
nlsthznMorning all :)04:46
bmg505good morning04:46
bmg505back from midweek break04:46
nlsthzncool :)04:47
SymmetriaI so dont wanna fly this afternoon06:05
nlsthznSymmetria: where too?06:05
Symmetriahong kong06:05
Symmetriaflying to hong kong this afternoon, spend a week there, get back on sunday, then 2 weeks later back to europe 06:06
Symmetriathen shortly after that gotta be in tanzania for 3 days and then a few after that back to europe and then to mexico, this year is gonna be harsh06:07
nlsthznworld travler :)06:07
Symmetriaheh been travelling like this for the last 6 years, but this year is gonna be particularly busy06:07
Symmetriatravelling used to be fun :P now its just a ballache06:08
nlsthzncan't say I care much for airports :/ worst part of flying06:09
Symmetriaheh airports arent bad providing you have the lounge access 06:09
Symmetriaairports without the lounge access make me wanna shoot myself in the head06:10
bmg505I'd rather take a 4pound hammer to my own tools than fly06:11
Symmetrialol, never work for tenet then06:11
bmg505I used to fly like hell in the 90's that cured me for life from flying06:12
* nlsthzn likes flying, then again I don't get the oppertunity that often :)06:12
Symmetriaall of us fly a fair bit, not nearly as much as the ceo and I in most cases, but there is a fair amount of it 06:12
Symmetriaheh nlsthzn like I said, flying is... glamarous at first, but when you're spending a few hundred hours a year in planes, they become like, long, boring, uncomfortable buses06:12
bmg505OR tambo ground staff greeted me by name, and the question after good morning was, were to this morning?06:13
nlsthznI can believe you... like the difference beween a hobby and a job :)06:13
bmg505uncomfortable buses is a very very accurate description06:14
Symmetrialol bmg, I've gotten to know most of the crews on the jhb -> cpt legs 06:14
bmg505a friend of mine called it a cattle truck06:14
SymmetriaLOL the 6am flight to joburg is the true cattle run06:15
bmg505inm the 90's there was basically 2 crews that worked that route, flew it at least once a week06:15
bmg505or the late night limited services flights06:16
bmg505strongest you can get is double disprin and water06:16
Symmetriaheh, the flight to hong kong is one of my least favorite flights 06:16
Symmetriathe only flight really worse than it is a flight to the US06:16
Symmetriabecause both are insanely long flights06:17
Symmetriatonights flight = 14 hours + 2 hours to get to joburg 06:17
bmg505yea bad, I used to enjoy flying forward, but losing time always killed my bio-clock06:17
bmg505so flying east was ok, but going west is a killer for me06:18
nlsthznmy only fligth currently is UAE to SA and back... only two hours difference and only 8 hours flight so not to bad:)06:18
bmg505and flying north with layovers in brussels or dubai06:18
bmg505that flight is 9 hours too long :)06:19
Symmetriaheh the flight through to washington is a killer06:19
Symmetriafuck I almost forgot to clear my credit cards for this trip, stupid banks will lock em if I dont06:23
Symmetria<3 nedbank private bank06:34
Symmetriaheh, private banker always answers her phone, always does what I need instantly, and never gives me any shit, and I never have to go near a branch06:34
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:37
* Maaz washes some mugs07:37
nlsthznhey uncle Kilos07:37
KilosMaaz, with cremora07:37
MaazAh! At last someone with taste07:37
KilosMaaz, and milk07:37
MaazNow you're talking07:37
KilosMaaz, and sugar07:38
MaazDo something yourself Kilos07:38
Kiloshowdy every one awake07:38
nlsthznbrb, gotto relocate the PC...07:39
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:41
KilosMaaz,  ty07:43
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure07:43
SymmetriaHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Man.... the department of homeland security in the US08:10
Symmetria"accidently" siezed 84 THOUSAND domains 08:10
Symmetriaand redirected them to a page that said the domains were taken down pending investigations for child porn08:10
Symmetriathey sites had nothing child pornish about them, most of them were small businessses and personal websites08:10
nlsthznHi Cantide10:06
nlsthznwhats up with the korean?10:07
Cantidesorry¸trying to get this input method working10:07
Cantidejust installed 10·1010:07
Cantideheh, it's tricky... SCIM was better... easier :|10:09
Cantideaha, making progress10:11
Cantidedoes anyone know how i can import my old Thunderbird emails successfully?10:11
CantideI tried to copy the files, but it failed :|10:11
nlsthznCantide: don't know Thunderbird but I suspect you should have exported it first so you can now import them :/10:23
superflyCantide: just copy the whole .mozilla or .thunderbird directory10:24
Cantidei don't think there was an export option10:24
Cantidesuperfly, i tried that, it didn't work10:24
superflyI did it the other day, worked perfectly10:24
superflyso yeah, if that doesn't work, I'm afraid I don't know10:24
Cantidei read a few 'tutorials' online before i installed the new Ubuntu, they all said to just copy the files :|10:24
superflyask Google10:24
Cantidei asked, it tells me the same thing lol10:25
Cantidei think it might be because the version i had before was 2.x and the one i have now is 3.x10:25
Cantideso there must be some difference regarding the storage of the files :|10:25
Cantideanyway, gotta go shopping :| thanks for the help though10:26
Cantidei'll just idle here until i get back10:26
Cantidewb nlsthzn11:33
nlsthznCantide: thanks... just upgraded my lappies ram to 2gb and installled a new keyboard :) nice to have it running at full power now :)11:36
Cantidecool :D11:37
Cantidenew keyboard? as in USB keyboard, or the laptop's built in keyboard?11:37
Cantidebuilt-in *11:37
kbmonkey'day all11:38
Cantidehey kbmonkey11:39
nlsthznCantide: built in keyboard...11:40
Cantidewas it difficult?11:40
Cantideseems like a mission to me... but i guess i've never done it11:40
nlsthzngot a manual from the net and once I figured out the bloody zif xocket it was a breeze :)11:41
kbmonkeymore ram is always good :)11:42
nlsthznThing is, I never used the 1GB that was installed fully to be honest... so I don't know if I will really see such a big improvement11:43
Cantidestill, rather too much than too little11:43
nlsthznoverkill is underrated11:43
Cantidei'm almost ready to give up on my mail and cut it as a loss lol11:44
Cantidewhich hex editors are good for Ubuntu ?11:44
* nlsthzn has no knowledge of the arcane arts11:44
kbmonkeyram is good for when you run many VM's and such :)11:44
kbmonkeyI like octeta hex editor11:45
kbmonkeyits kde based though11:45
nlsthzntrue... I refrained from virtualbox due to the one gig problem... now I can mini distro hop :D11:45
Cantidemaybe i'll settle for gHex then :|11:46
Cantidei might just try to rip the headers from a Thunderbird 3.x mail file and superimpose it on my 2.x mail files11:53
kbmonkeyor try hexer, its a vi-like hex editor :)11:55
drubinnlsthzn: where is your irc bouncer located? never seen an ip starting with a single digit :)11:58
nlsthzndrubin: english please :p11:58
drubinnlsthzn: what country is your quassel hosted in11:59
nlsthzndrubin: I have no idea... afaik I am just connecting to irc.freenode.com... I am in the UAE... is there a command or something I can use to give you more info?12:00
drubinnlsthzn: Nah don't worry :) 12:00
CantideTOR works pretty well as a proxy .-.12:01
Cantidebut sloooow for anything that's bandwidth intensive :|12:01
nlsthznI am not running any proxies currently...12:01
kbmonkeymy IP was banned from freenode last week, policy against running tor relays :p12:08
Kilosevening all18:01
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:01
* Maaz washes some mugs18:01
nlsthznGo BULLE!18:02
nlsthznerm... hi all :p18:02
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 18:02
KilosMaaz, coffee for all18:02
MaazSure thing Kilos... Hey guy's!!  Bring your mugs. I am tired of doing all the dishes on my own.18:02
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos18:02
Kiloswell ty you and you18:02
KilosMaaz, rusks please18:05
MaazThere is a packet of Ouma's  on the top shelf18:05
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:05
confluencyGuy's what?18:06
Kiloshehe hiya confluency 18:06
Kilosguys is all peeps in the area18:06
nlsthznme ok... listening to the rugby.. video streaming over net sucks :(18:07
confluencyI was making fun of the spelling. :P18:07
* nlsthzn spies grammar nazi :p18:07
Cantidelive score over supersport.co.za sucks :(18:09
nlsthznstream radio...18:09
Kilosaw is guys spelt wrong18:11
Kilosnlsthzn, did you watch the sharks and cheetahs18:12
nlsthznwell... listened to the radio and watched a slide show :p18:12
nlsthznmost of it anycase18:13
CantideCan Jantjies kick?18:14
Cantidehe seems to have missed his kicks in this game...18:14
Kiloscan anyone tell me why sudo apt-get update and then upgrade doesnt upgrade everything18:15
Kilosif you go to synaptic afterwards there is lots that still needs updating18:15
nlsthznit should update all... 18:16
nlsthznI sometimes do aptitude after apt-get to make sure :D18:17
linuxboyKilos: upgrade will upgrade packages that don't pull in new packages18:17
Kilosi had windows closing on their own yesterday and spent the day in synaptic reinstalling all gnome and audacious and some more and now all is good here18:18
linuxboyKilos: ie, linux-kernel may depend on 'linux-kernel-2.6.24', after an upgrade it needs 'linux-kernel-2.6.25'. An 'apt-get upgrade' won't pull that new package in, and won't upgrade teh first package because of that18:18
linuxboyKilos: apt-get dist-upgrade will however pull that new package in for you18:18
Kilosah ty very much18:19
Kilosthere are also lots of lib files that arent complete18:22
Kilosis there perhaps a command that will update everything?18:24
linuxboyapt-get dist-upgrade18:24
Kilosi mean even of the apps installed as well18:25
Kilosi copied /var/cache/apt/archives then did the update upgrade18:26
linuxboyit will upgrade any package that you have where there is a newer version, including teh packages that depends on a new package that isn't installed18:26
Kilosthanks linuxboy that will save me hours next time18:26
linuxboyalso, why are you copying /var/cache/apt/archives?18:26
Kilosi saved it on an external  and then did a clean install18:27
Kilosall about saving data18:27
linuxboyyou shouldn't do that18:27
linuxboyyou should backup /etc/apt/sources.list18:27
linuxboyoh wait18:28
linuxboythats fine18:28
Kiloshehe whats fine?18:28
linuxboybacking up /var/cache/apt/archives if you want to save bandwidth18:28
Kilosso its sudo backup /var/cache/apt/archives /media/backup18:30
linuxboythere is no command called backup18:30
linuxboyalso, why are you bothering? to save bandwidth?18:30
Kilosi have the external split in backup and storage18:30
Kilosyip bandwidth kills me18:30
linuxboyget uncapped18:30
Kilosi live by sister18:31
Kilosand they dont wanna pay a big fone bill18:31
linuxboyoh, you're on 3G?18:31
Kilosthey have a kinda pay as you go account18:31
linuxboyspend that money on an adsl line :P18:32
Kilosjust the fone account is a few hundred a month18:33
Kilosthen still adsl18:33
linuxboyhow much do you pay on 3G/18:33
Kilosat times i use less than 500m data a month18:33
linuxboyfor about R600 I'm sure you can get uncapped18:34
Kilosi rely on family to give what and when they can18:34
Cantidei'm using the Cell C data sim18:34
Kilos600m airtime is R18918:35
Cantideworks out cheap per gb ( not cheaper than ADSL, but I don't have a land line )18:35
Kiloshehe at times i only have pidgin open18:35
Kilosand better times pidgin and xchat18:36
Cantidei'm the same, but i'm using more this month -.-v18:36
Kilosanyway we do what we can18:36
Kilosi just use lots when i gotta do a clean install18:37
Cantidesame, i did a clean install on Friday18:37
Kilosi had no choice18:37
Cantideand i decided not to try and install my old debs, because there's no point in installing a new OS, but using old apps :|18:37
Kilosgot a bug that killed mbr on 2 drives18:38
Cantidethat's nasty18:38
Kilostook weeks to fix it18:38
Kilos80g drive would only take xp at times18:38
Kilosrefused all ubuntu releases18:39
Kilosbut now i got ubuntu only from a zeroed drive18:39
Kilosso no winsucks anywhere18:39
Cantidenice... i was too chicken to take the plunge18:40
Cantideso i'm dual booting again, but win 7 and 10.10 this time18:40
Cantideas opposed to XP and 9.10 that i had before :p18:40
Kilosi havent use ms for a year but tried everything to fix the mbr18:40
Cantidewhich version of Ubuntu do you have?18:40
Kilosi am using karmic now . i had 10.10 but thats when i crashed and was scared to try it again  as the drive only took 9.1018:41
Cantidedon't say things like that :D18:42
Kilosmaybe there a prob with my 10.10 cd18:42
Cantidei've only been using 10.10 for a day lol18:42
Kiloshave ordered another18:42
Kilosmaverick is great18:42
Kilosi loved it18:42
Cantidehow long did you use it before it crashed?18:42
Kilosuntil 2 weeks ago18:43
CantideLions have almost caught up to the bulls :o18:43
Kilosfrom 2 weeks after it was released i think18:43
Kilosor 318:43
Cantideoh, quite long '<18:43
Kilosyeah its great18:43
Kilosi like everything on the left18:44
Kilostook some getting used to18:44
Kilosthen had to learn again after going back to karmic18:44
Cantideeverything on the left?18:44
Kilosthe close down x18:44
Cantidethat was only in one theme, i've already changed it :p18:45
Kilosi got used to it like that and enjoyed it18:45
Cantidei guess i never gave it a chance18:47
Kilosyeah it takes a while but if you dual booting windows it will mess with your head18:48
Cantidei barely ever use Windows...18:50
Cantidemaybe once a week to play a game or something18:51
Kilosyou will find you need to install aptitude and gdebi and gedit separately i think18:51
Kilosthey arent part of the install as they were before18:51
Cantidegedit is here18:52
Cantidei use it a lot for php, so i made sure of that :D18:52
Kilosalso it wants to install everything from software centre18:53
CantideI want the Lions to win for a change, but it'll mess with my superbru predictions :-S18:54
Cantideyeah, i used to software center a lot today and it worked well for me18:54
Kilostime is gone18:54
Kilos15 secs18:54
Cantidethe 'live' score is clearly not live18:54
Cantidewhat's the score?18:54
Kilosthey lost18:54
Cantide20 - 24 ?18:54
Cantideah well, decent prediction then :D18:55
Kilosgame over18:55
Cantidebut that's impressive for the Lions18:55
Cantideespecially the 2nd half18:55
Kilosyes they tried hard second half18:55
Cantidethere is hope for them yet :)18:55
Kilosi prefer gdebi to software centre18:57
Kilosbut thats me18:58
Kilosand synaptic of course18:58
Cantidei usually use the terminal to install stuff... not sure wht18:58
Cantidewhy *18:58
Cantidebut lately i've been using software centre18:58
Kilosi been doing that lots lately too18:59
Cantidegrr, software center * :@18:59
Kilosn9o its too slow and you dont see whats happening18:59
Cantidewhat, software center?19:00
Cantidetrue, but it is simplier19:00
Cantidesometimes the terminal drives me crazy - if i'm lacking dependencies19:00
Cantideand then i don't know the package names etc.19:00
Kilosthats why i like synaptic and gdebi19:01
Cantidei'd still prefer to download a deb of each application, and store it somewhere, but they're always being updated :|19:01
Kilosin synaptic it sorts all dependancies for you19:01
Kilosthey are all in /var/cache/apt/archives19:02
Cantidehence your backing up of that folder19:03
Kilosinetpro taught me that19:03
Kilossave like 300m data on a clean install  of an old release19:03
Cantidesleep time :|19:06
Cantidegood night -.-19:06
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:29
Kilossee ya morrow time19:29

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