
macinnisrrI had asked about the possibility of including the option to include a multimedia PPA by KXStudio a while back, and was told that it had been discussed, but decided against due to security concerns.  While I understand that, what is the possibility of the UbuntuStudio team hosting their own ppa, whose trusted members can add new and updated packages to distributions as old as they can support (eg: when Ardour 3.0 com02:22
ScottLhi macinnisrr 03:44
ScottLseveral aspects have been discussed about ppa03:45
ScottLone of the first and foremost was that the effort should really go into getting packages into the repos for everyone rather than just ppa03:46
ScottLoh, he's gone03:46
=== JamesHarrison` is now known as JamesHarrison
ScottL_did anyone hear about network-manager causing conflicts with the -rt kernel?15:13
ScottL_i'm not sure if this is speculation or documented15:14
holsteinScottL_: what conflicts?15:14
holsteini have an install with both around here15:14
holsteini could look into it15:14
ScottL_holstein, i suspected it may have been misinformation15:14
ScottL_it was from a user on the forums15:15
ScottL_i wouldn't look into it though15:15
holsteinif you want to link me up15:15
holsteinill respond15:15
ScottL_hold on15:15
holsteinand offer to confirm15:15
ScottL_ah, he's already backed away from it a bit: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10473488#post1047348815:16
ScottL_i'm beginning to suspect some stratification in users on the forums and users on lists and irc15:17
ScottL_the ones in the forums don't seem to be as abreast of the current status and problems15:17
ScottL_in some ways they might even be creating their own misinformation and are unable to find where to get a definitive answer :(15:17
ScottL_i think i'm going to post there, in a new thread, and mention three things:15:18
holsteinyeah, thats mis-information15:18
holsteinits not really a conflict15:18
holsteinand its not really isolated to a kernel15:18
ScottL_1. the list and irc a GREAT places to get definitive and current information15:18
holsteini heard someone explain it well15:18
holsteinand i should have took notes15:18
ScottL_2. ask if people in the forums generally ONLY stay in the forums15:18
ScottL_3. and maybe proffer a general Q&A to help communication and information flow15:19
ScottL_lol, holstein, there are many times i wish i had notes :)15:19
holsteinhell, id like to say 'is ubuntustudio dying?, only if you let it'15:19
ScottL_oh, oh...that's great!  yeah, you should say that :)15:20
ScottL_i have been trying to be very positive in my forums posts and always present a way for the users to get involved15:21
holsteinyeah, i forget about them15:21
holsteini'll get active for a minute15:21
holsteinand just forget to go look15:22
ScottL_also autostatic mentioned that it would be great to have a dev presence in the forums, eric used to do that quite a bit but he's not around so much anymore :(15:22
ScottL_holstein, yeah, same here15:22
holsteinsometimes there are folk that ask15:22
holsteinhow to help15:22
holsteinnext time i'll suggest that15:22
holsteinnot a dev presence15:23
ScottL_there's a big sticky on the beginning of the studio forums15:23
ScottL_about helping15:23
holsteinbut a regular member15:23
holsteinthat can come to the IRC15:23
holsteinand unify some responses15:23
ScottL_but i suppose there are also crap loads of "how do i configure jack?" posts and people keep posting new ones :/15:23
holsteinit would be nice to have a clean and clear wiki too15:23
holsteinfor JACK15:23
ScottL_so, it's not like some of those persons are terribly resourceful15:24
holsteinwhere, when we help one person15:24
holsteinthey can post the process15:24
holsteinbased on hardware15:24
holsteinfor others to learn from15:24
ScottL_yeah, like a resource database or knowledge base15:24
holsteinits a lot of work though15:24
holsteinwe were kinda doing that with OSMP wiki15:24
holsteinand got slack about it15:25
ScottL_i've been trying to also drum up support for developing an artwork team around ubuntu studio...no luck so far though15:25
holsteinalso, the ALSA and ffado sites can be resourceful for that purpse15:25
holsteinif you know what you're looking for15:26
ScottL_i think i'm going to bug TheMuso to make one more set of changes (one that i forgot and one that should be undone) and then we can work on the menu :)15:26
ScottL_s/changes/changes to the seeds15:26
ScottL_i added dvd-styler, which is awesome for making dvd's, but it brings in a bunch of other stuff, like dvdisaster and xine15:27
ScottL_and honestly, do we have a user base that really makes loads of dvd's?  probably not15:27
holsteini have installed some tools for that purpose15:27
holsteinthats for sure15:27
ScottL_but i wouldn't say it was a lot of our users though15:27
holsteinthese days you can be a video guy15:27
holsteinand not ever touch a DVD15:28
holsteintough call15:28
ScottL_but again, dvd-styler is really the best that i've played with...even above bombono which is touted as the best lately15:28
holsteinScottL_: how much space?15:28
ScottL_space?  for dvd-styler install?15:28
holsteini mean, we're really talking about a DL size15:28
holsteinin my opinion15:28
holsteinif it dont fit on a CD15:29
holsteinthen, i dont really care how much bigger it is15:29
holsteinbut, i got fast-ish internet15:29
ScottL_but some users will, especially if they're on dial up15:29
ScottL_but here's the real thing i worry about... bloat15:29
holsteinstill, whats the big difference in 1.8 or 1.9 GB's15:29
ScottL_if we leave this and then we leave that, next thing we know we have a HUGE disc and no one knows why most of it is there15:30
holsteinScottL_: there was a 'clean out' though15:30
holsteinand i totally think the discussion is getting where it needs to get15:30
holstein'what is the future'15:30
holsteinwhat are we trying to do15:30
holsteinwho is our market15:30
ScottL_yeah, and i found a very strong work flow for making dvd's, but that doesn't mean there is a demand for it though :/15:30
holsteinwhats US supposed to be out of the box15:31
holsteini totally appreciate the task selection15:31
holsteinbut, i dont think a new user knows what that is15:31
ScottL_troy_s really scolded me about being excited about making dvd's....he said "welcome to mid 1990's"  LOL15:31
ScottL_holstein, i agree about tasksel15:31
holsteinand i think for our audience15:31
holsteina live installer15:32
holsteinand just sets something up15:32
holsteinout of the box15:32
holsteinwould be easier for the new user15:32
holsteinand more like ubuntu15:32
holsteinbut, do we want to be easier?15:32
holsteinis that important?15:32
ScottL_i'm favoring a stripped down (like we are heading) package selection, very strong for the work flows we deem most desired, and maybe not even consider tasksel15:32
ScottL_even if we don't do livedvd15:33
ScottL_BUT, if we do15:33
holsteina compromise is fine with me15:33
ScottL_then we are already freed up for that15:33
ScottL_i need to think this weekend, see if anything is critical right now, if anything needs to be done before the end of Feb15:34
holsteinthe stuff im thinking about15:34
ScottL_if not, then maybe i wait until after RPM and then hit the ground running with meeting, and figuring out a direction for the next few releases15:34
holsteinare really for 12.0415:34
holsteinthe next LTS15:34
* ScottL_ was making chocolate milk for son15:36
ScottL_but also see about forging some relations with "downstream" as well and getting other distros to contribute to development as well15:37
ScottL_but most important, i'm tired of _talking_ about things...i want to _do_ something about these things15:37
ScottL_so i'd like for meetings and assigning responsibilities to people and start making progress again :)15:38
holsteini need to get the meeting announced15:38
holsteinthis week15:38
holsteineven if its just you and I15:40
holsteinfor some of them15:40
holsteinbrainstorming and contacting whoever15:40
holsteinthe 'regular monthly time' model *should* help get folks here15:40
ScottL_yeah, that would be nice15:42
ScottL_but hopefull for the meeting where we talk about future releases and livedvd/gui installer others will be in attendance as well :P15:44
holsteinhopefully sooner than later though15:45
ailoscott-upstairs: The network-manager caused problems at least in the past, why it was excluded by audio distros15:58
ailoDon't know the situation now, but I heard it got better15:58
ailoI would like to find out what processes can disrupt audio on a Linux system. I think there are a lot of variables probably15:59
scott-upstairsailo, what i've been told is that the network-manager caused some degradation in performance because it would puts a load on the cpu from time to time which caused xruns15:59
scott-upstairsailo, oh several, including even bluetooth that i believe is there and shouldn't be probably16:00
scott-upstairsailo, a while back cory asked the.muso to include gwibber on the disc but not have it installed even to help this type of stuff16:00
scott-upstairsi suspect that the typical ubuntu studio user also uses his computer as a desktop and runs many, many things that might hurt performance16:01
ailoIt would be nice to get to know what things may disrupt audio performance and at least document it. I'm also thinking about the possibility to further tune the UbuntuStudio Desktop to be more reliable. It is very reliable now with lowlatency kernel, but it wouldn't hurt to know what can make it unreliable, or even jsut enhance performance. On older machines this is a big gain.16:03
scott-upstairsabsolutely, but then to really see it home would be to create documentation for others to use16:04
ailostocc-upstairs: I've been following the discussion on #ubuntu-artwork and the mail list too. I almost feel like stepping in and talk to the guys. I think it gets a little out of hand sometimes.16:06
ailoBut hopefully their reaching a solution soon16:07
scott-upstairsailo, i'm not sure that would help, but then again, i'm not sure it wouldn't help :P16:07
scott-upstairsbut it does seem a little out of control though16:07
scott-upstairswhat i find strange is that there a many calls to talk to jono or some other person but no one is doing it16:08
ailoI'd think they16:08
ailoI think they're so occupied with that stuff now, that they won't have time to consider artwork for US16:08
scott-upstairsi thought about pm'ing jono about it just as a heads up but he probably has many, many other things to worry about16:08
scott-upstairsand these should be reasonable adults and find their own way, if it came down to two camps with diameterically oppossing view, then maybe arbitration with jono or someone would prove helpful16:09
scott-upstairsailo, i agree, we probably wont see help currently :(16:09
scott-upstairsbut like with other areas, i don't just give up after the first effort, it's cyclic16:10
scott-upstairsi'm do other things to help improve ubuntu studio and then come back to trying to get help with artwork after a while16:10
scott-upstairsi'm still planning on blogging about needing some help with artwork and i did get one email about helping, so who knows where it will currently go?16:11
ailoI'm sure there are lot of guys willing to help provide artwork, but I think the main things is to get someone who can organize just the art bit. Doesn't need to be that big of a deal I think. And in my opinion UbuntuStudio might as well look Ubuntu-like.16:14
holsteinmore ubuntu-like would be fine with me16:14
holsteini really like the current theme-ing16:15
holsteinlooks slick16:15
holsteinbut some things are too dark16:15
holsteinnot asthetically16:15
holsteintoo dark to see what you need to16:15
ailoThat's my first concern too, that it is functional. Dark is nice, like Ambience, but even default Ambience in my opinion is not the most functional. Text is not dark enough, I think.16:17
ailoStill, there are worse themes out there16:17
holsteinand ease of maintaining16:17
holsteini think those should be top 216:18
holsteinthen, slickness, and unique-ness16:18
ailoAt least if there is no art-work guy, I agree fully.16:18
holsteinno reason why we cant get all of that16:18
holsteinthats something that could be taken care of before 11.10 i bet16:19
holsteinnew look and feel16:19
holsteinunless we get a team16:19
holsteinthen, they can take their time and do whatever16:19
ailoI was working on pimping the Ambiance theme and Mono/Humanity icons. It's not much work, and you get functionality, slickness and a bit of uniqueness.16:20
holsteinworks for me16:20
holsteinlet me know if i can test something16:20
ailoI could probably do something worth trying out after the freeze deadline. I'm all occupied with the -controls until then.16:21
holsteini like that16:22
holsteinsomething to chip away at16:22
holsteinand plan for 11.1016:22
holsteinwell, UI freeze is later16:22
holsteinmaybe we can sneak that in16:23
ailoI think we could probably do something for this release, if we really want to16:23
holsteinailo: we meaning you ;)16:23
holsteinnah, i'll help if i can16:23
ailoholstein: Here's recolored Humanity folders and blue selection color http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7703622/Screenshot-2.png16:27
ailoThe blue is inspired by the original US theme16:28
holsteini like the blue16:28
holsteini like colors too16:29
holsteinim not a big fan of the mono-chrome modern looking scheme16:29
holsteinthe one everyone seems to be stealing from the OSX desktop16:29
holstein*or where ever16:29
ailohostein: You'd like colored icons in the indicator field on the panel?16:30
holsteini preffer that i think16:31
holsteinnot a deal breaker though16:31
holsteinregular ubuntu is all 'greyed-out'16:31
ailopaultag: ping17:28
paultagailo: pong17:28
paultagailo: howdy17:29
ailopaultag: What's up? Did you start coding yet? I've come a bit further, so I could add some more stuff now.17:29
paultagailo: just made some cosmetic changes -- git://git.pault.ag/paultag/ubuntustudio-controls.git17:29
paultagailo: I'll do some work (today) after I finish my new release of software "X"17:30
paultaglet's just say lots of people are looking foward to "X" having a release ;)17:30
paultagOh shit17:30
paultagnot X1117:30
paultaggod I'm tried. I need $COFFEE17:31
ailopaultag: Alrite. I'll keep working just to educate myself. I'm still just fooling around with basic stuff.17:32
paultagailo: aye :)17:32
paultagailo: I saw what you did, it was flawless17:33
paultagailo: I'll just set up some framework code and slam out a few things17:33
paultagbut it looks really great17:33
ailoReally just copying from the code I've looked into so far. Trying to understand how it's done. There's a few programs here and there that are relevant, but it takes time to look through it. I think I want to do some tutorial later for beginners coding glade(Python.17:35
paultagailo: :)17:35
ailoThe ones I've seen are nice, but don't cover all the variables.17:36
ailopaultag: I added a list function for packages-to-be-installed and packages-to-be-removed, and made the all-extras button toggle all the extras. So, check it out if you want to.18:34
ailoAnd it's based on your version of the code18:36
paultagk, thanks18:37
paultagailo: I'll check it out after I get this damn upload together :)18:38
ailo_paultag: Working on some bugs..19:03
paultagwe're almost ready to make a fluxbox 1.3 release :)19:06
paultagwe just pushed it to git, and making a tarball now, debian package is up to date19:07
paultagwe're closing out huge amounts of bugs19:07
ailo_paultag: Ok, now it's ready :P19:17
paultagwoo! :)19:28
ailo_So, ScottL, scott-upstairs. You're going to maintain the -lowlatency? Is it going into the repos now, or what?20:24
scott-upstairsailo_, good questions!  in order...i can and i will if no one else is going to, i'm not sure but i believe that part is up to alessio, uh huh    :)20:28
ailo_scott-upstairs: It seemed to me that persia was willing to upload it, but alessio had some doubts20:29
scott-upstairsailo_, aye, it seemed that way to me as well :/20:30
ailo_scott-upstairs: I have no doubts as to whether we need it. I could probably maintain it as well. 20:31
ailo_The main difference from what I can see between the -generic and the -lowlatency at this point is a few configurations done differently.20:33
scott-upstairsailo_, aye, that is what alessio has stated again and again and again (even though those in the UKT don't seem to grasph that :P  )20:34
scott-upstairsgrasp even20:34
ailo_scott-upstairs: I was able to compile one for Debian with ease. As long as one bases the work on the distros source it aught to be extremely easy. At least as long as the kernel doesn't radically change in some way, in which case one could ask an expert. Testing the kernel before release is a must. Other than that, just follow the instructions, right?20:37
scott-upstairsalessio said it was extremely easy, he almost sounded embarrassed by it :)20:41

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