
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
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vbgunzcan anybody answer the question. why after a while using a nvidia gtx 460 card and effects running absolutely perfectly does the effects do a downward spiral into chugging as if I was running a 64mb card with a 2 bit interface? This has always happened and will happen after this reboot... I just don't know why it happens :/00:18
vbgunzman I love kubuntu. been faithful to it and recommended it highly since kde 3.4. this is probably 3-4 releases now coming from ubuntu since maybe 3-4 releases before that but almost never getting an answer in irc leaves me with almost no faith in the end :/00:26
valorievbgunz: people are busy sometimes00:42
valorieand I for one have no clue about your issue00:42
valoriecheck on the forums maybe?00:42
valorieirc is great when there is someone who knows your answer available00:43
valorieotherwise -- the great silence00:43
vbgunzit's all good, I sometimes ask without expecting a response but after that is pretty much all that starts to happen, you start wondering00:44
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jcgshey, does anyone know how to use k3b to burn a cd with folders on it?00:55
vbgunzjcgs: try a data burn00:57
jcgsvbgunz: what's that?00:58
vbgunzjcgs: a data project00:58
vbgunznew project > data project00:58
vbgunzfind it under file00:58
jcgsvbgunz:I'm already using a data project, but it won't let me add folders, only individual files :(01:00
vbgunzthats a very unusual problem01:00
vbgunznot sure what the issue could be01:01
vbgunzjcgs: try again from scratch01:01
vbgunzyou can save what you've done btw01:01
jcgsI did, but it still won't let me add folders, it just says "more than one folder has been selected, and this dialogue does not accept folders..."01:03
vbgunzdo you have 3 panes open in the main gui?01:04
vbgunztop left pane is a tree browser to get to all folders, quickly. the top right pane is the data of the currently selected folder (from your left pane)... the bottom pane is your disk and what it currently looks like01:05
vbgunzyou can drag data from the right top pane into the bottom pane01:05
jcgsi'm trying to add files to the project with the add files dialogue01:05
vbgunzjcgs: try to use the drag and drop interface, loads quicker imho01:06
vbgunzjcgs: do you have the 3 panes? system browser, folder browser, disk data panes?01:07
jcgsvbgunz: that makes sense, it's just not obvious that's how it works01:07
jcgsi just thought that if I selected the 3 folders i wanted to add in the add files to project dialogue, it would add them, but obviously not01:08
vbgunzI almost went nuts once too on gwenview about something similiarly simply... made me feel mega stupid01:08
jcgsI guess it's like all of these things, it probably makes perfect sense if you've used roxio before or w/e01:14
jcgsvbgunz: thanks a lot :) iy's totally working now01:22
vbgunzjcgs: very cool, glad it worked out :)01:34
u19809hi all, I need to reinstall my nvidia proprietary driver but i first need to remove it completely.  after remove of all nvidia* packages I still seem to get an nvidia module loaded as the dmesg output shows a tainted kernel because of nvidia module01:39
u19809How can I get rid of nvidia completely ?01:39
valorieu19809: maybe "purge" rather than just "remove" in your command line?01:47
u19809I purged01:49
valorieyou might need to restart as well02:05
valoriesince the system presumably is using the module now02:05
wyldguyhow can i get Synaptic Package Manager sudo su in term cant locate it03:13
wyldguyalso is it possible to fully remove kwallet its rather agravating03:14
valorieyou should be able to find that in kpackagekit03:14
valorieit isn't installed by default03:14
valoriecheck out muon03:14
wyldguysoon as i log on i gotta fight with it to get on my wifi03:14
valorieand you might abandon synaptic, as I have done03:15
valorieand actually, in 10.10, kpk is finally usable03:15
valoriedidn't install synaptic this time at all03:15
wyldguyhow can i use dolphin as root?03:17
wyldguylikely need to edit sources list eh?03:17
valoriekdesudo dolphin03:18
u19809i want to reinstall the proprietary nvidia driver but 'additional hardware' does not detect the nvidia card (it does not offer me an install of the driver)03:20
wyldguymy day just cant get better stupid sytem is borked03:29
wyldguykeeps asking me for disk and hit enter i do and do and nothing happens03:30
wyldguyPlease use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs03:33
wyldguythats it for me im gonna move onto another system03:34
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thangavel<milamber> :now it works fine..thanx04:39
expectohow can i install a folder i unzipped05:08
expectowhats the command?05:08
expectoin ubuntu 10.1005:08
nlsthznhi expecto to join ubuntu channel use the /join command05:18
DarthFrogexpecto:  What is the executable in that directory?  The command would be "<path to executable>/<executable name>.  If you are already in the executables directory, you can use the "." shortcut.  "." means "current directory.  So the command in that case would be "./<executable name>.  In either form you may need to preface the command with "sudo" if it requires root privileges to install.05:40
DarthFrogBy default, the current directory is not in your $PATH.05:41
DarthFrogAnd, FYI, ".." means "parent directory".05:41
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alesana question: the normal ubuntu is going through a lot of user interface changes etc07:22
alesanwill the same happen to kubuntu or...?07:22
alesanI personally like when things are as close as possible to upstream, so an unpatched KDE would be best...07:23
valoriealesan: we are built on the *buntu base07:30
valoriebut are firmly KDE on top07:30
alesanok but07:31
valorieas for specific patches, you'd have to ask07:31
alesanwhat if "you" begin to change the KDE UI or similar etc07:31
alesanwith patches I mean swap the position of the window buttons, put ugly colors, etc07:32
valoriethat won't happen07:32
valoriefor starters, KDE is all about you in control07:32
valorieso if you want to switch button placement, go ahead07:32
alesanwhat o yo umean "for starters"?07:32
valoriewe go with KDE defaults07:32
alesanok good :)07:33
valorieand by "we" I mean the Kubuntu community07:33
valorieif you are a kub. user, and want to participate, you are one of the people with a voice07:34
alesanso is canonical also "contributing" on KDE or...?07:34
alesanwell is there a website (or could you explain) what a kubuntu user could "contribute"? I mean, shouldn;t I contribute directly to KDE?07:35
alesanI thought kubuntu was only makeing packages (yes I know it can be tricky)07:35
valorieyou can do either or both07:35
valorieas most kub. people do07:35
alesanoh ok07:35
valorieCanonical contributes some, yes07:36
valoriepays Riddell to develop on Kub07:36
valoriepays for a server, provides webspace, etc. etc.07:36
macoalesan: Jonathan Riddell. kubuntu was kinda his idea07:36
macolots of Kubuntu devs write patches for KDE07:36
macoit's policy around these parts that upstream KDE must at least approve the patches before we merge them07:37
valoriethey finance lots of us to go to UDS07:37
macogenerally, they merge them as well07:37
valorieCanonical is in many ways a community member07:37
alesanI am an... "average" Qt programmer, not too good, not too bad, but I have never used the KDE libs or similar...07:37
macoif upstream KDE says the patch is a bad idea, it doesn't go in07:37
alesananything I should read t oget started?07:37
macoalesan: api.kde.org (now that it's finally back online...) should be handy, but i dont think there's a whole lot different to know...07:38
alesanvalorie, UDS?07:38
macoUbuntu DEveloper Summit07:38
macoapi.kde.org was offline back when i was writing my first Qt/KDE app :(07:38
alesannormally I tend to write Qt only so it's more easily ported to window or mac07:38
macoKDE libs have been ported now07:39
macothough i don't know how much debugging they've had07:39
macovalorie: does amarok run on windows?07:39
ruslanxhi all. I have a small problem with ssh connection with Cisco after a certain period of falling off the console. on Cisco exec-timeout can not be changed. How to solve this puzzle?07:43
valoriemaco: yes07:44
valoriequite a few people are running it07:44
valoriethey haven't gotten it going in project neon yet07:44
an1how do i know my display resolution? is it in xorg.conf? what is its path?07:45
valoriemaco: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download:Windows07:46
macoan1: type "xrandr" and look for the one with the *07:47
an1ok. got it (xrandr)07:47
an1maco: thanks!07:47
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fixmanhello. i have problem. http://img703.imageshack.us/i/snapshot1rx.png/ ant the bottom of the screenshot the panel is soooooooooooo small that i can't really use it. how can i expend it?08:57
valoriewth happened to what I just typed to fixman?09:04
valorieanyway, can you click on the cashew on the right-hand bottom of your screen?09:05
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peremenmy plasma just crashed and won't start11:24
peremenah, just solved11:26
mogihello, i have an error message on bootup right after the grub menu which says that i915 symbols could not be loaded, i searched some forums and it seems that the intel_ips kernel module is responsible for this. However i have an ATI Radeon 550v on a Dell N5010 Laptop, would it cost me performance-wise if i just remove this module?12:06
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Guest78546how to identify myself12:35
nlsthznGuest78546: what client are you using?12:41
Guest78546quassel irc12:42
nlsthznyou can try /nick <new name>12:42
nlsthznGuest78546: or click on your name at the bottom right of where you type your messages and edit it there12:42
nlsthznGuest78546: ok, that doesnt work sorry... just type /nick and a new name after it12:43
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rumeni did it12:44
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Guest40010and how ti id my nick12:45
Guest40010it changed back to guest12:45
nlsthznyou can set your nick when you log in initiall too....12:45
nlsthznsome nicks are already registered12:45
Guest40010i have a question how to block someone in skype by ip12:46
nlsthznif you click on the top of the lists coloum you get status messages, check there for any info12:46
Guest40010how to do it12:46
raheeli need to  know how to limit the maximum "pages per job" using cups or lpadmin12:48
nlsthznGuest40010: sorry I have no info for skype... was still trying to assist you with your IRC clients12:50
basyI just install something that install GNOME and set it as default for X, I want my KDE back, how to?13:21
DarthFrogbasy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm13:25
cortex|skbasy:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm13:25
cortex|skaah :D13:25
DarthFrogcortex|sk: Great minds think alike. :-)13:26
shane4ubuntuin amarok I can't seem to find the internet button, I have three boxs, Media Sources - Playlist  - Context in that order, I would think that the internet thing would be in the Media Sources?13:26
shane4ubuntufor internet radio option, with predefined radio stations13:27
shane4ubuntuor is that not an option?13:27
DarthFrogshane4ubuntu: Under "Media Sources", I have "Local Music" "Internet" "Playlists" "Files" & "Podcasts".13:27
* nlsthzn also has those, Amarok 2.4.013:28
shane4ubuntuSomehow I'm stuck in Local Music, I have a file browser that is it.13:28
shane4ubuntuahh, found it13:28
nlsthznshane4ubuntu: :) cool13:28
shane4ubuntuclicked on the little Home icon at the very top13:28
shane4ubuntuI kept clicking on the home in the file browser which took me home to my directory13:28
shane4ubuntuis there a way to add a Talk/News type radio in there?13:29
DarthFrogYes.   Under Tools/Script Manager.13:30
shane4ubuntuahh, but I have to know the radio streaming url13:31
shane4ubuntu:(  I'm not in the USA and I want to listen to radio news from the USA and many radios have it blocked.13:32
shane4ubuntuso I wanted to pick from a list, but I don't see that.13:32
DarthFrogshane4ubuntu: Poke around in the "Get More Scripts" section.  If nothing else, install the script for ShoutCast, which will most likely have what you want.13:33
shane4ubuntuI did a quick search in the scripts, I will check again, what is shoutcast?13:34
shane4ubuntuDarthFrog: oooohh, that looks like what I want!  Thanks13:36
DarthFrogYou're welcome.13:36
Guest40010tell me how to block some user in skype13:41
nlsthznGuest40010: http://www.ehow.com/how_2015233_block-someone-skype.html13:41
shane4ubuntuGuest40010: in options there is a way I think it is under privacy, you can set it so that only people you have in your list can talk to you.13:41
shane4ubuntuthat is the first thing I set in skype13:42
shane4ubuntuGuest40010: oh, even easier yet, Options -> Blocked People13:42
Guest4001010x very much13:43
shane4ubuntuThen Options -> Privacy -> only people I have allowed for both calls and chats that will fix about everything13:43
Guest40010i have another question: is it possible to send a rootkit or bck door to my linux ubuntu 101013:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 1010 in drivel (Ubuntu) "out-of-date" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101013:44
james147Guest40010: possible... yes... probable... no... someone would have to be directly targting you or you have to be doing something stuid to catch a rootkit13:45
Guest40010how come?13:46
nlsthznwhy would anyone with the skills to hack you take the time and effort to hack you?13:46
Guest40010i will tell you13:47
Guest40010to know everything about me13:47
Guest40010they want to know my password13:48
DarthFrogGuest40010: Who is "they"?13:48
Guest40010anelin velev and zhivko georgiev are they13:49
james147Guest40010: ^^ most hacking attempts are done automatically... not targeted... ubuntu is very secure against automated attacks, but nothing will stop a detemined attacked if they focus on you... which is highly unlikly13:49
nlsthznGuest40010: as unlikely as it may be that you get targeted to get to you when you are using a version of Linux makes it so difficult... put ufw on and have good surfing habits and you will be ok13:49
DarthFrogjames147: In Linux, most successful attacks are via social engineering, not via worms/trojans/viruses.13:50
james147DarthFrog: yea13:50
Guest40010but zhivko georgiev is read books about linix and social engineering. and how to be protected from social engineering13:50
DarthFrogjames147: Oops, I mean that for Guest40010.  My bad.  The blood level in my coffee system is too high!13:50
james147DarthFrog: :)13:50
james147Guest40010: dont be stupid... dont give your password to anyone, do install things from untrusted sources13:51
DarthFrogjames147: I know that you know that. :-)  And now you know that I know that you know that. :-)13:51
DarthFrogGuest40010: Don't leave your machine alone when logged on.13:51
Guest40010what is the risk13:52
DarthFrogGuest40010: Have a very strong password.13:52
james147Guest40010: social engineering is an attack on the weekest aprt of the computer... the user... so as long as they dont do anyhting stupid you shouldnt need to worry13:52
DarthFrogGuest40010: Someone sitting down in front of it and sending an email threatening to assassinate Putin and putting your name on it?13:52
Guest40010and how to build a wall against social engineering13:53
raheelneed help to set max pages per JOB while printing to avoid accidental printing of huge amount of pages is it even possible13:53
DarthFrogGuest40010: The wall against a social engineering attack is your mind.13:53
Guest40010this mean what?13:54
DarthFrograheel: First thing, don't print Postscript as text.  DAMHIKT. :-)13:54
nlsthznGuest40010: common sense... don't run anything you download from strange webb sites etc... dont surf places which will attract attention to you... illegal sites and silly stuff like that13:56
Guest40010could you tell me what is the differenece between www.mov.bg and www.youtube? just see some similarities.13:57
Guest40010could you tell me what is the differenece between www.mov.bg and www.youtube.com? just see some similarities.13:57
james147^^ mov.bg looks like a youtube clone13:59
Guest40010yes, it is the site which steals users accounts13:59
nlsthznGuest40010: this is typical a site to stay away from then :p13:59
Guest40010it is created by bulgarians veselin madjarov and anelin velev to exploit users like me13:59
Guest40010the bulgarian police is taken a good action for this occassion14:00
nlsthznGuest40010: nothing you install on your pc can protect you against a site like this... if you put yout user details in there you should face the consequences14:01
Guest40010what kind of concequenses?14:02
DarthFrogGuest40010: What you're trying to avoid.14:02
Guest40010password tealing, phishing attacks14:02
Guest40010rootkits. exploits14:02
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DarthFrogGuest40010: Keep in mind that the vast, overwhelming majority of automated attacks, etc., are aimed at users of proprietary operating systems.  Running Kubuntu in the first place is an excellent preventive measure, amongst the many other benefits.14:04
Guest40010and for this reason i stopped using windows 714:05
DarthFrogGuest40010: And there is a program, called chkrootkit, which will scan your Linux system for rootkits.14:05
Guest40010i have preffered linux ubuntu, linux mint or suse14:05
nlsthznGuest40010: once you add your username and password they have your info to do stuff with ... your youtube log in is also your gmail log in info... they can use it then etc. however, that site can't install anything nasty on your PC is you don't allow it14:05
DarthFrogAnd if you're really concerned, stay away from Facebook.14:06
Guest40010they use a program for uploading clips - youtube grabber, i hope you know that14:06
nlsthznGuest40010: and you have to allow this application to install/run... not much can save you from ignorance...14:08
Guest40010what is the problem with facebook14:08
DarthFrognlsthzn: Education is the cure for ignorance.  Stupidity is terminal.14:09
* nlsthzn hopes he isn't stupid then :p14:09
Guest40010their software  youtube grabber is running on windows only14:10
Guest40010i do not tell or pretend i am not stupid14:10
DarthFrogGuest40010: Not stupid, just un-informed.14:10
DarthFrogGuest40010: And you are trying to become informed. :-)14:11
Guest40010i am trying to be well informed14:11
nlsthznGuest40010: so you are already better protected than most :)14:11
Guest40010because i am using linux ubuntu14:11
nlsthznand your here sharing information :)14:12
Guest40010 yes, i was lied and cheated volutarily to give my passwords and usernames, they are not hackers, but crackers14:13
Guest40010they do not have a good hacker's culture14:13
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Guest40010or hacker's behavior14:13
james147hacker is an ambiguous term :p14:14
Guest40010what do u mean ambigous term?14:14
sithlord48as a real hacker i take offence to the common use of the word hacker14:15
sithlord48hacker is nothing more then a slang term for Programmer14:15
Guest40010yes, i tell you excuse me14:15
* nlsthzn doubles the locks on his firewall, there are hackers about :p14:15
james147yup :)14:15
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sithlord48i like to write code, i find it to be fun.14:16
Guest40010if you are real hacker, you have a good behaviour14:16
sithlord48yes my programs behave14:16
Guest40010what is the differenece between hacker and cracker?14:16
DarthFrogA hacker is someone who employs hacks, elegant solutions to problems.14:17
sithlord48crackers only care about breaking security systems14:17
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DarthFrogA cracker is one who breaks into computer systems.14:17
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sithlord48i.e my C project has a goto look (its not standard but it almost 10 lines shorter then the alternative)14:17
DarthFrogHackers like hacks and avoid kludges.14:18
Guest40010and now am I protected against cracker's attack14:18
sithlord48although i will admit the project im working on is not of benifit to most people , its just a simple save game editor14:18
sithlord48but its written in Qt , so its my first step to developing for Kde :P14:18
james147sithlord48: :D14:19
sithlord48well i suspose one should say written using Qt.14:19
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sithlord48if any of you play ff7 go grab a copy , http://blackchocobo.sourceforge.net (i even made windows and mac versions..)14:20
sithlord48so Guest40010 are you new to kubuntu or gnu/linux in general ?14:21
Guest40010yes, i am a newbie on linux14:21
nlsthznanyideas why amarok will crash when trying to open a a .asx file (internet radio channel)... always worked in rhythmbox14:21
sithlord48nlsthzn:  can u open that as another playlist format?14:21
james147nlsthzn: what version14:21
sithlord48nlsthzn:  i would try a pls if you can they seam to work for me always..14:22
nlsthznamarok 2.4.0, link is http://www.antfarm.co.za/clients/rsg/rsg_22.asx14:22
sithlord48well when i go to play media and feed it that addy  amarok crashes (2.4 on kde 4.6.0)14:23
nlsthznsame here14:24
sithlord48rekonq says that is a asf video , putting the link in to rekonq i get audio but not video14:24
nlsthznit is a audio feed14:24
james147nlsthzn: hmm, caused mine to crash as well... you might want to ask on #amarok14:24
nlsthznwill crash it again and upload the data as a bug... three confirmed cases :p14:25
sithlord48have you saved this playlist file localy?14:25
nlsthznno... can try it I suppose14:25
sithlord48i would start by doing that first14:25
sithlord48the open dialog might not like the protocal14:25
nlsthznI want to listen to some rugby damit :)14:25
sithlord48i can hear it but i dont know what they are saying..14:26
sithlord48it works in rekonq here...14:26
nlsthznjust want to finish installing the debugger etc. then I will try again14:26
sithlord48good idea , that helps a lot when submitting bugs :D14:26
sithlord48ah... amarok when did you get that spash screen back ... (gonna have to disable that..)14:27
nlsthzndragon player also dies to it (saved the file locally)14:27
sithlord48does anyone know how i can use cups to share my printer from my buntu server to my kubuntu desktop?14:28
nlsthznsithlord48: what are you using to listen to it>14:28
sithlord48nlsthzn: rekonq (the webbrowser)14:28
nlsthznsithlord48: great, I uninstalled it :p14:28
sithlord48nlsthzn: try vlc it should work14:28
nlsthznlet me get installing then14:29
sithlord48also do you have the medibuntu repo enabled ? it says asf , and thats non free14:29
nlsthznI should have all codecs covered... have not ran into any thing yet that I can't play14:30
james147sithlord48: that shouldnt cause amarok to crash... just error :p14:30
sithlord48james147:  yes that i know but it will need a codec, then again rekonq should suggest you install it..14:30
nlsthznI have faith in vlc, neber let me down yet14:32
nlsthzn:( vlc just crashed on start up... not the best start14:34
sithlord48no its not14:34
nlsthznsithlord48: if I try and use the open file from inside vlc it just dies.. but opening the stream with vlc via righclick workd14:36
sithlord48maybe its an isseue w/ the file dialog.14:36
nlsthznsucks anyway...14:37
nlsthznbut I will only use vlc for this stream.. for every thing else there is amarok14:37
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nlsthznmylinux: ^_^14:53
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nlsthznanyone here using a sopcast player specific for KDE?14:55
ct529nlsthzn: what is a sopcast14:57
nlsthznct529: it is a streaming "protocol" over the internet... best way to describe it...14:57
nlsthznI plan on watching the greatest game on earth via the internet :)14:58
ct529nlsthzn: what is that?14:59
nlsthznRugby off course :p14:59
ct529as long as it isn't cricket .... :-D15:00
DarthFrogOr baseball.15:00
nlsthznct529: cricket is also cool... world cup just started15:01
ct529nlsthzn: I think japanese invented seppuku after watching a game of cricket15:04
nlsthznct529: your nationality?15:04
ct529nlsthzn: :-D:-D15:05
nlsthznct529: american... figures ;)15:05
ct529nlsthzn: me???? not really ..... Italian ....15:06
nlsthznoh well... at least you guys play rugby :D15:06
ct529nlsthzn: yes, not bad that one .... :-D ....15:08
nlsthznpity getting an online feed in near impossible QQ15:08
ct529nlsthzn: http://www.sopcast.org/ is the only thing I can see ....15:12
nlsthznct529: thanks for the link... they have some info on linux players... but it doesn't seem there is anything native to kde...15:13
nlsthzngot one link sort of working...15:13
lore_i got problem with upgrade from 10.4 to maverick15:42
lore_some1 can help me15:42
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james147lore_: not without knowing what the problem is15:44
lore_:) sorry man15:45
lore_i've enabled the package manager15:45
lore_to serach for new distribution15:45
lore_it tells me to upgrade to maverick15:46
lore_i do that15:46
lore_when it is the 2 step15:46
lore_"new channel..."15:47
lore_it stop the upgrade saying there's an error15:47
* lore_ waitin' to get the erros message window15:48
lore_impossibile calcolare l'avanzamento15:49
lore_An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:15:50
lore_E:Errore, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve ha generato delle interruzioni. Questo potrebbe essere causato da pacchetti bloccati.15:50
lore_ This can be caused by:15:50
lore_ * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu15:50
lore_ * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu15:50
FloodBotK1lore_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:50
TitanhossAnyone have any luck getting kubuntu on some of the newer Toshiba Satellite laptops?15:59
mastercactapus_Anyone know how to get hdmi video working? Audio is working, tv detects signal and changes to proper resolution but the screen is just black15:59
Titanhossseems like land of the idle.16:03
* Titanhoss thinks the register for the Kubuntu forums is buggy... hard to do the visual Captcha if they use keys not on your keyboard16:08
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:30
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ct529dagopie: what ar eyou trying to do?17:01
randomOfAmberhello, I'm having an issue where there's a shadow in my screen (like a window is there) but there aren't any windows there.  it's there even if I reboot.  how can I fix this?17:17
kannan__any tool to profile KDE boot ? so that time taken for logon can be reduced ?17:18
james147randomOfAmber: can you post a screen shot of it?17:18
randomOfAmberjames147: it's gone... must be a widget thing because it changed when I started messing with them17:19
randomOfAmberis there a way I can make widgets only visible from the dashboard?17:20
billytwowillyhi, I'm creating a 9 TB raid array and thinking about formatting it ext4 are there any special commands I should pass to mkfs to get the best performance out of the filesystem?17:21
james147randomOfAmber: yes, system settings > workspace behaviour > workspace > "Dashboard: Show an independent widget set"17:24
james147billytwowilly: you will probally want to pass "-m 1"  << to reduce the reserved space to 1%17:26
james147(or less if it can take decimals... though i am not sure if it can)17:26
randomOfAmberjames147: awesome ^^ thanks17:27
* james147 notes that the default is 5% and that the reserved blocks are reserved so taht only root can write to them, to stop the system dieing once the user fills the drive, 17:28
ct529I am tryin to add a manually installed application to all menus in kde17:28
ct529how do you do that?17:28
james147ct529: right click kmenu > edit applciation, or run "kmenuedit"17:29
ct529james147: nope, I would like to add from CLI and add for all the users on the machine17:30
ct529james147: when I said to all the menus in kde, I meant to the kde menus for all the users17:31
james147ct529: then create a *.desktop file and place it in the right location (cant remember exactly where, but 'find /usr -name "*.desktop" '  should tell you :)  )17:31
james147and by "create" i mean copy an existing one :), or add an enrty in kmenuedit then copy the .desktop file it creates the the system location17:32
ct529james147: i have already done, and it does not work .... that is the reason for contacting the room17:33
james147where didyou copy it to?17:33
ct529james147: I have added the eclipse.desktop to the right place under /usr, and even rebooted the machine17:33
james147run "kbuildsycoca4" see if that helps17:34
james147(and where exactly did you copy it?17:34
ct529james147: both in /usr/share/applications17:35
ct529james147: and in /usr/share/app-install/desktop/17:35
BluesKajjames147, I neglected to add the command for adjusting menu fonts in files and dirs . Can you remind me what that command is ?17:37
james147BluesKaj: not sure what you mean17:38
BluesKajid files and dirs called up as sudo the font in the toolbar and menubar are too small tom read , I need to adjust them but forgotten how17:40
BluesKajer the file17:40
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ct529james147: no, not even running kbuildsycoca4 (either as user or root) solves the problem17:41
james147BluesKaj: you mean set the font size of root windows?17:41
BluesKajin a word yes17:41
* james147 notes that you should run it as root17:41
james147BluesKaj: then run systemsettings as root (kdesudo systemsettings) and set them there17:42
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james147ct529: are you sure the .desktop file is valid? try copying one of the other ones and editing it17:42
james147(and check the lsot and found in the menu)17:43
ct529james147: that is what I did17:43
ct529james147: lsot?17:43
ct529james147: do I have to reboot?17:46
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* james147 isnt even sure if it will help17:46
ct529james147: I did it again, cancelled the previous file, copied freemind.desktop that appear in all menus and then rebuild the cache, but no changes17:47
james147ct529: what happens if you search for it in the menu?17:47
ct529james147: it is not there17:47
ct529james147: good it has appeared in the menu, but the menu search does not find it and the comment does not appear17:53
james147hmm, never seen the search not find anything in the menu :p17:53
james147^^ s/anything/something that is in17:54
ct529james147: just happened17:58
ct529james147: again17:58
ct529james147: so I removed the .desktop file and rebuild the cache, and it has disappeared from the menu .... let's start from scratch17:59
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ct529james147: again, and the comment does not appear in the menu, and the search does not find it18:04
ct529james147: let's see if I reboot18:05
ct529now it works, after rebooting18:13
BluesKajseem to have kickermenu glitch in kde4.6 . It launches as huge window with the top of it layerd just above the plasma panel , had resize and reset it after every boot , it's becoming a pita18:20
ct529james147: mmmm .... kubuntu is in need of some TLC :-:18:33
james147ct529: what version are you using?18:33
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ct529james147: 10.10 64 bit18:33
ct529james147: by the way, if i want eclipse to open when I double click on *.java files, do I just add  to the command in the *.desktop file, or does that only work for KDE applications?18:34
james147ct529: add it to the file associations in system settings  (or right click a .java file > properties > the spanner icon...)18:35
ct529james147: I have already done that18:36
ct529james147: what happens is that eclipse open, but it does not open the file itself18:37
james147ct529: dose it work if you pass the file name to eclipse on command line?18:37
ct529james147: wait18:37
ct529james147: no18:39
james147ct529: then its a problem with eclipse18:40
ct529james147: I wonder also if the file association si set at a global level, for all the users, or only for the user that is logged in18:40
* james147 has a burning hate for the eclipse ide... dosnt understand why people like it so much18:41
james147ct529: the file associationn is fine if its opeing eclipse... the problem is eclipe isnt opening the file18:41
ct529james147: yes18:42
james147ct529: and if it wont open a file from the command line then your not going to get it to from the file association18:42
ct529james147: possibly because you can develop using all the languages you know, it is integrated with compiler and debugger, it is very stable, it is portable across platform, it is performant .... :-D18:42
james147ct529: and if dreadfully designed, over bloated, poorly coded and dosnt even have a proper install method....18:43
ct529james147: why dreadfully designed? I find it really easy .... better than anything else I have used ....18:44
ct529james147: installation takes approx 20 minutes18:44
ct529james147: if you want multiuser, if single user then 4 minutes18:44
james147ct529: :) the plugins, for example, cannot be uninstalled once installed, the settings system is clunky.. there is like 5 places you can change the color settings, of which 1/2 are stored with the workspace, and the other half golbally...18:45
james147^^ i find i spend more time fighting with it and trying to get it "set up right" then actually doing anything useful in it18:46
ct529james147: you are totally right on the settings :-D18:46
james147^^ but then again, i havent found a better ide for java...18:46
james147ct529: like just yesterday, i tryed importing an existing project into it for someone, took like half an hour to get it done properly...18:47
ct529james147: it sounds bad18:50
ct529james147: the documentation is really bad, and often contrdictory19:01
james147ct529: for what exactly?19:02
ct529james147: to mention but a few? look at increasing the heap, or how to open a file from command line ....19:02
james147ct529: sane programs tend to use "command file1 file2" ... try eclipse --help  or  -h19:04
ct529james147: yes, that was the first thing I tried19:04
ct529james147: right, I have to go .... nice talking to you19:05
james147see ya19:05
pulaskiHello. I have and amd64 desktop box. I've had trouble in the past installing and running kubuntu 10.10. I am going to try and grab a new live CD and reinstall. From the kubuntu download page at http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download#download-block I'm being prompted for at 32 bit (recommended) or a 64 bit version. In the past I've chosen the 64bit version. When kubuntu says the 32 bit20:42
pulaskiversion is recommended, can I choose that version and sucessfully run and install it on my 64bit machine?20:42
FloodBotK1pulaski: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:42
pulaskiWhy did I get a "Please don't flood" message from the bot?20:44
rlucbeunas tardes21:20
rlucse puede asignar la memoria swap luego de haber instalado el sistema21:21
rork!es | rluc21:21
ubotturluc: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:21
rorkor maybe it's some other language21:22
rlucthank for information21:23
rorkyou're welcome21:23
rluchow to set memory swap after installation of the system21:25
rluci speak litle english21:26
james147rluc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq21:26
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please I am using Kubuntu 10.10. how to compress a file and protect it with a password?21:35
rtdosis there an alternative to virtual box ?21:35
TornadoXubunturtdos: vmware21:35
james147TornadoXubuntu: ark can compress files, and should be able to encrypt them as well, though i have never tried21:36
TornadoXubuntui am not able to encrypt them, am not seeing an option for that james14721:36
james147hmm, maby not...21:37
TornadoXubuntuis there a way around it james147?21:37
rtdosthat's free, TornadoXubuntu.21:37
TornadoXubuntuyes there is a free version rtdos21:38
TornadoXubuntunot fully functional but still21:38
james147TornadoXubuntu: try kgpg21:38
genii-aroundIf you use regular zip from cli, you can use -e switch to encrypt21:40
TornadoXubuntukgpg encrypt with a password?21:42
TornadoXubuntuit is requesting a key21:42
TornadoXubuntuok i got it! ~ kgpg was the answer21:51
TornadoXubuntuthans james147! That was really helpful21:51
rosco_yhow to you set your default browser?22:24
rosco_y(ubuntu 10.10)22:24
james147rosco_y: for kubuntu: system settings > default applications | for ubuntu ask in #ubuntu22:25
rosco_yjames147: Thank you.  I am using kde, I just thought this was a more general question than that--but I do see your point!  (Thanks again!)22:28
james147rosco_y: if your using kde then best to say your using kubuntu rather then ubuntu :)  if its a gereral problem then there is not harm :)22:29
rosco_yYour solution worked perfectly--I looked in "System Settings" many times for "Default Application", and I guess it was in my blind spot.  It helped when you told me I can find it there :)22:30
rosco_yThanks Again!22:31
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trudellhi all23:03
trudellhi blues23:03
trudellsomebody know what this means? -> #65khacking Cannot join channel (+k) - bad key23:07
pulaskihello, can someone suggest where to find the md5sum hash for the kubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso image?23:07
trudellis a password protected channel?23:08
bazhangtrudell, ask in #freenode23:08
trudellpulaski, have you synaptic installed?23:09
pulaskitrudell, thanks for responding. No. For the time being I usning win to dl kubuntu.23:10
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james147pulaski: heh, they arent on the normal pages... my guesses is that they havent updated the hashes yet :S23:13
trudelli donwt know about kubuntu over linux, but... can you use repositories?23:15
pulaskiI grabbed kubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso from http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download and that site only provides an md5sum hash for kubuntu-10.1-desktop-amd64.iso.23:15
trudellsynaptic is (to me) the best repository manager23:15
trudellso you can # sudo apt-get install synaptic23:15
trudellthen you can use synaptic to search packages23:16
james147pulaski: .2 was only released yesterday, might take a couple days for the hashes to update23:16
trudellyou can type md5sum packages on synaptic23:16
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james147trudell: synaptic wont help pulaski at all for his problem...23:17
trudelllinux comes with md5sumer, but you can install good tools in repositories23:18
trudellhi jams, why not?23:18
james147trudell: he is looking for a md5sum hash, not the hasher...23:18
pulaskijames147, thanks for responding. I plan to use the live disk option to check the integrity of the disk. If the integrity successfully checks out I imagine it will be a good dl. Do you agree or have any other comment?23:18
trudelloh sorry...23:19
trudellhe ask for iso md5sumer of kubuntu release. my bad23:19
james147pulaski: that should be enough23:19
pulaskijames147, thanks for your help, I'll proceed. cya23:20
trudellpulaski, do you down from torrent?23:21
trudelli'm sleeping today, sorry james23:29
trudellfreenode channel have a lot of ... they not give us response23:30
rosco_yIs there a setting for activities, so that applications are, by default, only visible in the activity in which they are opened?23:31
* james147 thought that was the default... at least thats what they seem to do here23:32
trudellkubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso MD5SUMER : b446b36430a29f3dcf0c5eb797197cac23:32
trudellsorry, i'm sleeping: this is the kubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso c19e5139e10df2626055f1d9985856d7, now its true23:33
trudellwhere pulaski is?23:34
james147trudell: he left23:36
trudelli'm slow like slug today23:37
trudelli'm very tired23:37
rosco_yjames147: thanks, at least I know it's possible....for some reason my apps are open in "all activities" by default23:37
rosco_yI've been looking for the cure...at least I know it's out there23:37
james147rosco_y: what version of kde?23:38
rosco_yhow can you tell?23:38
james147rosco_y: any kde app > help > about kde23:38
rosco_y:) thanks, I've seen that before :)23:38
rosco_yI like it a lot, basically just this little annoyance about the apps opening to all activies23:39
james147rosco_y: hmm, might be that i am running kde 4.6 (activities where improved in 4.6), you could try upgrading (which i recommend if you want to use activities, see the topic for howto)23:39
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rosco_yjames147: !thanks!  I'll take a look into that23:40
trudelljames, are you the michael james, right?23:40
bazhang!ot | trudell23:40
ubottutrudell: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:40
trudellsorry, i'm asking because i'm confused today23:41
trudelli need to know how i can use password in irc channel23:42
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:42
bazhangtrudell, #freenode23:43
trudellso i need to register?23:43
trudellonly it?23:43
bazhangtrudell, there are helpers in #freenode ask there23:43
trudellthey are not responding me23:43
bazhangtrudell, sure they are. ask again23:44
trudelli think not, cuz they are busy talking bullshit one with other23:44
bazhangtrudell, I'm in there. you have not asked. also no cursing here.23:45
trudellbut thx bazhang, you helps me very much23:45
trudelli asked, go back in chat23:45
trudellbut you helps me a lot, thx23:46
rtdoshow do i setup a telnet server or create a shell account on my system so that i can access it from another computer on my network (i don't want to access it from outside my network, i.e. the internet) ?23:50
trudellrtdos: maybe this tuto helps you http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch16_:_Telnet,_TFTP,_and_xinetd23:52
trudellare you using cisco router?23:53
trudellbazhang, have you some good tutorial for irc?23:56
bazhangtrudell, for which client23:56
trudellclient, can i make a channel an be op?23:58
trudellhere, in freenode?23:58
trudellbazhang: do you understood me?23:59

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