
jack_ikonia: ping. you about?00:21
jribhaha, that's pretty good00:22
jack_i spoke to him a couple of days ago about getting unbanned from #ubuntu yet im still banned. he told me he had removed it.00:25
jribone second jack_00:26
mneptokI am Jack's unresolved ban.00:27
jribok then00:27
jribjack_: seems like its tsimpson's ban?00:28
jack_i believe so00:29
tsimpsonlooks like only one of the bans was removed00:29
tsimpsonjack_: attempting to evade ban by connecting from another IP/host/service is against freenode policy btw00:30
jack_i wasn't. i was logged in from 2 places :O00:30
jack_*preban* i was logged in from 2 places*00:31
tsimpsonyou joined from a @nat/redhat/ host after being banned from your current IP00:32
jack_I was already in there before the ban occurred.00:32
tsimpsonboth of your clients were removed00:34
tsimpsonstill, I'll remove the original ban as the 2nd was also removed00:34
tsimpsonbut please remember our rules, especially regarding language and content00:35
IdleOnelying to get the ban removed is also wrong00:35
IdleOnebut I'll let tsimpson decide00:36
jack_kk well its not a live or die situation. its up to you. i go in there to help other people in my free time. :/00:36
mneptokjack_: anything that occurs from a client connected from a 'Hat IP address reflects on the company.00:36
tsimpsonjack_: the ban is removed00:37
jack_Thank you sir.00:37
tsimpsonjack_: if there's nothing else, you can part now00:41
MeeMoAwwihey guys01:23
MeeMoAwwiwe should talk01:23
MeeMoAwwino one is going to get hurt. you have to understand that on the internet things have a way of being far from the truth, except in mind01:24
MeeMoAwwii don't want to hurt anyone01:24
MeeMoAwwii was just trying to explain to one of your insensitive OPs how sensitive melissa is, and that as her, i could even feel my presence while being torn apart by no weapon but by temptation01:25
MeeMoAwwinow i am ready to listen01:26
tonyyarussoMeeMoAwwi: Do you have a ban or policy to discuss?01:26
MeeMoAwwiyou tell me, i am worried that the entire ubuntu channels don't want me01:26
MeeMoAwwisome say things like :you are banned from this channel:01:27
MeeMoAwwihmm, didn't tell me anything01:27
MeeMoAwwii suggest you make the reports available to me so i can see just how serious the situation is01:27
MeeMoAwwiit starts by seeing the official word of your people, and not my own while you are OJT01:28
tonyyarussoAh, you're Hoober.  In that case, we have nothing to discuss with you.01:28
MeeMoAwwigreat, so you can let me back into maybe #ubuntu?01:28
bazhanghe knows the appeals link already01:29
MeeMoAwwii feel like the irc council should of responded or something to one of my emails.01:29
tonyyarussoMeeMoAwwi: No.  We're done here.01:29
MeeMoAwwii made an appeal i thought01:29
tonyyarussoThen it will be responded to as appropriate, but not in here.01:30
MeeMoAwwior maybe i dreamt it. but if i did, it probably is overdue for response01:30
bazhangMeeMoAwwi,thats beyond the purview of this channel. nothing more to be done here.01:30
MeeMoAwwiif here is not approrpriate than drop all charges against me and all conclusions about me that start from here and you think can be brought up via email to your appeals01:30
MeeMoAwwiyou can't have it both ways.01:30
MeeMoAwwiyou could at least let me back in #ubuntu01:31
* tonyyarusso wonders how many of his bantracker-claimed bans actually still exist01:32
IdleOnethey should all still exist01:43
* IdleOne bakes and eats cake 01:44
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family04:00
=== h00k_ is now known as h00k
FlannelBad floodbot. bad.04:03
IdleOneSo it isn't just me who is having connection issues04:03
FlannelAnyone know what is up with flowbee and his randomly generated friends?04:06
h00kIdleOne: apparently I am, too04:09
gpch00k: yeah there was a big load of us who got pinged timed out04:10
IdleOneFlannel: who what?04:11
FlannelIdleOne: /lastlog flowbee in #u04:11
gpconly see flowbee and flowbee__ in lastlog04:12
gpcbut probably having time out issues like the rest of us04:13
h00kI don't like the random nicks04:14
=== LucidOne is now known as Guest54754
Guest54754me either04:15
Guest54754hold on a sec :)04:15
IdleOneerrr this sucks04:16
IdleOneFlannel: the 1AXXXXX nicks are what freenode gives when split servers haven't resynced04:18
IdleOneas I understand it.04:19
FlannelIdleOne: Have we really had 4 splits in the past 24 hours?04:19
IdleOnesounds about right04:20
=== MaverickOne is now known as gpc
IdleOneI feel like I am drunk but not a good drunk where you know what everyone is talking about04:41
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (22))04:47
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (22))04:47
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (24))04:47
h00kIs this the same DoS that Freenode said it had the other day?04:48
IdleOnesame? as in ongoing ?04:49
IdleOneor just another DoS attack04:49
IdleOnewho knows but it is messing with my logs big time04:49
rwwfaenor: Hi. You have a script enabled that automatically responds to uses of the word linux. Talking scripts are against Ubuntu's IRC Guidelines. Please disable it and let me know when you've done so.05:01
faenorrww: GNU/Linux, not linux05:01
IdleOnefaenor: GNU/Linux05:03
faenorIdleOne: GNU/Linux, not linux05:03
IdleOneturn it off.05:03
tonyyarussoYup.  It'd be annoying even if it was manual.  I removed him for the same thing a little while ago.05:04
IdleOneDo we really need this bot idle in here?05:06
tonyyarussono - I think rww thought there was a human attached05:06
rwwIt said "no" about half an hour ago. Figured it was worth a try *shrug*05:08
IdleOneit was worth a try05:11
tonyyarussorww: what just happened in -ot?05:14
rwwtonyyarusso: me and scrollback and Grexo05:14
tonyyarussowait, why would you just have a banforward on grexo?05:15
rwwgood point05:15
rwwI want to know his new hostnames when he gets them, but don't want him talking in -ot. +q might work better and would involve less prissiness.05:16
tonyyarussoah, I see what you mean05:17
* tonyyarusso still has an outstanding ban on him in -ot from 31 Dec 2009, among the various others05:18
rwwthe earliest BT entry I know of for him is 13992 from May 200905:19
rwwRe-reading the log from last times he was in here, I prefer +q.05:19
tonyyarussomine was 2113205:21
rwwnethack lies to me. Full moons are not lucky.05:22
IdleOneubottu: tell pinnacle about guidelines05:42
IdleOnepinnacle has agreed to follow guidelines in PM with me.05:45
IdleOnenow he is banned for good05:47
FlannelIdleOne: be sure to comment in the BT!05:48
IdleOnejust did05:48
IdleOnefirst time I need to add a Warning to a comment05:49
rww!punctuation =~ s/\:  /. /07:49
ubottuI'll remember that rww07:49
rww!punctuation =~ s/  / /07:50
tonyyarussoBAD RWW07:50
tonyyarussoTwo spaces are better :(07:50
rwwnote that 1) your silly two space convention was caused by typewriters, and everything caused by typewriters is bad. 2) everyone switched to 1 space except silly people :(07:52
tonyyarussoIRC is monospaced, thus the things relevant for typewriters still apply.07:52
hypatiai find two spaces aesthetically pleasing07:53
rwwalso, 3) the vast majority of factoids use one space, so stop being inconsistent.07:53
hypatiathat's reason enough for me :p07:53
rwwalso, 4) I'm just going to sed replace them anyway, so don't bother :(07:53
rwwalso, 5) hypatia, identify with nickserv07:53
tonyyarussoThe reason you can use a single space normally for digital works is because of the separation of content and presentation - your stylesheet should be defining the width of the space in that contact, rather than the content.  IRC does not have stylesheeets, and thus requires the old content-centric hacks.07:54
rwwcdbs_, gord_, highvolt1ge: y'all need to poke nickserv too. silly netsplits.07:54
macorww: she has a point about it still being monospace like typewriter07:55
rwwtonyyarusso is female?07:55
macouh. whoops.07:55
rwwanother benefit of gender-neutral pronouns: they hide when you misread lines!07:55
macorww: but yeah, didnt you know? she's Tonyya Russo07:55
tonyyarussoWe're just making up for the times maco gets called he.07:55
rwwAntonia Yarusso07:56
hypatiarww: oops07:56
bazhangapparently ubuntu.com is supplying faulty iso's08:25
Jordan_UFaulty in what way?08:27
knomethey are red hat iso's ?08:27
bazhangthat is what arney is claiming in #ubuntu08:27
knomewhich iso in particular?08:28
knome10.10 ?08:28
knomeokay, i'll d/l and check08:28
knomeare they the same iso's which are offered in releases.ubuntu.com ?08:30
Jordan_UI don't think it's worth entertaining the notion that the isos from Ubuntu.com are faulty.08:31
Jordan_Ubazhang: I think you're giving the comment by Arney more weight than they intended.08:32
bazhangJordan_U, indeed it seems like he is badly mistaken, but quite insistent nonetheless08:33
Jordan_Ubazhang: Ok, you were understanding the comment perfectly. I was just running into a common problem I have of assuming too much rationality from people :(08:36
knomebazhang, sums are kay for me08:45
bazhangknome, yep. the user in question is now blaming his uni for the bad md5 hashes08:45
knomewell good luck for him/her.08:46
bazhang<-----anywhere but here ----->08:46
knomethat's the common sotry08:48
knomewhy can't i type any more...08:48
bazhangyou need a better irc client. get quassel :)08:49
knomeyou are saying that fixes typos?08:49
bazhangit makes you forget you made them :)08:50
Jordan_UDoes quassel have a good terminal based front end yet?08:51
knomewho needs quassel when you can have irssi ;)08:51
Jordan_Uirssi + screen is surprisingly accessible from public computers. Most campus computers have putty or they're macs.08:52
knomei've never had a computer from where i couldn't login into irssi+screen08:52
Jordan_UI had a situation where there were macs that they were trying to lock down so that you could only use the browser. After getting permission (so that I could do homework which required logging into the school's Solaris server) I set Firefox's mailto: handler to Terminal.app :)08:54
Jordan_Uikonia: I assume you've already notices that the name of Sam_Fisher's "script" is PMS?09:11
ikoniayes, I'm letting that slide until he explains the problem09:11
kenapawhy was i banned in #ubuntu?09:22
ikoniakenapa: hi, I forwarded you to the channel ##fix_your_connection as it looked like your connection was faulty as you kept joining/leaving the channel09:23
ikoniainsmod's attitude is now starting to offend me, he seems to be purposfully trying to create a conflict09:29
Tm_Tsounds familiar09:29
Flannelmaco: Its not terribly important.  If he wants to type everyone's name, just let him.  At this point, trying to get him to use tab is just creating noise.  Horse and water and such.09:35
macohehe ok09:35
ikoniaI suspect he's doing it on purpose09:35
Jordan_UYea, especially with the BT history.09:35
ikoniaoh really, I didn't check09:36
bazhanglong time issue09:36
=== cdbs_ is now known as cdbs
ikoniasilverlightning: hi, what do you need ?10:00
ikoniasatya: can we help ?10:00
silverlightninghow do I login?10:00
cdbssilverlightning: login to what?10:00
gnomefreakgood morning ikonia10:00
cdbssilverlightning: ubuntu?10:00
ikoniasatya: you've just this channel, this is for channel/operator issues, do you need something ?10:00
ikoniagnomefreak: morning10:01
cdbssatya, silverlightning: read the topic10:01
ikoniasilverlightning: yes ? can we help ?10:10
ikoniahello again silverlightning10:14
silverlightninghi again10:14
silverlightning:- )10:15
ikoniacan we help you with something10:15
ikoniayou keep joining and leaving10:15
silverlightningI am rather new to irc10:15
ikoniacan you please stop doing it as you've been asked ?10:15
silverlightningearlier this morning I registered and verified an account for ##linux10:16
ikoniathat is nothing we can help with10:16
ikoniaif you have irc help needs, ask in #freenode10:16
silverlightningI was wondering if there is a list of commands some where, for login and regular functions?10:17
silverlightningI shall try freenode10:18
gnomefreakIIRC there was a few years ago it was limited and basic, but i dont know where to look for them. try the freenode web site maybe its there. you may also want to look at commands regaurding to your client10:19
gnomefreakok be back in a few10:19
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ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1456 users, 4 overflows, 1460 limit))13:09
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1442 users, 5 overflows, 1447 limit))13:09
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1458 users, 5 overflows, 1463 limit))13:09
CrystalLinuxHi, I can't talk in #ubuntu any help?14:16
elkyLet me look.14:38
elkyYou seem perfectly able to talk there.14:40
elkyCrystalLinux, if you have no further enquiries, please part this channel so we know you don't need assistance with issues relating to our channels.14:42
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Odaym)15:17
IdleOneh00k: did you have any idea what he was trying to do?16:13
h00kIdleOne: no clue, and I didn't feel like getting into it. I haven't had coffee yet16:13
IdleOneyeah me either. I sat down and saw him losing his temper so i thought maybe a fresh person might be able to help.16:14
IdleOnemorning Krycek16:49
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (R-Touch)16:50
KrycekIdleOne: i have a ban on #ubuntu and i was told to come back two days, so here i am. :)16:50
IdleOneKrycek: yes, was just reading up on it to remind myself16:51
IdleOneSo basically here is the thing16:51
IdleOneI need you to agree not to swear in any Ubuntu channels. acronyms like F this or F**K or wtf are not acceptable.16:52
IdleOnegoing to have the bot send you two links16:52
IdleOne!guidelines > Krycek16:52
ubottuKrycek, please see my private message16:52
IdleOne!CoC > Krycek16:52
Kryceksure, even wtf omfg omg wich one ? all of it? :)16:52
IdleOneif you can agree to follow our guidelines I can remove the ban.16:53
IdleOnethe F word is the big one16:53
Krycekhow can i see pm in irssi ?16:53
IdleOnebut any and all words that you wouldn't say in church16:53
Krycekbut how too check your pm?16:54
IdleOneKrycek: /win win_number16:54
IdleOneusually the highest number is the one where you received the last private msg16:54
Krycek? is the command /win too check the pm ??16:54
Kryceknumber from ?16:55
IdleOneKrycek: see #irssi for more help with that16:55
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines16:55
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .16:55
IdleOneKrycek: You need to read the links before agreeing ?16:56
Krycekim sorry eating at the same time working and talking inn here.. what agreement ? ah the guidelines, ok will do. just im sorry to head in the channel and ask with my little time.17:00
IdleOneKrycek: you are unbanned now. Please keep in mind if we have a similar issue it will be more difficult to get unbanned next time.17:01
IdleOneHave a good day.17:01
IdleOnePlease /part this channel :)17:01
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ikoniaPPA's (in my view) are now growing in problem creation over problem resolution18:15
IdleOneikonia: agreed18:16
IdleOneused to be PPA was unsupported but you knew you could still have some trust in them being safe/stable enough not to break everything18:17
mneptoksignificantly lowering the barrier to entry for package creation punches Darwin in the face18:18
ikoniaI think I've hit the point where they now offer no value due to the lack of quality control, validation and the ease of adding them without thought or consideration18:20
gordthats a little harsh18:22
gordno value? no, thats just invalid18:22
gordit comes down to, and has always come down to this no matter your platform, do you trust your sources?18:23
ikoniasorry, that's just how a I feel18:23
=== nik0 is now known as niko
ikoniahello thethinker19:33
ikoniahow can we help you today ?19:35
thethinkeris this where the ops for ubuntu's offical channel "#ubuntu" hang out?19:35
ikoniathethinker: it sure is19:35
thethinkerwell, ive been waiting for more that 20 min to get help19:35
ikoniaget help, in what way where ?19:36
thethinkerim having a sound issue and was wanting advice to remedy it19:36
ikoniaok, well that's not really something we can help with, people are under no obligation to know the answer, or even help. It's free service made up of people giving their time when and how they want19:37
ikoniathe best advice is to wait in #ubuntu and ask your question every 15 minutes or so (if you are not getting a response)19:37
thethinkerit just is that im not being even being agnoaged19:37
ikoniaagain, no-one has to engage you19:38
IdleOnethethinker: if people don't know the answer they won't respond19:38
ikoniamost of the time though people will help out19:38
thethinkeris there a better way to get support for my issue?19:38
IdleOneask every 10-15 minutes, there is a lot of coming and going in the channel, sooner or later someone will help19:38
ikoniathethinker: if you need a response, there are paid for options, there is also other resources such as the Ubuntu forums, but there is no promise that it will be better19:39
thethinkerare the forums usally helpful?19:39
ikoniano more/less than IRC19:40
ikoniathere is some great content, and some poor19:40
IdleOnemost often a well formulated question will get the best possible answers19:41
thethinkeri have formatted my question well19:41
IdleOneI wasn't implying you didn't19:41
IdleOnejust saying19:41
ikoniaI guess not much more you can do, just sit and wait it out,19:42
thethinkerwould be interesting to see how many of the 1524 users in #ubuntu are actually there instead of connected19:43
ikoniamost are active at some point during the day19:43
ikoniapeople come and go19:44
mneptokthethinker: once you get your sound issue worked out, start on writing that Linux webcam spy app ;)19:44
thethinkeri dont understand19:44
mneptokcome and monitor who is actually at the keyboard :)19:44
thethinkerhaha, u made a funny19:44
ikoniathethinker: anything else we can help you with ?19:45
IdleOnemneptok: is being silly as he often does.19:45
mneptoki have my moments. they are few.19:45
thethinkernot really, just fustrated at my sound issue19:45
IdleOneI honestly don't understand why he is even in here19:45
ikoniathethinker: well, I guess the best option is to leave this channel, return to #ubuntu and wait it out19:45
mneptokthethinker: like someone mentioned, there are pay-for support options from Canonical (the distributors of Ubuntu). other than that option, though, there are no guarantees.19:46
IdleOnevery helpful, after they leave :/19:46
mneptokyou also get support if your computer comes with Ubuntu pre-installed on it (from Dell, System76, Zareason etc).19:47
mneptokhad a buffer.19:47
ikoniame too, lag kicked in bad for some reason then ?19:47
IdleOnelast night was really bad for me lag wise19:49
ikoniaI was fine until about 2 seconds before he left19:49
ikoniaI had a line waiting to print, then he left and I lost connection19:50
ikonialaters all19:50
IdleOnegokill was told yesterday a few times that we don't support blackbuntu19:55
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)20:46
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)20:47
* marienz pokes idoru20:51
tsimpsonmaybe it doesn't catch people flooding with many different nicks?20:53
marienzit usually does20:53
marienzI think I taught it to kill these20:57
marienz(we've also removed the hosts that just spammed for a while)20:57
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (iJosh)21:22
IdleOne@mark #ubuntu iJosh (~pentester@cpc10-oxfd18-2-0-cust127.4-3.cable.virginmedia.com) Rage quit.21:24
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:24
ubottuardchoille called the ops in #ubuntu (piotrek)22:29
nhandlerFor anyone interested: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dupa (re: piotrek's last comment in #ubuntu)22:32
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
IdleOneI think we need to create a bot that will collect names of users who have root enabled. We can add a !iamroot is <reply> if you really insist on enabling root please /msg RootBot how to root?23:56
IdleOnethen the bot can add a +q for that user in the channel and we can forget about ever having to hear about how Ubuntu sucks and is broken23:57

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