
joelg87hi guys - anyone around?00:50
peernetHi Folks, has anyone successfully been running cpanel along with Ubuntu Server?01:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #721620 in apache2 (main) "package apache2.2-common 2.2.14-5ubuntu8.4 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72162002:02
schelcji have a server failing at boot with a ureadahead exit status 502:27
schelcjthis is 10.04 that i just did the updates on today02:27
schelcjureadahead seems to barf on my ocfs2 partition02:28
schelcjafter reading about what this does, do i need it on a server install?02:28
schelcjif not what is the safe way to remove it with the only way to boot the system being the init=/bin/sh trick?02:29
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CensoredBiscuitHello, I'm looking into headless operation how do I know if my servers ready?04:57
DatzCensoredBiscuit: define ready :p05:02
patdk-lapCensoredBiscuit, disconnect keyboard/screen, plug server in, and turn on05:09
patdk-lapsee if it works05:09
CensoredBiscuittrue true05:10
CensoredBiscuitthanks patdk-lap05:10
jo-erlend2I'm currently resyncing my mdadm raid5. I'm using 10.04.2. I haven't done any manual configurations. If I reboot... Will it start over, or will it resume where it was?05:10
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uvirtbotNew bug: #721649 in rabbitmq-server (main) "package rabbitmq-server 2.3.1-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72164905:56
thesheff17I just got a notification from one of my production servers about a chkroot found in a java file.  http://pastebin.com/DrsiRyVG weird that it was on port INFECTED (PORTS:  45454)06:09
jo-erlendI think I may have found the problem with the horrible disk IO performance I've experienced the last few days.07:29
jo-erlendmy disk is using 4K sectors and I read that it requires some special partitioning. If anyone has experience with that, I'd love to hear about it.07:30
jo-erlendit seems that Linux doesn't know that it has 4KB sector size, and assumes 512B, which makes write operations very slow. Does that make sense?07:49
super-noobWanting to set up a mail server under Ubuntu LTS 10.04.  I've never done this under *NIX, so I'm not sure where to start.  I've used MailEnable, so I'm not completely clueless.  Specifically, I need a good guide/tutorial/howto that also includes setting up aliases that auto-forward to a specific account and also specifies how to configure the server to not allow mail through based on SPF records.  Also - Postfix or Exim?08:12
jmarsdensuper-noob: I'm about to go to sleep, but try the dovecot-postfix package as a way to get started with an email server on Ubuntu.08:16
super-noobSleep.  Sounds nice.  :)  I'll give the dovecot-postfix package a shot.08:17
super-noobHmm...wants to uninstall exim4-base, exim4-config exim4-daemon-light...08:19
jmarsdenWell, sure, you can't have exim and postfix there at the same time :)08:19
super-noobOkay.  Installed.08:22
jo-erlendI need to manually create three partitions for use as space for raid with partitions that start and end with sectors that are divisible by 4. How do I do that?10:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #721722 in squid-langpack (main) "Sync squid-langpack 20110214-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72172211:01
yellabs-r2hello there, i have got a gift, three servers ProLiant DL360 G4p , are they still worth anything these day's , or are they out of time, what do you think ? , would they be okey for ubuntu kvm server ..11:09
yellabs-r2Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 3.40GHz11:12
greppyyellabs-r2: as long as they have the support in the cpu for virt.11:18
TeTeTyellabs-r2: think they serve fine, we use one of them for testing UEC and for that they are invaluable11:18
TeTeTyellabs-r2: you can check kvm support with the 'kvm-ok' command11:19
yellabs-r2great tip thanks11:20
yellabs-r2forgot about that command .. :)11:20
yellabs-r2do you need one of our servers ?11:20
yellabs-r2is there an team in the netherlands for ubuntu testing that might need one of these servers ?11:21
yellabs-r2ok, ill sort that out later, got to do some work, be back an other time .. thanks for the input , take care !11:24
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otaku_coderhi, a friend of mine has a server that's being hit hard by a SYN Flood attack and we're unsure how best to resolve this. I've enabled syn cookies and increased the buffer size but his sites are still being affected11:40
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raheeli need to  know how to limit the maximum "pages per job" using cups or lpadmin12:47
raheelcan any one help me how to setup the maximum pages PER JOB using cups or lpadmin12:51
[diablo]afternoon all.. anyone using multipath please?12:56
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havoc74Anyone awake ?13:23
havoc74If so, here's my question. I just picked up an IBM x235 (8671-KAX) - I need the ServeRAID ISO - every download link I find seems to be dead.13:24
havoc74including IBM's site itself13:24
havoc74ok, never mind - I found a working link - downloading now.....   thanks anyway!13:26
raheelguys really need help in setting the maximum pages per job13:51
raheelneed help to set max pages per JOB while printing to avoid accidental printing of huge amount of pages is it even possible13:53
raheelhasnt anyone setup a print server before???14:11
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jo-erlendcan someone _please_ help me partition my disk so that the first partition starts at sector 64? I've spent more than twenty hours trying to install Ubuntu without success.14:49
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pmatulis_joschi: use fdisk14:56
pmatulis_joschi: sorry14:56
overriderI am getting hardware ready to built a fileserver with 8 x 2tb Drives (raid5 or 6). What would be the most sane way of going about this since almost certainly once in a while one of these drives will need to be replaced or even upgraded. lvm?15:03
compdocby upgrading you mean larger drives?15:06
compdocraid handles drive failures, more or less. dont need lvm for that15:07
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jkgI tend to create a large RAID device and make it the sole physical in an lvm group, then create logical volumes on it15:11
overriderI am wondering what will be the easiest to manage when a drive failure occurs, or, when in two years from now i run out of space, i want to throw in a few new 4tb drives.15:11
jkgin terms of failures, RAID will handle that; LVM covers resizing later.15:11
jkgalthough, I'd urge you away from RAID 5 -- the risk of a 2nd failure during a (lengthy!) rebuild on that size of array is pretty high15:12
compdocwhen you upgrade drives, you tend to replace them all at once - lvm doesnt help with that15:12
jkghrm no. I'm thinking of the case where you add extra drives (or a 2nd array), but yeah, you're right.15:13
overriderIf not raid5 then raid6. I also am not too happy with these 2tb drives, so i got enterprise grade ones which claim to have a higher time to failure.15:15
compdochave you had any 2tb drives fail? I have a new seagate that has one bad sector already15:15
overriderWho knows. I just want to set it up once, then be done with it and have it stable. Not reinstalling or even rebuilding the System all the time because a drive fails and i am too dumb to recover from the failure, and get stuck with a non booting system.15:16
overridercompdoc: yes i have had tons. Honestly, ever since Drives went larger than 320GB i am suspicious15:16
compdocwhat brands you use?15:16
overriderI still have a Machine that runs on an 80GB Drive - don't dare to turn it off though. Just feels the smaller drives where more robust somehow.15:17
compdocwell, fewer heads and platters does make them less complicated15:17
overriderOh no preference really. Maxtor, Hitachi15:17
overriderSeagate also popular15:18
overriderI mean, really there are just a handful of names in terms of drives out there these days15:18
overriderNot sure whether Maxtor still exists even. Ah ok, Maxtor is now Seagate. :-)15:19
compdocI dont see as many hard failures as I used to. usually they just start to develope bad sectors. but I did have to replace a comletely dead one two days ago15:22
compdoccustomer lost some emails15:22
compdocand a few docs15:22
Odaymwhat are the packages that are most commonly found on any Ubuntu server?15:23
Odaymbecause i have a desktop Ubuntu on a pc, and i want to make it a server (since nothing differentiates a desktop Ubuntu from a Ubuntu server except the packages available on the latter..right?)15:24
compdocI use the desktop version as a server on a couple of computers. I like the gui15:25
Odaymyes i am keeping the GUI i guess, but i want the packages that make any Ubuntu machine a server15:27
Odaymapache..samba..what else?15:27
compdocI dont think there are any different packages, except that ubuntu server doesnt install the gui. I hear it might have some tweaks for running under a heavy load15:32
compdocI just use samba and rsync, so no sustained, heavy loads except for some large transfers15:33
sybcomdoc: I recommend buying single-platter drives. If high throughput and low power consumption is a concern then Samsung Spinpoint HD103SJ is still a good buy IMHO.15:36
sybOdaym: Browse the output of running the command "tasksel --list-tasks"15:37
compdocI have several Samsungs in a few raids. I like them, but Ive had several of them develop reallocated sectors15:38
Odaymtaskel not installed, syb :o15:38
sybOdaym: It's a useful tool for quickly getting installed software to (re)configure a computer running Ubuntu (or Debian).15:39
Odaymso i just apt-get install taskel?15:39
sybOdaym: Yes.15:39
Odaymok i will be right back, need to reboot for something15:40
sybAnyone else here interested in improving the Ubuntu wiki documentation of KVM and vmbuilder?15:43
sybI'm going to save a few changes to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking - so that reading through works best with 10.0415:45
compdocwhen will you save?15:46
sybcompdoc: Will be at least ~30mins from now. I just wanted to let some interested ppl know so someone else reviews my changes.15:47
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havoc74good morning everyone!15:52
havoc74I need help setting up my server (IBM x Series 235 8671-KAX). Is anyone familiar with this machine?15:53
havoc74specifically the RAID configuration15:54
sybI'm currently contemplating why https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/jeos-and-vmbuilder.html recommends config of Bridge networking by editing VMBuilder/plugins/libvirt/templates/libvirtxml.tmpl in a working directory... instead of editing /etc/vmbuilder.cfg or ~/.vmbuilder.cfg OR create ./test-vmbuilder.cfg "run vmbuilder --c ./test-vmbuilder.cfg"15:54
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Nafallohavoc74: you most likely need to find the IBM bootable CD for configuring the array.15:56
thesheff17syb: I'm not an expert on vmbuilder but I believe it just suggest doing that because of the templates buit into vmbuilder.  You can do all those other options you suggested.15:57
havoc74I've got the bootable CD, it's syncing my first array now15:58
havoc74the problem i'm having is I have 5 hd's, two 36.4gb, and three 72gb drives15:59
havoc74the serverguide cd automatically setup the first two as a RAID 1, which is fine, but now it won't let me set up a second array with the 3 other drives as anything - I wanted a RAID 5 on the other 3 drives16:00
thesheff17syb: My custom script I wrote for vmbuilder does the bridge in the command each time like this and works fine: --bridge=br0 Though sometimes I have multiple bridged adapters so I don't use the template system.16:00
sybthesheff17: Someone has gone to the effort of adding variables into parsing of vmbuilder.cfg files. I disagree with copying the templates because a user won't get to benefit from improvements to those templates... it's like writing a new function instead of parsing variables to an existing tested function! :-)16:00
havoc74I am a newb when it comes to setting up a raid, but I am a veteran system admin and programmer16:00
sybthesheff17: Good Point re more complex network environment with multiple bridges. I think it is safe to assume that anyone running that should have the skills to figure out when using the templates isn't appropriate.16:02
compdochavoc74, setting up a raid is easy for most cards, since its done in the bios of the card. That system you have is different, so its not your fault16:06
thesheff17syb: ah there is a --templates mytemplates command...don't know why you need that considering all the other commands already available but I guess it doesn't hurt. But like you said I would prefer everything under /etc/ for configuration.16:07
thesheff17syb: I think another reason behind it is because vmbuilder has moved to building the virtual machine in the current directory.  This blew my mind after using it so long to find out this was the default case.16:08
havoc74Well that is a hopeful remark compdoc, I'm glad to hear it's not me LOL - btw, i forgot to mention, the machine has integrated LSI 1030 RAID controllers16:09
havoc74if that helps at all16:09
compdocthey dont show a message at boot that says to press certain keys to enter the config?16:09
thesheff17syb: also vmbuilder supports this cheetah template system that is why: http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/docs/users_guide_html/16:10
compdocI have a few LSI cards - theyre decent16:10
havoc74i can't access a RAID setup config at boot. It doesn't mention one. Although, there is a LSI config that allows me to set up which array (or logical volume) is bootable, I can only access hardware level RAID configuration through the ServerGuide bootable cd so far, unless I'm missing something.16:12
havoc74right now, the RAID 1 is synchronizing - it took 3 hours the last time16:13
havoc74just about half way through now16:13
compdocif you can install the OS and boot it, maybe theres a LSI util that you can install that will let you set up the rest later.16:14
compdocthe ServerGuide cd doesnt let you select the drives, or doesnt it have a raid5 option?16:15
compdocif the controller is built into the motherboard, it might not be able to do raid516:15
havoc74i haven't been able to install an os yet16:16
compdocthey charge extra for that16:16
havoc74and the serverguide doesn't let me select any raid types at all16:16
compdocheh, thats no good16:16
havoc74it automatically selects a raid 1 when i select the two 34gb drivers16:16
havoc74but, when i first go the machine, it did have a raid 1 and a raid 5 set up - and like an idiot, because i like to learn, i removed the arrays to set up new ones16:17
havoc74i should have left it alone16:17
havoc74i wanted to learn the process of setting up the arrays16:17
havoc74lol i also picked up a BladeCenter that I haven't even turned on yet - thought i'd start with the smaller one lol16:19
compdocthere must be some program youre missing thats used to set up the arrays16:19
havoc74probably. I got this server from a friend who bought it not realizing it was a server16:19
havoc74he got it used, it's missing all documentation and cds16:20
havoc74took me 4 hours to find a link to the ServerGuide ISO on the IBM forums for my model16:20
havoc74Ultimately, I want to install Ubuntu Cloud Server on this - I don't even know if it's possible yet16:21
havoc74can you recommend a bootable cd to setup my raid that is better, or more functional than IBM's ServerGuide?16:22
compdocmight look around at LSI's website16:23
compdocand google is your friend16:23
havoc74yes it is16:23
havoc74and trust me, i've been using google all week before i tried IRC - I like to figure things out on my own, but i couldn't find anything that was even close to my HD configuration16:24
compdocany idea which LSI controller? a model number would help a lot16:25
havoc74LSI 103016:27
havoc74do you need more info on that?16:27
havoc74BIOS: - Firmware: - Device Driver:
compdocwell, I found this the first hit on google:16:28
compdocWe ran into this surprise with rx7620 system which has internal Ultra160 SCSI adapters (LSI1030).16:29
compdocThese adapters don't support RAID. To mirror the volumes or RAID5 you need to use a software solution.16:29
compdocHope that isnt true16:29
compdocthis is from another hit:16:30
compdoche integrated RAID controller (such as an LSI 1030) is a standard feature on some IBM xSeries servers. This controller has limited RAID capabilities. With an integrated RAID controller, you can use the ServeRAID Manager to:16:30
compdocConfigure two physical drives into a logical drive and assign it RAID level-1.16:31
compdocno mention of raid 516:31
havoc74ok, that is exactly my situation16:33
havoc74at least I know for sure now that I wasn't missing anything during the ServeRAID config16:34
havoc74does usually take 3 hours to sync two 34gb drives though?16:34
compdocthat is a while16:35
havoc74they are identical - maybe that's why16:35
havoc74sorry, are not identical16:35
compdocis there a progress bar? is it close to complete?16:35
havoc74the progress is at 59%, started at 10:07, it's 11:36 here now16:36
compdocI stay away from old servers if I can help it16:37
havoc74yeah, I just can't afford a newer server16:37
havoc74I'm just starting out hosting, I've got a few web host clients, a few SVC clients, one VoIP client, and I've got a counter strike server running for my 13 year old - all on a P4 Dell desktop (no HyperThreading). So when I had the opportunity to pick this up as cheap as I did, I jumped on it16:39
havoc74I also picked up a BladeCenter for $1000.00, 12 blades, 2 have hot-swappable drive bays16:40
compdocthat would be interesting to play with16:40
havoc74yes, but I can't turn it on yet, I need to install a 240volt 2-phase line from my panel to power it up, and I have to upgrade my panel to 200 amps first LOL16:41
havoc74so it's been sitting in storage for 6 months now16:41
havoc74I've actually got it up for sale, because it was suppose to make me money, but isn't, so the wife said it's gotta go unless I can get it up and running, or at least this x235.16:42
havoc74The Dell desktop is old, very old.16:42
havoc74and slow with only 513mb of RAM - and it uses RDRAM - expensive!16:43
havoc74I'm just trying to quit the day job lol16:44
havoc74ok, here's another question for you, after ServeRAID finishes, do I set up the logical volumes through ServeRAID, or through Ubuntu's partitioning?16:45
havoc74right now, after syncing, it's going to have 1 logical drive, but I can partition that to logical volumes through ubuntu to set up root and swap, right?16:46
compdocafter it syncs, it should be ready to have the OS installed16:52
havoc74it's at 69% now....  another hour or so and I'll find out16:53
havoc74well, you've been very informative compdoc, thank you :)16:53
mxpxpodI'm getting ready to install 10.04 Server on a Dell PowerEdge R515 with a PERC H700 RAID controller... do I need to set up software RAID in the partitioner?16:54
KB1JWQmxpxpod: If you've got a PERC why not offload to that?16:55
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: I've only ever set up software RAID before, so I'm not sure how to offload to the PERC16:56
havoc74Oh, one more question, considering all that I'm hosting, would it be in my best interest to switch to using Ubuntu Cloud instead of Ubuntu Server?16:56
KB1JWQmxpxpod: Thee's an option during the boot sequence to press a key to drop into RAID configuration.  From there the card presents one disk comprised of whatever RAID level you've set.16:57
havoc74I could set up a virtual server for each service16:57
KB1JWQI'd do that and not worry unless you want software RAID for a particular reason, in which case I believe you've got to use the alternate installer.16:57
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: ok. I had it come from the factory with RAID-10 set up, so that should just work (TM) out of the box?16:58
mxpxpodhow do I check if it's mirroring correctly?16:58
KB1JWQmxpxpod: I'd do the smart thing and VERIFY first. :-)16:58
KB1JWQIn the RAID configuration pane.16:58
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: heh, true16:59
KB1JWQOnce you've gotten the server booted I believe there's a tool that Dell provides for the CLI to query that.16:59
compdocdont know much about the cloud, except theres a lot of hype about it16:59
KB1JWQYOu can use that to monitor RAID state.16:59
KB1JWQIt does you no good to use RAID if you don't realize it when a drive craps out. :-)16:59
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: exactly16:59
havoc74compdoc: true, but I like to be as close to cutting edge as possible, and while there is a lot of hype on cloud servers, everyone seems to be interested in them17:00
compdocif you find a use for it, let me know17:00
havoc74I think I'll stick to Ubuntu Server for now, I really don't have the experience to admin a cloud......   yet17:00
havoc74maybe when I get the BladeCenter up and running, I'll set it up as a cloud server.17:01
HypoglybeticHi.  I would like to setup a Proxy Server at home to connect to from work to get around their blocking of certain sites (my gmail).  I installed squid but it isn't working the way I intended.  Is squid the right program? If not, what program should I use?17:01
KB1JWQmxpxpod: I also point monitoring (nagios in my case) to watch it so I get paged if the array degrades.17:02
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: Just for your use?17:02
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: ok, so I just verified... it's set to RAID-10 in the H700 config util17:02
KB1JWQSquid is likely overhead, I'd use ssh tunnelling.17:02
KB1JWQmxpxpod: Yay!17:02
KB1JWQmxpxpod: I work with a few thousand servers at $DAYJOB, I REALLY don't want to spend my life logging into them all just to check disk state. :-)17:03
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: agreed ;)17:03
mxpxpodnow, to find the dell monitoring software17:03
mxpxpodso, with hardware RAID, it'll just look like one disk to the OS, right?17:04
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, Well, yes17:04
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, Maybe a friend or 2 for the purpose of accessing gmail.17:04
KB1JWQmxpxpod: http://tnt.aufbix.org/linux/perc and yes.17:05
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/ssh-tunnel.html17:05
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: Although rather than the long complex forwarding string I just throw DynamicForward 8080 under a Host Myserver stanza in ~/.ssh/config and then use localhost:8080 as my SOCKS5 proxy in my browser.17:06
havoc74compdoc: thanks again for all your advice, i've gotta get going, need to get some things done while this finishes syncing. Take care :)17:07
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, I am not sure if thats what I want.  I'm a beginner btw.  What I want is to use a web browser, go to my server and have it proxy to gmail.  At work I use windows machines I'm not allowed to install software on.17:08
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: Ah, didn't realize. :-)17:09
sssCan I run Java programs on Ubuntu Server? Is it suitable for running a Java-based multiplayer online game server?17:09
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/server/C/squid.html17:09
KB1JWQOld doc, but still valid from what I can tell.17:10
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, this is where I'm at, and I don't understand how to use it or anything. :(17:11
mxpxpodanother question: should I make a swap partition or should I just use a swap file?17:12
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: Looks like it mostly works. :-)17:12
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: When I attempt to proxy through it I get Access Denied.17:12
KB1JWQIf you go into your browser's network settings, you can set a proxy server.  That's the IP and that's the port you use.17:13
KB1JWQYou may have to tweak squid to permit your IP range.17:13
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, I'm getting "URL could not be retrieved" is that what you're getting?17:13
KB1JWQOr better yet use some form of authentication.17:13
KB1JWQThe following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.google.com/17:13
KB1JWQAccess Denied.17:13
HypoglybeticCan I make this in to a web page or do I have to edit my browsers settings?17:14
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, I have not specified an IP which I think means anyone can use it. . . .17:15
KB1JWQI think by default it doesn't turn into an open proxy.  Those are bad. :-)17:15
KB1JWQSo everyone is by default denied.17:15
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, You'd have to know I'm running a proxy, so I don't care? :D?17:16
KB1JWQHypoglybetic: Oh yes, because those are hard to scan for. :-)17:17
KB1JWQTalk to #squid I suspect.17:18
HypoglybeticKB1JWQ, you people and your scanners17:18
HypoglybeticAlright, thanks for your help.17:19
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: do I need a swap partition? or will a swap file do for a server?17:19
lirakiswhere the devil does vmbuilder put the disk images of sytems it creates?17:19
lirakisi looked all over in /var/lib/libvirt17:19
lirakisdidnt find anythin17:19
lirakisand i already undefined the vm with virsh .. so the xml is gone17:20
syblirakis: Look in files in /etc/libvirt/storage/ where you might find clues to the path(s) libvirt could have created disk images in?17:22
lirakisls: cannot access /etc/libvirt/storage/: No such file or directory17:22
lirakisknew i shouldnt have just built the vm manually17:23
sybI have /etc/libvirt/storage/default.xml that defintes a storage pool called 'default' and the usual path: /var/lib/libvirt/images17:23
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lirakissyb,  yeah i checked /var/lib/libvirt/images and its empty now .... i dont know if my virsh undefine removed the image ...17:24
lirakisthat would be wierd17:24
lirakisat this point .. its not a "big deal" .. it would just be an image sitting around on my system wasting a little space17:25
syblirakis: Then 'find' or 'locate' commands might be worth trying, if you remember the name of the disk image files.17:25
lirakiswell i know the hosts name ... dont konw if vmbuilder used some random name17:26
syblirakis: To check if you've got more than just the default storage pool run "virsh pool-list --all"17:27
lirakissyb, nothing there17:27
lirakisthanks for the help btw17:27
lirakisrunning a find now17:27
lirakisoh wtf17:28
syblirakis: no storage pool's definied at all might prevent you from using libvirt in the usual documented way.17:28
lirakisit put it in my home directory17:28
syblirakis: Well then, just as thesheff17 said a couple of hours ago "... vmbuilder has moved to building the virtual machine in the current directory.  This blew my mind after using it so long to find out this was the default case."17:29
lirakisyeah i didnt see that comment17:30
lirakisbut .. yes .. that is crazy17:30
lirakis/var/lib/libvirt/images .... standard location :\17:30
lirakisany way17:30
lirakisthanks for the help17:30
syblirakis: np. Go forth and virtualise! :-)17:30
lirakis... i got to do some reading on libvirt etc. and kvm and build these hosts my self17:30
syblirakis: I've been updating https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking to read like something written for Lucid instead of Jaunty.17:32
sybIs ne2k_pci still the default network card in kvm (for Lucid)?17:40
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ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.17:45
thesheff17syb & lirakis: I have a hacked together python script to build virtual machines.  If you guys want to see it.17:55
lirakisthesheff17, sure .. pastebin it and post the link17:56
thesheff17The nice thing about it is you can build virtual machines in a loop...I schedule cron every night so I have a good 10 virtual machines to test with every morning.17:56
thesheff17I'm not sure though there was a bug in the generation of the creating the .xml file...I'm not sure if that has been fixed.17:57
sssCan I run Java programs on Ubuntu Server?17:57
thesheff17http://pastebin.com/ lol17:57
thesheff17sss: of course17:57
sssIs Ubuntu Server suitable for running a Java Multiplayer online game server?17:58
thesheff17sss: sure prob better then windows.17:58
thesheff17lirakis: I'm not the best programmer but this is what I have been using: http://paste.ubuntu.com/569269/ here is Vmbuiler.py it also requires Linux.py that I also wrote that just does basic stuff for linux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/569270/ You also want to have vmbuilder.partition in your current directory to specify hard drive sizes....you also want ot create boot.sh...boot.sh will automatically run once18:04
thesheff17 the server comes up.  I inject my public ssh key into the /root.ssh/authorized_keys file so I an automatically log in.18:04
thesheff17I also know it lacks doc strings which it is on my list to fix....I should just commit all this stuff to github.18:05
thesheff17lirakis & syb: yes that bug still exists with creating virtual machines that are not raw devices....before you start your virtual machines modify the xml file in /etc/libvirt/qemu/ from <driver name='qemu' type='raw'/> to <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>18:25
sybIs it just me or is http://help.ubuntu.com/ offline?18:28
thesheff17yup it is down :-/18:28
syb...just when I wanted to save my changes to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking18:29
thesheff17syb: looks like it is back up18:33
sybOK. Done. I've hopefully updated the text in the KVM/Networking page to be more readable when using Lucid18:33
schelcjis ureadahead required for ubuntu? ie; it's causing me series problems on a server install that i don't care about the boot time of so i want to remove it18:51
mxpxpodKB1JWQ: thank you for your help earlier18:59
sssWhy 64-bit is recommended? I think my computer is 32-bit, does it matter?19:15
thesheff17sss: it doesn't matter19:16
sssok. so 64-bit it is19:16
thesheff17sss: 64 bit is better for supporting RAM greater than 4GB.19:17
EvilPhoenixactually it does matter though.19:17
EvilPhoenixif your computer can't handle the 64bit system19:18
EvilPhoenixthen it wont work correctly19:18
EvilPhoenixi.e. your processor needs to eb able to handle the 64bit architecture19:18
sssI have 1GB RAM and, I think, 32bit computer19:18
EvilPhoenixif you are unsure as to whether your processor is 64-bit or not, you can use 32bit19:18
sssI guess I should install the 32bit19:18
EvilPhoenixall systems are at least 32bit19:18
thesheff17EvilPhoenix: true. try 64 bit...if it doesn't work you have to use 32 bit.19:18
EvilPhoenix^ that19:18
uvirtbotEvilPhoenix: Error: "that" is not a valid command.19:18
sssI'll use 32 bit19:19
EvilPhoenixgo away bot >.>19:19
EvilPhoenixthesheff17:  typically, as a rule of thumb in the tech world, when in doubt, 32-bit19:19
thesheff17EvilPhoenix: ah ok...almost everything in the last couple years is 64 bit....I would hate to see a machine that has 64 bit but only using 32 bit software...just my 2 cents.19:21
thesheff17EvilPhoenix: especially since sss is running java stuff.19:21
EvilPhoenixthesheff17:  that i agree with19:21
EvilPhoenixthesheff17:  oh god java stuff19:21
sssI want to dual boot Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server, does it matter what to install first?19:21
EvilPhoenixwait what?19:21
EvilPhoenixsss:  you can install ubuntu desktop and put server software on it :/19:22
thesheff17why would you want both?19:22
EvilPhoenixsss:  you dont need both desktop and server19:22
sssI just want to expirement with Ubuntu Server, maybe I'll use it in the future.19:22
EvilPhoenixsss:  you can experiment with the packages on a Desktop install  too19:23
thesheff17sss: you could install the server install and then just do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and you will get the GUI stuff.19:23
sssI want to be able to run Ubuntu Server without GUI19:24
thesheff17sss: by default ubuntu-server doesn't have a GUI.19:25
sssok, I just want to know how to dual boot. I'll first install Ubuntu Desktop19:26
sssDoes Ubuntu Server edition allows me to specify on which partition to install?19:27
sssbtw, What will happen if I deleted all partitions on the computer and rebooted?19:28
sssI am going to disconnect for a sec... brb19:30
sss...back agin19:30
=== thesheff17 is now known as thesheff17|AFK
RoyKhm... new 65TB box coming up....19:47
sssIs the difference between Desktop and Server edition is only the presence of GUI and default installed applications?20:07
jmarsdensss: And the kernel is configured with different options, I am fairly sure.20:09
sssok, I was just curios20:10
jmarsdensss: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#What%27s%20the%20difference%20between%20desktop%20and%20server?20:11
azizLIGHTShow do i login to ssh without password20:17
azizLIGHTSwhat is hte way to do the keys20:17
jmarsdenazizLIGHTS: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys20:20
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mxpxpodI have a server I initially set up on and now if I change its IP address to .2 it can't access anything outside of the local network... does anyone know what's going on?23:03
jkghow did you change the address, just editing /etc/network/interfaces?23:04
mxpxpodjkg: yeah, and then ifdown eth1 followed by ifup eth123:04
jkgcan you put the contents of that file on paste.ubuntu.com?23:05
mxpxpodjkg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/569375/23:08
schelcjmxpxpod: likely missing the default route23:09
jkghrm, ok, and the gateway/netmask are as they were when it worked I take it?23:09
mxpxpodjkg: yes23:09
schelcjgateway line in the eth1 stanza23:09
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mxpxpodschelcj: it's there... check the paste23:09
schelcjmxpxpod: just saw it23:09
mxpxpodjkg: the only difference is that the address is when it works and when it's not working23:10
schelcjmxpxpod: what does route -n say23:10
* mxpxpod checks23:10
* jkg makes mental note of "-n" option to route :)23:10
mxpxpodschelcj: it looks the same for both IP's23:11
schelcjmxpxpod: paste it23:11
schelcjjkg: -n works the same on most net related utils23:12
schelcjmxpxpod: looks right, is there a NAT/IPMASQ box at
schelcjor what is on eth023:13
mxpxpodeth0 isi going to replace the current router in the future23:13
schelcjwell this route table looks right and would do exactly what you are describing23:15
jkgoh... there isn't something else on your network using .0.2 is there?23:15
mxpxpodjkg: there was, but I took that interface down23:15
jkgI wonder if something somewhere still has a bad arp entry, so associates that MAC with that IP23:16
schelcjcan you ping
mxpxpodschelcj: yeah, I can ping .123:16
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schelcjis there anything else on the network?23:17
mxpxpodI don't believe so23:17
schelcjso you have a router at .1 then?23:18
schelcjand you can't ping beyond that rotuer?23:18
schelcjby hostname or ip?23:19
schelcjyou can ping by ip?23:19
schelcjbut not hostname?23:19
schelcjbet /etc/resolv.conf is empty23:19
mxpxpodsorry, I can't ping anything at all (by ip or hostname) beyond the router23:19
mxpxpodthe resolve.conf has entries23:20
mxpxpodsorry, resov.conf23:20
mxpxpodof course, those entries are beyond the router23:20
schelcjhm, since you can ping the router i don 't think it's arp23:22
schelcjbut what does arp -an say23:22
jkgyeah, I'd have said try rebooting the router, but it can't be if the router can respond to pings successfully, I'd say23:22
schelcjbut the router could have bad arp cache23:22
mxpxpodthere are 4 entries23:22
schelcjjkg: yeah23:23
mxpxpodI'm not going to type them out23:23
jkgcan't you c&p them into the pastebin?23:24
mxpxpodhmmm, when I switch the IP over to .3, I only get one arp entry23:24
mxpxpodjkg: when I switch over to .2, I can't ssh into the box23:24
mxpxpodbut arp -an gave 4 entries when it's at .223:25
jkgoh, you can't ssh in from locally either? (or, am I making a bad assumption that you're on the same network as the problem box)23:25
mxpxpodjkg: this laptop is on the wireless on the same network23:26
jkgright, and you can't get in from that when it's .2 either?23:27
schelcjso router did work when laptop was at .3?23:27
jkg(quick sanity check: what's the IP of the laptop?)23:27
mxpxpodok, I have server at .3, the laptop is at .5123:27
mxpxpodrouter at .123:27
mxpxpodthere was a server at .2, but I've disconnected that23:29
mxpxpodI can't ping beyond the router from the server when the server is on .223:29
mxpxpodI also can't ssh from the router into the server at .223:29
jkgcan you ping between laptop and server when the server is .2?23:30
mxpxpodsorry, from the laptop into the server23:30
mxpxpodjkg: yes23:30
jkgboth ways? (not that it should matter, but I'm pretty baffled here)23:31
mxpxpodyes, both ways23:31
mxpxpodI'm severely baffled ;)23:32
schelcjhas .2 been rebooted with the new interfaces file?23:32
jkgmy honest best recommendation, to my great shame, is to leave the server as .3 :P23:32
mxpxpodschelcj: IIRC, yes, but I can do it again23:32
mxpxpodjkg: that's how I'm feeling right now23:33
mxpxpodschelcj: rebooting23:33
schelcj.2 can ping without problem23:33
schelcjbut not beyond that subnet?23:34
mxpxpodschelcj: yes23:34
azizLIGHTSi did "ssh-keygen -t rsa" but itasks me "Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):" . i thought keys are for password less logins?> why i have to enter a password? will this be asked of me every time i login using keys? i dont want password ,s it safe to not have pssword here?23:35
jkgazizLIGHTS: well, if someone gets a copy of the key, they're compromised any accounts it's an authorised key for; that said, I use passwordless keys for automated backups all the time23:36
jkgI wouldn't keep a passwordless key on my netbook that I'm entirely likely to get drunk and lose in a bar, but I'm OK with it on my desktop in the office with an encrypted /home23:37
azizLIGHTSif they got my key they can see where im authorized to login with that key?23:37
azizLIGHTSthey just know they can login somewhere with this23:38
jkgbut they can get that from, say, your shell history23:38
mxpxpodschelcj and jkg: I'll just keep the server at .3... this is just ridiculous23:38
azizLIGHTSok this is for client, correct, ur speaking about/23:39
jkgmxpxpod: have you tried rebooting the router?23:39
mxpxpodI thought I had... let me try it again23:39
jkgazizLIGHTS: right, this is for the machine where you run ssh-keygen, where the private key lives23:40
mxpxpodI'll lost my connection, so I'll see you on the flip side23:40
azizLIGHTSif someone got the key of the client and saw the shell history and found the server, they can do login now on the server without password. (am understanding correct?)23:40
schelcjmxpxpod: sorry, odd little problem23:40
jkgmxpxpod: what, people don't IRC from permanently connected shell accounts?!23:40
schelcjjkg: oh yeah, there are the gui clients, at least so i am told23:41
jkgright but that's why we have irssi-proxy, surely ;)23:41
schelcjjkg: wonder, would that handle bitlbee as well?23:42
azizLIGHTSso what can u do, on the client? nothing?23:42
jkgschelcj: don't see why not; I've not used bitlbee much (I didn't get on with it, and don't use IM much) but doesn't it just present itself as a regular channel?23:43
schelcjit presents as another server23:44
jkgazizLIGHTS: yeah that's basically the tradeoff. if you don't secure the key with a passphrase, you need to secure it in other ways or accept the fact someone who gets hold of it has compromised other accounts as well (which may be an acceptable trade-off...)23:44
azizLIGHTSwhen this happens, and u have access to the server that you connect to from client, what can u do on server to prevent access23:45
jkgremove the key's authorisation (in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys) when your laptop gets stolen :-)23:46
echosystmhey super cool dudes!23:46
echosystmis ubuntu server secure out of the box, or are there some simple hardening tasks i should ideally do?23:47
* schelcj bbl - dinner23:48
azizLIGHTSechosystm: pchg passwd for ubuntu user and suduo su and passwd for root?23:49
jkg!noroot | echosystm azizLIGHTS23:49
ubottuechosystm azizLIGHTS: We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.23:49
azizLIGHTSok sorry23:49
jkgthe root account is much safer with no valid password :)23:50
azizLIGHTSjkg: the .ssh/authorized_keys has new "clients" (?) on each line?23:51
jkgeach line is the public part of a key pair, corresponding to a private key on the client.23:51
azizLIGHTSjkg: any site that explain public key and private key awith respect to server and client and their .ssh/ dirs and files23:52
azizLIGHTSin simple ways23:52
jkgyeah I was just wondering that myself :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ssh-keygen#Files_Used_by_SSH-Keygen_utility is a start.23:52
jkgyou probably only care about the last 2, of the 6 files described.23:53
jkg(WP also has a half decent article about public-key cryptography, if the whole public/private thing is confusing)23:54
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azizLIGHTScan you link me to it plz23:55
jkgright, I'm on call in 6 hours time, best grab some sleep. night folks!23:55
azizLIGHTSbye kjg23:56

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