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MrChrisDruifMEETING!! :D:D:D17:01
gilirMrChrisDruif, I'm pinging people to see if there are available17:03
gilirif not, I'll cancel the meeting, I don't want to be the only one to talk :)17:04
highvoltagewhich meeting is it, btw?17:04
MichealHhighvoltage, Lubuntu Meeting17:04
MrChrisDruiflubuntu deskto[17:04
MichealHgilir, You have.... 4 people :P17:05
MichealHTake to the stage17:06
gilirok let's start it, at least, I'll make my annoucements :p17:08
MootBotMeeting started at 11:08. The chair is gilir.17:08
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:08
gilirWelcome to the Lubuntu Project Meeting17:09
gilirYou can find the full agenda on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Meetings/2011022017:09
gilirSay hello to appear in the logs ;)17:09
MrChrisDruifHai :)17:09
MrChrisDruifHai hajour :)17:10
gilir[TOPIC] Previous items17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Previous items17:10
gilirAbout items we had from the last meeting17:11
gilirAll seeds modifications done (music player, archiver, webcam)17:11
gilirno big change should happen now17:12
MrChrisDruifAlright...great going?17:12
gilirno complain so far :)17:12
gilirabout the control-center, there are still some problems with pcmanfm as a control center : useless columns and no entry translated for launching the control center17:13
NRWlionid like to attend the meeting as guest if possible17:13
MrChrisDruifNRWlion:  no problem...17:13
gilirSo, I'll not add it in the menu until it's fixed17:14
MrChrisDruifCan make program suggestions here?17:15
gilirany questions about last meetings items ?17:15
UndiFineDmakes a note to translate lubuntu control center17:15
MrChrisDruifdid gucviewer or something reviewed?17:16
MrChrisDruifgilir: ^17:17
gilirMrChrisDruif, I think nobody tested it17:17
giliror I missed the mail about it17:17
MrChrisDruifI heard about it 1 or two meetings back...to test a persons webcem with installation,..17:18
MrChrisDruifnever heard anythign else about it..17:18
gilirMrChrisDruif, I'll ask again on the mailing list, just to be sure :)17:19
gilir[ACTION] Ask on the mailing list about gucviewer feedbacks17:20
MootBotACTION received:  Ask on the mailing list about gucviewer feedbacks17:20
MrChrisDruifWas for livecd, I suddenly remembered...but indeed, ask please :)17:20
gilirok, let's go to the next topic17:21
gilir[TOPIC] LightDM testing result17:21
MootBotNew Topic:  LightDM testing result17:21
gilirI tested LightDM last weeks, to evaluate it over LXDM17:21
gilirThere are still some bugs and work to do to make it a full replacement of LXDM17:22
MrChrisDruifgilir: but other than that?17:22
gilirI also don't have the time to properly test it and integrate it in Lubuntu17:23
gilirMrChrisDruif, it's good :) And I'm sure it will be very nice in the futur :)17:23
MrChrisDruifWhat are the pros and cons of lightdm vs lxdm17:24
gilirMrChrisDruif, you should look at the previous meeting, and the mailing for a detail description :)17:24
MrChrisDruifAlright, will do that...17:25
gilirto be short, lightdm will be better (more features, more devs ...) than LXDM, but it's not finished yet :)17:26
UndiFineDmore devs is good :)17:26
gilirLXDM have the advantage to be already here, and a bit more tested17:26
MrChrisDruifgilir: alright, thanks :)17:26
bioterror11.04 with lxdm and 11.10 maybe lightdm?17:26
gilirbioterror, yes, it's the current plan17:27
gilirand try to make lightdm useable for Lubuntu users for 11.04, to get more testing17:27
gilirany questions about this topic ?17:28
MrChrisDruifwill it get regular update if it's for testing?17:28
gilirMrChrisDruif, it's already part of Ubuntu official repository, so yes :)17:29
MrChrisDruifSorry...really need to read meeting logs :P17:30
gilir[TOPIC] Testing new theme17:30
MootBotNew Topic:  Testing new theme17:30
gilirA new theme from Raphael is available for testing on Lubuntu PPA17:30
gilirHe would like to have feedbacks about it17:31
gilirAlso, some tests with GtkPerf should be useful to validate that the new theme is not slower than the current one on 10.1017:31
gilir[LINK] https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg03318.html17:31
MootBotLINK received:  https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg03318.html17:31
gilirSo far, tests are good :) No problem in performance17:33
MrChrisDruifGreat to hear gilir :)17:33
gilirnot that it doesn't mean that it will be the next theme for Lubuntu17:34
MrChrisDruifI heard once on the irc channel someone had some problems....17:34
gilirWe have still 1 month to decide17:34
gilirMrChrisDruif, do you have more details ?17:34
MrChrisDruifSorry, not precise....running from my own memory atm....but I thought it had something to do with the widgets or something :-/17:35
MrChrisDruifBut it can be read in the logs...(so if anyone is willing :P)17:35
gilirMrChrisDruif, the problem with root windows, like update-manager ?17:35
MrChrisDruifgilir: I don't know...(I'm not even running Lubuntu at all)17:36
* MrChrisDruif hides in the corner of shame17:36
gilirRaphael is aware of this, I hope he will find a solution17:36
gilirMrChrisDruif, if you remember some details, send a mail to Raphael, he will be happy to help :)17:37
gilirany questions about the theme ?17:37
gilir[TOPIC] Other items17:38
MootBotNew Topic:  Other items17:38
gilirIf you want to discuss other topics :)17:39
MrChrisDruifAlright..I got something for ya :P17:39
MrChrisDruifSomeone asked on the channel if we had a character map thing, like gucharmap in ubuntu...17:40
MrChrisDruifSo I suggested gucharmap to him....he said it didn't had any dependencies needed...17:40
MrChrisDruifWe could think about adding it to the default applications list...17:40
gilirMrChrisDruif, ok, we need to evaluate it17:41
MrChrisDruifI understand :)17:41
UndiFineDis it still possible to make the virual desktop bigger than the actual screen size ? that would really help systems with small screens, as certain applications fall out of screensize , like synaptic17:41
bioterrorgilir, run (alt+f2) seems to come from lxpanel?17:42
gilir[ACTION] evaluate gucharmap for inclusion17:42
MootBotACTION received:  evaluate gucharmap for inclusion17:42
gilirbioterror, yes17:42
MrChrisDruifgilir: Should I put it on the mailing list? Or is mentioning it here enough?17:42
bioterrorgilir, could it be part of some another app than lxpanel17:42
gilirUndiFineD, I don't think it's currently possible :(17:43
gilirMrChrisDruif, You can ask on the mailing list yes, to see if people have concern about it17:43
UndiFineDit used to be  possible with old X17:43
MrChrisDruifbioterror: when I turn of gnome-panels run (alt+f2) is also disabled17:44
gilirbioterror, you mean if it could be replaced by something else ?17:44
bioterrorgilir, if I kill lxpanel, you cant get it back easily ;)17:44
gilirUndiFineD, if you find some documentation about it, I can try to make it easier on Lubuntu, but no promise17:45
gilirbioterror, like gnome-panel ;) it's the same problem17:45
bioterrorUndiFineD, you cant use virtual "800x600" in xorg.conf?17:46
gilirbioterror, but maybe we could evaluate synapse for the futur ;)17:46
UndiFineDbioterror: synaptic windows are longer than 600 pc17:46
bioterrorgilir, I just noticed that when I was changing calendar settings17:46
bioterrorUndiFineD, it was example, what you want17:46
bioterrorwhat ever youw ant it to be17:47
UndiFineDok, I will have some play :)17:47
bioterrorI can test, I have xorg.conf17:47
gilirok, anything else for today ?17:48
gilirok , let's close this one, thank everyone for your participation :)17:50
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:50.17:50
MrChrisDruifYour welcome gilir :)17:50
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