
=== LucidOne is now known as Guest54754
=== MaverickOne is now known as gpc
InHisNameMutantTurkey: still hanging around or square ?05:23
n2diy_my back up box and printer are downstairs, the printer has an SD card in it that I want a file off of, can I ftp to it? Using gftp I've looked for the printer under /mnt, /mount, and /dev, but I can't find it?06:53
MutantTurkey InHisName:sorry just got home12:24
InHisNameGoing to meeting soon?12:24
InHisNameI'm bringing my server I just bought.  Not sure if it will do audio though.12:25
InHisName2 Xeons 2 cores each 2.8 Ghz12:25
InHisNameI should be there by nine ish.12:26
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!12:27
InHisNameHowdy SamuraiAlba   breakfast to you to12:27
SamuraiAlbacopying 60GB off my lappy LOL12:28
InHisNameSo you got the other machine going  and copying to it ?12:29
SamuraiAlbacopying to an external USB over the net on GFs machine12:29
InHisNameOh,   by chance are you wanting to head over to PACS computer meeting in PA ?  The linux group is doing audio in ubuntu etc.   jedijf is usually the 'speaker'    or more like cheerleader and 'pusher' combined.12:35
SamuraiAlbaI'd love to.  When is it?12:36
SamuraiAlbaThink I can hitch a ride with you?12:47
SamuraiAlbaNot if it is today, tho12:48
SamuraiAlbaDisney Planning Party :)12:48
* waltman is out of bacon :(12:52
=== locobot_3_2 is now known as locobot_3
InHisNameSamuraiAlba:  I'm only 5 miles from meeting.  You are 45 from me.  Plan to hook up with someone in NJ going 3rd sat in March.13:22
SamuraiAlbaHopefully GF will be allowed to drive by then :)13:23
InHisNameGood Cinnamon Roll to all.  No pigs sacrificed for that one.13:23
InHisNameand my future heart attack will be delayed a bit more.13:24
InHisNameOff to the meeting.  See you there MutantTurkey !13:24
MutantTurkeyInHisName: sorry sorry sorry just woke up. Getting dressed and heading outl17:05
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!17:36
waltmanHow was PACS?22:07
InHisNamePACS was great,  especially the audio on linux for all users meeting.   There was a 4hour presentation on iPad compressed into 1.5 hours.  Wasn't so boring that way.22:22
waltmanwhat did they talk about wrt the ipad?22:44
waltmanwhat did they talk about wrt the ipad?22:45
waltmanI mean, it's basically just a big iPhone.22:46
waltmanI'm not sure how you could spend 90 minutes talking about it.22:46
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
MutantTurkeyyeah the audo on linux was interesting23:01
InHisNamewaltman: Hetalkedreallyreallyfastwithoutevertakingabreath Hecompressedalotofdemosandzoomedthroughthem.  Other than a fear of a really big monthly bill, it was pretty enticing.23:02
InHisNameOh it comes in 2 flavors.  With and without phone service capability.    i.e. w & w/o 3G.23:03
waltmanhow did he do the demos so everyone could see them?23:05
waltmanMutantTurkey: so there's more to audio on linux than just plugging in your speakers? :)23:06
jedijfthe crowd was more interesting than the topic23:07
InHisNamewith difficulty   at front, a screen projector and two 'smaller' screens on sides of room 42" or 36" maybe.  Plus some he just held it up and stuck his fingers on screen and showed us.   Like doing 500x magnification of screen etc.23:07
InHisNameThe turn off is to spend 6-8 hundred to be privliged to spend 100 a month.    Bleah.23:08
waltmanthe data plan is 100/mo?23:09
waltmanyou could always just get the wifi-only version23:09
InHisNameI assume since it includes phone service if you want it.23:10
jedijfMutantTurkey: did you go to at&t store?23:10
InHisNameIt's just a fancy schmancy Gillette razor just buy your $20 blades from us ONLY.23:11
waltmanI'm only paying around $65/mo for my iphone23:12
waltmanI already had at&t for my cell service, so it was whatever the data plan was on top of that.23:13
waltmanThere are times when I wish the iPhone had a bigger screen, but you can't beat the portability.23:14
waltmanI'm not really sure what I'd do with an iPad.23:14
jedijfwaltman: yeah, intermediate form factor...don't see where it really firs23:16
waltmannot in my pocket!23:16
jedijfthat's the point/problem23:16
jedijfphone or netbook work for me23:16
InHisNamenetbook fits in a pocket ?   Captain Kangaroo's ?23:32
jedijfi mean deal with the small phone or go netbook with a real keyboard23:32
InHisNamea blue tooth keyboard isn't real ?23:33
jedijfthat makes it as big as a netbook23:33
InHisNameOpps, now have TWO things to carry around.23:33
InHisNameHow many screen cleanings until screen starts to cloud up ?    My fingers leave greasy spots / streaks etc.23:35
waltmanInHisName: I use a microfiber lens cloth.  And the screens are *designed* for fingers going over them all day long.23:42
waltmanscratches are a much bigger concern than greasy spots.23:43
InHisNameand micro-scratches are what make a cloudy look to a screen.    If one can clean 16,000 x with out going cloudy then that could be a good cloth and procedure.23:46
InHisNamedinner, bbl8tr23:46

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