
Phatstarlameiro: thanks, I needed that. It's finally done though. Only 5 hours later.00:01
rlameiroPhatsta: 5 hours... wow, you really have patience :D00:05
holsteinPhatsta: http://qtractor.sourceforge.net/qtractor-index.html00:20
holsteinim not a big MIDI guy00:21
holsteinbut i have heard great things :)00:21
Phatstalooks okay, but there are no audio channels?01:01
holsteinPhatsta: should be01:03
holsteindoesnt have automation01:03
Phatstalooks like cubase almost01:03
holsteinhmmm, i'll give you that :)01:03
virtuhello =)02:01
virtuin august go to USA02:01
holsteinnice virtu02:01
virtuwill arive in Philadelphia, them go to NY and after down to Disney02:01
virtu08/01 to 08/1702:02
virtunow have to get my pass and visa02:02
holsteinthat'll be fun02:02
virtugot this travel by AA at U$31802:02
holsteinyou on tour?02:02
virtuvacations time02:03
holsteinthats resonable02:03
virtuholstein: very very nice deal02:03
virtuvery cheap the ticket02:03
virtuthe sales started at midnight02:04
virtuand had luck to check some deals sites that are showing this promo02:04
virtuholstein: my last video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G-J18xYV4802:19
grotekHallo :)11:47
grotekKann man im /usr/share ordner NUR über rootrechte was ändern ?11:47
AutoStaticOnly root can change files there11:48
grotekthx :)11:48
grotek:-O wrong channel xD11:48
AutoStaticBut most programs also look in your home folder11:48
AutoStaticthe .local directory11:48
AutoStaticSo if you put anything in $HOME/.local/share big chance it will work too11:49
groteki want to update some patch/banks to ZynaddSubFX ...11:51
bodisiw_hi, just installed ubuntu studio on a laptop, now it appears my wireless card is working, at least i can see broadcasted SSIDs, yet somehow it refuses to actually join anything... any ideas?15:21
holsteinbodisiw_: well thats progress16:05
holsteindid you install the network manger?16:07
holsteinif you can 'wire-up'16:07
holsteinto internet16:07
holsteinand sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome16:08
holsteintry that out16:08
bodisiw_holstein, yeah, i installed network manager17:20
holsteinbodisiw_: whats the error?17:20
bodisiw_ive got the nm-applet or whatever17:20
holsteinyou see ssid's17:20
holsteinin the nm-applet17:20
holsteinand you click on them17:21
holsteinput in wpa or whatever17:21
holsteinand what happens?17:21
bodisiw_yeah, using the applet i see ssid's, then i click one, two green circles spin for a while, then it fails and goes back to a red x17:21
holsteinmulitple AP's?17:21
bodisiw_maybe i can use a cli command to find out the problem17:21
holsteinyouve tested on multiple AP's?17:21
bodisiw_yeah, there are multiple APs listed... i select one of them17:21
bodisiw_yeah, ive tested multiple17:21
bodisiw_they all fail17:22
holsteinwell, i had a broadcom chip17:22
holsteinon a mininote17:22
holsteinit would act that way17:22
holsteinwith a certain driver17:22
holsteinwith a certain kernel17:22
holsteinbodisiw_: i would say17:22
holsteinwire it up17:22
holsteintake all updates17:22
bodisiw_done it several times17:22
holsteinsee if its the same17:22
holsteintry a differet driver17:22
holsteinif there is one17:22
holsteinif not17:23
holsteinrun lspci17:23
holsteinget the network card17:23
holsteinand start searching around17:23
bodisiw_im using the broadcom low power lpphy17:23
holsteinyou dont need to search 'ubuntustudio'17:23
bodisiw_okay, maybe ill go to regular ubuntu channel17:23
holsteinyou can broaden your search a bit17:23
holsteinbodisiw_: try #ubuntu-beginners17:23
holsteinor maybe your loco channel17:24
bodisiw_id just like to know why connecting to the ap fails17:24
holsteinbodisiw_: thats what was happening with one driver or the other17:24
holsteinwhen my broadcom chip17:24
holsteinsame behavior17:24
holsteinif im right17:25
holsteinthe driver is just not able to fully talk to the device17:25
bartjehello all19:54
bartjeeum, how can I connect my alsa midi to jack midi when I use freebob?20:01
holsteinbartje: hey20:23
bartjehey holstein20:23
holsteina2jmidid is what you need20:24
holsteinapt-get it20:24
holsteinand run it from the command line20:24
holsteinwhen JACK is running20:24
holsteinand you should see what you need to patch :)20:24
bartjeah :-), I only get a midi through20:25
bartjebut perhaps I have to add some options20:25
holsteinthrough is the deal20:26
holsteinthat'll work20:26
holsteinOR thats how i do it *20:26
holsteini use the through to pass the data between the tabs20:26
bartjeah, ok, I have no experience with midi through, but doesn't it cause trouble having one port, and two midi isntruments?20:27
holsteinbartje: im not sure20:28
holsteinlet me refer you to #opensourcemusicians20:28
holsteinmore MIDI folk over there20:28
holsteinyou might be able to run another instance of a2jmidid20:29
holsteinfor all i know20:29
ailo_atbartje: No problem as long as the midi devices are set on different channels20:29
ailo_atset to*20:29
* holstein face palms20:29
holsteinof course20:29
holsteinthat makes sense now20:30
holsteini forget how MIDI works with channels20:30
ailo_atbartje: Or you want to connect one midi hardware device to two soft instruments?20:30
bartjeno, I have a keyboard and a digital drum20:30
ailo_atbartje: Just set one of them to another channel. They are both likely using ch 1.20:31
ailo_atThen make sure the software is set to pick up that channel20:31
bartjewow, it does make things way more complicated20:32
ailo_atbartje: It's the old way of doing things.20:32
ailo_atChaining devices. Usually you would do that if you were running several drum machines20:32
bartjeyes, but why not simply patching the midi channels, existing in alsa, to jack, instead of using a midi through?20:33
ailo_atIf you have the keyboard always set to ch2, just set input channel to ch2 on the software you use with the keyboard20:33
bartjeThen i don't have to reconfigure my devices20:33
ailo_atThe patching is not related to midi channels.20:33
ailo_atYou can patch the through to all software, just set the software to pick up the midi channel you want it to20:34
ailo_atEvery patch port, is a port with 16 midi channels20:34
ailo_atMaybe I'm explaining badly?20:37
bartjelet's start from the beginning, so running a2jmidid I created a midi through port in the midi tab of jack. I then need to connect the midi through to midisport in the alsa tab?20:38
dawibaI think you only need to run a2jmidid if you're trying to connect a firewire device.20:40
bartjethat's exactly what I have, lol, a firewire device20:40
dawibaSorry, I didn't realise the midisport was firewire20:41
ailo_atbartje: First start jack, then a2jmidid. Do you see two ports in "jack" tab20:41
bartjeno, midisport is usb, but my audio is firewire20:41
ailo_atAh, you're using midisport?20:41
ailo_atThen you don't need jack midi20:41
bartjeyep I do, since I load the freebob driver, there is no midi port in the midi tab20:42
ailo_atalsa tab is the midi tab for alsa midi20:42
bartjeyes, but some software don't provide midi outs for alsa.20:43
bartjeonly for jack20:43
ailo_atwhich ones?20:43
bartjeright now I was testing ardour 320:43
ailo_atThere's also j2amidid I think20:43
ailo_atOr os there?20:44
dawibaArdour will only give you midi outs for controlling other midi gear/programs20:44
dawibaThese should be in the alsa tab20:45
bartje*sigh ardour 3 has midi sequencing support, but still is in pre beta, go check it out20:45
dawibaMy apologies. Good Luck :-)20:46
ailo_atbartje: And you are uding a midi driver with jack?20:46
bartjeno, midi is usb, so when using a firewire driver, I loose my midi in jack, that's my point20:47
ailo_atTo use jack midi you'll need to choose a driver for it in qjackctl settings (if you're using that)20:48
bartjewhen selecting freebob, it's grayed out20:48
ailo_atOh. ok20:48
bartjeI know, options are, seq, raw or none, but it's grayed out, I can't pick20:49
ailo_atI don't have firewire myself, so I don't know how that works. Did you try the firewire driver?20:49
bartjefirewire, freebob, yes20:49
bartjeotherwise i can't get my firewire audiocard running :-)20:50
ailo_atYeah, but "firewire" as in firewire, not "freebob".20:50
dawibaCan I ask why you're using Freebob? There is a 'Firewire' option in Jack's settings (that's what I use)20:50
bartjeyes, I do all the time now, works better then freebob20:50
holsteinyeah, freebob was nice though20:50
holsteinback in the day :)20:50
ailo_atholstein: You get jack midi automatically with the firewire driver? Seems logical20:52
ailo_atCause, bartje, I think what you need to do is start jack first with firewire, then a2jmidi. Then ardour 3.20:53
ailo_atAnd you should see alsa through and ardour in jack midi, no?20:54
bartjeyep, that works now, but is not ideal I think.20:54
ailo_atbartje: I think that's simply because alsa and jack midi are different. You should not be any more restricted than using only alsa.20:55
holsteinailo_at: i think so20:56
holsteini dont have any MIDI devices to test with20:56
holsteini think Blank__ said the firepod has MIDI support20:56
holsteinwith that driver20:57
holsteinout of the box20:57
ailo_atYeah, I think most supported firewire devices have midi support, and only jack midi.20:57
bartjeyes indeed, my audiofire12 has a midi port, but is not recognised in jack20:58

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