
rbelemRiddell, ping01:13
ScottKyofel and Quintasan: It should be beer laced Unicorn cookies.01:18
rbelemRiddell, I just commited the changes to the kdenetwork svn02:41
c2tarunI am grabbing a package by grab.merge.sh script and its automatically applying the patch. I updated the .quiltrc file but still nothing happned. I tried to pop the patch but No patches found. When I am pushing I am getting Hunk** failed. What should I do?04:08
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error: dpkg-source: error: File ./freevo_1.9.0.orig.tar.gz has size 34309907 instead of expected 2718286706:33
testhey, some guy sent me here09:32
testHe told me that you guys know Qt?09:33
valorieif anyone is awake.....09:33
valorietest, what do you want to know?09:34
testoh im sorry, my time zone is different :p09:34
* valorie isn't a coder, but I can find stuff09:34
valoriewell, the Indians might be around09:34
macovalorie: or harald09:34
valoriethe Americans will be asleep except me09:34
macoit's breakfast time in austria09:35
valorieharald on a Friday night?09:35
macoyou mean *after* a friday night haha....fair point09:35
valorieplus he's been sick09:35
macowell then he probably didn't spend the night at the biergarten!09:35
valoriemaybe not!09:35
macovalorie: and yes i know mum, i should get to bed09:36
valoriedo you have work or school in the morning?09:36
macotest is looking to get into some Qt stuff and i said mentors and pointers to bugs could be found here09:36
macoi have "wait for ISP to come install the Intarwebs" around lunchtime09:37
valoriefor me that would be "wake up when installers come at noon"09:37
testwell i made a Qt Creator project09:37
macoand need some debugging help09:38
macowhich, if none of the europeans give before i wake up, then i will09:38
testit has 3 QLineEdit widgets in it09:38
testthey have all have an event09:38
test(when the text is changed)09:39
testit should convert tempratures09:39
testif it works09:39
testIt runs fine09:39
testbut when  i change the text it gives me an error09:40
valoriesounds right up harald's alley from a year or so back09:40
valoriewhen he was build a widget man09:40
testwait ill give u the error message09:41
testbut i gtg09:43
shadeslayerdebfx: i'm a bit busy till 25th ... :)10:28
shadeslayerand i don't have upload rights as well .... 10:29
shadeslayerdebfx: tazz is taking care of the rebuilds ;)10:57
* tazz will try...10:57
tazz<--- n00b10:57
tazzhence looking into the job :p10:57
c2tarunshadeslayer: ping10:57
c2tarunshadeslayer: ok, when you come around just please tell me what else is wrong changelog except urgency. I gotta go. THANKS for looking :)10:59
c2tarunshadeslayer: ping12:04
rbelemRiddell, ping12:05
apacheloggerbuilding gcc on arm is more of a PITA than Qt13:24
apacheloggerstupid tests13:24
apacheloggerit would appear that test is gone again and did not leave an error message behind ^^13:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.kde.org/stuff/clipart.php13:26
shadeslayerwhich one would be best for Neon?13:26
shadeslayer( From KDE Software Logo's )13:27
apacheloggerback of my head13:27
shadeslayerQuintasan:  yofel ^^13:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do not quite compute the question13:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: i've contacted a friend of mine to do a logo for neon13:27
apacheloggerthe oxygen one13:27
apacheloggerobviously :P13:28
shadeslayerso he was asking for artwork neon can relate to, so im sending him the Kubuntu Logo and KDE Logo's13:28
apacheloggerthe lineart ones only make sense for low-quality printing and stuff13:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: the official one?13:28
apacheloggerthey are all official? :P13:28
shadeslayerKDE Official Oxygen Logo << I meant that one :)13:29
apacheloggerthere only be one oxygen13:29
yofelshadeslayer: powered by KDE would be my choice13:30
shadeslayeryeah me too :D13:30
shadeslayerbut i've sent him the whole page13:30
apacheloggermy ear is powerd by meego13:32
yofelwhat's the back of your head powered by? ^^13:32
shadeslayeryofel: maemo13:32
shadeslayerhe is thus outdated13:33
shadeslayertime to upgrade apachelogger's head13:33
* shadeslayer get's some screw drivers and pop's open apachelogger's head13:33
apacheloggersonic I shall hope?13:33
shadeslayeroh my oh my13:34
shadeslayereverything is outdated inside apachelogger's head ... we need new parts13:34
* apachelogger enhances apachelogger.h13:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: yofel Quintasan http://i.imgur.com/stsne.jpg13:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: your head is full of Java13:36
shadeslayeryofel: what do you think of it13:39
yofelwhere did you get that from ...13:40
yofeldoesn't exactly look bad though13:41
apacheloggerit looks like pr0n advertisement13:41
apacheloggerI believe I can fly13:44
shadeslayerthat's the java talking13:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: how old are you again? :P13:47
apacheloggeryou are jealous of my relationship with java13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: 1913:48
shadeslayerari-tczew: Happy Birthday!!!13:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah right .... 13:49
shadeslayeryofel: so what can be improved to get it in as the official banner13:49
apacheloggeroh, it's ari-tczew's bday?13:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: did I mention you look like an android?13:51
shadeslayerFacebook says so13:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: no...13:51
apacheloggeroh, you must not trust the facebook on such matters13:51
apacheloggerkubotu: order birthday package for ari-tczew13:51
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.13:51
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to ari-tczew and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.13:51
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday ari-tczew, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!13:51
kubotuHappy Birthday ari-tczew :D13:51
kubotuTo your health!13:51
shadeslayerandroidify does that to you supposedly 13:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: you looks like an android13:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: is that a good thing?13:52
apacheloggeractually you look like you are about to throw up13:52
apacheloggerall green and stuff13:52
apacheloggerI had an interesting discussion with a lady friend of mine who happens to have some samsung android phone13:52
shadeslayerhahah 13:52
apacheloggerapparently android is crap13:52
shadeslayerit is13:52
apacheloggeralso the smileys are all shit to regular people13:53
shadeslayerbut it's better than symbian crap13:53
* eMyller also believes he can fly13:53
ari-tczewwho said that I have birthday today?13:53
shadeslayerari-tczew: facebook13:53
apacheloggershe indeed said they look like they are about to throw up13:53
apachelogger<3 android13:53
eMylleractually, /me just woke up, so don't listen to him.13:53
ari-tczewshadeslayer: it's not true13:53
shadeslayerthen fix your fb profile!!!13:53
eMyller'morning all13:53
shadeslayereMyller: it's the java speaking13:54
ari-tczewshadeslayer: I guess I don't have you in friends on FB.13:54
* apachelogger does not listen to eMyller and wonders why he is not greeting us13:54
shadeslayeroh darn 13:54
ari-tczewshadeslayer: and I don't have set up my birth date.13:54
shadeslayerWrong Artur13:54
apacheloggerwho has birthday?13:54
apacheloggerdo I?13:54
shadeslayerArthur Schiwon13:54
eMyllerapachelogger: lol13:54
apacheloggerari-tczew: why are we not befriended on the facebook??!?!?!?!!?!?!?13:54
apacheloggerI demand befriendshipping13:54
shadeslayernow i can't remember his nick13:54
apacheloggerthis arthur schiwon looks familiar13:55
apacheloggerI think I met him once13:55
apacheloggercan't remember his nick though13:55
apacheloggerkubotu: order birthday package for Blizzz13:55
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.13:55
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to Blizzz and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.13:55
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Blizzz, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!13:55
kubotuHappy Birthday Blizzz :D13:55
kubotuTo your health!13:55
ari-tczewapachelogger: send me request then ;)13:55
* apachelogger dances with Blizzz and touches his naughty bits13:56
yofelshadeslayer: need to go, I'll think about it till I get back13:56
shadeslayeri have to study too13:56
eMyllerhey; anyone seen ofirk and sheytan these days?13:56
shadeslayerkubotu: google cricket13:56
kubotuResults for cricket: 1. Bangladesh vs. India, 1st Match, Group B, 19th Feb '11: http://www.cricinfo.com/ci/engine/match/433558.html?CMP=OTC-GCN | 2. Willow: http://onebox.willow.tv/EventMgmt/UserMgmt/FixtureArchive.asp?target=concluded | 3. Cell Phone Plans | Cell Phones | Mobile Broadband | Cricket Wireless: http://www.mycricket.com/13:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^13:56
Blizzzdjeezus christ13:56
Blizzzapachelogger:  ty ;)13:56
apacheloggerari-tczew: no, that is not how this works... you must befriend me13:56
shadeslayerBlizzz: happy birthday!!13:56
eMylleri'm worried about the ku website, no one has never talked about it again13:56
apacheloggerit is not thursday13:56
Blizzzthanks shadeslayer!13:57
apacheloggerI only do befriendshipping thursdays13:57
apacheloggereMyller: the ku?13:57
shadeslayerlike su but more KDE like?13:57
apacheloggerku = kool user?13:57
eMyllerit's an all blue su13:57
eMyllerdang, i'm just used to the !ku thing on identica13:58
ari-tczewapachelogger: I guess I'm not worthy to get friendship with you on FB13:58
apacheloggerI command you to befriend me!13:58
* apachelogger cannot wait till thursday13:58
eMyllerapachelogger: actually, ku means ass in portuguese. they just use c instead of k.13:58
apacheloggerwhat if I get git by a bus tomorrow13:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: sudo makemeafriend13:58
apacheloggerthen you shall never become my friend on fb13:58
apacheloggerimagine the loss13:58
apacheloggeryou could not take part int he moaning and stuff13:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: polkit enablement is needed there13:59
shadeslayer... I get git by a bus ... was that by mistake ? :P13:59
apacheloggerkubotu: google git by a bus13:59
kubotuResults for git by a bus: 1. Git by a Bus: http://dev.hubspot.com/bid/57694/Git-by-a-Bus | 2. Git Bus route: http://www.git.org.in/busroute.htm | 3. Git by a Bus | Daniel Bachhuber's weblog: http://danielbachhuber.com/2011/01/05/git-by-a-bus/13:59
shadeslayerlul then13:59
ari-tczewshadeslayer: show me this guy who has birthday today13:59
apacheloggerthere ye go13:59
shadeslayerari-tczew: Blizzz13:59
shadeslayerBlizzz: ari-tczew13:59
apacheloggereMyller: the website is being held back by stuff13:59
ari-tczewshadeslayer: I don't get it14:00
apacheloggerimaginary stuff I might add14:00
bambeenow that language-selector is waiting for review, can I help on another thing ? 14:00
apacheloggeras currently there is nothing to deploy there is nothing to hold back14:00
Blizzzshadeslayer: pardon?14:00
apacheloggerif it were to be held back one were to do something about it14:00
apacheloggerbut since there is nothing...14:00
apacheloggerbambee: what do you want to do?14:00
apacheloggeryou can join me watching gcc compile on arm14:00
eMyllerapachelogger: there is some non imaginary stuff; sheytan have designed lots of pages14:00
apacheloggerthat surely will take another 300000 hours14:00
apacheloggereMyller: yes, but it is not deployment ready I recon14:01
eMylleri was just about to get with him to write markup and stuff14:01
apacheloggerand until there is something to deploy we cannot annoy the canonical sysadmins to execute the review and deployment14:01
apacheloggerthus nothing is being held back right now14:01
bambeeapachelogger: I prefer programming tasks but I'm open to any suggestions :)14:01
eMyllernot complaining about development14:01
eMyllerjust wanted to check if there were news14:02
apacheloggerbambee: we could watch drunken friends try to sing14:02
eMyllerit's quite a longe time i don't see the website guys14:02
apacheloggereMyller: sheytan will know the status I presume14:02
eMylleryeah, this is why i asked about him :P14:02
apacheloggerbambee: you could make shadeslayer less useful to me and write a schedule management app for UDS in QML ;)14:03
bambeehowever if required I can help for packaging and bugfixes of course14:03
apacheloggertalking about bugfixes14:03
apacheloggerbambee: one thing that always needs doing is bug triage :)14:03
apacheloggerari-tczew: we are still not friends14:03
apacheloggerbambee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs14:04
ari-tczewapachelogger: I'll survive ;-)14:04
apacheloggerari-tczew: you are very selfish14:04
apacheloggerwhat about me?14:04
ari-tczewapachelogger: get a girlfriend :d14:05
apacheloggerNightrose: ari-tczew questions our relationship!14:05
apacheloggerbambee: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Responses14:05
apacheloggerbambee: basically everything that is not caused by Kubuntu gets closed as invalid and the report sent to bugs.kde.org to file the bug their14:06
bambeeapachelogger: thanks14:06
apacheloggerof course you may also jump at a high profile bug and fix that ;)14:06
apacheloggere.g. in the topic there is a list of alpha3 bugs14:06
apacheloggerNightrose: honey, when is deadline for gsoc ideas btw?14:06
Nightroseapachelogger: 28th for kde14:07
apacheloggerplenty of time14:07
* apachelogger could actually being to draft up proposals14:07
apacheloggerNightrose: how many proposals can one single person file before it gets weird?14:08
Nightrosei'd say 4 or 514:08
apacheloggersplendid, just enough :D14:08
apacheloggermgraesslin: I might propose something or kwin :P14:09
* apachelogger finds that stuff jolly intersting14:09
apacheloggermgraesslin: also I am confident that we can land kwin-gles in natty as soon as someone fixed our gcc, which is currently most broken and makes all of KDE segfault on arm \o/14:10
apacheloggeralso linaro is poking into gles enablement which means much more gles love alltogehter14:10
apacheloggerlove all around14:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: when you are back, please teach ari-tczew about apachelogger fandom14:11
apacheloggerhe does not quite grasp the concept I am afraid14:11
apacheloggerI feel I had too much coffee14:11
apacheloggeroh my14:11
apacheloggerwho has time to review apachelogger.h?14:13
apacheloggercould release it soonish I believe14:13
=== muesli_ is now known as muesli
ari-tczewapachelogger: haha, you have been broken your rules! :D14:24
ari-tczewyou sent me request :P14:24
bambeeapachelogger: I could also code a plasma-widget-sound-indicator :P14:24
bambeemouarf :P14:24
apacheloggerwhat is that?14:24
apacheloggersound menu made more sense14:25
apacheloggeralso upstream agreed it is a generally good idea14:25
apacheloggeralso it is pretty easy to do14:25
bambeeI meant sound menu yeah14:25
apacheloggerok, I am all behind you on that idea14:25
* apachelogger thinks soundmenu makes all sorts of sense, just not the name ;)14:25
bambeeI think... it's a good challenge... I love challenges :)14:26
apacheloggerari-tczew: I have a song for that somewhere14:27
apacheloggerI believe14:27
apacheloggercan't recall the lyrics really14:27
apacheloggerlemme see14:27
debfxbambee: something like this? http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Veromix+-+A+Pulseaudio+volume+control?content=11667614:28
apacheloggerari-tczew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB0dI0mCzhs&feature=related14:29
* apachelogger needs to dance a bit14:30
* apachelogger grabs Nightrose since she is workign too much anyway14:30
bambeedebfx: something like that yup14:30
apacheloggerdebfx, bambee: simpler and more integrated14:31
bambeewith mpris2 spec and all features required by soundmenu 14:31
* apachelogger notes that kmix should by now have a dbus interface,14:31
apacheloggerat least it was concluded to have that last year at the kde mm meeting14:31
apacheloggerno idea if they actually implemented it14:31
ari-tczewapachelogger: do you like punk music?14:32
* apachelogger likes good music14:32
bambeeapachelogger: ok14:32
bambeehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu ;)14:33
* apachelogger just found an interseting bug in amarok 14:34
=== Squt is now known as Sput
mgraesslinapachelogger: what do you want to propose for kwin?15:19
=== Ash-Fox is now known as Ash|Qin
Riddellooh, owncloud accepted16:29
ScottKRiddell: Kernel for n900 is in New, BTW.16:31
Riddellrbelem: congrats on getting samba support into KDE!16:45
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
Daskreechmarkey: What's with the fork?17:34
markeyDaskreech: just speculation. there has been some talk about KDE having "its own distro"17:35
markeybut of course that is a problem, politically17:35
markeythe SUSE folks would not be happy with us choosing Kubuntu, and vice versa17:35
markeyso I don't think that will ever happen17:36
DaskreechIs there a need for KDE to have it's own distro?17:36
markeygood question17:36
DaskreechE has it's own  Distro17:36
markeycurrently, Kubuntu is a great distro for me17:36
DaskreechI can't think of anything else that has one17:36
markeybut if Canonical continues making bullshit decisions, and paying 2 guys for making Kubuntu, I worry about its future17:37
DaskreechI suppose you could say that Foresight is the GNOME distro but that's made a huge impact and is really a game changer in the larger scheme of things17:37
markeypoor Riddell has to do the work of 10 guys17:37
markeyis that fair?17:37
DaskreechDepends on whose perspective you look at17:37
markeyI imagine what he does is fairly complicated and demanding17:38
Daskreechit is Riddell is a super champ17:38
markeydoes he get payed really well? I don't know. rumor has it, Canonical pays poorly17:38
markeyis it OK to treat Kubuntu like an evil step-child?17:39
markeyis it not easy to see why that is?17:39
markeyis Mr. S. really the great philanthropist, or really a cunning business man, fooling people into thinking something else?17:41
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
Daskreechmarkey: Well he is paying for something that is outside of what he set out to do and actually dilutes it17:42
markeyso far so good17:43
markeywhy is he doing that?17:43
DaskreechSo is it fair to have a unplanned for side project be treated like a side project? I'd say probably17:43
markeyhe could simply not do it, right?17:43
DaskreechRiddell asked him to17:43
markeydo you really believe that?17:43
markeywould you believe anything some CEO told you?17:43
DaskreechThat if Riddell had not offered to build Kubuntu that it wouldn't exist now? Yeah pretty much17:44
markeyor maybe the real reason is: appeasing the KDE community17:44
markeywhile spending the absolute minimum required to do it17:45
markeylike a cunning business man would do17:45
DaskreechIt most likely is. But if Riddell had not said he would shoulder the responsibilty Kubuntu wuld be in the same category as GnuSense17:45
markeysure, that could very well be true17:45
Daskreechmarkey: We are saying the same things but that doesnt' change that Kubuntu is a side project and treated lke one17:46
markeybut what Riddell did back then, well. that's one thing. 17:46
markeyis that OK?17:46
markeymaybe yes, maybe not17:46
markeyIMHO: nope, not OK at all17:46
Daskreechdepends on where you are looking at it from17:46
Daskreechwell then fund a KDE distro then17:46
markeyI can't17:47
Daskreechor offer to pay a second person to 17:47
markeybut KDE could17:47
DaskreechOr start a foundation for it17:47
DaskreechYes but that still a side project for the KDE foundation17:47
markeyso anyway, I guess we both understood each other's positions17:47
ScottKPersonally, I'm glad Kubuntu is a side project.17:47
ScottKThe community gets a huge amount of say in what happens in Kubuntu because we do a large share of the work.17:48
DaskreechNot nearly in the same way as Canonical but Riddell has put up effort for what he thought was a good idea17:48
markeypersonally, I am glad that Kubuntu exists, but I still thing that Canonical is screwing over people17:48
Daskreechmarkey: I think a solution for your conflict would be to start something explictly to fund polish in Kubuntu17:49
ScottKOr just convince people it's a worthwhile use of their time. 17:49
markeyagain, I could not do that. KDE could do it, but it would get KDE into a mess of political issues17:49
markeybecause there are more distros17:49
Daskreechmarkey: Why could you not do it17:49
DaskreechI'm not asking you to fund it17:49
ScottKmarkey: It didn't stop KDE from making an OpenSuse netbook "reference implementation"17:49
Daskreechjust to start a movement17:49
markeyno time, no money17:49
markeyI contribute to Amarok, which contributes to Kubuntu17:50
Daskreechapachelogger started the Kubuntu Ninjas movement and it's been progressin17:50
markeythat's the most I can do17:50
Daskreechmarkey: Just beat a drum when you can :)17:50
DaskreechIdeas grow when watered17:50
markeyapachelogger has been beating a lot of drums17:50
markeyhe's a smart guy17:50
markeyare his ideas heard?17:50
Daskreechand it's working17:50
DaskreechThis channel is a lot fuller and more active since he started doing that17:51
markeyyeah, he can do that very well17:51
Daskreechslow progress is still progress17:51
markeybut he has many ideas, some of which are more radical17:51
Daskreechya hurd? :)17:51
markeywell ask him yourself17:51
Daskreechmarkey: Would you like to do an article for amarok for the feature digest17:53
markeyI'm sorry, what is that?17:53
* bambee arrived and tries to understand something17:54
Daskreechmarkey: http://commit-digest.org/18:05
markeyDaskreech: ah, sorry, but we Amarok folks started to do our own "Commit Digest" thingie. we call it "Last Week in Amarok", modeled afer what Boud did for Krita18:09
markeyCommit Digest is great for the core of KDE, but I don't think that it could ever be able to cover the whole range of apps18:10
markeythere are just too many of them now18:10
Daskreechmarkey: that's why it's a digest :)18:11
DaskreechThat does give me an idea though18:14
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
bambeesomeone know where I could find kmix icon (air theme) ?19:10
bambeei.e the systray white icon19:11
Riddellbambee: /usr/share/kde4/apps/desktoptheme/default/icons/19:18
bambeeRiddell: great! thanks19:19
ScottKrgreening: Now wouldn't be a bad time to be thinking about https://launchpad.net/clamav-kde again.  Klamav was just removed from Debian due to it's KDE3ness.19:27
DaskreechScottK: I'm shocked. Debian is discriminating against oldness? /s19:27
ScottKDaskreech: Debian qt/kde team wants to release wheezy Qt3/KDE3 free.  They don't want Qt3 to be the next Gtk-1.2.19:28
ScottKI think it's a reasonable goal.19:29
ScottKI think we should be Qt3/KDE3 free for the next LTS.19:29
DaskreechWasn't Gtk 1 famous cause some apps simply refused to go to Gtk2?19:29
ScottKAnd in the end they were removed, but it took almost a decade.19:29
RiddellScottK: being Qt 3 free requires either updating LSB or having ubuntu no longer support LSB19:34
Riddellwhich could well be the reasonable thing to do19:35
ScottKRiddell: We've never claimed to support LSB.19:35
ScottKThere are parts of LSB we support, but not the whole thing.19:35
Daskreechjtechidna posted a list of KDE3 bound things in Kubuntu19:36
ScottKRiddell: I think it's be great to keep Qt3 around if someone was going to maintain it.19:37
Daskreechmight be nice to have that as a wiki page if it's a goal for Odoriferous Otter 19:37
RiddellQt 3 upstream is dead so I think it's daft to try and maintain it19:37
debfxDaskreech: I though it's orly owl :(19:39
Daskreechdebfx: Orly? Whooooooo said that?19:39
debfxDaskreech: I just can't imagine any other codename for the o series19:47
ScottKRiddell: Agreed.  That's why I think removal for the next LTS is the sane course.19:47
ScottKWow.  rekonq in Natty doesn't totally suck.  Who'd have thought ...20:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^20:27
Quintasanshadeslayer: also, pinheiro said he really has too much stuff and won20:28
Quintasanwon't be able to make us artwork20:28
QuintasanWe'll use sheytan's work and maybe we'll get something oxygen'ish later20:28
QuintasanTBH Oxygen'ish artwork for Neon is like, wtf20:29
apacheloggermgraesslin: wayland foobar or modularization20:45
apacheloggerall to get rid of X :P20:45
apacheloggermarkey: did you have a fan club meeting or something? :D20:46
* apachelogger just read that apparently fglrx does opengles20:47
apacheloggergit pull the kwin-gles \o/20:47
markeyapachelogger: yeah I just came back from the weekly apachelogger-fan-club meeting20:51
apacheloggervery nice20:52
markeywe fondled a Harald Action Figure20:52
markeydid you feel the love?20:52
apacheloggerI thought I felt something indeed20:52
markeydude I should not say this, but we should skype20:52
markeyI'm dying a slow and painful death in this hotel room20:52
markeynot even sure what day of the week it is20:53
markeyit's sat, no?20:53
apacheloggersaturday, hence you did not go to work today :P20:53
markeythat explains it20:53
apacheloggerah, dpkg is having intercourse with me20:53
apacheloggermy oh my20:53
apacheloggerthat does not compute at all20:55
apacheloggernow I see21:03
apacheloggerversion problems21:03
apacheloggercause I'm TNT21:09
apacheloggermarkey: so21:09
mgraesslinapachelogger: fglrx does opengles but in an unusable way21:10
apachelogger<3 drivers21:10
mgraesslinapachelogger: and don't pull my scratch repo any more - everything is merged into master and I don't update the scratch repo any more21:10
apacheloggerneeds more fiddly then21:11
mgraesslinwith fglrx you have to resolve each function pointer and the nice thing about gles is that you would not have to resolve the function pointers21:11
mgraesslinand knowing from the normal glx driver it would be too slow anyway21:12
apacheloggerright now dpkg is not very nice anyway21:13
apacheloggerdoesnt let me install the package even though it should be very installable :O21:13
apacheloggergcc on arm is now building for >24h ...21:19
apacheloggermgraesslin: how would one switch to gles on master then?21:31
mgraesslinbuild time21:31
mgraesslinI hope to find a runtime solution but don't have any idea how, yet21:31
* apachelogger is this ---> <---- close to changing the login sound21:37
apacheloggermaco: let's make a time vortex screensaver21:41
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
apacheloggerubiquity seems the broken23:31
apacheloggerstuck at 64% of system install -.-23:31

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