[03:24] hey, anyone had much experience with that Apple 'magic' trackpad in ubuntu? [07:26] :3 [07:27] dns53, how did you connect using ipv6? [07:27] a tunnel broker [07:31] ah [07:39] i'll probably get a new modem and have proper ip6 but i have not gotten around to it [07:55] yeah we're hoping to get a new one soon as well [08:37] anyone know how to set a different wallpaper on each monitor in gnome? [08:49] i think it is possible but i am not sure how, to google! [08:50] Zanthus: gconf editor, somewhere and it disables something else.... icons on desktop i think... i cant remember.... kde out'da box, lxde out da box, gdm pffffff [08:52] * iflema not lxde the other one, the half'a kde =) [09:23] dsa [12:37] * iflema gimp, mplayer/mencoder, TeamSpeak3, UrT, KDE4.6 :P === iflema_ is now known as iflema