=== Shadow__1 is now known as shadow__X [06:07] Hi, [06:07] If mythexport is part of Myhbuntu by default then how come when I brows to http://localhost/mythexport I'm greeted by page not found? [06:09] hot_wheelz: did you install it? [06:15] rhport1991 i was told it was default [06:17] hot_wheelz: its not, install it [06:20] by runnnig sudo apt-get update [06:20] sudo apt-get install mythexport atomicparsley [06:20] right [06:22] or just sudo apt-get install mythexport atomicparsley if i am up to date with all other updates? [06:32] rhport1991 please confirm [06:44] rhport1991 sorted [06:44] confirmed hot_wheels [06:45] or even simpler - sudo aptitude install mythexport should do it [06:46] sorry for the misinformation it was mart of mythbuntu =- dont recall installing it and i have it but i am on jaunty still [06:51] np mycosys all taken care of now :-) [06:54] have a good1 guys :-) [07:00] u2 === peterpops_ is now known as peterpops [17:31] kinda curious is there startup sound with mythbuntu [17:31] wondering if my sound is working on my systme [18:50] adub_, nope [18:50] no startup sound [18:56] tgm4883 do you have an nvidia card or is anyone in here using hdmi sound ?? [18:59] adub_, I do have an nvidia card [18:59] but i'm not using hdmi sound === tgm4883` is now known as tgm4883 [20:14] can anyone in here that is running mythbuntu 10.10 please explain what they did in order to get sound working via hdmi [21:28] adub_: you *might* (or might not) need updated alsa drivers. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules [21:28] [wiki.ubuntu.com] Audio/InstallingLinuxAlsaDriverModules - Ubuntu Wiki === Azelphur is now known as zz_Azelphur === zz_Azelphur is now known as Azelphur