
baphometoshey there05:49
baphometosim a maverick user and cant sync contacts on my pc05:50
jdobrienbaphometos, are you using empathy?05:51
baphometosonly files, neither contacts, nor bookmars nor history05:51
jdobrienbaphometos, so I'm not quite following.05:52
baphometosempathy is installed but im not usin it05:52
baphometossecond, screenshottin it05:52
jdobrienbaphometos, so where are you expecting to see the contacts sync?05:52
jdobrienbaphometos, sorry...I didn't mean empathy05:53
baphometossystem -> preferences -> ubuntu one05:53
jdobrienbaphometos, I meant evolution05:53
jdobrienone moment05:54
jdobrienthe options are greyed out05:54
baphometoscant sync @ evolution05:55
baphometostested it05:55
baphometoscouchdb is intalled05:55
baphometosso ubuntu one is pretty cool but i do miss this feature05:56
jdobrienbaphometos, ubuntu one uses desktopcouch, is that installed05:56
baphometosyes it is05:58
jdobrienI didn't have it installed, so let me do it real quick so i can see what you see05:58
baphometoswanna teamview?05:59
jdobrienI'm running a nightly version of Ubuntu One (bleeding edge) so it looks different05:59
jdobrienthey got rid of those checkbloxes.. :)06:00
baphometosi do see this http://www.abload.de/img/bildschirmfotocqyr.gif06:00
baphometoswhat could i do to help ya06:01
jdobrienbaphometos, I believe those are disabled because you're missing a package06:01
jdobrienbaphometos, under Applications --> Internet do you have "CouchDB Pairing Tool"06:02
baphometosso thats the point of failure06:03
baphometoswhat could i do to solve it?06:04
jdobrienok so that's easy apt-get install desktopcouch-tools06:04
baphometos:) so now i got the couchdb-pairing-tool in application->internet... but still the checkboxes are greyed out :/ should i delete the configfiles and try again?06:06
jdobriendid you run the pairing tool?06:07
baphometosyes i tried but nothing happened06:07
baphometos@shell: didnt find "application"? in german its "Befehl nicht gefunden"06:08
baphometosbut its installed06:09
baphometoshmm.... this is pretty strange06:10
baphometosdidnt have that before... installed an application and cant find that afterwards06:11
jdobrienvery strange indeed06:12
baphometosdoesnt ubuntu one sync files also usin couchdb?06:13
jdobrienbaphometos, yes06:14
jdobrienoh wait06:14
jdobriennot files06:14
jdobrienfiles is a different beast06:14
baphometosah ok06:14
baphometosso thats because this works06:14
jdobrienso you install desktopcouch-tools right?06:14
jdobrienAnd you don't have Applications > Internet > Couchdb Pairing Tool?06:15
jdobrienwhen you run it, is there anything under "You are currently paired with these hoses"06:16
baphometosbut it doesnt open, in shell it says "application not found"06:16
jdobrienone sec06:16
jdobrienbaphometos, how did you install ubuntu one? was this a fresh install of maverick, an upgrade?06:18
baphometosan upgrade06:20
baphometosof 10.0406:20
jdobriencan you open Evolution and clieck on the Contacts button and then Personal address book06:22
jdobrienbaphometos, I would like to know if it sees Ubuntu One as an option06:22
baphometoslooks like we're on the right way06:23
baphometoscuz in evolution there's ubuntu one as an option now06:23
jdobrientry this tutorial. it may be that the silly control panel is not working properly: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials/Contacts06:24
baphometosthank you for first, i'll try this... thank you very very much :))06:25
jdobrienbaphometos, please let us know if it works. I need to get to bed now... 1:30 am here06:25
jdobrienbaphometos, there's also some debugging tips here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Bugs06:28
baphometoshmm... doesn't work... so i'll try more... it's 7:30 am here... gn8 ;)06:31
jdobrienapt-cache policy evolution-couchdb06:32
jdobrienmake sure it's installed06:32
baphometoshmm... it only says "server not reachable" and "permission denied"06:34
baphometos"apt-cache policy evolution-couchdb" it is06:34
baphometoshmm... it only says "server not reachable" and "permission denied"  <<<<------ evolution06:34
jdobrienvery strange06:34
jdobrien apt-cache policy evolution-couchdb06:35
jdobrien  Installed: 0.5.1+r184~maverick106:35
jdobrien  Candidate: 0.5.1+r184~maverick106:35
baphometoslenny@linuxdose:~$ sudo apt-cache policy evolution-couchdb06:35
baphometos  Installiert: 0.5.0-0ubuntu106:35
baphometos  Kandidat:    0.5.0-0ubuntu106:35
baphometos  Versionstabelle:06:35
baphometos *** 0.5.0-0ubuntu1 006:35
baphometos        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages06:35
baphometos        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status06:35
jdobrienbaphometos, I'm afraid I've reached the end of my ability to diagnose this problem06:35
jdobrienbaphometos, in a few hours, rye may be able to help you. he's the master06:36
baphometos^^ kk..... don't worry.... have a good sleep06:36
* jdobrien goes to bed06:36
baphometosand thank you ;)06:36
zygagood morning07:03
zygaquick question, If I wanted to do some extra QA for nightly packages what is the best way to find the delta07:04
zygaI know there are no changelogs for nightlies07:04
JamesTaitJoyeux Vendredi, mes amis!09:48
karnizyga: ping10:29
zygakarni, hi10:29
duanedesign'lo all11:38
ryeduanedesign, morning!11:43
duanedesignrye: have you done much in C ?11:55
ryeduanedesign, well, i can break stuff in C, and/or write patches for ubuntuone nautilus emblems11:56
karnihi duanedesign !11:59
karniwhat's good rye :)11:59
duanedesignhello karni12:00
karniI just realized UDS is in May, not in March. You guys won't believe how happy I am xD12:00
duanedesignu1sdtool -s does not exist in Lucid version of U1?12:00
ryeduanedesign, let me check..12:00
ryeduanedesign, it does exist in lucid12:02
duanedesigni must be thinking oof karmic12:03
Christofferrye just wanted to say thank you for the tomboy-sync-validator.py script ...works like a charm12:19
ryeChristoffer, thank you, at least now i have some quick way to test the basic server-to-client functionality w/o coming up with hacks to tomboy code.12:20
ryeChristoffer, were there only datetime-related issues or XML format too?12:24
ChristofferI had only DateTime as far as I know12:26
Christofferjust edited the one single note and I was able to sync again12:27
ChristofferI'll be away from now on if there is anything else ...I'll be back later or tomorrow12:32
ralsinagood morning ubuntuone12:45
karnihi ralsina12:50
ralsinahola karni12:50
karniralsina: comes tas (I can't spell it :D)12:50
karniralsina: come estas?12:50
ralsinakarni: close!12:51
* karni fails miserably. com'estas?12:51
ralsina"come estas" means "eat these" but really close :-)12:51
karnieat these! you manager! ;D12:51
ralsina"cómo estás" is perfect argentinian :-)12:51
karniralsina: ack! ^ ^12:52
ralsinaA+ for effort :-D12:52
duanedesign'lo ralsina13:00
ralsinahola duanedesign13:02
ryeduanedesign, so, we have a script called tomboy-sync-validator.py that should show what exactly tomboy dies on during the sync. After a year of intermittent issues a script of 215 lines got born (and it should be less than that since i did not exclude options processing)13:13
duanedesignrye: did you put that in your bzr branch with the other U1 scripts13:19
ryeduanedesign, yes!13:19
ryeduanedesign, after my server hdd crash everything i do goes to bzr and gets pushed to launchpad. Anything that is not really going to benefit from versions is going to ubuntuone13:21
ryeduanedesign, and by the way, facundobatista found the reason behind local conflicts when only one machine is editing the files13:21
duanedesignrye: oh cool13:25
ryeduanedesign, let me forward that to you..13:25
ralsinarye: I rdiff-backup my whole "Projects" folder to my VPS13:41
ryeralsina, use Ubuntu One!13:43
ralsinarye: rdiff-backup has my history for the last 3 months13:44
ralsinaand I had it working before u1 :-)13:44
ryeralsina, all my pics, videos and documents are on ubuntuone13:44
ryeralsina, dogfooding!13:44
ralsinarye: I am trying but I estimate 2 months upload time13:44
ralsinaI need to take it all physically to some place with very fast uploads first13:45
ralsinaor make u1 work on my VPS but it requires X (and it's not ubunu) so...13:45
ryeralsina, i re-started using tomboy now having found the note that caused the issue... Because it's just silly that i am not using ubuntuone parts... for funambol it is a bit different.. and i am still waiting for evolution plugin to start working13:45
ryeralsina, no, it does not require X13:45
ryeralsina, not ubuntu???13:45
ralsinarye: I had it before I worked at canonical! :-(13:46
ryeralsina, well, it did not absolutely require X last time i checked13:46
ralsinarye: there's even a bug for it ;-)13:46
ralsinaYou can't even run u1sdtool without X13:47
ryeralsina, i am just very happy being able to recover my notes again in a usual way13:47
popeyi think you'll find u1 needs gnome-keyring13:47
popeydoesnt it?13:47
ryeralsina, you can't use it w/o dbus, but in case sd is on the same bus as u1sdtool it will all work. I used to run this config13:47
ryepopey, hm, i remember 1) i patched this locally, 2) no, no longer - it queries com.ubuntu.sso which queries whatever it can query... ah, it all changed now13:48
ralsinarye: if I ssh into my ubuntu VM u1sdtool fails with a "Can't open display" error13:48
ryeneed to re-hack again13:48
ryeralsina, yep, because you need a special dbus magic13:48
popeyso i can install it on my LTS server?13:48
ralsinarye: well, that's the bug, it shouldn't require magic13:48
ryepopey, well, again, i need to re-check13:48
ralsinarye: sso aska thefreedesktop standard interface for secrets but I don't recall any non-gnome-keyring provider?13:49
ryeralsina, u1sdtool requires dbus to be running and the same dbus needs to be used by the ubuntuone-syncdaemon process. Since you are sshing into the VM your env does not point to any dbus session13:49
ryepopey, for LTS we might need to find whether nightlies work since sso started being used from maverick onwards only13:50
ralsinarye: and that's when u1sdtool should take care of that13:51
ralsinaCan we run multiple syncdaemons and not break stuff?13:51
nessitaralsina: nopes within the same user home13:52
ryeralsina, for one user - no, metadata storage13:52
nessitastand up in 7'!13:53
ralsinaSo, u1sdtool should find the current running syncdaemon (if there is one) and join its dbus (if possible), or start everything up (after all, it has a "start syncdaemon" option)13:54
ralsinaAt least that's what I would aim for if I wanted to make it "just work", specially for headless systems13:55
thisfredtoo early14:00
nessita(11:00:36 AM) nessita: me14:00
nessitathisfred: 36 second late14:00
dobeyralsina: u1sdtool works like that already14:01
thisfredmy clock must be off14:01
thisfredor does AR have summertime of +1:01? :)14:01
nessitastand up crowd!14:01
ralsinadobey: not the "join the other dbus session part". I tested it ;-)14:01
dobeyralsina: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=other_address u1sdtool foo14:01
nessitaDONE: more APIs wrapping work. Got some issues trying to debug a stupid OAuth weirdness when dealing with query string. Weekly call. A quick control panel branch to have a new nightlies built.14:02
nessitaTODO: file storage API wrapper. CoP call.14:02
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:02
nessitaNEXT: mandel14:02
ralsinadobey: you missed the part about it "just working". That's not "just working"14:02
mandelDONE: bug 721124, bug 721167, bug 721171, 721174 and bug 72094214:02
mandelTODO: propose merges, work on ipc lcient14:02
mandelBLOCKED: no14:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 721124 in ubuntuone-client "Code coverage for the Status dbus class regarding signals is low (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72112414:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 721167 in ubuntuone-client "Code coverage of the Events dbus class regarding signals is low (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72116714:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 721171 in ubuntuone-client "Code coverage of the SycnDaemon dbus class regarding signals is low (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72117114:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 721174 in ubuntuone-client "Code coverage of the Shares dbus class regarding signals is low (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72117414:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 720942 in ubuntuone-client "Error in dbus_iface when a StatusChange signal is done (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72094214:02
mandelthisfred: please14:02
thisfredDONE: bug #719042 and bug #71903914:03
thisfredTODO: finish and package API, some u1client UI wrap up, bug #720917 bug #72092814:03
thisfredBLOCKED: still no unity14:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 719042 in ubuntuone-couch "Add tests and refactor out code to a library (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71904214:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 719039 in ubuntuone-couch "Fix ubuntuone-couch-query to work with current SSO code (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71903914:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 720917 in ubuntuone-couch "the request method returns very different things (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72091714:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 720928 in ubuntuone-couch "Use ubuntuone.platform.linux.credentials module instead of ubuntu_sso (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72092814:03
thisfredNEXT: ralsina!14:03
ralsinaDONE: many reviews, weekly call.14:03
ralsinaTODO: reviews, management stuff, sprint planning, triage another 5 tons of bugs, some coding (my days are all alike)14:03
ralsinaBLOCKED: no14:03
dobeyλ DONE: SRU upload to maverick-proposed14:03
dobeyλ TODO: banshee mustic store fixes, disable some nightlies on lucid14:03
dobeyλ BLCK: on-call for jury duty14:03
alecuDONE: Digged a bit futher into SSO oauth with DroidCouch, got latest libunity examples to run on my setup14:04
alecuTODO: either go forward with DroidCouch or work on libunity if thisfred's nvidia nightmare keeps going on14:04
alecuBLOCKED: no14:04
alecuLOVE: compiz grid plugin enabled by default in Unity: ctrl-alt-numpad[0-9]14:04
alecuHATE: single alt-tab does not return to the *latest* window14:04
dobeyralsina: i'm not sure what you maen by "just work" there14:04
ralsinadobey: "just work" means, "do what u1sdtool --help says and get the right results"14:05
alecuralsina, I have libunity working, so I will be able to do the missing bits... should I pause the DroidCouch api work?14:05
ralsinaalecu: oh, good question14:05
ralsinaalecu: I don't want to piss aquarius but I would say yes14:06
dobeyralsina: it does14:06
dobeyralsina: it just happens that it also requires the underlying systems to also "just work"14:06
ralsinadobey: let's go over that in 5'14:06
alecuralsina, I believe I should pause it, because the API work does not need to go into feature freeze.14:06
ralsinaalecu: good point. Go ahead, I'll tell aquarius14:06
aquariusalecu, correct. So, yes. Reluctantly. :)14:06
ralsinaoh, right, the magic of IRC ;-)14:07
ralsinaIt's like having our team meetings screaming in a hallway :-D14:07
* aquarius puts a tick next to ralsina's name in the "owes me a favour" book :P14:07
ralsinaaquarius: it's not for me, it's for Canonical! ;-)14:07
* aquarius laughs. Yeah, it makes sense; you have to get in before DD.14:08
aquariuser, FF14:08
nessitaFoxy fox?14:08
alecuFeature Freezer?14:08
dobeyformidable foe14:08
thisfrednessita: did you see my comment on bug #720928 ?14:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 720928 in ubuntuone-couch "Use ubuntuone.platform.linux.credentials module instead of ubuntu_sso (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72092814:08
dobeyoh right, i need to fix that14:09
nessitathisfred: yes I did. I was planning on answer but my mood is not good today, so I think is best for all if I reply next Monday, if you allor14:09
nessitaI've been dealing with stupid people from our cell phone company and I'm very angry14:10
dobeyyou know, ubuntuone-couch is a hilariously awful name :)14:10
thisfredsure, no hurry. I may have misread the credentials code as well, but we'll talk next week :)14:10
nessitathisfred: thanks! (you mostly read it correctly, quick note is that it does not need any twisted machinery, just a main loop. See the bottom of this code: https://pastebin.canonical.com/43588/)14:11
ralsinacomments or eom?14:12
* ralsina is finishing the darn sprint proposal between typing here14:12
mandelralsina: in case you forgot of what irc is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2rGTXHvPCQ14:12
ralsinamandel: that's several kinds of awesome14:14
mandelralsina: hehe I find it painful to watch, but we are hacker :P14:15
dobeythisfred: i moved trunk ownership for u1-couch. you can remove/hide your old trunk now, and work off the proper one14:15
thisfreddobey: thx, you rock!14:16
dobeymandel: luckily i speek l33t14:16
thisfredan anicent dialect of it anyway. It's 1337 now, get with the times, gramps14:17
mattgriffinnessita: ping14:21
mandelsince when 7 looks like a t…I'm getting old14:21
nessitamattgriffin: pong14:21
ralsinadobey: about u1sdtool. Since there can only be one syncdaemon running, u1sdtool should be able to know what dbus session it should join. It's the one where syncdaemon is. Requiring the user to find out the session and tell it is not optimal.14:21
mattgriffinnessita: should #720981 be Ubuntu One Control Panel?14:22
dobeyralsina: how would it know that if there's no dbus?14:22
nessitabug 72098114:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 720981 in ubuntuone-client "Natty: Shows syncing if not connect to U1 servers (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72098114:22
ralsinadobey: old problem. Out of band communication.14:22
nessitamattgriffin: nopes, is correct in that project, Not sure how we can deal whit that, though, since network manager reports a working connection in that case14:23
ralsinadobey: if syncdaemon is running, it should put its dbus session id in an easily accessible place14:23
nessitaalecu, thisfred: any thoughts on bug 720981?14:23
thisfredlet me look14:23
mattgriffinnessita: ok.14:23
dobeyralsina: i don't think so14:23
thisfrednessita: if that's true it's definitely wrong. I don't know how the nautilus emblems work at all though14:24
ryethisfred, i know what's wrong (or right) with them?14:25
nessitathisfred: well, I was looking for your input regarding the bubbles14:25
mattgriffinnessita: is there any kind of a state or messaging in the control panel if our servers are offline? like during maintenance?14:25
nessitanautilus plugin is... tierra de nadie we say in spanish14:25
nessitamattgriffin: none14:25
nessitamattgriffin: ralsina was planning on having an URL to ping to query status14:26
dobeythisfred: the problem is that syncdaemon probably keeps trying to reconnect14:26
thisfrednessita: I assume the same underlying syncdaemon state causes both the bubbles and the emblems to lie14:26
mattgriffinnessita: ok14:26
ralsinamattgriffin nessita: not my plan, the servers team was planning it. I planned to use it ;-)14:26
ryeralsina, do not forget muffinresearch has created a status app that has not been deployed yet14:26
ryebtw why not?14:26
mattgriffinralsina: :)14:26
ralsinarye: exactly. Once it's up there we can use it.14:27
ryeralsina, sweet,14:27
* rye sits waiting for the status app14:27
dobeyman, why did i stop reading megatokyo14:27
ralsinathisfred: yes, we all rely on syncdaemon telling us the truth14:27
ralsinadobey: WHY do you not think so?14:27
nessitathisfred: honestly, I'm not sure :-/14:28
dobeyralsina: if you think sshing in to a machine should talk to services already running on that machine, then the right way to fix it is to fix the way dbus works, not to try and implement nasty workarounds14:28
thisfredralsina: well, it *could* also be that we've misinterpreted a state/state change14:29
nessitathisfred: why would the bubbles keep coming up? meaning, what would syncdaemon be saying to make bubbles pop up?14:29
ralsinadobey: since I am sshing as a user, and syncdaemon can only run once as each user, what else could I mean when I run u1sdtool except "talk to my running syncdaemon"?14:29
ralsinadobey: also, think cron or at, not ssh, if you want.14:30
thisfrednessita: I have no idea,  a good question to ask on the bug is what those bubbles say (I'll do that) possibly it's the ones saying 'file sync completed' which have been known to show up at inappropriate times14:30
dobeyralsina: well, it could talk to the one running on the machine you're sshing from14:30
ralsinadobey: why would I run that inside a ssh session instead of in my shell?14:31
dobeyralsina: i don't think we should waste our time trying to support all of these cases14:31
ralsinadobey: did I say we should do it? I only said it's the correct behaviour.14:31
dobeyralsina: i don't know, why does gedit not open a new tab on the remote machine when you run it?14:32
dobeyralsina: i don't think it is the correct behavior14:32
ralsinadobey: gedit requires X, u1sdtool is not supposed to.14:32
ralsinadobey: well, I do think it is.14:32
ryeralsina, i think that u1sdtool and basically no other dbus-aware application should implement workarounds to start the session not in a supported environment14:32
alecuthisfred, nessita: those bubbles appear when file synchronization is in progress, every 10 minutes to show the progress.14:33
nessitathisfred: right, mattgriffin reported the bug so you can bug him ;-)14:33
ralsinarye: I am not sure I follow that right :-)14:33
alecuand it's a bug that they keep appearing when there's no connection.14:33
nessitaalecu: but what happens if there is no internet connection?14:33
thisfrednessita: will do14:33
nessitaalecu: is the bug I reported?14:33
alecubug #71645714:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 716457 in ubuntuone-client "'N files are uploading' is missleading when syncdaemon is disconnected (affects: 1) (heat: 76)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71645714:33
ryeralsina, X session is started with DBUS variables set and dbus-session running. Therefore all applications in that session know their dbus socket location.14:34
ralsinarye: yes14:34
alecunessita, right. it's your bug.14:34
nessitaalecu: ok, I didn't realize it was the same issue14:35
ryeralsina, the correct way to deal with it when no X is running is to start dbus in background if it is not yet started on shell login, store that data and initialize variables upon subsequent reconnects to the server14:35
ralsinarye: but that doesn't work for syncdaemon because it can't run twice14:35
nessitathisfred: well, you can leave the original bug to be concerned with the nautilus plugin (edit the description), and link the latter bug for references14:35
ryeralsina, why would I want to run syncdaemon twice?14:35
dobeyralsina: nor can firefox14:36
ralsinarye: suppose you have a session running, and want to try something remotely using u1sdtool14:36
ralsinadobey: firefox is not a CLI tool as u1sdtool is supposed to be14:36
ralsinadobey: stop using the same argument changing the app ;-)14:36
dobeyralsina: ubuntuone requires X, wehther or not one tiny part of it does not14:36
alecunessita, who should I assign the nautilus bug to?14:36
nessitaalecu: ...14:37
thisfredhmm, a new files in Ubuntu One isn't uploading at all now for me14:37
alecuthe desktop+ team?14:37
ralsinadobey: you missed the earlier part of the argument where I said "ubuntuone requires X" and rye told me it doesn't?14:37
nessitaalecu: yes14:37
ryedobey, o_O what for?14:37
dobeyrye: gnome-keyring14:37
dobeyrye: bubble notifications14:37
ralsinadobey: could be replaced once someone implements the secrets API without X14:37
dobeyrye: control panel14:37
ryedobey, not if sso.ubuntu.com is provided via some other way14:37
thisfredthe notifications are a soft dependency14:37
dobeyralsina: which nobody is doing or going to do14:38
nessitadobey: u1 client does not require gnome-keyring, requires ussoc, which does not require gnome-keyring14:38
ryedobey, control panel is not controlled by u1sdtool, and can be replaced14:38
ralsinadobey: you can use u1 without ever launching the control panel14:38
dobeynobody listens to me any more anyway14:38
ralsinadobey: not agreing with you is not the same as not listening14:38
ryedobey, i just want to say that u1sdtool should not find out where syncdaemon is running and 2 it is possible to run it w/o X server.14:39
ryenessita, are notification bubbles an integral part of syncdaemon now?14:39
ralsinaBesides, as I told you, I was saying u1 requires X, rye was saying the opposite. The stuff about u1sdtool was about how without X u1sdtool doesn't really work by default without magic incantations.14:39
ryeralsina, with X u1sdtool will also not work if dbus-session is not initialized14:40
alecurye, they run inside syncdaemon, and are popped up thru dbus.14:40
ralsinarye: ok14:40
dobeyubuntuone requires X right now.14:40
alecurye, and they are completely optional14:40
dobeywhether someone says "well no not really" or not is irrelevant to that fact14:40
alecuwell, actually...14:41
espen77i can open several instances of the u1-control panel, feature or bug?14:41
dobeyneither ?14:42
alecuespen77, looks like a bug to me14:42
thisfredI think it's intentional, but yeah, I'd like to see it focus the panel if it's already there14:42
thisfredthat way the --switch_to parameter makes a lot more sense14:43
espen77also have 2x u1 lines (one with icon and one without in the mesaging tab of notification area (natty)14:43
dobeythisfred: does it really use an underscore?14:43
espen77i'll file a bug on it then14:44
thisfreddobey: nope sorry, my mistake14:44
ryeespen77, indicator? argh. I definitely need to fix it14:44
ryeespen77, ah, wait, i have that too14:44
ryeWhat is responsible for adding ubuntuone entries to the messaging menu?14:44
thisfredyeah me too. I think something went wonky with the linking of the .desktop file14:44
thisfredrye, the package adds a symlink to /usr/share/indicators or something like that14:45
espen77rye, that is where you setup u1 in natty it seems, or atleast one way to do it14:45
thisfredrye: a while back, the entry disappeared, and we must have overfixed that ;)14:46
dobeyrye: combination of u1cp and syncdaemon14:46
dobeythisfred: no, the nightlies packages were missing a file14:46
ryeDesktop Entry + U1 Shortcut Group14:46
ryehow well is it parsing that?14:46
thisfreddobey: eh, so no as in yes, exactly>14:46
dobeythisfred: no as in no14:47
thisfredwell, it was broken, we fixed it14:47
dobeybut fixing it wouldn't have made it have 2 entries14:47
thisfredbut what would?14:48
dobeywell, having ubuntuone-indicator and ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk installed might14:48
dobeyor it could be a bug in indicator-messages; or maybe syncdaemon14:48
thisfredwhat is ubuntuone-indicator? Did we split that off?14:48
dobeyno, it's the thing rye wrote14:48
dobeyi don't know where it puts things though14:49
thisfredI don't think I have that14:49
dobeybecause it's not in ubuntu14:49
dobeyit's not an official project that we support, he wrote in spare time and stuck it in his ppa or something14:49
ryedobey, well, i don't modify messaging menu at all14:49
ryedobey, i wanted to but you were faster :)14:49
thisfredls /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/ shows only 1 U1 entry14:50
thisfredso maybe our indicator code is doing something wrong to make an extra one show up14:50
ryeand both of the entries launch ubuntuone-control-panel14:50
thisfredhmm, file sync is disconnected and won't connect at all for me14:52
thisfredState: READY14:54
thisfred    connection: Not User With Network14:54
thisfred    description: ready to connect14:54
thisfred    is_connected: False14:54
thisfred    is_error: False14:54
thisfred    is_online: False14:54
thisfred    queues: WORKING14:54
thisfredNot User With Network? What does that even mean?14:54
ryethisfred, token14:55
thisfredbut my token works for couchdb14:55
ryethisfred, then not token14:55
ryethisfred, does u1sdtool -c work?14:56
ryethisfred, better yet, what gets written to syncdaemon.log ?14:56
thisfredI'll look. -c does not error, but does not connect either14:56
ryefacundobatista, is there anything i can do to get my syncdaemon into IDLE state again, it has been Move()ing these files for 2 weeks - http://paste.ubuntu.com/568764/14:57
thisfredrye: nothing in the logs14:57
facundobatistarye, hack a .py, or wait next week when I go back to fixing bugs14:57
ryethisfred, looks like it does not hear your dbus commands14:58
thisfredrye, so where do I turn up the dbus volume? :)14:58
thisfredo wait maybe there's a syncdaemon from a branch running14:59
thisfredlet me try14:59
thisfrednope. It says 1 file uploading to your personal cloud15:00
thisfredbut does not actually connect'15:00
thisfredso the notifications work, but not syncdaemon itself. Weird15:01
ryethisfred, does u1sdtool --quit work?15:01
ryethisfred, d-feet, does it have com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon ?15:01
ryei should have reversed my thougts15:02
thisfredrye, I have to run it twice but then it quits yes15:02
thisfredlooking at dfeet now15:02
thisfredrye it does show com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon15:02
ryethisfred, ok, after you restart it is it responsible to dbus commands?15:03
thisfredrye should I try through d-feet?15:04
mattgriffinthisfred: i have a screenshot that shows the bubble in bug 720981 (actually bug 716457). want me to attach it to one of those bugs?15:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 720981 in ubuntuone-client "Natty: Shows syncing if not connect to U1 servers (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72098115:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 716457 in ubuntuone-client "'N files are uploading' is missleading when syncdaemon is disconnected (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71645715:05
thisfredmattgriffin: the approximate text of the bubble is good enough, if that's not already in the older bug15:06
ryethisfred, well, it should be the same15:06
thisfredrye, d-feet gets responses from it15:07
thisfredit just will not connect and does not log any errors. Should I file a bug?15:07
ryethisfred, is it running in debug mode?15:08
thisfredI just upgraded this morning, so my fear is that this will happen to more people15:08
thisfredrye, probably not, let me try that15:09
mattgriffinthisfred: went ahead and attached screenshot to bug 71645715:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 716457 in ubuntuone-client "'N files are uploading' is missleading when syncdaemon is disconnected (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71645715:09
ryenessita, how about switching debug mode on by default for nightlies?15:09
thisfredmattgriffin: thx15:09
thisfredrye, how do I do that again?15:09
thisfredit's not in the --help, or am I reading past it?15:10
dobeyrye: debug mode in what?15:10
ryethisfred, echo -e "[logging]\nlevel = DEBUG" > ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf; u1sdtool -q; u1sdtool -c15:10
ryedobey, in syncdaemon15:11
dobeyrye: it is the default15:11
ryethisfred, could you please check what version of ubuntuone you are running?15:11
ryedobey, i remember this to be the default some time earlier, but i keep TRACE level in logging.conf just in case15:11
thisfredrye, it's the nightlies. Version of which package?15:11
ryethisfred, ubuntuone-client15:12
dobeyrye: the logging.conf is generated automatically at build time, and defaults to DEBUG if minor version number is odd15:12
ryedobey, that's just awesome!15:12
dobeyalso, the nightlies build with --enable-debug15:12
ryemajor.minor.revision... so for natty final it will be 1.6 ?15:13
thisfredrye: 1.5.4+r876~maverick115:13
rye3 file(s) are uploading to your personal cloud15:13
dobey1.6.0 should be the version in narwhal final freeze15:13
thisfredwith debug enabled, still nothing in the logs, still not connecting15:13
ryethisfred, syncdaemon should autoconnect, could you please pastebin the syncdaemon.log ?15:14
thisfredrye: that's what I'm saying: it's empty15:14
thisfredas is syncdaemon-exceptions.log15:14
ryethisfred, is there syncdaemon-debug.log ?15:14
thisfredrye: nope15:15
ryethisfred, let's make it, kill syncdaemon and run /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug15:15
ryethisfred, it is like it does not start at all15:15
thisfredo wait, again something in /usr/local wtf15:16
rye/usr/local/wtf/ - the software that runs but nobody knows why15:18
thisfredrye: http://paste.ubuntu.com/568777/15:19
thisfredafter removing everything from user local and restarting15:20
thisfredah no15:20
rye Failed to execute program /usr/local/libexec/ubuntuone-login: Success15:20
ryethisfred, ^15:20
thisfredwhy does this crap keep reappearing in /usr/local15:20
ryethisfred, you may be running installd which installs anything that has Makefile in it :)15:22
ryei am of course joking15:22
thisfredhmm, I removed everything related to u1 from /usr/local, now nothing works :)15:25
mandelnessita: ping15:25
nessitamandel: pong15:26
mandelnessita: here or in u1internal?15:26
mandelit can be public :P15:26
nessitamandel: what is it about?15:26
mandelnessita:  PQM broke due to an import of libproxy done in the linux/api/restclient.py15:27
mandelnessita: AFAIK that code is not use anywhere, do you know if it is?15:28
mandel'case we would like to remove it15:28
joshuahoovermandel: does the current windows beta sync the music purchases folder?15:29
ryejoshuahoover, no15:29
nessitamandel: I have no idea, honestly. Who is the author of that code? ie, bzr blame says who?15:29
ryejoshuahoover, bug15:29
joshuahooverrye: thanks!15:29
thisfredrye: I'm baffled: I reinstalled u1-client, but dbus is still looking for and no longer finding /usr/local/libexec/ubuntuone-syncdaemon15:30
ryejoshuahoover, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-windows-installer/+bug/68311715:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 683117 in ubuntuone-windows-installer "Purchased Music is not synced (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [High,In progress]15:30
mandeljoshuahoover: there is a bug with that :)15:30
mandeljoshuahoover: music isa udf :(15:30
joshuahoovermandel, rye: right, no udf syncing (yet)15:30
ryethisfred, check that com.ubuntuone.syncdaemon is handled by the proper service15:30
thisfredrye aha15:31
thisfredit is not. How do I tell it to change its mind?15:31
mandelnessita: rodrigo and john.le15:31
* mandel wonders which john?15:32
nessitamandel: can you please confirm with rodrigo_ and Chipaca if that is no longer used?15:32
mandelnessita: sure15:32
nessitamandel: john.lenton15:32
mandelChipaca: ping15:33
rodrigo_nessita, confirm what?15:33
Chipacamandel: I'm going off, and won't be back for a while. Can you email? (or explain here, I'll read later)15:34
mandelChipaca: email is ok15:34
thisfredI'll reboot and see what happens brb15:35
nessitamandel, rodrigo_: whether the restful api client code can be thrown away or not15:36
rodrigo_nessita, ah, ok, mandel is already telling me about it15:36
rodrigo_afair, it was used in u1-preferences, so yes, it can be removed if the ugly u1-prefs is no longer around :)15:36
mandelrodrigo_: so I can kill the guy, right?15:37
rodrigo_I told you to "remove" it, if you kill it, it would be your fault, not mine :)15:38
ryejoshuahoover, btw, see my message to ubuntuone-users about tomboy notes, we can now ask the users to test their notes via tomboy web api (read-only for now)15:40
joshuahooverrye: k15:40
thisfredI think I fixed it finally15:42
thisfredremind me to alias "make install" to echo "no you idiot"15:43
thisfredyep, I have sync15:43
thisfredrye, thx for helping me debug my past mistakes ;)15:44
ryethisfred, you are welcome, sync should always sync15:45
joshuahooverralsina: ping16:01
ralsinajoshuahoover: pong16:01
joshuahooverralsina: are we still doing bug #673012 for natty?16:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 673012 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Async monitoring of _changes (affects: 1) (heat: 38)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67301216:01
joshuahooverralsina: aq told me to ask you :)16:01
ralsinajoshuahoover: first I've heard of it, so let me figure it out and I'll get back to you :-)16:02
joshuahooverralsina: k16:02
joshuahooverthisfred: ping16:02
ralsinajoshuahoover: I wonder why aq asked you to ask me. That's his branch! :-D16:05
joshuahooverralsina: he said he was told (by dobey) it was too hard to do properly and he doesn't know the current status of it now16:06
ralsinajoshuahoover: ok, that was before my time, i'll ask dobey then16:07
joshuahooverralsina: i'm guessing it's a no-go for natty based on this chat w/ you and my short chat with aq :)16:07
ralsinajoshuahoover: yeah, I guess that's so16:08
dobeyi didn't get to finish doing it with how i think it should be done, and thisfred said he will look at it if he has time for the API development stuff16:08
joshuahooverdobey: thanks16:10
thisfredjoshuahoover: pong16:20
joshuahooverthisfred: are you working on bug #672628 ?16:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 672628 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Add desktopcouch.ubuntuone module to access Ubuntu One CouchDBs from a Python library (affects: 1) (heat: 34)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67262816:20
thisfredthe above is probably correct, unless I get a brilliant idea of how to do it in a very short amount of time16:21
thisfredjoshuahoover: not currently, but it is on my plate16:21
joshuahooverthisfred: do we need a freeze exception since next week is feature freeze?16:21
thisfredjoshuahoover: not sure we will get time for it even after feature freeze16:22
joshuahooverthisfred: ah, ok16:22
thisfredjoshuahoover: what we could do is merge the rejected version, and then fix it if we get time, but then if we don't we have something awful in natty16:23
joshuahooverthisfred: i'd rather not add it16:23
thisfredIt's a neat thing for developers to have, but I think there are more crucial things to get into natty16:24
mandelralsina: ping16:31
ralsinamandel: pong16:31
mandelralsina: did you get the screen with the design of the installer?16:31
ralsinamandel: yes16:31
mandelralsina: the ones with the nice picst, right?16:32
mandelralsina: what do you think? my only complain is the progress bar16:32
ralsinayeah, I like it. What's the problem you see with the progress bar?16:33
ralsinamandel: I can't  find it now though16:34
mandelralsina: the idea of the dots looks like we have to write a very fancy custom widget… do we have the time for that>16:35
ralsinamandel: I can't find the freaking image, but doing dots in a progress bar in pyqt would be trivial16:35
mandelralsina: I'l fwd the email16:37
ralsinamandel, see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/stylesheet-examples.html#customizing-qprogressbar16:37
mandelralsina: we have to do the gradients, take a look is more sofisticated that using dots16:38
ralsinabasically, we can change the "chunk" thing to make it look like dots16:38
ralsinaok, let me see16:38
mandelralsina: I knew that already… but it will look, as a techinical person would say, 'un poco mierda'16:39
ralsinamandel: that progressbar is doable, but yes, it'sprobably a full day of work16:39
mandelralsina: everything is doable with computers, is a matter of time :)16:40
ralsinaat least that's my best estimate :-)16:40
ralsinaIf they were all the same color, it's doable with styles16:41
ralsinaIf they were not changing color, they would be doable too16:41
helowith the ubuntu one mobile, i'd have to also purchase enough storage space to store all of my non-ubuntuone-purchased music?16:42
mandelralsina: yes, but they us a gradient, although now that i think of it…. you have layered widgets in qt, as i adding a transparent widget on top of an other?16:44
mandelralsina: you could draw the circles as a widget with the in alpha 0 and place it on top of a gradient… sound shitty but could look ok16:44
helonice job beating out dropbox's cost/GB, btw :)16:44
ralsinamandel: we would have to use a translucid widget on the right side and make it SMALLER16:45
helopretty impressive for such a new service16:45
ralsinamandel: it's easier to just composite a new image and change it :-)16:45
mandelhelo: yes, if you have 50 gb of not purchased u1 music, you will need to pay for that space…16:46
mandelhelo: that was your question, right?16:46
heloyes :)16:47
mandelralsina: I think I've forgotten all the Qt I knew...16:47
mandelhelo: :)16:47
ralsinamandel: that's what I'm here for!16:48
mandelralsina: also, that is assuming we know how to do the installer in t and get the progress of the msi :)16:48
ralsinaIf the chunk were MORE transparent, it would be doable with styles, too :-)16:48
heloi was wondering if the mobile plan may include unlimited storage of music, made economical by pooling all users' music uploads to prevent duplication of storage16:49
ralsinamandel: big assumptions there16:49
mandelralsina: very big indeed16:49
ralsinaBTW: I mailed the msi guy yesterday and today16:49
mandelhelo: uhm… that would be the kind of idea to seel to joshuahoover he knows more about this things16:50
mandelralsina: any luck?16:50
ralsinanot yet :-(16:50
helothat would be a killer app for u1 imo... if the user uploads a music file that is already in the cloud, and it can somehow be determined (via soundhound type algorithm) to be similar to an existing song that has been uploaded, then no additional storage would be needed16:50
ralsinamaybe my mails don't reach him somehow16:50
dobeyi don't think that's necessarily feasible16:52
mandelhelo: and what about copyrights/ownership and all those crazy legal things :)16:52
mandelralsina: hmm we/you do not want to sound to desperate, also he might be at work16:52
mandelralsina: play it cool dude ;)16:53
helomandel: well, the user has shown to have a copyright by uploading the work in the first place16:53
ralsinamandel: sure16:53
dobeyok, time for lunch16:53
mandelhelo: well, true… anyways, I;m certainly not the right guy for this kind of thoughs… my brain is waaay to tired 2day16:54
helomandel: storage services like u1 are already assuming the user has the right to receive a copy of a work16:54
helothat the upload16:55
ralsinahelo: propose it as a wishlist in launchpad, assign to ubuntu one16:55
ralsinahelo: I am not sure we are doing storage deduplication yet, so it may be there are N copies of the song stored, so it has to count against each user.16:57
ralsinahelo: OTOH if it's not done, it looks like it should be done after magic uploads are implemented :-)16:57
ralsinahelo: magic uploads being something I probably should not have mentioned here16:58
ralsinamandel: the sample text shown with the "notes" picture is pure genius in that context.16:59
mandelralsina: haha I did not read them17:02
mandellaters everyone!17:17
=== mandel is now known as mandel_weekend
espen77just doing sha leaves a small chance that 2 different files wil give same sha,..can you then get access to a file that wasnt yours?17:41
CardinalFangespen77, yes, theoretically.  So, that's the wrong way until the "small chance" is astronomical.17:43
CardinalFangWhen the stray bit-flipped in memory is far more likely to yield the wrong file than a hash collision, then it may be close to okay.17:45
espen77CardinalFang: 1/astronomical have a tendency to end up turned and twisted into security-fault-reports17:46
ralsinaespen77: store the hash of the whole file and of the first.... 2048 bytes. It would be a miracle if both hashes collided17:48
espen77ralsina: yeah, or the hash and file size..17:49
CardinalFangOr make some challenge-response.  client: I want to make $1$1289347612.  Server: okay, send bytes... 42 to 80 to make sure what you have is what I have.  Client: "asdlkhjfa"!17:50
CardinalFangLog failures.  If an attempt for some hash fails, mark it as probed and, the forever after that, server demands full uploads to  make sure attacker can't claim a reference to it.17:53
CardinalFangMaybe that's overkill.17:53
espen77i am just imagining making millions of smal files with different hash'es as a form of fishing if it is too easy17:53
jdobrienI don't know what purpose that kind of fishing would have17:59
jdobrienCardinalFang, FWIW, that's not how magic hashes will work17:59
CardinalFangjdobrien, I know nothing of them, TBH.17:59
jdobrienCardinalFang, the logic for magic hash calculation will be publicly available in the protocol18:00
helo1/astronomical is perfectly safe to rely on18:37
ralsinahelo: there was literally 1/astronomical chance of the dinosaurs being extinct. Didn't work too well.18:37
dobeyactually, the probability of dinosaurs going extinct was 1:118:38
heloralsina: no there wasn't... it happened... 1/astronomical is more like the chance of a woman giving birth to a healthy baby mouse18:38
ralsinawell, I count "becoming extinct because of a freaking asteroid" as astronomical. It being an astronomical event and all.18:39
dobeyhelo: but the dinosaurs weren't expecting it to happen. they weren't building spacehips to evacuate the planet18:39
ralsinahelo: "astronomical" is not well defined. If it means 10^50 I'm maybe happy with it. If it means 1/10^2 (chances of there being a moon eclipse)... not so much.18:40
helothere are plenty of astronomical events that occur with regularity... by "astronomical" i mean more improbable than we can intuitively comprehend18:40
ralsinahelo: I think the words you were looking for were "very very very unlikely". Or maybe with 4 verys, not sure.18:41
heloor "safe enough", which is easy if you use something like sha51218:41
ralsinahelo: it depends on what you want to be safe against, really.18:41
ralsinaFor example, if you use a simple naïve strategy with a very good hash, you are safe against accidents, but not against malicious programmers.18:42
ralsinaSince the malicious programmer can simply say "yes, I have this (very long hash) here, sir!"18:42
ralsinaIf we did that, it would be trivial to turn ubuntu one into a bittorrent replacement ;-)18:43
heloright... i was replying more to < espen77> CardinalFang: 1/astronomical have a tendency to end up turned and twisted into security-fault-reports18:43
heloor "< espen77> just doing sha leaves a small chance that 2 different files wil give same sha,..[]"18:44
ralsinasha as in sha-1? No, that one's broken.18:44
heloi was thinking "some unbroken sha", as "some broken sha" would leave little room for argument :)18:48
dobeyralsina: astronomical is an english metaphor for "outrageously high"18:51
ralsinadobey: my inner mathematician rebels against that :-)18:52
=== kenvandine is now known as kenvandine_
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
dobeyyes, well, you're not an english prof for a reason :)18:52
thisfredall my inner mathematician ever does is demand hot dogs18:53
dobeythisfred: i hope they are at least the kosher organic beefy ones18:54
dobeythisfred: and on a stick, dipped in corn meal, and deep fried.18:54
thisfredjalapeño corndogs!18:55
dobeyi need to find a good recording of the 9th19:04
* alecu pictures dobey dressed like alex and his droogies19:10
karnibeuno: If a user marks an item as not-syncable, while it's parent directory is marked as syncable - should I forbid that? If not, how should I mark the parent? If we want to have 'partially syncable' indicator, it's a good moment for me to know that.19:45
dobeykarni: you can't disable syncing sub-folders/files of a synced folder in ubuntu19:46
karnibeuno: In context of that question - I wonder how design team will manage to come up with things without ever consulting me ;) - as you see, there are sill bits missing and they can't design it without telling me "ok we've designed it that way. so you'll have to add this feature and that one" ;D19:46
karnidobey: that'd be the easiest solution19:46
karnidobey: and be consistent with U1.. I think we have the answer.19:46
beunokarni, I wouldn't let people mark things as "not syncable", just syncable and everything under it is auto-synced19:47
karnidobey: the Android app is way more different. we sync per folder/level basis19:47
karnibeuno: by default everything is 'not syncable' - I mean, it depends what indicator the design team comes up with.19:47
dobeyright becasue the phone has no storage19:47
karnidobey: little storage, yes.19:48
beunokarni, and design is creating abstract concepts, we'll bring them down to reality together19:48
dobeywell, 64K ought to be enough for anyone19:48
karnidobey: often MicroSD card, 2gigs, 4, 8(?)19:48
karnibeuno: uhm :)19:48
karnidobey: hahahh19:48
karnibeuno: ok then :) we've got that in place ;) I'll implement blocking of marking as "not syncable" if parent is synced.19:49
beunokarni, perfect19:50
karnibeuno: one question. somewhat design question.19:50
karnibeuno: imagine user starts selecting few folders, foo, bar, baz as syncable19:50
karnibeuno: should I immediately start download of those items (I think so), or wait for next sync session (either scheduled, or on app start)19:50
karnibeuno: I'd normally expect the items to start downloading immediately.19:51
beunokarni, immediately, yes19:51
karnibeuno: and in case sync request appears in the mean time, I'll schedule that for *after* the transfers have finished (because you can have other folders with items pending sync)19:52
karniverterok: facundobatista: I'm sorry to bother, I think I have asked that verterok once, but I'd like to double check. Is node_id guaranteed to be unique amongst all volumes or just the volume which owns it?20:05
beunokarni, among all volumes20:06
karnibeuno: thank you :)!! that's good.20:06
* nessita -> errands, bbl20:07
verterokkarni: but isn't defined anywhere, and it's an implementation detail20:08
karniverterok: oh right... :S that's what you answer me some time ago :<20:08
verterokkarni: (share|volume_id, node_id) is unique20:08
karniverterok: please, can they be unique among volumes :D20:08
karniverterok: yeah :< I know.. the code would look much cleaner if I could just pass the nodeId and not volumeId+nodeId every time I need to be unique20:09
karniverterok: so I can't/shouldn't base on beuno's answer?20:09
verterokkarni: it's an implementation detail, if we change the implementation for some weird reason, all clients that asume that node_id are unique will stop working/break/creash&burn20:11
verterokkarni: is really that ugly to have one more arg?20:11
karniverterok: Ok, you've made that clear. Thank you :<20:11
karniverterok: in Java, yes ;D20:11
verterokkarni: oh :(20:12
karniverterok: plus, there's some  SQL to it, but don't worry.20:12
karniverterok: You made it clear and I understand the reasoning.20:12
beunokarni, *I* would assume it's unique20:12
beunoand if it stops beign unique20:12
verterokkarni: it should work, but I don't know for how long (I don't even know if we are going to change it or why we would change it)20:12
beunoyou'll know20:12
karnibeuno: :D20:12
beunoand we can update clients, it's android20:12
karniright right..20:12
karniyou think, beuno :) ?20:13
karniyes we can :)!20:13
beunoI know this will make verterok nervous and store a "I told you so" card for me20:13
verterokbeuno: it's already in my pocket :)20:13
karnihahaha. ok guys, it'll be my job anyway to have it working ;)!20:14
beunoexactly, so you can both curse me20:14
karniwhen things will change/go wrong, we'll know/notice.20:14
verterokI'm just saying...it *might* change :)20:14
karniverterok: I'll remember :)20:14
helowill there be a "desktop mode" for people who want it to synch everything just like the desktop version? some phones have lots of storage :)20:16
beunohelo, yeap20:17
helobueno indeed...20:18
karnidesktop mode. cool title for a setting.20:18
beunokarni, I would just say "Auto-sync everything"20:18
beunobut yes  :)20:18
karnibeuno: right :D much more clear as of what it does20:18
* beuno is a sucker for explicteness20:19
dobeyralsina: you need to stop reading japanese zen of python by way of google translate20:21
ralsinadobey: isn't that awesome? :-)20:39
dobeyno :)20:41
dobeyralsina: http://wayofthemonkey.com/pics/fiero/cleangt.jpg is awesome20:42
ralsinadobey: "Besides Dutch, I can also understand a little Nikukatsu" is pure win :-)20:42
ralsinadobey: that's just a piece of iron that moves around ;-)20:42
dobeythere isn't all that much iron in it, actually20:43
dobeyfried what?20:44
karnicome estas nikukatsu! :D20:49
ralsinakarni: good usage :-)20:50
karniwin \o/20:50
dobeyi hope i can run banshee without installing it20:52
dobeyyay, all the stable-1-4 bugs in the SRU now have the maverick-updates milestone target, and ubuntu-sru subscribed21:04
dobeyhopefully someone approves the maverick-proposed upload soon and the bugs get verified, and the sru released21:04
dobeyjoshuahoover, rye: ^^21:04
* nessita -> back21:13
ralsinawhoa, Qt in nokia is larger (in number of employees) than canonical. I had the memory from when they were 15 guys in Oslo :-(21:15
dobeywhat the heck was trolltech doing that they needed that many people :P21:16
ralsinadobey: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/02/18/buckets-of-cold-water/21:16
ralsinaBasically, the full stack for Symbian, plus half the stack for nokia's version of meego, plus the desktop toolkit (which is huge) + the pyside python binding, + the IDE (QtCreator) + designer +++++21:17
ralsinaThe scope of Qt is to abstract the whole freaking OS from mobile to OSX, so it's pretty huge.21:18
dobeyso 260?21:18
dobeyi thought you said more than canonical :P21:18
ralsinaThat's in Oslo alone21:18
dobeyit said 60 in oslo21:18
ralsinaOh, read it wrong.21:18
ralsinaOk, so it's 60% of canonical21:18
dobey"We are currently ca 260 people in the Qt Development Frameworks organization in Nokia."21:19
dobeybut still, that's a lot of people for qt21:19
dobeyso i guess they are doing a lot more than just qt21:19
ralsinaThat probably doesn't include admin/HR/sysadmin and others since they are inside Nokia, too21:19
dobeywell those people from trolltech probably got moved elsewhere, yeah21:19
ralsinadobey: you are thinking on Gtk+'s size instead of Qt's21:19
gourgiis there any way to move my ~/Ubuntu\ One directory somewhere else? like /media/cloud/u1 for example ? i use ubuntu 10.1021:20
ralsinadobey: ok. But Qt is huge and it was being enlarged very fast21:20
dobeygtk+ isn't exactly small21:20
beunogourgi, not really, it needs to be inside your home dir21:21
dobeybut either way, size of the library is irrelevant21:21
ralsinagtk+ covers about 25% of Qt's scope21:21
ralsinaI mean scope, not code size, BTW21:21
dobeyQt as a library by itself has too much "scope" too21:21
ralsinadobey: nowadays it's more like a family of libraries21:21
gourgibeuno: can i move it to ~/cloud/u1 then ? if i move it do i have to symlink to ~/Ubuntu\ One ?21:21
dobeyit wouldn't surprise me if 25% of qt these days was "abstract gtk+"21:22
ralsinadobey: that makes no sense21:22
dobeyqt's scope is "if it exists, abstract it" afaict21:22
ryedobey, where and what?21:22
gourgibeuno:  i'm trying to unlutter my $HOME  :) , that's why i'm asking21:22
beunogourgi, so, you can move it, but for Ubuntu One it will be a different folder with different files, so it will re-upload everything21:22
ralsinadobey: yes. But it specifically doesn't abstract gtk :-)21:22
beunogourgi, not sure what happens when ~/Ubuntu One is a smylink21:23
beunoI'm guessing, not good things21:23
ralsinabeuno: I don't expect it to work, but am not 100% sure21:23
dobeyrye: there is a maverick sru (ubuntuone-client 1.4.6), i uploaded to maverick-proposed, waiting archive approval, and bug fix verification :)21:23
dobeyralsina: well, not all of it anyway... yet21:23
ralsinadobey: maybe you know something I don't21:24
ryedobey, looks yummy21:24
ralsinadobey: n this specific area I mean21:24
ralsinadobey: I know you know things I don't in general ;-)21:24
gourgibeuno: so basically i can't move ~/Ubuntu\ One directory, even inside another folder, right ?21:24
dobeyralsina: well it has some glib main loop stuff, and some gtk+ theme stuff21:24
ralsinadobey: it has had the glib main loop integration for about 5 years21:24
dobeygourgi: right21:25
ralsinadobey: and the gtk+ theme stuff is at the level of the windows look&feel or the OSX one. Useful for looking inconspicuous in your desktop.21:25
gourgidobey: thanks21:25
dobeymy desktop is a laminate covering over fiberboard21:26
ralsinadobey: and my widgets are a bunch of analogic gauges in my workshop, but anyway, you do know what I meant :-)21:27
dobeyand you know what i mean. gtk+ and qt are both way too large, and the wrong approach to solve the problems they're trying to solve. :)21:28
ralsinadobey: bug #661292 ...21:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 661292 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "Nautilus is not aware of published files (affects: 5) (dups: 3) (heat: 30)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66129221:28
ralsinaI had reproduced that bug in trunk this week21:29
ralsinaI think with a different bug number, though21:29
ralsinaIt breaks if you logout and login again21:29
ralsinadobey: bug #70155721:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 701557 in ubuntuone-client "In nautilus and the ubuntuone-indicator "Copy the link" of a published file disappear after time (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70155721:30
dobeyit's a different bug to the stable-1-4 issue21:30
dobeyand the stable-1-4 issue should be fixed with the branch linked to that bug21:31
ralsinaI have not checked 1.4-stable21:31
ralsinabut it is marked as invalid for triunk?21:31
dobeyyes, because, the issue there is not the same thing21:32
dobeyand as you pointed, there is a different bug for the issue you're talking about21:32
ralsinawell, if you restart the session, my bug looks the same as your bug ;-)21:32
dobeyyes, well21:33
dobeydon't look at the lady in the red dress21:33
ralsinaAnd it's really the same issue, the plugin is not getting the output of  the list of published files21:33
ralsinaThat branch is a fix that doesn't fix the right thing. But what the heck, it doesn't make the other one worse, either.21:33
dobeyno, it's not the same issue21:34
dobeythe bug title for the one you're complaining about might be off or something, but the issue in it is fixed by the branch; as you can see, the reporter tested and approved the branch himself :)21:35
dobeynon-engineers aren't always the best at picking good bug titles :)21:36
ralsinadobey: you know as well as I do that means it fixed that specific symptom and maybe not the real issue. Or I will use that argument against you in the future ;-)21:36
dobeyit fixes the reported issue. if there are also other issues, then that is a separate issue :)21:38
ralsinaanyway, don't let me bother you. And notice how I don't say you don't listen to me ;-)21:38
dobeyalso, the related code in trunk, vs what is in maverick, is a fair bit different21:38
dobeyi do listen21:39
dobeythat is why i am suffering the pain of trying to build banshee right now :(21:39
dobeyfinally, it configures21:39
dobeybut it did not find libu121:41
joshuahooverdobey: remind me again where i can see a list of those bugs that need verified?21:44
ralsinaI looked at the banshee code and ... well, I owe you a beer at UDS21:44
dobeyjoshuahoover: hrmm, the package link doesn't work yet because the upload to maverick-proposed has not been accepted yet21:46
joshuahooverdobey: ah, ok21:46
dobeyjoshuahoover: but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bugs should mostly suffice21:47
dobeyjoshuahoover: all of the "in progress" bugs there are the ones in 1.4.621:47
joshuahooverdobey: k, i can test those21:47
dobeyjoshuahoover: i guess some of them need the TESTCASE info bits too. thanks :)21:49
joshuahooverdobey: awesome...sigh21:50
dobeyoh, so i guess that banshee disables the store by default, but the stupid summary at the end of the ./configure run makes it look like it's not finding the libu1 development stuff. grr21:50
ralsinaOk, gotta run. Bye people!22:00
dobeysame here, see you on tuesday :)22:02
nessitaok, I'm off!22:17
nessitahave a nice weekend everyone22:17
grunthusHi, anyone about to help with bzr ci command for a bugfix I'm hoping to get merged?23:41

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