LPCIBot | Yippie, build fixed! | 00:00 |
LPCIBot | Project db-devel build (381): FIXED in 5 hr 47 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/381/ | 00:00 |
SpamapS | lifeless: re the cassandra stuff, https://launchpad.net/~cassandra-ubuntu | 00:24 |
SpamapS | lifeless: stable releases has 0.7.0 .. I'm working on 0.7.2 | 00:25 |
SpamapS | lifeless: and yes, it installs fine on lucid and maverick | 00:25 |
lifeless | \o | 00:25 |
lifeless | I'll have to see about getting it into cat | 00:25 |
lifeless | wgrant: are you around? | 00:30 |
wgrant | lifeless: Yes. | 00:30 |
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews | ||
lifeless | wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/rabbit/+merge/50488 | 00:31 |
lifeless | if you're interested | 00:31 |
lifeless | I'd like another set of eyeballs before I land it | 00:32 |
wgrant | lifeless: I spent a while looking for the definition of BRANCH_NICK | 00:39 |
wgrant | Then I noticed the docstring. | 00:39 |
wgrant | Er, comment. | 00:39 |
wgrant | os_exec's name sucks. | 00:39 |
wgrant | This daemonisation stuff looks far more crackful than required. | 00:40 |
wgrant | What's wrong with subprocess? | 00:40 |
lifeless | I don't know yet | 00:41 |
lifeless | I was handed some working code that was run from Makefile and totally unsuitable for parallel testing etc | 00:41 |
wgrant | Ah. | 00:41 |
lifeless | I've done the minimal migration | 00:41 |
lifeless | theres more to go | 00:41 |
wgrant | Maybe the rabbit binaries don't daemonise and set PIDs and stuff. | 00:41 |
lifeless | I don't know which bits matter, and which don't. | 00:42 |
wgrant | It is awful and you need to clean it up, but yes, get it in the tree. | 00:42 |
wgrant | It looks like it will mostly work, but it's fairly insane. | 00:43 |
* wgrant considers destroying Zopeless. | 00:44 | |
lifeless | heh | 00:45 |
lifeless | go look at the original | 00:45 |
lifeless | :) | 00:45 |
lifeless | ec2 away | 00:49 |
lifeless | hopefully all the deps are already presen | 00:49 |
lifeless | t | 00:49 |
lifeless | I'm seriously considering having the production rabbit present on every node | 00:52 |
lifeless | it would make reasoning about many failure modes a lot easier | 00:53 |
wgrant | Hmm. | 01:03 |
wgrant | lifeless: Not just on the DB servers? | 01:03 |
wgrant | lifeless: Hmm, ~canonical can't see U1? | 01:06 |
wgrant | :( | 01:07 |
* wgrant pokes staging in the eye. | 01:20 | |
wgrant | Subclasses overriding private attributes... grr. | 01:47 |
wgrant | There is minified JS in our bzr history wtf wtf wtf | 01:57 |
lifeless | wgrant: probably not on the db servers at all | 03:27 |
wgrant | lifeless: Hmmm. | 03:27 |
lifeless | wgrant: why would it be on the db servers? | 03:28 |
wgrant | lifeless: I like keeping my critical data stores on machines that are meant to keep critical data stores. | 03:28 |
lifeless | rabbit sits in a spectrum | 03:29 |
lifeless | if (say) devpad croaks | 03:29 |
lifeless | we don't care if in-progress OOPSes are lost | 03:29 |
lifeless | all our machines have RAID level redundancy atm | 03:30 |
lifeless | the db servers aren't big because they have more redundancy, they are big because they are central load points | 03:30 |
wgrant | But the DB servers stay up. | 03:31 |
lifeless | so do the appservers | 03:31 |
wgrant | And if they go down then we are screwed anyway. | 03:31 |
lifeless | we can fail over to a slave | 03:31 |
lifeless | with rabbit by default the queued messages on a down load will return when the node returns | 03:32 |
lifeless | so it needs to be a pretty critical boom moment to permanently lose them | 03:32 |
lifeless | and whatever machine we bring another queue processor up on would establish new queues | 03:32 |
wgrant | Appservers having the only copy of any data is scary. | 03:33 |
lifeless | they have that all the time at the moment | 03:33 |
wgrant | Do they? | 03:33 |
lifeless | in progress requests | 03:34 |
wgrant | The persistent data stores are on four other machines, not appservers. | 03:34 |
lifeless | rabbit isn't a persistent data sttore | 03:34 |
wgrant | It persists across a request boundary, so it is persistent. | 03:34 |
lifeless | by that token so is an oops report | 03:35 |
lifeless | which means we have 5 persistent data stores on the app servers | 03:35 |
lifeless | (I disagree with that definition btw) | 03:35 |
wgrant | I don't want a taken-out appserver to reverse actions taken by a completed request. | 03:36 |
wgrant | Losing queue items does that. | 03:36 |
lifeless | I think you need to learn a little more about rabbit | 03:36 |
wgrant | 14:32:14 < lifeless> with rabbit by default the queued messages on a down load will return when the node returns | 03:36 |
lifeless | right | 03:37 |
lifeless | we wouldn't have queues on the appservers | 03:37 |
lifeless | we'd have a rabbit on them | 03:37 |
lifeless | if something got buffered there, it means the network is down | 03:37 |
lifeless | the only use case for that is oops forwarding atm | 03:37 |
lifeless | separately | 03:38 |
wgrant | So each queue has a master node that will not be on an appserver? | 03:38 |
lifeless | no, dropping a queues items won't reverse actions from a completed request | 03:38 |
lifeless | those actions clearly wouldn't have happened if that was possible | 03:38 |
lifeless | in rabbit, a queue lives on a node | 03:38 |
lifeless | exchanges forward messages to queues based on bindings | 03:39 |
wgrant | Right. | 03:39 |
lifeless | using oops as an example | 03:39 |
lifeless | I'd put the queue of oopses to process on a local rabbit where the oops site is | 03:39 |
lifeless | I'd make it entirely ephemeral because I don't care if we lose a few in the event of failure | 03:40 |
lifeless | (I care if we lost tonnes, but not a few) | 03:40 |
wgrant | Oh, right, it lets you configure the reliability? It's been ~a year since I last looked at it in depth. | 03:40 |
lifeless | each message | 03:40 |
lifeless | and each queue | 03:40 |
lifeless | you can be transactional | 03:41 |
lifeless | or you can be fire and forget | 03:41 |
lifeless | we're going to have a bunch of differing requirements | 03:41 |
lifeless | and how we deal with failures of various sorts is going to require case by case thought. | 03:41 |
lifeless | simply saying 'transactional persistent, done' would be a recipe for later pain. | 03:41 |
wgrant | Indeed. | 03:41 |
lifeless | anyhow | 03:43 |
lifeless | it doesn't have 2pc | 03:43 |
lifeless | AFAICT | 03:43 |
wgrant | :( | 03:44 |
lifeless | https://dev.rabbitmq.com/wiki/AckingSchemes#section_1 kindof talks about it | 03:44 |
lifeless | but hte images are fucked | 03:44 |
wgrant | As fucked as some of our import webs? | 03:44 |
lifeless | it looks like you build it on top of the characteristics | 03:44 |
lifeless | righto, amqp 1.0 does 2pc - but IIRC 1.0 kindof foundered | 04:09 |
lifeless | as a ill performing mess | 04:09 |
wgrant | Heh. | 04:09 |
lifeless | best you can do with 0.8 is queue things and not release until the db is committed | 04:09 |
lifeless | (thats what pgamqp does) | 04:09 |
lifeless | ok, wow time ;) | 04:31 |
StevenK | lifeless: Hah | 05:09 |
StevenK | lifeless: 3rd 85 yesterday | 05:10 |
lifeless | cool | 06:02 |
lifeless | grrr, rabbit failed on ec2 | 06:38 |
lifeless | is it easy to get a shell into an ec2 instance while its running tests ? | 06:38 |
wgrant | lifeless: It gives you the ssh command near the end of the output. | 06:45 |
StevenK | lifeless: ssh -v ec2test@<ec2 ip or hostname> | 07:10 |
lifeless | next weekend I guess | 08:06 |
* jml is around fo reals | 11:06 | |
lifeless | hai | 11:17 |
lifeless | and bai | 11:17 |
lifeless | jml: I am on that bridge ;) - I have a patch where I'm trying to figure out what package to put the subunitstream model class in | 18:05 |
lifeless | grrr | 19:49 |
lifeless | dict.update() shouldn't be forbidden ... zopeSecurityProxy fail | 19:49 |
thumper | morning lifeless | 19:59 |
* thumper needs coffee | 19:59 | |
* thumper wanders off to find said coffee | 20:00 | |
lifeless | hi thumper | 20:00 |
jelmer | 'morning thumper, lifeless | 20:52 |
thumper | hi jelmer | 20:52 |
jml | lifeless: uhh, I see. | 20:52 |
jml | lifeless: there's a relatively easy way to fix the {}.update thing. | 20:53 |
jml | lifeless: I'd suggest "testdb" if you can't think of anything better. | 20:54 |
jml | lifeless: you could add 'checker.BasicTypes.update({dict: checker.NoProxy})' to lp_sitecustomize, which would completely disable security proxy checking for dicts. I don't think that would be a bad thing. | 20:55 |
lifeless | jml: I actually think the current structure of <domain>/<layer> is really annoying; I'd much rather we had <layer>/<domain> | 20:59 |
lifeless | jml: wouldn't that let things escape securityproxying? if an unproxied object is in the dict | 20:59 |
lifeless | wgrant: hey | 21:26 |
lifeless | wgrant: when you are around; can more than one distro share a distroseries row? | 21:26 |
StevenK | lifeless: I strongly doubt it. | 21:28 |
lifeless | StevenK: ok cool | 21:28 |
thumper | StevenK, wallyworld_: standup | 21:29 |
thumper | ? | 21:29 |
StevenK | thumper: Aye, coming | 21:29 |
lifeless | is there a helper for sql strings like Or for storm expressions? | 21:38 |
lifeless | I have a list of sql fragments | 21:38 |
lifeless | and want on length 1 -> foo[0] | 21:39 |
lifeless | on length 2+ -> "(" + " OR ".join(foo) + ")" | 21:39 |
thumper | StevenK: https://code.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/choosing-recipe-name/+merge/50530 | 21:48 |
wgrant | lifeless: I hope not, because that would break everything. | 21:59 |
jml | lifeless: oh yes, I think you're right. | 22:01 |
jml | lifeless: I don't find our "current" thing annoying. What I find annoying is that we haven't fully switched to it. | 22:01 |
jml | lifeless: however, if you wanted to change, and were actually serious about finishing that change and could guarantee that we wouldn't have a mutiny, then I wouldn't mind a <layer>/<domain> approach. They seem equally preferable to me. | 22:08 |
wallyworld_ | thumper: sorry, was having breakfast | 22:12 |
thumper | wallyworld_: ok | 22:14 |
thumper | rachel's kindle just arrived \o/ | 22:16 |
wallyworld_ | you're just happy now cause you don't like sharing | 22:18 |
lifeless | jml: I'm waiting for the squad culture to bed down a bit | 22:19 |
lifeless | jml: I think it will become obvious to others, the more they work cross <domain> that the current structure is a nuisance | 22:19 |
wgrant | Hmm. | 22:19 |
lifeless | things like the buildmaster are good as they are | 22:20 |
wgrant | lifeless: Except it should be in services. | 22:20 |
lifeless | that is, they actually are components | 22:20 |
lifeless | wgrant: sure, or services should die in a fire and promote its contents | 22:20 |
wgrant | The LP_DB* envvars make me sad. | 22:20 |
lifeless | excuse the hyperbole | 22:21 |
lifeless | wgrant: yes | 22:21 |
wgrant | But I guess I should still support them :( | 22:21 |
wgrant | Apart from that Zopeless is just about gone. | 22:21 |
lifeless | or find and remove their uses | 22:21 |
lifeless | wgrant: nice | 22:21 |
lifeless | oh frell | 22:21 |
lifeless | I have the rabbitmq code in my bug-636158 branch | 22:21 |
lifeless | >< | 22:21 |
wgrant | Hah. | 22:21 |
wgrant | You are good at that. | 22:21 |
mwhudson | the problem with "finding the uses" is that they may well be in initscripts and so on that aren't in the tree | 22:22 |
wgrant | mwhudson: Exactly. | 22:22 |
wgrant | And it's easy enough to support them in a much less OMG MUST KILL way than they are now. | 22:22 |
wgrant | So I will. | 22:22 |
wgrant | There is also a set of options that some scripts take that do the same thing :/ | 22:23 |
lifeless | mwhudson: losado grep | 22:24 |
wgrant | Also, shipit needs to die. | 22:25 |
lifeless | thats feature level work | 22:25 |
wgrant | Yes :( | 22:25 |
lifeless | it needs some apis | 22:25 |
lifeless | launchpadlib fixed to be usable in appservers | 22:25 |
lifeless | then its doable | 22:25 |
wgrant | Sure. I wasn't saying it was doable. Just that it pisses me off when I have test failures because bzr grep doesn't catch stuff outside the tree. | 22:26 |
wgrant | Why did staging not try to restore over the weekend? | 22:28 |
jml | wgrant: +1 | 22:30 |
lifeless | I need a reviewer | 22:31 |
lifeless | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-636158/revision/12413 | 22:31 |
jml | pisses me off even more when I have deployment failures because of the same. | 22:31 |
lifeless | this is a refactoring | 22:32 |
lifeless | it has some stuff I'm not entirely happy with, but I don't konw if there are existing facilities in tree, or if I should make some. | 22:32 |
wgrant | lifeless: My first comment is that the method should probably be on IPublishingSet, not IDistroSeriesSet. | 22:37 |
lifeless | why ? | 22:38 |
wgrant | Because all this publishing-related stuff on DS bloats DS massively. | 22:38 |
wgrant | It doesn't belong there. | 22:38 |
lifeless | mmm, thats fair enough, but why does it belon on publishing set ? | 22:38 |
lifeless | why would someone look there rather than distro/distroseries ? | 22:39 |
wgrant | Because in the end you are asking for the latest publication. | 22:39 |
lifeless | thats an implementation detail | 22:39 |
lifeless | isn't it ? | 22:39 |
wgrant | No. | 22:39 |
wgrant | I don't think so. | 22:39 |
lifeless | theres a related oddness | 22:40 |
wgrant | There's more than one. | 22:40 |
lifeless | distro.getCurrentSourceReleases != distro.development_series.getCurrentSourceReleases | 22:40 |
lifeless | and it appears to be deliberate | 22:40 |
lifeless | but I'm not sure users will understand | 22:40 |
wgrant | I didn't know that both existed. | 22:41 |
lifeless | indeed | 22:41 |
wgrant | Distribution's finds the latest in any series? | 22:41 |
lifeless | there would be much less duplcicate code if they didn't both exist | 22:41 |
lifeless | correct | 22:41 |
wgrant | That's braindead. | 22:42 |
wgrant | But Bugs uses it. | 22:42 |
lifeless | indeed | 22:42 |
lifeless | indeed | 22:42 |
wgrant | I don't recall anywhere else that does. | 22:42 |
lifeless | I'm in correctness-preserving refactoring at the moment | 22:42 |
lifeless | so I am not going to fiddle | 22:42 |
wgrant | And I filed a bug on the Bugs behaviour a few years ago. | 22:42 |
wgrant | :( | 22:42 |
lifeless | but - it makes me care less about the duplication I have that I was worried about | 22:42 |
lifeless | because we can just delete the method in a separate pass | 22:43 |
wgrant | Right. | 22:44 |
wgrant | Make sure you file a bug. | 22:44 |
lifeless | where is the bug you filed ? | 22:45 |
lifeless | (because that would be the one to use) | 22:45 |
wgrant | Bug #279513 | 22:46 |
_mup_ | Bug #279513: Distribution source package tooltip in bugtask table shows most recent SPP <lp-bugs> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/279513 > | 22:46 |
wgrant | Not as long ago as I thought. | 22:46 |
lifeless | so | 22:48 |
lifeless | it could show most highest version | 22:48 |
wgrant | Or latest in the dev series. | 22:48 |
lifeless | right | 22:48 |
lifeless | which I think is better and simpler | 22:48 |
wgrant | Definitely. | 22:48 |
thumper | hmm... it seems that Matcher and Mismatch aren't in the __all__ for testtools.matchers | 22:49 |
thumper | I'm guessing they should be | 22:49 |
jml | yeah, they should. | 22:50 |
jml | they might even be in trunk. | 22:50 |
lifeless | They were skipped deliberately | 22:50 |
lifeless | because from testtools.matchers import * shouldn't import the base classes | 22:50 |
lifeless | this was perhaps a mistake | 22:50 |
lifeless | erm | 22:51 |
lifeless | 400 Bad Request Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at bugs.launchpad.net Port 443 | 22:51 |
lifeless | wtf | 22:51 |
wgrant | What was the request? I've seen that on bad hostnames, but that's about it. | 22:52 |
lifeless | commenting on that bug | 22:52 |
lifeless | jml: as you are around | 22:53 |
lifeless | jml: testtools | 22:53 |
lifeless | I reviewed and so on; what did you think | 22:53 |
jml | lifeless: I haven't had a chance to look | 22:53 |
lifeless | kk | 22:54 |
lifeless | ok, I can has review please: https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-636158/+merge/50534 | 22:59 |
lifeless | thumper: ^ if you have the time, would be awesome | 23:00 |
* thumper is writing some groovey matchers | 23:01 | |
* thumper enlunchenates | 23:02 | |
jelmer_ | lesigh | 23:16 |
jelmer_ | thumper: I almost looked up enlunchenates in my English->Dutch dictionary | 23:16 |
lifeless | Lol | 23:19 |
lifeless | grrr | 23:29 |
lifeless | so milestones pretend to be series related | 23:30 |
lifeless | but they are really pillar related | 23:30 |
lifeless | modelling fail | 23:30 |
jml | lifeless: sinzui will tell you a story about that one. | 23:30 |
lifeless | we need to say 'series in ... or milestone in ...' | 23:30 |
lifeless | rather than 'series in... group by series, milestone' | 23:30 |
lifeless | and our bug task search compiler is byzantine | 23:31 |
jml | what's the sanest way to synchronously download a small thing via the web in Python? | 23:31 |
lifeless | bzrlib.transport ? | 23:31 |
lifeless | its a sane way | 23:31 |
lifeless | but perhaps not /the/ sanest way | 23:32 |
lifeless | jml: whats the story? | 23:32 |
jml | lifeless: fetching a very small json dict | 23:32 |
jml | bzrlib.transport is fine | 23:32 |
lifeless | jml: I meant whats the story that sinzui would tell me | 23:33 |
jml | lifeless: oh, I forget the details. I think for 3.0 he & beuno wanted to do a big refactoring of series/milestone relationship and got blocked. | 23:34 |
jml | lifeless: not many people find "series" intuitive. | 23:34 |
wallyworld_ | thumper: can you ping me when you're back? | 23:36 |
wgrant | lifeless: They made releases sane on top of milestones, but milestones atill aren't completely sane. | 23:36 |
wgrant | lifeless: Also, milestones do have a series... | 23:36 |
wgrant | But they also have a product, possibly because some old data doesn't have a series, which could be fixed :) | 23:37 |
jml | how do we feel about this output? | 23:47 |
jml | http://paste.ubuntu.com/569855/ | 23:47 |
lifeless | jml: interesting | 23:49 |
lifeless | jml: would be cool to put that in aws-status | 23:49 |
jml | lifeless: it's somewhat specific to Launchpad ec2test. | 23:49 |
lifeless | why is it specifc? | 23:50 |
wgrant | jml: How does it do that? SSH in? | 23:50 |
jml | lifeless: it could be made more general, but right now it looks for special information about what the test run is and whether or not it's successful. | 23:51 |
jml | wgrant: no, just fetches a JSON file that remote.py creates & keeps up-to-date. | 23:51 |
wgrant | Ah, handy. | 23:51 |
thumper | wallyworld_: ping | 23:52 |
lifeless | jml: so, I know the bug you're looking at | 23:52 |
wallyworld_ | thumper: mumble? | 23:52 |
thumper | wallyworld_: ok | 23:52 |
lifeless | jml: and I suspect this won't meet the goal of it, though IMBW | 23:52 |
lifeless | jml: won't this fail if e.g. your ip has changed? | 23:52 |
lifeless | and isn't the goal of the bug to find things that have gone awol ? | 23:52 |
lifeless | oh man | 23:54 |
lifeless | bug task bug summaries are so broken right now | 23:54 |
lifeless | pop quiz | 23:54 |
jml | lifeless: if you don't have permission to hit those web pages, then yes, it will fail. | 23:54 |
jml | lifeless: it can still show instances and uptimes though. | 23:54 |
lifeless | should a bug be counted once per distroseries for aggregation into milestones ? | 23:55 |
jml | which will be good enough for that case. | 23:55 |
lifeless | jml: I would like this stuff to live outside the lp tree | 23:55 |
jml | lifeless: too late? | 23:55 |
lifeless | I think its great you're improving it | 23:55 |
lifeless | jml: its never too late | 23:55 |
wgrant | What's the process for shipit branches? | 23:58 |
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