
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
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=== GoogleGuy2 is now known as nucc1
fongweekimHi I need help with Xen on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop14:40
fongweekimI tried to read the Xen documentation page14:40
fongweekimI can't get make world to run14:40
fongweekimany ideas14:41
RAOFUuuh, is anyone else finding random garbage in files?22:09
kklimondanot reall22:10
RAOFI've just worked out why smuxi wasn't working; the libindicate .dll.config file was the right size, but contained 96 bytes of garbage from some other file.22:10
kklimondawhat filesystem do you use?22:11
RAOFWhat's that deb md5 sum tool?22:11
RAOFHeh.  debsums22:12
TheMusoRAOF: Is your memory ok23:16
TheMusoi.e does a memory test pass?23:17
RAOFTheMuso: I guess that's the next thing to check.23:17
RAOFdebsums didn't pick up any other corruption, at least.23:18
RAOFI hate you milkman dan.23:31
kklimondaah, I really shouldn't update X after all :/23:32
RAOFOh, really?23:32
RAOFWhat's wrong?23:32
kklimondait's just that nouveau is so slow - I've never noticed till now23:33
kklimondaI've just tried to launch atom zombie smasher to play for few minutes and it's unusable ;)23:33
RAOFHm, really?  Slow on 3D, I presume.23:33
RAOFYou've actually got the 3D drivers installed, I guess?23:34
kklimondaI do23:34
* RAOF doesn't find it slow, but then he doesn't use it to play games, either.23:34
kklimondaI don't really think it: http://blendogames.com/atomzombiesmasher/images/screenshot2.jpg qualifies as a 3D intensive game ;)23:35
kklimondaalso, nouveau seems to be running a little bit hotter than nvidia23:35
kklimondabut that doesn't really matter as I'm still running a normal 2D gnome session23:36
RAOFThat would because it may not be actually doing power management ;)23:36
kklimondawith metacity, and no composite manager - so temperature is still below 6023:36
kklimondayeah, that's quite possible - I was under the impression that it had some basic power managment23:36
RAOFI've never quite got around to checking whether that's made it into 2.6.3823:37
RAOFCertainly upstream has PM support.23:37
kklimondathere is /sys/class/drm/card0/device and performance_level_* but performance_level always indicates that it's running on the 2nd level23:38
kklimondaI never really see it scale either down or up23:38
broderis the best way to get 12b0f7df cherry-picked into the xserver a bug + debdiff? or is there another process that's easier for the developers?23:53
RAOFbroder: I see that's in 1.10RC2, which means you'll get it once we've done that update.  Which will be early this week (I'm doing it now).23:56
broderah, ok. sweet :)23:56
RAOFBah.  memtest86 doesn't seem to work!23:57

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