:33
annmariaand the Ubuntu forums are a godsend02:33
silverlightningwhat would be an alternative to ubuntu, no-debian distribution ?02:34
TuffPoosilverlightning: im on a fedora pc right now heh02:34
drcsilverlightning: Slackware02:34
silverlightningis there a fedora distribution that is fairly idiot proof like ubuntu?02:35
silverlightningthanks for the tips02:35
silverlightningboth of you02:35
moesTrying to mount floppy drive..Get the error failed to "mount floppy drive" ran dmesg last entry " end_request: I/O/error,dev fd0,sector 0..How do I correct this error02:35
TuffPoosilverlightning: ubuntu is pretty noob proof02:36
silverlightningi know, I like ubuntu, but it doesn't agree with this computer, a fujitsu siemens amilo02:36
michael138thank u i look them up iam srry for any miss spellings my mother is sining02:36
daniel__is it possible to partition my harddrive without reinstalling my os02:36
silverlightningI have used ubuntu for years02:36
silverlightningpuppy is too flimsy for me02:37
wgwinnis there a prepared package somewhere with the latest hyper-v drivers available? having some issues compiling by hand and i'm curious if theres a better work around02:37
vegetai hate u guys02:37
nit-witdaniel__, most likely you have to more descriptive or post a partitioner picture.02:37
vegetai hate u guys02:37
silverlightningstop hating02:38
beata|lemurOh hey yeah. Re: CD errors. I had that problem booting from my sATA CD drive, but the disc I burned on that drive was just fine on the external drive I have.02:38
vegetau kick my friends02:38
silverlightningthey are a bad crowd02:38
drcmichael138: Mathew Helmke - Ubuntu Unleashed (2011 Edition) is pretty complete02:38
silverlightningvegeta, negative influence on you02:38
michael138thanks drc and every one els02:39
vegetaplease unbanned my friends02:39
vegetaplease unbanned my friends02:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!02:40
silverlightningthis is getting repetetive02:40
Jordan_Uvegeta: If you would like to discuss a ban please join #ubuntu-ops02:40
Datzyou'll most likely join them if you keep that up vegeta02:40
Logan_WPsonic/student_ is back02:40
Stew_822Hello :), I just installed Xfce (from the software center) and don't know how to run it :D. I tried logging out but yeah, it wont let me :(. I have ubuntu 10.10 and when it starts it now says xubuntu, which I'm assuming is good :D. Anyway, when I try to log out I get an error message. If anyone thinks they can help, that would be appreciated :)02:41
vegetai want tojoin02:41
michael138srry for stpid questions but iam a first time ubuntu user and ive only have had it for 5 days02:41
vegetai want to join ops02:41
edbianmichael138, now worries, what are the questions?02:41
elkymichael138, the only stupid question is the one not asked.02:41
silverlightningstew_822, it should just log out as usual?02:41
drcmichael138: this IS the place to ask questions02:41
adubhow do i  disable keyring itits annoying02:42
silverlightningstew_882, but sometimes there are a few hick ups right after a new installation02:42
elkymichael138,  Oh, and asking to ask questions is redundant, so just out with it ;)02:42
michael138well the dvd player in my computer is not picking up my dvds any more i cant fig how to fix it02:42
Stew_822silverlightning: I know but I've never logged out before. I don't even know if I've ever logged in. Anyway, it says Failed to receive a reply from the session manager -- The name org.xfce.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files"ays "02:42
michael138ok i do that and never get ans02:43
Stew_822silverlightning: Without the spelling mistakes :D02:43
elkymichael138, was it reading dvds before?02:43
silverlightningstew_882, unless you have very low RAM, there isn't much to gain in the xfce02:43
michael138yea when i had windows02:43
elkymichael138, and never since you installed ubuntu?02:43
Stew_822silverlightning: It isn't any faster?02:43
edwardteachmoes,  check the trouble shooting section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Troubleshooting may help!02:43
elkymichael138, what dvds are you trying to run?02:44
drcmichael138: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:44
ohsixrun /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh :D02:44
michael138clerks and mallrats02:44
drcmichael138: about halfway down "To play DVDs, you also need to install libdvdcss by opening a terminal and entering the following in addition to installing the restricted extras package: "02:44
researcher1where can I paste images?02:45
machogeekanyone know how to set the client id on dhcp3 ?02:45
NabilconHi. Is there an easy way to get my grub loader back? I just installed windows on another disk. So one disk is win7 and another ubuntu. But now i have windows boot loader. So how to get grub back as it was before. Im currently using Ubuntu Live from usb stick.02:45
Jordan_U!screenshot | researcher102:45
ubotturesearcher1: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.02:45
michael138will be back02:45
Roxyhart0Hi there I extended a logical volume using lvextend, when I do lvdisplay the new size look correctly, but when I do df -h still show me the old size. There is something that I need to do after/before lvextend?02:46
silverlightningstew_882, if you managed to boot in or shift to xfce, and you could access applications or anything, you were logged on, but it really isn't that bad if the session wasn't stored02:46
KXTwoHey guys using the rm command from terminal how would I delete a file like this: - delete me -02:46
Jordan_UNabilcon: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide02:46
NabilconJordan_U: Thank you :)02:46
wgwinnKXTwo rm ./- delete me -02:46
Jordan_UNabilcon: You're welcome.02:46
SenjaiHi Everyone02:46
KXTwowgwinn, whats the . / for?02:47
Jordan_UKXTwo: rm './- delete me -'02:47
DaGeek247hai Senjai02:47
=== richard is now known as Guest15898
moesedwardteach: This is a ide drive and not an external usb02:47
Stew_822silverlightning: I think I'm still using Gnome, though :P. Is Xfce any faster?02:47
Jordan_UKXTwo: So that rm does not try to interpret the '-' as being the beginning of an option/flag.02:47
KXTwowgwinn, Is there a way to do it with \ "" or *02:47
sheenzok all installed on my harddrive and we back to square 102:48
rwwsomeone has homework02:48
silverlightningstew_882, I found xcfe to be a bit more unstable than standard Ubuntu. Toolbars kept disappearing, sometimes the whole xfce function02:48
researcher1request to help with this http://imagebin.org/13852502:48
erebel551anyone know of a program to convert .chm to .pdf?02:48
J_CStew_822: I've had no prob with XFCE, but I only use it on servers02:49
michael138so just go ahead and re boot and check02:49
CoNFuS3Dhi, me again, would another sound card fix the problems  I am having with pulseaudio?02:49
KXTwoJordan_U, is there a way to do it with \ "" or * or is that the only way02:49
Jordan_Uerebel551: chm2pdf02:49
CoNFuS3Dor would it likely just cause the same problems?02:49
sheenzIcons are covered up on the top of screen and on the left hand side02:49
silverlightningstew_822, on limited computer perhaps, but on standard equipment  I hardly noticed any  difference02:49
Stew_822silverlightning: Ok then thanks. I'll just leave it :P. Is KDE much slower than Gnome?02:49
Jordan_UKXTwo: Why do you ask?02:49
erebel551Jordan_U: thanks02:49
Dj-ToastHi,  dont know if it interests anyone but found the answer to my raid issue I posted a while ago where rebooting would mess up the device detection.  You simply had to recreate the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf using "mdadm --detail --scan > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" (WIHTOUT THE --VERBOSE option) this recreates the file without the configuration of static naming (EX: /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 )02:49
Jordan_Uerebel551: You're welcome.02:49
timewriteri have uploaded a image02:49
SenjaiKXTwo, it's reccomended that you find a tutorial on understanding basic system architecture for linux.02:49
timewritercan i paste the link02:49
Jordan_Utimewriter: Yes.02:50
Stew_822J_C: Do you find it much faster?02:50
Jordan_Utimewriter: If it's apropriate for a support channel like this that is...02:50
KXTwoJordan_U, because im doing a case study on using those to deal with file names, most of the questions involved cat, but there is a question on removing this file02:50
timewritervote my desktop02:50
SenjaiKXTwo the . can mean various things, in wgwinns example, it means use rm on the current dirctory /the folder.02:51
Senjaiit can also stand for hidden directories02:51
J_CStew_822: not faster but adequate and it doesn't hammer the processor as much as Gnome or KDE, depends on what you need it for, I guess02:51
SenjaiKXTwo, check this link out: http://yolinux.com02:51
Jordan_U!ot | timewriter02:51
ubottutimewriter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:51
KXTwoI dont think im getting my question along properly02:51
KXTwothanks anyway though02:52
SenjaiKXTwo, please reiterate, i just came online02:52
moes Trying to mount floppy drive..Get the error failed to "mount floppy drive" ran dmesg last entry " end_request: I/O/error,dev fd0,sector 0..How do I correct this error02:52
Stew_822J_C: I'm just trying to speed up my desktop a little :)02:52
SenjaiKXTwo, perhaps I missed it02:52
SpeedrunnerG55is threre software i can program my lego mindstorms on ubuntu?02:52
J_CStew_822: I'm mostly on the command line02:52
timewriteri thought we can paste random images02:52
SenjaiTimewriter, only related to support questions :)02:52
J_CStew_822: more ram :-)02:52
KXTwoSenjai, you did, I just want to know if there is a way to rm the file with \ "" *,02:52
SenjaiKXTwo, what file did you want to remove?02:53
Stew_822J_C: Okay then :). Thanks for your help, and you too, silverlight :)02:53
timewriteranyone tested Lxde ?02:53
Senjai!rm | KXTwo02:53
ubottuKXTwo: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:53
Datzdamn, I had a picture of the ground just ready to link02:53
J_Cno prob02:53
KXTwooi vey nvm02:53
KXTwotake care02:53
SenjaiKXTwo, good luck :)02:53
SpeedrunnerG55i thought this was a help channel02:53
testaI'm having network issues..02:53
testaand I need help!02:54
SenjaiSpeedrunnerG55, it is02:54
Senjai!ask | testa02:54
ubottutesta: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:54
mickster04Senjai: it is02:54
mickster04Senjai: sorry wrong nick02:54
KXTwoit is just make sure you give every detail possible or you will be inundated with links :)02:54
mickster04SpeedrunnerG55: it is02:54
Senjaimickster04, ;)02:54
Garfieldsup people02:54
mickster04Garfield: hey02:54
Garfieldanyone working on morpgs02:54
Datzchillin in #ubuntu02:54
SpeedrunnerG55so im trying to program my lego mindstorms, were can i find the software02:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:55
* Senjai waves at Garfield 02:55
testaok. My problem is that I have installed a wireless card (a netgear card) that required drivers to install. I've installed the drivers for it, am able to view wireless networks, but cannot connect to one (as in when I try to connect, it maintains the status of "connecting" and never actually connects..)02:55
mickster04SpeedrunnerG55: what has that got to do with ubuntu?02:55
J_CSpeedrunnerG55: have you googled "linux + mindstorm" or "ubuntu + mindstorm"? This is a help channel, but maybe nobody online right now uses mindstorm02:55
SenjaiSpeedrunnerG55, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Mindstorms+for+ubuntu02:55
SpeedrunnerG55i want to know if there is software i get for ubuntu02:55
Jordan_U!google | Senjai02:55
ubottuSenjai: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.02:55
mickster04harsh Jordan_U :p02:55
SenjaiNot really Jordan, the solution is to google it. Or search the repositories02:56
SenjaiAnd most people do have the google-fu02:56
h00kSenjai: Google-it is not an appropriate answer for this channel. Period.02:56
mickster04SpeedrunnerG55: this is ubuntu help, not lego help02:56
KXTwoubottu, that is the smartest thing ive seen you say02:56
Senjaih00k, fine, understood.02:56
mickster04h00k: seeing as that is all you can do i think it was? and it wasnt a good it, it was lmgtfy?02:56
J_CSenjai: yes02:57
Datzwhat about lmytfy it? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=lmgtfy&l=102:57
Datzoops forgot g02:57
rww4/whois SpeedrunnerG5502:57
* rww facepalms02:57
Senjairww lol02:57
mickster04hey HowardTheDuck02:57
michael138ok now what is good compatible  like bs player or some thrid party system02:58
timewriteri love ubuntu for no good reason02:58
SenjaiHowardTheDuck, Hi :)02:58
HowardTheDuckis there a bad default network setting with ubuntu 10.04 or something?  websites are continually timing out, but when i boot into my win7 partition, everything is snappy02:58
mickster04michael138: vlc?02:58
adubi want to completely delete keyring from my system02:58
michael138i love it cus its so much fun to use02:58
HowardTheDuckhey Senjai :)02:58
testaIs anybody here a whiz at networking and probably drivers?02:58
J_Ch00k: Since when, just curious, I see people refer to google all the time. Sometimes the docs are there that explain better than miles of irc input can do02:58
HowardTheDuckhey mickster04  :)02:58
ZenzeAnyone know how to tell if they hard drive i just installed is set up to use 4096B sectors?02:58
Senjaitesta, just ask your question :)02:58
adubhwo would i go about deleting keyring from my system i dont need something to help me remember passwords aqnd th thing is just annoying02:58
tyler_dok, I'm looking to cut everything on a per-line basis before, and including a string that I have grepped02:58
SenjaiJ_C, don't worry about it.02:58
testaWell, my question is: What do I do!? (previous message: My problem is that I have installed a wireless card (a netgear card) that required drivers to install. I've installed the drivers for it, am able to view wireless networks, but cannot connect to one (as in when I try to connect, it maintains the status of "connecting" and never actually connects..)02:59
ohsixKXTwo: rm -- -\ delete\ me\ - can work too, -- is "ignore the rest as options"02:59
J_CSenjai: thanks :-)02:59
Senjaitesta, can you connect via a wired connection?02:59
Senjaitesta, have you tried more than one network/02:59
testaI can connect sometimes to a wired network, it's very erratic.03:00
KXTwoohsix, yess some one who got it lol03:00
Senjaitesta, I know 10.10 has some issues with it, some wireless drivers work better on 10.0403:00
Senjaitesta, perhaps you should downgrade? but consult more professional opinions first.03:00
jonathanadub, system>preferences>passwords and encryption keys03:00
testaHow do I downgrade then?03:00
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.03:01
timewriteri need to find a wireless cable now03:01
ohsixSenjai: were you really telling someone to find a tutorial about linux to learn about his shell or argument conventions? :O03:01
mickster04timewriter: aha i see what you did there03:01
Aikarok to follow up with flash killing my PC. the entire kernel is frozen. i cant even perform REISUB03:01
drch00k: is saying "google it" with search terms (foo+bar) that you found <several or many> hits acceptable?03:01
timewriterwhere mickster0403:01
Senjairww what doy you think on his issues03:01
Aikarits frozen right now, i cant ssh in, cant reisub03:01
mickster04timewriter: a wireless wire?03:01
Aikaranyone got any ideas on how to stop flash from killing my ubuntu 10.10? :(03:01
mickster04Aikar: remove it?03:02
mickster04timewriter: oxymoron much?03:02
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Aikarmickster04: then how will i browse my porn sites :(03:02
* timewriter ...03:02
adubjonathan how do i disable keyring???????03:02
h00k!ohmy | Aikar03:02
ubottuAikar: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:02
Senjaiohsix, I misperceived his question, as I connected partway through his explination, I thought his difficulty was with understanding how the filesystem works on linux, e.g. directories are represented by / not \03:02
timewriterim testing Squeeze in vmware03:03
Senjaiohsix, to which I answered first, then forwarded him to the site, but then I found i misinterpreted his question.03:03
adubhow do i disable keyring????03:03
jonathanadub, delete it03:03
Datzha @ ohmy03:03
Aikarback to topic... flash is literally freezing my entire system. the alt+sysrq key combos dont even work. no ssh. ive tried multiple flash versions, latest nvidia driver03:03
adubi dont know the package name jonathan to apt-get remove03:03
timewriterdo you believe what happened03:03
timewritersome guy asked me to install a antivirus on his system03:03
jonathanoh you want to remove the package from the OS?03:03
timewriterthen he came and started looking inside the case03:04
adubif removing it will get rid of the stupid annoying pop up03:04
adubthen yeah i wont use the app03:04
timewriterwhen i asked him what is he looking for , he said : the antivirus03:04
ohsixAikar: bad luck there, its either the driver or something hw related in your machine03:04
jonathanyou'll have to enter your keycode everytime you connect to an encrypted wireless though03:04
adubjonathan so keyring prevents having to input the keycode everytime03:05
adubit just not have been saving it before then03:05
Aikarohsix: i just ran a memtest, it all passed. it is new hardware, didnt happen on old box, should i do something after moving my hdd from 1 box to a new one to refresh for new hardware?03:05
Datzdoes unity work pretty decently in 10.10?03:05
testaWould anybody know a way to change the ways I can connect to a wireless network? When I try to connect to my network (which I know has WPA/WPA2 Personal security on it) my computer assumes it's WPA/WPA2 Enterprise security...03:06
timewriteruse a wireless cable03:06
testaa wireless cable?03:06
J_CDatz:I'm using it on an older Asus netbook... it's OK but it has some ways to go, sometimes it's irritating03:06
jonathanadub, keyring stores the password03:06
th0rtesta: might try wicd in place of network-mangler03:06
DatzJ_C: ah I see.03:06
adubso when im booting up03:06
adubis it asking for my computer password03:07
adubor the wifi03:07
adublittle confused03:07
ohsixAikar: best you can probably do is find something other than flash that can make it freeze, could be the power supply or a lot of things unfortunately03:07
DatzJ_C: I can install it and choose if I want it or gnome at boot, correct?03:07
jonathanif you're connecting to the wifi without gnome-keyring installed it'll want the network keycode03:07
jonathangnome keyring just stores it for you03:07
ohsixtesta: can you look at the beacons with wireshark? it says what security options are available03:07
J_CDatz: I'm not sure about that, I just installed it recently on the netbook. I haven't tried it on a standard laptop or desktop03:08
testaI'll try.03:08
lolicloudIf I want to wipe my ubuntu partition to install something else all that I need to backup is the home folder or is there anything else I might miss?03:08
Aikari think ima try putting hdd back in old system03:08
timewriteri wish a linux versions for world of warcraft03:08
ohsixtesta: the beacons could be wrong, or it could have ent as an option when you're not expecting it, but you can tell networkmanager what authentication it actually uses if you edit the connection03:08
silverlightninghi again03:08
J_CDatz: it's ok for the netbook, but I'm not overly impressed, I'd avoid it on a regular box for awhile anyway03:08
silverlightninghow bad is it to use a hacked windows 7?03:09
kevdoglolicloud: possible some things in /etc depending on what you have done03:09
DatzJ_C: ah ok. I'd be testing it on my desktop.. well via an external drive03:09
timewritervery bad03:09
timewriterwhy would you use a hacked os ?03:09
testaI'm not sure how to view the beacons in Wireshark03:09
[thor]adub: the keyring saves wifi passwords on it's giant security-guard style ring. when you access a wifi network, it remembers working passwords, and enters them automatically next time.03:09
ischlikyanyone know how i can extend a gnome panel to be on 2 screens using twinview? or at least move a new panel to the other screen, all new panels i cant seem to swap screens on03:09
gaelfxI'm looking into getting a tablet pc, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about their trials and tribulations in dealing with a touchscreen and ubuntu?03:09
silverlightningbecause my recovery XP SP2 cd is ruined03:09
timewriterjust because youre in norway , i have a gift for you03:09
mickster04timewriter: just use wine and the windows version03:09
timewritermsg me pls03:09
J_CDatz: external drive? why not? for testing purposes yo can tell us if you can change managers :-)03:10
h00k!windows | silverlightning03:10
ubottusilverlightning: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents03:10
timewritermickster04, i tried , but its nut the same thing03:10
DatzJ_C: will do :)03:10
[thor]adub: entering your password is letting the keyring know you are the real user. if you don't enter it, or if someone tries to log in as you, they will have to enter all the wifi passwords manually.03:10
mickster04timewriter: I think you'll find that wow runs better in wine than it does in windows03:10
J_CDatz: You could be the "go to" guy :-)03:10
J_CAsk Datz!03:10
timewritermickster04, not true03:10
mickster04timewriter: true03:10
* Datz will do his best!03:11
timewriteri tried , and i can exploit my videocard at its full capabilities03:11
lolicloudkevdog: what's stored on /etc? I think all I need to backup are documents and chatlogs but I might be forgeting something?03:11
timewriteri cant*03:11
timewriteri mean03:11
timewriter2x multisampling ?03:11
J_CI can see it now... Is Datz on? :-)03:11
silverlightningubutto, I am trying to dual install with Maverick03:11
[thor]adub: if you don't use wifi, you don't have anything to worry about by simply disabling it during startup ( Settings > Preferences > Startup Applications --> [ ] Secret Storage Service )03:11
ohsixtesta: ah, it's a bit involved, but you should be able to get them when its not connected, just pick the interface, record a while; then look for "Beacon frames", they get decoded in the bottom pane03:12
timewriterlol you just become a godfather03:12
h00k!dualboot | silverlightning03:12
ubottusilverlightning: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:12
kevdogthe /etc contains setting for various programs -- initialization files.  If you haven't done a lot of customizing or installing, or manipulating daemons or listening servers, it probably doesn't apply to you03:12
lolicloudkevdog: Ok, thank you.03:13
J_Csilverlightning: dual boot is pretty easy, but the best way to start is install windows first, the ubuntu/fedora./whatever. Grib will figure it out and install correctly03:13
ohsixtesta: if not, you'd need to put the wifi in monitoring mode and thats kind of a pain in the butt, networkmanager does have a log that is verbose enough to tell you what it sees; wireshark would be for verifying it yourself03:13
kevdogohsix: only a pain in the butt if you haven't set up a script to automate that03:14
ohsixdoing it at all when it wont solve your problem directly, script or not; is a pain in the butt03:14
=== Rondom_ is now known as Rondom
kevdogputting your card in monitor mode is a pain?03:17
NabilconHi.. How to get disk UUID of all partitions when running from ubuntu live usb stick? i did try with blkid but got no output.. Just back to prompt.03:18
ohsixkevdog: your grandmother can't be expected to do it03:18
kevdogmy grandmother doesn't even know what linux is03:19
ohsixNabilcon: did you use sudo or do it as root?03:19
ecinxI'm having a nightmare trying to install an application, quartus03:19
ecinxwhen I try to set up with sudo sh ./filename.sh03:20
Nabilconohsix: i've tried with sudo.. But no output at all03:20
ohsixNabilcon: similar information can be had in /dev/.blkid.tab (it's what blkid reads)03:20
timewriteryou dont need the ./03:21
ecinxit extracts and then gives me soem conf.d error and altera_installer_gui: cannot connect to X server :003:21
timewritersudo sh filename.sh03:21
Nabilconohsix: thanks.. i will check that :)03:21
ohsixNabilcon: udev fills it out, i dunno whats going on with the livecd tho :]03:21
ihack4funMy grandmother is Linux03:22
ecinxsudo: 10.1sp1_quartus_free_linuxx.sh: command not found03:22
ecinx without the ./03:22
linuxhelp me03:22
mickster04linux: learn to type?03:22
ohsixhow do i do a linux03:22
cp2_4evawhats up all. Anyone know a good backup tool?03:23
ihack4funHow do I do a Linux WTF03:23
harpreetWhat region of dvd , dvd styler creates as iso that we later burn?03:23
ohsixcp2_4eva: i've been using duplicity via deja-dup lately03:24
cp2_4evaOhsix, oh rly? I should see what thats like. never heard of it.03:24
ohsixcp2_4eva: unfortunately you can't have everything, and you're probably looking for the least worst ... which i also don't know ;]03:24
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
harpreetWhat region of dvd , dvd styler creates as iso that we later burn?03:25
ecinxhow do i install this thing?03:25
ecinxit extracts and then gives me soem conf.d error and altera_installer_gui: cannot connect to X server :003:25
harpreetecinx, wat thing?03:26
ecinxsudo: 10.1sp1_quartus_free_linuxx.sh: command not found , message when sudo filename.sh03:26
ecinxI'm trying to instal something for my digital logic class03:26
reign2how can I stop ubuntu from shutting networking down on suspend?03:26
ohsixreign2: what would it be doing if it was on?03:27
h00kreign2: you don't, suspend doesn't keep the networks powered up.03:27
ohsixyou can keep some devices on, but they wouldn't do anything, and i think they block suspend if you do03:28
J_Creign2: the point of suspend is to suspend all activity03:28
reign2during a dist upgrade, I left the pc unattended only to come back and find the update failed because networking went down03:28
ohsixall but the ec & usb ;]03:28
h00kreign2: yes, that's what suspend does.03:28
ohsixreign2: so postpone suspend03:29
h00kreign2: you can adjust your power settings to prevent it from going into suspend03:29
J_Creign2: best to turn suspend off before updating03:29
ohsixor with the inhibit sleep panel applet03:29
ecinxafter extracting there's a file called setup03:29
ecinxi do sudo ./setup  and i get a message03:29
ohsixif you use upgrade-manager it does inhibit suspend, otherwise you're on your own03:29
reign2isn't that sort of counter-intuitive for the updater to not send a dbus signal to keep the os from dropping into suspend?03:29
ecinx Starting GUI. If nothing shows up, or you don't have an X display, run:03:30
ecinx   ./setup --help03:30
=== Subwire_ is now known as Subwire
J_Creign2: depends on if you used the update app or from the command line, I suppose03:30
ohsixdesktop tools do desktoppy things like inhibit suspend03:30
reign2hmm, I was using update-manager though03:31
J_Creign2: for what it's worth, I've never done an update unless I'm plugged in03:31
reign2and it still suspended03:31
J_Creign2: plus I have the settings at "do not suspend" when plugged in03:31
ohsixare you using kubuntu?03:31
Datzso I get this error when I try to load unity: No required driver detected for unity03:32
reign2nope; 10.10 ubuntu upgraded from lucid03:32
Datzon 10.1003:32
Datzoh well, no biggie03:32
Datznot too long until 11.0403:32
ohsixdid you install mutter too?03:32
Datzlol, no03:33
J_Cwhat <mutter mutter mutter>03:33
Datzjust package :unity"03:33
YanksIm true gangsta03:33
Yanksyou know ur motherboard has 250$ worth of gold in it?03:33
* J_C mutters to himself03:33
ohsixnm they ditched mutter for compiz03:34
Jordan_U!ot | Yanks03:34
Yanksyou know ur motherboard has 250$ worth of gold in it?03:34
ubottuYanks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:34
Darkenvywhats the channel that can help me with setting up syncing protocols?03:34
Datzalso I can't get unity working on my laptop as the graphics card is unsupported03:34
FloodBot3Yanks: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:34
Datzso I'm stuck until 11.0403:34
ohsixDatz: wacky, it works in my netbook and my notebook03:34
J_CDatz: As I mentioned, not impressed, I don't think you're missing anything.03:35
DarkenvyWhat can I use to ALWAYS sync two folders on seperate servers?03:35
Datzohsix: well I have ATI x1400 card in my laptop which is now unsupported I guess03:35
phracDarkenvy: rsync?03:35
Darkenvyyes but I need it to always be active and keep the latesat file03:35
Darkenvyrsync and unison are one time deals?03:35
ohsixDatz: it should be; does jockey offer to install a proprietary driver?03:36
DatzJ_C: yea, I have 10.04's very primitive version installed, not that great. But I'd just like to get a decent preview of this new desktop :p03:36
phracDarkenvy: rsync in cron or maybe nfs?03:36
NabilconWhy does ubuntu live just detect 3.2gb RAM? I got 8gb on this computer so why does it not use all? Im just curious.03:36
DarkenvyIm a little new to setting up daemons. Is it easy to set up?03:37
ohsixDarkenvy: inotify-tools has a program that can run arbitrary stuff on file changes; but what you're asking to do is more intensive than you think03:37
Jordan_UNabilcon: Are you using 32 bit or 64 bit Ubuntu?03:37
ohsixNabilcon: (^ or livecd)03:37
DarkenvyOh I forgot to mention I dont have a GUI on either machine. both are servers03:37
ohsixDarkenvy: you' can't arrange for both to access common storage?03:38
NabilconJordan_U: My installed is 32 bit.. And it uses all 8gb.. But this Live cd only used 3.203:38
Jordan_U!pae | Nabilcon03:38
ubottuNabilcon: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:38
J_CDatz: It appears to be a not very well executed Mac OSX, for what it's worth03:38
Jordan_UNabilcon: The liveCD doesn't contain a PAE kernel.03:38
J_COSX Desktop03:38
Darkenvywell they would be saved and changed so often beings that the files are playerdata for an online game03:38
NabilconJordan_U: Oh ok.. So thats why my installed used all and not the live. Thanks.. I was just curious :)03:39
DarkenvyFTP didnt seem like a viable option for this. Ive had hardships with FTP not being very good at dedicated important things03:39
Jordan_UNabilcon: You're welcome.03:39
ohsixDarkenvy: you can't store them in a database instead?03:39
phracDarkenvy: I'm with ohsix on this, it sounds like a perfect match for a database03:40
DarkenvyI am interested in this database you speak of. How can I set one up? (Im an everyday linux user but no expert at scripting)03:40
phracDarkenvy: check out mysql or postgresql03:41
SenjaiOmg, if WINE allows me to run Adobe Dreamweave with no problems, I'm going to go crazy03:41
ohsixit's not hard to use ceph or something either, but it's not a great idea to share files for that sort of thing03:41
J_CDarkenvy: Have you looked at Unison?03:41
Darkenvycan you upload files to myswl or is this something that msut be mysql supported? Ive ehard of this before03:41
DatzJ_C: ah, I see. ohsix nope, just a warning and then I'm logged out again03:42
harpreetecinx, wat thing?03:42
ohsixunison is heavy and will not work great for jobs ran more than daily03:42
harpreetWhat region of dvd , dvd styler creates as iso that we later burn?03:42
Darkenvyyea unison is a one time deal. I need it to run daemon. Always on and syncing constantly03:42
J_Cwhat about cron and rsync, just a suggestion?03:43
ecinxharpreet,  quartus I don't know what's the professional use of it, but it's what we use in digital logic03:43
ohsixDatz: i mean in your regular desktop session, install the driver there; if "Extra" effects in the appearance applet works then unity should too03:43
Darkenvythe purpose of the syncing btw, is a second game server to share gamedata between. I dont think I need this hardcore mysql. so rsync probably can do what I need?03:43
Datzohsix: ah, ok. i'll make a note, not booted to that drive anymore03:44
J_CDarkenvy: if the changes are relatively intermittant that may work, a 5 minute or 10 minute cron job?03:44
phracDarkenvy: yes, but its not going to be instant updates03:44
Darkenvythats fine!03:44
ohsixthe files will all be scanned as part of the process too03:44
DarkenvyHow do I setup rsync to push and pull? I find the oddest documentation on it for one time jobs and such03:45
amitho to make full screen in virtual os03:45
J_CDarkenvy: I would check the docs for a one time job setup, put together a small bash scitpt doing the same, then drop it into cron03:45
sheenzok muttter is running, cant switch03:46
amitand is there any way to open tty modes for virtual OS?03:46
DarkenvyWhat is cron exactly? a process that runs scripts intermittently?03:46
ohsixit's far better to share a common filesystem03:46
J_CDarkenvy: exactly03:46
J_CDarkenvy: check out /etc/cron.d, cron.daily, etc to get an idea, also there are excellent references on the 'net03:47
=== cannonfodder is now known as cannonfiddler
ecinxdoes anyone knows about intel core i7 HD graphics for laptops?03:48
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm03:48
ecinxI have 8gb of memory, i'm wondering how i can give more to the graphics03:48
cannonfiddlerecinx no but i know intel graphics have always sucked if you need to do anything graphics related03:48
Darkenvyhey thanks guys!03:48
J_Cno prob03:48
sheenzappearance preferences--> visual Effects -->mutter is running, cant switch?? what is this03:48
J_CDarkenvy: don't forget "man cron" for local documentation03:49
SuryeHmm, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 Server, and I've tried 2 different USB sticks (using both unetbootin and Universal-USB-Installer), 2 different CDs burned. The iso checks out on md5sum. I've checked the ram. But the CD keeps showing errors on check disk, and the USB is giving me "There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM", even when using cdrom-detect/try-usb=true. I've had my burning software verify the burned disc03:49
ecinxcannonfiddler, i can agree but i have a tablet pc, they really can't have  a gpu.. It's not for gaming or anything though03:49
J_Cand "man crontab"03:49
SuryeIs there any known issues with this installer, or is something seriously fubared?03:49
sheenzany help :   appearance preferences--> visual Effects -->mutter is running, cant switch?? what is this03:50
J_CSurye: just for doublecheck, have you checked the cd on another system, possible prob with that particular hardware?03:50
cabbie-ubuntuim getting a permission error trying to create a file within etc/udev/rules.d so i pretty much assume its a sudo issue but not sure how to work around it. I'm trying to do this: http://nookdevs.com/ADB_Over_USB (scroll to linux)03:50
J_Ccabbie-ubuntu: have you sudo'd to root or are you trying it as the standard user you are logged in as?03:51
J_Conly root can write to that directory03:52
ohsixcabbie-ubuntu: try reading the android docs on android.com03:52
RandyRKellyHello I need help. I did a partial upgrade and now I have no net work. No internet connect.03:52
SuryeJ_C: Is there anyway to install from the usb drive, but only to do a full install from the net?03:52
ohsixcabbie-ubuntu: theres a lot of garbage tutorials and misinformation surrounding the stuff; best to get it from the source03:52
J_CSurye: I'm sure there is, but offhand I can't give you direct instructions. Check for a network install cd03:53
ohsixSurye: yes, with the alternate install media, you should try the ubuntu usb maker & skip the third party utilities03:54
amithow to use  my virtual box OS in full screen?03:54
J_Cand put that on the usb stick03:54
h00k!virtualbox | amit03:54
ubottuamit: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox03:54
Suryeohsix: Where is that? I thought it was not included anymore?03:54
dr3afhello,i recently read about the "200 line kernel patch" that do the system faster.My question is,is this patch applied to the latest kernel 10.10 uses?or we must do something to apply that patch?03:54
ohsixin windows i don't know, in ubuntu it's under system -> administration -> startup disk creator03:55
klj613-how can i get a list of all my possible mounts? sd1, sd2 etc and saying what they are.03:55
Rommel_Ello all03:55
Rommel_Anyone recommend a good 5.1 soundcard that works with Ubuntu?03:55
ohsixklj613-: udisks --dump03:56
psusidr3af, you read the opinion of an idiot.  It does not make anything faster.  All it does is prevent 64 programs all running in a terminal window from hogging the cpu from other gui tasks03:56
J_Cklj613-: you could look at /etc/fstab to see what the system is directly aware of03:56
nit-witklj613-, sudo fdisk -l03:56
Rommel_Bout to get a 5.1 system, and not sure whether the various cards will work, as my old (yet shitty) one doesn't work03:56
klj613-im tryin to figure out which one is my memory stick to remount it with full permissions for everyone03:56
dr3afpsusi: linus made this patch.right?03:56
bastidrazorklj613-: sudo fdisk -l   ::will list all partitions and the /dev/sXXX03:56
psusidr3af, no, he didn't.03:56
ohsixudisks is the winningest!03:57
Rommel_So, any ideas for a good 5.1 sound card for Ubuntu 10.10?03:57
cabbie-ubuntuJ_C, ohsix basically im getting a device not found error. Running adb remount as sudo gives no devices found03:57
bastidrazorohsix: a bit overkill03:57
ohsixRommel_: you don't have an hdaudio or ac97 card that does 5/7.1 already?03:57
Rommel_I have onboard... and its horrible :P03:57
ohsixbastidrazor: "and saying what they are"03:57
J_Cklj613-: is the stick mounted now? if so, just run mount in  a command lin to show what is mounted, then run remount with the appropriate switches "man mount"03:58
ohsixRommel_: in most cases its fine coming out of the machine, only to be made worse after :P03:58
cabbie-ubuntuI was running the ubuntu desktop version but that got corrupted and now im on the netbook version. Previously talking to my device was fine, im trying to walk back what might have gone wrong03:58
Rommel_haha, unfortunately its bung, only 1 channel works out of the back03:59
ohsixJ_C: can't remount fuse mounts, chances are he'll need allow_other03:59
dr3afpsusi: so,if the guy who wrote that is an idiot,why linus is going to import this patch to the kernel?at least thats what i understand in the mailing list..03:59
klj613-/dev/sdd is my memory stick. and i unmounted the device ready to remount it03:59
Rommel_The output doesn't work at all in Win7 :D03:59
J_Cfuse mounts are a pain, I think :-)03:59
ohsixRommel_: nice03:59
psusidr3af, the guy who wrote it isn't an idiot... it's all of the hype about it that is idiocy... mostly from Phoronix and his readers03:59
J_Cremount -o rw ?03:59
klj613--o ?03:59
dr3afwhat phoronix is?03:59
psusidr3af, a guy with a blog04:00
machogeekhas anyone set the Client id using dhcp3? I am a bit of a nob w/ linux and haven't been able to figure out where to set this04:00
J_CI'm not on a linux box at the moment, but man monunt will give you all the switches04:00
J_Cman mount04:00
dr3afpsusi: so i shouldnt apply this patch?04:00
J_C-o options04:00
psusidr3af, you can apply it if you want, just don't expect it to do much04:00
psusidr3af, unless you like to run make -j6404:01
J_Coptions being read, write and all04:01
kusanagiwhat do i have to do to upgrade from 10.04.1 to 10.04.2?04:01
klj613-i need everything to have full rights of the memory stick for a symlink for apache to work. how do i remount giving everyone full rights?04:01
dr3afpsusi: only at this way it will work?not ,for example, at full load?04:01
rwwkusanagi: nothing. point releases like 10.04.1 and 10.04.2 are just rollups of normal updates. if you've been paying attention to update messages, you're fine./04:01
supermanhey guy wat u doing04:01
ohsixmachogeek: sending dhcp options is gr8 stuff, confusing as hell; but dhclient has shorthand for it. send dhcp-client-identifier04:01
kusanagithanks rww :D04:01
J_Ccheck the mount man page, something like, remount -o rw,all /dev/sdd104:01
supermanhey guy wat u doing04:02
Snowdriftубунту 10.10. как понять где звук в /дев/ ?04:02
Rommel_So any recommendations04:02
Rommel_Not fussed for budget04:02
Snowdriftubuntu 10.10. how to understand where the sound in / Dev /?04:02
ohsixmachogeek: you'll have to figure out how to get ubuntu's networking stuff to use your configuration, i haven't had to do it yet so i don't know04:02
machogeekohsix: would i put that in the option list?04:02
psusidr3af, the patch groups processes by tty and schedules them with that information.  This means if you run 64 cpu hungry processes in a terminal window ( which make -j64 tries to do ) thiat patch will stop them from totally hogging the cpu from other tasks, thus keeping the rest of the system responsive.  If you aren't doing somelike as stupid as running make -j64, then it won't do anything for you.04:03
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ohsixin the interface declaration in dhclient.conf; nm-applet already has a gui box for it if that's what you're using04:03
dr3afpsusi: Ok,thank you for the info my friend :)04:03
ohsixRommel_: i'm partial to the xonar cards04:04
machogeekohsix: eth0 dosen't appear w/ in the gui box04:04
Snowdriftapplication writes /dev/dsp : No such file or directory.04:04
Rommel_I was looking at that04:05
Rommel_Was it a fuss to install?04:05
psusidr3af, Phoronix posted on his blog "oh my god, look what a difference it makes in the responsiveness of the rest of the desktop when I run make -j64!" and a lot of his readers were mislead into thinking that "it makes everything faster!"04:05
ohsixmachogeek: it shows the mac address of it, and in "auto" connections it shows the name in the connection name, the client id is on the ipv4 settings page04:05
Rommel_Ideally I might go something that lasts the distance, such as Creative X-Fi pro... just reading around how it works on Ubuntu now... its a USB soundcard, interesting lol04:06
ohsixpsusi: responsiveness isn't really expounded in talk of "faster"04:06
dr3afpsusi: So thats explain it nice. Maybe my "source" was a reader of phoronix guy :D04:06
drcdr3af: read it for yourself http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_2637_video&num=104:07
ohsixRommel_: creative might be a strong name, but that's about all it is04:07
machogeekohsix:  i have to manually enter it for it to appear in the list04:07
dr3afdrc: thank you :)04:07
machogeekohsix: after i enter it, the client id dosen't take upon resetart04:07
drcdr3af: np04:08
Rommel_I think I might go with the Creative one afterall tho04:08
machogeekohsix: ah, i think you just helped big time w/ that htpd.conf file04:08
ohsixbefore vista they actually had a lock on eax, and you either had a creative card or no eax04:08
drcdr3af: that's what FOSS is all about, make your own choice :)04:08
machogeekohsix: fingers crossed04:08
Rommel_Purely cause the USB portability would be good as I move between a lappy/computer but at the same desk04:08
Rommel_Reading around on ubuntu forums seems its easy to get working04:09
dr3afdrc: well,i wont "make" anything so i dont need that patch!04:09
Rommel_Just have to ensure right packages are there using ALSA04:09
J_Chere is one quote from a tester of the patch: "It's not so much a performance boost than it is better balancing of resources. Your computer is not any faster, but it will distribute CPU power more evenly so that everything will *feel* faster."04:10
R-Touchwhy... why are they looking to use unity?04:10
R-Touchit looks terrible04:10
ohsixRommel_: you might have less trouble from a usb device from another vendor04:10
dr3afis the beta of 11.04 out? or any link to the schedule?04:10
J_CR-Touch: It looks like they are going after the Mac OS X look and feel04:10
ohsixR-Touch: looks are a subjective thing04:10
ohsixyou can be sure they're not doing it for looks04:11
R-Touchdoes unity actually look or feel like mac os x?04:11
rwwR-Touch: no04:11
R-Touchit looked more like a shitty and simplistic menu system04:11
rww!natty | dr3af04:11
ubottudr3af: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.04:11
J_Cmarketing, too, it's not bad on a netbook04:11
dr3afrww: i know that,i just asked if the beta is out...04:11
ohsixwait, you're complaining about how it looks but don't know what it looks like?04:12
J_CR-Touch: but just about prfect for a small screen netbook, once all the bugs are worked out04:12
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drcdr3af: nope, just A2, iirc04:12
R-Touchohsix: i've seen one screenshot ... i wasn't impressed to say the least04:12
ohsixR-Touch: good job guy04:12
J_CR-Touch: have you used it?04:12
Rommel_well name another vendor04:13
J_CI'm not promoting it, I just see some of the usefullness04:13
ohsixi'm pretty sure this is offtopic anyways04:13
klj613-im sure i formated my memory stick as NTFS but in properties (ubuntu) it says its msdos filesystem?04:13
soreauR-Touch: Since gnome-shell hasn't proven to be very good, they decided to implement unity with compiz04:13
erikaflusahi all04:13
Rommel_The only soundcards I can find that are Creative and the ASUS Xonar04:13
cba123I have a drive that isn't being mounted.  It is ext04:13
R-Touchohsix: well, i came in here looking to find out more about it as well .. i'll be the first to admit i'm pretty ignorant about unity04:13
erikaflusai have question04:13
komputer6hi all04:13
erikaflusaon ubuntu 10.10 install04:13
komputer6gimana kabar semua..?04:13
ohsixR-Touch: get a livecd and take it for a ride, or install it on your existing install of ubuntu04:13
dr3aferikaflusa: make your question in one line please :)04:13
komputer6ubuntu siip04:14
drcdr3af: March 31st – Beta 1 with B2 two weeks later and the release two weeks later than that04:14
J_CR-Touch: if you're familiar with Mac OS X you will see a lot of similiarities in attempted llok and feel04:14
erikaflusaSQUASHFS error04:14
dr3afdrc: thank you again :)04:14
R-Touchalright ... there's a livecd specifically for unity though?04:14
uRockUbuntu is better than OS X04:14
drcdr3af: yw04:14
erikaflusaim not sure what it means04:14
erikaflusai have live cd in system04:15
ohsixRommel_: i usually go to zzounds or musicians choice to find brands; the rest are passable chinese outfits04:15
erikaflusaunable to read page block beed9104:15
R-Touchos x is highly overrated so i'm tempted to agree04:15
ohsixuRock: is that assertion the result of some empyrical study?04:15
R-Touchthe only thing i can't do (on this laptop) with ubuntu that i can with windows 7 is watch blu-rays04:16
Ziberwhat do i put in /etc/fstab to get an smbmount to stay put?04:16
uRockohsix, just a fact of life04:16
J_Cunity takes a little getting used to, but it's not terrible or anything04:16
Rommel_k, I'll check them out04:16
Rommel_thanks for the help04:16
ohsixuRock: your world must be a hoot with those sort of facts04:16
J_CI just happen to like gnome better04:16
dr3aferikaflusa: is the iso downloaded ok?is the media writed correctly?u can also check your ram for errors.04:16
uRockohsix, nah, I just don't believe in overpaying for cheap hardware04:17
erikaflusait booted up in as live cd04:17
R-Touchhrmmm... this video of unity makes it seem a lot more interesting04:17
R-Touchthe only problem being is that something so animation-heavy under ubuntu is usually extremely unstable04:17
ohsixuRock: ok so it has nothing to do with osx, but your lack of money04:17
erikaflusait says installed04:17
ohsixglad we cleared that up04:17
dr3aferikaflusa: try to burn the iso one more time,with the slowest speed04:18
uRockohsix, that is not what I said, if their hardware breaks too often, then what good is it, please do not put words in people's mouthes04:18
soreauR-Touch: Just wait till after 11.04 release and try a live session with an open mind04:18
ohsixR-Touch: daily natty images are available here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/04:19
erikaflusaits over 2/3 done installing04:19
ohsixuRock: we're both entitled to what we loosely call facts04:19
ohsixwhat you have is an opinion04:19
dr3aferikaflusa: that means something is corrupted. I already told u a solution,try that and see04:19
uRockohsix, I don't like their pricing nor their OS, I have seen two Lappies die in less than three years04:20
ohsixR-Touch: i dunno if natty is already rolling with unity though, i use classic desktop sessions still & haven't tried the nightlies04:20
erikaflusaill try it04:20
JeffCBRHow can I turn off Gnome?04:20
ohsixuRock: i've seen pigs fly, prove me wrong04:20
Teddyfor some reason ubuntu alternative installer is simply ignoring my preseed file.  any suggestions?04:20
R-Touchthanks ohsix ... i'm actually looking to return to ubuntu once 11.04 is out ... windows 7 is nice and all but i am truly bored with it. i rather enjoy ubuntu04:20
soreauJeffCBR: What do you mean turn off gnome?04:20
R-Touchbesides, i like to donate for open-source software04:20
erikaflusai guess04:21
JeffCBRI want to stop Gnome.04:21
uRockohsix, If we drink enough we will probably both see pigs fly04:21
ohsixR-Touch: right now i'm using my special mix of sw from natty in 10.10 (firefox mainly)04:21
klj613-i still cant figure out how to remount with full permissions for everyone >.<04:21
securetuxHi, i need some help. I've installed ubuntu (i've also windows 7 installed) when i boot up my pc it skips grub menu (never shows up) and boots ubuntu. I've check there is no menu.lst in the grub directoy what can i do?04:21
ohsixuRock: who's to say i didn't? the point being that empty statements of fact and anecdotes do not depict fact04:21
uRockohsix, luckily for the user that has had these problem, the warranty was great04:22
klj613-securetux: i think the booters for ubuntu and w7 got to be on same hard drive for a "dual boot"04:22
klj613-different partitions, but same hdd04:22
k_szegedit doesn't seem to parse multiline here-doc correctly04:22
securetuxklj613-, what should i do then?04:23
ohsixthere are non-computer reasons to own a mac, too; so it's all moot04:23
ohsixk_sze: report a bug? :D04:23
k_szeoops, nvm04:23
JeffCBRAnyone? Is this a complicated thing? I can't find anything anywhere. I just want to turn off the Gnome Desktop to save system resources.04:23
k_szea space at the end of the final delimiter.04:23
uRockohsix, yup, people will buy what they want, and always have different experiences with it04:23
klj613-securetux: well im not sure if thats it or not. but 75% sure. i would reformat ubuntu and when it asks where to put the booter put it on same hard drive as the windows booter. but i suggest research into it or get second opinion from here04:23
mister_mcould someone tell me why this library can't be found? (shell output: http://pastebin.com/yPvzhXmx)04:24
chalcedonyare there things i need to know about using google earth on ubuntu 10.04? it won't zoom in like my friend's with windows704:24
securetuxklj613-,  ty!04:24
uRockchalcedony, Google Earth doesn't work as well on Linux04:24
chalcedonyuRock, darn :(04:25
ohsixJeffCBR: people probably think you're trolling :] disabling gnome isn't something you can do, it's just a collection of software; some which you can remove/disable, but probably none that you _can_ will get you what you want04:25
ohsixgoogle earth works great here04:25
JeffCBRI can't disable Gnome?04:25
uRockJeffCBR, if you want to disable gnome, then install KDE and uninstall gnome04:25
chalcedonyohsix, what did you do to make it work?04:25
ohsixchalcedony: did you use make-googleearth-package?04:25
JeffCBRI want to turn off the Desktop environment altogether.04:26
ohsixuRock: that is a non sequitur04:26
gaelfxJeffCBR: it sounds like you want the server edition04:26
JeffCBRI only access this machine via SSH and the Destop is wasting resources.04:26
uRockohsix, how is that diferent from using their installer?04:26
JeffCBRI didn't install server edition.04:26
ohsixJeffCBR: uninstall ubuntu-desktop04:26
bastidrazorJeffCBR: you can boot to text only.. in /etc/default/grub   add text in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""04:26
ohsixuRock: it doesn't mangle your system?04:26
gaelfxJeffCBR: well, have you given any thought to trying it out?04:27
chalcedonyohsix, no, downloaded it and dpkg04:27
bastidrazorJeffCBR: then sudo update-grub   ...also you can stop gnome now by sudo service gdm stop04:27
uRockohsix, I may have to give it a try soon04:27
ohsixchalcedony: try the package maker04:27
chalcedonyohsix, it works but it's distant and blurry04:27
gaelfxJeffCBR: if you set up your partitions correctly, it should be easy to reinstall the server edition over the desktop version04:27
ohsixit doesn't sound like it will solve your problem, but i've never had a problem withthe built debs, of your kind or others04:28
JeffCBRgaelfx: I don't want to install the server edition.04:28
ohsixJeffCBR: the server edition is just a profile that doesn't install the desktop04:28
uRockohsix, I haven't had issues with it, I judge it by the threads seen on UF04:28
JeffCBRohsix: Yes, I'm aware.04:29
uRockI haven't installed it since 9.1004:29
mister_mcould someone tell me why this library can't be found? (shell output: http://pastebin.com/yPvzhXmx)04:29
JeffCBRIt can't possible take more time to simply turn Gnome off than reinstall the OS...04:29
bastidrazorJeffCBR: i gave you a good way to boot straight to a shell without uninstalling anything04:29
ohsixJeffCBR: you can change your system to the server version by uninstalling ubuntu-desktop + installing ubuntu-server, if thats still too much theres a package that brings in almost nothing04:29
drcJeffCBR: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43516 would help04:29
JeffCBRbastidrazor: I'd rather not mess with the bootloader.04:29
coz_mister_m,  are you compiling something?04:29
gaelfxJeffCBR: but the problem is undoing some things is a lot trickier than not having them done in the first place04:29
mister_mcoz_: just trying to run dwarf fortress04:30
ohsixJeffCBR: you can stop gdm from starting, thats it; if you don't use the desktop software you can free up some space by removing it; and fix your problem04:30
coz_mister_m,  ok open synaptic package manager  hit Search and type in  libsdl   look for the    .dev pakage for that library unless it is looking for an older version....check version nnumbers available in synaptic04:30
uRockmister_m, looks like the lib isn't in the directory that the program is trying to run from, did you just install it or was it working before04:31
mister_muRock: this is my first time trying to use it04:31
ja660khow do i check whos connected to me on a specific port?04:31
mister_muRock: there are no install instructions and no makefile04:32
gaelfxmister_m: is it a .bin?04:32
ohsixmister_m: you'll need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH or run it from the right location04:33
uRockmister_m, that lib is in the repos, you can install via Synaptic04:33
ohsixuRock: it's already there04:33
ohsixmister_m: post the output of nm & ldd on the actual binary; it will show where it is looking for libraries04:34
mister_mohsix: okay give me a second to figure that out04:34
maheshkmy apt installer not able to download anything. It is trying to go thru my proxy but I have set it to direct internet system wide. Even chagned connection settings in synaptic pkg mgr but still same error04:36
JeffCBRIt seems so weird that I can't just exit Gnome.04:36
_skplJeffCBR, logout04:36
mister_mohsix: http://pastebin.com/XnpUk2Vg04:37
sneakyimphello all...anyone else have problems logging into ubuntuforums.org??04:37
gaelfxsneakyimp: no problems here04:37
mister_mohsix: I have libsdl1.2debian-all installed04:37
JeffCBROk, it's at the "login" screen.04:38
sneakyimpmister_m: i requested a new password, login repeatedly, get 'thanks for logging in' and then it redirects me to blank login page04:38
ohsixJeffCBR: thats gdm04:38
JeffCBRif I kill gdm?04:38
mister_mohsix: (I'm on debian but no one is in a helpful mood over there)04:38
ohsixJeffCBR: it will respawn, you want to stop it and tell upstart to not start it at all on boot04:39
ohsixmister_m: does "df" set LD_LIBRARY_PATH?04:39
drcJeffCBR: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137078504:40
mister_mohsix: nope04:40
mister_mohsix: I'll make a post on their forums04:40
JeffCBRohsix: It didn't respawn. :D04:40
ChipzzzJeffCBR: if the object is just to free up some space and fix something, why not uninstall/purge ubuntu-desktop & then re-install it when you get done?04:41
l1nuxmanhow to control alt delete ?04:41
droidftwwhats the password when you type "su" in terminal04:42
JeffCBRChipzzz: I just want the machine to run quicker when I don't need Gnome.04:42
Omen_20wth. I cant download the list of channels for Freenode.04:42
BlueBomber7droidftw: The password for root. In Ubuntu you probably shouldn't be switching to the root user that way...04:42
ChipzzzJeffCBR: did you try ctrl-alt-f1?04:42
Jordan_U!root | droidftw04:42
ubottudroidftw: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:42
sneakyimpmister_m: is there anyone I can contact?  I simply cannot login...password reset notwitstanding04:42
ohsixJeffCBR: it won't run any quicker if you just stop gdm04:43
Chipzzztrue... gdm doesn't have much overhead unless it's actually doing something04:44
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ohsixif its not touched for ages & pushedout it'll only idle living in swap too04:45
JeffCBRAny command to monitor cpu and memory usage?04:47
droidftwhow come there is root on android which is linux based but there isnt on ubuntu04:47
ChipzzzJeffCBR top04:48
JeffCBRdroidftw: root is sorta just turned off.04:48
droidftwjeffcbr: oh04:48
JeffCBRYou can turn it on, but there isn't really a need to. It's kinda an Ubuntu thing.04:49
ki__droidftw: use sudo04:49
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:49
ki__'realise the truth'04:49
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JeffCBRhaha I'm breaking stuff...04:50
JeffCBRI've got a stuck Gnome on one terminal.04:50
ChipzzzJeffCBR: Uh oh! Which stuff?04:50
JeffCBRTwo terminals that are useless.04:50
JeffCBRChipzzz: Nothing permanent, hopefully.04:51
ChipzzzJeffCBR: Whew!04:51
JeffCBROk, so what does Ctrl+Alt+F1 really do?04:51
JeffCBRIt gave me a login:04:51
wolfy_im very new to ubuntu and one recommend things to download in the ubuntu software centre?04:51
JeffCBRBut, I suspect that everything that was running still is.04:51
ChipzzzJeffCBR: That's what it does... gives you a terminal session04:52
ohsixJeffCBR: smem & htop04:52
amithow to login as root through terminal?04:52
macoamit: sudo -i04:52
iflemaamit: sudo <command>   if ya must   sudo -i04:52
* JeffCBR just discovered F8 in byobu.04:53
amitthanx buddies i was missing -04:53
ohsixJeffCBR: it doesn't give you a terminal session, it switches to another vty04:53
ohsixX lives on vty7 typically, and there are getty's on 1-704:53
ohsixgetty's use memory OMG04:54
blackxoredhello guys04:54
blackxoredI was here around some similar matter about two days ago04:54
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LinuxGuy2009Are there any apps in the repos that can download all the images that show up in a google image search result?04:54
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JeffCBRWhat are Getty's?04:55
ohsixLinuxGuy2009: all? no; visible ... maybe the cached version, i don't think theres a general purpose script04:55
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ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.04:55
blackxoredHere's the thing, what it came too so far, I'm using a openvpn connection both at work and outside work through dialup, the thing is whenenver i'm on dialup i experience huge packet losses, over my ISP's routing I almost experience none, so it's definitely the VPN, maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe I'm missing something, or maybe it's the way it's supposed to be, does anybody have a clue on it???04:55
JeffCBROk, I'm getting somewhere. :D04:55
ohsixJeffCBR: getty's are what run on tty's that'll give you a chance to log in04:56
cntbswitch keyb layout should b eput  again eeuu lam etc. how to have it on startup?04:56
J_Cthink get tty04:56
JeffCBRgnome is definitely dead now. :D04:56
brandon420BlackBinary,serious question. why you still using dialup?04:56
J_Cwhy is Gnome dead?04:56
DaGeek247hai hilarie!04:56
blackxoredbrandon420: I assume wrong nick, that was for me, well it's the way i've got to access outside work, I ask myself the same question every single minute ;)04:57
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ohsixJeffCBR: gdm might be04:57
DaGeek247goodbye gnome...04:57
Taffywhen i download off the ubuntu web site (i downloaded 10.10 64-bit for a different pc) where does it save it as i'm low on diskspace with this pc04:57
brandon420blackxored, so it works fine while your at work, but not while you are at home?04:57
brandon420and it was the wrong nick04:58
J_CI do't see gdm dead, huge DoD support due to smart card login capabiliy04:58
DaGeek247Taffy hat OS/browser?04:58
JeffCBRgdm is long since killed.04:58
Vanden_XHey people, could anyone help me with an issue I'm having with skype and audacity not picking up audio, despite ubuntu detecting it fine? It's just not recording anything.04:58
cryptodirais there any way to revert a farkled top panel to the pristine condition found after a fresh install of 10.04 WITHOUT having to do a fresh install?04:58
blackxoredbrandon420: at work it works smoothly because it's obviously faster, my point is at this dialup connection when I use my ISP's routing I have no packets loss, when I switch the traffic to the VPN I have huges04:58
DaGeek247crypdtodaria yes04:59
ohsixVanden_X: open the volume control properties and make sure you're recording the right inputs & your card profile is set to allow recording04:59
JeffCBRIdeally, I'd like this machine to boot to tty1.04:59
Pecvitirhello everyone04:59
JeffCBRThen, I'd like Gnome to be just "startx" away.04:59
Taffyhat OS/browser? huh04:59
J_CJeffCBR: change to init 304:59
DaGeek247Taffy do you use IE?04:59
J_Cinstead of init 505:00
blackxoredJeffCBR: sysv-rc-conf gdm disable05:00
TaffyDaGeek: no firefow05:00
ChipzzzTaffy: I think by default firfox downloads to ~/Downloads05:00
BlackWebThe fonts on my applications that i launched are all whited it out, wondering if anyone has experienced this before05:00
ohsixblackxored: most vpn (maybe all) will be seriously hampered by running over dialup05:00
BlackWeband a quick fix05:00
Taffyk thx05:00
blackxoredohsix: well it's basically the only way I've got to accessing my work's resources05:00
ohsixblackxored: they use udp or tunnel packet formats that do not tolerate dialup at all05:00
J_Cvpn's over dialup are very unreliable05:00
brandon420blackxored, sorry man, idk. my first thought would be your isp. but you said its fine while not using the vpn, so im kinda lost.05:00
blackxoredthe main question is what do I do about it05:00
cntbswitch keyb layout should b eput  again eeuu lam etc. how to have it on startup?05:01
J_Cnot much05:01
LoshkiJ_C: JeffCBR: the runlevel stuff doesn't really work in ubuntu. You could try switching off gdm, but I've had sound problems when doing so...05:01
blackxoredohsix, J_C: what can I do? if anything?05:01
ohsixblackxored: i don't think theres anything you can do, back in the dialup days people had you dial into the office to get at work stuff05:01
J_Cubuntu server defaults to runlevel 3 with no probs with sound, just my experience05:01
JeffCBRI'm not really concerned with sound.05:02
ohsixJ_C: pulse and consolekit are in play if gdm is running05:02
JeffCBRThere won't be anything but power and network plugged into this machine.05:02
_skplhow can i make ubuntu show output during startup?05:02
blackxoredsomehow I believe there's something else involved, I mean it's not like is always loosing packets, it happens on differnt internvals05:02
tprowwhy does Xorg freeze my machine when I start it?05:03
tprow00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)05:03
tprow00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)05:03
J_Cblackxored: there is not much that I'm aware of, don't forget all the data is encrypted which slows things down tremendoulsly, vpn are designed for relatively fast connections05:03
ohsix_skpl: in grub, follow the instructions at the bottom of the screen to edit the command line, remove "quiet" from it05:03
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Chipzzztprow: try starting in recovery mode & then safe graphics mode05:03
ohsix_skpl: grub is the thing that shows the menu at boot05:04
tprowChipzzz: that is not good enough05:04
ecinxhow can i fix my fonts? they are barely readable05:04
tprowI need full 3D acceleration05:04
tprowI had it under Ubuntu 8.04.405:04
blackxoredOk, then anybody knows about a way? (Which i don't think so, which is pretty basically what vpn's are for) to get encryption and accessing to a private LAN from the outside?05:04
ohsixtprow: you might not get it with an i8xx chipset05:04
ecinxi don't understand the configure antialiasing options in system settings , application appearance (KDE)05:04
_skplohsix, i dont have a grub menu at startup05:04
Chipzzztprow: failsafe graphics doesn't work either?05:04
tprowohsix: but it worked with Ubuntu 8.04.405:05
ohsixtprow: or you might need to just stick with 8.0405:05
tprowChipzzz: it does05:05
gordianhey guys, im receiving an error in xrandr 'configure crtc failed', any way around this? I just need 720p again! =(05:05
tprowand it says: i81005:05
JeffCBRblackxored: How do I reverse sysv-rc-conf gdm disable?05:05
tprowI guess I'd better just remove i915_drv.so05:05
ohsixtprow: try asking about i8xx in #intel-gfx05:05
DaGeek247ecinx choose a better font?05:05
Loshkiblackxored: well, there's ssh, the poor man's vpn...05:05
J_Chow about ssh?05:05
ohsixJeffCBR: try enable05:05
blackxoredJeffCBR: like enable? :P05:05
JeffCBRFigured... wanted to make sure.05:05
blackxoredLoshki, J_C: I've though about it in the past, kind of tricky to set it up right?05:05
* JeffCBR never assumes.05:05
ecinxthe font looks good on my laptop, not my dekstop the font is 'ubuntu'05:06
J_Cblackxored: it depends on the connection usage. VPN's are encapulated and encrypted which is a lot of "overhead". straight ssh workks ok if you only need termibal access05:06
SenjaiBlackBinary, Very easy to set up ssh.05:06
iflema!nox | _skpl hold shift at/on boot to get the menu05:06
ubottu_skpl hold shift at/on boot to get the menu: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:06
Senjaiblackxored, Very easy to set up ssh.05:06
J_Cssh isn't tricky, not too much anyway.05:07
ohsixJeffCBR: there are manual pages for most anything, if you want to know things05:07
Senjai!ssh | blackxored05:07
ubottublackxored: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)05:07
J_Crun the sshd daemon on the server and connect using "ssh"05:07
Loshkiblackxored: more work on the client side than the setup for vpn I'd say if you need udp support....05:07
blackxoreddon't tell what ssh is05:07
DaGeek247ecinx just try it and see if it does anything. the fonts can change in detail according to the screensize.05:07
blackxoreda VPN through ssh is tricky05:07
J_Cthe first time it will ask you if you want to connect due to unknown keys, after that, no prob05:07
SenjaiNope, not really.05:07
blackxoredok guys there are some pointers?05:08
SenjaiJust install openssh on the computer you want to connect to05:08
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)05:08
ohsixSenjai: dialup is in play, vpn untenable05:08
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)05:08
blackxoredSenjai: it's already there obviously05:08
Chipzzztprow: is it lucid?05:08
DaGeek247J_C, stop05:08
tprowChipzzz: it's lucid yeah05:09
tprowlucid dream05:09
J_CI  have used putty with ssh/X forwarding over a modem before, but it is slow as molassas05:09
tprowa dream so lucid it won't work right05:09
Chipzzztprow: Have you seen this?: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes05:09
J_Cstop what?05:09
blackxoredJ_C: I don't want X, I want tunneling05:09
blackxoredI found it, let me try it for that matters05:09
J_Ctunneling over a modem is slow, period05:09
tprowChipzzz: thank you05:10
JeffCBRYuck. On mIRC until Ubuntu reboots.05:10
ohsixyou'll at best get access via proxy to web resources at work; it works but it's nothing like a vpn05:10
J_Cit can be done, but not satisfactorally05:10
Chipzzztprow: glad to help05:10
Loshkiblackxored: many people use ssh for tunneling X apps. See also freenx which is said to be faster for that...05:10
tprowugh...I have to exit irssi due to me running su <user> -c irssi in single user mode...05:10
JeffCBRblackxored: It looks like that may have worked. :D05:10
JeffCBRtprow: Try byobu05:11
J_C"ssh -X" will forward x through a ssh tunnel, but it is slow over a modem. Better than a VPN though05:11
blackxoredJeffCBR: ???05:11
blackxoredLoshki: tried freenx on the past, on a faster connection, it really rocked05:11
blackxoredJ_C: I meant i didn't needed X05:11
JeffCBRblackxored: Were you the one who helped me disable gdm?05:11
BlackWebHas anyone experienced the fonts on some of the applications to not be visible05:11
blackxoredJeffCBR: I wrote the command yes05:12
BlackWebtrying to solve it but with not luck05:12
J_Cblackxored: best to say exactly what you need?05:12
blackxoredJ_C: I want encryption, port forwarding and a gateway to my work's private LAN05:12
J_Cfor smb? X/ or just a term?05:12
trackstarHi all. Kind of a n00b question but I just hooked up my ubuntu pc to my new TV with an HDMI cable (from an on-board HDMI port) and am disappointed that it didn't automatically detect the new display. is there a trick to getting this to work?05:12
blackxoredJeffCBR: what about it?05:13
ohsixtrackstar: are you using kubuntu?05:13
JeffCBROk, actually, that didn't work, blackxored... reboot and it's back.05:13
trackstarohsix, no05:13
ohsixtry xrandr --auto in a terminal05:13
blackxoredJeffCBR: umm weird05:13
Loshkitrackstar: you might ask on #mythtv-users. They have tons of experience hooking tvs up to pcs...05:14
blackxoredJeffCBR: I actually don't advise this but try update-rc.d -f gdm remove05:14
trackstarohsix, "Failed to get size of gamma for output default"05:14
trackstarLoshki, okay, thanks05:14
ohsixLoshki: they'll have you butcher your install too ;]05:15
trackstarMaybe I should just restart.05:15
JeffCBRblackxored: That doesn't work in 10.10 due to some change.05:15
JeffCBRThanks, though.05:15
Loshkiohsix: In that case, we can butcher your install right here...05:15
JeffCBRWhat can I grep to see what processes are running for gdm to work?05:16
JeffCBRps -e | grep tty7 shows only Xorg.05:16
LoshkiJ_C: note that levels 3 thru 5 are the same as level 2...05:16
ohsixtrackstar: if you open the monitor applet from system -> preferences does it detect them all05:17
J_CLoshki: no they are different, classic UNIX is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel05:18
freakabcdhi all05:19
ohsixtrackstar: xrandr is the ultimate arbiter, if it can't see anything on the connection then you probably need to debug that and the desktop stuff is working as expected05:19
iflema!nox | JeffCBR05:19
ubottuJeffCBR: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode05:19
J_Crunlevel 2 starts without networks, runlevel 3 is network + multi-user, runlevel 45 is X05:19
JeffCBRiflema, that will prevent the processes from even starting?05:19
LoshkiJ_C: I believe debian broke^H^H^H^H^H changed the runlevel stuff, and most of the derived distros inherited it..05:19
J_C5, I mean05:19
ohsixJ_C: that might be convention, but you can have them do whatever you want05:19
J_Ccould be05:19
freakabcdmy laptop is running 10.04 Lucid now. What is the easiest way to upgrade to 10.10 Maverick ?05:19
J_Cbut not standard05:20
yahooenyhey I have my own problem too; after something went wrong with my package manager, and java not restarting, I restarted my PC, and could no longer log in. There was a message saying "The Gnome power settings defaults were incorrectly installed. See System admin"...05:20
ohsixfreakabcd: update-manager, it should say maverick is available05:20
JeffCBRsudo shutdown 005:20
freakabcdi wanted to go straight to 11.04 Natty, but i gather the repos aren;t really ready with all the packages05:20
ChipzzzLoshki: you mean about the change to upstart?05:20
ohsixfreakabcd: not to mention it's only february :]05:20
macofreakabcd: you cant skip 10.10 on your way to natty, but we would welcome more alpha testers05:20
freakabcdohsix: well, i ran the kubuntu live disc. and it was rocking!05:20
ohsixif that's your threshold for rockin' gnome must put you in a coma05:21
LoshkiChipzzz: yes, I think it was the upstart stuff that did it...05:21
freakabcdmaco: only thing i'm afraid of is that i might lose use of some of the packages due to them being missing/etc. on natty repos05:21
J_Cohsix: of course you can, just change your rc.x directories, but there is a difference by default, generally05:21
trackstarohsix, any idea what that error means? "Failed to get size of gamma for output default"? If it helps I used to have an LCD monitor and a CRT tv (hooked up by s-video) on this pc, then I got rid of the monitor and it was just the CRT ... now there's the other TV by HDMI too05:21
freakabcdohsix: indeed. i sometimes feel using gnome makes me lethargic05:22
freakabcdstrange as it may seem05:22
ohsixtrackstar: its just a message, it shouldn't be an error05:22
JeffCBRwhen you shutdown, does it hang at the ubuntu splash?05:22
macofreakabcd: packages are generally only removed if they are unmaintained or have been having build failures for over a year05:22
ChipzzzLoshki: the runlevels still work, they are just managed and executed differently now05:22
macofreakabcd: (more like two years)05:22
uRockI wish they'd remove firestarter05:22
freakabcdmaco: wow. so basically all the packages are already built for natty?05:22
cntbi  feel Imaybe pushing my luck already have realplayer11 installed - in mac and pc it adds downloader inyoutube and convertor what abiut linux inthis aspect05:22
macofreakabcd: of course! we're at alpha 2!05:23
freakabcdi will update-manager to 10.10 and then update-manager to 11.04 ?05:23
ohsixfreakabcd: damn straight; working software is boring as hell05:23
macofreakabcd: well i mean in the first place, they are simply copied over from maverick to start. then we sync anything of which there are new versions from debian during the first 2 weeks05:23
mneptokfreakabcd: you cannot go from 10.04 straight to 11.0405:23
macofreakabcd: to get from 10.10 to 11.04, youd do "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"05:23
macomneptok: not what freakabcd said, so its ok :)05:23
LoshkiChipzzz: My point is that you can't turn off X11 in standard ubuntu simply by changing the runlevel as you can in other distros05:24
uRockor break sources.list05:24
freakabcdmaco: thats what i said 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.04 :D05:24
J_CLoshki: exactly05:24
mneptokmaco: read again: 22:19 < freakabcd> my laptop is running 10.04 Lucid now. What is the easiest way to upgrade to 10.10 Maverick ?05:24
macomneptok: scroll farther down05:24
freakabcdthanks. now i shall update tp 10.10 first05:24
ohsixLoshki: not that that's a useful statement anyways; you want to disable it, and possibly set what runlevel it actually runs at05:24
uRockfreakabcd, a clean install would be easier05:24
macomneptok: <freakabcd> i will update-manager to 10.10 and then update-manager to 11.04 ?05:24
ChipzzzLoshki: Ah... sorry05:24
ohsixi suggest running stuff in a virtual machine before upgrading05:25
J_Cbut it can still be done without removing gdm05:25
JeffCBROk, the "text" in grub did it! Thanks.05:25
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JeffCBRAnd sorry to whoever told me that earlier and I ignored them.05:25
macoJeffCBR: "text" is not actually a valid instruction. it's just the lack of "quiet splash" that does it05:25
ohsixyou didn't ignore them, you said you didn't want to mess with your bootloader05:26
JeffCBRi left quite splash...05:26
JeffCBRjust added text to the end05:26
freakabcdi have lucid-bleed ppa enabled05:26
freakabcdis there also maverick-bleed ppa ?05:26
ohsixbe sure to ppa-purge any ppa's you have installed before doing an upgrade05:27
freakabcdohsix: ok. i will run ppa-purge05:27
macoJeffCBR: oh. well thats interesting....05:27
iflemaJeffCBR: its just the way to disable gnome *not* the other way....05:27
AbhijiThello!!!! :)05:28
JeffCBRI think I'm ready to unplug the mouse, keyboard, and monitor and toss this thing is the closet. :D05:28
droidftwdo i have to wipe my whole hardrive to upgrade when 11.04 comes out05:29
droidftwwhat do i do05:30
JeffCBRis there a command to remotely restart the system?05:30
JeffCBRshutdown 0 seems to leave it running.05:30
J_Cpersonally I would follow the upgrade instructions on Ubuntu's site05:30
macoJeffCBR: sudo reboot05:30
ohsixor shutdown -r now05:30
AbhijiT!upgrade | droidftw05:31
ubottudroidftw: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade05:31
JeffCBRhow about to power down?05:31
ohsixshutdown -h now05:31
ohsixyou might want to look into suspending, and enabling wake on lan05:31
J_C-r = reboot, -h = halt05:31
JeffCBRohsix: Good idea.05:31
ohsixinstead of shutting it down you can suspend it, and wake it up from the network05:31
macoJeffCBR: if shutdown -h doesnt actually power off, you need to add -p05:31
macoJeffCBR: usually only old hardware should need that though05:32
uRockJeffCBR, sudo poweroff05:32
freakabcdany idea how much space i need on / for the upgrade to be successful?05:32
macofreakabcd: a gig-ish?05:32
freakabcdupdate-manager says it will download 1.5GB and i have 1.7GB free on /05:32
ohsixor broken bioses on new hardware :D if its broken though, a lot of other stuff will be too05:32
JeffCBRDo I have to hold shift every time for the grub solution to work?!05:32
freakabcdis that extra space enough?05:32
macoJeffCBR: you can make it permanent05:32
macofreakabcd: should be. to get more "sudo apt-get clean"05:32
uRockohsix, when using sudo poweroff?05:32
macoJeffCBR: edit /etc/default/grub to have the change you want, then run sudo update-grub05:33
ChipzzzJeffCBR: to shutdown it's sudo shutdown -P now05:33
gaelfxfreakabcd: well, if that's all it's downloading, then unpacking will probably be more, so not really05:33
JeffCBRshutdown -h worked. :D05:33
BlackWebwould anyone know how to make fonts on k3b be visible05:33
_skplcan someone help me? my grub menu had dissapeared and my system goes straight to ubuntu05:34
_skplto the desktop i mean05:35
JeffCBRhow do i make changes to grub permanent?05:35
_skplthe file /boot/grub/menu.lst seems to be missing05:35
freakabcdgaelfx: unpacking happens in-place05:35
uRock_skpl, sudo update-grub05:36
freakabcdi.e. it doesn;t unpack in a tmp dir and then remove the old stuff05:36
freakabcdiirc it simply unpacks over the old stuff05:36
ChipzzzJeffCBR: edit /etc/default/grub and run update-grub05:36
erikaflusahi all05:36
freakabcdcorrect me if i am wrong, please05:36
_skpluRock: i already tried that, still no grub menu05:36
erikaflusahow i find wine in ubuntu 10.1005:36
uRockhi erikaflusa05:36
uRock_skpl, k05:36
london5634guys i need help...every time before i log in(in other words when i am on the gdm login screen)  a window pops up automatically and takes me to the Appearance Preferences menu,in other words it assumes i want to change the theme,wallpaper extc. how can i disbale this.its very annoying.. i tried looking for any unusual startup programs but nothing,in fact it start before i even login to the gnome desktop enviroment...05:36
erikaflusai installed wine05:36
iflema_skpl: hold   shift   just before where it should be!?!?!?   grub2 now... no menu.list anymore.05:36
_skpliflema: oh ok05:37
luxurymodehow can i quickly find out where ant installed to? im having some trouble setting up an ant. a little confused about how to JAVA_HOME05:37
_skplim trying aupdate-grub2, i'll see if that works05:37
uRocklondon5634, sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop05:37
avis-i would like to know how to create a proper init script in order to issue a sudo openvpn thisvpn.opvn and have that task run in the background, can anyone help me do those tasks, all my opvn files are in /etc/openvpn/ and there is also a corresponding /etc/openvpn/ssl/ directory, if anyone could assist me with this, i would love you as long as humanly possible, brotherly or sisterly, correspondingly.05:37
avis-that'd be on boot05:37
london5634let me try it Urock05:38
avis-setting timer for 15 minutes05:38
_skplstill no grub menu05:39
_skplafter update-grub205:39
cntbwhat is apopular flv player in ubuntu? totem?05:40
Chipzzz_skpl: what version are you running?05:40
_skplChipzzz: 10.1005:41
Chipzzz_skpl: try update-grub05:41
_skpli seem to remember it dissaperaing after i tried an alternate 11.04 install05:41
_skplChipzzz: i did, as well as update-grub2, neither one worked.05:41
thethinkerhow do i control a win xp home computer from ubuntu 10.10?05:42
erikaflusahey how i find wine on 10.1005:42
Chipzzzis your /etc/default/grub file ok?05:42
uRock!pm | erikaflusa05:42
Datzthethinker: try vnc05:42
ubottuerikaflusa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:42
Datz!vnc | thethinker05:42
ubottuthethinker: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX05:42
_skplChipzzz: i dunno, let me check.05:42
erikaflusawhat urock05:42
uRock!pm | erikaflusa05:42
thethinkerDatz: on the xp computer?05:42
Chipzzz_skpl: that's what update-grub uses to build the grub menu05:43
Datzthethinker: vnc is a remote desktop05:43
uRock!pm > erikaflusa05:43
ubottuerikaflusa, please see my private message05:43
trackstarSo I switched my BIOS to use the onboard HDMI as the primary display and not the video card, but since ubuntu is not configured to use the HDMI display it doesn't boot up, and I have no choice but to restart. is there a safe mode or something I can somehow trigger?05:43
JeffCBRiflema: /etc/default/grub didn't look like I expected. What do I add and where?05:43
erikaflusahow do i find wine after i installed it05:43
AbhijiTericm|ubuntu, in applications menu05:44
_skplChipzzz: here is my /etc/default/grub: http://pastebin.com/kgk5gayH05:44
AbhijiTerikaflusa, in applications menu05:44
erikaflusaits not there05:44
_skplChipzzz: i dunno if it;s ok05:44
erikaflusai installed it05:44
freakabcdcan someone tell me where is au.archive.ubuntu.com ?05:44
AbhijiTerikaflusa, you need to log out and log in to get menu updated. but you can also run wine from terminal just do wine <program.exe>05:45
_skplChipzzz: can you read it and tell me?05:45
sacarlsonavis-: you could add it to crontab as @reboot sudo /usr/sbin/openvpn  --config /path/to/config/file.opvn05:45
iflemaJeffCBR: the nox/text thing?? theres a bit that says.... i cant remeber... default something you should see the quiet and splash just remove and add text (/etc/default/grub)05:45
Chipzzz_skpl: checking it in a second05:45
freakabcdis it the aarnet mirror ?05:45
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_skplChipzzz: ok, thanks05:45
gh0stis there a decompiler for ubuntu?05:45
uRockfreakabcd, I am guessing they didn't pay their rent05:45
erikaflusasee i get error about exe i tell it to open with wine05:45
iflemaJeffCBR: then do sudo update-grub05:45
AbhijiTfreakabcd, no its australian local ubuntu repository05:45
freakabcdits not the aarnet mirror?05:46
freakabcdbut they say they update daily05:46
JeffCBRI'm rusty in Vi. What's the command to copy a line?05:46
AbhijiTfreakabcd, not sure then05:46
erikaflusasay home  exe not marked as executable05:46
AbhijiTerikaflusa, you first need to manualy mark that .exe as executable05:47
avis-sacarlson, you are awesome and wonderful thank you for that assistance05:47
erikaflusahow do i manual mark05:47
iflemafreakabcd: i think it is... at least was.. look in xubuntufor 11.04??05:47
AbhijiTerikaflusa, to do that right click on that file - properties - select executable05:47
freakabcdIT IS :)05:47
iarpSoooo i've got a strange issue. I've randomly been removed from the sudoers file BUT when i attach to my byobu session i can sudo anything i want. I'm afraid if i close this screen session i will lose all sudo abilitys, any ideas wth's going on?05:47
freakabcdgood. because aarnet mirror is free from within uni :)05:47
iflemafreakabcd: and 4 bigpond users =)05:48
sacarlsonavis-: you might need to add to sudoer so you can do sudo with no password05:48
void_pointerbigpond user? People still actually use bigpond?05:48
erikaflusaits eread only05:48
erikaflusasays read only05:48
JoshDreamlandI'm having a difficult time getting an NVidia driver working, as usual.05:48
Chipzzz_skpl: the only diff I see between it and my own is this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"05:48
JoshDreamlandRight now I'm in safe graphics mode.05:48
void_pointerCould be worse ... could be using bigpond AND going to U of Q05:48
void_pointerjokes, people, all jokes05:48
JoshDreamlandWhen I run the NV control panel, it tells me the X driver isn't active, where the Additional Drivers menu says it is05:48
erikaflusahow do i change it05:49
AbhijiTerikaflusa, yeah now select executable05:49
_skplChipzzz: could it be /boot/grub/grub.cfg?05:49
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AbhijiTerikaflusa, in the permissions tab05:49
freakabcdvoid_pointer: lol biggiepond. i'm with tpg at home05:49
JoshDreamland"You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server." So I do, and it does nothing. So I reboot, and it never leaves a purple-background text mode.05:49
erikaflusanothing there to type in or change05:49
void_pointerfreakabcd you win. ATM I'm on Virgin pre-paid mobile broadband :(05:50
familiaDiasE: Impossível encontrar o pacote linux-restricted-modules-2.6.35-25-generic05:50
AbhijiTerikaflusa, you dont need to type when you right click on file -> properties -> permissions tab - > bottom of the dialog box there is an option called mar it as executable select that option05:50
avis-sacarlson, do you mean add sudo to root ?05:50
freakabcdvoid_pointer: lol05:51
Chipzzz_skpl: no, that file is created by update-grub, which gets its info from /etc/default/grub05:51
cntbwhere does 10.10 netbook store flv file from youtube 2 play it?05:51
freakabcdcntb: /tmp/FlashXX....05:51
AbhijiTcntb, /home/<username/tmp *i think*05:51
avis-sacarlson, btw, i am so thankful and grateful for your assistance all references to accomplishing this on the web usually entails complicated config files for the service itself.05:51
JoshDreamlandI once managed to get it to where I could log in with the driver enabled, but the damned thing disabled my display's backlight05:52
cntbthks wiil look please check in your installs05:52
Chipzzz_skpl: try changing the line I mentioned, running update-grub, and then hold down the shift key when you reboot05:52
_skplChipzzz: what abotu this? http://pastebin.com/th7pvXBG05:52
_skplChipzzz: what do i do after i hold the shift key down?05:53
avis-sacarlson, i just added sudo to root last time i did that, horrible things happened to me, good filesystems with my most valuable files, my music collection, got fubared, though its likely hopefully ever wont happen again despite me not knowing how it was done05:53
iflemacntb: firefox?? /home/<username>/.mozilla/firefox/blahblahblah/cache     thers no .flv extension (sort by size)  something like that =)05:53
belzeboosort by date modified05:53
_skplChipzzz: how should i change the line in /etc/default/grub? what should it say?05:53
cntbiflema ok05:53
Fudgehow in debian would you perform the ubuntu command add-apt-repository05:53
erikaflusaimm telling u05:54
freakabcdiflema: what? flash stuff goes into /tmp/FlashXX...  without .flv if you are using firefox with latest flash plugin05:54
erikaflusaim looking at permission tab05:54
macoFudge: by editing /etc/apt/sources.list or adding a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/05:54
avis-i do not wish to learn grub2 i like making changes in grub2 along with documentation to guide me.  grub2 isn't nearly as easy for the inexperienced grub2 user/typical grub user05:54
n1k0sHi everyone, ubuntu apache server security question... if an ip address is trying to get non-existant file, clearly in an attempt to compromise my server, should i block that ip address in my firewall rules?05:54
erikaflusais my ubuntu out of date05:54
AbhijiTerikaflusa, which version you are using?05:55
iflemafreakabcd: well tell cntb =)05:55
* AbhijiT wonders who is abhilll05:55
freakabcdi told him already!05:55
cntbthks all foun it05:55
AbhijiTerikaflusa, its supported and newest05:55
erikaflusajust installed05:55
amithow to create more than one user through terminal via one command05:55
_skplChipzzz: i ran a boot info script and it says i have an unknow bootloader on sda205:55
erikaflusano updates05:55
avis-there is a very nice working package for maverick for 64-bit flash, i can get the ppa repo should anyone desire it.  it works great.  i prefer that one to the 32-bit hack for 64-bit systems, they've done good.05:55
AbhijiTamit <first command> && <second command05:56
erikaflusaim looking at permissions05:56
erikaflusashould i reboot05:56
amitmeans i have to use &&05:56
sacarlsonavis-: well you can add to any username so that sudo won't need a password for only certain commands so it can limit the damage05:56
AbhijiTerikaflusa, and you say that there is no execubale option in permissions tab?05:56
JeffCBRany way to clear the screen at a console login screen?05:57
AbhijiTerikaflusa, ok go to terminal again. cd to the directory where that file is. then do chmod +x <filename.exe>05:57
AbhijiTJeffCBR, clear05:57
avis-sacarlson, you have something there it was run as sudo so perhaps since i did a sudo crontab -e i can omit the sudo from boot job @reboot does that sound logical ?05:57
JeffCBRbefore logging in05:57
Chipzzz_skpl: I was just going to ask you about that... you mentioned that you upgraded and then reverted... maybe the grub that's booting is the wrong one05:57
erikaflusaim confused05:57
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AbhijiTso m i05:58
sacarlsonavis-: I don't play with root crontab so not sure if it would work or not but that might be another option05:58
AbhijiTaah he left! :(05:58
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_skplChipzzz: how do i fix it?05:58
JeffCBRI'm finally satisfied with my Ubuntu installation!05:58
=== Guest23106 is now known as FORCEGC
* JeffCBR smiles!05:58
avis-sacarlson, heard you loud and clear thank you will make the modifications anyway to remove sudo from root user ?05:58
Jordan_U_skpl: Can you pastebin the RESULTS.txt from boot info script?05:58
_skpljordan yeah i already did05:59
FORCEGChow can i run docky in low quality to make it go faster?05:59
avis-sacarlson, are you sure it should be @reboot or @boot is there a similar @time because if i cold boot it might not start ?05:59
_skplJordan_U: this started after i tried to install 11.04 from an alternate install disc06:00
_skplinstead of a grub menu i get a blinking cursor, then it loads ubuntu desktop06:00
Jordan_U_skpl: That's the normal default. Hold shift to see the menu.06:00
edoceoAfter upgrading I can clean old kernels out of /boot right?  Then how to re-generate the grub configs?06:01
sacarlsonavis-: yes I've used @reboot many times,  you can point it at a script that adds sleep 100 or something if you think your net won't be up at the time or do some kind of ping loop to wait for it to be up06:01
Jordan_Uedoceo: Remove the old kernel packages, the grub menu will be regenerated automatically when you do.06:01
_skplJordan_U: even though it doesnt show the icons down at the bottom? it NOTHING BUT a cursor.06:01
edoceoJordan_U: thx!06:01
_skpli didnt used to have to press shift to get a grub menu06:02
Jordan_U_skpl: What version of Ubuntu were you using previously?06:02
_skpli've re-installed since then06:02
_skplbut i still dont get a grub menu06:02
sorianocarlosHello, room of ubuntu spanish ??06:02
Lasivianhiya, anyone here have a suggestion on a usb wifi card for Ubuntu?06:02
FORCEGC10.10 has huge issues 10.04 is where it is at06:02
extra11FORCEGG like what06:03
Jordan_U_skpl: Ubuntu 10.10 should hide the grub menu by default also, unless it detects another OS (or detects that Ubuntu didn't boot properly the last time a boot was attempted).06:03
Chipzzz_skpl: take a look at this... it's old but the principles should still apply:http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-to-restore-grub-with-ubuntu-live-cd.html06:03
AbhijiTLasivian, you want to buy a ubuntu supported usb wifi?06:03
LasivianAbhijiT: precisely! :)06:03
AbhijiTLasivian, look here http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog06:04
iflemaFORCEGC: thats the whole idea behind LTS releases....06:04
Lasivianthat's where i'm rummaging now06:04
FORCEGCyeah i know iflema06:04
Lasivianbut, I figure this would possibly be a question that a human could answer faster :)06:04
Jordan_U_skpl: Chipzzz: Re-installing grub is not needed and will not change anything as this is the intended behavior (as far as grub goes, the splash screen after grub not working would be another issue).06:04
_skplJordan_U: how do i change the default so that it shows the grub menu?06:04
_skpli dont get a splash screen either, unless you mean the plymouth loader06:05
ChipzzzJordan_U: it sounds like he installed another grub, uninstalled that version, but the machine is still booting to that grub06:06
Chipzzz(in another partition)06:06
Jordan_U_skpl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#/etc/default/grub%20(file)06:07
_skplwell i never uninstalled it, i just installed 10.10 over it, i never got to format the hd06:07
linuxuz3rwhats a good sftp program for ubuntu06:07
AbhijiT!hardware | Lasivian try this06:08
ubottuLasivian try this: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:08
vodkanakasi don't know i actuall just started ubuntu and have a question of my own06:08
cntbin home user folder how to create a link to another folder06:08
avis-sacarlson, again thank you and i appreciate that tip very much i never knew @reboot existed :)  have a pleasant evening, and i appreciate it06:08
Chipzzz_skpl: I would go with reinstalling grub06:08
vodkanakasi get this error when trying to update ubuntu 10.10 Failed to fetch 404  Not Found06:09
vodkanakasFailed to fetch 404  Not Found06:09
vodkanakasFailed to fetch 404  Not Found06:09
vodkanakasFailed to fetch 404  Not Found06:09
FloodBot2vodkanakas: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:09
=== JeffCBR_ is now known as JeffCBR
erikaflusaHow do i change the permissions of exe file06:09
Chipzzzerikaflusa: chmod +x file.exe06:10
Jordan_U_skpl: Chipzzz: Don't bother re-installing grub. The page I linked to describes how to unhide the menu.06:10
_skplJordan_U: i think you are rigth, it must be detcting the failed alternate install06:11
varundesaihi friends,i am a new bie of ubuntu recently converted from windows06:11
AbhijiThi varundesai06:12
varundesaihi abhijit06:12
AbhijiT!in | varundesai06:12
ubottuvarundesai: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India06:12
AbhijiT!manual | varundesai06:12
ubottuvarundesai: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:12
erikaflusado i type that in terminal06:12
_skplJordan_U: but dont you think it od that i dont get a splash screen either?06:13
vodkanakashello is there anyone here that could help me with an error problem when i try to update?06:13
vodkanakasit says that all 6 things are 404 not found.06:13
erikaflusai guess i have to run 9.04 to run wine programs06:13
varundesaii downloaded the manual abhijet,i have an issue with my acer aspire one 532h,i am unable to solve it,i tried a lot06:13
Chipzzzerikaflausa: yes, or right click on the file, look at the permissions & tick 'executable'06:14
AbhijiTvarundesai, ask here to channel. with all details06:14
erikaflusacause i tried everything an cant change the permission06:14
erikaflusacan someone please help06:14
Jordan_U_skpl: The splash screen is not done by grub. Grub passes the "splash" parameter to the kernel and that's it. Since grub is already passing "splash" to the kernel re-installing grub isn't going to change anything.06:14
Chipzzzerikaflusa: then use the terminal and type sudo chmod +x file.exe06:14
Fuchserikaflusa: on what kind of media is this file?06:14
ohsixChipzzz: that might not work depending on the filesystem06:15
erikaflusahow i do run chmod06:15
AbhijiTvarundesai, 1st ask here06:15
erikaflusaexe file06:15
erikaflusai downloaded06:15
erikaflusawine is installed06:15
erikaflusathe hard drive06:15
Fuchserikaflusa: because you cant do that on a read only media such as a cd or dvd or on a noexec partition06:15
erikaflusaits on my desktop06:16
varundesaii am using acer aspire one 532h,the main issue is with battery,the battery never charges upto 100 %,it takes several hours to charge,but never charge completely ,and after1 hour,a pop up will come stating battery is critically low06:16
Fuchserikaflusa: plus you dont have to make it executable06:16
varundesaii never faced this problem in xp06:16
erikaflusahow though06:16
Fuchserikaflusa: you can run it with    wine filename.exe    on a terminal06:16
AbhijiTvarundesai, how old is this laptop and how old is battery?06:16
erikaflusahow  do i run wine from terminal06:16
varundesaiit is just 9 months old06:16
JeffCBRwhats a good text internet browser?06:16
JeffCBRStill Lynx?06:17
Fuchserikaflusa: in that case open a terminal, cd Desktop; wine pokerstars.exe06:17
BrutalSaucehey guys im having a serious issue installing ubuntu06:17
ohsixJeffCBR: links06:17
Andyman555are there other alternatives to lynx?06:17
Chipzzzerikaflusa: many poker games won't run under wine but they can run in a virtualbox windows session06:17
varundesaino issue when i am with xp,but i dont want to switch again for xp for this reason06:17
Andyman555as a good text web browser?06:17
Fuchsyou might have to Adapt  Desktop to the real foldername06:17
AbhijiTerikaflusa, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-to-run-executable-files-139554/06:17
erikaflusasays no such directory06:17
JeffCBRis links the same as lynx?06:18
AbhijiTvarundesai, which version of ubuntu06:18
Fuchserikaflusa: use the tab key to autocomplete the foldername for you,06:18
ohsixvarundesai: linux shows the real capacity of the battery, as they age they lose a few percent; and i dunno why your battery drains so fast,  but you can get an idea from powertop06:18
varundesaii tried with ubuntu 10.10 and now i am using 10.04 lts06:18
Fuchserikaflusa: with   ls   you can list the folders and files06:18
BrutalSauceim trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and everytime i try to install it will go to the boot screen and then crash from there it brings up the actual purble screen then it goes to a weird messed up screen when it tries to load the gui06:18
Fuchsgot to go to work, good luck06:18
erikaflusado what06:18
erikaflusayour going to fast06:18
varundesaiohsix:what is powertop?06:19
ohsixJeffCBR: no, it isn't06:19
erikaflusahell i was on 9.04 ubuntu an never had this damn problems06:19
coz_BrutalSauce,   which video is onboard?06:19
coz_video card06:19
BrutalSaucei dont have onboard video i only have a evga gt 24006:19
AbhijiTvarundesai, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-linux/155105-acer-5315-battery-not-charging.html06:19
timewriteri hate hardware marketing tactics06:20
erikaflusawhat was changed in 101006:20
coz_BrutalSauce,   ok hold down left shift key while booting to get to grub menu ,,, hit "e"   to edit kernel stanza and just before   "quiet splash"  put   nomodeset06:20
erikaflusa10.10 that cause this kinda grief06:20
coz_BrutalSauce,  then hit the key mentioned there to boot with that in the boot line06:20
erikaflusaits crazy i installed wine06:21
varundesaii had gone through all the topics,they suggested to upgrade my bios,but i am unable to upgrade,as i am a new user,many of my friends warned me,if anything goes wrong,my mother board will damage,is there any safe procedure to upgrade the bios in ubuntu 10.0406:21
erikaflusathen download pokerstars.exe06:21
erikaflusai ask to open using wine06:21
AbhijiTvarundesai, to upgrade bios you download the .exe update from the vendor and install it from your xp06:21
coz_varundesai,  within linux?  that one I cant answer...  generall I dual boot with windows and update bios from windows06:21
BrutalSauceit says i dont have it installed rightnow im trying to install it06:22
BrutalSaucethe wubi wasnt working so i decided to try to do it manuly06:22
varundesaithat is my main problem,i totally erased my hard disk,now i am doing all my work with ubuntu only06:22
sacarlsonvarundesai: what do you hope to gain by the update of your bios?06:22
gaelfxthere's more than one way to update a bios, a lot of them have onboard updaters that will let you update from a USB provided you have the right file ont here06:22
varundesaii dont have xp now06:22
coz_oh!!  wubi   I know absoluetely nothing about Wubi06:22
erikaflusai still cant open the exe with winer06:23
gaelfxvarundesai: what kind of motherboard do you have? do you know the model number?06:23
erikaflusasomeone please help06:23
BrutalSauceok so where do i hold shift down to enter e06:23
bazhangerikaflusa, check the appdb and join #winehq for help with particular apps06:23
Chipzzzerikaflusa: the most recent Pokerstars won't run under wine: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=289906:23
bazhang!appdb | erikaflusa06:23
ubottuerikaflusa: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:23
varundesaisacarlson:many acer users suggested that the battery problem,and on/off of wifi will be solved if i upgrade to the latest bios06:23
gaelfxvarundesai: is this a laptop? if so, do you know the model number?06:24
erikaflusahey it runs fine under 9.0406:24
gnewbverundessai: That is Hardware, it is called Flashing the BIOS,usually, does not matter what OS you are running, that is like a physical change in the BIOS/CMOS . There is more info at computerhope(dot)com on that.06:24
bazhangerikaflusa, check in #winehq06:24
varundesaigaelfx:it is netbook,model is acer aspire one 532h06:24
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_skplJordan_U: hi, i held down teh shift key like you said and got the grub menu, then i pressed e to get the selections settings, and it mentioned dos in the boot menu, is that strange?06:25
Chipzzzerikaflusa: it will probably run fine in virtualbox too06:25
varundesaignewb:thank you i will go through it06:25
erikaflusaubuntuscrewed up version 1006:25
=== Fenris is now known as Guest94656
_skplJordan_U: and i still cant get rid of the blinking cursor after grub loads06:25
ohsixyou can flash the bios from a dos usb key06:25
erikaflusai warned to  upgrade06:25
erikaflusawas warned06:25
erikaflusadont upgrade06:25
BrutalSauceso im looking at my boot up process it is giving error: ext2_lookup: deleted inode referenced: 20924206:25
bazhangerikaflusa, wine apps not working is an issue with wine. please stop complaining here06:25
Chipzzzlol... such is progress06:25
sacarlsonvarundesai: I'm not sure about the battery problem, but the wifi on off is that because rfkill  won't work to detect or turn wifi on and off?06:26
a123456789thanks alot06:26
ohsixerikaflusa: in 9.04 there was no wrapper to warn you to stop running random programs06:26
erikaflusano 10.10 wont let the file open using wine06:26
bazhangerikaflusa, /join #winehq for particular apps. stop complaining here06:26
ohsixit will, but the file association is set to a script that checks that the executable bit is set, or it fails06:26
ohsixthis is desirable06:27
ohsixthe dialogue even says what it means and how to set it06:27
_skplJordan_U: did your ead the info in the boot info script? it says i have another bootloader on sda206:27
_skplread i mean06:27
_skplJordan_U: how do i get rid of that?06:27
Chipzzzerikaflusa: I think FullTiltPoker is more linux friendly... and you can play for real money there06:27
varundesaisacarlson:my wifi button shorctu is fn+f2 ,but when i start my netbook,it will be in on state,i am uable to off,any procedure to manually on/off my wifi06:28
Chipzzzfulltilt doesn't run either?06:28
erikaflusai was runing pokerstars on ubuntu 9.0406:28
erikaflusawith no problems06:28
ohsixrun the install from a terminal, or set +x (might not work if it's on ntfs)06:28
Jordan_U_skpl: "msdos" is in reference to the fact that you have an msdos partition table, which is normal.06:28
sunjunwhere r u from guys06:28
sacarlsonvarundesai: did you try rfkill?06:28
bazhangsunjun, #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat06:28
varundesaisacarlson:what is rfkill,how to try t06:29
sacarlsonvarundesai: that's what's used to turn wifi on and off as it sound you want http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/rfkill06:29
Chipzzzvarundesai: type aptitude show rfkill06:30
varundesaisacarlso:i am installing the rfkill from ubuntu software center,i will try it06:30
KSHawkEyeHello, I'm trying to configure ffmpeg with --enable-libopencore-amrwb which i have built and saved at /home/kyle/software/ffmpeg/external-libs/32-bit How do I get FFmpeg to find the include and lib folder that are located there? I've tried export INCLUDE=$INCLUDE:/home/kyle/software/ffmpeg/external-libs/32-bit/include but it doesn't work, what am i doing wrong? thanks06:30
sacarlsonvarundesai: it also detects the position of the wifi hardware switch that seems fails to fuction for you06:30
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varundesaisacarlson:i just installed it,whether i have to restart the machine now06:31
_skplJordan_U: can you tell me how to get rid of the second bootloader?06:32
varundesaihi abhijet,r u there06:32
MintBerryCrunchskpl: are these two ubuntu options, or a dualboot such as windows and ubuntu?06:32
sacarlsonvarundesai: no don't need to restart as far as I know,  I forgot you had to install it06:33
AbhijiTvarundesai, yes06:33
AbhijiT!tab | varundesai06:33
ubottuvarundesai: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:33
Jordan_U_skpl: It doesn't hurt anything and it's not easy to safely get rid of. I would just not worry about it.06:35
varundesaiabhijit:i am using acer aspire one 532h,many of ubuntu communitys,forum suggested me to upgrade the bios,i downloaded from acer website,i am using ubuntu 10.04,i want to upgarde the bios,but i am little bit afraid of doing upgrade bios,pls suggest,what to do06:35
_skplJordan_U: its slowing down my boot time :(06:35
Jordan_U_skpl: No, it's not.06:36
gaelfxvarundesai: can you boot into the bios and check what version it is?06:36
AbhijiTvarundesai, i never upgraded bios in linux. i dont know. if its .tar.gz i can tell you the process. but as many have warned about damaging the motherbord, i recommend not to do any such thing. unless you have a person having expreince doing this is guiding you. now your better option is contact your lug/loco and get help in person06:37
KSHawkEyehow can i get linux to find a include and lib folder that isnt in local?06:37
AbhijiTvarundesai, till then ask your issue with all details and info/waring you get till now on ubuntufourms.org and askubuntu.com06:37
gaelfxI updated the bios on my Gigabyte mobo with just a USB and the BIOS Flash Utility, which is built into the bios itself06:37
varundesaigaeflx:i am generating report with system performance & bench report,i will tell the bios version,wait for a minute06:38
ohsixthat's a good way to do it if you can06:38
AbhijiTvarundesai, see gaelfx may help ask him06:38
erikaflusai wish this stupid exe would work06:39
awaadWhat is the difference between modules inside and modules outside the initrd image ?06:39
varundesaiAbhijiT, :thank you,i will go throuhg it06:40
varundesaigaeflx:the version is 1.2106:41
avissacarlson, the only manner in which i could get it to work is to create a bash script sudo chmod +x it, and then cp to /etc/init.d/  then i had to sudo update-rc.d magic defaults   (magic was the simple name of my script) and it works beautifully.  i appreciate your inspiring me to give it my best shot, i'm getting lucky on google results :)06:41
avissacarlson, for that particular function it would fail under both sudo crontab -e and user crontab -e  though -- i still thank you06:42
varundesaiAbhijiT,gaeflx :i have also another issue with my sd card,my net book has a built in sd card reader,ubuntu is not detecting it,when i try lsusb,it is showing the card reader,but when i insert my sd card,it will not show06:43
AbhijiTvarundesai, in my laptop when i insert sd card it dont get detected. when i insert the sd card with a little force then it get detected!!! :P try this!!!! :D06:44
sacarlsonavis: very good,   I'm not sure if you didn't have sudo setup correct or if you needed time for system to settle before openvpn to run.  glad you got it working06:44
AbhijiTi dunno any other solution!!!06:45
varundesaiAbhijiT, :k06:45
titaniumhello folks sorry im late06:46
timewriterstupid Chanserv doesnt reply to ping06:47
cryptodirais there any way to revert a farkled top panel to the pristine condition found after a fresh install of 10.04 WITHOUT having to do a fresh install?06:47
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titaniumanybody like radiohead?06:47
bazhang!resetpanels | cryptodira06:48
ubottucryptodira: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »06:48
bazhangtitanium, offtopic here06:48
titaniumwhat are we supposed to be talking about ?06:48
bazhangtitanium, check the /topic06:48
titaniumwell, i would like to talk to some programmers06:49
timewriteri have a radio in my head06:49
timewriteri like it06:49
AbhijiTtitanium, ##programming06:49
bazhangtitanium, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:49
sacarlsonvarundesai: I did find a freedos that this link says you might be able to use to upgrade some bios http://www.linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html06:49
erikaflusaoh well i guess go back an run 9.0406:50
ohsixbeats figuring it out!06:50
titaniumso confused06:50
AbhijiTtitanium, type /j ##programming06:51
PhotocopyI used to be able to play avi videos fine. Now, I cannot. Totem and VLC both now are putting these strange green patterns all over their output06:51
bazhangPhotocopy, disable compiz for one06:51
ohsixPhotocopy: what video card?06:51
Photocopybazhang; never had a problem with video playing with compiz enabled06:51
ohsixit's not compiz06:51
ohsixit could be vaapi or nvidias video acceleration / textured video06:52
varundesaisacarlson, :it will not effect my mother board na,if i go anythng wrong in the procedure06:52
cryptodirabazhang, thanks, i have tried that already... it returns 'no process found' eliminates and special apps i had (expected that)  but, whenever i reboot, the nm-app and gnome volume control are NOT there... which i kludgely restore by once again making a custom application addition... hence the original question.06:52
Photocopyohsix; i don't know, it's the onboard card in my laptop. how can I find it with lspci?06:52
ohsixPhotocopy: it should be the only video adapter, just knowing if its intel/nvidia/ati should be good enough06:52
Taffyi just install ubuntu 64-bit 10.10 on a laptop and i'm having a hard time setting up the wireless connection (maybe cause it's a hewlett-packard...lol) i was thinking it's the wireless on/off button i know it's on but still can't find my router06:53
ohsixalso did you try other video files, they could be damaged06:53
=== Gwar_Trolle is now known as Flutterguy
=== Flutterguy is now known as Gwar_Trolle
Photocopyohsix; i still don't know06:53
Photocopyohsix; i tried other video files, including ones that i've stored that worked previously06:54
sacarlsonvarundesai: as you have already been warned it may brick your motherboard,  I personaly wouldn't do it.  my guess is that ubuntu is by default power hungery with compiz and other power demanding applications06:54
Photocopythis worked fine as recently as monday06:54
ohsixsacarlson: compiz can actually save power overall, but generally it's moot whether it's running or not06:55
^Phantom^call me old06:55
^Phantom^but does ubuntu support floppy drives?06:55
ohsixsupport how, it reads them and mounts them and you can eject them06:56
Photocopythis is pretty annoying.. ='06:56
erikaflusai found the permissions06:56
sacarlsonohsix: I don't know I'm not a laptop guy,  but I see cpu usage high and with all the eye candy you say that saves power?06:56
erikaflusaon the exe file06:56
ohsixsacarlson: no high cpu usage here ...06:56
mrglinuxhow to find all *.srt extension in a directory and subdirectory using bash?06:57
ohsixmrglinux: only bash or is find enough? it's really the tool for the job. find /directory -iname '*.srt'06:57
Photocopyohsix; it may be an ati adapter06:57
moustiK_Hi everyone, by the way those of you who uses gnome(arch,fedora,gentoo,debian,ubuntu,etc...) , how is the transition from gnome 2 to 3 is   happening(or will happen), does systemtray, applets and indicators work? Do you know how it will evolve, I am especially wondering what will happen to compiz with others distribution now that they are co linked to unity(for which i am not judging as it's great that they are reciving sponsorship). If my06:57
moustiK_ question is not posted on the right place feel free to correct me06:57
erikaflusawhat do i need to change06:57
Photocopyohsix; how can I find out?06:58
erikaflusaunder permissions tab06:58
^Phantom^How do you get ubuntu to read floppy diskettes?06:58
mrglinuxohsix:I used find ./ -type f -name \*.srt but it's only find the files in current directory not subdirectories06:58
ActionParsnip^Phantom^: you may need an fstab entry, has the installer added one for the floppy for you?06:58
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ohsixmrglinux: well, it's recursive by default so i don't know what it's doing06:59
ohsixActionParsnip: udisks should handle it like any other volume, aside from polling on some drives (cuz polling wakes up the drive typically)06:59
^Phantom^ActionParsnip, I'm not sure07:00
ActionParsnipohsix: yes, it should, but it isn't or the user wouldn't be here.....07:00
^Phantom^The drive is doing something, I know that much, I can see the light blinking.07:00
erikaflusahey i found the permission07:00
ohsixActionParsnip: then find out why udisks isn't working, or check why the mounts fail07:00
PhotocopyDoes anyone know why suddenly over the space of a few days videos would go from displaying fine to displaying with green staticy looking horizontal patterns and crap over the video outputs?07:00
ActionParsnip^Phantom^: try:    gksudo gedit /etc/fstab     add this line:  /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto, 0 007:00
erikaflusaon the exe file07:00
^Phantom^Accelerator, okay07:00
ohsixPhotocopy: what software did you update & did you install anything from source?07:00
erikaflusawhat do i need to change permission to so wine can open it07:01
ohsixActionParsnip: that won't fix it :[07:01
Photocopyohsix; installed nothing from source and I don't know what I may have updated. Presumably not anything07:01
ActionParsnip^Phantom^: then run: sudo mkdir /media/floppy007:01
ohsix^Phantom^: can you post the output of dmesg and udisks --dump to a pastebin first07:01
Photocopyohsix; unless it might be something that updated in my update manager; I never look at it, i just let it install whatever it prompts me for07:01
^Phantom^ohsix, sure07:01
ActionParsnipohsix: sure it will, the disk will be inserted and the system will see an entry in fstab, and use it07:01
erikaflusawhat do i need to change on permissions tab07:01
erikaflusato run the exe file07:02
ActionParsnipohsix: so long as s/he remember to properly unmount / eject the floppy like you are supposed to, no issues07:02
ohsixActionParsnip: it doesn't need an fstab entry, it'll mount it in /media like any other volume07:02
ohsixyes, you need to manuall ymount it, which is dumb07:02
erikaflusacan sopme one help me07:02
soreauIs there a way to minimize a window with xdotool?07:02
ActionParsniperikaflusa: chmod +x filename.exe07:02
bazhangerikaflusa, #winehq after checking the appdb07:03
erikaflusahow do i run chmod07:03
^Phantom^ohsix, the floppy drive shows up, I can say that much07:03
ActionParsniperikaflusa: in a terminal07:03
Photocopyokay well goddamnit07:03
^Phantom^ohsix, i think I might know why it's not mounting:  I'm using a USB extender cord07:03
^Phantom^I'll try plugging it in directly hang on07:03
ohsix^Phantom^: good; need to find out why udisks isn't doing its thing for it07:03
Photocopynow I messed up... Gotta reboot cause I can't do anything07:03
^Phantom^I found a couple of my old floppies and the first thing that came to mind:  Gotta see if ubuntu supports floppy drives, lol07:04
erikaflusasays command not found07:04
Photocopynevermind i'm still alright07:04
Chipzzzerikaflusa: sudo chmod +x filename.exe07:05
ohsixPhotocopy: you could try turning compiz off just to rule it out07:05
Photocopyi tried that07:05
Photocopyapparently i did it wrong07:05
ohsixhit alt+f2 type metacity --replace to temporarily switch it off07:05
Photocopyall my window borders disappeared and i was completely unable to do anything07:05
KSHawkEyeHello, im trying to compile a program. The program needs another program that i chose to not install to /local but instead to a prefix. How can i get the main program to find the needed other program to compile?07:05
Photocopyokay ohsix, done07:05
ActionParsniperikaflusa: you need to change the filename with the full path and filename (case sensitive) to the file you want07:06
Photocopystill didnt help07:06
Photocopyi can confirm this is an ati adapter07:06
moustiK_type alt +f2 then run metacity --replace07:06
erikaflusasudo chmod07:06
ohsixPhotocopy: i'm not too familiar with gotchas on that order with ati devices07:06
erikaflusamissing operand07:07
ActionParsniperikaflusa: no, i never said sudo to you, did I?07:07
moustiK_or in a terminal to get windows decorations back07:07
ohsixPhotocopy: is this after restarting when you discovered the problem?07:07
Photocopythis needs to work07:07
Photocopyafter restarting what?07:07
ohsixthe computer07:07
bazhangPhotocopy, watch the language07:07
Photocopyi didn't do it07:07
Photocopywhen i said that i was going to restart it's cause i killed compiz without starting up metacity lol07:07
ActionParsniperikaflusa: sudo chmod is both meaningless and not what I told you07:07
soreauPhotocopy: Does this show up in a screenhot?07:07
^Phantom^ohsix, no luck plugged directly07:07
soreauPhotocopy: screeshot*07:07
Photocopyit might, soreau07:07
Photocopylet me try07:07
ohsixPhotocopy: i know, but i mean; have you restarted the computer since the problem started07:08
soreauPhotocopy: screenshot*07:08
Photocopyyeah it shows up07:08
^Phantom^Maybe the disks are bad?07:08
erikaflusai typed chmod07:08
^Phantom^the drive shows up under computer07:08
erikaflusain terminal07:08
ohsix^Phantom^: can you post that information?07:08
soreauPhotocopy: Can you post it to speedyshare or picpaste.com?07:08
ActionParsniperikaflusa: for EXAAMPLE, if the file is in ~/progs and is called go.exe, the command would be: chmod +x ~/progs/go.exe07:08
Photocopywill do07:08
^Phantom^Yeah, hangon07:08
ohsix^Phantom^: that could be something, if the inner track is damaged in any way on a floppy they're rendered completely unusable, and that happens pretty often07:08
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* ^Phantom^ tries another floppy07:09
^Phantom^i'll paste the info too07:09
ActionParsniperikaflusa: do you see how the command works now?07:09
erikaflusaits is in tmp07:09
Photocopysoreau, ohsix; http://picpaste.com/derp.png07:09
ActionParsniperikaflusa: fine, change the filename then07:09
erikaflusai did07:09
soreauPhotocopy: Oh wow..07:10
ohsixPhotocopy: ooooh that's unlucky, i think07:10
^Phantom^Hey, since it's a usb drive, maybe I need to reboot for it to work?07:10
soreauPhotocopy: I have the exact same problem but I thought it was only one video07:10
Photocopyin what sense07:10
ActionParsniperikaflusa: ok so the command would be: chmod +x /tmp/p.exe07:10
soreaulets see..07:10
ohsix^Phantom^: nah that shouldn't matter, hotplug works07:10
^Phantom^Ugh @ comast internet!  How long can it take to upload some text?07:10
^Phantom^ohsix, http://pastebin.com/syLEEXri07:11
ActionParsniperikaflusa: is that what you ran?07:11
Photocopyohsix, soreau; what exactly?07:11
Photocopysoreau; for me its any video, apparently, including ones that i know worked before07:11
^Phantom^(sorry, ohsix, i have a lot of drives)07:12
erikaflusai got no error07:12
ohsix^Phantom^: and dmesg? (that's the important one)07:12
MintBerryCrunchPhantom: Comcast's worst day beats Armstrong's best day :(07:12
Photocopysoreau; presumably you have no solution then?07:12
soreauPhotocopy: So now we have to figure out if its a driver bug or an encoding issue with mplayer07:13
erikaflusahey can u do me favor07:13
MintBerryCrunchArmstrong's commercials talk about their community programming, not one thing about their actual internet sped07:13
Photocopysoreau: how are we going to do this07:13
ActionParsniperikaflusa: sup?07:13
soreauPhotocopy: What does lspci|grep VGA say for your card?07:13
recognoscoPhotocopy: tried playing that with another player?07:13
soreauPhotocopy: Yea, what video player are you using?07:13
erikaflusasend that command07:13
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erikaflusato me07:13
erikaflusain a pm07:14
Photocopysoreau; doesnt work in banshee, totem, vlc,07:14
ohsixit's something with the textured video port07:14
soreauPhotocopy: Hm. So possible driver issue. What is the lspci line for your card?07:14
Photocopysoreau: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]07:14
ActionParsnipPhotocopy: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed as well as w32codecs from medibuntu07:14
^Phantom^It seems to not want to mount, just like my SD reader, ohsix07:14
Photocopysoreau; why would there be a driver issue now and not monday?07:14
Photocopyyes, ActionParsnip; this has all worked before, as stated07:15
ohsixActionParsnip: you don't need any w32codecs for mp4 in avi to work D:07:15
soreauPhotocopy: Are you using xorg-edgers repo by chance?07:15
ohsixif w32codecs is installed it could actually be the problem07:15
ohsixbut not with vlc07:15
ohsixor totem07:15
Photocopysoreau; i'm not. Someone tried to get me to use that for something else the other day and i also declined07:15
recognoscoPhotocopy: if vlc is causing trouble, most like driver07:15
^Phantom^The drive is there under Computer, just can't open it. <_<07:15
ohsixPhotocopy: it might let you sidestep the problem07:16
DarkenvyI need to grab a file (pulling) from my server using SSH. How can I do so?07:16
Photocopysoreau; if it was working before and isn't now, why would it be the driver? i didn't change the driver between then and now07:16
ChipzzzPhotocopy: which drivers are you using?07:16
ActionParsnipohsix: its good to have the whole lot though07:16
ohsixDarkenvy: scp server:file .07:16
PhotocopyChipzzz; whatever ubuntu assigned it when I installed.07:16
ohsixActionParsnip: not really; gstreamer doesn't use them, and vlc is self contained07:16
PhotocopyChipzzz: never manually changed any drivers for anything on this machine07:16
Darkenvyscp is an FTP protocol isnt it? and only used to push07:16
soreauPhotocopy: Ok so its likely some encoding issue.. let me try a few things07:16
ActionParsnipPhotocopy: try gnome-mplayer :)07:16
webvictimno Darkenvy07:17
ohsixDarkenvy: scp is scp, and the source and destination can be local files or remote machines07:17
DarkenvyIve pushed wiht it before, how to pull?07:17
recognoscoDarkenvy: no. scp is secure copy.07:17
ChipzzzPhotocopy: you might have better luck with the proprietary drivers... I hear they're pretty good07:17
ActionParsnipDarkenvy: yes, its bi-directional07:17
webvictimreverse the arguments07:17
soreauPhotocopy: What is the output of lspci|grep VGA ?07:17
PhotocopyActionParsnip: wait, is that the movie player that is default in 10.10?07:17
Darkenvyoooh nice07:17
hilarieAhoy! http://paste.ubuntu.com/568627/ The  CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor 2.3.0 Doesn't give me 100mhz powersave speedsteps that that reports, any idea's on how to get that much control over my processors?07:17
ActionParsnipPhotocopy: that's totem07:17
Photocopysoreau: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]07:17
ohsixscp is just like cp except it can talk to remot emachines via ssh07:17
Photocopysoreau: already sent you that07:17
Darkenvythanks guys! This is why I love IRC. 30 minutes on google vs 30 seconds :P07:17
^Phantom^I'll copy out the contents of these floppies with my laptop, ActionParsnip and ohsix.  It reads on there.07:17
PhotocopyActionParsnip: okay for a minute i thought i might have confused them07:17
^Phantom^Thank you for the help, though07:18
ActionParsnipPhotocopy: mplayer is the daddy of daddies07:18
webvictimyou could've done it in 10 with "man scp" ;)07:18
ohsix^Phantom^: that usb drive could be out of whack too D: floppies are really a pain in the ass07:18
soreauPhotocopy: Ah ok. Well I bet we arent the only one with this issue and a bug report should surface soon if someone hasnt already reported it07:18
ohsix^Phantom^: dmesg has kernel messages, and probably information about the errors trying to read the disk07:18
Photocopyi just completely fail to comprehend why something like this happens between one day and the next with no change to any drivers or anything like that07:19
Photocopyit's completely beyond explanation07:19
^Phantom^ohsix, ah07:19
Photocopythere's no good reason for it as far as i understand07:19
recognoscoPhotocopy: i will have to agree. beyond explanation without changes.07:19
soreauPhotocopy: Sometimes there are too many developers who dont test their code fully before committing it07:19
hilarieAny Idea's though, the built in thingy for ubuntu 10.10 only gives me 25% 50% and 100% power jumps,07:19
Photocopyrecognosco: every single computer problem i have ever had in my life has been in that nature. completely sudden and without being triggered by an identifiable change07:20
ohsixit's always the stuff you forget07:20
Photocopyi found a site that will stream it for me which doesn't have the same problem07:20
^Phantom^Thank you again for the time though, ActionParsnip and ohsix :D07:20
Photocopythe episode is priority so im going to watch that now...07:21
recognoscoPhotocopy: is it on specific type of video file or all?07:21
Photocopyrecognosco; i'm not sure. I'll get back to you on that. I'd have to get up and get my external drive to test a different filetype and stuff07:22
ohsixPhotocopy: xvinfo will dump info about the video port, it could be a bug with only one format, and working one day and not the next could be from an unrelated update07:22
Photocopyand now that i've watched a minute and a half of this i cant stop07:22
queenhello everyone!07:23
HugoKuo__is there have a channel about  ubuntu UEC ?07:25
timewriterubuntu UAC07:26
HugoKuo__# Ubuntu UAC07:28
HugoKuo__ this ?07:28
HugoKuo__seem like no such channel07:29
erikaflusaanyone in here in florida07:30
bazhang!ot | erikaflusa07:31
ubottuerikaflusa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:31
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cryptodirabazhang, Thanks for your help earlier  :)   laters.07:34
MACscr|lappyok, so i have ubuntu 10.10 running off a live cd (usb actually) and i need to resize my osx partition, which is running hfs+. Anyone ever tried doing that? gparted says i need to install hfsprogs, but apt doesnt seem to be finding it07:36
ActionParsnipMACscr|lappy: do you have a web connection in the Live environment?07:37
bazhang!info hfsprogs | MACscr|lappy07:37
ubottuMACscr|lappy: hfsprogs (source: hfsprogs): mkfs and fsck for HFS and HFS+ file systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 332.25-8 (maverick), package size 124 kB, installed size 304 kB07:37
bazhangmake sure the repo is enabled MACscr|lappy07:38
MACscr|lappyActionParsnip: yes, im on it now =)07:38
MACscr|lappybazhang: ok07:38
ActionParsnipMACscr|lappy: just checking, enable the repo like bazhang said and it will come down07:38
hilarieOkay, cd bleh, brings me to the folder of bleh, from my home folder, how to get back to home folder w/o  restarting terminal?07:40
gaelfxhilarie: cd ..07:41
gaelfxor cd ~07:41
kneauxHi, my mouse cursor has gone haywire and I'd rather not reboot, is there a way to fix it? Problem seems to be associated with VLC; the cursor has changed to a few rows of pixels repeated about a dozen times07:41
hilariecd .. goes back one?07:41
gaelfxhilarie: correct07:42
hilarieawesomesauce ty07:42
gaelfxand cd ~ will take you to the home folder no matter where you are07:42
ActionParsnipgaelfx: just:   cd    will do that too ;)07:43
timewriterwhats the difference between ubuntu 10 and debian 6 ?07:44
MACscr|lappyshoot, seems installing hfsprogs didnt make a difference to gparted. It still recommends installing it07:44
ActionParsniptimewriter: one is debian,one is ubuntu07:44
bazhangtimewriter, out of scope for this channel07:45
ActionParsnipMACscr|lappy: you may need to restart gparted topick it up07:45
bazhangtimewriter, offtopic07:45
sssHow to start Ubuntu in text mode? (no GUI)07:45
timewriteri was talking about ubuntu07:45
bazhang!nox | sss07:45
ubottusss: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode07:45
ActionParsnipsss: add the boot option: text07:45
timewriterwhat is offtopic ?07:45
timewriterdo you want to discuss about Mercedes ?07:45
ActionParsniptimewriter: this channel is for support questions, people with issues07:46
bazhangtimewriter, this is not the differences between debian and ubuntu channel, its strictly ubuntu support. please respect that07:46
ActionParsnipnp :)07:46
timewriterok ok , please dont make me feel guilty07:46
akshatjI have installed Jolicloud and Natty on two different partitions(along with Maverick and Windows 7 on two different partitions) and now I want to remove Jolicloud and natty, How do I do that?07:47
foldinkhi all07:47
soreau! natty | akshatj07:47
ubottuakshatj: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.07:47
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akshatjShould i just delete the two partitions and run update-grup?07:48
bazhangakshatj, use gparted to get rid of the partitions07:48
akshatjbazhang: just that?07:48
soreauakshatj: sure, and you can resize your other partitions to fill the space07:48
foldinkDoes anyone now what can be a solution to > cat /proc/asound/cards => "no soudn cards" , and modprobe snd-hda-intel Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.32-28-generic/updates/alsa/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko): Unknown symbol in module,config is Ubuntu 10.04 MacbookPro 5.507:48
Photocopysoreau, actionparsnip, ohsix; xvinfo reported this; http://pastebin.com/9wFwdP2f07:48
bazhangakshatj, then resize, or allocate as shared space07:48
Photocopyakshatj; are you the boy from india that got the laptop?07:49
MACscr|lappyanyone know what the copy partition option does in gparted? can i use it to simply backup a partition easily?07:50
Shadowex3Is it possible to create a desktop launcher to open and run an SSH command (ssh -ND 9999 specifically)? I've already tried creating a launcher as an application and as a run-in-terminal application, and attempted to make a script to run.07:51
manusclehello everyone07:51
manuscleexcuse my english07:52
miloklizwhere can i find aircrack-ng help07:52
bazhangmilokliz, #aircrack-ng07:52
manusclei have a problem with some of my hard disk07:52
era878How can I make an ubuntu cluster?07:53
marco_Hi folks. I am searching for help with an issue with video driver that prevents me the use of dual screen. If someone would help I'll really appreciate it.07:53
manusclefirst am i on the good canal?07:53
gaelfxmilokliz: you have you type '/join #aircrack-ng' to go there07:53
miloklizlol ty07:53
marco_(or if someone can just point me out where to ask. thanks.)07:53
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sacarlsonShadowex3: I've never tried the ssh in a launcher but seems it should work,  did you select open in term when you create the launcher in the control panel?07:53
bazhangmarco_, with xrandr ?07:54
era878How can I make an ubuntu cluster?07:54
marco_bazhang, problem is that with dual screen the z-order of windows and shadows is inverted. So I have shadows over windows and focused windows UNDER unfocused ones07:54
marco_my video card is GM96507:54
Shadowex3sacarlson: I've tried both, I have difficulty getting the open in term one to do ANYTHING07:54
Ve2Hmm, PasswordAuthentication option is set to no but I can still ssh in with a password. :/07:55
Shadowex3I've entered the command as ssh -ND 9999 -l xxx@yyy07:55
Shadowex3i get a terminal flashing open and it just dissapears07:55
manusclei have used disk manager to format one of my disk in ext4 but fdisk -l tell me that there is no partition table on it!07:55
sacarlsonShadowex3: oh maybe the problem is it needs a password?  you can setup so that ssh won't ask for a password if you use keys07:55
Shadowex3Oh I know it needs a password07:55
Shadowex3i was expecting to have a shortcut that opens a terminal and runs the command for me so I can just input the password and be done with it07:56
gaelfxmanuscle: if you have a liveusb or livecd, you should probably use gparted07:56
marco_sacarlson, not so simple, had problem with passwordless ssh login too.07:56
marco_anyone on my video driver prob?07:56
sacarlsonmarco_: problem to setup passworless or to setup as Shadowex3 is trying to do?07:57
Shadowex3I've actually had the most luck using: gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=StayOpen -x bash -l -c "ssh -ND 999 -l"07:57
manusclegaelfx, Yet I can still write to disk07:57
manusclei believed that a disk with no partition table could not be writeable07:58
amitif in a group there are more than one user say v1,v2  and if a user say l from another group want to acess all the members of the that group means l1,l2 how should he do within one line command07:58
sacarlsonShadowex3: I'm not sure what the -ND 999 thing does07:58
moustiK_ Hi , I want to chroot a Gui app with export DISPLAY=:0.0 but it does not work only Xnest and Xephr works , does anyone have a solution of chrooting a gui app ?07:58
Shadowex3Sacarlson it's a SOCK5 thing07:58
gaelfxmanuscle: well, it can be written, but reading it afterwards is a bit troublesome ;)07:58
amitsorry not li and l2 vi and v207:58
manusclegaelfx, i never had a problem, i have formatted the disk few month ago, i think i am lucky!08:00
hilarieHow do I take ownership back from root?08:00
MACscr|lappywhats the fastest way for me to image a partition? dd? im not worried about size, so i dont want compression08:00
gaelfxmanuscle: how do you know it doesn't have a partition table?08:01
hilarieI have home/Rawr/bin/TurionPowerControl (I compiled it from sudo) and now its owned by root08:01
hilarieAnd then hilarie@ebilKitty:~/Rawr/bin$ sudo TurionPowerControl    sudo: TurionPowerControl: command not found08:01
manusclegaelfx, i discovered the problem because yesterday i created a new raid5, and disk manager is ...... what do you say for ... crap?08:01
era878How can I setup an ubuntu cluster08:01
sacarlsonShadowex3: from looking breafly at man ssh  -D [bind_address:]port  seems only a sudo user can do this?08:01
amitif a user v1 of one group want to acess the other group user more than one say l1 and l2 how should he do within one command means without changing mode for l1 and l2 seperately08:02
Shadowex3It doesn't ask me for root when I do it in a standard terminal window, it just asks me for the SSH login password for my SSH server08:02
manusclegaelfx, fdisl -l tell me that is no partition table on the disk as well on the raid508:02
sacarlsonShadowex3: oh privliged ports I guess 9999 wouldn't be one of those08:02
Shadowex3no it's just localhost iirc08:03
marco_Need help, problem is that with dual screen the z-order of windows and shadows is inverted. So I have shadows over windows and focused windows UNDER unfocused ones. How do I reset video driver?08:03
Shadowex3See sacarlson i'm just copying lifehacker's secure browsing through a personal SSH server and Sock5 connection, that part all works perfectly.08:03
Shadowex3the only problem i'm having is creating a working desktop shortcut to automate the tedium of typing out the command08:03
hilarieRoot owns something of mine, HALP :)08:04
sacarlsonShadowex3: ok it works but you can't find a simple way to start it up without all that typeing?08:04
sssIs it possible to use different languages for different accounts?08:05
manusclegaelfx, when i created the raid5 with disk manager, my disk was new, and disk manager created a raid08:05
timewriteri might admit , ubuntu didnt disapoint me yet08:05
iflemahilarie: ./configure and make as normal user, but    sudo make install.   go again......08:05
timewriterand im using it for 1 week08:05
manusclegaelfx, after i tried to create a partition but i had error message08:06
amitif a user v1 of one group want to acess the other group user more than one say l1 and l2 how should he do within one command means without changing mode for l1 and l2 seperately08:06
MACscr|lappydd is going to be awefully slow though since there is only 10gb of space used on the 30gb partition =/08:06
Shadowex3sacarlson: exactly, my sock5 setup and SSH server all work fine. Doing it by hand works great. I'm just trying to automate a bit of this.08:06
manusclei discovered that before creating raid i had to format the 3 disk08:06
ActionParsnipamit: add it to the groups as required, surely08:06
MACscr|lappymanuscle: raid1 is only two disks08:07
hilarieiflema so sudo make install sh Installer.sh?08:07
iflemahilarie: there should be an unistall option to remove the first attemp08:07
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hilarie@iflema it never installed, just created a thingy in a bin directory08:08
ActionParsnipGuest26833: running IRC clients as root is a really BAD idea08:08
osmosis_paulMorning, do you know if the cron generate a log file with his activities, i have a service that did not execute and i want to know why08:08
osmosis_paulbecause if i execute manually works08:08
hilarieMore accrurately it should be named compile.sh lol08:08
amitactionparsnip:my mean to say that chmod  750  /home/l1     chmod  750 /home/l2     can we write these both 2 command  as a single one08:08
manuscleI know raid 1 is two disk! why tell you that ?!08:09
Shadowex3sacarlson I got it, one of the guys in #bash noticed that I should use either xxx@yyy OR -l username, I'd combined two seperate SSH commands since it's 3am08:09
manusclei am using raid 5 with 3 disk!08:09
manusclethe probleme is not here08:09
sssIs it possible to remote control Windows from Ubuntu and vice versa?08:10
ActionParsnipamit: if you make a new group and add both users to it, then change the group ownership of the folder, both users will have access08:10
ActionParsnipsss: VNC will work both ways08:10
iflemahilarie: im not sure about.... try without sudo??????08:10
ActionParsnipsss: there are often more graceful metods though08:10
sssActionParnsip, what is VNC?08:10
amitActionParsnip: body i want to acess these l1 and l2 from other user from other group as l2 and l2 are in same group08:11
ActionParsnipsss: remote control software for the full desktop, but depending on th activities you intend there may be sleeker options08:11
sssActionParnsip. ok, thanks08:12
ActionParsnipamit: then if you allow the group read access, it will be able to read the other users data08:12
ActionParsnipsss: for example, torrent clients often have web interfaces08:12
Shadowex3sss: Not only is it perfectly possible I do it too, I've got a win7 box and an ubuntu laptop. I'm setting it up to control both from each other.08:12
ActionParsnipsss: and you can manage updates via command line in SSH etc08:13
amitActionParnsip: i want the answer how can we change permisson of both l1 and l2 within a command not changing for l1 and l2 sepaeratively how to do it consecutively08:13
costashello, I have a problem with alsa on my desktop pc, It runs an updated Ubuntu studio amd64 and the soundcard is delta1010 (ice1712) any help is appreciated...08:13
costasI followed through all steps necessary but no sound..08:15
amitActionParsnip: means chmod 750  /home/l1      chmod 750 /home/l2        how can we write these both two as a single08:15
ActionParsnipamit: with a group08:15
timewriteri wonder if i can run old tomb raider games under wine08:15
amitok thanks08:15
costasused to work fine with earlier versions with alsaconf08:15
linuxuz3rwhats a good sftp program with front end for linux08:16
ActionParsnipamit: not sure dude, why is 2 commands so bad. Considering the amount of text you have typed in here....08:16
bazhangtimewriter, check the appdb08:16
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:16
timewriterim installing wine and try to run them08:16
ActionParsniplinuxuz3r: nautilus can do it, or filezilla08:16
ActionParsnip!appdb | timewriter08:16
ubottutimewriter: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:16
timewriterok , thank you08:16
timewriterbut most likely will do08:17
timewriterthey are old games08:17
timewriterwin95 compatible08:17
ActionParsniptimewriter: which tomb raider is it?08:17
timewriterThe Last revelation08:17
bazhangtimewriter, or dosbox08:17
costaswine has some issues, with several games investigate on their homesite...08:17
timewriterand tombraider 1 2 308:17
Ve2Ok, I need some help configuring ssh. For some reason my ssh_config file doesn't seem to affect anything. I have both AllowUsers & PermitRootLogin no options as well as PasswordAuthentication no & can still login as root with a password.08:17
costas!damn ubuntu08:17
bazhangcostas, stop that08:18
costasanyone knows about recent alsa changes?08:18
ActionParsniptimewriter: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=4129  looks bad, if its 95 based then dosbox may fly, or you can install win95 in dosbox and run it (maybe, I installed win 3.1 in it)08:18
timewriterill try dosbox08:18
timewriterit takes 2 hrs to install wine08:18
bazhangcostas, ask in #alsa08:19
ActionParsniptimewriter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oJdzCrI47c08:19
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KIAazehi, I am unable to log into the ubuntuforums. Is there a problem with the forum at the moment?08:19
costasthanks, will do, sorry about the spam bazhang08:19
timewriterare you kidding me , ActionParsnip08:19
timewriterdo you think i am able to view a youtube video :))08:19
timewriter6 kb/sec08:19
bazhangKIAaze, not sure, I'll check and you can also ask in #ubuntuforums08:19
jadespidergood song08:19
bazhangjadespider, and offtopic here08:20
KIAazeI asked in #ubuntuforums already08:20
jadespiderooops sorry08:20
jadespiderwrong channel screen08:20
alkisgA friend of mine wants to buy a laptop with Ati HD 5470 graphics card. Is this supported by Ubuntu?08:20
jadespiderhey I think thats the graphics card I am using08:20
jadespiderI had a few issues but it is running smoothly now08:21
alkisgjadespider: cool, any links for the issues?08:21
Toxa_RussiaHello. What channel for ubuntu in Russia08:21
jadespiderno issues past the 3rd party driver08:21
bazhangToxa_Russia, #ubuntu-ru08:21
alkisgjadespider: thank you :)08:21
timewriterhah i love nintendo 6408:21
jadespiderI had some issues with flickering in games08:22
timewriterwelcome to mario kart08:22
jadespiderno fix for it as I know of08:22
alkisgAh np she won't play games08:22
jadespiderbut most games work fine08:22
jadespidertux cart was the worst one08:22
jadespiderand then the post-nuclear game cant remember the name of it, but that game was a fail08:22
jadespidereverything else works good08:22
alkisgjadespider: but e.g. google-earth runs fine?08:22
alkisgjadespider: or glxgears, or generally 3d apps?08:22
jadespiderhavent tried it, I will give it a whirl brb08:23
ActionParsnipjadespider: doom3 and postal2 run great here08:23
jadespidergenerally no probs with 3d apps08:23
jadespiderexcept for a few games08:23
ActionParsnipjadespider: also check out urban terror if you like counterstrike style games08:23
jadespiderawesome :O08:23
jadespiderI was looking for a CS replacement08:23
osmosis_paulsomebody know something about this error in cron08:23
osmosis_paul(CRON) error (grandchild #3264 failed with exit status 1)08:23
jadespiderdownloaded aliens but that wasn't 'cutting' it lol08:23
timewriterAlien arena08:23
jadespiderthats the one08:24
timewriteror Assault Cube08:24
ActionParsnipjadespider: its based on the unreal engine so has wall jumping08:24
jadespidervery nice08:24
jadespiderthank you08:24
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jadespiderlet me see how google earth runs for me brb08:24
ActionParsnipjadespider: http://www.spotht.com/2010/09/install-getdeb-and-playdeb-software-in.html08:26
ActionParsnipjadespider: lots of games there08:26
silareHi all, my gnome-panel crashes on startup and restarting it just gives me an empty panel while a lot of errors for every applet (none of which load). I don't know how to diagnose this problem at all either. Google has not given me anything of similar nature.08:26
mislaabiy hi08:27
timewritersilare, rm -rf .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd from your folder08:27
timewriterthen logout08:27
timewriterand relog08:27
KIAazecan anyone try to log out and into ubuntuforums again?08:27
KIAazesomething seems to be wrong08:28
silaretimewriter: Can I just move them to another folder instead (thereby making it 'nonexistent' in that place)?08:28
mislatimewriter: oh ,so it is08:28
AegisXHi, guys... I'm trying to access some music shared on my Windows desktop through my Ubuntu laptop... and it's doing my head in. Can someone please walk me through the setup?08:28
KIAazeI even tried registering again and got an error message: Fatal error: Existing data passed is not an array08:28
KIAazeCalled set_existing in [path]/register.php on line 42108:28
KIAazein [path]/includes/class_dm.php on line 23508:28
timewriterif you delete these folders , gnome will restore to initial settings08:28
timewriterdont forget .gnome2_private too08:28
silaretimewriter: Ahh, got it.08:28
chachincan anyone pm me and help me instal ubuntu?08:29
jadespiderweird google earth wont load at all for me08:29
ActionParsnipAegisX: have you shared the folder in Windows?08:29
alkisgjadespider: run it from the console, to see any error messages08:29
AegisXActionParsnip: Yep, I have. (I love your nick, btw)08:29
ActionParsnipAegisX: thanks (its a harry hill joke ;))08:29
bazhangchachin, ask here08:29
ActionParsnipAegisX: what version of windows are you connecting to?08:30
AegisXActionParsnip: Windows 708:30
ActionParsnipAegisX: http://thelinuxexperiment.com/linux/accessing-windows-7-shares-from-ubuntu-is-a-pain/08:30
silaretimewriter: Just did that... It reset everything, but my panel still hasn't fixed itself.08:30
silareAll applets crash on startup.08:31
ActionParsnipAegisX: read that, it has pointer, you can then use the usual network icon in nautilus. Windows 7 is annoying and has a 'revised' samba with new authentication nonesense in it as well as some other apps causing grief08:31
chachinwhat are "sda1(nfts), sda5(unknown), sda6(linux), and sda2(ntfs) ???08:31
ActionParsnipchachin: partitions08:31
varundesai_Hi Friends08:31
timewritersilare, you deleted .gnome2_private too ?08:31
ActionParsnipchachin: all on the same drive, sda08:31
AegisXActionParsnip: Thanks, reading it now. Yeah, I've tried a variety of methods and a couple of times I've been asked to log in... and I have no idea with what credentials I should be logging in.08:31
jadespiderunknown ID?08:32
jadespiderwhat sense does that make?08:32
chachinim trying to install ubuntu and win7 is already installed. but i wanna delete linux mint. cus i mess it up.. and now i want ubuntu..08:32
silaretimewriter: Yeah... Is there a way for it to leave diagnostics in Terminal explaining why it crashed?08:32
Posspanic panic!   my kernel is panicing!08:32
miloklizhow can i ensure that no network managers are controlling the card08:32
Graet|interesting, just tried on fresh install, no problems accessing windows 7 share08:33
ActionParsnipchachin: delete the windows mint partitions and you can install to the free space08:33
timewritersilare, im not sure , but i had similar problems with my panels and deleting these folders fixed it08:33
timewriterdid you relogged ?08:33
chachinshould I delete "sda6(linux-swap)?08:33
silaretimewriter: Yeah, just logged back in. o.o08:33
jadespidertime to go chat arachnids :) take care08:33
Possargh! I killed it, its all going to die, its all my fault, poor little ubuntu, now its just sitting there blinking and panicing08:33
bazhang!work | Poss08:34
ubottuPoss: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:34
chachinthere's one called "sda(unknown) and its big 289.6GB :(08:34
^Phantom^does keeping drives that aren't in use unmounted help extend their lifetime?08:34
timewriteryou can check .xsession-errors08:34
* Poss tries to calm down 08:34
costas!beer Poss08:34
Graet|ubottu, described me :/08:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:34
Possok so im at my uncle's house, and i noticed that their copy of ubuntu was pretty old and needed a lot of updating08:34
bazhangcostas, stop that08:34
ActionParsnipchachin: i would, then let the ubuntu installer do its thing08:35
Posshe was on karmic koala08:35
miloklizhow can i ensure that no network managers are controlling the card08:35
Posssince support is ended for karmic I hit upgrade to lynx, since its an LTS08:35
ActionParsnipchachin: big unknown sda isn't good. did you by any chance write a new partition table? :(08:35
timewriterLTS ownz08:35
silaretimewriter: Looked through it... THough no luck so far. =/08:35
g_prakashchar * (*get_temp_buffer)( size_t n ); meaning?08:36
timewriterthis might be a bit of a problem08:36
Possthree hours pass as its downloading and upgrading, then I come back and the screen is just saying "unsupported input", so i though "hmm" I'll reboot and see whats going on here08:36
chachini have a 12.3GB for linux... but when i did that i chose 300Gb maybe i didnt do it right :S08:36
timewriteri dont know , install KDE , remove GNome08:36
timewriterthen reinstall gnome08:36
Possbut on a straight reboot i just get too the ubuntu logo on a black screen, nothing else08:36
timewriterand remove kde08:36
Possso then I restarted in recovery mode08:37
g_prakashAny body               char * (*get_temp_buffer)( size_t n );            meaning?08:37
amithow to know in which shell i am through command08:37
Posslast thing that happens is that app armor profiles fail to load and then run-init: /sbin/init: I/O error08:37
Possfollowed by kernel panic08:38
timewriterI/O error ?08:38
silaretimewriter: lol I'll look into it. THanks though for your help.08:38
Possat which point I did as told and paniced08:38
ActionParsnipg_prakash: i'd ask in a programming channel08:38
timewritersilare, i didnt helped you at all :)08:38
timewriteri wish i would08:38
timewriterbut youre welcome08:38
silaretimewriter: Well, ya' tried. :P08:38
ActionParsnipchachin: as log as you haven't deleted the partitions you want08:38
amitwheher i m using /bin/bash or /bin/sh  how to check this through command?08:38
Possso now I'm sitting here with my uncle and auntwanting to use the computer i just screwed by hitting update08:39
ohsixg_prakash: get_temp_pointer is can hold a pointer to a function that returns char * and takes size_t n as a parameter08:39
timewriteryou can try delete the panel08:39
timewriterthen create it again08:39
ActionParsnipPoss: it'll be quick :)08:39
timewritermaybe it will work08:39
Posssuicide you mean?08:39
ActionParsnipPoss: no, the updates08:39
Possthe updates are finished08:40
silaretimewriter: Tried that too. :[ Seems like it didn't work...08:40
Possbut the computer wont start08:40
Possits stuck at a kernel panic08:40
Possonly I have no idea what or who this cornel panic is and why he has ruined the computer08:40
miloklizanyone how can i ensure that no network managers are controlling the card08:41
ohsixg_prakash: install cutils, theres a tool in it called cdecl; it will decode those for you ;]08:41
silarePoss: Kernel Panic = UNIX-based 'equivalent' of a BSoD08:41
Possoh dear, that is in no way calming me down08:41
silarePoss: :/ Sowwie.08:42
silareBut it's what it is. x_x; Scary lil' thing, that kernel panic.08:42
Possso there is nothing I can do?08:42
ohsixin particular (it doesn't know of size_t so i changed it to an int: declare get_temp_buffer as pointer to function that expects (n as int) returning pointer to char;08:42
chachinf this im buying a new 2TB HDD if i fail at installing ubuntu the waiy I wanted :(08:42
silarePoss: Not sure... How'd the kernel panicking come to be?08:43
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chachinthrowing this 1TB hdd in the blending machin08:43
PossI installed the update from karmic to lucid08:43
diemoschachin: no, take the platters out and throw them against something08:43
PossI left it downloading for a bit, came back and it was dead08:43
diemosit's pretty.08:43
ActionParsnipPoss: reboot, hold shift and select an older kernel08:43
chachindiemos:  or make a clock ^_^08:44
ohsix^Phantom^: re: mounted & lifetimes, no; drives will go to sleep regardless of whether they're mounted as long as they're not being read from or written to; unmounting might keep that from happening ;]08:44
Pete_Does any one no how install xlink kai on this ubuntu08:44
chachinwhy does unubtu have a win vista partition?08:44
ActionParsnipchachin: get a sharp implement, you can engrave them pretty well08:44
^Phantom^ohsix, ah okay, cause i always unmount when I'm done using them08:44
ActionParsnipchachin: it doesn't. If you use wubi you will have access to the host from /host08:45
silarePoss: Using what?08:45
chachinim noob at this crap about dual booting08:45
titaniumhello folks sorry im late08:46
ohsix^Phantom^: lifetime is really only with it being used; and still MTBF is very high for modern stuff, stuff failing from wear vs. freak occurence is rare08:46
^Phantom^MTBF?  What is that?08:46
ohsixmean time between failures08:46
titaniumanybody got mad skills at programming?08:46
chachinI bought this bad boy08:47
Possok so it was 2.6.31-17 that was failing, fails as well. 2.6.10-5-386 fails too, but in a different way08:47
AegisXActionParsnip: Still can't connect to the share, mate :(08:47
chachinits awsome specially dd-wrt08:47
ohsix^Phantom^: there was some hubub about head unloading in laptop drives some time ago; it really can make hay with ridiculously cheap drives like the one i had in my laptop before i replaced it :O08:47
AegisXActionParsnip: I think I'm doing something wrong with the actual process08:47
Possits moving too fast to read, but i think its saying its running into some kind of memory fault08:48
^Phantom^I have one drive that I keep religiously umounted since it's my backup drive and all.08:48
titaniumlove a good loop08:48
ActionParsnipAegisX: can you ping the system with name and/or IP?08:48
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miloklizanyone how can i ensure that no network managers are controlling the card08:49
titaniumhave a love affair with getkey08:49
AegisXActionParsnip: How do I do that?08:49
ActionParsnipAegisX: in a terminal08:49
Poss2.6.8  fails too same memory loop08:49
ActionParsnipmilokliz: service network-manager status08:49
AegisXActionParsnip: What do I type? Excuse my ignorance, I'm new to all this ><08:49
ActionParsnipAegisX: so you have never pinged? even in windows?08:50
Lantiziahey which gnome panel applet is the one with volume/bluetooth? i appear to have deleted it08:50
AegisXActionParsnip: Never08:50
titaniumhave yall got your storm tracker programs ready08:50
ActionParsnipAegisX: fair enough, the command is:  ping -c 4 nameofserver08:50
Lantizianvm found it08:50
FightingNavymanits me chachin again08:50
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AegisXActionParsnip: Seems to have worked08:50
ActionParsnipAegisX: ok cool :)08:51
FightingNavymanyay got ubuntu installed :D08:51
Possso every kernel on the system fails08:51
ActionParsnipAegisX: ping is great for testing connectivity08:51
FightingNavymanActionParsnip: what are some cool things to do now?08:51
titaniumdo gravitons have gravity?08:51
AegisXActionParsnip: Hehe yeah, at least I know they can talk to each other.08:51
ActionParsnipFightingNavyman: get fully updated is cool in my eyes, then get some codecs and DVD playack08:51
SimonPHOENIXhow to add new mailbox to postfix?08:52
ActionParsnipAegisX: ok do you have a firewall on windows?08:52
SimonPHOENIXi have not any users in /home08:52
ale_i, how do I check if firefox is 64bit or 32?08:53
PossPiD: 1, comm: run-init Not Tainted 2.6.31-17-generic     Call Trace.. panic.. find new reaper...  forget original parent... exit_notify... do_exit.. sys_write,,, sys_exit..syscall_call     with a whole bunch of numbvers and hex code thrown in there too08:53
Possany of this mean anything to anyone?08:53
titaniumi like gravity. not a big fan of acceleration08:53
PossI think I'm going to cry ;(08:53
AegisXActionParsnip: Yes I do, the Windows Firewall08:53
ActionParsnipale_: what is the output of: uname -a; dpkg -l | grep -i firef     use http://pastie.org to host the output. Thanks08:53
ActionParsnipAegisX: ok, is it configured to allow access to the share?08:54
AegisXActionParsnip: I'm not sure; I'll take a look at the control panel08:54
FightingNavymanale_: look for "about firefox" ?08:54
Posskernel panic..  find_new_reaper...   forget_original_parent..   those are things are an operating system just is never meant to say08:54
ActionParsnipPoss: try booting to liveCD and fsck the partition as well as test your ram08:54
ActionParsnipAegisX: you could disable it to test ;)08:54
PossI don't have a livecd08:54
ale_ActionParsnip: well, linux IS running in 64bit08:54
ActionParsnipPoss: then test ram from grub08:55
ActionParsnipale_: then the firefox will be 64bit too08:55
titaniumheres some computer programming profanity- goto L08:55
ActionParsnipale_: the apps will match the arch of your install unless you take extra steps08:55
ale_ActionParsnip: the output of dpkg is 3.6.13+build3_nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.108:55
AegisXActionParsnip: Just tried; it's not the firewall08:55
FightingNavymani dont get how I download waaay faster on ubuntu and on win7 it downlaoads freaking slow08:56
ale_ActionParsnip: sure?08:56
ActionParsnipAegisX: cool, ok in ubuntu if you run: smbtree    do you see the share(s)08:56
ActionParsnipale_: positive08:56
ale_ActionParsnip: thanks a lot08:56
FightingNavymanwin7 i get: 260kB/s and ubuntu gives me 530kB/s08:56
titaniummust unite laws of physics into one cohesive whole08:56
VxQeCould someone please give me some advice re setting up ssh?08:56
ActionParsnipale_: you can get 32bit firefox on 64bit ubuntu but it takes extra steps08:56
titaniummust divide by zero08:57
ActionParsnipVxQe: install openssh-server on the server side, it will run at startup and has x forwarding enabled by default08:57
AegisXActionParsnip: Hmm, no it's not there...08:57
titaniumdownloading laws of physics08:57
AegisXActionParsnip: I can see the PC, but not the share.08:57
FightingNavymanwooo xchat rules :D08:58
somethinginteresI'm wondering why when people want their TV card to work with Ubuntu they generally need to go the Linux TV wiki and create a .conf file with specific values to get the card to work. Why does it not get automatically recognised as with other hardware (in a significant number of varying cases)08:58
VxQeRight, ssh is working that is not the issue. The problem I am having is that I have root login disabled in ssh_config and also passwordauthentication disabled but can still login as root with a password.08:58
ActionParsnipAegisX: if you press ALT+F2 and run:   smb://hostname/sharename     does it connect (change hostname to the name of the PC, and share name to the name of the share you created)08:58
ActionParsnipVxQe: did you restart the sshd service after editting the config?08:59
titaniumcreated tennis versus calculator08:59
AegisXActionParsnip: No it didn't... does that mean I haven't shared correctly?08:59
ActionParsniptitanium: do you have an ubuntu question?08:59
Lantiziacan i stop rhythmbox removing stuff from it's queue?08:59
ActionParsnipAegisX: its worth double checking but you can connect from ubuntu using that in a run box08:59
titaniumwhats green and brown and if it falls out of a tree it will kill you?08:59
ActionParsniptitanium: thats not ubuntu related, can you please respect the channel rules09:00
miloklizanyone how can i ensure that no network managers are controlling the card09:00
titaniumwhat subject is being discussed here09:00
AegisXActionParsnip: When I connect to the box using Nautilus, I only see a folder called "print$"09:01
ActionParsniptitanium: ubuntu support ONLY09:01
ActionParsnipAegisX: then the share is bad09:01
titaniumyou think im funny dont you09:01
bonjoyeeLantizia: what do you mean exactly?09:01
FightingNavymanActionParsnip, why dont you have +o or +v you seem to be the only one who helps in here :(09:01
titaniumill leave if necessary09:01
ActionParsniptitanium: replace 'funny' with 'annoying' and you are getting close09:02
ActionParsniptitanium: you are welcome to stay09:02
Lantiziabonjoyee, "what do you mean exactly?" <- oh dear oh dear09:02
ActionParsniptitanium: just keep to the rules of the channel09:02
titaniumdont like to say anything unless its witty09:02
soreauDoes wmctrl work for anyone else? Seems to be utterly broken here. Silent failure09:02
Lantiziaanyone else?09:02
AegisXActionParsnip: When I check it out in my networks folder of the Windows box, the share comes up fine. Something's getting lost on the way to Ubuntu :p09:02
ActionParsnipFightingNavyman: i'm regular but not op, although I do have my cloak :)09:02
FightingNavymana3Dman,  wake up bro09:03
ActionParsnipAegisX: try a reboot, windows loves that stuff09:03
FightingNavymandamn taking for ever to do updates09:03
ale_I would like to install Java-JRE and the firefox plug-in. Should I just install it from synaptic or should I manually install it? I've heard there is a 64bit version, which I would like to use..09:03
AegisXActionParsnip: Already did, a minute ago haha09:03
FightingNavymanwhat i love about ubuntu is I dont have to restart pc for changes to take effects09:03
ikoniaFightingNavyman: you do for some09:04
FightingNavymanbut very little09:04
FightingNavymanunlike windows u gotta update for every single update09:04
FightingNavymanrestart pc**09:04
Possso my uncle just informed me that before i updated they'd been getting "harddrive failure immenent" warnings :/09:04
FightingNavymandamn wtf am I on D:09:04
FightingNavymani keep talking weird09:04
Logan_WP!language | FightingNavyman09:05
ubottuFightingNavyman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:05
* jfm` is away: Je ne suis pas là09:05
FightingNavymantab will freaking spam people on xchat :|09:05
titaniumcould you suggest a place for me to go09:05
FightingNavymanoops sorry abotut that09:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:06
ActionParsnipAegisX: that's all I got dude, maybe others can help but you now know the fundamentals. Maybe reboot ubuntu and the router09:07
titaniumyou cant just beam me there can you. im new at this09:07
AegisXActionParsnip: Roger; thanks for your help, I really appreciate the effort.09:07
ActionParsnipPoss: d'oh. time for a new drive and a data restore09:07
AegisXActionParsnip: I should just shoot my windows box, really.09:07
ActionParsnipAegisX: no worries dude, I appreciate the thanks :)09:07
ActionParsniptitanium: just type:   /join #ubuntu-offtopic09:08
Petfrogghttp://www.howtoforge.com/virtualization-with-kvm-on-ubuntu-10.10 <- following this. I got stuck on "vmbuilder kvm ubuntu -c vm2.cfg"09:11
Petfroggi get three lines about stuff going correct and then it holds09:11
iszakWhat's the repercussions of doing sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches every five minutes?09:12
iszakale_, what was your q?09:13
Oli``Anybody know if there's a PPA for the beta nvidia drivers? Like a beta version of the X-Swat PPA09:13
Petfroggale_  just arrived - restate your q09:13
Posswell aparently the "hard drive failure immenent" message had been happening for over 12 months, so they didn't think it was a problem09:13
PetfroggPoss, restate you q09:13
Possand now my uncle is ranting about open source software being shit because you need to update it..09:14
ale_I would like to install Java-JRE and the firefox plug-in in Ubuntu 10.04. Should I just install it from synaptic or should I manually install it? I've heard there is a 64bit version, which I would like to use..09:14
Poss"i still have a win 95 box in the workshop which works fine!"09:14
iszakPoss, rm -fr /bin09:14
PetfroggPoss: remove autoupdate and dont give him root password09:14
iszaki would keep updates, just make it silent somehow.09:14
iszakbut put him on a LTS.09:14
Petfroggale_ go for the ubuntu version09:14
Posspetfrogg yeah the problem is that I, in my infinite wisdom ran update to 10.04 and its killed the computer entirely09:15
ale_Petfrogg: but I understood is 32bit09:15
ActionParsnipOli``: these guys have the 270 driver: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates09:15
Petfroggale_, havent tried it but my recomendation would be to go for the repo stuff first - ant then we can debug it09:15
Possso I gues the only solution is to spend the next two days downloading a live cd and then attempting to save all their business data :/09:16
PetfroggPoss: it killed the harddrive?09:16
ActionParsnipPoss: they don't have a backup?09:16
ale_ok, thanks for your help09:16
PetfroggPoss: just go out and get them a new harddrive09:16
ActionParsnipPoss: like, seriously!?09:16
Petfrogginstall the new operating system and then get slap the old disk in and image it straight away09:17
Possthe backup is on a second harddrive in the same computer09:17
ActionParsnipPoss: thats fine, only the system drive is dying09:17
PetfroggPoss, ActionParsnip: i agree with A09:17
Possso then yeah, wait a couple of days for he live cd to download, then install to the working disk then copy the data scross?09:18
Oli``ActionParsnip: it's an old version - I need the very latest for GTX580 support09:18
MACscr-mobileWith livecd, the proprietary wireless firmware was available for my lappy, but not after full install. Wth? Can I get the drivers from the USB install?09:18
thauriswulfawhere can i get games for ubuntu09:18
PetfroggMACscr-mobile, there is a box for checking that you do allow 3rd party softeware not under opensource licens09:18
Posshi thauriswulfa, playdeb.net is pretty good :)09:19
PetfroggMACscr-mobile, check it and install what you need09:19
Possi was sure I had left this horrid soul burning angst behind when I left windoze :/09:19
PossI really need to stop doing tech support09:19
ActionParsnipOli``: I just went to nvidia.com and said I had your video chip under Linux and it suggested the 260 driver09:19
MACscr-mobilePetfrogg: Where?09:20
ActionParsnipOli``: http://www.nvidia.co.uk/object/linux-display-ia32-260.19.36-driver-uk.html    expand the "supported products" section09:20
PetfroggPoss: make sure the autoupdate is set to off, sshd is on and you dont give him the root password09:20
ActionParsnipOli``: so you don't NEED it at all09:20
Possall those things were already the case petgrogg, it was me that hit update09:21
ActionParsnipPoss: btw your OS isn't to blame if the hardware physically dies09:22
PetfroggMACscr-mobile, go into "Update Manager" and under the button "Settings.." go through that09:22
Possyeah, but i am still to blame if I hit update and it kills the computer :P09:22
Posswell thanks guys09:23
Possat least I know what happened now :)09:23
AegisXActionParsnip: I've figured it out, strangely.09:23
AegisXActionParsnip: Alt + F2, then smb://<windows box IP>09:23
ActionParsnipAegisX: sweet!!!09:24
PetfroggMACscr-mobile, "System->Administration->Update Manager" and then under "Settings.." on 10.1009:24
boogzterPoss: You could always try the HDD/freezer trick and maybe buy enough time to snag an image. (if it's unbootable)09:24
MACscr-mobileI have no internet on the laptop without the wireless. So how can I use the update manager09:24
ActionParsnipPoss: I guess, i will work the drive some09:24
AegisXActionParsnip: I have no idea why it didn't work any other way, but there you go :p09:24
ActionParsnipAegisX: its working so who cares :)09:24
Possoh actually, while I'm here, I have another question for myself, not so dire09:24
AegisXActionParsnip: Yep. Workarounds are way better than no workarounds. But thanks again; your Alt+F2 trick worked well :)09:25
PossI'm pretty sure when i installed my version of 10.10 there was a little icon up the top right that launched empathy, only I did something at some point and now it only works from the menu. is ther esome way to get it back?09:26
Possand maybe a volume icon too? :)09:26
moustiK_whats the problem MACscr09:26
cutiyarbefore when i played a video the .flv file would saved to tmp folder but now didn't09:26
Jordan_Ucutiyar: Here is a script I made to "undelete" those .flv files: http://pastebin.com/F9qP9W3A09:27
Jordan_Ucutiyar: Replace "chrome" with whatever browser you use.09:28
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
MACscr-mobileMoustik_: no wireless after install from USB. Can't seem to access 3rd party firmware without internet even though it worked during liveusb09:28
cutiyarJordan_U, thanks but when to put these?09:28
Jordan_Ucutiyar: I don't understand the question.09:29
* Jordan_U should clean up that script and publish it properly09:29
hedhorm_Where can i find Compaq S200 Driver for linux09:29
cutiyarJordan_U, i put thesecode to which file?09:29
StepNjumpHi guys, maybe someone could help me. I have a netbook here and everytime my power source interrupts, the system logs me off so I need to log back in. The problem is my power connector became loose with time. Any suggestion so that when it runs out of power, ubuntu won't everytime log me off?09:30
Jordan_Ucutiyar: You can name it anything you want. It's a bash script, so you need to give it execute permissions then run "/path/to/script" in a terminal to run it.09:31
StepNjumpok guys, good night09:32
yourwhiteshadowStepNjump: this is a serious problem, there really isn't a software solution09:32
boogzterStepNjump: Try wrapping the power cord around the netbook to create a slight but consistent tention, so the power wont be interrupted when the cord gets moved, etc.09:32
Possthat was a good suggestion boogzter, i might try that with my network cable09:33
=== hedhorm_ is now known as hedhorm
boogzterGuess I'm too slow lol09:33
cutiyarJordan_U, i saved file in desktop and named it to bash ,if i want to run it just type bash in terminal?09:34
sandstromWhat's the reasonable memory usage for a basic ubuntu server setup (top processes running is init, sshd, syslog, cron and a few others). No major apps09:35
Jordan_Ucutiyar: No. I recommend a less confusing name, I call it "undelflv" and you would run it like "Desktop/undelflv" in the terminal.09:35
boogzterG'nite guys... thanks for the clinic :)09:35
metallicoguys, i cant find the "repair broken installation" option on my ubuntu CD. does such option exist and where is it supposed to be?09:36
novitololoHi, I downloaded jQueryUi.custom.zip and I can't extract the files in ubuntu.  I can do it in windows. Can it be because it is a .custom.zip ?09:37
Jordan_Umetallico: It's only on the alternate install CD.09:37
cutiyarJordan_U, i changed it and it say http://pastebin.com/39s497se09:37
metallicoso that's different than ubuntu-desktop?09:38
Jordan_Ucutiyar: If you're in the Desktop directory already then you need to run "./undelflv".09:38
stone22perhaps anyone here can help me with my broken ubuntu09:39
stone22gnome-panel and metacity do not start automatically any more09:40
cutiyarJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/qxuxUdYr09:40
osmosis_paulcould be very complex but somebody know how can i create an script that read my syslog and copy a secction of this log file since one date of the file09:41
Posswhat is wrong with it stone 22?09:41
Jordan_Ucutiyar: The line numbers aren't part of the script. This is a link to just the text of the script: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=F9qP9W3A09:42
stone22my system boots with a blank screen. no gui :(09:42
erUSULosmosis_paul: read in realtime ? if not use sed09:42
osmosis_paulwell realtime when cron finish his task i want copy that secction in the syslog and send an email09:43
=== vincent is now known as Guest53489
osmosis_paulthat's mean copy the secction of the syslog since sctm-one minute and the end of the file09:43
cutiyarJordan_U, i created new was run but nothing happened http://pastebin.com/RcUp7iDW09:44
ActionParsnipstone22: www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html09:44
Jordan_Ucutiyar: What browser are you using?09:44
stone22Poss: so there has to be something wrong with the config files in gnome, but i dont know how to fix this. removed ubuntu-desktop completely and reinstalled it.09:44
cutiyarJordan_U, i created new was run but nothing happened http://pastebin.com/RcUp7iDW09:44
cutiyarJordan_U, firefox09:45
cutiyarJordan_U, i changed chrome to ff09:45
Romeo_BCNfor join to server irc-hispano what make?09:45
cutiyarJordan_U, i changed chrome to ff09:45
erUSULosmosis_paul: sed -n '/sctm-one/,$p' syslog > syslog_section09:45
cutiyarJordan_U, i changed chrome to firefox09:45
ActionParsnipstone22: ubuntu-desktop is a hollow metapackage, it won't remove anything but itself09:45
Posshrmm I'm just another user mate09:46
Jordan_Ucutiyar: Please don't repeat your messages.09:46
sharrowAnyone got an idea why installing ubuntu netbook 10.10 on an Eee 1000H would fail with CPU softlock on the Xorg process?09:46
Romeo_BCNalguien habla español?09:46
Jordan_U!es | Romeo_BCN09:46
ubottuRomeo_BCN: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:46
osmosis_paulerUSUL, wow and what it is syslog_section09:46
osmosis_paulRomeo_BCN, tienes el canal ubuntu Castellano creo09:46
erUSULosmosis_paul: the file with the section you wanted.09:46
erUSUL!es | Romeo_BCN09:46
stone22ActionParsnip: thxs for the link but i dont think that in my case the graphic card is the problem. because it worked before09:47
Posshave you tried Deleting ~/.gnome2/session and restarting gnome?09:47
ActionParsnipsharrow: you need to add the boot option:   acpi_osi=Linux09:47
ActionParsnipstone22: its free to try09:47
ActionParsnipsharrow: you can add it in /etc/default/grub once you get an installed desktop.09:47
ActionParsnipsharrow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks09:48
cutiyarJordan_U, what i do?09:48
osmosis_paulerUSUL, so the section that i want? i think i dont understand very much. i'm gonna try09:48
sharrowActionParsnip: and it's copying files now09:48
Possstone22 System->Preferences->Session. On tab "Startup Programs", click the "Add" button and type in "Metacity" as the Name and "/usr/bin/metacity" as the command to run the application.09:48
ActionParsnipsharrow: ok then let it finish and such09:48
Possthen it should start every time09:48
Possits not a fix, but a workaround09:48
erUSULosmosis_paul: the file contains from the line that has sctm-one to the end of the file. you can refine the regex if you want09:49
sharrowI tried it with acpi=off but apparently that wasn't the right incantation09:49
sharrowAw yeah09:49
stone22Poss: i dont have a menu09:49
sssHow do I find out what USB ports I have?09:49
erUSULsss: lsusb09:49
Possstone22: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146675409:49
stone22Poss: only a background and as mousepointer wich is a cross09:49
ssserUSUL, thanks09:49
ActionParsnipsss: lshw-gtk   may tell you too09:50
Jordan_Ucutiyar: It looks like the script needs to be changed more than that to work with Firefox. I'm working on it now.09:50
cutiyarJordan_U, ok i will test it now with chrome09:51
Possstone22 you should be able to bring up the terminal through a keyboard shortcut and then manually start gnome panel09:51
cutiyarJordan_U, but the undelted flv where would save?09:52
stone22Poss: this is not possible either. i only can do ctrl+alt+f109:52
Jordan_Ucutiyar: To /tmp/. It will print the exact path that it copies the file to (and from).09:52
osmosis_paulerUSUL, the only information that i can have is a date "Feb 18 00:15:05 ip-10-226-199-7 " for example and tell that i want the file from that date to the end of the file09:52
erUSULosmosis_paul: then use Feb 18 00:15:05 ip-10-226-199-7 as regex09:53
stone22is it possible to do a reinstall with default settings for gnome?09:53
osmosis_paulerUSUL, insert that info in the syslog_section?09:53
erUSULosmosis_paul: 0.o!09:54
ActionParsnipstone22: most are stored in ~/.config or ~/.gnome2 etc09:54
erUSULosmosis_paul: sed -n '/Feb 18 00:15:05 ip-10-226-199-7/,$p' syslog > syslog_section09:54
osmosis_paulerUSUL, sorry mate i dont get it yet how works the query that you send to me09:54
ale_how do I add a script to init.d? I'd like to run it at boot..09:54
cutiyarJordan_U, iam playing video on youtube but didint show any thing in temp/ folder09:54
erUSULale_: run it from /etc/rc.local if it is simple stuff09:55
rumpe1ale_, update-rc.d09:55
stone22ActionParsnip: so deleting the config files and do a reinstall could help. i will try09:55
Jordan_Ucutiyar: Any output when you run the undelflv script?09:55
rumpe1ale_, or for simple tasks just add to /etc/rc.local09:55
cutiyarJordan_U, no09:55
Jordan_Ucutiyar: Did you change firefox back to chrome?09:55
ale_I added the command to system->preferences->startup applications, but it doesn't start automatically.. is that possible?09:56
rumpe1ale_, init.d is for daemons, not for simple scripts09:56
osmosis_paulerUSUL, wow!!!! works!!! genius!!!!!09:56
cutiyarJordan_U, its working thanks09:56
osmosis_paulerUSUL, thanks a lot buddy!\09:56
Jordan_Ucutiyar: You'r welcome.09:56
erUSULosmosis_paul: no problem09:56
ale_yes, it's a simple command09:56
cutiyarJordan_U, if u do it with ff would very good to me09:57
rumpe1ale_, then i would recommend /etc/rc.local09:57
osmosis_paulerUSUL, thanks a lot buddy!09:57
Possstone22: from alt + ctrl + f1 you should be able to enter in: rm -Rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity09:58
Possthen when you switch back with ctrl +alt+f7 you should have gnome panel back09:58
ale_rumpe1: thanks09:58
sharrowActionParsnip: Thanks very much, I'm good now.09:58
osmosis_paulwell if i use date in the command line i receive this "Fri Feb 18 09:54:51 UTC 2011" somebody know how can i get from the system only this "Fri Feb 18 09:54:51 " and use as variable in a shell script09:59
Glutschosmosis_paul : man bash, good luck...10:00
VCoolioosmosis_paul: man date, play with the options, like date "+%D %d" etc10:00
stone22Poss: thxs i try and tell u the results10:01
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:01
VCoolioosmosis_paul: date "+%a %b %d %T"10:02
Possthe parsnip has the skills10:02
stone22Poss: deleted all directorys and switched back, but still only background and mousepointer10:02
osmosis_paulVCoolio, thanks a lot10:03
llutzosmosis_paul: read " man date " to see a list of all format-vars10:03
osmosis_paulllutz, yep i'm on it10:03
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/10:04
Posswell i've exhausted my knowledge, maybe one of the gurus here can help10:04
riosgrp90sup, i'm a new linux user. I just spent the entire night learning bash scripting and how to use vim. Someone please reassure that this is actually going to be useful. :(10:04
leveldocwhat's up?10:04
leveldocdon't use vim10:05
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.10:05
leveldocuse emacs :-p10:05
riosgrp90back to the drawing board10:05
llutz!bot | pinnacle10:06
ubottupinnacle: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots10:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:06
stone22ok another try. how can all packages of a metapackage can be removed?10:07
ActionParsnipriosgrp90: if you need bash scripting to do what you need, then sure it's useful10:07
riosgrp90actionparsnip: this is all one big experiment so at this point i'm not sure what I need yet. :)10:08
ActionParsnipriosgrp90: I'd spend time just getting used to the OS and use it for what you need. If you determine you need scripts then use them10:09
moustiK_try nano way simpler but heretic lol10:10
moustiK_zhs for shell10:10
ActionParsnip+1 for nano10:10
riosgrp90actionparsnip: fair enough, my goal is to learn coding and linux system administration for work but i'm sort of doing it on my own10:10
mikunoshi guys why my VPN connection terminates after 2 minutes?10:12
* jfm` is back (gone 01:07:22)10:12
mikunosany idea?10:13
AegisXActionParsnip: Gotta say mate, your willingness to help out is admirable.10:13
llutzmikunos: increase verbosity level to get more informative logs10:13
mikunosllutz: hi, how have I do it?10:13
raphaHi all!10:13
AegisXAlso, everyone else who has been helping! I'm not singling him out, but he helped me and I notice his name more when it pops up :p10:13
llutzmikunos: check your ppp-options10:14
raphaDoes anybody know how to set up EDUROAM access with network-manager?10:14
AegisXI'm very impressed by the Ubuntu community so far10:14
llutzmikunos: and check the vpn-logs too10:14
ecinx3i have 60mb of free memory is that bad? disk cache = 5.69gb total physical mem is 8gb10:17
Petfroggecinx: depends on what you tend to do10:17
erUSULecinx3: no; it is not bad10:17
erUSUL!ram > ecinx310:17
ubottuecinx3, please see my private message10:17
ecinxhow do i read the msg?10:18
ecinxim on xchat10:18
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html10:18
ecinxnm wrong computer10:19
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin|MB
=== zhang is now known as zhang_
ActionParsnipecret: kinda, what are you running?10:20
ajahi don`t have any unllocated space so my last partition are /dev/sda3 etx4 and /dev/sda4 ntfs and i want to resize the ntfs taking the free space from the sda310:21
stone22with aptitude metapackages can be removed :)10:21
ajahhow to do that10:21
taranwhen I open website from Command line I am asekd username and passowrd as Im behind a proxy? what can b done so that Im not asked username and password?10:21
bartjhow do I know how much swap space was allocated ?10:21
ecinx3is there any software that can check memory timinngs?10:21
ecinx3and speed10:21
bartjecinx3, top10:22
ecinx3better yet, if i don't have access to tminigs in my BIOS is it possible to change them?10:22
ActionParsniptaran: there is proxy settings app in system -> admin (my be preferences)10:22
osmosis_paulsomebody can tell me what i have wrong when i generate the DATE variable in that script i can not fix the problem!! http://pastecode.org/index.php/view/3949805510:23
ActionParsniptaran: or you can run: export http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyserver.net:port/10:23
osmosis_pauli try escape all the quotes but nothing10:23
taranActionParsnip: I did it well yet Im asked again and again in Command line10:23
ActionParsniptaran: as well as: export ftp_proxy=http://username:password@proxyserver.net:port/10:23
ecinx3bartj,  i don't see it in top10:23
taranActionParsnip: can u give me complete command which I can use for this?10:23
bartjecinx3, I am not sure what you mean by speed ?10:24
bartjCPU speed ?10:24
ActionParsniptaran: I just did, once you verify they work, you can add them in ~/.bashrc10:24
GravHi. I'm trying to install libxml2-dev on Ubuntu 10.10, but I'm getting error: libxml2-dev : Depends: libxml2 (= 2.7.7.dfsg-4) but 2.7.7.dfsg-4ubuntu0.1 is to be installed. How can I resolve it?10:24
taranActionParsnip: ok,thans Im trying10:24
fredrik_join #ubuntu-se10:24
kisukeis anyone else having a problem with 10.10 and nvidia-current?10:25
ActionParsnipfredrik_: prefix with a slash10:25
llutzosmosis_paul: DATE=$(date '+%a %b %d + 00:15:00')10:25
ecinx3bartj 1066MHz for speed cas 7 for timings10:26
ActionParsnipGrav: in what release?10:26
GravActionParsnip:  10.1010:26
ActionParsnipGrav: 32bit or 64bit?10:26
mikunosllutz: here the log http://pastie.org/157810710:26
GravActionParsnip: 32bit10:26
Senjaihey all10:26
ActionParsnipGrav: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58965968/libxml2-dev_2.7.7.dfsg-4ubuntu0.1_i386.deb10:27
dezahnjust checking out this new xchat version10:27
dezahnoff ->10:27
GravActionParsnip:  Thanks.10:28
llutzmikunos: your using a firewall filtering ICMP?10:28
taranwhere is ~/.bashrc10:28
fredrik_ActionParsnip, Thanks.. I slipped ;-)10:28
mikunosllutz: sorry but I am a newbie10:28
kisuketaran: /home/username/.bashrc/10:28
ActionParsniptaran: that is the file. what you asked is the same as:  where is C:\boot.ini10:28
mikunosllutz: what do you mean?10:29
soreautaran: ~/ = $HOME10:29
osmosis_paulllutz thanks now DATE looks nice but the sed command does not works "sed: -e expression #1, char 4: unterminated address regex" i think we have the same problem with the quotes there, gonna take a look, thanks!!!\10:29
ActionParsniptaran: like soreau said :)10:29
fredrik_Suddenly my compiz wallpaper plugin stoped working. I get the wallpaper that is in the "appearance" setting..  What did I do?10:29
taranActionParsnip: ok10:29
ActionParsniptaran: $HOME == /home/$USER10:29
tawanIs Unity supposed to have a clock in the top bar?10:29
kisuketaran: you cna go into it by typing ~/.bashrc from a terminal, files and folder that start with a . are the linux equivilent of window's hidden files10:29
llutzosmosis_paul: what are you trying to achieve?10:30
kisukeis anyone else having a problem with 10.10 and nvidia-current?10:30
ActionParsniptawan: yes10:30
ActionParsniptawan: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4B7ZWQHqMpk/TOUTAedsOkI/AAAAAAAAAH0/uRp7Ftq9x4k/s1600/unity_ars-thumb-640xauto-17498.jpg10:30
zambaarchive.canonical.com down?10:30
ActionParsnipkisuke: works fine here10:30
tawanActionParsnip: ok I'm in Unity 3D and no clock, wonder if I broke it10:31
kisukeActionParsnip: damnit, i lose GDM every time i install it, andi need it for xbmc and mythtv10:31
osmosis_paulllutz, this sed -n '/Fri Feb 18 + 00:15:0010:31
llutzmikunos: sorry only thing to examine i see is that " closing control connection due to missing echo reply" part.10:31
tarancant find ~./bashrc10:31
llutzosmosis_paul: what are you trying to achieve?10:31
ActionParsnipkisuke: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig    and reboot10:31
ActionParsniptaran: in a terminal run:   gedit ~/.bashrc10:31
mikunosllutz: maybe there is the dead pear connection problem10:31
kisukeActionParsnip: wish me luck10:31
ActionParsniptaran: or in command line: nano ~/.bashrc     both are fine10:32
osmosis_paulllutz,  this sed -n '/Fri Feb 18 + 00:15:00/,$p' syslog > syslog_section10:32
ActionParsnipkisuke: if you get no X, boot to recovery root and rename /etc/X11/xorg.cof10:32
taranActionParsnip: ok.I got it10:32
llutzosmosis_paul: are you trying to extract mail-logs from systlog?  pls answer10:32
kisukeActionParsnip: i dont leave tty1 and gdm says its running...10:32
osmosis_paulllutz, cron logs10:32
taranActionParsnip: in order to permanently save my username and password for proxy what should be done here?10:32
osmosis_paulalready has this sed -n '/'$DATE'/,$p' /var/log/syslog > syslog.mail10:33
llutzosmosis_paul: why not using own logfiles for cron?10:33
ActionParsniptaran: you can use the .bashrc file, or the proxy config in the settings10:33
osmosis_paulllutz, as far as i know all jobs of cron are in syslog10:33
stanman246hi in here. I've got a new pc containing w7. I want to change that into a kvm win7 on ubuntu. Is there anyone who did this before?10:33
llutzosmosis_paul: reconfigure your (r)syslog to get own cron-logs10:34
zamba'do-release-upgrade' doesn't yield anything.. i'm guessing that contacts canonical?10:34
llutzosmosis_paul: much easier than what you're trying10:34
ActionParsniptaran: if you copy the export commands you ran earlier, to .bashrc it will be used10:34
llutzosmosis_paul: if using rsyslog, create "/etc/rsyslog.d/cron with this 2 lines: cron.*  /var/log/cron.log10:35
osmosis_paulllutz, almost finish i check that works and i want get only a secction of the log, i just need scape propertly the varialbe  in the querty10:35
llutzosmosis_paul: cron.* ~10:35
taranActionParsnip: do u mean this to save username and passwword "export ftp_proxy=http://username:password@proxyserver.net:port/"?10:35
llutzosmosis_paul: and put a # in start of the cron... line in /etc/rsyslogd.conf10:35
osmosis_paulllutz, yes but i'm creating an daily report so i need to use sed anyway10:36
osmosis_paulllutz, i just want the secction of log of today at this time just when finish the task10:36
llutzosmosis_paul: grep $DATE /var/log/syslog >syslog.mail10:37
adeeehay guys whenever i try to connect with phpmyadmin igot this error "#2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server" can anybody help me?10:37
adeeehay guys whenever i try to connect with phpmyadmin igot this error "#2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server" can anybody help me?10:37
ActionParsniptaran: yes, add that in ~/.bashrc as well as the ftp one, then after you save the new file, run:  source ~/.bashrc10:37
osmosis_paulllutz, do you know sed?, do yopu know what i'm trying to do?10:38
kisukeActionParsnip: looks like there is a fubar in the post install setup for nvidia-current, didnt register the screen completely.10:38
adeeehay guys whenever i try to connect with phpmyadmin igot this error "#2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server" can anybody help me?10:38
osmosis_paulllutz, this is the original and is working  sed -n '/Fri Feb 18 + 00:15:00/,$p' syslog > syslog_section  and this is that i have in my script sed -n '/'$DATE'/,$p' /var/log/syslog > syslog.mail10:39
osmosis_paulllutz, is a problem with a quote but i can not see it!10:39
ActionParsnipadeee: did you set an account for your SQL?10:40
adeeeyes its root acount10:40
kisukeaddisonj: your phpmyadmin is not logging into mysql, either because mysql is not installed/running or the username/password combonation you have is wrong10:40
llutzosmosis_paul: sed -n '/${DATE}/...10:40
taranActionParsnip: I saved it in ~/.bashrc where else do I write it again ?10:40
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kisukeActionParsnip: mysqlsetup makes you set up at least a root account which AFAIK is the account that phpmyadmin uses.10:41
ActionParsniptaran: as long as you have the http_proxy and ftp_proxy correctly defined in the file, just run:  source ~/.bashrc   and it will work10:41
ActionParsnipkisuke: then i'd ask in a PHP channel, it's more specific to your issue10:41
taranActionParsnip: where do I make another change after I wrote Export comand in /.bashrc10:42
abhinav_singh1how to give name to screen through screen command10:42
taranActionParsnip: is that file in apt directory?10:43
kisukeActionParsnip: you mean adeee?10:43
taranActionParsnip: or is it in apt.conf10:43
erUSULosmosis_paul: use double quotes or $DATE would not spand. and you only need one pair10:44
erUSULosmosis_paul: sed -n "/${DATE}/,$p" /var/log/syslog > syslog.mail10:44
erUSULosmosis_paul: also is bad practice to use all caps in variables10:45
taranActionParsnip: when I run the command source ~/.bashrc and tried to run the command w3m www.rediff.com it again asked for username and password as usual10:45
osmosis_paulerUSUL, thanks gonna try10:45
zetherooThis command is not working for me: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -10:46
osmosis_paulerUSUL, nope error. sed: -e expression #1, char 24: unexpected `,'10:46
zetherooI get a message saying: gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.10:46
ActionParsniptaran: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html10:46
zetheroocan someone try it out for me?10:46
fredrik_my compiz wallpaper plugin stoped working. Now only showing the wallpaper from "system->preferences->appearance"10:46
taranActionParsnip: ok.im studying10:47
alex__vsem privet10:47
kisukezetheroo: thats not a full command, at least it doesnt look right to my eyes, are you tring to install wine?10:47
ActionParsniptaran: also for apt.conf: http://blogs.sun.com/avinashjoshi/entry/using_apt_get_behind_a10:47
daxrocMorning all10:47
zetherookisuke: trying to install ies 4 linux10:47
faenorzetheroo: GNU/Linux, not linux10:47
zetheroo faenor: come again!?10:47
kisukezetheroo: you are tring to install IE on a *nix box?10:48
zetherookisuke: yep ... IE's 4 Linux10:48
daxrocAfter a recent update my eclipse install has been hanging quite regular , Anyone know if there were any issues with java lately ?10:48
zetherookisuke: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation10:48
faenorzetheroo: GNU/Linux, not linux10:48
ActionParsnipzetheroo: why not simply run:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa10:48
kisukezetheroo: what tutorial are you following?10:48
ActionParsnipzetheroo: and it's all handled for you10:48
kisukeActionParsnip: isint that just wine?10:48
osmosis_paulerUSUL, if i use with simple quotes sed -n '/${DATE}/,$p' /var/log/syslog > syslog.mail dont give me the other error that i told you, but dont find the syslog file :-(10:49
ActionParsnipkisuke: its the wine ppa10:49
zetherooActionParsnip: I already have WINE installed10:49
ActionParsnipzetheroo: cool10:49
moustiK_GNU/Linux . Linus is a genius but Richard Stallman and co are unjustly forgotten.10:49
WulfyActionParsnip,  ppa?10:49
zetheroofaenor: what's your point!?10:49
osmosis_paulerUSUL, and for sure that must work because with the query with the phisical date that you give before works very nice10:49
kisukemoustiK_: GNU/linux is more a pipe dream at this point than anything else.10:50
faenorkisuke: GNU/Linux, not linux10:50
kisukefaenor: thats what i just said10:50
moustiK_ppa =a repository  of precompiled debs compatible with your ubuntu and addings software not avalaible in the standard repos10:50
ActionParsnipzetheroo: the file doesn't exist10:50
ActionParsnipzetheroo: the stupid -q option they have added is hiding that fact10:51
zetherooActionParsnip: oh I see ...  that whole bit was to install WINE ... which I already installed from synaptic10:51
zetherooActionParsnip: I'll just jump to the next step which is downloading and installing IE10:51
ActionParsnipzetheroo: if you run:   sudo apt-get update   you will get a GPG error, if you give that error I can give the command to import the key10:51
DazzledOh boy, here we go again10:51
Wulfyzetheroo,  why on earth would you need ie? it breaks almost ever rule in web browsing standerds lol10:52
toxichello everyone !10:52
DazzledUbuntu won't boot anymore (worked fine last night)10:52
ActionParsnipDazzled: what happens when you try10:52
zetherooWulfy: honestly ... I hate it ... I need it to test web sites out with and log in remotely to the office10:52
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ActionParsnipWulfy: possibly web page testing10:52
DazzledI get greeted with a "Installation problem" The default configuration for GNOME energy management is not installed correctly10:52
toxicDoes someone have a solution for me : my aptitude upgrade was stopped since the ssh session was interrupted (connexion problems). Now lots of packages refuses to get upgraded/configured10:52
DazzledPlease contact your system administrator10:53
ActionParsnipzetheroo: for a true test i'd use a virtualbox, i wouldnt trust anything this app can provide10:53
Dazzled(I translated it from Dutch, so it might differ)10:53
WulfyActionParsnip, , zetheroo fair enough but *shudders*10:53
zetherooActionParsnip: I do run VirtualBox as well with Win7 and WinXP etc ... but I was hoping this would be a bit less time consuming ... heh10:54
Dazzledthe login screen is blue/gray where it is orange/grey otherwhise10:54
zetherooWulfy: I know ... I am full of shudders ;)10:54
Dazzledand when I try to login, it just reboots and shows me this again10:54
ActionParsnipDazzled: do you have free space i all your partitions?10:54
taranActionParsnip: I did exactly as provided here http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html but Im again asked for username and password10:55
DazzledActionParsnip: I don't know for sure, I think I had one or 2 gigs left on the Ubuntu partition10:56
ActionParsnipDazzled: try the suggestions by Jacqui here: http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=52063&p=32120210:56
ActionParsniptaran: try a reboot if its convenient10:56
taranActionParsnip: ok.trying will get back to you soon if I can10:57
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DazzledActionParsnip: thx, will do10:57
kisukeok for sym links: ln -s <target> <link> right? man being obtuse right this minute10:59
kisukescratch that how do  iremove a link?11:01
pcz_07cześć polacy;D11:01
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:02
taranActionParsnip: I could not avoind entering username and password efter I worked accoording to http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html and restarted PC11:02
kisukeNVM got it11:03
kisukesudo appt-get remove xbmc11:05
kisukeopps sorry wrong window...11:05
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Senjaikisuke, very wrong window lol11:06
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kisukeSenjai: SSH FTW11:06
miloklizanyone how can i ensure that no network managers are controlling the card11:06
taranActionParsnip: Kindly let me know if I did it the correct way http://paste.ubuntu.com/568678/11:06
mgedminlatest maverick kernel update broke my thinkpad key11:07
fredisonamigos alguem sabe como colocar o sarg para executar automaticamente11:09
jpds!es | fredison11:09
ubottufredison: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:09
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voozeHey.. "strenge question" I'm currently using wired network.. and it works just fine.. but when i check network-manager (i'm sure 100% sure of i name, as my ubuntu to set to danish) it says never used.. I can see the 2 wifi's i've used.. but wired shows "never" any idea why  :)11:10
voozei'm not 100% sure of the name **11:10
mgedminvooze, perhaps you've a static configuration of your wired network via /etc/network/interfaces?11:11
mgedminthat makes network-manager stay away11:11
ActionParsniptaran: you have ftp proxy twice...11:11
moustiK_" colocar o sarg" que quieres decir con eso ? what do you need , if you translate in english and we will help you.11:11
taranActionParsnip: oh. Im correcting it11:11
kisukeActionParsnip: thanks for the help eariler, id have been very ticed if i had to go back to 10.04 and run my 300 +/- charactar install command again...11:12
fredisono sarg so executa manualmente11:12
fredisonqueria automatizar a execução dele11:12
ActionParsnipkisuke: i have similar, not fun11:12
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voozemgedmin, perhaps.. a week ago it did not work.. until i used "sudo modprobe r8169" then it worked.. could that be why?11:12
kisukeActionParsnip: i did it 5 times with 2 diffrent distros of *buntu the other night, it wasnt fun11:13
taranActionParsnip: Thanks you nvery much11:13
taranActionParsnip: thanks a lot.it worked11:13
osmosis_paulgentelman, if i have this "sed -n '/Feb 18 + 00:15:00/,$p' /var/log/syslog > syslog.mail" and i want suplant this date by "DATE=$(date '+%b %d 00:15:01')" to use finally in here "sed -n '/'${DATE}'/,$p' /var/log/syslog > syslog.mail" how i have to escape ther quotes in the final query does not works and i can not see!!!\11:14
FightingNavymananyone know why when i try to do "cd" to install eggdrop. nothing happends?11:15
FightingNavymanchannel for eggdrop help everyone seem's they are asleep :(11:15
kisukeFightingNavyman: why are you using cd? thats to change directorys11:16
kisukeFightingNavyman: ping11:18
llutzosmosis_paul: again: why not just use grep $Date   to extract your daily-log?11:18
llutzosmosis_paul: or, using logrotate, just rotate logs daily and mail the full logfile after rotation11:20
FightingNavymankisuke,  its to make eggdrop work :P11:21
FightingNavymanim doing that o.o11:21
taranI cant update with sudo apt-get updat11:21
SenjaiIRC is addicting11:21
taranI cant update with sudo apt-get update11:21
osmosis_paulllutz, because almost get i must be a stupid quote or something11:21
Senjaitaran what error do ou get11:22
osmosis_paulllutz, i can not waste more time in this task11:22
kisukeFightingNavyman: ignore the first cd, jsut use cd egg...11:22
ymonirhello guys - iam having problem while iam watching any Video online as youtube -the clip is cutting every few seconds but the sound going fine - means the buffering is ok but there is a problem with the Video or some plugins - any help ?11:22
llutzosmosis_paul: thats why i ask to use simpler solutions (seems using bash-vars in sed is not that easy)11:23
taranSenjai: I get a long list like this W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-proposed/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  407  Proxy Authentication Required11:23
ActionParsniptaran: did you add the stuff in apt.conf?11:23
FightingNavymankisuke, didnt work :(11:23
FightingNavymanbash: cd: eggdrop1.6.20.tar.gz: Not a directory11:23
Shoggothcould someone please remind me - what is the name of the program that lets you build and install a program from source and it records the results into a dpkg ?11:23
kisukeFightingNavyman: that CD is juust to move you to the right directory, it does none of the actual installation.11:24
taranActionParsnip: no I did not11:24
erUSUL!checkinstall > Shoggoth11:24
ubottuShoggoth, please see my private message11:24
kisukeActionParsnip: how swamped are you?11:24
ActionParsnipymonir: can you use:  http://pastie.org   and give the output of:  sudo lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo lshw -C display; echo; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf      thanks11:24
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ActionParsnipkisuke: not very11:24
ShoggotherUSUL: thanks... for some stupid reason I can _never_ remember its name11:25
ActionParsnipkisuke: sup?11:25
erUSULShoggoth: no problem :)11:25
ActionParsnip!info eggdrop11:26
ubottueggdrop (source: eggdrop): Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.19-1.2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 425 kB, installed size 1200 kB11:26
taranActionParsnip: Am I supposed to add the saem Export command lines in apt.conf?11:26
ActionParsnipFightingNavyman: 1.6.19 is in the repo...11:26
kisukeActionParsnip: ok, xbmc refuses to recognize that its got openGL avalible to it, suggestions?11:26
DazzledActionParsnip: I uninstalled and reinstalled power manager through APT11:26
Dazzledno cigar11:26
ActionParsniptaran: the link I ave shows the syntax11:26
llutzosmosis_paul: have you tried asking in ##sed    ?11:26
DazzledNow I tried recovery mode with Safe Graphics, and that works so far11:27
osmosis_paulllutz, nice! thanks a lot dude11:27
ActionParsnipkisuke: not sure, have you looked in the logsor tried to run it from terminal11:27
DazzledIs there a way I can check or reset things from there?11:27
ActionParsnipDazzled: progress at least :)11:27
taranActionParsnip: let me try11:27
kisukeActionParsnip: it just comes up and tells me it needs a GFX card with openGL support.11:27
ActionParsnipDazzled: are you fully updated?11:27
ActionParsnipkisuke: can you run compiz/desktop effects?11:28
DazzledActionParsnip: Yes, I'm and update addict, sadly, I think that might perhaps be the problem11:28
ActionParsnipDazzled: are you using beta/alpha PPAs?11:28
kisukeActionParsnip: afaik yes, let me double check11:28
DazzledNormally, no11:28
DazzledI'm on 10.1011:28
ActionParsnipDazzled: then i'd read /var/log/Xorg.0.log   to see what's going on11:29
Graet|lappy!checkinstall Graet|lappy11:29
taranActionParsnip: I did the change in apt.conf n now its working thanks11:30
ActionParsniptaran: cool11:30
* kisuke blows gasket11:31
taranActionParsnip: Thanks Im inspired to help similarly though im very new11:31
Graet|lappy!checkinstall > Graet|lappy11:31
ubottuGraet|lappy, please see my private message11:31
ActionParsniptaran: it's all good dude :)11:31
kisukeActionParsnip: nvidia-current is installed, yet, "Desktop Effects could not be enabled"11:32
kisukesod this im going back to 10.0411:32
Hardin!check-install | Hardin11:33
ActionParsnipkisuke: thats why then11:34
ActionParsnipkisuke: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig     and reboot11:34
DazzledActionParsnip: I see nothing unusual in Xorg.0.log11:34
kisukeActionParsnip: not again, installing 10.04, i have no idea why canonical insists on releasing a new version just after most of the bugs have been worked out of the last one...11:35
kisukegeogeek1: hi11:35
DazzledActionParsnip: A wild guess, could it be the NVidia driver?11:36
Hardingeogeek1: What seems to be your problem11:36
geogeek1i wanna burn my data ( pdf files )11:36
Hardingeogeek1: To a cd ?, right?11:36
Dazzledas the screen turned purple right before I get that "bad power manager" screen11:36
geogeek1using brasro and11:36
geogeek1the default burner11:36
geogeek1but when i burn i can't read the files11:36
Hardingeogeek1: braesero is the default burner11:37
Hardingeogeek1: Did you wait for the burning process to complete?11:37
Hardingeogeek1: You can't view the files in ubuntu or any other os11:37
geogeek1when i try to open ppdf file i get "File type unknown (application/octet-stream) is not supported"11:38
geogeek1i hadn't yet view the cd in windows11:38
Hardingeogeek1: ppdf or pdf?11:38
kisukegeogeek1: you do have a PDF reader installed?11:38
ymonirActionparsnip: http://pastie.org/157832311:38
Hardingeogeek1: But, the platform you are having problems is ubuntu, right?\11:39
geogeek1i have the same prob when i have tried to burn jpeg images11:39
Hardingeogeek1: Okay, then11:39
Hardingeogeek1: 1. open a terminal11:39
Hardingeogeek1:2. Put the cd  in11:39
geogeek1i had to mention11:39
Dazzled1ActionParsnip: here is the log http://pastie.org/private/upwlgwqfnsoqthqzbwygmw11:40
geogeek1that i had solved the problem of images by copying the images in the main11:40
frybyeHi - I have 10.10 and using evolution as mail client - trying to fix my contacts from the couch-db ubuntu one - shows them in a mess as "not sorted" - how to get them sorted/displayed usably??11:40
ashishhey, how to link files in ubuntu using ld command?11:40
Hardingeogeek1: okay11:40
ActionParsnipymonir: sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flashplugin; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:40
Hardinld | ashish11:40
Hardin!ld | ashish11:40
Hardingeogeek1: Solved the pdf or jpg problem?11:41
ashishHardin, right ... but how? I am compiling this C file using gcc command and I get undefined reference . It is using funtions from the libconfig.h header gile11:41
frybyegota go - bye11:42
geogeek1not yet11:42
Hardinashish: Checked the man page?11:42
ikoniaashish: that's conding problems, speak to the guy who wrote it, try ##c++11:42
Hardingeogeek1: Okay did you put the cd  in?11:42
ashishikonia , its a c program11:42
ashishikonia, whats the channel for C programming11:42
geogeek1what i got to do then11:42
ikoniaashish: speak to the guy who wrote it11:42
Hardingeogeek1: Okay, then cd into media and type ls11:43
Hardingeogeek1: cd /media11:43
Hardingeogeek1: then ls11:43
Dazzled1ashish: Undefined reference, are you missing a library?11:43
geogeek1Hardin: ok11:43
Hardingeogeek1: Then tell me the output11:43
geogeek1Hardin:i got to mount it using mount11:43
Hardingeogeek1: Yes11:44
ashishDazzled1, I have installed the libconfig that is needed to run it. I can even see the file under /usr/include with all the other headers . But the file just gives undefined reference error11:44
LikesFruithello guys, i am getting the error "Warning: Incorrect number of heads/cylinder 16 (FAT) != 255 (HD)" when i run testdisk. i was hoping someone could give me some background information on where this information is stored. is it in the parition table when i formated the disk. and if i change it will it make the disk unreadable11:44
ymonirActionparsnip: i have got the  out put and at the end i have got this error   http://pastie.org/157833111:44
Dazzled1ashish: headers -> includes, does not equal libraries to link against11:45
ashishDazzled1, any idea how I can link it then?11:45
Dazzled1I don't know what program you're trying to compile, what error are you getting, eg what function is an undefined reference11:45
kisuke./toast here's for a working install11:46
ashishall the functions which are part of libconfig are undefined11:46
ashishthats the error , Dazzled111:46
Dazzled1the compiler can't find the "library" to look for said function, you have to tell it where it could be in11:46
ashishI get the logic part , but how do I implement that ?11:47
Dazzled1is there a '-l something something' (withhout the '') in your compiler string?11:47
syn-ackThat sounds like a linker issue to me. but oh well11:47
Hardingeogeek1: there?11:47
ashishalright let me try11:48
Dazzled1otherwhise do you have a link to the code you're trying to compile?11:48
Dazzled1it would save time to just try and run it here11:48
thamHello, I'm getting a "fatal error: tcl.h: No such file or directory" error while trying to install a software. How can I fix this?11:49
Senjai!msg the bot | Senjai11:49
ubottuSenjai, please see my private message11:49
ashishDazzled1, gcc configmgmt.c -o c -ld libconfig.a is this the way to run it?11:49
sssIs it possible for different users to use different languages?11:49
syn-acksss, yes.11:50
kisuketham: you are missing tcl.h which sould have came with your source11:50
ssssyn-ack, how?11:50
Dazzled1ashish: seems okay-ish, I'm no compiler guru though11:51
ashishDazzled1, lol, It isnt working still11:51
syn-acksss don't recall right off hand. lemme look it up11:51
thamkisuke, No, I think it should be a file that should be in the system. I tried installing tcl/tk, but didn't solve the issue11:51
geogeek1Hardin: yes11:51
geogeek1Hardin: thanks too much :)11:52
Dazzled1try to build a sample program, which could be made public11:52
Hardingeogeek1: what, fixed?11:52
geogeek1Hardin:  for your help11:52
geogeek1Hardin: yes11:52
Hardingeogeek1: How?11:52
syn-acksss, you have to change the locale is all but I don't remember exactly how to do it11:52
Dazzled1But I have to go for a reboot, I'm fixing some stuff here11:52
kisuketham: *.h means its a header file, it should come with the source, you might try and google that file and add it to the folder that way.11:52
Hardingeogeek1: You opened the pdf file using evince?11:52
ssssyn-ack, please wait a sec, I will be right back11:53
thamkisuke, ah okay, I'll try doing that, thanks11:53
geogeek1Hardin:  yes it worked11:53
syn-acksss, http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wmbhelp/v7r0m0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.etools.mft.doc/ae19494_.htm11:53
geogeek1i used evince11:53
Hardingeogeek1: Ah, cool !!11:53
geogeek1Hardin:  thanks too much11:53
geogeek1Hardin:  bye11:53
Hardingeogeek1: Welcome11:53
Hardingeogeek1: bye, have a good day, etc11:54
ymonir Actionparsnip: i have got the  out put and at the end i have got this error   http://pastie.org/157833111:55
ssssyn-ack, I am back11:55
syn-acksss, I know it's related to websphere, but it really does apply to Linux in a whole11:55
JelouHello, do you know if is it possible to run an iso file with grub1?11:55
syn-ackJelou, No, it's not11:55
syn-ackJelou, That functionality was added to GRUB211:56
Jelouok, thanks syn-ack11:56
kisukesyn-ack: grub legacy doesnt support loopback isos?11:57
syn-ackkisuke, nope11:57
LikesFruitare the CHS values for my harddrive stored in the MBR?11:58
kisukesyn-ack: well that gets the SG2CD promoted in my tool kit11:58
syn-ackkisuke, then that was either added by the dev or I apparently missed something after having used GRUB for most of a decade11:59
kisukesyn-ack: super grub 2 CD, not grub 111:59
Gernozgood morning. i booted from liveCD and tried to write on my fast partition. when i try to chmod folders on that partition it says it does, but actually permissions stay the same. whats wrong there?11:59
syn-ackkisuke, Ok well, thats GRUB2 not GRUB12:00
mgedminGernoz, FAT has little support for permissions12:00
kisukesyn-ack: there was a 2 in there12:00
mgedminbasically it only has a read-only bit12:00
Gernozmgedmin: how to write there then?12:00
syn-ackbut you asked if legacy supported it, SuperGRUB2 isn't GRUB Legacy.12:01
arandGernoz: You tend to only be able to set partition-wide permissions, and that at mount time, for ntfs and fat, if I recall correctly12:01
syn-ackoh nm12:01
syn-ackI'm tracking now12:01
syn-ackyeah... sorry about that12:01
Ichi_scrotumwhich irc channel has the current ubuntu ppc group?12:01
kisukesyn-ack: i said that the SG2CD got uped in importance, as opposed to the origonal SGCD12:02
Gernozi mounted rw, but it doesnt let me write /dev/sda5 on /tmp/fat type vfat (rw)12:02
syn-ackYeah, I completely misunderstood12:02
syn-ackkisuke, sorry about that12:02
mgedminGernoz, are you root?12:02
kisukesyn-ack: np, misunderstandings happen.12:02
Gernoznot in the gui, i think12:03
mgedminGernoz, there are mount options for setting the uid/gid for all files and folders that will then allow you to write as non-root12:03
mgedmintry something like mount /tmp/fat -o remount,uid=100012:03
Gernozmgdemin: ok, thanks, ill try that12:03
* mgedmin checks 'man mount' for the exact spelling of that uid option12:03
mgedminyep, it's uid12:04
mgedminalternatively umask=0 will make all files writable by everyone12:04
greenm0nkhow can i find if a serial port is under use(blocked) on linux and free it?12:04
faenorgreenm0nk: GNU/Linux, not linux12:04
mgedminif you *mount* from the GUI, Ubuntu will set everything up for you automatically12:04
mgedminfaenor, that's not very helpful, is it?12:05
greenm0nkmgedmin: ah. sorry. i forgot to mention that it's a ruby program. so i'll have to run a system command12:05
mgedmingreenm0nk, fuser or lsof can find which process is holding /dev/ttyWHATEVER open12:05
mgedminkilling that process will free the port12:05
greenm0nkmgedmin: "fuser /dev/ttyUSB0" is correct?12:06
mgedmingreenm0nk, yes -- or fuser -v /dev/ttyUSB0 for more verbosity12:07
syn-ackfaenor, Let's not get into that tired argument. Really that's nothing more than troll bait or a flame bait, which are both counterproductive to the channel.12:07
greenm0nkmgedmin: it just returns the prompt.12:07
kisukesyn-ack: he's been doing that for the last 2 hours or so...12:07
syn-ackkisuke, Seriously? ugh.12:08
greenm0nkisnt faenor a bot?12:08
aaronbrettWhere can I find the config file for the emoticons (I use empathy) if I want to add some extra emoticons?12:08
kisukesyn-ack: yep12:08
kisukegreenm0nk: im begining to think that12:08
faenorkisuke: GNU/Linux, not linux12:08
syn-acksure is12:08
kisukeyep, its a bot12:08
Gernozmgedmin: doesnt work either12:09
greenm0nkkisuke: coz the reply was so fast when i typed linux12:09
faenorgreenm0nk: GNU/Linux, not linux12:09
llutztime to kick it12:09
greenm0nkhaha ya :)12:09
Dazzled1ActionParsnip: I switched my NVidia driver, and now it doesn't act up anymore :)12:09
Noianoflashplayer 10.2 is supposed to be gpu accelerated...how do I tell?12:09
Dazzled1ashish: Did you find a solution yet?12:09
kisukei still say gnu/linux is mostly a pipe dream, but thats a whole nother arguement12:09
ashishDazzled1, nop12:09
syn-ackkisuke, RMS probably stuck it in here as a "lesson"12:10
ashishDazzled1, still searching12:10
Dazzled1ashish: Do you have a sample program I could try to run here?12:10
kisukesyn-ack: RMS?12:10
mgedminGernoz, please pastebin the output of 'mount /tmp/fat' and the output of 'id'12:10
ashishDazzled1, http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/12:10
Gernozuid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)12:11
ashishthere is a package here,12:11
ashishdownload and chekc out the examples, under examples/c12:11
Gernoz/dev/sda5 on /tmp/fat type vfat (rw,umask=0)12:11
ashishDazzled1, if u can run the examples , then I guess the problem is solved12:11
ashishDazzled1, damn, if they even compile then great12:11
Dazzled1ashish: What version did you use?12:12
ashishthe newer one12:12
mgedminGernoz, and you can't write to it?12:12
mgedminGernoz, can you pastebin the output of 'touch /tmp/fat/test.txt'?12:12
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Gernozmgedmin: cannot touch, Permission denied12:14
Gernozthere's something wrong, i think i'l reboot12:14
YerushalmiHey folks, after downloading the most recent set of package updates my computer decided to go nuts: upon bootup, all I can see is the upper bar, and my desktop picture keeps going white and coming back every second. Anyone heard of this?12:14
mgedminI doubt that'll help12:14
mgedminGernoz, last question12:14
mgedminwhat does 'grep /tmp/fat /proc/mounts' say?12:15
syn-ackYerushalmi, which version of Ubuntu?12:15
Gernoz/dev/sda5 /tmp/fat vfat rw,relatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=cp437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro 0 012:16
Yerushalmi10.10, netbook edition12:16
mgedminmy manual page is outdated12:16
syn-ackYerushalmi, which video driver are you running?12:16
sacarlson Yerushalmi: maybe try reboot and go back to the last kernel if it was updated,  hold shift on boot and go back one version12:16
mgedminGernoz, try mount /tmp/fat -o remount,fmask=011,dmask=012:16
mgedminthat should make it world-writable12:16
Dazzled1ashish: I'm reading the PDF atm12:17
mgedmininstead of a single umask for files and directories, you can specify separate umasks for them12:17
Dazzled1it states: To link with the library, specify `-lconfig++' as an argument to the linker12:17
Yerushalmisacarlson: There was no kernel update, and I tried several kernel versions, all had the same problems. Sodo other users.12:17
Yerushalmisyn-ack: How do I find out?12:17
ashishDazzled1, I hear you man, but how do u do that , pls gimme the command format12:17
YerushalmiI should make it clear that the upper bar does not blink in and out; just the desktop image.12:18
zetheroodoes anyone know of a user-friendly alternative to MS Remote Desktop ActiveX Control ?12:18
Gernozmgedmin: works now. what was the problem?12:18
Dazzled1well, I'm more of a IDE person, so I'll try to flush out what I need exactly12:18
Senjai!ot | zetheroo12:18
ubottuzetheroo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:18
YerushalmiThe little bar that appears with network or battery status also remains constant while everything around it goes white.12:19
ashishDazzled1, btw, u will also need to install it . using ./configutr12:19
mgedminGernoz, since vfat itself doesn't store ownership/permission information, mount options are used for those -- and by default make vfat systems writable only by root12:19
kisukeSenjai: thats not nessacrly off topic.12:19
Dazzled1I saw some autmake files btw in the examples dir12:19
zetherooSenjai: I'll take that as meaning you haven't got an f-ing clue :P12:19
Dazzled1but no complementary config files12:19
Gernozso fmask=011 will always help me?12:19
syn-ackYerushalmi, I would try what the other guy suggested first.12:20
Yerushalmisyn-ack: Already did.12:20
Dazzled1there are in the dir above12:20
mgedminGernoz, if I were you, I'd double-click on the disk icon in Nautilus to mount it12:20
mgedmininstead of playing with mount options in a terminal12:20
zetherooI need to access the office from home ... usually I would do it through IE and entering in the https URL etc ... but without IE in Linux I am stuck :(12:20
ScallHello, how can I change fonts size of KDE applications in GNOME? I use Ubuntu 10.10. Thanks.12:21
YerushalmiI can still load up terminal with CtrlAltT, no problem, I just don't have Gnome.12:21
DaveAGzetheroo: Use the rdesktop command12:21
syn-ackzetheroo, IE7 can run in WiNE12:21
LjLScall: install kcontrol and run it, i guess12:21
Gernozmgedmin: this is xubuntu liveCD, no nautilus here :-)12:21
zetheroosyn-ack: I have been trying to get it working for hours now ... no go ...12:21
zetheroosyn-ack: how did you manage to get it to work?12:21
DaveAGzetheroo: You'll need to find out (possibly by viewing source) what the actual RDP server is called12:21
ScallLjl: what is "kcontrol", where I find it?12:22
Gernozanyway, it works now. thank you very much12:22
ashishDazzled1, wait will give u a example file12:22
LjLScall: it's the KDE control panel. "sudo apt-get install kcontrol" will get it installed12:22
syn-ackYerushalmi, sounds like something br0ke bad... I would have look at myself for a while to figure whats going on. what does your xorg log say12:22
zetherooDaveAG: RDP server?12:22
LjLScall: wait, no it won't12:22
syn-ackzetheroo, honestly? Luck.12:22
DaveAGzetheroo: The machine running Windows terminal services12:22
Dazzled1ashish: Did you do the ./configure and make steps?12:22
zetherooDaveAG: I knwo what the name of the server is and the domain etc ...12:22
Dazzled1outlined in README?12:22
ashishDazzled1, http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig/test.cfg.txt   make changes to the filename12:22
DaveAGzetheroo: Sorry, must dash, meeting starting12:22
syn-ackrdesktop should work though, too though12:22
zetherooDaveAG: ok ;)12:22
ashishDazzled1, I just did ./configure , thats all12:23
LjL!info systemsettings | Scall this one should be the one, for KDE 412:23
ubottuScall: systemsettings (source: kdebase-workspace): KDE 4 System Settings. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu8 (maverick), package size 291 kB, installed size 1444 kB12:23
zetheroosyn-ack: is that through the terminal?12:23
ashishDazzled1, and reconfirmed in the synaptic package manager12:23
Dazzled1hang on12:23
Gernoznow i can download my kernel, unpacking current binary userland on / without doing so for the kernel first was no good idea12:23
syn-ackzetheroo, no12:23
Dazzled1probably this is why it won't work12:23
Helbomhas anyone here experienced problems with ubuntu and eclipse? because some of the files i bring down from our svn are malformed12:23
zetheroosyn-ack: I am installing Remotedesktop Client atm12:23
ashishDazzled1, so what do i do?12:24
Dazzled1could you go to the main dir of libconfig12:24
Dazzled1(where you unpacked it)12:24
Helbombut when i try to open it in gedit i have to select UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1512:24
syn-ackzetheroo, good deal12:24
* kisuke executes 300-odd charactar command12:24
Dazzled1(through the terminal)12:24
Helbomutf-8 fails... so i select iso and click retry12:24
ashishone sec12:24
Gernozmgedmin: thanks a lot, have a nice weekend12:24
* mgedmin waves in a friendly fashion12:24
zetheroosyn-ack: ok that's only got one field ... "Computer" ... does the URL really go in there?12:24
Helbomand gedit loads the file and it shows all chars as they should be... incl ÆØÅ æøå12:24
Helbomanyone here experienced anything simular?12:25
ashishDazzled1, what next?12:25
sacarlsonYerushalmi: I didn't see you tell us about your video hardware can you show us  sudo lshw | pastebinit ?12:25
Helbomthis also only occures on the box running Ubuntu.. rest machines run windows and there eerything works perfectly12:25
zetheroosyn-ack: ok, nope I guess not ... heh12:25
Dazzled1hmm, now I don't know if you changed some of the files, so this still could fail12:26
Dazzled1type "make" and hit <ENTER>12:26
ashisheverything is the way it was12:26
Dazzled1without the ""12:26
Helbomhmmm... nothing?12:27
ashishDazzled1, did it12:27
ashishu want to see the o/p?12:27
Dazzled1should be okay12:27
Dazzled1but you didn't do this before, right?12:28
ashishsome errors are there12:28
Dazzled1what errors?12:28
ashishso i did it again12:28
ashishit was looking in the redhat directory of my system12:28
Dazzled1Oh, but I'm on ubuntu12:28
ashishsame here12:28
ashishI went into debian folder now12:29
ashishhave a look at the debian folder now12:29
Dazzled1my output states that it built the examples succesfully after make12:29
Dazzled1I'm looking at the debian folder12:30
Dazzled1what should I look for ?12:30
LinkRagewhat's default user/pass in postgresql ?12:30
ashishunder which folder did u enter make?12:30
Dazzled1we forgot something12:31
Dazzled1go back to the main di12:31
ashishwhats that?12:31
Dazzled1where you did make12:31
ashishunder libconfig-1.4.612:31
Dazzled1after make was run, you'd need to 'sudo make install'12:31
rumpe1or even better "sudo checkinstall" instead of make install...12:32
syn-ackassuming he's got checkinstall installed.12:32
ashishinstall recursive12:32
jribcompiling libconfig because...?12:32
ashishI guess, I will reinstall the whole package12:32
Dazzled1ashish: perhaps that's the best option12:32
ashishhow do I remove it , like completely?12:32
Dazzled1ashish: there's an INSTALL.txt in the main dir12:32
Dazzled1which details installation and removal quite nice12:33
Dazzled15. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the12:33
Dazzled1     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  To also remove the12:33
Dazzled1     files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for12:33
Dazzled1     a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'.  There is12:33
Dazzled1     also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly12:33
Dazzled1     for the package's developers.  If you use it, you may have to get12:33
Dazzled1     all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came12:33
FloodBot3Dazzled1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:33
Dazzled1     with the distribution.12:33
Dazzled1sorry :$12:34
the_drowWhy doesn't the line6 drivers work with Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-29-generic?12:34
the_drowIs the developer idling here by any chance?12:34
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ashishDazzled1, Thanks12:36
ashishwill get started with reinstallation12:36
jribDazzled1: why are you compiling libconfig when it is in the repositories?12:37
Dazzled1jrib: because ashish was using the version from the website12:39
Yerushalmisyn-ack: Sorry, I had to go deal with something. How do I get to my xorg log?12:39
ashishDazzled1, so if I use another version , I would be ok?12:40
ashishhave a look at the synaptic manager12:40
ashishsearch for libconfig12:40
Yerushalmisacarlson: I entered sudo lshw | pastebinit, now what do I do?12:40
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Dazzled1ashish: If you use the version from synaptic, you wouldn't need to build it yourself12:42
Dazzled1and it probably *should* work out of the box12:43
ashishcan u give it a shot?12:43
ashishfor the same example file?12:43
Yerushalmisacarlson: Ah, I see. http://pastebin.com/0CsWqAkY12:43
ashishI have tried that too12:43
Yerushalmisacarlson: Sorry, taking care of a baby at the same time as the computer :)12:43
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ShoggothYerushalmi: yeah... that's fun12:45
Shoggothhow old?12:45
Yerushalmi5 months12:46
Shoggothok... mines 412:48
YerushalmiOkay, I found my problem12:49
YerushalmiThe same one being complained about in the comments here: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/new-unity-release-ready-for-testing-in-ubuntu-10-1010-04.html12:49
bazhangYerushalmi, thats a PPA12:50
Dazzled1ashish: (I use NetBeans for my C++ development)12:51
Yerushalmiwhat's that?12:51
bazhangYerushalmi, ie completely at your own risk PPA12:51
YerushalmiExcept they are: A) talking about a beta, which seems to imply that the bug made it into the final release, and B) don't offer a fix12:51
bazhang!ppa > Yerushalmi12:51
Dazzled1I added the library /usr/local/lib/libconfig++.a to my compiler string12:51
ubottuYerushalmi, please see my private message12:51
Dazzled1and now it builds12:51
ashishdo we have that option in eclipse too?12:52
bazhangwinged_warrior, you are here already12:52
conconI think he's trying to get out12:52
gruberjoin/ #ubuntu-br-am12:53
Gwar_Trollegruber: wrong way on the join :P12:53
BIGBAMBUhi guys12:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:55
Yerushalmibazhang: I don't know anything about that - I installed Ubuntu Network Edition out of the box and simply upgraded it like normal. I shouldn't have anything third-party unless UNE itself is considered as such.12:55
Dazzled1ashish: yes, Eclipse should have that too12:55
Dazzled1right click on project12:55
Dazzled1and then Properties I think12:56
elninohi guyz, i recovered some lost files on my virtual machine but the content is encrypted i guess how do i decrypt to get the actual content12:56
Dazzled1find out where the Linker flags are set12:56
Dazzled1I just ran the program with example.cfg, works12:56
Dazzled1ashish: How to add libraries in Eclipse: http://whatwouldnickdo.com/wordpress/328/eclipse-cdt-and-linux-libraries/12:57
ashishDazzled1, fantastic ... thanks12:58
ashishthat should work12:58
Dazzled1if you did the configure/make/make install steps, the lib should be there12:58
sacarlsonYerushalmi: so I guess it's a theme problem?  maybe try create a new user that is setup with default settings and see if the problem persist unless you found a solution already12:59
tobiaszcan I be sure, that when I am gonna order a copy of Ubuntu from ShipIt, I am gonna recieve the second milestone version (10.04.2) ?13:00
Yerushalmisacarlson: I don't have any themes, and I have a backup user I don't touch specifically to check this sort of thing. Same problem.13:00
tobiaszthey just released it13:00
Nisstyretobiasz, you can update software via the internet13:00
Gwar_TrolleOH SWEET MERCIFLE BANJO, what did they do to the FF scroll bar in beta 12 :(13:00
dubeyi want to use apt-mirro on centos box to provide ubuntu update on various ubuntu versions, Is it possible ?13:00
AbhijiTGwar_Trolle, #firefox on irc.mozilla.org13:01
YerushalmiThat link seems to indicate it's a problem with the beta for the new upgrade to something called Unity. I'm fairly certain I remember that being on the list of items that got updated yesterday. How would I downgrade it?13:01
ikoniadubey: it is possible you will have to modify the script13:01
tobiaszbut I am installing Ubuntu to some of my customers and I want them to have latest fixes and hardware support out of the box13:01
dubeyikonia : script ?13:01
ikoniadubey: apt-mirror is just perl13:01
Nisstyretobiasz, that's literally impossible13:01
voozeI by mistake deleted the "sound menu" in the top navigation.. When i choose "add to panel" the sound menu is not there.. any ideas?13:01
Nisstyrething get updated constantly13:01
dubeyikonia: which script ?13:01
tobiaszyes but there are milestones for a reason13:02
tobiaszit's like service pack in windoze13:02
ikoniatobiasz: it's called Windows13:02
dubeyikonia : But how can i get update of ubuntu on centos box ?13:02
ikoniadubey: you can use the same perl scripts from apt-mirror but they will need slight modification.13:02
tobiaszUbuntu 10.04.2 just got released :) I wonder if I order ship it today am I gonna recieve that milestone :)13:02
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tobiaszor they gonna send me older cd13:03
dubeyikonia: can you explain me in details ?13:04
LikesFruitwhat is the command to connect to an IRC server. i thought it was /connect servername port13:04
ikoniadubey: use the apt-mirror script, read it, mofidy it to work on the centos platform13:04
LikesFruitVxQe, i should have tryed that one, thank you13:04
ruani've installed ubuntu 4 times and it still wont boot13:07
tobiaszwhy can't I order 10.04 from shipit just that newest version 10.1013:08
tobiaszwhy is Canonical promoting unstable editions so much? LTS is there for a reason13:09
sipiortobiasz: how about asking them, instead of us?13:09
tobiaszgonna try13:09
tobiaszcan I archieve it via Launchpad (excuse me for stupid questions)13:09
jribtobiasz: 10.10 isn't unstable.13:10
tobiaszI know it is comparing to 10.04 :P13:10
tobiasz10.04 is a serious release, and 10.10 is for enthusiasts13:11
jribtobiasz: 10.04 and 10.10 are both stable releases in the sense that the packages aren't changing13:11
ikoniatobiasz: it still isn't unstable13:11
ruanhow do i execute a text file?13:12
jribruan: what are you trying to accomplish?13:13
ruanjrib: im trying to launch dwarf fortress13:13
zojikocan anyone read this?13:13
ikoniazojiko: yes13:13
ruanzojiko: yes13:13
zojikoawesome. thanks.13:13
VxQeruan: is it a script?13:14
ruana script to launch the game yes\13:14
VxQeIs it marked execuatable?13:14
ruannot yet13:14
VxQeWell to do that you can do the following in terminal:13:15
VxQechmod +x /path/file13:15
ruani know13:15
VxQeJust checking. :)13:15
ruanit doesnt work for me though13:15
VxQeDo you get an error?13:15
ruanim on livecd ubuntu if that helps13:15
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BluesKajruan, pastebin your script13:15
tobiaszikonia putting that otherwords, 10.10 is a "development release", stability is LTS, but development releases are aimed to be stable, just not with that much importance as LTS13:15
ruanBluesKaj: its not my script but ok, i'll paste it13:16
jribtobiasz: 10.10 isn't a development release...13:16
tobiaszhow isn't it?13:16
VxQeSo what happens when you try to run the script?13:16
ikoniatobiasz: no it's not a development drelease13:16
ruanit opens in gedit13:16
ikoniatobiasz: it's just not a Long Term Support release13:16
jribtobiasz: it's a stable release.  It was released in october 2010.  11.04 is the current development release, set to be released in april13:16
VxQeWhat happens when you run it in terminal though?13:16
ruani'll try that13:17
jribtobiasz: LTS just means a release will be supported for 3 years (5 on the server) instead of the normal 18 months13:17
Sheepherdguys! vim or emacs. vote here -> http://www.doodle.com/893cf84b9vbq44h4 :D13:17
jribSheepherd: please don't do that here13:18
sipiorSheepherd: go away.13:18
ruanit crashes13:18
bazhangSheepherd, dont spam13:18
Sheepherdits not spam... i really need to know what editor to use13:18
sipiorSheepherd: try both. decide.13:18
jribSheepherd: use both and choose the one you like13:18
ikoniaSheepherd: this is not the vhannel to take that sort of poll13:19
ruani did "exec df" and it crashed13:19
NorrlanningHey people :) anyone that knows how to have a custom bootscreen on a live-cd (dist) made with remastersys? as it is now I get my custom boot after I've installed the created dist. However when I just run the live-cd without install there's only the textmode ubuntulogo that shows...13:19
tobiaszjrib not only that :) LTS releases are also aimed to be more stable and reliable, and to encourage software developers to develop for them13:19
ikoniaNorrlanning: we don't support custom released13:19
ikoniatobiasz: no, it's not, stop making things up13:19
ikoniatobiasz: it is not "more stable"13:20
Norrlanningikonia: Ok13:20
tobiaszjrdnyquist I am not, this is what Canonical says I believe (I've read that somewhere13:20
VxQeikonia is correct, sounds like tobiasz is talking about debian releases or something.13:20
ikoniatobiasz: you've read wrong, it is not more stable, it is just supported longer13:20
ruani did "exec df" and terminal crashed13:20
philinuxLTS is meant to be less bleading edge, hence more stable13:20
ikoniaruan: we heard13:20
VxQeruan: that is now how you would generally run a script.13:20
ikoniaphilinux: no it's not13:20
jribtobiasz: they're more conservative during the merge with debian, but both releases are stable and usable13:21
tobiaszwhat philinux said13:21
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:21
VxQeThe only difference is the support years. If canonical release it as an actual release (IE not beta or RC) it's stable.13:21
ruanso what can i do to execute a script?13:21
ikoniaruan: what type of script ?13:22
jribtobiasz, philinux: you guys are using "stable" to mean something other than what it really should mean13:22
ruani'll pastebin it13:22
ikoniaruan: nom,13:22
tobiaszI always discourage people from using 10.10, and tell them to only go with LTS releases (it is not good for newcommers to change os frequently)13:22
bazhang!ot > tobiasz13:22
ubottutobiasz, please see my private message13:22
ikoniaruan: just tell me what type of script13:22
Gwar_Trolle10.10 keeps breaking for me13:22
ikoniatobiasz: stop talking nosense now13:22
Gwar_Trolleso I stuck with 10.0413:22
ruani dont know what type of script it is13:22
rleevq: I'm trying to e2fsck a file system and I am getting "Device or resource busy while trying to open" error. The fs isn't mounted and I am running e2fsck from a Ubuntu CD.13:22
novitololoHi, I don't have any problems on listening music in my hard disc, and no problem in watching youtube videos.  However I can't listen to the sounds on youtube, or any web that reproduces video/audio.  I'm using firefox/chrome, and ain't working on any of them.  Any thoughts?13:22
ikoniaruan: what type of script is it13:22
ruanpossibly sh13:23
tobiaszI promote 10.04 :P  and I'll sht up now13:23
ruanbut it has no extension13:23
ikoniaruan: it's a bourne shell script, so running ./scriptname in the same directory will run it13:23
* MonkeyDust uses 10.04 until nest LTS13:23
ruanok hold on13:23
ruanbash: ./df: Permission denied13:24
rleevAnyone experienced with debugging file systems?13:24
ikoniaruan: sudo chmod 775 df13:24
ikoniaruan: then ./df13:24
sipiorrleev: easier if you ask a specific question directly13:24
ikoniarleev: just state your problem13:24
ruanstill permission denied13:24
ikoniaruan: show me the output of ls -la df13:25
tobiaszbazhang that was rude13:25
arandrleev: What happens when you try to mount it straight up?13:25
bazhangtobiasz, keep it on topic, and stop the nonsense13:25
ruan-rw------- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 243 2011-02-16 13:24 df13:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 243 in pinfo (Ubuntu) "Dpkg set up fails with: Setting up pinfo (0.6.8-3) ..." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24313:25
ikoniaruan: sudo chmod 775 df13:25
rleevarand: it just hangs13:25
ruanstill permission denied13:25
manu__hola como me conecto al chat de terra13:25
ikoniaruan: show me the output of ls -la df13:26
tobiaszany poles in here, who would want to contribute, and try translating ubuntu.com to polish? (is that offtopic?)13:26
ikoniatobiasz: yes13:26
ruan-rw------- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 243 2011-02-16 13:24 df13:26
ikoniaruan: is this on a cd ?13:26
Odaymthis is a file with read write for root13:26
tobiaszok bye then :P13:26
rleevarand: i can open it in debugfs, tune2fs, dumpe2fs etc... but e2fsck returns an error "Device or resource busy". I'm running this from a cd13:26
VxQeikonia he's on a livecd.13:26
VxQeHence issues.13:26
ruanim on livecd because i cant boot ubuntu13:26
ikoniaVxQe: but is that file on a CD ?13:26
ikoniaruan: where is that file13:27
arandrleev: Is the contents of the filesystem vitaly important?13:27
ruanthe file is on filesystem, my 40gb hdd13:27
Odaymwhy can't you boot, ruan? something about a swap file?13:27
ruanit just doesnt boot13:27
Odaymdoesnt say something about fstab?13:27
ikoniaruan: why are you trying do this if you can't boot your CD13:27
ruani tried reinstalling 4 times and formatting twice13:27
ruani can boot my cd13:27
rleevarand: no not at all, i'm doing this to figure out what went wrong so I can determine what the cause may be in case it does happen on an important system13:27
ikoniaruan: ok, thats something you need to fix, you can't really run this from a livecd13:27
ruani just cant boot off the hard drive13:28
ruanidk why13:28
ruanwindows worked13:28
Odaymhave you tried doing that thing that shows the GRUB output while booting?13:28
Odaymholding down Shift key13:28
ruani held shift and it did nothing13:28
arandrleev: I was thinking there might be options for fsck to force the checking, but I'm not certain...13:28
Odaymwhat did you do, ruan? ;)13:28
Odaymbefore this happened?13:28
Odaymfstab much?13:28
ruanuhh.. i installed it?13:28
Odaymdidnt tamper anywhere?13:29
ruanjust a clean install13:29
Odaymmaybe windows wiped grub13:29
ruanits a clean install, no windows anymore13:29
Odaymdual boot right?13:29
Odaymthis might seem trivial, but did you change the boot order back to Hard Drive in BIOS?13:30
rleevarand: not sure... do you know of a flag set on the file system that indicates it's mounted by the system and blocks fsck from opening it?13:30
ruan1 hard drive 2 cdrom 3removable13:30
arandrleev: If you run "mount" it should list all mounted FS13:31
Odaymwhat does "df" output, ruan?13:31
rleevarand: yea it's not mounted... i thought there might be a magic flag set on the file system itself, like on some magic block, to indicate the fs should not be opened by fsck13:31
arandrleev: And it's not a typo, so you're trying to fsck /dev/sdd or something?13:31
ruandf does a filesystem check..13:31
rleevarand: nope, no typo13:32
Odaymi dont know, personally, sorry13:32
Odaymllutz will know, ruan13:32
Odaymllutz knows all13:32
ruanwhere is llutz?13:32
Odaymwhois doesnt show his idle time13:32
Odaymbut he is around here a lot13:33
arandrleev: I don't know of such a flag, well I guess you could try with the -f force flag if you are certain to do it. There could be something else, but I don't know it.13:33
ruangoing to reboot..13:33
ruanusb might have prevented boot13:34
JokiPavachello.. i have 1 root, how to check the size?13:34
Odaymyou had it in all the while, ruan?13:34
ruannot exactly13:34
ruanbut i'll reboot13:34
JokiPavacHow to install irssi on ubuntu ?13:34
rleevarand: ok, thanks... i might have to look for documents on raw disk specification of ext313:34
avis-i have a script that uses mp3info to check audio files for bad files (too many errors) is there anyway ti delete any file under 20 seconds ?  it xould need to be a rm -Rf Music/badfile.mp313:35
arandJokiPavac: package name is simply "irssi", use your favourite package manager13:35
avis-JokiPavac, sudo apt-get install irssi13:35
jribavis-: mp3info can also tell you length of a file, so check if it's less than 20 seconds and delete it if so13:35
rleevAnyone know where I can find description of implementation specification for ext3?13:36
avis-ohh awesome13:36
avis-thanks jrib13:36
avis-i'll get help in #bash13:36
avis-good morning all btw13:36
MonkeyDust2.36 pm here ;)13:36
rleevanyone know where specification for ext3/ext4 is?13:37
BluesKajdumb bot13:38
BluesKaj!info ext13:38
ubottuPackage ext does not exist in maverick13:38
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org13:38
ruanyes yes yes!!!13:39
BluesKaj!up tp date ubottu :)13:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:40
ruani changed boot order of hard drives and it finally works! extremely wierd13:40
ruani changed the order so that my main hard drive is second13:40
ruanand not first13:40
BluesKajruan, that's probly where you installed grub13:41
bazhangrleev, thats outside the scope of this channel, I'll get you a link in #ubuntu-offtopic13:41
ruangrub installed itself there out of its own will?13:41
rleevhey, i found a good paper on ext313:41
rleevwell it's about journaling actually13:41
bazhangrleev, lets take this to the chat channel please13:42
Diverdudehello, is there a daap server for ubuntu server edition which i can use to serve music to banshee clients ?13:42
rleevwhat's a chat channel?13:42
bazhangDiverdude, like mpd?13:42
ruanwell...... you're in a chat channel right now?13:42
rleevthat's what i thought...13:42
bazhangrleev, not this one;  ----> #ubuntu-offtopic13:43
avis-i am wondering if this script could be easily modified to delete all songs under 20 seconds ?  i was told mp3info could do that.  apparently i have some way chopped off songs that are still passing with few errors :  http://pastebin.com/t5Qhthy813:43
rleevwhat's the topic in this one?13:43
ruanits ubuntu support13:43
bazhangrleev, Ubuntu support13:43
avis-i'm still good right ?13:43
rleevok i get it, my bad... i'm a geaser that's all13:43
Diverdudebazhang, what is mpd?13:43
avis-i have a masterblaster script to nuke the results on the resultant log i just need an edit for songs 20 seconds or less.  :)13:44
rleevthanks dewds13:44
bazhangDiverdude, you want to setup a streaming server, right?13:44
Diverdudebazhang, yeah i wanna play music in my mediabox from my backend server13:45
bazhang!info mt-daapd | Diverdude13:46
ubottuDiverdude: mt-daapd (source: mt-daapd): iTunes-compatible DAAP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9~r1696.dfsg-16 (maverick), package size 258 kB, installed size 872 kB13:46
bazhangDiverdude, then checkout mpd which is the backend for various clients13:46
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ruanok i've got a small problem13:47
Odaymyea what happened?13:47
Odaymall good now?13:47
Diverdudebazhang, is it easy to set up13:47
ruanmy drive is missing, i cant find it13:47
ruanonly my ubuntu hard drive13:47
bazhangDiverdude, not too bad, there are tons of tutorials on it13:47
ruani need my other hard drive13:48
freakabcdok guys. i really need help13:48
freakabcdsome weird shit has happened. i upgraded from 10.04 (lucid) to 10.10 (maverick)13:48
ruani had a 40gb filesystem and its missing13:48
bazhangfreakabcd, watch the cursing13:48
Odaymmissing physically ruan?13:48
freakabcdbut before i did this i had installed some packages from lucid-bleed ppa13:48
Odaymor cannot identify it on the system?13:48
ruanwell i cant see it from Computer13:48
freakabcdbazhang, my apologies13:48
ruanits not gone physically13:49
bazhangfreakabcd, so use ppa-purge to get rid of them13:49
moustiK_I did that what's the pb precisely13:49
bazhang!info ppa-purge | freakabcd13:49
ubottufreakabcd: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 56 kB13:49
Odaymi want to help, but these are out of my league i'm afraid13:49
IppatsuManHi. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and the fglrx driver (I have a ATI HD 4550 card). X randomly crashes with a blue screen (oh, the irony!) wit light blue stripes. When that happens I can only reboot the system using alt+sys rq. /var/log/* doesn't seem to contain any interesting message that may help me tracking down what the problem is. Any suggestion to fix it? (I'd prefer to keep using the proprietary driver due to its better performances)13:49
Lantiziais it possible to make a link (hard, sym, whatever) that'll always use the filename of what it's linked to (if the source file is renamed)?13:49
jribLantizia: no, why do you want to?13:50
ruanusing a script you can maintain filenames13:50
g_hi, is it possible to trigger hte notification system from command line?13:50
jribg_: see notify-send in the libnotify-bin package13:50
sipiorLantizia: you could write a wrapper which you use to rename the link target, i suppose.13:50
Lantiziajrib, i normally use hardlinks to do music playlists so using something like described will mean if the source audio file name changes the playlist file will too13:50
ruani'd write one but im too inexperienced with sh13:50
g_that's great thanks jrib13:50
g_jrib: cheers, that's perfect :)13:51
freakabcdok maybe i should explain in more detail13:51
freakabcdi have already removed lucid-bleed ppa from my sources.list13:51
freakabcdand now i have some packages that are installed from lucid-bleed ppa that are "newer" than the official maverick repos13:52
jribLantizia: I don't understand.  You create playlists of *one* audio file by making a hard link to it?13:52
roachin terminal i am typing su and then my account's password, but i keep getting "Authentication failure"...is there something i am doing wrong or not understanding?13:52
freakabcdhow do i revert pack to the versions offered by maverick ?13:52
jrib!sudo | roach13:52
ubotturoach: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:52
stianhjroach, sudo su -13:52
arandfreakabcd: Do you know exactly which packages?13:52
freakabcdarand, yes. i know exactly which packages13:52
jribroach: read what ubottu sent you instead of doing « sudo su - » (do not do this)13:52
freakabcdarand, and i know they exist in the maverick repos as well13:52
bazhangstianhj, thats not right13:53
bazhangfreakabcd, I just told you, use ppa-purge13:53
arandfreakabcd: Go in synaptic and use the force package version (Ctrl+E) function. That can often do the trick13:53
freakabcdbazhang, please read fully what i type13:53
jryda_Anyone help me with a cmake compilation error:  Could NOT find BZip2 (missing: BZIP2_LIBRARIES BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR)13:53
Lantiziajrib, no i hardlink audio files from many albums into one directory to make a playlist.... that way it's easier to copy the playlist elsewhere as it copies the music too13:53
freakabcdyou are not answering the question13:53
roachubottu, i understand what sudo does13:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:53
sipiorfreakabcd: in his defence, you're not asking it very well.13:53
bazhangfreakabcd, I did read, and then answer is the same.13:54
roachwhat's the difference between su and sudo su-13:54
freakabcdsipior, really?> how was arand able to give what seems like the correct answer?13:54
arandfreakabcd: Or if you prefer "apt-get install package=versionnumber package2+versionnumber" etc.13:54
jribroach: su - tries to login as root.  And you can't because the root account is locked by default.  Use sudo instead13:54
sipiorfreakabcd: dumb luck, most likely.13:54
bazhangppa-purge is the correct answer to your issue13:54
ruani need my other hard drive13:55
jryda_sudo sh  -  is it bad to use?13:55
jribjryda_: yes, bad to use13:55
=== jon_athon is now known as Philo
jryda_by bad, I mean ill advised13:55
milamberroach: su is basically switch user (you will need the passwd for the account) sudo su uses administrative privileges to change to that user13:55
roachunless you don't trust the source of the application you're trying to install13:55
freakabcdbazhang, lets see. ppa-purge requires me to have lucid-bleed repo in my sources.list right?13:55
arandbazhang: freakabcd:It is, but in my experience can be done equivalently, especially if there are only a few packages13:55
roachthank you milamber13:55
freakabcdwell guess what its not there anymore! should i now add it back in before running ppa-purge?13:55
milamberruan: pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l13:56
arandfreakabcd: I don't know if it does...13:56
freakabcdWarning:  Could not find package list for PPA: lucid-bleed ppa13:57
ruani see a 41 gb hard drive in the output, but i cant find it normally13:57
ruanwhere is it13:57
jryda_Could NOT find BZip2 (missing: BZIP2_LIBRARIES BZIP2_INCLUDE_DIR)  ?13:57
jribjryda_: what are you compiling?13:57
jryda_i'm using cmake to try and compile eiskaltdc++13:58
sipiorjryda_: you most likely just need to install libbz2-dev.13:58
jryda_ahh - I thought I grabbed that.13:58
jribjryda_: eiskaltdcpp is in the repositories, use the repositories13:58
jryda_thanks sipior I'll give that a try13:58
jryda_and thanks jrib13:59
ruantried cd dev/sdb but not found13:59
milamberruan: is the sdb1 the drive that is "missing"13:59
ruanDisk /dev/sdb: 41.0 GB, 40982151168 bytes14:00
ruanthis one is14:00
milamber!automount | ruan14:00
ubotturuan: Automount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs14:00
Diverdudeisnt it possible to make either banshee or rhytmbox sort by file-location somehow? I have organized all my music neatly in folders, so why cant i just browse by file location inside banshee or rhytmbox?14:00
ruanim not on a network but i'll try whatever that is14:00
K|nGAnyone can tell me why my pppoe doesnt work with pppoe-start but with PON works fine ??14:00
freakabcdbazhang, any bright ideas other than adding back lucid-bleed ppa and trying ppa-purge?14:01
ruandoes it matter if its not a network drive?14:01
milamberruan: my bad, this is what i was looking for: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:01
sipiorfreakabcd: you could try dropping the attitude. that'd be a pretty bright idea.14:02
craigbass1976Is the ubuntu software center specific to certain flavors?  I'm running Lubuntu and don't have it.14:02
ruanhave you got synaptic?14:02
bazhangcraigbass1976, gnome iirc14:02
freakabcdsipior, sure my apologies again. its just that this is very irritating14:02
Philoanyone know one of those cool programs that lets me watch my up and down speeds realtime?14:02
craigbass1976ruan, I do, but I want to browse by category14:02
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bazhangPhilo, conky14:03
milambercraigbass1976: what version of ubuntu?14:03
sipiorfreakabcd: i quite understand14:03
Philoprociate it14:03
ruan^ lubuntu*14:03
craigbass1976milamber, lucid.14:03
ylmfosthank you14:03
bazhangPhilo, theres a great tutorial on ubuntuforums for beginners14:03
freakabcdso in the what is the process? i add lucid-bleed and try running ppa-purge again?14:03
Philobazhang, bummer, don't have time for a tutorial this morning...14:04
jribfreakabcd: if for some reason you don't want to use ppa-purge, read its source and do what it does yourself (its less than 200 lines in bash).  You can also mess with pinning14:04
ylmfosI am china14:04
ruan!ch | ylmfos14:04
ubottuylmfos: Das Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.14:04
bazhangPhilo, its very easy to set up, lots of samples there to just copy paste  over14:04
ruanwait, what is chinese14:04
milamber!info software-center lucid | craigbass197614:04
bazhangylmfos, #ubuntu-cn14:04
freakabcdruan, zh14:04
ubottucraigbass1976: software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.7 (lucid), package size 272 kB, installed size 1680 kB14:04
jryda_error now reads: Could not find gettext runtime library and tools for internationalization14:05
jryda_  purposes.14:05
K|nGCan someone send me the default of /etc/network/interfaces14:05
jryda_damnit - compiling sucks.14:05
jryda_how is one supposed to know these package names wihtout searching14:05
sipiorjryda_: generally, one looks at the documentation that came with the source code you're building.14:05
Philobazhang, thnks14:06
sipiorjryda_: by looking at the libraries it requires, you can install them in advance, and not just one at a time as your build fails.14:06
OttifantSirA quick question: Do I need the pre-installed indicator applet programs when I have Avant Indicator Applet?14:06
jryda_sipior - thanks.  I just saw gettext at the very top of the readme14:06
milambercraigbass1976: interesting, it didn't include all the info i thought it did, but it is gnome specific. you can go to packages.ubuntu.com and search for it (software-center). bazhang is correct but teach a man to fish and all that . . .14:06
ylmfoswho are you China?14:06
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jribjryda_: why don't you just use the repositories?14:06
sipiorjrib: it's good to learn how to build source code, should the need arise.14:07
jryda_jrib:  I was uncertain how extensive the included repos are14:07
bazhang!cn | ylmfos14:07
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk14:07
jribjryda_: but now you know14:07
jryda_do you use Syaptic package manager then jrib?14:08
jribjryda_: yes14:08
jryda_It's bit nicer than stabbing in the dark with apt-get14:08
jryda_without gui14:08
jribsipior: nothing wrong with learning how to compile, but learning to use the repositories first and foremost is more important imo14:08
OttifantSirA quick question: Do I need the pre-installed indicator applet programs when I have Avant Indicator Applet?14:09
sipiorjrib: no fun in that.14:09
jribsipior: building other people's software without modifying isn't much fun either :)14:10
adub_i need to sign an encryption key via command line iwconfig wlan0 key *********   is not working14:15
adub_been a while i have to do this command line style14:15
tim_hi, i have a problem with my workstation: it doesn't boot, but gives me segfaults of any  program during startup ...14:15
tim_when booting from a live-cd i cannot chroot to the hd either ...14:16
tim_bash segfault ...14:16
tim_any idea?14:16
erUSULtim_: well random segfaults all over the place even fom livecd point to bad ram14:18
erUSULtim_: imho14:18
LogicallyDashingI'm trying to make a USB bootdisk with a persistence file. I want it to be up to date with the latest packages. I tried making a regular bootdisk, booting into it, and upgrading, but this was really slow and prone to weird I/O errors. So I wonder, how can I find or make an updated iso file for ubuntu desktop 10.10?14:18
erUSULtim_: run memtest from the livecd14:18
erikabuenas mis opciones en el menu para apagar la maquina desaparecieron14:18
erikay tampoco lo puedo hacer desde gdm14:18
erikaque puede estar pasando?14:18
LogicallyDashing!es | erika14:19
ubottuerika: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:19
induzwhy hibernation is not working on my desktop ubuntu Lucid14:19
tim_erUSUL: actually, booting from the same hd on a different machine causes the same segfaults14:19
induzby mistake i put the desktop on hibernation and i gte a black screen14:19
tim_erUSUL: or chrooting14:19
induz it doesnt wake up14:19
silverlightningany brassero experienced here?14:19
LogicallyDashing!ask | silverlightning14:19
ubottusilverlightning: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:19
induzany solution for this14:19
erikaoh crap, i'm sorry, thought it was #ubuntu-es14:20
silverlightningI have trouble finding a firefox download I want to burn as image14:20
induzif i leave the desktop for more than 10 mi the screen goes blank and it doesnt wake up by pressing any keyboard14:20
erUSULtim_: the is the disk daying, anything in the logs? anyway hardware error; don't you think?14:20
erikamy power off button disappeared when creating new user, and i can't shutdown through gdm14:20
silverlightninglogicallydashing, are you using firefox?14:20
erikathough i can do it with sudo shutdown -h now14:20
tim_erUSUL: a 2 months old ssd ...14:21
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: yes, why?14:21
erikai would really appreciate help, it's annoying14:21
tim_erUSUL: it doesn't give me any read error or the like14:21
tim_nothing in dmesg either14:21
induzHibernate doesnt work on lucid14:21
induzor maybe I dont know how to wakup this desktop14:21
silverlightningthe thing is, I cannot find the image I want to burn within brassero, it's not under the download file14:22
silverlightningfolder I mean14:22
GravHow do i resolve this?  libmagickwand-dev : Depends: libmagickwand3 (= 7: but 7: is to be installed14:22
sssWhat is the difference between Desktop and Netbook Ubuntu?14:23
silverlightninglogicallydashing, has this ever happened to you?14:23
erUSULtim_: well; i would say it is hardware issue. you can return the ssd as defective if it is only two months old14:23
LogicallyDashingsss: The menus are different.14:23
erUSULsss: the gui envoirment14:23
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: What do you want to download?14:23
silverlightninganother thing, I am missing a lot of drivers and plugins14:23
tim_erUSUL: yes ... you're prbly right ...14:23
azfarminhajhey guys14:24
ssserUSUL, can I use any software that I use in Desktop also in Netbook?14:24
erUSULtim_: tied fscking the partitions from the livecd?14:24
silverlightningI have downloaded linux mint, and it's in the firefox dowload windew14:24
faenorsilverlightning: GNU/Linux, not linux14:24
erUSULsss: yes14:24
LogicallyDashingsss, yes, the software support is all the same14:24
tim_yes ... clean14:24
azfarminhajI have a question about upgrading from Lynx to Minx14:24
ruan" sudo cp profile file:///etc/firefox/profile " isn't working, am i doing it wrong?14:24
silverlightninglogicallydashing, do I make any sense?14:24
azfarminhajI hope not14:24
erUSULruan: in a terminal? file:///etc/firefox/profile is not a valid path14:24
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: why are you asking about linux mint in a channel about ubuntu?14:24
faenorLogicallyDashing: GNU/Linux, not linux14:24
ruanah ok14:25
azfarminhajit gives me the error about held packages14:25
azfarminhajno, by update manager14:25
sipiorfaenor: this is not the place.14:25
silverlightninglogicallydashing, and you are the first one who managed to find a longer nick then me ;- )14:25
LogicallyDashingfaenor: linux is the common name, and if I bother Richard Stallman by leaving out the "GNU" I'm okay with that14:25
faenorLogicallyDashing: GNU/Linux, not linux14:25
LogicallyDashingalso I think faenor is a bot14:25
ruani'll find the right path then14:25
silverlightninglogicallydashing, I have Ubuntu as only os on my computer14:25
silverlightningand plan to make it work14:26
freakabcdruan, err.. file:// is followed by the absolute path, no?14:26
azfarminhajwhat do I do about this:14:26
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: well, linux mint isn't supported by the ubuntu project, so you should probably ask for help somewhere that's about linux mint14:26
faenorLogicallyDashing: GNU/Linux, not linux14:26
azfarminhajE:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks14:26
bazhangfaenor, hi14:26
jribazfarminhaj: upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10?14:26
bazhangfaenor, linux14:26
faenorbazhang: GNU/Linux, not linux14:26
Senjaiugh mysql is a pain to configure14:26
silverlightninglogicallydashing, that doesn't make any logical sense at all, maybe emotional sense14:26
jribazfarminhaj: if you have xserver-xorg-video-nouveau installed, remove it14:27
silverlightningI am on a ubuntu laptop now14:27
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: you may be on an ubuntu laptop, but you are asking for help with a different operating system, and not with ubuntu.14:27
ruan"bash: cd: file://etc/: No such file or directory" what is the valid path then?14:27
silverlightningand are to burn iso in Ubuntu Maveric, barssero14:27
LogicallyDashingSpecifically, you are asking for help with Linux Mint.14:27
bazhangsilverlightning, try mintsupport NOT here14:27
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: Well, if you want help with brasero, you should ask for help with brasero, and not with the linux mint disc image you're trying to burn.14:28
silverlightninglogicallydashing, I am asking for help with how to burn in UbuntuMaveric14:28
freakabcdruan, file://  followed by /home/ruan/Desktop/hello.txt    typed into firefox will show you the contents of that text file called hello.txt on your desktop14:28
azfarminhajbut it's a display driver :/14:28
jrib!burn > silverlightning14:28
ubottusilverlightning, please see my private message14:28
bazhangsilverlightning, right click burn to disk14:28
freakabcdso. what is the path of that file? it is /home/ruan/Desktop/hello.txt14:28
ruanfreakabcd: im trying to do it on terminal14:28
ruanfreakabcd: path is /etc/firefox/profile14:29
silverlightningpoint, is I am trying to burn an isoimage in brassero,14:29
bazhangsilverlightning, then do what I suggest.14:29
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: ok, what's your problem?14:29
ruanfreakabcd: i need to copy a folder to there, but i cant use the gui because i need super user14:29
jribruan: why do you need to copy a folder there?14:29
silverlightningand the isoimage is stored in firefox download, and is not easy to retrieve in the brassero functions14:29
ruanjrib: i need to use my old windows firefox profile14:30
Senjaihi ryniek14:30
freakabcdruan, /etc is most likely not writable by your user unless you have admin rights on the machine14:30
LogicallyDashingsilverlightning: in the firefox download window, right click on the image. Select Open Containing Folder.14:30
Fluttershysilverlightning: so are you saying you lost the .iso?14:30
LogicallyDashingThat will show you.14:30
ruanfreakabcd: i have admin rights14:30
ruanfreakabcd: but im not logged in as root14:30
kermitis there a way to be logged in to the remote desktop but still keep that desktop inaccessable at it's console?14:30
jribruan: your profile is in ~/.mozilla/firefox/ .  Though whether or not you can just copy it from windows, I do not know14:30
freakabcdruan, ah you want to copy your windows firefox profile ?14:30
LogicallyDashingkermit: sure, use vnc and not ssh14:30
azfarminhaj@jrib thanks a lot :D14:30
jrib!upgrade > azfarminhaj14:31
ubottuazfarminhaj, please see my private message14:31
silverlightningfluttershy, yes in a way, but it still is in the firefox download window, just not in the download folder when I look for it in brassero?14:31
ruanjrib: firefox profiles use the same format through all platforms14:31
jribazfarminhaj: there's a bug link at the bottom of the 10.04 -> 10.10 upgrade page if you are interested14:31
jribruan: ok then, use ~/.mozilla/firefox/14:31
azfarminhajhow do I see private message in irssi?14:31
ruanjrib: ok i'll try that14:31
freakabcdruan, cd ~/.mozilla/firefox14:31
jryda_ /query14:31
Fluttershysilverlightning: it stores it in the temporary folder if you select "open" and not "save"14:31
jryda_or /msg like any client14:31
kermitLogicallyDashing: yeah i'm using vnc, but when i log in, the local console logs in too.14:32
freakabcdruan, in there  you will see a xxxxxx.default directory14:32
LogicallyDashingkermit: the local console just opens by itself or something?14:32
Fluttershybut yes, try right-clicking it in the downloads window and select open containing folder14:32
freakabcdwithin this is where you want to copy the files of your profile from the windows partition/backup/etc.14:32
kermitLogicallyDashing: its just as if i entered my password locally14:32
ruanok now im going to copy the folder to there14:32
adub_i need to sign an encryption key via command line iwconfig wlan0 key *********   is not working14:32
LogicallyDashingadub_: the commandline you're using is to change the key you're using to log into a wireless network. Signing an encryption key is something totally different.14:33
ruanwhat do i use as "here"?14:33
ruansudo cp Downloads/profile here14:33
silverlightningthanks it is working14:33
freakabcdruan, could you pastebin the 'contents' of your profile dir on a pastesite?14:34
freakabcdjust to make sure you are copying the right things14:34
ruanits just a folder14:34
ruanim copying a folder to another dir14:34
sssHow can I make my ubuntu's partition smaller without losing files?14:34
LogicallyDashingruan: to copy a folder you usually have to use cp -r and not just cp14:34
erUSULadub_: iwconfig only wrks for wep. if you use wpa you have to use wpa_suplicant afaik14:34
ruanok thanks14:34
ruani'll try that14:34
LogicallyDashingsss, just use gparted like normal, if you have extra space left over it will work alright. Backup everything first!14:35
freakabcdyeah i know. take a screenshot or something. i want to know if you have the right stuff in there. i.e. Cache, chrome, extensions, *sqlite files, etc.14:35
adub_erUSUL thanks do i need to edit a file or something14:35
adub_or is there a specific command ican issue14:35
silverlightningfluttershy, and logicallydashing, it turned up where it should14:35
sssLogicallyDashing, Is all data in the start of the partition?14:35
erUSULadub_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo14:35
LogicallyDashingsss, not exactly but gparted knows enough about your filesystem to avoid deleting anything.14:36
freakabcdruan, i ask this because i do knot want you copying a directory containing your profile into ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/  as this will not work. firefox will simply ignore it14:36
sssLogicallyDashing, ok14:36
LogicallyDashingsss, that said, changing partitions *can* really mess up your filesystem14:36
ruanfreakabcd: i know the profile format14:36
Odaymhow do i enable roaming on my Server so i can SSH to it from outside my network using its public IP?14:36
LogicallyDashingOdaym: first install openssh-server, have you done that?14:37
sssLogicallyDashing, I'll backup. I already crashed my computer once...14:37
freakabcdgood. then simply: cp -r ~/Desktop/winfirefoxprofile/* ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxxx.default/14:37
Odaymi can access it from here14:37
Odaymbut when i go out of the house and use its public IP to ssh, it doesn't accept my password14:37
VeninI have ubuntu on a usb stick but want to get it on disk instead.. whats the best way of doing that?14:37
Odaymi did the ssh with -v Verbose, said roaming was not enabled14:37
LogicallyDashingOdaym: OK, then most likely your problem is with your router and not with your server. It's common for routers to not allow that type of connection.14:37
ruancp: cannot create directory ` ~/.mozilla/firefox/u6q2r7r7.default': No such file or directory14:37
ruanquite complicated, i wish there was a root switch14:38
LogicallyDashingruan: add the -P switch, to "create parents"14:38
LogicallyDashingruan: so, cp -rP14:38
ruansame error14:39
freakabcdruan, wait. the u6q2r7r7.default dir doesn;t exist?14:39
LogicallyDashingruan: There is a root switch, but it wouldn't be helpful here. Also, weird.14:39
fr00gHow do I make it so a specific user is unable to use a specific program located in /usr/bin?14:39
jribruan: you can use the gui to copy...14:39
ruanjrib: i need su to copy14:39
freakabcdruan, if it doesn;t exist then firefox *will* ignore the profile because it doesn;t know about it!14:39
jribruan: no you don't.  Not to your home14:39
LogicallyDashingfr00g: You can't technically do that, but you can set it so that only an arbitrary group of users can use that program.14:39
freakabcdruan, do this: firefox -ProfileManager14:39
ruanjrib: the profile isnt stored at home14:39
freakabcdthen create a default profile and exit14:39
freakabcdthen put the files within that dir14:40
fr00gWait, by default, each user has a group made for them, right?14:40
freakabcdif not firefox will simply ignore that profile as it doesn;t know about it!14:40
fr00gFor example user fr00g belongs to group fr00g14:40
jribruan: you can't use your windows profile as a regular user?14:40
ruanjrib: i cant copy it14:40
LogicallyDashingfr00g: Well, yes...14:40
jribruan: not my question.14:40
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ruanjrib: well i can use it, but i cant copy it so i cant determine whether i can use it14:40
jribruan: you are copying into your home.  ~ means /home/username14:41
freakabcdruan, (1) if the profiledir does *not* exist. there is no point creating it and putting your windows profile in there because FF *will* ignore it14:41
balouhi everyone,  how can i make it so when I log into my remote machines (via ssh)  the terminal is a different color. (i.e. reds for live, yellow for staging)14:41
freakabcdruan, (2) why do you need su to copy files into your *own* home dir?14:41
ruanfreakabcd: i dont think i have the right path14:41
VeninI have a ubuntu installation my usb key. How can I install that on HDD instead?14:41
freakabcdruan, cd ~/.mozilla/firefox; ls -l14:41
enavi need to install xserver-xgl   on 10.10   any help????14:41
freakabcddo you see any xxxx.default dir ?14:42
ruanfreakabcd: yes14:42
ruanjust tell me where the root switch is so that i can do it from the gui14:42
jribbalou: google "bash color prompt" and set PS1 in your ~/.bashrc on the server appropriately14:42
freakabcdruan, good. now: cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default14:42
fr00gLogicallyDashing, you said I can set it so that only certain users can access a program, how?14:42
jribruan: I don't understand why you don't listen14:42
hilarieWhy would Evolution-Alarm-Notify still be running on my system even after I have killed evolution mail client?14:42
freakabcderr i'll give the full command lest someone think i'm leading you astray14:42
ruanhold on, nevermind14:43
hilariekilled meaning un-installed14:43
freakabcdruan, good. now: cd ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default && rm -rf; cp -r ~/Desktop/windowsprofile/* .14:43
DjoefHi, 1) how private is Ubuntu one 2)is there guarantee for backup 3) Can you ask a backup on demand 4) Can you create Subversion repositories in your ubuntu one account ?14:43
enavi need to set up something like this   help pleas   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p3X7CdE2oc&feature=related14:43
LogicallyDashingfroog, chgrp <group> <program>. You'll probably need sudo. Then make sure that other people can't access the program: chmod o-rwx <program>.14:43
bazhangDjoef, asked in #ubuntuone yet?14:43
suigenerisdo you guys have an idea why I may be getting the errors at http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/xDmAedb9 ?14:44
LogicallyDashingfr00g, you'll need to add people to the group too, I do that with the graphical configuration tools14:44
fr00gOkay, thanks14:44
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LogicallyDashingfr00g: note that <program> is actually a path to the program executable, not just the name of the program... unless you're already in the same directory as the program...14:45
ruandone, it seems14:45
CodesleuthI'm looking at using our Ubuntu box for hosting some sort of SNMP log/database website for our office firewall; anybody got a recommendation of what to use? Got Apache2 and PHP ready14:46
jukLogicallyDashing: is $PATH<program> actually14:46
ruanbrb restarting14:46
LyukOCan Shell script do when i run daemon to shell script and use daemon's command?14:47
ArkwolfHello, I need some help if anyone can help me with installing VNC server onto ubuntu server14:47
aeon-ltd!vnc | Arkwolf14:47
ubottuArkwolf: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:47
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erUSULCodesleuth: cacti ? mrtg ?14:48
Arkwolfmy question isnt directly related to VNC14:48
hilarieif npviewer.bin is Firefox's Adobe Flash Player plugin. why would it be running when I haven't turned on firefox in many reboots?14:48
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Codesleuthhmm, I'll take a look, thanks erUSUL14:48
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:48
RoyKhi all. how can I allow a user to run specific gui programs? I have this user that wants to run 'GDebi Package Installer'... Is it possible to use sudo or similar for that?14:48
Arkwolfmy question is, how do I install KDE onto a server PC so it doesnt become a GUI and stays as a CLI14:49
suigenerisdo you guys have an idea why I may be getting the errors at http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/xDmAedb9 ?14:49
erUSULRoyK: you canmake him admin so it can use sudo with everything it wants or you can tweak sudoers so it can only run gdebi if that's what you want14:49
yaehahi guys. I have a windows network (simple) and I want my linux laptop to join for sharing printer and files. I can see the Windows Network icon but can't connect14:49
aeon-ltdArkwolf: X(xserver, it starts the GUIs) won#'t start if you don't start kdm (the login manager for KDE which starts X)14:50
craigbass1976What's this channel called?  I'm trying to look into the logs to see what someone said to me earlier14:50
jribthough allowing gdebi is basically allowing anything :)14:50
aeon-ltdcraigbass1976: #ubuntj14:50
aeon-ltdcraigbass1976: #ubuntu14:50
hilarieIn the system monitor, under processor time, is it MM:SS:MS?14:50
freakabcdArkwolf, simply install the kubuntu-desktop metapackage and disable kdm14:50
aeon-ltdcraigbass1976: sorry14:50
ruanntfs configuration tool does nothing on launch14:50
Arkwolfthats not my question aeon14:50
freakabcdor gdm is that is installed as well14:50
ArkwolfI havent installed KDE yet14:50
aeon-ltdArkwolf: but it answered it :)14:50
freakabcdArkwolf, that is the answer unfortunately :)14:51
ruani need to access my NTFS drive14:51
Arkwolfbecause if i use sudo apt-get installed kubuntu-desktop14:51
hilarie@ruan in what system?14:51
Arkwolfit will install the entire desktop onto the pc14:51
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Arkwolfi dont want that14:51
craigbass1976aeon-ltd, no problem.  I'm here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/02/18/%23ubuntu.txt and don't see anything when searching for my name14:51
ruanhilarie: on ubuntu 10.1014:51
freakabcdthen don;t install kubuntu-desktop14:51
Arkwolfi just want to know how i install it on the pc14:51
freakabcdand install only the packages you want14:51
aeon-ltdArkwolf: explain more, because thats what that package was designed for14:51
hilarieClick on places in the upper left hand side, between applications and system14:51
Arkwolfi want it so when I use VNC viewer, it will auto run KDE14:51
Arkwolfbut i havent got KDE installed yet14:51
hilarie@ruan then poke around there14:51
Arkwolfwhat is the command for it14:51
Arkwolfto install it, but not run it as default14:52
ruanhilarie: i cant find my ntfs drive, its not there14:52
freakabcdArkwolf, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?14:52
Arkwolflike gnome is sudo apt-get install gnome-core-files14:52
freakabcdwhat does gnome-core-files install?14:52
yaehahi guys. I have a windows network (simple) and I want my linux laptop to join for sharing printer and files. I can see the Windows Network icon but can't connect14:52
hilarie@ruan have you clicked around on everything there, they don't have the same naming scheme as on windows14:52
ruanhilarie: i dont see a second drive14:53
xyprotoDoes Ctrl-Alt-Backspace work in X in Ubuntu by default?14:53
freakabcdxyentei, no14:53
freakabcdxyproto, no14:53
xyprotofreakabcd: thank you14:53
freakabcdyou need to enable it14:53
freakabcdxyproto, Xorg disables it be default upstream and ubuntu keep the default14:53
hilarie@ruan have you seen it since you installed ubuntu?14:53
ruanhilarie: i could access it on the livecd but not on the installation14:54
Codesleuthis Cacti included in Ubuntu as a package?14:54
Codesleuthlooks exactly like what I need14:54
hilarieruan: You'll have to ask someone else, but I fear you may have keeled it accidentally during install,14:54
Jeruvy!info Cacti14:54
ubottuPackage Cacti does not exist in maverick14:54
Jeruvywrong name..14:54
ruanhilarie: i doubt that, it existed before boot14:54
Arkwolfso no one can help me with installing kde to work with vnc14:55
hilarieRuan: did you create a partition for it with the live cd?14:55
CodesleuthI've found a "how to" for cacti and ubuntu14:55
ruanhilarie: no, it was on a seperate drive14:55
yaehacannot see the XP computer in the network but can see the win7 one.14:55
franchoyhow do i uninstall plymouth manger? im using ubuntu 10.1014:56
JeruvyCodesleuth http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/web/cacti14:56
compdocArkwolf, its simple in gnome. whats not working?14:56
Codesleuth!info rrdtool14:56
ubotturrdtool (source: rrdtool): time-series data storage and display system (programs). In component main, is extra. Version 1.4.3-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 442 kB, installed size 1056 kB14:56
franchoyi want to uninstall it because it doesn't work14:56
Arkwolfcomp im going to pm you14:58
stowodahi there14:58
ruanhow do i view the contents of my ntfs drive14:58
majuk__Hey all. Trying to run gedit on X over SSH. Complains about not being able to find the system-file-manager icon and aborts. Anyone have an idea for a workaround?14:58
stowodahow can I search for directories in llinux?14:58
lightamajuk__,  use nano14:59
hilarieWhat is virtual memory?14:59
lightatry find or locate stowoda14:59
AbhijiThilarie, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_memory14:59
BluesKajruan, look in nautilus / places15:01
erUSULstowoda: "locate foo"15:01
hilarie@AbhijiT but wouldn't that be swap space?15:01
AbhijiThilarie, nope15:01
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:01
AbhijiThilarie, ^^^^15:01
ruanwhere is nautilus15:01
yaeha_cannot see the XP computer in the network but can see the win7 one.15:01
hilariewth is swap space lol15:01
franchoyi don't know if its just me, or there now few people who answers question here... i mean i'm a newbie and i need all the support that i can get...but most of the time my queries are not answered here:(15:02
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erUSUL!software | franchoy15:02
ubottufranchoy: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents15:02
freakabcdAbhijiT, care to elucidate on what the difference between "swap" and "virtual mem" are?15:03
souhebhow to see my hardware information??15:03
BluesKajruan, explore your panel and familiarize yourself with it , you'll find nautilus , it's the gnome file manager15:03
freakabcdsouheb, lspci   or hwinfo  etc15:03
AbhijiTfreakabcd, no15:03
erUSULsouheb: install lshw-gtk15:03
freakabcddepending on how much info you need15:03
erUSULsouheb: or sysinfo15:03
freakabcdAbhijiT, ok. from my view they are the same15:03
AbhijiTfreakabcd, again no15:04
ruanBluesKaj: ok, but where is my ntfs filesystem? i cant find it15:04
AbhijiTfreakabcd, hilarie http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/swapping-vs-paging-vs-virtual-memory-632924/15:04
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enavI NEED negative windows without using compiz15:06
Codesleuth"To install Cacti install the cacti package from the Universe Repository" hmm, I don't really know how to do this.15:06
hilarieWow that really just makes it worse15:06
JeruvyCodesleuth: check your settings in update-manager to see if the universe repo is enabled, if not enable it.15:06
CodesleuthJeruvy: I should point out I installed Ubuntu server15:07
JeruvyCodesleuth: ah so just cli then? ok.15:07
hilariemy swap has 27mb in it, Yet indicater applet session is using 322mb of virtual memory15:07
YouKayIs there a particular command in bash to select all the files and not folders? Wildcards *.* selects only those files which have extensions, but files without extensions are selected with *, but folders are also selected. :(15:07
hilarieIncidentally, how in the heck is that process taking up that much space...15:07
erUSULYouKay: enable extglobs and try !(*/)15:08
jribYouKay: no, use zsh :)  Or use find15:08
YouKayerUSUL: jrib: Ok, thanks. :)15:08
JeruvyCodesleuth: you'll need to edit /etc/apt/sources.lst to enable them15:09
freakabcdYouKay, perhaps #bash is the best place for that question. there are some very good people in there15:09
Codesleuthwhoa, I just tried sudo apt-get install cacti and it worked15:09
hilarieclock applet at 322?15:09
erUSULYouKay: it looks that that wont do it ...15:09
YouKayOk, thanks to you too, freakbcd.15:09
erUSULYouKay: find it is then15:09
hilarieCPU Freq 301, are these normal numbers?15:09
majuk__lighta, Yea, I have been, just wanted something a little prettier if possible.15:09
hilarieWeather 263...15:10
jribYouKay: in zsh, I would do... *(.)15:10
=== mue_ is now known as mue
YouKayjrib: Yeah, thanks. :)15:10
IppatsuManhilarie: virtual memory isn't really a good indicator of a process' memory usage because 1) it includes memory that it shares with other processes 2) it accounts for virtual memory, that is a different beast from actually used memory15:11
=== pareli1 is now known as pareLi
hilarieWhat is it then! I don't understand, my ubuntu install isn't even taking up as much space, and the virtual memory it's claiming15:12
IppatsuManhilarie: the best way to get the actual memory usage of a process that I could find is this: echo 0 $(cat /proc/`pidof PROCESSNAME`/smaps  | grep Pss | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's#^#+#') | bc15:12
hilarieIt's saying the chrome processes are taking up a little over 4gb15:13
=== mike is now known as Guest17014
hilarieMaybe I need to re-read those articals, I am so confused, brb15:13
IppatsuMan(of course you have to replace PROCESSNAME with the process you want to inspect). That command takes the memory actually allocated to the process and includes shared memory, but it divides shared memory by the number of processes that... well, share it15:13
Jeruvyhilarie: review this article:  http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/07/memory-swap-management/15:14
=== Guest17014 is now known as mike_123
ResQuei just added my local user account to the disk group. is there anyway i can apply these settings to my account without loging off and back on again.15:14
omorhi how are you15:14
Zoffix_Hey. Does anyone know a program that would show me bandwidth usage by *app*? All I seem to find is the ones that show only by interface...15:15
hilarie@Jeruvy hehe Let’s say you have 1 GB of main memory (don’t we all wish!).15:15
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
VeninI have a ubuntu installation my usb key. How can I move that to my HDD instead?15:17
missbosassalmu'alaikum wr wb15:18
AbhijiTVenin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=350815:18
missboscan help me15:18
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_
VeninAbhijiT: invalid thread15:18
AbhijiTVenin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3508715:19
AbhijiTZoffix_, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-linux.html15:19
AceRimmerWhat's the source path for Ubuntu? The make points to /usr/src/linux. I got 3 directories under /usr/src. Tried all 3 but get the same error15:19
AbhijiTZoffix_, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/bandwidth-monitoring-tools-for-ubuntu-users.html15:19
Zoffix_AbhijiT, I was just on the latter link, and I didn't find anything... Are you sure it's there?15:19
AbhijiTZoffix_, no15:20
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
GravIs it possible to resolve  libmagickwand-dev : Depends: libmagickcore-dev (= 7: but it is not going to be installed ?15:20
=== clay__ is now known as ClayG
ClayGjust installed the desktop version on a netbook, don't see wireless anywhere (gotta plug in) how do i install it?15:21
Gravor is ubuntu just telling me FU15:21
yellabs-r2hello all you good people15:22
jribGrav: well... do you have any idea why apt may be getting confused about dependencies? Have you installed things outside the repositories?  Or mixed repositories?  Or used unofficial repositories?15:22
Zoffix_Grav, I saw that message when I tried to select several gimp packages at once, but didn't show when I installed them one by one. Maybe try: sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev; sudo apt-get libmagickcore-dev; ?15:22
yellabs-r2i just got three servers : Hp proliant DL360 4p , what would you say, are they still any good for servers ?15:22
ruanwhats the command to list hard drives?15:23
ruanand filesystem etc15:23
Zoffix_Grav, err.. the second one being the package you actually want to install15:23
Zoffix_ruan, df -h15:23
varunHi everyone .I have been facing this weird problem in compiz and gdevilspie on lucid .First my gedit window does not go to the correct viewport coz it says that viewport 5 does not exist (it does) but this might be a devilspie issue.The second is when I open gedit and do a ctrl s then the save dialogue vanishes15:23
Jeruvyyellabs-r2: we don't provide opinions here, try #ubuntu-offtopic15:23
varunI have to go to another viewport and come back to view it15:23
GravZoffix_: I've tried it, but then iget more errors with othere dependencies, and then again and again15:23
Zoffix_Grav, *shrug* no idea.15:24
ruanit wasnt df15:24
ruani cant remember the name though, but i remember what it did15:24
ruanit showed the size in bytes15:25
Zoffix_ruan, what did it do? my `df` lists filesystems and drives...15:25
Zoffix_ruan, run `df` without the -h argument15:25
Gravjrib: I've made many things. I'm just trying to install imagemagick whole day and it's not working. Had tor reinstall gnome to fix some errors15:25
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »15:25
Zoffix_ruan, -h means "human readable", i.e. convert bytes to GB/MB, etc15:25
ruanhmm it was different.. i need it to get the name of my unmounted 40gb ntfs drive15:25
ruanso that i can mount it with ntfs-3g15:26
jribGrav: well it's important that you detail what you've done in the context of the questions I asked you15:26
ruanall i remember is that it took a -l switch15:26
ruanand it showed a lot of info15:26
jribruan: sudo fdisk -l15:26
Codesleuth!info ufw15:26
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a Netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version 0.30.0-1ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 140 kB, installed size 804 kB15:26
Gravjrib: How can I check if i got ok repositories? I'm using main server15:26
jribGrav: my questions are asking what you have done in the past15:27
Codesleuthdoes "sudo ufw allow 161" open TCP, UDP or both?15:27
Gravjrib: I just installed removed some packages, how far in past? I did many things on this computer15:28
ruanneed to mount /dev/sdb1 with ntfs-3g15:28
jribGrav: at any time, have you installed things outside the repositories?  Or mixed repositories?  Or used unofficial repositories?15:29
Vivekanandaanyone having similar issues like varun?15:29
Gravjrib: probalby.   I think problem here is later dependencies require liblcms-dev. But this package doesn't exists ?15:29
jribGrav: what version of ubuntu is this?15:30
Gravjrib: 10.10 32bit15:30
AbhijiTVivekananda, who is varun? what issue?15:30
jribGrav: the package installs fine here.  You're answering 3 questions with a single "probably".  That's not useful15:30
VivekanandaMy nick name15:30
Vivekanandaisssue is this---- Hi everyone .I have been facing this weird problem in compiz and gdevilspie on lucid .First my gedit window does not go to the correct viewport coz it says that viewport 5 does not exist (it does) but this might be a devilspie issue.The second is when I open gedit and do a ctrl s then the save dialogue vanishes15:31
Odaymah varun15:31
AbhijiT!details | Vivekananda15:31
ubottuVivekananda: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:31
jribGrav: pastebin: apt-cache policy libmagickwand-dev libmagickcore-dev     though being able to answer my earlier questions in more detail would help a lot.15:31
VivekanandaI have to go to another viewport and come back to view it15:31
Gravjrib: I don't know how can i explain what I have done on my computer from the system installation15:31
ruanfuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/ntfs/: No such file or directory15:31
jribruan: you must create mount points before using them15:32
ruanwhat is a valid mountpoint?15:32
ruanhow do i make one15:32
jribruan: sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs15:32
Gravjrib:  How about this error then liblcms1-dev : Depends: liblcms1 (= 1.18.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1.18.dfsg-1ubuntu2.10.10.1 is to be installed15:32
VivekanandaOdaym:I think the nick varun is taken by someone but xchat always logs me in with that nick and dont know why15:32
jribGrav: pastebin: apt-cache policy liblcms1-dev liblcms115:32
GravI know. I'm doing it15:33
ruani can finally access my ntfs drive :D15:33
VivekanandaAbhijitT:posted the Issue above.that helpful?15:33
YouKayVivekananda: For the first time I saw someone with the name of the famous Indian saint. ;)15:33
Gravjrib: https://gist.github.com/f706d0694c30cf76e65215:33
YouKay* nickname15:33
jribGrav: and my more recent request?15:34
Gravjgrib: Added it there too now15:35
Gravjrib: Added it there too now, Sorry for wrong nick15:35
=== drc is now known as varun
jribGrav: right, so now you have to figure out where liblcms1 version 1.18.dfsg-1ubuntu2.10.10.1 came from (to make sure it's the only issue)15:36
=== varun is now known as drc
Gravjrib: How do I figure it out?15:37
jribGrav: your memory15:37
ChikokishiMy wireless only connects to my internet, it wont connect to any public wireless (school, work, coffee shops, etc)15:37
Chikokishiany ideas why?15:37
KB1JWQChikokishi: Not without more to go on.15:38
Chikokishiit will connect for like 10 seconds, then disconnect again15:38
ruanweak signal?15:38
KB1JWQChikokishi: What do the logs say when it disconnects?15:38
Chikokishino, when i go over to my windows half of the computer ill see like 10 connections and i can connect to all the unprotected ones15:38
Chikokishion the ubuntu side ill only see like 3 and they wont stay connected15:38
VivekanandaYouKay:I do not want to keep it though.I am afraid I cannot do justice to a 1000th of it but I do like it a lot15:38
jribGrav: maybe you downloaded a .deb from somewhere and installed it?15:39
erUSULChikokishi: try installing newer drivers. « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic »15:39
missboswhat can help me please15:39
erUSUL!ask | missbos15:39
ubottumissbos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:39
am-dxinganyone know how to install ubuntu to a computer that has no I/O (no bootup via CD/USB) except for HD?15:39
Gravjrib: no. It would be only installed by other package15:39
KB1JWQam-dxing: PXE boot?15:39
VivekanandaAbhijitT:Did you see the issue?Could you comment on that ?15:39
uRockam-dxing, does it have a working OS?15:39
Philois there a better media player than the default?15:39
AbhijiTVivekananda, no comment15:40
jribGrav: ah, I see now what you have done.  You had maverick-security or maverick-updates enabled at some point and have them disabled now.  You should re-enable them, run apt-get update, and then try your install again15:40
am-dxinguRock: no, not really, just slackware15:40
Philois there a better media player than the default? (dunno if my way status changes whether this got sent)15:40
erUSULPhilo: vlc? smplayer?15:40
missbosi dont connect for site,but conect google only i have ubuntu 9.10remix WM please15:40
ruanhow do i add an entry to fstab?15:40
AbhijiTam-dxing, take hdd to another computer & install there15:40
erUSULruan: with a text editor15:40
erUSUL!fstab | ruan15:40
ubotturuan: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:40
am-dxingAbhijiT: will I encounter any grub errors when doing that?15:40
ruanyeah but its read only15:40
uRockam-dxing, if you can get it to boot, then you can use unetbootin to get ubuntu rocking it15:40
PhiloerUSUL, thanks, this one keeps resetting to the beginning every time I try to move the slider15:40
Gravjrib: This could be true. I have disabled all updates. They always break my system15:40
am-dxinguRock: no, it doesn't boot from USB and has no CD drive15:41
erUSULruan: you need to use sudo or gksudo15:41
uRockam-dxing, you won't need either for unetbootin15:41
am-dxinguRock: just set the destination to HD?15:41
ruanboot from hard drive?15:41
AbhijiTam-dxing, no. be sure have 'only' your 'this' hdd connectedthen u dont have grub issue15:41
ChikokishierUSUL: Thanks, ill check it out when i get to school today =)15:42
VivekanandaAnyone who could say something or give me any pointers is very welcome15:42
uRockam-dxing, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/15:42
Gravjrib: Looks like it's downloading packages now.15:42
am-dxinguRock: i have that installed on another computer, i'll give that a shot15:43
Gravjrib: How did you find that out?15:43
am-dxinguRock: thanks, i'll be back if it gives me any trouble, thanks again all15:43
=== Apophis is now known as Guest21836
bemjbHi all. I have a laptop (HP 8540w) with nvidia graphics, Ubuntu 10.10. The video switching button (fn-f4) just gives an error message about not being able to set the mode. I can set the mode with a script (disper/auto-disper), but I don't know the proper way to get a script mapped to the button. There is no mapping in the keyboard prefs for it, and it doesn't cause an ACPI event it looks like it is handled by gnome-settings-daemon, tho15:44
jahrome_hi room15:45
multiplatinumhey jahrome_15:45
uRockhi jar15:45
jahrome_bet now for your own Guttenberg Keyboard http://cgi.ebay.de/29053589524815:46
ruansudo chmod -r /etc/fstab ?15:46
dnivrahello. when I run 'apt-get update', it downloads package lists for natty. I am running maverick though! what is wrong? how can I make it download the maverick lists?15:46
BenkinoobyHi, this is a (sub-)networking question. If i connect 3 computers A,B,C (1 NIC each) to a switch, is it possible to enable communication A-B and A-C but prevent communication B-C at the same time only by subnetting?15:46
bemjb(I just noticed that I said "ugh.", but I swear I didn't type that. Ghost in the machine...)15:46
uRockjahrome_, is that all you came here for?15:47
multiplatinumjahrome_,  check my PM15:47
ruanit's tho-ugh.15:47
jahrome_i didn't get anything multiplatinum15:47
bemjbruan: duh. now the typo makes sense. :-)15:47
multiplatinumjahrome_,  you did, make sure you checked everything15:47
jahrome_uRock: actually, yes, i don't have other problems with my ubottu ;)15:48
uRock!ops spam jahrome_15:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:48
ruansudo chmod -r /etc/fstab  is this the right approach to editing fstab?15:49
apersonIs there a way to emulate a key being held down?15:50
erUSULruan: no;15:50
erUSULruan: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab15:50
ruanerUSUL: thanks15:50
Benkinoobyaperson, why'd you want to do that?15:50
franchoyhow to auto detect my headphones and disable laptop speakers/ im using maverick..can't find any answers online15:50
apersonBenkinooby↳ short answer: minecraft15:51
paulholbrookThere's a feature that prompts you with the appropriate package install command if you type a command and it isnt installed.  What package is that feature in?  (IE, I have  friend who sees that feature, but on my Ubuntu VPS, I don't see that feature.)15:51
Odaymbeware from Back In Time, it's a very unintelligible backup tool15:52
itaylor57minecraft must be some addicting game15:52
dnivrahow can I reload my gnome panel? currently i get an error when I try to add indicator applet. i would like to reset it so I can add the indicator applet to the panel.15:52
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tsimpsonpaulholbrook: command-not-found15:52
ruanaperson: is it shift?15:52
apersonruan↳ indeed15:52
Benkinoobyaperson, sorry can help you. i asked because i thought the problem could be solved otherways15:52
Odaymi was backing up now, and it had failed to backup one file that i new was damaged, so it finalized and said it was completed successfully while in reality it stopped there and didnt continue15:52
jribGrav: I googled the version you had, and saw it come up in launchpad :)15:52
ruanaperson: there is a way to hold shift without emulating the key, but i dont know if it works on ubuntu15:52
paulholbrooktsimpson: thanks!15:53
apersonruan↳ I'm aware15:53
abdel_hi people15:53
apersonruan↳ currently, I know of no way to achieve it on linux15:53
Benkinoobyruan: are you speaking about caps-lock?15:53
ruanpress i and shift roughly at the same time15:53
ruanit is java so im not sure if that is shared15:53
ruanthat glitch or whatever it is15:54
Gravjrib:  Thanks a lot. I would have never found it without your help.15:54
jribGrav: no problem15:54
misha680hi guys, if I am setting up a development environment on a late 2010/early 2011 MacBook Pro for work on the Wine project with 8 gb of RAM, would I be better off installing 32 bit Ubuntu with PAE or 64 bit?15:54
misha680My understanding is that some drivers work better on 32 bit...15:54
abdel_please this question is quite diferent but just thought I should ask:15:54
MrMintanet2I have a hard drive hooked up to a Vantec USB to IDE/SATA adapter.  The disk that is plugged into it positively contains data, but the drive does not show anything.  How can I get this drive to mount without formatting it?  I have a lot of data on it.15:55
abdel_please can anybody help me with jn0-120 latest dumps (2010 - 2011)15:55
AceRimmerlooking for a how-to for compiling for a different kernel version  then what i'm currently booted on15:55
sipiormisha680: start with 64-bit. if your hardware works, stick with it.15:55
misha680sipior: ok will try thx15:55
ruanMrMintanet2: is it NTFS? what type of file system is it?15:55
MrMintanet2How can I check?15:55
MrMintanet2I truly do not know15:55
MrMintanet2ruan, I would assume NTFS, but I am not 100% sure15:55
apersonxsendkeycode seems to be what I'm looking for15:56
Martin_vWHi, I'm having troubles with my keyboard layouts - Ubuntu always screws them up when I login. I want to have two layouts: US and German-nodeadkeys. US should be default, and German-nodeadkeys should only be used as long as I press the toggle button Caps Lock. If I configure this and do a logout & login, then is a third layout is suddenly automatically added to the list: German (with dead keys). Also, although the keyboard applet indicates US as the curre15:56
abdel_anybody with jn0-120 dumps please15:57
MrMintanet2ruan, I have no idea... :S15:57
abdel_kingly help me out15:57
ruan forgot the command :S15:58
JeruvyMrMintanet: use the disk utility tool to find out if it mounted and what it is.    System -> administration -> Disk Utility15:58
ruanwhy is my desktop wallpaper rotating?15:59
MrMintanet2Jeruvy, It shows the disk, but no information.15:59
MrMintanet2It is /sdb15:59
uRockruan, right click the desktop and choose a non rotating wall paper15:59
sneakyimpanyone around :D16:00
plmxAnyone here that knows what MOD4-Q is supposed to do? It puts my computer in standby, even when I redefine mod4-q (windows-q) to some other action. In preferences/keyboard shortcuts, MOD4-Q is not mapped at all.16:00
MrMintanet2Jeruvy, I think this disk may be NTFS16:00
AbhijiT!ask | sneakyimp16:00
ubottusneakyimp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:00
uRocksneakyimp, what is plaging you?16:00
sneakyimpi can't login into ubuntuforums.org16:01
Harpyaslolz jkjk16:01
uRocksneakyimp, the forums are having issues today16:01
sneakyimpok hew16:01
MrMintanet2Jeruvy, I think this disk may be NTFS16:01
uRocksneakyimp, servers started messing up last night16:01
JeruvyMrMintanet: It must say something, can you screenshot it and upload it?16:01
aeiahalthough i can log in just fine. maybe im special16:01
MrMintanet2It says the disk's serial no.16:01
MrMintanet2I am installing MountManager16:01
MrMintanet2I will update16:01
sneakyimpanother issue...rather tangential but still hoping for help.  I'm trying to get Eclipse/PDT to help me debug local Apache/PHP install16:01
ruaninstall the ntfs config tool16:02
Jeruvy!enter | MrMintanet16:02
ubottuMrMintanet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:02
Harpyascan i spam?16:02
ruanor mountmanager if it works16:02
Odaymsneakyimp problem getting Eclipse you mean?16:02
DaGeek247!guidelines | Harpyas16:02
ubottuHarpyas: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:02
MrMintanet2Harpyas, Spam away.16:02
akaustavHi people. Is there a way to set Ubuntu 10.10 to keep the NTFS partitions mounted with execute permissions on even after restart?16:02
Harpyasnaw, i dont want 2 b banned16:02
sneakyimpI have Eclipse debugging CLI just fine, but whenever I try to debug as web page, it just launches firefox and runs the entire script, ignoring break points16:02
Odaymyes this is a problem i have with Netbeans as well16:03
Odaymbreakpoints are an issue16:03
MrMintanet2People who pipe ubottu nags are QQ babies.  Don't worry.16:03
Odaymjust goes over them like nothing16:03
uRockHarpyas, do you have an Ubuntu related question?16:03
BenkinoobyHi, this is a (sub-)networking question. If i connect 3 computers A,B,C (1 NIC each) to a switch, is it possible to enable communication A-B and A-C but prevent communication B-C at the same time only by subnetting?16:03
Odaymput more16:03
FloodBot3Odaym: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:03
sneakyimpi realize this is rather specific topic for ubuntu forums, but thought there might be devs here to help16:03
Odaymwith Netbeans when i put more, it sometimes works16:03
=== soee is now known as soee-afk
Harpyas@uRock no im just here to listen16:04
Harpyasim bored16:04
skaWhats a good solid desktop printer with ethernet for ubuntu?? recommendations?16:04
Harpyasi dont even have ubuntu16:04
misha680if I use 32-bit with PAE, am I still able to use regular 32 bit drivers?16:04
sipiormisha680: yes.16:04
jukakaustav: partitions don't have permissions so far16:04
misha680sipior: great, thank you16:05
lcukHey, my ubuntu has a desktop picture that is linked in the gconf settings to an unmounted folder, but the picture is still visible - can anyone tell me where the setting is stored?16:05
lcukerrr cached16:05
MrMintanet2How do I format a drive that has gone queer?16:05
akaustavjuk: I am not sure what that means.16:06
tsimpson!language | MrMintanet216:06
ubottuMrMintanet2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:06
sacarlsonHarpyas: well if you smart maybe you can help some people here with questions you know about,  they will love you for it16:06
juklcuk: somewhere in  /usr/share/backgrounds/16:06
MrMintanet2tsimpson, Is there something wrong with using the word "queer"?16:06
jukakaustav: me too16:06
freakabcdtsimpson, lol. queer meaning ;strange;16:06
sipiorMrMintanet2: you should accept the drive as it is, and appreciate what makes it special.16:06
Harpyaswhat were its parents both gay16:06
freakabcdplease check on dict.org if you wish16:06
tsimpsonMrMintanet2: depending on the context, sure16:06
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
lcukjuk, that does not sound right: its user configurable and not system16:07
lcukits a photo from my camera16:07
MrMintanet2tsimpson, Was the context of my question inappropriate or offensive?  If so, please elaborate as to how it was, and I will retract my comment.  Otherwise, I am afraid I will have to continue using the dreaded word "queer".16:07
juklcuk: ah16:07
lcukthanks for tip though, I am looking there16:07
DaGeek247MrInternet it should be possible with gparted.16:07
MrMintanet2tsimpson, To be frank, I find your language pipe gripe a bit queer.16:07
juklcuk: run serach under home then16:08
tsimpsonMrMintanet2: the factoid is informational, now stop trying to bait me16:08
MrMintanet2!idiot | tsimpson16:08
juk!atitude | MrMintanet2:16:08
MrMintanet2A bit sensitive?16:09
jukMrMintanet2: no, you shouldn't point it out16:09
DaGeek247MrInternet yes, so its wise to not be mean.16:09
BluesKaj!COC | MrMintanet216:10
ubottuMrMintanet2: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .16:10
Benkinoobywhat is the best place to ask subnetting questions?16:10
MrMintanet2What a joke.16:10
tsimpsonBenkinooby: for general network stuff, ##networking16:10
Benkinoobytsimpson, thank you16:10
raidoBenkinooby: BTW, ipcalc will be your friend16:11
Wulfyradio do it the proper way and get some pen and paper! (shudders from the thought of ccna)16:11
raidoWulfy: Yikes!16:12
raidodashua: Fellow Jerseyan?16:13
ajitamHi I can't get samba to work.  I did "smbpasswd -a <username>" added user to /etc/samba/smbusers and add sharing to smb.config16:14
uRockraido, I cheat and use IPCalc as well16:14
raidouRock: Thats not cheatin. Its sanity preservation.16:15
MrMintanet2How do you force unmount?16:15
raidoMrMintanet2: -f16:15
Odaymmaybe ..16:15
FloodBot3Odaym: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:15
MrMintanet2radio, Can you be more specific?16:16
sneakyimpCan anyone tell me how to get Eclipse to work debugging PHP scripts run via Apache?  I have eclipse debugging PHP via CLI just fine but when I try to "debug as web page" then it just launches a browser that runs the entire script, ignoring all my breakpoints.16:16
uRockfloodbot ftw!16:16
raidoumount -f /dev16:16
sneakyimpyes, this is on Ubuntu16:16
jukMrMintanet2: kill processes which binds on it16:16
uRockFunnyLookinHat, cloak is no good when you let it log you into a room before freenode accepts the password, just saying16:17
FunnyLookinHatuRock, guess it's a good thing I don't really care about being cloaked...  ;)16:18
Lantiziaare there any tools that can copy files... but can handle copying from a linux filesystem to a dos one correctly? (as in deal with symbols a dos filesystem can't handle)16:18
uRockFunnyLookinHat, 8)16:18
IndeedeHi, I'm trying to install libsfml-audio1.5 but it cant locate the package, is there a repository I need to add to my source list?16:18
MrMintanet2When I try to unmount a drive, I get the following error:  "Failed to unmount.  Cannot open /media/.hal-mtab.16:18
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
Logan_WP!info libsfml-audio1.5 | Indeede16:18
ubottuIndeede: Package libsfml-audio1.5 does not exist in maverick16:18
=== zz_q_a_z_steve is now known as q_a_z_steve
Indeedeso i'm SOL?16:19
Logan_WPIndeede: it seems to have only existed in Lucid16:19
drcsneakyimp: there is a eclipse channel here (#eclipse)...might get more help there16:19
MrMintanet2radio, I do not have "unmount" as a valid command.16:19
sneakyimpdrc: thx!16:19
abdel_how ya doing16:19
Logan_WP!ot | abdel_16:19
ubottuabdel_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:19
uRockthere is a #apache, but there are only 9 people there16:19
raidoMrMintanet2: "umount"16:19
MrMintanet2Logan_WP, Get friends.16:20
Logan_WPexcuse me?16:20
kothaguy_Ubuntu1which is the best version which supports sd card and battery for acer aspire one 532h(A0532h)16:20
sivanghi all16:20
sivangis there an ubuntu tablet with touch support already?16:20
Logan_WP!attitude | MrMintanet216:20
ubottuMrMintanet2: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:20
tsimpsonIndeede: libsfml-audio1.6 is the one in maverick16:20
uRockMrMintanet2, you haven't made many yourself16:20
MrMintanet2uRock, That's because a vast majority of you are smug.16:21
Logan_WPsivang: the last time I checked, no, I do not think there is a mass-market Ubuntu tablet16:21
jukMrMintanet2: pastebin output of mount16:21
sacarlsonLantizia: for one what dos format are you talking about fat16? fat32?, ntfs?  what files are you playing with?16:21
MrMintanet2juk, Got it, thanks though.16:22
Lantiziasacarlson, all of them fat16/32/ntfs... every day files that include chars like : and \16:22
sivangLogan_WP: I just want a proper tablet UX for my ideapad16:22
sivangLogan_WP: is there something for it?16:22
sacarlsonLantizia: do they need to be opened in dos?  or can they just be tar'ed and moved there?16:22
Lantiziasacarlson, they need to be opened in dos/windows yes16:23
Indeedewhat happens when 1.5 is listed as a dependency, will the install fail?16:23
sacarlsonLantizia: well there are tools to rename files like pyrename if file names are your only problem16:24
marchingknight11can someone help me get my nvidia graphics driver working on 10.1016:24
tsimpsonIndeede: it will probably fail, yes16:24
Lantiziasacarlson, i don't want something to rename my original files... i want something that can copy my files and handle naming the destination file appropriately for the filesystem it's going to16:25
Hotmedal10.04 here and strage problem: windows become unresponsive to mouse by varying degrees, alt+tab doesn't work, along with other window switching key combos16:25
MrMintanet2Does anyone experience a problem with Pandora over Adobe AIR?  I have a strange black box at the bottom of my window, and it drives me crazy!16:26
marchingknight11anyone have help with nvidia graphics driver for 10.1016:26
sacarlsonLantizia: well again you don't say what type of file or application you are playing with,  why not just tell the originator not to use those symbols16:26
Hotmedalbut inside the window, everything works fine16:26
jukask | marchingknight1116:26
juk!ask | marchingknight1116:26
ubottumarchingknight11: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:26
Lantiziasacarlson, and again your missing the point, it doesn't matter what type of file or what application opens them... the files are named the way they are and that is that16:27
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, Click System, Administration, Third Party Drivers, and see if your video card shows up.16:27
NielsMknerm what?!16:27
biligHello, Ubuntu  netbook 10.10 on HP mini, I need to disable touchpad while typing any one knows how to do that?16:27
NielsMknHow is this channel different from the omg!ubuntu! channel? :S16:27
=== Philo is now known as Agape
MrMintanet2bilig, Disable "while typing"?  I could see it being able to be disabled fully, but not "while typing".16:28
jukbilig: isn't it supposed to be in HP handbook16:28
uRockNielsMkn, this channel is for people seeking help not memes16:28
Lantiziasacarlson, lets say the file is called...  "File: sacarlson is 'missing' \the\ point" which is perfectly valid on Linux... on windows it's not due to the :, the ', and the \... I want something that can copy that file to a dos/win filesystem and appropriately deal with the issue16:28
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: there is no system>administratio>third party drivers16:28
tsimpsonNielsMkn: this is the official Ubuntu support channel, the omg ones are not16:28
NielsMknah I see16:28
Hotmedalso... no takers for weird problem?16:28
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, Sorry.  "Additional Drivers".  Not "Third Party"16:28
MrMintanet2It's the first thing that lists in the menu when you click "Administration"16:28
NielsMknbtw is proxy support going to be added to ubuntu one in 11?16:29
MrMintanet2Hotmedal, Reboot your computer.16:29
HotmedalI do that EVERY TIME it happens16:29
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: i get nvidia accelerated graphics driver.  when i install it and reboot, i get only a command prompt, no gnome16:29
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, Do you have google handy?16:30
sacarlsonLantizia: well you would need to rename it since the symbols are part of the file name.  maybe you need this tool too rename back again to it's original. so maybe just package it inside a tar file that still supports the filename structure it started from16:30
humboltwhy bothering to create yet another window manager16:30
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, It would be best to use it.  There are about 20 different guides that explain how to do this step-by-step.16:30
humboltthis is such a stupid move16:30
biligMrMintanet2, well i have searched on google and some people have been talking about this, they say go to System>Preferences ... but i cant find System>Preferences anywhere16:30
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: and ive tried them all16:30
humboltwhile of course, the wayland move makes a lot of sense16:31
uRock!google | MrMintanet216:31
Lantiziasacarlson, i don't want a tar!16:31
ubottuMrMintanet2: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:31
sacarlsonLantizia: there are many things to package a file or just a tool to rename your choice16:31
humbolthowever, Linux is a really bad development environment. Things move to quickly and nerver become stable16:31
Logan_WP!ot | humbolt16:32
ubottuhumbolt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:32
jukhumbolt: stop16:32
Lantiziasacarlson, and such a tool isssss? oh look were back at my question :P16:32
MrMintanet2You guys are way too sensitive.16:32
sacarlsonLantizia: well not hard to write a bash file with sed to do it16:32
marchingknight11and you have yet to say a helpful word16:32
Logan_WPMrMintanet2: if you continue to criticize us, you will be kicked from this channel16:32
sacarlsonLantizia: for rename that is16:32
Hotmedalthe only window that I am capable of acessing is this chat16:33
biligdoes any one know how to go to system preferences in ubuntu netbook?16:33
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, Give me a moment, and I will look it up on google for you.16:33
Hotmedalso I have nothing else to possibly do16:33
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, What video card do you have installed?  Nvidia   _______  ?16:34
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: 310M16:34
researcher1hello friends16:34
shibbolethanyone here have any experience getting linksys ae1000 USB wireless adapter to work?16:34
Logan_WPresearcher1: hello friend16:34
Logan_WP!anyone | shibboleth16:34
ubottushibboleth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:34
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, Are you 32 or 64 OS?16:34
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: 6416:34
NielsMknerm I can't even keep up!16:35
calculatelinuxI am ubuntu user :P16:35
sacarlsonLantizia: I have an idea for your script make a directory for dos that is just sym links of the dos format that your bash file will translate to the linux/mac/bsd format in another directory that keeps the files16:35
researcher1its so nice that there are so many helpful perosns16:35
calculatelinuxI need information how to get information about network traffic16:35
NielsMknThis is madness!16:36
Hotmedalno, sparta...16:36
NielsMknhah thought so :P16:36
juk!weireshark | calculatelinux16:36
juk!wireshark | calculatelinux16:36
NielsMknso why ubuntu and not linux mint? :o16:36
juk!info wireshark16:37
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer - GTK+ version. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.11-4build0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 714 kB, installed size 1812 kB16:37
Lantiziasacarlson, I'm just going to make a wrapper for cp but the point of me asking was to see if such a tool ALREADY EXISTED! to prevent me from remaking what has likely already been made16:37
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10169674&postcount=216:37
DJonescraigbass1976: NielsMkn Thats not really a support question, you're probably best asking that in #ubuntu-offtopic16:38
NielsMknoh thanks16:38
HotmedalI have an on-topic question ...16:38
sacarlsonLantizia: that should also work,  and you could be right something might already exist that's better,  I just don't work with dos so I can not say16:38
* Hotmedal doing nothing16:39
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: i don't understand.  first my problem is not a blank screen, its a lack of a desktop.  second, this suggests a problem with booting from a live cd, not on an installation16:39
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: to clarify, i get a terminal, but no gnome16:39
sacarlsonLantizia: but you could write your cp in bash with sed16:39
novoidI failed in creating a bootable USB stick using OS X, WindowsXP Pro, and Debian GNU/Linux :-(16:39
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, type startx16:40
MrMintanet2What happens?16:40
novoidWhat does this usb-creator tool do? Just dd the content to the stick?16:40
marchingknight11mrmintanet2: i get an error that says no display found or something.  i currently have the driver uninstalled so i can seek help16:40
NielsMknok I'm out16:40
kalle_kaninHi, I'm running win7 and jolicloud on separate partitions on my netbook. Yesterday jolicloud did som system updates, and now It's booting directly, without the boot loader/grub giving me the option to choose between booting win7/jolicloud. Is there any easy way I can make this boot loader appear again? All i have is my netbook without optical drive, internet and an 8Gig usb drive.16:41
Odaymi can't enter #java..invite only16:41
Odaymdo you know if i can write J2ME and have it work with Nokia?16:41
Odaymand what is Qt (Nokia)16:41
AbhijiT!register | Odaym16:41
MrMintanet2marchingknight11, try this command, please.  lspci | grep VGA16:41
ubottuOdaym: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:41
Odaymis it there programming language?16:42
Odaymit's invite only, AbhijiT16:42
lestatOdaym: no it's not16:42
AbhijiTOdaym, you need to register your nick16:42
lestatOdaym: you just need a registered nick name16:42
tsimpsonOdaym: Qt is a development toolkit based on C++16:42
drcOdaym: ##java may work16:42
tsimpsonyou need to be registered to join ##java16:42
Odaymi identified16:43
Odaymit worked, thank you16:43
HotmedalMEANWHILE: a silent lurker lurks unwillingly16:43
BluesKajso why lurk ? :)16:43
novoidSomebody can help me getting a bootable USB stick with 10.10?16:43
Hotmedalbecause I can not do anything else16:43
Hotmedalcan't change focused window16:44
bonjoyeenovoid: did you try startup disk creator in ubuntu?16:44
juk!usb | novoid16:44
ubottunovoid: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:44
Hotmedalcan't even move or resize the current window16:44
Logan_WP!repeat | Hotmedal16:44
ubottuHotmedal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:44
novoidbonjoyee: well, that's the fun thing: I do not have Ubuntu yet. So I tried the described method in OS X, WinXP Pro and even a dd in Debian GNU/Linux. Non of them worked.16:44
sosaitedReally off-topic, but I can't find any other way to get an answer to this. Can someone PLEASE tell of a Youtube clip which has a sarcastic "I am sorry" ?16:44
juknovoid: unetbootin?16:45
HotmedalLogan_WP appreciate the advice, but I can't go to that website16:45
MrMintanet2Hotmedal, Can you at least open terminal?16:45
Hotmedalor do anything else16:45
Hotmedala terminal is opened (irssi)16:45
MrMintanet2Can you access it?16:45
researcher1whats the way to correct the fingerprint error16:45
MrMintanet2Hotmedal, Try this:  sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:46
sacarlsonnovoid: well if you have windows already then unetbootin seems most people get working as I see juk already has told you16:46
juknovoid: you should make it bootable, not just dd16:46
novoidjuk: what's this unetbootin?16:46
Logan_WP!unetbootin | novoid16:47
ubottunovoid: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:47
sacarlsonjuk: I think dd will make a bootable if the image is setup to be bootable16:47
AbhijiT!unetbootin | novoid16:47
juknovoid: yes check it too16:47
novoidjuk: make it bootable? cfdisk showed 2GB of free space after dd - nothing to select to make it bootable :-(16:47
ktc1hello ubuntu-people. i have a question. when i try to use my webcam/microphone over tinychat/skype, a window appears that says "click allow, close or try again" but there is no "allow" button.. only close and try again.. anyone have any clue how to allow this?16:47
novoidIf I want to test Ubuntu without modifying my hdd first, do I have to create a persistent USB stick upfront or can I test and afterwards instal Ubuntu using the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick ?16:49
MrMintanet2novoid, Yes.  That's how it works.16:49
HotmedalMrMintanet2 I did it, to no effect16:49
sneakyimpHow does one add programs to the applications menu?16:49
MrMintanet2Hotmedal, did you reboot?16:49
MrMintanet2Try rebooting16:49
novoidMrMintanet2: Sorry, my question was this *or* that and now I do not know what you mean by "yes" ;-)16:50
ndangah, my mouse works at login -- however when getting in my user account it isn't working -- its a laptop mouse16:50
MrMintanet2novoid, You can do it either way...16:50
novoidMrMintanet2: ah, OK. then I have to do the complicated long list of commands only once ;-) Why is creating Ubuntu-USB-stic so complicated? grml.org needs just one single dd-command!16:51
ktc1is there anyone available to help me?16:51
Logan_WP!anyone | ktc116:51
ubottuktc1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:51
MrMintanet2novoid, I would think the "complicated" part of this is that you don't know what you're doing.  What operating system are you using to create the USB boot?16:52
ktc1when i try to use my webcam/microphone over tinychat/skype, a window appears that says "click allow, close or try again" but there is no "allow" button.. only close and try again.. anyone have any clue how to allow this?16:52
ndanubuntu usb stick?   i either user unetbootin or usb-disk-creator-gtk16:52
MrMintanet2ktc1, What is your question?16:52
ktc1mrmintanet2: didnt you see it?16:53
ndanwhy isn't my mouse working when i log into the user but works at log in?  this happens sometimes with my keyboard -- sticky keys get turns on but i didn't see nething in accessibility16:53
novoidMrMintanet2: Oh I am familiar with cfdisk and dd but I do think that this process is pretty complicated. Take a look at grml.org. They need one single dd and that is it. I am using Debian GNU/Linux to create the Ubuntu-Stick. I also found debs of this usb-creator-gtk but it does not work at all :-(16:53
MrMintanet2ktc1, It would really help a lot if you would post an accurate "quotation" of your error message.  Try to repost the error verbatim.16:54
MrMintanet2novoid, Why not just create a live CD?16:54
ktc1MrMintanet2: ill pm you, is that ok?16:54
novoidMrMintanet2: my latptop has no optical drive.16:54
novoidMrMintanet2: lenovo X200s16:54
MrMintanet2ktc1, No.  Post in the forum so people don't think I'm a worthless guy16:55
=== ndan is now known as nadan
cannonballMy sound stopped working after this last update yesterday (10.10).  I used ubuntuforums advice and removed linux-sound-base, alsa-base, and alsa-utils, then reinstalled them.  It says "grep: /proc/asound/cards: No such file or directory".16:55
bilighello, please help, im getting crazy, i need to go to System>Preferences in Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 anyone?16:55
cannonballI can modprobe snd-hda-intel and it loads everything and works.16:55
ruanwhat are the chances of an ubuntu update failing?16:56
MrMintanet2cannonball, Check third party drivers in Administration?16:56
cannonballWhat do I need to put (I assume in /etc/modules) to make snd-card-0 alias to snd-hda-intel?16:56
cannonballHmm, now that it's loaded, I'm going to try removing and reinstalling the packages.  BRB16:56
UbuN2hi i was wondering is there always a ip connected too ubuntu for updates or something16:56
=== Agape is now known as Philia
MrMintanet2UbuN2, Can you rephrase the question...?16:57
UbuN2i dont get why i see a ip connected to me all the time from netherlands16:57
biligHello , is there a way to go to System>Preferences in Ubuntu netbook?16:57
MrMintanet2UbuN2, What is the IP address...?16:57
UbuN2no matter wht i do its always connected to ubuntu16:58
sacarlsonnovoid: well what I have used is install from boot direct from an iso image on hard disk with grub2,  if you already have debian installed you can probly use that16:58
novoidschmidtm: sorry: lilo16:58
Hotmedalok so I did sudo shutdown now to while ubuntu was downloading packages for 10.10 and while shutting down it got stuck at the terminal screen (with colored asterisks) so  I pressed the power button for a while16:58
Hotmedalno lasting damage, I hope?16:58
ktc1MrMintanet2: http://i.imgur.com/c5upb.png <- this is the problem16:58
Hotmedal*to in first line is typo16:59
sacarlsonnovoid: with something like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860417:00
UbuN2Any idea MrMintanet217:00
juknovoid: i didn't find anywhere where using only dd and cfdisk17:00
MrMintanet2UbuN2, What ports is it using?17:00
MrMintanet2ktc1, Install Adobe Flash...17:00
sacarlsonnovoid:  cool new thing that grub2 has is boot from iso,  lilo last I looked can't do it17:01
MrMintanet2ktc1, Install Adobe Flash from the software center.17:01
ktc1MrMintanet2: : i have adobe flash installed17:01
juknovoid: ubuntu help they use fdisk ubuntu iso and syslinux loader17:01
ktc1MrMintanet2: hmm, okay17:01
MrMintanet2ktc1, "Adobe" flash...17:01
UbuN2just gonna check MrMintanet217:01
MrMintanet2UbuN2, I looked, but can't find anything useful17:01
juknovoid: scroll to the footer there's usfull links17:01
ymonirhello guys - i have problem to watch  avi file = i dont know how to solve it - any help17:02
juknovoid: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar17:02
ktc1MrMintanet2: adobe flash plugin is the only one, except "adobe flash plugin for mozilla" which i have.17:02
RzaRzaI have a question regarding OTR encryption, anyone here using it?17:02
MrMintanet2UbuN2, This is what I found:  I'm sure you probably already have this...  http://who.is/whois/eurorings.net/17:02
MrMintanet2ktc1, Let's try this...17:03
itaylor57UbuN2: how are you determing you have that connection?17:03
juk!partitioning | cfdisk poor choise novoid:17:03
ubottucfdisk poor choise novoid:: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap17:03
ResQuei get a strange errpr when i try to run apt-get update. any ideas guys? "Buss Error (core dumped). 0&""17:03
yuani'm try linux17:04
rokyronnieI've a problem17:04
novoidIf there is any developer reading this: take a look at grml.org live distro: they offer a LOT easier way to get a bootable stick or install their system. I do think that Ubuntu can be optimized here a lot.17:04
UbuN2netstat -ntup | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n17:04
UbuN2netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n17:04
ymonirok - some how i solved the problem17:05
ResQuewhen i run apt-get update i get this error "Reading package lists... Error!17:05
ResQueE: Read error - read (14: Bad address)". can anyone help me please?17:05
juknovoid: so go for it why asking17:05
UbuN2think its port 8017:05
UbuN2nope one second17:05
MrMintanet2ktc1, Try this:  http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/completion/?installer=Flash_Player_10.2_for_Linux_(.deb)17:06
MrMintanet2ktc1, Copy/Paste the entire link (including the17:06
MrMintanet2ktc1, Copy/Paste the entire link (including the (.deb) part).17:06
MrMintanet2novoid, Are you using the same USB?  Perhaps the USB is at fault...?17:17
LinuxNoobbut, for my question, when i boot up , get past bios, and post, right before the login screen where i enter my ubuntu login and password, it gives me a bunch of errors one i can rememeber being i950 or osmething like that17:17
novoidquestion related to encrypted $HOME: is there a fixed size for that or grows/shrinks the encrypted $HOME with its used content size?17:17
LinuxNoobie95..etc.. and i get a few more errors17:17
novoidMrMintanet2: yes, I am sure.17:17
madwilli do not feel like lts means its more stable in a computer running services17:17
thamsMy Ubuntu won't boot. It displays the boot splash screen and doesn't go beyond. What can I do?17:17
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.17:17
MrMintanet2novoid, Obviosuly there isn't some "black magic" going on here.  You obviously have a bigger problem going on...  Are you sure your system is configured to boot to USB devices properly in the BIOS?17:17
madwillok i got it ;)17:17
UbuN2yep MrMintanet2 port 8017:17
novoidMrMintanet2: I can't test it again with another stick because the only WinXP Computer here at our institute is maintained by the admins and I have to go and get an admin to enter Adminstrator password every time this Ubuntu-tools starts. And it quits after each error. -> dumb tool :-(17:17
novoidMrMintanet2: yes, I can boot any other live dstro without problme.17:17
UbuN2strange thanks for trying anyways :)17:17
MrMintanet2novoid, are you sure your downloaded Ubuntu .iso isn't corrupt?17:17
juknovoid: i told you try unetbootin and other websites17:17
ruancheck the md5sum17:17
novoidMrMintanet2: good point. Let's check ...17:17
ktc1MrMintanet2: I solved the problem, found solution here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1526092    -   thanks for trying to help and im stupid that i didnt search more on the web.17:17
apocalyptiqjuk: it adds x to files and directories17:17
MrMintanet2ktc1, I am an idiot.  Don't thank me.  :)17:17
juk!details | apocalyptiq17:17
ubottuapocalyptiq: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:18
novoidWhere can I get the md5sums of the Ubuntu-ISOs?17:18
MrMintanet2On the download page17:18
ktc1MrMintanet2: why would you say that? you tried to help me and for that i am thankful :)17:18
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:18
juk!md5 > novoid17:18
ubottunovoid, please see my private message17:18
novoidjuk: Sorry, my Windows admin has hit weekend and without admin password, those tools do nothing.17:18
MrMintanet2ktc1, Modesty :)  Glad to have tried.17:18
juknovoid: dont be17:19
xukunhoi all. I just installed a new ssd as a OS disk but now I need to mount my old disk but I don;t know what it;s called. before they were /dev/md0 and /dev/md117:19
apocalyptiqjuk: I have a problem with setting x for directories. I'm running Ubuntu version 10.10. When I try to do chmod -R 755 dir/, I get the following output: files and directories has 755, but i expected it to do files 655 and directories 755.17:19
rumpe1xukun, sudo fdisk -l  should list it17:20
novoidMrMintanet2: md5sum is OK17:20
sacarlsonnovoid: well maybe virtualbox run inside windows might be an option to at least get a taiste of ubuntu17:21
rumpe1apocalyptiq, then use chmod -R 644 and then chmod -R +X17:21
ymonirno one here knows the command for checking if i have error or not ?17:21
novoidschmidtm: yes but not if I want to test my hardware support: suspend, special keys, WLAN, external VGA, ...17:21
azertyuhello my world17:21
MrMintanet2novoid, perhaps you should just order one.  :)  I have no idea.  Sounds like you are one of those people who overcomplicate things... no offense.  I really can't understand how you could be having this problem creating this disk using every mainstream OS on the market... Just seems odd.  Something is wrong, and it sounds like you will need to troubleshoot it for some time...17:21
apocalyptiqrumpe1, thanks :-)17:22
novoidMrMintanet2: OK. TNX for help anyway. I'll go and find someone with a running Ubuntu in order to get this damn USB stick :-(17:22
sacarlsonnovoid: I test wifi usb devices and network tests from within virtualbox17:22
ruani once ran ubuntu off VMware17:22
ruanit went well17:23
UbuN2ow MrMintanet2 it says clock applet17:23
Undisclosed99does a low battery at startup have any influence on the amount of RAM loaded?17:23
alien2601novoid, Ubuntu comes with Wubi which installs directly as an application within windows ..17:23
UbuN2maybe its the something to with the clock17:23
ruanUndisclosed99: i doubt it17:23
novoidschmidtm: No, you"re testing the hand-over of your real hardware to the VM-drivers - that's a difference ;-)17:23
azertyuby doing grep -R dataone /home/user i got a list of file which called dataone, what is the command for copying every file called dataone at the same time ?17:24
Undisclosed99well when my battery isnt full and i start up i only see 744.4MiB instead of 2.7GiB17:24
novoidalien2601: Sorry, I wanted to *install* Ubunto on my notebook in order to work with it. If it does not work, I change the whole system to Debian stable afterwards. I am coming from Debian unstable.17:24
^Mufassathis is cool17:24
azertyui mean is it possible to Copy -R dataone /home/user to copy every file named dataone at same time is that  possible ?17:25
^Mufassanever seen a place so helpfull17:25
novoidquestion related to encrypted $HOME: is there a fixed size for that or grows/shrinks the encrypted $HOME with its used content size?17:25
MrMintanet2UbuN2, Sounds like NTP17:26
UbuN2i think so dude17:26
ymoniriam having error always when i install any new application of plugin or what  ever ....17:27
ruanymonir: what is the error?17:28
eXpLoD if i have a directory named * on ~,how can i delete it?rm ~/* deltes everything17:28
ymonirruan  . how can i post the image for you17:28
Undisclosed99how can i stop the system from thinking my battery is critically low?17:29
Abinadigood morning peeps17:29
DjoefHi, Just installed ubuntu 10.10, I downloaded blender (www.blender.org) but I cannot execute it (permission denied) I use sudo ./blender and then the terminal tells me  "command not found"... ? what is going wrong here ?17:29
MrMintanet2Undisclosed99, Charge your battery.17:29
=== ljl2 is now known as LjL
Djoefah ok17:30
Djoefchmod :)17:30
ymonirruan, how can i post you the error i always get17:30
ruanUndisclosed99: disable the battery applet or whatever is running.. or charge the battery17:30
Djoefsorry forgot17:30
swapnahow to access pc in lan from another remote pc17:30
ruanymonir: you can press print screen on the keyboard, then save to desktop and upload to imageshack.us17:30
Undisclosed99ruan: the problem is that if my battery is fully charged and i take the mains off...it tells me its critical17:30
Abinadi!pastbin | ymonir17:30
MrMintanet2Undisclosed99, Are you sure your batt isn't going south?17:31
Undisclosed99MrMintanet2: I thought that too, but its fine17:31
swapnahow to access pc in lan from another remote pc17:31
swapnahow to access pc in lan from another remote pc17:31
swapnahow to access pc in lan from another remote pc17:31
Undisclosed99MrMintanet2: I have had this since I bought it17:31
FloodBot3swapna: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
Djoefhm still when trying to run from a different partition, I am not allowed (I saved it there from within ubuntu) Should I change the permissions for this partition ? and how can I do that ? chmod 777 /dev/sda2 ?17:32
DjoefOr should this be done differently ?17:32
Abinadiymonir: paste your info to httpe://www.pastebin.com17:32
ymonirruan. http://img718.imageshack.us/i/screenshotapk.png/17:33
sacarlsonswapna: access meaning files or do you want to run processes on it or see the graphic screen from remote and do stuf?17:33
velopeDjoef: try chmod a+b/ccc*uix/k___!1117:33
sre-suWhen Ubuntu installation is done by default, how much space does the installer allocates for /,/boot etc for desktop system in percentage?17:33
rubenvaldezconectate despues de las 15 hs pero en otro servidor...17:33
sacarlsonswapna: remote what evvirnment?  I'm guessing graphic so vnc then17:34
Djoefvelope, ?17:34
swapnasacar;son: cant enable remote desktop from another remote pc17:34
rubenvaldeznose en que pais estas ahora ????17:34
scpHi guys, After linux updated today, It's started booting automatically without giving me the option to choose between it av win7. Is there any easy way I can get this bootloader/grup up working again, without to much trouble?17:34
ymonirAbinadi i cant open this link17:34
agilehey all, about to pull the trigger on ordering a new laptop but a little trepidatious about ordering it with an ati m7820 vs an nvidia qfx 2800 or 3800.. how's the ati driver situation these days? I've only used nvidia for a long long time..17:34
sacarlsonswapna: well you can if you have ssh running on the remote side17:35
Abinadiymonir: try this one then:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:35
ruancan't see the full error17:35
rubenvaldezdale hablamos suerte y un abrazo17:35
kresp0im trying to use "ssh -D" to make a SOCKS proxy, but i cant make it work.17:35
kresp0the server allows me to log in after "ssh -D 7070 user@server"17:35
kresp0but when i configure firefox to use localhost:7070 as a SOCKS proxy, it just dont work17:36
kresp0if i do telnet localhost 7070, it connects. but after a GET / HTTP/1.1 it drops the connection.17:36
ymonirAbinadi : http://paste.ubuntu.com/568829/17:36
swapnasacarlson : but if there is more than 1 pc connected to lan ... then the ip address wont give the correct pc17:36
ymonirAbinadi: http://img718.imageshack.us/i/screenshotapk.png/17:36
sipiorkresp0: that sounds right. you're not speaking http to it. have you tried it with a web browser?17:37
Ubuntu-Userhow to  install skype17:37
kresp0yep sipior. with firefox and crome17:37
LjL!skype | Ubuntu-User17:37
ubottuUbuntu-User: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga17:37
sacarlsonswapna: you saying that you have two systems on the same ip address?  maybe dhcpd is setup wrong or do you run ip static?17:37
sipiorkresp0: and what happens when you set the proxy information for those browsers?17:37
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga17:37
Abinadiyou can install skype on ubuntu but it is a piece of garbage right now.17:38
sipiorkresp0: also, you made sure to use a socks proxy, and not http proxy?17:38
kresp0sipior: on firefox, it do nothing. just empty pages17:38
kresp0on chromium, it says this error:17:38
kresp0 "Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Error desconocido."17:38
ruanno response from proxy17:38
ruanit seems17:38
sre-suFor / during installation, how much space should be allocated?17:38
ymonirAbinadi : any suggestion ?17:39
sipiorkresp0: try issuing the ssh command with the -v switch, and see if anything interesting turns up.17:39
Abinadiymonir: I don't. sorry17:39
kresp0ok, one sec sipio17:39
stianhjsre-su, 20 Gb17:39
itaylor57Abinadi: mine works ok17:39
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga17:39
ymonirany one can help me with my error?17:39
swapnasacarlson:i havent configured dhcp.and too dont have othr computer in lan.... -- its my doubt how to do it.. and also...the current problem is.... when i want enable settings on remote desktop view.. it shows only the local intenet connected users can only view my desktop17:39
Abinadisre-su: I allocated 50 GB which is plenty17:39
DjoefOk, is it possible that by default you are not allowed to execute files on a partition formatted as ntfs under windows. (shared partition) I can save files an edit them but not execute on my new install of ubuntu 10.10. In the properties of /media/DATA I did check the "allow execute files"..17:40
kresp0sipior, all seems ok on the verbose output17:40
sre-suAbinadi: stianhj: How much space in percentage the ubuntu installer takes, if its done by default?17:40
sipiorkresp0: what happens when you try using the proxy?17:40
Abinadiitaylor57: I'm glad it's working for someone right now, but I couldn't get it to work at all.  It was buggy as hell17:40
sacarlsonswapna: the local user thing is a security setting I assume you are using in vino-server vnc17:41
kresp0sipior, one sec17:41
itaylor57Abinadi: my video and mic works; i talk reguarly with my daughter in australia17:41
stianhjsre-su, i'm not sure17:42
coz_ymonir,   so the chip is not supported  :(17:42
sysadmi upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, i am running kernel 2.6.35-25, i searched ubuntu forums for some guides to fix this problem and they were not helpful, PROBLEM: after upgrade i cant here sound from flash in firefox17:42
kresp0ey, it says something sipior:17:42
kresp0Connection to port 7777 forwarding to socks port 0 requested.17:42
stianhjsre-su, i've always done that bit manually17:42
kresp0debug1: channel 3: new [dynamic-tcpip]17:42
Abinadisre-su: I don't know what the percentage is but I thought allocating 50 GB was plenty with enough to let the system grow if it needed to17:42
kresp0debug1: channel 3: free: dynamic-tcpip, nchannels 417:42
Dazzledany Chrome users here?17:42
kresp0nothing more17:42
ymonircoz_ what chip?17:42
sipiorkresp0: didn't you want 7070?17:42
ymonircoz_ how can i solve it ?17:42
swapnasacarlson ; nops no vnc installed17:42
sysadmi upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, i am running kernel 2.6.35-25, i searched ubuntu forums for some guides to fix this problem and they were not helpful, PROBLEM: after upgrade i cant here sound from flash in firefox17:42
madsurgeonHi, I have installed a fresh ubuntu 10.10 and it works all, except watching video on youtube. I have installed the Adobe flashplayer 10 package, but to no avail. The video area just stays black. What shall I do?17:42
WulfyDazzled,  chrome os or google chrome the browser? (im the latter)17:42
DazzledWulfy: the browser17:42
stianhjIs there a fix for Intel wifi cards and 802.11n networks?17:43
coz_ymonir,   in  your pastebin  " Not supported low-power chip with PCI id 14e4:4315!17:43
coz_ "17:43
sre-sustianhj: Abinadi: Alrigth. thanks17:43
WulfyDazzled,  then yes theres one here17:43
kresp0good point sipior, i changed to 7777 on both the ssh -D option and the firefox config17:43
Abinadiitaylor57: I use it to talk to my family too (which is scattered all over creation), but I just could never get it working right in mavarick.17:43
No1only sound ... sysadm17:43
ymonircoz_ : ok but what is it for ? and how to solve it ?17:43
sacarlsonswapna: remote desktop is a vnc program called vino-server,  there are others but that is the default17:43
itaylor57Dazzled: I use chromium17:43
sysadmNol, yes17:43
DazzledI'm reading this atm: http://beej.us/guide/bgnet/output/print/bgnet_A4.pdf17:43
ruanteamviewer also works on ubuntu right?17:43
stianhjmadsurgeon, which browser?17:44
coz_ymonir,   I am not sure there is a solution if the chip itself is not supported withtha firmware installer17:44
No1sound ok on media player  ... sysadm17:44
sacarlsonswapna: you can also change the settings remotely with ssh with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698117:44
coz_ymonir,   what is t his for?17:44
Dazzledand whenever I copy something from the PDF, it switches } with {17:44
madsurgeonstinhj: chromium17:44
sysadmNol, yes sound is ok in media player17:44
ruancoz_: hes getting an error whilst trying to install a package17:44
madsurgeonor firefox17:44
sre-sustianhj: Abinadi: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html says 4GB for /17:44
WulfyDazzled,  sorry unless theres a prity good reason i dont follow links especialy things like pdf's17:44
coz_Dazzled,   copy what from a PDF?17:44
ymonircoz_ iam chatting to you17:44
coz_ruan,   ah I see17:44
Dazzledc++ code :)17:44
sacarlsonswapna: if your not using vino to get better help you should specify what software you are having problems with17:45
Abinadiruan: yes. teamviewer works in linux17:45
stianhjsre-su, as a minimum to install it, yes. but if you're going to install some stuff, you should have much more space17:45
coz_ymonir,   yes I see that ,,apparenlty that firmware package is not going to install because the c hip the firmware is for is not supported17:45
Dazzledit's just something minor, I'll cross check with FF, I was annoyed by it, but it's not really Ubuntu related17:45
ruanok, then add that to the remote access list17:45
sre-sustianhj: For more packages?17:45
swapnasacarlson : that link was helpfull.. thanks a lot17:46
kresp0sipior, still dont work. btw, i've added these 2 options someone give me "AllowTCPForwarding yes" and "PermitTunnel yes" and then restarted sshd17:46
coz_Dazzled,  if you are tryiing to extract text or images from pdf  there is a command for those things17:46
sacarlsonswapna: well if it was helpfull then you are running veno-server?17:46
stianhjsre-su, yes. when you install, let's say Inkscape or LibreOffice or something, that get's installed on / (normally)17:46
Abinadisre-su: 4 gb seems to be enough, but I was taking any chances and I had enough drive space to allocate it, so I did17:46
Dazzledcoz_ : well I'm trying to familiarize myself again with sockets :)17:47
Dazzledbut seems the document-viewer does this as well, I don't get why the } gets turned into a {17:47
blackxoredhello everbody, I wanted to know I've done it in the past, so I know it's possible, I kinda forgot, and since i'm about to do it again, I choose to ask, how you can use alternate CD to do a clean install while keeping your encryption setup?17:48
stianhjsre-su, 20 gb is plenty of space.. if installed a lot of stuff.. and i've got 11 gigs free17:48
Dazzledhmm, no it doesn't do it in document-viewer17:48
stianhjsre-su: i've installed*17:48
sysadmNol ???17:48
juk!oo | Dazzled:17:48
ubottuDazzled:: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #openoffice.org.17:48
madsurgeonstianhj: firefox17:48
juk!unoconv | Dazzled:17:49
stianhjmadsurgeon, and you've restarted the browser etc?17:49
No1try to uninstall flash sysadm17:49
juk!info unoconv17:49
ubottuunoconv (source: unoconv): converter between OpenOffice.org document formats. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-6 (maverick), package size 15 kB, installed size 100 kB17:49
No1and reinstall17:49
sysadmNol, i though of that17:49
sysadmNol, i am testing holdon17:49
sre-sustianhj: I was interested more in percentage actaully. Anyways, thanks. Abinadi17:49
Abinadisre-su: welcom17:49
madsurgeonstianhj: yes, sure17:49
madsurgeonNo1: uninstalling flash sysadm - was that an answer for my problem?17:51
No1maybe yes17:51
sysadmNol, didnt work17:52
l1nuxman_snoozeanyone use bluefish editor?17:52
=== l1nuxman_snooze is now known as l1nuxman
azertyuhello there17:53
l1nuxmanI'm not sure if it's a bug or not but I can't see the cursor on the lines on some documents17:54
sysadmi upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, i am running kernel 2.6.35-25, i searched ubuntu forums for some guides to fix this problem and they were not helpful, PROBLEM: after upgrade i cant here sound from flash in firefox17:54
Abinadisysadm: have you installed the flash driver?17:55
AbinadiI think it gets installed by default, but you might check17:55
sysadmAbinadi, flash driver :S what is that, are you talking about flash plugin, flash plugin is installed17:55
keithl /join #ptawug17:55
Abinadisysadm: lol yeah, that is what I was talking abuout17:56
sysadmAbinadi, ok its installed, flash elements play , but without sound17:56
zesozehi...I'm getting ubuntu 10.10 from official website and there is recommended the 32bits version, what is the any reason for that recommendation?17:56
ruanwhat are the chances of an update failing?17:56
epopim having alot of trouble with missing kernel headers errors whenever i try to install anything.  I've tried installing them from the console and from the package manager, but they fail installing.  I've posted an example of what I see when I try to install something here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568838/17:56
zesozeMy machine is 64bits17:56
epopif you have tons of ram use 64bit, if you don't you might want to go with 32bit17:56
azertyuby doing : grep -R files1 /home/user i got a liste of file named file1, now i want to copy all file named files1 on a specific directory how to do ?17:57
Abinadi|sound | sysad17:57
Abinadi!sound | sysadm17:57
sysadmzesoze,  go for 64 bit, its more stable than before and thus more usable, GO FOR IT :)17:57
ubottusysadm: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:57
azertyuby doing : grep -R files1 /home/user i got a liste of file named file1, now i want to copy all file named files1 on a specific directory how to do ?17:57
epopi run 32bit on my laptop because i've heard 64bit is kinda bad on the battery life17:57
epopand i only have 4gigs of ram in it17:57
sysadmAbinadi, -_-"17:58
azertyuanyone there ?17:58
azertyuby doing : grep -R files1 /home/user i got a liste of file named file1, now i want to copy all file named files1 on a specific directory how to do ?17:58
Abinadiepop: I have actually gotten better battery life using 64 bit on my HP dv717:58
jon8if this.. find * -type f -size 0 .. finds all files that have a size of 0 .. how can i delete those files as well17:58
Abinadisysadm: sorry if that doesn't help17:58
sysadmi upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, i am running kernel 2.6.35-25, i searched ubuntu forums for some guides to fix this problem and they were not helpful, PROBLEM: after upgrade i cant here sound from flash in firefox17:58
gagan_hello IRC , i just started17:58
ruancp /home/user/file1* [directory to copy file1s to]17:58
ruansomething like that17:59
ResQueit seems i have managed to mount a device /dev/sr0 twice, can anyone help me unmount it?17:59
No1sysadm, try ===>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1409468&page=217:59
No1goodluck :)17:59
=== No1 is now known as UbuN2
GartralOk, I've been racking my noggin all morning trying too remember the name of an application that allowed one too start a secondary user-session in a window.. can anyone help me out?17:59
zesoze is a dell precision 670.....18:00
zesozewith 8gb of ram....18:00
AbinadiGartral: are you talking about running your second session in something like a VirtualBox?18:00
Ubuntu-UserI love Ubuntu and its help / Forums18:00
MrBalleNeed helt with Ubuntu Server 10.10, am I perhaps in the right place? Don't wanna interrupt anyone so no hurry :)18:01
trismGartral: xnest or xephyr18:01
azertyuby doing : grep -R files1 /home/user i got a liste of file named file1, now i want to copy all file named files1 on a specific directory how to do ?18:01
maccyanyone want to help me get my mouse back?18:01
ruanwhat are the chances of an update failing?18:01
geekbriazertyu: you should probably use the find command along with the -exec option18:01
NaruHi .    anyone knows DVWA? anyone used the distro?18:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:01
zesozesorry I have 3gb of ram not 8gb18:02
Abinadi!topic | Naru18:02
ubottuNaru: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:02
geekbriMrBalle: what help do you need, asking a question is usually helpful :)18:02
azertyufind for what purpose ? coz here to copy files geekbri18:03
zesozeso is recommended install 64 bits ?18:03
maccydoes anyone know why a mouse might go invisible?18:03
Abinadi!details | MrBalle18:03
ubottuMrBalle: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:03
ohsixmaccy: i think by default it'll disappear while you're typing18:03
ruanzesoze: if you have less than 4gb it is recommended to use 32bit18:03
maccyno, its not just that18:03
MrBalleI have 2 CPUs (Xeons) in my server but can't seem to get Ubuntu to detect both even though BIOS does. Have changed kernel to i SMP one but still doesn't work.18:03
Gartraltrism: THANKS18:03
maccyits compleatly gone18:04
geekbriazertyu: well if all you want to do is copy files just type cp <filename> <file_destination>18:04
maccyas in i have to use the find pointer button to see it18:04
Abinadimaccy: my mouse disappears by default when I'm typing on my laptop18:04
ohsix64bit ftw18:04
maccythe mouse hasnt shown up since i started the computer18:04
azertyuit is not easy as that18:05
clasnikWhats the enviroment variable I need to set to force make to use -j4 all the time?18:05
Abinadimaccy: try System>>Preferences>>Mouse18:05
gbear14275can someone check to see if they have a "services" option under their administration menu?  I read an article that said there was a control panel for services (like there is for startup applications) but I don't have it18:06
ruanfloodbot is flooding?18:06
IdleOneruan: no18:06
ajitamhi I manage to messup my samba. I did remove and then install again. But now I can get smb to run. Is there a way to completely remove smb and then install it again ?18:07
UbuN2gbear14275, nope18:07
azertyua small question have no answer ?18:07
azertyuwhat 's ubuntu ?18:07
ohsixfloodbot does generate a lot of lines for all the flooding it stops, though!18:07
IdleOne!ubuntu > azertyu18:07
ubottuazertyu, please see my private message18:07
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:07
ruanoh right18:08
MrBallegeekbri; Abinadi; ubottu: I have 2 CPUs (Xeons) in my server but can't seem to get Ubuntu to detect both even though BIOS does. Have changed kernel to i SMP one but still doesn't work. Need more info?18:10
geekbriMrBalle: that is a tough question, probably one i can't answer but when you do cat /proc/cpuinfo it shows both of them or no?18:11
AbinadiMrBalle: ubottu is a bot and I don't have the answer to your dilemna.  sorry18:11
MrBallegeekbri: No it doesn't...18:12
geekbriMrBalle: well thats not good at all.18:12
mkquist_ajitam: sudo apt-get remove --purge samba18:13
geekbriMrBalle: I dont think i've got the tools to help answer this one for you... try #ubuntu-server18:13
MrBallegeekbri: yeah... BIOS shows them but ubuntu doesn't.. Maybe I should check the BIOS if there's some idiotic checkbox to enable both even if it shows  both at boot...18:13
marcrousehi i suche logari8118:13
* rany27 what18:13
MrBallegeekbri: ok thanks!18:13
marcrousewhere he is?18:13
ajitammkquist_: thx I'll try that18:14
marcrouseHellou, i suche Logari81, where he is?18:15
geekbriMrBalle: i would defintley play with the bios settings a bit just to make sure its not something silly there.18:15
IdleOneif he is not in this channel, we don't know.18:15
jukMrBalle: how ubuntu supposed to detect cpu(s)?18:16
MrBallegeekbri: Yeah, I'll do that as soon as I can. Thanks to everyone, I'll check with #ubuntu-server!18:17
ruanok im going to restart for updates now. i hope it works18:17
mbeierlmarcrouse: from the looks of it, there is no one here by that nick right now18:17
MrBallejuk: I mean it does not show the second one in cpuinfo :(18:17
jukMrBalle: /proc/cpuinfo ?18:18
droidftwhey guys18:18
jukMrBalle: is doesnt show is it means not using?18:19
minimecemulate3buttons in maverick 10.10? I thought that emulate3buttons was set 'true' in ubuntu. How would I have that again in maverick?18:19
=== Guest71763 is now known as ColdFyre
MichealHminimec, Was it something you installed before?18:21
SmokeyD_hey everyone. I have a virtual machine with ubuntu server running in it. The machine is a clone of another machine. But the clone doesn't see the network interface18:21
SmokeyD_the interface is a virtual intel network interface18:22
wildc4rdevenin' all18:22
SmokeyD_but calling ifup eth0 says the network device is not found18:22
SmokeyD_but lspci does show the network interface18:22
andyccminimec, odd, 3 button emulation works for me18:22
=== mathias is now known as Guest89096
joachimNo go18:22
ruanfdisk -l isn't working for me :/18:23
ruanit returns nothing18:23
Arunvkumarkcim using jmIrc18:23
OerSmokeyD_, stop the image, go into pref. > network interface , and set it on 'Bridge' and start the image again18:23
jukruan: sudo18:23
pros977Does anyone have any information about accessing freenode via xchat or irssi through a proxy?18:23
MichealHHi Arunvkumarkc18:23
minimecandycc: Not working here neither with the laptop buttons, nor with a Logitech AIR... I have no idea why...18:23
ruanahhh thanks18:24
=== wema|off is now known as wemaflo
Arunvkumarkchi MichaelH18:24
Abinadican someone tell me why VBAdditions would be mounting in mavarick every time I load it into VirtualBox?18:24
andyccminimec, isn't this a flag that you can set in xorg.conf? IIRC, xorg.conf is stil parsed although not the main method of configuration.18:25
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:25
minimecandycc: Why should I create a xorg.conf, if it is not needed anymore?18:25
OerAbinadi, after install, go into mediamanager and delete the VBadditions iso.18:25
ruanjust wondering, but why does update manager select -22 and -25 kernels?18:26
ruaninstead of having just 1 main kernel18:26
Abinadi0er:  well that was obvious.  Jeez, sometimes I want to hit my head against the wall.  lol18:26
TetracommDoes anyone know of any software that I can use to generate graphs? Not openoffice, it is not adequate.18:26
ohsixgnuplot :]18:26
andyccandycc, it's not needed, but I believe you can still set flags in it and they'll be parsed. I'm not a guru, so I don't know exactly.18:27
minimecandycc: So you say with a normal ubuntu 10.10 'emulate3buttons' is enabled for your devices by default?18:27
AbinadiOer: Thanks!18:27
BlueEagleTetracomm: What are the graphs going to be used for?18:27
cfchris6_I have a box running lucid doing dhcp on multiple interfaces. How can I pass the dhcpclient a different configuration/handler for each interface?18:27
ruanuse ubuntu software center18:27
ruanto search for software, before asking18:27
andyccminimec, yes, I always use that functionality (I have a laptop, and I'm a tab addict).18:27
minimecandycc: My words. I cannot live without it. That's why I am so pissed... ;)18:28
Oercfchris6_, edit /etc/network/interfaces18:28
madsjhi; whenever I boot, my ubuntu 10.04 tries to mount the cdrom-drive, and I have to cancel that by pressing S; how do I get rid of this?18:28
pyroscopeTetracomm: saying what doesn't fulfill your as of yet unspecified requirements doesn't replace telling them18:29
BlueEagleminimec: xorg.conf can still be useful even if the default values in most cases are sane enough.18:29
BlueEagleminimec: Alteast that's what I've thought.18:29
andyccminimec, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Input18:29
minimecandycc: I have no idea, why it is not workling. Only solution could be the use of the x-edgers ppa, but with previous versions I never had this problem, even using x-edgers.18:29
Abinadimadsj: is the iso in your path, or is the cd still in your dvd drive?18:30
Taoshow can I fully uninstall ubuntu without fucking my boot up?18:30
minimecBlueEagle: That is true, but for this I should not need to create a xorg.conf....18:30
andyccTaos, how did you install it?18:30
Taosboot disk.18:30
IdleOneTaos: first by not swearing please18:30
adub_how can i tell if i am running the 180 or 190 version of nvidia graphics driver i hear a lot of talk about these18:30
madsjAbinadi: I use "sudo do-release-upgrade"18:31
TaosIdleOne: Apollogies.18:31
IdleOneTaos: you will need a windows CD to fixmbr18:31
BlueEagleminimec: Well, if you want to add to or override the default settings of X then xorg.conf is still the way to do it.18:31
minimecBlueEagle: I mean, this is trivial basic stuff that always worked.18:31
madsjAbinadi: so no cds or dvds were ever involved18:31
=== wemaflo is now known as wema|off
TaosOkay then I want to replace all ubuntu with arch18:31
andyccTaos, Windows has a disk partitioning app. I'm assuming you can just run fixmbr, delete the Ubuntu partition and resize the windows one.18:31
TaosLeave the boot manager in order18:31
BlueEagleminimec: Things change even when it, for some, is for the worse.18:31
=== wemaflo_ is now known as wemaflo
Abinadimadsj: sorry, then I can't help you.  I'm still kinda green mystelf18:31
andyccminimec, did you look at that link? It tells you how to change udev rules for input devices.18:32
andycc(i.e. how to get emulate3buttons to work again)18:32
minimecBlueEagle: I agree, but I use two configs with this laptop (one screen/dual screen solution) I don't want to mess with xorg.conf, if xrander finally makes me happy.18:32
minimecandycc: Gonna give it a look ;)18:32
Malkavian_hi, I am using Maverick and looking for the glibc sources; which package do I have to install?18:34
OerMalkavian_, open synaptics, itś a detailed softwarecentre18:35
OerMalkavian_, it is in your system menu on the top panel18:36
pp7how do i change the touchpad sensitivity (not cursor speed etc.) in ubuntu?18:36
Malkavian_Oer: I have searched with apt-cache and didnot found anything; I am on Kubuntu, no Synaptic18:36
ruanwhat does the package ubuntu-desktop do?18:36
replicasexDoes anyone know why I would be able to install Unity 2d on a VM but not on my actual system?  Both are running 10.10 but my actual system just won't run Unity.  I get the GDM option but it shows classic ubuntu18:36
AbinadiMalkavian_: I just looked in the software center and i can't find anything.18:37
exitwebAre there a modul which can safely disable all contrib modules?18:37
thangaveldoes anybody know the maximum resolution of the picture that can be uploaded in the facebook profile...18:37
exitwebit isnt the drupal room sorry18:37
Abinadi!ubuntu | thangavel18:38
ubottuthangavel: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:38
Malkavian_Abinadi: yep, I find only some Elib sources, but I am not sure, this is what I am looking for18:38
Wulfy!ot | thangavel18:38
ubottuthangavel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:38
replicasexIt's odd because I didn't get any install errors or anything, it just doesn't show up as Unity, it is just Ubuntu Classic.18:39
AbinadiWulfy: thanks lol, I forgot the command18:39
WulfyAbinadi,  :) no worrys18:39
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
PetePortyHello guys. I'm here because I have a problem... (Again.) The thing is, my computer is extremely slow; and it didn't use to be like this; it used to be pretty fast actually. It takes several (20+) minutes to open a new tab on a light-weight browser, and two minutes to make the terminal usable. My CPU usage is never over 20%, and my memory is at 12.1%. The hard drive is only 5% full, so I really have no idea what could be making my computer so18:40
PetePortyslow. Any ideas about what's causing it, or ways to fix it? (I'm running Ubuntu 10.10, rebooted several times, my RAM is 2GiB, disk space 300Gb, my processor is Intel Core 2 Duo, and my video card is nVIDIA GForce 9500 with the latest drivers installed.18:40
FrenkHey, can anyone helm me to manage the following: I want my PC to connect to the Internet via a VPN Server. I have OpenVPN already on my laptop - what do I have to do on the server?18:40
PoohBahI have been away from Linux for several years. To do a dual boot install, do I need to repartition my drive or does the install process take care of this now?18:40
AbinadiMalkavian_: try here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/elib/1.0-11.118:41
pp7<PetePorty> what does it say when u run top?18:41
PetePortyPoohBah: It asks you during the install how you're going to manage the partitions, and you can edit it from there.18:41
JSongI am trying ot upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 LTS.. I am told I need to first upfgrade to 9.1018:41
PoohBahSo will teh current installer repartition the disk?18:41
JSongWhat is the command to get me to 9.10 when I am in 8.04?18:42
PoohBahOr must i do that outside of the install process?18:42
juk!upgrade | JSong18:42
ubottuJSong: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:42
PetePortytop - 15:41:52 up 43 min,  2 users,  load average: 2.38, 2.37, 2.2418:42
PetePortyTasks: 146 total,   3 running, 143 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie18:42
PetePortyCpu(s):  4.1%us,  0.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 47.0%id, 47.8%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.5%si,  0.0%st18:42
PetePortyMem:   2057016k total,   642208k used,  1414808k free,    66056k buffers18:42
PetePortySwap:  6142972k total,        0k used,  6142972k free,   320840k cached18:42
FloodBot3PetePorty: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
pp7<PoohBah> why not do a fresh install18:42
=== apetro is now known as AndrewPetro
JSongjuk: will this get me from 8.04 to 9.10?18:42
AbinadiPoohBah: the installer will create partitions for you or offer to format the whole disk18:42
genii-aroundThats a pretty high load average18:42
PoohBahSo it will shrink a NTFS partition to make room for the install?18:43
PoohBahWubi will do this?18:43
replicasexI know the unity 2d is experimental and all, and it's not done anything to mess my system up, I just wish I could play around with a version of Unity before 11.04 comes out.  I actually really like it.18:43
JSongWill !upgrade .. upgrade my 8.04 to 9.10? or try to go firect to 10.04LTS?18:43
Malkavian_Abinadi: eglibc is the embedded glib, I need the sources for the "normal" glibc18:43
PetePortyPoohBah: You can do it during the install.18:43
jukJSong: no, first to 9.1018:44
PetePortyPoohBah: Oh, you mean Wubi...18:44
AbinadiPoohBah: yes it will, but if you're using windows I would be absulutely certain that you have defragged your disk and then use the diskmanagement tool there to grow or shrink your drive partitions BEFORE you do the Maverick install18:44
JSongjuk: when i type !upgrade it does nothing saying event not found18:44
PoohBahon a couple year old dell vostro laptop should i install the netbook version or the desktop?18:44
jukJSong: why would it?18:44
AbinadiMalkavian_: sorry then.  I searched and could only find what I pasted in here for you18:44
JSongjuk: so do I type !upgrade on the command line?18:45
PetePortySo... Anyone has any idea as to why I would be getting severe slowdowns?18:45
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
AbinadiPoohBah: I am using a hP dv7 notebook and I installed the desktop version with out a hitch18:45
JSongjuk: I have not done an upgrade of os before18:45
Robany developers here?18:45
pp7yea y?18:46
replicasexSo nobody has any thoughts on why unity2d wouldn't run on my system even though it runs fine on a VM?18:46
Robi need someone who has the potential to program a custom variation18:46
jukJSong: hit alt+f2, type update-manager -c18:46
Robof ubuntu*18:46
Robnot neccessarily one person, but rather a team18:46
pp7and how much are you paying?18:47
thangavelhello guys..i recently installed g++ on my system..but when i compile i get the following error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/568861/....plz somebody help me to get it resolved...18:47
Prasooni want some one who can help me in installing Oracle 10g on Ubuntu 10.04.18:47
Robdepends if my idea is possible18:47
Roband affordable18:47
JSongjuk: alt f2? it did nothing for me i am in command prompt and do not have a shell18:47
pp7what's the idea?18:47
Robbut its an idea that if done correctly could be worth a lot of money18:47
jukJSong: ah, then proceed to the second instuction18:47
Arthorhello, i'm trying to run Wow on my ubuntu 10.10 and I get this http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/5903/arthor.0/0_82031_8b450307_orig I'm running both in opengl and directx mode and all the same. Does anybody know any sollution? My videocard is ati hd5770, fglrx is installed.18:47
ubuntu__Prasoon, have you searched the package database?18:48
Malkavian_!ubuntu glibc source18:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:48
JSongjuk: which is?18:48
AbinadiPoohBah: I meant if you are doing a dueal install with windows.  Use the window partitioning tool to grow or shrink your partititions.18:48
jukJSong: type update-manager -c18:48
Prasoonubuntu_ : is it help ful..I am trying it with oracle universal installer18:48
thangavel_hello guys..i recently installed g++ on my system..but when i compile i get the following error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/568861/....plz somebody help me to get it resolved...18:49
JSongjuk: that is not installed18:49
droidftwi have a question about the untiy interface18:49
droidftwhow do i acces my hard drive like i do on the gnome interfce18:49
=== ubuntu__ is now known as danyR_
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity18:50
jukJSong: then pretty screwed aren't you :)18:50
Robany professional developers here?18:50
thangavel_hello guys..i recently installed g++ on my system..but when i compile i get the following error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/568861/....plz somebody help me to get it resolved...18:50
genii-around!info libc6-dev > Malkavian_18:50
JSongSo there is no way to upgrade from 8.04 to 9.10 frjust using command line prompt?18:50
danyR_droidftw, they're listed on the lower part of the launcher. it's a workarond for now, a proper implementation was being talked about, IIRC18:50
Ceno3xhi guys, is there a package with the source code for the kernel? I need to patch and recompile, I'm running 10.04 with linux 2.6.32-2918:50
tuzlois there anyway to hook up a iphone to Ubuntu?18:50
thangavel_hello guys..i recently installed g++ on my system..but when i compile i get the following error...http://paste.ubuntu.com/568861/....plz somebody help me to get it resolved...18:51
jrm_thangavel,  add std:: just before cout18:51
PetePortySo... Anyone has any idea as to what to do with the slowness other than "reinstalling the OS"?18:51
Ceno3xthangavel_: the paste is no longer there, the link is broken18:51
Ceno3xPetePorty: depends on the slowness I guess18:51
Prasoonubuntu_: "postgresql-8.3-orafce:18:51
Prasoon Depends: postgresql-8.3  but it is not installable" is the o/p on package manager18:51
thangavel_<jrm>: i've already tried that...but that says cout is not a memeber od std18:52
jukJSong: apt-get dist-upgrade has?18:52
pp7<PetePorty> i would reinstall18:52
jrm_thangavel_,  you have to add using namespace std just before you declaration18:52
JSongjuk: is that the command to upgrade from command prompt?18:52
PetePortypp7: For real? I'm so tired of setting everything up again...18:52
jukJSong: yes18:52
Ceno3xPetePorty: that's not how you normaly do things in linux. What's slow on your system?18:53
ruani just updated.. and my shutdown icon was replaced with... my username?18:53
jukJSong: i forgot update-manger is gui18:53
thangavel_<jrm> : let me try that now..18:53
jrm_to resume : using namespace std, and std::18:53
PetePortyCeno3x: Clicking a link makes my whole computer stop working for 20 minutes.18:53
=== evernote is now known as byla
JSongjuk: ok so it installed taht.  now what do I do?18:53
danyR_Prasoon, check http://mediakey.dk/~cc/ubuntu-howto-install-oracle/18:53
=== byla is now known as mp
pp7<PetePorty> was it always like that?18:54
jukJSong: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade18:54
PetePortyCeno3x: And it's not only internet, I mean, everything takes forever.18:54
AbinadiPetePorty: that has somiething to do with your browser I would think...18:54
=== mp is now known as kurwa
JSongjuk: upgrade or update?18:54
Ceno3xPetePorty: Do you know if it's I/0 or CPU?18:54
PetePortypp7: No, it's beel 4 days likes this.18:54
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:54
jukJSong: whole line, write to the paper18:54
PetePortyCeno3x: I'm kind of a noob, and I don't know what I/0 means...18:55
PetePortyCeno3x: But my CPU usage is always under 20%.18:55
datacrusherinput  / output18:56
Ceno3xPetePorty: Do this. Add to your gnome panel the System Monitor. Do you know how to do that?18:56
JSongjuk: i did that and it hit a bunch of packages but it did not upgrade anything18:56
PetePortyCeno3x: I have the monitor open.18:56
jukJSong: pastebin has?18:56
PetePortyCeno3x: Ok, added to panel.18:57
itaylor57ruan: I have the same situation18:57
Ceno3xPetePorty: Not the same thing, this is a little trick for you to monitor what's happening on your machine18:57
JSongjuk: ?18:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:57
Robim looking for developers who have an interest in console gaming18:57
Ceno3xPetePorty: ok, now right click, preferences. in the processor tab, change the color of IOWait to red, in Monitored Sources activate Memory18:57
ruanitaylor57: i added a shutdown button to panel, thats about all i could do18:57
stianhjIs there a fix for Intel wifi cards in 10.10 yet? There was a problem with 802.11n networks..18:58
Ceno3xPetePorty: So now you should have 2 squares in the panel, one with a blue graph, one with a green graph18:58
tuzlois there anyway to hook up a iphone to Ubuntu?18:59
=== robin is now known as Guest11125
danyR_tuzlo, what kind of integration are you looking for?18:59
tuzloprobably just moving files from the server to the phone, mostly audio18:59
PetePortyCeno3x: One has a really small blue one and a red one with hugee spikes; the other one has 2 constant lines, one teal and one green. Teal is 1/3 of the whole square, while blue is 1/6.19:00
=== richard is now known as Guest53213
Ceno3xPetePorty: Ok good one. The blue line is your CPU usage. The red one is IO, meaning mostly disk access. The green is your memory usage19:00
danyR_tuzlo, install libimobiledevice (libimobiledevice.org , they've updated packages in a PPA) and then Banshee19:01
danyR_in my experience, iOS 4.2.1 w/ 3GS works just fine for music19:01
danyR_(and I can browse filesystem trough nautilus)19:01
PetePortyCeno3x: Ok, red just went crazy and is using all the sqare.19:01
tuzlook, I have a 3Gs19:01
Ceno3xPetePorty: So you have huge red spikes? That means huge spikes of disk activity, that's why your system is slow. Try doing something and see how the red line behaves, if red is high, the system is waiting for the disk and hence it stops19:01
Ceno3xPetePorty: Right, so something (a program, or maybe several) is using the disk like crazy and making your system freeze.19:02
danyR_tuzlo, do you need further guidance on installing libimobiledevice/banshee?19:03
thrain][I would like to see a list of packages available for update. How would I do that with apt (from the command line)?19:03
tuzlodanyR_, is this packaged?19:03
brunncan somewone help me19:03
brunni have problem19:04
brunninstalling wine19:04
Fluttershywhat's your problem, exactly?19:04
stianhjthrain][, sudo apt-get upgrade ?19:04
Ceno3xPetePorty: can you run free in a terminal and see if any swap is being used? You can also tell this by looking at the green graph but you said you were a noob so...19:04
brunni have estobuntu19:04
alex_ki need help with the login screen19:04
ruanyes, sudo apt-get upgrade19:04
tuzloseems its already installed19:04
brunni try that19:04
alex_kwhenever i log in from sleep mode, i have to enter my password twice19:05
tuzlobut it wont mount the device19:05
PetePortyCeno3x: Well, all I'm running is Quassel, the system monitor and a terminal with top; although once in the past I had problems with the alternative to compiz (I think it's called metacity or something?)19:05
thrain][Ah, I see. Thanks both of you19:05
stianhjalex_k, me too! started happening recently19:05
Fluttershybrunn: have you tried 'sudo apt-get install wine'?19:05
alex_kstianhj: do you know how to fix it?19:05
ruantried a reinstall of wine?19:05
brunnthat tells me ..19:05
Fluttershybrunn: what happens when you try it?19:05
danyR_tuzlo, please mention me, it's too much noise here.19:05
Ceno3xPetePorty: turn off system monitor, that's a disgraceful cpu hog. What's Quassel? Can you tell me the swap thing or do you need more guidance?19:06
PetePortyCeno3x: Total 6142972 Used 019:06
stianhjalex_k, have no idea. probably a recent update that broke something? which version of ubuntu are you running?19:06
ruanlol, used 019:06
tuzloyeah, gonna have to put this on hold have to go get my daughter, thanks danyR_ I will loook you up in an hour or so19:06
PetePortyCeno3x: Quassel is the IRC client I use.19:06
FluttershyCeno3x: IRC client...19:06
alex_kstianhj: 10.04 lts19:06
brunnhe show me like i want to install older wine19:06
stianhjalek_k, same here. i have 10.04 LTS on my work machine, where it happens.. on my home machine i have 10.10, where it doesn't happen19:07
brunnbut i have 1.13.319:07
Ceno3xPetePorty: hm, so no swap, barelly any programs running, huge I/o spikes.  something's up. indeed19:07
Fluttershybrunn: so you have an older version of wine installed and you're trying to install a newer version?19:07
stianhjCeno3x, have you tried iotop? like top but for IO19:07
Ceno3xstianhj: yeah, that's what I was gonna say, iotop is a bit shit, but maybe in this case it can help19:08
JSongI am getting this error. does it mean the packages are not available?  http://s2plmirror01.prod.sdl2.secureserver.net/ubuntu/dists/lucid-security/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz19:08
JSong404 Not Found19:08
stianhjCeno3x, yeah, you'll be able to see if something is really wrong i guess19:08
Ceno3xPetePorty: Can you install iotop and run it? "sudo apt-get install iotop", and then run "iotop"19:08
brunnflutter just a sec i go to another cpu19:08
stianhjJSong, that mirror might be missing that package, yes19:08
stianhjJSong, or rather the package list19:09
JSongstianhj: so how can i then upgrade the OS from 8.04 to 9.10?19:09
stianhjIs there a fix for Intel wifi cards in 10.10 yet? There was a problem with 802.11n networks..19:09
stianhjJSong, find a different mirror19:09
stianhjJSong, 8.04 is pretty old now.. why not do a clean install of 10.10?19:09
erUSULstianhj: try newer drivers « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic »19:09
JSongstianhj: this command ran it automatically:  sudo do-release-upgrade19:10
JSongstianhj: it is a dedicated hosted server and i do not have access to physical cd rom... also I cannot go to 10.04 directly19:10
PetePortyCeno3x: Ok.19:10
stianhjerUSUL, thanks.. have 10.04 on my work machine, so don't want to mess with it too much (can i install that driver while on a livecd/usb)?19:10
JSongstianhj: must ggo to 9.10 first then from there to 10.0419:10
aguitelhow to open .docx document ?19:11
stianhjJSong, you can use a USB stick to upgrade instead of a CD19:11
dmradfordhello, so, I'm having trouble getting VirtualBox working.... I'm getting "Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root." .... that package is installed, but when I try running modprobe vboxdrv as root, it says it cant find vboxdrv.... any thoughts?19:11
Prajjwalaguitel: Seriously?19:11
JSongstianhj: i do not have physical access to the server it is in AZ and I am in PA19:11
Odaymi know this is completely offtopic, and i've posted it in #ubuntu-offtopic19:11
stianhjdmradford, how did you install VirtualBox?19:11
JSongstianhj: so I have to do this over the network19:11
Odaymbut do any of you guys know a website where i can host for free?19:12
stianhjdmradford, if you didn't.. use the .deb file from the virtualbox site19:12
PrajjwalJSong: Umm, so theres absolutely no way you can upgrade?19:12
Odaymor does my UbuntuOne account allow me to host a page there where it can be accessed from outside?19:12
stianhjJSong, can you VNC to it? you can change the mirror from GUI19:12
dmradfordstianhj, I didn't, I used sudo apt-get install.... I'll try it with the .deb file.19:13
JSongstianhj: how do i install vnc?19:13
PrajjwalOdaym: Host what for free?19:13
stianhjJSong, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC19:13
Odaymjust one page19:14
Odaymbut i want to be able to choose my domain as well19:14
Odaymthese services can't be for free, haha19:14
stianhjJSong, and then you can change the mirror in the Software Sources tool (System > Administration > Software Sources)19:15
erUSULstianhj: you can19:16
stianhjerUSUL, thanks19:16
Jezzzmy system has frozen 3 times today19:16
Jezzznot sure what is going on19:17
Jezzz< - noob19:17
Jezzzare there logs where I can see what is locking up my box?19:17
eXpLoDi have a folder named * on ~,how can i delete it through the CLI?rm -rf ~/* will delete everything on ~/,i want to delete only the folder *19:18
Ceno3xJezzz: you can use the system monitor gnome panel applet to see if it's I/O or cpu to begin with, does that seem useful?19:18
ruantheres system > administration > log file viewer, that may or may not help19:18
alienkid10if you install software in a ubuntu live session then install ubuntu will it install your software19:18
alienkid10that you installed in live?19:19
ruani think so19:19
JezzzCeno3x, I have system monitor open. Not sure what I'm looking for.19:19
alienkid10what if I added new repos or uninstalled some stuff?19:19
Jezzzruan,  there are lots of log files here.  Should I look in a particular one?19:19
wasabi1Howdy. What's the latest most preferred way to do IPSEC on Ubuntu. I'd really like something that could use Kerberos with IKEv2.19:20
Ceno3xJezzz: I said the gnome applet, I use it to monitor my system. My point is that when your system locks up, it's a different thing if it's blocking on IO or blocking on high CPU usagef19:20
ruanJezzz: well, the filenames should help19:20
JSongstianhj: it says to set release-upgrades to lts inside the doc. if I set it to "normal" will it then try other servers?19:21
JezzzCeno3x, sorry.  I don't know what the gnome applet is.19:21
alienkid10if I added a new repo to sources.lst and uninstalled some software in a live session will the new repo be in the install when I install from live and will it not install what I removed?19:21
Ceno3xJezzz: lol you had bad timing, I just explained this not 10minutes ago to some other guy19:22
stianhjJSong, it chooses a server close to you when you install.. i don't think it changes location of the mirror (i might be wrong though)..19:22
stianhjJSong, you can probaly just manually edit the sources.list file19:22
thunkeeany hint to get connected to my default wlan ap after boot/login ... manually it works without probs?19:23
JSongwhere would i ifind that and what other s2plmirror site list can be found?19:23
stianhjJSong, check out /etc/apt/sources.list19:23
stianhjJSong, maybe19:23
blagim trying to build the ubuntu maverick kernel from git, but it keeps telling me to run "make mrproper", which blows out the debian/ directory, which means the command "fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel fails.  how do I build a .deb file of the ubuntu kernel by just using make?19:24
JSongstianhj: i found it.. now how do i find the source directorys?19:24
stianhjJSong, you mean list of other mirrors?19:25
JSongstianhj: yes for 9.10 version19:26
JSongstianhj: or just mirrors in general i guess19:26
eXpLoDhow can i fix my broken flash plugin?tinychat looks weird i can't even do spacebars in it19:26
stianhjJSong, why not use the standard ubuntu one19:27
JSongstianhj: well the one that cames with it gave me an erro stating the packages were not found and error 404019:28
lewqHi everyone, anyone know how to disabled the 'G' band on my wifi?19:28
lewqUbuntu 10.1019:28
JuJuBeeIs it possible that a file can inherit the perms and user/group of the enclosing folder?19:28
lewqAnd yes, I have read "man iwconfig"19:28
eXpLoDwhy nobody ever asks my question?i've been constantly asking this today and i still haven't gotten a reply19:28
stianhjJSong, no the standard ubuntu one. archive.ubuntu.com/19:29
stianhjJSong, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu19:29
stianhjeXpLoD, what version of ubuntu, browser, etc?19:29
Abinadican someone tell me why this applet it not showing up in any of my menus when I use: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lorenzo-carbonell/atarea?19:30
ikoniaAbinadi: it's not an applet19:30
eXpLoDubuntu 10.10,chromium,what do you ,mean by etc?19:30
ikoniaAbinadi: it's adding a repo19:30
ikoniaeXpLoD: what is the problem19:30
Abinadiikonia, ok...so I have to go install it from my repository now?19:30
stianhjeXpLoD, how is your flash plugin broken?19:31
ikoniaAbinadi: you've added a repo, you can now install software from that repo19:31
eXpLoDtinychat shows weird,if i wanna do a blank character(spacebar)it just scrolls the page down19:31
PetePortyeXpLoD: Did you try uninstlling flash and installing it again?19:31
ikoniaAbinadi: be aware it is not supported here though19:31
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Abinadiikonia, yeah, I know that.  Thanks. ;)19:32
malexI maintain a Ubuntu package archive for an upstream project. recently some of the archive users started mentioning that their package manager complains that the repository server does not use changelogs. Since I don't run Ubuntu I am not sure where to find the relevant docs.19:32
PetePortyexalt: Are you sure you have the input tag seelected?19:32
PetePortyHLed the wrong person...19:33
PetePortyBecause the other one left. :P19:33
Jezzzsystem log viewer is not helpful19:33
stianhjmalex, i don't know it this is of any help at all but: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/19:33
Jezzzruan, looked through the logs.  I don't see any errors.19:34
Jezzzi guess I'll worry about it if it happens again19:35
muneeb_does apt-cache depends resolves dependencies recursively?19:35
JSongstianhj: that mirror worled.. you are awesome!19:35
Jezzzis the person who helped me with ZoneMinder yesterday here?19:35
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wolfrageAny one know where wendar stays on IRC or the url to the blog for wendar19:37
muneeb_does apt-cache depends resolves dependencies recursively?19:38
DJoneswolfrage: You could just send wendar a private message, /msg wendar Your text19:38
wolfrageDJones: ahh good point...19:38
Abinadiikonia, if you're still here. could you tell me how to find this repository?  I'm searching all over the place and the package manager doesn't show  "lorenzo-carbonell/atarea" anywhere19:38
DJones!ppa | Abinadi19:38
ubottuAbinadi: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:38
wolfragedamn empathy... it does not support /msg19:38
DJonesAbinadi: That looks like a ppa, have a look at the link ubottu gave and you should be able to find it19:39
AbinadiDJones, thanks19:39
malexstianhj: thanks, I've seen that. The question is how the '/changelogs' is generated19:40
ymonir any body can tell me how to install new Icons/19:40
DJonesw 1319:40
xanguaymonir: gnome-look.org , drag the themes to the appearance window19:42
pareliany tips on how i can remove the network notification that pops up on desktop?19:42
ymonirxangua : yes i did the same and some of theme has been installed - and still tells me  ( this theme will not look as intended because the required icons are not installed )19:43
Gulfstreammy internet gets really slow every now and then. How can I fix this? (using a Belkin F5D8053 N USB card and Ubuntu 9.10, the driver for the card is installed)19:43
JyZyXELhow do you change the default DHCP client?19:43
AbinadiDJones, I looked at the link provided and that only tells me how to build a ppa (other than searching for the ones that already listed19:44
JetBoyJetGirlon the vim tutor it says that when positioning the cursor over a bar ( like this---> |bar| ) and pressing CTRL- you should jump to that section of the help file however whenever I do this it only shrinks the terminal window.... any ideas why this might be?19:44
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
LantiziaHey I've got some videos, most are 700x480 but some slightly differing heights of 696 or 704, etc... except for that they're encoded identically.  All play fine on a windows box... but the ones with 700 height on totem (or vlc) look distorted like their going diagonally... so since vlc doesn't use gstreamer like totem does... i figure the issue is further back... any ideas where or how to debug this?19:45
trismpareli: in gconf-editor, possibly /apps/nm-applet/disable-connected-notifications, disable-disconnected-notifications19:45
arandJetBoyJetGirl: Gnome-Terminal steals the keyboard shortcut?19:45
Gulfstreammy internet gets really slow every now and then. How can I fix this? (using a Belkin F5D8053 N USB card and Ubuntu 9.10, the driver for the card is installed)19:45
trismJetBoyJetGirl: the command is Ctrl [ not ctrl -19:46
ChousukeGulfstream: usb card? that sounds bad.19:46
ChousukeGulfstream: is it adsl or what?19:46
GulfstreamChousuke: it is a USB wireless adapter19:46
JetBoyJetGirlahh lol, thanks trism19:46
AbinadiGulfstream, I had the same problems but it had nothing to do with my card.  I had to tweak firefox a bit to speed things up19:46
Gulfstreamit is supposed to be high speed internet19:46
ChousukeGulfstream: well wireless is wireless. checked the signal?19:47
GulfstreamAbinadi: it is system-wide, not just firefox.19:47
JetBoyJetGirlthanks for the help guys19:47
stianhjLantizia, isn't this more of a video codec question than an ubuntu question?19:47
GulfstreamChousuke: The signal is anywhere from full to 1 bar (slowest on 1 bar), but I never move the computer.19:47
Lantiziastianhj, no because vlc uses libvlc and totem uses gstreamer... so I don't think it's a codec issue... possibly a video issue maybe?19:47
ChousukeGulfstream: also, is the driver for that thing a binary blob? :P19:47
feanoriigs: which part of your network conn gets slow?19:48
GulfstreamChousuke: the driver was installed in some weird way... I think it was a binary blob19:48
montezumai have a problem with Cairo-dock19:48
stianhjLantizia, that's what I meant.. that it's an issue with the video file (the encoding of said file) perhaps19:48
ymonirwhen i a theme- it installing - but still tells me  ( this theme will not look as intended because the required icons are not installed )  any help ?19:48
montezumalook at hte comment19:48
PetePortyCeno3x: [jhb2/sda1-8] And Quassel are the 2 things that range from 0% to 99.9%. Quassel is my IRC client, but I have no idea what the other thing might be...19:48
Lantiziastianhj, no because I have already stated the files work fine on a windows box19:48
ChousukeGulfstream: hm, then your best bet probably would be to buy some working hardware. the most likely explanation is that the adapter just sucks.19:48
StarminnIs there a reason flash is so laggy in Firefox? I've been using Firefox for everything except for Flash which I switch to Chrome for. I know it's not my system because Flash==good in Chrome, and I'm pretty sure it's not Firefox because I don't hear many complaints about it, but does anybody have any ideas? I know it runs slower in Linux than Windows (I used Firefox for Flash in Windows) because Linux isn't an Adobe priority, but still19:48
stianhjymonir, find the icon pack that's used in the theme.. it shoud say where you downloaded the theme (and in appearances -> custom) i think19:49
Ceno3xPetePorty: you're still there? I thought you'd left19:49
montezumamain-dock is right on right side sub dock is wrong there (left) should be righz19:49
PetePortyCeno3x: It just finished installing... As I said, I lag a lot. :P19:49
GulfstreamChousuke: it worked well on Windows, and it worked when I had the CD for it to work on ndiswrapper. and maybe it might have worked better on 10.04, but I am on 9.10 now.19:49
montezumaany one having an idea?19:49
stianhjStarminn, i think chrome runs it's own version of flash (check the versions?)19:49
PetePortyCeno3x: Also, I did timeout once, but I have it on auto rejoin.19:49
ChousukeGulfstream: I guess the driver for it is crap then19:50
Coffeholikashttp://developer.ubuntu.com/create/qt/  could anyone translate word "soon"?19:50
ChousukeGulfstream: that happens with such hardware19:50
Ceno3xPetePorty: could it be quassel freaking out? you can join us via http://webchat.freenode.net/19:50
GulfstreamChousuke: I guess so then...19:50
Starminnstianhj: How might I go about that?19:51
montezumasub dock is there, if main dock would be left (Mainscreen)19:51
PetePortyCeno3x: I use that when I go on liveCD, but quassel has a ton of stuff that makes it much, much better.19:51
PetePortyCeno3x: Also, I fear my HDD might be screwed... :(19:51
ChousukeGulfstream: you might be able to find the windows drivers on the internet and setup ndiswrapper again, if it really works better.19:51
stianhjStarminn, start a video in youtube, right-click -> about flash plugin19:51
MIH1406Hi, which connection type is faster? HTTP or FTP?19:52
ChousukeMIH1406: shouldn't matter, but I'd prefer http19:52
Ceno3xPetePorty: I'm not saying stop using Quassel, I was saying stop using it for a moment and see if it's causing the problems. It might be the HDD also19:52
MIH1406I am uploading large files. (I know this is not the right place) But I only use IRC to chat abou Ubuntu19:52
stianhjMIH1406, yeah, shouldn't matter19:52
Chousukehmm for uploading http is a bit weird19:53
stianhjMIH1406, if you're uploading large files, FTP would be easier19:53
Chousukebut honestly you shouldn't use ftp either19:53
Chousukeuse sftp (ssh) or something19:53
Starminnstianhj: Yes, Chrome appears to use a newer version of Flash than Firefox. Any way to manually update Firefox's or is it best to just wait it out?19:53
numbertoI cannot open code.google.com  and m.gmail.com   (all other sites are opening)19:53
MIH1406is it faster19:53
GulfstreamChousuke: it isn't *terrible*, I just have to reboot when it disconnects... it feels a lot like how Maverick did19:53
MIH1406? or you mean safer?19:53
xanguaStarminn: sudo apt-get update , to check if there is a new version aviable19:53
ChousukeMIH1406: ssh should be safer at least19:53
stianhjStarminn, the flash version firefox uses is the one in the ubuntu repositories.. so you could probably find a ppa with the new beta version or something. or manually change them19:54
montezumaany ideas about my cairo problem?19:54
numbertoPlus I can check my email (gmail) with curl from terminal, but my browser just gives could not connect to server19:54
ChousukeMIH1406: and ftp won't really be any faster with modern computers.19:54
MIH1406I am uploading to Hotfile.com19:54
RandomCake_Hi, I've just installed the NVidia graphics drivers for a Geforce310M chip (i5 processor, so there is an intel graphics chip), but ubuntu refuses to boot with the Nvidia driver enabled in xorg.conf19:54
stianhjMIH1406, your internet connection is what affects your speed not, ftp vs http19:54
RandomCake_what can I do? :(19:54
stianhjRandom832, can you run the nvidia-xconfig tool?19:55
stianhjRandomCake_, can you run the nvidia-xconfig tool?19:55
davelukehow can i completely remove python and reinstall?19:55
PeterPortyCeno3x: Ok, closed Quassel... Now this and the [jbd2/sda1-8] thing are using up the 100%19:55
davelukeaccording to the people in #python, i royally f'd my python19:55
Starminnxangua: Now is there a way to upgrade it after having updated the available software? sudo apt-get upgrade I assume?19:55
RandomCake_yeah, after logging out and in or rebooting i'm in the same place19:55
PeterPortyCeno3x: So that would make it my HDD, right? :(19:55
Starminnstianhj: Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. :)19:56
Ceno3xPeterPorty: that jbd2 thing...... I've seen it before man, but I can't remember what it is19:56
dimmortalMIH1406: I am uploading to Hotfile.com <<< do you really think this is the right place to be asking this stuff.. why hotfile... why not use torrent??19:56
stianhjStarminn, you can find newer versions of the libflashplugin.so file (which is the plugin itself) and put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins (overwriting the other one) or in .mozilla/plugins (which i think is the correct way of doing it)19:56
Ceno3xPeterPorty: If I were in your shoes, I'd google jbd, see what comes up, then run an HDD test19:56
RandomCake_stianhj: after commenting out the 'nvidia' device I'm able to start x again19:57
stianhjStarminn, /home/username/.mozilla/plugins that is.. something like that19:57
gohan4748hey masterofmonks19:57
MIH1406dimmortal, I am very sorry19:57
stianhjRandomCake_, when you are able to start X.. can you run the nvidia-xconfig tool from terminal19:57
MIH1406but this is my only IRC room19:57
PeterPortyCeno3x: Ok, I'll google it, and then bug you about how to do a HDD test. =D19:57
gohan4748hey masterofmonks can i ask u someting19:58
RandomCake_yes, stianhj, and then when I restart X again it doesn't work19:58
dimmortalMIH1406: pm19:58
tf2ftwgohan4748, you need to get super saiyan first19:58
Starminnstianhj: Using that method will it still auto-update (once it reaches the repos) or will that be up to me since I'd be overwriting the automatically provided one?19:58
extra11hi friends19:58
stianhjRandomCake_, is it one of those that automatically switches from intel to nvidia?19:58
Abinadiwhoever it was asking about chrome vs firefox...I just installed chrome and it wasn't any faster than firefox at all19:58
PI_314is there a service which send an email when specified software has updates? don't want to check various websites of self compiled applications every two days to stay up to date!?!19:59
stianhjStarminn, i _think_ if you put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins, it'll use that one.. but when the repos update, you can just remove that file, and it'll use the /usr/lib one which ubuntu installs19:59
tf2ftwPI_314, there are web site monitoring services19:59
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PI_314tf2ftw, do you have an example?19:59
StarminnAbinadi: Flash support. It is noticably faster on my system and I could take a video or something if you like. :) I promise you, though, that for ME, anyway, that is the case. I understand it is not a universal occurence though.20:00
tf2ftwPI_314, changedetection.com20:00
Starminnstianhj: Alright, thanks man.20:00
stianhjPI_314, why not find PPAs for those apps instead? you could sign up for mailing lists, etc for the projects perhaps?20:00
davelukehow can i fix python? i have hardy heron can i just upgrade/20:01
tf2ftwdaveluke, whats wrong with it?20:01
stianhjdaveluke, you shuold upgrade regardless of python20:01
daveluketf2ftw, i did a lot of stuff when i tried to install 2.720:01
davelukeand i broke it20:01
davelukei get python: command not found20:01
RandomCake_stianhj: I don't believe it's automatic (there is a Performance button that does it)20:01
tf2ftwtry apt-get purge python20:01
stianhjRandomCake_, what happens when you press the performance button?20:02
StarminnOh, another question, guys. Is there any kind of software that will allow me to copy my text messages on my cell phone to my computer? I have an old cell phone which I no longer use and have already Bluetoothed all my pics/media to my computer; now all that's left is the SMS messages.20:02
daveluketf2ftw, ok ran purge.. now what?20:02
tf2ftwtry typing python20:03
stianhjStarminn, http://wammu.eu/20:03
tf2ftwdo you get the shell?20:03
RandomCake_a blue LED turned on stianhj, lol, I've not seen any change (under windows the screen would have switched off and on as it switched graphics chips)20:03
davelukecommand not found tf2ftw20:03
tf2ftwok now install it20:03
AbinadiStarminn, ok, I believe you, I'm just saying that out of the gate chrome wasn't faster than ff on my system.  But that being said...I haven't tried to load any videos either.  Maybe I should try youtube or something?20:03
tf2ftwsudo apt-get install python20:03
stianhjRandomCake_, what computer is it?20:04
daveluketf2ftw, done.. still commnd not found though20:04
tf2ftwhmmm.. your path is mezzed ?20:04
stianhjRandomCake_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics20:05
RandomCake_it's an Acer Aspire 5745G20:05
StarminnAbinadi: Yeah, lol. Web page loading, Chrome is no faster (in my experience, anyway), and even on YouTube I get the same performance. For Flash-based games though (namely all of the Facebook games I play, i.e. Farmville-style games (though I don't play FarmVille) is where I experience that problem at.20:05
daveluketf2ftw, how would i know?20:05
RandomCake_oh, thanks I'd searched for ages stianhj, but not with the right keywords :)20:05
stianhjRandomCake_, i have google-fu i guess20:06
Starminnstianhj: Thanks. You're a god. :)20:06
tf2ftwdaveluke, cd /etc/python20:06
tf2ftwthen ls20:06
tf2ftwwhat doyo usee?20:06
davelukejust debian_config20:06
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AbinadiStarminn, I see....well I don't use any of those FB apps  because I end up getting spammed to death from them.20:07
stianhjdaveluke, sudo updatedb; locate python20:07
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roneHi folks. I'm trying to run  sudo -s "ls -l /etc/hosts" and I get "/bin/bash: ls -l /etc/hosts: No such file or directory"... any ideas what's going wrong? This error occurs on a 9.04 machine but seems to work correctly on my 10.04 machine.20:07
davelukeupdatedb and locate are not commands20:07
roneerr.. 10.10 machine20:07
stianhjrone, /etc/hosts is a file20:08
roneright.. it is20:08
roneit exists, i verified20:08
stianhjrone, so cat, not ls20:08
AbinadiAnywayz....Can someone tell me why I would not see one of the NTFS partitions on my system.  I can see all the others, but the NTFS partitition is one of two that I set up as data partitions.20:08
tf2ftwdaveluke, you dont see /etc/python/python2.6 ? are you sure it installed?20:08
stianhjrone, ls lists files in a folder.. /etc/hosts is not a folder..20:09
ronestianhj: Any operation reports the same... I just want  to see permissions here not read it.20:09
daveluketf2ftw, just the file (or dir) debian_config20:09
StarminnAbinadi: I assume it's mounted?20:09
stianhjrone, ls -l /etc/20:09
ronestianhj: Not true, try "sudo -s ls -l /etc/hosts"20:09
ronestianhj: On 10.10 it shows permissions of that explicit file.20:09
tf2ftwdaveluke, oh sorry i mean, /etc/pyton2.620:09
daveluketf2ftw, no but i have python2.520:10
stianhjrone, you're right..20:10
ronestianhj: My belief is there's something funny going on with sudo here..20:10
stianhjrone, i can run ls -l /etc/hosts with no problem20:10
ronestianhj: Not quite sure what though, given /etc/hosts is a full path.20:10
stianhjno sudo20:10
daveluketf2ftw, i can execute python2.6 in /etc20:10
tf2ftwdaveluke, how about /usr/lib/python20:10
ronestianhj: Right I know, the actual thing I'm trying to do is ie sudo -s "echo "foo" >> /etc/hosts"20:11
AbinadiStarminn, no, I can't see that it's mounted when I type "mounted' in the terminal20:11
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AbinadiStarminn, sorry, I meant "mount"20:11
ronestianhj: For whatever reason anything run using sudo -s seems to cause the "No such file or directory"20:11
tf2ftwdaveluke, ok so you can get python shell ?20:11
stianhjrone, why the -s?20:11
tf2ftwthat means your user path is fubared20:11
daveluketf2ftw, ok20:11
davelukehow can i fix it?20:12
ronestianhj: So my script is ocmpatible with mac osx as well as ubuntu20:12
tf2ftweasy to fix20:12
ronestianhj: I have to support both.20:12
tf2ftwdaveluke, one sec20:12
davelukeok.. thanks btw tf2ftw20:12
ronestianhj: I'm wondering if the sudo -s and the new shell are not loading PATH proerly20:12
StarminnAbinadi:  just do "sudo fdisk -l" then "mount -t ntfs [the/drive] [the/mount/point]20:13
roneI think i got it.. sudo -s ls20:13
rone/bin/ls: /bin/ls: cannot execute binary file20:13
ronedefinitely weirdness with the new shell20:13
ubottuUsing !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)20:13
jasonjoin #ubuntu20:13
tf2ftwdaveluke, do you have any other users on your computer?20:14
zesozehow can I use gridbaglayout to align checkbox in same column...they are in different columns...20:14
tf2ftwdaveluke, if now, add one, sudo useradd tempguy20:14
stianhjrone, i can do sudo -s ls -l /etc/hosts just fine20:14
pepehi all20:14
daveluketf2ftw, ok done20:14
ronestianhj: Yeah I can as well on my 10.10 machine, but some reason on this 9.04 machine it fails. Trying to figure out why.20:14
tf2ftwdaveluke, sudo passwd tempguy20:15
tf2ftwgive him a pws20:15
stianhjrone, cannot execute binary file /bin/ls seems weird20:15
pepeis there anyone who know how to set vesa mode?20:15
daveluketf2ftw, ok20:15
tf2ftwdaveluke, su tempguy20:16
tf2ftwdaveluke, cat ~/.profile20:16
tf2ftwdaveluke, cat ~/.profile >> profile.txt20:17
daveluketf2ftw, no such file20:17
AbinadiStarminn, this is what I'm getting:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/568893/ >  I can't tell which of the NTFS partitions is mounted and which one is not....hmmm....I just realized that there should actually be 3 NTFS partitions.  One for windows, and two data drives.20:17
tf2ftwdaveluke, PM me20:17
jimmy__I'm unable to boot into windows, whenever I select windows 7 it takes me to a black screen with a white cursor ( _ )20:17
jimmy__any ideas?20:17
Abinadi!ot | jimmy20:18
ubottujimmy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:18
jimmy__Abinadi, it is ubuntu related20:18
jimmy__obviously i wouldn't be in #ubuntu if it wasn't pertaining to ubuntu/grub20:19
StarminnAbinadi: Looks like there are 3 NTFS's. sdc1, sdc5, and sdd1. You could just mount all of them. :) I certainly don't see why not. Mount one, check it, and keep going till you find out which one you need.20:19
k5eggjimmy__: I've found it easier to swap hard drives than deal with the stupid bugs that seem to crop up with grub20:19
steeffDoes anyone speak Russian?20:19
Ceno3xHow can I check which kernel source packages are available in the reps?20:20
Starminn!russian | steeff20:20
ubottusteeff: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:20
jimmy__k5egg,  i've changed the boot table and nothing will go into windows20:20
jimmy__i do get the grub screen20:20
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jimmy__but I am never able to boot into windows20:20
AbinadiStarminn, ok, but, if I do that am I going to doubling up my mount points?20:20
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StarminnAbinadi: http://www.scottklarr.com/topic/133/how-to-mount-and-unmount-a-drive-in-linux/20:21
AbinadiStarminn, Thanks!20:21
StavaMay I use the Ubuntu font family in an image (such as a logotype) and sell that image? :o20:22
Jezzzanyone have zoneminder experience?20:22
drcStava: http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/ubuntu-font-licence-1.0.txt might help20:23
JerrysKidHas anyone here used MoonOS distro of Ubuntu?20:23
Jezzzdid a fresh install and cannot access the zoneminder page at localhost/zm20:23
Stavadrc thanks20:23
thunkeejimmy__: a rude way to fix is ... use the windows cd repair (will detect windows) and then use a ubuntu cd and boot ubuntu and try to fix grub20:23
ThinkT510jimmy__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 check configuring grub20:23
JerrysKidHas anyone here used MoonOS 4 distro of Ubuntu?  If so... Can you tell me the purpose of it vs. regular Ubuntu 10.10?20:23
jimmy__thunkee,  i tried that with no success ;/ not going backwards20:24
jimmy__now* i'm trying it backwards20:24
Stavadrc, well i dont fully understand that text :(20:24
jimmy__and "sudo update-grub" pulls up the windows 7 partition20:24
jimmy__but it never boots20:24
JerrysKidHonestly... could they make grub any more confusing?20:25
jimmy__grub = pain in the ass20:25
drcStava: me neither, but then I don't speak lawyerese...but that's the license they published20:25
thunkeejimmy__: did the windows cd boot windows? esp is the windows partion still there? ;)20:25
JerrysKidI have never understood it, and probably never will.20:25
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jimmy__grub = goodroughunlubedbuttsex20:25
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jimmy__thunkee, care for a pm20:26
drcStava: Here's one in better English :)  http://font.ubuntu.com/ufl/FAQ.html20:26
Stavadrc, thanks20:26
drcStava: np20:26
fnuseranyone familiar with the bad input file size error?20:26
BLKBXXis there anyone out there that can help with an lamp setup?20:27
jimmy__thunkee, windows repair cd did see it20:27
BiPolahBLKBXX: What aspects of it?20:27
cannonfodderBLKBXX windows or linux?20:28
Homefixworking in a chroot enviroment, i log in as "root" or username "dad",makes no diff, using nautilus... i cannot create files or directories(get readonly) even if i give it chmod -R 777 `/dir or file it wont write however dolphin does.?20:28
cannonfodderoh wait lmao20:28
cannonfodderoh wait lmao20:28
JerrysKidI do get a bit upset when I am starting a fresh install and then after selecting the drive I want to install it on, I am nagged about a swap partition being created...  I'm just like, "WTF" can't you just create the swap partition on your own?  Do you REALLY need me to tell you to do this?  I truly wish a lot of developers could step down to the NEW USERS' mindset and make things slightly easier for them.  This is utlimately why Linux fails.  Not20:28
JerrysKid everyone wants to build their OS from scratch...  Some people like flash to work right out of the box considering a majority of the internet requires it...20:28
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:28
chang-lihi, I want to create a 2nd swap and put it on a sd-card.then set it at a higher priorty than the 1st swap.  question what would be the effect if ubuntu booted without finding the sd-card swap?20:28
BLKBXXi have gotten to the point of setting up mysql  but am having issues now20:28
thunkeejimmy__: just repair it ... you need an ubuntu cd to get back ubuntu to boot afterwards20:28
cannonfodderBLKBXX is php and apache working?20:28
JerrysKidchang-li, What are you hoping to achieve by doing this?20:28
jimmy__thunkee, i have but it never completes the repair20:29
BLKBXXhow does postgres compare to mysql20:29
stianhjchang-li, i think it would just run without swap20:29
chang-liJerrysKid, more room to use apps20:29
BLKBXXi have php and apache working fine20:29
cannonfodderBLKBXX sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart20:29
cannonfodderdo it to php also20:29
JerrysKidchang-li, How is putting your swap on an external SD card going to help?  The throughput on an SD card is minimal... otherwise everyone would use them for swap...20:29
BLKBXXjust seem to always have issues with mysql on all system no just ubuntu20:29
cannonfoddersudo /etc/init.d/php5 restart20:30
thunkeejimmy__: sry ever worked for me20:30
chang-lithe netbook i have , is running a ramzswap0 also, cutting into main ram.20:30
cannonfodderBLKBXX if that still doesnt work i think theres a module you need to install into php so it can work with mysql20:30
JerrysKidchang-li, I would probably disable swap entirely and just get a large amount of ram.  This would drastically change performance and benchmarks (depending on what it is that you're doing... naturally).20:30
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Guest69931i have a problem20:30
cannonfodderalso, if you just installed eveything, just restart apache and php as i have mentioned20:31
JerrysKidGuest69931, What is your problem?20:31
Guest69931well, i am new20:31
JerrysKidGuest69931, Ask your question, and quit being new.20:31
chang-liJerrysKid, i am limited as to 2gb ram in this netbook. + small partion. dual win-ubuntu20:31
Guest69931and i want to connect to the console of my powerconnect 5224 switch20:31
Guest69931i use ubuntu20:32
Guest69931and i use putty20:32
JerrysKidchang-li, What apps are you running on a netbook that utilizes 2GB?20:32
Ceno3xI'm looking for a package with kernel 2.6.32-2 . How can I find out if exists in the repos?20:32
cannonfodderBLKBXX did that work?20:32
BLKBXXrestart didnt seem to help20:32
chang-liJerrysKid, I will be using sleuthkit.20:32
JerrysKidchang-li, If you do not have your SD card loaded and it is setup to act as the swap partition, your system will not launch.20:32
Guest69931and i don;t wat to use gui20:32
POSTroublehello room whats up20:32
XpistosHey can anyone tell me how to install "vsound" I am trying to install skype-rec and it says it needs this program, but I can't find it in the repo or in medibuntu?20:33
onelinerHello there, how can i list the groups in a box and change a user from one group to another?20:33
stianhjJerrysKid, yes it will..?20:33
POSTroublei need help getting a receipt printer to work in ubuntu 10.1020:33
cannonfodderBLKBXX what are you doing to check if php and mysql are working?20:33
BLKBXXthe thing is i want to setup a web and mail server on my ubuntu box and have no experience in this king of thing20:33
StarminnGuest69931" (all on one line please. Makes it easier to follow. :) Thank you.)20:33
chang-liJerrysKid, sd card would be a 2nd swap, but with a higher priosrity than 1st-swap.20:33
JerrysKidGuest69931, Can you possibly ask your question in one line?20:33
Homefixnautilus gives me cannot copy to ... destination is read only.. however dolphin has no prob creating folders. how to fix nautilus (even if i gksudo nautilus it does not create files or folders)20:33
JerrysKidchang-li, Your setup is ghetto.  I am not going to help you with this.  Perhaps stianhj can help you as he is obviously correcting what I am saying...20:34
cannonfodderBLKBXX those are just servers its not difficult if you view them all as small components...first thing though is to get mysql to work...so im going to ask again...what are you doing to test if mysql is working?20:34
POSTroublecan anyone assist me with a receipt printer for a POS system20:34
JerrysKidPOSTrouble, What the eff is your question?20:34
cannonfodderBLKBXX also....go into the /var/www and change the index file to index.php and insert <?php phpinfo(); ?> into it20:34
stianhjJerrysKid, I'm just saying that Ubuntu can start and run fine, without a swap drive (one of my disks died recently, the one with the swap partition on it.. didn't even notice)20:34
Kyle__JerrysKid: He's talking about a point of sale system I think.20:34
cannonfodderthen navigate to it with
chang-liJerrysKid, thanks, I will give it a wirl and see the benchmarks.20:34
POSTroublewell how do I install my POS X printer so that it works it keeps coming up as a sewoo mini prt20:35
Guest69931i have this setup ubuntu netbook {putty} ---> dell poweconnect 5224   but i don;t know any commandlines tot connect to20:35
Guest69931please help20:35
cannonfodderBLKBXX   type  "/join #web"20:35
JerrysKidstianhj, if you fill your ram, and your swap is then unavailable, your system will NOT function.20:35
BLKBXXwell i have gotten to the command of mysql - u root and i get access denied20:35
BLKBXXwarning i am a noob20:35
POSTroublewhen compiling and building the drivers I receieve the errors CUPS headers not available20:35
JerrysKidSo, I have no idea what you're talking about.20:35
JerrysKidPOSTrouble, Do you have CUPS installed?20:35
JerrysKidPOSTrouble, check synaptic package manager for CUPS headers20:35
Kyle__POSTrouble: you need cups-dev or cups-devel, something like that.20:36
cannonfodderBLKBXX im also a mysql noob...im just teaching you how to install it20:36
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POSTroubleJerryskid I just upgraded and installed all my cups headers20:36
JerrysKidDid you reboot?20:36
Kyle__POSTrouble: "apt-cache serch cups" will list all of your options.20:36
cannonfodderBLKBXX  people n #web can help you more than the people in here20:36
StarminnBLKBXX: the login for MySQL is something more like "mysql -h <hostname> -u <user> -p" it will then prompt for the MySQL user's password.20:36
Kyle__POSTrouble: out of curiosity, what type of printer is it tha tyou need to compile drivers for?20:36
AbinadiStarminn, can you check this out:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/568903/20:36
XpistosAnyboyd ... know where I can get vsound ?20:36
stianhjJerrysKid, true, and I agree with that. but that's not what you said.. you said: "If you do not have your SD card loaded and it is setup to act as the swap partition, your system will not launch." that's the part I "corrected"20:37
cannonfodderStarminn you have to make a user with mysql first right?20:37
POSTroublei am rebooting now20:37
cannonfodderi kind of forgot lol20:37
cannonfodderbeen a while;20:37
Guest69931what are the commands to connect to serial using putty?20:37
azertyuhello, this is just an example : i got 3 files on /home/user1, each  file respectivaly named file1, file2, file3,and also each file contain the word    linux_one linux_two linux_tree20:37
JerrysKidstianhj, I stand corrected.20:37
Starminncannonfodder: You create one when you install it. The default user is "root"20:37
stianhjGuest69931, man putty20:37
azertyuby doing grep -R linux_ /home/user1 it display : linux_one linux_two linux_tree20:37
azertyuonce it grepping, i need a command that just only catch the word without the path and store on specific file how to do ?20:37
onelinerHello there, how can i list the groups in a box and change a user from one group to another? sorry for trolling but i think this got lost amid allthe other queries20:37
POSTroubleKyle__ i am installing a pos x printer and can emulate it to be a EpsonTM 200 printer20:37
XpistosWoops, never mind bad date no good in pulse20:37
cannonfodderBLKBXX mysql -u root20:38
Starminnconnonfodder, BLXBXX: An example command (perhaps more helpful) would be "mysql -h localhost -u root -p" (then the password prompt_20:38
cannonfodderthen it will ask for your password20:38
ikoniaoneliner: use the user admin gui and swap the users in/out groups20:38
Guest69931putty is no good?20:38
BLKBXXi will try that20:38
stianhjoneliner, listing groups is just groups from the terminal20:38
roadmrGuest69931: if you want to use a serial cable putty won't help, you might want to try minicom for instance20:38
onelinerikonia: forgot to mention, its a remote box accessed via ssh20:38
ghostlinesI'm having a problem booting my system when I boot without an external drive connected, although I specify nobootwait in my fstab. Anyone have any ideas why this happens?20:38
onelinerstianhj: who would ve though20:38
ikoniaoneliner: use "usermod" then20:38
StarminnAbinadi: I'm not an expert in mounting/unmounting. Mine was always read fine, so... :) Sorry. It looks like you could try unmounting it first (with "umount" -- no "n")20:38
POSTroublesystem is currently rebooting20:39
roadmrGuest69931: you can use putty to connect via telnet if your switch is already on the network and has an IP address20:39
Kyle__POSTrouble: Um.  I think that should be built into cups.20:39
xrdodrxis there a program I can use to make pixel fonts?20:39
mikeb123ubuntu update wont show, what should i do?20:39
POSTroubleok well it looked like the cups wasnt all the way updated but I will search forn it as long as it boots20:39
AbinadiStarminn, well thanks anyway.  perhaps someone else can tell me what's going on20:39
Guest69931no ip from dhcp. switch has a static ip (bought secondhand)20:39
JerrysKidmikeb123, sudo apt-get update20:39
BLKBXXi had to install root-system-bin20:40
StarminnAbinadi: Yeah. Sorry I couldn't help more. :)20:40
ikoniaGuest69931: how is this an ubuntu problem ?20:40
cannonfodderAbinadi i had that problem before20:40
cannonfodderwhen i tried to access my ntfs windows partition20:40
roadmrGuest69931: if you have the serial cable for the switch you can use minicom to connect20:40
cannonfodderlook up "force mounting a volume from terminal"20:40
Abinadicannonfodder, so what solved it for you...20:40
cannonfodderthat should help...i remember it was a pain in the ass though to find the command20:40
Kyle__POSTrouble: I never had a problem using any of the built-in epson emulation.  The IBM emulation could be problematic sometimes (on band printers esp), but most epson emulation has been built into it for ages.20:40
cannonfodderALSO ABINADI20:41
Abinadiok I'll do that.20:41
Homefixany direction on the nautilus thing?20:41
cannonfoddertheres a simple solution...you have a windows partition yes?20:41
mikeb123still wont show update, im tryin to get the ubuntu 10.10 update and nothings there20:41
POSTroublethanx Kyle__ im checking it now20:41
Guest69931i dont know any minicom commands...20:41
Starminncannonfodder: (All on one line please... :) )20:41
Abinadicannonfodder, yes.  I have three actually:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/568903/20:41
JerrysKidmikeb123, sudo apt-get upgrade\20:41
JerrysKidmikeb123, sudo apt-get upgrade20:41
ikoniaGuest69931: this really isn't anything to do with ubuntu20:41
BLKBXXhow do you get root access in terminal again?20:41
Guest69931ok, very well20:41
RandomCake_thanks stianhj, might have found what i need (refer to the card I want to use by PCI BusID), so gonna try and restart now and see what happens! :)20:41
DasEiBLKBXX: sudo20:42
StarminnBLKBXX: "sudo <insert command here>"20:42
Estragonhow can I know if my dvd burner is double layer compatible (on ubuntu 10.10) ?20:42
Abinadicannonfodder, I can see two of the drives...just not one of the 250GB data drives20:42
mikeb123@JerrysKid : i did that and it still wont show20:42
stianhjRandomCake_, let me know how it goes20:42
RandomCake_will do stianhj20:42
cannonfodderABinadi   that problem occurs when windows usually isnt shut down properly...the os doesnt have a chance to mark the volume as unused i think...log on to windows and just shut it down properly...if that dont work then look up force mounting20:42
Guest69931if this is the way to be treated20:42
stianhjRandomCake_, i've been considering getting one of those hybrid graphics laptops20:42
openbeesBLKBXX: su20:42
JerrysKidmikeb123, What is your question?  I am confused as to what it is that you are trying to do.  Try to write more than five words explaining the problem.  The more details, the better.20:42
POSTrouble i have removed the sewoo and now i am goin to turn on the printer with the usb installed and tell u what happens20:42
cannonfodderabinadi this may help    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66968620:42
EstragonWebsite Title: Force Mounting NTFS - Ubuntu Forums20:42
openbeesBLKBXX: if unix password is already set20:42
roadmrGuest69931: use the manual (man minicom), most keys and commands are documented there, just set the correct comm parameters for your switch and you should be good to go20:43
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Guest69931thanks Roadmr !!20:43
Abinadicannonfodder, what do you mean that windows wasn't shut down properly.  I always do a 'shutdown' when I exit.20:43
POSTroubleit calls it sewoo and asks me to search for drivers20:43
JerrysKidGuest69931, I missed your question.  Could you repost it, please?20:43
Abinadicannonfodder, ok, let me look that up20:43
cannonfodderAbinadi ya you may be correct; however, it happened to me sometimes even with proper shutdown20:43
xrdodrxis there any way to make pixel fonts with fontforge20:43
ikoniaJerrysKid: it's not an ubuntu issue, it's not for this chanel20:43
ikoniachannel even20:43
POSTroubleand now it asks me to select the printer from the database is this the route i should take20:44
JerrysKidikonia, I'm not a smug prick, so I don't mind if he asks me...20:44
mikeb123I am trying to update ubuntu to version 10.10, but the update manager wont show the update even though i know it is available. i tried sudo apt-get update and it didnt work. now what?20:44
cannonfodderi never did it from terminal though...also...force mounting did solve it for me once...i just had to keep looking for the proper command20:44
JyZyXELhow do you change the default DHCP client?20:44
openbeeshow to send files in flashdrives like windows way20:44
JerrysKidmikeb123, did you try to just download the CD?20:44
ikoniaJerrysKid: drop the language, and the topic of this channel is ubuntu support20:44
StarminnJerrysKid: (Family-oriented please)20:44
cannonfodderand unfortunately i cant recall the website abinadi...but just keep googling force mounting for ubuntu and i think you will find the solution20:44
ikoniaJerrysKid: no, not whatever, drop the language and the attitude, please keep to the topic of ubuntu support20:45
ThinkT510mikeb123: which ubuntu do you have installed?20:45
mikeb123i dont want to overwrite my data20:45
JerrysKidmikeb123, What version are you running now?20:45
openbeeshow to send files in flashdrives like windows way ,,,,,is how can find send to option.....like one i had in windows20:45
POSTroublekyle__ or jerryskid should i be using terminal to install this printer20:46
ikoniaopenbees: gnome doesn't work like windows, there may not be a "send to" option, customising the right click menu in gnome is quite tricky20:46
Viking667Hi there. I've got a weird question here about the recent 10.10 kernel. Whenever I boot up (I've got a Radeon HD3450) and get to the GUI, I have one of the two screens go flicker every ten or fifteen seconds or so.20:46
BLKBXXhow do i unstall and reinstall mysql?20:46
mikeb12310.04 LTS20:46
Homefixneed help, can you reccomend a channel for linux technical questions such as: nautilus cannot write to disk however dolphin does? thanks20:46
Viking667yet if I use the kernel from 10.04, it doesn't flicker.20:46
ikoniaBLKBXX: open the package manager, click remove, then open the package manager and click "install" on the package20:46
JerrysKidPOSTrouble, I am not an expert on this subject.20:46
BLKBXXcool thank u20:46
Viking667Homefix: could try ##linux20:46
BLKBXXshould have known the answer would be that simple lol20:46
POSTroubleok jerryskid no problem20:46
ikoniaHomefix: are you using ubuntu ?20:46
Homefixikon: yes20:47
openbeesikonia: how can i costomize right click menu20:47
ikoniaHomefix: just ask the question20:47
ikoniaopenbees: it's really not very easy at all, hence why no-one does it20:47
openbeesikonia: are you kidding with me?20:47
Homefixnautilus is not able to write to disk dolphin can even with su or sudo or gksudo20:47
ikoniaopenbees: no20:47
Kyle__Is apcupsd configured in /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf in ubuntu?20:48
POSTroubleany assistance with CUPS server error 'server-error-internal-error'20:48
mikeb123any ideas from previous post?20:48
mikeb123i am stuck20:48
gohan4748hello guys20:48
ikoniaHomefix: 1.) don't use "su" 2.) how are you launching nautlius 2.) how are you launching dolphin, 3.) where are you trying to write a file20:48
ThinkT510mike123: open up the ubuntu software centre20:48
gohan4748hey masterofmonks can i ask u someting20:48
Abinadicannonfodder, I see, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/New\ Volume -o force which means he is trying to force mount an NTFS partition named ntfs-3g to media/New.  Is that correct?20:48
openbeesikonia: so the only way to transfer a file is just cut or cupy and then open flashdrive and paste20:49
gohan4748im a supersaiyen20:49
thunkeemy nautilus does have dend to20:49
davelukehi.. the command python2.6 works but the command 'python' gets 'command not found'... how can i fix this?20:49
ikoniaopenbees: that is the most simple way yes,20:49
ikoniathunkee: excellent,20:49
thunkeeor send to20:49
mikeb123ok opened software center20:49
Homefixikon:opening from menu create folder get cannot create folder cannot write to disk20:49
ikoniaHomefix: where are you creating the directory20:49
ThinkT510mike123: go to edit then software sources20:49
gohan4748im new what do u guys do in this chat20:49
Homefixto my desktop20:49
Homefixor anywere20:50
ikoniaHomefix: ok, what does it say when you try to create a directory on your desktop20:50
Abinadi!topic | gohan474820:50
ubottugohan4748: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic20:50
mikeb123ok opend it20:50
Homefixdolphin works fine20:50
ikoniaHomefix: no, what does it say when you try in nautlius20:50
Homefixit says read only20:50
ikoniaHomefix: are you running from a livecd ?20:50
POSTroubleany assistance with CUPS server error 'server-error-internal-error'20:50
ThinkT510mike123: then you want to make sure that release upgrade shows normal releases in the update tab20:50
bc81openbees: i didn't follow your convo, but there is also nautilus-sendto in the repos (just so you know copy+paste isn't the only way)20:50
Homefixno chroot enviroment20:50
gohan4748ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh u guys help people20:50
Viking667gohan4748: sssshhhh! Don't tell everyone!20:51
ikoniaHomefix: can you please show me the permissions on the directory of your chrooted desktop directory20:51
guntbertgohan4748: this channel is the official support channel for ubuntu - if you just want to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic please20:51
ikoniaHomefix: use the pastebin if you have to20:51
jonthuehey i just gotten HP deskjet 3050 but i cant find no drivers for it20:52
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Jezzzhow do I edit /etc/sysctl.conf?20:52
ikoniaJezzz: in a text editor20:52
Jezzzsays read only20:52
Abinadiok, anyone, I'm trying to see if I have this right "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/New\ Volume -o force"  which means he is trying to force mount an NTFS partition named ntfs-3g to media/New.  Is that correct?20:52
mikeb123ok. it was set to long term updates. im goin to try this, thanks20:52
Jezzzikonia,  how do I elevate the text editor20:52
gohan4748how do i join u guys gunbert20:52
openbeesbc81: but it is for emails .....my problem is with flashdrive20:52
Jezzzikonia, says read only20:53
ikoniaJezzz: what text editor do you like to use ?20:53
Jezzzi just double clicked it in ubuntu 10.1020:53
jonthueare their drivers for hp deskjey 305020:53
bc81openbees: it can handle flash drives to, like i said i didn't follow your convo (just joined a few mins ago)20:53
gohan4748how do i join u guys gunbert20:53
Abinadi!printers | jonthue20:53
ubottujonthue: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows20:53
EstragonWebsite Title[3]: OpenPrinting | The Linux Foundation20:53
ikoniaJezzz: from the command line or alt+f2 do "gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf" however if you don't know how to use the text editor I don't think you should be blindly editing sysctl.conf20:53
Jezzzikonia, I tried "sudo gconf-editor /etc/sysctl.conf"20:54
guntbertJezzz: open a command line and type gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf20:54
ikoniaEstragon: please disable that20:54
Jezzzikonia, guntbert, thanks.  I'll try that20:54
openbeesbc81: how can i use it20:54
Estragonikonia, sorry20:54
guntbertgohan4748: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:54
Starminnjohnthue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1649149 people mention "hplip" prehaps working?20:54
bc81openbees: sudo apt-get install nautilus-sendto.  then you right-click a file and "Send To"20:54
gohan4748im in the chat gunbert20:55
gohan4748im in the chat gunbert20:55
Jezzzikonia, i'm working with a doc for zoneminder.  It is telling me to add 'kernel.shmall = 134217728' and 'kernel.shmax = 134217728' to the sysctl.conf20:55
Homefixikon: sorry babysitting hold on20:55
BLKBXXi am having issues joining #web anyone else?20:56
zvrkanyone like to chat about future of operating system please join #LightningUnix20:56
Viking667BLKBXX: nope.20:56
Abinadiok, anyone, I'm trying to see if I have this right "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/New\ Volume -o force"  which means he is trying to force mount an NTFS partition named ntfs-3g to media/New.  Is that correct?20:57
ResQueSYstem MOnitor is saying that my CPU usage is 100%, but if i look in the processes tab there only three or four applications using a total of about 30%. how can i find out where all resources are being used uo?20:57
StarminnBLKBXX: Nope, not here either. Make sure it's all lower-case. "/join #web"20:57
drcBLKBXX: you may need to register your nick20:57
erUSULAbinadi: mount to  /media/New\ Volume20:57
StarminnResQue: "top" command in Terminal20:58
guntbertzvrk: don't advertise20:58
openbeesbc81: thanks buddy ...it works ...you are the star of this night............20:59
ikoniabc81: mega find20:59
Homefixikon: sorry about that diaperchange drwxrwxrwx 2 root root but i still cant write i get ERROR while copying to Desktop; the destination is read only20:59
bc81xD i kinda stumbled into your convo :-)20:59
ResQueStarminn, well look at that, haha. thanks a lot mate works like a charm :-D21:00
ikoniaHomefix: can you show me the output of the command "id" please21:00
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
BLKBXXi type it in and can not get it to join21:00
BLKBXXsort of stinks21:00
StarminnReQue: Not a problem. :)21:00
Homefixikon command id How?21:00
guntbertreedy_:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:00
ikoniareedy_: control the language please21:00
ikoniaHomefix: just type "id" in a termainl and tell me what comes back21:00
MysterXhello every one21:00
StarminnBLKBXX As somebody mentioned earlier, you may have to register your nick.21:00
drcBLKBXX: try /msg nickserv help register21:01
BLKBXXthat i have not done yet starminn21:01
luiteis there a some place to get a vmlinux type kernel image for 10.04 lts? I need to boot one from a very old xen, which doesn't support bzImage21:01
BLKBXXto register?21:01
ikoniaBLKBXX: join #freenode and ask for help21:01
reedy_xchat... and ubuntu installed as os.. this is where i got... from all places in the universe =)21:01
StarminnBLKBXX: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering21:01
drcBLKBXX: ikonia has the better idea21:01
BLKBXXjoin #freenode21:01
JerrysKidHas anyone here ever used the MoonOS 4 distro?  I was wondering if this is a desktop environment or a full blown distro.  My question:  Can I install Ubuntu Desktop and also have MoonOS 4 as a bootable desktop environment to select at the logon screen... much like LXDE or XFCE?21:01
StarminnBLKBXX: Indeed. Listen to Ikonnia21:01
Homefixicon:uid=0(root) gid=0(root)21:01
MysterXcan i ask here an ubuntu question.?21:01
ikoniaMysterX: sure21:01
ikoniaJerrysKid: I told you the topic - stick to it21:01
Viking667it's what we're for.21:02
drcBLKBXX: /j #freenode  you need the beginning /21:02
BLKBXXthank you very much21:02
JerrysKidikonia, What?21:02
ikoniaHomefix: interesting, ok, from the terminal can you do "mkdir $path_to_your_deskop/test please21:02
Jezzzikonia, guntbert, i've made my change and I've run 'sysctl -p' but get 'error: permission denied on key 'kernel.shmall'21:02
MysterXive got a mediacenter pc21:02
reedy_so, xchat gnome and just regular xchat got different settings as default21:02
reedy_i guess21:02
ikoniaJerrysKid: the topic is ubuntu support, not dual booting moonOS21:02
MysterXand i installed Ubuntu 10.10 on it21:02
Viking667Jezzz: are you duing that using "sudo sysctl ..."?21:02
BLKBXXsorry it has literally been 10 years since i used irc21:02
JerrysKidikonia, read my freakin question before you lecture me.21:02
BLKBXXso i am slow21:02
MysterXbut i got 2 problemens21:02
JezzzViking667, nope.. that fixed it.. <-- noob21:02
ikoniaJerrysKid: I did21:02
JezzzViking667, thanks21:03
Viking667MysterX: type it all out on one line.21:03
JerrysKidI am asking about desktop environments21:03
Abinadi!ot | JerrysKid21:03
ubottuJerrysKid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:03
LjLikonia: so what part of it is not an ubuntu question?21:03
StarminnJerrysKid: It is an Operating System. http://moonos.org/ It does not relate to  Ubuntu, though. MoonOS -- the "OS" infers "Operating System." Once more, though, it is not relative to Ubuntu support21:03
Viking667Jezzz: cool.21:03
LjLjesus christ21:03
MysterXthe usb wireless keyboard fail now and day's21:03
MysterXso i've check internet21:03
ikoniaLjL: the part that is asking what moonOS is, is it a distro or a desktop, and can ubuntu deal with it21:03
MysterXand try one solution21:03
Homefixicon no prob works21:03
MysterXto edit grub config21:03
drcBLKBXX: no problem...been there, forgot that, had to ask21:03
Viking667MysterX: ooops.21:03
MysterXbut then the sound disables21:03
ikoniaHomefix: I have an idea what's going on, but I don't quite understand why properly21:03
LjLikonia: if it's a desktop environment, which he certainly has the right to wonder, and in that case if it runs in ubuntu, is an ubuntu question21:03
StarminnMysterX: Please ask all on one line. Otherwise it becomes nearly impossible to follow your question. Thank you. :)21:04
reedy_ufo's.. hmm probably not in the same catagory... even thou i believe in those21:04
MysterXStarminn: i am sorry21:04
ikoniaLjL: if it's a desktop environment sure, he can ask if ubuntu will work with it, but he's asking if anyone's used it and what it is21:04
ikoniaLjL: not here to research other distros21:04
reedy_still the same to me =)21:04
thethinkerhow to adhust screen brightness settings?21:04
JerrysKidThis is probably the most successful and failed IRC support channel I have ever seen.  You have such potential to help people, but instead you... "!cry | ikonia" and don't help anyone.  Instead you debate on relevant subject matter.  It's pathetic, honestly.21:04
StarminnMysterX: Not a problem. :) It's just a very large channel and you'll likely receive more help if people and more easily follow it. Please try asking again, all on one line. :)21:04
ikoniaJerrysKid: bye then, don't use the channel21:05
Viking667MysterX: you've stepped out of my realm of expertise. I don't know anything about how to get wireless keyboards running.21:05
ikoniaHomefix: to help me out, is there a reason you're using a chroot ?21:05
StarminnJerrysKid: Please don't stray from the topic of Ubuntu Support. If you have a problem with him then maybe just ignore him? *shrug* :)21:05
R-Touchjerryskid: guy, perhaps i can help.21:05
LjLJerrysKid: FYI, you can voice your concerns in #ubuntu-ops21:05
ikoniaHomefix: there is one part of the puzzle tha tI'm not getting it21:05
R-Touchjerryskid: what's the problem?21:05
Homefixicon: nautilu will not let me create a folder anywere21:06
R-Touchjerryskid: unfortunately, certain linux experts forget that they weren't always experts :)21:06
friendlystrangerhey, anyone here using conky?21:06
ikoniaHomefix: can you boot into the system properly (outside the chroot) and we can try to fix this21:06
JerrysKidR-Touch, All I was asking is if I could boot the MoonOS 4 desktop environment or do I have to install it on a completely separate partition.  That was my question.  I am presently running 10.10, and did not want to muck up my Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 by experimenting with MoonOS.21:06
Homefixicon do ya have a sec hold on...................21:06
ikoniaJerrysKid: it's not a desktop environemtn, it's a distro21:06
StarminnJerrysKid: Again, "It is an Operating System. http://moonos.org/ It does not relate to  Ubuntu, though. MoonOS -- the "OS" infers "Operating System." Once more, though, it is not relative to Ubuntu support"21:07
R-Touchjerryskid: as far as i know, it shouldn't be a problem to install other environments with the default one21:07
Homefixicon look here this is what i am doing yes i put it together.......http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=93275421:07
thethinkerhow do I change brightness settings for my laptop in ubuntu21:07
reedy_so, why cant linux or any breed like ubuntu handle 3d as good as microsofts os's ?21:07
MysterXi've an mediacenter (motherboard: Asus M3n78-VM) and the usb wireless mouse/keyboard of logitec freezes. I have update my Nvidea drivers to get the Sound over HDMI working. but when i edit de grub settings to get rid of the freezing mouse, sound stops working...21:07
Abinadilol jeez louise.21:07
StarminnJerrysKid: Asking about DE is relative. But further conversation (since it's a different operating system) just shouldn't go here. :) That's all.21:07
JerrysKidStarminn, MoonOS is built on 10.10 and runs Gnome.  That is why I am confused.21:08
ikoniaJerrysKid: it's a derivative, that's why it's not supported21:08
Homefixicon my scripts are here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10584098#post1058409821:08
thunkeereedy_: what is good? it's different not less good ... almost every high performance 3d equip is unix21:09
sysop3ubuntu doesnt run gnome anymore?21:09
erUSULreedy_: because graphic chip manufactures invest like 0.0001 % of what they invest in windows drivers in the linux ones21:09
StarminnJerrysKid: Yes. Many OS's are built on Ubuntu, but are so xtraordinarily different that support for them is beyond the scope of this channel. Take JULinux, for example. It is built on Ubuntu but made to replicate Windows as much as possible. Built on Ubuntu? Yes. Support for it here? No.21:09
JerrysKidStarminn, ikonia, I do not know the difference between "derivatives" "distros" "environments" etc.  Perhaps this is why I am so haphazardly  offending your chat etiquette.21:09
ikoniaHomefix: I'm not asking for scripts, I'd like you to reboot into your desktop without using a chroot21:09
MysterXhmm to difficult? :P21:09
ikoniaJerrysKid: ok, a desktop environemt (gnome for example or kde) is the desktop that runs on any distro, follow so far ?21:09
Abinadican anyone tell me how to use something other than pastebin to upload (similarly) a screenshot?21:10
ikoniaJerrysKid: eg: ubuntu packages up gnome/kde/xfce etc etc ?21:10
StarminnAbinadi: Photobucket or something similar?21:10
HomefixIcon:cantcause it is an arm image: look here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=93275421:10
AbinadiStarminn, good idea, thanks21:10
ikoniaJerrysKid: follow so far ?21:11
ikoniaJerrysKid: ok a derivatiave is a distribution (fully Linux distro) that's based on anotherone (in this example) ubuntu, it's a full blown os with it's own packages/configs/etc21:11
wiwlooking for a music player as *powerful* as fb2k was for windows. any suggestions?21:11
=== earthmeLon is now known as meLon
StarminnAbinadi: Sure thing. Most people I see upload them to their websites (same here) but Photobucket, etc. IS just as well. Preferably to the actual image and not a profile page with image. :)21:11
erUSUL!player | wiw21:11
ubottuwiw: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:11
DasEiwiw: mplayer and vlc are fine21:11
Viking667I like Mplayer, but it doesn't play absolutely everything - i.e. chiptunes.21:12
meLonI've left my computer on for the past two nights and when waking up in the morning, I've noticed it's still on, but the screen is BLACK and it wont respond.  I have to force it to shut down.  Are there any logs that I can look at that might show me what's these gremlins are doing at night?21:12
DasEiwiw: vlc is nice because it brings own, most common codecs with itself21:12
Viking667I'd love to see a mplayer module to handle .sid, nsf and all sorts of stuff21:12
Viking667meLon: /var/log/messages21:12
=== kai_62656 is now known as kracker[BDC]
wiwerUSUL: thanks, i already tried a whole bunch. i'm not looking for as many players as possible, i was hoping for a human recommendation based on my needs (not codecs)21:13
meLonthanks Viking66721:13
Homefixicon: i cant "boot" it is on my andriod phone using htc kernel using an arm image21:13
Viking667wiw: I use mplayer and some other player I can't remember the name of.21:13
erUSULwiw: how can i (or anyone else ) know your needs? you have to try them and see21:13
Starminnwiw: I use Banshee as my preference.21:13
ikoniaHomefix:  you're using ubuntu on your phone ?21:13
ikoniaHomefix: or trying to ?21:13
Starminnwiw: Indeed. There is no "best" thus the large amount of listed players. As they said, try and see. :)21:14
meLonViking667, Is there an easy way to tell when the system is STARTING/SHUTTING DOWN?21:14
Homefixdone deal look herehttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=93275421:14
Viking667can't remember.21:14
ikoniaHomefix: ok, I'm not supporting that platform (personally) due to lack of experience21:14
Abinadiok, I'm on to another question.....I need to know how to make nautilus load at startup.  I can see startup in System>>Preferences>>Startup Applications, but I cannot tell how to load nautilus at startup21:15
Homefixany were i could go another channel?21:15
ikoniaHomefix: no idea, there are plenty on freenode, not sure of an ubuntu-on-htc-platform one though21:15
erUSULAbinadi: nautilus already start on startup. half the desktop features are provided by nautilus21:15
MysterXi've an mediacenter (motherboard: Asus M3n78-VM) and the usb wireless mouse/keyboard of logitec freezes. I have update my Nvidea drivers to get the Sound over HDMI working. but when i edit de grub settings to get rid of the freezing mouse, sound stops working...21:16
StarminnHomefix: type "/list" in IRC and just see what you can find. Sorry I don't know of any suggestions either.21:16
AbinadierUSUL, ok, thanks, I knew that...but what Im talking about is a nautilus window that shows my mounted drives (much like when you launch windows explorer)21:16
erUSULAbinadi: Places>Computer21:17
StarminnAbinadi: Is /media what you're looking for?21:17
StarminnAbinadi: Yeah, that too ^ :)21:17
genii-aroundHomefix: You might want to try #xda-devs21:17
guntbertHomefix: don't try /list on this network (it is too big), you can ask alis to search for you (try /msg alis help)21:17
drcHomefix: by my count there are 6 channels that list htc, try #htc-lunix first would be my guess21:17
wiwi never said best, i simply said i need a powerful player. that includes customizability and features (preferably in modular components)21:18
Starminnwiw: Try them all and see. When you find one that you really like use that one. All have different pros and cons, and you're really the only one who's able to judge for you. Most of them are very customizable anyway.21:19
klcsI have a bunch of header files that I want gcc to find. LD_LIBRARY_PATH seems to be empty. Is there another way to specify where to look? Ubuntu 9.0421:19
AbinadiStarminn, erUSUL, yes I can see places>>computer, and I know where /media is (from the command line at least), but what I want is for a window (call it nautilus, computer or whatever it is in ubuntu) to open up at startup.21:19
AbinadiAm I making sense?21:19
wiwStarminn: can you give me an example of a customizable one? i've tried a few and none of them seemed to be at all customizable21:19
=== linuxnoob is now known as Jezzz
gbear14275My trash and home folder icons have disappeared off the desktop... can someone tell me how to get them to reappear?  Is it as simple as creating symlinks or?21:20
erUSULAbinadi: System>>Preferences>>Startup Applications and add « nautilus /media/ » ?21:20
Jezzzso I edited my sysctl.conf and now I get " GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)" on boot21:20
StarminnAbinadi: Navigate to "/media" in Nautilus. So go all the way down to root then media. In Terminal you can type "nautilus /media" and get the same effect. Regarding opening up at startup follow what erUSL just said21:20
Jezzzhow can I undo my edit to sysctl.conf21:21
erUSULgbear14275: alt + f2 gconf-editor go to apps>nautilus>desktop tick the apropiate checkboxes21:21
StarminnAbinadi: Note that Places>Computer is pretty much the same as /media21:21
brontosaurusrexgbear14275: i would use the unnoficial 'ubuntu tweak', i'am sure there is more official way thought21:21
DasEiJezzz: edit as root21:21
thunkeeMysterX: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1338700.html may help21:21
AbinadiStarminn, I can see that.  thanks,21:21
JezzzDasEi: can't boot the system to do that.  All i get is that error on startup21:21
Starminnwiw: Try and see, man. I wouldn't know because I don't customize mine a lot.21:21
DasEiJezzz: then chroot from a live cd21:22
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:22
Starminnwiw: And I misspoke a bit. I should have said, "Most of them *seem* very customizable." Sorry for tha.21:22
Odaymi'm at the partitioning menu now, and i have an empty partition that i want to install Ubuntu on21:22
JezzzDasEi: is there a "safe mode" for ubuntu that will let me ....21:22
JezzzDasEi: ok... booting livecd now21:22
Odaymi enter it "change", and i say "ext3 journaling system"?21:22
DasEiJezzz: can try: press ctrl once grub starts21:22
DasEileft one21:22
JezzzDasEi: what is grub?21:23
StarminnOdaym: Using default Ubuntu installer it will mount root on an ext4 partition.21:23
DasEigrub is the bootloader21:23
StarminnOdaym: YOu'll also need a "swap" partition.21:23
Odaymand mount on /21:23
StarminnOdaym: Yes, mount on "/"21:23
Odaymyea i know that i need swap, how do i do that?21:23
DasEiJezzz: but from a live cd you can also easily edit a file on hd21:23
StarminnOdaym: Create another partition (Ubuntu makes it 2GB by default on mine I believe) and just tell it it's a swap partition.21:24
JezzzDasEi: ok... i'll continue to load the livecd21:24
JezzzDasEi: I assume that's the "try ubuntu" button on the install disc?21:24
Odaymhow do i create..21:24
Odaymat the menu21:24
DasEiJezzz: yupp21:24
MysterXthanks thunkee21:25
StarminnOdaym: It's been a while and I'm not there. Try "Add..." perhaps?21:25
Ub3r-N00banyone with IT & legal experience around ?21:25
onelineris there some sort of "flush" i have to apply to directories after changing groups? 755 still does not allow a user through ftp to write to a folder assigned to its group21:26
nexehI'm looking for suggestions on how to get started developing for ubuntu. Wouldnt mind contributing to ubuntu, or opensource projects for ubuntu, and starting a new project for something its missing... anyone ahve any suggestions on where to get started?21:26
StarminnUb3r-N00b: Ask your question and see who answers. :)21:26
Odaymdarn it21:26
guntbert!ot | Ub3r-N00b21:26
ubottuUb3r-N00b: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:26
jo-erlendthere used to be an application in GNOME that let you pick a color from anything on screen and copy the hex value to the clipboard. Can someone tell me the name of that?21:26
DasEinexeh: any programming laguages ?21:26
xanguajo-erlend: color chooser, or something like that21:26
Ub3r-N00bStarminn 10x21:26
thethinkerIn the gnome art program, there is a catagory for "Login Manager Themes" WHere do I find the program for it?21:27
nexehdasEi: I'm not picky but im mainly a Java guy... but i can pick them up as needed21:27
jo-erlendxangua, color chooser displays a color map to choose from, doesn't it? That's not what I want. I'd like to get the color from the desktop wallpaper or something like that.21:27
guntbertjo-erlend: try gcolor221:27
DasEinexeh: there is a channel of ubuntu-developers, but good knowledge of c++, python or such will be required21:27
Ub3r-N00bguys im looking for GOOD literature on Cyber Warfare from legal point of view, existing arguments from adacemics, possible legislation on the matter etc21:28
xanguathethinker: the nwy gdm doesn't support them21:28
Starminnjo-erlend: http://www.cognitivecombine.com/2008/04/gnome-panel-colour-finally-easy-as-pie/ try that?21:28
StarminnUb3r-N00b: Follow guntbert's earlier suggestion by asking in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel21:28
nexehBasEi: Ok great, I'll check it out. I have worked in C++ a few times21:28
thethinkerxangua: is there any work around?21:28
jo-erlendStarminn, that looks like something to choose colors for your desktop or something? That's not what I want at all.21:29
Ub3r-N00bguntbert, Starminn thanks21:29
Viking667I'm having a lot of trouble with firefox. Every time I start it up, it's in offline mode, and I can't find out how to turn that off.21:29
nexehDasEi: that channel is empty.. i think i had the same problem in the past.. i also signed up for the mentor program and never head from anyone :/21:30
Starminnjo-erlend: Ah, yes. You're right.  I didn't read it very well. Yeah, try what guntbert said. gcolor2 -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gcolor221:30
thethinkerViking667: are you sure your computer is connected 2 internet?21:30
DasEinexeh: for such questions #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place, and else forward to #ubuntu-devel21:30
jo-erlendguntbert, that works. Thanks. :)21:30
MysterXhmm its a common issue with that mobo21:31
guntbertjo-erlend: you're welcome :-)21:31
BLKBXXi am going to guess the computer he is running irc is the computer with the issue correct Viking?21:31
onelinerhow can i know if a user has write permissions for a given dir?21:31
DasEinexeh: meet in ubuntu-offtopic ?21:31
jriboneliner: 2 ways: check the directories permissions or try to write as the user and find out!  But why do you want to know?21:32
gohan4748they banned me fom the channel21:32
LjLgohan4748: well next time don't spam and that won't happen21:33
gohan4748my computer was messing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:33
__nicksera a tutti!21:33
ikoniagohan4748: please don't start in here21:33
gohan4748start wat21:34
onelinerjrib, i got a user accesing the box via ftp, its in the same group as the owner of the dir and the dir is set to 755 yet i cant write to it from the ftp client21:34
DasEinexeh: can't join there ?21:34
__nickho un macbook 6.1 uno e vorrei installare ubuntu, una guida specifica?21:34
DasEinexeh: /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:34
jriboneliner: might depend on your ftpd's settings21:34
Starminn!es | __nick21:34
ubottu__nick: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:34
ikoniagohan4748: what's the problem with your computer ?21:34
mbeierl!support | gohan4748:21:35
ubottugohan4748:: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com21:35
erUSULoneliner: [[ -w dir ]] && echo "it is writtableby me"21:35
Starminn__nick: No problem. :)21:35
jriboneliner: what do you mean by "its in the same group as the owner of the dir"?  What is "it"?21:35
drcViking667: check File> Work offline, is that checked?21:35
xanguathat's italian Starminn21:35
__nickI have a macbook 6.1 and i want instal ubuntu, a tutorial pls :) ?21:35
onelinererUSUL: i am not logged as the user21:35
drcViking667: in Firefox, that is21:35
onelinerthe user connecting from ftp client21:35
jrib!mac | __nick21:35
ubottu__nick: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:35
ikonia__nick: do you want to dual boot with macos ?21:35
Viking667It is. But it's ALWAYS checked21:35
gohan4748my enter key was stuck now i got to wiat21:36
snoflake__nick, respect to you21:36
Starminnxangua: My mistake.21:36
Viking667sorry, had to answer the door21:36
gohan4748my enter key was stuck now i got to wait21:36
__nicksure dual boot :)21:36
drcViking667: check File> Work offline in Firefox, is that checked?21:36
ikonia__nick: jrib just sent a better URL than I was going to offer21:36
__nickbut I dont want use boot camp or parallel, or something like that21:36
warlokam Rassia21:36
Viking667drc: already checked that. Turned it off, shut down firefox, start up firefox, it's checked again.21:37
jriboneliner: well 755 doesn't give group write permissions anyway21:37
R-Touchout of curiosity, if a person with a mac installs ubuntu on their system, why did they buy a friggin mac in the first place?21:37
R-Touchjust get a cheap pc21:37
onelinerwhats the correct chmod?21:37
ikonia__nick: you'll need to use something like that to dual boot properly21:37
drcViking667:  ok, it's almost assuredly a Firefox problem, I'd ask in @firefox21:38
jrib!permissions | oneliner21:38
ubottuoneliner: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:38
thunkeeR-Touch: solid hw?21:38
R-Touchmac has solid hardware?21:38
R-Touchthat's funny21:38
ikoniaR-Touch: not really21:38
R-Touchthey use the same garbage everyone else uses21:38
drcViking667: er...#firefox21:38
R-Touchif you want solid hardware, get an entry-level sony21:38
xangua!ot > R-Touch21:38
ubottuR-Touch, please see my private message21:38
erUSULoneliner: sudo -u user sh 'test -w dir  && echo "it is writtable"'21:38
erUSULoneliner: ?21:39
brontosaurusrexR-Touch: they are quiet and they have plugs in places where one doesnt have to crawl on the nees...21:39
R-Touchyeah, i suppose21:39
R-Touchthanks for the pm btw, i joined that channel too21:39
__nickno boot camp pls :(21:39
Viking667drc: well, I came here because it doesn't happen anywhere else... i.e. on Windows, it never happens. On Mandriva, it never happens.21:40
onelinererUSUL: i ll try that as soon as am done reading bout permissions21:40
Viking667It only ever happens with firefox on Ubuntu.21:40
Blue_Wolfhello, some one know easypeasy?21:40
drcViking667: I'd say its in your firefox config somehow, maybe not saving your settings when you close21:40
Viking667but why isnt it saving it? I haven't diddled with my user21:41
swazzyI am going to be learning c++, What is the best  in your opinion IDE  for me21:41
__nickok, I create manually the partition, without boot camp :)21:41
thunkeeViking667: firefox turns off if it cant resolve hostnames (dns) for example ... check proxy settings firewalls etc21:41
erUSUL!info anjuta | swazzy21:41
ubottuswazzy: anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2: (maverick), package size 1702 kB, installed size 4456 kB21:41
erUSUL!ide | swazzy21:42
ubottuswazzy: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator21:42
Viking667thunkee: hm... could you explain that further?21:42
atoiSo this is a shot in the dark, but we've recently seen apache2 on our Ubuntu Lucid servers hit like ... a huge amount of CPU usage over time to the point where our servers go to like... you know 9 load average and I have to restart them. I'm not seeing any tell-tale signs in the logs. My guess is that a code change we've done has produced this (we're running Django/Python through mod_wsgi in embedded mode.) But has anyone heard any rumors of21:42
atoithis happening with the 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.4 apache2 package?21:42
drcViking667: dunno, but I'd try #firefox and if they say it's a ubuntu issue, then come back here (unless anyone else here has an idea)21:42
Homefixdrc:there "mean over there at htc-linux21:42
Viking667i.e. I've got a about:config setting-  network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains   that's not set to anything.21:42
duliI was installing apache2 it was working. Now I get a "Fail to connect to server".  I already did the sudo /usr/sbin/apache2ctl start. Any help?21:42
Homefixor stuck up21:42
drcHomefix: what?21:42
__nickbecause I try more time t install ubuntu but it doesn't work!21:42
onelinerjrib, i missetyped, its currently 77521:42
Viking667Anyhow, I'll try at #firefox21:43
Viking667oh, and it's 3.6.1321:43
__nickwhen I reboot the ubuntu os, my pc show more error! why?21:43
debzfHi everyone, I'm trying to set up an ALC 8867 Audio card. Has anyone had any luck getting it to work? I'm using maverick21:44
onelinerwhat should i look for in the vsftpd.conf file ?21:44
SkutarthCan anybody give me some information on Ubuntu and fakeRAIDs?21:45
debzfSorry, ALC 887 Audio card21:45
swazzyis eclipse good too?21:45
Homefixcan ubuntu connect with windows,(share) without samba but with hamachi (i no its a long shot and dont say go to hamachi and ask please)21:45
xxiaoit appears ubuntu 10.04 can't mount my sd card reader automatically21:46
xxiaodo I need set up the permission somewhere? or create a udev rules?21:46
__nickpls :(21:46
xxiaoin the past it's automatically mounted21:46
__nickhelp me!21:46
ikonia__nick: what's up21:46
tobier__nick: just shouting for help is not the way to go..21:46
Starminnswazzy: I've used Eclipse and it was pretty good, yeah. I always end up using a Windows program through WINE (bad I know but I like it too much) and Eclipse is always my go-to app when my usual one stops working.21:47
xxiaothe card reader is detected, but gnome popped up saying 'can not mount'21:47
ikoniatobier: please don't give out bad advice, you've been warned about that21:47
__nickto go where?21:47
ohsixHomefix: hamachi doesn't share files, it can let you communicate with the network members, but you still need to use something else to share files21:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:47
xxiaoand i have to manually mount them instead21:47
tobierikonia: I have? when?21:47
ikoniatobier: my apologies, I miss-read that21:47
ikonia__nick: what's actually the issue21:47
SkutarthI've read the article about FakeRaid21:47
abuusaamahhey guys, I'm new to this, in a nutshell, what exactly does this client do21:47
SkutarthI'm here because it doesn't specifically address my issue21:47
Viking667#firefox is dead quiet21:47
Homefixi cant figure it out, if upstart doesnt work in a chroot how am i able to connect with windows21:47
__nickubuntu doesn't work!21:48
ikonia__nick: ok, in what way21:48
ikoniaHomefix: is this still the HTC platform ?21:48
Homefixnot in a chroot it is a service21:48
Starminnabuusaamah: IRC? Try just Googling around for "IRC" or go type in "/join #freenode" and ask there.21:48
drcViking667: must be nap time there21:48
=== ToXiC is now known as Guest27319
swazzyat least you honest but i can't stand ms anymore21:48
Homefixyes but they yelled at me over at htc21:49
tobierikonia: alright, cool. I was confused there for a while :S21:49
ikoniatobier: my mistake,21:49
Homefixits ubuntu21:49
ikoniaHomefix: what hardware platform (exactly what phone) are you running it on21:49
tobier__nick: what errors do you get, if any?21:49
Homefixhtc evo noone is doing it yet21:49
Starminnswazzy: It's in no relation to Microsoft but that's beside the point :) Anyway, yes, Eclipse is quite powerful and I quite enjoy it. Believe it or not though Gedit is also an extraordinarily capable platform for developing as well, so if nothing else works try gedit and its numerous plugins21:49
ikoniaHomefix: give me a minute to check it out21:50
Homefixim telling you go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10584098#post1058409821:50
=== abuusaamah is now known as windycitybro
Homefixand here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=93275421:50
__nickI follow the tutorial in every step, but at the finish the screen show: I/O error... number...number...21:50
SkutarthStarminn: Winners write code in vi.21:50
tobier__nick: what tutorial? for installing Ubuntu?21:51
swazzyok thanks starminn21:51
__nickyes, sure21:51
__nickthe link who sent me21:51
StarminnSkutarth, swazzy: Everybody has their favorite. :) vi, vim, and emacs seem to be the most common for "proffessionals" but again, it depends on personal preference.21:51
Homefixubuntu-arm is usually go but they want to talk about natty dev now21:51
tobier__nick: sorry, I just attached my screen, I have no idea of the history, I just saw your cry for help :P21:51
ikoniaHomefix: have you tried in #ubuntu-arm channel ?21:52
tobier__nick: have you installed ubuntu and now it doesn't boot?21:52
Homefixbeat ya to it look at my post21:52
__nickyes not boot21:52
Homefixi think i will annoy them further thnks21:53
debzfHaving sound problems. Anyone knows something about ALC887?21:53
Starminn!details | debzf21:53
ubottudebzf: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:53
SkutarthStarminn: Really? I was joking. Who in their right mind would use a terminal text editor for writing code?21:53
StarminnSkutarth: :) Anyway, moving back to the topic of the channel, haha21:53
__nickbecause when installation is finished, cd eject but pc doesnt reboot21:53
g_hi, is the notification thing supposed to queue notices? i only have one displayed at a time, even when i trigger more than one21:53
drcViking667: try <renaming> your .mozilla folder and start firefox (just to see)21:53
Starminng_: The notification box on the top right of the desktop?21:54
Viking667did that. Same issue once I close out firefox and restart it.21:54
g_Starminn: yeah21:54
debzfI have a problem with my soundcard. I'm running ubuntu meerkat. When I run aplay -l I get the following output: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****21:54
debzfcard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC887 Analog [ALC887 Analog]21:54
swazzyyea im learning so i just want something  easy use21:54
debzf  Subdevices: 1/121:54
debzf  Subdevice #0: subdevice #021:54
FloodBot3debzf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
tobier__nick: could you show me the tutorial you're reffering to?21:54
__nicksure wait pls :)21:54
g_Starminn: i only see one box ever, not more than one, like it's supposed to, right?21:54
OY1Rwe (oy6fra) now have a magnetometer online >  http://www.fra.fo/Aurora_watch.html21:54
Starminng_: I'll show you what it does. May I private message you to send you like 5 messages real quick so you can see how it works (to avoid spamming this channel)?21:54
OY1Rsorry wrong chan.21:55
g_Starminn: you mean notify-send foo hello ?21:55
Viking667OY1R: haha. Could be interesting, nonetheless.21:55
g_Starminn: and yes go for it21:55
tobier__nick: please higlight me when you speak to me, or else I'll loose you..21:55
onelineram at a loss :D21:55
Viking667__nick: as in, type in his name to begn with.. i.e. tobier:  blah21:55
Starminng_: See? IT's one box but it keeps expanding.21:56
g_no it doesn't21:56
drcViking667: was that "did that" directed at my suggestion?21:56
g_Starminn: i just see one message21:56
guntbert!tab | __nick21:56
ubottu__nick: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:56
Starminng_: What message would that be?21:56
Viking667drc: yes.21:56
silentz0rhey, most times I try to boot in ubuntu, the OS gets stuck on the splash screen. Any advice? (I use ATI open source drivers)21:56
g_Starminn: whatever i send with notify-send21:56
SkutarthLet me clarify my issue with Ubuntu and fakeRAIDs. I wanted to know two things: 1) If I install Ubuntu to a separate drive from the fakeRAID, what bootloader should I use and on what drive? 2) If I use Wubi to install instead and just install onto the fakeRAID, am I safe from my RAID being corrupted (ie worst case is that Ubuntu becomes unusable and needs to be reinstalled while Windows continues to run normally)?21:56
g_ie: notify-send boo; notify-send boo2;notify-send boo321:57
tobier__nick: what model ID do you have?21:57
drcViking667: did you rename .mozilla <after> you closed Firefox (makes a difference_21:57
g_that just shows one box which slowly swaps between the messages21:57
OY1RViking667, it is indeed :)21:57
Starminng_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111627821:57
tobier__nick: and I assume you're installing ubuntu 10.10?21:57
onelinerdoes an ftp server itself have a user?21:58
ikoniaoneliner: the ftp daemon runs as a user21:58
lisa_I have a simple question:  When running Ubuntu 10.10, how can I tell if I have 64-bit processors21:58
Viking667drc: yes, I did.21:58
Starminng_: Try this (this does it for me usually to get multiple bubbles) Change a song in your media player and adjust volume at same time. Or really anything with a notification and volume. Volume has its own notification bubble.21:58
onelinerhow can i know which is the user of a running process?21:58
tobier__nick: according the tutorial, you should've looked up your model id, and use the corresponding subpage for that model21:59
drcViking667: OK, just wan't sure from the wording, let me check something21:59
mfpocketshi guys I am trying to install something for an IR remote but the sudo make install command isnt working.21:59
tobier__nick: my guess is that you didn't; I'd advise you to start over21:59
Viking667drc: when I first start up firefox after renaming .mozilla, it starts up with Ubuntu's startup page they've set. Then when I shut down firefox and start it up again, Work Offline is then ticked.21:59
__nickmacbook 6.121:59
ThinkT510oneliner: ps aux in a terminal21:59
guntbert!compile | mfpockets21:59
ubottumfpockets: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:59
cheater-hi guys21:59
Viking667and #firefox has said nothing... just been joins/parts22:00
cheater-how can i check what "exact" version of ubuntu i have?22:00
debzflisa_:  uname -a, if you see anything with 64 it's 64-bit22:00
mfpocketsubottu it was a .tar and i untarred it and the forum post i was following said simply run sudo make install22:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:00
drcViking667: but the Work Offline in NOT checked the first time after renaming, only on the second start?22:00
Viking667cheater-: /etc/issue22:00
Viking667drc: correct22:00
cheater-there's a bug in metacity which is scheduled to come out in 10.04.3. i've got 10.04 but not sure about the third part.22:00
cheater-ok i have 10.04.222:00
cheater-any idea when 10.04.3 will be released?22:00
ikoniacheater-: which bug ?22:00
ikoniacheater-: I'm not aware of a 10.04.3 point release22:00
ikoniacheater-: what's the bug22:01
mfpocketsubottu i am really new to linux and understand the basics but it is returning install: cannot stat `hama_mce': No such file or directory22:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:01
mfpocketsmake: *** [install] Error 122:01
cheater-ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/49409622:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 494096 in metacity (Ubuntu Lucid) "Clicking the title of a window is bringing a window underneath it into focus" [High,Triaged]22:01
Skutarthmfpockets: You are talking to a bot.22:01
cheater-ikonia: it's fairly severe... it can lead to lost work, corrupt data, and security compromise22:01
lisa_Thanks debzf , Mine doesn't show 64-bit.  I just wanted to make sure I didn't need to download a different version of 10.10.  I loaded the x386 version22:01
tobier__nick: from what I read, there may be a problem with GRUB messing up the MBR, which I think is what going on because you get an I/O error (possibly it means it can't find a bootable device)22:01
guntbertmfpockets: ubottu is a bot, please read what she sent you, that should help22:01
bc81i think canonical is spying on me.   i muted my laptop's internal mic via sound preferences.  but when i open fmit (a guitar tunig program)  it still picks up sound from my internal mic.  what gives??22:01
ikoniacheater-: just going to have a read, where did you get told it's 10.04.3 that it's fixed in22:01
cheater-look at the last update22:02
tobier__nick: however, I have no experience with installing ubuntu on macbooks; my advice still is to start over and make sure you follow the steps in the tutorial22:02
tobier__nick: other than that, I can't be of much help. sorry22:02
__nickok, but where I must instal grub?22:02
ikoniacheater-: ahh, I see why you think that, ok22:02
Skutarthbc81: Open up your laptop and stab the microphone with a screwdriver.22:02
debzflisa_: sorry, it only means that your current OS is 32 bit! I don't know how to check if your pc supports 64-bit22:02
mfpocketsgunthbert thanks, realized that after typing.22:02
__nickubuntu partition, or macosx partition?22:02
drcViking667: have to play with puppy for a bit (she woke up, back in about 15 min :)22:02
Viking667check /proc/cpuinfo to see if your CPU supports 64-bit22:02
cheater-ikonia: basically the situation is like this: if you have a window, and click it, the click can get randomly forwarded to another window22:02
Viking667drc: cool.22:02
ikoniacheater-: this must be wrong, but the expected date is 2011-07-2922:02
cheater-ikonia: this means closing, maximizing, etc.22:03
guntbert!tab | mfpockets :-)22:03
ubottumfpockets :-): You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:03
lisa_debzf, I guess I could download the ISO and see if it boots/runs on my system22:03
g_Starminn: you're missing the point! i'm triggering the bubbles myself!22:03
tobier__nick: use rEFIt if you're dual booting22:03
debzfyeah, try it22:03
cheater-ikonia: there is a patch, and even a ppa version, that fix it22:03
cheater-ikonia: and it's supposedly fixed in 10.1022:03
cheater-ikonia: it can't be that difficult..22:03
Starminng_: Yes, I udnerstand that and I gave you a link to the program you are using.22:03
ikoniacheater-: I don't decide on the release, that's the planned date, that seems a harsh wait time22:03
__nickalready use, but not important if ubuntu doesnt restart !22:03
Starminng_: Previously I did not, that is correct, but the link I gave is about the program it would appear you are using?22:04
lisa_I just noticed most of the Dell laptops are loaded with windows 7 64-bit... wondered if I was going to have to re-load ubuntu 64-bit.22:04
cheater-ikonia: it's insane to just merge a patch22:04
cheater-which takes, oh, 4 seconds :)22:04
ikoniacheater-: raise it as an issue on the bug report22:04
cheater-i think i will22:04
ikoniacheater-: I think you have a valid point22:04
k9-consolehey guys22:04
POSTroublehello room I am installing a impact printer epson tmu and keep gettin the error that cupsFilter file rastertotmu is missing22:04
Viking667What makes me laugh about my machine is: it's got a 64-bit CPU, but the rest of the machine appears to be entirely 32-bit. No EFI here that I can see.22:04
cheater-where do you see the date 07-29?22:05
g_Starminn: so, is there a better notification program to use?22:05
ikoniacheater-: click on the ubuntu 10.04.3 link22:05
ikoniacheater-: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-10.04.322:05
g_the notify plugin with ubuntu kinda doesn't work22:05
POSTroublei have tried the sudo aa complain command and that does not help any assistnace would be appreciated22:05
POSTroublethank you22:05
g_it just feels like a cheap osx clone!22:05
mfpocketsguntbert, lol, im getting pwned on everything.  reading through the links now.  thanks22:05
jsebeani cant dim my screen on ubuntu 10.0422:06
guntbertmfpockets: no problem :) we all had to learn22:06
jsebeani have an emachine E72522:06
onelinerso settign perms on the folder to 777 allows the user to write, so ftpd server is ok22:06
__nickthere is someone have installed ubuntu in macbook?22:06
guntbert!enter | jsebean22:06
ubottujsebean: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:06
__nickpls answer me:(22:06
onelineram just not figuring out how to set the users/groups right22:06
jsebeanmy apologies, any ideas though?22:07
Starminng_: I do not know of any, I'm sorry. You could try Googling around though and see what you come acorss. I do not know of any though, no.22:07
ikoniaoneliner: chown22:07
tobier__nick: are you talking to me? I said to highlight me; I almost have no chance seeing your messages otherwise...22:07
Viking667chown changes owners, chmod changes permissions22:07
BLKBXX__nick i know of people who have none were really lucky but that was also a while back22:07
Homefixicon: u still here22:07
ikoniaHomefix: yes22:07
jsebeancan anybody help me with this. I can't adjust my screen brightness on my emachine E72522:08
Viking667oneliner: info chown22:08
Homefixbear with me one more chance u can tell me to jump in the lake after one but i have to tell u..............22:08
__nickI a m not a lucky guy:(22:08
Viking667oneliner: whoops - I meant to type:   man chown22:08
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jsebeananybody? I can't adjust my screen brightness on my emachine E72522:09
onelinerikonia: my issue is: i have ussera and usserb both on groupa , which is same name as usera, so it loosks like ussra groupa ussrb groupa22:09
drcViking667: pawned the puppy off on the daughter :)  I'm stumped.  What really is confusing is the rename/delete .mozilla and the problem comes right back.  I'm out of ideas...sorry22:09
onelinerthing is when dir is set to 775, ussrb still cant write to it via ftp22:09
HomefixI tried gksudo nautilus in terminal and got (nautilus:1096) warning failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: no such file or directoyy22:10
Viking667drc: yeah, me too.22:10
DasEioneliner: simply own the dir to the desired user ?22:10
onelineri need both to be able to write22:10
DasEioneliner: sudo chown -R UserHere /some/dir22:10
guntbertHomefix: the reason might be that you started a GUI app with just sudo22:11
DasEioneliner: an plain ftp.. may I ask why you don't use ssh or https, vsftp least ?22:11
Homefixis the /var/run/dbus/system.... part of upstart?22:12
lisa_Does the ubuntu 10.10 x386 ISO include support for the intel 64-bit processors?22:12
cheater-ikonia: done22:13
DasEiloculinux: this an english spoken channel, need help ?22:13
thunkeelisa_: works but not 64 bit ... beyond the name amd64 is suitable22:14
drcViking667: well, back to the puppy...Try "ubuntu+firefox+work offline" in google, there are lots of entries (some old), didn't have time to look at more than a couple...maybe you'll find somthing22:14
lisa_So the new laptops that come with windows 7 64-bit with Intel processor there's now Ubuntu for it?22:14
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cbzwhy does ubuntu divide init scripts between init.d and init? there seems to be no rationale22:15
SkutarthIt appears things have slowed down now. Can anybody address my question?22:15
ThinkT510lisa_: you can install either 32bit or 64bit ubuntu on a 64 bit processor22:15
windycitybromimustafa, where r u22:15
lisa_Thanks ThinkT510, but I'm confused about the ISO... Would I use the AMD64 ISO for the Intel chips?22:16
ThinkT510lisa_: yes22:16
lisa_Thanks ThinkT510 , Why don't they take the AMD off the name then?  That would help.22:16
ThinkT510lisa_: thats just what the architecture is known as, it works n intel and amd cpus22:16
DasEicbz: there is a movement going on from the old init  to the new service approach22:16
onelinerDasEi: thing is i amtrying over vsftpd setup to use from php, and i aint got shhlib to use sftp22:16
mfpocketsguntbert,  I am reading the link about installing from source, and the first step is referencing an ./configure file but I cannot find one nor does the command supplied work.22:16
thunkeelisa_: amd64 iss only the name for the technology ... works with intel and amd processors22:16
evidenthi everybody...22:17
Dazzledanyone know an IRC channel where I can ask about Berkeley/Posix sockets?22:17
HomefixMy var/run/dbus is empty22:17
mfpocketsguntbert,  I have a makefile though, are these two in the same22:17
lisa_I used to work at AMD...22:17
evidentcan anybody tell me why I can't chown a symbolic link I made as root?22:17
DasEioneliner: vsftp is comlete; ssh is not an option (scp, rsync over ssh) ?22:18
evidentI have a file in one of my user's home dir and I want to symlink it to a directory in my /var/www/.../httpdocs and make it accessible from the web, so chown it to my webservers username22:18
Starminnevident: Because root made it, maybe? Have you tried "sudo chown"?22:18
ThinkT510Skutarth: try posting your problem again22:18
evidentwell I am logged in as root...22:18
cbzDasEi: is there a unified set of scripts somewhere which i can use to control which of them run and at what runlevel?22:19
Homefixicon vr/run/dbus/ is missing pid system_bus_socket?22:19
evidentand when i try "chown webuser:group file.txt it doesnt change anything22:19
guntbertmfpockets: no, usually there is a file named configure, this prepares the actual make file, if it is not there you could try to just run make in the directory (don't use sudo yet), then (if successful) run sudo make install22:19
onelinerDasEi: i would love to simply be able to handle users and chmods properly :)22:19
__nickthx to all and good night (sure for me here is night :) )22:19
thunkeeevident: in general you canrt chown symbolic links22:19
Viking667bah. It seems NetworkManager is running, and Firefox was prodding it to see what interfaces there were, not finding anything, so working offline. Bah bah bah. I thought I removed NetworkManager!22:19
DasEioneliner: ftp is fine if no authentics and such are required, so just download. install ssh and fail2ban, then use rsync or scp to upload files22:20
FanshaweHello. I can't get Empathy to connect to an MSN chat account. I'm sure I have the right password and settings, because those settings work on Pidgin from another computer.22:20
evidentwell but how can I set it then? since my apache user doesnt have access to the other user's homedir22:20
thunkeeevident: change the original22:20
DasEioneliner: man useradd, gropad, chown, chmod22:20
evidentto what?22:21
Blue_Wolfhello, some one know easypeasy?22:21
yuskhanzabhelp! how to run iptraf in terminal?22:21
DasEicbz: rephrase question, unclear .. want to add a startupapplication or manipulte services ?22:21
evidentif I change the owner there the owner itself (a script) cannot write in it anymore...22:21
Starminn!find easypeasy | Blue_Wolf22:21
thunkeeevident: <sarcastic> to what you need and what you can risk :)22:21
ubottuBlue_Wolf: Package/file easypeasy does not exist in maverick22:21
Blue_Wolf!find easypeasy22:22
Blue_Wolfi would like to translate it to hebrew22:22
Blue_Wolfneed some guide or some thing22:23
mfpocketsguntbert,  I dont think this looks like it executed correctly http://pastebin.com/7x9chbed22:23
StarminnBlue_Wolf: Contact the devs?22:23
windycitybrocan someone give me the comand to copy a theme to the .irssi directory22:23
DasEiwindycitybro: sudo cp22:23
windycitybroDasEi is that all?22:24
DasEiwindycitybro: yes, maybe even without sudo, if it's writeable22:24
DasEicbz: ?22:25
mfpocketsguntbert,  and this is result of sudo make install http://pastebin.com/SemdmauZ22:25
minimecwindycitybro: Copy it to the .irssi directory and type /set theme yourtheme in the irssi commandline.22:25
poffiohi to all22:25
spacedpinehey, I am having a little trouble booting from my usb drive on my macbook air.. I think I need to format my usb a certain way to render bootable?22:26
lisa_Found out my laptop has a T6600 CPU, and Intel shows it is 64-bit instruction set.  So I should be running the AMD64 ISO right?  What will I see if I change it?  More performance?22:26
_Neytiri_how do i resolve this issue Error occurred during initialization of VM  Could not reserve enough space for object heap  Could not create the Java virtual machine.22:26
minimecwindycitybro: do /save afterwards to make the change permanent22:26
DasEilisa : it's more about adress-translation in regards of ram, no performance reasonable22:27
guntbertmfpockets: never call make install when the previous make went wrong - copy the archive into your own homedir , extract it there again, cd into the directory and try make again22:27
ThinkT510lisa_: 64bit processors allow you to access over 4 gigs of ram, thats the biggest benefit22:27
DasEilisa_: how much ram ?22:27
lisa_just 4g22:27
DasEilisa : mem shows you22:27
lisa_so no need to change?22:27
DasEilisa_: get either 32bit pae or , my advice, 64 bit22:28
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info22:28
ddfsomebody speak slovenian22:28
nachosHi, What is the best USB Wireless-N adapter to use with ubuntu?22:28
cbzDasEi: is there a unified set of scripts somewhere which i can use to control which of them run and at what runlevel?22:28
SkutarthCan somebody at least answer my yes/no question? Can a fakeRAID be corrupted if Ubuntu is installed through Wubi?22:28
lisa_I'm downloading the AMD64 ISO, opinions on if I should reload with it?22:28
DasEicbz: rephrase question, unclear .. want to add a startupapplication or manipulte services ?22:28
nachosI bought a WUSB325GC and its a peice of crap.22:28
Dazzledlisa_: I have a 64bit Ubuntu running on a Intel Centrino Duo (Dell D830)22:29
cbzDasEi: as each of the tools seem to read either /etc/init or /etc/init.d22:29
onelinerDasEi: thing is, 1) the final operator is going to be the php backend of a cms, 2) the blessed directory should be writable beyond excuse22:29
cbzDasEi: i want to be able to control startup and runlevel22:29
onelinerid rather learn this method right before trying the others22:29
a7i3n /exit22:29
mfpocketsguntbert,  identical out put of the first link i sent.22:29
DazzledWhile I don't know if there are any added benefits, I prefer to utilise my HW to the fullest extent22:29
ThinkT510lisa_: you should have the same user experience as you do with the 32bit ubuntu22:29
guntbertSkutarth: we don't ignore you, it may just be that nobody *knows* the answer22:30
lisa_Thanks Y'all.  I'll play with it and maybe reload22:30
DasEicbz: so chkonfig is your friend, and aslo check :22:30
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:30
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:30
DazzledSome bumps you might encounter: Flash (there's a *real* 64 bit driver by now)22:30
onelinernow i noticed vsftp has three processes two as root and one as nobody, does that sound fishy to anyone?22:31
guntbertmfpockets: well, I'm a bit too tired at the moment - think again if you really need *that* program, the installation seems a bit weird :-))22:31
DasEicbz: see there are few ways to achive it22:31
_Neytiri_how do i resolve this issue Error occurred during initialization of VM  Could not reserve enough space for object heap  Could not create the Java virtual machine.22:31
mfpocketsguntbert,  thanks, its a patch to make all buttons on my media center remote work correctly.  Ill try to figure it out22:31
apoxIf install virtualbox and run windows 7 on it, can i then play like mw2 flawless exactly like i was running windows 7 from the harddrive ?22:32
guntbertmfpockets: Good luck :-)22:32
DasEioneliner: you read my concerns, but own you own risk : chmod +w will make it writeable22:32
SkutarthCrap. I mean, I know Wubi's docs say that it doesn't support fakeRAID, that doesn't at all tell me whether or not it means that it might not work or if it means that it will wipe my entire drive.22:33
yuskhanzabanyone playing euphRO in here?22:33
kev009how do I remove linux-image-server and its deps so only linux-virtual remains?22:33
onelineryet thats not what i want either22:33
yuskhanzabgot problem when conncting the euphRO22:33
burdSo I am a Debian guy myself but.. a guy at work comes to me with this ubuntu driven netbook, goes.. we shut it down and now this.. It cannot find /sbin/init .. seen lots of threads in the ubuntu forums but i have yet to see anything that explains how /sbin/init has been removed on so many machines in the last month... Does anyone have any links to the true cause of this epidemic?22:33
DasEiSkutarth: you wont a softraid in wubi ?22:33
apoxIf install virtualbox and run windows 7 on it, can i then play like mw2 flawless exactly like i was running windows 7 from the harddrive ?22:35
DasEiburd: /etc/init22:35
cheater-what's mw2?22:35
cheater-mechwarrior 2? :)22:35
burdDasEi, excuse me? I am not sure what you are asking22:36
DasEiapox: on a very strong machine only, and graphics will suffer, so no22:36
Da|Mummyim installing an internal 2tb hdd, which filesystem should i use any why?22:36
JSongdoes anyone have any experience upgrading from 8.04LTS to 9.10 LTS?22:36
DasEiburd: next to the outrunning /etc/init.d ubuntu uses services now22:36
cheater-JSong: i've done that, wasn't too bad.22:36
xanguaJSong: 9.10 is not lts22:36
DasEiapox:you do a dualboot for that22:37
cheater-JSong: i would go to 10.04.22:37
apoxOk, to bad :(22:37
apoxThanks for the help tho22:37
sneakyimpcan anyone tell me how i might obtain the ./configure command to compile PHP so that i have all the options the same as the ubuntu default apt-get install?22:37
JSongcheater: i want to go to 10.04 but it says i have to first go to 9.10 first then from 9.1 go to 10.04.  But I do not have a gui and so I must do it all from command line22:37
JSongcheater-: i want to go to 10.04 but it says i have to first go to 9.10 first then from 9.1 go to 10.04.  But I do not have a gui and so I must do it all from command line22:38
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DasEiJSong: current distro ?22:38
cheater-JSong: aha22:38
burdDasEi, I am not udnerstanding here.. what would that have to do with staarting the machine? I don't understand.. this is the first command run when a mchine starts.. the binary is gone22:38
cheater-JSong: i think you do it with apt-get..22:38
_Neytiri_how do i resolve this issue Error occurred during initialization of VM  Could not reserve enough space for object heap  Could not create the Java virtual machine.22:38
_Neytiri_i cant figure out how to fix that22:38
JSongdasEi: what do you mean current distro? it is 8.0422:38
cheater-JSong: first do apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade. that is all.22:38
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DasEiburd: yes, missunderstanding, the initrd is gone ?22:39
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
DasEiJSong: 8.o4 should be able to go one step 10.0422:39
burdDasEi, gone.. and i am seeing forum thread after forum thread in the ubuntu forums concerning it22:39
SkutarthDasEi: I'm running a BIOS RAID (I was unaware of it at the time I installed)22:39
jonathanJSong, what happened to your GUI?22:39
JSongdasEi: not based on this site:  Because Kubuntu 8.04 was not an LTS release and has passed its end of life, direct upgrades to Kubuntu 10.04 LTS from Kubuntu 8.04 are not supported. Please follow the directions for upgrading Kubuntu 8.04 to 9.10 first, then follow the directions above for upgrades from Kubuntu 9.10.22:40
SkutarthDasEi: I want to either install Ubuntu onto a separate drive or find a way to safely dual boot with Windows 7 64-bit on the fakeRAID drive (including Wubi as an option).22:40
Calztehre's someone here ?22:40
DasEiJSong: ah, kubunut, bad luck then22:40
JSongjonathon: it is on the server so it never had a gui I can only term in unless I want to install x11vnc22:40
lost_soulsorry, this is a bit of a vague question.  But I'm experiencing issues with NFS mounts on an (kinda) ubuntu 10.04 system.  The shares mount fine but seem to randomly vanish (crash).  Anyone else notice similar?22:40
DasEiCalz: just 157122:40
JSongdasEi: i dont know if i have kbunut or waht i have all i knwo is that it is 8.0422:41
EmuAlertHow do you navigate to a directory with spaces in it?22:41
lost_soulquote it22:41
lost_soulcd "my directory"22:41
burdEmuAlert, quotes22:41
jribEmuAlert: cd 'dir with spaces'   OR   cd dir\ with\ spaces22:41
BLKBXXis you bar with you programs on the top or bottom JSONG?22:41
sneakyimpcan anyone tell me how i get the ./configure command for default apt-get install of PHP5 ?22:41
JSongblkbxx: i dont have a gui it is just a command line22:42
sneakyimpthere are so many modules installed...i want to make sure i get them all22:42
lost_soulsneakyimp: ./configure is for when you compile I believe22:42
DasEiSkutarth: works, do a dualboot, I don't like wubi (case of problems bad repair option, rather use vm's , fine for a first glance though, regulary gets borked on ntfs)22:42
jrib!source | sneakyimp22:42
ubottusneakyimp: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html22:42
sneakyimplost_soul: that is exactly what i'm trying to do22:42
jribsneakyimp: use apt to install things22:42
lost_soulsneakyimp: then you wouldn't use apt-get, you need to download the source to compile it22:42
sneakyimpubottu: yes but they don't have 5.3.5 in the package repos, do they?22:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:43
EmuAlertAh, thanks22:43
sneakyimplost_soul: i have downloaded source, i want to make sure when i run ./configure that i have the same options as the apt-get install does22:43
SkutarthDasEi: Anything special I have to do as far as bootloader? Will using GRUB as the MBR on the Ubuntu drive let me recognize and boot Win7 on the fakeRAID?22:43
windycitybrohow do I change the theme, I saved to .irssi file, typed /set theme aka.png did I miss something22:43
sneakyimplost_soul: otherwise, i might not have all those tasty modules.  e.g., sockets, pcntl, mysql, etc.22:43
DasEiSkutarth: the installer will just see it as one drive, first install win, then ubuntu22:44
DasEiyes, grub boots win 722:44
lost_soulsneakyimp: oh..  so you want to see what the package has as far as compile time options goes..  I'm unaware how to check that, sorry22:44
CalzDasEi, i have a 'problem', i have just finished the ubuntu update and now i have two ubuntu o boot screen, how can i delete the older kernel version of the boot screen22:44
sneakyimplost_soul: exactly.  for some reason, phpinfo output doesn't tell me what the configure command is...it usually does.22:44
DasEiCalz: open synaptic22:45
SkutarthDasEi: Ubuntu's installer doesn't recognize the fakeRAID at all. If I boot into the liveCD and look at the mounted volumes, it shows up as two separate, empty drives.22:45
DasEiCalz: I like two kernels least, case mess, the older one still works22:46
sneakyimpskutarth: that sounds like something you should tweak in BIOS...do you have mobo manual?22:46
Skutarthsneakyimp: Yeah. This is Intel ICH9R, I believe.22:46
sneakyimpskutarth: otherwise, are the hard drives clean or is this multi-boot situation?22:46
windycitybrohow do I change the theme, I saved to .irssi file, typed /set theme aka.png did I miss something22:46
Skutarthsneakyimp: The drives are not clean, unfortunately.22:46
sneakyimpskutarth: can you reformat them or not?22:47
CalzDasEi, in fact i don't want to real remove it, just want to delete the option of grub screen22:47
Skutarthsneakyimp: Not at the moment.22:47
lost_soulsneakyimp: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/finding-config-options-with-which-apt-get-install-installs-a-package-858945/22:47
Skutarthsneakyimp: I'm thinking it might just be better to wait and get another drive.22:47
lost_soulthat might be of help22:47
apoxIf i have CrossfireX enable can that mess up the linux ? Sometimes i get errors when i startup linux and my bars and windows are grey instead of the goodlooking ubuntu style22:47
jo-erlendcan someone recommend a tool to measure disk IO performance of a disk?22:47
tonyyarusso(Using OpenOffice.org on 10.04)  I'm trying to print a letter to various recipients.  I have a spreadsheet with all of the names and addresses, and a template file with placeholders.  How do I go about printing a copy of the template for each record in the spreadsheet?22:47
sneakyimplost_soul: thx, but no answer there :(22:48
a_p3rson1apox: using ati? (btw apox is a great game)22:48
apoxye ATI22:48
jonathanwhen is 11.04 scheduled to be released?22:48
sneakyimpskutarth:  i'm not an expert at this...internal drives formatted as RAID, correct?  is this done via mobo function or via some other os that's installed?22:48
a_p3rson1umm it could possibly especially if there are 2 different models22:48
DasEiCalz: the do a subfolder in /boot, move the unwanted initrd's there and run sudo update-grub22:48
IanWizardjonathan, in 2011, in the month of 0422:48
apoxI have reinstalled ubuntu 2 times but i still have the same problems22:48
jonathanthanks IanWizard22:49
DasEiCalz: also you can define howmany kernels grub shall hold22:49
a_p3rson1jonathan: the naming scheme is like this: [month it will be released].[year it will be released]22:49
DasEiCalz: but least two kernels are fine, case an update fails22:49
Skutarthsneakyimp: Done through MoBo function. Intel's soft RAID chip has its own BIOS.22:49
a_p3rson110.10 = october 201022:49
IanWizarda_p3rson1, that's backward.22:50
jonathana_p3rson1, I hadn.t realized that22:50
Calzok, yeah it's an nice option22:50
Calzi will try here22:50
jonathanI had always wondered how they got the numbering22:50
a_p3rson1lol i just noticed that22:50
sneakyimpskutarth:  hm...i'm kind of out of ideas.  Unless I'm mistaken, the mobo should present the RAID drives as a single device entity to software os -- or at least i think so22:50
a_p3rson1jonathon: mines backwards22:50
apoxa_p3rson1: ye im using ATi, reinstalled ubuntu 2 times and still the same problems, some problem you heard of before ?22:50
IanWizardit's the last two of the year (11), dot (.), month (04)22:50
ridehif sftp is just too slow whats the next best thing? Rsync?22:51
IanWizardand it's always in April, and October  (04, and 10)22:51
Skutarthsneakyimp: Unfortunately I don't think it's transparent to the operating system. It's a crappy kludge that requires drivers in the OS. I think Windows 7 has them built in, but Windows XP required the drvers to be installed via floppy or slipstreaming.22:51
sneakyimpskutarth: but my knowledge gets really thin at this point...22:51
a_p3rson1apox: its possible, i wouldn't recommend having crossfire enabled in ubuntu (you should be able to use CCC to disable it), you wont need that much power22:51
spectrahphello, i downloaded ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition, and made a bootable USB. Booting from it hangs at this line "SYSLINUX 3.82 ........"22:52
spectrahpcan anyone tell me why???22:52
sneakyimpskutarth:  if drivers required, i think you are SOL.  another drive would probably do it -- and i'd be willing to be you won't be able to access the RAID that's in there unless by miracle you find the right drivers22:52
tf2ftwspectrahp, need mroe info22:52
a_p3rson1spectrahp: try burning to a CD first22:52
a_p3rson1some computers dont like usb booting22:52
sneakyimpskutarth:  drives are very cheap now -- especially if you just need 200GB SATA...they're like $4022:52
spectrahpa_p3rson1: The same machine used to boot from 9.something22:52
spectrahpa_p3rson1: from an ubuntu made usb22:53
a_p3rson1i know22:53
tf2ftwspectrahp, anything else plugged into usb?22:53
a_p3rson1but still try burning a cd22:53
spectrahptf2ftw: more info? theres a mouse and a keyboard, thats it22:53
a_p3rson1also tf2ftw is right22:53
spectrahptf2ftw: its i386 also22:53
Jordan_Uspectrahp: What OS did you use to make the USB?22:53
spectrahpJordan_U: Vista22:53
a_p3rson1shouldnt matter unless you created a startup disk on another architecture (x86 > x64)22:54
sneakyimpcan anyone tell me if there are source files or other stuff left over from my original "apt-get install php5" ?? if so, where would i find them?22:54
apoxa_p3rson1: Ok, have disabled it now, gonna restart after the movie but i think i tried it before some days ago22:54
apoxa_p3rson1: Thanks for your time22:54
spectrahpa_p3rson1: actually Vista is 64bit, could that be why??22:54
tonyyarussosneakyimp: sources are in separate packages.22:54
Skutarthsneakyimp: Thanks for the info. Would I still be able to boot into both if Windows 7 is on the fakeRAID and Ubuntu is on a separate, normally partitioned drive?22:54
a_p3rson1spectrahp: vista will burn it as NTFS or FAT, probably having a hard time22:54
spectrahpa_p3rson1: it shouldnt actually. I created the old ubuntu 9 USB froim vista as well22:54
a_p3rson1apox: np22:54
tf2ftwspectrahp, anything else plugged into usb?22:54
sneakyimptonyyarusso: i'm just trying to find out what ./configure options they used to build php522:54
spectrahptf2ftw: only keyboard and mouse22:54
a_p3rson1spectrahp: humor us, try using a cd22:55
sneakyimptonyyarusso: any ideas?  it's usually visible in phpinfo output but not in Ubuntu's build22:55
tonyyarussosneakyimp: Download the source package and read the scripts in the debian directory then.22:55
tf2ftwspectrahp, maybe a bad image flash22:55
Skutarthsneakyimp: Or would I need to use the Windows bootloader to boot into Ubuntu instead of using GRUB with the MBR on the Ubuntu drive?22:55
tobiaszmy dad's laptop (Asus F3SG) has a webcam which now works very bad, barelly starts up, and updates framerate once per minute22:55
spectrahpa_p3rson1: no blank CDs and also that is not a solution...22:55
spectrahptf2ftw: i will format and recreate the USB bootable image22:55
Ben64how do you know it's not a solution?22:55
=== a_p3rson1 is now known as a_p3rson
tf2ftwspectrahp, sounds like a hardware conflict if not a usb image problem22:56
spectrahpBen64: I want to boot from USB22:56
tobiaszwhat can be cause for that? Is gpu temperature (around 65'C all the time) possibly causing the problem?22:56
DasEiSkutarth: in this scene you would install grub on the singledrive and have an entry for win in there22:56
Ben64spectrahp: usb booting isn't 100%, cd is22:56
sneakyimpskutarth: hard t say there...i think Ubuntu installer will try to move the boot.ini or create one if it can't find the windows 7 boot.ini.  If Ubuntu doesn't understand the fakeRAID format, then it will probably assume the drives are not formatted22:56
tobiaszI wasn't like that in the past22:56
a_p3rsonspectrahp: its could be that USB booting isnt loading all the drivers needed22:56
SkutarthDasEi: And it would definitely work even if Windows is on a fakeRAID that Ubuntu can't even see normally?22:56
sneakyimptonyyarusso:  any idea where i might download those?  I'm quite unfamiliar with the structure of debian packages.  also, you think the configure command might be all in one place?  or would i need to parse out an entire long file?22:57
a_p3rsontry using a cd OR (ugh) use Wubi (HIGHLY unrecommended, eww)22:57
tonyyarussosneakyimp: apt-get source php5.  Look in debian/rules in particular.22:57
sneakyimpskutarth:  the only way you are likely to learn the truth here is the hard way...are you prepared to reinstall win 7 if it ruins everything?  if not, i wouldn't try it.22:58
a_p3rsontobiasz: 65C is getting quite toasty, is there a blocked airduct? also, temp shouldnt be a problem22:58
DasEiSkutarth: I wonder little, I have had such a setup (jmicron onboard), and once set up properly (think ide mode was required tho) it worked fine for both , xp and buntu22:58
sneakyimptonyyaruso:  you are the dude... thanks.  where does this put the package on my file system?22:58
DomeHaha, windows 7.22:58
tobiasza_p3rson it worked well in the past22:58
tonyyarussosneakyimp: current working directory22:58
bilighello anyone knows how to start gnome-panel at login?22:58
tonyyarussosneakyimp: (and don't use sudo)22:58
sneakyimptonyyarusso: less you friendly soul.  thanks22:59
Ben64bilig: it should start automatically...22:59
DasEiSkutarth: als the softraid of ubuntu works fine22:59
SkutarthI guess I'm waiting this one out, then. I'll hopefully have a single drive that is big enough to back everything up off of my RAID22:59
JoshDreamland1Hey, for some reason, I can't set my screen brightness. I'm using the dial under power management, and nothing's happening.22:59
SkutarthDasEi: But Windows has a crappy softRAID22:59
tobiasza_p3rson I don't know what can be a reason for such terrible webcam behaviour22:59
a_p3rsontobiasz: not sure, but a 65C gpu is pretty toasty, make sure there isn't a blocked air intake (unrelated to the problem)22:59
DasEiSkutarth: the performance is fine in view of these lowcost fake raids, idk for win right22:59
biligben64, i use ubuntu netbook and it does not start, even when i put it in startup items22:59
DasEiSkutarth: could ask that in #windows23:00
JoshDreamland1I have a "Display off" button that works fine, but the brightness up and down buttons don't work, and neither does the slider under power management.23:00
biligben64, however it starts if run gnome-panel in terminal23:00
tobiasza_p3rson ye this laptop requires deassembly and cleaning inside23:00
tobiasza_p3rson fans are going wild lately23:00
SkutarthI'll have the option of changing to softRAID or installing onto the new drive if I get one. I guess I'll wait this out for now.23:00
a_p3rsonbilig: netbook edition i believe doesn't run gnome properly, Unity is the one that is bundled23:00
DasEiSkutarth: as of data n web, I use nix* anyway, just for some playstuff I still deploy win23:00
DasEiso raid-fun.. errm23:01
biliga_p3rson, what do you mean? what should i do?23:01
a_p3rsontry using this at startup, maybe, im not sure:            gnome-panel --replace23:01
biligok i'll try, brb after restart23:02
oday_how do i remove all permissions from everybody for a certain directory?23:02
Skutartha_p3rson: That reminds me of when you needed to do that for compiz to work.23:02
DomeHow does one go about changing their theme?23:03
a_p3rsonwrong a_p3rson i believe...i was helping someone though with that...23:03
tobiasza_p3rson maybe it can be some webcam related setting regarding lighting or something23:03
sneakyimptonyyarusso:  yikes!  that rules file is beastly23:03
sneakyimptonyyarrusso:  i think i'll stick with 5.3.3. ;)23:03
DasEi!theme | Dome23:03
ubottuDome: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:03
a_p3rsonoday_: right click on the folder, properties, permissions23:03
oday_i want to do it from terminal man23:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
soreauLook guys, I have to keep on connecting to server every 5 minutes from Places menu and it does not store what I type! How can I store this information for one click connect?23:04
oday_not gui23:04
DomeYowza. Thank ot23:04
a_p3rsontobiasz: possibly23:04
Skutartha_p3rson: No. You are the right one. I was commenting on running: gnome-panel --replace23:04
soreauI have to keep on connecting to an ftp server every 5 minutes from Places menu and it does not store what I type! How can I store this information for one click connect? It is becoming extremely annoying to type in over and over again23:04
apogee_how do i create a software raid  0 with GPT formatted disks23:04
a_p3rsonoh ya, i thought i found that on the internet but i was helping someone else and told them to use --replace for compiz (probably had like emeral or something23:05
biliga_p3rson, it did not work, using gnome-panel --replace23:05
mneptoksoreau: click Places > Connect to server23:05
mneptoksoreau: see the "Add bookmark" checkbox?23:05
a_p3rsonbilig: is unity running?23:05
SkutarthBye all.23:05
soreaumneptok: No23:05
mneptoksoreau: what version of Ubuntu?23:06
DasEisoreau: use dlm like dx423:06
DasEi!info dx423:06
ubottuPackage dx4 does not exist in maverick23:06
DasEisoreau: lucid ?23:06
soreaumneptok: Ok I got it now, I can't see the forest past the trees :P23:06
a_p3rsonoday_: there is a way, is it your home folder or in your file system?23:06
biliga_p3rson: yes well, unity-application-daemon and unity-files-daemon23:07
soreaumneptok: thanks23:07
mneptoksoreau: np np. glad it's sorted.23:07
oday_it's on an external drive23:07
oday_of course there's a way!23:07
a_p3rsonbilig: theres your problem, probably they wont play nice with eachother. try seeing about disabling unity at startup23:08
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sparky44having problems adding skype using the directions from here http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/09/install-skype-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/23:08
sparky44after i try to add sourse it says CD/DVD 'Ubuntu-Netbook 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_ - Release i386 (20101007)' is required23:09
biliga_p3rson, ok but why doesn't it work at startup, but when i run it normally it works?23:09
sparky44Please insert the above CD/DVD into the drive '/cdrom/' to install software packages from it. so i do it and it still wont work can any one help23:09
shadalooyo, trying to use ubuntu built in vnc server but all my apps are not updating the stream in real time (I have to exit the program and reopen it if I want to minimize a window, or enter a command.... Please help23:09
DasEisparky44: such bad inet to use a cd ?23:10
a_p3rsonoday_: use the chmod command in terminal, use      chmod --help         or man chmod        to learn how23:10
Ben64sparky44: go back to the sources, and uncheck the cdrom entry23:10
a_p3rsonbilig: unity possibly is done loading, not sure.23:10
sparky44ben64 what you mean?23:10
spectrahpOut of curiousity, does anyone know which version of syslinux the ubuntu 10.10 image is made with?23:11
sparky44ben64 i did that and it still pops up ill double check23:11
shadalooanyone know why built in vnc isn't updating?23:11
biliga_p3rson: i dont see unity in startup items list :S23:11
cheater-hey guys, how do i set task priority (i.e. the value of the PR column in top)?23:12
a_p3rsongoogle around ive seen how to remove unity and replace it with gnome...23:12
Guest32174hello, I have a problem with eps images in Lyx23:12
Ben64sparky44: go to a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install skype"23:12
erUSULcheater-: see « man nice » or « man schedtool »23:12
Ben64cheater-: nice23:12
shadalooyo, trying to use ubuntu built in vnc server but all my apps are not updating the stream in real time (I have to exit the program and reopen it if I want to minimize a window, or enter a command.... Please help23:12
a_p3rsonBen64: dangit you stole my line23:12
Ben64a_p3rson: sorry :(23:12
biliga_p3rson, ok thanks23:13
cheater-erUSUL: Ben64: that's a separate value. it's in top in the NI column. I want the PR column.23:13
cheater-let me try schedtool23:13
Ben64cheater-: columns where23:13
erUSULcheater-: so see schedtool23:13
cheater-thank you23:14
shadalooHow come my vnc isn't updating yo23:14
Ben64cheater-: nice affects PRI as well23:14
shadalooI have to restart for the change to update (a click for example)23:15
sparky44hoppimg the camra issue is fixed after all this23:15
shadalooWhat gives d00ds23:15
cheater-Ben64: really? hmmmmmm23:16
cheater-Ben64: how do you give it the PR value?23:17
shadalooyo, trying to use ubuntu built in vnc server but all my apps are not updating the stream in real time (I have to exit the program and reopen it if I want to minimize a window, or enter a command.... Please help23:17
Ben64cheater-: it seems to be inversely related to the nice value23:17
fruitwerksCall to undefined function: dbase_open() - what do I need?23:18
trismshadaloo: either disable compiz or try setting /desktop/gnome/remote_access/disable_xdamage in gconf-editor23:19
azizLIGHTShow do i download all the files from my server's web server shown on index.html23:19
shadalootrism: I want to sex you (no homo tho$23:20
erUSULazizLIGHTS: maybe --> wget -r --no-parent http://webserver.com/index.html23:20
nikoshadaloo: offtopic here23:20
Abinadi!ot | shadaloo23:21
ubottushadaloo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:21
shadalooniko: compiz --replace23:21
lucagioveazizLIGHTS: man wget23:21
UncleNinjaLike an idiot I set Compiz to use 32x32 virtual desktops, and now it just freezes and I have to reboot. I have access to a terminal, how do I set my compiz virtual desktops?23:21
JoshDreamland1Bleh, I'll figure it out23:22
sparky44sadly i think skype just does not like my cam23:22
shadaloosparky hax dat23:22
shadalooguys compiz --replace?23:22
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=== \\ is now known as \\\
shadalooguys n grills*23:23
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trismshadaloo: usually just System/Preferences/Appearance/Visual Effects/None23:23
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StarminnazizLIGHTS: Just "Save as..." the page23:23
cheater-when i'm running top -H ("show all threads"), the PID column will show the thread's pthread TID right?23:24
cheater-or is it some sort of PID?23:24
ZykoticK9shadaloo, if you want to disable compiz, you could use "metacity --replace"23:24
shadalootrism mate any idea how to do that in cli23:24
azizLIGHTSStarminn: i want the files on the index.html page23:24
UncleNinjaWhat's the gconf key (or whatever i'm trying to say) for the compiz virtual desktops rows/columns?23:24
shadalooZykoticK9: word that's the one23:24
shadaloothanks trism, +10 points to griffyndor23:25
shadalooFor u23:25
jonthue_where can i find drivers for hp 305023:25
a_p3rsonUncleNinja: should need a gconf key, what are you trying to do?23:25
StarminnazizLIGHTS: And this won't work why?23:25
StarminnazizLIGHTS: I just tried it with my own site and it downloaded all but like two images.23:26
a_p3rsonjonthue_: Be more specific23:26
azizLIGHTSthat save the index.html page ... i want the linked files in index.html page23:26
UncleNinjaa_p3rson: I set my compiz virtual desktops to 32x32 like a moron and now whenever i log into gnome it freezes. I have access to a terminal though.23:26
jonthue_i just  bought a hp 3050 printer but cant find the drivers and hplip is having problems installing23:26
DiverdudeDoes there exist a free tool for linux which can annotate pdf documents?23:26
a_p3rsonUncleNinja: well you get +1 fail, lemme look23:27
erUSUL!info pdfedit23:27
ubottupdfedit (source: pdfedit): Editor for manipulating PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-1 (maverick), package size 2051 kB, installed size 7028 kB23:27
StarminnazizLIGHTS: Oh! You mean hyperlinks? I was thinking in terms of PHP and such. So hyperlinks is what you mean?23:27
azizLIGHTSi think so23:27
minimecjonthue_: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1027479523:27
minimecjonthue_: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10301031&postcount=923:28
StarminnazizLIGHTS: Two things, actually. 1.) This is not pertaining directly to Ubuntu support so it should be asked in #ubuntu-offtopic and 2.) Specify whether you want includes/requires or hyperlinks because right now I do not understand what you are asking. Be more specific please and perhaps somebody can help better. (After joining the off-topic channel)23:29
a_p3rsonUncleNinja: /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/hsize and /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/vsize23:29
a_p3rsonand dont be a moron...23:29
jonthue_i try to install hplip but could not install the depen23:30
jonthue_it keeps saying code 10023:30
manuel_how do i unmaxmize in natty?23:30
=== rewt`` is now known as rewt
jrib!natty | manuel_23:31
ubottumanuel_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.23:31
KM0201!natty | manuel_23:31
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:31
a_p3rsonholy shit what was that?23:32
=== trism_ is now known as trism
Starminna_p3rson read what ubottu said23:32
KM0201!netsplit > a_p3rson23:32
ubottua_p3rson, please see my private message23:32
a_p3rsonoh ok...23:32
=== satamusic_ is now known as satamusic
StarminnHaha, I loved your reastion though. :) (just a random side thought)23:33
a_p3rsonwell considering that pidgin decided it needed to announce that netsplit was an incoming message directed to me, ya my ears hurt now...23:34
a_p3rsonsound * 100023:34
jonthue_hplip keeps giving meerror: command failed with error code 10023:34
Starminna_p3rson I learned quickly to disable sounds in this channel. :)23:35
a_p3rsonjonthue_: before i ask about your problem, do you have another open irc connection to this channel? if so id be nice if you could disconnect it23:35
Jezzz_on install ubuntu prompts you to generate a crypt key and write it down in case you have to manually recover your encrypted home data23:36
a_p3rsonStarminn: i do, except incoming message which it derp'd on and played the noise 1000 times over23:36
jonthue_just this irc23:36
Jezzz_I need to tell ubuntu to generate that key again for me so I an write it down23:36
Jezzz_how do I do that23:36
cfchris6_I have a box running lucid doing dhcp on multiple interfaces. How can I pass the dhcpclient a different configuration/handler for each interface?23:36
a_p3rsonjonthue_: (ok sorry just noticed someone else has the same name w/o an _ ) what is hplip?23:36
jonthue_same name? lol23:37
a_p3rsonjonthue_: what is hplip?23:38
now3dHello. Is there an easy way to remove the "encryption" offered for a user when the account is creatged?23:38
now3da_p3rson: HP printer driver software23:38
jonthue_hplip is a program that they tell me to use for hp printer driver23:38
Starminnhttp://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/index.html <- HPLIP23:38
rami1983how to open rar files in ubuntu?23:38
hippytaf1now3d: why do you want to get rid of encryption?23:39
erUSUL!rar | rami198323:39
ubotturami1983: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:39
now3drami1983: insall unrar23:39
UncleNinjaa_p3rson: Thank you! Ran this and it fixed it! http://paste.ubuntu.com/568949/23:39
Jezzz_On install ubuntu prompts you to generate a crypt key and write it down in case you have to manually recover your encrypted home data.   I need to tell ubuntu to generate that key again for me so I can write it down.  How do I do that?23:40
a_p3rsonUncleNinja: no problem. dont derp up compiz again (if you have CCSM it has the crash protection addon to keep that from happening)23:40
now3dhippytaf1: I realised I did not need encryption, and I back up files to USB stick with no encryption each day anyway..23:40
a_p3rsonjonthue_: printer model?23:40
hippytaf1now3d: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125829423:41
aromanhello, does anyone know how to change the "You may wish.." text as seen here: http://i.imgur.com/6yOIE.png In ubiquity? I've been ripping through its source tree looking for it, but i can't find it. Thanks :)23:41
brandon420how can i burn a 120p rip (mkv) to a dvd5 and it play in a normal dvdplayer?23:41
a_p3rsonjonthue_: deskjet or laserjet? and is it 3050 or 3050z?23:41
erUSUL!info devede23:42
ubottudevede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.9-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 1976 kB, installed size 3936 kB23:42
jonthue_dkesjet 3050 not 3050z23:42
rami1983now3d: thanks, it worked23:42
now3dhippytaf1: does it actually encrypt $HOME? or just the $HOME/Private folder?23:42
now3drami1983: ;)23:42
a_p3rsonis this a network printer?23:43
epimethhi all... my mic isn't workin23:43
a_p3rsonjonthue_: is this a network printer?23:43
jonthue_this printer is a all in one23:43
jonthue_yes it has wifi23:43
Starminnepimeth: Has it worked in the past?23:43
a_p3rsonjonthue_: is that how it is connected?23:43
nagel182I need help: Yesterday i installed LAMP and it worked. I instaled imagick and mod_rewrite. it worked. Today both of them refuses to work even thought its in the phpinfo()23:44
epimethyes, but I haven23:44
jonthue_that and usb23:44
epimethStarminn: yes but I haven't tried it in a while... it might have stopped working when I updated to 10.1023:44
a_p3rsonjonthue_: hmmm23:44
hippytaf1now3d: not sure - that link - there is code there that should explain everything23:44
jonthue_when i try to install hplip it cant install the depenceny23:44
a_p3rsonjust a guess, try unpluging usb (or turning off wifi if usb is your connection choice)23:45
now3djonthue_: I also insgalled similar HP last week, the photosmart. Just click Administration->Printing, and add the printer there (after adding to wifi!)23:45
a_p3rsonjonthue_: how are you trying to install the program?23:45
jonthue_its not the connection with the printer its installing hplip depency23:45
a_p3rsonnow3d: this one needs non-standard drivers23:45
rami1983another question. i've uninstalled brasero but the update manager keeps asking me if i want to update it. is it possible that the program is not entirely  removed?23:45
a_p3rsonjonthue_: how are you installing through the terminal?23:46
jonthue_would i need to install the driver?23:46
now3da_p3rson: are you sure? hplip should support it. Whcih function print/copy has a problme?23:46
Starminnepimeth: Yes, that could be. You could also try this, though: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23882023:46
jonthue_by the instructions on this site http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/install/index.html23:46
a_p3rsonrami1983: use synaptic to search and see if a brasero dependency is left on there23:46
nagel182today i installed mod_expires and mod_headers for apache and xdebug for PHP23:46
jonthue_i tried 4 times and it keeps giving my code 100 failed to install the depen23:47
njbairso for some reason all the black on my screen is being replaced with the last thing I looked at in Flash. Any ideas why?23:47
a_p3rsonjonthue_: how far are you getting?23:47
jonthue_to installing the packages23:48
Starminnjonthue_: You could also try this: http://superuser.com/questions/210011/hplip-package-is-broken-on-ubuntu maybe? (Others read it and see if it seems logical, please)23:48
a_p3rsonjonthue_: step number plz23:48
epimethStarminn: thanks, looking there now23:49
a_p3rsonStarminn: good call, thats a problem23:49
apogee_i have my raid mounted now  how do i access it...23:49
the_dark_warrioIs it possible to change the behavior of the Fn key? For instance, make it a toggle button, or always start with it "pressed"? My notebook has the F1, F2, etc. keys as Function keys, and that annoys me23:49
rami1983a_p3rson: u are right. there were some leftovers. i thought the ubuntu software manager removed it completely23:49
Jordan_Unjbair: Souds like a bug in hardware video overlay.23:49
apogee_how can i chmod the permissions to a mounted HDD  whats the address supposed to be23:50
Jordan_Unjbair: Can you try posting a screenshot?23:50
nagel182I need help: Yesterday i installed LAMP and it worked. I instaled imagick and mod_rewrite. it worked. Today both of them refuses to work even thought its in the phpinfo()23:50
nagel182today i installed mod_expires and mod_headers for apache and xdebug for PHP23:50
nagel182please help23:50
jonthue_download and run cd desktop and shhplip-3.11.run23:50
hippytaf1apgee: try cd'ing23:50
a_p3rsonrami1983: in the future, you can use computer-janitor-gtk to check for leftover dependencies23:50
njbairJordan_U: jas23:50
jonthue_2nd is to verify distro23:51
apogee_cding to what though23:51
jonthue_4th root pw23:51
a_p3rsonjonthue_: no no no, what step number do you get stuck on23:51
jonthue_after download23:51
apogee_the mount is called /RAID/media23:52
hippytaf1apgee: have you checked fs23:52
apogee_whats fs23:52
njbairJordan_U: the overlay doesn't show up in the screenshot (well it does on my screen, but not as part of the file)23:52
hippytaf1apgee: so try chmod 774(or whatever) .RAID/media23:52
possgood morrow merry gentlefolk, may I request the indulegence of your fineselves in the solving of a ubuntuous riddle that has oft beffudled me?23:52
=== kusanagi is now known as afuentes
Jordan_Unjbair: That's actually what I expected.23:52
Diverdudehmmm its not possible to annotate in pdfedit it seems :(23:52
hippytaf1poss: very poetick23:52
Starminnposs: Go for it, buddy. :)23:53
* drc checks to see if poss is from Nigeria23:53
a_p3rsonjonthue_: do you have another package manager running?23:53
njbairJordan_U: when you say "hardware bug" do you mean I need to reconfigure something, or I need to replace the card?23:53
=== aroman is now known as lallenlowe
now3dbye all23:53
posswell, my cd/dvd drive doesn't seem to recognise blank discs, it just thinks they are whatever was last put in the drive. Is this normal?23:53
hippytaf1apgee: any luck23:54
hippytaf1noe3d: night dude23:54
possit is making the burning of a new live cd rather troublesome23:54
Jordan_Unjbair: Just reconfigure something most likely, though I'm not sure yet what/how.23:54
hippytaf1poss: I had that, and rebooting sorted it23:54
hippytaf1a pain in the proverbial, but it works23:54
nagel182I need help: Yesterday i installed LAMP and it worked. I instaled imagick and mod_rewrite. it worked. Today both of them refuses to work even thought its in the phpinfo()23:54
nagel182today i installed mod_expires and mod_headers for apache and xdebug for PHP23:54
nagel182please help23:54
apogee_hippytaf1> that diddnt work23:55
posswell I have rebooted most frequently and yet the problem persists, however, in the interests of troubleshooting I will now attempt to do so again, see you again upon the resumtion of activities23:55
apogee_chmod: cannot access `.RAID/media': No such file or directory23:55
hippytaf1apgee: external drives use uuids rather than /dev/dsx23:56
apogee_it isnt external drive23:56
hippytaf1maybe look at your fstab23:56
njbairwhat's with that poss dude23:56
hippytaf1apgee: just raid?23:56
a_p3rsonjonthue_: http://superuser.com/questions/210011/hplip-package-is-broken-on-ubuntu23:57
apogee_Disk /dev/md0: 4488.9 GB23:57
jonthue_so i got to change the holder right23:58
=== lallenlowe is now known as aroman
nagel182I need help: Yesterday i installed LAMP and it worked. I instaled imagick and mod_rewrite. it worked. Today both of them refuses to work even thought its in the phpinfo()23:58
nagel182today i installed mod_expires and mod_headers for apache and xdebug for PHP23:58
nagel182please help23:58
a_p3rsonjonthue_: yes, but im noticing that i cant open the text file, but ya, change the folders in the script23:59
a_p3rson!info lamp23:59
ubottuPackage lamp does not exist in maverick23:59
jonthue_just rename the file ok23:59

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